Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #40345

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="left"><font face="Courier New" size="14" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">WEAPON</font></p>





<p align="left"><font face="Courier New" size="16" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0000000</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Courier New" size="13" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">00:00</font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0</font></p>






1 x NUKE

















<p align="left"><font face="Courier New" size="24" color="#ffff99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">000000000</font></p>


<p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="20" color="#ffff99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>CREDITS</b></font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="16" color="#ffff99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Created by Lets Design</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="18" color="#ffff33" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><a href="" target = "_blank"><b></b></a></font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="16" color="#ffff99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Copyright Lets Design</font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="14" color="#ffff99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Background galaxy image by kind permission of:</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="14" color="#ffff99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">NASA, ESA, and S. Beckwith (STScI) </font></p><p align="center"><font face="Courier New" size="14" color="#ffff99" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">and the HUDF Team.</font></p>

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; mb = "__mochibot__"; mbc = ""; g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root)); if (g[mb + swfid]) { return(g[mb + swfid]); } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5))); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == "localWithFile") { return(null); } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(getVersion())) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : ""); lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv)))); g[mb + "level"] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = "_level" + lv; if (!eval (res)) { loadMovieNum (u, lv); } } else { res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); } return(res); } __com_mochibot__("77b24cbc", this, 10301, true);
Frame 2
function moveOn() { this.gotoAndStop(5); } MochiAd.showPreGameAd({id:"fcd227f8f122f836", res:"550x400", ad_finished:function () { moveOn(); }});
Frame 5
mochi.MochiServices.connect("ae81787d5f9d358a"); this.addButton.onRelease = function () { getURL (""); };
Instance of Symbol 330 MovieClip [Splash] in Frame 5
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { frameAfterCompletion = 6; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Frame 6
function setUp() { shotA = new Sound(this); shotA.attachSound("lazer"); shotA.setVolume(70); shotB = new Sound(this); shotB.attachSound("lazer_retro2"); shotC = new Sound(this); shotC.attachSound("lazer_retro"); shotD = new Sound(this); shotD.attachSound("beam"); shockX = new Sound(this); shockX.attachSound("ShockX"); explosion = new Sound(this); explosion.attachSound("Explode"); explosion2 = new Sound(this); explosion2.attachSound("explosion2"); explosionB = new Sound(this); explosionB.attachSound("smallxplo"); collect = new Sound(this); collect.attachSound("collected"); sCollect = new Sound(this); sCollect.attachSound("pcollect"); Spawn = new Sound(this); Spawn.attachSound("PlayerSpawn"); eSpawn = new Sound(this); eSpawn.attachSound("EnemySpawn"); HitA = new Sound(this); HitA.attachSound("smallHit"); mOver = new Sound(this); mOver.attachSound("mouse_over1"); swSnd = new Sound(this); swSnd.attachSound("switchSnd"); WAVE = new Sound(this); WAVE.attachSound("NWAVE"); MSHIP = new Sound(this); MSHIP.attachSound("mShip"); } function startGame() { if (endScreen != undefined) { removeMC(endScreen); } lightfx._alpha = 100; Mouse.hide(); attachMovie("mainMenu", "mainMenu", 0, {_x:0, _y:0}); } function newGame() { if (endScreen != undefined) { removeMC(endScreen); } attachMovie("hud", "hud", 6, {_x:0, _y:0}); proxMgr = new ProximityManager(); proxMgr.gridSize = 25; attachMovie("bg1", "bg1", 0, {_x:0, _y:0}); attachMovie("container", "gameContainer", 1, {_x:0, _y:0}); playerScore = 0; currentLevel = 0; gameObjects = new Array(); collectables = new Array(); gameContainer.attachMovie("playernew", "player", 0, {_x:275, _y:200}); gameContainer.player.hull.gotoAndStop(1); gameContainer.player.weapon.gotoAndStop(1); attachMovie("popup", "popup1", 39, {_x:275, _y:200}); gameTarget = gameContainer.player; bPaused = true; } function onMouseDown() { gameContainer.player.bFiring = true; } function onMouseUp() { gameContainer.player.bFiring = false; } function updateWorld() { gameContainer._x = (-gameContainer.player._x) + 275; gameContainer._y = (-gameContainer.player._y) + 200; bg1._x = gameContainer._x * 0.2; bg1._y = gameContainer._y * 0.2; proxMgr.refresh(); } function removeMC(mc) { var _local2 = _root.getInstanceAtDepth(0); mc.swapDepths(0); mc.removeMovieClip(); if (_local2 != undefined) { _local2.swapDepths(0); } } function checkEnemys() { var _local1 = 0; for (i in gameObjects) { if (gameObjects[i] != undefined) { _local1 = _local1 + 1; } } if ((_local1 <= 0) && (bEnemysChecked == false)) { bEnemysChecked = true; } } function createPowerUps() { var _local1 = new Array(); _local1.removeAll(); _local1 = getPowerUps(currentLevel); for (i in _local1) { xpos = (gameContainer.player._x - 250) + (Math.random() * 500); ypos = (gameContainer.player._y - 200) + (Math.random() * 400); gameContainer.attachMovie(_local1[i], "powerup" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xpos, _y:ypos}); } if (gameContainer.player.mine < 9) { gameContainer.player.mine = gameContainer.player.mine + 2; } currentLevel = currentLevel + 1; createEnemys(); } function createEnemys() { var _local6 = currentLevel + 2; if (_local6 > 8) { _local6 = 8; } if ((Math.floor(currentLevel * 0.2) == (currentLevel * 0.2)) || (bTestBoss == true)) { var _local3 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); var _local2 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); var _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("enemyBoss", "enemy" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local3, _y:_local2}); _local1.power = currentLevel + 2; _local1._alpha = 0; if (currentLevel >= 20) { _local3 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); _local2 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("enemyBoss", "enemy" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local3, _y:_local2}); _local1.power = currentLevel + 2; _local1._alpha = 0; } MSHIP.start(); } else { WAVE.start(); i = 1; while (i < _local6) { var _local3 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); var _local2 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); var _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("enemyBlue", "enemy" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local3, _y:_local2}); _local1.power = currentLevel + 2; = currentLevel + 2; _local1.fHealth = currentLevel + 2; _local1._alpha = 0; _local3 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); _local2 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("enemyGreen", "enemy" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local3, _y:_local2}); _local1.power = currentLevel + 2; = currentLevel + 2; _local1.fHealth = currentLevel + 2; _local1._alpha = 0; _local3 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); _local2 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("enemyRed", "enemy" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local3, _y:_local2}); _local1.power = currentLevel + 2; = currentLevel + 2; _local1.fHealth = currentLevel + 2; _local1._alpha = 0; _local3 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); _local2 = 0 + (Math.random() * 1200); _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("enemyYellow", "enemy" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local3, _y:_local2}); _local1.power = currentLevel + 2; = currentLevel + 2; _local1.fHealth = currentLevel + 2; _local1._alpha = 0; i++; } } bEnemysChecked = false; } function spawnShield() { var _local3 = (gameContainer.player._x - 250) + (Math.random() * 500); var _local2 = (gameContainer.player._y - 200) + (Math.random() * 400); var _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("HullPickup", "shieldup" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local3, _y:_local2}); _local1.xspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); _local1.yspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); collectables.push(_local1); } function checkCollision(actor, other) { if (getDistance(actor, other) < (actor.radius + other.radius)) { return(true); } return(false); } function traceHit(rot, range, actor) { var _local7 = 10; var _local6 = actor._x; var _local5 = actor._y; var _local11 = Math.cos(angle) * _local7; var _local10 = Math.sin(angle) * _local7; var angle = ((rot / 180) * Math.PI); var _local8 = new Array(); while (_local7 < range) { _local6 = _local6 + _local11; _local5 = _local5 + _local10; for (var _local9 in gameObjects) { var _local1 = gameObjects[_local9]; if (_local1 != undefined) { var _local3 = _local6 - _local1._x; var _local2 = _local5 - _local1._y; var _local4 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2)); if (_local4 < 20) { _local8.push(_local1); } } } _local7 = _local7 + 10; } return(_local8); } function gameOver() { removeMC(bg1); removeMC(hud); removeMC(gameContainer); attachMovie("blackOut", "bout", 21, {_x:0, _y:0}); attachMovie("endScreen", "endScreen", 4, {_x:0, _y:0}); } function cleanUp() { } function getDistance(actor, other) { var _local2 = actor._x - other._x; var _local1 = actor._y - other._y; var _local3 = Math.sqrt((_local2 * _local2) + (_local1 * _local1)); return(_local3); } function getAngle(pointA, pointB) { var _local1 = Math.atan2(pointA, pointB); var _local2 = (_local1 * 180) / Math.PI; return(_local2); } function hitFX(actor) { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < 4) { var _local3 = -8 + (Math.random() * 16); var _local4 = -8 + (Math.random() * 16); var _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("spark", "spark" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:actor._x, _y:actor._y}); _local1.velocity_x = _local3; _local1.velocity_y = _local4; _local2++; } } function blastFX(actor) { var _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("blast", "spark" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:actor._x, _y:actor._y}); _local1._xscale = 5; _local1._yscale = 5; } function collectFX(actor) { collect.start(); var _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("colFX", "spark" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:actor._x, _y:actor._y}); _local1._xscale = 120; _local1._yscale = 120; } function explode(damage, actor, range) { shockX.start(); var _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("blast2", "spark" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:actor._x, _y:actor._y}); _local1._xscale = 5; _local1._yscale = 5; _local1.power = damage; _local1.range = range; } function trailFX(actor) { var _local1 = gameContainer.attachMovie("pulsefx", "trail" + gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), gameContainer.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:actor._x, _y:actor._y}); _local1._rotation = actor._rotation; return(_local1); } function getPowerUps(curLevel) { var _local1 = new Array(); _local1.removeAll(); switch (curLevel) { case 1 : _local1[0] = "lsrPickUp"; break; case 2 : _local1[0] = "nukePickUp"; _local1[1] = "plsPickUp"; break; case 3 : _local1[0] = "lsrPickUp"; _local1[1] = "magPickUp"; break; case 5 : _local1[0] = "lsrPickUp"; _local1[1] = "plsPickUp"; break; case 7 : _local1[0] = "lsrPickUp"; _local1[1] = "plsPickUp"; _local1[2] = "shkPickUp"; break; case 9 : _local1[0] = "lsrPickUp"; _local1[1] = "plsPickUp"; _local1[2] = "shkPickUp"; break; case 10 : _local1[0] = "lsrPickUp"; _local1[1] = "magPickUp"; break; case 11 : _local1[0] = "lsrPickUp"; _local1[2] = "shkPickUp"; break; case 12 : _local1[0] = "lsrPickUp"; _local1[1] = "plsPickUp"; break; case 13 : _local1[0] = "shkPickUp"; break; case 14 : _local1[0] = "lsrPickUp"; _local1[1] = "plsPickUp"; break; case 15 : _local1[0] = "shkPickUp"; _local1[1] = "nukePickUp"; break; case 16 : _local1[0] = "plsPickUp"; _local1[1] = "magPickUp"; break; case 17 : _local1[0] = "shkPickUp"; break; case 18 : _local1[0] = "plsPickUp"; break; case 19 : _local1[0] = "shkPickUp"; _local1[1] = "nukePickUp"; break; case 20 : _local1[0] = "plsPickUp"; _local1[1] = "magPickUp"; break; case 22 : _local1[0] = "plsPickUp"; _local1[1] = "nukePickUp"; break; case 22 : _local1[0] = "nukePickUp"; _local1[1] = "nukePickUp"; break; case 29 : _local1[0] = "shkPickUp"; _local1[1] = "magPickUp"; break; case 30 : _local1[0] = "shkPickUp"; _local1[1] = "nukePickUp"; _local1[2] = "nukePickUp"; break; default : _local1[0] = getMissedPwrUp(); } return(_local1); } function getMissedPwrUp() { pwrUp = ""; if (currentLevel > 30) { if (gameContainer.player.laser < 10) { pwrUp = "lsrPickUp"; } else if (gameContainer.player.shock < 10) { pwrUp = "shkPickUp"; } else if (gameContainer.player.pulse < 10) { pwrUp = "plsPickUp"; } } return(pwrUp); } stop(); var playerScore = 0; var currentLevel = 0; var bEnemysChecked = false; var bTestBoss = false; attachMovie("light", "lightfx", 5, {_x:0, _y:0}); attachMovie("music", "music", 22, {_x:0, _y:0}); attachMovie("blackOut", "blout", 50, {_x:0, _y:0}); attachMovie("cHair", "chair1", 40, {_x:0, _y:0}); attachMovie("muteB", "muteButton", 26, {_x:10, _y:380}); setUp(); lightfx.blendMode = 13; startGame();
Symbol 3 MovieClip [music] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.bSetup = true; this.ogm = new Sound(this); this.ogm.attachSound("bgm"); this.ogm.start(); this.ogm.setVolume(85); this.ogm.onSoundComplete = function () { this.start(); }; } }
Symbol 5 MovieClip [pulse2] Frame 1
#initclip 56 Object.registerClass("pulse2", Beam); #endinitclip
Symbol 9 MovieClip [Epusle] Frame 1
#initclip 35 Object.registerClass("Epusle", EPulse); #endinitclip
Symbol 12 MovieClip [magProj] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.bSetup = true; this.counter = 0; this.radius = 10; } if (!_root.bPaused) { this.outer._rotation = this.outer._rotation + 3; this.outer2._rotation = this.outer2._rotation - 3; var _local8 = this.counter * 0.01; _root._x = (-_local8) + (Math.random() * (_local8 * 2)); _root._y = (-_local8) + (Math.random() * (_local8 * 2)); this.counter++; this._x = this._x + this.dirx; this._y = this._y + this.diry; if ((((this._x < 10) || (this._x > 1190)) || (this._y < 10)) || (this._y > 1190)) { this.dirx = 0; this.diry = 0; } this.dirx = this.dirx * 0.92; this.diry = this.diry * 0.92; for (i in _root.gameObjects) { var _local4 = _root.gameObjects[i]; if (_local4 != undefined) { var _local7 = this._x - _local4._x; var _local6 = this._y - _local4._y; var _local9 = Math.sqrt((_local7 * _local7) + (_local6 * _local6)); var _local5 = Math.atan2(_local6, _local7); if (_local9 > 40) { _local4.xspeed = Math.cos(_local5 - 1.1) * (_local8 * 2); _local4.yspeed = Math.sin(_local5 - 1.1) * (_local8 * 2); } else { _local4.xspeed = Math.cos(_local5 - 1.5) * _local8; _local4.yspeed = Math.sin(_local5 - 1.5) * _local8; } } } if (this.counter >= 450) { this.destroy(); } var _local12 = this._x + (-80 + (Math.random() * 160)); var _local11 = this._y + (-80 + (Math.random() * 160)); var _local15 = this._x - _local12; var _local14 = this._y - _local11; var _local13 = Math.atan2(_local14, _local15); var _local10 = _parent.attachMovie("rspark", "spark" + parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local12, _y:_local11}); _local10.velocity_x = Math.cos(_local13) * 2; _local10.velocity_y = Math.sin(_local13) * 2; _local10._xscale = 10; } } function destroy() { _root._x = 0; _root._y = 0; _root.gameTarget = _parent.player; _root.hitFX(this); _root.explode(1, this, 500); _root.removeMC(this); }
Symbol 15 MovieClip [mineProj] Frame 1
#initclip 36 Object.registerClass("mineProj", Mine); #endinitclip
Symbol 25 MovieClip [shockProj] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.bSetup = true; this.collided = false; } if (!_root.bPaused) { if (this.collided == false) { this._x = this._x + this.dirx; this._y = this._y + this.diry; if ((((this._x < 0) || (this._x > 1200)) || (this._y < 0)) || (this._y > 1200)) { this.destroy(); } for (i in _root.gameObjects) { enemy = _root.gameObjects[i]; if (enemy != undefined) { dist_x = this._x - enemy._x; if ((dist_x > -50) && (dist_x < 50)) { dist_y = this._y - enemy._y; distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); if (distance < 15) { this.collided = true; enemy.takeHit(this.power); _root.explode(0.5, this, 200 + (this.power * 10)); this.destroy(); } } } } } } } function destroy() { _root.hitFX(this); _root.removeMC(this); }
Symbol 26 MovieClip [pulse] Frame 1
#initclip 37 Object.registerClass("pulse", Pulse); #endinitclip
Symbol 29 MovieClip [pulsefx] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { this._yscale = this._yscale - 4; this._alpha = this._yscale; if (this._yscale < 10) { _root.removeMC(this); } }
Symbol 32 MovieClip [rspark] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.1; this._yscale = this._xscale; if (this._xscale > 100) { _root.removeMC(this); } this._x = this._x + this.velocity_x; this._y = this._y + this.velocity_y; }
Symbol 35 MovieClip [nukeFX] Frame 1
#initclip 38 Object.registerClass("nukeFX", NukeFX); #endinitclip
Symbol 36 MovieClip [cleaner] Frame 1
#initclip 39 Object.registerClass("cleaner", Cleaner); #endinitclip
Symbol 37 MovieClip [blast2] Frame 1
#initclip 40 Object.registerClass("blast2", Blast); #endinitclip
Symbol 40 MovieClip [colFX] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bsetup) { this.bsetup = true; this.counter = 0; this._alpha = 60; } this.counter++; if (this.counter > 4) { this._xscale = this._xscale * 0.9; this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.9; } else { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.1; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.1; } this._alpha = this._alpha * 0.95; if (this._xscale < 2) { _root.removeMC(this); } }
