Frame 1
_root.shiplimit = 4;
_root.soundinabled = 1;
_root.mapmarker = new Object();
_root.assault = new Object();
_root.assault.spell1 = 0;
_root.assault.spell2 = 0;
_root.assault.spell3 = 0; = new Object(); = 0; = 0; = 0; = "None"; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;$name = "None";
_root.tourntaken = 0;
_root.planet1 = new Object();
_root.planet1.area1 = 0;
_root.planet1.area2 = 0;
_root.planet1.area3 = 0;
_root.planet1.area4 = 0;
_root.planet1.completed = 0;
_root.planet2 = new Object();
_root.planet2.area1 = 0;
_root.planet2.area2 = 0;
_root.planet2.area3 = 0;
_root.planet2.completed = 0;
_root.planet3 = new Object();
_root.planet3.area1 = 0;
_root.planet3.area2 = 0;
_root.planet3.area3 = 0;
_root.planet3.area4 = 0;
_root.planet3.completed = 0;
_root.planet4 = new Object();
_root.planet4.area1 = 0;
_root.planet4.area2 = 0;
_root.planet4.completed = 0;
_root.planet5 = new Object();
_root.planet5.area1 = 0;
_root.planet5.area2 = 0;
_root.planet5.area3 = 0;
_root.planet5.area4 = 0;
_root.planet5.completed = 0;
_root.armorowned = new Object();
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.uparmArclvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.uplegArclvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.footArclvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.footAdvlvl = 0;
_root.armorowned.Faction = 1;
_root.armorowned.Ator1 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Ator2 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Ator3 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Ator4 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Ator5 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Ator6 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aface1 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aface2 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aface3 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aface4 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aface5 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aface6 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aarm1 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aarm2 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aarm3 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aarm4 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aarm5 = 0;
_root.armorowned.Aarm6 = 0;
_root.armorowned.access = 1;
_root.armorowned.mystic = 0;
_root.armorowned.forbidden = 0;
_root.armorowned.death = 0; = 0;
_root.staffstats = new Object();
_root.staffstats.lvl = 1;
_root.staffstats.str = 6;
_root.staffstats.ele = 10;
_root.side = new Object(); = 0;
_root.lethal = new Object();
_root.lethal.lvl = 1;
_root.lethal.str = 5;
_root.lethal.def = 5;
_root.lethalmode = 0;
_root.newwep = new Object();
_root.newwep.demon = 0;
_root.newwep.demonstr = 50;
_root.newwep.scythe = 0;
_root.newwep.scythestr = 45; = 0;
_root.newwep.energystr = 40;
_root.newwep.katana = 0;
_root.newwep.katanastr = 70;
_root.musicpick = "mix4";
_root.hunter_pts = 0;
_root.guild = "";
_root.lethalarmor = 1;
_root.Elevel = 0;
_root.Slevel = 0;
_root.MMlevel = 0;
_root.Mlevel = 0;
_root.abba = 10;
_root.baab = 10;
_root.exchanged = 0;
_root.chest = new Object();
_root.chest.c1 = false;
_root.chest.c2 = false;
_root.chest.c3 = false;
_root.chest.c4 = false;
_root.chest.c5 = false;
_root.chest.c6 = false;
_root.chest.c7 = false;
_root.chest.c8 = false;
_root.chest.c9 = false;
_root.chest.c10 = false;
_root.fire_ele = 0;
_root.water_ele = 0;
_root.electric_ele = 0;
_root.ice_ele = 0;
_root.light_ele = 0;
_root.dark_ele = 0;
_root.sword_ele = "";
_root.axe_ele = "";
_root.spear_ele = "";
_root.laser_ele = "";
_root.boom_ele = "";
_root.saber_ele = "";
_root.swordcost = 100;
_root.axecost = 100;
_root.spearcost = 100;
_root.sabercost = 100;
_root.lasercost = 100;
_root.boomcost = 100;
_root.lethalstr = 7;
_root.Lethallvl = 5;
_root.laserstr = 5;
_root.saberstr = 5;
_root.boomstr = 5;
_root.swordstr = 5;
_root.axestr = 5;
_root.spearstr = 5;
_root.Axelvl = 1;
_root.Spearlvl = 1;
_root.Swordlvl = 1;
_root.Boomlvl = 1;
_root.Saberlvl = 1;
_root.Laserlvl = 1;
_root.bladele = "Neutral";
_root.mainquest = 1;
_root.land1domin = 0;
_root.land2domin = 0;
_root.land3domin = 0;
_root.land4domin = 0;
_root.land5domin = 0;
_root.land1dom = 0;
_root.land2dom = 0;
_root.land3dom = 0;
_root.land4dom = 0;
_root.land5dom = 0;
_root.dominated = 0;
_root.tourn = 0;
_root.moncounter = 0;
_root.questcomp = 0; = 0;
_root.unlock = 0;
_root.equip = 1;
_root.Llvl = 1;
_root.Spotion = 10;
_root.Mpotion = 0;
_root.Fpotion = 0; = 100;
_root.XP = 0;
_root.att = 0;
_root.attack = 0;
_root.YName = "BOB";
_root.magic = 10;
_root.lvl = "Level 1";
_root.defence = 0;
_root.locate = 1;
_root.Magicpotion = 0;
_root.extrastr = 0;
_root.extramagic = 0;
function steal() {
randum = random(20);
if (randum == 0) {
_root.Mpotion = _root.Mpotion + 1;
_root.statshow = "You have found a Medium potion!";
} else if (((randum == 1) || (randum == 2)) || (randum == 3)) {
_root.Spotion = _root.Spotion + 1;
_root.statshow = "You have found a Small potion!";
} else if (randum == 4) {
_root.Fpotion = _root.Fpotion + 1;
_root.statshow = "You have found a Large potion!";
} else if (randum == 5) {
mon = 30 + random(100); = + mon;
_root.statshow = ("You have found $" + mon) + "!";
} else if (randum == 6) {
mon = 100 + random(50); = + mon;
_root.statshow = ("You have found $" + mon) + "!";
} else if (randum == 7) {
mon = 50 + random(200); = + mon;
_root.statshow = ("You have found $" + mon) + "!";
} else {
_root.statshow = "I couldn't find anything.";
function bossFight() {
numbers = [52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 49, 27, 34, 37, 38, 28, 43, 47];
i = 0;
while (i <= numbers.length) {
if (_root.locate == numbers[i]) {
function playSound(whichsound) {
if (_root.soundinabled == 1) {
_root.my_sound = new Sound();
_root.mpick2 = whichsound;
_root.my_sound.start(0, 1000);
function alterSelect(number) {
if ((_root.side.two == 1) && (_root.side["two_alter" + number] != 1)) {
_root.locate = Number(51 + number);;
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "I shouldn't touch it. I feel evil forming around it.");
function chestOpen(typed) {
if (typed == "shard") {
_root.talk_func(2, "You have found a shard of the demon blade.");
_root.side.six_shards = _root.side.six_shards + 1;
if (typed == "katana") {
_root.talk_func(2, "You have found a broken and cursed katana. I should take it back to the man who told me about it.");
_root.side.five = 2;
if (typed == "cresent") {
_root.talk_func(2, "You have found a Cresent Moon key. This could lead me to great treasure if I could find the dungeoun it belongs to.");
_root.side.four = 1;
if (typed == "orb") {
if (_root.guild != "Mage") {
_root.talk_func(2, "You have found a energy orb. It has an attack of 40 and has a one in 4 chance of doing double its attack rating."); = 1;
_root.side.three = 4;
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "You have found a stack of ancient gold worth around $2000.");
_root.side.three = 4; = + 2000;
if (typed == "reaper") {
if (_root.guild != "Mage") {
_root.talk_func(2, "You have found a Forbidden Scythe. It has an attack of 45 and can stun and wound enemies.");
_root.newwep.scythe = 1;
_root.side.four = 2;
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "You have found a stack of ancient gold worth around $2000.");
_root.side.three = 4; = + 2000;
if (typed == "engine") {
_root.talk_func(2, "You have found a X12 Side-Wing generator.");
_root.side.three = 2;
if (typed == "evil") {
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
_root.talk_func(2, "An echoed voice speaks to you these words: 'You walk the path of death thus deserve the contents of this chest'. You obtain a full suit of Forbidden armor. This armor has +30 defence and a 35% boost for your strength and magic attack.");
_root.armorowned.forbidden = 1;
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "An echoed voice speaks to you these words: 'You walk the path of death thus deserve the contents of this chest'. You obtain the gift of death. It is a permanent buff giving you 50% more attack power.");
_root.armorowned.death = 1;
} = 6;
if (typed == "good") {
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
_root.talk_func(2, "An echoed voice speaks to you these words: 'You walk the path of life thus deserve the contents of this chest'. You obtain a full suit of Mystic armor. This armor has +30 defence and a 35% boost for health and magic.");
_root.armorowned.mystic = 1;
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "An echoed voice speaks to you these words: 'You walk the path of life thus deserve the contents of this chest'. You obtain the gift of death. It is a permanent buff giving you 50% more health."); = 1;
} = 6;
if (typed == "normal") {
randum = random(10);
if (randum == 0) {
_root.Mpotion = _root.Mpotion + 1;
messaged = "You have found a Medium potion!";
} else if (((randum == 1) || (randum == 2)) || (randum == 3)) {
_root.Spotion = _root.Spotion + 1;
messaged = "You have found a Small potion!";
} else if (randum == 4) {
_root.Fpotion = _root.Fpotion + 1;
messaged = "You have found a Large potion!";
} else if (randum == 5) {
mon = 30 + random(100); = + mon;
messaged = ("You have found $" + mon) + "!";
} else if (randum == 6) {
mon = 100 + random(50); = + mon;
messaged = ("You have found $" + mon) + "!";
} else if (randum == 7) {
mon = 50 + random(200); = + mon;
messaged = ("You have found $" + mon) + "!";
} else {
messaged = "Someone has beaten me to the punch. It's Empty!";
_root.talk_func(2, messaged);
if (typed == "staff") {
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.staffstats.lvl = _root.staffstats.lvl + 1;
_root.staffstats.str = _root.staffstats.str + 6;
_root.staffstats.ele = _root.staffstats.ele + 5;
messaged = "You have found a Candonian Mana Orb. By extracting its pure energy you upgrade your staffs attack power.";
} else if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
_root.lethal.lvl = _root.lethal.lvl + 1;
_root.lethal.str = _root.lethal.str + 10;
_root.lethal.def = _root.lethal.def + 1;
messaged = ("You have found a Lethal Orb. Jaggered Edge has been upgraded by one level. The blade now has an attack rating of " + _root.lethal.str) + ".";
if (_root.lethal.lvl == 5) {
messaged = messaged + " You have also aquired enough orbs to power up your armor. It now has a defence rating of 30";
if (_root.lethal.lvl == 10) {
messaged = messaged + " You have also aquired enough orbs to power up your armor. It now has a defence rating of 50";
} else {
mon = 100 + random(1000); = + mon;
messaged = ("You have found large stash of money. It contains $" + mon) + "!";
_root.talk_func(2, messaged);
if (typed == "access") {
greg = "You have found a ";
if (_root.armorowned.access == undefined) {
_root.armorowned.access = 1;
if (_root.armorowned.access == 1) {
_root.armorowned.Ator1 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Neck Protector";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 17) {
_root.armorowned.Ator2 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Essence Blocker";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 4) {
_root.armorowned.Ator3 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Chains of Wrath";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 7) {
_root.armorowned.Ator4 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Holy Sigil";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 10) {
_root.armorowned.Ator5 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Crystal Sigil";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 13) {
_root.armorowned.Ator6 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Neck Defender";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 2) {
_root.armorowned.Aarm1 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Magical Crystal";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 5) {
_root.armorowned.Aarm2 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Magical Wrist";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 8) {
_root.armorowned.Aarm3 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Spike Bracer";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 11) {
_root.armorowned.Aarm4 = 1;
messaged = greg + "CHains of Power";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 14) {
_root.armorowned.Aarm5 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Side Blade";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 16) {
_root.armorowned.Aarm6 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Fire Bracer";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 3) {
_root.armorowned.Aface1 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Mark of Cane";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 6) {
_root.armorowned.Aface2 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Filter Mask";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 9) {
_root.armorowned.Aface3 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Glasses";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 12) {
_root.armorowned.Aface4 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Face Shield";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 15) {
_root.armorowned.Aface5 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Eye Protection";
} else if (_root.armorowned.access == 18) {
_root.armorowned.Aface6 = 1;
messaged = greg + "Ninja Mask";
} else {
messaged = "Nothing in chest.";
_root.armorowned.access = _root.armorowned.access + 1;
_root.talk_func(2, messaged + " accessory.");
function lethalunlocked() {
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("lethal");
if ( == 1) {
function castSkill(type, spell, spellN, spellN2, consume, text1, onceUse, useN) {
if (type == "press") {
if ((_root.assault[spell] == 1) && ((onceUse == false) || (_root[useN] != 1))) {
if (_root.magic >= consume) {
if (onceUse) {
_root[useN] = 1;
_root.otherskill = 1;
_root.other_skill = spellN;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.magic = _root.magic - consume;
if (_root.magic < consume) {
_root.statshow = "You are too exhausted";
} else if (_root.assault[spell] == 1) {
_root.action_menu.slider.slider.notepad = text1;
} else {
_root.action_menu.slider.slider.notepad = ("The " + spellN2) + " is yet to be learned";
function castSpell(type, spell, spellN, spellN2, consume, text1, onceUse, useN) {
if (type == "press") {
if (((_root[spell + "_spell"] == 1) || (_root["assault" + spell] == 1)) && ((onceUse == false) || (_root[useN] != 1))) {
if (_root.magic >= consume) {
if (onceUse) {
_root[useN] = 1;
_root.spellatt = 1;
_root.spellcast = spellN;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.magic = _root.magic - consume;
if (_root.magic < consume) {
_root.statshow = "You are too exhausted";
} else if ((_root[spell + "_spell"] == 1) || (_root["assault" + spell] == 1)) {
_root.action_menu.slider.slider.notepad = text1;
} else {
_root.action_menu.slider.slider.notepad = ("The " + spellN2) + " is yet to be learned";
function chooseEleAttack(type, ele, ele2, eleOpp) {
if (type == "press") {
if (_root[ele2 + "_ele"] == 1) {
if (_root.guild != "Mage") {
magical = 10;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
magical = 5;
if (_root.magic >= magical) {
_root.magic = _root.magic - magical;
_root.hand2hand = 1;
_root.extraele = ele;
if (_root.magic < magical) {
_root.statshow = "You are too exhausted";
} else if (_root[ele2 + "_ele"] == 1) {
_root.action_menu.slider.slider.notepad = ((ele + " Attack: Cause 35% extra damage to ") + eleOpp) + " foes (-10 magic)";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.action_menu.slider.slider.notepad = ((ele + " Spell: Cause over 35% extra damage to ") + eleOpp) + " foes (-5 magic)";
} else {
_root.action_menu.slider.slider.notepad = ele + " element is yet to be learned";
function subMenu(numb) {
if (numb != "attack") {
_root.stopmenu = numb;
} else {
if ((_root.guild == "Mage") && (_root.magic >= int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.05))) {
if (int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.05) <= 5) {
_root.magic = _root.magic - int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.05);
} else {
_root.magic = _root.magic - 5;
_root.hand2hand = 1;
_root.attacktype = 0;
function canflee() {
if (((((((((_root.mainmenu != 1) && (_root.locate != 49)) && (_root.locate != 47)) && (_root.locate != 43)) && (_root.locate != 28)) && (_root.locate != 38)) && (_root.locate != 37)) && (_root.locate != 34)) && (_root.locate != 27)) {
_root.statshow = "Cannot flee from this battle";
function alldominated() {
if (((((_root.planet1.completed == 1) && (_root.planet2.completed == 1)) && (_root.planet3.completed == 1)) && (_root.planet4.completed == 1)) && (_root.planet5.completed == 1)) {
function declothe() {
_root.defence = _root.defenceTemp;
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = _root.torsoTemp;
_root.armorowned.footTypelvl = _root.footTemp;
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = _root.uparmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = _root.lowarmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = _root.lowlegTemp;
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = _root.uplegTemp;
function hitbutton(key, frameName, frameName2) {
_root.ready = 0;
if (Key.getCode() == key) {
} else {
function talk_func(type, messaged) {
_root.chatter._visible = true;
_root.chatter.chatext.scroll = _root.chatter.chatext.scroll - 100;
_root.chatter.chatman.gotoAndStop(type); = messaged;
function walker() {
_root.encount = _root.encount + 1;
if (_root.encount >= 15) {
ram = random(2);
if ((_root.nobattle != 1) and (ram == 0)) {;
function setcolour(abc, v) {
if (abc == 1) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + v]);
if (bbcol.getRGB() != 16777215) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + v]);
if (abc == 2) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + v]);
if (bbcol.getRGB() != 16777215) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + v]);
if (abc == 3) {
i = 1;
while (i < 6) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + i]);
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + v]);
i = 1;
while (i < 6) {
if (_root["bb" + i].getDepth() > _root["bb" + v].getDepth()) {
_root["bb" + v].swapDepths(_root["bb" + i]);
function selectland(land_desc, defeated, danger, amount) {
if (defeated >= amount) {
a_status = "Clear";
_root.text1 = "This land is clear of Dark Abyss. " + land_desc;
} else {
a_status = "Infected";
_root.text1 = "This land is controlled by the Dark Abyss. " + land_desc;
_root.text2 = (defeated + " / ") + amount;
_root.text3 = danger;
_root.text4 = a_status;
_root.planback.text1.scroll = _root.planback.text1.scroll - 100;
function pet_func() {
if ( == 1) { = 15; = 2; = "Light";$name = "Goblin";$stam = "50";
if ( == 2) { = 25; = 1; = "Fire";$name = "Crazed Goblin";$stam = "75";
if ( == 3) { = 50; = 0; = "Water";$name = "Assault Goblin";$stam = "100";
if ( == 4) { = 25; = 3; = "Light";$name = "Greyhound";$stam = "35";
if ( == 5) { = 50; = 2; = "Ice";$name = "White wolf";$stam = "45";
if ( == 6) { = 125; = 2; = "Dark";$name = "Black wolf";$stam = "50";
function randomtype() {
rambo = random(5);
if (rambo == 0) {
_root.enemykind = "other1";
if (rambo == 1) {
_root.enemykind = "other2";
if (rambo == 2) {
_root.enemykind = "abyss1";
if (rambo == 3) {
_root.enemykind = "abyss2";
if (rambo == 4) {
_root.enemykind = "abyss3";
function randomele() {
assface = random(6);
if (_root.assface == 0) {
_root.Belement = "Dark";
if (_root.assface == 1) {
_root.Belement = "Light";
if (_root.assface == 2) {
_root.Belement = "Fire";
if (_root.assface == 3) {
_root.Belement = "Water";
if (_root.assface == 4) {
_root.Belement = "Electric";
if (_root.assface == 5) {
_root.Belement = "Ice";
function defence_func() {
_root.defence = 0;
_root.extrastr = 0;
_root.extramagic = 0;
_root.extramagicattack = 0;
_root.extrahealth = 0;
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 1) or (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 2)) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 5;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.05;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +5 defence and 5% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 10;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.15;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +10 defence and 15% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 5) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 20;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.25;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +20 defence and 25% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 6) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 30;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.5;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +30 defence and 50% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.01;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.02;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.01;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.02;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.01;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.02;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.01;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% strength boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.02;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% strength boost.";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 1) or (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 2)) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 5;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.05;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +5 defence and 5% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 10;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.15;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +10 defence and 15% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 5) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 20;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.25;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +20 defence and 25% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 6) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 30;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.5;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +30 defence and 50% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.01;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.02;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.01;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.02;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.01;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.02;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.01;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.02;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% health boost.";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 1) or (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 2)) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 5;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.05;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +5 defence and 5% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 10;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.15;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +10 defence and 15% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 5) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 20;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.25;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +20 defence and 25% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 6) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 30;
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.5;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +30 defence and 50% health boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.01;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.02;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.01;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.02;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.01;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.02;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.01;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.02;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% magic boost.";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 1) or (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 2)) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 5;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.05;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +5 defence and 5% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 10;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.15;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +10 defence and 15% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 5) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 20;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.25;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +20 defence and 25% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 6) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 30;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.5;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +30 defence and 50% magic boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.magicattack = _root.magicattack + 0.01;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% magic attack boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.magicattack = _root.magicattack + 0.02;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% magic attack boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.magicattack = _root.magicattack + 0.01;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% magic attack boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.magicattack = _root.magicattack + 0.02;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% magic attack boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.magicattack = _root.magicattack + 0.01;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% magic attack boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.magicattack = _root.magicattack + 0.02;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% magic attack boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 3) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
_root.magicattack = _root.magicattack + 0.01;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +1 defence and 1% magic attack boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 4) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.magicattack = _root.magicattack + 0.02;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence and 2% magic attack boost.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 7) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 10;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +10 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 8) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 20;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +20 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 9) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 30;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +30 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 10) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 40;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +40 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 5) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +2.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 6) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 3;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +3 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 5) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 6) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 3;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +3 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 5) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 6) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 3;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +3 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 5) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 2;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +2 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 6) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 3;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +3 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 11) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 30;
if (_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) {
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.35;
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.35;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +30 defence and a 35% boost for health and magic.";
} else {
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.35;
_root.extramagicattack = _root.extramagicattack + 0.35;
_root.Tarmornote = "This armor has +30 defence and a 35% boost for your strength and magic attack.";
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 7) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 3;
_root.UAarmornote = "This armor has +3 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 7) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 3;
_root.LAarmornote = "This armor has +3 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 7) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 3;
_root.ULarmornote = "This armor has +3 defence.";
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 7) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 3;
_root.LLarmornote = "This armor has +3 defence.";
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl < 5) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 10;
if ((_root.lethal.lvl >= 5) && (_root.lethal.lvl < 10)) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 30;
if (_root.lethal.lvl == 10) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 50;
if ( == 1) {
_root.extrahealth = _root.extrahealth + 0.5;
if (_root.armorowned.death == 1) {
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.5;
if (_root.Elevel >= 1) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + _root.Elevel;
if (((_root.Ahead == 7) || (_root.Ahead == 9)) || (_root.Ahead == 10)) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
if (((_root.Atorso == 6) || (_root.Atorso == 7)) || (_root.Atorso == 11)) {
_root.defence = _root.defence + 1;
if (_root.Ahead == 11) {
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.01;
if ((((_root.Awrist == 8) || (_root.Atorso == 9)) || (_root.Atorso == 10)) || (_root.Atorso == 11)) {
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.01;
if (_root.Atorso == 8) {
_root.extrastr = _root.extrastr + 0.01;
if ((_root.Ahead == 6) || (_root.Ahead == 8)) {
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.01;
if ((_root.Awrist == 6) || (_root.Atorso == 7)) {
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.01;
if ((_root.Atorso == 8) || (_root.Atorso == 10)) {
_root.extramagic = _root.extramagic + 0.01;
function equip_choose() {
if (_root.equip == 1) {
_root.bladele = _root.sword_ele;
if (_root.equip == 2) {
_root.bladele = _root.axe_ele;
if (_root.equip == 3) {
_root.bladele = _root.spear_ele;
if (_root.equip == 4) {
_root.bladele = _root.laser_ele;
if (_root.equip == 5) {
_root.bladele = _root.saber_ele;
if (_root.equip == 6) {
_root.bladele = _root.boom_ele;
if (_root.equip == 7) {
_root.bladele = _root.staff_ele;
function wep_bonus() {
if (_root.equip == 1) {
apple = random(5);
if (apple == 0) {
_root.wounded = 1;
_root.statshow = "enemy wounded";
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int(_root.str / 3);
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.swordstr;
} else if (_root.equip == 2) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.str;
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.axestr;
} else if (_root.equip == 3) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.spearstr;
} else if (_root.equip == 4) {
apple = random(8);
if (apple == 0) {
_root.stun = 1;
_root.statshow = "Enemy Stunned";
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.laserstr;
} else if (_root.equip == 5) {
if (_root.enemytype == "Kry") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + random(_root.saberstr);
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.saberstr;
} else if (_root.equip == 6) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.boomstr;
if (_root.firstattack != 1) {
_root.firstattack = 1;
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.boomstr * 2);
apple = random(2);
if (apple == 0) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.boomstr;
} else if (_root.equip == 7) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.staffstats.str;
} else if (_root.equip == 8) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.newwep.energystr;
apple = random(4);
if (apple == 0) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.newwep.energystr;
} else if (_root.equip == 9) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.newwep.katanastr;
} else if (_root.equip == 10) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.lethal.str;
} else if (_root.equip == 11) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.newwep.demonstr;
apple = random(2);
if (apple == 0) {
_root.wounded = 1;
_root.statshow = "enemy wounded";
} else if (_root.equip == 12) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.newwep.scythestr;
apple = random(8);
if (apple == 0) {
_root.stun = 1;
_root.statshow = "Enemy Stunned";
apple = random(5);
if (apple == 0) {
_root.wounded = 1;
_root.statshow = "enemy wounded";
function ele_bonus() {
if ((_root.bladele == "Light") and (_root.Belement == "Dark")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.actualstr * 0.25) + random(_root.actualstr * 0.5));
if ((_root.bladele == "Dark") and (_root.Belement == "Light")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.actualstr * 0.25) + random(_root.actualstr * 0.5));
if ((_root.bladele == "Fire") and (_root.Belement == "Water")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.actualstr * 0.25) + random(_root.actualstr * 0.5));
if ((_root.bladele == "Water") and (_root.Belement == "Fire")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.actualstr * 0.25) + random(_root.actualstr * 0.5));
if ((_root.bladele == "Electric") and (_root.Belement == "Ice")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.actualstr * 0.25) + random(_root.actualstr * 0.5));
if ((_root.bladele == "Ice") and (_root.Belement == "Electric")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.actualstr * 0.25) + random(_root.actualstr * 0.5));
if (_root.bladele == _root.Belement) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr - int(_root.actualstr * 0.25);
if ((_root.extraele == "Fire") and (_root.Belement == "Water")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * 0.35);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * int(_root.staffstats.ele / 100));
if ((_root.extraele == "Water") and (_root.Belement == "Fire")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * 0.35);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * int(_root.staffstats.ele / 100));
if ((_root.extraele == "Light") and (_root.Belement == "Dark")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * 0.35);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * int(_root.staffstats.ele / 100));
if ((_root.extraele == "Dark") and (_root.Belement == "Light")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * 0.35);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * int(_root.staffstats.ele / 100));
if ((_root.extraele == "Electric") and (_root.Belement == "Ice")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * 0.35);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * int(_root.staffstats.ele / 100));
if ((_root.extraele == "Ice") and (_root.Belement == "Electric")) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * 0.35);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.actualstr * int(_root.staffstats.ele / 100));
function load_func() {
_root.newwep =; =;
_root.save_slot =;
_root.assault =;
_root.tourntaken =;
_root.armorowned =;
_root.staffstats =;
_root.planet1 =;
_root.planet2 =;
_root.planet3 =;
_root.planet4 =;
_root.planet5 =;
_root.MMlevel =;
_root.Ahead =;
_root.Atorso =;
_root.Awrist =;
_root.Ecolour =;
_root.Leyes =;
_root.Lnose =;
_root.Lmouth =;
_root.Lfoot =;
_root.exchanged =;
_root.Slevel =;
_root.Elevel =;
_root.Mlevel =;
_root.lethalarmor =;
_root.colour =;
_root.lethalmode =;
_root.hunter_pts =;
_root.Lethallvl =;
_root.lethalstr =;
_root.brute_tran =;
_root.shiver_tran =;
_root.lethal_tran =;
_root.cure_spell =;
_root.heal_spell =;
_root.soul_spell =;
_root.spirit_spell =;
_root.mana_spell =;
_root.barricade_spell =;
_root.lethal =;
_root.fire_ele =;
_root.water_ele =;
_root.electric_ele =;
_root.ice_ele =;
_root.light_ele =;
_root.dark_ele =;
_root.sword_ele =;
_root.axe_ele =;
_root.spear_ele =;
_root.saber_ele =;
_root.laser_ele =;
_root.boom_ele =;
_root.equip =;
_root.mapmarker =;
_root.swordpurchase =;
_root.axepurchase =;
_root.spearpurchase =;
_root.laserpurchase =;
_root.saberpurchase =;
_root.boompurchase =;
_root.mainquest =;
_root.land1domin =;
_root.land2domin =;
_root.land3domin =;
_root.land4domin =;
_root.land5domin =;
_root.Larm1 =;
_root.Larm2 =;
_root.Lleg1 =;
_root.Lleg2 =;
_root.guild =;
_root.land1dom =;
_root.land2dom =;
_root.land3dom =;
_root.land4dom =;
_root.land5dom =;
_root.dominated =;
_root.enemykills =;
_root.gamecon =;
_root.tourn =;
_root.Boomlvl =;
_root.Saberlvl =;
_root.Laserlvl =;
_root.saberstr =;
_root.laserstr =;
_root.boomstr =;
_root.swordcost =;
_root.axecost =;
_root.spearcost =;
_root.lasercost =;
_root.sabercost =;
_root.boomcost =;
_root.openarea1 =;
_root.openarea2 =;
_root.openarea3 =; =;
_root.YName =;
_root.lvl =;
_root.XP =; =;
_root.Spotion =;
_root.Mpotion =;
_root.Fpotion =;
_root.defence =;
_root.Lhair =;
_root.Lbody =;
_root.Lhead =;
_root.Llvl =;
_root.Axelvl =;
_root.Spearlvl =;
_root.Swordlvl =;
_root.swordstr =;
_root.axestr =;
_root.spearstr =;
_root.Magicpotion =; =;
_root.snakills =;
_root.questcomp =;
_root.armguards =;
_root.Magicpotion =;
_root.fem =;
_root.ironfists =;
_root.armequip =;
_root.unlock =;
_root.chestfound =;
_root.zomkills =;
_root.dogkills =;
_root.shakills =;
_root.malkills =;
_root.ultafix =;
_root.chest =;
_root.lethalorbs =;
_root.side =;
function navi_func(frombattle, xaxis, yaxis, maparea, stopwhere) {
_root.frombattle = frombattle;
_root.Yx = xaxis;
_root.Yy = yaxis;
_root.maparea = maparea;
Stage.showMenu = false;
Instance of Symbol 130 MovieClip in Frame 1
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Instance of Symbol 137 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
downloaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
outputText = (downloaded + " / ") + total;
outputText2 = int((downloaded / total) * 100);
_root.streamText.text = outputText;
_root.streamText2.text = outputText2 + "%";
Instance of Symbol 151 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag ("", true);
Frame 2
_root.mpick = "ex2";
Instance of Symbol 215 MovieClip "lethal_mess" in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Frame 3
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("char");
_root.YName2 =;
_root.lvl2 =;
if ( == undefined) {
_root.YName2 = "Empty";
_root.lvl2 = "Empty";
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("char2");
_root.YName3 =;
_root.lvl3 =;
if ( == undefined) {
_root.YName3 = "Empty";
_root.lvl3 = "Empty";
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("char3");
_root.YName4 =;
_root.lvl4 =;
if ( == undefined) {
_root.YName4 = "Empty";
_root.lvl4 = "Empty";
Frame 4
_root.lethalmode = 0;
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 1;
_root.armorowned.footTypelvl = 1;
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 1;
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 1;
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 1;
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 1;
_root.staffstats.lvl = 0;;
_root.guild = "Knight";
_root.nopt = "Sweeper Knight: 20% more strength, but 20% less magic. Has a power attack.";
_root.slid.custom.pointsleft = 3;
_root.Elevel = 0;
_root.Slevel = 0;
_root.Mlevel = 0;
_root.MMlevel = 0;
_root.Lhair = 1;
_root.fem = 0;
_root.Lhead = 1;
_root.Leyes = 1;
_root.Lmouth = 1;
_root.Lnose = 1;
_root.Ahead = 1;
_root.Atorso = 1;
_root.Awrist = 1;
_root.Ecolour = 1;
_root.colour = 1;
Frame 5
_root.equip = 1;
_root.swordpurchase = 1;
_root.laserpurchase = 0;
_root.saberpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.axepurchase = 0;
_root.spearpurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Swords inflict significant damage to foes of all types. They can also wound a foe so that it bleeds.";
Frame 6
_root.equip = 4;
_root.swordpurchase = 0;
_root.laserpurchase = 1;
_root.saberpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.axepurchase = 0;
_root.spearpurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Plasma Rifle has armor penetration and the ability to stun an enemy for a short period of time.";
Frame 7
_root.equip = 1;
_root.swordpurchase = 1;
_root.laserpurchase = 0;
_root.saberpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.axepurchase = 0;
_root.spearpurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Swords inflict significant damage to foes of all types. They can also wound a foe so that it bleeds.";
Frame 8
_root.equip = 7;
_root.staffstats.lvl = 1;
_root.swordpurchase = 0;
_root.laserpurchase = 0;
_root.saberpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.axepurchase = 0;
_root.spearpurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Staffs are the only weapon a mage needs. They cause extra elemental damage and boost any form of magic attack. A level one staff has 10% extra elemental damage.";
Frame 10
gotoAndStop (17);
Frame 11
gotoAndStop(_root.area +22);
Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (18);
Frame 13
gotoAndPlay( +16);
Frame 16
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("char");
_root.YName2 =;
_root.lvl2 =;
if ( == undefined) {
_root.YName2 = "Empty";
_root.lvl2 = "Empty";
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("char2");
_root.YName3 =;
_root.lvl3 =;
if ( == undefined) {
_root.YName3 = "Empty";
_root.lvl3 = "Empty";
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("char3");
_root.YName4 =;
_root.lvl4 =;
if ( == undefined) {
_root.YName4 = "Empty";
_root.lvl4 = "Empty";
Frame 17
_root.chatter._visible = false;
_root.mainmenu = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1704 MovieClip "man1" in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
moveSpeed = 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.xposy =;
_root.yposy =;
if (Key.isDown(68) and Key.isDown(87)) {
_root.facing = "up"; = - moveSpeed; = + (moveSpeed / 2);
} else if (Key.isDown(68) and Key.isDown(83)) {
_root.facing = "down"; = - moveSpeed; = - (moveSpeed / 2);
} else if (Key.isDown(65) and Key.isDown(83)) {
_root.facing = "down"; = - moveSpeed; = + (moveSpeed / 2);
} else if (Key.isDown(65) and Key.isDown(87)) {
_root.facing = "up"; = + moveSpeed; = + (moveSpeed / 2);
} else if (Key.isDown(87)) {
_root.facing = "up"; = + moveSpeed;
} else if (Key.isDown(83)) {
_root.facing = "down"; = - moveSpeed;
} else if (Key.isDown(65)) {
_root.facing = "left"; = + moveSpeed;
} else if (Key.isDown(68)) {
_root.facing = "right"; = - moveSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 1781 MovieClip "yesno" in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1838 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 151 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag ("", true);
Frame 18
function attack_foe_func() {
_root.actualstr = _root.str;
if (_root.equip == 2) {
banana = random(6);
if (banana == 0) {
_root.actualstr = 1;
if (_root.equip == 4) {
banana = random(6);
if (banana == 0) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.str;
if (_root.otherskill == 1) {
if (_root.other_skill == "knight1") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.str * 4);
if (_root.other_skill == "knight2") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.str * 2);
_root.wounded = 1;
_root.statshow = "enemy wounded";
if (_root.other_skill == "knight3") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.str * 5);
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth + _root.actualstr;
if (_root.other_skill == "noble3") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.str * 6);
if (_root.other_skill == "mage2") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.str * 4);
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int(((_root.MMlevel / 100) * 2) * _root.actualstr);
if (_root.other_skill == "mage3") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int(((_root.MMlevel / 100) * 4) * _root.actualstr);
if (_root.other_skill == "lethal1") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.str * 8);
if (_root.other_skill == "assault1") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.str * 4);
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int(((_root.MMlevel / 100) * 2) * _root.actualstr);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.MMlevel / 100) * _root.actualstr);
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.actualstr * 0.25) + random(_root.actualstr * 0.5));
if (_root.other_skill == "assault2") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.str * 6);
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int(((_root.MMlevel / 100) * 2) * _root.actualstr);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.MMlevel / 100) * _root.actualstr);
if (_root.other_skill == "assault3") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + (_root.str * 8);
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int(((_root.MMlevel / 100) * 3) * _root.actualstr);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.MMlevel / 100) * _root.actualstr);
_root.actualstr = int(_root.actualstr + random(int(_root.actualstr * 0.25)));
if (((_root.guild == "Mage") and (_root.extraele == "")) and (_root.otherskill != 1)) {
if (_root.magic <= (_root.MaxMagic * 0.05)) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr - int(_root.actualstr * 0.9);
} else {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + int((_root.att * _root.actualstr) * 0.5);
if (_root.enemytype == "blood") {
sparkyer = random(2);
if (sparkyer == 0) {
if (sparkyer == 1) {
critical = random(10);
if (critical == 0) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.actualstr;
_root.statshow = "Critical Hit";
function B_attack_foe_func() {
_root.damaged = int((_root.Bstr + random(_root.Bstr * 0.5)) - (_root.Bstr * (_root.defence * 0.01)));
if (_root.Bdoubledamge == 1) {
_root.damaged = _root.damaged + _root.damaged;
_root.Bdoubledamge = 0;
if (_root.changeplan == 1) {
_root.damaged = int((_root.GHealth * 0.05) - _root.defence);
_root.changeplan = 0;
if (_root.invisible_spell > 0) {
_root.damaged = 0;
if (_root.barricaded == 1) {
_root.damaged = _root.damaged - int(_root.damaged * (random(30) / 100));
if (_root.form == 3) {
_root.damaged = _root.damaged - int(_root.damaged * 0.3);
if (_root.damaged <= 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
function attack_pet_func() {
_root.actualstr =;
if (_root.enemytype == "blood") {
sparkyer = random(2);
if (sparkyer == 0) {
if (sparkyer == 1) {
critical = random(10);
if (critical == 0) {
_root.actualstr = _root.actualstr + _root.actualstr;
_root.statshow = "Critical Hit";
_root.actualstr = int((_root.actualstr + int(_root.str * 0.25)) + random(int(_root.actualstr * 0.25)));
_root.moncounter = 0;
_root.firstattack = 0;
_root.actualstr = 1;
_root.bladele = "";
_root.mpick3 = _root.mpick;
if (!_root.bossFight()) {
ran = random(2);
if (ran == 0) {
_root.mpick = "bt1";
} else {
_root.mpick = "bt3";
} else {
_root.mpick = "bt2";
function myFunction() {
if (((_root.enemykind == "abyss1") || (_root.enemykind == "abyss2")) || (_root.enemykind == "abyss3")) {
_root.hunter_pts = _root.hunter_pts + (_root.Blevel * 10);
} = + _root.Bmoney;
_root.XP = _root.XP + Number(_root.BXP);
if (_root.locate == 1) {
_root.planet2.area1 = _root.planet2.area1 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 2) {
_root.planet2.area2 = _root.planet2.area2 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 3) {
_root.planet2.area3 = _root.planet2.area3 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 4) {
_root.planet1.area1 = _root.planet1.area1 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 5) {
_root.planet1.area2 = _root.planet1.area2 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 6) {
_root.planet1.area3 = _root.planet1.area3 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 7) {
_root.planet1.area4 = _root.planet1.area4 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 8) {
_root.planet3.area1 = _root.planet3.area1 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 9) {
_root.planet3.area2 = _root.planet3.area2 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 10) {
_root.planet3.area3 = _root.planet3.area3 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 11) {
_root.planet3.area4 = _root.planet3.area4 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 12) {
_root.planet4.area1 = _root.planet4.area1 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 13) {
_root.planet4.area2 = _root.planet4.area2 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 14) {
_root.planet5.area1 = _root.planet5.area1 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 15) {
_root.planet5.area2 = _root.planet5.area2 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 16) {
_root.planet5.area3 = _root.planet5.area3 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 17) {
_root.planet5.area4 = _root.planet5.area4 + 1;
if (_root.locate == 18) {
_root.planet2.completed = 1;
if (_root.locate == 19) {
_root.planet1.completed = 1;
if (_root.locate == 20) {
_root.planet3.completed = 1;
if (_root.locate == 21) {
_root.planet4.completed = 1;
if (_root.locate == 22) {
_root.planet5.completed = 1;
_root.Dlvl = _root.lvl;
_root.Ddom = _root.domination;
_root.Qlog._visible = false;
if ( > 0) {
_root.Qlog._visible = true;
_root.usedAlready2 = 0;
_root.Bdoubledamge = 0;
_root.usedAlready = 0;
_root.spiritdrain = 0;
_root.barricaded = 0;
_root.Dlvl = _root.lvl;
_root.stun = 0;
_root.paralyze = 0;
_root.begingame = 0;
_root.frozen = 0;
_root.enemytype = "";
_root.invisible_spell = 0;
_root.cant_use_inv = 0;
_root.a1 = 0;
_root.a2 = 0;
_root.a3 = 0;
function enemySelect(frame1, BName1, enemykind1, enemytype1, BHealth1, MaxBHealth1, BLevel1, Belement1, Bstr1, Bmoney1, BXP1) {
_root.BName = BName1;
_root.enemykind = enemykind1;
_root.enemytype = enemytype1;
_root.BHealth = BHealth1;
_root.MaxBHealth = MaxBHealth1;
_root.Blevel = BLevel1;
_root.Belement = Belement1;
_root.Bstr = 8 * BLevel1;
_root.Bmoney = (10 * BLevel1) + random(10);
_root.BXP = 10 * BLevel1;
if (_root.locate == 1) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Soldier", "abyss1", "blood", 300, 300, 3, "Dark", 15, 20, 15);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Warrior", "abyss2", "blood", 300, 300, 3, "Dark", 15, 20, 15);
if (_root.locate == 2) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Soldier", "abyss1", "blood", 400, 400, 4, "Dark", 18, 25, 25);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Crawler", "abyss1", "blood", 500, 500, 5, "Dark", 25, 40, 35);
if (_root.locate == 3) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Slicer", "abyss2", "blood", 500, 500, 5, "Dark", 25, 40, 35);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Crawler", "abyss1", "blood", 500, 500, 5, "Dark", 25, 40, 35);
if (_root.locate == 4) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Soldier", "abyss1", "blood", 500, 500, 5, "Dark", 25, 40, 35);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Wrath", "abyss3", "blood", 500, 500, 5, "Dark", 25, 40, 35);
if (_root.locate == 5) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Crawler", "abyss1", "blood", 600, 600, 6, "Dark", 35, 50, 45);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Gunner", "abyss1", "blood", 650, 650, 6, "Dark", 25, 40, 35);
if (_root.locate == 6) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Slicer", "abyss2", "blood", 700, 700, 7, "Dark", 40, 75, 50);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "Abyss General", "abyss1", "blood", 850, 850, 7, "Dark", 40, 75, 70);
if (_root.locate == 7) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Smasher", "abyss3", "blood", 700, 700, 7, "Dark", 40, 75, 50);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Crawler", "abyss1", "blood", 700, 700, 7, "Dark", 40, 75, 50);
if (_root.locate == 8) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Smasher", "abyss3", "blood", 800, 800, 8, "Dark", 50, 75, 60);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Sharpshot", "abyss2", "blood", 800, 800, 8, "Dark", 50, 75, 60);
if (_root.locate == 9) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Warlord", "abyss4", "blood", 900, 900, 9, "Dark", 60, 100, 70);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "A. Water General", "abyss1", "blood", 800, 800, 8, "Water", 60, 100, 70);
if (_root.locate == 10) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Warrior", "abyss2", "blood", 1100, 1100, 11, "Dark", 70, 150, 80);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "A. Imperial dog", "abyss4", "blood", 1200, 1200, 12, "Dark", 80, 150, 85);
if (_root.locate == 11) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Shooter", "abyss3", "blood", 1300, 1300, 13, "Dark", 90, 150, 150);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "A. Elite Crawler", "abyss1", "blood", 1400, 1400, 14, "Dark", 100, 200, 180);
if (_root.locate == 12) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Blaster", "abyss4", "blood", 1600, 1600, 16, "Dark", 110, 250, 250);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Shooter", "abyss3", "blood", 1500, 1500, 15, "Dark", 110, 250, 210);
if (_root.locate == 13) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "A. Fire General", "abyss1", "blood", 1700, 1700, 17, "Fire", 120, 250, 300);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "A. Water General", "abyss1", "blood", 1800, 1800, 18, "Water", 130, 250, 310);
if (_root.locate == 14) {
_root.monpick = random(4);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Soldier", "abyss1", "blood", 2000, 2000, 20, "Dark", 150, 250, 350);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Warrior", "abyss2", "blood", 2000, 2000, 20, "Dark", 150, 250, 350);
if (_root.monpick == 2) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Wrath", "abyss3", "blood", 2000, 2000, 20, "Dark", 150, 250, 350);
if (_root.monpick == 3) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Warlord", "abyss4", "blood", 2000, 2000, 20, "Dark", 150, 250, 350);
if (_root.locate == 15) {
_root.monpick = random(4);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Crawler", "abyss1", "blood", 2100, 2100, 21, "Dark", 180, 300, 380);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Slicer", "abyss2", "blood", 2100, 2100, 21, "Dark", 180, 300, 380);
if (_root.monpick == 2) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Smasher", "abyss3", "blood", 2100, 2100, 21, "Dark", 180, 300, 380);
if (_root.monpick == 3) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "A. Imperial Dog", "abyss4", "blood", 2100, 2100, 21, "Dark", 180, 300, 380);
if (_root.locate == 16) {
_root.monpick = random(4);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Gunner", "abyss1", "blood", 2200, 2200, 22, "Dark", 230, 350, 420);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Sharpshot", "abyss2", "blood", 2200, 2200, 22, "Dark", 230, 350, 420);
if (_root.monpick == 2) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Shooter", "abyss3", "blood", 2200, 2200, 22, "Dark", 230, 350, 420);
if (_root.monpick == 3) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Blaster", "abyss4", "blood", 2200, 2200, 22, "Dark", 230, 350, 420);
if (_root.locate == 17) {
_root.monpick = random(4);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "A. Light General", "abyss1", "blood", 2300, 2300, 23, "Light", 285, 350, 450);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "A. Fire General", "abyss1", "blood", 2300, 2300, 23, "Fire", 285, 350, 450);
if (_root.monpick == 2) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "A.Ice General", "abyss1", "blood", 2300, 2300, 23, "Ice", 285, 350, 450);
if (_root.monpick == 3) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "A. Water General", "abyss1", "blood", 2300, 2300, 23, "Water", 285, 350, 450);
function tourn_func(backstage, range, level) {
_root.rounds = _root.rounds + 1;
nemesis = random(range) + 1;
if ((nemesis == 13) or (nemesis == 14)) {
nemesis = 1;
_root.BName = "Competitor " + _root.rounds;
_root.enemytype = "blood";
if (nemesis == 4) {
_root.enemytype = "spark";
if (level == 1) {
statcal = _root.leveled - random(2);
if (level == 2) {
statcal = _root.leveled + random(2);
if (level == 3) {
statcal = (_root.leveled + int(_root.leveled * 0.25)) + random(3);
if (statcal <= 0) {
statcal = 1;
_root.BHealth = statcal * 100;
_root.MaxBHealth = statcal * 100;
_root.Blevel = statcal;
_root.Bstr = 10 * statcal;
_root.Bmoney = (10 * statcal) + random(10);
_root.BXP = 10 * statcal;
if (_root.locate == 23) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Desert Cyclops", "other1", "blood", 60, 60, 1, "Fire", 10, 20, 15);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Desert Myth", "other1", "blood", 55, 55, 1, "Water", 10, 15, 10);
if (_root.locate == 29) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Desert Cyclops", "other1", "blood", 120, 120, 2, "Fire", 15, 25, 25);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Fire Element", "other1", "blood", 100, 100, 1, "Fire", 10, 15, 10);
if (_root.locate == 30) {
_root.monpick = random(4);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Desert Cyclops", "other1", "blood", 110, 110, 2, "Fire", 15, 25, 25);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Desert Myth", "other1", "blood", 125, 125, 2, "Water", 15, 15, 10);
if (_root.monpick == 2) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Desert Myth", "other1", "blood", 125, 125, 2, "Water", 15, 15, 10);
if (_root.monpick == 3) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Night", "other1", "blood", 25, 25, 3, "Dark", 50, 15, 10);
if (_root.locate == 31) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(2, "Lizard Man", "other1", "blood", 300, 300, 3, "Light", 20, 25, 25);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Bandit", "other2", "blood", 300, 300, 3, "Neutral", 25, 25, 35);
if (_root.locate == 32) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(2, "Lizard Man", "other1", "blood", 400, 400, 4, "Light", 30, 30, 30);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Bandit", "other2", "blood", 400, 400, 4, "Neutral", 35, 30, 30);
if (_root.locate == 33) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Bandit", "other2", "blood", 500, 500, 5, "Neutral", 40, 35, 35);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Bandit", "other2", "blood", 600, 600, 5, "Neutral", 40, 40, 35);
if (_root.locate == 35) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Desert Cyclops", "other1", "blood", 600, 600, 6, "Fire", 42, 50, 45);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Desert Myth", "other1", "blood", 550, 550, 6, "Water", 45, 50, 45);
if (_root.locate == 36) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.mainquest == 11) {
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Sharpshot", "abyss2", "blood", 700, 700, 7, "Dark", 50, 75, 60);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "A. Imperial dog", "abyss4", "blood", 650, 650, 6, "Dark", 80, 150, 85);
} else {
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Bandit", "other2", "blood", 800, 800, 8, "Neutral", 40, 35, 35);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Bandit", "other2", "blood", 800, 800, 8, "Neutral", 40, 40, 35);
if (_root.locate == 39) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Tropical Cyclops", "other3", "blood", 850, 850, 9, "Water", 42, 50, 45);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Coast Demon", "other3", "blood", 800, 800, 8, "Water", 45, 50, 45);
if (_root.locate == 40) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.mainquest == 11) {
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Shooter", "abyss3", "blood", 1200, 1200, 12, "Dark", 90, 150, 150);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Warlord", "abyss4", "blood", 900, 900, 9, "Dark", 60, 100, 70);
} else {
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Tropical Cyclops", "other3", "blood", 900, 900, 9, "Water", 42, 50, 45);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Coast Demon", "other3", "blood", 1000, 1000, 10, "Water", 45, 50, 45);
if (_root.locate == 41) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Arssic", "other4", "blood", 1200, 1200, 12, "Electric", 42, 50, 45);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Arssic Gunner", "other4", "blood", 1300, 1300, 13, "Neutral", 40, 35, 35);
if (_root.locate == 42) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Arssic", "other4", "blood", 1700, 1700, 17, "Electric", 42, 50, 45);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Arssic Gunner", "other2", "blood", 1800, 1800, 18, "Neutral", 40, 35, 35);
if (_root.locate == 44) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Water Element", "other1", "blood", 1300, 1300, 15, "Water", 50, 15, 10);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Ice Element", "other1", "blood", 1350, 1350, 16, "Ice", 50, 15, 10);
if (_root.locate == 45) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(2, "Fire Lizard", "other2", "blood", 2000, 2000, 20, "Fire", 50, 15, 10);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Light Element", "other1", "blood", 2000, 2000, 20, "Light", 50, 15, 10);
if (_root.locate == 46) {
_root.monpick = random(3);
frank = ["abyss1", "abyss2", "abyss3", "abyss4"];
typer = frank[random(4)];
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Shooter", typer, "blood", 2300, 2300, 23, "Dark", 90, 150, 150);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Abyss Warrior", typer, "blood", 2300, 2300, 23, "Dark", 60, 100, 70);
if (_root.monpick == 2) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Abyss Crawler", typer, "blood", 2350, 2350, 23, "Dark", 80, 150, 85);
if (_root.locate == 48) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(13, "Mutant", "abyss1", "none", 3000, 3000, 20, "Ice", 100, 1000, 800);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(11, "Serpent Lord", "abyss1", "blood", 2300, 2300, 23, "Fire", 45, 500, 200);
if (_root.locate == 27) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "Water General", "abyss1", "blood", 400, 400, 3, "Water", 30, 200, 100);
if (_root.locate == 34) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "Fire General", "abyss1", "blood", 1000, 1000, 10, "Fire", 55, 200, 200);
if (_root.locate == 37) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "Ice General", "abyss1", "blood", 1200, 1200, 12, "Ice", 55, 200, 200);
if (_root.locate == 38) {
_root.enemySelect(6, "Light General", "abyss1", "blood", 1600, 1600, 16, "Light", 55, 200, 200);
