Frame 1
dx = 0;
dy = 0;
progress_type = 0;
line_thickness = 2;
text_format = new textformat("Verdana", 11, 5592405, 1);
text_align = 2;
display = 2;
os_width = 100;
os_height = 10;
os_line_color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
os_line_alpha = 30;
os_fill_type = 1;
os_fill_colors = [13684960, 13684960];
os_fill_alphas = [255, 255];
os_fill_ratios = [0, 255];
os_roundness = 100;
is_padding = 0;
is_line_color = 6332208 /* 0x609F30 */;
is_line_alpha = 30;
is_fill_type = 1;
is_fill_colors = [3487029, 16777215];
is_fill_alphas = [255, 255];
is_fill_ratios = [0, 255];
is_roundness = 100;
delay_showing = 0;
rrect = function (mc, tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y, roundness) {
var r = ((math.min(br_x - tl_x, br_y - tl_y) * roundness) / 200);
var ex = r;
var ey = 0;
mc.moveto(br_x, tl_y + r);
var a = 45;
while (a < 405) {
if (a % 90) {
var x = ((!((90 < a) and (a < 270))) ? (br_x - r) : (tl_x + r));
var y = ((180 >= a) ? (br_y - r) : (tl_y + r));
mc.curveto(ex + x, ey + y, ex + x, ey + y);
ex = r * math.cos(a / 57.2960014343262);
ey = r * math.sin(a / 57.2960014343262);
var cx = (ex + ((r * 0.414209991693497) * math.sin(a / 57.2960014343262)));
var cy = (ey - ((r * 0.414209991693497) * math.cos(a / 57.2960014343262)));
mc.curveto(cx + x, cy + y, ex + x, ey + y);
a = a + 45;
ip = math.min(is_padding, math.min(os_width, os_height) / 2);
hw = os_width / 2;
hh = os_height / 2;
r = 1.5 * math.sqrt((hw * hw) + (hh * hh));
p = createemptymovieclip("p_mc", l);
p.createemptymovieclip("os", 1);
p.createemptymovieclip("is", 2);
p.createemptymovieclip("m", 3);
p.createtextfield("l", 4, 0, 0, 0, 0);;
p.l.selectable = false;
p.l.autosize = "center";
p._x = (stage.width / 2) + dx;
p._y = (stage.height / 2) + dy;
p.os.linestyle(line_thickness, os_line_color, os_line_alpha);
p.os.begingradientfill(((os_fill_type >= 2) ? "radial" : "linear"), os_fill_colors, os_fill_alphas, os_fill_ratios, {matrixtype:"box", x:-hw, y:-hh, w:2 * hw, h:2 * hh, r:((!os_fill_type) ? 0 : ((-math.pi) / 2))});
rrect(p.os, -hw, -hh, hw, hh, os_roundness);
p.os.linestyle(line_thickness, is_line_color, is_line_alpha);
rrect(p.os, ip - hw, ip - hh, hw - ip, hh - ip, is_roundness);, is_line_color, is_line_alpha); >= 2) ? "radial" : "linear"), is_fill_colors, is_fill_alphas, is_fill_ratios, {matrixtype:"box", x:ip - hw, y:ip - hh, w:2 * (hw - ip), h:2 * (hh - ip), r:((!is_fill_type) ? 0 : ((-math.pi) / 2))});
rrect(, ip - hw, ip - hh, hw - ip, hh - ip, is_roundness);;
onenterframe = function () {
p._visible = delay_showing < getTimer();
perc = getbytesloaded() / getbytestotal();
if (perc < 1) {
p.m.linestyle(line_thickness, 0);
if (progress_type == 0) {
rrect(p.m, ip - hw, ip - hh, (ip - hw) + ((2 * (hw - ip)) * perc), hh - ip, 0);
} else if (progress_type == 1) {
rrect(p.m, ip - hw, (ip - hh) + ((2 * (hh - ip)) * (1 - perc)), hw - ip, hh - ip, 0);
} else {
p.m.moveto(0, 0);
var a = 0;
while (360 >= a) {
var a0 = (math.min(a, perc * 360) / 57.2960014343262);
p.m.lineto(r * math.sin(a0), (-r) * math.cos(a0));
a = a + 45;
if (display) {
p.l.text = ((1 >= display) ? (math.floor(100 * perc) + " %") : (math.floor(getbytesloaded() / 1024) + " KB"));