Symbol 41 MovieClip [blast] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.5; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.5; this._alpha = this._alpha * 0.95; if (this._xscale > 300) { _root.removeMC(this); } this._x = this._x + this.velocity_x; this._y = this._y + this.velocity_y; }
Symbol 44 MovieClip [spark] Frame 1
#initclip 41 Object.registerClass("spark", Spark); #endinitclip
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (this._alpha > 5) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 2; } }
Symbol 79 MovieClip [playernew] Frame 1
#initclip 42 Object.registerClass("playernew", Player); #endinitclip
Symbol 99 MovieClip [waveTimer] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bsetup) { this.start_time = getTimer(); _root.clock = this; this.bsetup = true; this.count = ((_root.currentLevel * 2) + 34) * 1000; this.warningTime = 8000; this.bPaused = false; } if (!_root.bPaused) { if (this.bPaused) { this.bPaused = false; this.start_time = getTimer(); if (elapsed_time != undefined) { this.count = this.count - this.elapsed_time; } } else { this.elapsed_time = getTimer() - this.start_time; this.timeDisplay.text = time_to_string(this.count - this.elapsed_time) + " "; if (((this.count - this.elapsed_time) < 0) && (this.elapsed_time != undefined)) { this.resetClock(); _root.createPowerUps(); } } } else { this.bPaused = true; } } function unPauseClock() { } function resetClock() { this.start_time = getTimer(); this.count = ((_root.currentLevel * 2) + 34) * 1000; } function time_to_string(time_to_convert) { elapsed_hours = Math.floor(time_to_convert / 3600000); remaining = time_to_convert - (elapsed_hours * 3600000); elapsed_minutes = Math.floor(remaining / 60000); remaining = remaining - (elapsed_minutes * 60000); elapsed_seconds = Math.floor(remaining / 1000); remaining = remaining - (elapsed_seconds * 1000); elapsed_fs = Math.floor(remaining / 10); if (elapsed_minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" + elapsed_minutes.toString(); } else { minutes = elapsed_minutes.toString(); } if (elapsed_seconds < 10) { seconds = "0" + elapsed_seconds.toString(); } else { seconds = elapsed_seconds.toString(); } return((minutes + ":") + seconds); }
Symbol 104 MovieClip [map] Frame 1
#initclip 43 Object.registerClass("map", Map); #endinitclip
Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { var _local3 = _root.gameContainer.player; this.mineText.text = _local3.mine; this.nukeText.text = _local3.nuke; this.magText.text = _local3.mag; this.sp._xscale = * 10; this.sH._xscale = _local3.shieldHealth * 10; if (this.sH._xscale > 100) { this.sH._xscale = 100; } this.scoreText.text = _root.playerScore; switch (_local3.weaponType) { case 1 : this.w1._alpha = 100; this.w2._alpha = 40; this.w3._alpha = 40; this.w4._alpha = 40; this.w5._alpha = 40; this.w6._alpha = 40; this.w7._alpha = 40; this.wep._xscale = _local3.laser * 10; this.sWeapon.text = "LASER"; break; case 2 : this.w2._alpha = 100; this.w1._alpha = 40; this.w3._alpha = 40; this.w4._alpha = 40; this.w5._alpha = 40; this.w6._alpha = 40; this.w7._alpha = 40; this.wep._xscale = 100; this.sWeapon.text = "MINE"; break; case 3 : this.w3._alpha = 100; this.w1._alpha = 40; this.w2._alpha = 40; this.w4._alpha = 40; this.w5._alpha = 40; this.w6._alpha = 40; this.w7._alpha = 40; this.wep._xscale = _local3.pulse * 10; this.sWeapon.text = "PULSE"; break; case 4 : this.w4._alpha = 100; this.w1._alpha = 40; this.w3._alpha = 40; this.w2._alpha = 40; this.w5._alpha = 40; this.w6._alpha = 40; this.w7._alpha = 40; this.wep._xscale = 100; break; case 5 : this.w5._alpha = 100; this.w1._alpha = 40; this.w3._alpha = 40; this.w4._alpha = 40; this.w2._alpha = 40; this.w6._alpha = 40; this.w7._alpha = 40; this.wep._xscale = _local3.shock * 10; this.sWeapon.text = "SHOCKWAVE"; break; case 6 : this.w6._alpha = 100; this.w1._alpha = 40; this.w3._alpha = 40; this.w4._alpha = 40; this.w5._alpha = 40; this.w2._alpha = 40; this.w7._alpha = 40; this.wep._xscale = 100; this.sWeapon.text = "MAGNET"; break; case 7 : this.w7._alpha = 100; this.w1._alpha = 40; this.w3._alpha = 40; this.w4._alpha = 40; this.w5._alpha = 40; this.w6._alpha = 40; this.w2._alpha = 40; this.wep._xscale = 100; this.sWeapon.text = "NUKE"; } }
Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.setup) { this.setup = true; this.setMask(this._parent.hMask); } }
Symbol 125 MovieClip [enemyBoss] Frame 1
#initclip 44 Object.registerClass("enemyBoss", EnemyBoss); #endinitclip
Symbol 126 MovieClip [shieldBlue] Frame 1
#initclip 45 Object.registerClass("shieldBlue", ShieldBlue); #endinitclip
Symbol 129 MovieClip [enemyBlue] Frame 1
#initclip 46 Object.registerClass("enemyBlue", EnemyBlue); #endinitclip
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.setup) { this.setup = true; this.setMask(this._parent.hMask); } }
Symbol 134 MovieClip [enemyGreen] Frame 1
#initclip 47 Object.registerClass("enemyGreen", EnemyGreen); #endinitclip
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.setup) { this.setup = true; this.setMask(this._parent.hMask); } }
Symbol 139 MovieClip [enemyRed] Frame 1
#initclip 48 Object.registerClass("enemyRed", EnemyRed); #endinitclip
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.setup) { this.setup = true; this.setMask(this._parent.hMask); } }
Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemyYellow] Frame 1
#initclip 49 Object.registerClass("enemyYellow", EnemyYellow); #endinitclip
Symbol 147 MovieClip [electroPickUp] Frame 1
#initclip 50 Object.registerClass("electroPickUp", ElectroPickup); #endinitclip
Symbol 149 MovieClip [defensePickUp] Frame 1
#initclip 51 Object.registerClass("defensePickUp", DefensePickup); #endinitclip
Symbol 153 MovieClip [hullPickUp] Frame 1
#initclip 52 Object.registerClass("hullPickUp", HullPickup); #endinitclip
Symbol 155 MovieClip [shieldlPickUp] Frame 1
#initclip 53 Object.registerClass("shieldlPickUp", ShieldPickup); #endinitclip
Symbol 158 MovieClip [telePickUp] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.bSetup = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); this.collected = false; this.xspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); this.yspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); _root.collectables.push(this); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player) && (!this.collected)) { this.collected = true; _parent.player.tele = _parent.player.tele + 1; } if (this.collected) { _root.collectFX(this); for (i in _root.collectables) { if (_root.collectables == this) { _root.collectables.splice(i, 1); } } _root.removeMC(this); } if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 16; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._x > 1185) { this._x = 1184; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._y < 15) { this._y = 16; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } if (this._y > 1185) { this._y = 1184; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } this._x = this._x + this.xspeed; this._y = this._y + this.yspeed; }
Symbol 160 MovieClip [nukePickUp] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.bSetup = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); this.collected = false; this.xspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); this.yspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); _root.collectables.push(this); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player) && (!this.collected)) { this.collected = true; _parent.player.nuke = _parent.player.nuke + 1; } if (this.collected) { _root.collectFX(this); for (i in _root.collectables) { if (_root.collectables == this) { _root.collectables.splice(i, 1); } } _root.removeMC(this); } if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 16; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._x > 1185) { this._x = 1184; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._y < 15) { this._y = 16; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } if (this._y > 1185) { this._y = 1184; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } this._x = this._x + this.xspeed; this._y = this._y + this.yspeed; }
Symbol 162 MovieClip [magPickUp] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.bSetup = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); this.collected = false; this.xspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); this.yspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); _root.collectables.push(this); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player) && (!this.collected)) { this.collected = true; _parent.player.mag = _parent.player.mag + 1; } if (this.collected) { _root.collectFX(this); for (i in _root.collectables) { if (_root.collectables == this) { _root.collectables.splice(i, 1); } } _root.removeMC(this); } if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 16; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._x > 1185) { this._x = 1184; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._y < 15) { this._y = 16; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } if (this._y > 1185) { this._y = 1184; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } this._x = this._x + this.xspeed; this._y = this._y + this.yspeed; }
Symbol 164 MovieClip [shkPickUp] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.bSetup = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); this.collected = false; this.xspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); this.yspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); _root.collectables.push(this); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player) && (!this.collected)) { this.collected = true; _parent.player.shock = _parent.player.shock + 1; } if (this.collected) { _root.collectFX(this); for (i in _root.collectables) { if (_root.collectables == this) { _root.collectables.splice(i, 1); } } _root.removeMC(this); } if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 16; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._x > 1185) { this._x = 1184; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._y < 15) { this._y = 16; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } if (this._y > 1185) { this._y = 1184; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } this._x = this._x + this.xspeed; this._y = this._y + this.yspeed; }
Symbol 166 MovieClip [plsPickUp] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.bSetup = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); this.collected = false; this.xspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); this.yspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); _root.collectables.push(this); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player) && (!this.collected)) { this.collected = true; _parent.player.pulse = _parent.player.pulse + 1; } if (this.collected) { _root.collectFX(this); for (i in _root.collectables) { if (_root.collectables == this) { _root.collectables.splice(i, 1); } } _root.removeMC(this); } if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 16; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._x > 1185) { this._x = 1184; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._y < 15) { this._y = 16; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } if (this._y > 1185) { this._y = 1184; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } this._x = this._x + this.xspeed; this._y = this._y + this.yspeed; }
Symbol 168 MovieClip [lsrPickUp] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.bSetup = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); this.collected = false; this.xspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); this.yspeed = -1 + (Math.random() * 2); _root.collectables.push(this); } if (this.hitTest(_parent.player) && (!this.collected)) { this.collected = true; _parent.player.laser = _parent.player.laser + 1; } if (this.collected) { _root.collectFX(this); for (i in _root.collectables) { if (_root.collectables == this) { _root.collectables.splice(i, 1); } } _root.removeMC(this); } if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 16; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._x > 1185) { this._x = 1184; this.xspeed = this.xspeed * -1; } if (this._y < 15) { this._y = 16; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } if (this._y > 1185) { this._y = 1184; this.yspeed = this.yspeed * -1; } this._x = this._x + this.xspeed; this._y = this._y + this.yspeed; }
Symbol 169 MovieClip [electroPulse] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { this.tEnemy.takeHit(1); this._x = _parent.player._x; this._y = _parent.player._y; if (this.lightning._currentframe > 10) { _root.removeMC(this); } }
Symbol 172 MovieClip [blueShot] Frame 1
#initclip 54 Object.registerClass("blueShot", BlueShot); #endinitclip
Symbol 175 MovieClip [phaseBeam] Frame 1
#initclip 55 Object.registerClass("phaseBeam", PhaseBeam); #endinitclip
Symbol 186 MovieClip [popup] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (this.fade) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } if ((this._alpha <= 5) && (this.fade)) { this.fade = false; _root.eSpawn.start(); _root.createPowerUps(); _root.bPaused = false; _root.removeMC(this); } } this.conButton.onRelease = function () { this._parent.fade = true; };
Symbol 331 MovieClip [__Packages.EPulse] Frame 0
class EPulse extends MovieClip { var _x, dirx, _y, diry, _parent, power; function EPulse () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!_root.bPaused) { _x = _x + dirx; _y = _y + diry; if ((((_x < 10) || (_x > 1190)) || (_y < 10)) || (_y > 1190)) { destroy(); } var _local4 = _parent.player; var _local3 = _x - _local4._x; if ((_local3 > -50) && (_local3 < 50)) { var _local5 = _y - _local4._y; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local5 * _local5)); if (_local6 < 15) { _local4.takeHit(power); destroy(); } } } } function destroy() { _root.hitFX(this); _root.removeMC(this); } }
Symbol 332 MovieClip [__Packages.Mine] Frame 0
class Mine extends MovieClip { var _x, dirx, _y, diry, hitTest, power; function Mine () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { _x = _x + dirx; _y = _y + diry; dirx = dirx * 0.95; diry = diry * 0.95; if ((((_x < 0) || (_x > 1200)) || (_y < 0)) || (_y > 1200)) { destroy(); } for (var _local4 in _root.gameObjects) { var _local3 = _root.gameObjects[_local4]; if (_local3 != undefined) { if (hitTest(_local3)) { _root.explode(power, this, 100); _root.blastFX(this); destroy(); } } } } function destroy() { _root.hitFX(this); _root.removeMC(this); } }
Symbol 333 MovieClip [__Packages.Pulse] Frame 0
class Pulse extends MovieClip { var _x, dirx, _y, diry, enemy, dist_x, dist_y, distance, power; function Pulse () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { _x = _x + dirx; _y = _y + diry; if (!_root.bPaused) { if ((((_x < 0) || (_x > 1200)) || (_y < 0)) || (_y > 1200)) { destroy(); } for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { enemy = _root.gameObjects[_local3]; if (enemy != undefined) { dist_x = _x - enemy._x; if ((dist_x > -50) && (dist_x < 50)) { dist_y = _y - enemy._y; distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); if (distance < 15) { enemy.takeHit(power); destroy(); } } } } } } function destroy() { _root.hitFX(this); _root.removeMC(this); } }
Symbol 334 MovieClip [__Packages.NukeFX] Frame 0
class NukeFX extends MovieClip { var _xscale, _yscale, _alpha, hitTest; function NukeFX () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { _xscale = _xscale * 1.2; _yscale = _yscale * 1.2; _alpha = _alpha * 0.9; if (_xscale > range) { _root._x = 0; _root._y = 0; _root.removeMC(this); } if (_xscale < range) { _root._x = -5 + (Math.random() * 10); _root._y = -5 + (Math.random() * 10); } for (var _local4 in _root.gameObjects) { var _local3 = _root.gameObjects[_local4]; if ((_local3 != undefined) && (_local3 != this)) { if (hitTest(_local3)) { _local3.takeHit(power); } } } } var range = 3000; var power = 10; }
Symbol 335 MovieClip [__Packages.Cleaner] Frame 0
class Cleaner extends MovieClip { var _xscale, _yscale, _alpha; function Cleaner () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { _xscale = _xscale * 1.1; _yscale = _yscale * 1.1; _alpha = _alpha * 0.9; if (_xscale > range) { _root.gameOver(); _root.removeMC(this); } } var range = 20000; var power = 100; }
Symbol 336 MovieClip [__Packages.Blast] Frame 0
class Blast extends MovieClip { var _xscale, _yscale, _alpha, range, hitTest, power; function Blast () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { _xscale = _xscale * 1.5; _yscale = _yscale * 1.5; _alpha = _alpha * 0.9; if (_xscale > range) { _root.removeMC(this); } for (var _local4 in _root.gameObjects) { var _local3 = _root.gameObjects[_local4]; if ((_local3 != undefined) && (_local3 != this)) { if (hitTest(_local3)) { _local3.takeHit(power); } } } } }
Symbol 337 MovieClip [__Packages.Spark] Frame 0
class Spark extends MovieClip { var velocity_x, velocity_y, _xscale, _yscale, _x, _y; function Spark () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { velocity_x = velocity_x * 0.995; velocity_y = velocity_y * 0.99; _xscale = _xscale * 0.95; _yscale = _yscale * 0.95; if (_xscale < 2) { _root.removeMC(this); } _x = _x + velocity_x; _y = _y + velocity_y; } }
Symbol 338 MovieClip [__Packages.Player] Frame 0
