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This is the info page for
Flash #41387

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)
























































COLLECTED 100,000 Au




































HIGH SCORE: 00:00:00




Place towers and structures on the plain by
clicking to select, and then clicking to drop.
Holding SHIFT will allow players to place
multiple of the selected tower or structure
without having to re-select each time. Towers
and structures can be placed anywhere on the
level but on the path. Use these towers to kill
enemies, or structures to offer support, while
completing Mission Objectives.


The castle is your stronghold which you must
defend above all else. The destruction of this
castle results in immediate failure. The castle
is also your main source of Au collection. The
castle will gain experience over time. Leveling
up your castle increases the castle's health
and its Au generation rate. Damage to the
castle can be repaired by hovering over the
castle and clicking. The displayed amount will
be deducted from your Au and resource


There are four kinds of towers: Arrow, Sap,
Ballista, and Cannon towers. Arrow towers
have a high rate of fire. Sap Silos do no
damage, but slow down enemies. Ballista
towers are like Arrow Towers, but have a
slower rate of fire and do more damage. They
also speed up nearby towers. Cannons are the
slowest of the towers, but compensate with
great range and damage. Towers gain
experience for kills and are bought with Au.


There are four kinds of structures: farms,
mines, training centers, and landmarks. Farms
increase the castle's health and rate of
experience generation over time. Mines help
generate additional Au. Training centers
grant towers with experience points over time.
Structures are bought with Resources.
Landmarks appear in specific levels and must be
built to complete the mission.


There are two measures of wealth in 'Besieged':
Gold (Au) and Resources. Au is used to build
towers and is generated by your castle or your
mines over time. Resources are used to build
structures and are gathered by killing
enemies. Au and Resources are used to repair
the castle's damage. Some Au and Resources
spent can be returned by salvaging towers or
structures at a reduced return.


There are three types of enemies in Besieged:
red enemies, green enemies, and black enemies.
Red enemies are standard enemies with a
moderate amount of health and average speed.
Green enemies are exceptionlly fast and come
in large waves, but are weak and deal little
damage. Black enemies are slow, powerful
enemies that appear less frequently than the
other enemy types. Enemies drop Resources
which immediately add to your stockpile.


There are three different mission objectives in
the game: defeat all enemies, survive 5 Minutes,
and Erect a Landmark. Mission Objectives will
be displayed at the beginning of each level,
and range in difficulty.


Awards are granted throughout the game for
various feats. These awards range in difficulty
and in significance of the reward that
accompanies them, such as reduced costs of
towers and structures, upgrades, and so on.
There are 39 awards in all.














Version 1.1



ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//Action_4 (Besieged_fla.Action_4) package Besieged_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Action_4 extends MovieClip { public function Action_4(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function onComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay("loaded"); } public function progressHandler(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = Math.round((( / * 100)); MovieClip(parent).gotoAndStop(_local2); } function frame1(){ MovieClip(root).stop(); if (root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded == root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal){ MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay("loaded"); }; root.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler); root.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 2
//dynamicAu_132 (Besieged_fla.dynamicAu_132) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class dynamicAu_132 extends MovieClip { public var auIconText:TextField; } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 3
//dynamicXP_134 (Besieged_fla.dynamicXP_134) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class dynamicXP_134 extends MovieClip { public var xpIconText:TextField; } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 4
//enemytime_211 (Besieged_fla.enemytime_211) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class enemytime_211 extends MovieClip { public var timeBar:MovieClip; public var maskBar:MovieClip; } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 5
//flags_112 (Besieged_fla.flags_112) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class flags_112 extends MovieClip { public function flags_112(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 6
//Instructions_193 (Besieged_fla.Instructions_193) package Besieged_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Instructions_193 extends MovieClip { public var towersIns:SimpleButton; public var missionObjectives:SimpleButton; public var awardsIns:SimpleButton; public var structuresIns:SimpleButton; public var goldAndResources:SimpleButton; public var howToPlay:SimpleButton; public var enemiesIns:SimpleButton; public var castle:SimpleButton; public function Instructions_193(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function gotoMissionObjectives(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("missionobjectives"); } public function gotoGoldAndResources(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("goldandresources"); } public function gotoAwardsIns(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("awards"); } public function gotoCastle(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("castle"); } function frame1(){ howToPlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoHowToPlay, false, 0, true); castle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoCastle, false, 0, true); towersIns.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoTowersIns, false, 0, true); structuresIns.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoStructuresIns, false, 0, true); goldAndResources.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoGoldAndResources, false, 0, true); enemiesIns.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoEnemiesIns, false, 0, true); missionObjectives.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoMissionObjectives, false, 0, true); awardsIns.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoAwardsIns, false, 0, true); stop(); } public function gotoEnemiesIns(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("enemies"); } public function gotoHowToPlay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("howtoplay"); } public function gotoStructuresIns(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("structures"); } public function gotoTowersIns(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("towers"); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 7
//levelsUnlockedMC_176 (Besieged_fla.levelsUnlockedMC_176) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class levelsUnlockedMC_176 extends MovieClip { public var levelsUnlockedText:TextField; } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 8
//loadED_5 (Besieged_fla.loadED_5) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class loadED_5 extends MovieClip { public function loadED_5(){ addFrameScript(39, frame40); } function frame40(){ stop(); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 9
//NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1 (Besieged_fla.NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1) package Besieged_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1 extends MovieClip { public var ng_ad:MovieClip; public var NG_Button:SimpleButton; public function NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function loadNGSite(_arg1:Event){ NewgroundsAPI.loadNewgrounds(); } public function startAd(_arg1){ var _local2:URLLoader; _local2 = new URLLoader(new URLRequest(_arg1)); _local2.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, ad_Loaded); } function frame1(){ Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); if (NewgroundsAPI.getAdURL()){ startAd(NewgroundsAPI.getAdURL()); }; NewgroundsAPI.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPI.ADS_APPROVED, startAd); NG_Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadNGSite); stop(); } public function ad_Loaded(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:*; var _local3:Loader; _local2 = String(; _local3 = new Loader(); _local3.load(new URLRequest(_local2)); ng_ad.addChild(_local3); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 10
//NG_TANK_9 (Besieged_fla.NG_TANK_9) package Besieged_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NG_TANK_9 extends MovieClip { public var NG_Logo:SimpleButton; public function NG_TANK_9(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function loadNGSite(_arg1:Event){ NewgroundsAPI.loadNewgrounds(); } function frame1(){ NG_Logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadNGSite); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 11
//NGI_INTRO_11 (Besieged_fla.NGI_INTRO_11) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NGI_INTRO_11 extends MovieClip { public function NGI_INTRO_11(){ addFrameScript(264, frame265); } function frame265(){ MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay(3); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 12
//NGI_MASK_CUBE_15 (Besieged_fla.NGI_MASK_CUBE_15) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NGI_MASK_CUBE_15 extends MovieClip { public function NGI_MASK_CUBE_15(){ addFrameScript(19, frame20); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 13
//NGI_MASK_IN_14 (Besieged_fla.NGI_MASK_IN_14) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NGI_MASK_IN_14 extends MovieClip { public function NGI_MASK_IN_14(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 14
//qualityButton_216 (Besieged_fla.qualityButton_216) package Besieged_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class qualityButton_216 extends MovieClip { public function qualityButton_216(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function changeQuality2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(parent).changeQuality(); } public function enlarge(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1.1; scaleY = 1.1; } function frame1(){ stop(); buttonMode = true; this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, enlarge, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, unlarge, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeQuality2, false, 0, true); } public function unlarge(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1; scaleY = 1; } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 15
//SoundDump_23 (Besieged_fla.SoundDump_23) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SoundDump_23 extends MovieClip { public function SoundDump_23(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 16
//timeCounter_217 (Besieged_fla.timeCounter_217) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class timeCounter_217 extends MovieClip { public var time:TextField; } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 17
//toggleBox_230 (Besieged_fla.toggleBox_230) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class toggleBox_230 extends MovieClip { public function toggleBox_230(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ buttonMode = true; stop(); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 18
//toggleQuality_231 (Besieged_fla.toggleQuality_231) package Besieged_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class toggleQuality_231 extends MovieClip { public function toggleQuality_231(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ buttonMode = true; stop(); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 19
//X_LOAD_2 (Besieged_fla.X_LOAD_2) package Besieged_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class X_LOAD_2 extends MovieClip { public var NGButton:SimpleButton; public function X_LOAD_2(){ addFrameScript(100, frame101, 150, frame151, 164, frame165); } function frame151(){ NGButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, PlayMovie); } function frame165(){ stop(); } public function PlayMovie(_arg1:Event){ gotoAndStop("end"); MovieClip(root).play(); } function frame101(){ play(); } } }//package Besieged_fla
Section 20
//None (fl.transitions.easing.None) package fl.transitions.easing { public class None { public static function easeOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) / _arg4) + _arg2)); } public static function easeIn(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) / _arg4) + _arg2)); } public static function easeInOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) / _arg4) + _arg2)); } public static function easeNone(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) / _arg4) + _arg2)); } } }//package fl.transitions.easing
Section 21
//Tween (fl.transitions.Tween) package fl.transitions { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Tween extends EventDispatcher { private var _position:Number;// = NAN public var prevTime:Number;// = NAN public var prevPos:Number;// = NAN public var isPlaying:Boolean;// = false public var begin:Number;// = NAN private var _fps:Number;// = NAN private var _time:Number;// = NAN public var change:Number;// = NAN private var _finish:Number;// = NAN public var looping:Boolean;// = false private var _intervalID:uint;// = 0 public var func:Function; private var _timer:Timer;// = null private var _startTime:Number;// = NAN public var prop:String;// = "" private var _duration:Number;// = NAN public var obj:Object;// = null public var useSeconds:Boolean;// = false protected static var _mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); public function Tween(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Function, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:Boolean=false){ isPlaying = false; obj = null; prop = ""; func = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) / _arg4) + _arg2)); }; begin = NaN; change = NaN; useSeconds = false; prevTime = NaN; prevPos = NaN; looping = false; _duration = NaN; _time = NaN; _fps = NaN; _position = NaN; _startTime = NaN; _intervalID = 0; _finish = NaN; _timer = null; super(); if (!arguments.length){ return; }; this.obj = _arg1; this.prop = _arg2; this.begin = _arg4; this.position = _arg4; this.duration = _arg6; this.useSeconds = _arg7; if ((_arg3 is Function)){ this.func = _arg3; }; this.finish = _arg5; this._timer = new Timer(100); this.start(); } public function continueTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ this.begin = this.position; this.finish = _arg1; if (!isNaN(_arg2)){ this.duration = _arg2; }; this.start(); } public function stop():void{ this.stopEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_STOP, this._time, this._position)); } private function fixTime():void{ if (this.useSeconds){ this._startTime = (getTimer() - (this._time * 1000)); }; } public function set FPS(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = this.isPlaying; this.stopEnterFrame(); this._fps = _arg1; if (_local2){ this.startEnterFrame(); }; } public function get finish():Number{ return ((this.begin + this.change)); } public function get duration():Number{ return (this._duration); } protected function startEnterFrame():void{ var _local1:Number; if (isNaN(this._fps)){ _mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame, false, 0, true); } else { _local1 = (1000 / this._fps); this._timer.delay = _local1; this._timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.timerHandler, false, 0, true); this._timer.start(); }; this.isPlaying = true; } public function set time(_arg1:Number):void{ this.prevTime = this._time; if (_arg1 > this.duration){ if (this.looping){ this.rewind((_arg1 - this._duration)); this.update(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_LOOP, this._time, this._position)); } else { if (this.useSeconds){ this._time = this._duration; this.update(); }; this.stop(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, this._time, this._position)); }; } else { if (_arg1 < 0){ this.rewind(); this.update(); } else { this._time = _arg1; this.update(); }; }; } protected function stopEnterFrame():void{ if (isNaN(this._fps)){ _mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame); } else { this._timer.stop(); }; this.isPlaying = false; } public function getPosition(_arg1:Number=NaN):Number{ if (isNaN(_arg1)){ _arg1 = this._time; }; return (this.func(_arg1, this.begin, this.change, this._duration)); } public function set finish(_arg1:Number):void{ this.change = (_arg1 - this.begin); } public function set duration(_arg1:Number):void{ this._duration = ((_arg1)<=0) ? Infinity : _arg1; } public function setPosition(_arg1:Number):void{ this.prevPos = this._position; if (this.prop.length){ this.obj[this.prop] = (this._position = _arg1); }; this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_CHANGE, this._time, this._position)); } public function resume():void{ this.fixTime(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_RESUME, this._time, this._position)); } public function fforward():void{ this.time = this._duration; this.fixTime(); } protected function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ this.nextFrame(); } public function get position():Number{ return (this.getPosition(this._time)); } public function yoyo():void{ this.continueTo(this.begin, this.time); } public function nextFrame():void{ if (this.useSeconds){ this.time = ((getTimer() - this._startTime) / 1000); } else { this.time = (this._time + 1); }; } protected function timerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.nextFrame(); _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); } public function get FPS():Number{ return (this._fps); } public function rewind(_arg1:Number=0):void{ this._time = _arg1; this.fixTime(); this.update(); } public function set position(_arg1:Number):void{ this.setPosition(_arg1); } public function get time():Number{ return (this._time); } private function update():void{ this.setPosition(this.getPosition(this._time)); } public function start():void{ this.rewind(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_START, this._time, this._position)); } public function prevFrame():void{ if (!this.useSeconds){ this.time = (this._time - 1); }; } } }//package fl.transitions
Section 22
//TweenEvent (fl.transitions.TweenEvent) package fl.transitions { import*; public class TweenEvent extends Event { public var time:Number;// = NAN public var position:Number;// = NAN public static const MOTION_START:String = "motionStart"; public static const MOTION_STOP:String = "motionStop"; public static const MOTION_LOOP:String = "motionLoop"; public static const MOTION_CHANGE:String = "motionChange"; public static const MOTION_FINISH:String = "motionFinish"; public static const MOTION_RESUME:String = "motionResume"; public function TweenEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Boolean=false){ time = NaN; position = NaN; super(_arg1, _arg4, _arg5); this.time = _arg2; this.position = _arg3; } override public function clone():Event{ return (new TweenEvent(this.type, this.time, this.position, this.bubbles, this.cancelable)); } } }//package fl.transitions
Section 23