if (_root.locate == 28) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Abyss Enforcer", "abyss1", "blood", 600, 600, 6, "Dark", 35, 300, 200);
if (_root.locate == 43) {
_root.enemySelect(13, "Mutant", "abyss1", "none", 3000, 3000, 20, "Ice", 100, 1000, 800);
if (_root.locate == 47) {
_root.enemySelect(14, "Tyrant", "abyss1", "none", 10000, 10000, 30, "Dark", 250, 4000, 2000);
if (_root.locate == 18) {
_root.enemySelect(10, "Dragon Lord", "abyss1", "blood", 800, 800, 8, "Light", 35, 500, 100);
if (_root.locate == 19) {
_root.enemySelect(11, "Serpent Lord", "abyss1", "blood", 1300, 1300, 13, "Fire", 45, 500, 200);
if (_root.locate == 20) {
_root.enemySelect(12, "Crab Lord", "abyss1", "blood", 2200, 2200, 18, "Water", 89, 1000, 450);
if (_root.locate == 21) {
_root.enemySelect(13, "Mutant Lord", "abyss1", "none", 5000, 5000, 25, "Ice", 100, 1000, 800);
if (_root.locate == 22) {
_root.enemySelect(14, "Tyrant", "abyss1", "none", 10000, 10000, 30, "Dark", 250, 4000, 2000);
if (_root.locate == 49) {
_root.enemySelect(15, "Fatal", "abyss1", "none", 20000, 20000, 40, "Dark", 250, 4000, 2000);
if (_root.locate == 50) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Buckley", "side", "none", 1500, 1500, 15, "Dark", 250, 4000, 2000);
if (_root.locate == 51) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Life", "other1", "blood", 1000, 1000, 15, "Light", 10, 15, 10);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Death", "other1", "blood", 1000, 1000, 15, "Dark", 10, 15, 10);
if (_root.locate == 62) {
_root.monpick = random(2);
if (_root.monpick == 0) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Fire", "other1", "blood", 1000, 1000, 15, "Fire", 10, 15, 10);
if (_root.monpick == 1) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Water", "other1", "blood", 1000, 1000, 15, "Water", 10, 15, 10);
if (_root.locate == 52) {
_root.enemySelect(2, "Fire Lizard", "other2", "blood", 1000, 1000, 10, "Fire", 50, 15, 10);
if (_root.locate == 53) {
_root.enemySelect(1, "Death", "other1", "blood", 1200, 1200, 12, "Dark", 10, 15, 10);
if (_root.locate == 54) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Tropical Cyclops", "other3", "blood", 1400, 1400, 14, "Water", 42, 50, 45);
if (_root.locate == 55) {
_root.enemySelect(8, "Coast Demon", "other3", "blood", 1600, 1600, 16, "Water", 45, 50, 45);
if (_root.locate == 56) {
_root.enemySelect(7, "Arssic", "other4", "blood", 1700, 1700, 17, "Electric", 42, 50, 45);
if (_root.locate == 57) {
_root.enemySelect(9, "Arssic Gunner", "other4", "blood", 1800, 1800, 18, "Neutral", 40, 35, 35);
if (_root.locate == 58) {
_root.enemySelect(3, "Grim", "other1", "none", 2000, 2000, 20, "Dark", 250, 4000, 2000);
if (_root.locate == 59) {
_root.enemySelect(10, "Dragon Lord", "other1", "blood", 2200, 2200, 22, "Light", 35, 500, 100);
if (_root.locate == 60) {
_root.enemySelect(12, "Crab Lord", "other1", "blood", 5000, 5000, 24, "Water", 89, 1000, 450);
if (_root.locate == 61) {
_root.enemySelect(11, "Serpent Lord", "other1", "blood", 10000, 10000, 28, "Fire", 45, 500, 200);
if (_root.locate == 24) {
_root.tourn_func(6, 5, 1);
if (_root.locate == 25) {
_root.tourn_func(6, 10, 2);
if (_root.locate == 26) {
_root.tourn_func(6, 14, 3);
Instance of Symbol 2720 MovieClip "You" in Frame 18
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 2839 MovieClip "battlepet" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
if ( == 0) {
this._visible = false;
if (( > 1) and ( < 4)) {
if (( > 3) and ( < 7)) {
Instance of Symbol 2844 MovieClip "ghealtho" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
healtho = int((_root.GHealth / _root.MaxHealth) * 100);
if (healtho <= 0) {
healtho = 1;
Instance of Symbol 2844 MovieClip "bhealtho" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
healtho = int((_root.BHealth / _root.MaxBHealth) * 100);
if (healtho <= 0) {
healtho = 1;
Instance of Symbol 135 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.BHealth < 0) {
_root.BHealth = 0;
if (_root.GHealth < 0) {
_root.GHealth = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2873 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
healtho = int((_root.magic / _root.MaxMagic) * 100);
if (healtho <= 0) {
healtho = 1;
Instance of Symbol 2877 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.noted = "BATTLE";
if (_root.locate == 1) {
this.noted = _root.planet2.area1 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 2) {
this.noted = _root.planet2.area2 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 3) {
this.noted = _root.planet2.area3 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 4) {
this.noted = _root.planet1.area1 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 5) {
this.noted = _root.planet1.area2 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 6) {
this.noted = _root.planet1.area3 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 7) {
this.noted = _root.planet1.area4 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 8) {
this.noted = _root.planet3.area1 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 9) {
this.noted = _root.planet3.area2 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 10) {
this.noted = _root.planet3.area3 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 11) {
this.noted = _root.planet3.area4 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 12) {
this.noted = _root.planet4.area1 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 13) {
this.noted = _root.planet4.area2 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 14) {
this.noted = _root.planet5.area1 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 15) {
this.noted = _root.planet5.area2 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 16) {
this.noted = _root.planet5.area3 + "/5";
if (_root.locate == 17) {
this.noted = _root.planet5.area4 + "/5";
Instance of Symbol 151 MovieClip in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag ("", true);
Frame 19
_root.menuin = 1;
_root.lethalmove = 0;
_root.leaveform = 0;
_root.statshow = "";
_root.formove = 0;
_root.other_skill = 0;
_root.otherskill = 0;
_root.skipbar = 0;
_root.att = 0;
_root.attacktype = 0;
_root.hand2hand = 0;
_root.spellatt = 0;
_root.potionuse = 0;
_root.formation = 0;
_root.attack = 0;
_root.completed = 0;
_root.att = 0;
_root.firstattack = 0;
_root.extraele = "";
_root.spellcast = "";
if (_root.invisible_spell > 0) {
_root.invisible_spell = _root.invisible_spell - 1;
if (_root.invisible_spell == 0) {
_root.You._alpha = 100;
Frame 20
_root.menuin = 0;
if (_root.XP < 500) {
_root.statshow = "Press W,A,S or D to begin and then press then the prompted key when it passes through the box.";
} else {
_root.statshow = "";
if (_root.skipbar == 1) {
Frame 21
_root.menuin = 0;
Frame 22
gotoAndStop (19);
Frame 23 =; = 0;
_root.encount = 0;
_root.wounded = 0;
_root.stun = 0;
_root.paralyze = 0;
_root.torna = 0;
_root.trans = 1;
_root.transformer = 0;
_root.leaveform = 0;
_root.formed = 0;
_root.form = 0;
if (_root.locate == 10) {
if (_root.mainquest == 2) {
_root.mainquest = 3;
if (_root.locate == 43) {
if (_root.mainquest == 19) {
_root.mainquest = 20;
if (_root.locate == 47) {
if (_root.mainquest == 21) {
_root.mainquest = 22;
if (_root.locate == 49) {
if (_root.mainquest == 22) {
_root.mainquest = 23;
if (_root.locate == 50) { = 4;
_root.side.one_dead = 1;
i = 52;
while (i < 62) {
if (_root.locate == i) {
_root.side["two_alter" + int(i - 51)] = 1;
_root.side.two_orbs = _root.side.two_orbs + 1;
Instance of Symbol 3046 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.WHealth = (_root.GHealth + "/") + _root.MaxHealth;
_root.WMagic = (_root.magic + "/") + _root.MaxMagic;
healtho = int(100 - (((_root.XPX - _root.XP) / _root.XPC) * 100));
if (healtho <= 0) {
healtho = 1;
Instance of Symbol 3065 MovieClip "levelupstat" in Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Dlvl != _root.lvl) {
Instance of Symbol 3091 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((((_root.mainmenu != 1) || (_root.locate == 18)) || (_root.locate == 19)) || (_root.locate == 20)) || (_root.locate == 21)) || (_root.locate == 22)) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1193 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mpick != _root.mpick2) {
Instance of Symbol 151 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag ("", true);
Frame 24 =; = 0;
_root.wounded = 0;
_root.stun = 0;
_root.paralyze = 0;
_root.torna = 0;
_root.trans = 1;
_root.transformer = 0;
_root.leaveform = 0;
_root.formed = 0;
_root.form = 0;
if (_root.locate == 10) {
if (_root.mainquest == 2) {
_root.mainquest = 3;
_root.my_sound = new Sound();
_root.my_sound.start(0, 1000); =; = 0;
_root.wounded = 0;
_root.stun = 0;
_root.formed = 0;
_root.paralyze = 0;
_root.torna = 0;
_root.form = 0;
if (_root.mainquest >= _root.shiplimit) {
_root.mainmenu = 1;
_root.notepad = ("" + _root.YName) + ", Upon defeat you were teleported back to your ship into a healing capsule. Unfortunitly you lost 10% of your gold"; = - int( * 0.1);
Frame 25
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.notepad = "Tournaments allow you to participate in a 5 round match against warriors from around the Universe. Unlike previous Lethal RPG titles there are no set matches and your prizes are based on how strong your enemies are and what level tournament you are in. Each tournament will be very different from the last. Good Luck!";
Frame 26
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.encount = 0;
_root.mainmenu = 1; = 0;
_root.mpick = "ex2";
_root.nobattle = 0;
if (_root.gamecon != 1) {
_root.bonus1._visible = false;
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Instance of Symbol 3184 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.drop != 1) {
this._visible = false;
_root.drop = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1809 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Instance of Symbol 1193 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mpick != _root.mpick2) {
Frame 27 = 0;
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.text1 = "Click on a planet you wish to explore.";
Instance of Symbol 3205 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.text1 = _root.text1;
Frame 28
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.text2 = "";
_root.text3 = "";
_root.text4 = "";
_root.SP = "";
if (_root.planet1.completed == 0) {
_root.text1 = "Dantes: A planet overly populated with beasts and creatures. The few intelligent life forms that live here have not adopted a hi-tech way of life like most in the galaxy. The Dark Abyss currently hold this land.";
if (_root.planet1.completed == 1) {
_root.text1 = "Dantes: Dantes has been successfully secured. All dark abyss have been driven out!";
i = 1;
while (i < 6) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + i]);
Instance of Symbol 3245 MovieClip "bb1" in Frame 28
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 1);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 1);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p1a1";
_root.setcolour(3, 1);
_root.selectland("Mud tracks, Swamps and demonic creatures make up the lower half of the Moutnain path. Further north, the area has tropical flora and open plains. The path itself leads up to the famous Nobella mountains.", _root.planet1.area1, "Level 5", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3248 MovieClip "bb4" in Frame 28
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 4);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 4);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p1a4";
_root.setcolour(3, 4);
_root.selectland("The most dangerous place on Dantes, The Hollow Plains, is home to powerful lizard men and other beasts.", _root.planet1.area4, "Level 7", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3251 MovieClip "bb3" in Frame 28
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 3);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 3);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p1a3";
_root.setcolour(3, 3);
_root.selectland("Once home to the Royal Family of Dantes Arch Dragoon, Oblivion Castle obtained its name when King George Dantes murdered his family in order to cast an ancient ritual. It is belived the King died during the ritual and his power augmented into the Oblivion Orb.", _root.planet1.area3, "Level 7", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3254 MovieClip "bb2" in Frame 28
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 2);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 2);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p1a2";
_root.setcolour(3, 2);
_root.selectland("The Sand Ocean is inhabited by creatures used to warm temperatures and harsh environments. Transmissions are almost impossible to by-pass the magnetic field surrounding the desert's surface. If you are lost in The Sand Ocean, calling for help is impossible.", _root.planet1.area2, "Level 6", 5);
Instance of Symbol 1805 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planet1.area1 >= 5) {
_root.ba1._visible = false;
_root.bb1._visible = false;
if (_root.planet1.area2 >= 5) {
_root.ba2._visible = false;
_root.bb2._visible = false;
if (_root.planet1.area3 >= 5) {
_root.ba3._visible = false;
_root.bb3._visible = false;
if (_root.planet1.area4 >= 5) {
_root.ba4._visible = false;
_root.bb4._visible = false;
if (((((_root.planet1.area1 < 5) || (_root.planet1.area2 < 5)) || (_root.planet1.area3 < 5)) || (_root.planet1.area4 < 5)) || (_root.planet1.completed == 1)) {
_root.bossy._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3205 MovieClip "planback" in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.text1 = _root.text1;
this.text2 = _root.text2;
this.text3 = _root.text3;
this.text4 = _root.text4;
Frame 29
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.notepad = "Vergilius: A strange world known for its powerful beasts and fine cuisine. Vergilius has a powerful empire that is stationed at Purgatorio. The Dark Abyss cannot overtake this world as it is the hub of the RTF.";
_root.domin = _root.dominated + "/5";
_root.port2._visible = true;
_root.port3._visible = true;
_root.port4._visible = true;
_root.port5._visible = true;
if (_root.mapmarker.v1 != 1) {
_root.port1._visible = false;
if (_root.mapmarker.v2 != 1) {
_root.port2._visible = false;
if (_root.mapmarker.v3 != 1) {
_root.port3._visible = false;
if (_root.mapmarker.v4 != 1) {
_root.port4._visible = false;
_root.SP = "";
Frame 30
_root.WHealth = (_root.GHealth + "/") + _root.MaxHealth;
_root.WMagic = (_root.magic + "/") + _root.MaxMagic;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
_root.elemenu._visible = false;
_root.wepmenu._visible = false;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.guilded = "Space Mage";
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.guilded = "Royal Knight";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.guilded = "Galactic Noble";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.guilded = "Future Rogue";
Instance of Symbol 3046 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
healtho = int(100 - (((_root.XPX - _root.XP) / _root.XPC) * 100));
if (healtho <= 0) {
healtho = 1;
Frame 31
if (_root.swordpuchase != 1) {
if (_root.spearpuchase != 1) {
if (_root.axepuchase != 1) {
if (_root.laserpuchase != 1) {
if (_root.saberpuchase != 1) {
if (_root.boompuchase != 1) {
if (_root.equip == 1) {
if (_root.equip == 3) {
if (_root.equip == 2) {
if (_root.equip == 4) {
if (_root.equip == 5) {
if (_root.equip == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 215 MovieClip "lethal_mess" in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Frame 32
_root.S_choice = 0;
_root.nopt = "Please choose a weapon to buy.";
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.but4._alpha = 20;
_root.but5._alpha = 20;
_root.but6._alpha = 20;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.but1._alpha = 20;
_root.but2._alpha = 20;
_root.but3._alpha = 20;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.but1._alpha = 20;
_root.but2._alpha = 20;
_root.but3._alpha = 20;
_root.but4._alpha = 20;
_root.but5._alpha = 20;
_root.but6._alpha = 20;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.but2._alpha = 20;
_root.but3._alpha = 20;
_root.but5._alpha = 20;
Frame 33
_root.nopt = "Choose a weapon to upgrade";
_root.S_choice = 0;
_root.costmeh = "...";
_root.mehstr = "...";
_root.mehlvl = "...";
if (_root.swordpurchase != 1) {
_root.but1._alpha = 20;
if (_root.axepurchase != 1) {
_root.but2._alpha = 20;
if (_root.spearpurchase != 1) {
_root.but3._alpha = 20;
if (_root.laserpurchase != 1) {
_root.but4._alpha = 20;
if (_root.saberpurchase != 1) {
_root.but5._alpha = 20;
if (_root.boompurchase != 1) {
_root.but6._alpha = 20;
Frame 34
_root.nopt = "Choose a weapon to upgrade";
Frame 35
_root.nopt = "Choose the potion you want and the amount, then click purchase.";
_root.generalstore = 0;
_root.num1 = 1;
Frame 36
_root.defenceTemp = _root.defence;
_root.torsoTemp = _root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl;
_root.footTemp = _root.armorowned.footTypelvl;
_root.uparmTemp = _root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl;
_root.lowarmTemp = _root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl;
_root.lowlegTemp = _root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl;
_root.uplegTemp = _root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl;
Frame 37
_root.popp = _root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl;
_root.nopt = "Each armor stats vary on whether it is archaic or advanced, as well as what class it is designed for.";
Instance of Symbol 795 MovieClip in Frame 37
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.arc1._alpha = 100;
_root.arc2._alpha = 100;
_root.arc3._alpha = 100;
_root.arc4._alpha = 100;
_root.adv1._alpha = 100;
_root.adv2._alpha = 100;
_root.adv3._alpha = 100;
_root.adv4._alpha = 100;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl < 3) {
_root.arc4._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl < 2) {
_root.arc3._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl < 1) {
_root.arc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl < 3) {
_root.adv4._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl < 2) {
_root.adv3._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl < 1) {
_root.adv2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl > 0) {
_root.arc1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl > 1) {
_root.arc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl > 2) {
_root.arc3._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl > 3) {
_root.arc4._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl > 0) {
_root.adv1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl > 1) {
_root.adv2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl > 2) {
_root.adv3._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl > 3) {
_root.adv4._alpha = 50;
Frame 38
_root.nopt = "Each armor stats vary on whether it is archaic or advanced, as well as what class it is designed for.";
Instance of Symbol 795 MovieClip in Frame 38
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.UAarc1._alpha = 100;
_root.UAarc2._alpha = 100;
_root.ULarc1._alpha = 100;
_root.ULarc2._alpha = 100;
_root.LAarc1._alpha = 100;
_root.LAarc2._alpha = 100;
_root.LLarc1._alpha = 100;
_root.LLarc2._alpha = 100;
_root.UAadv1._alpha = 100;
_root.UAadv2._alpha = 100;
_root.ULadv1._alpha = 100;
_root.ULadv2._alpha = 100;
_root.LAadv1._alpha = 100;
_root.LAadv2._alpha = 100;
_root.LLadv1._alpha = 100;
_root.LLadv2._alpha = 100;
if (_root.armorowned.uparmArclvl >= 1) {
_root.UAarc1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl >= 1) {
_root.LAarc1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uplegArclvl >= 1) {
_root.ULarc1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl >= 1) {
_root.LLarc1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uparmArclvl >= 2) {
_root.UAarc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl >= 2) {
_root.LAarc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uplegArclvl >= 2) {
_root.ULarc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl >= 2) {
_root.LLarc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl >= 1) {
_root.UAadv1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl >= 1) {
_root.LAadv1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl >= 1) {
_root.ULadv1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl >= 1) {
_root.LLadv1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl >= 2) {
_root.UAadv2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl >= 2) {
_root.LAadv2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl >= 2) {
_root.ULadv2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl >= 2) {
_root.LLadv2._alpha = 50;
Frame 39
function shopcart_func() {
_root.shopcart = 0;
if (_root.Lbody != _root.LbodyTemp) {
if (_root.Lbody == 13) {
_root.shopcart = _root.shopcart + 8000;
if (_root.Lbody == 14) {
_root.shopcart = _root.shopcart + 8000;
if (_root.Lbody == 15) {
_root.shopcart = _root.shopcart + 8000;
if (_root.Lbody == 16) {
_root.shopcart = _root.shopcart + 8000;
_root.shopcart = 0;
_root.nopt = "Click on the armor to try it on and pay the total sum as you leave by pressing 'Purchase'. Not happy with the cost or you don't have enough cash click 'Don't Purchase'.";
Frame 40
Frame 41
_root.shopcart = 0;
_root.nopt = "Spells can only be purchased once. Once purchased they can be selected during a battle. They consume your Magic";
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 41
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.cure_spell != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.cure_spell != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.cure_spell != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Cure spell selected, 100% chance of healing 50% of your wounds.";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.cure_spell == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 41
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.heal_spell != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.heal_spell != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.heal_spell != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Full heal spell selected, 50% chance of healing 100% of your wounds.";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.heal_spell == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 41
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.mana_spell != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.mana_spell != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.mana_spell != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Mana Charge spell selected, Restore 25%-50% of your mana but sacrifice 25%-50% of your health.";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mana_spell == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 41
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soul_spell != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.soul_spell != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.soul_spell != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Soul Steal spell selected, Steal 5%-30% of your enemies health.";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soul_spell == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 41
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.spirit_spell != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.spirit_spell != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.spirit_spell != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Spirit Drain spell selected, Steal 5%-50% of your enemies magic.";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.spirit_spell == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 41
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.barricade_spell != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.barricade_spell != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.barricade_spell != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Barricade spell selected, Create a barricade to shield from enemie attacks.";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.barricade_spell == 1) {
Frame 42
_root.shopcart = 0;
_root.nopt = "Once you purchase an element you can use it as Weapon Magic in battle. You can also fuse that element to your weapons. Only needs to be purchased once.";
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 42
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.fire_ele != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.fire_ele != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.fire_ele != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Fire element selected";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fire_ele == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 42
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.water_ele != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.water_ele != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.water_ele != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Water element selected";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.water_ele == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 42
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.ice_ele != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.ice_ele != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.ice_ele != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Ice element selected";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.ice_ele == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 42
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.electric_ele != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.electric_ele != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.electric_ele != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Electric element selected";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.electric_ele == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 42
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.light_ele != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.light_ele != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.light_ele != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Light element selected";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.light_ele == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 3630 MovieClip in Frame 42
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.dark_ele != 1) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.dark_ele != 1) {
on (press) {
if (_root.dark_ele != 1) {
_root.nopt = "Dark element selected";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dark_ele == 1) {
Frame 43
_root.shopcart = 0;
_root.nopt = "";
Frame 44
_root.ele_ele = "None";
_root.wep_ele = "None";
Instance of Symbol 1079 MovieClip "sworddisplay" in Frame 44
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
Instance of Symbol 992 MovieClip in Frame 44
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.ele_ele == "Fire") {
if (_root.ele_ele == "Water") {
if (_root.ele_ele == "Electric") {
if (_root.ele_ele == "Ice") {
if (_root.ele_ele == "Light") {
if (_root.ele_ele == "Dark") {
Instance of Symbol 3690 MovieClip "wepsell" in Frame 44
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.chosenele = "N/A";
if (_root.wep_ele == "Sword") {
_root.chosenele = _root.sword_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Axe") {
_root.chosenele = _root.axe_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Spear") {
_root.chosenele = _root.spear_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Energy Saber") {
_root.chosenele = _root.saber_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Plasma Rifle") {
_root.chosenele = _root.laser_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Spinning Blade") {
_root.chosenele = _root.boom_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Staff") {
_root.chosenele = _root.staff_ele;
Frame 45
_root.nopt = "Welcome to the hunters lodge. You can exchange hunter points here for money or training. Points are obtained by defeating Abyss and affiliates. The stronger the Abyss the more points they dish out. You get the same amount of hunter points as you do exp. points from each Abyss you kill.";
Frame 46
_root.defenceTemp = _root.defence;
_root.nopt = "Special training allows us to train you further in skills such as endurance, strength and magic focus. Max of 10 levels per skill.";
Frame 47
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.text2 = "";
_root.text3 = "";
_root.text4 = "";
_root.SP = "";
if (_root.planet2.completed == 0) {
_root.text1 = "Beatrice: A desert planet which was only recently colonised. Most of the planet is harsh and rocky, so farming and resource gethering is next to impossible. For those who live here, resources are sent from other nearby planets at a reasonble price.";
if (_root.planet2.completed == 1) {
_root.text1 = "Beatrice: Beatrice has been successfully secured. All dark abyss have been driven out!";
if (_root.mapmarker.b1 != 1) {
port1._visible = false;
if (_root.mainquest < 9) {
port2._visible = false;
i = 1;
while (i < 6) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + i]);
Instance of Symbol 3763 MovieClip "bb1" in Frame 47
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 1);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 1);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p2a1";
_root.setcolour(3, 1);
_root.selectland("A vast rocky desert that had very little interest to anyone on Beatrice. Very few live on this land. The Abyss had no trouble claiming it.", _root.planet2.area1, "Level 3", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3765 MovieClip "bb3" in Frame 47
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 3);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 3);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p2a3";
_root.setcolour(3, 3);
_root.selectland("The Reptile cliffs were given their name due to the abundance of reptiles living on the land. The warm weather allowed cold blooded creatures to prosper.", _root.planet2.area3, "Level 5", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3768 MovieClip "bb2" in Frame 47
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 2);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 2);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p2a2";
_root.setcolour(3, 2);
_root.selectland("Very little is known about this coast, Beatrice has just recently been colonized and thus some regions are yet to be explored.", _root.planet2.area2, "Level 4", 5);
Instance of Symbol 1805 MovieClip in Frame 47
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planet2.area1 >= 5) {
_root.ba1._visible = false;
_root.bb1._visible = false;
if (_root.planet2.area2 >= 5) {
_root.ba2._visible = false;
_root.bb2._visible = false;
if (_root.planet2.area3 >= 5) {
_root.ba3._visible = false;
_root.bb3._visible = false;
if ((((_root.planet2.area1 < 5) or (_root.planet2.area2 < 5)) or (_root.planet2.area3 < 5)) or (_root.planet2.completed == 1)) {
_root.bossy._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3205 MovieClip "planback" in Frame 47
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.text1 = _root.text1;
this.text2 = _root.text2;
this.text3 = _root.text3;
this.text4 = _root.text4;
Frame 48
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.text2 = "";
_root.text3 = "";
_root.text4 = "";
_root.SP = "";
if (_root.planet3.completed == 0) {
_root.text1 = "Styx: Styx is a tropical world abundant with life. Palms and Beaches made this place the ultimate holiday location. Obviously that has stopped since the invasion of the Abyss.";
if (_root.planet3.completed == 1) {
_root.text1 = "Styx: Styx has been successfully secured. All dark abyss have been driven out!";
i = 1;
while (i < 6) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + i]);
if (_root.mapmarker.s1 != 1) {
port2._visible = false;
if (_root.mainquest < 14) {
port1._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1805 MovieClip in Frame 48
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.bl1 = _root.planet3.area1 + "/ 5";
_root.bl2 = _root.planet3.area2 + "/ 5";
_root.bl3 = _root.planet3.area3 + "/ 5";
_root.bl4 = _root.planet3.area4 + "/ 5";
if (_root.planet3.area1 >= 5) {
_root.ba1._visible = false;
_root.bb1._visible = false;
_root.bl1 = "Clear";
if (_root.planet3.area2 >= 5) {
_root.ba2._visible = false;
_root.bb2._visible = false;
_root.bl2 = "Clear";
if (_root.planet3.area3 >= 5) {
_root.ba3._visible = false;
_root.bb3._visible = false;
_root.bl3 = "Clear";
if (_root.planet3.area4 >= 5) {
_root.ba4._visible = false;
_root.bb4._visible = false;
_root.bl4 = "Clear";
if (((((_root.planet3.area1 < 5) or (_root.planet3.area2 < 5)) or (_root.planet3.area3 < 5)) or (_root.planet3.area4 < 5)) or (_root.planet3.completed == 1)) {
_root.bossy._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3789 MovieClip "bb1" in Frame 48
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 1);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 1);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p3a1";
_root.setcolour(3, 1);
_root.selectland("A number of holiday resorts once prospered from the beautiful weather and climate in the Tropic Isolation.", _root.planet3.area1, "Level 8", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3791 MovieClip "bb2" in Frame 48
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 2);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 2);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p3a2";
_root.setcolour(3, 2);
_root.selectland("The RTF HQ is stationed in the Styx Shore Hub. Attacks on the base from the Abyss have been constant.", _root.planet3.area2, "Level 9", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3793 MovieClip "bb3" in Frame 48
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 3);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 3);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p3a3";
_root.setcolour(3, 3);
_root.selectland("The tropic Desolation was cut off from the public as the creatures who lived there were very aggressive.", _root.planet3.area3, "Level 12", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3795 MovieClip "bb4" in Frame 48
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 4);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 4);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p3a4";
_root.setcolour(3, 4);
_root.selectland("Similar to the land above the creatures who live in this territory are very aggressive.", _root.planet3.area4, "Level 14", 5);
Frame 49
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.text2 = "";
_root.text3 = "";
_root.text4 = "";
_root.SP = "";
if (_root.planet5.completed == 0) {
_root.text1 = "Paradiso: Paradiso is a very dangerous planet due to the effects the Abyss have had on it. It used to be a beautiful tourist attraction but now even the RTF cannot maintain a base on its surface.";
if (_root.planet5.completed == 1) {
_root.text1 = "Paradiso: Paradiso has been successfully secured. All dark abyss have been driven out!";
i = 1;
while (i < 6) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + i]);
if (_root.mapmarker.p2 != 1) {
port3._visible = false;
if (_root.mapmarker.p1 != 1) {
port2._visible = false;
if (_root.mainquest < 18) {
port1._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1805 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.bl1 = _root.planet5.area1 + "/ 5";
_root.bl2 = _root.planet5.area2 + "/ 5";
_root.bl3 = _root.planet5.area3 + "/ 5";
_root.bl4 = _root.planet5.area4 + "/ 5";
if (_root.planet5.area1 >= 5) {
_root.ba1._visible = false;
_root.bb1._visible = false;
_root.bl1 = "Clear";
if (_root.planet5.area2 >= 5) {
_root.ba2._visible = false;
_root.bb2._visible = false;
_root.bl2 = "Clear";
if (_root.planet5.area3 >= 5) {
_root.ba3._visible = false;
_root.bb3._visible = false;
_root.bl3 = "Clear";
if (_root.planet5.area4 >= 5) {
_root.ba4._visible = false;
_root.bb4._visible = false;
_root.bl4 = "Clear";
if (((((_root.planet5.area1 < 5) || (_root.planet5.area2 < 5)) || (_root.planet5.area3 < 5)) || (_root.planet5.area4 < 5)) || (_root.planet5.completed == 1)) {
_root.bossy._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3812 MovieClip "bb1" in Frame 49
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 1);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 1);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p5a1";
_root.setcolour(3, 1);
_root.selectland("A valley that is now swarming with Abyss warriors. It is believed this is where they recruit and train their soldiers.", _root.planet5.area1, "Level 20", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3812 MovieClip "bb2" in Frame 49
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 2);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 2);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p5a2";
_root.setcolour(3, 2);
_root.selectland("Once the most beautiful place in the galaxy is now a horrid swamp.", _root.planet5.area2, "Level 21", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3814 MovieClip "bb3" in Frame 49
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 3);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 3);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p5a3";
_root.setcolour(3, 3);
_root.selectland("This land used to hold the Paridiso RTF HQ however it has become overrun with Abyss. The Paradiso Leader was brutaly killed while defending the base.", _root.planet5.area3, "Level 22", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3816 MovieClip "bb4" in Frame 49
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 4);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 4);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p5a4";
_root.setcolour(3, 4);
_root.selectland("Steep cliffs and dangerous beasts make this place a very dangerous outing.", _root.planet5.area4, "Level 23", 5);
Frame 50
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.text2 = "";
_root.text3 = "";
_root.text4 = "";
_root.SP = "";
if (_root.planet4.completed == 0) {
_root.text1 = "Alpha #126: Once a beautiful planet of oceans and vegitation, Alpha #126 is now a lifeless rock. The land is very unstable and there are next to no minerals of any use in the soil. Nothing but elementals can live on the planet due to its lack of food sources. It is believed that this is a result of an early Dark Abyss assault before the RTF or any such organisation ever existed.";
if (_root.planet4.completed == 1) {
_root.text1 = "Alpha #126: Alpha #126 has been successfully secured. All dark abyss have been driven out!";
i = 1;
while (i < 6) {
bbcol = new Color(_root["bb" + i]);
if (_root.mainquest < 19) {
port1._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1805 MovieClip in Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.bl1 = _root.planet4.area1 + "/ 5";
_root.bl2 = _root.planet4.area2 + "/ 5";
if (_root.planet4.area1 >= 5) {
_root.ba1._visible = false;
_root.bb1._visible = false;
_root.bl1 = "Clear";
if (_root.planet4.area2 >= 5) {
_root.ba2._visible = false;
_root.bb2._visible = false;
_root.bl2 = "Clear";
if (((_root.planet4.area1 < 5) or (_root.planet4.area2 < 5)) or (_root.planet4.completed == 1)) {
_root.bossy._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3833 MovieClip "bb1" in Frame 50
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 1);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 1);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p4a1";
_root.setcolour(3, 1);
_root.selectland("Relics of a past civilisation is all that remains in this sector. Archaeologists have been known to conduct research in this sector studying the relics scattered throughout.", _root.planet4.area1, "Level 16", 5);
Instance of Symbol 3833 MovieClip "bb2" in Frame 50
on (rollOver) {
_root.setcolour(1, 2);
on (rollOut) {
_root.setcolour(2, 2);
on (press) {
_root.SP = "p4a2";
_root.setcolour(3, 2);
_root.selectland("This sector of the planet is too dangerous to explore due to the elementals inhabiting it. It appears even the Abyss occupying this zone are having difficulty holding it.", _root.planet4.area2, "Level 18", 5);
Frame 51
_root.notepad = "";
if (_root.RTF == 1) {
if ((_root.mainquest == 1) && (_root.lethalmode != 1)) {
_root.notepad = (("Beatrice RTF Leader: Well look who it is. We all thought you were dead. The hero of the day, the dominator of the dreaded Krytick.\n\nYou and another one called Lethal took down the entire Krytick fleet all by yourselves. Impressive, that is if it is all true.\n\nThe Krytick have been reduced in numbers significantly and have retreated back to the otherside of the universe. However, It seems your actions have greatly pissed off the Dark Abyss.\n\n" + _root.YName) + ": You mean you already knew about the Dark Abyss!") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: Ofcourse, they were the ones who have been controlling the Krytick. What, did you believe the Krytick were intelligent enough for such an effective universe domination scheme. But enough, I'll fill you in on more later, there is no time. The Dark Abyss have mounted an assault on Beatrice and already control some of our areas, this one is our last. We believe they have set up camp in the summerset caves to the north. We need you to drive them out and kill their leader. Go now!";
_root.mainquest = 2;
} else if ((_root.mainquest == 1) && (_root.lethalmode == 1)) {
_root.notepad = "Beatrice RTF Leader: Well if it isn't the legendary Warlord of the diminished Alpha #126: Lethal Jaggered Spine! I see you have been fighting for the RTF for some time, but I fear there is link between you and Abyss that you are not sharing with us.\n\nLethal: Whether you like it or not, you cannot win this war without my help. The Dark Abyss have been my enemies for a very long time. I have a greater knowledge of the Abyss than you do for sure, but you know all that you need to. They are ruthless and will destroy us all if not stopped.\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: You're right, you have been a great asset in this war.\n\nIf you still wish to help us in this battle you can help us defend our HQ from the Abyss onslaught. They are builing something in the Summerset Caves north of here. Find the Abyss General that hides in the caves and destroy it. There is no time, they will be at our doorstep before we know it.";
_root.mainquest = 2;
} else if (_root.mainquest == 2) {
_root.notepad = "Beatrice RTF Leader: Head north to summerset cave and rid the place of the Dark Abyss General. I believe it is a water general so you might want to buy a fire element from the spell shop.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 3) {
_root.notepad = "Beatrice RTF Leader: Wow, you are as badass as they say you are. Nice Job. Rather than paying you for your work I guess I can supply you with one of our spacecrafts. It won't be the best of the best, but it will get you from A to B.\n\nThe RTF Leader on Vergilius wants a word with you. Head over there by using your ship. She will be outside the RTF Centre in Purgatorio City.\n\nYou can now access your ship by pressing the Leave Planet icon on the menu bar at the bottom of the screen. This will teleport you to your ship.\n\nOnce on your ship you can access the Galaxy Map Navigation by pressing the same button again. Then click on the planet you wish to go to and then click on one of the ship buttons to land.\n\nYou now have access to domination mode. In order to defeat the Abyss you must rid them from our galaxy. Click on the shield buttons to begin the fight. For more information on this check the help menu.";
_root.mainquest = 4;
} else if (_root.mainquest == 4) {
_root.notepad = "Beatrice RTF Leader: In order to defeat the Abyss you must rid them from our galaxy. Click on the shield buttons to begin the fight when in Galaxy Map Navigation. The RTF Leader on Vergilius wants a word with you. Head over there by using your ship. She will be outside the RTF Centre in Purgatorio City.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 13) {
_root.notepad = "Beatrice RTF Leader: Well you have been busy havn't you. I see you have made good use of my ship.\n\nOk here is the latest information we have recieved recently. Styx and Paradiso are the worst hit areas in the galaxy as we believe the power source of the Abyss is very close to their location.\n\nWe lost the RTF centre on Paridiso a long while back but we have maintained the one on Styx by fending the Abyss off. However just yesterday we lost all communications with the Base.\n\nWe don't have any agents available for the mission so it looks like we need you to do it. Take your ship over to the planet Styx. Unfortunatly the landing points are scarce, you may need to walk to the base from the landing point.";
_root.mainquest = 14;
} else if (_root.mainquest == 17) {
_root.notepad = "Beatrice RTF Leader: My god! Everyone is dead. The Abyss are gaining in power I'm afraid. Soon they will destroy us unless we can find a way of defeating them.\n\nWe believe their true power source is an individual creature. Who or what this creature is, is a mystery. I know one person who may be able to help us. They were hiding in the ruins of the RTF base on Paradiso but we lost communication with them a few hours ago. I know they can handle themselves so I believe the communication cut out was due to the increasing power of the Abyss in that region. It must be jamming the signal.\n\nSo guess what? I want you to go find Zypher. I'll give you the coordinates to the RTF Centre, or whats left of it, on Paradiso. Ok, get going then.";
_root.mainquest = 18;
} else {
_root.notepad = "Beatrice RTF Leader: How can I help you soldier?";
if (_root.RTF == 2) {
if (_root.mainquest == 4) {
_root.notepad = "Vergilius RTF Leader: Good to see you again. You did a noble and selfless thing back there. You saved us all from those Krytick. But I need you to keep up the good work because this is far from over.\n\nYou've faced a few Dark Abyss but there are far more powerful ones appearing near the portals. They have inhabited and dominated most of this galaxy's planets however we are doing our best to keep this one free from their grasp.\n\nThats where you come in. You may or may not have begun ridding the planets of the Abyss but in order to defeat them we must free our galaxy. As well as this we must stop them from taking this planet and I will give you missions that will be crucial in defeating these monsters. You can begin dominating the Abyss on any planet you desire but I would start at Beatrice as it is the least tainted. Your ship scanner should pick up a warning level for each area that will guide you to areas you are confident enough to succeed in.\n\nI have a mission for you if you are ready. I have a friend down at Cantos Drop I want you to meet, head south past the Pathway of Limbo and meet him as far south as possible. Near where you landed here for the first time back before we met. He'll fill you in.";
_root.mainquest = 5;
} else if (_root.mainquest == 8) {
_root.notepad = "Vergilius RTF Leader: It seems many are trying to join forces with the Abyss. The weak minded can't see through the trap.\n\nThanks for dealing with the traitor, I hope no more RTF will be swayed towards the Dark Abyss. Remember warrior, the Abyss do not need allies; once you serve your purpose you will be destroyed.\n\nI'm afraid you are not going to be able to relax, we have found out how the Abyss are linking their power sources throughout the galaxy. They have set up reactors on each planet they dominate, which link back to their true power source whatever that might be. I want you to investigate these reactors.\n\nWe have located one on Beatrice near the Shoreline Retreat. When you believe you have enough information on the device, destroy it. It will cripple the Abyss by cutting them off from their power source. Here take this pulse rifle, it should be enough to destroy the device.";
_root.mainquest = 9;
} else if (_root.mainquest == 10) {
_root.notepad = "Vergilius RTF Leader: Well done on your last mission but there is no time for celebration. Vergilius is underattack; their forces are accumulating in the Divine Wood. They havn't breached our checkpoints yet but it will happen; that is unless we destroy the Spire they built in the woods.\n\nThat traitor must have told them about the Divine Wood. It cloaks all magical activity happening from within. Ancient cults used to make sacrifices in the woods and no one could sense what was happening within from the outside.\n\nQuickly, head to the Divine Woods from the South-East Exit. Find the Spire and destroy it. It will be deep in the wood.";
_root.mainquest = 11;
} else if (_root.mainquest == 12) {
_root.notepad = "Vergilius RTF Leader: That is definetly a relief. I was really starting to worry. Yet again you have saved us all here on Vergilius. Please take this as a thankyou. Its some sort of key fragment from ancient times. Maybe you could put it to some use on your journeys.\n\nI hear Natasha Uzikako has an assignment for you. Remember she is the leader on Beatrice. Go see her when you can."; = 1;
_root.mainquest = 13;
} else {
_root.notepad = "Vergilius RTF Leader: How can I help you soldier?";
if (_root.RTF == 3) {
if (_root.mainquest == 18) {
_root.notepad = "Dantes RTF Leader: Well, its you again. Don't worry I won't attack you again. You have definitely proven your worth.\n\nDantes has become a lost cause, the planet is of no interest to the Abyss as it has very few intelligent life forms inhabiting it. After the attacks on it by the Krytick and the recent Abyss invasion, there is barely any life on it at all.\n\nSo I decided to do something that was worth doing. Paridiso has always been the worst hit. It used to be a beautiful place but the Abyss' strange energy source must be near by as everything living on the planet is slowly dieing. Although a rare few evil lifeforms are intaking the power and becoming stronger. All in all Paradiso is one dangerous place.\n\nI have set up a satelite on top of the Base to scan around the region and have found something very interesting. A huge meteor is hovering above the planets atmosphere. I believe this is the source of their power or atleast the source is on it.\n\nTo the north of our location is a gateway the Abyss use to travel to the meteors location. It uses the same energy that the Abyss live off. To use the teleporter you need to obtain something that also holds that power. An orb similar to the one you found in the Divine Wood but much more powerful. I Believe one exists on the planet Alpha #126. The planet is quite dangerous but it is our only option.\n\nCan you do it? I would also like you to rid the territories of Abyss throughout the galaxy, there is no point in attacking the Abyss if they still hold all of our planets at ransom. Come back when you have completed these tasks.";
_root.mainquest = 19;
} else if ((_root.mainquest == 20) && (_root.alldominated())) {
_root.notepad = "Dantes RTF Leader: You have the orb and have rid the territories of all Abyss. Very well done! I thought you may have been crushed by one of those mutants on Alpha #126.\n\nNow head east and then north to the Abyss mines. Enter and navigate the mines in order to find the teleporter. Use that orb on the teleporter to travel to the meteor. This is our last stand, I hope you are ready for this challenge. Buy all the equipment you need and get going.";
_root.mainquest = 21;
} else if ((_root.mainquest == 20) && (!_root.alldominated())) {
_root.notepad = "Dantes RTF Leader: You have the orb. Very well done! But I believe while the Abyss hold our territories and generate power from the lands, the Abyss power source will be too powerful to destroy. You must free the lands throughout the galaxy before we can advance our attack. Once you have done so, return and I'll fill you in further.";
} else {
_root.notepad = "Dantes RTF Leader: How can I help you soldier?";
Instance of Symbol 3845 MovieClip in Frame 51
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip [UIScrollBar] "scroll_b" in Frame 51
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetInstanceName = "notepaded";
horizontal = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
Frame 52
_root.notepad = "MAIN QUESTS\n";
if (_root.mainquest == 1) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nMy ship has crash landed on Beatrice. I was lucky enough to guide myself just in range of the RTF base. I should aquire a new form of transport from the RTF. The Leader of The RTF on Beatrice should be around the RTF building in the RTF HQ which is just north of the crash site.";
if (_root.mainquest == 2) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI need to head north and find the Water General trying to build a base for the Abyss in the Summerset Caves and eliminate it.";
if (_root.mainquest == 4) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI was told to fly to Vergilius and speak with their RTF Leader at Purgatorio city.";
if (_root.mainquest == 5) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI was told to travel south to Cantos Drop to meet a friend of Inasha's or Begin Dominating the Abyss.";
if (_root.mainquest == 6) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nWe believe a man with red hair called Alfred is a traitor. Tell him his duties are finished for the day and then head over to the Bandit Refuge.";
if (_root.mainquest == 7) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nHead over to the Bandit Refuge and see if Alfred is the traitor.";
if (_root.mainquest == 8) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nAlfred has been dealt with and will no longer be a problem for the RTF. I should go and tell Inasha that I completed her task.";
if (_root.mainquest == 9) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI need to fly to the Shoreline Retreat on Beatrice and examine, then destroy the Spire under construction by the Abyss.";
if (_root.mainquest == 10) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nThe Spire is destroyed. I should return to Purgatorio city with the news.";
if (_root.mainquest == 11) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nA new Spire has been built in the Divine wood. If I don't destroy it, it could be the end of the RTF.";
if (_root.mainquest == 12) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nThe Divine Wood has been saved. I should return to Purgatorio city with the news.";
if (_root.mainquest == 13) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nThe leader on Beatrice wants to have a chat with me.";
if (_root.mainquest == 14) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI must fly to Styx and seek out the RTF base.";
if (_root.mainquest == 15) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI should search the Styx RTF base for survivors. Surely someone survived this attack. I think I can hear someone breathing heavily down the back of the base.";
if (_root.mainquest == 16) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI need to find and destroy the Spire that is east of the Styx RTF Base.";
if (_root.mainquest == 17) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI have done all that I can do on Styx. The Spire is no more and I investigated the RTF Base. I should head back to Beatrice and Report the news.";
if (_root.mainquest == 18) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI need to fly to Paradiso RTF Base and find the Dantes RTF Leader who has information that might be the key to winning this war.";
if (_root.mainquest == 19) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI spoke with Zypher. She believes we can find the source of all the Abyss' power on a meteor hovering above Paridiso. However to get there I need to use the Abyss teleporter and I cannot do this without something to power the teleporter. I need to fly to Alpha #126 and find an orb that mimics the power of the Abyss.";
if (_root.mainquest == 20) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI have the power source. I should destroy all the territories under control by the Abyss before I try to teleport to the meteor. Once I have defeated all the territories I should go and speak with Zypher.";
if (_root.mainquest == 21) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nThis is it. I must use the Abyss Teleporter, to the north of the Paradiso RTF Base in a mine, to teleport to the meteor and destroy the Abyss once and for all.";
if (_root.mainquest == 22) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nI have defeated the guard to the portal, now I just need to use it and face the Abyss head on!";
if (_root.mainquest == 23) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nAll main objectives have been completed.";
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + newline;
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\nSIDE QUESTS";
if ( == 1) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Mystic and Forbidden: Inasha gave me some sort of key. It appears to be only half of what once was a key. If I could find the other half maybe this could lead me to some special treasure.";
if ( == 2) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Mystic and Forbidden: I found the other half of the key being held by some stranger. He has asked me to kill an entrance guard, Buckley, at Vergilius while he is taking his walk down at the Pathway of limbo. But is there another way? Does the ends justify the means?";
if ( == 3) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Mystic and Forbidden: I told Buckley about the plot to kill him. He is going to meet with the man on Beatrice; I should fly over there and see what happens.";
if ( == 4) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Mystic and Forbidden: I have killed Buckley; I should go back and claim my reward.";
if ( == 5) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Mystic and Forbidden: I have both pieces of the key. It has an image of a half moon on the handle. I should look out for a tomb or dungeoun that has a marking of this kind.";
if (_root.side.two == 1) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Mage: A Mystic Mage has asked me to destroy orbs that are spread throughout the galaxy and he will reward me with training.";
if (_root.side.three == 1) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nWe Need More Power: A man in Purgatorio City needs an engine part for his ship. If I can find this part on my travels he will give me a moon key.";
if (_root.side.three == 2) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nWe Need More Power: I found the engine piece for his ship. I should return it to him in Purgatorio City.";
if (_root.side.three == 3) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nWe Need More Power: I now have the Full Moon key. I should look for the dungeoun it belongs to.";
if (_root.side.four == 1) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Cresent: I have found the Cresent Moon key. I should look for the dungeoun it belongs to.";
if (_root.side.five == 1) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Demon Slayer Curse: A broken and cursed Katana is deep in the Divine Wood. If I find it I might be able to repair it.";
if (_root.side.five == 2) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Demon Slayer Curse: I have the Katana. I should take it back to the man who told me about it in Purgatorio City.";
if (_root.side.five == 3) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Demon Slayer Curse: I need to go to Beatrice and find a mage who can lift this curse.";
if (_root.side.five == 4) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Demon Slayer Curse: The mage on Beatrice could not lift the curse. Only one other can and he lives on Styx near the Full Moon tomb.";
if ((_root.side.five == 5) && (_root.guild != "Mage")) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Demon Slayer Curse: The curse has been lifted. I just need to take it back to Purgatorio City and find a man outside the weapons shop who can fix it. He will charge me $5000 so I should make sure I have the money and are willing to spend it.";
if ((_root.side.five == 5) && (_root.guild == "Mage")) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nThe Demon Slayer Curse: The curse has been lifted. I just need to take it back to Purgatorio City and find a man outside the weapons shop who can fix it.";
if ((_root.side.six == 1) && (_root.side.six_shards != 3)) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + (("\n\nMan's Inhumainity to Man: An ancient blade forged from pain and suffering is broken and shattered throughout the galaxy. I have found " + _root.side.six_shards) + " shard/s. The locations I was given were there is one in The Divine Wood, Styx and Paradiso.");
if ((_root.side.six == 1) && (_root.side.six_shards == 3)) {
_root.notepad = _root.notepad + "\n\nMan's Inhumainity to Man: I have found all the shards, I should return to Styx RTF centre with the shards.";
_root.notepaded.scroll = _root.notepaded.scroll - 100;
Instance of Symbol 1805 MovieClip in Frame 52
/* no clip actions */
Frame 53
_root.notepad = "ROUND " + int(_root.rounds + 1);
Instance of Symbol 1852 MovieClip "encounter" in Frame 53
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;
Frame 54
if (_root.locate == 24) {
_root.notepad = "Congratulations on completing the Beginners Tournament.\n\nYou may want to now try the Advanced Tournament.\n\nYour prize is $100."; = + 100;
if (_root.tourntaken < 1) {
_root.tourntaken = 1;
if (_root.locate == 25) {
_root.notepad = "Congratulations on completing the Advanced Tournament.\n\nBe wary warrior, The next level of tournament is not one to be taken lightly.\n\nYour prize is $250 and a large potion."; = + 250;
if (_root.tourntaken < 2) {
_root.tourntaken = 2;
if (_root.locate == 26) {
_root.notepad = "You are now the Ultimate fighter.\n\nOn completing the most difficult tournament in the universe you are added to the hall of fame.\n\nYour prize is $2000 and an achievement."; = + 2000;
if (_root.tourntaken < 3) {
_root.tourntaken = 3;
Instance of Symbol 1805 MovieClip in Frame 54
/* no clip actions */
Frame 55
_root.shopcart = 0;
_root.picked = 0;
_root.nopt = "Pets add additional damage per round. Their strength is in relation to how much damage they do and their stamina is their chances of attacking each round.";
Frame 56
_root.nopt = "Each armor stats vary on whether it is archaic or advanced, as well as what class it is designed for.";
Instance of Symbol 795 MovieClip in Frame 56
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.UAarc1._alpha = 100;
_root.UAarc2._alpha = 100;
_root.ULarc1._alpha = 100;
_root.ULarc2._alpha = 100;
_root.LAarc1._alpha = 100;
_root.LAarc2._alpha = 100;
_root.LLarc1._alpha = 100;
_root.LLarc2._alpha = 100;
_root.UAadv1._alpha = 100;
_root.UAadv2._alpha = 100;
_root.ULadv1._alpha = 100;
_root.ULadv2._alpha = 100;
_root.LAadv1._alpha = 100;
_root.LAadv2._alpha = 100;
_root.LLadv1._alpha = 100;
_root.LLadv2._alpha = 100;
if (_root.armorowned.uparmArclvl >= 1) {
_root.UAarc1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl >= 1) {
_root.LAarc1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uplegArclvl >= 1) {
_root.ULarc1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl >= 1) {
_root.LLarc1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uparmArclvl >= 2) {
_root.UAarc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl >= 2) {