class Player extends MovieClip { var _rotation, pauseTimer, switchTimer, fireTimer, _x, _y, hull, weapon, SHIELD, _parent, shieldTimer, _alpha; function Player () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { var _local6 = _rotation; if ((Key.isDown(80) && (_root.bPaused)) && (bSwitchpause)) { _root.bPaused = false; bSwitchpause = false; pauseTimer = setInterval(this, "pauseTime", 500); } if ((Key.isDown(80) && (!_root.bPaused)) && (bSwitchpause)) { _root.bPaused = true; bSwitchpause = false; pauseTimer = setInterval(this, "pauseTime", 500); } if (!_root.bPaused) { if ((Key.isDown(82) && (!_root.bPaused)) && (bSwitchWeapon)) { bSwitchWeapon = false; switchTimer = setInterval(this, "switchTime", 200); getNextWeapon(); } if ((bFiring && (!bDead)) && (!bFired)) { bFired = true; if (weaponType == 1) { fireTimer = setInterval(this, "fireTime", 200); fireLaser(); } else if ((weaponType == 2) && (mine > 0)) { fireTimer = setInterval(this, "fireTime", 400); fireMine(); mine--; } else if ((weaponType == 3) && (pulse > 0)) { fireTimer = setInterval(this, "fireTime", 400); firePulse(); } else if ((weaponType == 5) && (shock > 0)) { fireTimer = setInterval(this, "fireTime", 500); fireShock(); } else if ((weaponType == 6) && (mag > 0)) { fireTimer = setInterval(this, "fireTime", 1000); fireMag(); mag--; } else if ((weaponType == 7) && (nuke > 0)) { fireTimer = setInterval(this, "fireTime", 2000); fireNuke(); nuke--; } else { weaponType = 1; fireTimer = setInterval(this, "fireTime", 100); } } if (Key.isDown(68) && (!_root.bPaused)) { dirx = dirx + 0.5; } if (Key.isDown(65) && (!_root.bPaused)) { dirx = dirx - 0.5; } if (Key.isDown(87) && (!_root.bPaused)) { diry = diry - 0.5; } if (Key.isDown(83) && (!_root.bPaused)) { diry = diry + 0.5; } if (!bDead) { var _local4 = 200 - _root._ymouse; var _local5 = 275 - _root._xmouse; rRate = rRate * 0.8; dirx = dirx * friction; diry = diry * friction; var _local3 = 180 + ((Math.atan2(_local4, _local5) * 180) / Math.PI); _rotation = _local3; _x = _x + dirx; _y = _y + diry; _root.updateWorld(); } if (_x < 10) { _x = 10; } if (_y < 10) { _y = 10; } if (_x > 1190) { _x = 1190; } if (_y > 1190) { _y = 1190; } if (shieldHealth > 0) { hull.gotoAndStop(3); } else { hull.gotoAndStop(1); } weapon.gotoAndStop(weaponType); if (!bShielded) { bShielded = true; fireShields(); } if (enemysHit >= 20) { enemysHit = 0; _root.spawnShield(); } } } function getNextWeapon() { weaponType++; _root.swSnd.start(); if (weaponType > 7) { weaponType = 1; } if (weaponType == 2) { if (mine <= 0) { weaponType++; } } if (weaponType == 4) { weaponType = 5; } if (weaponType == 5) { if (shock <= 0) { weaponType++; } } if (weaponType == 6) { if (mag <= 0) { weaponType++; } } if (weaponType == 7) { if (nuke <= 0) { weaponType = 1; } } } function takeHit(damage) { _root.HitA.start(); var _local3 = damage * 0.1; if (shieldHealth > 0) { shieldHealth = shieldHealth - (_local3 * 2); SHIELD._alpha = 40; if (shieldHealth < 0) { shieldHealth = 0; } } else { health = health - _local3; SHIELD._alpha = 0; } if ((health <= 0) && (bDead == false)) { health = 0; bDead = true; destroy(); } if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } } function getBestShield() { if (electro > 0) { currentShield = 4; } else if (defense > 0) { currentShield = 3; } else if (shield > 0) { currentShield = 2; } else { currentShield = 1; } } function fireLaser() { _root.shotD.start(); var _local4 = (_rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local6 = (_x + (20 * Math.cos(_local4))) + dirx; var _local5 = (_y + (20 * Math.sin(_local4))) + diry; var _local8 = Math.cos(_local4) * 15; var _local7 = Math.sin(_local4) * 15; var _local3 = _parent.attachMovie("pulse", "pulse" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local6, _y:_local5}); _local3.dirx = _local8; _local3.diry = _local7; _local3.power = laser * 0.8; _local3._yscale = 100 + (laser * 10); _local3._rotation = _rotation; } function fireMine() { var _local2 = (_rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local5 = (_x + (20 * Math.cos(_local2))) + dirx; var _local4 = (_y + (20 * Math.sin(_local2))) + diry; var _local7 = Math.cos(_local2) * 1; var _local6 = Math.sin(_local2) * 1; var _local3 = _parent.attachMovie("mineProj", "mpulse" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local5, _y:_local4}); _local3.dirx = _local7; _local3.diry = _local6; _local3.power = 20; _local3._rotation = _rotation; } function fireNuke() { _root.explosion2.start(); var _local3 = _parent.attachMovie("nukeFX", "nuker" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_x, _y:_y}); } function fireMag() { var _local2 = (_rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local5 = (_x + (20 * Math.cos(_local2))) + dirx; var _local4 = (_y + (20 * Math.sin(_local2))) + diry; var _local7 = Math.cos(_local2) * 12; var _local6 = Math.sin(_local2) * 12; var _local3 = _parent.attachMovie("magProj", "Mpulse" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local5, _y:_local4}); _local3.dirx = _local7; _local3.diry = _local6; _local3.power = 10; _local3._rotation = _rotation; } function fireShock() { _root.shotB.start(); var _local4 = (_rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local6 = (_x + (20 * Math.cos(_local4))) + dirx; var _local5 = (_y + (20 * Math.sin(_local4))) + diry; var _local8 = Math.cos(_local4) * 10; var _local7 = Math.sin(_local4) * 10; var _local3 = _parent.attachMovie("shockProj", "spulse" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local6, _y:_local5}); _local3.dirx = _local8; _local3.diry = _local7; _local3.power = shock; _local3._yscale = 100 + (shock * 10); _local3._rotation = _rotation; } function fireTele() { } function firePulse() { _root.shotC.start(); var _local3 = (_rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local6 = (_x + (20 * Math.cos(_local3))) + dirx; var _local5 = (_y + (20 * Math.sin(_local3))) + diry; var _local8 = Math.cos(_local3) * 20; var _local7 = Math.sin(_local3) * 20; var _local4 = _parent.attachMovie("pulse2", "pulse" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_local6, _y:_local5}); _local4.dirx = _local8; _local4.diry = _local7; _local4.power = pulse; _local4._rotation = _rotation; } function fireTime() { clearInterval(fireTimer); bFired = false; } function switchTime() { clearInterval(switchTimer); bSwitchWeapon = true; } function pauseTime() { clearInterval(pauseTimer); bSwitchpause = true; } function shieldTime() { clearInterval(shieldTimer); bShielded = false; } function fireShields() { } function fireElectro() { for (var _local9 in _root.gameObjects) { var _local4 = _root.gameObjects[_local9]; if (_local4 != undefined) { var _local3 = _x - _local4._x; if ((_local3 > -50) && (_local3 < 50)) { var _local5 = _y - _local4._y; var _local7 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local5 * _local5)); if (_local7 < 100) { var _local6 = _parent.attachMovie("electroPulse", "elePulse" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_x, _y:_y}); _local6.tEnemy = _local4; var _local8 = Math.atan2(_local5, _local3); _local6._rotation = 180 + ((_local8 * 180) / Math.PI); electro = electro - 0.2; _local6._xscale = _local7; } } } } } function destroy() { _alpha = 0; _root.explosion2.start(); _parent.attachMovie("cleaner", "elePulse" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_x, _y:_y}); } function defensiveShield() { } var bSetup = true; var weaponType = 1; var secondary = 1; var laser = 1; var mine = 2; var nuke = 0; var pulse = 1; var shock = 1; var mag = 0; var bFiring = false; var bDead = false; var enemysHit = 0; var bFired = false; var bShielded = false; var health = 10; var shield = 10; var defense = 10; var electro = 10; var currentShield = 4; var bHasShield = false; var shieldHealth = 5; var rRate = 0; var Power = 0.2; var dirx = 0; var diry = 0; var fThrust = 0; var friction = 0.95; var radius = 10; var bSwitchWeapon = true; var bSwitchpause = true; }
Symbol 339 MovieClip [__Packages.Map] Frame 0
class Map extends MovieClip { var createEmptyMovieClip; function Map () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (radar == null) { createEmptyMovieClip("radar", 50); } radar.clear(); for (var _local6 in _root.gameObjects) { var _local5 = _root.gameObjects[_local6]; if (_local5 != undefined) { var _local4 = _local5._x * 0.1; var _local3 = _local5._y * 0.1; radar.beginFill(_local5.mapColor, 100); radar.moveTo(_local4, _local3); radar.lineTo(_local4 + 3, _local3); radar.lineTo(_local4 + 3, _local3 + 3); radar.lineTo(_local4, _local3 + 3); radar.endFill(); } } var _local4 = _root.gameContainer.player._x * 0.1; var _local3 = _root.gameContainer.player._y * 0.1; radar.beginFill(16777215, 100); radar.moveTo(_local4, _local3); radar.lineTo(_local4 + 3, _local3); radar.lineTo(_local4 + 3, _local3 + 3); radar.lineTo(_local4, _local3 + 3); } var radar = null; }
Symbol 340 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyBoss] Frame 0
class EnemyBoss extends MovieClip { var health, fHealth, dist_x, _x, _parent, dist_y, _y, _distance, lgtning, tPawn, colRadius, _alpha, _visible, power, angle, hc; function EnemyBoss () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!bSetup) { _root.gameObjects.push(this); bSetup = true; health = 300; fHealth = 300; dist_x = _parent.player._x - _x; dist_y = _parent.player._y - _y; _distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); lgtning.gotoAndStop(1); if (_distance < 100) { _x = _x + 200; _y = _y + 200; } tPawn = _root.gameTarget; colRadius = radius + tPawn.radius; buildShields(); } if (!_root.bPaused) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 2; } else { var colRadius = (radius + tPawn.radius); dist_x = tPawn._x - _x; dist_y = tPawn._y - _y; if ((Math.abs(dist_x) > 300) || (Math.abs(dist_y) > 250)) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } if (Math.abs(dist_x) < 140) { _distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); if ((_distance <= colRadius) && (bReady)) { tPawn.takeHit(power); takeHit(10); } } if (_x < 15) { _x = 15; } if (_x > 1190) { _x = 1190; } if (_y < 15) { _y = 15; } if (_y > 1190) { _y = 1190; } if (_distance < 150) { angle = Math.atan2(dist_y, dist_x); lgtning._rotation = (angle * 180) / Math.PI; } aCount++; _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; hc._xscale = (health / fHealth) * 100; hc._yscale = (health / fHealth) * 100; flockCount++; lgtning._xscale = _distance; for (var _local5 in shields) { var _local3 = shields[_local5]; if ((_local3 != undefined) && (_local3._owner == this)) { var _local4 = (aCount * 0.1) + _local3.eIndex; _local3._x = _x + (Math.cos(_local4) * 30); _local3._y = _y + (Math.sin(_local4) * 30); } } if (flockCount >= 8) { flockCount = 0; _distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); angle = Math.atan2(dist_y, dist_x); if (_distance < 200) { xspeed = Math.cos(angle - 1.5) * 2; yspeed = Math.sin(angle - 1.5) * 2; lgtning.gotoAndPlay(2); lgtning._rotation = (angle * 180) / Math.PI; tPawn.takeHit(power * 0.2); } else { lgtning.gotoAndStop(1); xspeed = Math.cos(angle) * 2; yspeed = Math.sin(angle) * 2; } bReady = true; } } } } function takeHit(amount) { _root.HitA.start(); health = health - amount; _root.hitFX(this); if (health <= 0) { destroy(); } } function destroy() { for (var _local4 in _root.gameObjects) { if (_root.gameObjects[_local4] == this) { _root.gameObjects.splice(_local4, 1); } } for (var _local4 in shields) { var _local3 = shields[_local4]; if ((_local3 != undefined) && (_local3._owner == this)) { _local3.destroy(); } } _parent.player.enemysHit = _parent.player.enemysHit + 1; _root.playerScore = _root.playerScore + score; _root.proxMgr.removeItem(this); _root.deathFX(this); _root.checkEnemys(); _root.removeMC(this); } function buildShields() { var _local4 = 1; while (_local4 < 8) { var _local3 = _parent.attachMovie("shieldBlue", "enemy" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_x, _y:_y}); _local3.power = _root.currentLevel + 2; = _root.currentLevel + 4; _local3.fHealth = _root.currentLevel + 4; _local3._alpha = 0; _local3._owner = this; _local3.eIndex = _local4; shields.push(_local3); _local4++; } } var xspeed = 0; var yspeed = 0; var frameCount = 0; var flockCount = 0; var bSetup = false; var score = 2000; var radius = 30; var mapColor = 16711816; var aCount = 0; var shields = new Array(); var bReady = true; }
Symbol 341 MovieClip [__Packages.ShieldBlue] Frame 0
class ShieldBlue extends MovieClip { var tPawn, _x, _parent, _y, _alpha, _visible, power, fHealth, health, hc, xspeed, yspeed, _rotation, _owner; function ShieldBlue () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!bSetup) { bSetup = true; _root.gameObjects.push(this); tPawn = _root.gameTarget; var _local3 = _parent.player._x - _x; var _local4 = _parent.player._y - _y; var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)); if (_local5 < 200) { _x = _x + 200; _y = _y + 200; } } if (!_root.bPaused) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } else { flockCount++; if (flockCount > 5) { bReady = true; } var _local3 = tPawn._x - _x; var _local4 = tPawn._y - _y; if ((Math.abs(_local3) > 300) || (Math.abs(_local4) > 250)) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } shotCount++; if ((shotCount >= 50) && (_visible)) { shotCount = 0; fireLaser(); } if (Math.abs(_local3) < 60) { var _local6 = radius + tPawn.radius; var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)); if ((_local5 <= _local6) && (bReady)) { tPawn.takeHit(power * 2); takeHit(10); } } hc._xscale = (health / fHealth) * 100; hc._yscale = (health / fHealth) * 100; frameCount++; if (_x < 15) { _x = 16; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_x > 1185) { _x = 1184; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_y < 15) { _y = 16; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } if (_y > 1185) { _y = 1184; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; } } } function takeHit(amount) { _root.HitA.start(); health = health - amount; _root.hitFX(this); if (health <= 0) { destroy(); } } function fireLaser() { var _local3 = Math.atan2(_y - tPawn._y, _x - tPawn._x); var _local5 = Math.cos(_local3) * -6; var _local4 = Math.sin(_local3) * -6; var _local2 = _parent.attachMovie("blueShot", "bShot" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_x, _y:_y}); _local2.dirx = _local5; _local2.diry = _local4; _local2.power = power; _local2._rotation = _rotation; } function destroy() { for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { if (_root.gameObjects[_local3] == this) { _root.gameObjects.splice(_local3, 1); } } for (var _local3 in _owner.shields) { if (_owner.shields[_local3] == this) { _owner.shields.splice(_local3, 1); } } _parent.player.enemysHit = _parent.player.enemysHit + 1; _root.playerScore = _root.playerScore + score; _root.deathFX(this); _root.checkEnemys(); _root.removeMC(this); } var bSetup = false; var flockCount = 0; var shotCount = 0; var score = 100; var radius = 14; var mapColor = 2237183; var frameCount = 0; var bReady = false; }
Symbol 342 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyBlue] Frame 0
class EnemyBlue extends MovieClip { var xspeed, yspeed, tPawn, _x, _parent, _y, _alpha, _visible, power, fHealth, health, hMask, _rotation; function EnemyBlue () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!bSetup) { bSetup = true; xspeed = -3 + (Math.random() * 6); yspeed = -3 + (Math.random() * 6); _root.gameObjects.push(this); _root.proxMgr.addItem(this); tPawn = _root.gameTarget; var _local3 = _parent.player._x - _x; var _local4 = _parent.player._y - _y; var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)); if (_local5 < 200) { _x = _x + 200; _y = _y + 200; } } if (!_root.bPaused) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } else { flockCount++; if (flockCount > 5) { bReady = true; } var _local3 = tPawn._x - _x; var _local4 = tPawn._y - _y; if ((Math.abs(_local3) > 300) || (Math.abs(_local4) > 250)) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } shotCount++; if ((shotCount >= 80) && (_visible)) { shotCount = 0; fireLaser(); } if (Math.abs(_local3) < 60) { var _local6 = radius + tPawn.radius; var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)); if ((_local5 <= _local6) && (bReady)) { tPawn.takeHit(power * 2); takeHit(10); } } hMask._yscale = (health / fHealth) * 100; frameCount++; if (_x < 15) { _x = 16; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_x > 1185) { _x = 1184; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_y < 15) { _y = 16; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } if (_y > 1185) { _y = 1184; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; } } } function takeHit(amount) { _root.HitA.start(); health = health - amount; _root.hitFX(this); if (health <= 0) { destroy(); } } function fireLaser() { var _local3 = Math.atan2(_y - tPawn._y, _x - tPawn._x); var _local5 = Math.cos(_local3) * -6; var _local4 = Math.sin(_local3) * -6; var _local2 = _parent.attachMovie("blueShot", "bShot" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_x, _y:_y}); _local2.dirx = _local5; _local2.diry = _local4; _local2.power = power; _local2._rotation = _rotation; } function destroy() { for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { if (_root.gameObjects[_local3] == this) { _root.gameObjects.splice(_local3, 1); } } _parent.player.enemysHit = _parent.player.enemysHit + 1; _root.playerScore = _root.playerScore + score; _root.proxMgr.removeItem(this); _root.deathFX(this); _root.checkEnemys(); _root.removeMC(this); } var bSetup = false; var flockCount = 0; var shotCount = 0; var score = 100; var radius = 14; var mapColor = 2237183; var frameCount = 0; var bReady = false; }
Symbol 343 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyGreen] Frame 0
class EnemyGreen extends MovieClip { var dist_x, _x, _parent, dist_y, _y, _distance, lgtning, tPawn, colRadius, _alpha, _visible, power, angle, fHealth, health, hMask; function EnemyGreen () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!bSetup) { _root.gameObjects.push(this); _root.proxMgr.addItem(this); bSetup = true; dist_x = _parent.player._x - _x; dist_y = _parent.player._y - _y; _distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); lgtning.gotoAndStop(1); if (_distance < 100) { _x = _x + 200; _y = _y + 200; } tPawn = _root.gameTarget; colRadius = radius + tPawn.radius; } if (!_root.bPaused) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 2; } else { var colRadius = (radius + tPawn.radius); dist_x = tPawn._x - _x; dist_y = tPawn._y - _y; if ((Math.abs(dist_x) > 300) || (Math.abs(dist_y) > 250)) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } if (Math.abs(dist_x) < 140) { _distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); if ((_distance <= colRadius) && (bReady)) { tPawn.takeHit(power); takeHit(10); } } if (_x < 15) { _x = 15; } if (_x > 1190) { _x = 1190; } if (_y < 15) { _y = 15; } if (_y > 1190) { _y = 1190; } if (_distance < 150) { angle = Math.atan2(dist_y, dist_x); lgtning._rotation = (angle * 180) / Math.PI; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; hMask._yscale = (health / fHealth) * 100; flockCount++; lgtning._xscale = _distance; if (flockCount >= 8) { flockCount = 0; _distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); angle = Math.atan2(dist_y, dist_x); if (_distance < 100) { xspeed = Math.cos(angle + 1.3) * 2; yspeed = Math.sin(angle + 1.3) * 2; lgtning.gotoAndPlay(2); lgtning._rotation = (angle * 180) / Math.PI; tPawn.takeHit(power * 0.2); } else { lgtning.gotoAndStop(1); xspeed = Math.cos(angle) * 2; yspeed = Math.sin(angle) * 2; } bReady = true; var _local11 = _root.proxMgr.getNeighbours(this); var _local10 = _local11.length; while (_local10--) { var _local3 = _local11[_local10]; if ((_local3 != undefined) && (_local3 != this)) { var _local5 = _x - _local3._x; var _local4 = _y - _local3._y; var _local8 = Math.sqrt((_local5 * _local5) + (_local4 * _local4)); if (_local8 < 50) { var _local6 = Math.atan2(_local4, _local5); var _local9 = Math.cos(_local6); var _local7 = Math.sin(_local6); _local3._x = _local3._x - (_local9 * 0.7); _local3._y = _local3._y - (_local7 * 0.7); } } } } } } } function takeHit(amount) { _root.HitA.start(); health = health - amount; _root.hitFX(this); if (health <= 0) { destroy(); } } function destroy() { for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { if (_root.gameObjects[_local3] == this) { _root.gameObjects.splice(_local3, 1); } } _parent.player.enemysHit = _parent.player.enemysHit + 1; _root.playerScore = _root.playerScore + score; _root.proxMgr.removeItem(this); _root.deathFX(this); _root.checkEnemys(); _root.removeMC(this); } var xspeed = 0; var yspeed = 0; var frameCount = 0; var flockCount = 0; var bSetup = false; var score = 200; var radius = 14; var mapColor = 2293538; var bReady = true; }