//Achievements (Achievements) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Achievements extends MovieClip { public var lock:MovieClip; public function Achievements(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26, 26, frame27, 27, frame28, 28, frame29, 29, frame30, 30, frame31, 31, frame32, 32, frame33, 33, frame34, 34, frame35, 35, frame36, 36, frame37, 37, frame38, 38, frame39, 39, frame40, 40, frame41); } function frame10(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.cannonTowers1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame14(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.farmsPlaced2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame18(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.minesPlaced3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame3(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.circleTowers3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame6(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.squareTowers3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame7(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.pentagonTowers1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame1(){ stop(); if (MovieClip(parent).award.circleTowers1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame19(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.trainingCentersPlaced1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame12(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.cannonTowers3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame13(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.farmsPlaced1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame17(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.minesPlaced2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame4(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.squareTowers1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame5(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.squareTowers2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame9(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.pentagonTowers3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame22(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.enemiesKilledTier1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame16(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.minesPlaced1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame8(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.pentagonTowers2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame21(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.trainingCentersPlaced3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame2(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.circleTowers2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame15(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.farmsPlaced3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame23(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.enemiesKilledTier2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame24(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.enemiesKilledTier3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame28(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.resourcesEarned1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame36(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.completedCampaign){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame20(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.trainingCentersPlaced2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame30(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.resourcesEarned3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame31(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.allTowersPlaced){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame25(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.moneyEarned1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame27(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.moneyEarned3){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame11(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.cannonTowers2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame34(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.allLevelTenTowers){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame35(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.levelTenCastle){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame37(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.survival1){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame29(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.resourcesEarned2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame33(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.levelTenTowerAward){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame40(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.ultimateFail){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame41(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.pumpkinEater){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame39(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.gotAllAwards){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame26(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.moneyEarned2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame32(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.allResourceItemsPlaced){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } function frame38(){ if (MovieClip(parent).award.survival2){ lock.alpha = 0; } else { lock.alpha = 1; }; } } }//package
Section 24
//animateAU (animateAU) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class animateAU extends MovieClip { public var auIcon:MovieClip; public function animateAU(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25); } function frame3(){ alpha = 0.66; } function frame1(){ blendMode = BlendMode.LAYER; mouseEnabled = false; alpha = 0; } function frame22(){ alpha = 0.4; } function frame25(){ stop(); parent.removeChild(this); } function frame23(){ alpha = 0.2; } function frame4(){ alpha = 1; } function frame21(){ alpha = 0.6; } function frame20(){ alpha = 0.8; } function frame2(){ alpha = 0.33; } function frame24(){ alpha = 0; } } }//package
Section 25
//animateXP (animateXP) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class animateXP extends MovieClip { public var xpIcon:MovieClip; public function animateXP(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25); } function frame3(){ alpha = 0.66; } function frame1(){ alpha = 0; } function frame22(){ alpha = 0.4; } function frame25(){ stop(); parent.removeChild(this); } function frame23(){ alpha = 0.2; } function frame4(){ alpha = 1; } function frame21(){ alpha = 0.6; } function frame20(){ alpha = 0.8; } function frame2(){ alpha = 0.33; } function frame24(){ alpha = 0; } } }//package
Section 26
//Award (Award) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Award extends MovieClip { var awardInput:String;// = "" public var awardName:TextField; public function Award(_arg1:String):void{ awardInput = ""; super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10, 59, frame60); awardInput = _arg1; } public function setAward():void{ awardName.text = awardInput; } function frame10(){ setAward(); } function frame60(){ stop(); parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 27
//AwardSound (AwardSound) package { import*; public dynamic class AwardSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 28
//bottomBar (bottomBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bottomBar extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 29
//buildIcon (buildIcon) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class buildIcon extends MovieClip { var baseRange:int;// = 10 var towerID:int;// = 0 var is_item:Boolean;// = false var price:int;// = 200 var baseRate:int;// = 1000 var baseAttack:int;// = 0 var textCost:TextField; public function buildIcon():void{ price = 200; baseAttack = 0; baseRate = 1000; baseRange = 10; towerID = 0; is_item = false; super(); mouseChildren = false; } public function destroy():void{ this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, buildIconMouseOver); this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buildIconMouseOut); this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, buildIconMouseUp); } function hideBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultBuildInfoString; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = ""; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = ""; } function buildIconMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(parent).buildNewTower(this); } public function updateStats():void{ baseRate = (baseRate * MovieClip(parent).RB[(towerID - 1)]); baseAttack = (baseAttack * MovieClip(parent).ABPL[(towerID - 1)]); baseRange = (baseRange * MovieClip(parent).RanB[(towerID - 1)]); } public function initialize():void{ this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, buildIconMouseOver, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buildIconMouseOut, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, buildIconMouseUp, false, 0, true); updateStats(); } function buildIconMouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1; scaleY = 1; gotoAndStop(1); hideBuildDescription(); } function showStats():void{ MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (("Price: " + (price - MovieClip(parent).towerPriceReduction)) + " Au"); MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = (((((("Base attack: " + baseAttack) + "\nBase range: ") + baseRange) + "\nBase rate: ") + baseRate) + "ms"); } function buildIconMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1.1; scaleY = 1.1; gotoAndStop(2); showBuildDescription(); } function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "this needs to be fixed"; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = "this needs to be fixed"; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = "this needs to be fixed"; } } }//package
Section 30
//buildItemIcon (buildItemIcon) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class buildItemIcon extends MovieClip { var is_item:Boolean;// = true var price:int;// = 200 var itemID:int;// = 0 var textCost:TextField; public function buildItemIcon():void{ price = 200; itemID = 0; is_item = true; super(); mouseChildren = false; } public function destroy():void{ this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, buildIconMouseOver); this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buildIconMouseOut); this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, buildIconMouseUp); } function hideBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultBuildInfoString; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = ""; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = ""; } function buildIconMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(parent).buildNewItem(this); } public function initialize():void{ this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, buildIconMouseOver, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, buildIconMouseOut, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, buildIconMouseUp, false, 0, true); } function buildIconMouseOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1; scaleY = 1; gotoAndStop(1); hideBuildDescription(); } function showStats():void{ MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = "fix"; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = "fix"; } function buildIconMouseOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1.1; scaleY = 1.1; gotoAndStop(2); showBuildDescription(); } function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "this needs to be fixed"; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = "this needs to be fixed"; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = "this needs to be fixed"; } } }//package
Section 31
//Bumper (Bumper) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Bumper extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 32
//cancelIcon (cancelIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cancelIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 33
//CannonFire (CannonFire) package { import*; public dynamic class CannonFire extends Sound { } }//package
Section 34
//CannonTop (CannonTop) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CannonTop extends MovieClip { public function CannonTop(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 35
//cannonTower (cannonTower) package { public class cannonTower extends Tower { public function cannonTower(_arg1:int):void{ super(_arg1); baseAttack = 250; attack = baseAttack; attackIncrease = 50; attackSound = new CannonFire(); towerName = "Cannon Tower"; baseRate = 6000; rate = baseRate; rateDecrease = 100; baseRange = 120; range = baseRange; rangeIncrease = 5; price = 400; towerID = 4; } } }//package
Section 36
//cannonTowerBuild (cannonTowerBuild) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class cannonTowerBuild extends buildIcon { public var cost:TextField; public function cannonTowerBuild():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); towerID = 4; price = 400; baseAttack = 200; baseRate = 6000; baseRange = 120; buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ cost.text = ("" + (price - MovieClip(parent).towerPriceReduction)); } override function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "Cannon towers do a great amount of damage and have long range, but fire slowly."; showStats(); } } }//package
Section 37
//Castle (Castle) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class Castle extends MovieClip { var unroundedxp:Number;// = 0 var hp:int;// = 100 var hpBar:MovieClip; var ticker:Boolean;// = false var levelUpSound:Sound; var repair_showed:Boolean;// = false var baseHeight:int;// = 0 var barBaseDimensions:int;// = 0 var baseWidth:int;// = 0 public var flag:MovieClip; var maxhp:int;// = 100 var infoBox2:TextField; var level:int;// = 1 var infoBox1:TextField; var repairIcon:MovieClip; var xpGainClock:Timer; var is_hovered:Boolean;// = false var gainPerTick:Number;// = 0 var moneyGainClock:Timer; var xp:int;// = 0 public function Castle():void{ hp = 100; maxhp = 100; xp = 0; unroundedxp = 0; gainPerTick = 0; level = 1; infoBox1 = new TextField(); infoBox2 = new TextField(); baseWidth = 0; baseHeight = 0; levelUpSound = new CastleLevelUp(); hpBar = new CastleHealthBar(); barBaseDimensions = 0; ticker = false; xpGainClock = new Timer(1000); moneyGainClock = new Timer(1000); repair_showed = false; repairIcon = new RepairIcon(); is_hovered = false; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); flag.stop(); flag.mouseEnabled = false; hpBar.x = 0; hpBar.y = 46; barBaseDimensions =; baseWidth = width; baseHeight = height; xpGainClock.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, xpIncrease, false, 0, true); xpGainClock.start(); moneyGainClock.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moneyIncrease, false, 0, true); moneyGainClock.start(); cacheAsBitmap = true; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, displayInfo, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, cancelInfo, false, 0, true); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, checkForAward); } public function cancelInfoNoEvent():void{ if (hpBar.parent == this){ removeChild(hpBar); }; MovieClip(parent).clearCastleInfo(); } function moneyIncrease(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (MovieClip(parent).hasStarted){ MovieClip(parent).increaseMoneyBy(moneyPerSecond()); }; } public function setGraphic():void{ if (hp < (maxhp * 0.3)){ gotoAndStop("damage3"); } else { if (hp < (maxhp * 0.6)){ gotoAndStop("damage2"); } else { if (hp < maxhp){ gotoAndStop("damage1"); } else { if (hp == maxhp){ gotoAndStop("default"); }; }; }; }; } function checkForAward(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, checkForAward); if (MovieClip(parent).castleAward()){ xpGainClock.delay = 1000; xpGainClock.delay = (xpGainClock.delay * 0.9); }; } public function moneyPerSecond():int{ if (level > 9){ if ((10 * (hp / maxhp)) > 0){ return ((10 * (hp / maxhp))); }; return (1); //unresolved jump }; if (level > 7){ if ((8 * (hp / maxhp)) > 0){ return ((9 * (hp / maxhp))); }; return (1); //unresolved jump }; if (level > 4){ if ((7 * (hp / maxhp)) > 0){ return ((8 * (hp / maxhp))); }; return (1); //unresolved jump }; if ((((hp / maxhp) * level) * 2) > 0){ return ((((hp / maxhp) * level) * 2)); }; return (1); } public function levelUp():void{ if (level < 10){ flag.gotoAndStop((flag.currentFrame + 1)); level++; maxhp = (maxhp + 25); hp = (hp + 25); MovieClip(parent).displayLevelUpText1(x, y, true); if (level == 5){ xpGainClock.delay = (xpGainClock.delay / 2); } else { if (level == 7){ xpGainClock.delay = (xpGainClock.delay / 2); }; }; if (MovieClip(parent).getEffectsStatus()){; }; if (level == 10){ MovieClip(parent).castleLevelTen(); }; }; } public function cancelInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (hpBar.parent == this){ removeChild(hpBar); }; is_hovered = false; MovieClip(parent).clearCastleInfo(); } public function xpIncrease(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (level < 10){ if (MovieClip(parent).hasStarted){ parent.addChild(this); gainPerTick = ((hp / maxhp) * 2); unroundedxp = (unroundedxp + gainPerTick); xp = unroundedxp; gainPerTick = 0; if (xp > ((level * 100) * (0.5 * level))){ levelUp(); }; if (is_hovered){ displayInfo2(); }; }; }; } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function showRepairIcon(_arg1:Event):void{ if (is_hovered){ if ((((((((mouseX < (-(baseWidth) / 2))) || ((mouseX > (baseWidth / 2))))) || ((mouseY > (baseHeight / 2))))) || ((mouseY < ((-(baseHeight) / 2) - 30))))){ is_hovered = false; cancelInfoNoEvent(); }; if ((((MovieClip(parent).getResources() > getPriceToRepair())) && ((MovieClip(parent).getMoney() > getPriceToRepair())))){ repairIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if ((((MovieClip(parent).getResources() < getPriceToRepair())) || ((MovieClip(parent).getMoney() < getPriceToRepair())))){ repairIcon.gotoAndStop(2); }; }; repairIcon.x = mouseX; repairIcon.y = mouseY; repairIcon.amount.text = ("-" + getPriceToRepair()); } else { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showRepairIcon); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, repairCastle); repair_showed = false;; removeChild(repairIcon); }; } public function displayInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ is_hovered = true; MovieClip(parent).printCastleInfo(level, xp, hp, maxhp); addChild(hpBar); = ((hp / maxhp) * barBaseDimensions); if (hp < maxhp){ Mouse.hide(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showRepairIcon, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, repairCastle, false, 0, true); repair_showed = true; repairIcon.x = mouseX; repairIcon.y = mouseY; addChild(repairIcon); if ((((repairIcon.currentFrame == 2)) && ((((MovieClip(parent).getResources() > getPriceToRepair())) && ((MovieClip(parent).getMoney() > getPriceToRepair())))))){ repairIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if ((((repairIcon.currentFrame == 1)) && ((((MovieClip(parent).getResources() < getPriceToRepair())) || ((MovieClip(parent).getMoney() < getPriceToRepair())))))){ repairIcon.gotoAndStop(2); }; }; }; } public function displayInfo2():void{ addChild(hpBar); = ((hp / maxhp) * barBaseDimensions); MovieClip(parent).printCastleInfo(level, xp, hp, maxhp); } public function deleteSelf():void{ if (hpBar.parent == this){ removeChild(hpBar); }; xpGainClock.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, xpIncrease); moneyGainClock.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moneyIncrease); xpGainClock.reset(); moneyGainClock.reset(); } public function getPriceToRepair():int{ return ((((maxhp - hp) * level) * 2)); } public function decrementHpBy(_arg1:int):void{ hp = (hp - _arg1); if (hp <= 0){ hp = 0; MovieClip(parent).loseLevel(); }; if (hpBar.parent == this){ = ((hp / maxhp) * barBaseDimensions); }; setGraphic(); } public function repairCastle(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; _local2 = MovieClip(parent).getResources(); _local3 = getPriceToRepair(); _local4 = MovieClip(parent).getMoney(); if ((((_local2 >= _local3)) && ((_local4 >= _local3)))){ MovieClip(parent).decrementResources(_local3); MovieClip(parent).decrementMoney(_local3); hp = maxhp; setGraphic(); displayInfo2(); MovieClip(parent).updateAmounts(); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showRepairIcon); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, repairCastle); repair_showed = false;; removeChild(repairIcon); } else { MovieClip(parent).playBloop(); }; } } }//package
Section 38
//CastleHealthBar (CastleHealthBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CastleHealthBar extends MovieClip { public var bar:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 39
//CastleLevelUp (CastleLevelUp) package { import*; public dynamic class CastleLevelUp extends Sound { } }//package
Section 40
//castleSelect (castleSelect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class castleSelect extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 41
//CircleFire (CircleFire) package { import*; public dynamic class CircleFire extends Sound { } }//package
Section 42
//CircleTop (CircleTop) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CircleTop extends MovieClip { public function CircleTop(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 43
//circleTower (circleTower) package { public class circleTower extends Tower { public function circleTower(_arg1:int):void{ super(_arg1); towerID = 1; baseAttack = 5; attack = baseAttack; attackIncrease = 5; attackSound = new CircleFire(); towerName = "Arrow Tower"; baseRate = 2000; rate = baseRate; rateDecrease = 50; baseRange = 70; range = baseRange; rangeIncrease = 5; price = 150; } } }//package
Section 44
//circleTowerBuild (circleTowerBuild) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class circleTowerBuild extends buildIcon { public var cost:TextField; public function circleTowerBuild():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); towerID = 1; price = 150; baseAttack = 5; baseRate = 2000; baseRange = 70; buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ cost.text = ("" + (price - MovieClip(parent).towerPriceReduction)); } override function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "Arrow towers are standard towers - they shoot at enemies when they come in range and have average stats and growth rates."; showStats(); } } }//package
Section 45
//Clouds (Clouds) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Clouds extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 46
//Coins (Coins) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Coins extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 47
//confirmClear (confirmClear) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class confirmClear extends MovieClip { public var no:SimpleButton; public var yes:SimpleButton; public function confirmClear(){ addFrameScript(3, frame4); } function frame4(){ stop(); yes.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, yesSelected, false, 0, true); no.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, noSelected, false, 0, true); } public function noSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ parent.removeChild(this); } public function yesSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 48
//Empty (Empty) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Empty extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 49