_root.LAarc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uplegArclvl >= 2) {
_root.ULarc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl >= 2) {
_root.LLarc2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl >= 1) {
_root.UAadv1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl >= 1) {
_root.LAadv1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl >= 1) {
_root.ULadv1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl >= 1) {
_root.LLadv1._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl >= 2) {
_root.UAadv2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl >= 2) {
_root.LAadv2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl >= 2) {
_root.ULadv2._alpha = 50;
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl >= 2) {
_root.LLadv2._alpha = 50;
Frame 57
if (_root.EVIL == 1) {
_root.Belement = "Water";
_root.notepad = "Water General: Bah, a human. You are one of those foolish warriors of the RTF. Hah!! Your pitiful organisation may have been powerful enough to destroy the Krytick but we are not so easily defeated. Or should I say we CANNOT be Defeated";
if (_root.EVIL == 2) {
_root.Belement = "Fire";
_root.notepad = "Fire General: Raaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgh! How dare you kill my brother. Revenge will be mine!";
if (_root.EVIL == 3) {
_root.Belement = "Ice";
_root.notepad = ("Ice General: You have become quite a problem little human. You know you could join us and you could become invincible. Can't you feel the power coming from the Spire. It could all be yours if you help our cause.\n\n" + _root.YName) + ":I don't think so scum!\n\nIce General: You may have destroyed my fellow Generals but I will crush you. This Spire will allow us to destroy your precious RTF. Prepare for oblivion!";
if (_root.EVIL == 4) {
_root.Belement = "Light";
_root.notepad = "Light General: It is pointless little one. Don't you see the end is coming for you and all of your kind. Destroying these Spires is just prolonging the inevitable. Your kind will fall as they have always done.";
if (_root.EVIL == 7) {
_root.Belement = "Dark";
_root.notepad = "Tyrant: What, did you believe the portal would be unguarded. ha ha ha! I am an almighty Tyrant of the Draken Distinctus army. You have defeated a fellow Tyrant but this time will be different, ha ha!.";
if (_root.EVIL == 8) {
_root.Belement = "Dark";
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
_root.notepad = "Fatal: You are late. A few thousand years too late I'm afraid. I must admit you have been quite a little nuisance: destroying one of my greatest Krytick Generals, destroying my Krytick Battleship, eradicating my entire Krytick army and now you wish to defeat my children. You call them the Dark Abyss but I call them my Draken Distinctus. They are Named after me, Fatal Draken Distinctus. You stand before the most powerful force in the universe. I am what Lethal could have been but he chose the path of the light. Fool! Oh you don't know what I am talking about do you. I am the Essence of Lethal Jaggered Spine. When Lethal was created two forms were produced. Lethal became a half demon in the mortal realm and I became an essence in the spirit realm. However I escaped that dreaded realm and tried to join forces with Lethal in the mortal realm. But he had seen the light and done away with his evil heritage. So I made a huge army with my demonic powers and destroyed Lethal and his homeworld. Unfortunitly I did not know he had preserved himself some how and thanks to your stupidity you ressurrected him. But no matter what either of you try this universe is mine and I will let no one get in the way of my lifes work.";
} else {
_root.notepad = "Fatal: It has been a long time brother. Join me Lethal, with our combined power nothing can stand in our way. This is our fate! This is why we exist. You have always known that our powers are limitless and yet you chose to hide them and live amongst mortals.\n\nWe are one in the same yet you oppose me here and now. Your very own flesh and blood! If you continue to follow this path I will have to finish you off once and for all.\n\nLethal: All those years trapped in a tomb watching your destruction. I was once like you. I wanted to rule it all! But I found that no matter how much power you got the thirst never subsided. An immortal hunger that could not be satisfied. No Fatal, I will never join the likes of you brother.\n\nFatal: Your nine lives have run out, it is over!!!!";
Instance of Symbol 3898 MovieClip in Frame 57
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 100 MovieClip [UIScrollBar] "scroll_b" in Frame 57
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetInstanceName = "notepaded";
horizontal = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
Frame 58
Instance of Symbol 1805 MovieClip in Frame 58
/* no clip actions */
Frame 59
Frame 60
Frame 61
if (_root.EVIL == 1) {
_root.Belement = "Water";
} else if (_root.EVIL == 2) {
_root.Belement = "Fire";
} else if (_root.EVIL == 3) {
_root.Belement = "Ice";
} else if (_root.EVIL == 4) {
_root.Belement = "Light";
Instance of Symbol 151 MovieClip in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag ("", true);
Frame 90
gotoAndStop ("evil chat");
Frame 91
_root.enemykind = "abyss1";
Frame 99
Frame 110
Frame 111
Frame 112
Frame 119
ccc = _root.YName + ": Step aside Alfred, I'll deal with you later. First things first. Any last words Abyss.";
Frame 120
Frame 128
Frame 129
_root.mainquest = 8;
Frame 137
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
ccc = _root.YName + ": Well I would have done the same thing if my family were taken. My family were destroyed by the Krytick.";
} else {
ccc = _root.YName + ": Well I would have done the same thing if my family were taken. My entire planet was destroyed by the Abyss.";
Frame 138
ccc = _root.YName + ": Go tell the RTF exaclty what has been going on and I'm sure they can help you get your family back.";
Frame 139
Frame 150
ccc = _root.YName + ": I'm sorry I can't let you live. I must protect the RTF from traitors like you.";
Frame 165
gotoAndStop (17);
Frame 166
Frame 167
Frame 185
_root.locate = 43;
gotoAndPlay (18);
Frame 186
Frame 205
gotoAndStop ("evil chat");
Frame 206
Frame 218
Frame 219
Frame 264
Frame 303
_root.EVIL = 8;
gotoAndStop ("evil chat");
Frame 305
Frame 440
Frame 481
Frame 482
Instance of Symbol 4159 MovieClip in Frame 482
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lethalunlocked()) {
this._visible = false;
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("lethal"); = 1;
Frame 483
Symbol 14 MovieClip [BrdrShdw] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "shadowColor");
Symbol 16 MovieClip [BrdrFace] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "buttonColor");
Symbol 19 MovieClip [BrdrBlk] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "borderColor");
Symbol 21 MovieClip [BrdrHilght] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "highlightColor");
Symbol 24 MovieClip [Defaults] Frame 1
#initclip 31
Object.registerClass("Defaults", mx.skins.halo.Defaults);
Symbol 25 MovieClip [UIObjectExtensions] Frame 1
#initclip 32
Object.registerClass("UIObjectExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions);
Symbol 26 MovieClip [UIObject] Frame 1
#initclip 33
Object.registerClass("UIObject", mx.core.UIObject);
Symbol 29 Button
on (keyPress "<Tab>") {
Symbol 30 MovieClip Frame 1
#initclip 34
Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager);
if (_root.focusManager == undefined) {
_root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, "focusManager", mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--);
Symbol 31 MovieClip [FocusRect] Frame 1
#initclip 35
Object.registerClass("FocusRect", mx.skins.halo.FocusRect);
Symbol 32 MovieClip [FocusManager] Frame 1
#initclip 36
Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager);
Symbol 33 MovieClip [UIComponentExtensions] Frame 1
#initclip 37
Object.registerClass("UIComponentExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions);
Symbol 34 MovieClip [UIComponent] Frame 1
#initclip 38
Object.registerClass("UIComponent", mx.core.UIComponent);
Symbol 35 MovieClip [SimpleButton] Frame 1
#initclip 39
Object.registerClass("SimpleButton", mx.controls.SimpleButton);
Symbol 36 MovieClip [Border] Frame 1
#initclip 40
Object.registerClass("Border", mx.skins.Border);
Symbol 37 MovieClip [RectBorder] Frame 1
#initclip 41
mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(mx.skins.RectBorder.symbolName, Object(mx.skins.RectBorder));
Object.registerClass("RectBorder", mx.skins.halo.RectBorder);
Symbol 38 MovieClip [ButtonSkin] Frame 1
#initclip 42
Object.registerClass("ButtonSkin", mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin);
Symbol 39 MovieClip [Button] Frame 1
#initclip 43
Object.registerClass("Button", mx.controls.Button);
Instance of Symbol 35 MovieClip [SimpleButton] in Symbol 39 MovieClip [Button] Frame 2
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
Symbol 40 MovieClip [CustomBorder] Frame 1
#initclip 44
Object.registerClass("CustomBorder", mx.skins.CustomBorder);
mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement("CustomBorder", mx.skins.CustomBorder);
Symbol 52 MovieClip [ScrollThemeColor1] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 54 MovieClip [ScrollThemeColor2] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 65 MovieClip [ThumbThemeColor1] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 67 MovieClip [ThumbThemeColor3] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 74 MovieClip [ThumbThemeColor2] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 95 MovieClip [BtnDownArrow] Frame 1
#initclip 45
Object.registerClass("BtnDownArrow", mx.controls.SimpleButton);
Symbol 96 MovieClip [BtnUpArrow] Frame 1
#initclip 46
Object.registerClass("BtnUpArrow", mx.controls.SimpleButton);
Symbol 98 MovieClip [VScrollBar] Frame 1
#initclip 47
Object.registerClass("VScrollBar", mx.controls.VScrollBar);
Instance of Symbol 39 MovieClip [Button] in Symbol 98 MovieClip [VScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
icon = "";
label = "Button";
labelPlacement = "right";
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
Instance of Symbol 35 MovieClip [SimpleButton] in Symbol 98 MovieClip [VScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
Symbol 99 MovieClip [HScrollBar] Frame 1
#initclip 48
Object.registerClass("HScrollBar", mx.controls.HScrollBar);
Instance of Symbol 39 MovieClip [Button] in Symbol 99 MovieClip [HScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
icon = "";
label = "Button";
labelPlacement = "right";
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
Instance of Symbol 35 MovieClip [SimpleButton] in Symbol 99 MovieClip [HScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
Symbol 100 MovieClip [UIScrollBar] Frame 1
#initclip 49
Object.registerClass("UIScrollBar", mx.controls.UIScrollBar);
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip [VScrollBar] in Symbol 100 MovieClip [UIScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
Instance of Symbol 99 MovieClip [HScrollBar] in Symbol 100 MovieClip [UIScrollBar] Frame 2
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.XP < 50) {
_root.lvl = "Level 1";
_root.leveled = 1;
_root.str = 7;
_root.MaxHealth = 100;
_root.MaxMagic = 10;
_root.XPX = 50;
_root.XPC = 50;
if (_root.XP > 49) {
_root.lvl = "Level 2";
_root.leveled = 2;
_root.str = 10;
_root.MaxHealth = 200;
_root.MaxMagic = 15;
_root.XPX = 100;
_root.XPC = 50;
if (_root.XP > 99) {
_root.lvl = "Level 3";
_root.leveled = 3;
_root.str = 13;
_root.MaxHealth = 300;
_root.MaxMagic = 20;
_root.XPX = 200;
_root.XPC = 100;
if (_root.XP > 199) {
_root.lvl = "Level 4";
_root.leveled = 4;
_root.str = 16;
_root.MaxHealth = 400;
_root.MaxMagic = 25;
_root.XPX = 300;
_root.XPC = 100;
if (_root.XP > 299) {
_root.lvl = "Level 5";
_root.leveled = 5;
_root.str = 19;
_root.MaxHealth = 500;
_root.MaxMagic = 30;
_root.XPX = 500;
_root.XPC = 200;
if (_root.XP > 499) {
_root.lvl = "Level 6";
_root.leveled = 6;
_root.str = 22;
_root.MaxHealth = 600;
_root.MaxMagic = 35;
_root.XPX = 800;
_root.XPC = 300;
if (_root.XP > 799) {
_root.lvl = "Level 7";
_root.leveled = 7;
_root.str = 25;
_root.MaxHealth = 700;
_root.MaxMagic = 40;
_root.XPX = 1100;
_root.XPC = 50;
_root.XPC = 1100;
if (_root.XP > 1099) {
_root.lvl = "Level 8";
_root.leveled = 8;
_root.str = 28;
_root.MaxHealth = 800;
_root.MaxMagic = 45;
_root.XPX = 1500;
_root.XPC = 400;
if (_root.XP > 1499) {
_root.lvl = "Level 9";
_root.leveled = 9;
_root.str = 31;
_root.MaxHealth = 900;
_root.MaxMagic = 50;
_root.XPX = 2000;
_root.XPC = 500;
if (_root.XP > 1999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 10";
_root.leveled = 10;
_root.str = 34;
_root.MaxHealth = 1000;
_root.MaxMagic = 55;
_root.XPX = 2500;
_root.XPC = 500;
if (_root.XP > 2499) {
_root.lvl = "Level 11";
_root.leveled = 11;
_root.str = 37;
_root.MaxHealth = 1100;
_root.MaxMagic = 60;
_root.XPX = 3000;
_root.XPC = 500;
if (_root.XP > 2999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 12";
_root.leveled = 12;
_root.str = 40;
_root.MaxHealth = 1200;
_root.MaxMagic = 65;
_root.XPX = 3500;
_root.XPC = 500;
if (_root.XP > 3499) {
_root.lvl = "Level 13";
_root.leveled = 13;
_root.str = 43;
_root.MaxHealth = 1300;
_root.MaxMagic = 70;
_root.XPX = 4000;
_root.XPC = 500;
if (_root.XP > 3999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 14";
_root.leveled = 14;
_root.str = 46;
_root.MaxHealth = 1400;
_root.MaxMagic = 75;
_root.XPX = 5000;
_root.XPC = 1000;
if (_root.XP > 4999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 15";
_root.leveled = 15;
_root.str = 49;
_root.MaxHealth = 1500;
_root.MaxMagic = 80;
_root.XPX = 6000;
_root.XPC = 2000;
if (_root.XP > 5999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 16";
_root.leveled = 16;
_root.str = 52;
_root.MaxHealth = 1600;
_root.MaxMagic = 85;
_root.XPX = 8000;
_root.XPC = 2000;
if (_root.XP > 7999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 17";
_root.leveled = 17;
_root.str = 55;
_root.MaxHealth = 1700;
_root.MaxMagic = 90;
_root.XPX = 10000;
_root.XPC = 2000;
if (_root.XP > 9999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 18";
_root.leveled = 18;
_root.str = 57;
_root.MaxHealth = 1800;
_root.MaxMagic = 95;
_root.XPX = 12000;
_root.XPC = 2000;
if (_root.XP > 11999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 19";
_root.leveled = 19;
_root.str = 60;
_root.MaxHealth = 1900;
_root.MaxMagic = 100;
_root.XPX = 14000;
_root.XPC = 2000;
if (_root.XP > 13999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 20";
_root.leveled = 20;
_root.str = 63;
_root.MaxHealth = 2000;
_root.MaxMagic = 105;
_root.XPX = 16000;
_root.XPC = 2000;
if (_root.XP > 15999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 21";
_root.leveled = 21;
_root.str = 66;
_root.MaxHealth = 2100;
_root.MaxMagic = 110;
_root.XPX = 18000;
_root.XPC = 2000;
if (_root.XP > 17999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 22";
_root.leveled = 22;
_root.str = 69;
_root.MaxHealth = 2200;
_root.MaxMagic = 115;
_root.XPX = 20000;
_root.XPC = 2000;
if (_root.XP > 19999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 23";
_root.leveled = 23;
_root.str = 72;
_root.MaxHealth = 2300;
_root.MaxMagic = 120;
_root.XPX = 23000;
_root.XPC = 3000;
if (_root.XP > 22999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 24";
_root.leveled = 24;
_root.str = 75;
_root.MaxHealth = 2400;
_root.MaxMagic = 125;
_root.XPX = 26000;
_root.XPC = 3000;
if (_root.XP > 25999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 25";
_root.leveled = 25;
_root.str = 78;
_root.MaxHealth = 2500;
_root.MaxMagic = 130;
_root.XPX = 29000;
_root.XPC = 3000;
if (_root.XP > 28999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 26";
_root.leveled = 26;
_root.str = 81;
_root.MaxHealth = 2600;
_root.MaxMagic = 135;
_root.XPX = 32000;
_root.XPC = 3000;
if (_root.XP > 31999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 27";
_root.leveled = 27;
_root.str = 84;
_root.MaxHealth = 2700;
_root.MaxMagic = 140;
_root.XPX = 35000;
_root.XPC = 3000;
if (_root.XP > 34999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 28";
_root.leveled = 28;
_root.str = 87;
_root.MaxHealth = 2800;
_root.MaxMagic = 145;
_root.XPX = 40000;
_root.XPC = 5000;
if (_root.XP > 39999) {
_root.lvl = "Level 29";
_root.leveled = 29;
_root.str = 90;
_root.MaxHealth = 2900;
_root.MaxMagic = 150;
_root.XPX = 60000;
_root.XPC = 20000;
if (_root.XP > 59999) {
_root.lvl = "Ultimate";
_root.leveled = 200;
_root.str = 1000;
_root.MaxHealth = 20000;
_root.MaxMagic = 999;
_root.XPX = "...";
_root.XPC = 0;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.MaxHealth = int(_root.MaxHealth + (_root.MaxHealth * 0.1));
_root.MaxMagic = int(_root.MaxMagic + (_root.MaxMagic * 0.1));
_root.str = int(_root.str - (_root.str * 0.2));
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.MaxHealth = int(_root.MaxHealth - (_root.MaxHealth * 0.2));
_root.MaxMagic = int(_root.MaxMagic + (_root.MaxMagic * 0.5));
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.str = int(_root.str + (_root.str * 0.2));
_root.MaxMagic = int(_root.MaxMagic - (_root.MaxMagic * 0.2));
if (_root.form == 2) {
_root.MaxHealth = _root.MaxHealth + int(_root.MaxHealth * 0.5);
if (_root.Slevel >= 1) {
_root.str = _root.str + (_root.Slevel * 5);
if (_root.Mlevel >= 1) {
_root.MaxMagic = _root.MaxMagic + (_root.Mlevel * 10);
_root.str = _root.str + int(_root.str * _root.extrastr);
_root.MaxMagic = _root.MaxMagic + int(_root.MaxMagic * _root.extramagic);
_root.MaxHealth = _root.MaxHealth + int(_root.MaxHealth * _root.extrahealth);
if (_root.GHealth > _root.MaxHealth) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
if (( == NaN) || ( == "NaN")) { = 100;
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 44
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded);
setProperty(bar, _alpha , PercentLoaded);
} else {
gotoAndStop ("loaded");
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 149 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 7 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIObject extends MovieClip
var _width, _height, _x, _y, _parent, _minHeight, _minWidth, _visible, dispatchEvent, _xscale, _yscale, methodTable, onEnterFrame, tfList, __width, __height, moveTo, lineTo, createTextField, attachMovie, buildDepthTable, findNextAvailableDepth, idNames, childrenCreated, _name, createAccessibilityImplementation, _endInit, validateNow, hasOwnProperty, initProperties, stylecache, className, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, _tf, fontFamily, fontSize, color, marginLeft, marginRight, fontStyle, fontWeight, textAlign, textIndent, textDecoration, embedFonts, styleName, enabled;
function UIObject () {
function get width() {
function get height() {
function get left() {
function get x() {
function get top() {
function get y() {
function get right() {
return(_parent.width - (_x + width));
function get bottom() {
return(_parent.height - (_y + height));
function getMinHeight(Void) {
function setMinHeight(h) {
_minHeight = h;
function get minHeight() {
function set minHeight(h) {
function getMinWidth(Void) {
function setMinWidth(w) {
_minWidth = w;
function get minWidth() {
function set minWidth(w) {
function setVisible(x, noEvent) {
if (x != _visible) {
_visible = x;
if (noEvent != true) {
dispatchEvent({type:(x ? "reveal" : "hide")});
function get visible() {
function set visible(x) {
setVisible(x, false);
function get scaleX() {
function set scaleX(x) {
_xscale = x;
function get scaleY() {
function set scaleY(y) {
_yscale = y;
function doLater(obj, fn) {
if (methodTable == undefined) {
methodTable = new Array();
methodTable.push({obj:obj, fn:fn});
onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher;
function doLaterDispatcher(Void) {
delete onEnterFrame;
if (invalidateFlag) {
var _local3 = methodTable;
methodTable = new Array();
if (_local3.length > 0) {
var _local2;
while (_local2 = _local3.shift() , _local2 != undefined) {
function cancelAllDoLaters(Void) {
delete onEnterFrame;
methodTable = new Array();
function invalidate(Void) {
invalidateFlag = true;
onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher;
function invalidateStyle(Void) {
function redraw(bAlways) {
if (invalidateFlag || (bAlways)) {
invalidateFlag = false;
var _local2;
for (_local2 in tfList) {
function draw(Void) {
function move(x, y, noEvent) {
var _local3 = _x;
var _local2 = _y;
_x = x;
_y = y;
if (noEvent != true) {
dispatchEvent({type:"move", oldX:_local3, oldY:_local2});
function setSize(w, h, noEvent) {
var _local2 = __width;
var _local3 = __height;
__width = w;
__height = h;
if (noEvent != true) {
dispatchEvent({type:"resize", oldWidth:_local2, oldHeight:_local3});
function size(Void) {
_width = __width;
_height = __height;
function drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
moveTo(x1, y1);
lineTo(x2, y1);
lineTo(x2, y2);
lineTo(x1, y2);
lineTo(x1, y1);
function createLabel(name, depth, text) {
createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var _local2 = this[name];
_local2._color = textColorList;
_local2._visible = false;
_local2.__text = text;
if (tfList == undefined) {
tfList = new Object();
tfList[name] = _local2;
_local2.styleName = this;
function createObject(linkageName, id, depth, initobj) {
return(attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj));
function createClassObject(className, id, depth, initobj) {
var _local3 = className.symbolName == undefined;
if (_local3) {
Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className);
var _local4 = createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj);
if (_local3) {
Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner);
function createEmptyObject(id, depth) {
return(createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth));
function destroyObject(id) {
var _local2 = this[id];
if (_local2.getDepth() < 0) {
var _local4 = buildDepthTable();
var _local5 = findNextAvailableDepth(0, _local4, "up");
var _local3 = _local5;
delete this[id];
function getSkinIDName(tag) {
function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initObj) {
if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) {
mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement);
return(createObject(linkageName, getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj));
function createSkin(tag) {
var _local2 = getSkinIDName(tag);
createEmptyObject(_local2, tag);
function createChildren(Void) {
function _createChildren(Void) {
childrenCreated = true;
function constructObject(Void) {
if (_name == undefined) {
if (validateNow) {
} else {
function initFromClipParameters(Void) {
var _local4 = false;
var _local2;
for (_local2 in clipParameters) {
if (hasOwnProperty(_local2)) {
_local4 = true;
this["def_" + _local2] = this[_local2];
delete this[_local2];
if (_local4) {
for (_local2 in clipParameters) {
var _local3 = this["def_" + _local2];
if (_local3 != undefined) {
this[_local2] = _local3;
function init(Void) {
__width = _width;
__height = _height;
if (initProperties == undefined) {
} else {
if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) {
stylecache = new Object();
function getClassStyleDeclaration(Void) {
var _local4 = this;
var _local3 = className;
while (_local3 != undefined) {
if (ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[_local3] == undefined) {
if (_global.styles[_local3] != undefined) {
_local4 = _local4.__proto__;
_local3 = _local4.className;
function setColor(color) {
function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) {
var _local8 =;
if (_local8 != undefined) {
var _local3;
for (_local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) {
if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) {
if (tf[_local3] == undefined) {
tf[_local3] = _local8[_local3];
var _local6 = false;
for (var _local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) {
if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) {
if (tf[_local3] == undefined) {
var _local5 = _tf[_local3];
if (_local5 != undefined) {
tf[_local3] = _local5;
} else if ((_local3 == "font") && (fontFamily != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = fontFamily;
} else if ((_local3 == "size") && (fontSize != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = fontSize;
} else if ((_local3 == "color") && (color != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = color;
} else if ((_local3 == "leftMargin") && (marginLeft != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = marginLeft;
} else if ((_local3 == "rightMargin") && (marginRight != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = marginRight;
} else if ((_local3 == "italic") && (fontStyle != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = fontStyle == _local3;
} else if ((_local3 == "bold") && (fontWeight != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = fontWeight == _local3;
} else if ((_local3 == "align") && (textAlign != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = textAlign;
} else if ((_local3 == "indent") && (textIndent != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = textIndent;
} else if ((_local3 == "underline") && (textDecoration != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = textDecoration == _local3;
} else if ((_local3 == "embedFonts") && (embedFonts != undefined)) {
tf[_local3] = embedFonts;
} else {
_local6 = true;
if (_local6) {
var _local9 = styleName;
if (_local9 != undefined) {
if (typeof(_local9) != "string") {
_local6 = _local9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
} else if (_global.styles[_local9] != undefined) {
_local6 = _global.styles[_local9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
if (_local6) {
var _local10 = getClassStyleDeclaration();
if (_local10 != undefined) {
_local6 = _local10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
if (_local6) {
if (_global.cascadingStyles) {
if (_parent != undefined) {
_local6 = _parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false);
if (_local6) {
_local6 =, true, this);
function _getTextFormat(Void) {
var _local2 =;
if (_local2 != undefined) {
_local2 = new TextFormat();
__getTextFormat(_local2, true); = _local2;
if (enabled == false) {
var _local3 = getStyle("disabledColor");
_local2.color = _local3;
function getStyleName(Void) {
var _local2 = styleName;
if (_local2 != undefined) {
if (typeof(_local2) != "string") {
if (_parent != undefined) {
function getStyle(styleProp) {
var _local3;
if (this[styleProp] != undefined) {
var _local6 = styleName;
if (_local6 != undefined) {
if (typeof(_local6) != "string") {
_local3 = _local6.getStyle(styleProp);
} else {
var _local7 = _global.styles[_local6];
_local3 = _local7.getStyle(styleProp);
if (_local3 != undefined) {
var _local7 = getClassStyleDeclaration();
if (_local7 != undefined) {
_local3 = _local7[styleProp];
if (_local3 != undefined) {
if (_global.cascadingStyles) {
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp))) {
var _local5 = stylecache;
if (_local5 != undefined) {
if (_local5[styleProp] != undefined) {
if (_parent != undefined) {
_local3 = _parent.getStyle(styleProp);
} else {
_local3 =[styleProp];
if (_local5 != undefined) {
_local5[styleProp] = _local3;
if (_local3 == undefined) {
_local3 =[styleProp];
static function mergeClipParameters(o, p) {
for (var _local3 in p) {
o[_local3] = p[_local3];
static var symbolName = "UIObject";
static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject;
static var version = "";
static var textColorList = {color:1, disabledColor:1};
var invalidateFlag = false;
var lineWidth = 1;
var lineColor = 0;
var tabEnabled = false;
var clipParameters = {visible:1, minHeight:1, minWidth:1, maxHeight:1, maxWidth:1, preferredHeight:1, preferredWidth:1};
Symbol 8 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIComponent extends mx.core.UIObject
var __width, __height, invalidate, stylecache, removeEventListener, dispatchEvent, drawFocus, addEventListener, _xscale, _yscale, _focusrect, watch, enabled;
function UIComponent () {
function get width() {
function get height() {
function setVisible(x, noEvent) {
super.setVisible(x, noEvent);
function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) {
function setEnabled(enabled) {
function getFocus() {
var selFocus = Selection.getFocus();
return(((selFocus === null) ? null : (eval (selFocus))));
function setFocus() {
function getFocusManager() {
var _local2 = this;
while (_local2 != undefined) {
if (_local2.focusManager != undefined) {
_local2 = _local2._parent;
function onKillFocus(newFocus) {
removeEventListener("keyDown", this);
removeEventListener("keyUp", this);
function onSetFocus(oldFocus) {
addEventListener("keyDown", this);
addEventListener("keyUp", this);
if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) {
function findFocusInChildren(o) {
if (o.focusTextField != undefined) {
if (o.tabEnabled == true) {
function findFocusFromObject(o) {
if (o.tabEnabled != true) {
if (o._parent == undefined) {
if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) {
o = o._parent;
} else if (o._parent.tabChildren) {
o = findFocusInChildren(o._parent);
} else {
o = findFocusFromObject(o._parent);
function pressFocus() {
var _local3 = findFocusFromObject(this);
var _local2 = getFocus();
if (_local3 != _local2) {
if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) {
function releaseFocus() {
var _local2 = findFocusFromObject(this);
if (_local2 != getFocus()) {
function isParent(o) {
while (o != undefined) {
if (o == this) {
o = o._parent;
function size() {
function init() {
_xscale = 100;
_yscale = 100;
_focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false;
watch("enabled", enabledChanged);
if (enabled == false) {
function dispatchValueChangedEvent(value) {
dispatchEvent({type:"valueChanged", value:value});
static var symbolName = "UIComponent";
static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent;
static var version = "";
static var kStretch = 5000;
var focusEnabled = true;
var tabEnabled = true;
var origBorderStyles = {themeColor:16711680};
var clipParameters = {};
static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters);
Symbol 9 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar extends mx.core.UIComponent
var isScrolling, scrollTrack_mc, scrollThumb_mc, __height, tabEnabled, focusEnabled, boundingBox_mc, setSkin, upArrow_mc, _minHeight, _minWidth, downArrow_mc, createObject, createClassObject, enabled, _height, dispatchEvent, minMode, maxMode, plusMode, minusMode, _parent, getStyle, scrolling, _ymouse;
function ScrollBar () {
function get scrollPosition() {
function set scrollPosition(pos) {
_scrollPosition = pos;
if (isScrolling != true) {
pos = Math.min(pos, maxPos);
pos = Math.max(pos, minPos);
var _local3 = (((pos - minPos) * (scrollTrack_mc.height - scrollThumb_mc._height)) / (maxPos - minPos)) +;
scrollThumb_mc.move(0, _local3);
function get pageScrollSize() {
function set pageScrollSize(lScroll) {
largeScroll = lScroll;
function set lineScrollSize(sScroll) {
smallScroll = sScroll;
function get lineScrollSize() {
function get virtualHeight() {
function init(Void) {
_scrollPosition = 0;
tabEnabled = false;
focusEnabled = false;
boundingBox_mc._visible = false;
boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0);
function createChildren(Void) {
if (scrollTrack_mc == undefined) {
setSkin(skinIDTrack, scrollTrackName);
scrollTrack_mc.visible = false;
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.enabled = false;
_local3.preset = mx.controls.SimpleButton.falseDisabled;
_local3.initProperties = 0;
_local3.autoRepeat = true;
_local3.tabEnabled = false;
var _local2;
if (upArrow_mc == undefined) {
_local2 = createButton(upArrowName, "upArrow_mc", skinIDUpArrow, _local3);
_local2.buttonDownHandler = onUpArrow;
_local2.clickHandler = onScrollChanged;
_minHeight = _local2.height;
_minWidth = _local2.width;
if (downArrow_mc == undefined) {
_local2 = createButton(downArrowName, "downArrow_mc", skinIDDownArrow, _local3);
_local2.buttonDownHandler = onDownArrow;
_local2.clickHandler = onScrollChanged;
_minHeight = _minHeight + _local2.height;
function createButton(linkageName, id, skinID, o) {
if (skinID == skinIDUpArrow) {
o.falseUpSkin = upArrowUpName;
o.falseDownSkin = upArrowDownName;
o.falseOverSkin = upArrowOverName;
} else {
o.falseUpSkin = downArrowUpName;
o.falseDownSkin = downArrowDownName;
o.falseOverSkin = downArrowOverName;
var _local3 = createObject(linkageName, id, skinID, o);
this[id].visible = false;
this[id].useHandCursor = false;
function createThumb(Void) {
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.validateNow = true;
_local2.tabEnabled = false;
_local2.leftSkin = thumbTopName;
_local2.middleSkin = thumbMiddleName;
_local2.rightSkin = thumbBottomName;
_local2.gripSkin = thumbGripName;
createClassObject(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb, "scrollThumb_mc", skinIDThumb, _local2);
function setScrollProperties(pSize, mnPos, mxPos, ls) {
var _local4;
var _local2 = scrollTrack_mc;
pageSize = pSize;
largeScroll = (((ls != undefined) && (ls > 0)) ? (ls) : (pSize));
minPos = Math.max(mnPos, 0);
maxPos = Math.max(mxPos, 0);
_scrollPosition = Math.max(minPos, _scrollPosition);
_scrollPosition = Math.min(maxPos, _scrollPosition);
if (((maxPos - minPos) > 0) && (enabled)) {
var _local5 = _scrollPosition;
if (!initializing) {
upArrow_mc.enabled = true;
downArrow_mc.enabled = true;
_local2.onPress = (_local2.onDragOver = startTrackScroller);
_local2.onRelease = releaseScrolling;
_local2.onDragOut = (_local2.stopScrolling = stopScrolling);
_local2.onReleaseOutside = releaseScrolling;
_local2.useHandCursor = false;
if (scrollThumb_mc == undefined) {
var _local3 = scrollThumb_mc;
if (scrollTrackOverName.length > 0) {
_local2.onRollOver = trackOver;
_local2.onRollOut = trackOut;
_local4 = (pageSize / ((maxPos - minPos) + pageSize)) * _local2.height;
if (_local4 < _local3.minHeight) {
if (_local2.height < _local3.minHeight) {
} else {
_local4 = _local3.minHeight;
_local3.setSize(_minWidth, _local3.minHeight + 0);
} else {
_local3.setSize(_minWidth, _local4);
_local3.setRange(upArrow_mc.__get__height() + 0, (virtualHeight - downArrow_mc.__get__height()) - _local3.__get__height(), minPos, maxPos);
_local5 = Math.min(_local5, maxPos);
scrollPosition = (Math.max(_local5, minPos));
} else {
if (!initializing) {
upArrow_mc.enabled = false;
downArrow_mc.enabled = false;
delete _local2.onPress;
delete _local2.onDragOver;
delete _local2.onRelease;
delete _local2.onDragOut;
delete _local2.onRollOver;
delete _local2.onRollOut;
delete _local2.onReleaseOutside;
if (initializing) {
function setEnabled(enabledFlag) {
setScrollProperties(pageSize, minPos, maxPos, largeScroll);
function draw(Void) {
if (initializing) {
initializing = false;
scrollTrack_mc.visible = true;
function size(Void) {
if (_height == 1) {
if (upArrow_mc == undefined) {
var _local3 = upArrow_mc.__get__height();
var _local2 = downArrow_mc.__get__height();
upArrow_mc.move(0, 0);
var _local4 = scrollTrack_mc;
_local4._y = _local3;
_local4._height = (virtualHeight - _local3) - _local2;
downArrow_mc.move(0, virtualHeight - _local2);
setScrollProperties(pageSize, minPos, maxPos, largeScroll);
function dispatchScrollEvent(detail) {
dispatchEvent({type:"scroll", detail:detail});
function isScrollBarKey(k) {
if (k == 36) {
if (scrollPosition != 0) {
scrollPosition = (0);
if (k == 35) {
if (scrollPosition < maxPos) {
scrollPosition = (maxPos);
function scrollIt(inc, mode) {
var _local3 = smallScroll;
if (inc != "Line") {
_local3 = ((largeScroll == 0) ? (pageSize) : (largeScroll));
var _local2 = _scrollPosition + (mode * _local3);
if (_local2 > maxPos) {
_local2 = maxPos;
} else if (_local2 < minPos) {
_local2 = minPos;
if (scrollPosition != _local2) {
scrollPosition = (_local2);
var _local4 = ((mode < 0) ? (minusMode) : (plusMode));
dispatchScrollEvent(inc + _local4);
function startTrackScroller(Void) {
if (_parent.scrollTrackDownName.length > 0) {
if (_parent.scrollTrackDown_mc == undefined) {
_parent.setSkin(skinIDTrackDown, scrollTrackDownName);
} else {
_parent.scrollTrackDown_mc.visible = true;
_parent.scrolling = setInterval(_parent, "scrollInterval", getStyle("repeatDelay"), "Page", -1);
function scrollInterval(inc, mode) {
if (inc == "Page") {
} else {
scrollIt(inc, mode);
scrolling = setInterval(this, "scrollInterval", getStyle("repeatInterval"), inc, mode);
function trackScroller(Void) {
if ((scrollThumb_mc._y + scrollThumb_mc.__get__height()) < _ymouse) {
scrollIt("Page", 1);
} else if (scrollThumb_mc._y > _ymouse) {
scrollIt("Page", -1);
function dispatchScrollChangedEvent(Void) {
function stopScrolling(Void) {
_parent.scrollTrackDown_mc.visible = false;
function releaseScrolling(Void) {
function trackOver(Void) {
if (_parent.scrollTrackOverName.length > 0) {
if (_parent.scrollTrackOver_mc == undefined) {
_parent.setSkin(skinIDTrackOver, scrollTrackOverName);
} else {
_parent.scrollTrackOver_mc.visible = true;
function trackOut(Void) {
_parent.scrollTrackOver_mc.visible = false;
function onUpArrow(Void) {
_parent.scrollIt("Line", -1);
function onDownArrow(Void) {
_parent.scrollIt("Line", 1);
function onScrollChanged(Void) {
static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent;
var className = "ScrollBar";
var minPos = 0;
var maxPos = 0;
var pageSize = 0;
var largeScroll = 0;
var smallScroll = 1;
var _scrollPosition = 0;
var scrollTrackName = "ScrollTrack";
var scrollTrackOverName = "";
var scrollTrackDownName = "";
var upArrowName = "BtnUpArrow";
var upArrowUpName = "ScrollUpArrowUp";
var upArrowOverName = "ScrollUpArrowOver";
var upArrowDownName = "ScrollUpArrowDown";
var downArrowName = "BtnDownArrow";
var downArrowUpName = "ScrollDownArrowUp";
var downArrowOverName = "ScrollDownArrowOver";
var downArrowDownName = "ScrollDownArrowDown";
var thumbTopName = "ScrollThumbTopUp";
var thumbMiddleName = "ScrollThumbMiddleUp";
var thumbBottomName = "ScrollThumbBottomUp";
var thumbGripName = "ScrollThumbGripUp";
static var skinIDTrack = 0;
static var skinIDTrackOver = 1;
static var skinIDTrackDown = 2;
static var skinIDUpArrow = 3;
static var skinIDDownArrow = 4;
static var skinIDThumb = 5;
var idNames = new Array("scrollTrack_mc", "scrollTrackOver_mc", "scrollTrackDown_mc", "upArrow_mc", "downArrow_mc");
var clipParameters = {minPos:1, maxPos:1, pageSize:1, scrollPosition:1, lineScrollSize:1, pageScrollSize:1, visible:1, enabled:1};
static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters);
var initializing = true;
Symbol 10 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.UIScrollBar extends mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar
var textField, wasHorizontal, __width, __height, _parent, synchScroll, setScrollProperties, __set__scrollPosition, initializing, _rotation, _xscale, hScroller, vScroller, onChanged, onScroller, scrollPosition, dispatchEvent;
function UIScrollBar () {
function init(Void) {
textField.owner = this;
horizontal = (wasHorizontal);
if (horizontal) {
((textField != undefined) ? (super.setSize(textField._width, 16)) : (super.setSize(__width, __height)));
} else {
((textField != undefined) ? (super.setSize(16, textField._height)) : (super.setSize(__width, __height)));
if (horizontal) {
var _local3 = __width;
__height = __width;
width = _local3;
__width = 16;
textField.onScroller = function () {
this.hPosition = this.hscroll;
this.vPosition = this.scroll - 1;
if (_targetInstanceName != undefined) {
function get _targetInstanceName() {
function get height() {
if (wasHorizontal) {
function get width() {
if (wasHorizontal) {
function size(Void) {
function draw() {
function set _targetInstanceName(t) {
if (t == undefined) {
delete textField[(horizontal ? "hScroller" : "vScroller")];
if ((textField.hScroller != undefined) && (textField.vScroller != undefined)) {
var _local3 = _parent[t];
textField = _parent[t];
function setSize(w, h) {
if (horizontal) {
super.setSize(h, w);
} else {
super.setSize(w, h);
function onTextChanged(Void) {
if (textField == undefined) {
if (horizontal) {
var _local2 = textField.hscroll;
setScrollProperties(textField._width, 0, textField.maxhscroll);
__set__scrollPosition(Math.min(_local2, textField.maxhscroll));
} else {
var _local2 = textField.scroll;
var _local3 = textField.bottomScroll - textField.scroll;
setScrollProperties(_local3, 1, textField.maxscroll);
__set__scrollPosition(Math.min(_local2, textField.maxscroll));
function get horizontal() {
function set horizontal(v) {
wasHorizontal = v;
if (v and initializing) {
if (_rotation == 90) {
_xscale = -100;
_rotation = -90;
if (!initializing) {
if (v) {
if (_rotation == 0) {
_rotation = -90;
_xscale = -100;
} else if (_rotation == -90) {
_rotation = 0;
_xscale = 100;
function callback(prop, oldval, newval) {
hScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(hScroller, "onTextChanged", 50);
vScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(vScroller, "onTextChanged", 50);
function setScrollTarget(tF) {
if (tF == undefined) {
delete textField[(horizontal ? "hScroller" : "vScroller")];
if ((textField.hScroller != undefined) && (textField.vScroller != undefined)) {
textField = undefined;
if (!(tF instanceof TextField)) {
textField = tF;
if (horizontal) {
textField.hScroller = this;
textField.hScroller.lineScrollSize = 5;
} else {
textField.vScroller = this;
textField.vScroller.lineScrollSize = 1;
onChanged = function (Void) {
onScroller = function (Void) {
if (!this.isScrolling) {
if (!this.horizontal) {
this.scrollPosition = this.textField.scroll;
} else {
this.scrollPosition = this.textField.hscroll;
textField.addListener(this);"text", callback);"htmlText", callback);
function scrollHandler(Void) {
if (horizontal) {
var _local2 = textField.background;
textField.hscroll = scrollPosition;
textField.background = _local2;
} else {
textField.scroll = scrollPosition;
function setEnabled(enable) {
if (enable) {
} else {
function dispatchScrollEvent(detail) {
static var symbolName = "UIScrollBar";
static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.UIScrollBar;
var className = "UIScrollBar";
var clipParameters = {_targetInstanceName:1, horizontal:1};
static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.UIScrollBar.prototype.clipParameters);
static var version = "";
Symbol 101 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.SkinElement extends MovieClip
var _visible, _x, _y, _width, _height;
function SkinElement () {
static function registerElement(name, className) {
Object.registerClass(name, ((className == undefined) ? (mx.skins.SkinElement) : (className)));
_global.skinRegistry[name] = true;
function __set__visible(visible) {
_visible = visible;
function move(x, y) {
_x = x;
_y = y;
function setSize(w, h) {
_width = w;
_height = h;
Symbol 102 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.CSSTextStyles
function CSSTextStyles () {
static function addTextStyles(o, bColor) {
o.addProperty("textAlign", function () {
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.align = x;
o.addProperty("fontWeight", function () {
return(((this._tf.bold != undefined) ? ((this._tf.bold ? "bold" : "none")) : undefined));
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.bold = x == "bold";
if (bColor) {
o.addProperty("color", function () {
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.color = x;
o.addProperty("fontFamily", function () {
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.font = x;
o.addProperty("textIndent", function () {
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.indent = x;
o.addProperty("fontStyle", function () {
return(((this._tf.italic != undefined) ? ((this._tf.italic ? "italic" : "none")) : undefined));
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.italic = x == "italic";
o.addProperty("marginLeft", function () {
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.leftMargin = x;
o.addProperty("marginRight", function () {
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.rightMargin = x;
o.addProperty("fontSize", function () {
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.size = x;
o.addProperty("textDecoration", function () {
return(((this._tf.underline != undefined) ? ((this._tf.underline ? "underline" : "none")) : undefined));
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.underline = x == "underline";
o.addProperty("embedFonts", function () {
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.embedFonts = x;
Symbol 103 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.StyleManager
function StyleManager () {
static function registerInheritingStyle(styleName) {
inheritingStyles[styleName] = true;
static function isInheritingStyle(styleName) {
return(inheritingStyles[styleName] == true);
static function registerColorStyle(styleName) {
colorStyles[styleName] = true;
static function isColorStyle(styleName) {
return(colorStyles[styleName] == true);
static function registerColorName(colorName, colorValue) {
colorNames[colorName] = colorValue;
static function isColorName(colorName) {
return(colorNames[colorName] != undefined);
static function getColorName(colorName) {
static var inheritingStyles = {color:true, direction:true, fontFamily:true, fontSize:true, fontStyle:true, fontWeight:true, textAlign:true, textIndent:true};
static var colorStyles = {barColor:true, trackColor:true, borderColor:true, buttonColor:true, color:true, dateHeaderColor:true, dateRollOverColor:true, disabledColor:true, fillColor:true, highlightColor:true, scrollTrackColor:true, selectedDateColor:true, shadowColor:true, strokeColor:true, symbolBackgroundColor:true, symbolBackgroundDisabledColor:true, symbolBackgroundPressedColor:true, symbolColor:true, symbolDisabledColor:true, themeColor:true, todayIndicatorColor:true, shadowCapColor:true, borderCapColor:true, focusColor:true};
static var colorNames = {black:0, white:16777215, red:16711680, green:65280, blue:255, magenta:16711935, yellow:16776960, cyan:65535, haloGreen:8453965, haloBlue:2881013, haloOrange:16761344};
static var TextFormatStyleProps = {font:true, size:true, color:true, leftMargin:false, rightMargin:false, italic:true, bold:true, align:true, indent:true, underline:false, embedFonts:false};
static var TextStyleMap = {textAlign:true, fontWeight:true, color:true, fontFamily:true, textIndent:true, fontStyle:true, lineHeight:true, marginLeft:true, marginRight:true, fontSize:true, textDecoration:true, embedFonts:true};
Symbol 104 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration
var _tf;
function CSSStyleDeclaration () {
function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) {
var _local5 = false;
if (_tf != undefined) {
var _local2;
for (_local2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) {
if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local2])) {
if (tf[_local2] == undefined) {
var _local3 = _tf[_local2];
if (_local3 != undefined) {
tf[_local2] = _local3;
} else {
_local5 = true;
} else {
_local5 = true;
function getStyle(styleProp) {
var _local2 = this[styleProp];
var _local3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(_local2);
return(((_local3 == undefined) ? (_local2) : (_local3)));
static function classConstruct() {
mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true);
static var classConstructed = classConstruct();
static var CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles;
Symbol 105 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.Border extends mx.core.UIObject
function Border () {
function init(Void) {
static var symbolName = "Border";
static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.Border;
var className = "Border";
var tagBorder = 0;
var idNames = new Array("border_mc");
Symbol 106 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.CustomBorder extends mx.skins.Border
var __width, __height, l_mc, setSkin, minHeight, minWidth, m_mc, r_mc;
function CustomBorder () {
function get width() {
function get height() {
function init(Void) {
function createChildren(Void) {
function draw(Void) {
if (l_mc == undefined) {
var _local2 = setSkin(tagL, leftSkin);
if (horizontal) {
minHeight = l_mc._height;
minWidth = l_mc._width;
} else {
minHeight = l_mc._height;
minWidth = l_mc._width;
if (m_mc == undefined) {
setSkin(tagM, middleSkin);
if (horizontal) {
minHeight = m_mc._height;
minWidth = minWidth + m_mc._width;
} else {
minHeight = minHeight + m_mc._height;
minWidth = m_mc._width;
if (r_mc == undefined) {
setSkin(tagR, rightSkin);
if (horizontal) {
minHeight = r_mc._height;
minWidth = minWidth + r_mc._width;
} else {
minHeight = minHeight + r_mc._height;
minWidth = r_mc._width;
function size(Void) {
l_mc.move(0, 0);
if (horizontal) {
r_mc.move(width - r_mc.width, 0);
m_mc.move(l_mc.width, 0);
m_mc.setSize(r_mc.x - m_mc.x, m_mc.height);
} else {
r_mc.move(0, height - r_mc.height, 0);
m_mc.move(0, l_mc.height);
m_mc.setSize(m_mc.width, r_mc.y - m_mc.y);
static var symbolName = "CustomBorder";
static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.CustomBorder;
static var version = "";
var className = "CustomBorder";
static var tagL = 0;
static var tagM = 1;
static var tagR = 2;
var idNames = new Array("l_mc", "m_mc", "r_mc");
var leftSkin = "F3PieceLeft";
var middleSkin = "F3PieceMiddle";
var rightSkin = "F3PieceRight";
var horizontal = true;
Symbol 107 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb extends mx.skins.CustomBorder
var useHandCursor, ymin, ymax, datamin, datamax, scrollMove, lastY, _ymouse, _y, _parent, onMouseMove, grip_mc, setSkin, gripSkin, __get__width, __get__height;
function ScrollThumb () {
function createChildren(Void) {
useHandCursor = false;
function setRange(_ymin, _ymax, _datamin, _datamax) {
ymin = _ymin;
ymax = _ymax;
datamin = _datamin;
datamax = _datamax;
function dragThumb(Void) {
scrollMove = _ymouse - lastY;
scrollMove = scrollMove + _y;
if (scrollMove < ymin) {
scrollMove = ymin;
} else if (scrollMove > ymax) {
scrollMove = ymax;
_parent.isScrolling = true;
_y = scrollMove;
var _local2 = Math.round(((datamax - datamin) * (_y - ymin)) / (ymax - ymin)) + datamin;
_parent.scrollPosition = _local2;
function stopDragThumb(Void) {
_parent.isScrolling = false;
delete onMouseMove;
function onPress(Void) {
lastY = _ymouse;
onMouseMove = dragThumb;
function onRelease(Void) {
function onReleaseOutside(Void) {
function draw() {
if (grip_mc == undefined) {
setSkin(3, gripSkin);
function size() {
grip_mc.move((__get__width() - grip_mc.width) / 2, (__get__height() - grip_mc.height) / 2);
static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.CustomBorder.symbolOwner;
var className = "ScrollThumb";
var btnOffset = 0;
var horizontal = false;
var idNames = new Array("l_mc", "m_mc", "r_mc", "grip_mc");
Symbol 108 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.SimpleButton extends mx.core.UIComponent
static var emphasizedStyleDeclaration;
var preset, boundingBox_mc, useHandCursor, skinName, linkLength, iconName, destroyObject, __width, _width, __height, _height, __emphaticStyleName, styleName, enabled, invalidate, pressFocus, dispatchEvent, autoRepeat, interval, getStyle, releaseFocus, createLabel, invalidateStyle;
function SimpleButton () {
function init(Void) {
if (preset == undefined) {
boundingBox_mc._visible = false;
boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0);
useHandCursor = false;
function createChildren(Void) {
if (preset != undefined) {
var _local2 = this[idNames[preset]];
this[refNames[preset]] = _local2;
skinName = _local2;
if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) {
rolloverSkin = fus;
if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) {
rolloverIcon = fui;
initializing = false;
} else if (__state == true) {
} else {
if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) {
rolloverSkin = fus;
if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) {
rolloverIcon = fui;
function setIcon(tag, linkageName) {
return(setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName));
function changeIcon(tag, linkageName) {
linkLength = linkageName.length;
var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Icon";
this[_local2] = linkageName;
this[idNames[tag + 8]] = _local2;
function changeSkin(tag, linkageName) {
var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Skin";
this[_local2] = linkageName;
this[idNames[tag]] = _local2;
function viewIcon(varName) {
var _local4 = varName + "Icon";
var _local3 = this[_local4];
if (typeof(_local3) == "string") {
var _local5 = _local3;
if (__emphasized) {
if (this[_local3 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) {
_local3 = _local3 + "Emphasized";
if (this[_local3].length == 0) {
_local3 = setIcon(tagMap[_local5], this[_local3]);
if ((_local3 == undefined) && (_global.isLivePreview)) {
_local3 = setIcon(0, "ButtonIcon");
this[_local4] = _local3;
iconName._visible = false;
iconName = _local3;
iconName._visible = true;
function removeIcons() {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < 2) {
var _local2 = 8;
while (_local2 < 16) {
this[stateNames[_local2 - 8] + "Icon"] = "";
function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj) {
var _local3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, ((initobj != undefined) ? (initobj) : ({styleName:this})));
calcSize(tag, _local3);
function calcSize(Void) {
__width = _width;
__height = _height;
function viewSkin(varName, initObj) {
var _local3 = varName + "Skin";
var _local2 = this[_local3];
if (typeof(_local2) == "string") {
var _local4 = _local2;
if (__emphasized) {
if (this[_local2 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) {
_local2 = _local2 + "Emphasized";
if (this[_local2].length == 0) {
_local2 = setSkin(tagMap[_local4], this[_local2], ((initObj != undefined) ? (initObj) : ({styleName:this})));
this[_local3] = _local2;
skinName._visible = false;
skinName = _local2;
skinName._visible = true;
function showEmphasized(e) {
if (e && (!__emphatic)) {
if (emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) {
__emphaticStyleName = styleName;
styleName = emphasizedStyleDeclaration;
__emphatic = true;
} else {
if (__emphatic) {
styleName = __emphaticStyleName;
__emphatic = false;
function refresh(Void) {
var _local2 = getState();
if (enabled == false) {
} else {
setView(phase == "down");
iconName.enabled = enabled;
function setView(offset) {
if (iconName == undefined) {
var _local2 = (offset ? (btnOffset) : 0);
iconName._x = ((__width - iconName._width) / 2) + _local2;
iconName._y = ((__height - iconName._height) / 2) + _local2;
function setStateVar(state) {
if (state) {
if (trueOverSkin.length == 0) {
rolloverSkin = tus;
} else {
rolloverSkin = trs;
if (trueOverIcon.length == 0) {
rolloverIcon = tui;
} else {
rolloverIcon = tri;
upSkin = tus;
downSkin = tds;
disabledSkin = dts;
upIcon = tui;
downIcon = tdi;
disabledIcon = dti;
} else {
if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) {
rolloverSkin = fus;
} else {
rolloverSkin = frs;
if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) {
rolloverIcon = fui;
} else {
rolloverIcon = fri;
upSkin = fus;
downSkin = fds;
disabledSkin = dfs;
upIcon = fui;
downIcon = fdi;
disabledIcon = dfi;
__state = state;
function setState(state) {
if (state != __state) {
function size(Void) {
function draw(Void) {
if (initializing) {
initializing = false;
skinName.visible = true;
iconName.visible = true;
function getState(Void) {
function setToggle(val) {
__toggle = val;
if (__toggle == false) {
function getToggle(Void) {
function set toggle(val) {
function get toggle() {
function set value(val) {
function get value() {
function set selected(val) {
function get selected() {
function setSelected(val) {
if (__toggle) {
} else {
setState((initializing ? (val) : (__state)));
function getSelected() {
function setEnabled(val) {
if (enabled != val) {
function onPress(Void) {
phase = "down";
if (autoRepeat) {
interval = setInterval(this, "onPressDelay", getStyle("repeatDelay"));
function onPressDelay(Void) {
if (autoRepeat) {
interval = setInterval(this, "onPressRepeat", getStyle("repeatInterval"));
function onPressRepeat(Void) {
function onRelease(Void) {
phase = "rollover";
if (interval != undefined) {
delete interval;
if (getToggle()) {
} else {
function onDragOut(Void) {
phase = "up";
function onDragOver(Void) {
if (phase != "up") {
phase = "down";
function onReleaseOutside(Void) {
phase = "up";
if (interval != undefined) {
delete interval;
function onRollOver(Void) {
phase = "rollover";
function onRollOut(Void) {
phase = "up";
function getLabel(Void) {
function setLabel(val) {
if (typeof(fui) == "string") {
createLabel("fui", 8, val);
fui.styleName = this;
} else {
fui.text = val;
var _local4 = fui._getTextFormat();
var _local2 = _local4.getTextExtent2(val);
fui._width = _local2.width + 5;
fui._height = _local2.height + 5;
iconName = fui;
function get emphasized() {
function set emphasized(val) {
__emphasized = val;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < 8) {
this[idNames[_local2]] = stateNames[_local2] + "Skin";
if (typeof(this[idNames[_local2 + 8]]) == "movieclip") {
this[idNames[_local2 + 8]] = stateNames[_local2] + "Icon";
function keyDown(e) {
if (e.code == 32) {
function keyUp(e) {
if (e.code == 32) {
function onKillFocus(newFocus) {
if (phase != "up") {
phase = "up";
static var symbolName = "SimpleButton";
static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.SimpleButton;
static var version = "";
var className = "SimpleButton";
var style3dInset = 4;
var btnOffset = 1;
var __toggle = false;
var __state = false;
var __emphasized = false;
var __emphatic = false;
static var falseUp = 0;
static var falseDown = 1;
static var falseOver = 2;
static var falseDisabled = 3;
static var trueUp = 4;
static var trueDown = 5;
static var trueOver = 6;
static var trueDisabled = 7;
var falseUpSkin = "SimpleButtonUp";
var falseDownSkin = "SimpleButtonIn";
var falseOverSkin = "";
var falseDisabledSkin = "SimpleButtonUp";
var trueUpSkin = "SimpleButtonIn";
var trueDownSkin = "";
var trueOverSkin = "";
var trueDisabledSkin = "SimpleButtonIn";
var falseUpIcon = "";
var falseDownIcon = "";
var falseOverIcon = "";
var falseDisabledIcon = "";
var trueUpIcon = "";
var trueDownIcon = "";
var trueOverIcon = "";
var trueDisabledIcon = "";
var phase = "up";
var fui = "falseUpIcon";
var fus = "falseUpSkin";
var fdi = "falseDownIcon";
var fds = "falseDownSkin";
var frs = "falseOverSkin";
var fri = "falseOverIcon";
var dfi = "falseDisabledIcon";
var dfs = "falseDisabledSkin";
var tui = "trueUpIcon";
var tus = "trueUpSkin";
var tdi = "trueDownIcon";
var tds = "trueDownSkin";
var trs = "trueOverSkin";
var tri = "trueOverIcon";
var dts = "trueDisabledSkin";
var dti = "trueDisabledIcon";
var rolloverSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.frs;
var rolloverIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fri;
var upSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fus;
var downSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fds;
var disabledSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfs;
var upIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fui;
var downIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fdi;
var disabledIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfi;
var initializing = true;
var idNames = ["fus", "fds", "frs", "dfs", "tus", "tds", "trs", "dts", "fui", "fdi", "fri", "dfi", "tui", "tdi", "tri", "dti"];
var stateNames = ["falseUp", "falseDown", "falseOver", "falseDisabled", "trueUp", "trueDown", "trueOver", "trueDisabled"];
var refNames = ["upSkin", "downSkin", "rolloverSkin", "disabledSkin"];
var tagMap = {falseUpSkin:0, falseDownSkin:1, falseOverSkin:2, falseDisabledSkin:3, trueUpSkin:4, trueDownSkin:5, trueOverSkin:6, trueDisabledSkin:7, falseUpIcon:0, falseDownIcon:1, falseOverIcon:2, falseDisabledIcon:3, trueUpIcon:4, trueDownIcon:5, trueOverIcon:6, trueDisabledIcon:7};
Symbol 109 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.VScrollBar extends mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar
var scrollIt;
function VScrollBar () {
function init(Void) {
function isScrollBarKey(k) {
if (k == 38) {
scrollIt("Line", -1);
if (k == 40) {
scrollIt("Line", 1);
if (k == 33) {
scrollIt("Page", -1);
if (k == 34) {
scrollIt("Page", 1);
static var symbolName = "VScrollBar";
static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent;
static var version = "";
var className = "VScrollBar";
var minusMode = "Up";
var plusMode = "Down";
var minMode = "AtTop";
var maxMode = "AtBottom";
Symbol 110 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.Button extends mx.controls.SimpleButton
var initializing, labelPath, initIcon, getState, enabled, phase, idNames, __width, __height, setState, invalidate, iconName, refresh, createLabel, _iconLinkageName, removeIcons, hitArea_mc, createEmptyObject;
function Button () {
function init(Void) {
function draw() {
if (initializing) {
labelPath.visible = true;
if (initIcon != undefined) {
delete initIcon;
function onRelease(Void) {
function createChildren(Void) {
function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj) {
return(super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj));
function viewSkin(varName) {
var _local3 = (getState() ? "true" : "false");
_local3 = _local3 + (enabled ? (phase) : "disabled");
super.viewSkin(varName, {styleName:this, borderStyle:_local3});
function invalidateStyle(c) {
function setColor(c) {
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < 8) {
function setEnabled(enable) {
labelPath.enabled = enable;
function calcSize(tag, ref) {
if ((__width == undefined) || (__height == undefined)) {
if (tag < 7) {
ref.setSize(__width, __height, true);
function size(Void) {
setHitArea(__width, __height);
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < 8) {
var _local4 = idNames[_local3];
if (typeof(this[_local4]) == "movieclip") {
this[_local4].setSize(__width, __height, true);
function set labelPlacement(val) {
__labelPlacement = val;
function get labelPlacement() {
function getLabelPlacement(Void) {
function setLabelPlacement(val) {
__labelPlacement = val;
function getBtnOffset(Void) {
if (getState()) {
var _local2 = btnOffset;
} else if (phase == "down") {
var _local2 = btnOffset;
} else {
var _local2 = 0;
function setView(offset) {
var _local16 = (offset ? (btnOffset) : 0);
var _local12 = getLabelPlacement();
var _local7 = 0;
var _local6 = 0;
var _local9 = 0;
var _local8 = 0;
var _local5 = 0;
var _local4 = 0;
var _local3 = labelPath;
var _local2 = iconName;
var _local15 = _local3.textWidth;
var _local14 = _local3.textHeight;
var _local10 = (__width - borderW) - borderW;
var _local11 = (__height - borderW) - borderW;
if (_local2 != undefined) {
_local7 = _local2._width;
_local6 = _local2._height;
if ((_local12 == "left") || (_local12 == "right")) {
if (_local3 != undefined) {
_local9 = Math.min(_local10 - _local7, _local15 + 5);
_local3._width = _local9;
_local8 = Math.min(_local11, _local14 + 5);
_local3._height = _local8;
if (_local12 == "right") {
_local5 = _local7;
if (centerContent) {
_local5 = _local5 + (((_local10 - _local9) - _local7) / 2);
_local2._x = _local5 - _local7;
} else {
_local5 = (_local10 - _local9) - _local7;
if (centerContent) {
_local5 = _local5 / 2;
_local2._x = _local5 + _local9;
_local4 = 0;
_local2._y = _local4;
if (centerContent) {
_local2._y = (_local11 - _local6) / 2;
_local4 = (_local11 - _local8) / 2;
if (!centerContent) {
_local2._y = _local2._y + Math.max(0, (_local8 - _local6) / 2);
} else {
if (_local3 != undefined) {
_local9 = Math.min(_local10, _local15 + 5);
_local3._width = _local9;
_local8 = Math.min(_local11 - _local6, _local14 + 5);
_local3._height = _local8;
_local5 = (_local10 - _local9) / 2;
_local2._x = (_local10 - _local7) / 2;
if (_local12 == "top") {
_local4 = (_local11 - _local8) - _local6;
if (centerContent) {
_local4 = _local4 / 2;