p.l._y = (((text_align - 1) * (hh + p.l.textheight)) - (p.l.textheight / 2)) - 2;
} else {
onenterframe = null;
gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 2
if (perc != 1) {
Frame 3
r = function () {
return(math.floor(math.random() * 16777215));
n = "watermark" + r();
attachmovie("k_watermark", n, 14050, {_alpha:6});
c = new color(this[n]);
delete c;
delete n;
delete r;
Frame 10
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1
function $av(mc) {
mc._visible = 1 < mc._alpha;
function $ord(o) {
if ((o != $pr_ord) or (13 < o)) {
$pr_ord = o;
$ta = new array();
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
$ta[$i] = {$i:$i};
$ta[$i].s = 20000000 + ((o >= 2) ? (((o >= 4) ? (((o >= 6) ? (((o >= 8) ? (((o >= 10) ? (mc.__x - mc.__y) : (mc.__x + mc.__y))) : (mc.__y))) : (mc.__x))) : ((mc.__x * mc.__x) + (mc.__y * mc.__y)))) : (mc._i));
$ta[$i].s = ((o >= 12) ? (((o >= 14) ? (math.random()) : ((7.85340023040771 + math.atan2(mc.__y, mc.__x)) % 6.28319978713989))) : ($ta[$i].s));
if (o % 2) {
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
$ta[$i] = $smc[$ta[$i].$i];
$smc = $ta;
initial_wait = 0;
$padding = 0;
out_effect = 0;
lastsubframe = 12;
sub_delay = 5;
sub_order = 3;
glow_delay = 2;
glow_factor = 0.5;
loop_delay = -1;
main_init = function (mc) {
main_effect = function (mc, frame) {
if (subs_done) {
end_effect = true;
sub_init = function (mc) {
if (!out_effect) {
mc._alpha = 0;
sub_effect = function (mc, frame) {
perc = frame / lastsubframe;
if (out_effect) {
perc = 1 - perc;
mc._alpha = perc * 100;
mc._x = mc.__x * math.sin(perc * deg90);
mc._y = mc.__y * math.sin(perc * deg90);
mc._xscale = 100 * math.sin(perc * deg90);
mc._yscale = 100 + (900 * math.cos(perc * deg90));
mc._rotation = 180 + (perc * 180);
if (frame == lastsubframe) {
mc.done = true;
for ($i in this) {
if (typeof(this[$i]) == "movieclip") {
$mmc = this[$i];
$smc = new array();
for ($i in $mmc) {
if (typeof($mmc[$i]) == "movieclip") {
$sub_cnt = $smc.length;
glow_factor = ((glow_factor >= 0.100000001490116) ? (((0.899999976158142 >= glow_factor) ? (glow_factor) : 0.5)) : 0.5);
$i = 0;
while (360 >= $i) {
this["deg" + $i] = ($i * math.pi) / 180;
$i = $i + 15;
$mmc.__x = $mmc._x;
$mmc.__y = $mmc._y;
$buf = new array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
mc._i = $i;
mc.done = (mc.$gd = 0);
mc.__x = mc._x;
mc.__y = mc._y;
mc.swapdepths(($i * 10) + 5);
if ((0 < glow_delay) and (1 < mc._alpha)) {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $i, $i * 10);
$mmc["$gm" + $i]._alpha = $mmc["$gm" + $i]._alpha * glow_factor;
frame = 0;
$loop_tm = loop_delay;
onenterframe = function () {
if (end_effect) {
if (loop_delay < 0) {
onenterframe = null;
} else if (0 < $loop_tm) {
} else {
$mmc._x = $mmc.__x;
$mmc._y = $mmc.__y;
$mmc._xscale = ($mmc._yscale = ($mmc._alpha = 100));
$mmc._rotation = (subs_done = (end_effect = 0));
$i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
$j = mc._i;
mc._x = mc.__x;
mc._y = mc.__y;
mc._xscale = (mc._yscale = (mc._alpha = 100));
mc._rotation = (mc.done = (mc.$gd = 0));
if (0 < glow_delay) {