//Enemy (Enemy) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Enemy extends MovieClip { var hp:int;// = 10 var bumpersChecked:Array; var resourceModifier:Number;// = 0 var hp_modifier:Number;// = 1 var rotate:int;// = 0 var speed:Number;// = 1.5 var tempdy:int;// = 0 var damage:int;// = 10 var tempdx:int;// = 0 var maxhp:int;// = 10 var is_alive:Boolean;// = true var done:Boolean;// = false var damage_modifier:Number;// = 1.5 var dx:int;// = 1 var dy:int;// = 0 var num_bumpers:int;// = 0 var is_set:Boolean;// = false var enemyNum:int;// = 0 var targetableBySquare;// = true public function Enemy():void{ speed = 1.5; dx = 1; dy = 0; rotate = 0; bumpersChecked = new Array(); maxhp = 10; hp = 10; done = false; targetableBySquare = true; damage = 10; num_bumpers = 0; is_set = false; is_alive = true; hp_modifier = 1; damage_modifier = 1.5; tempdx = 0; tempdy = 0; enemyNum = 0; resourceModifier = 0; super(); x = -15; y = -15; rotate = 25; scaleX = 0.8; scaleY = 0.8; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updatePhase, false, 0, true); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkRange, false, 0, true); } function checkRange(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; if (parent != null){ if (!MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].isFinished){ _local2 = 0; _local3 = MovieClip(parent).ranges.length; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { if (((((MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local2].hitTestPoint(x, y, true)) && (!(MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local2].occupied)))) && ((hp > 0)))){ if (MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local2].isSquareTower){ if (targetableBySquare){ MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local2].recieveEnemy(this); }; }; MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local2].recieveEnemy(this); }; _local2++; }; } else { deleteSelf(); }; }; } function has_been_checked(_arg1:int):Boolean{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < bumpersChecked.length) { if (bumpersChecked[_local2] == _arg1){ return (true); }; _local2++; }; return (false); } function dieOnCastle():void{ is_alive = false; x = -1222; y = -1222; dx = 0; dy = 0; MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.decrementHpBy((damage * alpha)); MovieClip(parent).enemies.splice(MovieClip(parent).enemies.indexOf(this, 0), 1); deleteSelf(); } function updatePhase(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; if (parent != null){ if (((!(MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].isFinished)) && (!((parent == null))))){ if (hp >= 0){ alpha = (hp / maxhp); } else { die(); }; if ((((((((((alpha <= 0)) || ((x > 820)))) || ((x < -100)))) || ((y > 450)))) || ((y < -100)))){ die(); } else { if (!is_set){ stop(); if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].hasBumpers){ num_bumpers = (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].bumpers.length - 1); }; is_set = true; } else { if (!MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.hitTestPoint(x, y, true)){ if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].hasBumpers){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= num_bumpers) { if (!has_been_checked(_local2)){ if (hitTestObject(MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].bumpers[_local2])){ bumpersChecked.push(_local2); if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].bumpers[_local2].is_vertical){ dx = 0; if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].bumpers[_local2].two_paths){ if (Math.random() > 0.5){ dy = -1; } else { dy = 1; }; } else { if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].bumpers[_local2].go_up){ dy = -1; } else { dy = 1; }; }; } else { dy = 0; if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].bumpers[_local2].two_paths){ if (Math.random() > 0.5){ dx = -1; } else { dx = 1; }; } else { if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].bumpers[_local2].go_right){ dx = 1; } else { dx = -1; }; }; }; }; }; _local2++; }; }; } else { dieOnCastle(); }; }; }; x = (x + (dx * speed)); y = (y + (dy * speed)); } else { deleteSelf(); }; } else { deleteSelf(); }; } public function pauseSelf():void{ tempdx = dx; tempdy = dy; dx = 0; dy = 0; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updatePhase); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkRange); } function deleteSelf():void{ is_alive = false; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updatePhase); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkRange); done = true; gotoAndPlay("die"); } function die():void{ is_alive = false; dx = 0; dy = 0; x = -1222; y = -1222; if (MovieClip(parent) != null){ MovieClip(parent).enemies.splice(MovieClip(parent).enemies.indexOf(this, 0), 1); MovieClip(parent).resourcesGained(this); deleteSelf(); }; } public function decrementHP(_arg1:int):Boolean{ hp = (hp - _arg1); if (hp <= 0){ die(); return (true); }; return (false); } public function unpauseSelf():void{ dx = tempdx; dy = tempdy; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updatePhase, false, 0, true); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkRange, false, 0, true); } } }//package
Section 50
//Enemy1 (Enemy1) package { public class Enemy1 extends Enemy { public function Enemy1():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); resourceModifier = 1; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ alpha = 0; parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 51
//Enemy2 (Enemy2) package { public class Enemy2 extends Enemy { public function Enemy2():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); speed = 4; damage = 5; hp_modifier = 0.4; resourceModifier = 0.3; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ alpha = 0; parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 52
//Enemy3 (Enemy3) package { public class Enemy3 extends Enemy { public function Enemy3():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); speed = 0.7; damage = 40; hp_modifier = 6; enemyNum = 3; resourceModifier = 3; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ alpha = 0; parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 53
//ErrorSound (ErrorSound) package { import*; public dynamic class ErrorSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 54
//Farm (Farm) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; public class Farm extends ResourceBuilding { var timerDelay:int;// = 15000 var amount:int;// = 10 var genericTimer:Timer; public function Farm(_arg1:int):void{ amount = 10; timerDelay = 15000; genericTimer = new Timer(timerDelay); addFrameScript(0, frame1); scaleX = 0.8; super(_arg1); price = 200; itemID = 1; sounds.push(new FarmSound(), new FarmSound(), new FarmSound(), new FarmSound()); itemName = "Farm"; } public function healCastle(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.hp < MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.maxhp){ MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.hp++; MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.setGraphic(); }; } override public function showInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouse_over = true; if (((((is_placed) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_tower)))) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_item)))){ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = itemName; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (("Increasing castle XP \ngeneration and repairing \nevery " + (genericTimer.delay / 1000)) + " seconds."); MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultStatsString; handleSell(); }; } override public function customRemove():void{ if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.xpGainClock.delay <= 1000){ MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.xpGainClock.delay = (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.xpGainClock.delay + 50); }; genericTimer.stop(); genericTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, healCastle); } override public function pauseSelf():void{ genericTimer.stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } override public function unpauseSelf():void{ genericTimer.start(); } override public function activate():void{ if (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.xpGainClock.delay >= 500){ MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.xpGainClock.delay = (MovieClip(parent).levels[(MovieClip(parent).currentLevel - 1)].castle.xpGainClock.delay - 50); }; genericTimer.start(); genericTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, healCastle, false, 0, true); } } }//package
Section 55
//FarmBuild (FarmBuild) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class FarmBuild extends buildItemIcon { public var cost:TextField; public function FarmBuild():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); itemID = 1; price = 200; buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ cost.text = ("" + (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction)); } override function showStats():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction); MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (("Price: " + _local1) + " resources"); } override function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "Farms increase the XP generation of your castle and slowly heal your castle is if it damaged."; showStats(); } } }//package
Section 56
//FarmSound (FarmSound) package { import*; public dynamic class FarmSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 57
//ForegroundTest (ForegroundTest) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ForegroundTest extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 58
//InsNext (InsNext) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class InsNext extends SimpleButton { public function InsNext():void{ this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoNextPage, false, 0, true); } public function gotoNextPage(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(parent).gotoAndStop((MovieClip(parent).currentFrame + 1)); } } }//package
Section 59
//InstructionsBack (InstructionsBack) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class InstructionsBack extends SimpleButton { var awardInput:String;// = "" public function InstructionsBack():void{ awardInput = ""; super(); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoPageOne, false, 0, true); } private function gotoPageOne(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(parent).gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package
Section 60
//Landmark1 (Landmark1) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; public class Landmark1 extends ResourceBuilding { var timerDelay:int;// = 20000 var amount:int;// = 10 var genericTimer:Timer; public function Landmark1(_arg1:int):void{ amount = 10; timerDelay = 20000; genericTimer = new Timer(timerDelay); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 479, frame480); super(_arg1); price = 2000; itemID = 4; } override public function showInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouse_over = true; } override public function customRemove():void{ } function frame1(){ stop(); if (is_placed){ gotoAndPlay(2); }; } function frame480(){ stop(); MovieClip(parent).startWin(); } override public function unpauseSelf():void{ } override public function activate():void{ } } }//package
Section 61
//Landmark1Build (Landmark1Build) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Landmark1Build extends buildItemIcon { public var cost:TextField; public function Landmark1Build():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); itemID = 4; price = 2000; buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ cost.text = ("" + (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction)); } override function showStats():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction); MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (("Price: " + _local1) + " resources"); } override function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "Landmarks display the greatness of your nation."; } } }//package
Section 62
//Landmark2 (Landmark2) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; public class Landmark2 extends ResourceBuilding { var timerDelay:int;// = 20000 var amount:int;// = 10 var genericTimer:Timer; public function Landmark2(_arg1:int):void{ amount = 10; timerDelay = 20000; genericTimer = new Timer(timerDelay); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 600, frame601); super(_arg1); price = 1750; itemID = 5; } function frame601(){ stop(); MovieClip(parent).startWin(); } override public function showInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouse_over = true; } override public function customRemove():void{ } function frame1(){ stop(); if (is_placed){ gotoAndPlay(2); }; } override public function unpauseSelf():void{ } override public function activate():void{ } } }//package
Section 63
//Landmark2Build (Landmark2Build) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Landmark2Build extends buildItemIcon { public var cost:TextField; public function Landmark2Build():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); itemID = 5; price = 1750; buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ cost.text = ("" + (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction)); } override function showStats():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction); MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (("Price: " + _local1) + " resources"); } override function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "Landmarks display the greatness of your nation."; } } }//package
Section 64
//Level (Level) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Level extends MovieClip { var castle:MovieClip; var delayTime:int;// = 3000 var timerWon:Boolean;// = false var castleLocationX:int;// = 0 var castleLocationY:int;// = 0 var preGameStart:int;// = 10000 var timerStart:int;// = 0 var numBumpers:int;// = 0 var objective:String;// = "survive" var bumpers:Array; var enemyhpMultiplier:Number;// = 1 var hasBumpers:Boolean;// = true var boundingBoxLocationX:int;// = 0 var boundingBoxLocationY:int;// = 0 var hasStarted:Boolean;// = false var startingMoney:int;// = 400 var waves:Array; var wavesSpawned:int;// = 0 var environmentalEffect:MovieClip; var isFinished:Boolean;// = false var startingResources:int;// = 100 var timerDecrement:int;// = 0 var enemyEntrancePoints:Array; var numEnemies:int;// = 1 public function Level():void{ castleLocationX = 0; castleLocationY = 0; boundingBoxLocationX = 0; boundingBoxLocationY = 0; castle = new MovieClip(); enemyEntrancePoints = new Array(); hasBumpers = true; isFinished = false; hasStarted = false; objective = "survive"; delayTime = 3000; timerDecrement = 0; enemyhpMultiplier = 1; startingMoney = 400; startingResources = 100; environmentalEffect = new Empty(); wavesSpawned = 0; timerStart = 0; preGameStart = 10000; timerWon = false; numEnemies = 1; bumpers = new Array(); numBumpers = 0; waves = new Array(); super(); } public function placeBoundingBox():void{ } public function decrementMoney(_arg1:int):void{ MovieClip(parent).money = (MovieClip(parent).money - _arg1); } public function clearCastleInfo():void{ MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = ""; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = ""; MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultBuildInfoString; } public function startWin():void{ MovieClip(parent).win(); castle.xpGainClock.stop(); castle.moneyGainClock.stop(); } public function fix():void{ isFinished = true; castle.deleteSelf(); wavesSpawned = 0; waves = new Array(); } public function initialize_stats():void{ MovieClip(parent).money = (startingMoney + MovieClip(parent).moneyBonus); MovieClip(parent).resources = (startingResources + MovieClip(parent).resourceBonus); MovieClip(parent).currentObjective = objective; } public function checkForVictory():void{ if ((((((objective == "DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES")) && ((((MovieClip(parent).enemies.length == 0)) && ((wavesSpawned >= waves.length)))))) && (waves[(waves.length - 1)].spawned))){ if (!MovieClip(parent).anyEnemiesAlive()){ startWin(); }; } else { if (objective == "BUILD A LANDMARK"){ } else { if (objective == "SURVIVE AS LONG AS POSSIBLE"){ } else { if (objective == "SURVIVE 5 MINUTES"){ if ((((((MovieClip(parent).clockValue <= 0)) && ((wavesSpawned > 3)))) && (!(timerWon)))){ timerWon = true; startWin(); }; }; }; }; }; } public function playBloop():void{ if (MovieClip(parent).soundEffectsEnabled){ MovieClip(parent); }; } public function setEntrancePoint(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:int; if (enemyEntrancePoints.length == 1){ _arg1.y = enemyEntrancePoints[0]; } else { _local2 = ((Math.random() * 10000) % enemyEntrancePoints.length); if ((((enemyEntrancePoints[_local2] > 0)) && ((enemyEntrancePoints[_local2] < 1000)))){ _arg1.y = enemyEntrancePoints[_local2]; } else { if (enemyEntrancePoints[_local2] > 2000){ _arg1.x = (enemyEntrancePoints[_local2] - 2000); _arg1.y = 0; _arg1.dx = 0; _arg1.dy = 1; } else { if (enemyEntrancePoints[_local2] > 1000){ _arg1.x = (enemyEntrancePoints[_local2] - 1000); _arg1.y = 394; _arg1.dx = 0; _arg1.dy = -1; } else { _arg1.y = Math.abs(enemyEntrancePoints[_local2]); _arg1.x = 810; _arg1.dx = -1; }; }; }; }; } public function levelStart():void{ timerWon = false; castle = new Castle(); castle.x = castleLocationX; castle.y = castleLocationY; placeBoundingBox(); timerDecrement = 200; addChildCastle(); setSpawn(); if (MovieClip(parent).award.levelTenCastle){ castle.xpGainClock.delay = (castle.xpGainClock.delay * 0.9); }; MovieClip(parent).clockValue = timerStart; } public function updateAmounts():void{ MovieClip(parent).updateAmounts(); } public function castleAward():Boolean{ if (MovieClip(parent).award.levelTenCastle){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function traceIt():void{ } public function castleLevelTen():void{ MovieClip(parent).castleAward(); } public function setSpawn():void{ MovieClip(parent).enemyhpMultiplier = enemyhpMultiplier; } public function printCastleInfo(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{ if (castle.level < 10){ MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (((((((("Current level: " + _arg1) + "\n") + "Current XP: ") + _arg2) + "\n") + "XP to level: ") + (((_arg1 * 100) * (0.5 * _arg1)) - _arg2)) + "\n"); MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = ((((("HP remaining: " + _arg3) + "\n") + "Max HP: ") + _arg4) + "\n"); } else { MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (((((("Current level: " + _arg1) + "\n") + "Current XP: 4000") + "\n") + "XP to level: -") + "\n"); MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = ((((("HP remaining: " + _arg3) + "\n") + "Max HP: ") + _arg4) + "\n"); }; MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = (("Your castle, based on level and current conditions, is generating " + castle.moneyPerSecond()) + " Au per second."); } public function increaseMoneyBy(_arg1:int):void{ MovieClip(parent).moneyEarned(_arg1); } public function displayLevelUpText1(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean):void{ MovieClip(parent).displayLevelUpText(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } public function loseLevel():void{ MovieClip(parent).lose(); } public function getMoney():int{ return (MovieClip(parent).money); } public function getResources():int{ return (MovieClip(parent).resources); } public function decrementResources(_arg1:int):void{ MovieClip(parent).resources = (MovieClip(parent).resources - _arg1); } public function addChildCastle():void{ addChild(castle); } public function getEffectsStatus():Boolean{ return (MovieClip(parent).soundEffectsEnabled); } } }//package
Section 65
//Level1 (Level1) package { import*; import flash.text.*; public class Level1 extends Level { var boundingBox; public function Level1():void{ boundingBox = new level1BoundingBox(); super(); hasBumpers = false; castleLocationX = 705; castleLocationY = 191; boundingBoxLocationX = 0; boundingBoxLocationY = 191.3; objective = "DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES"; startingMoney = 500; startingResources = 200; timerDecrement = 50; numEnemies = 500; delayTime = 2000; enemyhpMultiplier = 0.7; enemyEntrancePoints.push(191.3); waves.push(new Wave(3, 1000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 1000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(7, 1000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(9, 1000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 500, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(9, 1000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 400, 2, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 600, 1, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 600, 1, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 600, 1, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 1000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 1000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 6000)); waves.push(new Wave(1, 4000, 3, 241)); } override public function placeBoundingBox():void{ initialize_stats(); boundingBox.x = boundingBoxLocationX; boundingBox.y = boundingBoxLocationY; addChild(boundingBox); setSpawn(); } } }//package
Section 66
//level1BoundingBox (level1BoundingBox) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class level1BoundingBox extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 67
//Level2 (Level2) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Level2 extends Level { var boundingBox; public function Level2():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; boundingBox = new level2BoundingBox(); super(); castleLocationX = 700; castleLocationY = 220; boundingBoxLocationX = -2; boundingBoxLocationY = 82; numBumpers = 2; objective = "SURVIVE 5 MINUTES"; timerStart = 300; environmentalEffect = new Rain(); startingMoney = 3000; startingResources = 1500; timerDecrement = 50; numEnemies = 800; delayTime = 2000; enemyhpMultiplier = 1.7; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < numBumpers) { _local2 = new Bumper(); bumpers.push(_local2); addChild(bumpers[_local1]); bumpers[_local1].is_horizontal = false; bumpers[_local1].is_vertical = false; bumpers[_local1].go_up = false; bumpers[_local1].go_right = false; _local1++; }; bumpers[0].x = 718; bumpers[0].y = 95; bumpers[0].is_vertical = true; bumpers[0].go_up = false; bumpers[1].x = 720; bumpers[1].y = 291; bumpers[1].is_vertical = true; bumpers[1].go_up = true; enemyEntrancePoints.push(93, 291); waves.push(new Wave(5, 2000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(7, 2000, 1, 25000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 400, 2, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 400, 2, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 400, 2, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 400, 2, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 400, 2, 10000)); waves.push(new Wave(8, 2000, 1, 28000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 400, 2, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 400, 2, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 400, 2, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 400, 2, 4000)); waves.push(new Wave(2, 3000, 3, 25000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 2000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 35000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 3000, 3, 75000)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 300, 2, 241)); } override public function placeBoundingBox():void{ initialize_stats(); boundingBox.x = boundingBoxLocationX; boundingBox.y = boundingBoxLocationY; addChild(boundingBox); setSpawn(); } } }//package