_local2._y = _local4 + _local8;
} else {
_local4 = _local6;
if (centerContent) {
_local4 = _local4 + (((_local11 - _local8) - _local6) / 2);
_local2._y = _local4 - _local6;
var _local13 = borderW + _local16;
_local3._x = _local5 + _local13;
_local3._y = _local4 + _local13;
_local2._x = _local2._x + _local13;
_local2._y = _local2._y + _local13;
function set label(lbl) {
function setLabel(label) {
if (label == "") {
if (labelPath == undefined) {
var _local2 = createLabel("labelPath", 200, label);
_local2._width = _local2.textWidth + 5;
_local2._height = _local2.textHeight + 5;
if (initializing) {
_local2.visible = false;
} else {
delete labelPath.__text;
labelPath.text = label;
function getLabel(Void) {
return(((labelPath.__text != undefined) ? (labelPath.__text) : (labelPath.text)));
function get label() {
function _getIcon(Void) {
function get icon() {
if (initializing) {
function _setIcon(linkage) {
if (initializing) {
if (linkage == "") {
initIcon = linkage;
} else {
if (linkage == "") {
super.changeIcon(0, linkage);
super.changeIcon(1, linkage);
super.changeIcon(3, linkage);
super.changeIcon(4, linkage);
super.changeIcon(5, linkage);
_iconLinkageName = linkage;
function set icon(linkage) {
function setHitArea(w, h) {
if (hitArea_mc == undefined) {
createEmptyObject("hitArea_mc", 100);
var _local2 = hitArea_mc;
_local2.drawRect(0, 0, w, h);
static var symbolName = "Button";
static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.Button;
var className = "Button";
static var version = "";
var btnOffset = 0;
var _color = "buttonColor";
var __label = "default value";
var __labelPlacement = "right";
var falseUpSkin = "ButtonSkin";
var falseDownSkin = "ButtonSkin";
var falseOverSkin = "ButtonSkin";
var falseDisabledSkin = "ButtonSkin";
var trueUpSkin = "ButtonSkin";
var trueDownSkin = "ButtonSkin";
var trueOverSkin = "ButtonSkin";
var trueDisabledSkin = "ButtonSkin";
var falseUpIcon = "";
var falseDownIcon = "";
var falseOverIcon = "";
var falseDisabledIcon = "";
var trueUpIcon = "";
var trueDownIcon = "";
var trueOverIcon = "";
var trueDisabledIcon = "";
var clipParameters = {labelPlacement:1, icon:1, toggle:1, selected:1, label:1};
static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.Button.prototype.clipParameters, mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.clipParameters);
var centerContent = true;
var borderW = 1;
Symbol 111 MovieClip [] Frame 0
function EventDispatcher () {
static function _removeEventListener(queue, event, handler) {
if (queue != undefined) {
var _local4 = queue.length;
var _local1;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local4) {
var _local2 = queue[_local1];
if (_local2 == handler) {
queue.splice(_local1, 1);
static function initialize(object) {
if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) {
_fEventDispatcher = new;
object.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener;
object.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener;
object.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent;
object.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue;
function dispatchQueue(queueObj, eventObj) {
var _local7 = "__q_" + eventObj.type;
var _local4 = queueObj[_local7];
if (_local4 != undefined) {
var _local5;
for (_local5 in _local4) {
var _local1 = _local4[_local5];
var _local3 = typeof(_local1);
if ((_local3 == "object") || (_local3 == "movieclip")) {
if (_local1.handleEvent != undefined) {
if (_local1[eventObj.type] != undefined) {
if (exceptions[eventObj.type] == undefined) {
} else {
_local1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]);
function dispatchEvent(eventObj) {
if ( == undefined) { = this;
this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj);
dispatchQueue(this, eventObj);
function addEventListener(event, handler) {
var _local3 = "__q_" + event;
if (this[_local3] == undefined) {
this[_local3] = new Array();
_global.ASSetPropFlags(this, _local3, 1);
_removeEventListener(this[_local3], event, handler);
function removeEventListener(event, handler) {
var _local2 = "__q_" + event;
_removeEventListener(this[_local2], event, handler);
static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined;
static var exceptions = {move:1, draw:1, load:1};
Symbol 112 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends
var dispatchQueue, owner, __sentLoadEvent, __origAddEventListener;
function UIEventDispatcher () {
static function addKeyEvents(obj) {
if (obj.keyHandler == undefined) {
var _local1 = (obj.keyHandler = new Object());
_local1.owner = obj;
_local1.onKeyDown = _fEventDispatcher.onKeyDown;
_local1.onKeyUp = _fEventDispatcher.onKeyUp;
static function removeKeyEvents(obj) {
static function addLoadEvents(obj) {
if (obj.onLoad == undefined) {
obj.onLoad = _fEventDispatcher.onLoad;
obj.onUnload = _fEventDispatcher.onUnload;
if (obj.getBytesTotal() == obj.getBytesLoaded()) {
obj.doLater(obj, "onLoad");
static function removeLoadEvents(obj) {
delete obj.onLoad;
delete obj.onUnload;
static function initialize(obj) {
if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) {
_fEventDispatcher = new;
obj.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.__addEventListener;
obj.__origAddEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener;
obj.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener;
obj.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent;
obj.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue;
function dispatchEvent(eventObj) {
if ( == undefined) { = this;
this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj);
dispatchQueue(, eventObj);
dispatchQueue(this, eventObj);
function onKeyDown(Void) {
owner.dispatchEvent({type:"keyDown", code:Key.getCode(), ascii:Key.getAscii(), shiftKey:Key.isDown(16), ctrlKey:Key.isDown(17)});
function onKeyUp(Void) {
owner.dispatchEvent({type:"keyUp", code:Key.getCode(), ascii:Key.getAscii(), shiftKey:Key.isDown(16), ctrlKey:Key.isDown(17)});
function onLoad(Void) {
if (__sentLoadEvent != true) {
__sentLoadEvent = true;
function onUnload(Void) {
function __addEventListener(event, handler) {
__origAddEventListener(event, handler);
var _local3 = lowLevelEvents;
for (var _local5 in _local3) {
if ([_local5][event] != undefined) {
var _local2 = _local3[_local5][0];[_local2](this);
function removeEventListener(event, handler) {
var _local6 = "__q_" + event;[_local6], event, handler);
if (this[_local6].length == 0) {
var _local2 = lowLevelEvents;
for (var _local5 in _local2) {
if ([_local5][event] != undefined) {
var _local3 = _local2[_local5][1];[_local2[_local5][1]](this);
static var keyEvents = {keyDown:1, keyUp:1};
static var loadEvents = {load:1, unload:1};
static var lowLevelEvents = {keyEvents:["addKeyEvents", "removeKeyEvents"], loadEvents:["addLoadEvents", "removeLoadEvents"]};
static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined;
Symbol 113 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement
var getStyle, _color, onEnterFrame;
function ColoredSkinElement () {
function setColor(c) {
if (c != undefined) {
var _local2 = new Color(this);
function draw(Void) {
onEnterFrame = undefined;
function invalidateStyle(Void) {
onEnterFrame = draw;
static function setColorStyle(p, colorStyle) {
if (p._color == undefined) {
p._color = colorStyle;
p.setColor = mixins.setColor;
p.invalidateStyle = mixins.invalidateStyle;
p.draw = mixins.draw;
static var mixins = new mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement();
Symbol 114 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions
function UIObjectExtensions () {
static function addGeometry(tf, ui) {
tf.addProperty("width", ui.__get__width, null);
tf.addProperty("height", ui.__get__height, null);
tf.addProperty("left", ui.__get__left, null);
tf.addProperty("x", ui.__get__x, null);
tf.addProperty("top", ui.__get__top, null);
tf.addProperty("y", ui.__get__y, null);
tf.addProperty("right", ui.__get__right, null);
tf.addProperty("bottom", ui.__get__bottom, null);
tf.addProperty("visible", ui.__get__visible, ui.__set__visible);
static function Extensions() {
if (bExtended == true) {
bExtended = true;
var _local6 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype;
var _local9 = mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype;
addGeometry(_local9, _local6);;
var _local13 = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement;
var _local5 = MovieClip.prototype;
_local5.getTopLevel = _local6.getTopLevel;
_local5.createLabel = _local6.createLabel;
_local5.createObject = _local6.createObject;
_local5.createClassObject = _local6.createClassObject;
_local5.createEmptyObject = _local6.createEmptyObject;
_local5.destroyObject = _local6.destroyObject;
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "getTopLevel", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createLabel", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createObject", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createClassObject", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createEmptyObject", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "destroyObject", 1);
_local5.__getTextFormat = _local6.__getTextFormat;
_local5._getTextFormat = _local6._getTextFormat;
_local5.getStyleName = _local6.getStyleName;
_local5.getStyle = _local6.getStyle;
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "__getTextFormat", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "_getTextFormat", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "getStyleName", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "getStyle", 1);
var _local7 = TextField.prototype;
addGeometry(_local7, _local6);
_local7.addProperty("enabled", function () {
}, function (x) {
this.__enabled = x;
_local7.move = _local9.move;
_local7.setSize = _local9.setSize;
_local7.invalidateStyle = function () {
this.invalidateFlag = true;
_local7.draw = function () {
if (this.invalidateFlag) {
this.invalidateFlag = false;
var _local2 = this._getTextFormat();
this.embedFonts = _local2.embedFonts == true;
if (this.__text != undefined) {
if (this.text == "") {
this.text = this.__text;
delete this.__text;
this._visible = true;
_local7.setColor = function (color) {
this.textColor = color;
_local7.getStyle = _local5.getStyle;
_local7.__getTextFormat = _local6.__getTextFormat;
_local7.setValue = function (v) {
this.text = v;
_local7.getValue = function () {
_local7.addProperty("value", function () {
}, function (v) {
_local7._getTextFormat = function () {
var _local2 =;
if (_local2 != undefined) {
_local2 = new TextFormat();
this.__getTextFormat(_local2); = _local2;
if (this.__enabled == false) {
if (this.enabledColor == undefined) {
var _local4 = this.getTextFormat();
this.enabledColor = _local4.color;
var _local3 = this.getStyle("disabledColor");
_local2.color = _local3;
} else if (this.enabledColor != undefined) {
if (_local2.color == undefined) {
_local2.color = this.enabledColor;
_local7.getPreferredWidth = function () {
return(this.textWidth + 4);
_local7.getPreferredHeight = function () {
return(this.textHeight + 4);
TextFormat.prototype.getTextExtent2 = function (s) {
var _local3 = _root._getTextExtent;
if (_local3 == undefined) {
_root.createTextField("_getTextExtent", -2, 0, 0, 1000, 100);
_local3 = _root._getTextExtent;
_local3._visible = false;
_root._getTextExtent.text = s;
var _local4 = this.align;
this.align = "left";
this.align = _local4;
return({width:_local3.textWidth, height:_local3.textHeight});
if ( == undefined) { = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
_global.cascadingStyles = true;
_global.styles = new Object();
_global.skinRegistry = new Object();
if (_global._origWidth == undefined) {
_global.origWidth = Stage.width;
_global.origHeight = Stage.height;
var _local4 = _root;
while (_local4._parent != undefined) {
_local4 = _local4._parent;
_local4.addProperty("width", function () {
}, null);
_local4.addProperty("height", function () {
}, null);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "width", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "height", 1);
static var bExtended = false;
static var UIObjectExtended = Extensions();
static var UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject;
static var SkinElementDependency = mx.skins.SkinElement;
static var CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles;
static var UIEventDispatcherDependency =;
Symbol 115 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.Defaults
var beginGradientFill, beginFill, moveTo, lineTo, curveTo, endFill;
function Defaults () {
static function setThemeDefaults() {
var _local2 =;
_local2.themeColor = 8453965 /* 0x80FF4D */;
_local2.disabledColor = 8684164 /* 0x848284 */;
_local2.modalTransparency = 0;
_local2.filled = true;
_local2.stroked = true;
_local2.strokeWidth = 1;
_local2.strokeColor = 0;
_local2.fillColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
_local2.repeatInterval = 35;
_local2.repeatDelay = 500;
_local2.fontFamily = "_sans";
_local2.fontSize = 12;
_local2.selectionColor = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */;
_local2.rollOverColor = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */;
_local2.useRollOver = true;
_local2.backgroundDisabledColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */;
_local2.selectionDisabledColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */;
_local2.selectionDuration = 200;
_local2.openDuration = 250;
_local2.borderStyle = "inset";
_local2.color = 734012 /* 0x0B333C */;
_local2.textSelectedColor = 24371;
_local2.textRollOverColor = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */;
_local2.textDisabledColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
_local2.vGridLines = true;
_local2.hGridLines = false;
_local2.vGridLineColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */;
_local2.hGridLineColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */;
_local2.headerColor = 15395562 /* 0xEAEAEA */;
_local2.indentation = 17;
_local2.folderOpenIcon = "TreeFolderOpen";
_local2.folderClosedIcon = "TreeFolderClosed";
_local2.defaultLeafIcon = "TreeNodeIcon";
_local2.disclosureOpenIcon = "TreeDisclosureOpen";
_local2.disclosureClosedIcon = "TreeDisclosureClosed";
_local2.popupDuration = 150;
_local2.todayColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */;
_local2 = (_global.styles.ScrollSelectList = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local2.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
_local2.borderColor = 13290186 /* 0xCACACA */;
_local2.borderStyle = "inset";
_local2 = (_global.styles.ComboBox = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local2.borderStyle = "inset";
_local2 = (_global.styles.NumericStepper = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local2.textAlign = "center";
_local2 = (_global.styles.RectBorder = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local2.borderColor = 14015965 /* 0xD5DDDD */;
_local2.buttonColor = 7305079 /* 0x6F7777 */;
_local2.shadowColor = 15658734 /* 0xEEEEEE */;
_local2.highlightColor = 12897484 /* 0xC4CCCC */;
_local2.shadowCapColor = 14015965 /* 0xD5DDDD */;
_local2.borderCapColor = 9542041 /* 0x919999 */;
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4.borderColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
_local4.buttonColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
_local4.shadowColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
_local4.highlightColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
_local4.shadowCapColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
_local4.borderCapColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.origBorderStyles = _local4;
var _local3;
_local3 = (_global.styles.TextInput = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
_local3.borderStyle = "inset";
_global.styles.TextArea = _global.styles.TextInput;
_local3 = (_global.styles.Window = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.borderStyle = "default";
_local3 = (_global.styles.windowStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.fontWeight = "bold";
_local3 = (_global.styles.dataGridStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.fontWeight = "bold";
_local3 = (_global.styles.Alert = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.borderStyle = "alert";
_local3 = (_global.styles.ScrollView = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.borderStyle = "inset";
_local3 = (_global.styles.View = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.borderStyle = "none";
_local3 = (_global.styles.ProgressBar = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.color = 11187123 /* 0xAAB3B3 */;
_local3.fontWeight = "bold";
_local3 = (_global.styles.AccordionHeader = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.fontWeight = "bold";
_local3.fontSize = "11";
_local3 = (_global.styles.Accordion = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.borderStyle = "solid";
_local3.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
_local3.borderColor = 9081738 /* 0x8A938A */;
_local3.headerHeight = 22;
_local3.marginLeft = (_local3.marginRight = (_local3.marginTop = (_local3.marginBottom = -1)));
_local3.verticalGap = -1;
_local3 = (_global.styles.DateChooser = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.borderColor = 9542041 /* 0x919999 */;
_local3.headerColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
_local3 = (_global.styles.CalendarLayout = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.fontSize = 10;
_local3.textAlign = "right";
_local3.color = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */;
_local3 = (_global.styles.WeekDayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.fontWeight = "bold";
_local3.fontSize = 11;
_local3.textAlign = "center";
_local3.color = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */;
_local3 = (_global.styles.TodayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
_local3 = (_global.styles.HeaderDateText = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration());
_local3.fontSize = 12;
_local3.fontWeight = "bold";
_local3.textAlign = "center";
function drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, r, c, alpha, rot, gradient, ratios) {
if (typeof(r) == "object") {
var _local18 =;
var _local16 =;
var _local15 =;
var _local10 =;
} else {
var _local10 = r;
var _local15 = _local10;
var _local16 = _local15;
var _local18 = _local16;
if (typeof(c) == "object") {
if (typeof(alpha) != "object") {
var _local9 = [alpha, alpha];
} else {
var _local9 = alpha;
if (ratios == undefined) {
ratios = [0, 255];
var _local14 = h * 0.7;
if (typeof(rot) != "object") {
var _local11 = {matrixType:"box", x:-_local14, y:_local14, w:w * 2, h:h * 4, r:rot * 0.0174532925199433 /* Math.PI/180 */};
} else {
var _local11 = rot;
if (gradient == "radial") {
beginGradientFill("radial", c, _local9, ratios, _local11);
} else {
beginGradientFill("linear", c, _local9, ratios, _local11);
} else if (c != undefined) {
beginFill(c, alpha);
r = _local18;
var _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547);
var _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095);
moveTo(x + w, (y + h) - r);
lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - r);
curveTo(x + w, (y + h) - _local12, (x + w) - _local13, (y + h) - _local13);
curveTo((x + w) - _local12, y + h, (x + w) - r, y + h);
r = _local16;
_local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547);
_local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095);
lineTo(x + r, y + h);
curveTo(x + _local12, y + h, x + _local13, (y + h) - _local13);
curveTo(x, (y + h) - _local12, x, (y + h) - r);
r = _local15;
_local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547);
_local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095);
lineTo(x, y + r);
curveTo(x, y + _local12, x + _local13, y + _local13);
curveTo(x + _local12, y, x + r, y);
r = _local10;
_local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547);
_local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095);
lineTo((x + w) - r, y);
curveTo((x + w) - _local12, y, (x + w) - _local13, y + _local13);
curveTo(x + w, y + _local12, x + w, y + r);
lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - r);
if (c != undefined) {
static function classConstruct() {
mx.core.UIObject.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect;
static var classConstructed = classConstruct();
static var CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions;
static var UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject;
Symbol 116 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.DepthManager
var _childCounter, createClassObject, createObject, _parent, swapDepths, _topmost, getDepth;
function DepthManager () {
MovieClip.prototype.createClassChildAtDepth = createClassChildAtDepth;
MovieClip.prototype.createChildAtDepth = createChildAtDepth;
MovieClip.prototype.setDepthTo = setDepthTo;
MovieClip.prototype.setDepthAbove = setDepthAbove;
MovieClip.prototype.setDepthBelow = setDepthBelow;
MovieClip.prototype.findNextAvailableDepth = findNextAvailableDepth;
MovieClip.prototype.shuffleDepths = shuffleDepths;
MovieClip.prototype.getDepthByFlag = getDepthByFlag;
MovieClip.prototype.buildDepthTable = buildDepthTable;
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "createClassChildAtDepth", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "createChildAtDepth", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "setDepthTo", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "setDepthAbove", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "setDepthBelow", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "findNextAvailableDepth", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "shuffleDepths", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "getDepthByFlag", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "buildDepthTable", 1);
static function sortFunction(a, b) {
if (a.getDepth() > b.getDepth()) {
static function test(depth) {
if (depth == reservedDepth) {
static function createClassObjectAtDepth(className, depthSpace, initObj) {
var _local1;
switch (depthSpace) {
case kCursor :
_local1 = holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, kTopmost, initObj);
case kTooltip :
_local1 = holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, kTop, initObj);
static function createObjectAtDepth(linkageName, depthSpace, initObj) {
var _local1;
switch (depthSpace) {
case kCursor :
_local1 = holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, kTopmost, initObj);
case kTooltip :
_local1 = holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, kTop, initObj);
function createClassChildAtDepth(className, depthFlag, initObj) {
if (_childCounter == undefined) {
_childCounter = 0;
var _local3 = buildDepthTable();
var _local2 = getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local3);
var _local6 = "down";
if (depthFlag == kBottom) {
_local6 = "up";
var _local5;
if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) {
_local5 = _local2;
_local2 = findNextAvailableDepth(_local2, _local3, _local6);
var _local4 = createClassObject(className, "depthChild" + (_childCounter++), _local2, initObj);
if (_local5 != undefined) {
_local3[_local2] = _local4;
shuffleDepths(_local4, _local5, _local3, _local6);
if (depthFlag == kTopmost) {
_local4._topmost = true;
function createChildAtDepth(linkageName, depthFlag, initObj) {
if (_childCounter == undefined) {
_childCounter = 0;
var _local3 = buildDepthTable();
var _local2 = getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local3);
var _local6 = "down";
if (depthFlag == kBottom) {
_local6 = "up";
var _local5;
if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) {
_local5 = _local2;
_local2 = findNextAvailableDepth(_local2, _local3, _local6);
var _local4 = createObject(linkageName, "depthChild" + (_childCounter++), _local2, initObj);
if (_local5 != undefined) {
_local3[_local2] = _local4;
shuffleDepths(_local4, _local5, _local3, _local6);
if (depthFlag == kTopmost) {
_local4._topmost = true;
function setDepthTo(depthFlag) {
var _local2 = _parent.buildDepthTable();
var _local3 = _parent.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local2);
if (_local2[_local3] != undefined) {
shuffleDepths(this, _local3, _local2, undefined);
} else {
if (depthFlag == kTopmost) {
_topmost = true;
} else {
delete _topmost;
function setDepthAbove(targetInstance) {
if (targetInstance._parent != _parent) {
var _local2 = targetInstance.getDepth() + 1;
var _local3 = _parent.buildDepthTable();
if ((_local3[_local2] != undefined) && (getDepth() < _local2)) {
_local2 = _local2 - 1;
if (_local2 > highestDepth) {
_local2 = highestDepth;
if (_local2 == highestDepth) {
_parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local2, _local3, "down");
} else if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) {
_parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local2, _local3, undefined);
} else {
function setDepthBelow(targetInstance) {
if (targetInstance._parent != _parent) {
var _local6 = targetInstance.getDepth() - 1;
var _local3 = _parent.buildDepthTable();
if ((_local3[_local6] != undefined) && (getDepth() > _local6)) {
_local6 = _local6 + 1;
var _local4 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers;
var _local5;
for (_local5 in _local3) {
var _local2 = _local3[_local5];
if (_local2._parent != undefined) {
_local4 = Math.min(_local4, _local2.getDepth());
if (_local6 < _local4) {
_local6 = _local4;
if (_local6 == _local4) {
_parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local6, _local3, "up");
} else if (_local3[_local6] != undefined) {
_parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local6, _local3, undefined);
} else {
function findNextAvailableDepth(targetDepth, depthTable, direction) {
var _local5 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers;
if (targetDepth < _local5) {
targetDepth = _local5;
if (depthTable[targetDepth] == undefined) {
var _local2 = targetDepth;
var _local1 = targetDepth;
if (direction == "down") {
while (depthTable[_local1] != undefined) {
while (depthTable[_local2] != undefined) {
function shuffleDepths(subject, targetDepth, depthTable, direction) {
var _local9 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers;
var _local8 = _local9;
var _local5;
for (_local5 in depthTable) {
var _local7 = depthTable[_local5];
if (_local7._parent != undefined) {
_local9 = Math.min(_local9, _local7.getDepth());
if (direction == undefined) {
if (subject.getDepth() > targetDepth) {
direction = "up";
} else {
direction = "down";
var _local1 = new Array();
for (_local5 in depthTable) {
var _local7 = depthTable[_local5];
if (_local7._parent != undefined) {
if (direction == "up") {
var _local3;
var _local11;
do {
if (_local1.length <= 0) {
_local3 = _local1.pop();
} while (_local3 != subject);
do {
if (_local1.length <= 0) {
_local11 = subject.getDepth();
_local3 = _local1.pop();
var _local4 = _local3.getDepth();
if (_local11 > (_local4 + 1)) {
if (_local4 >= 0) {
subject.swapDepths(_local4 + 1);
} else if ((_local11 > _local8) && (_local4 < _local8)) {
} while (_local4 != targetDepth);
} else if (direction == "down") {
var _local3;
do {
if (_local1.length <= 0) {
_local3 = _local1.shift();
} while (_local3 != subject);
do {
if (_local1.length <= 0) {
var _local11 = _local3.getDepth();
_local3 = _local1.shift();
var _local4 = _local3.getDepth();
if ((_local11 < (_local4 - 1)) && (_local4 > 0)) {
subject.swapDepths(_local4 - 1);
} while (_local4 != targetDepth);
function getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, depthTable) {
var _local2 = 0;
if ((depthFlag == kTop) || (depthFlag == kNotopmost)) {
var _local5 = 0;
var _local7 = false;
var _local8;
for (_local8 in depthTable) {
var _local9 = depthTable[_local8];
var _local3 = typeof(_local9);
if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) {
if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) {
if (!_local9._topmost) {
_local2 = Math.max(_local2, _local9.getDepth());
} else if (!_local7) {
_local5 = _local9.getDepth();
_local7 = true;
} else {
_local5 = Math.min(_local5, _local9.getDepth());
_local2 = _local2 + 20;
if (_local7) {
if (_local2 >= _local5) {
_local2 = _local5 - 1;
} else if (depthFlag == kBottom) {
for (var _local8 in depthTable) {
var _local9 = depthTable[_local8];
var _local3 = typeof(_local9);
if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) {
if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) {
_local2 = Math.min(_local2, _local9.getDepth());
_local2 = _local2 - 20;
} else if (depthFlag == kTopmost) {
for (var _local8 in depthTable) {
var _local9 = depthTable[_local8];
var _local3 = typeof(_local9);
if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) {
if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) {
_local2 = Math.max(_local2, _local9.getDepth());
_local2 = _local2 + 100;
if (_local2 >= highestDepth) {
_local2 = highestDepth;
var _local6 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers;
for (var _local9 in depthTable) {
var _local4 = depthTable[_local9];
if (_local4._parent != undefined) {
_local6 = Math.min(_local6, _local4.getDepth());
if (_local2 <= _local6) {
_local2 = _local6;
function buildDepthTable(Void) {
var _local5 = new Array();
var _local4;
for (_local4 in this) {
var _local2 = this[_local4];
var _local3 = typeof(_local2);
if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local2.__getTextFormat != undefined))) {
if (_local2._parent == this) {
_local5[_local2.getDepth()] = _local2;
static var reservedDepth = 1048575;
static var highestDepth = 1048574;
static var lowestDepth = -16383;
static var numberOfAuthortimeLayers = 383;
static var kCursor = 101;
static var kTooltip = 102;
static var kTop = 201;
static var kBottom = 202;
static var kTopmost = 203;
static var kNotopmost = 204;
static var holder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("reserved", reservedDepth);
static var __depthManager = new mx.managers.DepthManager();
Symbol 117 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.SystemManager
static var _xAddEventListener, addEventListener, __addEventListener, _xRemoveEventListener, removeEventListener, __removeEventListener, form, __screen, dispatchEvent;
function SystemManager () {
static function init(Void) {
if (_initialized == false) {
_initialized = true;;
_xAddEventListener = addEventListener;
addEventListener = __addEventListener;
_xRemoveEventListener = removeEventListener;
removeEventListener = __removeEventListener;
static function addFocusManager(f) {
form = f;
static function removeFocusManager(f) {
static function onMouseDown(Void) {
var _local1 = form;
static function onResize(Void) {
var _local7 = Stage.width;
var _local6 = Stage.height;
var _local9 = _global.origWidth;
var _local8 = _global.origHeight;
var _local3 = Stage.align;
var _local5 = (_local9 - _local7) / 2;
var _local4 = (_local8 - _local6) / 2;
if (_local3 == "T") {
_local4 = 0;
} else if (_local3 == "B") {
_local4 = _local8 - _local6;
} else if (_local3 == "L") {
_local5 = 0;
} else if (_local3 == "R") {
_local5 = _local9 - _local7;
} else if (_local3 == "LT") {
_local4 = 0;
_local5 = 0;
} else if (_local3 == "TR") {
_local4 = 0;
_local5 = _local9 - _local7;
} else if (_local3 == "LB") {
_local4 = _local8 - _local6;
_local5 = 0;
} else if (_local3 == "RB") {
_local4 = _local8 - _local6;
_local5 = _local9 - _local7;
if (__screen == undefined) {
__screen = new Object();
__screen.x = _local5;
__screen.y = _local4;
__screen.width = _local7;
__screen.height = _local6;
static function get screen() {
if (__screen == undefined) {
static var _initialized = false;
static var idleFrames = 0;
static var isMouseDown = false;
static var forms = new Array();
Symbol 118 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.FocusManager extends mx.core.UIComponent
var __defaultPushButton, defPushButton, form, move, tabEnabled, _width, _height, _x, _y, _alpha, _parent, tabCapture, watch, lastMouse, _visible, lastFocus, doLater, lastSelFocus, cancelAllDoLaters, _searchKey, _lastTarget, _firstNode, _nextIsNext, _nextNode, _lastx, _prevNode, _needPrev, _foundList, _prevObj, _nextObj, _firstObj, _lastObj, _lastNode, lastTabFocus, findFocusFromObject;
function FocusManager () {
function get defaultPushButton() {
function set defaultPushButton(x) {
if (x != __defaultPushButton) {
__defaultPushButton = x;
defPushButton = x;
function getMaxTabIndex(o) {
var _local3 = 0;
var _local6;
for (_local6 in o) {
var _local2 = o[_local6];
if (_local2._parent == o) {
if (_local2.tabIndex != undefined) {
if (_local2.tabIndex > _local3) {
_local3 = _local2.tabIndex;
if (_local2.tabChildren == true) {
var _local4 = getMaxTabIndex(_local2);
if (_local4 > _local3) {
_local3 = _local4;
function getNextTabIndex(Void) {
return(getMaxTabIndex(form) + 1);
function get nextTabIndex() {
function relocate(Void) {
var _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.__get__screen();
move(_local2.x - 1, _local2.y - 1);
function init(Void) {
tabEnabled = false;
_width = (_height = 1);
_x = (_y = -1);
_alpha = 0;
_parent.focusManager = this;
_parent.tabChildren = true;
_parent.tabEnabled = false;
form = _parent;
_parent.addEventListener("hide", this);
_parent.addEventListener("reveal", this);
tabCapture.tabIndex = 0;
watch("enabled", enabledChanged);
lastMouse = new Object();
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_parent, "focusManager", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_parent, "tabChildren", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_parent, "tabEnabled", 1);
function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) {
_visible = newValue;
function activate(Void) {
activated = (_visible = true);
if (lastFocus != undefined) {
bNeedFocus = true;
if (!mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown) {
doLater(this, "restoreFocus");
function deactivate(Void) {
activated = (_visible = false);
var _local2 = getSelectionFocus();
var _local3 = getActualFocus(_local2);
if (isOurFocus(_local3)) {
lastSelFocus = _local2;
lastFocus = _local3;
function isOurFocus(o) {
if (o.focusManager == this) {
while (o != undefined) {
if (o.focusManager != undefined) {
if (o._parent == _parent) {
o = o._parent;
function onSetFocus(o, n) {
if (n == null) {
if (activated) {
bNeedFocus = true;
} else {
var _local2 = getFocus();
if (isOurFocus(_local2)) {
bNeedFocus = false;
lastFocus = _local2;
lastSelFocus = n;
function restoreFocus(Void) {
var _local2 = lastSelFocus.hscroll;
if (_local2 != undefined) {
var _local5 = lastSelFocus.scroll;
var _local4 = lastSelFocus.background;
var _local3 = Selection;
Selection.setSelection(_local3.lastBeginIndex, _local3.lastEndIndex);
if (_local2 != undefined) {
lastSelFocus.scroll = _local5;
lastSelFocus.hscroll = _local2;
lastSelFocus.background = _local4;
function onUnload(Void) {
function setFocus(o) {
if (o == null) {
} else if (o.setFocus == undefined) {
} else {
function getActualFocus(o) {
var _local1 = o._parent;
while (_local1 != undefined) {
if (_local1.focusTextField != undefined) {
while (_local1.focusTextField != undefined) {
o = _local1;
_local1 = _local1._parent;
if (_local1 == undefined) {
if (_local1.focusTextField == undefined) {
if (_local1.tabEnabled != true) {
o = _local1;
_local1 = o._parent;
function getSelectionFocus() {
var m = Selection.getFocus();
var o = eval (m);
function getFocus(Void) {
var _local2 = getSelectionFocus();
function walkTree(p, index, groupName, dir, lookup, firstChild) {
var _local5 = true;
var _local11;
for (_local11 in p) {
var _local2 = p[_local11];
if ((((_local2._parent == p) && (_local2.enabled != false)) && (_local2._visible != false)) && ((_local2.tabEnabled == true) || ((_local2.tabEnabled != false) && ((((((((_local2.onPress != undefined) || (_local2.onRelease != undefined)) || (_local2.onReleaseOutside != undefined)) || (_local2.onDragOut != undefined)) || (_local2.onDragOver != undefined)) || (_local2.onRollOver != undefined)) || (_local2.onRollOut != undefined)) || (_local2 instanceof TextField))))) {
if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) {
_local2._searchKey = _searchKey;
if (_local2 != _lastTarget) {
if (((_local2.groupName != undefined) || (groupName != undefined)) && (_local2.groupName == groupName)) {
if ((_local2 instanceof TextField) && (_local2.selectable == false)) {
if (_local5 || (((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _firstNode.groupName)) && (_local2.selected == true))) {
if (firstChild) {
_firstNode = _local2;
firstChild = false;
if (_nextIsNext == true) {
if ((((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _nextNode.groupName)) && (_local2.selected == true)) || ((_nextNode == undefined) && ((_local2.groupName == undefined) || ((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName != groupName))))) {
_nextNode = _local2;
if ((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (groupName != _local2.groupName)) {
if (((_lastx.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _lastx.groupName)) && (_lastx.selected == true)) {
} else {
_lastx = _local2;
} else {
_prevNode = _lastx;
_needPrev = false;
_nextIsNext = true;
if (_local2.tabIndex != undefined) {
if (_local2.tabIndex == index) {
if (_foundList[_local2._name] == undefined) {
if (_needPrev) {
_prevObj = _local2;
_needPrev = false;
_nextObj = _local2;
if (dir && (_local2.tabIndex > index)) {
if (((_nextObj == undefined) || ((_nextObj.tabIndex > _local2.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_nextObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _nextObj.groupName)))) || ((((_nextObj.groupName != undefined) && (_nextObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_nextObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_nextObj.tabIndex > _local2.tabIndex)))) {
_nextObj = _local2;
} else if ((!dir) && (_local2.tabIndex < index)) {
if (((_prevObj == undefined) || ((_prevObj.tabIndex < _local2.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_prevObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _prevObj.groupName)))) || ((((_prevObj.groupName != undefined) && (_prevObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_prevObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_prevObj.tabIndex < _local2.tabIndex)))) {
_prevObj = _local2;
if (((_firstObj == undefined) || ((_local2.tabIndex < _firstObj.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_firstObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _firstObj.groupName)))) || ((((_firstObj.groupName != undefined) && (_firstObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_firstObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_local2.tabIndex < _firstObj.tabIndex)))) {
_firstObj = _local2;
if (((_lastObj == undefined) || ((_local2.tabIndex > _lastObj.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_lastObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _lastObj.groupName)))) || ((((_lastObj.groupName != undefined) && (_lastObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_lastObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_local2.tabIndex > _lastObj.tabIndex)))) {
_lastObj = _local2;
if (_local2.tabChildren) {
getTabCandidateFromChildren(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local5 && (firstChild));
_local5 = false;
} else if (((_local2._parent == p) && (_local2.tabChildren == true)) && (_local2._visible != false)) {
if (_local2 == _lastTarget) {
if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) {
_local2._searchKey = _searchKey;
if (_prevNode == undefined) {
var _local3 = _lastx;
var _local7 = false;
while (_local3 != undefined) {
if (_local3 == _local2) {
_local7 = true;
_local3 = _local3._parent;
if (_local7 == false) {
_prevNode = _lastx;
_needPrev = false;
if (_nextNode == undefined) {
_nextIsNext = true;
} else if (!((_local2.focusManager != undefined) && (_local2.focusManager._parent == _local2))) {
if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) {
_local2._searchKey = _searchKey;
getTabCandidateFromChildren(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local5 && (firstChild));
_local5 = false;
_lastNode = _lastx;
if (lookup) {
if (p._parent != undefined) {
if (p != _parent) {
if ((_prevNode == undefined) && (dir)) {
_needPrev = true;
} else if ((_nextNode == undefined) && (!dir)) {
_nextIsNext = false;
_lastTarget = _lastTarget._parent;
getTabCandidate(p._parent, index, groupName, dir, true);
function getTabCandidate(o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) {
var _local2;
var _local3 = true;
if (o == _parent) {
_local2 = o;
_local3 = false;
} else {
_local2 = o._parent;
if (_local2 == undefined) {
_local2 = o;
_local3 = false;
walkTree(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local3, firstChild);
function getTabCandidateFromChildren(o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) {
walkTree(o, index, groupName, dir, false, firstChild);
function getFocusManagerFromObject(o) {
while (o != undefined) {
if (o.focusManager != undefined) {
o = o._parent;
function tabHandler(Void) {
bDrawFocus = true;
var _local5 = getSelectionFocus();
var _local4 = getActualFocus(_local5);
if (_local4 != _local5) {
_local5 = _local4;
if (getFocusManagerFromObject(_local5) != this) {
_local5 == undefined;
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = form;
} else if (_local5.tabIndex != undefined) {
if ((_foundList != undefined) || (_foundList.tabIndex != _local5.tabIndex)) {
_foundList = new Object();
_foundList.tabIndex = _local5.tabIndex;
_foundList[_local5._name] = _local5;
var _local3 = Key.isDown(16) != true;
_searchKey = getTimer();
_needPrev = true;
_nextIsNext = false;
_lastx = undefined;
_firstNode = undefined;
_lastNode = undefined;
_nextNode = undefined;
_prevNode = undefined;
_firstObj = undefined;
_lastObj = undefined;
_nextObj = undefined;
_prevObj = undefined;
_lastTarget = _local5;
var _local6 = _local5;
getTabCandidate(_local6, ((_local5.tabIndex == undefined) ? 0 : (_local5.tabIndex)), _local5.groupName, _local3, true);
var _local2;
if (_local3) {
if (_nextObj != undefined) {
_local2 = _nextObj;
} else {
_local2 = _firstObj;
} else if (_prevObj != undefined) {
_local2 = _prevObj;
} else {
_local2 = _lastObj;
if (_local2.tabIndex != _local5.tabIndex) {
_foundList = new Object();
_foundList.tabIndex = _local2.tabIndex;
_foundList[_local2._name] = _local2;
} else {
if (_foundList == undefined) {
_foundList = new Object();
_foundList.tabIndex = _local2.tabIndex;
_foundList[_local2._name] = _local2;
if (_local2 == undefined) {
if (_local3 == false) {
if (_nextNode != undefined) {
_local2 = _nextNode;
} else {
_local2 = _firstNode;
} else if ((_prevNode == undefined) || (_local5 == form)) {
_local2 = _lastNode;
} else {
_local2 = _prevNode;
if (_local2 == undefined) {
lastTabFocus = _local2;
if (_local2.emphasized != undefined) {
if (defPushButton != undefined) {
_local5 = defPushButton;
defPushButton = _local2;
_local5.emphasized = false;
_local2.emphasized = true;
} else if ((defPushButton != undefined) && (defPushButton != __defaultPushButton)) {
_local5 = defPushButton;
defPushButton = __defaultPushButton;
_local5.emphasized = false;
function onKeyDown(Void) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
if (defaultPushButtonEnabled) {
if (Key.getCode() == 13) {
if (defaultPushButton != undefined) {
doLater(this, "sendDefaultPushButtonEvent");
function sendDefaultPushButtonEvent(Void) {
function getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, o) {
for (var _local7 in o) {
var _local2 = o[_local7];
if (((_local2._visible && (_local2.enabled)) && (_local2._parent == o)) && (_local2._searchKey != _searchKey)) {
_local2._searchKey = _searchKey;
if (_local2.hitTest(x, y, true)) {
if ((_local2.onPress != undefined) || (_local2.onRelease != undefined)) {
var _local3 = getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, _local2);
if (_local3 != undefined) {
function mouseActivate(Void) {
if (!bNeedFocus) {
_searchKey = getTimer();
var _local2 = getMousedComponentFromChildren(lastMouse.x, lastMouse.y, form);
if (_local2 instanceof mx.core.UIComponent) {
_local2 = findFocusFromObject(_local2);
if (_local2 == lastFocus) {
if (_local2 == undefined) {
doLater(this, "restoreFocus");
var _local3 = _local2.hscroll;
if (_local3 != undefined) {
var _local6 = _local2.scroll;
var _local5 = _local2.background;
var _local4 = Selection;
Selection.setSelection(_local4.lastBeginIndex, _local4.lastEndIndex);
if (_local3 != undefined) {
_local2.scroll = _local6;
_local2.hscroll = _local3;
_local2.background = _local5;
function _onMouseDown(Void) {
bDrawFocus = false;
if (lastFocus != undefined) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
var _local3 = Selection;
_local3.lastBeginIndex = Selection.getBeginIndex();
_local3.lastEndIndex = Selection.getEndIndex();
lastMouse.x = _root._xmouse;
lastMouse.y = _root._ymouse;
function onMouseUp(Void) {
if (_visible) {
doLater(this, "mouseActivate");
function handleEvent(e) {
if (e.type == "reveal") {
} else {
static function enableFocusManagement() {
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true;
Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager);
if (_root.focusManager == undefined) {
_root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, "focusManager", mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--);
static var symbolName = "FocusManager";
static var symbolOwner = mx.managers.FocusManager;
static var version = "";
var className = "FocusManager";
var bNeedFocus = false;
var bDrawFocus = false;
var defaultPushButtonEnabled = true;
var activated = true;
static var initialized = false;
static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions;
Symbol 119 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.FocusRect extends mx.skins.SkinElement
var boundingBox_mc, _xscale, _yscale, clear, beginFill, drawRoundRect, endFill, _visible;
function FocusRect () {
boundingBox_mc._visible = false;
boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0);
function draw(o) {
function setSize(w, h, r, a, rectCol) {
_xscale = (_yscale = 100);
if (typeof(r) == "object") { = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0);
beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3);
drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r);
drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r);
endFill(); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0);
beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3);
drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0);
drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r);
} else {
var _local5;
if (r != 0) {
_local5 = r - 2;
} else {
_local5 = 0;
beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3);
drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r);
drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, _local5);
beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3);
if (r != 0) {
_local5 = r - 2;
r = r - 1;
} else {
_local5 = 0;
r = 0;
drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r);
drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, _local5);
function handleEvent(e) {
if (e.type == "unload") {
_visible = true;
} else if (e.type == "resize") {;
} else if (e.type == "move") {;
static function classConstruct() {
mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus = function (focused) {
var _local2 = this._parent.focus_mc;
if (!focused) {
_local2._visible = false;
this.removeEventListener("unload", _local2);
this.removeEventListener("move", _local2);
this.removeEventListener("resize", _local2);
} else {
if (_local2 == undefined) {
_local2 = this._parent.createChildAtDepth("FocusRect", mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop);
_local2.tabEnabled = false;
this._parent.focus_mc = _local2;
} else {
_local2._visible = true;
if (_local2.getDepth() < this.getDepth()) {
this.addEventListener("unload", _local2);
this.addEventListener("move", _local2);
this.addEventListener("resize", _local2);
mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () {
var _local2 = this.getStyle("themeColor");
if (_local2 == undefined) {
_local2 = 8453965 /* 0x80FF4D */;
var _local3 = this._parent.focus_mc;
_local3.setSize(this.width + 4, this.height + 4, 0, 100, _local2);
_local3.move(this.x - 2, this.y - 2);
TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus;
TextField.prototype.adjustFocusRect = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect;
mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect;
static var classConstructed = classConstruct();
static var DefaultsDependency = mx.skins.halo.Defaults;
static var UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent;
Symbol 120 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.OverlappedWindows
function OverlappedWindows () {
static function checkIdle(Void) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames > 10) {
} else {
static function __addEventListener(e, o, l) {
if (e == "idle") {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.interval == undefined) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.interval = setInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle, 100);
mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener(e, o, l);
static function __removeEventListener(e, o, l) {
if (e == "idle") {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l) == 0) {
} else {
mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l);
static function onMouseDown(Void) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = true;
var _local5 = _root;
var _local3;
var _local8 = _root._xmouse;
var _local7 = _root._ymouse;
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form.modalWindow == undefined) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) {
var _local6 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length;
var _local4;
_local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local6) {
var _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local4];
if (_local2._visible) {
if (_local2.hitTest(_local8, _local7)) {
if (_local3 == undefined) {
_local3 = _local2.getDepth();
_local5 = _local2;
} else if (_local3 < _local2.getDepth()) {
_local3 = _local2.getDepth();
_local5 = _local2;
if (_local5 != mx.managers.SystemManager.form) {
var _local9 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form;
static function onMouseMove(Void) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
static function onMouseUp(Void) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = false;
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
static function activate(f) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) {
if ((mx.managers.SystemManager.form != f) && (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1)) {
var _local1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form;
mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f;
static function deactivate(f) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) {
if ((mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) && (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1)) {
var _local5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form;
var _local3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length;
var _local1;
var _local2;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local3) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1] == f) {
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
while (_local1 < _local3) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]._visible == true) {
_local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1];
mx.managers.SystemManager.form = _local2;
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]._visible == true) {
_local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1];
_local5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form;
static function addFocusManager(f) {
static function removeFocusManager(f) {
var _local3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length;
var _local1;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local3) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1] == f) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.splice(_local1, 1);
static function enableOverlappedWindows() {
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true;
mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle = checkIdle;
mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener = __addEventListener;
mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener = __removeEventListener;
mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseDown = onMouseDown;
mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseMove = onMouseMove;
mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseUp = onMouseUp;
mx.managers.SystemManager.activate = activate;
mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate = deactivate;
mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager = addFocusManager;
mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager = removeFocusManager;
static var initialized = false;
static var SystemManagerDependency = mx.managers.SystemManager;
Symbol 121 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.CSSSetStyle
var styleName, stylecache, _color, setColor, invalidateStyle;
function CSSSetStyle () {
function _setStyle(styleProp, newValue) {
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp] != undefined) {
if (styleProp == "color") {
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) {
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
if (styleProp == "themeColor") {
var _local7 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue;
var _local6 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen;
var _local8 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange;
var _local4 = {};
_local4[_local7] = 12188666 /* 0xB9FBFA */;
_local4[_local6] = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */;
_local4[_local8] = 16766319 /* 0xFFD56F */;
var _local5 = {};
_local5[_local7] = 13958653 /* 0xD4FDFD */;
_local5[_local6] = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */;
_local5[_local8] = 16772787 /* 0xFFEEB3 */;
var _local9 = _local4[newValue];
var _local10 = _local5[newValue];
if (_local9 == undefined) {
_local9 = newValue;
if (_local10 == undefined) {
_local10 = newValue;
setStyle("selectionColor", _local9);
setStyle("rollOverColor", _local10);
_level0.changeColorStyleInChildren(styleName, styleProp, newValue);
} else {
if ((styleProp == "backgroundColor") && (isNaN(newValue))) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
_level0.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleName, styleProp, newValue);
function changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp) {
var _local4 = getTimer();
var _local5;
for (_local5 in this) {
var _local2 = this[_local5];
if (_local2._parent == this) {
if (_local2.searchKey != _local4) {
if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) {
delete _local2.stylecache[styleProp];
_local2.searchKey = _local4;
function changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue) {
var _local6 = getTimer();
var _local7;
for (_local7 in this) {
var _local2 = this[_local7];
if (_local2._parent == this) {
if (_local2.searchKey != _local6) {
if (((_local2.getStyleName() == sheetName) || (sheetName == undefined)) || (sheetName == "_global")) {
if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) {
delete _local2.stylecache[colorStyle];
if (typeof(_local2._color) == "string") {
if (_local2._color == colorStyle) {
var _local4 = _local2.getStyle(colorStyle);
if (colorStyle == "color") {
if ( != undefined) { = _local4;
} else if (_local2._color[colorStyle] != undefined) {
if (typeof(_local2) != "movieclip") {
} else {
_local2.changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue);
_local2.searchKey = _local6;
function notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue) {
var _local5 = getTimer();
var _local6;
for (_local6 in this) {
var _local2 = this[_local6];
if (_local2._parent == this) {
if (_local2.searchKey != _local5) {
if (((_local2.styleName == sheetName) || ((_local2.styleName != undefined) && (typeof(_local2.styleName) == "movieclip"))) || (sheetName == undefined)) {
if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) {
delete _local2.stylecache[styleProp];
delete _local2.enabledColor;
_local2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue);
_local2.searchKey = _local5;
function setStyle(styleProp, newValue) {
if (stylecache != undefined) {
delete stylecache[styleProp];
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) {
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
if (styleProp == "themeColor") {
var _local10 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue;
var _local9 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen;
var _local11 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange;
var _local6 = {};
_local6[_local10] = 12188666 /* 0xB9FBFA */;
_local6[_local9] = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */;
_local6[_local11] = 16766319 /* 0xFFD56F */;
var _local7 = {};
_local7[_local10] = 13958653 /* 0xD4FDFD */;
_local7[_local9] = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */;
_local7[_local11] = 16772787 /* 0xFFEEB3 */;
var _local12 = _local6[newValue];
var _local13 = _local7[newValue];
if (_local12 == undefined) {
_local12 = newValue;
if (_local13 == undefined) {
_local13 = newValue;
setStyle("selectionColor", _local12);
setStyle("rollOverColor", _local13);
if (typeof(_color) == "string") {
if (_color == styleProp) {
if (styleProp == "color") {
if ( != undefined) { = newValue;
} else if (_color[styleProp] != undefined) {
changeColorStyleInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue);
} else {
if ((styleProp == "backgroundColor") && (isNaN(newValue))) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (styleProp == "styleName")) {
var _local8;
var _local5 = newValue;
if (styleProp == "styleName") {
_local8 = ((typeof(newValue) == "string") ? (_global.styles[newValue]) : (_local5));
_local5 = _local8.themeColor;
if (_local5 != undefined) {
_local8.rollOverColor = (_local8.selectionColor = _local5);
notifyStyleChangeInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue);
static function enableRunTimeCSS() {
static function classConstruct() {
var _local2 = MovieClip.prototype;
var _local3 = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype;
mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setStyle = _local3._setStyle;
_local2.changeTextStyleInChildren = _local3.changeTextStyleInChildren;
_local2.changeColorStyleInChildren = _local3.changeColorStyleInChildren;
_local2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = _local3.notifyStyleChangeInChildren;
_local2.setStyle = _local3.setStyle;
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "changeTextStyleInChildren", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "changeColorStyleInChildren", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "notifyStyleChangeInChildren", 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "setStyle", 1);
var _local4 = TextField.prototype;
_local4.setStyle = _local2.setStyle;
_local4.changeTextStyleInChildren = _local3.changeTextStyleInChildren;
static var classConstructed = classConstruct();
static var CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
Symbol 122 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions
function UIComponentExtensions () {
static function Extensions() {
if (bExtended == true) {
bExtended = true;
TextField.prototype.setFocus = function () {
TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) {
if (this.tabEnabled != false) {
if (this.getFocusManager().bDrawFocus) {
TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function (oldFocus) {
if (this.tabEnabled != false) {
TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus;
TextField.prototype.getFocusManager = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.getFocusManager;
static var bExtended = false;
static var UIComponentExtended = Extensions();
static var UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent;
static var FocusManagerDependency = mx.managers.FocusManager;
static var OverlappedWindowsDependency = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows;
Symbol 123 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.RectBorder extends mx.skins.Border
var __width, __height, offset, __borderMetrics;
function RectBorder () {
function get width() {
function get height() {
function init(Void) {
function draw(Void) {
function getBorderMetrics(Void) {
var _local2 = offset;
if (__borderMetrics == undefined) {
__borderMetrics = {left:_local2, top:_local2, right:_local2, bottom:_local2};
} else {
__borderMetrics.left = _local2; = _local2;
__borderMetrics.right = _local2;
__borderMetrics.bottom = _local2;
function get borderMetrics() {
function drawBorder(Void) {
function size(Void) {
function setColor(Void) {
static var symbolName = "RectBorder";
static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.RectBorder;
static var version = "";
var className = "RectBorder";
var borderStyleName = "borderStyle";
var borderColorName = "borderColor";
var shadowColorName = "shadowColor";
var highlightColorName = "highlightColor";
var buttonColorName = "buttonColor";
var backgroundColorName = "backgroundColor";
Symbol 124 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.RectBorder extends mx.skins.RectBorder
var offset, getStyle, borderStyleName, __borderMetrics, className, borderColorName, backgroundColorName, shadowColorName, highlightColorName, buttonColorName, __get__width, __get__height, clear, _color, drawRoundRect, beginFill, drawRect, endFill;
function RectBorder () {
function init(Void) {
borderWidths.default = 3;
function getBorderMetrics(Void) {
if (offset == undefined) {
var _local3 = getStyle(borderStyleName);
offset = borderWidths[_local3];
if ((getStyle(borderStyleName) == "default") || (getStyle(borderStyleName) == "alert")) {
__borderMetrics = {left:3, top:1, right:3, bottom:3};
function drawBorder(Void) {
var _local6 = _global.styles[className];
if (_local6 == undefined) {
_local6 = _global.styles.RectBorder;
var _local5 = getStyle(borderStyleName);
var _local7 = getStyle(borderColorName);
if (_local7 == undefined) {
_local7 = _local6[borderColorName];
var _local8 = getStyle(backgroundColorName);
if (_local8 == undefined) {
_local8 = _local6[backgroundColorName];
var _local16 = getStyle("backgroundImage");
if (_local5 != "none") {
var _local14 = getStyle(shadowColorName);
if (_local14 == undefined) {
_local14 = _local6[shadowColorName];
var _local13 = getStyle(highlightColorName);
if (_local13 == undefined) {
_local13 = _local6[highlightColorName];
var _local12 = getStyle(buttonColorName);
if (_local12 == undefined) {
_local12 = _local6[buttonColorName];
var _local11 = getStyle(borderCapColorName);
if (_local11 == undefined) {
_local11 = _local6[borderCapColorName];
var _local10 = getStyle(shadowCapColorName);
if (_local10 == undefined) {
_local10 = _local6[shadowCapColorName];
offset = borderWidths[_local5];
var _local9 = offset;
var _local3 = __get__width();
var _local4 = __get__height();
_color = undefined;
if (_local5 == "none") {
} else if (_local5 == "inset") {
_color = colorList;
draw3dBorder(_local11, _local12, _local7, _local13, _local14, _local10);
} else if (_local5 == "outset") {
_color = colorList;
draw3dBorder(_local11, _local7, _local12, _local14, _local13, _local10);
} else if (_local5 == "alert") {
var _local15 = getStyle("themeColor");
drawRoundRect(0, 5, _local3, _local4 - 5, 5, 6184542, 10);
drawRoundRect(1, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 5, 4, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, 3, _local15, 50);
drawRoundRect(3, 1, _local3 - 6, _local4 - 4, 2, 16777215, 100);
} else if (_local5 == "default") {
drawRoundRect(0, 5, _local3, _local4 - 5, {tl:5, tr:5, br:0, bl:0}, 6184542, 10);