if (1 < mc._alpha) {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $j, $j * 10);
$mmc["$gm" + $j]._alpha = $mmc["$gm" + $j]._alpha * glow_factor;
} else {
$mmc["$gm" + $j].removemovieclip();
frame = 0;
$loop_tm = loop_delay;
} else {
if (!subs_done) {
$done_cnt = 0;
$buf_idx = (frame % glow_delay) * $sub_cnt;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
$j = mc._i;
if (mc.done) {
if ((0 < glow_delay) and (mc.$gd < glow_delay)) {
if ((mc.$gd == glow_delay) and (mc._alpha >= 99)) {
$mmc["$gm" + $j].removemovieclip();
} else {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $j, $j * 10, $buf[$buf_idx]);
$av($mmc["$gm" + $j]);
} else {
} else {
$sub_fr = frame - ($i * sub_delay);
if (0 < $sub_fr) {
sub_effect(mc, $sub_fr);
if (0 < glow_delay) {
if (0 < ($sub_fr - glow_delay)) {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $j, $j * 10, $buf[$buf_idx]);
$av($mmc["$gm" + $j]);
$buf[$buf_idx] = {_x:mc._x, _y:mc._y, _xscale:mc._xscale, _yscale:mc._yscale, _rotation:mc._rotation, _alpha:mc._alpha * glow_factor};
if ($sub_cnt == $done_cnt) {
subs_done = true;
main_effect($mmc, frame);
if (0 < initial_wait) {
$e = onenterframe;
onenterframe = function () {
if (initial_wait == 0) {
onenterframe = $e;
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1
function $av(mc) {
mc._visible = 1 < mc._alpha;
function $ord(o) {
if ((o != $pr_ord) or (13 < o)) {
$pr_ord = o;
$ta = new array();
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
$ta[$i] = {$i:$i};
$ta[$i].s = 20000000 + ((o >= 2) ? (((o >= 4) ? (((o >= 6) ? (((o >= 8) ? (((o >= 10) ? (mc.__x - mc.__y) : (mc.__x + mc.__y))) : (mc.__y))) : (mc.__x))) : ((mc.__x * mc.__x) + (mc.__y * mc.__y)))) : (mc._i));
$ta[$i].s = ((o >= 12) ? (((o >= 14) ? (math.random()) : ((7.85340023040771 + math.atan2(mc.__y, mc.__x)) % 6.28319978713989))) : ($ta[$i].s));
if (o % 2) {
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
$ta[$i] = $smc[$ta[$i].$i];
$smc = $ta;
initial_wait = 0;
$padding = 0;
out_effect = 0;
lastsubframe = 12;
sub_delay = 5;
sub_order = 3;
glow_delay = 2;
glow_factor = 0.5;
loop_delay = -1;
main_init = function (mc) {
main_effect = function (mc, frame) {
if (subs_done) {
end_effect = true;
sub_init = function (mc) {
if (!out_effect) {
mc._alpha = 0;
sub_effect = function (mc, frame) {
perc = frame / lastsubframe;
if (out_effect) {
perc = 1 - perc;
mc._alpha = perc * 100;
mc._x = mc.__x * math.sin(perc * deg90);
mc._y = mc.__y * math.sin(perc * deg90);
mc._xscale = 100 * math.sin(perc * deg90);
mc._yscale = 100 + (900 * math.cos(perc * deg90));
mc._rotation = 180 + (perc * 180);
if (frame == lastsubframe) {
mc.done = true;
for ($i in this) {
if (typeof(this[$i]) == "movieclip") {
$mmc = this[$i];
$smc = new array();
for ($i in $mmc) {
if (typeof($mmc[$i]) == "movieclip") {
$sub_cnt = $smc.length;
glow_factor = ((glow_factor >= 0.100000001490116) ? (((0.899999976158142 >= glow_factor) ? (glow_factor) : 0.5)) : 0.5);
$i = 0;
while (360 >= $i) {
this["deg" + $i] = ($i * math.pi) / 180;
$i = $i + 15;
$mmc.__x = $mmc._x;
$mmc.__y = $mmc._y;
$buf = new array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
mc._i = $i;
mc.done = (mc.$gd = 0);
mc.__x = mc._x;