Symbol 344 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyRed] Frame 0
class EnemyRed extends MovieClip { var dist_x, _x, _parent, dist_y, _y, distance, tPawn, colRadius, _alpha, _visible, power, fHealth, health, hMask, angle; function EnemyRed () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!bSetup) { frameCount = 0; flockCount = 0; _root.gameObjects.push(this); _root.proxMgr.addItem(this); bSetup = true; enumAI(); dist_x = _parent.player._x - _x; dist_y = _parent.player._y - _y; distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); if (distance < 100) { _x = _x + 200; _y = _y + 200; } tPawn = _root.gameTarget; colRadius = radius + tPawn.radius; } if (!_root.bPaused) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 2; } else { dist_x = tPawn._x - _x; dist_y = tPawn._y - _y; if ((Math.abs(dist_x) > 300) || (Math.abs(dist_y) > 250)) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } if (Math.abs(dist_x) < 60) { distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); if ((distance <= colRadius) && (bReady)) { tPawn.takeHit(power); takeHit(10); } } shotCount++; if ((shotCount >= 100) && (_visible)) { shotCount = 0; enumAI(); fireLaser(); } if (_x < 15) { _x = 15; enumAI(); } if (_x > 1190) { _x = 1190; enumAI(); } if (_y < 15) { _y = 15; enumAI(); } if (_y > 1190) { _y = 1190; enumAI(); } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; hMask._yscale = (health / fHealth) * 100; flockCount++; } if (flockCount >= 10) { bReady = true; distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); if (distance < 200) { angle = angle + 0.08; } xspeed = Math.cos(angle) * 2.3; yspeed = Math.sin(angle) * 2.3; flockCount = 0; var _local11 = _root.proxMgr.getNeighbours(this); var _local10 = _local11.length; while (_local10--) { var _local3 = _local11[_local10]; if ((_local3 != undefined) && (_local3 != this)) { var _local5 = _x - _local3._x; var _local4 = _y - _local3._y; var _local8 = Math.sqrt((_local5 * _local5) + (_local4 * _local4)); if (_local8 < 50) { var _local6 = Math.atan2(_local4, _local5); var _local9 = Math.cos(_local6); var _local7 = Math.sin(_local6); _local3._x = _local3._x - (_local9 * 0.7); _local3._y = _local3._y - (_local7 * 0.7); } } } } } } function takeHit(amount) { _root.HitA.start(); health = health - amount; _root.hitFX(this); if (health <= 0) { destroy(); } } function destroy() { for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { if (_root.gameObjects[_local3] == this) { _root.gameObjects.splice(_local3, 1); } } _parent.player.enemysHit = _parent.player.enemysHit + 1; _root.proxMgr.removeItem(this); _root.playerScore = _root.playerScore + score; _root.deathFX(this); _root.checkEnemys(); _root.removeMC(this); } function enumAI() { var _local2 = Math.random() * 5; if (_local2 > 4) { var _local4 = 2.48643987308266; var _local3 = -3.13330763850993; } else if (_local2 > 3) { var _local4 = -2.01938441839943; var _local3 = -3.45283746659549; } else if (_local2 > 2) { var _local4 = -3.61628856806824; var _local3 = 1.70951952093532; } else if (_local2 > 1) { var _local4 = 3.82134595650242; var _local3 = 1.18208082664536; } else { var _local4 = 0.282948806670812; var _local3 = 3.98997994641622; } angle = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4); xspeed = Math.cos(angle) * 2.3; yspeed = Math.sin(angle) * 2.3; } function fireLaser() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(tPawn._y - _y, tPawn._x - _x); if ((_local2 < -0.3) && (_local2 > -1.5)) { var _local5 = 2.48643987308266; var _local4 = -3.13330763850993; } else if ((_local2 < -1.5) && (_local2 > -3)) { var _local5 = -2.01938441839943; var _local4 = -3.45283746659549; } else if ((_local2 < 3) && (_local2 > 2.1)) { var _local5 = -3.61628856806824; var _local4 = 1.70951952093532; } else if ((_local2 < 0.9) && (_local2 > -0.3)) { var _local5 = 3.82134595650242; var _local4 = 1.18208082664536; } else { var _local5 = 0.282948806670812; var _local4 = 3.98997994641622; } var _local3 = _parent.attachMovie("phaseBeam", "bShot" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_x, _y:_y}); _local3.dirx = _local5; _local3.diry = _local4; _local3.power = power; _local3._rotation = (Math.atan2(_local4, _local5) * 180) / Math.PI; } var xspeed = 0; var yspeed = 0; var frameCount = 0; var flockCount = 0; var bSetup = false; var score = 150; var radius = 10; var mapColor = 16720418; var bReady = true; var shotCount = 0; }
Symbol 345 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyYellow] Frame 0
class EnemyYellow extends MovieClip { var dist_x, _x, _parent, dist_y, _y, distance, tPawn, colRadius, _alpha, _visible, power, fHealth, health, hMask, angle, _rotation; function EnemyYellow () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!bSetup) { _root.gameObjects.push(this); _root.proxMgr.addItem(this); bSetup = true; dist_x = _parent.player._x - _x; dist_y = _parent.player._y - _y; distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); if (distance < 100) { _x = _x + 200; _y = _y + 200; } tPawn = _root.gameTarget; colRadius = radius + tPawn.radius; } if (!_root.bPaused) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 2; } else { dist_x = tPawn._x - _x; dist_y = tPawn._y - _y; if ((Math.abs(dist_x) > 300) || (Math.abs(dist_y) > 250)) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } if (Math.abs(dist_x) < 60) { distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); if ((distance <= colRadius) && (bReady)) { tPawn.takeHit(power); takeHit(10); } } if (_x < 15) { _x = 15; } if (_x > 1190) { _x = 1190; } if (_y < 15) { _y = 15; } if (_y > 1190) { _y = 1190; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; hMask._yscale = (health / fHealth) * 100; flockCount++; if (flockCount >= 6) { shotCount++; angle = Math.atan2(dist_y, dist_x); _rotation = (angle * 180) / Math.PI; if (distance > 200) { xspeed = Math.cos(angle) * 1; yspeed = Math.sin(angle) * 1; } else { xspeed = Math.cos(angle) * 0.5; yspeed = Math.sin(angle) * 0.5; } bReady = true; flockCount = 0; if ((shotCount >= 10) && (_visible)) { shotCount = 0; fireLaser(); } var _local11 = _root.proxMgr.getNeighbours(this); var _local10 = _local11.length; while (_local10--) { var _local3 = _local11[_local10]; if ((_local3 != undefined) && (_local3 != this)) { var _local5 = _x - _local3._x; var _local4 = _y - _local3._y; var _local8 = Math.sqrt((_local5 * _local5) + (_local4 * _local4)); if (_local8 < 50) { var _local6 = Math.atan2(_local4, _local5); var _local9 = Math.cos(_local6); var _local7 = Math.sin(_local6); _local3._x = _local3._x - (_local9 * 0.7); _local3._y = _local3._y - (_local7 * 0.7); } } } } } } } function takeHit(amount) { _root.HitA.start(); health = health - amount; _root.hitFX(this); if (health <= 0) { destroy(); } } function fireLaser() { var _local3 = (_rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local5 = Math.cos(_local3) * 5; var _local4 = Math.sin(_local3) * 5; var _local2 = _parent.attachMovie("Epusle", "Epulse" + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_x, _y:_y}); _local2.dirx = _local5; _local2.diry = _local4; _local2.power = power; _local2._rotation = _rotation; } function destroy() { for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { if (_root.gameObjects[_local3] == this) { _root.gameObjects.splice(_local3, 1); } } _root.proxMgr.removeItem(this); _parent.player.enemysHit = _parent.player.enemysHit + 1; _root.playerScore = _root.playerScore + score; _root.deathFX(this); _root.checkEnemys(); _root.removeMC(this); } var xspeed = 0; var yspeed = 0; var frameCount = 0; var flockCount = 0; var shotCount = 0; var bSetup = false; var score = 175; var radius = 10; var mapColor = 16776994; var bReady = true; }
Symbol 346 MovieClip [__Packages.ElectroPickup] Frame 0
class ElectroPickup extends MovieClip { var hitTest, _parent, _x, xspeed, _y, yspeed; function ElectroPickup () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (hitTest(_parent.player) && (!collected)) { collected = true; _parent.player.electro = _parent.player.electro + 1; _root.collectFX(this); _root.removeMC(this); } if (_x < 15) { _x = 16; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_x > 1185) { _x = 1184; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_y < 15) { _y = 16; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } if (_y > 1185) { _y = 1184; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; } var collected = false; }
Symbol 347 MovieClip [__Packages.DefensePickup] Frame 0
class DefensePickup extends MovieClip { var hitTest, _parent, _x, xspeed, _y, yspeed; function DefensePickup () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (hitTest(_parent.player) && (!collected)) { collected = true; _parent.player.defense = _parent.player.defense + 1; _root.collectFX(this); _root.removeMC(this); } if (_x < 15) { _x = 16; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_x > 1185) { _x = 1184; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_y < 15) { _y = 16; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } if (_y > 1185) { _y = 1184; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; } var collected = false; }
Symbol 348 MovieClip [__Packages.HullPickup] Frame 0
class HullPickup extends MovieClip { var hitTest, _parent, _x, xspeed, _y, yspeed; function HullPickup () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (hitTest(_parent.player) && (!collected)) { collected = true; _parent.player.shieldHealth = 10; _root.collectFX(this); _root.removeMC(this); } if (_x < 15) { _x = 16; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_x > 1185) { _x = 1184; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_y < 15) { _y = 16; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } if (_y > 1185) { _y = 1184; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; } var collected = false; }
Symbol 349 MovieClip [__Packages.ShieldPickup] Frame 0
class ShieldPickup extends MovieClip { var hitTest, _parent, _x, xspeed, _y, yspeed; function ShieldPickup () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (hitTest(_parent.player) && (!collected)) { collected = true; _root.collected.start(); _parent.player.shield = _parent.player.shield + 1; _root.collectFX(this); _root.removeMC(this); } if (_x < 15) { _x = 16; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_x > 1185) { _x = 1184; xspeed = xspeed * -1; } if (_y < 15) { _y = 16; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } if (_y > 1185) { _y = 1184; yspeed = yspeed * -1; } _x = _x + xspeed; _y = _y + yspeed; } var collected = false; }
Symbol 350 MovieClip [__Packages.BlueShot] Frame 0
class BlueShot extends MovieClip { var _x, dirx, _y, diry, _parent, power; function BlueShot () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!bSetup) { bSetup = true; _root.gameObjects.push(this); } if (!_root.bPaused) { _x = _x + dirx; _y = _y + diry; if ((((_x < 10) || (_x > 1190)) || (_y < 10)) || (_y > 1190)) { destroy(); } var _local4 = _parent.player; var _local3 = _x - _local4._x; if ((_local3 > -50) && (_local3 < 50)) { var _local5 = _y - _local4._y; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local5 * _local5)); if (_local6 < 15) { _local4.takeHit(power); destroy(); } } } } function takeHit(amount) { destroy(); } function destroy() { for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { if (_root.gameObjects[_local3] == this) { _root.gameObjects.splice(_local3, 1); } } _root.hitFX(this); _root.checkEnemys(); _root.removeMC(this); } var bSetup = false; var mapColor = 0; }
Symbol 351 MovieClip [__Packages.PhaseBeam] Frame 0
class PhaseBeam extends MovieClip { var _x, dirx, _y, diry, _alpha, _parent, hitTest, power; function PhaseBeam () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!bSetup) { bSetup = true; _root.gameObjects.push(this); } _x = _x + dirx; _y = _y + diry; _alpha = _alpha * 0.98; if ((((_x < 10) || (_x > 1190)) || (_y < 10)) || (_y > 1190)) { destroy(); } if (_alpha < 15) { fade(); } var _local3 = _parent.player; if (hitTest(_local3)) { _local3.takeHit(power); destroy(); } } function takeHit(amount) { destroy(); } function destroy() { for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { if (_root.gameObjects[_local3] == this) { _root.gameObjects.splice(_local3, 1); } } _root.hitFX(this); _root.checkEnemys(); _root.removeMC(this); } function fade() { for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { if (_root.gameObjects[_local3] == this) { _root.gameObjects.splice(_local3, 1); } } _root.removeMC(this); } var bSetup = false; var mapColor = 0; }
Symbol 352 MovieClip [__Packages.Beam] Frame 0
class Beam extends MovieClip { var trail, power, _x, dirx, _y, diry, enemy, hitTest; function Beam () { super(); } function onEnterFrame() { if (!bSetup) { bSetup = true; trail = _root.trailFX(this); trail._yscale = 100 + (power * 10); } if (!_root.bPaused) { fCount++; _x = _x + dirx; _y = _y + diry; trail._xscale = trail._xscale + 95; if (((((_x < 0) || (_x > 1200)) || (_y < 0)) || (_y > 1200)) || (fCount > 20)) { destroy(); } for (var _local3 in _root.gameObjects) { enemy = _root.gameObjects[_local3]; if (enemy != undefined) { if (hitTest(enemy)) { enemy.takeHit(power); } } } } } function destroy() { _root.hitFX(this); _root.removeMC(this); } var bSetup = false; var fCount = 0; }
Symbol 353 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd] Frame 0
class MochiAd { function MochiAd () { } static function getVersion() { return("2.5"); } static function showPreGameAd(options) { var _local26 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }, ad_progress:function (percent) { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local26); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def") { options.ad_started(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } var clip = options.clip; var _local22 = 11000; var _local25 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local14 = _getRes(options); var _local4 = _local14[0]; var _local13 = _local14[1]; mc._x = _local4 * 0.5; mc._y = _local13 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk._x = _local4 * -0.5; chk._y = _local13 * -0.5; var _local6 = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar) { _local6._visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { _local6._x = 10; _local6._y = _local13 - 20; } var _local21 = options.color; delete options.color; var _local19 = options.background; delete options.background; var _local23 = options.outline; delete options.outline; var _local5 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1); _local5.beginFill(_local19); _local5.moveTo(0, 0); _local5.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local5.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local5.lineTo(0, 10); _local5.lineTo(0, 0); _local5.endFill(); var _local3 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2); _local3.beginFill(_local21); _local3.moveTo(0, 0); _local3.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local3.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local3.lineTo(0, 10); _local3.lineTo(0, 0); _local3.endFill(); _local3._xscale = 0; var _local7 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3); _local7.lineStyle(0, _local23, 100); _local7.moveTo(0, 0); _local7.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local7.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local7.lineTo(0, 10); _local7.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = _local22; chk.ad_timeout = _local25; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) { sendHostProgress = true; }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local6 = this._parent._parent; var _local11 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local5 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local3 = false; var _local4 = _local6.getBytesTotal(); var _local8 = _local6.getBytesLoaded(); var _local2 = (100 * _local8) / _local4; var _local10 = (100 * _local5) / chk.ad_msec; var _local9 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var _local13 = Math.min(100, Math.min(_local2 || 0, _local10)); _local13 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local13); this.last_pcnt = _local13; _local9._xscale = _local13; options.ad_progress(_local13); if (sendHostProgress) {, "notify", {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:_local2}); if (_local2 == 100) { sendHostProgress = false; } } if (!chk.showing) { var _local7 = _local11.