drawRoundRect(1, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 5, {tl:4, tr:4, br:0, bl:0}, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, {tl:3, tr:3, br:0, bl:0}, [12897484, 11844796], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(3, 1, _local3 - 6, _local4 - 4, {tl:2, tr:2, br:0, bl:0}, 16777215, 100);
} else if (_local5 == "dropDown") {
drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, {tl:4, tr:0, br:0, bl:4}, [13290186, 7895160], 100, -10, "linear");
drawRoundRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 2, {tl:3, tr:0, br:0, bl:3}, 16777215, 100);
} else if (_local5 == "menuBorder") {
var _local15 = getStyle("themeColor");
drawRoundRect(4, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 3, 0, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(4, 4, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 2, 0, 6184542, 10);
drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, 0, [0, 14342874], 100, 250, "linear");
drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, 0, _local15, 50);
drawRoundRect(2, 2, _local3 - 3, _local4 - 4, 0, 16777215, 100);
} else if (_local5 == "comboNonEdit") {
} else {
drawRect(0, 0, _local3, _local4);
drawRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 1);
_color = borderColorName;
if (_local8 != undefined) {
drawRect(_local9, _local9, __get__width() - _local9, __get__height() - _local9);
function draw3dBorder(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) {
var _local3 = __get__width();
var _local2 = __get__height();
drawRect(0, 0, _local3, _local2);
drawRect(1, 0, _local3 - 1, _local2);
drawRect(1, 0, _local3 - 1, 1);
drawRect(1, _local2 - 1, _local3 - 1, _local2);
drawRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, 2);
drawRect(1, _local2 - 2, _local3 - 1, _local2 - 1);
drawRect(1, 2, _local3 - 1, _local2 - 2);
drawRect(2, 2, _local3 - 2, _local2 - 2);
static function classConstruct() {
_global.styles.rectBorderClass = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder;
_global.skinRegistry.RectBorder = true;
static var symbolName = "RectBorder";
static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder;
static var version = "";
var borderCapColorName = "borderCapColor";
var shadowCapColorName = "shadowCapColor";
var colorList = {highlightColor:0, borderColor:0, buttonColor:0, shadowColor:0, borderCapColor:0, shadowCapColor:0};
var borderWidths = {none:0, solid:1, inset:2, outset:2, alert:3, dropDown:2, menuBorder:2, comboNonEdit:2};
static var classConstructed = classConstruct();
static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions;
Symbol 125 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin extends mx.skins.RectBorder
var __get__width, __get__height, getStyle, _parent, clear, drawRoundRect, __get__x, __get__y;
function ButtonSkin () {
function init() {
function size() {
drawHaloRect(__get__width(), __get__height());
function drawHaloRect(w, h) {
var _local6 = getStyle("borderStyle");
var _local4 = getStyle("themeColor");
var _local5 = _parent.emphasized;
switch (_local6) {
case "falseup" :
if (_local5) {
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 75);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 85, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, _local4, 75);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100);
} else {
drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [13291985, 16250871], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [9542041, 13818586], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
drawRoundRect(3, 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100);
case "falsedown" :
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 50);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 40);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, _local4, 20);
case "falserollover" :
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 50);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, _local4, 50);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100);
case "falsedisabled" :
drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100);
drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100);
drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100);
drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100);
case "trueup" :
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 50);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 40);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16250871, 100);
case "truedown" :
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 50);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 40);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, _local4, 20);
case "truerollover" :
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x(), __get__y(), w, h, 5, _local4, 50);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 1, __get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, _local4, 40);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial");
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 2, __get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, _local4, 40);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
drawRoundRect(__get__x() + 3, __get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100);
case "truedisabled" :
drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100);
drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100);
drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100);
drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100);
static function classConstruct() {
_global.skinRegistry.ButtonSkin = true;
static var symbolName = "ButtonSkin";
static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin;
var className = "ButtonSkin";
var backgroundColorName = "buttonColor";
static var classConstructed = classConstruct();
static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions;
Symbol 126 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.HScrollBar extends mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar
var _minHeight, _minWidth, _xscale, _rotation, __width, scrollIt;
function HScrollBar () {
function getMinWidth(Void) {
function getMinHeight(Void) {
function init(Void) {
_xscale = -100;
_rotation = -90;
function get virtualHeight() {
function isScrollBarKey(k) {
if (k == 37) {
scrollIt("Line", -1);
if (k == 39) {
scrollIt("Line", 1);
static var symbolName = "HScrollBar";
static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent;
static var version = "";
var className = "HScrollBar";
var minusMode = "Left";
var plusMode = "Right";
var minMode = "AtLeft";
var maxMode = "AtRight";
Symbol 193 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (16);
Symbol 196 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 198 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.lethalunlocked()) {
_root.lethalmode = 1;
_root.YName = "Lethal";
_root.guild = "Lethal";
_root.equip = 10;
gotoAndStop (16);
} else {
_root.lethal_mess._visible = true;
Symbol 204 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 206 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 212 Button
on (release) {
_visible = false;
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = - 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = + 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = + 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = - 20;
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1
sam = 0;
Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 9
sam = sam + 1;
if (sam == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 30
_parent.backscene.gotoAndStop(random(15) + 1);
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
backscene.gotoAndStop(random(15) + 1);
Symbol 301 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 305 Button
on (release) {
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("char");
if ( != undefined) {
if (_root.mainquest < _root.shiplimit) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 31, 10);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 313 Button
on (release) {
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("char2");
if ( != undefined) {
if (_root.mainquest < _root.shiplimit) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 31, 10);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 318 Button
on (release) {
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("char3");
if ( != undefined) {
if (_root.mainquest < _root.shiplimit) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 31, 10);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 337 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 349 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 355 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 357 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) && (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) && (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl >= 5) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl == 10) {
Symbol 365 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 371 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 391 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 1
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) && (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) && (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl >= 5) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl == 10) {
Symbol 399 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 420 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 1
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) && (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) && (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl >= 5) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl == 10) {
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 447 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 454 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 461 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 463 MovieClip Frame 1
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) && (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) && (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl >= 5) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl == 10) {
Symbol 470 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 477 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 491 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 495 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 496 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 508 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 509 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 1
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) && (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) && (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 7)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl >= 5) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl == 10) {
Symbol 521 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 532 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 543 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 553 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 559 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 571 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 583 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 594 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 605 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 609 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 610 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 620 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.fem == 1) {
Symbol 624 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 620 MovieClip in Symbol 624 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fem == 1) {
Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) && (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 11)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
if ((_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) && (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 11)) {
part.gotoAndStop(1 + _root.fem);
} else {
if (_root.lethal.lvl >= 5) {
if (_root.lethal.lvl >= 10) {
Symbol 634 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 643 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 649 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 655 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 667 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 676 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 685 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 691 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 709 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 711 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 732 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 739 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 740 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 747 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 754 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 761 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 768 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 769 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 771 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 772 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.fem == 1) {
if (_root.fem != 1) {
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
Symbol 778 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 783 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 790 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 794 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
if ((_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 7) && (_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1)) {
if ((_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 7) && (_root.armorowned.mystic == 1)) {
Symbol 802 Button
on (release) {
_root.frameoption = 1;;
Symbol 804 Button
on (release) {
_root.frameoption = 2;;
Symbol 806 Button
on (release) {
_root.frameoption = 3;;
Symbol 808 Button
on (release) {
_root.frameoption = 4;;
Symbol 810 Button
on (release) {
_root.frameoption = 6;;
Symbol 812 Button
on (release) {
_root.frameoption = 5;;
Symbol 814 Button
on (release) {
if ((((_root.Slevel + _root.Elevel) + _root.Mlevel) + _root.MMlevel) == 3) {
_root.YName = _root.slid.custom.TName;
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
gotoAndStop (6);
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
gotoAndStop (7);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
gotoAndStop (8);
Symbol 816 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 824 Button
on (release) {
_root.fem = 0;
Symbol 826 Button
on (release) {
_root.fem = 1;
Symbol 830 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 833 Button
on (release) {
_root.guild = "Knight";
_root.armorowned.Faction = 1;
_root.Lhair = 1;
_root.colour = 1;
Symbol 835 Button
on (release) {
_root.armorowned.Faction = 3;
_root.guild = "Rogue";
_root.Lhair = 4;
_root.colour = 2;
on (rollOver) {
inform.inform.inform.nopt = "Future Rogue: 10% more health, 10% more magic, but 20% less defence. Can Steal from enemies.";
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 837 Button
on (release) {
_root.armorowned.Faction = 4;
_root.guild = "Mage";
_root.Lhair = 3;
_root.colour = 5;
on (rollOver) {
inform.inform.inform.nopt = "Space Mage: 50% more magic, 20% less Health. Can cast stronger spells but has less strength.";
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 852 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 854 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 854 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 854 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 852 MovieClip "staffpart" in Symbol 854 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 854 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 855 Button
on (release) {
_root.guild = "Noble";
_root.armorowned.Faction = 2;
_root.Lhair = 2;
_root.colour = 4;
on (rollOver) {
inform._visible = true;
inform.inform.inform.nopt = "Galactic Nobleman/woman: A balanced faction that is trained in advanced weaponry. Can use illusion spells against foes";
on (rollOut) {
inform._visible = false;
Symbol 857 Button
on (release) {
if (faction._visible == false) {
faction._visible = true;
} else {
faction._visible = false;
Symbol 862 Button
on (press) {
_visible = false;
Symbol 872 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 878 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 2) {
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 1;
} else {
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 2;
Symbol 879 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl == 1) {
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 2;
} else {
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 1;
Symbol 880 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 2) {
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 1;
} else {
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 2;
Symbol 881 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl == 1) {
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 2;
} else {
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 1;
Symbol 882 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 2) {
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 1;
} else {
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 2;
Symbol 883 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 2) {
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 1;
} else {
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 2;
Symbol 884 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl == 1) {
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 2;
} else {
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 1;
Symbol 885 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl == 1) {
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 2;
} else {
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 1;
Symbol 886 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 2) {
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 1;
} else {
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 2;
Symbol 887 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl == 1) {
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 2;
} else {
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 1;
Symbol 894 Button
on (release) {
_root.Lhair = _root.Lhair - 1;
if (_root.Lhair < 1) {
_root.Lhair = 4;
Symbol 895 Button
on (release) {
_root.Lhair = _root.Lhair + 1;
if (_root.Lhair > 4) {
_root.Lhair = 1;
Symbol 897 Button
on (release) {
_root.Leyes = _root.Leyes - 1;
if (_root.Leyes < 1) {
_root.Leyes = 5;
Symbol 898 Button
on (release) {
_root.Leyes = _root.Leyes + 1;
if (_root.Leyes > 5) {
_root.Leyes = 1;
Symbol 900 Button
on (release) {
_root.Lnose = _root.Lnose - 1;
if (_root.Lnose < 1) {
_root.Lnose = 5;
Symbol 901 Button
on (release) {
_root.Lnose = _root.Lnose + 1;
if (_root.Lnose > 5) {
_root.Lnose = 1;
Symbol 903 Button
on (release) {
_root.Lmouth = _root.Lmouth - 1;
if (_root.Lmouth < 1) {
_root.Lmouth = 5;
Symbol 904 Button
on (release) {
_root.Lmouth = _root.Lmouth + 1;
if (_root.Lmouth > 5) {
_root.Lmouth = 1;
Symbol 914 Button
on (release) {
_root.Ahead = _root.Ahead - 1;
if (_root.Ahead < 1) {
_root.Ahead = 5;
Symbol 915 Button
on (release) {
_root.Ahead = _root.Ahead + 1;
if (_root.Ahead > 5) {
_root.Ahead = 1;
Symbol 916 Button
on (release) {
_root.Atorso = _root.Atorso - 1;
if (_root.Atorso < 1) {
_root.Atorso = 5;
Symbol 917 Button
on (release) {
_root.Atorso = _root.Atorso + 1;
if (_root.Atorso > 5) {
_root.Atorso = 1;
Symbol 918 Button
on (release) {
_root.Awrist = _root.Awrist - 1;
if (_root.Awrist < 1) {
_root.Awrist = 5;
Symbol 919 Button
on (release) {
_root.Awrist = _root.Awrist + 1;
if (_root.Awrist > 5) {
_root.Awrist = 1;
Symbol 928 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.slid.custom.pointsleft != 3) and (_root.Slevel != 0)) {
_root.Slevel = _root.Slevel - 1;
_root.slid.custom.pointsleft = _root.slid.custom.pointsleft + 1;
Symbol 929 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.slid.custom.pointsleft >= 1) {
_root.Slevel = _root.Slevel + 1;
_root.slid.custom.pointsleft = _root.slid.custom.pointsleft - 1;
Symbol 934 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.slid.custom.pointsleft != 3) and (_root.Elevel != 0)) {
_root.Elevel = _root.Elevel - 1;
_root.slid.custom.pointsleft = _root.slid.custom.pointsleft + 1;
Symbol 935 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.slid.custom.pointsleft >= 1) {
_root.Elevel = _root.Elevel + 1;
_root.slid.custom.pointsleft = _root.slid.custom.pointsleft - 1;
Symbol 938 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.slid.custom.pointsleft != 3) and (_root.Mlevel != 0)) {
_root.Mlevel = _root.Mlevel - 1;
_root.slid.custom.pointsleft = _root.slid.custom.pointsleft + 1;
Symbol 939 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.slid.custom.pointsleft >= 1) {
_root.Mlevel = _root.Mlevel + 1;
_root.slid.custom.pointsleft = _root.slid.custom.pointsleft - 1;
Symbol 942 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.slid.custom.pointsleft != 3) and (_root.MMlevel != 0)) {
_root.MMlevel = _root.MMlevel - 1;
_root.slid.custom.pointsleft = _root.slid.custom.pointsleft + 1;
Symbol 943 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.slid.custom.pointsleft >= 1) {
_root.MMlevel = _root.MMlevel + 1;
_root.slid.custom.pointsleft = _root.slid.custom.pointsleft - 1;
Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 830 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fem == 1) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 872 MovieClip "faction" in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.colour = 1;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.colour = 2;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.colour = 3;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.colour = 4;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.colour = 5;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.colour = 6;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.Ecolour = 1;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.Ecolour = 2;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.Ecolour = 3;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.Ecolour = 4;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.Ecolour = 5;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 4
on (press) {
_root.Ecolour = 6;
Instance of Symbol 925 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Ahead == 1) {
_root.slid.custom.faced = "None";
if (_root.Ahead == 2) {
_root.slid.custom.faced = "Sun Glasses";
if (_root.Ahead == 3) {
_root.slid.custom.faced = "Bandana";
if (_root.Ahead == 4) {
_root.slid.custom.faced = "Face paint";
if (_root.Ahead == 5) {
_root.slid.custom.faced = "Head guard";
if (_root.Atorso == 1) {
_root.slid.custom.torso = "None";
if (_root.Atorso == 2) {
_root.slid.custom.torso = "Necklace";
if (_root.Atorso == 3) {
_root.slid.custom.torso = "Spiked Collar";
if (_root.Atorso == 4) {
_root.slid.custom.torso = "Gold";
if (_root.Atorso == 5) {
_root.slid.custom.torso = "Imperial";
if (_root.Awrist == 1) {
_root.slid.custom.wrist = "None";
if (_root.Awrist == 2) {
_root.slid.custom.wrist = "Bandage";
if (_root.Awrist == 3) {
_root.slid.custom.wrist = "Arm Bracers";
if (_root.Awrist == 4) {
_root.slid.custom.wrist = "Knife";
if (_root.Awrist == 5) {
_root.slid.custom.wrist = "Gold Bracer";
Instance of Symbol 925 MovieClip in Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.slid.custom.Slevel = _root.Slevel;
_root.slid.custom.Elevel = _root.Elevel;
_root.slid.custom.Mlevel = _root.Mlevel;
_root.slid.custom.MMlevel = _root.MMlevel;
Symbol 948 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 948 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 958 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (14);
Symbol 961 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 963 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 1;
_root.swordpurchase = 1;
_root.axepurchase = 0;
_root.spearpurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Swords inflict significant damage to foes of all types. They can also wound a foe so that it bleeds.";
Symbol 965 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 2;
_root.swordpurchase = 0;
_root.axepurchase = 1;
_root.spearpurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Axes inflict extreme damage to foes of all types. They are highly inaccurate thus can cause next to no damage every now and again.";
Symbol 967 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 3;
_root.swordpurchase = 0;
_root.axepurchase = 0;
_root.spearpurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Spears allow you to attack from a greater distance but still close enough to cause sufficient damage. Spears can attack up to five times per round.";
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 1003 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 1014 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 1025 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1036 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1076 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 981 MovieClip "swordpart" in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 992 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
elenum = 1;
if (_root.sword_ele == "Fire") {
elenum = 2;
if (_root.sword_ele == "Water") {
elenum = 3;
if (_root.sword_ele == "Electric") {
elenum = 4;
if (_root.sword_ele == "Ice") {
elenum = 5;
if (_root.sword_ele == "Light") {
elenum = 6;
if (_root.sword_ele == "Dark") {
elenum = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1003 MovieClip "axepart" in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 992 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
elenum = 1;
if (_root.axe_ele == "Fire") {
elenum = 2;
if (_root.axe_ele == "Water") {
elenum = 3;
if (_root.axe_ele == "Electric") {
elenum = 4;
if (_root.axe_ele == "Ice") {
elenum = 5;
if (_root.axe_ele == "Light") {
elenum = 6;
if (_root.axe_ele == "Dark") {
elenum = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1014 MovieClip "spearpart" in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 992 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
elenum = 1;
if (_root.spear_ele == "Fire") {
elenum = 2;
if (_root.spear_ele == "Water") {
elenum = 3;
if (_root.spear_ele == "Electric") {
elenum = 4;
if (_root.spear_ele == "Ice") {
elenum = 5;
if (_root.spear_ele == "Light") {
elenum = 6;
if (_root.spear_ele == "Dark") {
elenum = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1025 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 992 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
elenum = 1;
if (_root.laser_ele == "Fire") {
elenum = 2;
if (_root.laser_ele == "Water") {
elenum = 3;
if (_root.laser_ele == "Electric") {
elenum = 4;
if (_root.laser_ele == "Ice") {
elenum = 5;
if (_root.laser_ele == "Light") {
elenum = 6;
if (_root.laser_ele == "Dark") {
elenum = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1036 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 992 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
elenum = 1;
if (_root.saber_ele == "Fire") {
elenum = 2;
if (_root.saber_ele == "Water") {
elenum = 3;
if (_root.saber_ele == "Electric") {
elenum = 4;
if (_root.saber_ele == "Ice") {
elenum = 5;
if (_root.saber_ele == "Light") {
elenum = 6;
if (_root.saber_ele == "Dark") {
elenum = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1047 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 992 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
elenum = 1;
if (_root.boom_ele == "Fire") {
elenum = 2;
if (_root.boom_ele == "Water") {
elenum = 3;
if (_root.boom_ele == "Electric") {
elenum = 4;
if (_root.boom_ele == "Ice") {
elenum = 5;
if (_root.boom_ele == "Light") {
elenum = 6;
if (_root.boom_ele == "Dark") {
elenum = 7;
Instance of Symbol 852 MovieClip "staffpart" in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 992 MovieClip in Symbol 1079 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
elenum = 1;
if (_root.staff_ele == "Fire") {
elenum = 2;
if (_root.staff_ele == "Water") {
elenum = 3;
if (_root.staff_ele == "Electric") {
elenum = 4;
if (_root.staff_ele == "Ice") {
elenum = 5;
if (_root.staff_ele == "Light") {
elenum = 6;
if (_root.staff_ele == "Dark") {
elenum = 7;
Symbol 1087 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 1;
_root.swordpurchase = 1;
_root.axepurchase = 0;
_root.spearpurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Swords inflict significant damage to foes of all types. They can also wound a foe so that it bleeds.";
Symbol 1088 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 2;
_root.swordpurchase = 0;
_root.axepurchase = 1;
_root.spearpurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Axes inflict extreme damage to foes of all types. They are highly inaccurate thus can cause next to no damage every now and again.";
Symbol 1089 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 3;
_root.swordpurchase = 0;
_root.axepurchase = 0;
_root.spearpurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Spears allow you to attack from a greater distance but still close enough to cause sufficient damage. Spears can attack up to five times per round.";
Symbol 1095 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 4;
_root.laserpurchase = 1;
_root.saberpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Plasma Rifle has armor penetration and the ability to stun an enemy for a short period of time.";
Symbol 1096 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 5;
_root.laserpurchase = 0;
_root.saberpurchase = 1;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Energy Sabers have been designed to fight beings of evil heritage. They cause extreme damgage to the Dark Abyss and followers.";
Symbol 1098 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 6;
_root.laserpurchase = 0;
_root.saberpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Spinning Blades are used to strike an enemy off guard. The first hit can cause a high level of damage and can stun.";
Symbol 1103 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 4;
_root.laserpurchase = 1;
_root.saberpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Plasma Rifle has armor penetration and the ability to stun an enemy for a short period of time.";
Symbol 1104 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 5;
_root.laserpurchase = 0;
_root.saberpurchase = 1;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Energy Sabers have been designed to fight beings of evil heritage. They cause extreme damgage to the Dark Abyss and followers.";
Symbol 1105 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 6;
_root.laserpurchase = 0;
_root.saberpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Spinning Blades are used to strike an enemy off guard. The first hit can cause a high level of damage and can stun.";
Symbol 1110 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 1;
_root.swordpurchase = 1;
_root.laserpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Swords inflict significant damage to foes of all types. They can also wound a foe so that it bleeds.";
Symbol 1111 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 4;
_root.laserpurchase = 1;
_root.swordpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 0;
_root.nopt = "Plasma Rifle has armor penetration and the ability to stun an enemy for a short period of time.";
Symbol 1112 Button
on (release) {
_root.equip = 6;
_root.laserpurchase = 0;
_root.swordpurchase = 0;
_root.boompurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Spinning Blades are used to strike an enemy off guard. The first hit can cause a high level of damage and can stun.";
Symbol 1120 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 1123 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 1126 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
} else {;
Symbol 1129 Button
on (press) {;
Symbol 1134 Button
on (press) {
_root.navi_func(1, 740, -310, 30, 10);
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Symbol 1145 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 1150 Button
on (release) {
_root.save_slot = "char";
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
gotoAndStop (14);
Symbol 1155 Button
on (release) {
_root.save_slot = "char2";
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
gotoAndStop (14);
Symbol 1159 Button
on (release) {
_root.save_slot = "char3";
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
gotoAndStop (15);
} else {
gotoAndStop (14);
Symbol 1185 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1190 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1190 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1201 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = - 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1201 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = + 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1201 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = - 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1201 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = + 20;
Symbol 1207 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 1209 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = - 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = + 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = - 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = + 20;
Symbol 1217 Button
on (press) {
_root.talk_func(4, "RTF Agent: We have a situation. I needed to meet you out here so I could be sure we were out of sight. The abyss are having trouble getting into our planet as this is the RTF's primary HQ and they know this is our last stand. We lose Vergilius, we lose this war. They have a spy among us trying to infiltrate our HQ and we need to find out who it is. I don't know what the abyss have offered them but it must be enough for this person to switch teams. Go back to the city and speak with Alfred Monchetor. He has bright red hair and is dressed like me. Tell him he has the afternoon off from his duties then head over to the bandit refuge. We belive he has organised a meeting with the Abyss as soon as he is let off duty and that is where we think he would meet them. Follow him and find evidence that he has betrayed us.");
_root.mainquest = 6;
Symbol 1233 Button
on (press) {
if ( == 2) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Buckley: What! Someone wants me killed. Oh he's on Beatrice, I know who this guy is. I beat him in poker and he lost everything that he owned. Not my fault if he gambles big. Come, lets go to Beatrice and arrest the fool."); = 3;
} else if (( == 5) || ( == 6)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Buckley: Thanks for your help in catching that psycho.");
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Buckley: How do you do today?");
Symbol 1235 Button
on (press) {
_root.locate = 50;;
Symbol 1236 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1250 Button
on (press) {
_root.RTF = 2;
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 29;
Symbol 1256 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.guild != "Mage") {
if ((_root.side.five == 5) && ( >= 5000)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Weapon Specialist: Wow, the great Katana that destroyed Kuglarma'cah the Great Demon of the Snowy Mountains. Yes I can repair this for you now that the curse is lifted. For such a complex blade I would normally charge $20,000 but because this will be a pleasure to craft I'll do it for $5000. Here you go a new and improved Katana the demon slayer.");
_root.side.five = 6; = - 5000;
_root.newwep.katana = 1;
} else if ((_root.side.five == 5) && ( < 5000)) {
} else {
} else if (_root.side.five == 5) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Weapon Specialist: Wow, the great Katana that destroyed Kuglarma'cah the Great Demon of the Snowy Mountains. Yes I can repair this for you now that the curse is lifted. Seeings a mage cannot wield a blade of this kind, I'll buy it off you for $5000.");
_root.side.five = 6; = + 5000;
} else {
Symbol 1262 Button
on (press) {
if ((_root.side.five == 0) || (_root.side.three == undefined)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Joseph Munts: You're an adventurer arn't you. There is a blade in the Divine Wood that can cut through anything. There is no blade in the galaxy as sharp or well crafted as this blade. But many years ago it was used to kill a great demon and thus it shattered and became cursed and all those who reclaimed it became cursed. So it remains in a container in the Divine wood. If you have the courage to try and fix it, bring it back here and I'll help you recover it. It was a family heirloom and I would love to see it in action again. You get to keep it ofcourse. Here is the key to unlock the container.");
_root.side.five = 1;
} else if (_root.side.five == 2) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Joseph Munts: Great, you have it but if you were to try and re-weld it you would become cursed. But I know a man who can fix it. He is a mage who can cast a spell on it to counter the curse. He lives at the Beatrice RTF centre.");
_root.side.five = 3;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Joseph Munts: I hope that blade brings you good fortune.");
Symbol 1266 Button
on (press) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Agent Alfred: Really, thanks alot, I have some important relaxation to get to. This job really takes alot out of you, you know.");
_root.mainquest = 7;
Symbol 1268 Button
on (press) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
Symbol 1269 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.mainquest == 7) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
Symbol 1272 Button
on (press) {
_root.MMlevel = Number(_root.MMlevel);
if ((_root.MMlevel == undefined) || (_root.MMlevel == NaN)) {
_root.MMlevel = 1;
if ((_root.side.two == 0) || (_root.side.two == undefined)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mystic Mage: Hmmmm... I sense greatness in you. A great warrior you are. How about I make you a deal. You may or may not have seen weird orbs around the place on strange staffs. These are forbidden posts of Arzuug Me'r. They hold the souls of powerful monsters. For every orb you destroy I will teach you how to increase your magic attack power. If I can teach you no more, I will give you a $1000 reward for each. Come to me when you have destroyed an orb.");
_root.side.two = 1;
_root.side.two_orbs = 0;
} else if ((_root.side.two >= 1) && (_root.side.two_orbs >= 1)) {
if (_root.MMlevel != 10) {
_root.MMlevel = _root.MMlevel + Number(_root.side.two_orbs);
_root.talk_func(3, ((((("Mystic Mage: You have found " + _root.side.two_orbs) + " orb/s. I have therefore trained you in magic attack ") + _root.side.two_orbs) + " level/s. Well done. Your current magic attack level is ") + _root.MMlevel) + ".");
_root.side.two_orbs = 0;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, ((("Mystic Mage: I have trained you as much as I can. Here take $" + int(_root.side.two_orbs * 1000)) + " as a reward. Your current magic attack level is ") + _root.MMlevel) + "."); = + (Number(_root.side.two_orbs) * 1000);
_root.side.two_orbs = 0;
} else if ((((((((((_root.side.two_alter1 == 1) && (_root.side.two_alter2 == 1)) && (_root.side.two_alter3 == 1)) && (_root.side.two_alter4 == 1)) && (_root.side.two_alter5 == 1)) && (_root.side.two_alter6 == 1)) && (_root.side.two_alter7 == 1)) && (_root.side.two_alter8 == 1)) && (_root.side.two_alter9 == 1)) && (_root.side.two_alter10 == 1)) {
_root.talk_func(3, ("Mystic Mage: Thanks young warrior, you have destroyed all the alters. Your current magic attack level is " + _root.MMlevel) + ".");
_root.side.two = 2;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, ("Mystic Mage: You have not found any more. I'm afraid I have no reward for you. Your current magic attack level is " + _root.MMlevel) + ".");
Symbol 1273 Button
on (press) {
if (((_root.side.three == 0) || (_root.side.three == undefined)) || (_root.side.three == 1)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Arnold Francis: Pssst. Hey you. I have one of those moon keys. Have you heard about them. They can get you into the entrance of special ruins. I'm too scared to use it and go inside because they normally have monsters in them. I'll give it to you but I need you to find me a X12 Side-Wing generator. I crash landed here in my ship and need one for the repairs.");
_root.side.three = 1;
} else if (_root.side.three == 2) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Arnold Francis: Thankyou so much, here take this key. You deserve it. It's a cresent moon key.");
_root.side.three = 3;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Arnold Francis: Any luck with that key?.");
Symbol 1286 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1287 Button
on (press) {
_root.talk_func(3, "RTF Soldier: This track doesn't lead anywhere important, if you are looking for the divine wood go south.");
Symbol 1288 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainquest == 11) {
_root.talk_func(3, "RTF Soldier: This is the entrance to the Divine Wood, I hope you are prepared. The Abyss are swarming in there.");
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "RTF Soldier: Well done on freeing the Divine Wood. The Abyss have fleed.");
Symbol 1311 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1312 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainquest == 11) {
_root.EVIL = 3;
_root.navi_func(1,,, 21, "movie1");
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "This is the remains of a Dark Abyss Generator.");
Symbol 1324 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 37;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
_root.chatter._visible = true;
_root.chatter.chatext.scroll = _root.chatter.chatext.scroll - 100; = "This is what is left of my grave. My soul was trapped here until someone came along and resurrected me. Who that person was is a mystery to me but I am grateful none the less. This pink waste land is all that is left of my kingdom, it is sad really.";
Symbol 1350 Button
on (press) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Excited Woman: This place is so exciting. All those monsters lurking outside just add to the thrill don't they. Except I guess I'm not really dressed for fighting monsters. Thats because I took the wrong flight, I was actually flying to Purgatorio City on Vergilius, and ended up here. Pretty exciting hey.");
Symbol 1351 Button
on (press) {
_root.RTF = 1;
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 29;
Symbol 1359 Button
on (press) {
_root.talk_func(3, "RTF Guard: Your lucky your ship crashed on the border of RTF territory. Any land controlled by the Abyss is extremely dangerous.");
Symbol 1360 Button
on (press) {
_root.talk_func(3, "RTF Guard: The Dark Abyss take no prisoners. They're not here to rule over us. They're here to kill us. But don't worry we don't let any into this facility.");
Symbol 1361 Button
on (press) {
_root.talk_func(3, "RTF Guard: Wow, you actually pulled off that attack against the Krytick. Too bad your efforts were futile. The Krytick were the least of our worries.");
Symbol 1362 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Howard: You've actually met Lethal. Wow thats awesome.");
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Howard: Oh my god Lethal, I am your biggest fan.");
Symbol 1364 Button
on (press) {
if ( == 1) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mystery Man: Half a key you say. Well its your lucky day I have the other half. But I won't give it to you for nothing. There is only one thing I want for this key. I want Buckley killed. He's a guard at Vergillius; he guards the north-east entrance. He can sometimes take a walk down the Pathway of Limbo. If you can kill him this key is yours. Don't tell him about me or you are dead!"); = 2;
} else if ( == 2) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mystery Man: I want Buckley killed. He's a guard at Vergillius; he guards the north-east entrance. He can sometimes take a walk down the Pathway of Limbo. If you can kill him this key is yours.");
} else if ( == 4) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mystery Man: Thanks for your help. Now I have my revenge you can have your key. Now let's just pretend nothing happened shell we."); = 5;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mystery Man: I found half on an artifact on my journeys but I care not for artifacts. No one will buy it off me either. I guess I could just put it back where I found it.");
Symbol 1366 Button
on (press) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Buckley: Thanks for reporting this guy. He's going to go to jail for conspiracy to murder. Here take that artifact of his that he offered to you, as a reward for your efforts."); = 5;
Symbol 1367 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1369 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.side.five == 3) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mage: Well, I never thought I would see that blade again. Let me see what I can do. No no no. I can't lift that curse. It is too strong. I need you to go to a wild mage who lives on Styx at the back of the RTF centre near the Full Moon tomb. He is the only one strong enough to lift this curse.");
_root.side.five = 4;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mage: I am a powerful mage, but against demon magic I stand no chance.");
Symbol 1370 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 37;
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "I have no money left in my account.");
Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1392 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
if (_root.cave_entrance == 1) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 67, 10);
if (_root.cave_entrance == 2) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 68, 10);
if (_root.cave_entrance == 3) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 69, 10);
Symbol 1393 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainquest == 9) {
_root.EVIL = 2;
_root.navi_func(1,,, 40, "movie1");
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "This is the remains of a Dark Abyss Generator.");
Symbol 1405 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.guild != "Mage") {
if (_root.side.five == 4) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mage: A curse. I don't normally do favors but that Katana you present before me is a very well crafted blade. I would hate for a blade like that to end up as junk. Ok let me try. Buh buh yen mah sie'kah no'sone pah'ka. There, the curse is lifted but you still need to get it repaired. I only know one man who can fix such a blade but it will cost you about $5000. If you have that money to spare, go meet with him. He will be standing outside of the Weapon shop in Purgatorio City.");
_root.side.five = 5;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mage: What do you want? I don't normally do business with outsiders.");
} else if (_root.side.five == 4) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mage: A curse. I don't normally do favors but that Katana you present before me is a very well crafted blade. I would hate for a blade like that to end up as junk. Ok let me try. Buh buh yen mah sie'kah no'sone pah'ka. There, the curse is lifted but you still need to get it repaired. I only know one man who can fix such a blade. He will be standing outside of the Weapon shop in Purgatorio City.");
_root.side.five = 5;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Mage: What do you want? I don't normally do business with outsiders.");
Symbol 1415 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1424 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1426 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainquest == 15) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Injured Soldier: Hey you. Finally sent back up did they. They swarmed us without warning. I think they were able to finish a Spire near our location. We can take this place back, we just need to cut them from their power source. Destroy the spire. You just have to exit the Base and head east. You should find it. Don't worry about me. I'll be right.");
_root.mainquest = 16;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Injured Soldier: ... (He's dead).");
Symbol 1428 Button
on (press) {
if ((_root.side.six == 0) || (_root.side.six == undefined)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Dark Uruk: Death is all that remains here, yes, pain and suffering. No I did not do this; this is the work of the Abyss. I know you are probably on some big mission to save the world but what if I where to tell you about a blade that is more powerful and deadly than any other capable of being wielded by a mortal hand. Interested? The only catch is that it is the creation of man's inhumanity to man. It was formed from death itself by a demon who used it to destroy mankind. However one day the demon came up against a fierce warrior called Sir Arkian Munts. The two warriors fought for days on end until Munts struck the demon down with one fatal swoop of his katana and both the demon and his blade were broken into shards. If you could find these shards and return them to me I could forge the blade with the demons remains that I have recovered and create a even more powerful blade. The choice is yours. Here is a list of the locations of the shards, check your quests menu. Here take the key to unlock the containers.");
_root.side.six = 1;
_root.side.six_shards = 0;
} else if (((_root.side.six == 1) && (_root.side.six_shards == 3)) && (_root.guild != "Mage")) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Dark Uruk: Yessss! You found it. Now I can reforge the blade. Here it is done. Beware warrior, do not openly show anyone this blade as it is an ancient Forbidden weapon. Long ago there were two kinds of weaponry: Mystic which was used by the Holy Sweeper Knights of old and the Forbidden Weapons used by the Dark Lords of Kumun'rah. All arcane weapons are based on the designs of these two weapon types but have been watered down for the later generations. Use this demonic blade with honour my friend");
_root.side.six = 2;
_root.newwep.demon = 1;
} else if (((_root.side.six == 1) && (_root.side.six_shards == 3)) && (_root.guild == "Mage")) {
_root.talk_func(3, "Dark Uruk: Yessss! You found it. Now I can reforge the blade. Here it is done. Beware warrior, do not openly show anyone this blade as it is an ancient Forbidden weapon. Long ago there were two kinds of weaponry: Mystic which was used by the Holy Sweeper Knights of old and the Forbidden Weapons used by the Dark Lords of Kumun'rah. All arcane weapons are based on the designs of these two weapon types but have been watered down for the later generations. As you cannot wield such a blade my good mage, here let me compensate you for your troubles. You recieve $3000.");
_root.side.six = 2; = + 3000;
} else if ((_root.side.six == 1) && (_root.side.six_shards != 3)) {
_root.talk_func(3, ("Dark Uruk: You still have" + int(3 - _root.side.six_shards)) + " shard/s left.");
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "Dark Uruk: The Darkness is not to be feared. It is what lays wait in the dark that you must fear.");
Symbol 1429 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainquest == 16) {
_root.EVIL = 4;
_root.navi_func(1,,, 49, "movie1");
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "This is the remains of a Dark Abyss Generator.");
Symbol 1438 Button
on (press) {
_root.RTF = 3;
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 29;
Symbol 1444 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1445 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainquest == 19) {
_root.EVIL = 0;
_root.navi_func(1,,, 56, "movie4");
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "I have already taken the Orb.");
Symbol 1453 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainquest == 21) {
_root.EVIL = 7;
_root.navi_func(1,,, 63, "movie5");
} else if (_root.mainquest == 22) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 64, "movie6");
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "The teleporter will no longer work as Fatal is dead.");
Symbol 1457 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainquest == 22) {
_root.EVIL = 8;
_root.navi_func(1,,, 66, "movie7");
Symbol 1463 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1465 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 1;
_root.locate = 45;
if (_root.frombattle == 1) {
_root.moncounter = 0; = _root.Yx; = _root.Yy;
_root.frombattle = 0;;
_root.maparea = 1;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = - 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = + 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = - 20;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = + 20;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 2;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c48) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c48) {
_root.chest.c48 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1193 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mpick != _root.mpick2) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 2;
_root.locate = 45;
_root.maparea = 2;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 3;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c49) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c49) {
_root.chest.c49 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 3;
_root.locate = 45;
_root.maparea = 3;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 2;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c50) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c50) {
_root.chest.c50 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 9;
if (_root.side.two_alter9 == 1) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 4;
_root.locate = 45;
_root.maparea = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 3;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c26) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c26) {
_root.chest.c26 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c51) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c51) {
_root.chest.c51 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 32;
_root.musicpick = "mix4";
_root.maparea = 5;
_root.mapmarker.v1 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 6;
Instance of Symbol 1218 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
if (_root.mainquest == 5) {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 4;
if (_root.side.two_alter4 == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c52) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c52) {
_root.chest.c52 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 6;
_root.locate = 32;
_root.maparea = 6;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 5;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c47) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c47) {
_root.chest.c47 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c53) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c53) {
_root.chest.c53 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 7;
_root.locate = 32;
_root.maparea = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 6;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 8;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c54) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c54) {
_root.chest.c54 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 8;
_root.locate = 32;
_root.maparea = 8;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 9;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c55) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c55) {
_root.chest.c55 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c56) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c56) {
_root.chest.c56 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 9;
_root.locate = 31;
_root.maparea = 9;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 10;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 8;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c25) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c25) {
_root.chest.c25 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c57) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c57) {
_root.chest.c57 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 31;
_root.locate = 31;
_root.maparea = 10;
_root.mapmarker.v2 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 11;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 9;
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 3;
if (_root.side.two_alter3 == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c58) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c58) {
_root.chest.c58 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 11;
_root.locate = 31;
_root.maparea = 11;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 12;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 10;
Instance of Symbol 1236 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.side.one_dead == 1) or ( != 2)) {
this._visible = false;
if ( == 2) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c24) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c24) {
_root.chest.c24 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c59) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c59) {
_root.chest.c59 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 12;
_root.locate = 31;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.encount = 0;
_root.maparea = 12;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 11;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 13;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c46) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c46) {
_root.chest.c46 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 0;
_root.musicpick = "mix4";
_root.nobattle = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.maparea = 13;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 12;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 12;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 13;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 14;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 33;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 23;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c60) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c60) {
_root.chest.c60 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c61) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c61) {
_root.chest.c61 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 0;
_root.nobattle = 1;
_root.maparea = 14;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 460;
_root.Yy = 320;
_root.maparea = 16;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 540;
_root.Yy = -340;
_root.maparea = 15;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 13;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 18;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 14;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "I have no need for there armor products.");
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c23) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c23) {
_root.chest.c23 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c62) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c62) {
_root.chest.c62 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 0;
_root.nobattle = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.maparea = 15;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -306;
_root.Yy = 579;
_root.maparea = 14;
Instance of Symbol 1269 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
if (_root.mainquest == 6) {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 1236 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.side.one_dead == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c45) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c45) {
_root.chest.c45 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c63) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c63) {
_root.chest.c63 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 26;
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 16;
_root.maparea = 33;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.encount = 0;
_root.maparea = 16;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 440;
_root.Yy = 560;
_root.maparea = 17;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -346;
_root.Yy = 139;
_root.maparea = 14;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c64) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c64) {
_root.chest.c64 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 33;
_root.maparea = 17;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 94;
_root.Yy = -281;
_root.maparea = 16;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest < 11) {
this._visible = false;
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1) && (_root.mainquest >= 11)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 18;
Instance of Symbol 1286 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 1286 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 1286 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 1286 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 1286 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c16) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c16) {
_root.chest.c16 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c22) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c22) {
_root.chest.c22 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 36;
_root.maparea = 18;
_root.mapmarker.v3 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 17;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 19;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 23;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 25;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c44) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c44) {
_root.chest.c44 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 36;
_root.maparea = 19;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 20;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 18;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c27) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c27) {
_root.chest.c27 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 36;
_root.maparea = 20;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 21;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 19;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c19) {
on (press) {
if ((!_root.chest.c19) && (_root.side.six == 1)) {
_root.chest.c19 = true;
} else if ((!_root.chest.c19) && (_root.side.six != 1)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "The container is locked.");
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 36;
_root.maparea = 21;
Instance of Symbol 1298 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest != 11) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 20;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 22;