mc.__y = mc._y;
mc.swapdepths(($i * 10) + 5);
if ((0 < glow_delay) and (1 < mc._alpha)) {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $i, $i * 10);
$mmc["$gm" + $i]._alpha = $mmc["$gm" + $i]._alpha * glow_factor;
frame = 0;
$loop_tm = loop_delay;
onenterframe = function () {
if (end_effect) {
if (loop_delay < 0) {
onenterframe = null;
} else if (0 < $loop_tm) {
} else {
$mmc._x = $mmc.__x;
$mmc._y = $mmc.__y;
$mmc._xscale = ($mmc._yscale = ($mmc._alpha = 100));
$mmc._rotation = (subs_done = (end_effect = 0));
$i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
$j = mc._i;
mc._x = mc.__x;
mc._y = mc.__y;
mc._xscale = (mc._yscale = (mc._alpha = 100));
mc._rotation = (mc.done = (mc.$gd = 0));
if (0 < glow_delay) {
if (1 < mc._alpha) {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $j, $j * 10);
$mmc["$gm" + $j]._alpha = $mmc["$gm" + $j]._alpha * glow_factor;
} else {
$mmc["$gm" + $j].removemovieclip();
frame = 0;
$loop_tm = loop_delay;
} else {
if (!subs_done) {
$done_cnt = 0;
$buf_idx = (frame % glow_delay) * $sub_cnt;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
$j = mc._i;
if (mc.done) {
if ((0 < glow_delay) and (mc.$gd < glow_delay)) {
if ((mc.$gd == glow_delay) and (mc._alpha >= 99)) {
$mmc["$gm" + $j].removemovieclip();
} else {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $j, $j * 10, $buf[$buf_idx]);
$av($mmc["$gm" + $j]);
} else {
} else {
$sub_fr = frame - ($i * sub_delay);
if (0 < $sub_fr) {
sub_effect(mc, $sub_fr);
if (0 < glow_delay) {
if (0 < ($sub_fr - glow_delay)) {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $j, $j * 10, $buf[$buf_idx]);
$av($mmc["$gm" + $j]);
$buf[$buf_idx] = {_x:mc._x, _y:mc._y, _xscale:mc._xscale, _yscale:mc._yscale, _rotation:mc._rotation, _alpha:mc._alpha * glow_factor};
if ($sub_cnt == $done_cnt) {
subs_done = true;
main_effect($mmc, frame);
if (0 < initial_wait) {
$e = onenterframe;
onenterframe = function () {
if (initial_wait == 0) {
onenterframe = $e;
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 1
function $av(mc) {
mc._visible = 1 < mc._alpha;
function $ord(o) {
if ((o != $pr_ord) or (13 < o)) {
$pr_ord = o;
$ta = new array();
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
$ta[$i] = {$i:$i};
$ta[$i].s = 20000000 + ((o >= 2) ? (((o >= 4) ? (((o >= 6) ? (((o >= 8) ? (((o >= 10) ? (mc.__x - mc.__y) : (mc.__x + mc.__y))) : (mc.__y))) : (mc.__x))) : ((mc.__x * mc.__x) + (mc.__y * mc.__y)))) : (mc._i));
$ta[$i].s = ((o >= 12) ? (((o >= 14) ? (math.random()) : ((7.85340023040771 + math.atan2(mc.__y, mc.__x)) % 6.28319978713989))) : ($ta[$i].s));
if (o % 2) {
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
$ta[$i] = $smc[$ta[$i].$i];
$smc = $ta;
initial_wait = 0;
$padding = 4;
lastsubframe = 12;
thickness = 2;
special = 1;
special_initial_distance = 5;
special_rotation = 1;
loop_delay = -1;
main_init = function (mc) {
subs_done = true;
mc._alpha = 0;
i = 1;
while (8 >= i) {
x = mc._x + (math.cos(deg45 * i) * thickness);
y = mc._y - (math.sin(deg45 * i) * thickness);
mc.duplicatemovieclip("m" + i, 5 + i, {_x:x, _y:y});
main_effect = function (mc, frame) {
perc = frame / lastsubframe;
if (perc == 1) {