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local7 > 0) || (typeof(_local7) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if ((_local5 > chk.ad_timeout) && (_local2 == 100)) { options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; } } if (_local5 > chk.ad_msec) { _local3 = true; } if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local8 >= _local4)) && (_local3)) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showClickAwayAd(options) { var _local9 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function () { }, ad_finished:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_failed:function () { }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local9); var clip = options.clip; var _local8 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local4 = _getRes(options); var _local10 = _local4[0]; var _local7 = _local4[1]; mc._x = _local10 * 0.5; mc._y = _local7 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = _local8; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { return(s); }; var _local20 = false; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { _local2 = true; chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } static function showInterLevelAd(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); var clip = options.clip; var _local10 = 11000; var _local12 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local5 = _getRes(options); var _local14 = _local5[0]; var _local11 = _local5[1]; mc._x = _local14 * 0.5; mc._y = _local11 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = _local10; chk.ad_timeout = _local12; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec - 250; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local4 > chk.ad_msec) { _local2 = true; } if (_local2) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showPreloaderAd(options) { showPreGameAd(options); } static function showTimedAd(options) { showInterLevelAd(options); } static function _allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function load(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = getVersion(); var _local9 = options.clip; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } if (_local9._mochiad_loaded) { return(null); } var _local12 = options.depth; delete options.depth; var _local6 = _local9.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", _local12); var _local11 = _getRes(options); options.res = (_local11[0] + "x") + _local11[1]; options.server = options.server +; delete; _local9._mochiad_loaded = true; var _local4 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1); for (var _local7 in options) { _local4[_local7] = options[_local7]; } var _local10 = _local4.server; delete _local4.server; var _local14 = _allowDomains(_local10); _local6.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._mochiad_ctr) { delete this.onEnterFrame; MochiAd.unload(this._parent); } }; } }; var _local5 = new LocalConnection(); var _local8 = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = _local6; = _local8; _local5.hostname = _local14; _local5.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _local5.allowInsecureDomain = _local5.allowDomain; _local5.connect(_local8); = _local5; = _local8; = getTimer(); _local4.loadMovie(_local10 + ".swf", "POST"); return(_local6); } static function unload(clip) { if (typeof(clip) == "undefined") { clip = _root; } if (clip.clip && (clip.clip._mochiad)) { clip = clip.clip; } if (!clip._mochiad) { return(false); } if (clip._mochiad._containerLCName != undefined) {, "notify", {id:"unload"}); } clip._mochiad.removeMovieClip(); delete clip._mochiad_loaded; delete clip._mochiad; return(true); } static function _isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function _getRes(options) { var _local3 = options.clip.getBounds(); var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") { var _local4 = options.res.split("x"); _local2 = parseFloat(_local4[0]); _local1 = parseFloat(_local4[1]); } else { _local2 = _local3.xMax - _local3.xMin; _local1 = _local3.yMax - _local3.yMin; } if ((_local2 == 0) || (_local1 == 0)) { _local2 = Stage.width; _local1 = Stage.height; } return([_local2, _local1]); } static function _parseOptions(options, defaults) { var _local4 = {}; for (var _local8 in defaults) { _local4[_local8] = defaults[_local8]; } if (options) { for (var _local8 in options) { _local4[_local8] = options[_local8]; } } if (_root.mochiad_options) { var _local5 = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5.length) { var _local3 = _local5[_local2].split("="); _local4[unescape(_local3[0])] = unescape(_local3[1]); _local2++; } } if ( == "test") { } return(_local4); } static function rpc(clip, callbackID, arg) { switch ( { case "setValue" : setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value); break; case "getValue" : var _local4 = getValue(clip, arg.objectName);, "rpcResult", callbackID, _local4); break; case "runMethod" : var _local3 = runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args);, "rpcResult", callbackID, _local3); } } static function setValue(base, objectName, value) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } base[_local2[_local1]] = value; } static function getValue(base, objectName) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } return(base[_local2[_local1]]); } static function runMethod(base, methodName, argsArray) { var _local2 = methodName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } if (typeof(base[_local2[_local1]]) == "function") { return(base[_local2[_local1]].apply(base, argsArray)); } return(undefined); } }
Symbol 354 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiScores] Frame 0
class mochi.MochiScores { static var boardID, onClose, onError; function MochiScores () { } static function setBoardID(boardID) { mochi.MochiScores.boardID = boardID; mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_setBoardID", {boardID:boardID}); } static function showLeaderboard(options) { if (options.clip != null) { if ((options.clip != mochi.MochiServices.__get__clip()) || (mochi.MochiServices.__get__childClip()._target == undefined)) { mochi.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.MochiServices.connect(mochi.MochiServices.__get__id(), options.clip); } delete options.clip; } if ( != null) { if (typeof( == "object") { if ( != undefined) { =; } } } if (options.score != null) { if (typeof(options.score) == "object") { if (options.score.text != undefined) { options.score = options.score.text; } } } if (options.onDisplay != null) { options.onDisplay(); } else { mochi.MochiServices.__get__clip().stop(); } if (options.onClose != null) { onClose = options.onClose; } else { onClose = function () { mochi.MochiServices.__get__clip().play(); }; } if (options.onError != null) { onError = options.onError; } else { onError = onClose; } if (options.boardID == null) { if (boardID != null) { options.boardID = boardID; } } mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_showLeaderboard", {options:options}, null, doClose); } static function closeLeaderboard() { mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_closeLeaderboard"); } static function getPlayerInfo(callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_getPlayerInfo", null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } static function submit(score, name, callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_submit", {score:score, name:name}, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } static function requestList(callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.MochiServices.send("scores_requestList", null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } static function scoresArrayToObjects(scores) { var _local5 = {}; var _local1; var _local4; var _local2; var _local6; for (var _local8 in scores) { if (typeof(scores[_local8]) == "object") { if ((scores[_local8].cols != null) && (scores[_local8].rows != null)) { _local5[_local8] = []; _local2 = scores[_local8]; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.rows.length) { _local6 = {}; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2.cols.length) { _local6[_local2.cols[_local1]] = _local2.rows[_local4][_local1]; _local1++; } _local5[_local8].push(_local6); _local4++; } } else { _local5[_local8] = {}; for (var _local7 in scores[_local8]) { _local5[_local8][_local7] = scores[_local8][_local7]; } } } else { _local5[_local8] = scores[_local8]; } } return(_local5); } static function doClose(args) { if (args.error == true) { if (args.errorCode == undefined) { args.errorCode = "IOError"; } onError.apply(null, [args.errorCode]); } else { onClose.apply(); } } }
Symbol 355 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiServices] Frame 0
class mochi.MochiServices { static var _id, _container, _clip, _sendChannelName, _rcvChannelName, __get__comChannelName, onError, _listenChannel, _rcvChannel, _loader, _loaderListener, _sendChannel; function MochiServices () { } static function get id() { return(_id); } static function get clip() { return(_container); } static function get childClip() { return(_clip); } static function getVersion() { return("1.31"); } static function allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function get isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function set comChannelName(val) { if (val != undefined) { if (val.length > 3) { _sendChannelName = val + "_fromgame"; _rcvChannelName = val; initComChannels(); } } //return(__get__comChannelName()); } static function get connected() { return(_connected); } static function connect(id, clip, onError) { if ((!_connected) && (_clip == undefined)) { _connecting = true; init(id, clip); } if (onError != undefined) { mochi.MochiServices.onError = onError; } else if (mochi.MochiServices.onError == undefined) { mochi.MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode) { }; } } static function disconnect() { if (_connected || (_connecting)) { _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); if (_clip != undefined) { _clip.removeMovieClip(); delete _clip; } _listenChannel.close(); _rcvChannel.close(); } } static function init(id, clip) { _id = id; if (clip != undefined) { _container = clip; } else { _container = _root; } loadCommunicator(id, _container); } static function loadCommunicator(id, clip) { var _local2 = "_mochiservices_com_" + id; if (_clip != null) { return(_clip); } if (!isNetworkAvailable) { return(null); } allowDomains(_gatewayURL); _clip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(_local2, 10336, false); _loader = new MovieClipLoader(); if (_loaderListener.waitInterval != null) { clearInterval(_loaderListener.waitInterval); } _loaderListener = {}; _loaderListener.onLoadError = function (target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { mochi.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, [errorCode]); }; _loaderListener.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) { this.isLoading = true; }; _loaderListener.startTime = getTimer(); _loaderListener.wait = function () { if ((getTimer() - this.startTime) > 10000) { if (!this.isLoading) { mochi.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); } clearInterval(this.waitInterval); } }; _loaderListener.waitInterval = setInterval(_loaderListener, "wait", 1000); _loader.addListener(_loaderListener); _loader.loadClip(_gatewayURL, _clip); _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _sendChannel._queue = []; _rcvChannel = new LocalConnection(); _rcvChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _rcvChannel.allowInsecureDomain = _rcvChannel.allowDomain; _rcvChannel._nextcallbackID = 0; _rcvChannel._callbacks = {}; listen(); return(_clip); } static function onStatus(infoObject) { if (!(infoObject.level === "error")) { } else { _connected = false; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); } } static function listen() { _listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); _listenChannel.handshake = function (args) { mochi.MochiServices.__set__comChannelName(args.newChannel); }; _listenChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain = _listenChannel.allowDomain; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); } static function initComChannels() { if (!_connected) { _sendChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"}); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", id:_id, clip:_clip, version:getVersion()}); _rcvChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _rcvChannel.onReceive = function (pkg) { var _local5 = pkg.callbackID; var _local4 = this._callbacks[_local5]; if (!_local4) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = _local4.callbackMethod; var _local3 = _local4.callbackObject; if (_local3 && (typeof(_local2) == "string")) { _local2 = _local3[_local2]; } if (_local2 != undefined) { _local2.apply(_local3, pkg.args); } delete this._callbacks[_local5]; }; _rcvChannel.onError = function () { mochi.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); }; _rcvChannel.connect(_rcvChannelName); _connecting = false; _connected = true; _listenChannel.close(); while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _sendChannel._queue.shift()); } } } static function flush(error) { var _local1; var _local2; while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _local1 = _sendChannel._queue.shift(); if (_local1.callbackID != null) { _local2 = _rcvChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; } delete _rcvChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; if (error) { handleError(_local1.args, _local2.callbackObject, _local2.callbackMethod); } } } static function handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (args != null) { if (args.onError != null) { args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); } } if (callbackMethod != null) { args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if ((callbackObject != null) && (typeof(callbackMethod) == "string")) { callbackObject[callbackMethod](args); } else if (callbackMethod != null) { callbackMethod.apply(args); } } } static function send(methodName, args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (_connected) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_rcvChannel._nextcallbackID}); } else { if ((_clip == undefined) || (!_connecting)) { onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod); flush(true); return(undefined); } _sendChannel._queue.push({methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_rcvChannel._nextcallbackID}); } _rcvChannel._callbacks[_rcvChannel._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:callbackObject, callbackMethod:callbackMethod}; _rcvChannel._nextcallbackID++; } static var _gatewayURL = ""; static var _listenChannelName = "__mochiservices"; static var _connecting = false; static var _connected = false; }
Symbol 356 MovieClip [__Packages.ProximityManager] Frame 0
class ProximityManager { var mcs, pos; function ProximityManager () { mcs = []; pos = []; } function getNeighbours(p_mc) { var _local5 = Math.ceil(p_mc._x / gridSize); var _local4 = Math.ceil(p_mc._y / gridSize); var _local3 = pos; var _local2 = _local3[_local5][_local4]; if (_local3[_local5 - 1][_local4 - 1]) { _local2 = _local2.concat(_local3[_local5 - 1][_local4 - 1]); } if (_local3[_local5][_local4 - 1]) { _local2 = _local2.concat(_local3[_local5][_local4 - 1]); } if (_local3[_local5 + 1][_local4 - 1]) { _local2 = _local2.concat(_local3[_local5 + 1][_local4 - 1]); } if (_local3[_local5 - 1][_local4]) { _local2 = _local2.concat(_local3[_local5 - 1][_local4]); } if (_local3[_local5 + 1][_local4]) { _local2 = _local2.concat(_local3[_local5 + 1][_local4]); } if (_local3[_local5 - 1][_local4 + 1]) { _local2 = _local2.concat(_local3[_local5 - 1][_local4 + 1]); } if (_local3[_local5][_local4 + 1]) { _local2 = _local2.concat(_local3[_local5][_local4 + 1]); } if (_local3[_local5 + 1][_local4 + 1]) { _local2 = _local2.concat(_local3[_local5 + 1][_local4 + 1]); } return(_local2); } function addItem(p_mc) { mcs.push(p_mc); } function removeItem(p_mc) { var _local2 = mcs.length; while (_local2--) { if (mcs[_local2] == p_mc) { mcs.splice(_local2, 1); return(undefined); } } } function refresh() { var _local7 = mcs; var _local4 = []; var _local6 = _local7.length; while (_local6--) { var _local3 = mcs[_local6]; var _local2 = Math.ceil(_local3._x / gridSize); var _local5 = Math.ceil(_local3._y / gridSize); if (!_local4[_local2]) { _local4[_local2] = []; } if (!_local4[_local2][_local5]) { _local4[_local2][_local5] = [_local3]; continue; } _local4[_local2][_local5].push(_local3); } pos = _local4; } var gridSize = 25; }
Symbol 259 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIObject extends MovieClip { var _width, _height, _x, _y, _parent, _minHeight, _minWidth, _visible, dispatchEvent, _xscale, _yscale, methodTable, onEnterFrame, tfList, __width, __height, moveTo, lineTo, createTextField, attachMovie, buildDepthTable, findNextAvailableDepth, idNames, childrenCreated, _name, createAccessibilityImplementation, _endInit, validateNow, hasOwnProperty, initProperties, stylecache, className, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, _tf, fontFamily, fontSize, color, marginLeft, marginRight, fontStyle, fontWeight, textAlign, textIndent, textDecoration, embedFonts, styleName, enabled; function UIObject () { super(); constructObject(); } function get width() { return(_width); } function get height() { return(_height); } function get left() { return(_x); } function get x() { return(_x); } function get top() { return(_y); } function get y() { return(_y); } function get right() { return(_parent.width - (_x + width)); } function get bottom() { return(_parent.height - (_y + height)); } function getMinHeight(Void) { return(_minHeight); } function setMinHeight(h) { _minHeight = h; } function get minHeight() { return(getMinHeight()); } function set minHeight(h) { setMinHeight(h); //return(minHeight); } function getMinWidth(Void) { return(_minWidth); } function setMinWidth(w) { _minWidth = w; } function get minWidth() { return(getMinWidth()); } function set minWidth(w) { setMinWidth(w); //return(minWidth); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { if (x != _visible) { _visible = x; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:(x ? "reveal" : "hide")}); } } } function get visible() { return(_visible); } function set visible(x) { setVisible(x, false); //return(visible); } function get scaleX() { return(_xscale); } function set scaleX(x) { _xscale = x; //return(scaleX); } function get scaleY() { return(_yscale); } function set scaleY(y) { _yscale = y; //return(scaleY); } function doLater(obj, fn) { if (methodTable == undefined) { methodTable = new Array(); } methodTable.push({obj:obj, fn:fn}); onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function doLaterDispatcher(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; if (invalidateFlag) { redraw(); } var _local3 = methodTable; methodTable = new Array(); if (_local3.length > 0) { var _local2; while (_local2 = _local3.shift() , _local2 != undefined) { _local2.obj[_local2.fn](); } } } function cancelAllDoLaters(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; methodTable = new Array(); } function invalidate(Void) { invalidateFlag = true; onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function invalidateStyle(Void) { invalidate(); } function redraw(bAlways) { if (invalidateFlag || (bAlways)) { invalidateFlag = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in tfList) { tfList[_local2].draw(); } draw(); dispatchEvent({type:"draw"}); } } function draw(Void) { } function move(x, y, noEvent) { var _local3 = _x; var _local2 = _y; _x = x; _y = y; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"move", oldX:_local3, oldY:_local2}); } } function setSize(w, h, noEvent) { var _local3 = __width; var _local2 = __height; __width = w; __height = h; size(); if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"resize", oldWidth:_local3, oldHeight:_local2}); } } function size(Void) { _width = __width; _height = __height; } function drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2) { moveTo(x1, y1); lineTo(x2, y1); lineTo(x2, y2); lineTo(x1, y2); lineTo(x1, y1); } function createLabel(name, depth, text) { createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); var _local2 = this[name]; _local2._color = textColorList; _local2._visible = false; _local2.