Section 68
//level2BoundingBox (level2BoundingBox) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class level2BoundingBox extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 69
//Level3 (Level3) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Level3 extends Level { var boundingBox; public function Level3():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; boundingBox = new level3BoundingBox(); super(); castleLocationX = 478; castleLocationY = 217; boundingBoxLocationX = 0; boundingBoxLocationY = 78; numBumpers = 2; objective = "BUILD A LANDMARK"; environmentalEffect = new Snow(); startingMoney = 650; startingResources = 0; timerDecrement = 50; numEnemies = 800; delayTime = 2000; enemyhpMultiplier = 1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < numBumpers) { _local2 = new Bumper(); bumpers.push(_local2); addChild(bumpers[_local1]); bumpers[_local1].is_horizontal = false; bumpers[_local1].is_vertical = false; bumpers[_local1].go_up = false; bumpers[_local1].go_right = false; _local1++; }; bumpers[0].x = 489; bumpers[0].y = 85; bumpers[0].is_vertical = true; bumpers[0].go_up = false; bumpers[1].x = 489; bumpers[1].y = 290; bumpers[1].is_vertical = true; bumpers[1].go_up = true; enemyEntrancePoints.push(87, 290, 188, -188); waves = new Array(); waves.push(new Wave(60, 2000, 1, 135000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 500, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 2000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(7, 500, 2, 15000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 2000, 1, 50000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 500, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 2000, 1, 50000)); waves.push(new Wave(1, 1000, 3, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 600, 2, 26000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 5000, 3, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 2000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(25, 2000, 1, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 500, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 2000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(7, 500, 2, 15000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 500, 2, 10000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 2000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 500, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 2000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 500, 3, 241)); } override public function placeBoundingBox():void{ initialize_stats(); boundingBox.x = boundingBoxLocationX; boundingBox.y = boundingBoxLocationY; addChild(boundingBox); setSpawn(); } } }//package
Section 70
//level3BoundingBox (level3BoundingBox) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class level3BoundingBox extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 71
//Level4 (Level4) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Level4 extends Level { var boundingBox; public function Level4():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; boundingBox = new level4BoundingBox(); super(); castleLocationX = 400; castleLocationY = 140; boundingBoxLocationX = 0; boundingBoxLocationY = 115; numBumpers = 2; objective = "DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES"; startingMoney = 1000; startingResources = 200; timerDecrement = 50; numEnemies = 800; delayTime = 2000; enemyhpMultiplier = 0.9; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < numBumpers) { _local2 = new Bumper(); bumpers.push(_local2); addChild(bumpers[_local1]); bumpers[_local1].is_horizontal = false; bumpers[_local1].is_vertical = false; bumpers[_local1].go_up = false; bumpers[_local1].go_right = false; _local1++; }; bumpers[0].x = 204; bumpers[0].y = 117; bumpers[0].is_vertical = false; bumpers[0].go_right = true; bumpers[1].x = 585; bumpers[1].y = 117; bumpers[0].is_vertical = false; bumpers[0].go_right = true; enemyEntrancePoints.push(124, -124, 1209, 1400, 1591); waves.push(new Wave(30, 1000, 1, 35000)); waves.push(new Wave(40, 1000, 1, 45000)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 1000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 600, 2, 7000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 1000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(7, 600, 2, 10000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 1000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 400, 2, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(9, 600, 1, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(1, 8000, 3, 16000)); waves.push(new Wave(25, 1000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 8000, 3, 55000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 400, 2, 25000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 1000, 1, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 8000, 3, 35000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 300, 2, 3000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 600, 2, 14000)); waves.push(new Wave(1, 4000, 3, 241)); } override public function placeBoundingBox():void{ initialize_stats(); boundingBox.x = boundingBoxLocationX; boundingBox.y = boundingBoxLocationY; addChild(boundingBox); setSpawn(); } } }//package
Section 72
//level4BoundingBox (level4BoundingBox) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class level4BoundingBox extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 73
//Level5 (Level5) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Level5 extends Level { var boundingBox; public function Level5():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; boundingBox = new level5BoundingBox(); super(); castleLocationX = 400; castleLocationY = 210; boundingBoxLocationX = 0; boundingBoxLocationY = 78; numBumpers = 6; objective = "BUILD A LANDMARK"; environmentalEffect = new Clouds(); startingMoney = 400; startingResources = 0; timerDecrement = 50; numEnemies = 800; delayTime = 2000; enemyhpMultiplier = 1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < numBumpers) { _local2 = new Bumper(); bumpers.push(_local2); addChild(bumpers[_local1]); bumpers[_local1].is_horizontal = false; bumpers[_local1].is_vertical = false; bumpers[_local1].go_up = false; bumpers[_local1].go_right = false; _local1++; }; bumpers[0].x = 211; bumpers[0].y = 88; bumpers[0].is_vertical = true; bumpers[0].go_up = false; bumpers[1].x = 193; bumpers[1].y = 198; bumpers[1].is_vertical = false; bumpers[1].go_right = true; bumpers[2].x = 412; bumpers[2].y = 293; bumpers[2].is_vertical = true; bumpers[2].go_up = true; bumpers[3].x = 588; bumpers[3].y = 293; bumpers[3].is_vertical = true; bumpers[3].go_up = true; bumpers[4].x = 594; bumpers[4].y = 182; bumpers[4].is_vertical = false; bumpers[4].go_right = false; bumpers[5].x = 387; bumpers[5].y = 90; bumpers[5].is_vertical = true; bumpers[5].go_up = false; enemyEntrancePoints.push(87, 189, 291, -87, -189, -291); waves.push(new Wave(30, 2000, 1, 75000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 700, 2, 10000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 2000, 1, 50000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 500, 2, 15000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(7, 500, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 2000, 1, 50000)); waves.push(new Wave(1, 1000, 3, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 800, 2, 35000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 5000, 3, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(25, 2000, 1, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 500, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 2000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(7, 500, 2, 15000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 500, 2, 10000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 2000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 2000, 1, 30000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 500, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(15, 2000, 1, 40000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(5, 400, 2, 9000)); waves.push(new Wave(20, 600, 2, 20000)); waves.push(new Wave(3, 10000, 3, 60000)); } override public function placeBoundingBox():void{ initialize_stats(); boundingBox.x = boundingBoxLocationX; boundingBox.y = boundingBoxLocationY; addChild(boundingBox); setSpawn(); } } }//package
Section 74
//level5BoundingBox (level5BoundingBox) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class level5BoundingBox extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 75
//Level6 (Level6) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Level6 extends Level { var boundingBox; public function Level6():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; boundingBox = new level6BoundingBox(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); preGameStart = 20000; castleLocationX = 399; castleLocationY = 304; boundingBoxLocationX = 45; boundingBoxLocationY = 0; numBumpers = 18; timerStart = 300; objective = "SURVIVE 5 MINUTES"; startingMoney = 2000; startingResources = 800; timerDecrement = 50; numEnemies = 800; delayTime = 2000; enemyhpMultiplier = 0.8; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < numBumpers) { _local2 = new Bumper(); bumpers.push(_local2); addChild(bumpers[_local1]); bumpers[_local1].is_horizontal = false; bumpers[_local1].is_vertical = false; bumpers[_local1].go_up = false; bumpers[_local1].go_right = false; _local1++; }; bumpers[0].x = 53; bumpers[0].y = 236; bumpers[0].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[0].go_right = true; bumpers[1].x = 118; bumpers[1].y = 148; bumpers[1].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[1].go_right = true; bumpers[2].x = 187; bumpers[2].y = 301; bumpers[2].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[2].go_right = true; bumpers[3].x = 200; bumpers[3].y = 139; bumpers[3].is_vertical = true; bumpers[3].go_up = false; bumpers[4].x = 200; bumpers[4].y = 227; bumpers[4].is_vertical = true; bumpers[4].go_up = false; bumpers[5].x = 259; bumpers[5].y = 128; bumpers[5].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[5].go_right = true; bumpers[6].x = 333; bumpers[6].y = 159; bumpers[6].is_vertical = true; bumpers[6].go_up = false; bumpers[7].x = 360; bumpers[7].y = 120; bumpers[7].is_vertical = true; bumpers[7].go_up = false; bumpers[8].x = 400; bumpers[8].y = 168; bumpers[8].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[8].two_paths = true; bumpers[9].x = 440; bumpers[9].y = 119; bumpers[9].is_vertical = true; bumpers[9].go_up = false; bumpers[10].x = 467; bumpers[10].y = 159; bumpers[10].is_vertical = true; bumpers[10].go_up = false; bumpers[11].x = 540; bumpers[11].y = 128; bumpers[11].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[11].go_right = false; bumpers[13].x = 599; bumpers[13].y = 139; bumpers[13].is_vertical = true; bumpers[13].go_up = false; bumpers[14].x = 599; bumpers[14].y = 226; bumpers[14].is_vertical = true; bumpers[14].go_up = false; bumpers[15].x = 612; bumpers[15].y = 300; bumpers[15].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[15].go_right = false; bumpers[16].x = 680; bumpers[16].y = 148; bumpers[16].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[16].go_right = false; bumpers[17].x = 746; bumpers[17].y = 235; bumpers[17].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[17].go_right = false; enemyEntrancePoints.push(2054, 2120, 2259, 2400, 2540, 2680); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(30, 400, 2, 13200)); waves.push(new Wave(10, 400, 2, 241)); } override public function placeBoundingBox():void{ initialize_stats(); boundingBox.x = boundingBoxLocationX; boundingBox.y = boundingBoxLocationY; addChild(boundingBox); setSpawn(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 76
//level6BoundingBox (level6BoundingBox) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class level6BoundingBox extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 77
//Level7 (Level7) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Level7 extends Level { var boundingBox; public function Level7():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; boundingBox = new level7BoundingBox(); super(); castleLocationX = 704; castleLocationY = 215; boundingBoxLocationX = 0; boundingBoxLocationY = 58; numBumpers = 10; objective = "SURVIVE AS LONG AS POSSIBLE"; enemyhpMultiplier = 1; startingMoney = 500; startingResources = 200; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < numBumpers) { _local2 = new Bumper(); bumpers.push(_local2); addChild(bumpers[_local1]); bumpers[_local1].is_horizontal = false; bumpers[_local1].is_vertical = false; bumpers[_local1].go_up = false; bumpers[_local1].go_right = false; _local1++; }; bumpers[0].x = 120; bumpers[0].y = 190; bumpers[0].is_vertical = true; bumpers[0].go_down = false; bumpers[1].x = 109; bumpers[1].y = 0x0101; bumpers[1].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[1].go_right = true; bumpers[2].x = 227; bumpers[2].y = 125; bumpers[2].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[2].go_right = true; bumpers[3].x = 240; bumpers[3].y = 249; bumpers[3].is_vertical = true; bumpers[3].go_up = true; bumpers[4].x = 359; bumpers[4].y = 132; bumpers[4].is_vertical = true; bumpers[4].go_up = false; bumpers[5].x = 347; bumpers[5].y = 0x0101; bumpers[5].is_horizontal = true; bumpers[5].go_right = true; bumpers[6].x = 466; bumpers[6].y = 125; bumpers[6].is_vertical = false; bumpers[6].go_right = true; bumpers[7].x = 476; bumpers[7].y = 249; bumpers[7].is_vertical = true; bumpers[7].go_up = true; bumpers[8].x = 597; bumpers[8].y = 134; bumpers[8].is_vertical = true; bumpers[8].go_up = false; bumpers[9].x = 585; bumpers[9].y = 196; bumpers[9].is_vertical = false; bumpers[9].go_right = true; enemyEntrancePoints.push(188); waves = new Array(); randomWaves(); } override public function placeBoundingBox():void{ initialize_stats(); boundingBox.x = boundingBoxLocationX; boundingBox.y = boundingBoxLocationY; addChild(boundingBox); setSpawn(); } function generateIntFrom(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ return (((Math.random() * (_arg2 - (_arg1 - 1))) + _arg1)); } public function randomWaves():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:Number; var _local7:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = generateIntFrom(20, 50); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = Math.random(); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < 200) { _local6 = Math.random(); _local1 = 1; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; if (_local7 > 20){ _local1 = 4; } else { if (_local7 > 10){ _local1 = 3; } else { if (_local7 > 5){ _local1 = 2; }; }; }; if (_local1 == 1){ _local2 = generateIntFrom(5, 10); if (Math.random() > 0.5){ _local3 = 1; _local4 = 1000; _local5 = ((_local2 * 1000) + 20000); } else { _local3 = 2; _local4 = 400; _local5 = ((_local2 * 400) + 7000); }; waves.push(new Wave(_local2, _local4, _local3, _local5)); } else { if (_local1 == 2){ _local2 = generateIntFrom(5, 10); if (_local6 > 0.6666){ _local3 = 1; _local4 = 1000; _local5 = ((_local2 * 1000) + 20000); } else { if (_local6 > 0.3333){ _local2 = generateIntFrom(10, 20); _local3 = 2; _local4 = 600; _local5 = ((_local2 * 600) + 8000); } else { _local3 = 3; _local4 = 5000; _local5 = ((_local2 * 5000) + 30000); }; }; waves.push(new Wave(_local2, _local4, _local3, _local5)); } else { if (_local1 == 3){ _local2 = generateIntFrom(5, 10); if (_local6 > 0.6666){ _local3 = 1; _local4 = 1000; _local5 = ((_local2 * 1000) + 20000); } else { if (_local6 > 0.3333){ _local2 = generateIntFrom(30, 40); _local3 = 2; _local4 = 600; _local5 = ((_local2 * 600) + 8000); } else { _local3 = 3; _local4 = 5000; _local5 = ((_local2 * 5000) + 20000); }; }; waves.push(new Wave(_local2, _local4, _local3, _local5)); } else { if (_local1 == 4){ if (_local6 > 0.6666){ _local2 = generateIntFrom(10, 20); _local3 = 1; _local4 = 800; _local5 = ((_local2 * 800) + 20000); } else { if (_local6 > 0.3333){ _local2 = generateIntFrom(20, 40); _local3 = 2; _local4 = 400; _local5 = ((_local2 * 400) + 8000); } else { _local2 = generateIntFrom(5, 10); _local3 = 3; _local4 = 4000; _local5 = ((_local2 * 4000) + 15000); }; }; waves.push(new Wave(_local2, _local4, _local3, _local5)); }; }; }; }; _local7++; }; } } }//package
Section 78
//level7BoundingBox (level7BoundingBox) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class level7BoundingBox extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 79
//LevelComplete (LevelComplete) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LevelComplete extends MovieClip { public var nextLevel2:SimpleButton; public var levelSelect2:SimpleButton; public var levelSelectTemp:SimpleButton; public var nextLevelTemp:SimpleButton; public function LevelComplete(){ addFrameScript(46, frame47); } function frame47(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 80
//LevelSelect (LevelSelect) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LevelSelect extends MovieClip { public function LevelSelect(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 81
//LevelUp (LevelUp) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LevelUp extends MovieClip { public function LevelUp(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 25, frame26); } function frame1(){ mouseEnabled = false; } function frame26(){ stop(); MovieClip(parent).removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 82
//LevelUpSound (LevelUpSound) package { import*; public dynamic class LevelUpSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 83
//LoseScreen (LoseScreen) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LoseScreen extends MovieClip { public var retryLevel3:SimpleButton; public var levelSelect3:SimpleButton; public var levelSelectTemp:SimpleButton; public var retryLevelTemp:SimpleButton; public function LoseScreen(){ addFrameScript(46, frame47); } function frame47(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 84
//main (main) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; public class main extends MovieClip { var myMenu:ContextMenu; var kbTotal:int;// = 0 var kbLoaded:int;// = 0 var loadBarWidth:int;// = 0 public var game:mainGame; public function main():void{ var _local1:ContextMenuItem; loadBarWidth = 0; kbLoaded = 0; kbTotal = 0; myMenu = new ContextMenu(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); _local1 = new ContextMenuItem("Play More Games"); _local1.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, gotoNG); myMenu.customItems.push(_local1); this.contextMenu = myMenu; } public function gotoNG(_arg1:ContextMenuEvent):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:URLRequest; _local2 = ""; _local3 = new URLRequest(_local2); navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank"); } function frame3(){ stage.frameRate = 24; } function frame1(){ stop(); NewgroundsAPI.linkAPI(this); NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie(1235); } function frame4(){ stop(); } public function loadProgress(_arg1:Event):void{ } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 85