Instance of Symbol 1311 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest != 11) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c65) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c65) {
_root.chest.c65 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 36;
_root.maparea = 22;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 21;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 23;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c18) {
on (press) {
if ((!_root.chest.c18) && (_root.side.five == 1)) {
_root.chest.c18 = true;
} else if ((!_root.chest.c18) && (_root.side.five != 1)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "The container is locked.");
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 36;
_root.maparea = 23;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 22;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 18;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c66) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c66) {
_root.chest.c66 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c67) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c67) {
_root.chest.c67 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 36;
_root.maparea = 24;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 23;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 18;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c68) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c68) {
_root.chest.c68 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 36;
_root.maparea = 25;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 18;
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 6;
if (_root.side.two_alter6 == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c69) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c69) {
_root.chest.c69 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 26;
_root.locate = 33;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.encount = 0;
_root.maparea = 26;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 27;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 15;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c28) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c28) {
_root.chest.c28 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 27;
_root.locate = 33;
_root.maparea = 27;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 27
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 26;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 27
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 934;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 28;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c70) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c70) {
_root.chest.c70 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 33;
_root.maparea = 28;
_root.mapmarker.v4 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = -506;
_root.Yy = 159;
_root.maparea = 27;
Instance of Symbol 1269 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
if (_root.mainquest == 7) {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c29) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c29) {
_root.chest.c29 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c71) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c71) {
_root.chest.c71 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 29;
_root.locate = 23;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 29;
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 23;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.encount = 0;
_root.maparea = 30;
if (_root.mainquest == 1) {
_root.talk_func(2, "Wow, I actually survived the crash. My first task is to head north to the RTF Base and speak with its leader to try and gain a new ship. My current objectives are in the quests menu. I should use the W,A,S,D keys to walk and the mouse to open chests and check out the menu. If I get into a battle, I shouldn't panic. I am armed for combat. If you need help with battles, navigation or quests, check out the help menu symboled with the question mark '?'.");
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c1 == true) {
on (press) {
if (_root.chest.c1 == false) {
_root.chest.c1 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c3) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c3) {
_root.chest.c3 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c2) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c2) {
_root.chest.c2 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 31, 10);
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 23;
_root.nobattle = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
_root.maparea = 31;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = 540;
_root.maparea = 30;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.Yx = 200;
_root.Yy = -280;
_root.maparea = 32;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 13;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 23;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 12;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 18;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) {
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy = - 80;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 14;
} else {
_root.talk_func(3, "I have no need for there armor products.");
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c4) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c4) {
_root.chest.c4 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1367 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
if ( == 3) {
if (( == 5) || ( == 6)) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 32
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 23;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.encount = 0;
_root.maparea = 32;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 32
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 33, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 32
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 31, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 32
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c6) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c6) {
_root.chest.c6 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 32
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c5) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c5) {
_root.chest.c5 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 32
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 1;
if (_root.side.two_alter1 == 1) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 33
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 29;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 33;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 33
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = - 20;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 33
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 32, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 33
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1) and (_root.mainquest >= 2)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 34, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 33
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c7) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c7) {
_root.chest.c7 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 33
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c30) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c30) {
_root.chest.c30 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 30;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 34;
_root.mapmarker.b1 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 34
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 390, 33, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 34
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1) and (_root.mainquest >= 2)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 35, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c8) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c8) {
_root.chest.c8 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 34
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 2;
if (_root.side.two_alter2 == 1) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 35;
_root.locate = 30;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 35;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 35
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 34, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 35
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -460, -260, 36, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 35
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c9) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c9) {
_root.chest.c9 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 36;
_root.locate = 30;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 36;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 36
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(this._root.man1)) { = + 20;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 36
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 860, 410, 35, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1380 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 36
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
if (_root.mainquest == 2) {
_root.EVIL = 1;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 36, "movie1");
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 36
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c10) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c10) {
_root.chest.c10 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 36
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c11) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c11) {
_root.chest.c11 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 37
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 35;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.encount = 0;
_root.maparea = 37;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -506, 190, 38, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c31) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c31) {
_root.chest.c31 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c72) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c72) {
_root.chest.c72 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 38;
_root.locate = 35;
_root.maparea = 38;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 38
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 39, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 38
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 934, 159, 37, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 38
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 5;
if (_root.side.two_alter5 == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 38
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c73) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c73) {
_root.chest.c73 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 35;
_root.maparea = 39;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 39
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 40, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 39
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 38, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1392 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 39
on (press) {
if (_root.side.four == 1) {
_root.cave_entrance = 3;
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "I need a key to unlock this dungeoun. The keyhole has an insignia of a cresent moon.");
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 39
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c40) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c40) {
_root.chest.c40 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 39
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c74) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c74) {
_root.chest.c74 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 40;
_root.locate = 35;
_root.maparea = 40;
Instance of Symbol 1298 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest != 9) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 39, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1311 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest != 9) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c75) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c75) {
_root.chest.c75 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 41
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 39;
_root.maparea = 41;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 41
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 42, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c32) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c32) {
_root.chest.c32 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c76) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c76) {
_root.chest.c76 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 42;
_root.locate = 39;
_root.maparea = 42;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 44, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 41, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 934, 159, 43, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c41) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c41) {
_root.chest.c41 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 39;
_root.maparea = 43;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -506, 190, 42, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1392 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 43
on (press) {
if (_root.side.three == 3) {
_root.cave_entrance = 2;
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "I need a key to unlock this dungeoun. The keyhole has an insignia of a full moon.");
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c77) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c77) {
_root.chest.c77 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 44;
_root.locate = 39;
_root.maparea = 44;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 44
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 45, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 44
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 43, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 44
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c20) {
on (press) {
if ((!_root.chest.c20) && (_root.side.six == 1)) {
_root.chest.c20 = true;
} else if ((!_root.chest.c20) && (_root.side.six != 1)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "The container is locked.");
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 45;
_root.locate = 39;
_root.maparea = 45;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 44, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 934, 200, 46, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c78) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c78) {
_root.chest.c78 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 46
_root.mpick = "ex1";;
_root.locate = 39;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 46;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 46
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -506, 190, 45, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 46
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 47, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 46
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest < 16) {
this._visible = false;
} else if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 934, 190, 48, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 46
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 7;
if (_root.side.two_alter7 == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 46
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c42) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c42) {
_root.chest.c42 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 39;
_root.nobattle = 1;
_root.maparea = 47;
if (_root.mainquest == 14) {
_root.talk_func(2, "It appears there are no survivors of the Abyss Onslaught. I should make sure by having a look around.");
_root.mainquest = 15;
_root.mapmarker.s1 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 47
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 46, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c79) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c79) {
_root.chest.c79 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 48;
_root.locate = 39;
_root.maparea = 48;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -506, 190, 46, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 934, 190, 49, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c33) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c33) {
_root.chest.c33 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 49;
_root.locate = 40;
_root.maparea = 49;
Instance of Symbol 1298 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 49
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest != 16) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 49
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -506, 190, 48, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1311 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 49
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest != 16) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c80) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c80) {
_root.chest.c80 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 50
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 41;
_root.maparea = 50;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 51, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c34) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c34) {
_root.chest.c34 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 51;
_root.locate = 41;
_root.maparea = 51;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 51
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 52, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 51
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 50, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c81) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c81) {
_root.chest.c81 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 52
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 41;
_root.maparea = 52;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 52
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 51, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 52
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 934, 190, 53, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1392 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 52
on (press) {
if ( == 5) {
_root.cave_entrance = 1;
} else {
_root.talk_func(2, "I need a key to unlock this dungeoun. The keyhole has an insignia of a half moon.");
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 52
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c35) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c35) {
_root.chest.c35 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 53
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 41;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 53;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 53
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 190, -250, 54, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 53
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -506, 190, 52, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 53
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest < 21) {
this._visible = false;
} else if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 934, 190, 57, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c82) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c82) {
_root.chest.c82 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 41;
_root.nobattle = 1;
_root.maparea = 54;
_root.mapmarker.p1 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 53, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1424 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c17) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c17) {
_root.chest.c17 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c21) {
on (press) {
if ((!_root.chest.c21) && (_root.side.six == 1)) {
_root.chest.c21 = true;
} else if ((!_root.chest.c21) && (_root.side.six != 1)) {
_root.talk_func(3, "The container is locked.");
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c36) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c36) {
_root.chest.c36 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 55
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 44;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 55;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 55
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 56, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 55
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 8;
if (_root.side.two_alter8 == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c37) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c37) {
_root.chest.c37 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 56;
_root.locate = 44;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 56;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 56
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 55, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1444 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 56
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainquest != 19) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 56
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c43) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c43) {
_root.chest.c43 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 57;
_root.locate = 42;
_root.maparea = 57;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 57
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 58, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 57
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -506, 190, 53, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 57
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c38) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c38) {
_root.chest.c38 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 58;
_root.locate = 42;
_root.maparea = 58;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 58
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 59, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 58
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 57, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 58
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c83) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c83) {
_root.chest.c83 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 59;
_root.locate = 42;
_root.maparea = 59;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 59
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 540, 58, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 59
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 60, 10);
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 60
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 46;
_root.nobattle = 0;
_root.maparea = 60;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 60
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 290, 59, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 60
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 934, 159, 61, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 60
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c39) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c39) {
_root.chest.c39 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 60
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c84) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c84) {
_root.chest.c84 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 61;
_root.locate = 46;
_root.maparea = 61;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 61
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 62, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 61
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -506, 159, 60, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c44) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c44) {
_root.chest.c44 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c85) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c85) {
_root.chest.c85 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 62;
_root.locate = 46;
_root.maparea = 62;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 62
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 63, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 62
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 290, 61, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1209 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 62
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
number = 10;
if (_root.side.two_alter10 == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 62
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c86) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c86) {
_root.chest.c86 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 63
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 46;
_root.maparea = 63;
_root.mapmarker.p2 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 63
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 290, 61, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 63
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c87) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c87) {
_root.chest.c87 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 63
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c100) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c100) {
_root.chest.c100 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 64
_root.mpick = "ex3";;
_root.locate = 48;
_root.maparea = 64;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 65, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c88) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c88) {
_root.chest.c88 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c89) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c89) {
_root.chest.c89 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c90) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c90) {
_root.chest.c90 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c98) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c98) {
_root.chest.c98 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c99) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c99) {
_root.chest.c99 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 65;
_root.locate = 48;
_root.maparea = 65;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 65
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -100, 66, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 65
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 290, 64, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 65
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c91) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c91) {
_root.chest.c91 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 65
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c92) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c92) {
_root.chest.c92 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 66;
_root.locate = 48;
_root.maparea = 66;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 66
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 290, 65, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 66
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c93) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c93) {
_root.chest.c93 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 66
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c94) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c94) {
_root.chest.c94 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 66
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c95) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c95) {
_root.chest.c95 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 66
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c96) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c96) {
_root.chest.c96 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 66
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c97) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c97) {
_root.chest.c97 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 67
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 51;
_root.maparea = 67;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 67
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, 670, 954, 52, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1465 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c12) {
on (press) {
if ((!_root.chest.c12) && ((_root.side.one_dead == 1) || (_root.side.one_dead2 == 1))) {
_root.chest.c12 = true;
} else if ((!_root.chest.c12) && ((_root.side.one_dead != 1) || (_root.side.one_dead2 != 1))) {
_root.talk_func(2, "An echoed voice clearly speaks to you these words: Only those who walk the path of death may open this chest.");
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 1465 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c13) {
on (press) {
if (((!_root.chest.c13) && (_root.side.one_dead != 1)) && (_root.side.one_dead2 != 1)) {
_root.chest.c13 = true;
} else if ((!_root.chest.c13) && ((_root.side.one_dead == 1) || (_root.side.one_dead2 == 1))) {
_root.talk_func(2, "An echoed voice clearly speaks to you these words: Only those who walk the path of life may open this chest.");
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 68
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 62;
_root.maparea = 68;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 68
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -286, 389, 43, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1465 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 68
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c14) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c14) {
_root.chest.c14 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 69
_root.mpick = "ex2";;
_root.locate = 62;
_root.maparea = 69;
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 69
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.man1)) {
_root.navi_func(1, -460, 480, 39, 10);
Instance of Symbol 1465 MovieClip in Symbol 1469 MovieClip Frame 69
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.chest.c15) {
on (press) {
if (!_root.chest.c15) {
_root.chest.c15 = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 1476 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
choice = 1;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
choice = 2;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
choice = 3;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
choice = 4;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
choice = 5;
Symbol 1482 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
choice = 1;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
choice = 2;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
choice = 3;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
choice = 4;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
choice = 5;
Symbol 1483 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1484 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.facing == "up") {
if (_root.facing == "down") {
Symbol 1494 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
choice = 1;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
choice = 3;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
choice = 5;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
choice = 7;
if (_root.fem == 1) {
choice = choice + 1;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
choice = 10;
Symbol 1501 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
choice = 1;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
choice = 2;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
choice = 3;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
choice = 4 + _root.fem;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
choice = 10;
Symbol 1502 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1503 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.facing == "up") {
if (_root.facing == "down") {
Symbol 1509 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
choice = 1;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
choice = 2;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
choice = 3;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
choice = 4;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
choice = 5;
Symbol 1514 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.fem == 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1564 MovieClip Frame 1
extra = int((_root.Lhair - 1) * 6);
ramp = _root.colour + extra;
if (_root.fem == 1) {
ramp = ramp + 25;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("lethal");
Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1616 MovieClip Frame 1
extra = int((_root.Lhair - 1) * 6);
ramp = _root.colour + extra;
if (_root.fem == 1) {
ramp = ramp + 25;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
ramp = 50;
Symbol 1618 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1619 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.facing == "up") {
if (_root.facing == "down") {
Symbol 1627 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1627 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1627 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1634 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 1644 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
choice = 1;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
choice = 3;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
choice = 5;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
choice = 7;
if (_root.fem == 1) {
choice = choice + 1;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
choice = 10;
Symbol 1694 MovieClip Frame 1
extra = int((_root.Lhair - 1) * 6);
ramp = _root.colour + extra;
if (_root.fem == 1) {
ramp = ramp + 25;
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
ramp = 50;
Symbol 1696 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1702 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 1703 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1703 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1704 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1706 Button
on (press) {
_root.chatter._visible = false;
Symbol 1712 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1712 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1712 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1712 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1716 Button
on (press) {
_root.chatter.chatext.scroll = _root.chatter.chatext.scroll - 1;
Symbol 1717 Button
on (press) {
_root.chatter.chatext.scroll = _root.chatter.chatext.scroll + 1;
Symbol 1718 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1720 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.nobattle != 1) {;
Symbol 1725 Button
on (release) {
_root.maparea = _root.marea;
_root.Yx = 220;
_root.Yy = 180;
_root.frombattle = 1;
gotoAndStop (10);
Symbol 1730 Button
on (press) {
if (_root._root.menuselect == 1) {
_root.menuselect = 0;
} else {
_root.menuselect = 1;
Symbol 1735 Button
on (press) {
if (_root._root.menuselect == 2) {
_root.menuselect = 0;
} else {
_root.menuselect = 2;
Symbol 1739 Button
on (press) {;
_root.menuselect = 0;
Symbol 1743 Button
on (press) {
_root.soundinabled = 1;
Symbol 1745 Button
on (press) {
_root.soundinabled = 0;
Symbol 1748 Button
on (press) {
_root._quality = "high";
Symbol 1750 Button
on (press) {
_root._quality = "medium";
Symbol 1752 Button
on (press) {
_root._quality = "low";
Symbol 1755 Button
on (press) {
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal("clear");
Symbol 1758 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.swordpurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 1;
Symbol 1760 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.axepurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 2;
Symbol 1762 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.spearpurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 3;
Symbol 1764 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.laserpurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 4;
Symbol 1766 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.saberpurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 5;
Symbol 1768 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.boompurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 6;
Symbol 1770 Button
on (press) {
_root.equip = 7;
Symbol 1772 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.swordpurchase != 1) {
but1._alpha = 20;
if (_root.axepurchase != 1) {
but2._alpha = 20;
if (_root.spearpurchase != 1) {
but3._alpha = 20;
if (_root.laserpurchase != 1) {
but4._alpha = 20;
if (_root.saberpurchase != 1) {
but5._alpha = 20;
if (_root.boompurchase != 1) {
but6._alpha = 20;
Instance of Symbol 1079 MovieClip "sworddisplay" in Symbol 1772 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.equip == 7) {
} else if (_root.equip == 8) {
} else if (_root.equip == 9) {
} else if (_root.equip == 10) {
} else if (_root.equip == 11) {
} else if (_root.equip == 12) {
Symbol 1772 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.swordpurchase != 1) {
but1._alpha = 20;
if (_root.axepurchase != 1) {
but2._alpha = 20;
if (_root.spearpurchase != 1) {
but3._alpha = 20;
if (_root.laserpurchase != 1) {
but4._alpha = 20;
if (_root.saberpurchase != 1) {
but5._alpha = 20;
if (_root.boompurchase != 1) {
but6._alpha = 20;
Symbol 1772 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.swordpurchase != 1) {
but1._alpha = 20;
if (_root.axepurchase != 1) {
but2._alpha = 20;
if (_root.spearpurchase != 1) {
but3._alpha = 20;
if (_root.laserpurchase != 1) {
but4._alpha = 20;
if (_root.saberpurchase != 1) {
but5._alpha = 20;
if (_root.boompurchase != 1) {
but6._alpha = 20;
Symbol 1773 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1773 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1774 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1774 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1774 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 1774 MovieClip Frame 16
if (_root.menuselect > 0) {
if (_root.menuselect == 0) {
Symbol 1776 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.yesno.notepad == "Are you sure you want to leave this planet?") {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 4;
Symbol 1778 Button
on (press) {
_root.yesno._visible = false;
Symbol 1795 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.mainmenu == 1) {
notepad = "Galaxy Map Navigation";
if (_root.mainmenu != 1) {
notepad = "Leave Planet";
if (_root.mainquest < _root.shiplimit) {
notepad = "Unavailable";
on (press) {
if (_root.mainmenu == 1) {
if ( != undefined) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 5;
if ((_root.mainmenu != 1) and (_root.mainquest >= _root.shiplimit)) {
_root.yesno._visible = true;
_root.yesno.notepad = "Are you sure you want to leave this planet?";
Symbol 1796 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Character Status";
on (press) {
if ( != undefined) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 8;
Symbol 1797 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Clothing and Equipment";
on (press) {
if ( != undefined) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 9;
Symbol 1798 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Element Equip";
on (press) {
if ( != undefined) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 22;
Symbol 1799 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Quests";
on (press) {
if ( != undefined) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 30;
Symbol 1800 Button
on (press) {
if ((_root.mainquest >= _root.shiplimit) && ((_root.mainmenu == 1) || (_root.nobattle == 1))) {
if ( != undefined) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 3;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Warp to Tournament Area";
if ((_root.mainquest < _root.shiplimit) && ((_root.mainmenu != 1) || (_root.nobattle != 1))) {
notepad = "Unavailable";
Symbol 1801 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Help";
on (press) {
if ( != undefined) {
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.area = 36;
Symbol 1802 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "More RPG Games";
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 1805 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1806 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1809 MovieClip Frame 2
user_so = SharedObject.getLocal(_root.save_slot); = _root.newwep; = _root.save_slot; = _root.assault; =; = _root.tourntaken; = _root.armorowned; = _root.staffstats; = _root.planet1; = _root.planet2; = _root.planet3; = _root.planet4; = _root.planet5; = _root.Slevel; = _root.Elevel; = _root.Mlevel; = _root.MMlevel; = _root.lethalarmor; = _root.lethal; = _root.colour; = _root.lethalmode; = _root.hunter_pts; = _root.Lethallvl; = _root.lethalstr; = _root.exchanged; = _root.brute_tran; = _root.shiver_tran; = _root.lethal_tran; = _root.cure_spell; = _root.heal_spell; = _root.soul_spell; = _root.spirit_spell; = _root.mana_spell; = _root.barricade_spell; = _root.equip; = _root.mapmarker; = _root.swordpurchase; = _root.axepurchase; = _root.spearpurchase; = _root.laserpurchase; = _root.saberpurchase; = _root.boompurchase; = _root.mainquest; = _root.guild; = _root.dominated; = _root.enemykills; = _root.gamecon; = _root.tourn; = _root.Boomlvl; = _root.Saberlvl; = _root.Laserlvl; = _root.saberstr; = _root.laserstr; = _root.boomstr; = _root.Spearlvl; = _root.Swordlvl; = _root.swordstr; = _root.axestr; = _root.spearstr; = _root.swordcost; = _root.axecost; = _root.spearcost; = _root.lasercost; = _root.sabercost; = _root.boomcost; = _root.openarea1; = _root.openarea2; = _root.openarea3; =; = _root.YName; = _root.lvl; = _root.XP; =; = _root.Spotion; = _root.Mpotion; = _root.Fpotion; = _root.defence; = _root.Leyes; = _root.Lnose; = _root.Lmouth; = _root.Lfoot; = _root.Ecolour; = _root.Lhair; = _root.Lbody; = _root.Lhead; = _root.Larm1; = _root.Larm2; = _root.Lleg1; = _root.Lleg2; = _root.Llvl; = _root.Ahead; = _root.Atorso; = _root.Awrist; = _root.Axelvl; = _root.Magicpotion; =; = _root.snakills; = _root.questcomp; = _root.armguards; = _root.chest; = _root.lethalorbs; = _root.side; = _root.ironfists; = _root.Magicpotion; = _root.fem; = _root.armequip; = _root.unlock; = _root.chestfound; = _root.zomkills; = _root.dogkills; = _root.shakills; = _root.malkills; = _root.ultafix; = _root.fire_ele; = _root.water_ele; = _root.electric_ele; = _root.ice_ele; = _root.light_ele; = _root.dark_ele; = _root.sword_ele; = _root.axe_ele; = _root.spear_ele; = _root.saber_ele; = _root.laser_ele; = _root.boom_ele;
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 1
location1 = "Hollow Plains";
Instance of Symbol 1815 MovieClip "st" in Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = _parent.location1;
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 2
location1 = "Hollow Plains";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 3
location1 = "Hollow Plains";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 4
location1 = "Hollow Plains";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 5
location1 = "Cantos Drop S";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 6
location1 = "Cantos Drop";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 7
location1 = "Cantos Drop";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 8
location1 = "Cantos Drop N";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 9
location1 = "Cantos Drop E";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 10
location1 = "Pathway of Limbo";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 11
location1 = "Pathway of Limbo";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 12
location1 = "Pathway of Limbo";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 13
location1 = "Purgatorio City";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 14
location1 = "Purgatorio City";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 15
location1 = "Purgatorio City";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 16
location1 = "Pathway of Cantos";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 17
location1 = "Pathway of Cantos";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 18
location1 = "The Divine Wood";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 19
location1 = "The Divine Wood";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 20
location1 = "The Divine Wood";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 21
location1 = "The Divine Wood";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 22
location1 = "The Divine Wood";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 23
location1 = "The Divine Wood";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 25
location1 = "The Divine Wood";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 26
location1 = "Ancient Bandit Refuge";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 27
location1 = "Ancient Bandit Refuge";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 28
location1 = "Ancient Bandit Refuge";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 30
location1 = "Crash Site";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 31
location1 = "RTF Centre on Beatrice";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 32
location1 = "Northern Desert";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 33
location1 = "Summerset Cave Entrance";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 34
location1 = "Summerset Cave System";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 35
location1 = "Summerset Cave System";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 36
location1 = "Summerset Cave System";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 37
location1 = "Shorline Retreat";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 38
location1 = "Shorline Retreat";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 39
location1 = "Shorline Retreat";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 40
location1 = "Beatrice Spire Location";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 41
location1 = "Styx: Tropic Isolation";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 42
location1 = "Styx: Tropic Isolation";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 43
location1 = "Styx: Tropic Isolation";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 44
location1 = "Styx: Shore Hub";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 45
location1 = "Styx: Shore Hub";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 46
location1 = "Styx: Shore Hub";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 47
location1 = "Styx: RTF Base";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 48
location1 = "Styx: Shore Hub";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 49
location1 = "Styx: Abyss Spire";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 50
location1 = "Paradiso: Triassic Cliffs";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 51
location1 = "Paradiso: Triassic Cliffs";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 52
location1 = "Paradiso: Odyssey Cove";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 53
location1 = "Paradiso: Odyssey Cove";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 54
location1 = "Paradiso: RTF Base";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 55
location1 = "Alpha #126: S1";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 56
location1 = "Alpha #126: S1";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 57
location1 = "Paradiso: Odyssey Cove";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 58
location1 = "Paradiso: Odyssey Cove";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 59
location1 = "Paradiso: Odyssey Cove";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 60
location1 = "Paradiso: Caves";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 61
location1 = "Paradiso: Caves";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 62
location1 = "Paradiso: Caves";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 63
location1 = "Paradiso: Caves";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 64
location1 = "Unknown";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 65
location1 = "Unknown";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 66
location1 = "Unknown";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 67
location1 = "Unknown";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 68
location1 = "Unknown";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 69
location1 = "Unknown";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 70
location1 = "Unknown";
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 71
location1 = "Unknown";
Symbol 1842 Button
on (release) {
_root[_root.sourceman] = Number(_root.marea);
Symbol 1852 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1852 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1852 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.Yx =;
_root.Yy =;
_root.frombattle = 1; = 1;
_root.encount = 0;
Symbol 1856 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 1863 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.Belement == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.Belement == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.Belement == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.Belement == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (6);
if (_root.Belement == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 1863 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1863 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1863 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1863 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1863 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.just = random(2);
if (_root.just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 30;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 40
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 47;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1871 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other2") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1871 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1874 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other2") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1874 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1877 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other2") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1877 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1880 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other2") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1880 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1885 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other2") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1885 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1888 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other2") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1888 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.just = random(4);
if (_root.just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (33);
if (_root.just == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (58);
if (_root.just == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (73);
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 24
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 32;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 40
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 47
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 57;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 65
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - int(2 * _root.damaged);
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 72;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 80
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - int(2 * _root.damaged);
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 90
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - int(2 * _root.damaged);
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 95;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.just = random(3);
if (_root.just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (33);
if (_root.just == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (66);
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 28
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 32;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 54
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 56
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth + _root.damaged;
if (_root.BHealth >= _root.MaxBHealth) {
_root.BHealth = _root.MaxBHealth;
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 58
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 65;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 79
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 81
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1926 MovieClip Frame 89;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (18);
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.hunter_pts = _root.hunter_pts + (_root.Blevel * 10);
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 21
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 29
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1934 MovieClip Frame 40;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.just = random(3);
if (_root.just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.just == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (32);
if (_root.abysscharge == 1) {
_root.abysscharge = 0;
gotoAndPlay (50);
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.hunter_pts = _root.hunter_pts + 2000;
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root.damaged < 0) {
_root.damaged = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 31;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 35
_root.statshow = "His energy is increasing rapidly.";
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 38
_root.abysscharge = 1;
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 49;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 80
_root.damaged = int(_root.MaxHealth / 2);
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 1958 MovieClip Frame 91;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1962 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Belement == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.Belement == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.Belement == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.Belement == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.Belement == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 1966 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Belement == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.Belement == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.Belement == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.Belement == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.Belement == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 1976 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Belement == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.Belement == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.Belement == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.Belement == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.Belement == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 1987 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Belement == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.Belement == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.Belement == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.Belement == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.Belement == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 1996 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Belement == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.Belement == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.Belement == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.Belement == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.Belement == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 2010 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.locate == 1) {
if (_root.locate == 2) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.locate == 3) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.locate == 4) {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.locate == 5) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 2011 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(6);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.Belement == "Light") {
gotoAndPlay (159);
if (_root.Belement == "Fire") {
gotoAndPlay (144);
if (_root.Belement == "Ice") {
gotoAndPlay (127);
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
gotoAndPlay (181);
if (_root.Belement == "Water") {
gotoAndPlay (206);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (34);
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
gotoAndPlay (181);
if (just == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (65);
if (_root.Belement == "Fire") {
gotoAndPlay (144);
if (just == 4) {
gotoAndPlay (83);
if (_root.Belement == "Ice") {
gotoAndPlay (127);
if (_root.Belement == "Water") {
gotoAndPlay (206);
if (just == 5) {
gotoAndPlay (120);
if (_root.Belement == "Light") {
gotoAndPlay (159);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 17
if ( == 7) {
if (_root.enemykills != 20) {
_root.enemykills = _root.enemykills + 1;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 33;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 51
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 58
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 64;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 75
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 82;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 95
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 101
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 107
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 119;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 123
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth + int(_root.MaxBHealth * 0.05);
_root.MaxBHealth = _root.MaxBHealth + int(_root.MaxBHealth * 0.05);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 126;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 134
_root.frozen = random(4);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 143;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 151
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - (_root.damaged + int(_root.GHealth * 0.25));
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 158;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 168
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - (_root.damaged + int(_root.GHealth * 0.25));
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 169
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 170
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 180;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 188
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 192
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 196
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 205;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 215
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - (_root.damaged + int(_root.GHealth * 0.25));
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 216
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 217
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2062 MovieClip Frame 227;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2072 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2082 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2092 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2102 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2112 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2122 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2132 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2142 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2152 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(3);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (32);
if (just == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (51);
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 31;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.Bdoubledamge = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 50;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 56
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2154 MovieClip Frame 65;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2161 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2167 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2173 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2180 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2187 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(2);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 25;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2194 MovieClip Frame 37;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2202 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2209 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2215 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(3);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (31);
if (just == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (31);
if ((_root.BName == "Abyss Shooter") or (_root.BName == "Abyss Blaster")) {
gotoAndPlay (50);
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 30;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 49;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 66
_root.Bdoubledamge = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2238 MovieClip Frame 80;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2241 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2244 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2247 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2250 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(2);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (56);
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 41
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 55;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 64
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 77;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2275 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2278 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2281 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(2);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (30);
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 29;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 51