__text = text; if (tfList == undefined) { tfList = new Object(); } tfList[name] = _local2; _local2.invalidateStyle(); invalidate(); _local2.styleName = this; return(_local2); } function createObject(linkageName, id, depth, initobj) { return(attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj)); } function createClassObject(className, id, depth, initobj) { var _local3 = className.symbolName == undefined; if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className); } var _local4 = mx.core.UIObject(createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj)); if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner); } return(_local4); } function createEmptyObject(id, depth) { return(createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth)); } function destroyObject(id) { var _local2 = this[id]; if (_local2.getDepth() < 0) { var _local4 = buildDepthTable(); var _local5 = findNextAvailableDepth(0, _local4, "up"); var _local3 = _local5; _local2.swapDepths(_local3); } _local2.removeMovieClip(); delete this[id]; } function getSkinIDName(tag) { return(idNames[tag]); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initObj) { if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) { mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement); } return(createObject(linkageName, getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj)); } function createSkin(tag) { var _local2 = getSkinIDName(tag); createEmptyObject(_local2, tag); return(this[_local2]); } function createChildren(Void) { } function _createChildren(Void) { createChildren(); childrenCreated = true; } function constructObject(Void) { if (_name == undefined) { return(undefined); } init(); _createChildren(); createAccessibilityImplementation(); _endInit(); if (validateNow) { redraw(true); } else { invalidate(); } } function initFromClipParameters(Void) { var _local4 = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in clipParameters) { if (hasOwnProperty(_local2)) { _local4 = true; this["def_" + _local2] = this[_local2]; delete this[_local2]; } } if (_local4) { for (_local2 in clipParameters) { var _local3 = this["def_" + _local2]; if (_local3 != undefined) { this[_local2] = _local3; } } } } function init(Void) { __width = _width; __height = _height; if (initProperties == undefined) { initFromClipParameters(); } else { initProperties(); } if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) { stylecache = new Object(); } } function getClassStyleDeclaration(Void) { var _local4 = this; var _local3 = className; while (_local3 != undefined) { if (ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[_local3] == undefined) { if (_global.styles[_local3] != undefined) { return(_global.styles[_local3]); } } _local4 = _local4.__proto__; _local3 = _local4.className; } } function setColor(color) { } function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) { var _local8 =; if (_local8 != undefined) { var _local3; for (_local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local8[_local3]; } } } return(false); } var _local6 = false; for (var _local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { var _local5 = _tf[_local3]; if (_local5 != undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local5; } else if ((_local3 == "font") && (fontFamily != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontFamily; } else if ((_local3 == "size") && (fontSize != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontSize; } else if ((_local3 == "color") && (color != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = color; } else if ((_local3 == "leftMargin") && (marginLeft != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginLeft; } else if ((_local3 == "rightMargin") && (marginRight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginRight; } else if ((_local3 == "italic") && (fontStyle != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontStyle == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "bold") && (fontWeight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontWeight == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "align") && (textAlign != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textAlign; } else if ((_local3 == "indent") && (textIndent != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textIndent; } else if ((_local3 == "underline") && (textDecoration != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textDecoration == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "embedFonts") && (embedFonts != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = embedFonts; } else { _local6 = true; } } } } if (_local6) { var _local9 = styleName; if (_local9 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local9) != "string") { _local6 = _local9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } else if (_global.styles[_local9] != undefined) { _local6 = _global.styles[_local9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } } if (_local6) { var _local10 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local10 != undefined) { _local6 = _local10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } if (_local6) { if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (_parent != undefined) { _local6 = _parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false); } } } if (_local6) { _local6 =, true, this); } return(_local6); } function _getTextFormat(Void) { var _local2 =; if (_local2 != undefined) { return(_local2); } _local2 = new TextFormat(); __getTextFormat(_local2, true); = _local2; if (enabled == false) { var _local3 = getStyle("disabledColor"); _local2.color = _local3; } return(_local2); } function getStyleName(Void) { var _local2 = styleName; if (_local2 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local2) != "string") { return(_local2.getStyleName()); } return(_local2); } if (_parent != undefined) { return(_parent.getStyleName()); } return(undefined); } function getStyle(styleProp) { var _local3; _global.getStyleCounter++; if (this[styleProp] != undefined) { return(this[styleProp]); } var _local6 = styleName; if (_local6 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local6) != "string") { _local3 = _local6.getStyle(styleProp); } else { var _local7 = _global.styles[_local6]; _local3 = _local7.getStyle(styleProp); } } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } var _local7 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local7 != undefined) { _local3 = _local7[styleProp]; } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp))) { var _local5 = stylecache; if (_local5 != undefined) { if (_local5[styleProp] != undefined) { return(_local5[styleProp]); } } if (_parent != undefined) { _local3 = _parent.getStyle(styleProp); } else { _local3 =[styleProp]; } if (_local5 != undefined) { _local5[styleProp] = _local3; } return(_local3); } } if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 =[styleProp]; } return(_local3); } static function mergeClipParameters(o, p) { for (var _local3 in p) { o[_local3] = p[_local3]; } return(true); } static var symbolName = "UIObject"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject; static var version = ""; static var textColorList = {color:1, disabledColor:1}; var invalidateFlag = false; var lineWidth = 1; var lineColor = 0; var tabEnabled = false; var clipParameters = {visible:1, minHeight:1, minWidth:1, maxHeight:1, maxWidth:1, preferredHeight:1, preferredWidth:1}; }
Symbol 260 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIComponent extends mx.core.UIObject { var __width, __height, invalidate, stylecache, removeEventListener, dispatchEvent, drawFocus, addEventListener, _xscale, _yscale, _focusrect, watch, enabled; function UIComponent () { super(); } function get width() { return(__width); } function get height() { return(__height); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); } function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) { setEnabled(newValue); invalidate(); delete; return(newValue); } function setEnabled(enabled) { invalidate(); } function getFocus() { var selFocus = Selection.getFocus(); return(((selFocus === null) ? null : (eval (selFocus)))); } function setFocus() { Selection.setFocus(this); } function getFocusManager() { var _local2 = this; while (_local2 != undefined) { if (_local2.focusManager != undefined) { return(_local2.focusManager); } _local2 = _local2._parent; } return(undefined); } function onKillFocus(newFocus) { removeEventListener("keyDown", this); removeEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusOut"}); drawFocus(false); } function onSetFocus(oldFocus) { addEventListener("keyDown", this); addEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusIn"}); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { drawFocus(true); } } function findFocusInChildren(o) { if (o.focusTextField != undefined) { return(o.focusTextField); } if (o.tabEnabled == true) { return(o); } return(undefined); } function findFocusFromObject(o) { if (o.tabEnabled != true) { if (o._parent == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) { o = o._parent; } else if (o._parent.tabChildren) { o = findFocusInChildren(o._parent); } else { o = findFocusFromObject(o._parent); } } return(o); } function pressFocus() { var _local3 = findFocusFromObject(this); var _local2 = getFocus(); if (_local3 != _local2) { _local2.drawFocus(false); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { _local3.drawFocus(true); } } } function releaseFocus() { var _local2 = findFocusFromObject(this); if (_local2 != getFocus()) { _local2.setFocus(); } } function isParent(o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o == this) { return(true); } o = o._parent; } return(false); } function size() { } function init() { super.init(); _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; _focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false; watch("enabled", enabledChanged); if (enabled == false) { setEnabled(false); } } function dispatchValueChangedEvent(value) { dispatchEvent({type:"valueChanged", value:value}); } static var symbolName = "UIComponent"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; static var version = ""; static var kStretch = 5000; var focusEnabled = true; var tabEnabled = true; var origBorderStyles = {themeColor:16711680}; var clipParameters = {}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters); }
Symbol 261 MovieClip [__Packages.HiScores] Frame 0
class HiScores extends mx.core.UIComponent { var _visible, g5User, g5UserExists, gameId, levelId, gameCode, lowIsBest, score, msg1, msg2, movEntryScreen, movAutoEntryScreen, movInfoScreen, invalidate, getURL; function HiScores () { super(); _visible = false; } function setDetails(gameId, levelId, gameCode, lowIsBest, score, msg1, msg2) { g5User ="getG5User"); g5UserExists = ((g5User == null) ? false : (!isNaN(g5User[0]))); this.gameId = gameId; this.levelId = levelId; this.gameCode = gameCode; this.lowIsBest = lowIsBest; this.score = score; this.msg1 = msg1; this.msg2 = msg2; entryScreen = movEntryScreen; autoEntryScreen = movAutoEntryScreen; infoScreen = movInfoScreen; entryScreen._visible = false; autoEntryScreen._visible = false; infoScreen._visible = false; if (g5UserExists) { showAutoEntryScreen(); } else { showEntryScreen(); } _visible = true; } function createChildren() { size(); } function size() { super.size(); invalidate(); } function secCodeLoad() { var _local2 = new MovieClipLoader(); _local2.loadClip((HS_SERVLET_URL + "?type=genCode&cachebuster=") + new Date().getTime(), entryScreen.movCode); } function back() { entryScreen._visible = true; infoScreen._visible = false; } function viewScore() { if (g5UserExists) { getURL((((((((HI_SCORE_URL + gameCode) + "_hs") + "&userId=") + g5User[0]) + "&levelId=") + levelId) + "&cachebuster=") + new Date().getTime(), "_blank"); } else { getURL((((((((HI_SCORE_URL + gameCode) + "_hs") + "&name=") + entryScreen.txtName.text) + "&levelId=") + levelId) + "&cachebuster=") + new Date().getTime(), "_blank"); } } function showEntryScreen() { entryScreen.txtMsg1.text = msg1; entryScreen.txtMsg2.text = msg2; entryScreen.txtName.text = ""; entryScreen.txtCode.text = ""; entryScreen._visible = true; secCodeLoad(); } function showAutoEntryScreen() { autoEntryScreen.txtMsg1.text = msg1; autoEntryScreen.txtMsg2.text = msg2; autoEntryScreen.txtName.text = g5User[1]; autoEntryScreen._visible = true; } function showInfoMessage(msg, error) { infoScreen.txtInfo.text = msg; infoScreen.btnBack._visible = error; infoScreen.btnView._visible = !error; } function submitScore() { entryScreen._visible = false; autoEntryScreen._visible = false; infoScreen._visible = true; var _local8 = true; if ((!g5UserExists) && (entryScreen.txtName.text.length == 0)) { showInfoMessage("Please enter your name.", true); } else if ((!g5UserExists) && (entryScreen.txtCode.text.length != 5)) { showInfoMessage("Please enter all 5 letters of the security code.", true); } else { showInfoMessage("Submitting hi-score details to the server, please wait.", true); infoScreen.btnBack._visible = false; _local8 = false; } if (!_local8) { var _local4 = "save|"; if (g5UserExists) { _local4 = _local4 + ((((((("----------|-----|" + score) + "|") + gameId) + "|") + levelId) + "|") + g5User[0]); } else { _local4 = _local4 + (((((((((entryScreen.txtName.text + "|") + entryScreen.txtCode.text) + "|") + score) + "|") + gameId) + "|") + levelId) + "|-----"); } var _local5 = ""; var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local3 < _local4.length) { if (_local2 >= KEY.length) { _local2 = 0; } _local5 = _local5 + String.fromCharCode((_local4.charCodeAt(_local3) ^ KEY.charCodeAt(_local2)) + 1); _local3++; _local2++; } var self = this; var _local6 = new LoadVars(); _local6.ffdata = _local5; _local6.lowIsBest = lowIsBest; _local6.sendAndLoad(HS_SERVLET_URL, _local6, "POST"); _local6.onLoad = function (success) { var _local2 = parseInt(this.res); if (!success) { self.showInfoMessage("A serious problem was encountered with the server, please try again in a few minutes.", true); } else if (_local2 == -1) { self.showInfoMessage("Could not store hi-score details. Click on back, generate a new security code and re-submit.", true); } else if (_local2 == 0) { self.showInfoMessage("Sorry, a better score already exists with that name.", false); } else if (_local2 == 1) { self.showInfoMessage("Congratulations! You made it into the\nhi-score table.", false); } }; } } function enterAnotherName() { g5UserExists = false; autoEntryScreen._visible = false; showEntryScreen(); } static var symbolName = "HiScores"; static var symbolOwner = HiScores; var className = "HiScores"; static var SERVER_URL = ""; static var HS_SERVLET_URL = SERVER_URL + "/servlet/hiServlet"; static var HI_SCORE_URL = SERVER_URL + "/index.jsp?id="; var KEY = "rocket"; var entryScreen = null; var autoEntryScreen = null; var infoScreen = null; }
Symbol 303 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.SkinElement extends MovieClip { var _visible, _x, _y, _width, _height; function SkinElement () { super(); } static function registerElement(name, className) { Object.registerClass(name, ((className == undefined) ? (mx.skins.SkinElement) : (className))); _global.skinRegistry[name] = true; } function __set__visible(visible) { _visible = visible; } function move(x, y) { _x = x; _y = y; } function setSize(w, h) { _width = w; _height = h; } }
Symbol 304 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.CSSTextStyles { function CSSTextStyles () { } static function addTextStyles(o, bColor) { o.addProperty("textAlign", function () { return(this._tf.align); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.align = x; }); o.addProperty("fontWeight", function () { return(((this._tf.bold != undefined) ? ((this._tf.bold ? "bold" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.bold = x == "bold"; }); if (bColor) { o.addProperty("color", function () { return(this._tf.color); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.color = x; }); } o.addProperty("fontFamily", function () { return(this._tf.font); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.font = x; }); o.addProperty("textIndent", function () { return(this._tf.indent); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.indent = x; }); o.addProperty("fontStyle", function () { return(((this._tf.italic != undefined) ? ((this._tf.italic ? "italic" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.italic = x == "italic"; }); o.addProperty("marginLeft", function () { return(this._tf.leftMargin); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.leftMargin = x; }); o.addProperty("marginRight", function () { return(this._tf.rightMargin); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.rightMargin = x; }); o.addProperty("fontSize", function () { return(this._tf.size); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.size = x; }); o.addProperty("textDecoration", function () { return(((this._tf.underline != undefined) ? ((this._tf.underline ? "underline" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.underline = x == "underline"; }); o.addProperty("embedFonts", function () { return(this._tf.embedFonts); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.embedFonts = x; }); } }