//mainGame (mainGame) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import fl.transitions.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import flash.filters.*; public class mainGame extends MovieClip { public var hiddenAwards:Array; var TimerBonus:Array; var clockTime:Timer; var currentWave:Wave; var RanB:Array; public var toLevelSelect:SimpleButton; var kbTotal:int;// = 0 public var buildInfo:TextField; public var musicIcon:MusicIcon; var kbLoaded:int;// = 0 public var qualityBox:MovieClip; public var nextLevel:SimpleButton; var resourceItems:Array; var enemiesSpawned:int;// = 0 var enemyDispatchTimer:Timer; var towerTops:Array; public var i:int; var j:int;// = 0 public var moreGames:SimpleButton; var baseMoney:int;// = 1000 var enemyhpMultiplier:Number;// = 1 var music_is_playing:Boolean;// = false public var mainMenu3:SimpleButton; public var mainMenu4:SimpleButton; public var mainMenu5:SimpleButton; var loadBarWidth:int; public var mainMenu2:SimpleButton; var defaultStatsString:String;// = "" var levelTime:int;// = 0 public var credits:SimpleButton; public var enemyTimer:MovieClip; var r:int;// = 0 public var structuresRight:SimpleButton; var stats:Object; var resourceBonus:int;// = 0 var awardSound:Sound; public var stuff2:TextField; public var stuff3:TextField; var money:int; var is_hovered:Boolean;// = false var index:int;// = 0 var sellSound:Sound; public var moneyBox:TextField; var levelComplete:MovieClip; var envEffect:MovieClip; public var qualityButton:MovieClip; var gameIsPaused:Boolean;// = false public var statistics:SimpleButton; public var timeDisplay:MovieClip; public var weatherBox:MovieClip; var towerBuildIcons:Array; var tweensStopped:Boolean;// = false var durationTween:Tween; var currently_placing_item:Boolean;// = false var releaseCount:int;// = 0 public var soundToggle:sfxIcon; var survivalScreen; var soundChannel:SoundChannel; var resourceIndex:int;// = 0 public var musicBox:MovieClip; public var moneyIcon:Coins; public var introLoad:SimpleButton; var levels:Array; var lastBuild:MovieClip; var levelsUnlocked:int;// = 1 var defaultDataString:String;// = "" public var structuresLeft:SimpleButton; var currentLevel:int;// = 0 public var infoBox2:TextField; public var infoBox1:TextField; public var levelSelect:LevelSelect; public var instructions:SimpleButton; public var resourceIcon:MovieClip; var autosave_enabled:Boolean;// = true public var towersLeft:SimpleButton; public var towersRight:SimpleButton; public var trainingBuild:MovieClip; public var awards:SimpleButton; var theme:Sound; public var instructionsPage:MovieClip; var durationTween2:Tween; var gameTime:Timer; public var mineBuild:MovieClip; var sell_shown:Boolean;// = false var t1s:Boolean;// = false var cancelicon:MovieClip; public var stuff:TextField; var t2s:Boolean;// = false var ABPL:Array; var clockValue:int;// = 0 public var bottombar:bottomBar; var t3s:Boolean;// = false var resources:int; var envEffectsEnabled:Boolean;// = true var RB:Array; var t4s:Boolean;// = false var enemies:Array; public var soundBox:MovieClip; public var nextAchievement:SimpleButton; public var tower1:MovieClip; public var tower2:MovieClip; public var tower3:MovieClip; public var tower4:MovieClip; public var specialBox:MovieClip; var t5s:Boolean;// = false var award:Object; var baseResources:int;// = 10000 var enemiesKilled:int;// = 0 var overlapping:Boolean;// = false var shift_is_held:Boolean;// = false var towers:Array; var glow_enabled:Boolean;// = true public var levelSelect2:SimpleButton; var winSound; public var topbar:topBar; public var options:SimpleButton; var towerPriceReduction:int;// = 0 public var mainMenu:SimpleButton; public var previousLevel:SimpleButton; var timerDecrement:int;// = 0 var ranges:Array; var towersCheated:int;// = 0 public var resourceBox:TextField; var soundEffectsEnabled:Boolean;// = true var baseTimer:int;// = 1000 var defaultBuildInfoString:String;// = "" public var mainMenu22:SimpleButton; var sellIcon:MovieClip; public var goal:MovieClip; var savedGame:SharedObject; var awardSplash:MovieClip; var bestScore:int;// = 0 var modCount:int;// = 1 var currentlyHovered:MovieClip;// = null var moneyBonus:int;// = 0 var timer:Timer; var confirmScreen; var glowIndex:Array; var currently_placing_tower:Boolean;// = false var structurePriceReduction:int;// = 0 var delayTimer:Timer; public var awardsUnlockedText:TextField; var enemiesStarted:Boolean;// = false var tweensStopped2:Boolean;// = true var frameCount:int;// = 0 public var selcuck:SimpleButton; public var achievementsMC:Achievements; public var previousAchievement:SimpleButton; public var introPlay:SimpleButton; var musicDisabled:Boolean;// = false var enemiesStartedSrsly:Boolean;// = false var currentObjective:String;// = "Default Objective" public var clearButton:SimpleButton; var loseScreen:MovieClip; public var farmBuild:MovieClip; var errorSound; var resourceBuildIcons:Array; public function mainGame():void{ baseMoney = 1000; money = baseMoney; baseResources = 10000; resources = baseResources; baseTimer = 1000; gameTime = new Timer(baseTimer); towers = new Array(); ranges = new Array(); index = 0; enemiesKilled = 0; overlapping = false; currentLevel = 0; enemiesStarted = false; enemiesSpawned = 0; releaseCount = 0; modCount = 1; defaultBuildInfoString = ""; cancelicon = new cancelIcon(); timerDecrement = 0; enemyhpMultiplier = 1; levels = new Array(); towerTops = new Array(); resourceItems = new Array(); resourceIndex = 0; defaultDataString = ""; defaultStatsString = ""; sellIcon = new SellAU(); is_hovered = false; currentlyHovered = null; sell_shown = false; timer = new Timer(baseTimer, 10); enemies = new Array(); levelComplete = new MovieClip(); currently_placing_tower = false; currently_placing_item = false; currentObjective = "Default Objective"; gameIsPaused = false; tweensStopped = false; tweensStopped2 = true; delayTimer = new Timer(baseTimer, 10); t1s = false; t2s = false; t3s = false; t4s = false; t5s = false; loseScreen = new LoseScreen(); music_is_playing = false; enemiesStartedSrsly = false; envEffect = new Empty(); envEffectsEnabled = true; soundEffectsEnabled = true; savedGame = SharedObject.getLocal("playerdata"); autosave_enabled = true; awardSplash = new Award("test"); kbLoaded = 0; kbTotal = 0; towerBuildIcons = new Array(); resourceBuildIcons = new Array(); r = 0; j = 0; glow_enabled = true; enemyDispatchTimer = new Timer(1000, 2); clockTime = new Timer(1000); clockValue = 0; musicDisabled = false; confirmScreen = new confirmClear(); towersCheated = 0; shift_is_held = false; frameCount = 0; levelTime = 0; bestScore = 0; survivalScreen = new SurvivalComplete(); errorSound = new ErrorSound(); winSound = new WinSound(); stats = new Object(); award = new Object(); ABPL = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1); RB = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1); RanB = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1); TimerBonus = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1); towerPriceReduction = 0; structurePriceReduction = 0; moneyBonus = 0; resourceBonus = 0; levelsUnlocked = 1; glowIndex = new Array(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 10, frame11, 20, frame21, 30, frame31, 40, frame41, 50, frame51, 60, frame61, 70, frame71, 80, frame81); awardSplash.stop(); levels.push(new Level1(), new Level2(), new Level3(), new Level4(), new Level5(), new Level6(), new Level7()); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, debugTrace, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, unDebugTrace, false, 0, true); theme = new Theme(); sellSound = new SellSound(); awardSound = new AwardSound(); initializeStats(); initializeAwardData(); survivalScreen.stop(); stop(); } public function updateQuality():void{ if (stage.quality == "LOW"){ qualityBox.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (stage.quality == "MEDIUM"){ qualityBox.gotoAndStop(2); } else { qualityBox.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; } public function fixButtons2():void{ if (achievementsMC.currentFrame == 1){ previousAchievement.alpha = 0; previousAchievement.mouseEnabled = false; } else { previousAchievement.alpha = 1; previousAchievement.mouseEnabled = true; }; if (achievementsMC.currentFrame == achievementsMC.totalFrames){ nextAchievement.alpha = 0; nextAchievement.mouseEnabled = false; } else { nextAchievement.alpha = 1; nextAchievement.mouseEnabled = true; }; if (achievementsMC.currentFrame == 39){ if (((hiddenAwards[41]) && (hiddenAwards[42]))){ nextAchievement.alpha = 0; nextAchievement.mouseEnabled = false; }; }; if (achievementsMC.currentFrame == 40){ if (hiddenAwards[42]){ nextAchievement.alpha = 0; nextAchievement.mouseEnabled = false; }; }; } public function fixCancelIcon():void{ cancelicon.alpha = 0.2; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkOverlap); defaultBuildInfoString = ""; updateBuildInfo(); } public function unpauseTowers():void{ var _local1:int; if (ranges.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < ranges.length) { if (!ranges[_local1].deleted){ ranges[_local1].unpauseSelf(); }; _local1++; }; }; } public function cancelBuild(_arg1:Event):void{ if (cancelicon.hitTestObject(towers[(towers.length - 1)])){ cancelicon.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cancelBuild); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkOverlap); towers[(towers.length - 1)].deleteSelf(); ranges[(ranges.length - 1)].deleteSelf(); towers.splice((towers.length - 1), 1); ranges.splice((ranges.length - 1), 1); currentlyHovered = null; currently_placing_tower = false;; fixCancelIcon(); index--; }; } public function previousIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (levelSelect.currentFrame != 1){ levelSelect.gotoAndStop((levelSelect.currentFrame - 1)); }; fixButtons(); } public function startWin():void{ if (!levels[(currentLevel - 1)].timerWon){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].timerWon = true; levels[(currentLevel - 1)].startWin(); }; } public function pauseTowers():void{ var _local1:int; if (ranges.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < ranges.length) { if (!ranges[_local1].deleted){ ranges[_local1].pauseSelf(); }; _local1++; }; }; } public function gotoAchievements(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ awards.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoAchievements); gotoAndStop("achievements"); } public function pauseResource():void{ var _local1:int; if (resourceItems.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < resourceItems.length) { if (!resourceItems[_local1].deleted){ resourceItems[_local1].pauseSelf(); }; _local1++; }; }; } public function previousA(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (achievementsMC.currentFrame != 1){ if (hiddenAwards[achievementsMC.currentFrame]){ achievementsMC.gotoAndStop((achievementsMC.currentFrame - 2)); } else { achievementsMC.gotoAndStop((achievementsMC.currentFrame - 1)); }; }; fixButtons2(); } public function removeGlow():void{ var _local1:int; if (glow_enabled){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < towers.length) { handleRemove(_local1); _local1++; }; }; } public function hideResourceInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buildInfo.text = defaultBuildInfoString; } function frame11(){ mainMenu5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoIntro); } public function castleAward():void{ if (!award.levelTenCastle){ award.levelTenCastle = true; awardUnlocked("DECAMACDUFF"); }; } public function timeToString():String{ var _local1:String; var _local2:String; if (clockValue >= 3600){ return (((((int((clockValue / 3600)) + ":") + int((clockValue / (clockValue % 3600)))) + ":") + (int((clockValue / (clockValue % 3600))) % 60))); }; if (clockValue >= 60){ if (int((clockValue / 60)) < 10){ _local1 = ("0" + int((clockValue / 60))); } else { _local1 = ("" + int((clockValue / 60))); }; if ((clockValue % 60) < 10){ _local2 = ("0" + (clockValue % 60)); } else { _local2 = ("" + int((clockValue % 60))); }; return (((("00:" + _local1) + ":") + _local2)); //unresolved jump }; if (clockValue > 0){ if (clockValue < 10){ return (("00:00:0" + clockValue)); }; return (("00:00:" + clockValue)); //unresolved jump }; return ("00:00:00"); } function frame1(){ introPlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoGame7); introLoad.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, loadAndGotoGame); if (!!(( == undefined))){ introLoad.mouseEnabled = false; introLoad.alpha = 0.2; introLoad.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, loadAndGotoGame); }; } public function stopEnemyScan():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this.numChildren) { _local2 = this.getChildAt(_local1); if ((((((_local2 is Enemy1)) || ((_local2 is Enemy2)))) || ((_local2 is Enemy3)))){ if (((!((_local2.dx == 0))) || (!((_local2.dy == 0))))){ _local2.pauseSelf(); _local2.dx = 0; _local2.dy = 0; }; }; _local1++; }; } public function fixLevel():void{ if (envEffect.parent != null){ removeChild(envEffect); }; enemyDispatchTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, dispatchEnemy); removeChild(levels[(currentLevel - 1)]); } public function awardUnlocked(_arg1:String):void{ if (soundEffectsEnabled){; }; awardSplash = new Award(_arg1); awardSplash.x = 400; awardSplash.y = 300; addChild(awardSplash); stats.awardsUnlocked++; } function frame21(){ nextLevel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, nextIcon, false, 0, true); previousLevel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, previousIcon, false, 0, true); levelSelect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectLevel, false, 0, true); mainMenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoMainMenu, false, 0, true); levelSelect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, enlargeSelect, false, 0, true); levelSelect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, delargeSelect, false, 0, true); if (cancelicon.parent == this){ removeChild(cancelicon); }; setLevelSelect(); fixButtons(); } public function levelSelectFromGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ toLevelSelect.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, levelSelectFromGame); loseToMenu(); } public function manageGlow():void{ placeGlow(); removeGlow(); } function determineHP(_arg1:MovieClip):int{ return ((((((levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned + 1) * (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned + 1)) * _arg1.hp_modifier) + 1) * levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier)); } public function unpauseGame():void{ unpauseTimers(); unpauseEnemies(); unpauseTowers(); unpauseResource(); } public function towerPlaced(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ stats.totalTowersPlaced++; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, duplicateTower, false, 0, true); if (_arg1.towerID == 1){ stats.circleTowersPlaced++; lastBuild = new circleTowerBuild(); } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 2){ stats.squareTowersPlaced++; lastBuild = new squareTowerBuild(); } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 3){ stats.pentagonTowersPlaced++; lastBuild = new pentagonTowerBuild(); } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 4){ stats.cannonTowersPlaced++; lastBuild = new cannonTowerBuild(); }; }; }; }; checkForAwards(); } function checkForAugment():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (ranges.length - 1)) { if (((ranges[_local1].isPentagonTower) && (!(ranges[_local1].deleted)))){ ranges[_local1].updateAugment(); }; _local1++; }; } public function decrementClockTime(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ clockValue--; if (clockValue == 0){ survivalComplete(); }; setClockTime(); if (currentFrame == 31){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].checkForVictory(); }; } function frame31(){ buildInfo.text = defaultBuildInfoString; infoBox1.text = ""; infoBox2.text = ""; moneyBox.text = ("" + money); resourceBox.text = ("" + resources); enemyTimer.timeBar.width = 180; enemyTimer.maskBar.width = 180; cancelicon.x = 750; cancelicon.scaleX = 0.75; cancelicon.scaleY = 0.75; cancelicon.y = 436; cancelicon.alpha = 0.2; addChild(cancelicon); moneyIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, displayMoneyInfo, false, 0, true); moneyIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hideMoneyInfo, false, 0, true); resourceIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, displayResourceInfo, false, 0, true); resourceIcon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hideResourceInfo, false, 0, true); toLevelSelect.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, levelSelectFromGame, false, 0, true); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateStats, false, 0, true); tower1 = new circleTowerBuild(); tower2 = new squareTowerBuild(); tower3 = new pentagonTowerBuild(); tower4 = new cannonTowerBuild(); towerBuildIcons.push(tower1, tower2, tower3, tower4); mineBuild = new MineBuild(); trainingBuild = new TrainingBuild(); farmBuild = new FarmBuild(); resourceBuildIcons.push(farmBuild, mineBuild, trainingBuild); if (currentLevel == 3){ resourceBuildIcons.push(new Landmark1Build()); } else { if (currentLevel == 5){ resourceBuildIcons.push(new Landmark2Build()); }; }; j = 0; while (j <= (towerBuildIcons.length - 1)) { towerBuildIcons[j].stop(); towerBuildIcons[j].x = 60; towerBuildIcons[j].y = 422; j++; }; j = 0; addChild(towerBuildIcons[j]); towerBuildIcons[j].initialize(); towersRight.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, nextTowerIcon, false, 0, true); towersLeft.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, previousTowerIcon, false, 0, true); r = 0; while (r <= (resourceBuildIcons.length - 1)) { resourceBuildIcons[r].stop(); resourceBuildIcons[r].x = 180; resourceBuildIcons[r].y = 422; r++; }; r = 0; addChild(resourceBuildIcons[r]); resourceBuildIcons[r].initialize(); structuresRight.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, nextItemIcon, false, 0, true); structuresLeft.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, previousItemIcon, false, 0, true); goal = new Objective(); goal.x = 400; goal.y = 225; addChild(goal); } public function showCastleInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].castle.displayInfo2(); } public function levelTenTower(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ stats.levelTenTowers++; if (_arg1.towerID == 1){ stats.circleTowerTens++; } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 2){ stats.squareTowerTens++; } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 3){ stats.pentagonTowerTens++; } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 4){ stats.cannonTowerTens++; }; }; }; }; } function determineAttack(_arg1:MovieClip):int{ return ((((levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned + 1) * _arg1.damage_modifier) + 3)); } public function sellResourceItem(_arg1:int):void{ resources = (resources + resourceItems[_arg1].getPriceToSell()); updateAmounts(); if (soundEffectsEnabled){; }; resourceItems[_arg1].deleteSelf(); } public function duplicateTower(_arg1:Event):void{ frameCount++; if (frameCount >= 3){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, duplicateTower); frameCount = 0; if (shift_is_held){ if (lastBuild.is_item){ buildNewItem(lastBuild); } else { buildNewTower(lastBuild); }; }; }; } function frame51(){ levelSelect2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoLevelSelect2, false, 0, true); awards.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoAchievements, false, 0, true); statistics.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoStatistics, false, 0, true); instructions.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoInstructions, false, 0, true); options.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoOptions, false, 0, true); credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoCredits, false, 0, true); moreGames.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoNG, false, 0, true); saveGame(); if (!musicDisabled){ playMusic(); }; } public function handleRemove(_arg1:int):void{ if (glow_enabled){ if (((((!(towers[_arg1].deleted)) && (!(towers[_arg1].augmentedRate)))) && (towers[_arg1].has_glow))){ if (glowIndex[_arg1] != null){ removeChild(glowIndex[_arg1]); glowIndex[_arg1] = null; }; towers[_arg1].has_glow = false; }; }; } function frame41(){ mainMenu2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoMainMenu2, false, 0, true); nextAchievement.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, nextA, false, 0, true); previousAchievement.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, previousA, false, 0, true); initializeAwardsUnlocked(); hiddenAwards = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 44) { hiddenAwards.push(false); i++; }; if (!award.ultimateFail){ hiddenAwards[41] = true; } else { hiddenAwards[41] = false; }; if (!award.pumpkinEater){ hiddenAwards[42] = true; } else { hiddenAwards[42] = false; }; hiddenAwards[43] = true; fixButtons2(); } public function unpauseEnemies():void{ var _local1:int; if (enemies.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < enemies.length) { if (enemies[_local1].is_alive){ enemies[_local1].unpauseSelf(); }; _local1++; }; }; } public function changeQualityFromOptions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ changeQuality(); updateQuality(); } function frame61(){ mainMenu3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoMainMenu3, false, 0, true); setStatistics(); } public function displayLevelUpText(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Boolean):void{ var _local4:MovieClip; var _local5:MovieClip; if (_arg3){ _local4 = new LevelUp(); _local4.x = _arg1; _local4.y = _arg2; _local4.scaleX = 0.7; _local4.scaleY = 0.7; addChild(_local4); } else { _local5 = new TurretLevel(); _local5.x = _arg1; _local5.y = _arg2; _local5.scaleX = 1; _local5.scaleY = 1; addChild(_local5); }; } public function destroyBuildIcons():void{ towerBuildIcons[j].destroy(); removeChild(towerBuildIcons[j]); resourceBuildIcons[r].destroy(); removeChild(resourceBuildIcons[r]); } public function delargeSelect(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (levelSelect != null){ levelSelect.scaleX = 1; levelSelect.scaleY = 1; }; } public function fixVariables():void{ money = baseMoney; currentlyHovered = null; resources = baseResources; index = 0; enemiesKilled = 0; overlapping = false; enemiesStarted = false; enemiesSpawned = 0; releaseCount = 0; modCount = 1; gameTime = new Timer(baseTimer); gameTime.reset(); timer = new Timer(baseTimer, 10); timer = new Timer(baseTimer, 10); timer.reset(); enemiesStartedSrsly = false; enemiesKilled = 0; timerDecrement = 0; resourceIndex = 0; } function frame71(){ mainMenu4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoMenu, false, 0, true); clearButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, clearData, false, 0, true); updateQuality(); updateSound(); updateMusic(); updateWeather(); updateSpecial(); qualityBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeQualityFromOptions); soundBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeSoundFromOptions); musicBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeMusicFromOptions); weatherBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeWeatherFromOptions); specialBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, changeSpecialFromOptions); } public function showSellIcon(_arg1:Event):void{ if (is_hovered){ if ((((((((mouseX < (currentlyHovered.x - (currentlyHovered.width / 2)))) || ((mouseX > (currentlyHovered.x + (currentlyHovered.width / 2)))))) || ((mouseY > (currentlyHovered.y + (currentlyHovered.height / 2)))))) || ((mouseY < (currentlyHovered.y - (currentlyHovered.height / 2)))))){ if (sellIcon.parent == this){ removeChild(sellIcon); }; is_hovered = false; if (currentlyHovered != null){ currentlyHovered.stopInfoNoEvent(); }; currentlyHovered = null;; } else { sellIcon.x = mouseX; sellIcon.y = mouseY; sellIcon.amount.text = ("+" + getPriceToSell()); }; } else { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showSellIcon); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sellTower); sell_shown = false; if (currentlyHovered != null){ currentlyHovered.stopInfoNoEvent(); }; }; } public function levelGained(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ stats.levelsGained++; if (_arg1.towerID == 1){ stats.circleTowerLevels++; } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 2){ stats.squareTowerLevels++; } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 3){ stats.pentagonTowerLevels++; } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 4){ stats.cannonTowerLevels++; }; }; }; }; checkForAwards(); } public function changeSpecialFromOptions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (glow_enabled){ glow_enabled = false; } else { glow_enabled = true; }; updateSpecial(); } public function deleteAllTowerTops():void{ var _local1:int; if (towerTops.