i = 1;
while (8 >= i) {
mc._parent["m" + i].removemovieclip();
end_effect = true;
} else {
mc._alpha = perc * 100;
i = 1;
while (8 >= i) {
if (special) {
angle = (deg45 * i) + ((!special_rotation) ? 0 : (perc * deg360));
offset = thickness + ((1 - perc) * special_initial_distance);
x = mc._x + (math.cos(angle) * offset);
y = mc._y - (math.sin(angle) * offset);
mc.duplicatemovieclip("m" + i, 5 + i, {_x:x, _y:y, _alpha:mc._alpha});
} else {
mc._parent["m" + i]._alpha = mc._alpha;
sub_init = function (mc) {
sub_effect = function (mc, frame) {
for ($i in this) {
if (typeof(this[$i]) == "movieclip") {
$mmc = this[$i];
$smc = new array();
for ($i in $mmc) {
if (typeof($mmc[$i]) == "movieclip") {
$sub_cnt = $smc.length;
glow_factor = ((glow_factor >= 0.100000001490116) ? (((0.899999976158142 >= glow_factor) ? (glow_factor) : 0.5)) : 0.5);
$i = 0;
while (360 >= $i) {
this["deg" + $i] = ($i * math.pi) / 180;
$i = $i + 15;
$mmc.__x = $mmc._x;
$mmc.__y = $mmc._y;
$buf = new array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
mc._i = $i;
mc.done = (mc.$gd = 0);
mc.__x = mc._x;
mc.__y = mc._y;
mc.swapdepths(($i * 10) + 5);
if ((0 < glow_delay) and (1 < mc._alpha)) {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $i, $i * 10);
$mmc["$gm" + $i]._alpha = $mmc["$gm" + $i]._alpha * glow_factor;
frame = 0;
$loop_tm = loop_delay;
onenterframe = function () {
if (end_effect) {
if (loop_delay < 0) {
onenterframe = null;
} else if (0 < $loop_tm) {
} else {
$mmc._x = $mmc.__x;
$mmc._y = $mmc.__y;
$mmc._xscale = ($mmc._yscale = ($mmc._alpha = 100));
$mmc._rotation = (subs_done = (end_effect = 0));
$i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
$j = mc._i;
mc._x = mc.__x;
mc._y = mc.__y;
mc._xscale = (mc._yscale = (mc._alpha = 100));
mc._rotation = (mc.done = (mc.$gd = 0));
if (0 < glow_delay) {
if (1 < mc._alpha) {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $j, $j * 10);
$mmc["$gm" + $j]._alpha = $mmc["$gm" + $j]._alpha * glow_factor;
} else {
$mmc["$gm" + $j].removemovieclip();
frame = 0;
$loop_tm = loop_delay;
} else {
if (!subs_done) {
$done_cnt = 0;
$buf_idx = (frame % glow_delay) * $sub_cnt;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $sub_cnt) {
mc = $smc[$i];
$j = mc._i;
if (mc.done) {
if ((0 < glow_delay) and (mc.$gd < glow_delay)) {
if ((mc.$gd == glow_delay) and (mc._alpha >= 99)) {
$mmc["$gm" + $j].removemovieclip();
} else {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $j, $j * 10, $buf[$buf_idx]);
$av($mmc["$gm" + $j]);
} else {
} else {
$sub_fr = frame - ($i * sub_delay);
if (0 < $sub_fr) {
sub_effect(mc, $sub_fr);
if (0 < glow_delay) {
if (0 < ($sub_fr - glow_delay)) {
mc.duplicatemovieclip("$gm" + $j, $j * 10, $buf[$buf_idx]);
$av($mmc["$gm" + $j]);
$buf[$buf_idx] = {_x:mc._x, _y:mc._y, _xscale:mc._xscale, _yscale:mc._yscale, _rotation:mc._rotation, _alpha:mc._alpha * glow_factor};
if ($sub_cnt == $done_cnt) {
subs_done = true;
main_effect($mmc, frame);
if (0 < initial_wait) {
$e = onenterframe;
onenterframe = function () {
if (initial_wait == 0) {
onenterframe = $e;
Symbol 123 Button
on (press, release) {
Symbol 166 Button
on (press, release) {
gotoAndPlay (38);