Symbol 305 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.StyleManager { function StyleManager () { } static function registerInheritingStyle(styleName) { inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; } static function isInheritingStyle(styleName) { return(inheritingStyles[styleName] == true); } static function registerColorStyle(styleName) { colorStyles[styleName] = true; } static function isColorStyle(styleName) { return(colorStyles[styleName] == true); } static function registerColorName(colorName, colorValue) { colorNames[colorName] = colorValue; } static function isColorName(colorName) { return(colorNames[colorName] != undefined); } static function getColorName(colorName) { return(colorNames[colorName]); } static var inheritingStyles = {color:true, direction:true, fontFamily:true, fontSize:true, fontStyle:true, fontWeight:true, textAlign:true, textIndent:true}; static var colorStyles = {barColor:true, trackColor:true, borderColor:true, buttonColor:true, color:true, dateHeaderColor:true, dateRollOverColor:true, disabledColor:true, fillColor:true, highlightColor:true, scrollTrackColor:true, selectedDateColor:true, shadowColor:true, strokeColor:true, symbolBackgroundColor:true, symbolBackgroundDisabledColor:true, symbolBackgroundPressedColor:true, symbolColor:true, symbolDisabledColor:true, themeColor:true, todayIndicatorColor:true, shadowCapColor:true, borderCapColor:true, focusColor:true}; static var colorNames = {black:0, white:16777215, red:16711680, green:65280, blue:255, magenta:16711935, yellow:16776960, cyan:65535, haloGreen:8453965, haloBlue:2881013, haloOrange:16761344}; static var TextFormatStyleProps = {font:true, size:true, color:true, leftMargin:false, rightMargin:false, italic:true, bold:true, align:true, indent:true, underline:false, embedFonts:false}; static var TextStyleMap = {textAlign:true, fontWeight:true, color:true, fontFamily:true, textIndent:true, fontStyle:true, lineHeight:true, marginLeft:true, marginRight:true, fontSize:true, textDecoration:true, embedFonts:true}; }
Symbol 306 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration { var _tf; function CSSStyleDeclaration () { } function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) { var _local5 = false; if (_tf != undefined) { var _local2; for (_local2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local2])) { if (tf[_local2] == undefined) { var _local3 = _tf[_local2]; if (_local3 != undefined) { tf[_local2] = _local3; } else { _local5 = true; } } } } } else { _local5 = true; } return(_local5); } function getStyle(styleProp) { var _local2 = this[styleProp]; var _local3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(_local2); return(((_local3 == undefined) ? (_local2) : (_local3))); } static function classConstruct() { mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true); return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; }
Symbol 309 MovieClip [__Packages.Splash] Frame 0
class Splash extends mx.core.UIComponent { var useHandCursor, boundingBox_mc, invalidate; function Splash () { super(); } function init() { super.init(); useHandCursor = false; boundingBox_mc._visible = false; } function createChildren() { size(); } function size() { super.size(); invalidate(); } function draw() { super.draw(); if (_global.isLivePreview) { boundingBox_mc._visible = true; } else { boundingBox_mc._visible = false; } } function getFrameAfterCompletion() { return(frameAfterCompletion); } function setFrameAfterCompletion(frameAfterCompletion) { this.frameAfterCompletion = frameAfterCompletion; } static var symbolName = "Splash"; static var symbolOwner = Splash; var className = "Splash"; var frameAfterCompletion = 0; }
Symbol 194 MovieClip [cHair] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { this._rotation = this._rotation + 3; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; }
Symbol 199 MovieClip [muteB] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.bMute == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } function onRelease() { if (_root.bMute == true) { _root.bMute = false; _root.shotA.setVolume(70);; } else { _root.bMute = true; _root.shotA.setVolume(0);; } }
Symbol 200 MovieClip [blackOut] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (this._alpha > 1) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 2; } else { _root.removeMC(this); } }
Symbol 225 MovieClip Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bSetup) { this.dirx = -2; this.diry = -2; this.bSetup = true; } this.container._x = this.container._x + this.dirx; this.container._y = this.container._y + this.diry; if (this.container._x <= -400) { this.dirx = 2; } else if (this.container._x >= 0) { this.dirx = -2; } if (this.container._y <= -350) { this.diry = 2; } else if (this.container._y >= 0) { this.diry = -2; } this.bg1._x = this.container._x * 0.2; this.bg1._y = this.container._y * 0.2; }
Symbol 232 MovieClip [insScreen] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { this.scoreText.text = _root.playerScore; } this.mmButton.onRelease = function () { _root.startGame(); }; this.mmButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.subButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.PAGbutton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); };
Symbol 243 MovieClip [mainMenu] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!this.bShowIns) { if (this.ins._xscale > 1) { this.ins._xscale = this.ins._xscale - 5; } } else if (this.ins._xscale < 100) { this.ins._xscale = this.ins._xscale + 5; } } this.startButton.onRelease = function () { _root.newGame(); }; this.HSbutton.onRelease = function () {; mochi.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:"ae81787d5f9d358a", onClose:function () { _root.startGame(); }}); _root.attachMovie("leadBG", "bgl", 0, {_x:0, _y:0}); }; this.PAGbutton.onRelease = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; this.insButton.onRelease = function () { _root.attachMovie("insScreen", "bgl", 0, {_x:0, _y:0}); }; this.credButton.onRelease = function () { _root.attachMovie("credits", "bgl", 0, {_x:0, _y:0}); }; this.HSbutton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.credButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.PAGbutton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.startButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.insButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); };
Symbol 253 MovieClip [endScreen] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { this.scoreText.text = _root.playerScore; } this.mmButton.onRelease = function () { _root.startGame(); }; this.paButton.onRelease = function () { _root.newGame(); }; this.subButton.onRelease = function () {; _root.attachMovie("leadBG", "bgl", 0, {_x:0, _y:0}); _root.removeMC(this._parent); }; this.PAGbutton.onRelease = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; this.mmButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.paButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.subButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.PAGbutton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); };
Symbol 258 MovieClip [credits] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { this.scoreText.text = _root.playerScore; } this.mmButton.onRelease = function () { _root.startGame(); }; this.mmButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.subButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.PAGbutton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); };
Symbol 279 Button
on (release) { _parent.submitScore(); }
Symbol 281 Button
on (release) { _parent.secCodeLoad(); }
Symbol 292 Button
on (release) { _parent.enterAnotherName(); }
Symbol 296 Button
on (release) { _parent.back(); }
Symbol 299 Button
on (release) { _parent.viewScore(); }
Symbol 302 MovieClip [HiScores] Frame 1
#initclip 57 Object.registerClass("HiScores", HiScores); #endinitclip
Symbol 307 MovieClip [leadBG] Frame 1
function onEnterFrame() { if (!bDone) { _root.lightfx._alpha = 0; bDone = true; this.movHiScores.setDetails(89, 0, "ecaps", false, _root.playerScore, _root.playerScore, "Points"); } } this.mmButton.onRelease = function () { _root.startGame(); }; this.subButton.onRelease = function () {; mochi.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:"ae81787d5f9d358a", score:_root.playerScore, onClose:function () { _root.startGame(); }}); }; this.PAGbutton.onRelease = function () { getURL (""); }; this.mmButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.subButton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); }; this.PAGbutton.onRollOver = function () { _root.mOver.start(); };
Instance of Symbol 302 MovieClip [HiScores] "movHiScores" in Symbol 307 MovieClip [leadBG] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Symbol 319 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 330 MovieClip [Splash] Frame 1
#initclip 58 Object.registerClass("Splash", Splash); #endinitclip
Symbol 330 MovieClip [Splash] Frame 91

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [NWAVE]
Symbol 2 Sound [mShip]
Symbol 3 MovieClip [music]
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClip [pulse2]Uses:4
Symbol 6 BitmapUsed by:7
Symbol 7 GraphicUses:6Used by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:9 26
Symbol 9 MovieClip [Epusle]Uses:8
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:10Used by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClip [magProj]Uses:11
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:13Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip [mineProj]Uses:14
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:17Used by:25 108 125 155 158 160 162 164 166 168
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip [shockProj]Uses:16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Symbol 26 MovieClip [pulse]Uses:8
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:27Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClip [pulsefx]Uses:28
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:30Used by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClip [rspark]Uses:31
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:33Used by:35 36 37 41
Symbol 35 MovieClip [nukeFX]Uses:34
Symbol 36 MovieClip [cleaner]Uses:34
Symbol 37 MovieClip [blast2]Uses:34
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:38Used by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClip [colFX]Uses:39
Symbol 41 MovieClip [blast]Uses:34
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClip [spark]Uses:43
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:46Used by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:45 47Used by:61
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:52
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:50Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClipUses:49 51Used by:61 155
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:54Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:53 55Used by:61 149
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:58Used by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:57 59Used by:61 147
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:48 52 56 60Used by:79
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:62Used by:76 108
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:64Used by:76 108
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:66Used by:76 108
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:68Used by:76
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:70Used by:76 108
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:72Used by:76 108
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:75 76
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:74Used by:76 108
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:63 65 67 69 71 73 75 74Used by:79
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClipUses:77Used by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClip [playernew]Uses:61 76 78
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:80Used by:84
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:82Used by:84 225
Symbol 84 MovieClip [container]Uses:81 83
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClip [light]Uses:85
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:87Used by:108
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:90
Symbol 90 MovieClipUses:89Used by:108
Symbol 91 FontUsed by:92 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 105 106 107 177 182 226 231 233 234 236 238 241 244 245 246 248 250 256
Symbol 92 EditableTextUses:91Used by:108
Symbol 93 TextUses:91Used by:108
Symbol 94 TextUses:91Used by:108
Symbol 95 TextUses:91Used by:108
Symbol 96 TextUses:91Used by:108
Symbol 97 EditableTextUses:91 255Used by:108
Symbol 98 EditableTextUses:91 255Used by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClip [waveTimer]Uses:98Used by:108  Timeline
Symbol 100 TextUses:91Used by:108
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:101Used by:108
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClip [map]Uses:103Used by:108
Symbol 105 EditableTextUses:91Used by:108
Symbol 106 EditableTextUses:91Used by:108
Symbol 107 EditableTextUses:91Used by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud]Uses:88 90 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 100 102 63 65 67 71 73 75 18 104 105 106 107
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:109Used by:125 126 129
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:111Used by:125 126 129
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClipUses:113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123Used by:125 134 169
Symbol 125 MovieClip [enemyBoss]Uses:110 112 124 18
Symbol 126 MovieClip [shieldBlue]Uses:110 112
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:128 200
Symbol 128 MovieClipUses:127Used by:129 134 139 144
Symbol 129 MovieClip [enemyBlue]Uses:110 112 128
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 131 MovieClipUses:130Used by:134
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 133 MovieClipUses:132Used by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClip [enemyGreen]Uses:131 133 128 124
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:135Used by:139
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:137Used by:139
Symbol 139 MovieClip [enemyRed]Uses:136 138 128
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClipUses:140Used by:144
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:142Used by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemyYellow]Uses:141 143 128
Symbol 145 FontUsed by:146 148 150 154 157 159 161 163 165 167
Symbol 146 TextUses:145Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClip [electroPickUp]Uses:146 60
Symbol 148 TextUses:145Used by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClip [defensePickUp]Uses:148 56
Symbol 150 TextUses:145Used by:153
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:151Used by:153
Symbol 153 MovieClip [hullPickUp]Uses:150 152
Symbol 154 TextUses:145Used by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClip [shieldlPickUp]Uses:154 52 18
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:158 160 162 164 166 168
Symbol 157 TextUses:145Used by:158
Symbol 158 MovieClip [telePickUp]Uses:156 157 18
Symbol 159 TextUses:145Used by:160
Symbol 160 MovieClip [nukePickUp]Uses:156 159 18
Symbol 161 TextUses:145Used by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClip [magPickUp]Uses:156 161 18
Symbol 163 TextUses:145Used by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClip [shkPickUp]Uses:156 163 18
Symbol 165 TextUses:145Used by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClip [plsPickUp]Uses:156 165 18
Symbol 167 TextUses:145Used by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClip [lsrPickUp]Uses:156 167 18
Symbol 169 MovieClip [electroPulse]Uses:124
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:171
Symbol 171 MovieClipUses:170Used by:172
Symbol 172 MovieClip [blueShot]Uses:171
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClipUses:173Used by:175
Symbol 175 MovieClip [phaseBeam]Uses:174
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:180
Symbol 177 TextUses:91Used by:180 230
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 179 MovieClipUses:178Used by:180
Symbol 180 MovieClipUses:176 177 179Used by:186
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:184
Symbol 182 TextUses:91Used by:184
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:184
Symbol 184 ButtonUses:181 182 183Used by:186
Symbol 185 SoundUsed by:186 230
Symbol 186 MovieClip [popup]Uses:180 184 185
Symbol 187 MovieClipUsed by:191
Symbol 188 BitmapUsed by:189
Symbol 189 GraphicUses:188Used by:190
Symbol 190 MovieClipUses:189Used by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClip [bg1]Uses:187 190Used by:225
Symbol 331 MovieClip [__Packages.EPulse]
Symbol 332 MovieClip [__Packages.Mine]
Symbol 333 MovieClip [__Packages.Pulse]
Symbol 334 MovieClip [__Packages.NukeFX]
Symbol 335 MovieClip [__Packages.Cleaner]
Symbol 336 MovieClip [__Packages.Blast]
Symbol 337 MovieClip [__Packages.Spark]
Symbol 338 MovieClip [__Packages.Player]
Symbol 339 MovieClip [__Packages.Map]
Symbol 340 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyBoss]
Symbol 341 MovieClip [__Packages.ShieldBlue]
Symbol 342 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyBlue]
Symbol 343 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyGreen]
Symbol 344 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyRed]
Symbol 345 MovieClip [__Packages.EnemyYellow]
Symbol 346 MovieClip [__Packages.ElectroPickup]
Symbol 347 MovieClip [__Packages.DefensePickup]
Symbol 348 MovieClip [__Packages.HullPickup]
Symbol 349 MovieClip [__Packages.ShieldPickup]
Symbol 350 MovieClip [__Packages.BlueShot]
Symbol 351 MovieClip [__Packages.PhaseBeam]
Symbol 352 MovieClip [__Packages.Beam]
Symbol 353 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd]
Symbol 354 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiScores]
Symbol 355 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiServices]
Symbol 356 MovieClip [__Packages.ProximityManager]
Symbol 259 MovieClip []
Symbol 260 MovieClip []
Symbol 261 MovieClip [__Packages.HiScores]
Symbol 303 MovieClip []
Symbol 304 MovieClip []
Symbol 305 MovieClip []
Symbol 306 MovieClip []
Symbol 309 MovieClip [__Packages.Splash]
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:193
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:192Used by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClip [cHair]Uses:193Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:196
Symbol 196 MovieClipUses:195Used by:199
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 198 MovieClipUses:197Used by:199
Symbol 199 MovieClip [muteB]Uses:196 198Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 MovieClip [blackOut]Uses:127Used by:Timeline
Symbol 201 Sound [bgm]Used by:308
Symbol 202 Sound [EnemySpawn]Used by:308
Symbol 203 Sound [explosion2]Used by:308