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < towerTops.length) { if (!towerTops[_local1].deleted){ towerTops[_local1].deleteSelf(); }; towerTops[_local1] = null; _local1++; }; towerTops = new Array(); }; } public function resumeEnemies(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ delayTimer.reset(); delayTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, resumeEnemies); defaultBuildInfoString = ""; updateBuildInfo(); timer.start(); } public function gotoMainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainMenu.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoMainMenu); gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); } public function beginEnemies():void{ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].hasStarted = true; if (((towers[0].is_placed) && (!(enemiesStarted)))){ if (!clockTime.running){ clockTime.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, incrementClockTime); clockTime.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, decrementClockTime); startClockTime(); }; enemiesStarted = true; towersCheated++; initializeTimers(); }; } public function resetMaskBar(_arg1:Event):void{ durationTween2.removeEventListener("motionFinish", resetMaskBar); enemyTimer.maskBar.width = 180; } public function showIncrementMoneyText(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{ var _local4:MovieClip; _local4 = new animateAU(); _local4.x = _arg1; _local4.scaleX = 0.2; _local4.scaleY = 0.2; _local4.y = _arg2; _local4.auIcon.auIconText.text = ("+" + _arg3); addChild(_local4); } public function incrementClockTime(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; clockValue++; setClockTime(); if (currentFrame == 31){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].checkForVictory(); }; if (((((!(award.survival1)) && ((currentLevel == 7)))) && ((clockValue >= 600)))){ award.survival1 = true; awardUnlocked("PERCY THE PERSISTENT"); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { ABPL[_local2] = (ABPL[_local2] + 0.05); RB[_local2] = (RB[_local2] - 0.05); RanB[_local2] = (RanB[_local2] + 0.05); _local2++; }; } else { if (((((!(award.survival2)) && ((currentLevel == 7)))) && ((clockValue >= 1200)))){ award.survival2 = true; awardUnlocked("GRIGORI RASPUTIN"); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 4) { ABPL[_local3] = (ABPL[_local3] + 0.05); RB[_local3] = (RB[_local3] - 0.05); RanB[_local3] = (RanB[_local3] + 0.05); _local3++; }; }; }; } public function cancelBuildItem(_arg1:Event):void{ if (cancelicon.hitTestObject(resourceItems[(resourceItems.length - 1)])){ cancelicon.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cancelBuildItem); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkItemOverlap); resourceItems[(resourceItems.length - 1)].deleteSelf(); resourceItems.splice((resourceItems.length - 1), 1); currentlyHovered = null; currently_placing_item = false;; fixCancelIcon(); resourceIndex--; }; } public function deleteAllEnemies():void{ var _local1:int; if (enemies.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < enemies.length) { if (enemies[_local1].is_alive){ enemies[_local1].deleteSelf(); }; enemies[_local1] = null; _local1++; }; }; enemies = new Array(); } public function updateStats(_arg1:Event):void{ } public function calculateResources(_arg1:MovieClip):int{ if ((_arg1.maxhp / 2) > 10){ return (((10 + (Math.random() * 10)) * _arg1.resourceModifier)); }; return (((4 + (_arg1.maxhp / 2)) * _arg1.resourceModifier)); } public function gotoMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainMenu4.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, gotoMenu); gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); } public function optionSelectedLose(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ( == loseScreen.retryLevel3){ unpauseGame(); loseScreen.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, optionSelectedLose); removeChild(loseScreen); levels[(currentLevel - 1)].fix(); cleanUp(); levelStart(currentLevel); gotoAndStop("levelselect"); gotoAndStop("game"); } else { if ( == loseScreen.levelSelect3){ unpauseGame(); loseScreen.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, optionSelectedLose); removeChild(loseScreen); levels[(currentLevel - 1)].fix(); backToMenu(); }; }; } function frame81(){ mainMenu5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoMenu7, false, 0, true); selcuck.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoLink, false, 0, true); } public function nextTowerIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (j < (towerBuildIcons.length - 1)){ towerBuildIcons[j].destroy(); removeChild(towerBuildIcons[j]); j++; addChild(towerBuildIcons[j]); towerBuildIcons[j].initialize(); }; } public function updateBuildInfo():void{ buildInfo.text = defaultBuildInfoString; } public function confirmSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ( == confirmScreen.yes){ initializeStats(); initializeAwardData(); gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); }; } public function clearLevelData():void{ stopEnemySpawn(); deleteEventListeners(); deleteAllTowers(); deleteAllTowerTops(); deleteAllResourceItems(); fixLevel(); fixVariables(); destroyBuildIcons(); deleteAllEnemies(); clearGlows(); } public function showSellIconFromTower(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ if (((!(currently_placing_tower)) && (!(currently_placing_item)))){ is_hovered = true; if (((!((currentlyHovered == null))) && (!((currentlyHovered == _arg1))))){ currentlyHovered.stopInfoNoEvent(); }; currentlyHovered = _arg1; sellIcon.x = mouseX; sellIcon.y = mouseY; sellIcon.scaleX = 1; sellIcon.scaleY = 1; addChild(sellIcon); handleSell(); }; } public function initializeTimers():void{ timer.reset(); timer.delay = levels[(currentLevel - 1)].preGameStart; timer.repeatCount = levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves.length; timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, dispatchWave, false, 0, true); timer.start(); pauseEnemiesFor(timer.delay); } public function optionSelectedSurvival(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ( == survivalScreen.retry){ unpauseGame(); survivalScreen.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, optionSelectedSurvival); removeChild(survivalScreen); levels[(currentLevel - 1)].fix(); cleanUp(); levelStart(currentLevel); gotoAndStop("levelselect"); gotoAndStop("game"); } else { if ( == survivalScreen.levelSelect2){ unpauseGame(); survivalScreen.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, optionSelectedSurvival); removeChild(survivalScreen); levels[(currentLevel - 1)].fix(); backToMenu(); }; }; } function checkForTowerHit(_arg1:MovieClip):Boolean{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < towers.length) { if (((((_arg1.hitTestObject(towers[_local2])) && (!((_arg1 == towers[_local2]))))) && (!(towers[_local2].deleted)))){ return (true); }; _local2++; }; return (false); } public function forceRemoveGlow(_arg1:int):void{ if (glow_enabled){ if (towers[_arg1].has_glow){ if (glowIndex[_arg1] != null){ removeChild(glowIndex[_arg1]); glowIndex[_arg1] = null; }; towers[_arg1].has_glow = false; }; }; } public function handleSell():void{ Mouse.hide(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showSellIcon, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sellTower, false, 0, true); sell_shown = true; currentlyHovered.showInfoNoEvent(); } public function fixButtons():void{ if (levelSelect.currentFrame == 1){ previousLevel.alpha = 0; previousLevel.mouseEnabled = false; } else { previousLevel.alpha = 1; previousLevel.mouseEnabled = true; }; if (levelSelect.currentFrame == 7){ nextLevel.alpha = 0; nextLevel.mouseEnabled = false; } else { if (levelSelect.currentFrame == levelsUnlocked){ nextLevel.alpha = 0.2; nextLevel.mouseEnabled = false; } else { nextLevel.alpha = 1; nextLevel.mouseEnabled = true; }; }; } public function gotoCredits(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ credits.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoCredits); gotoAndStop("credits"); } public function startClockTime():void{ if (clockValue == 0){ clockTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, incrementClockTime, false, 0, true); } else { clockTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, decrementClockTime, false, 0, true); }; clockTime.start(); } public function setClockTime():void{ timeDisplay.time.text = timeToString(); } public function updateSound():void{ if (soundEffectsEnabled){ soundBox.gotoAndStop(1); } else { soundBox.gotoAndStop(2); }; } public function resetTimeBar(_arg1:Event):void{ durationTween.removeEventListener("motionFinish", resetTimeBar); enemyTimer.timeBar.width = 180; } public function buildNewTower(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:MovieClip; if (money >= (_arg1.price - towerPriceReduction)){ currently_placing_tower = true; cancelicon.x = 750; cancelicon.scaleX = 0.75; cancelicon.scaleY = 0.75; cancelicon.y = 436; cancelicon.alpha = 1; addChild(cancelicon); cancelicon.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cancelBuild, false, 0, true); defaultBuildInfoString = "Hold shift while placing to build multiple towers. Hover over the 'X' to cancel building."; updateBuildInfo(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkOverlap, false, 0, true); _local2 = new Range(index); _local3 = new MovieClip(); if (_arg1.towerID == 1){ _local3 = new circleTower(index); } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 2){ _local3 = new squareTower(index); _local2.isSquareTower = true; } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 3){ _local3 = new pentagonTower(index); _local2.isPentagonTower = true; } else { if (_arg1.towerID == 4){ _local3 = new cannonTower(index); }; }; }; }; index++; addChildAt(_local2, 1); addChild(_local3); towers.push(_local3); ranges.push(_local2); _local3.stop(); _local3.x = mouseX; _local3.y = mouseY; _local2.stop(); _local2.x = mouseX; _local2.y = mouseY; _local3.rate = (_local3.rate * RB[(_local3.towerID - 1)]); _local3.attack = (_local3.attack * ABPL[(_local3.towerID - 1)]); _local3.range = (_local3.range * RanB[(_local3.towerID - 1)]); _local3.setRangeTo(_local3.range); } else { if (soundEffectsEnabled){; }; }; } public function loopSong(_arg1:Event):void{ if (soundChannel != null){ soundChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, loopSong); music_is_playing = true; soundChannel =; soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, loopSong, false, 0, true); }; } public function getPriceToSell():int{ if (currentlyHovered != null){ return (((currentlyHovered.price * 0.6) + (((currentlyHovered.level * currentlyHovered.level) * 10) / 2))); }; return (-20000); } public function previousTowerIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (j > 0){ towerBuildIcons[j].destroy(); removeChild(towerBuildIcons[j]); j--; addChild(towerBuildIcons[j]); towerBuildIcons[j].initialize(); }; } public function loseToMenu():void{ levelCleanUp(); levels[(currentLevel - 1)].fix(); backToMenu(); saveGame(); } public function initializeAwardData():void{ award.circleTowers1 = false; award.circleTowers2 = false; award.circleTowers3 = false; award.squareTowers1 = false; award.squareTowers2 = false; award.squareTowers3 = false; award.pentagonTowers1 = false; award.pentagonTowers2 = false; award.pentagonTowers3 = false; award.cannonTowers1 = false; award.cannonTowers2 = false; award.cannonTowers3 = false; award.farmsPlaced1 = false; award.farmsPlaced2 = false; award.farmsPlaced3 = false; award.minesPlaced1 = false; award.minesPlaced2 = false; award.minesPlaced3 = false; award.trainingCentersPlaced1 = false; award.trainingCentersPlaced2 = false; award.trainingCentersPlaced3 = false; award.allTowersPlaced = false; award.allResourceItemsPlaced = false; award.levelTenTowerAward = false; award.allLevelTenTowers = false; award.enemiesKilledTier1 = false; award.enemiesKilledTier2 = false; award.enemiesKilledTier3 = false; award.moneyEarned1 = false; award.moneyEarned2 = false; award.moneyEarned3 = false; award.resourcesEarned1 = false; award.resourcesEarned2 = false; award.resourcesEarned3 = false; award.levelTenCastle = false; award.completedCampaign = false; award.survival1 = false; award.survival2 = false; award.gotAllAwards = false; award.ultimateFail = false; award.pumpkinEater = false; } public function loadGame():void{ stats =; award =; ABPL =; RB =; RanB =; TimerBonus =; towerPriceReduction =; structurePriceReduction =; moneyBonus =; resourceBonus =; levelsUnlocked =; } public function nextIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (levelsUnlocked > levelSelect.currentFrame){ levelSelect.gotoAndStop((levelSelect.currentFrame + 1)); }; fixButtons(); } function updateAmounts():void{ moneyBox.text = ("" + money); resourceBox.text = ("" + resources); } public function confirmSelected2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ( == confirmScreen.yes){ stats = new Object(); award = new Object(); ABPL = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1); RB = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1); RanB = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1); TimerBonus = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1); towerPriceReduction = 0; structurePriceReduction = 0; moneyBonus = 0; resourceBonus = 0; levelsUnlocked = 1; glowIndex = new Array(); initializeStats(); initializeAwardData(); saveGame(); loadGame(); }; } public function deleteAllTowers():void{ var _local1:int; if (towers.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < towers.length) { if (!towers[_local1].deleted){ towers[_local1].deleteSelf(); }; towers[_local1] = null; _local1++; }; towers = new Array(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < ranges.length) { if (!ranges[_local1].deleted){ ranges[_local1].shouldBeStopped = true; ranges[_local1].deleteSelf(); }; ranges[_local1] = null; _local1++; }; }; ranges = new Array(); } public function cancelBuildItemNoEvent():void{ cancelicon.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cancelBuildItem); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkItemOverlap); resourceItems[(resourceItems.length - 1)].deleteSelf(); resourceItems.splice((resourceItems.length - 1), 1); currentlyHovered = null; currently_placing_item = false;; fixCancelIcon(); resourceIndex--; } public function loadAndGotoGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ loadGame(); gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); } public function unDebugTrace(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == 16){ shift_is_held = false; }; } function checkOverlap(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:MovieClip; _local2 = false; _local3 = towers[(towers.length - 1)]; if (towers[(towers.length - 1)].is_placed){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkOverlap); } else { if (checkForTowerHit(_local3)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (checkForResourceItemHit(_local3)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (_local3.hitTestObject(topbar)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (_local3.hitTestObject(bottombar)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY - (_local3.height / 2)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY + (_local3.height / 2)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX - (_local3.width / 2)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX + (_local3.width / 2)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (_local3.hitTestObject(levels[(currentLevel - 1)].castle)){ _local2 = true; } else { if ((((mouseX < (_local3.width / 2))) || ((mouseX > (800 - (_local3.width / 2)))))){ _local2 = true; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; overlapping = _local2; }; } public function enemyKilled(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ stats.totalEnemiesKilled++; if (towersCheated > 0){ towersCheated = 0; }; if (towers[_arg1.index].towerID == 1){ stats.killedByCircle++; } else { if (towers[_arg1.index].towerID == 3){ stats.killedByPentagon++; } else { if (towers[_arg1.index].towerID == 4){ stats.killedByCannon++; }; }; }; checkForAwards(); } public function shotFired(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ stats.totalShotsFired++; if (towers[_arg1.index].towerID == 1){ stats.shotsFiredByCircle++; } else { if (towers[_arg1.index].towerID == 2){ stats.shotsFiredBySquare++; } else { if (towers[_arg1.index].towerID == 3){ stats.shotsFiredByPentagon++; } else { if (towers[_arg1.index].towerID == 4){ stats.shotsFiredByCannon++; }; }; }; }; } public function optionSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ( == levelComplete.nextLevel2){ levelComplete.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, optionSelected); removeChild(levelComplete); levels[(currentLevel - 1)].fix(); cleanUp(); levelStart((currentLevel + 1)); gotoAndStop("levelselect"); gotoAndStop("game"); } else { if ( == levelComplete.levelSelect2){ levelComplete.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, optionSelected); removeChild(levelComplete); levels[(currentLevel - 1)].fix(); backToMenu(); }; }; } public function nextItemIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (r < (resourceBuildIcons.length - 1)){ resourceBuildIcons[r].destroy(); removeChild(resourceBuildIcons[r]); r++; addChild(resourceBuildIcons[r]); resourceBuildIcons[r].initialize(); }; } public function backToMenu():void{ cleanUp(); gotoAndStop("levelselect"); } public function anyEnemiesAlive():Boolean{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this.numChildren) { _local2 = this.getChildAt(_local1); if ((((((_local2 is Enemy1)) || ((_local2 is Enemy2)))) || ((_local2 is Enemy3)))){ if ((((((_local2.x > 0)) && ((_local2.y > 0)))) && ((_local2.hp > 0)))){ return (true); }; }; _local1++; }; return (false); } public function gotoMainMenu2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainMenu2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoMainMenu); gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); } public function gotoMainMenu3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainMenu3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoMainMenu3); gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); } public function previousItemIcon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (r > 0){ resourceBuildIcons[r].destroy(); removeChild(resourceBuildIcons[r]); r--; addChild(resourceBuildIcons[r]); resourceBuildIcons[r].initialize(); }; } public function gotoNG(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:URLRequest; _local2 = ""; _local3 = new URLRequest(_local2); navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank"); } public function initializeAwardsUnlocked():void{ awardsUnlockedText.text = (("" + stats.awardsUnlocked) + "/39 AWARDS UNLOCKED"); } public function levelWon():void{ stats.successiveLosses = 0; } public function hideMoneyInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buildInfo.text = defaultBuildInfoString; } public function stopEnemySpawn():void{ timer.reset(); } public function clearGlows():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < glowIndex.length) { if (glowIndex[_local1] != null){ removeChild(glowIndex[_local1]); glowIndex[_local1] = null; }; _local1++; }; } public function pauseNoEvent():void{ } public function buildNewItem(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; if (resources >= (_arg1.price - structurePriceReduction)){ currently_placing_item = true; cancelicon.x = 750; cancelicon.scaleX = 0.75; cancelicon.scaleY = 0.75; cancelicon.y = 436; cancelicon.alpha = 1; addChild(cancelicon); cancelicon.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cancelBuildItem, false, 0, true); defaultBuildInfoString = "Hold shift while placing to build multiple towers. Hover over the 'X' to cancel building."; updateBuildInfo(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkItemOverlap, false, 0, true); _local2 = new MovieClip(); if (_arg1.itemID == 2){ _local2 = new Mine(resourceIndex); } else { if (_arg1.itemID == 3){ _local2 = new TrainingCenter(resourceIndex); } else { if (_arg1.itemID == 1){ _local2 = new Farm(resourceIndex); } else { if (_arg1.itemID == 4){ _local2 = new Landmark1(resourceIndex); } else { if (_arg1.itemID == 5){ _local2 = new Landmark2(resourceIndex); }; }; }; }; }; resourceIndex++; addChild(_local2); resourceItems.push(_local2); _local2.x = mouseX; _local2.y = mouseY; _local2.genericTimer.delay = (_local2.genericTimer.delay * (1 + (1 - TimerBonus[(_local2.itemID - 1)]))); } else { if (soundEffectsEnabled){; }; }; } function removeHangingSell():void{ if (((((is_hovered) && (!((currentLevel == 2))))) && (!((currentLevel == 6))))){ if (sellIcon.parent == this){ }; removeChild(sellIcon); if (currentlyHovered != null){ currentlyHovered.stopInfoNoEvent(); }; is_hovered = false; currentlyHovered = null;; }; } function checkOverlapFinal(_arg1:MovieClip):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = false; if (checkForTowerHit(_arg1)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (checkForResourceItemHit(_arg1)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1.hitTestObject(topbar)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1.hitTestObject(bottombar)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, ((mouseY - (_arg1.height / 2)) + 12), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, ((mouseY + (_arg1.height / 2)) - 12), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(((mouseX - (_arg1.width / 2)) + 6), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(((mouseX + (_arg1.width / 2)) - 6), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1.hitTestObject(levels[(currentLevel - 1)].castle)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY + (_arg1.height / 4)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY - (_arg1.height / 4)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX + (_arg1.width / 4)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX - (_arg1.width / 4)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local2); } public function levelCleanUp():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this.numChildren) { _local2 = this.getChildAt(_local1); if ((((((_local2 is Enemy1)) || ((_local2 is Enemy2)))) || ((_local2 is Enemy3)))){ _local2.deleteSelf(); _local2 = null; }; _local1++; }; } public function survivalComplete():void{ clockTime.