_root.Bdoubledamge = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 66;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2291 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
Symbol 2294 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2297 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
Symbol 2300 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.enemykind == "abyss1") {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.enemykind == "other1") {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(3);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (30);
if (just == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 29;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 45
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 51;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 74
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 94
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 114
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2330 MovieClip Frame 132;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(2);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (36);
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 35;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 62
_root.Bdoubledamge = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2346 MovieClip Frame 89;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(2);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (74);
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 59
_root.Bdoubledamge = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 73;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 92
_root.Bdoubledamge = 0;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2413 MovieClip Frame 100;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 2
just = random(4);
if (just == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (just == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (40);
if ((just == 2) or (just == 3)) {
gotoAndPlay (61);
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 7;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.Bdoubledamge = 0;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 39;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 53
_root.Bdoubledamge = 0;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 60;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 89
_root.Bdoubledamge = 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2459 MovieClip Frame 103;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2460 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2460 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2460 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2460 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 2460 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2460 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2460 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 15
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 23
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.statshow = "Enemy is stunned";
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 28
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 33
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 35
_root.statshow = "Enemy has lost health due to its wounds";
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 42
_root.statshow = "Radiation poisoning";
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 47
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 53
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2499 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2500 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2500 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2500 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2500 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 2500 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2500 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2500 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2500 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 2501 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.equip == 1) {
} else if (_root.equip == 2) {
} else if (_root.equip == 3) {
} else if (_root.equip == 4) {
} else if (_root.equip == 5) {
} else if (_root.equip == 6) {
} else if (_root.equip == 7) {
} else if (_root.equip == 8) {
} else if (_root.equip == 9) {
} else if (_root.equip == 10) {
} else if (_root.equip == 11) {
} else if (_root.equip == 12) {
Symbol 2512 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.extraele == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.extraele == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.extraele == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.extraele == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.extraele == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (6);
if (_root.extraele == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 2512 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2512 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2512 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 2512 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2512 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2512 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2520 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.extraele == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.extraele == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.extraele == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.extraele == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.extraele == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (6);
if (_root.extraele == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 2520 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2520 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2520 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 2520 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2520 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2520 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2605 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.diceturn = random(6) + 1;
Symbol 2606 MovieClip Frame 9
if (_root.diceturn >= 5) {
gotoAndPlay ("win");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("lose");
Symbol 2606 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2606 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2606 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.actualstr = int(_root.BHealth * 0.5);
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2606 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 2606 MovieClip Frame 63
_root.damaged = int(_root.GHealth * 0.1);
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - _root.damaged;
Symbol 2606 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 2636 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2655 MovieClip Frame 31;
Symbol 2665 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2665 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 2684 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.att > 0) {
if (((((_root.equip == 1) || (_root.equip == 5)) || (_root.equip == 9)) || (_root.equip == 11)) || (_root.equip == 10)) {
dog = random(2);
if (dog == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (194);
if (dog == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (30);
if ((_root.equip == 2) || (_root.equip == 12)) {
dog = random(4);
gotoAndPlay (59);
if (dog == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (194);
if ((_root.equip == 3) or (_root.equip == 7)) {
gotoAndPlay (86);
if (_root.equip == 4) {
gotoAndPlay (120);
if ((_root.equip == 6) || (_root.equip == 8)) {
gotoAndPlay (151);
if (_root.att <= 0) {;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 19;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 36
if (_root.att > 1) {
if (_root.att < 2) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 42
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 45
if (_root.att > 2) {
if (_root.att < 3) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 58
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 63
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 67
if (_root.att > 1) {
if (_root.att < 2) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 71
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 77
if (_root.att > 2) {
if (_root.att < 3) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 82
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 85
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 92
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 95
if (_root.att > 1) {
if (_root.att < 2) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (53);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 98
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 101
if (_root.att > 2) {
if (_root.att < 3) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (53);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 104
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 107
if (_root.att > 3) {
if (_root.att < 4) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (53);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 110
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 113
if (_root.att > 4) {
if (_root.att < 5) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (53);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 117
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 119
gotoAndPlay (53);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 127
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 131
if (_root.att > 1) {
if (_root.att < 2) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (146);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 134
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 138
if (_root.att > 2) {
if (_root.att < 3) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (146);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 141
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 150
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 159
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 165
if (_root.att > 1) {
if (_root.att < 2) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (190);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 170
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 177
if (_root.att > 2) {
if (_root.att < 3) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (190);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 182
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 193
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 197
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 199
if (_root.att > 1) {
if (_root.att < 2) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 202
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 209
if (_root.att > 2) {
if (_root.att < 3) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (57);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 212
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 213
gotoAndPlay (53);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 233
if (_root.potiontype == 1) {
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth + 100;
if (_root.GHealth >= _root.MaxHealth) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
if (_root.potiontype == 2) {
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth + int((_root.MaxHealth * 0.5) + 100);
if (_root.GHealth >= _root.MaxHealth) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
if (_root.potiontype == 3) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
if (_root.potiontype == 4) {
_root.magic = _root.magic + int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.5);
if (_root.magic > _root.MaxMagic) {
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 243
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 259
if (_root.otherskill != 1) {;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 263
if (_root.otherskill == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("continue");
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 266
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 273
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 284
if (_root.otherskill != 1) {;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 294
if (_root.otherskill == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("continue");
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 295
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 307
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 318
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 336
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 352
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 360
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 369
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 377
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 392
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 394
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 408
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 410
_root.invisible_spell = 2;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 413
_root.You._alpha = 75;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 414
_root.You._alpha = 55;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 415
_root.You._alpha = 35;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 420
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 423
rambo = random(2);
if (rambo == 0) {
_root.stun = 2;
_root.statshow = "enemy stunned";
} else {
_root.statshow = "Your enemy takes no notice";
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 431
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 437
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 463
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 465
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 476
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 483
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 486
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 503
if (_root.equip != 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("rogue_extra");
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 506
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
rambo = random(2);
if (rambo == 0) {
_root.stun = 1;
_root.statshow = "enemy stunned";
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 510
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 513
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 528
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 529
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 535
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 536
if (_root.att <= 0) {;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 549
_root.magic = _root.magic + int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.1);
if (_root.magic > _root.MaxMagic) {
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 551
if (_root.att > 1) {
if (_root.att < 2) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 556
_root.magic = _root.magic + int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.1);
if (_root.magic > _root.MaxMagic) {
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 558
if (_root.att > 2) {
if (_root.att < 3) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 564
_root.magic = _root.magic + int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.1);
if (_root.magic > _root.MaxMagic) {
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 566
if (_root.att > 1) {
if (_root.att < 2) {
_root.att = 0;
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 569
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 570
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 599
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 609
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 620
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 644
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 646
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 648
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
gotoAndPlay ("mage_spell");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("spell");
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 651
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 669
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 680
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 686
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 700
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 712
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 717
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 736
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 746
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 783
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 791
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 810
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 814
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
rambo = random(2);
if (rambo == 0) {
_root.stun = 1;
_root.statshow = "enemy stunned";
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 822
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 824
if (_root.att < 1) {
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 830
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 840
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 841
_root.battlepet._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 874
_root.battlepet._alpha = 100;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 887
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2719 MovieClip Frame 900
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2781 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.extraele == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.extraele == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.extraele == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.extraele == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.extraele == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.extraele == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.guild == "Mage") and (_root.extraele != "")) {
gotoAndPlay (98);
if (_root.spellcast == "cure") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if (_root.spellcast == "full") {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if (_root.spellcast == "soul") {
gotoAndPlay (54);
if (_root.spellcast == "spirit") {
gotoAndPlay (76);
if (_root.spellcast == "barricade") {
gotoAndPlay (41);
if (_root.spellcast == "mana") {
gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.spellcast == "full") {
mixerr = random(2);
if (mixerr == 0) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
if (_root.spellcast == "cure") {
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth + int(_root.MaxHealth / 2);
if (_root.GHealth > _root.MaxHealth) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndStop (1);;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.magic = _root.magic + int(_root.MaxMagic * ((random(26) + 25) / 100));
if (_root.magic > _root.MaxMagic) {
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth - int(_root.MaxHealth * ((random(26) + 25) / 100));
if (_root.GHealth <= 0) {
_root.GHealth = 1;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 46
_root.barricaded = 1;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 53
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 66
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 68
if (_root.locate != 16) {
apple = int(_root.BHealth * ((random(26) + 5) / 100));
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth + apple;
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - apple;
if (_root.GHealth > _root.MaxHealth) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
if (_root.locate == 16) {
apple = int(_root.BHealth * ((random(26) + 5) / 100));
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth + apple;
_root.statshow = "His health is chilling and the drain does not appear to affect him at all!!";
_root.frozen = 2;
if (_root.GHealth > _root.MaxHealth) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 75
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 88
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 90
apple = random(26) + 5;
_root.magic = _root.magic + apple;
if (_root.magic > _root.MaxMagic) {
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 97
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 98
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 103
if (_root.att > 1) {
if (_root.att < 2) {
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 108
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 110
if (_root.att > 2) {
if (_root.att < 3) {
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 118
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 124
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.att = 0;
Symbol 2786 MovieClip Frame 1
pet =;
Symbol 2790 MovieClip Frame 1
pet =;
Symbol 2794 MovieClip Frame 1
pet =;
Symbol 2798 MovieClip Frame 1
pet =;
Symbol 2802 MovieClip Frame 1
pet =;
Symbol 2806 MovieClip Frame 1
pet =;
Symbol 2810 MovieClip Frame 1
pet =;
Symbol 2812 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2812 MovieClip Frame 2
pet = random(2);
if (pet == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (21);
if (pet == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 2812 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2812 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndStop (1);;
Symbol 2812 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2812 MovieClip Frame 31
gotoAndStop (1);;
Symbol 2816 MovieClip Frame 1
pet = - 3;
Symbol 2820 MovieClip Frame 1
pet = - 3;
Symbol 2824 MovieClip Frame 1
pet = - 3;
Symbol 2828 MovieClip Frame 1
pet = - 3;
Symbol 2832 MovieClip Frame 1
pet = - 3;
Symbol 2836 MovieClip Frame 1
pet = - 3;
Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 2
pet = random(2);
if (pet == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
if (pet == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (15);
Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndStop (1);;
Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndStop (1);;
Symbol 2839 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2856 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2856 MovieClip Frame 2
blood = "-" + _root.actualstr;
Symbol 2866 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2866 MovieClip Frame 2
blood = "-" + _root.damaged;
Symbol 2877 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2880 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 2882 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 2885 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.canflee()) {
possible = random(2);
if (possible == 0) {
} else {;
_root.noplan = 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
Symbol 2894 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Belement == "Dark") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.Belement == "Light") {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.Belement == "Water") {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.Belement == "Fire") {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (_root.Belement == "Ice") {
gotoAndStop (6);
if (_root.Belement == "Electric") {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 2894 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2894 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2894 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 2894 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2894 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2894 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2899 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 2913 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 2894 MovieClip in Symbol 2913 MovieClip Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 2913 MovieClip Frame 2
BName = _root.BName;
Blevel = _root.Blevel;
Belement = _root.Belement;
Bstr = _root.Bstr;
Bmoney = _root.Bmoney;
BXP = _root.BXP;
Symbol 2924 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Average Attack";
on (press) {
Symbol 2925 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Elemental Attack";
on (press) {
Symbol 2926 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Restoration Magic";
on (press) {
Symbol 2927 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Arcane Magic";
on (press) {
Symbol 2928 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Assault Magic";
on (press) {
Symbol 2929 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Faction Skills";
on (press) {
Symbol 2930 Button
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Potions";
on (press) {
Symbol 2939 Button
on (press) {
notepad.scroll = notepad.scroll - 1;
Symbol 2940 Button
on (press) {
notepad.scroll = notepad.scroll + 1;
Symbol 2941 Button
on (press) {
_root.stoper = 1;;
Symbol 2942 Button
on (release) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Fire", "fire", "water");
on (rollOver) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("over", "Fire", "fire", "water");
Symbol 2943 Button
on (release) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Electric", "electric", "ice");
on (rollOver) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("over", "Electric", "electric", "ice");
Symbol 2944 Button
on (release) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Light", "light", "dark");
on (rollOver) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("over", "Light", "light", "dark");
Symbol 2945 Button
on (release) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Water", "water", "fire");
on (rollOver) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("over", "Water", "water", "fire");
Symbol 2946 Button
on (release) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Ice", "ice", "electric");
on (rollOver) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("over", "Ice", "ice", "electric");
Symbol 2947 Button
on (release) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Dark", "dark", "light");
on (rollOver) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("over", "Dark", "dark", "light");
Symbol 2957 Button
on (release) {
_root.castSpell("press", "cure", "cure", "cure spell", 5, "Cast cure spell to restore 50% of your health (-5 magic)", false, "N/A");
on (rollOver) {
_root.castSpell("over", "cure", "cure", "cure spell", 5, "Cast cure spell to restore 50% of your health (-5 magic)", false, "N/A");
Symbol 2958 Button
on (release) {
_root.castSpell("press", "heal", "full", "full heal spell", 10, "Cast Full Heal spell that has 50% chance of success (-10 magic)", false, "N/A");
on (rollOver) {
_root.castSpell("over", "heal", "full", "full heal spell", 10, "Cast Full Heal spell that has 50% chance of success (-10 magic)", false, "N/A");
Symbol 2959 Button
on (release) {
_root.castSpell("press", "mana", "mana", "Mana Charge spell", 0, "Cast Mana Charge to restore 25%-50% of your mana at sacrifice of 25%-50% health", false, "N/A");
on (rollOver) {
_root.castSpell("over", "mana", "mana", "Mana Charge spell", 0, "Cast Mana Charge to restore 25%-50% of your mana at sacrifice of 25%-50% health", false, "N/A");
Symbol 2963 Button
on (release) {
_root.castSpell("press", "barricade", "barricade", "Barricade spell", 25, "Cast Barricade spell to create a barricade to shield up to 30% of enemy damage for the battle.(-25 magic)", false, "N/A");
on (rollOver) {
_root.castSpell("over", "barricade", "barricade", "Barricade spell", 25, "Cast Barricade spell to create a barricade to shield up to 30% of enemy damage for the battle.(-25 magic)", false, "N/A");
Symbol 2964 Button
on (release) {
_root.castSpell("press", "soul", "soul", "Soul Steal spell", 20, "Cast Soul Steal spell to Steal 5%-30% of your enemies health. (-20 magic)", false, "N/A");
on (rollOver) {
_root.castSpell("over", "soul", "soul", "Soul Steal spell", 20, "Cast Soul Steal spell to Steal 5%-30% of your enemies health. (-20 magic)", false, "N/A");
Symbol 2965 Button
on (release) {
_root.castSpell("press", "spirit", "spirit", "Spirit Drain spell", 0, "Cast Spirit Drain spell to Steal 5%-50% of your enemies mana. Can only be used once a battle", true, "spiritdrain");
on (rollOver) {
_root.castSpell("over", "spirit", "spirit", "Spirit Drain spell", 0, "Cast Spirit Drain spell to Steal 5%-50% of your enemies mana. Can only be used once a battle", true, "spiritdrain");
Symbol 2969 Button
on (release) {
_root.castSkill("press", "spell1", "assault1", "Radical Shine spell", int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.25), "Cast 'Radical Shine' assault spell to unleash moderate 'light elemental' damage on your foe. Damage increases the higher your magic power and whether you are a mage.(-15% magic)[One Use]", true, "a1");
on (rollOver) {
_root.castSkill("over", "spell1", "assault1", "Radical Shine spell", int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.25), "Cast 'Radical Shine' assault spell to unleash moderate 'light elemental' damage on your foe. Damage increases the higher your magic power and whether you are a mage.(-15% magic)[One Use]", true, "a1");
Symbol 2970 Button
on (release) {
_root.castSkill("press", "spell2", "assault2", "Ultimate Cannon spell", int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.3), "Cast 'Ultimate Cannon' assault spell to unleash high damage on your foe. Damage increases the higher your magic power and whether you are a mage.(-25% magic)[One Use]", true, "a2");
on (rollOver) {
_root.castSkill("over", "spell2", "assault2", "Ultimate Cannon spell", int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.3), "Cast 'Ultimate Cannon' assault spell to unleash high damage on your foe. Damage increases the higher your magic power and whether you are a mage.(-25% magic)[One Use]", true, "a2");
Symbol 2971 Button
on (release) {
_root.castSkill("press", "spell3", "assault3", "Summon Deathlord spell", int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.5), "Cast 'Summon Deathlord' assault spell to awake the deathlord to unleash extreme damage on your foe. Damage increases the higher your magic power and whether you are a mage.(-50% magic)[One Use]", true, "a3");
on (rollOver) {
_root.castSkill("over", "spell3", "assault3", "Summon Deathlord spell", int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.5), "Cast 'Summon Deathlord' assault spell to awake the deathlord to unleash extreme damage on your foe. Damage increases the higher your magic power and whether you are a mage.(-50% magic)[One Use]", true, "a3");
Symbol 2988 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2989 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 2990 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 2991 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
Symbol 2994 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.Spotion >= 1) {
_root.Spotion = _root.Spotion - 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.potionuse = 1;
_root.potiontype = 1;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = ("Restores a small amount of health. You have " + _root.Spotion) + " left.";
Symbol 2995 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.Mpotion >= 1) {
_root.Mpotion = _root.Mpotion - 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.potionuse = 1;
_root.potiontype = 2;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = ("Restores a average amount of health. You have " + _root.Mpotion) + " left.";
Symbol 2996 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.Fpotion >= 1) {
_root.Fpotion = _root.Fpotion - 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.potionuse = 1;
_root.potiontype = 3;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = ("Completely restore health. You have " + _root.Fpotion) + " left.";
Symbol 2997 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.Magicpotion >= 1) {
_root.Magicpotion = _root.Magicpotion - 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.potionuse = 1;
_root.potiontype = 4;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = ("Restore 50% of your mana. You have " + _root.Magicpotion) + " left.";
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fire_ele == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.electric_ele == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.light_ele == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.water_ele == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.ice_ele == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dark_ele == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2913 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(49)) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Fire", "fire", "water");
if (Key.isDown(50)) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Electric", "electric", "ice");
if (Key.isDown(51)) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Light", "light", "dark");
if (Key.isDown(52)) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Water", "water", "fire");
if (Key.isDown(53)) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Ice", "ice", "electric");
if (Key.isDown(54)) {
_root.chooseEleAttack("press", "Dark", "dark", "light");
if (Key.isDown(55)) {
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.cure_spell == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.heal_spell == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mana_spell == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2913 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(49)) {
_root.castSpell("press", "cure", "cure", "cure spell", 5, "Cast cure spell to restore 50% of your health (-5 magic)", false, "N/A");
if (Key.isDown(50)) {
_root.castSpell("press", "heal", "full", "full heal spell", 10, "Cast Full Heal spell that has 50% chance of success (-10 magic)", false, "N/A");
if (Key.isDown(51)) {
_root.castSpell("press", "mana", "mana", "Mana Charge spell", 0, "Cast Mana Charge to restore 25%-50% of your mana at sacrifice of 25%-50% health", false, "N/A");
if (Key.isDown(52)) {
if (Key.isDown(53)) {
if (Key.isDown(54)) {
if (Key.isDown(55)) {
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.barricade_spell == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soul_spell == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.spirit_spell == 1) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2913 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(49)) {
_root.castSpell("press", "barricade", "barricade", "Barricade spell", 25, "Cast Barricade spell to create a barricade to shield up to 30% of enemy damage for the battle.(-25 magic)", false, "N/A");
if (Key.isDown(50)) {
_root.castSpell("press", "soul", "soul", "Soul Steal spell", 20, "Cast Soul Steal spell to Steal 5%-30% of your enemies health. (-20 magic)", false, "N/A");
if (Key.isDown(51)) {
_root.castSpell("press", "spirit", "spirit", "Spirit Drain spell", 0, "Cast Spirit Drain spell to Steal 5%-50% of your enemies mana. Can only be used once a battle", true, "spiritdrain");
if (Key.isDown(52)) {
if (Key.isDown(53)) {
if (Key.isDown(54)) {
if (Key.isDown(55)) {
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.assault.spell1 == 1) && (_root.a1 != 1)) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.assault.spell2 == 1) && (_root.a2 != 1)) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.assault.spell3 == 1) && (_root.a3 != 1)) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2913 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(49)) {
_root.castSkill("press", "spell1", "assault1", "Radical Shine spell", int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.25), "Cast 'Radical Shine' assault spell to unleash moderate 'light elemental' damage on your foe. Damage increases the higher your magic power and whether you are a mage.(-15% magic)[One Use]", true, "a1");
if (Key.isDown(50)) {
_root.castSkill("press", "spell2", "assault2", "Ultimate Cannon spell", int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.3), "Cast 'Ultimate Cannon' assault spell to unleash high damage on your foe. Damage increases the higher your magic power and whether you are a mage.(-25% magic)[One Use]", true, "a2");
if (Key.isDown(51)) {
_root.castSkill("press", "spell3", "assault3", "Summon Deathlord spell", int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.5), "Cast 'Summon Deathlord' assault spell to awake the deathlord to unleash extreme damage on your foe. Damage increases the higher your magic power and whether you are a mage.(-50% magic)[One Use]", true, "a3");
if (Key.isDown(52)) {
if (Key.isDown(53)) {
if (Key.isDown(54)) {
if (Key.isDown(55)) {
Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 5
function factskills1() {
if ((_root.magic >= 10) or (_root.guild == "Mage")) {
if (_root.usedAlready != 1) {
_root.otherskill = 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.magic = _root.magic - 10;
if ((_root.guild == "Knight") || (_root.lethalmode == 1)) {
_root.other_skill = "knight1";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.usedAlready = 1;
_root.other_skill = "noble1";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.other_skill = "rogue1";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.other_skill = "mage1";
_root.magic = _root.magic + 10;
_root.skipbar = 0;
if (_root.magic < 10) {
_root.statshow = "You are too exhausted";
function factskills1_display() {
if ((_root.guild == "Knight") || (_root.lethalmode == 1)) {
notepad = "Power Strike faction skill. Hit the enemy with one brutal attack. (-10 magic)";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
notepad = "Illusion faction skill. Become invisible for up to three turns. Can only be used once a round (-10 magic)";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
notepad = "Steal faction skill. Has a good chance of stealing loot from an enemy. (-10 magic)";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
notepad = "Mana reserve faction skill. Concentrate and restore up to 30% of your mana from within. (N/A magic)";
function factskills2() {
if (_root.XP > 1099) {
if (_root.magic >= 15) {
if ((_root.guild == "Knight") || (_root.lethalmode == 1)) {
_root.other_skill = "knight2";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.other_skill = "noble2";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.other_skill = "rogue2";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.other_skill = "mage2";
_root.otherskill = 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.magic = _root.magic - 15;
if (_root.magic < 15) {
_root.statshow = "You are too exhausted";
function factskills2_display() {
if ((_root.guild == "Knight") || (_root.lethalmode == 1)) {
if (_root.XP >= 1099) {
notepad = "Mortal Wound faction skill. Deadly Strike that has a 100% chance of wounding the enemy. (-15 magic)";
if (_root.XP < 1099) {
notepad = "Mortal Wound faction skill. You need to be atleast level 8 to use this move";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
if (_root.XP >= 1099) {
notepad = "Royal Bloodline faction skill. Shock the enemy by revealing that you have Esquarian royal blood. 50% to Stun the enemy for two turns. (-15 magic)";
if (_root.XP < 1099) {
notepad = "Royal Bloodline faction skill. You need to be atleast level 8 to use this move";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
if (_root.XP >= 1099) {
notepad = "Trickery faction skill. Pretend to charge a powerful attack and then suddenly strike them while their in shock. (-15 magic)";
if (_root.XP < 1099) {
notepad = "Trickery faction skill. You need to be atleast level 8 to use this move";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
if (_root.XP >= 1099) {
notepad = "Mana Blast faction skill. Blast your enemy with a powerful magic attack. Greater effect with a higher magic power level. (-15 magic)";
if (_root.XP < 1099) {
notepad = "Mana Blast faction skill. You need to be atleast level 8 to use this move";
function factskills3() {
if (_root.XP > 4999) {
if (_root.magic >= 25) {
if (_root.usedAlready2 != 2) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.other_skill = "knight3";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.other_skill = "noble3";
_root.You._alpha = 100;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.other_skill = "rogue3";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.other_skill = "mage3";
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
_root.other_skill = "lethal1";
_root.usedAlready2 = _root.usedAlready2 + 1;
_root.otherskill = 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.magic = _root.magic - 10;
if (_root.magic < 25) {
_root.statshow = "You are too exhausted";
function factskills3_display() {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
if (_root.XP >= 4999) {
notepad = "Virile Transfer faction skill. Break through you opponents defences with a mighty smash and apsorb their health. [Two Uses] (-25 magic)";
if (_root.XP < 4999) {
notepad = "Virile Transfer faction skill. You need to be atleast level 15 to use this move";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
if (_root.XP >= 4999) {
notepad = "Archers' Blessing faction skill. Launch a magic arrow into your enemy at a high velocity. [Two Uses] (-25 magic)";
if (_root.XP < 4999) {
notepad = "Archers' Blessing faction skill. You need to be atleast level 15 to use this move";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
if (_root.XP >= 4999) {
notepad = "Die of Death faction skill. Roll a die, if the die lands on a number higher than 4 the enemy loses 50% of their health else you lose 10%. [Two Uses] (-25 magic)";
if (_root.XP < 4999) {
notepad = "Die of Death faction skill. You need to be atleast level 15 to use this move";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
if (_root.XP >= 4999) {
notepad = "Mana Storm faction skill. Unleash a ferocious storm upon your enemy. More effective the higher your magic power. [Two Uses] (-25 magic)";
if (_root.XP < 4999) {
notepad = "Mana Storm faction skill. You need to be atleast level 15 to use this move";
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
if (_root.XP >= 4999) {
notepad = "Eternal Comet Lethal skill. Summon a forbidden, dark blade and launch it down on thy enemy. [Two Uses] (-25 magic)";
if (_root.XP < 4999) {
notepad = "Eternal Comet Lethal skill. You need to be atleast level 15 to use this move";
if ((_root.guild == "Knight") || (_root.lethalmode == 1)) {
_root.facpick = 1;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.facpick = 4;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.facpick = 7;
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.facpick = 10;
Instance of Symbol 2988 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 2988 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.gotoAndStop(_root.facpick + 1);
Instance of Symbol 2988 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.gotoAndStop(_root.facpick + 2);
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.XP >= 1099) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2936 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.XP >= 4999) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 2913 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(49)) {
if (Key.isDown(50)) {
if (Key.isDown(51)) {
if (Key.isDown(52)) {
if (Key.isDown(53)) {
if (Key.isDown(54)) {
if (Key.isDown(55)) {
Instance of Symbol 2913 MovieClip in Symbol 2998 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(49)) {
if (_root.Spotion >= 1) {
_root.Spotion = _root.Spotion - 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.potionuse = 1;
_root.potiontype = 1;
if (Key.isDown(50)) {
if (_root.Mpotion >= 1) {
_root.Mpotion = _root.Mpotion - 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.potionuse = 1;
_root.potiontype = 2;
if (Key.isDown(51)) {
if (_root.Fpotion >= 1) {
_root.Fpotion = _root.Fpotion - 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.potionuse = 1;
_root.potiontype = 3;
if (Key.isDown(52)) {
if (_root.Magicpotion >= 1) {
_root.Magicpotion = _root.Magicpotion - 1;
_root.skipbar = 1;
_root.potionuse = 1;
_root.potiontype = 4;
if (Key.isDown(53)) {
if (Key.isDown(54)) {
if (Key.isDown(55)) {
Symbol 2999 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.stoper == 1) {
_root.stoper = 0;
Symbol 2999 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 3000 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 2913 MovieClip in Symbol 3000 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(49)) {
if (Key.isDown(50)) {
if (Key.isDown(51)) {
if (Key.isDown(52)) {
if (Key.isDown(53)) {
if (Key.isDown(54)) {
if (Key.isDown(55)) {
Symbol 3013 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.key = 87;
Symbol 3013 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.key = 65;
Symbol 3013 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.key = 83;
Symbol 3013 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.key = 68;
Symbol 3016 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.started = 0;
ran = random(4);
if (ran == 0) {
if (ran == 1) {
if (ran == 2) {
if (ran == 3) {
Instance of Symbol 3015 MovieClip in Symbol 3016 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.att == 0) {
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (((Key.isDown(83) or Key.isDown(87)) or Key.isDown(65)) or Key.isDown(68)) {;
Instance of Symbol 3015 MovieClip in Symbol 3016 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (((Key.isDown(_root.key) and (_root.started != 1)) and (_root.letpass.pass.pass._currentframe >= 7)) and (_root.letpass.pass.pass._currentframe <= 14)) {
_root.started = 1;
_root.att = _root.att + 1;
} else {
Symbol 3016 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 3016 MovieClip Frame 21;
Symbol 3016 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root.att < 3) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else {
Symbol 3023 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3032 MovieClip Frame 13;
Symbol 3033 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3036 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 3036 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.hand2hand == 1) {
if ((_root.guild == "Mage") && (_root.extraele == "")) {
if (_root.magic <= (_root.MaxMagic * 0.05)) {
} else {
} else {
if (_root.spellatt == 1) {
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
if (_root.potionuse == 1) {
if (_root.otherskill == 1) {
if (_root.noplan == 1) {
_root.noplan = 0;
_root.statshow = "You could not escape!";
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 2
if (( >= 1) and (_root.BHealth > 0)) {
petstam = random(;
if (petstam == 0) {;
} else {
} else {
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.paralyze != 1) {
if (_root.stun <= 0) {
if (_root.BHealth > 0) {;
if (_root.stun > 0) {
if (_root.BHealth > 0) {
_root.stun = _root.stun - 1;
if (_root.paralyze == 1) {
if (_root.BHealth > 0) {
_root.paralyze = 0;
if (_root.BHealth <= 0) {
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 6
if (_root.BHealth <= 0) {
if (_root.BHealth >= 0) {
if (_root.frozen >= 1) {
gotoAndStop (4);
_root.frozen = _root.frozen - 1;
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.GHealth <= 0) {
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root.BHealth > 0) {
if (_root.wounded == 1) {
_root.wounded = 0;
_root.BHealth = _root.BHealth - _root.actualstr;
if (_root.BHealth <= 0) {
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 13
if (_root.GHealth <= 0) {
if (_root.mainquest < _root.shiplimit) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 31, 10);
} else {
_root.area = 2;
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_root.BHealth <= 0) {
_root.mpick = _root.mpick3;
if (((_root.locate == 24) or (_root.locate == 25)) or (_root.locate == 26)) {
if (_root.rounds < 5) {
_root.area = 31;
if (_root.rounds >= 5) {
_root.area = 32;
} else {
_root.area = 1;
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 16;
Symbol 3049 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.mainmenu != 1) {
if (_root.locate == 27) {
_root.mainquest = 3;
_root.locate = 6;
_root.frombattle = 1;
_root.moncounter = 0;
_root.Yx = 850;
_root.Yy = 370;
_root.maparea = 31;
_root.RTF = 1;
if (_root.locate == 28) {
_root.mainquest = 8;
if (_root.locate == 34) {
if (_root.locate == 37) {
if (_root.locate == 38) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (27);
Symbol 3065 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3065 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
Symbol 3080 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.locate == 18) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.locate == 20) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_root.locate == 22) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 3080 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.assault.spell1 = 1;
Symbol 3080 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.assault.spell2 = 1;
Symbol 3080 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.assault.spell3 = 1;
Symbol 3089 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 3155 MovieClip Frame 1
monk = 0;
Symbol 3155 MovieClip Frame 7
monk = monk + 1;
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (monk == 10) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 3155 MovieClip Frame 87
Instance of Symbol 3115 MovieClip in Symbol 3156 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 3157 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (26);
Symbol 3167 Button
on (release) {
_root.locate = 24;
_root.rounds = 0;
gotoAndPlay (53);
on (rollOver) {
_root.notepad = "A tournament for those who are new to lethal RPG.";
Symbol 3168 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.tourntaken >= 1) {
_root.locate = 25;
_root.rounds = 0;
gotoAndPlay (53);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.tourntaken >= 1) {
_root.notepad = "A tournament for those who want a challenge.";
if (_root.tourntaken < 1) {
_root.notepad = "Locked.";
Symbol 3169 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.tourntaken >= 2) {
_root.locate = 26;
_root.rounds = 0;
gotoAndPlay (53);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.tourntaken >= 2) {
_root.notepad = "A tournament for those who believe they are the 'Ultimate' fighter.";
if (_root.tourntaken < 2) {
_root.notepad = "Locked.";
Symbol 3175 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainmenu == 1) {
gotoAndStop (26);
if (_root.mainmenu != 1) {
gotoAndStop (17);
Symbol 3177 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3180 Button
on (press) {
_root.notepad.scroll = _root.notepad.scroll - 1;
Symbol 3181 Button
on (press) {
_root.notepad.scroll = _root.notepad.scroll + 1;
Symbol 3183 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 3184 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 3185 Button
on (release) { = 1;
_root.armorowned.mystic = 0;
_root.armorowned.forbidden = 0; = 0;
_root.armorowned.death = 0;
_root.side.four = 0;
_root.chest.c17 = false;
_root.chest.c13 = false;
_root.chest.c12 = false;
Symbol 3193 Button
on (press) {
text1.scroll = text1.scroll - 1;
Symbol 3194 Button
on (press) {
text1.scroll = text1.scroll + 1;
Symbol 3204 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.SP == "p1a1") {
_root.locate = 4;
if (_root.SP == "p1a2") {
_root.locate = 5;
if (_root.SP == "p1a3") {
_root.locate = 6;
if (_root.SP == "p1a4") {
_root.locate = 7;
if (_root.SP == "p2a1") {
_root.locate = 1;
if (_root.SP == "p2a2") {
_root.locate = 2;
if (_root.SP == "p2a3") {
_root.locate = 3;
if (_root.SP == "p3a1") {
_root.locate = 8;
if (_root.SP == "p3a2") {
_root.locate = 9;
if (_root.SP == "p3a3") {
_root.locate = 10;
if (_root.SP == "p3a4") {
_root.locate = 11;
if (_root.SP == "p4a1") {
_root.locate = 12;
if (_root.SP == "p4a2") {
_root.locate = 13;
if (_root.SP == "p5a1") {
_root.locate = 14;
if (_root.SP == "p5a2") {
_root.locate = 15;
if (_root.SP == "p5a3") {
_root.locate = 16;
if (_root.SP == "p5a4") {
_root.locate = 17;
if (_root.SP != "") {
Symbol 3205 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3213 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (28);
Symbol 3216 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (29);
Symbol 3225 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (47);
Symbol 3229 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (48);
Symbol 3233 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (49);
Symbol 3237 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (50);
Symbol 3260 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 1, 10);
Symbol 3263 Button
on (release) {
_root.locate = 19;
gotoAndPlay (18);
Symbol 3270 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 3274 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 170, 5, 10);
Symbol 3275 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 170, 10, 10);
Symbol 3278 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -50, 13, 10);
Symbol 3281 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 170, 18, 10);
Symbol 3283 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 170, 28, 10);
Symbol 3291 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 3324 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.lethalmode != 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
_root.lethal_mess._visible = true;
Symbol 3326 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 3328 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 3330 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 3332 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 3338 Button
on (release) {
_root.sick = "torso";
notepad = "Torso selected. Now select what armor type.";
Symbol 3339 Button
on (release) {
_root.sick = "upper arm";
notepad = "Upper arm selected. Now select what armor type.";
Symbol 3340 Button
on (release) {
_root.sick = "lower arm";
notepad = "Lower arm selected. Now select what armor type.";
Symbol 3341 Button
on (release) {
_root.sick = "upper leg";
notepad = "Upper leg selected. Now select what armor type.";
Symbol 3343 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 3349 Button
on (release) {
_root.sick = "lower leg";
notepad = "Lower leg selected. Now select what armor type.";
Symbol 3356 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
notepad = "Arcane Knight armor boosts strength. ";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
notepad = "Arcane Knight armor boosts magical attributes. ";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
notepad = "Arcane Knight armor boosts health attributes. ";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
notepad = "Arcane Knight armor boosts health and magical attributes. ";
if (_root.sick == "torso") {
if (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = _root.armorowned.torsoArclvl + 2;
notepad = notepad + _root.Tarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "upper arm") {
if (_root.armorowned.uparmArclvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = _root.armorowned.uparmArclvl + 2;
notepad = notepad + _root.UAarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "lower arm") {
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = _root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl + 2;
notepad = notepad + _root.LAarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "upper leg") {
if (_root.armorowned.uplegArclvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = _root.armorowned.uplegArclvl + 2;
notepad = notepad + _root.ULarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "lower leg") {
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = _root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl + 2;
notepad = notepad + _root.LLarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else {
notepad = notepad + " Please select what part of your body you want to equip this armor";
Symbol 3357 Button
on (release) {
notepad = "Advanced Knight armor has a high resistence to both physical and magical attacks.";
if (_root.sick == "torso") {
if (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = _root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl + 6;
notepad = notepad + _root.Tarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "upper arm") {
if (_root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = _root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl + 4;
notepad = notepad + _root.UAarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "lower arm") {
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = _root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl + 4;
notepad = notepad + _root.LAarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "upper leg") {
if (_root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = _root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl + 4;
notepad = notepad + _root.ULarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "lower leg") {
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl > 0) {
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = _root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl + 4;
notepad = notepad + _root.LLarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else {
notepad = notepad + " Please select what part of your body you want to equip this armor";
Symbol 3358 Button
on (release) {
notepad = "Mystic armor boosts Health and Magic.";
if (_root.sick == "torso") {
if (_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) {
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 11;
notepad = notepad + _root.Tarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "upper arm") {
if (_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) {
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 7;
notepad = notepad + _root.UAarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "lower arm") {
if (_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) {
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 7;
notepad = notepad + _root.LAarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "upper leg") {
if (_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) {
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 7;
notepad = notepad + _root.ULarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "lower leg") {
if (_root.armorowned.mystic == 1) {
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 7;
notepad = notepad + _root.LLarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else {
notepad = notepad + " You must first select what part of the body you want to equip this armor.";
if (_root.armorowned.mystic != 1) {
notepad = notepad + " You don't have any Mystic Armor.";
Symbol 3359 Button
on (release) {
notepad = "Forbidden armor boosts strength and magic attack attributes.";
if (_root.sick == "torso") {
if (_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) {
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 11;
notepad = notepad + _root.Tarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "upper arm") {
if (_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) {
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 7;
notepad = notepad + _root.UAarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "lower arm") {
if (_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) {
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 7;
notepad = notepad + _root.LAarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "upper leg") {
if (_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) {
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 7;
notepad = notepad + _root.ULarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else if (_root.sick == "lower leg") {
if (_root.armorowned.forbidden == 1) {
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 7;
notepad = notepad + _root.LLarmornote;
notepad = notepad + (" Your defence is now " + _root.defence);
} else {
notepad = note1;
} else {
notepad = notepad + " You must first select what part of the body you want to equip this armor.";
if (_root.armorowned.forbidden != 1) {
notepad = notepad + " You don't have any Forbidden Armor.";
Symbol 3373 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.swordpurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 1;
notepad = ("You equiped the sword. It has a damage rating of " + _root.swordstr) + " and can wound.";
Symbol 3374 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.axepurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 2;
notepad = ("You equiped the axe. It has a damage rating of " + _root.axestr) + " and does extra damage but is inaccurate";
Symbol 3375 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.spearpurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 3;
notepad = ("You equiped the spear. It has a damage rating of " + _root.spearstr) + " and can attack extra times.";
Symbol 3376 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.laserpurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 4;
notepad = ("You equiped the plasma rifle. It has a damage rating of " + _root.laserstr) + " and can stun enemies.";
Symbol 3377 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.saberpurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 5;
notepad = ("You equiped the energy saber. It has a damage rating of " + _root.saberstr) + " and does high damage against Abyss.";
Symbol 3378 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.boompurchase == 1) {
_root.equip = 6;
notepad = ("You equiped the energy saber. It has a damage rating of " + _root.boomstr) + " and can do high damage on first srike.";
Symbol 3379 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.staffstats.lvl >= 1) {
_root.equip = 7;
notepad = "You equiped the staff. It has a damage rating of " + _root.staffstats.str;
Symbol 3383 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
_root.equip = 10;
notepad = "You equiped the Jaggered Edge. It has a damage rating of " + _root.lethal.str;
Symbol 3384 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.newwep.katana == 1) {
_root.equip = 9;
notepad = "You equiped the Katana. It has a damage rating of " + _root.newwep.katanastr;
Symbol 3386 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.newwep.demon == 1) {
_root.equip = 11;
notepad = ("You equiped the Demon Blade. It has a damage rating of " + _root.newwep.demonstr) + " and has a high chance of wounding.";
Symbol 3388 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.newwep.scythe == 1) {
_root.equip = 12;
notepad = ("You equiped the Demon Scythe. It has a damage rating of " + _root.newwep.scythestr) + " and can stun and wound enemies";
Symbol 3389 Button
on (release) {
if ( == 1) {
_root.equip = 8;
notepad = ("You equiped the Energy Sphere. It has a damage rating of " + _root.newwep.energystr) + " and has a 1 in 4 chance of doing double damage.";
Symbol 3398 Button
on (release) {
_root.Ahead = 2;
notepad = "Sunglasses equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Sunglasses";
Symbol 3399 Button
on (release) {
_root.Ahead = 3;
notepad = "Bandanna equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Bandanna";
Symbol 3400 Button
on (release) {
_root.Ahead = 4;
notepad = "Face paint equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Face paint";
Symbol 3401 Button
on (release) {
_root.Ahead = 5;
notepad = "Head guard equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Head guard";
Symbol 3402 Button
on (release) {
_root.Awrist = 4;
notepad = "Knife equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Knife";
Symbol 3403 Button
on (release) {
_root.Awrist = 5;