Symbol 204 Sound [lazer_retro]Used by:308
Symbol 205 Sound [lazer_retro2]Used by:308
Symbol 206 Sound [mouse_over1]Used by:308
Symbol 207 Sound [PlayerSpawn]Used by:308
Symbol 208 Sound [beam]Used by:308
Symbol 209 Sound [collected]Used by:308
Symbol 210 Sound [Collect]Used by:308
Symbol 211 Sound [Explode]Used by:308
Symbol 212 Sound [hit1]Used by:308
Symbol 213 Sound [lazer]Used by:308
Symbol 214 Sound [mOver]Used by:308
Symbol 215 Sound [pcollect]Used by:308
Symbol 216 Sound [pulsor]Used by:308
Symbol 217 Sound [ShockX]Used by:308
Symbol 218 Sound [shot1]Used by:308
Symbol 219 Sound [shot2]Used by:308
Symbol 220 Sound [shot3]Used by:308
Symbol 221 Sound [smallHit]Used by:308
Symbol 222 Sound [smallxplo]Used by:308
Symbol 223 Sound [spawn]Used by:308
Symbol 224 Sound [zap]Used by:308
Symbol 225 MovieClipUses:191 83Used by:232 243 253 258 307
Symbol 226 TextUses:91Used by:228
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:228 235 237 239 242 247 251
Symbol 228 ButtonUses:226 227Used by:232 253 258 307
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:230
Symbol 230 MovieClipUses:229 177 185Used by:232
Symbol 231 TextUses:91Used by:232 243 253 258 307
Symbol 232 MovieClip [insScreen]Uses:225 228 230 231Used by:308
Symbol 233 TextUses:91Used by:243
Symbol 234 TextUses:91Used by:235
Symbol 235 ButtonUses:234 227Used by:243 253
Symbol 236 TextUses:91Used by:237
Symbol 237 ButtonUses:236 227Used by:243
Symbol 238 TextUses:91Used by:239
Symbol 239 ButtonUses:238 227Used by:243
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:243
Symbol 241 TextUses:91Used by:242
Symbol 242 ButtonUses:241 227Used by:243
Symbol 243 MovieClip [mainMenu]Uses:225 233 231 235 237 239 240 242Used by:308
Symbol 244 TextUses:91Used by:253
Symbol 245 TextUses:91Used by:247
Symbol 246 TextUses:91Used by:247
Symbol 247 ButtonUses:245 227 246Used by:253
Symbol 248 EditableTextUses:91 255Used by:253
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:253
Symbol 250 TextUses:91Used by:251
Symbol 251 ButtonUses:250 227Used by:253
Symbol 252 SoundUsed by:253
Symbol 253 MovieClip [endScreen]Uses:225 231 244 235 228 247 248 249 251 252Used by:308
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:257
Symbol 255 FontUsed by:97 98 248 256
Symbol 256 EditableTextUses:91 255Used by:257
Symbol 257 MovieClipUses:254 256Used by:258
Symbol 258 MovieClip [credits]Uses:225 228 231 257Used by:308
Symbol 262 BitmapUsed by:263
Symbol 263 GraphicUses:262Used by:302
Symbol 264 BitmapUsed by:265
Symbol 265 GraphicUses:264Used by:302
Symbol 266 GraphicUsed by:285
Symbol 267 FontUsed by:268 269 270 271 272 276 278 284 287 289 291 294 295 297 298 300
Symbol 268 TextUses:267Used by:285
Symbol 269 EditableTextUses:267Used by:285 293
Symbol 270 EditableTextUses:267Used by:285 293
Symbol 271 TextUses:267Used by:285
Symbol 272 EditableTextUses:267Used by:285
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:279 296 299
Symbol 274 GraphicUsed by:279 296 299
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:279 296 299
Symbol 276 TextUses:267Used by:279
Symbol 277 GraphicUsed by:279 296 299
Symbol 278 TextUses:267Used by:279
Symbol 279 ButtonUses:273 274 275 276 277 278Used by:285 293
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 281 ButtonUses:280Used by:285
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:285
Symbol 283 MovieClipUsed by:285
Symbol 284 EditableTextUses:267Used by:285 293
Symbol 285 MovieClipUses:266 268 269 270 271 272 279 281 282 283 284Used by:302
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:293 301
Symbol 287 TextUses:267Used by:293
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 289 TextUses:267Used by:292
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 291 TextUses:267Used by:292
Symbol 292 ButtonUses:288 289 290 291Used by:293
Symbol 293 MovieClipUses:286 269 270 279 284 287 292Used by:302
Symbol 294 TextUses:267Used by:296
Symbol 295 TextUses:267Used by:296
Symbol 296 ButtonUses:273 274 275 294 277 295Used by:301
Symbol 297 TextUses:267Used by:299
Symbol 298 TextUses:267Used by:299
Symbol 299 ButtonUses:273 274 275 297 277 298Used by:301
Symbol 300 EditableTextUses:267Used by:301
Symbol 301 MovieClipUses:296 299 286 300Used by:302
Symbol 302 MovieClip [HiScores]Uses:263 265 285 293 301Used by:307
Symbol 307 MovieClip [leadBG]Uses:225 231 228 302Used by:308
Symbol 308 MovieClipUses:201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 232 243 253 258 307Used by:Timeline
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:316
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:316
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 313 MovieClipUses:312Used by:316
Symbol 314 BitmapUsed by:315
Symbol 315 GraphicUses:314Used by:316
Symbol 316 MovieClipUses:310 311 313 315Used by:330
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:319
Symbol 318 GraphicUsed by:319
Symbol 319 ButtonUses:317 318Used by:330
Symbol 320 BitmapUsed by:321
Symbol 321 GraphicUses:320Used by:322
Symbol 322 MovieClipUses:321Used by:330
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:326
Symbol 324 BitmapUsed by:325
Symbol 325 GraphicUses:324Used by:326
Symbol 326 MovieClipUses:323 325Used by:330
Symbol 327 Sound [sndSlap]Used by:330
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:329
Symbol 329 MovieClipUses:328Used by:330
Symbol 330 MovieClip [Splash]Uses:316 319 322 326 327 329Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"outer"Symbol 12 MovieClip [magProj] Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"outer2"Symbol 12 MovieClip [magProj] Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"hull"Symbol 79 MovieClip [playernew] Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"weapon"Symbol 79 MovieClip [playernew] Frame 1Symbol 76 MovieClip
"SHIELD"Symbol 79 MovieClip [playernew] Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip
"timeDisplay"Symbol 99 MovieClip [waveTimer] Frame 1Symbol 98 EditableText
"sp"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip
"wep"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 90 MovieClip
"sWeapon"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 92 EditableText
"sH"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip
"scoreText"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 97 EditableText
"w1"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip
"w2"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip
"w3"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip
"w5"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip
"w6"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip
"w7"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip
"mineText"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 105 EditableText
"magText"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 106 EditableText
"nukeText"Symbol 108 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1Symbol 107 EditableText
"hc"Symbol 125 MovieClip [enemyBoss] Frame 1Symbol 112 MovieClip
"lgtning"Symbol 125 MovieClip [enemyBoss] Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"hc"Symbol 126 MovieClip [shieldBlue] Frame 1Symbol 112 MovieClip
"hMask"Symbol 129 MovieClip [enemyBlue] Frame 1Symbol 128 MovieClip
"hMask"Symbol 134 MovieClip [enemyGreen] Frame 1Symbol 128 MovieClip
"lgtning"Symbol 134 MovieClip [enemyGreen] Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"hMask"Symbol 139 MovieClip [enemyRed] Frame 1Symbol 128 MovieClip
"hMask"Symbol 144 MovieClip [enemyYellow] Frame 1Symbol 128 MovieClip
"lightning"Symbol 169 MovieClip [electroPulse] Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"conButton"Symbol 186 MovieClip [popup] Frame 1Symbol 184 Button
"bg1"Symbol 225 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 191 MovieClip [bg1]
"container"Symbol 225 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 83 MovieClip
"mmButton"Symbol 232 MovieClip [insScreen] Frame 1Symbol 228 Button
"PAGbutton"Symbol 243 MovieClip [mainMenu] Frame 1Symbol 235 Button
"startButton"Symbol 243 MovieClip [mainMenu] Frame 1Symbol 237 Button
"credButton"Symbol 243 MovieClip [mainMenu] Frame 1Symbol 239 Button
"insButton"Symbol 243 MovieClip [mainMenu] Frame 1Symbol 242 Button
"PAGbutton"Symbol 253 MovieClip [endScreen] Frame 1Symbol 235 Button
"mmButton"Symbol 253 MovieClip [endScreen] Frame 1Symbol 228 Button
"subButton"Symbol 253 MovieClip [endScreen] Frame 1Symbol 247 Button
"scoreText"Symbol 253 MovieClip [endScreen] Frame 1Symbol 248 EditableText
"paButton"Symbol 253 MovieClip [endScreen] Frame 1Symbol 251 Button
"mmButton"Symbol 258 MovieClip [credits] Frame 1Symbol 228 Button
"txtMsg1"Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 269 EditableText
"txtName"Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 270 EditableText
"txtCode"Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 272 EditableText
"btnSubmit"Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 279 Button
"btnRefreshCode"Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 281 Button
"movCode"Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 283 MovieClip
"txtMsg2"Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 284 EditableText
"txtMsg1"Symbol 293 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 269 EditableText
"txtName"Symbol 293 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 270 EditableText
"btnSubmit"Symbol 293 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 279 Button
"txtMsg2"Symbol 293 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 284 EditableText
"btnEnterAnother"Symbol 293 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 292 Button
"btnBack"Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 296 Button
"btnView"Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 299 Button
"txtInfo"Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 300 EditableText
"movEntryScreen"Symbol 302 MovieClip [HiScores] Frame 1Symbol 285 MovieClip
"movAutoEntryScreen"Symbol 302 MovieClip [HiScores] Frame 1Symbol 293 MovieClip
"movInfoScreen"Symbol 302 MovieClip [HiScores] Frame 1Symbol 301 MovieClip
"mmButton"Symbol 307 MovieClip [leadBG] Frame 1Symbol 228 Button
"movHiScores"Symbol 307 MovieClip [leadBG] Frame 1Symbol 302 MovieClip [HiScores]
"btnUrl"Symbol 330 MovieClip [Splash] Frame 1Symbol 319 Button
"hand"Symbol 330 MovieClip [Splash] Frame 10Symbol 326 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access network only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "NWAVE"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "mShip"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "music"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "pulse2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 9 as "Epusle"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as "magProj"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 15 as "mineProj"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 25 as "shockProj"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 26 as "pulse"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 29 as "pulsefx"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 32 as "rspark"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 35 as "nukeFX"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 36 as "cleaner"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 37 as "blast2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 40 as "colFX"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 41 as "blast"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 44 as "spark"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 79 as "playernew"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 84 as "container"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 86 as "light"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 99 as "waveTimer"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 104 as "map"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 108 as "hud"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 125 as "enemyBoss"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 126 as "shieldBlue"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 129 as "enemyBlue"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 134 as "enemyGreen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 139 as "enemyRed"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 144 as "enemyYellow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 147 as "electroPickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 149 as "defensePickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 153 as "hullPickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 155 as "shieldlPickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 158 as "telePickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 160 as "nukePickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 162 as "magPickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 164 as "shkPickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 166 as "plsPickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 168 as "lsrPickUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 169 as "electroPulse"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 172 as "blueShot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 175 as "phaseBeam"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 186 as "popup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 191 as "bg1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 331 as "__Packages.EPulse"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 332 as "__Packages.Mine"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 333 as "__Packages.Pulse"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 334 as "__Packages.NukeFX"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 335 as "__Packages.Cleaner"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 336 as "__Packages.Blast"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 337 as "__Packages.Spark"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 338 as "__Packages.Player"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 339 as "__Packages.Map"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 340 as "__Packages.EnemyBoss"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 341 as "__Packages.ShieldBlue"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 342 as "__Packages.EnemyBlue"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 343 as "__Packages.EnemyGreen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 344 as "__Packages.EnemyRed"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 345 as "__Packages.EnemyYellow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 346 as "__Packages.ElectroPickup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 347 as "__Packages.DefensePickup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 348 as "__Packages.HullPickup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 349 as "__Packages.ShieldPickup"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 350 as "__Packages.BlueShot"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 351 as "__Packages.PhaseBeam"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 352 as "__Packages.Beam"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 353 as "__Packages.MochiAd"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 354 as "__Packages.mochi.MochiScores"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 355 as "__Packages.mochi.MochiServices"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 356 as "__Packages.ProximityManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 259 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 260 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 261 as "__Packages.HiScores"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 303 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 304 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 305 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 306 as ""
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 194 as "cHair"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 199 as "muteB"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 200 as "blackOut"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 201 as "bgm"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 202 as "EnemySpawn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 203 as "explosion2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 204 as "lazer_retro"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 205 as "lazer_retro2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 206 as "mouse_over1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 207 as "PlayerSpawn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 208 as "beam"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 209 as "collected"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 210 as "Collect"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 211 as "Explode"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 212 as "hit1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 213 as "lazer"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 214 as "mOver"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 215 as "pcollect"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 216 as "pulsor"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 217 as "ShockX"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 218 as "shot1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 219 as "shot2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 220 as "shot3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 221 as "smallHit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 222 as "smallxplo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 223 as "spawn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 224 as "zap"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 232 as "insScreen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 243 as "mainMenu"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 253 as "endScreen"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 258 as "credits"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 302 as "HiScores"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 307 as "leadBG"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 327 as "sndSlap"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 330 as "Splash"
Created: 11/5 -2019 07:38:00 Last modified: 11/5 -2019 07:38:00 Server time: 05/11 -2024 04:23:45