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, decrementClockTime); clockTime.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, incrementClockTime); pauseGame(); startWin(); } public function gotoInstructions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ instructions.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoInstructions); gotoAndStop("instructions"); } public function displayXpUpAt(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{ var _local4:MovieClip; _local4 = new animateXP(); _local4.x = (_arg1 + 30); _local4.scaleX = 0.2; _local4.scaleY = 0.2; _local4.y = (_arg2 - 10); _local4.xpIcon.xpIconText.text = ("+" + _arg3); addChild(_local4); } function checkForResourceItemHit(_arg1:MovieClip):Boolean{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < resourceItems.length) { if (((((_arg1.hitTestObject(resourceItems[_local2])) && (!((_arg1 == resourceItems[_local2]))))) && (!(resourceItems[_local2].deleted)))){ return (true); }; _local2++; }; return (false); } public function cancelBuildNoEvent():void{ cancelicon.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cancelBuild); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkOverlap); towers[(towers.length - 1)].deleteSelf(); ranges[(ranges.length - 1)].deleteSelf(); towers.splice((towers.length - 1), 1); ranges.splice((ranges.length - 1), 1); currentlyHovered = null; currently_placing_tower = false;; fixCancelIcon(); index--; } public function dispatchWave(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned < levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves.length){ enemyDispatchTimer.reset(); enemyDispatchTimer.delay = levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves[levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned].enemyDelay; enemyDispatchTimer.repeatCount = levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves[levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned].num_enemies; enemyDispatchTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, dispatchEnemy, false, 0, true); enemyDispatchTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, waveComplete, false, 0, true); enemyDispatchTimer.start(); timer.reset(); if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves[levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned].waveDelay != 241){ timer.delay = levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves[levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned].waveDelay; timer.start(); pauseEnemiesFor(timer.delay); }; }; if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned == (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves.length - 1)){ timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, dispatchWave); timer.stop(); }; } public function debugTrace(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == 16){ shift_is_held = true; }; if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ }; } public function unpauseResource():void{ var _local1:int; if (resourceItems.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < resourceItems.length) { if (!resourceItems[_local1].deleted){ resourceItems[_local1].unpauseSelf(); }; _local1++; }; }; } public function cleanUp():void{; clockTime.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, incrementClockTime); clockTime.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, decrementClockTime); if (((enemiesStarted) && ((towers[(towers.length - 1)].is_placed == false)))){ addChildAt(cancelicon, 0); towers[(towers.length - 1)].deleteSelf(); ranges[(ranges.length - 1)].deleteSelf(); towers.splice((towers.length - 1), 1); ranges.splice((ranges.length - 1), 1);; fixCancelIcon(); index--; }; if (awardSplash.parent != null){ awardSplash.stop(); removeChild(awardSplash); }; clockTime.stop(); clearLevelData(); fixVariables(); } public function lostLevel():void{ stats.successiveLosses++; } public function gotoIntro(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoIntro); } public function changeWeatherFromOptions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (envEffectsEnabled){ envEffectsEnabled = false; } else { envEffectsEnabled = true; }; updateWeather(); } public function changeSoundFromOptions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (soundEffectsEnabled){ soundEffectsEnabled = false; } else { soundEffectsEnabled = true; }; updateSound(); } public function incrementMoneyBy(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:MovieClip):void{ var _local4:int; var _local5:int; moneyEarned(_arg1); if (_arg2){ _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local4 = ((_arg3.x + (_arg3.width / 2)) + 10); _local5 = (_arg3.y - (_arg3.height / 2)); showIncrementMoneyText(_local4, _local5, _arg1); }; } public function gotoGame7(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if ( != undefined){ addChild(confirmScreen); confirmScreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, confirmSelected, false, 0, true); } else { gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); }; } public function gotoStatistics(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ statistics.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoStatistics); gotoAndStop("statistics"); } public function resourcesGained(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = calculateResources(_arg1); resources = (resources + _local2); stats.totalResourcesEarned = (stats.totalResourcesEarned + _local2); updateAmounts(); } public function updateMusic():void{ if (music_is_playing){ musicBox.gotoAndStop(1); } else { musicBox.gotoAndStop(2); }; } public function initializeStats():void{ stats.totalResourcesEarned = 0; stats.totalMoneyEarned = 0; stats.totalShotsFired = 0; stats.shotsFiredByCircle = 0; stats.shotsFiredBySquare = 0; stats.shotsFiredByPentagon = 0; stats.shotsFiredByCannon = 0; stats.totalEnemiesKilled = 0; stats.killedByCircle = 0; stats.killedByPentagon = 0; stats.killedByCannon = 0; stats.totalTowersPlaced = 0; stats.circleTowersPlaced = 0; stats.squareTowersPlaced = 0; stats.pentagonTowersPlaced = 0; stats.cannonTowersPlaced = 0; stats.totalResourceItemsPlaced = 0; stats.farmsPlaced = 0; stats.minesPlaced = 0; stats.trainingCentersPlaced = 0; stats.levelsGained = 0; stats.circleTowerLevels = 0; stats.squareTowerLevels = 0; stats.pentagonTowerLevels = 0; stats.cannonTowerLevels = 0; stats.levelTenTowers = 0; stats.circleTowerTens = 0; stats.squareTowerTens = 0; stats.pentagonTowerTens = 0; stats.cannonTowerTens = 0; stats.successiveLosses = 0; stats.timesPlayed = 0; stats.awardsUnlocked = 0; stats.bestTime = 0; } public function updateWeather():void{ if (envEffectsEnabled){ weatherBox.gotoAndStop(1); } else { weatherBox.gotoAndStop(2); }; } public function displayMoneyInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buildInfo.text = "Money allows you to buy new towers."; } public function timeToString2(_arg1:int):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; if (_arg1 >= 3600){ return (((((int((_arg1 / 3600)) + ":") + int((_arg1 / (_arg1 % 3600)))) + ":") + (int((_arg1 / (_arg1 % 3600))) % 60))); }; if (_arg1 >= 60){ if (int((_arg1 / 60)) < 10){ _local2 = ("0" + int((_arg1 / 60))); } else { _local2 = ("" + int((_arg1 / 60))); }; if ((_arg1 % 60) < 10){ _local3 = ("0" + (_arg1 % 60)); } else { _local3 = ("" + int((_arg1 % 60))); }; return (((("00:" + _local2) + ":") + _local3)); //unresolved jump }; if (_arg1 > 0){ if (_arg1 < 10){ return (("00:00:0" + _arg1)); }; return (("00:00:" + _arg1)); //unresolved jump }; return ("00:00:00"); } public function pauseGame():void{ pauseTimers(); pauseEnemies(); pauseTowers(); pauseResource(); stopEnemyScan(); } public function gotoMenu7(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainMenu5.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, gotoMenu7); gotoAndStop("mainMenu"); } function lose():void{ if (currentLevel < 7){ pauseGame(); removeStuffBeingPlaced(); loseScreen.x = 400; loseScreen.y = 225; addChild(loseScreen); lostLevel(); loseScreen.gotoAndPlay(1); checkForAwards(); loseScreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, optionSelectedLose, false, 0, true); saveGame(); } else { pauseGame(); levelTime = clockValue; if (levelTime > bestScore){ bestScore = levelTime; stats.bestTime = bestScore; }; removeStuffBeingPlaced(); survivalScreen.x = 400; survivalScreen.y = 225; addChild(survivalScreen); survivalScreen.gotoAndPlay(1); checkForAwards(); survivalScreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, optionSelectedSurvival, false, 0, true); saveGame(); }; } public function saveGame():void{ = stats; = award; = ABPL; = RB; = RanB; = TimerBonus; = towerPriceReduction; = structurePriceReduction; = moneyBonus; = resourceBonus; = levelsUnlocked; } public function setStatistics():void{ stuff.text = ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("Money earned: " + stats.totalMoneyEarned) + "\n") + "Resources earned: ") + stats.totalResourcesEarned) + "\n") + "Shots fired: ") + stats.totalShotsFired) + "\n") + "Shots fired by arrow tower: ") + stats.shotsFiredByCircle) + "\n") + "Shots fired by ballista tower: ") + stats.shotsFiredByPentagon) + "\n") + "Shots fired by cannon: ") + stats.shotsFiredByCannon) + "\n") + "Enemies killed: ") + stats.totalEnemiesKilled) + "\n") + "Enemies killed by arrow tower: ") + stats.killedByCircle) + "\n") + "Enemies killed by ballista tower: ") + stats.killedByPentagon) + "\n") + "Enemies killed by cannon tower: ") + stats.killedByCannon) + "\n"); stuff2.text = (((((((((((((((((((((((((((("Towers placed: " + stats.totalTowersPlaced) + "\n") + "Arrow towers placed: ") + stats.circleTowersPlaced) + "\n") + "Sap silos placed: ") + stats.squareTowersPlaced) + "\n") + "Ballista towers placed: ") + stats.pentagonTowersPlaced) + "\n") + "Cannon towers placed: ") + stats.cannonTowersPlaced) + "\n") + "Structures placed: ") + stats.totalResourceItemsPlaced) + "\n") + "Farms placed: ") + stats.farmsPlaced) + "\n") + "Mines placed: ") + stats.minesPlaced) + "\n") + "Training Centers placed: ") + stats.trainingCentersPlaced) + "\n") + "Best survival time: ") + timeToString2(stats.bestTime)); stuff3.text = ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("Tower levels gained: " + stats.levelsGained) + "\n") + "Arrow tower levels: ") + stats.circleTowerLevels) + "\n") + "Sap silo levels: ") + stats.squareTowerLevels) + "\n") + "Ballista tower levels: ") + stats.pentagonTowerLevels) + "\n") + "Cannon tower levels: ") + stats.cannonTowerLevels) + "\n") + "Level 10 towers: ") + stats.levelTenTowers) + "\n") + "Level 10 Arrow towers: ") + stats.circleTowerTens) + "\n") + "Level 10 Sap silos: ") + stats.squareTowerTens) + "\n") + "Level 10 Ballista towers: ") + stats.pentagonTowerTens) + "\n") + "Level 10 Cannon towers: ") + stats.cannonTowerTens) + "\n"); } public function sellTower(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:int; if (((!((currentlyHovered == null))) && (currentlyHovered.is_placed))){; if (soundEffectsEnabled){; }; forceRemoveGlow(currentlyHovered.index); if (ranges[currentlyHovered.index].isPentagonTower){ ranges[currentlyHovered.index].removeAugment(); }; money = (money + getPriceToSell()); updateAmounts(); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showSellIcon); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sellTower); if (sellIcon.parent == this){ removeChild(sellIcon); }; currentlyHovered.stopInfoNoEvent(); currentlyHovered.deleted = true; ranges[currentlyHovered.index].deleted = true; currentlyHovered.deleteSelf(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < ranges.length) { if (((!(ranges[_local2].deleted)) && (ranges[_local2].isPentagonTower))){ ranges[_local2].updateAugment(); }; _local2++; }; ranges[currentlyHovered.index].deleteSelf(); towerTops[currentlyHovered.index].deleteSelf(); currentlyHovered = null; }; } public function dispatchEnemy(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves[levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned].enemyID == 1){ _local2 = new Enemy1(); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves[levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned].enemyID == 2){ _local2 = new Enemy2(); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves[levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned].enemyID == 3){ _local2 = new Enemy3(); }; }; }; _local2.cacheAsBitmap = true; enemiesStartedSrsly = true; levels[(currentLevel - 1)].setEntrancePoint(_local2); _local2.hp = (_local2.maxhp = determineHP(_local2)); _local2.damage = determineAttack(_local2); enemies.push(_local2); enemiesSpawned++; addChildAt(enemies[(enemies.length - 1)], 1); } public function unpauseTimers():void{ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].castle.xpGainClock.start(); levels[(currentLevel - 1)].castle.moneyGainClock.start(); if (t1s){ timer.start(); }; if (t2s){ gameTime.start(); }; if (t3s){ delayTimer.start(); }; if (t4s){ enemyDispatchTimer.start(); }; if (t5s){ clockTime.start(); }; if (tweensStopped){ durationTween.resume(); tweensStopped = false; }; if (tweensStopped2){ durationTween2.resume(); tweensStopped2 = false; }; } public function changeQuality():void{ if (stage.quality == "LOW"){ stage.quality = StageQuality.MEDIUM; } else { if (stage.quality == "MEDIUM"){ stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH; } else { if (stage.quality == "HIGH"){ stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW; }; }; }; } public function placeGlow():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; if (glow_enabled){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < towers.length) { if (((((!(towers[_local1].deleted)) && (towers[_local1].augmentedRate))) && (!(towers[_local1].has_glow)))){ glowIndex[_local1] = new TowerGlow(_local1); glowIndex[_local1].x = towers[_local1].x; glowIndex[_local1].y = (towers[_local1].y + 7); addChildAt(glowIndex[_local1], (getChildIndex(levels[(currentLevel - 1)]) + 1)); addChildAt(towers[_local1], (getChildIndex(glowIndex[_local1]) + 1)); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < glowIndex.length) { if ((glowIndex[_local2] is TowerGlow)){ addChildAt(glowIndex[_local2], (getChildIndex(levels[(currentLevel - 1)]) + 1)); }; _local2++; }; towers[_local1].has_glow = true; }; _local1++; }; }; } public function levelStart(_arg1:int):void{ levels = new Array(); levels.push(new Level1(), new Level2(), new Level3(), new Level4(), new Level5(), new Level6(), new Level7()); towerBuildIcons = new Array(); resourceBuildIcons = new Array(); gotoAndStop("game"); currentLevel = _arg1; addChildAt(levels[(_arg1 - 1)], 0); levels[(_arg1 - 1)].levelStart(); if ((((currentLevel == 6)) && (!(envEffectsEnabled)))){ levels[(_arg1 - 1)].gotoAndStop(2); } else { if ((((currentLevel == 6)) && (envEffectsEnabled))){ levels[(_arg1 - 1)].gotoAndStop(1); }; }; envEffect = levels[(currentLevel - 1)].environmentalEffect; if (envEffectsEnabled){ if ((envEffect is Snow)){ envEffect.x = 399.2; envEffect.y = 206.6; } else { if ((envEffect is Clouds)){ envEffect.x = 367.8; envEffect.y = 235.5; } else { envEffect.x = 400; envEffect.y = 225; }; }; addChildAt(envEffect, 1); }; levelCleanUp(); } public function stopMusic():void{ if (soundChannel != null){ musicDisabled = true; music_is_playing = false; soundChannel.stop(); soundChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, loopSong); }; } public function deleteEventListeners():void{ cancelicon.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cancelBuild); cancelicon.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, cancelBuildItem); } public function waveComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ enemyDispatchTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, waveComplete); saveGame(); if (currentFrame == 31){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves[levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned].spawned = true; }; if (currentFrame == 31){ if ((((towers.length > 0)) && (towers[0].is_placed))){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned++; if (currentLevel == 7){ if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned > 80){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier + 6); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned > 60){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier + 5); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned > 50){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier + 4); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned > 40){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier + 3); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned > 30){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier + 2); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned > 20){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier + 1); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned > 15){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier + 0.6); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned > 10){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier + 0.4); } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned > 1){ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier + 0.1); } else { levels[(currentLevel - 1)].enemyhpMultiplier = 1; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; trace((("wave: " + levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned) + "complete")); }; }; } public function moneyEarned(_arg1:int):void{ money = (money + _arg1); stats.totalMoneyEarned = (stats.totalMoneyEarned + _arg1); updateAmounts(); } public function playMusic():void{ musicDisabled = false; if (((!(musicDisabled)) && (!(music_is_playing)))){ music_is_playing = true; soundChannel =; soundChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, loopSong, false, 0, true); }; } public function pauseEnemies():void{ var _local1:int; if (enemies.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < enemies.length) { if (enemies[_local1].is_alive){ enemies[_local1].pauseSelf(); }; _local1++; }; }; } public function pauseEnemiesFor(_arg1:int):void{ if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].wavesSpawned < levels[(currentLevel - 1)].waves.length){ durationTween = new Tween(enemyTimer.timeBar, "width", None.easeOut, 180, 0, (_arg1 / 1000), true); durationTween.addEventListener("motionFinish", resetTimeBar, false, 0, true); durationTween.start(); durationTween2 = new Tween(enemyTimer.maskBar, "width", None.easeOut, 180, 0, (_arg1 / 1000), true); durationTween2.addEventListener("motionFinish", resetMaskBar, false, 0, true); durationTween2.start(); updateBuildInfo(); }; } public function pauseTimers():void{ levels[(currentLevel - 1)].castle.xpGainClock.stop(); levels[(currentLevel - 1)].castle.moneyGainClock.stop(); if (timer.running){ timer.stop(); t1s = true; }; if (gameTime.running){ gameTime.stop(); t2s = true; }; if (delayTimer.running){ delayTimer.stop(); t3s = true; }; if (enemyDispatchTimer.running){ enemyDispatchTimer.stop(); t4s = true; }; if (clockTime.running){ clockTime.stop(); t5s = true; }; if (durationTween.isPlaying){ durationTween.stop(); tweensStopped = true; }; if (durationTween2.isPlaying){ durationTween2.stop(); tweensStopped2 = true; }; } public function gotoLevelSelect2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ awards.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoLevelSelect2); gotoAndStop("levelselect"); } public function clearData(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ addChild(confirmScreen); confirmScreen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, confirmSelected2, false, 0, true); } function checkItemOverlap(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:MovieClip; if (!levels[(currentLevel - 1)].isFinished){ _local2 = false; _local3 = resourceItems[(resourceItems.length - 1)]; if (resourceItems[(resourceItems.length - 1)].is_placed){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkItemOverlap); } else { if (checkForTowerHit(_local3)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (checkForResourceItemHit(_local3)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (_local3.hitTestObject(topbar)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (_local3.hitTestObject(bottombar)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY - (_local3.height / 2)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY + (_local3.height / 2)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX - (_local3.width / 2)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX + (_local3.width / 2)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (_local3.hitTestObject(levels[(currentLevel - 1)].castle)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY + (_local3.height / 3)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY - (_local3.height / 3)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX + (_local3.width / 3)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX - (_local3.width / 3)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY + (_local3.height / 5)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint(mouseX, (mouseY - (_local3.height / 5)), true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX + (_local3.width / 5)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if (levels[(currentLevel - 1)].boundingBox.hitTestPoint((mouseX - (_local3.width / 6)), mouseY, true)){ _local2 = true; } else { if ((((mouseX < (_local3.width / 2))) || ((mouseX > (800 - (_local3.width / 2)))))){ _local2 = true; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; overlapping = _local2; }; } else { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkItemOverlap); if (cancelicon.parent == this){ removeChild(cancelicon); };; }; } public function placeTowerTop(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:TowerTop; _local2 = new TowerTop(_arg1); if (envEffect.parent == this){ addChildAt(_local2, (getChildIndex(envEffect) - 1)); } else { addChild(_local2); }; towerTops.push(_local2); } public function nextA(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (achievementsMC.totalFrames > achievementsMC.currentFrame){ if (hiddenAwards[(achievementsMC.currentFrame + 2)]){ if (hiddenAwards[(achievementsMC.currentFrame + 3)]){ } else { achievementsMC.gotoAndStop((achievementsMC.currentFrame + 2)); }; } else { achievementsMC.gotoAndStop((achievementsMC.currentFrame + 1)); }; }; fixButtons2(); } public function updateSpecial():void{ if (glow_enabled){ specialBox.gotoAndStop(1); } else { specialBox.gotoAndStop(2); }; } public function gotoOptions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ options.