notepad = "Gold Bracer equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Gold Bracer";
Symbol 3404 Button
on (release) {
_root.Atorso = 2;
notepad = "necklace equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "necklace";
Symbol 3405 Button
on (release) {
_root.Atorso = 3;
notepad = "Spiked Collar equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Spiked Collar";
Symbol 3406 Button
on (release) {
_root.Awrist = 2;
notepad = "Bandages equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Bandages";
Symbol 3407 Button
on (release) {
_root.Awrist = 3;
notepad = "Bracer equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Bracer";
Symbol 3408 Button
on (release) {
_root.Atorso = 4;
notepad = "Gold equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Gold";
Symbol 3409 Button
on (release) {
_root.Atorso = 5;
notepad = "Imperial collar equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Imperial collar";
Symbol 3413 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface2 == 1) {
_root.Ahead = 7;
notepad = "Filter Mask equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Filter Mask";
Symbol 3414 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface4 == 1) {
_root.Ahead = 9;
notepad = "Face Shield equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Face Shield";
Symbol 3415 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface5 == 1) {
_root.Ahead = 10;
notepad = "Eye Protection equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Eye Protection";
Symbol 3416 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface6 == 1) {
_root.Ahead = 11;
notepad = "Ninja Mask equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Ninja Mask";
Symbol 3417 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface1 == 1) {
_root.Ahead = 6;
notepad = "Mark of Cane equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Mark of Cane";
Symbol 3418 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface3 == 1) {
_root.Ahead = 8;
notepad = "Glasses equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Glasses";
Symbol 3419 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator3 == 1) {
_root.Atorso = 8;
notepad = "Chains of Wrath equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Chains of Wrath";
Symbol 3420 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator5 == 1) {
_root.Atorso = 10;
notepad = "Crystal Sigil equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Crystal Sigil";
Symbol 3421 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator4 == 1) {
_root.Atorso = 9;
notepad = "Holy Sigil equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Holy Sigil";
Symbol 3422 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator1 == 1) {
_root.Atorso = 6;
notepad = "Neck Protector equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Neck Protector";
Symbol 3423 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator2 == 1) {
_root.Atorso = 7;
notepad = "Essence Blocker equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Essence Blocker collar";
Symbol 3424 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator6 == 1) {
_root.Atorso = 11;
notepad = "Neck Defender equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Neck Defender";
Symbol 3425 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm6 == 1) {
_root.Awrist = 11;
notepad = "Fire Bracer equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Fire Bracer";
Symbol 3426 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm5 == 1) {
_root.Awrist = 10;
notepad = "Side Blade equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Side Blade";
Symbol 3427 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm3 == 1) {
_root.Awrist = 8;
notepad = "Spike Bracer equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Spike Bracer";
Symbol 3428 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm4 == 1) {
_root.Awrist = 9;
notepad = "Chains of Power equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Chains of Power";
Symbol 3429 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm2 == 1) {
_root.Awrist = 7;
notepad = "Magical Watch equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Magical Watch";
Symbol 3430 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm1 == 1) {
_root.Awrist = 6;
notepad = "Magical Crystal equiped";
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Magical Crystal";
Symbol 3432 Button
on (release) {
_root.Ahead = 1;
_root.Atorso = 1;
_root.Awrist = 1;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = "Unequip All Accessaries.";
Symbol 3434 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
notepad = "You don't own this pet";
if ( == 1) { = 4;
notepad = ((((((("You equiped " +$name) + " as your pet. It is fused with the ") + + " element. It has a stamina rating of ") +$stam) + " and a strength rating of ") + + ".";
Symbol 3435 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
notepad = "You don't own this pet";
if ( == 1) { = 5;
notepad = ((((((("You equiped " +$name) + " as your pet. It is fused with the ") + + " element. It has a stamina rating of ") +$stam) + " and a strength rating of ") + + ".";
Symbol 3436 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
notepad = "You don't own this pet";
if ( == 1) { = 1;
notepad = ((((((("You equiped " +$name) + " as your pet. It is fused with the ") + + " element. It has a stamina rating of ") +$stam) + " and a strength rating of ") + + ".";
Symbol 3437 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
notepad = "You don't own this pet";
if ( == 1) { = 2;
notepad = ((((((("You equiped " +$name) + " as your pet. It is fused with the ") + + " element. It has a stamina rating of ") +$stam) + " and a strength rating of ") + + ".";
Symbol 3438 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
notepad = "You don't own this pet";
if ( == 1) { = 3;
notepad = ((((((("You equiped " +$name) + " as your pet. It is fused with the ") + + " element. It has a stamina rating of ") +$stam) + " and a strength rating of ") + + ".";
Symbol 3439 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
notepad = "You don't own this pet";
if ( == 1) { = 6;
notepad = ((((((("You equiped " +$name) + " as your pet. It is fused with the ") + + " element. It has a stamina rating of ") +$stam) + " and a strength rating of ") + + ".";
Symbol 3455 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3459 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.Spotion >= 1) and (_root.GHealth != _root.MaxHealth)) {
_root.Spotion = _root.Spotion - 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth + 100;
if (_root.GHealth >= _root.MaxHealth) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
WHealth = (_root.GHealth + "/") + _root.MaxHealth;
WMagic = (_root.magic + "/") + _root.MaxMagic;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = ("Restores a small amount of health. You have " + _root.Spotion) + " left.";
Symbol 3460 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.Mpotion >= 1) and (_root.GHealth != _root.MaxHealth)) {
_root.Mpotion = _root.Mpotion - 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.GHealth + int((_root.MaxHealth * 0.5) + 100);
if (_root.GHealth >= _root.MaxHealth) {
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
WHealth = (_root.GHealth + "/") + _root.MaxHealth;
WMagic = (_root.magic + "/") + _root.MaxMagic;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = ("Restores a average amount of health. You have " + _root.Mpotion) + " left.";
Symbol 3461 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.Fpotion >= 1) and (_root.GHealth != _root.MaxHealth)) {
_root.Fpotion = _root.Fpotion - 1;
_root.GHealth = _root.MaxHealth;
WHealth = (_root.GHealth + "/") + _root.MaxHealth;
WMagic = (_root.magic + "/") + _root.MaxMagic;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = ("Completely restore health. You have " + _root.Fpotion) + " left.";
Symbol 3462 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.Magicpotion >= 1) and (_root.magic != _root.MaxMagic)) {
_root.Magicpotion = _root.Magicpotion - 1;
_root.magic = _root.magic + int(_root.MaxMagic * 0.5);
if (_root.magic > _root.MaxMagic) {
_root.magic = _root.MaxMagic;
WHealth = (_root.GHealth + "/") + _root.MaxHealth;
WMagic = (_root.magic + "/") + _root.MaxMagic;
on (rollOver) {
notepad = ("Restore 50% of your mana. You have " + _root.Magicpotion) + " left.";
Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.sick = "";
notepad = "Select what body part you want to equip to.";
note1 = "You must not own any armor of this type.";
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.swordpurchase == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.axepurchase == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.spearpurchase == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.axepurchase == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.spearpurchase == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.saberpurchase == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.boompurchase == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.laserpurchase == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.staffstats.lvl >= 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1079 MovieClip "sworddisplay" in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.equip == 7) {
} else if (_root.equip == 8) {
} else if (_root.equip == 9) {
} else if (_root.equip == 10) {
} else if (_root.equip == 11) {
} else if (_root.equip == 12) {
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.newwep.katana == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.newwep.demon == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.newwep.scythe == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface2 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface4 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface5 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface6 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface3 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aface1 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm3 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm1 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm2 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm4 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm5 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Aarm6 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator1 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator2 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator3 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator4 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator5 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3372 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.armorowned.Ator6 == 1) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 5
notepad = ("You currently have the " +$name) + " as your pet.";
Instance of Symbol 3455 MovieClip "pav" in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.gotoAndStop( + 1);
Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 6
WHealth = (_root.GHealth + "/") + _root.MaxHealth;
WMagic = (_root.magic + "/") + _root.MaxMagic;
Instance of Symbol 2844 MovieClip "ghealtho" in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
healtho = int((_root.GHealth / _root.MaxHealth) * 100);
if (healtho <= 0) {
healtho = 1;
Instance of Symbol 2873 MovieClip in Symbol 3468 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
healtho = int((_root.magic / _root.MaxMagic) * 100);
if (healtho <= 0) {
healtho = 1;
Symbol 3470 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.S_choice == 1) {
_root.swordpurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Good choice."; = - 250;
_root.S_choice = 0;
if (_root.S_choice == 2) {
_root.axepurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Good choice."; = - 250;
_root.S_choice = 0;
if (_root.S_choice == 3) {
_root.spearpurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Good choice."; = - 250;
_root.S_choice = 0;
if (_root.S_choice == 4) {
_root.laserpurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Good choice."; = - 250;
_root.S_choice = 0;
if (_root.S_choice == 5) {
_root.saberpurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Good choice."; = - 250;
_root.S_choice = 0;
if (_root.S_choice == 6) {
_root.boompurchase = 1;
_root.nopt = "Good choice."; = - 250;
_root.S_choice = 0;
Symbol 3472 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (34);
Symbol 3473 Button
on (release) {
if (((((_root.swordpurchase != 1) && ( >= 250)) && (_root.guild != "Noble")) && (_root.guild != "Mage")) && (_root.guild != "Mage")) {
_root.S_choice = 1;
_root.nopt = "Swords: Cuts the enemy for piercing damage. Can wound your opponent and being close range causes greater damage.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "Unfortunatly you are unable to purchase this weapon. You either already own it, cannot afford it or untrained in this weapon type.";
Symbol 3475 Button
on (release) {
if (((((_root.axepurchase != 1) && ( >= 250)) && (_root.guild != "Noble")) && (_root.guild != "Rogue")) && (_root.guild != "Mage")) {
_root.S_choice = 2;
_root.nopt = "Axes: Can wound your opponent and being close range causes incredible damage but with less accuracy.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "Unfortunatly you are unable to purchase this weapon. You either already own it, cannot afford it or untrained in this weapon type.";
Symbol 3477 Button
on (release) {
if (((((_root.spearpurchase != 1) && ( >= 250)) && (_root.guild != "Noble")) && (_root.guild != "Rogue")) && (_root.guild != "Mage")) {
_root.S_choice = 3;
_root.nopt = "Spears: Stab enemy from a greater range thus uses less stamina. Can hit enemy a greater number of times.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "Unfortunatly you are unable to purchase this weapon. You either already own it, cannot afford it or untrained in this weapon type.";
Symbol 3479 Button
on (release) {
if ((((_root.laserpurchase != 1) && ( >= 250)) && (_root.guild != "Knight")) && (_root.guild != "Mage")) {
_root.S_choice = 4;
_root.nopt = "Plasma Rifle: High-tech weaponary. Can stun the enemy and has successful armor penetration.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "Unfortunatly you are unable to purchase this weapon. You either already own it, cannot afford it or untrained in this weapon type.";
Symbol 3481 Button
on (release) {
if (((((_root.saberpurchase != 1) && ( >= 250)) && (_root.guild != "Knight")) && (_root.guild != "Rogue")) && (_root.guild != "Mage")) {
_root.S_choice = 5;
_root.nopt = "Energy Saber: Effective against Robots and The Dark Abyss. Weak against some elementals.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "Unfortunatly you are unable to purchase this weapon. You either already own it, cannot afford it or untrained in this weapon type.";
Symbol 3483 Button
on (release) {
if ((((_root.boompurchase != 1) && ( >= 250)) && (_root.guild != "Knight")) && (_root.guild != "Mage")) {
_root.S_choice = 6;
_root.nopt = "Spiracete: Spining blade. Attack enemy from a distance with a powerful blade and catch them off guard. Can stun on first hit.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "Unfortunatly you are unable to purchase this weapon. You either already own it, cannot afford it or untrained in this weapon type.";
Symbol 3491 Button
on (press) {
_root.nopt.scroll = _root.nopt.scroll - 1;
Symbol 3492 Button
on (press) {
_root.nopt.scroll = _root.nopt.scroll + 1;
Symbol 3496 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.S_choice == 1) {
_root.Swordlvl = _root.Swordlvl + 1; = - _root.swordcost;
_root.swordcost = _root.swordcost + 100;
_root.swordstr = _root.swordstr + 6;
_root.nopt = "Good choice.";
_root.S_choice = 0;
_root.costmeh = _root.swordcost;
_root.mehstr = _root.swordstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Swordlvl;
if (_root.S_choice == 2) {
_root.Axelvl = _root.Axelvl + 1; = - _root.axecost;
_root.axecost = _root.axecost + 100;
_root.axestr = _root.axestr + 6;
_root.nopt = "Good choice.";
_root.S_choice = 0;
_root.costmeh = _root.axecost;
_root.mehstr = _root.axestr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Axelvl;
if (_root.S_choice == 3) {
_root.Spearlvl = _root.Spearlvl + 1; = - _root.spearcost;
_root.spearcost = _root.spearcost + 100;
_root.spearstr = _root.spearstr + 6;
_root.nopt = "Good choice.";
_root.S_choice = 0;
_root.costmeh = _root.spearcost;
_root.mehstr = _root.spearstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Spearlvl;
if (_root.S_choice == 4) {
_root.Laserlvl = _root.Laserlvl + 1; = - _root.lasercost;
_root.lasercost = _root.lasercost + 100;
_root.laserstr = _root.laserstr + 6;
_root.nopt = "Good choice.";
_root.S_choice = 0;
_root.costmeh = _root.lasercost;
_root.mehstr = _root.laserstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Laserlvl;
if (_root.S_choice == 5) {
_root.Saberlvl = _root.Saberlvl + 1; = - _root.sabercost;
_root.sabercost = _root.sabercost + 100;
_root.saberstr = _root.saberstr + 6;
_root.nopt = "Good choice.";
_root.S_choice = 0;
_root.costmeh = _root.sabercost;
_root.mehstr = _root.saberstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Saberlvl;
if (_root.S_choice == 6) {
_root.Boomlvl = _root.Boomlvl + 1; = - _root.boomcost;
_root.boomcost = _root.boomcost + 100;
_root.boomstr = _root.boomstr + 6;
_root.nopt = "Good choice.";
_root.S_choice = 0;
_root.costmeh = _root.boomcost;
_root.mehstr = _root.boomstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Boomlvl;
Symbol 3497 Button
on (release) {
_root.costmeh = _root.swordcost;
_root.mehstr = _root.swordstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Swordlvl;
if (((_root.swordpurchase == 1) and ( >= _root.swordcost)) and (_root.Swordlvl != 10)) {
_root.S_choice = 1;
_root.nopt = "Raise the fighting power of your sword.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "I am unable to upgrade this weapon.";
Symbol 3498 Button
on (release) {
_root.costmeh = _root.axecost;
_root.mehstr = _root.axestr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Axelvl;
if (((_root.axepurchase == 1) and ( >= _root.axecost)) and (_root.Axelvl != 10)) {
_root.S_choice = 2;
_root.nopt = "Raise the fighting power of your axe.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "I am unable to upgrade this weapon.";
Symbol 3499 Button
on (release) {
_root.costmeh = _root.spearcost;
_root.mehstr = _root.spearstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Spearlvl;
if (((_root.spearpurchase == 1) and ( >= _root.spearcost)) and (_root.Spearlvl != 10)) {
_root.S_choice = 3;
_root.nopt = "Raise the fighting power of your spear.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "I am unable to upgrade this weapon.";
Symbol 3500 Button
on (release) {
_root.costmeh = _root.lasercost;
_root.mehstr = _root.laserstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Laserlvl;
if (((_root.laserpurchase == 1) and ( >= _root.lasercost)) and (_root.Laserlvl != 10)) {
_root.S_choice = 4;
_root.nopt = "Raise the fighting power of your Plasma Rifle.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "I am unable to upgrade this weapon.";
Symbol 3501 Button
on (release) {
_root.costmeh = _root.sabercost;
_root.mehstr = _root.saberstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Saberlvl;
if (((_root.saberpurchase == 1) and ( >= _root.sabercost)) and (_root.Saberlvl != 10)) {
_root.S_choice = 5;
_root.nopt = "Raise the fighting power of your Energy Saber.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "I am unable to upgrade this weapon.";
Symbol 3502 Button
on (release) {
_root.costmeh = _root.boomcost;
_root.mehstr = _root.boomstr;
_root.mehlvl = _root.Boomlvl;
if (((_root.boompurchase == 1) and ( >= _root.boomcost)) and (_root.Boomlvl != 10)) {
_root.S_choice = 6;
_root.nopt = "Raise the fighting power of your Spinner Blade.";
} else {
_root.nopt = "I am unable to upgrade this weapon.";
Symbol 3515 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (32);
Symbol 3517 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (33);
Symbol 3524 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.generalstore == 1) and ( >= (_root.num1 * 50))) {
_root.Spotion = _root.Spotion + int(_root.num1); = - (_root.num1 * 50);
if ((_root.generalstore == 2) and ( >= (_root.num1 * 100))) {
_root.Mpotion = _root.Mpotion + int(_root.num1); = - (_root.num1 * 100);
if ((_root.generalstore == 3) and ( >= (_root.num1 * 300))) {
_root.Fpotion = _root.Fpotion + int(_root.num1); = - (_root.num1 * 300);
if ((_root.generalstore == 4) and ( >= (_root.num1 * 500))) {
_root.Magicpotion = _root.Magicpotion + int(_root.num1); = - (_root.num1 * 500);
_root.nopt = "Have a good day. Anything else?";
_root.generalstore = 0;
Symbol 3525 Button
on (release) {
_root.generalstore = 1;
_root.nopt = ("How many Small potions do you want? They heal 100 life points. $50 each. You have " + _root.Spotion) + " small potion/s.";
Symbol 3527 Button
on (release) {
_root.generalstore = 2;
_root.nopt = ("How many Medium potions do you want? They heal 50% of your health as well as 100 life points. $100 each. You have " + _root.Mpotion) + " medium potion/s.";
Symbol 3529 Button
on (release) {
_root.generalstore = 3;
_root.nopt = ("How many Large potions do you want? They heal 100%. $300 each. You have " + _root.Fpotion) + " Large potion/s.";
Symbol 3531 Button
on (release) {
_root.generalstore = 4;
_root.nopt = ("How many Magic Boost potions do you want? They restore 50% of your Magic. $500 each. You have " + _root.Magicpotion) + " magic potion/s.";
Symbol 3534 Button
on (release) {
_root.num1 = _root.num1 - 1;
if (_root.num1 < 1) {
_root.num1 = 1;
Symbol 3535 Button
on (release) {
_root.num1 = _root.num1 + 1;
if (_root.num1 > 99) {
_root.num1 = 99;
Symbol 3544 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3551 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (37);
Symbol 3553 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (38);
Symbol 3557 Button
on (press) {
_root.defence = _root.defenceTemp;
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = _root.torsoTemp;
_root.armorowned.footTypelvl = _root.footTemp;
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = _root.uparmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = _root.lowarmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = _root.lowlegTemp;
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = _root.uplegTemp;
if (_root.mainmenu == 1) {
gotoAndStop (26);
if (_root.mainmenu != 1) {
gotoAndStop (17);
Symbol 3558 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (56);
Symbol 3563 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl < 1) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +5 armor, +5% strength. Cost: $500 ";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +5 armor, +5% health, Cost: $500";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +5 armor, +5% health, Cost: $500";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +5 armor, +5% magic, Cost: $500";
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 3;
_root.custom1 = "torsoArc";
_root.custom2 = "torso";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 500;
Symbol 3565 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl > 0)) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +10 armor, +15% strength. Cost: $1000 ";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +10 armor, +15% health, Cost: $1000";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +10 armor, +15% health, Cost: $1000";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +10 armor, +15% magic, Cost: $1000";
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 4;
_root.custom1 = "torsoArc";
_root.custom2 = "torso";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 1000;
Symbol 3567 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl < 3) and (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl > 1)) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 3 Arcane armor - Stats: +20 armor, +25% strength. Cost: $2500";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 3 Arcane armor - Stats: +20 armor, +25% health, Cost: $2500";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 3 Arcane armor - Stats: +20 armor, +25% health, Cost: $2500";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 3 Arcane armor - Stats: +20 armor, +25% magic, Cost: $2500";
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 5;
_root.custom1 = "torsoArc";
_root.custom2 = "torso";
_root.custom3 = 3;
_root.chosencost = 2500;
Symbol 3569 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl < 4) and (_root.armorowned.torsoArclvl > 2)) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 4 Arcane armor - Stats: +30 armor, +50% strength. Cost: $5000 ";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 4 Arcane armor - Stats: +30 armor, +50% health, Cost: $5000";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 4 Arcane armor - Stats: +30 armor, +50% health, Cost: $5000";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 4 Arcane armor - Stats: +30 armor, +50% magic, Cost: $5000";
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 6;
_root.custom1 = "torsoArc";
_root.custom2 = "torso";
_root.custom3 = 4;
_root.chosencost = 5000;
Symbol 3571 Button
on (press) {
_root.defence = _root.defenceTemp;
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = _root.torsoTemp;
_root.armorowned.footTypelvl = _root.footTemp;
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = _root.uparmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = _root.lowarmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = _root.lowlegTemp;
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = _root.uplegTemp;
if (_root.mainmenu == 1) {
gotoAndStop (26);
if (_root.mainmenu != 1) {
gotoAndStop (17);
Symbol 3573 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl < 1) {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Advanced armor - Stats: +10 armor. Cost: $500";
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 7;
_root.custom1 = "torsoAdv";
_root.custom2 = "torso";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 500;
Symbol 3574 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl > 0)) {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Advanced armor - Stats: +20 armor. Cost: $1000";
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 8;
_root.custom1 = "torsoAdv";
_root.custom2 = "torso";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 1000;
Symbol 3575 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl < 3) and (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl > 1)) {
_root.nopt = "Level 3 Advanced armor - Stats: +30 armor. Cost: $2500";
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 9;
_root.custom1 = "torsoAdv";
_root.custom2 = "torso";
_root.custom3 = 3;
_root.chosencost = 2500;
Symbol 3576 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl < 4) and (_root.armorowned.torsoAdvlvl > 2)) {
_root.nopt = "Level 4 Advanced armor - Stats: +40 armor. Cost: $5000";
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = 10;
_root.custom1 = "torsoAdv";
_root.custom2 = "torso";
_root.custom3 = 4;
_root.chosencost = 5000;
Symbol 3578 Button
on (release) {
if (( >= _root.chosencost) && (_root.armorowned[_root.custom1 + "lvl"] != _root.custom3)) { = - _root.chosencost;
_root.nopt = "good purchase";
_root.armorowned[_root.custom1 + "lvl"] = _root.custom3;
_root[_root.custom2 + "Temp"] = _root.armorowned[_root.custom2 + "Typelvl"];
_root.defenceTemp = _root.defence;
} else {
_root.nopt = "You can't afford this item or already own it.";
Symbol 3579 Button
on (release) {
_root.defence = _root.defenceTemp;
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = _root.torsoTemp;
_root.armorowned.footTypelvl = _root.footTemp;
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = _root.uparmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = _root.lowarmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = _root.lowlegTemp;
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = _root.uplegTemp;
gotoAndStop (36);
Symbol 3587 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.uparmArclvl < 1) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% strength. Cost: $100 ";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% health, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% magic, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% magic attack, Cost: $100";
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 3;
_root.custom1 = "uparmArc";
_root.custom2 = "uparm";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 100;
Symbol 3588 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.uparmArclvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.uparmArclvl > 0)) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% strength. Cost: $300 ";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% health, Cost: $300";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% magic, Cost: $300";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% magic attack, Cost: $300";
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 4;
_root.custom1 = "uparmArc";
_root.custom2 = "uparm";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 300;
Symbol 3590 Button
on (release) {
_root.defence = _root.defenceTemp;
_root.armorowned.torsoTypelvl = _root.torsoTemp;
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = _root.uparmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = _root.lowarmTemp;
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = _root.lowlegTemp;
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = _root.uplegTemp;
gotoAndStop (36);
Symbol 3591 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl < 1) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% strength. Cost: $100 ";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% health, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% magic, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% magic attack, Cost: $100";
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 3;
_root.custom1 = "lowarmArc";
_root.custom2 = "lowarm";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 100;
Symbol 3592 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.lowarmArclvl > 0)) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% strength. Cost: $300 ";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% health, Cost: $300";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% magic, Cost: $300";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% magic attack, Cost: $300";
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 4;
_root.custom1 = "lowarmArc";
_root.custom2 = "lowarm";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 300;
Symbol 3593 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl < 1) {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Advanced armor - Stats: +2 armor. Cost: $100";
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 5;
_root.custom1 = "uparmAdv";
_root.custom2 = "uparm";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 100;
Symbol 3594 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.uparmAdvlvl > 0)) {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Advanced armor - Stats: +3 armor. Cost: $300 ";
_root.armorowned.uparmTypelvl = 6;
_root.custom1 = "uparmAdv";
_root.custom2 = "uparm";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 300;
Symbol 3595 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl < 1) {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Advanced armor - Stats: +2 armor. Cost: $100";
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 5;
_root.custom1 = "lowarmAdv";
_root.custom2 = "lowarm";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 100;
Symbol 3596 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.lowarmAdvlvl > 0)) {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Advanced armor - Stats: +3 armor. Cost: $300 ";
_root.armorowned.lowarmTypelvl = 6;
_root.custom1 = "lowarmAdv";
_root.custom2 = "lowarm";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 300;
Symbol 3605 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (41);
Symbol 3607 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (42);
Symbol 3611 Button
on (release) {
if ( >= 500) {
if (_root.nopt == "Cure spell selected, 100% chance of healing 50% of your wounds.") { = - 500;
_root.cure_spell = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Full heal spell selected, 50% chance of healing 100% of your wounds.") { = - 500;
_root.heal_spell = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Mana Charge spell selected, Restore 25%-50% of your mana but sacrifice 25%-50% of your health.") { = - 500;
_root.mana_spell = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Soul Steal spell selected, Steal 5%-30% of your enemies health.") { = - 500;
_root.soul_spell = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Spirit Drain spell selected, Steal 5%-50% of your enemies magic.") { = - 500;
_root.spirit_spell = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Barricade spell selected, Create a barricade to shield from enemie attacks.") { = - 500;
_root.barricade_spell = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
Symbol 3612 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (40);
Symbol 3630 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3637 Button
on (release) {
if ( >= 500) {
if (_root.nopt == "Fire element selected") { = - 500;
_root.fire_ele = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Water element selected") { = - 500;
_root.water_ele = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Ice element selected") { = - 500;
_root.ice_ele = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Electric element selected") { = - 500;
_root.electric_ele = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Light element selected") { = - 500;
_root.light_ele = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Dark element selected") { = - 500;
_root.dark_ele = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
Symbol 3649 Button
on (release) {
if ( >= 500) {
if (_root.nopt == "Brute selected, %50 more damage when in form and all attacks cause fire damage.") { = - 1000;
_root.brute_tran = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
if (_root.nopt == "Shiver selected, %50 more health when in form and all attacks cause ice damage.") { = - 1500;
_root.shiver_tran = 1;
_root.nopt = "Done deal";
Symbol 3657 Button
on (release) {
_root.sword_ele = "";
_root.axe_ele = "";
_root.spear_ele = "";
_root.saber_ele = "";
_root.laser_ele = "";
_root.boom_ele = "";
Symbol 3663 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.wep_ele == "Sword") {
_root.sword_ele = _root.ele_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Axe") {
_root.axe_ele = _root.ele_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Spear") {
_root.spear_ele = _root.ele_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Energy Saber") {
_root.saber_ele = _root.ele_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Plasma Rifle") {
_root.laser_ele = _root.ele_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Spinning Blade") {
_root.boom_ele = _root.ele_ele;
if (_root.wep_ele == "Staff") {
_root.staff_ele = _root.ele_ele;
Symbol 3669 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3671 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.wep_ele = "Sword";
if (_root.swordpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.wep_ele = "Sword";
if (_root.swordpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.wep_ele = "Energy Saber";
if (_root.saberpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
Symbol 3672 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.wep_ele = "Axe";
if (_root.axepurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.wep_ele = "Plasma Rifle";
if (_root.laserpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.wep_ele = "Plasma Rifle";
if (_root.laserpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
Symbol 3673 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.wep_ele = "Spear";
if (_root.spearpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.wep_ele = "Spinning Blade";
if (_root.boompurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.wep_ele = "Spinning Blade";
if (_root.boompurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
Symbol 3678 Button
on (release) {
_root.wep_ele = "Sword";
if (_root.swordpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
Symbol 3679 Button
on (release) {
_root.wep_ele = "Axe";
if (_root.axepurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
Symbol 3680 Button
on (release) {
_root.wep_ele = "Spear";
if (_root.spearpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
Symbol 3684 Button
on (release) {
_root.wep_ele = "Plasma Rifle";
if (_root.laserpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
Symbol 3685 Button
on (release) {
_root.wep_ele = "Energy Saber";
if (_root.saberpurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
Symbol 3686 Button
on (release) {
_root.wep_ele = "Spinning Blade";
if (_root.boompurchase != 1) {
_root.wep_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.wep_ele;
Symbol 3690 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
wep = "Staff";
Instance of Symbol 3669 MovieClip in Symbol 3690 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.guild != "Mage") && (_root.lethalmode != 1)) {
if (_root.lethalmode == 1) {
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 3690 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
wep1 = "Sword";
wep2 = "Axe";
wep3 = "Spear";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
wep1 = "Sword";
wep2 = "Plasma Rifle";
wep3 = "Spinning Blade";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
wep1 = "Energy Saber";
wep2 = "Plasma Rifle";
wep3 = "Spinning Blade";
Instance of Symbol 3669 MovieClip in Symbol 3690 MovieClip Frame 2
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 3690 MovieClip Frame 3
wep1 = "Sword";
wep2 = "Axe";
wep3 = "Spear";
wep4 = "Energy Saber";
wep5 = "Plasma Rifle";
wep6 = "Spinning Blade";
Symbol 3693 Button
on (release) {
_root.ele_ele = "Fire";
if (_root.fire_ele != 1) {
_root.ele_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.ele_ele;
Symbol 3694 Button
on (release) {
_root.ele_ele = "Water";
if (_root.water_ele != 1) {
_root.ele_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.ele_ele;
Symbol 3695 Button
on (release) {
_root.ele_ele = "Electric";
if (_root.electric_ele != 1) {
_root.ele_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.ele_ele;
Symbol 3696 Button
on (release) {
_root.ele_ele = "Ice";
if (_root.ice_ele != 1) {
_root.ele_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.ele_ele;
Symbol 3697 Button
on (release) {
_root.ele_ele = "Light";
if (_root.light_ele != 1) {
_root.ele_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.ele_ele;
Symbol 3698 Button
on (release) {
_root.ele_ele = "Dark";
if (_root.dark_ele != 1) {
_root.ele_ele = "Unavailable";
wep = _root.ele_ele;
Symbol 3705 Button
on (release) {
_root.ele_ele = "None";
wep = _root.ele_ele;
Symbol 3707 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 3669 MovieClip in Symbol 3707 MovieClip Frame 1
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 3707 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
wep1 = "Sword";
wep2 = "Axe";
wep3 = "Spear";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
wep1 = "Sword";
wep2 = "Plasma Rifle";
wep3 = "Spinning Blade";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
wep1 = "Energy Saber";
wep2 = "Plasma Rifle";
wep3 = "Spinning Blade";
Instance of Symbol 3669 MovieClip in Symbol 3707 MovieClip Frame 2
on (press) {
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 3708 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.hunter_pts >= _root.abba) {
_root.hunter_pts = _root.hunter_pts - _root.abba;
_root.exchanged = _root.exchanged + _root.abba;
_root.baab; = + (_root.abba / 2);
Symbol 3709 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (46);
Symbol 3712 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.hunter_pts >= _root.baab) {
_root.hunter_pts = _root.hunter_pts - _root.baab;
_root.exchanged = _root.exchanged + _root.baab;
_root.XP = _root.XP + _root.baab;
Symbol 3713 Button
on (release) {
_root.abba = _root.abba - 10;
if (_root.abba < 10) {
_root.abba = 10;
Symbol 3714 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.abba != 900) {
_root.abba = _root.abba + 10;
Symbol 3718 Button
on (release) {
_root.baab = _root.baab - 10;
if (_root.baab < 10) {
_root.baab = 10;
Symbol 3719 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.baab != 900) {
_root.baab = _root.baab + 10;
Symbol 3733 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (45);
Symbol 3741 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.hunter_pts >= 600) and (_root.Elevel != 10)) {
_root.hunter_pts = _root.hunter_pts - 600;
_root.exchanged = _root.exchanged + 600;
_root.Elevel = _root.Elevel + 1;
Symbol 3747 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.hunter_pts >= 600) and (_root.Slevel != 10)) {
_root.hunter_pts = _root.hunter_pts - 600;
_root.exchanged = _root.exchanged + 600;
_root.Slevel = _root.Slevel + 1;
Symbol 3751 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.hunter_pts >= 600) and (_root.Mlevel != 10)) {
_root.hunter_pts = _root.hunter_pts - 600;
_root.exchanged = _root.exchanged + 600;
_root.Mlevel = _root.Mlevel + 1;
Symbol 3770 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 250, 37, 10);
Symbol 3772 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, -280, 31, 10);
Symbol 3776 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 390, 33, 10);
Symbol 3781 Button
on (release) {
_root.locate = 18;
gotoAndPlay (18);
Symbol 3785 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 3800 Button
on (release) {
_root.locate = 20;
gotoAndPlay (18);
Symbol 3802 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 250, 41, 10);
Symbol 3804 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 250, 47, 10);
Symbol 3807 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 3821 Button
on (release) {
_root.locate = 22;
gotoAndPlay (18);
Symbol 3823 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 190, -250, 54, 10);
Symbol 3824 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 250, 50, 10);
Symbol 3826 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 250, 63, 10);
Symbol 3830 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 3835 Button
on (release) {
_root.locate = 21;
gotoAndPlay (18);
Symbol 3838 Button
on (press) {
_root.mainmenu = 0;
_root.navi_func(1, 200, 390, 55, 10);
Symbol 3840 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 3845 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3850 Button
on (release) {
_root.notepaded.scroll = _root.notepaded.scroll - 100;
if (_root.RTF == 1) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Who are you?") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: The RTF leader of Beatrice, my name is Natasha Uzikako. I was 18 when I joined the RTF and am now I am one of the highest ranked officials in the organisation.";
if (_root.RTF == 2) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Who are you?") + "\n\nVergilius RTF Leader: The RTF leader of Vergiliuse, my name is Inasha. I don't know why I'm telling you this as we've already met on a number of occasions.";
if (_root.RTF == 3) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Who are you?") + "\n\nDantes RTF Leader: The RTF leader of Dantes, my name is Zypher. You know that, we 've worked together before, remember?";
Symbol 3853 Button
on (release) {
_root.notepaded.scroll = _root.notepaded.scroll - 100;
if (_root.RTF == 1) {
if (_root.mainquest == 2) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: Head north to summerset cave and rid the place of the Dark Abyss General. I believe it is a water general so you might want to buy a fire element form the spell shop.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 4) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: The RTF Leader on Vergilius wants a word with you. Head over there by using your ship. She will be outside the RTF Centre in Purgatorio City.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 14) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: Take your ship over to the planet Styx. Unfortunatly the landing points are scarce, you may need to walk to the base from the landing point.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 18) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: Take your ship over to the planet Paradiso and meet Zypher there at the RTF Base.";
} else {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: I'm afraid I can't help you at this current time. If you're stuck, check your quest log";
if (_root.RTF == 2) {
if (_root.mainquest == 5) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nI have a friend down at Cantos Drop, head south past the Pathway of Limbo and meet him as far south as possible. Near where you landed here for the first time back before we met. He'll fill you in.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 9) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nThe Dark Abyss have set up reactors on each planet they dominate, which link back to their true power source whatever that might be. I want you to investigate these reactors. We have located one on Beatrice near the Shoreline Retreat. When you believe you have enough information on the device, destroy it. It will cripple the Abyss by cutting them off from their power source.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 11) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nQuickly, head to the Divine Woods from the South-East Exit. Find the Spire and destroy it. It will be deep in the wood.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 13) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nGo meet with the RTF leader on Beatrice.";
} else {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nVergilius RTF Leader: I'm afraid I can't help you at this current time. If you're stuck, check your quest log";
if (_root.RTF == 3) {
if (_root.mainquest == 19) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nDantes RTF Leader: To the north of our location is a gateway the Abyss use to travel to the meteors location. It uses the same energy that the Abyss live off. To use the teleporter you need to obtain something that also holds that power. An orb similar to the one you found in the Divine Wood but much more powerful. I Believe one exists on the planet Alpha #126. The planet is quite dangerous but it is our only option. Can you do it? Good Luck.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 20) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nDantes RTF Leader: Defeat all the Abyss in all the regions in the galaxy.";
} else if (_root.mainquest == 21) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nDantes RTF Leader: Head east and then north to the Abyss mines. Enter and navigate the mines in order to find the teleporter. Use that orb on the teleporter to travel to the meteor.";
} else {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What must I do?") + "\n\nDantes RTF Leader: I'm afraid I can't help you at this current time. If you're stuck, check your quest log";
Symbol 3855 Button
on (release) {
_root.notepaded.scroll = _root.notepaded.scroll - 100;
if ((_root.RTF == 1) and (_root.fem != 1)) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Nice outfit.") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: Stop looking at my cleavage and get to work would you.";
if ((_root.RTF == 1) and (_root.fem == 1)) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Nice outfit.") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: Why thank you. I made it myself.";
if ((_root.RTF == 2) and (_root.fem != 1)) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Nice outfit.") + "\n\nVergilius RTF Leader: Get to work would ya.";
if ((_root.RTF == 2) and (_root.fem == 1)) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Nice outfit.") + "\n\nVergilius RTF Leader: I'm too busy for chit chat, sorry.";
if ((_root.RTF == 3) and (_root.fem != 1)) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Nice outfit.") + "\n\nDantes RTF Leader: Well isn't that sweet of you.";
if ((_root.RTF == 3) and (_root.fem == 1)) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Nice outfit.") + "\n\nDantes RTF Leader: Thanks.";
Symbol 3857 Button
on (release) {
_root.notepaded.scroll = _root.notepaded.scroll - 100;
if (_root.RTF == 1) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Any news?") + "\n\nBeatrice RTF Leader: The Dark Abyss have been around since the beginning of the universe and believe they own it. As we get stronger they get more angered. Defeating the Krytick has sent them into a frenzy.";
if (_root.RTF == 2) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Any news?") + "\n\nVergilius RTF Leader: Things are tough and you have alternate reasons for joining us I know but if you help us out I'm sure I can help you out with what they did to your home world.";
if (_root.RTF == 3) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Any news?") + "\n\nDantes RTF Leader: Dantes no longer has any importance in this war. I have chosen to spend my time helping out my fellow RTF members in Paridiso, or whats left of it.";
Symbol 3872 Button
on (release) {
if (( >= _root.chosencost) && (_root.picked != 0)) {
if (_root.picked == 1) { = - 200; = 1; = 1;
_root.nopt = "Goblin purchased.";
if (_root.picked == 2) { = - 800; = 1; = 2;
_root.nopt = "Crazed Goblin purchased.";
if (_root.picked == 3) { = - 2000; = 1; = 3;
_root.nopt = "Assault Goblin purchased.";
if (_root.picked == 4) { = - 200; = 1; = 4;
_root.nopt = "Greyhound purchased.";
if (_root.picked == 5) { = - 800; = 1; = 5;
_root.nopt = "White wolf purchased.";
if (_root.picked == 6) { = - 2000; = 1; = 6;
_root.nopt = "Black wolf purchased.";
Symbol 3875 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
_root.picked = 4;
_root.chosencost = 200;
_root.nopt = "Greyhound Selected. Level 1 pet. Strength = 25, Stamina = 35, cost = $200. This pet is fused with 'Light'.";
if ( == 1) {
_root.nopt = "You already own this pet.";
Symbol 3876 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
_root.picked = 5;
_root.chosencost = 1000;
_root.nopt = "White wolf Selected. Level 2 pet. Strength = 50, Stamina = 45, cost = $1000. This pet is fused with 'Ice'.";
if ( == 1) {
_root.nopt = "You already own this pet.";
Symbol 3877 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
_root.picked = 1;
_root.chosencost = 200;
_root.nopt = "Goblin Selected. Level 1 pet. Strength = 15, Stamina = 50, cost = $200. This pet is fused with 'Light'.";
if ( == 1) {
_root.nopt = "You already own this pet.";
Symbol 3878 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
_root.picked = 2;
_root.chosencost = 1000;
_root.nopt = "Crazed Goblin Selected. Level 2 pet. Strength = 25, Stamina = 75, cost = $1000. This pet is fused with 'Fire'.";
if ( == 1) {
_root.nopt = "You already own this pet.";
Symbol 3879 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
_root.picked = 3;
_root.chosencost = 2000;
_root.nopt = "Assault Goblin Selected. Level 3 pet. Strength = 50, Stamina = 100, cost = $2000. This pet is fused with 'Water'.";
if ( == 1) {
_root.nopt = "You already own this pet.";
Symbol 3880 Button
on (press) {
if ( != 1) {
_root.picked = 6;
_root.chosencost = 2000;
_root.nopt = "Black wolf Selected. Level 3 pet. Strength = 125, Stamina = 50, cost = $2000. This pet is fused with 'Dark'.";
if ( == 1) {
_root.nopt = "You already own this pet.";
Symbol 3884 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.uplegArclvl < 1) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% strength, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% health, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% magic, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% magic attack, Cost: $100";
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 3;
_root.custom1 = "uplegArc";
_root.custom2 = "upleg";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 100;
Symbol 3885 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.uplegArclvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.uplegArclvl > 0)) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% strength Cost: $500";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% health, Cost: $500";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% magic, Cost: $500";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% magic attack, Cost: $500";
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 4;
_root.custom1 = "uplegArc";
_root.custom2 = "upleg";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 500;
Symbol 3887 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl < 1) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% strength, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% health, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% magic, Cost: $100";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Arcane armor - Stats: +1 armor, +1% magic attack, Cost: $100";
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 3;
_root.custom1 = "lowlegArc";
_root.custom2 = "lowleg";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 100;
Symbol 3888 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.lowlegArclvl > 0)) {
if (_root.guild == "Knight") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% strength, Cost: $500";
if (_root.guild == "Noble") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% health, Cost: $500";
if (_root.guild == "Rogue") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% magic, Cost: $500";
if (_root.guild == "Mage") {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Arcane armor - Stats: +2 armor, +2% magic attack, Cost: $500";
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 4;
_root.custom1 = "lowlegArc";
_root.custom2 = "lowleg";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 500;
Symbol 3890 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl < 1) {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Advanced armor - Stats: +2 armor, Cost: $100";
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 5;
_root.custom1 = "uplegAdv";
_root.custom2 = "upleg";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 100;
Symbol 3891 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.uplegAdvlvl > 0)) {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Advanced armor - Stats: +3 armor, Cost: $500";
_root.armorowned.uplegTypelvl = 6;
_root.custom1 = "uplegAdv";
_root.custom2 = "upleg";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 500;
Symbol 3892 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl < 1) {
_root.nopt = "Level 1 Advanced armor - Stats: +2 armor, Cost: $100";
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 5;
_root.custom1 = "lowlegAdv";
_root.custom2 = "lowleg";
_root.custom3 = 1;
_root.chosencost = 100;
Symbol 3893 Button
on (release) {
if ((_root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl < 2) and (_root.armorowned.lowlegAdvlvl > 0)) {
_root.nopt = "Level 2 Advanced armor - Stats: +3 armor, Cost: $500";
_root.armorowned.lowlegTypelvl = 6;
_root.custom1 = "lowlegAdv";
_root.custom2 = "lowleg";
_root.custom3 = 2;
_root.chosencost = 500;
Symbol 3898 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3900 Button
on (release) {
_root.notepaded.scroll = _root.notepaded.scroll - 100;
if (_root.EVIL == 1) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Who are you?") + "\n\nWater General: I am a Water General for the all mighty Draken Distinctus. Although you may often refer to us as the Dark Abyss. We are all powerful and unstoppable as you will soon see.";
if (_root.EVIL == 2) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Who are you?") + "\n\nFire General: I am a Fire General for the all mighty Draken Distinctus. Although you may often refer to us as the Dark Abyss. I am the brother of the Water General you destroyed.";
if (_root.EVIL == 3) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Who are you?") + "\n\nIce General: I am a Ice General for the all mighty Draken Distinctus. Although you may often refer to us as the Dark Abyss. I am all powerful thanks to this Spire.";
if (_root.EVIL == 4) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Who are you?") + "\n\nLight General: I am a Light General for the all mighty Draken Distinctus. Although you may often refer to us as the Dark Abyss. I am all powerful thanks to this Spire.";
if (_root.EVIL == 7) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Who are you?") + "\n\nTyrant: No more talking!";
if (_root.EVIL == 8) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Who are you?") + "\n\nFatal: I am Fatal Draken Distinctus, the most powerful force in the universe!";
Symbol 3901 Button
on (release) {
_root.notepaded.scroll = _root.notepaded.scroll - 100;
if (_root.EVIL == 1) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What are you doing?") + "\n\nWater General: Setting up a HQ in this cave. Construction is just about to begin so I will make this quick and painful!!";
if (_root.EVIL == 2) {
_root.notepad = (((_root.YName + ": What are you doing?") + "\n\nFire General: I am the guard of the Draken Spire. I will never let you or anyone any closer to it.\n\n") + _root.YName) + ": So that was what you were building down in the caves. Your brother was the guardian of the Abyss Spire you were constructing.";
if (_root.EVIL == 3) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What are you doing?") + "\n\nIce General: I am the guard of the Draken Spire. I will never let you or anyone any closer to it.";
if (_root.EVIL == 4) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What are you doing?") + "\n\nLight General: I am the guard of the Draken Spire. Go on then destroy it. If you can!";
if (_root.EVIL == 7) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What are you doing?") + "\n\nTyrant: No more talking!";
if (_root.EVIL == 8) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": What are you doing?") + "\n\nFatal: Trying to control all and everything.";
Symbol 3903 Button
on (release) {
_root.notepaded.scroll = _root.notepaded.scroll - 100;
if (_root.EVIL == 1) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Well you look more like a walking fish tank than an enemy?") + "\n\nWater General: .... \n\nThe Generals anger has risen";
if (_root.EVIL == 2) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": Your brother was a pussy.") + "\n\nWater General: I'll make you eat those words as well as my laser sword.";
if (_root.EVIL == 3) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": You look a bit cold in that, can I get you a blanky.") + "\n\nIce General: Haha, was that some form of insult. You can do better than that can't you.";
if (_root.EVIL == 4) {
_root.notepad = _root.YName + ": Bring it on tin can!.";
if (_root.EVIL == 7) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": You could lose a few pounds.") + "\n\nTyrant: Bah, this is pure muscle.";
if (_root.EVIL == 8) {
_root.notepad = (_root.YName + ": I'm not afraid of you.") + "\n\nFatal: Well you should be.";
Symbol 3905 Button
on (release) {
_root.notepaded.scroll = _root.notepaded.scroll - 100;
if (_root.EVIL == 1) {
_root.locate = 27;
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.EVIL == 2) {
_root.locate = 34;
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.EVIL == 3) {
_root.locate = 37;
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.EVIL == 4) {
_root.locate = 38;
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.EVIL == 7) {
_root.locate = 47;
gotoAndPlay (18);
if (_root.EVIL == 8) {
_root.locate = 49;
gotoAndPlay (18);
Symbol 3911 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 3912 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 3913 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 3914 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 3915 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (8);
Symbol 3916 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (9);
Symbol 3923 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 3927 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 3929 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 3947 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3953 Button
on (release) {
if (((_root.PIN == "XZCY") || (_root.PIN == "xzcy")) && ( != 1)) { = + 1000; = 1;
Symbol 3957 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.mainmenu == 1) {
gotoAndStop (26);
if (_root.mainmenu != 1) {
gotoAndStop (17);
Symbol 3977 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 3990 Button
on (release) {
_root.locate = 28;;
Symbol 3994 Button
on (release) {
_root.side.one_dead2 = 0;
Symbol 3996 Button
on (release) {
_root.side.one_dead2 = 1;
Symbol 4002 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (17);
Symbol 4031 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4031 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 4031 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 4032 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4067 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 4075 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.spirehealth = 100;
if (_root.EVIL == 2) {
if (_root.EVIL == 3) {
if (_root.EVIL == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 4021 MovieClip in Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.ready = 1;
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 4
ranman = random(7);
if (ranman == 0) {
_root.keytype = 38;
_root.goodturn = "good4";
_root.badturn = "bad4";
} else if (ranman == 1) {
_root.keytype = 40;
_root.goodturn = "good2";
_root.badturn = "bad2";
} else if ((ranman == 2) || (ranman == 6)) {
_root.keytype = 37;
_root.goodturn = "good3";
_root.badturn = "bad3";
} else if (((ranman == 3) || (ranman == 4)) || (ranman == 5)) {
_root.keytype = 39;
_root.goodturn = "good1";
_root.badturn = "bad1";
Instance of Symbol 4034 MovieClip in Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (_root.ready == 1) {
_root.hitbutton(_root.keytype, _root.goodturn, _root.badturn);
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 26
if (_root.EVIL == 2) {
_root.spirehealth = _root.spirehealth - 20;
} else if (_root.EVIL == 3) {
_root.spirehealth = _root.spirehealth - 15;
} else if (_root.EVIL == 4) {
_root.spirehealth = _root.spirehealth - 10;
} else {
_root.spirehealth = _root.spirehealth - 10;
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 27
if (_root.spirehealth <= 1) {
_root.ready = 0;
_root.spirehealth = 1;
gotoAndPlay ("success");
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 41
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 61
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 72
gotoAndStop ("die");
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 88
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 101
gotoAndStop ("die");
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 127
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 136
gotoAndStop ("die");
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 169
if (_root.EVIL == 2) {
_root.mainquest = 10;
if (_root.EVIL == 3) {
_root.mainquest = 12;
if (_root.EVIL == 4) {
_root.mainquest = 17;
Symbol 4076 MovieClip Frame 175
Symbol 4156 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 4179 MovieClip Frame 1
more_btn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 4179 MovieClip Frame 185