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoOptions); gotoAndStop("options"); } public function displayResourceInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ buildInfo.text = "Resources allow you to repair your castle, build structures, and more."; } public function enlargeSelect(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ levelSelect.scaleX = 1.025; levelSelect.scaleY = 1.025; } public function checkForAwards():void{ if (awardSplash.parent == null){ if (((!(award.circleTowers1)) && ((stats.circleTowersPlaced >= 10)))){ award.circleTowers1 = true; RanB[0] = (RanB[0] + 0.05); awardUnlocked("NOVICE BOWMAN"); } else { if (((!(award.circleTowers2)) && ((stats.circleTowersPlaced >= 50)))){ RB[0] = (RB[0] - 0.05); award.circleTowers2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT BOWMAN"); } else { if (((!(award.circleTowers3)) && ((stats.circleTowersPlaced >= 100)))){ ABPL[0] = (ABPL[0] + 0.05); award.circleTowers3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE BOWMAN"); } else { if (((!(award.squareTowers1)) && ((stats.squareTowersPlaced >= 10)))){ RanB[1] = (RanB[1] + 0.05); award.squareTowers1 = true; awardUnlocked("NOVICE SAPPER"); } else { if (((!(award.squareTowers2)) && ((stats.squareTowersPlaced >= 50)))){ RB[1] = (RB[1] - 0.05); award.squareTowers2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT SAPPER"); } else { if (((!(award.squareTowers3)) && ((stats.squareTowersPlaced >= 100)))){ RanB[1] = (RanB[1] + 0.05); award.squareTowers3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE SAPPER"); } else { if (((!(award.pentagonTowers1)) && ((stats.pentagonTowersPlaced >= 10)))){ RanB[2] = (RanB[2] + 0.05); award.pentagonTowers1 = true; awardUnlocked("NOVICE BALLISTEER"); } else { if (((!(award.pentagonTowers2)) && ((stats.pentagonTowersPlaced >= 50)))){ RB[2] = (RB[2] - 0.05); award.pentagonTowers2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT BALLISTEER"); } else { if (((!(award.pentagonTowers3)) && ((stats.pentagonTowersPlaced >= 100)))){ ABPL[2] = (ABPL[2] + 0.05); award.pentagonTowers3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE BALLISTEER"); } else { if (((!(award.cannonTowers1)) && ((stats.cannonTowersPlaced >= 10)))){ RanB[3] = (RanB[3] + 0.05); award.cannonTowers1 = true; awardUnlocked("NOVICE ARTILLERY"); } else { if (((!(award.cannonTowers2)) && ((stats.cannonTowersPlaced >= 50)))){ RB[3] = (RB[3] - 0.05); award.cannonTowers2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT ARTILLERY"); } else { if (((!(award.cannonTowers3)) && ((stats.cannonTowersPlaced >= 100)))){ ABPL[3] = (ABPL[3] + 0.05); award.cannonTowers3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE ARTILLERY"); } else { if (((!(award.farmsPlaced1)) && ((stats.farmsPlaced >= 10)))){ TimerBonus[0] = (TimerBonus[0] + 0.05); award.farmsPlaced1 = true; awardUnlocked("NOVICE FARMER"); } else { if (((!(award.farmsPlaced2)) && ((stats.farmsPlaced >= 50)))){ TimerBonus[0] = (TimerBonus[0] + 0.05); award.farmsPlaced2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT FARMER"); } else { if (((!(award.farmsPlaced3)) && ((stats.farmsPlaced >= 100)))){ TimerBonus[0] = (TimerBonus[0] + 0.05); award.farmsPlaced3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE FARMER"); } else { if (((!(award.minesPlaced1)) && ((stats.minesPlaced >= 10)))){ TimerBonus[1] = (TimerBonus[1] + 0.05); award.minesPlaced1 = true; awardUnlocked("NOVICE MINER"); } else { if (((!(award.minesPlaced2)) && ((stats.minesPlaced >= 50)))){ TimerBonus[1] = (TimerBonus[1] + 0.05); award.minesPlaced2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT MINER"); } else { if (((!(award.minesPlaced3)) && ((stats.minesPlaced >= 100)))){ TimerBonus[1] = (TimerBonus[1] + 0.05); award.minesPlaced3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE MINER"); } else { if (((!(award.trainingCentersPlaced1)) && ((stats.trainingCentersPlaced >= 10)))){ TimerBonus[2] = (TimerBonus[2] + 0.05); award.trainingCentersPlaced1 = true; awardUnlocked("NOVICE TRAINER"); } else { if (((!(award.trainingCentersPlaced2)) && ((stats.trainingCentersPlaced >= 50)))){ TimerBonus[2] = (TimerBonus[2] + 0.05); award.trainingCentersPlaced2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT TRAINER"); } else { if (((!(award.trainingCentersPlaced3)) && ((stats.trainingCentersPlaced >= 100)))){ TimerBonus[2] = (TimerBonus[2] + 0.05); award.trainingCentersPlaced3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE TRAINER"); } else { if (((!(award.enemiesKilledTier1)) && ((stats.totalEnemiesKilled >= 50)))){ moneyBonus = (moneyBonus + 50); award.enemiesKilledTier1 = true; awardUnlocked("NOVICE DEFENDER"); } else { if (((!(award.enemiesKilledTier2)) && ((stats.totalEnemiesKilled >= 500)))){ resourceBonus = (resourceBonus + 50); award.enemiesKilledTier2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT DEFENDER"); } else { if (((!(award.enemiesKilledTier3)) && ((stats.totalEnemiesKilled >= 5000)))){ moneyBonus = (moneyBonus + 50); resourceBonus = (resourceBonus + 50); award.enemiesKilledTier3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE DEFENDER"); } else { if (((!(award.allTowersPlaced)) && ((((((((stats.circleTowersPlaced > 0)) && ((stats.squareTowersPlaced > 0)))) && ((stats.pentagonTowersPlaced > 0)))) && ((stats.cannonTowersPlaced > 0)))))){ towerPriceReduction = (towerPriceReduction + 10); award.allTowersPlaced = true; awardUnlocked("BLOOD-THIRSTY"); } else { if (((!(award.levelTenTowerAward)) && ((stats.levelTenTowers > 0)))){ award.levelTenTowerAward = true; awardUnlocked("DECAMISTER"); } else { if (((!(award.allLevelTenTowers)) && ((((((((stats.circleTowerTens > 0)) && ((stats.squareTowerTens > 0)))) && ((stats.pentagonTowerTens > 0)))) && ((stats.cannonTowerTens > 0)))))){ award.allLevelTenTowers = true; awardUnlocked("DECAMASTER"); } else { if (((!(award.allResourceItemsPlaced)) && ((((((stats.farmsPlaced > 0)) && ((stats.minesPlaced > 0)))) && ((stats.trainingCentersPlaced > 0)))))){ structurePriceReduction = (structurePriceReduction + 10); award.allResourceItemsPlaced = true; awardUnlocked("POWER-HUNGRY"); } else { if (((!(award.moneyEarned1)) && ((stats.totalMoneyEarned >= 1000)))){ moneyBonus = (moneyBonus + 50); award.moneyEarned1 = true; awardUnlocked("NOVICE COLLECTOR"); } else { if (((!(award.moneyEarned2)) && ((stats.totalMoneyEarned >= 10000)))){ moneyBonus = (moneyBonus + 50); award.moneyEarned2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT COLLECTOR"); } else { if (((!(award.moneyEarned3)) && ((stats.totalMoneyEarned >= 100000)))){ moneyBonus = (moneyBonus + 50); award.moneyEarned3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE COLLECTOR"); } else { if (((!(award.resourcesEarned1)) && ((stats.totalResourcesEarned >= 1000)))){ resourceBonus = (resourceBonus + 50); award.resourcesEarned1 = true; awardUnlocked("NOVICE GATHERER"); } else { if (((!(award.resourcesEarned2)) && ((stats.totalResourcesEarned >= 10000)))){ resourceBonus = (resourceBonus + 50); award.resourcesEarned2 = true; awardUnlocked("EXPERT GATHERER"); } else { if (((!(award.resourcesEarned3)) && ((stats.totalResourcesEarned >= 100000)))){ resourceBonus = (resourceBonus + 50); award.resourcesEarned3 = true; awardUnlocked("ELITE GATHERER"); } else { if (((!(award.ultimateFail)) && ((stats.successiveLosses >= 3)))){ award.ultimateFail = true; awardUnlocked("SUCCESSIVE FAILURE"); } else { if (((!(award.pumpkinEater)) && ((towersCheated >= 5)))){ award.pumpkinEater = true; awardUnlocked("PUMPKIN EATER"); } else { if (((!(award.completedCampaign)) && ((levelsUnlocked > 6)))){ award.completedCampaign = true; awardUnlocked("GUARDIAN"); } else { if (!award.gotAllAwards){ if (((award.ultimateFail) && (award.pumpkinEater))){ if (stats.awardsUnlocked >= 40){ award.gotAllAwards = true; awardUnlocked("ADMIRAL TIP-TOP"); }; } else { if (((award.ultimateFail) || (award.pumpkinEater))){ if (stats.awardsUnlocked >= 39){ award.gotAllAwards = true; awardUnlocked("ADMIRAL TIP-TOP"); }; } else { if (stats.awardsUnlocked >= 38){ award.gotAllAwards = true; awardUnlocked("ADMIRAL TIP-TOP"); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function win():void{ pauseGame(); gameTime.stop(); timer.stop(); durationTween.stop(); durationTween2.stop(); removeStuffBeingPlaced(); removeHangingSell(); clockTime.stop(); if ((((levelsUnlocked <= currentLevel)) && ((levelsUnlocked < 7)))){ levelsUnlocked++; checkForAwards(); }; levelComplete = new LevelComplete(); levelComplete.x = 400; levelComplete.y = 225; if (soundEffectsEnabled){; }; addChild(levelComplete); levelWon(); checkForAwards(); levelComplete.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, optionSelected, false, 0, true); saveGame(); } public function setLevelSelect():void{ if (currentLevel == 0){ levelSelect.gotoAndStop(levelsUnlocked); } else { levelSelect.gotoAndStop(currentLevel); }; } public function resourceItemPlaced(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ stats.totalResourceItemsPlaced++; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, duplicateTower, false, 0, true); if (_arg1.itemID == 1){ stats.farmsPlaced++; lastBuild = new FarmBuild(); } else { if (_arg1.itemID == 2){ stats.minesPlaced++; lastBuild = new MineBuild(); } else { if (_arg1.itemID == 3){ stats.trainingCentersPlaced++; lastBuild = new TrainingBuild(); }; }; }; checkForAwards(); } function removeStuffBeingPlaced():void{ if (currently_placing_tower){ cancelBuildNoEvent(); } else { if (currently_placing_item){ cancelBuildItemNoEvent(); }; }; } public function selectLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ nextLevel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, nextIcon); previousLevel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, previousIcon); levelSelect.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectLevel); levelStart(levelSelect.currentFrame); } public function deleteAllResourceItems():void{ var _local1:int; if (resourceItems.length > 0){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < resourceItems.length) { if (!resourceItems[_local1].deleted){ resourceItems[_local1].deleteSelf(); }; resourceItems[_local1] = null; _local1++; }; resourceItems = new Array(); }; } public function gotoLink(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:URLRequest; _local2 = new URLRequest(""); navigateToURL(_local2); } public function changeMusicFromOptions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (music_is_playing){ stopMusic(); musicDisabled = true; } else { musicDisabled = false; playMusic(); }; updateMusic(); } } }//package
Section 86
//Mine (Mine) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; public class Mine extends ResourceBuilding { var timerDelay:int;// = 10000 var amount:int;// = 10 var genericTimer:Timer; public function Mine(_arg1:int):void{ amount = 10; timerDelay = 10000; genericTimer = new Timer(timerDelay); addFrameScript(0, frame1); super(_arg1); price = 400; itemID = 2; sounds.push(new MineSound(), new MineSound(), new MineSound(), new MineSound()); itemName = "Mine"; } override public function showInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouse_over = true; if (((((is_placed) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_tower)))) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_item)))){ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = itemName; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (((("Generating " + amount) + " Au \nevery ") + int((genericTimer.delay / 1000))) + " seconds."); MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultStatsString; handleSell(); }; } override public function customRemove():void{ genericTimer.stop(); genericTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, incrementMoney); } override public function pauseSelf():void{ genericTimer.stop(); } public function incrementMoney(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (MovieClip(parent).enemiesStarted){ MovieClip(parent).incrementMoneyBy(amount, true, this); }; } function frame1(){ stop(); } override public function unpauseSelf():void{ genericTimer.start(); } override public function activate():void{ genericTimer.start(); genericTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, incrementMoney, false, 0, true); } } }//package
Section 87
//MineBuild (MineBuild) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class MineBuild extends buildItemIcon { public var cost:TextField; public function MineBuild():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); itemID = 2; price = 400; buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ cost.text = ("" + (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction)); } override function showStats():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction); MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (("Price: " + _local1) + " resources"); MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = (("Generates " + int((10 * MovieClip(parent).TimerBonus[(itemID - 1)]))) + " Au \nevery ten seconds."); } override function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "Mines generate money over time."; showStats(); } } }//package
Section 88
//MineSound (MineSound) package { import*; public dynamic class MineSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 89
//MusicIcon (MusicIcon) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class MusicIcon extends MovieClip { public function MusicIcon(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function enlarge(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1.1; scaleY = 1.1; } public function switchMusic(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (MovieClip(parent).music_is_playing){ gotoAndStop("musicdisabled"); MovieClip(parent).stopMusic(); } else { gotoAndStop("default"); MovieClip(parent).playMusic(); }; } function frame1(){ stop(); buttonMode = true; this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, enlarge, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, unlarge, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, switchMusic, false, 0, true); if (MovieClip(parent).music_is_playing){ gotoAndStop("default"); } else { gotoAndStop("musicdisabled"); }; } public function unlarge(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1; scaleY = 1; } } }//package
Section 90
//NewgroundsAPI (NewgroundsAPI) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import*; public class NewgroundsAPI { public static const ADS_APPROVED:Number = 3; public static const bridge:Sprite = new Sprite(); private static const STAT_NEW_VERSION:Number = 4; private static const STAT_AUTHOR_SITE:Number = 2; private static const GATEWAY_URL:String = ""; private static const NEWGROUNDS_URL:String = ""; private static const STAT_CUSTOM_STATS:Number = 50; private static const STAT_MOVIE_VIEWS:Number = 1; private static const STAT_NEWGROUNDS:Number = 3; public static const NEW_VERSION:Number = 2; public static const DENY_HOST:Number = 1; private static var tracker_id:Number; private static var movie_options:Object = new Object(); private static var connected:Boolean; private static var custom_events:Object = new Object(); private static var host:String; private static var linked:Boolean; private static var events:Object = new Object(); private static var debug:Boolean; private static var version:String; private static var custom_links:Object = new Object(); public static function getNewVersionURL(){ return (((((((GATEWAY_URL + "?&id=") + tracker_id) + "&host=") + escape(host)) + "&stat=") + STAT_NEW_VERSION)); } private static function ReadGatewayData(_arg1:Object){ var _local2:*; var _local3:String; var _local4:*; var _local5:URLLoader; for (_local2 in _arg1) { _arg1[_local2] = unescape(_arg1[_local2]); movie_options[_local2] = _arg1[_local2]; }; if (_arg1["settings_loaded"]){ SendMessage("You have successfully connected to the Newgrounds API gateway!"); SendMessage((("Movie Identified as '" + movie_options["movie_name"]) + "'")); if (movie_options["message"]){ SendMessage(movie_options["message"]); }; if (movie_options["ad_url"]){ SendMessage("Your movie has been approved to run Flash Ads"); if (events[ADS_APPROVED]){ var _local6 = events; _local6[ADS_APPROVED](movie_options["ad_url"]); } else { onAdsApproved(movie_options["ad_url"]); }; }; if (((movie_options["movie_version"]) && (!((String(movie_options["movie_version"]) == String(version)))))){ SendMessage("WARNING: The movie version configured in your API settings does not match this movie's version!"); if (events[NEW_VERSION]){ _local6 = events; _local6[NEW_VERSION]({version:movie_options["movie_version"], real_url:getMovieURL(), redirect_url:getNewVersionURL()}); } else { onNewVersionAvailable(movie_options["movie_version"], getMovieURL(), getNewVersionURL()); }; }; if (movie_options["deny_host"]){ SendMessage("You have blocked 'localHost' in your API settings."); SendMessage("If you wish to test your movie you will need to remove this block."); if (events[DENY_HOST]){ _local6 = events; _local6[DENY_HOST]({host:host, real_url:getMovieURL(), redirect_url:getNewVersionURL()}); } else { onDenyHost(host, getMovieURL(), getNewVersionURL()); }; }; if (movie_options["request_portal_url"]){ _local3 = bridge.root.loaderInfo.url; _local4 = ((((GATEWAY_URL + "?&id=") + tracker_id) + "&portal_url=") + escape(_local3)); _local5 = new URLLoader(new URLRequest(_local4)); }; if (events[69]){ _local6 = events; _local6[69](); }; } else { if (!movie_options["settings_loaded"]){ SendError("Could not establish connection to the API gateway."); }; }; } public static function setMovieVersion(_arg1){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'version' in NewgroundsAPI.setMovieVersion(version:String)"); } else { version = String(_arg1); }; } public static function loadCustomLink(_arg1:String){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'link_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.loadCustomLink(link_name:String)"); } else { if (!custom_links[_arg1]){ SendError(("Attempted to open undefined custom link: " + _arg1)); } else { SendLink(custom_links[_arg1]); }; }; } public static function addCustomLink(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'id' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomLink(id:Number, link_name:String)"); } else { if (!_arg2){ SendError("Missing required 'link_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomLink(id:Number, link_name:String)"); } else { custom_links[_arg2] = (STAT_CUSTOM_STATS + _arg1); SendMessage(((("Created custom link " + _arg1) + ": ") + _arg2)); }; }; } public static function getMovieURL(){ if (movie_options["movie_url"]){ return (movie_options["movie_url"]); }; return (""); } public static function debugMode(){ debug = true; } public static function getAdURL(){ return (movie_options["ad_url"]); } private static function SendStat(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3=null){ var target_url:*; var XML_Loaded:Function; var x:*; var request:URLRequest; var gateway_loader:URLLoader; var stat_id = _arg1; var open_in_browser = _arg2; var extra = _arg3; if (!tracker_id){ SendError("You must call NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie() with a valid movie id before using API features!"); } else { XML_Loaded = function (_arg1:Event){ var _local2:XML; var _local3:Object; var _local4:XMLList; var _local5:XML; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; XML.ignoreWhitespace = true; _local2 = XML(; _local3 = new Object(); _local4 = _local2.children(); for each (_local5 in _local4) { _local6 = _local5.localName(); _local7 = _local5.attribute("value"); if (_local7 == Number(_local7)){ _local7 = Number(_local7); }; _local3[_local6] = _local7; }; ReadGatewayData(_local3); }; target_url = (((((((GATEWAY_URL + "?&id=") + tracker_id) + "&host=") + escape(host)) + "&stat=") + stat_id) + addSeed()); if (extra){ for (x in extra) { target_url = (target_url + ((("&" + escape(x)) + "=") + escape(extra[x]))); }; }; if (debug){ target_url = (target_url + "&debug=1"); }; if (open_in_browser){ request = new URLRequest((target_url + addSeed())); navigateToURL(request, "_blank"); } else { gateway_loader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest((target_url + addSeed()))); gateway_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, XML_Loaded); }; }; } public static function onAdsApproved(_arg1:String){ } public static function loadMySite(_arg1:Event=null){ SendLink(STAT_AUTHOR_SITE); } private static function SendMessage(_arg1:String){ trace(("[NEWGROUNDS API] :: " + _arg1)); } public static function linkAPI(_arg1){ _arg1.addChild(bridge); linked = true; } public static function loadNewgrounds(_arg1:Event=null, _arg2:String=null){ var _local3:URLRequest; var _local4:*; if (!tracker_id){ _local3 = new URLRequest(((NEWGROUNDS_URL + "/") + _arg2)); navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank"); } else { _local4 = null; if (_arg2){ _local4 = new Object(); = _arg2; }; SendLink(STAT_NEWGROUNDS, _local4); }; } private static function SendLink(_arg1, _arg2=null){ SendStat(_arg1, true, _arg2); } public static function logCustomEvent(_arg1:String){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'event_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.logCustomEvent(event_name:String)"); } else { if (!custom_events[_arg1]){ SendError(("Attempted to log undefined custom event: " + _arg1)); } else { SendEvent(custom_events[_arg1]); }; }; } private static function SendError(_arg1:String){ trace(("[NEWGROUNDS API ERROR] :: " + _arg1)); } public static function addCustomEvent(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'id' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomEvent(id:Number, event_name:String)"); } else { if (!_arg2){ SendError("Missing required 'event_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomEvent(id:Number, event_name:String)"); } else { custom_events[_arg2] = (STAT_CUSTOM_STATS + _arg1); SendMessage(("Created custom event: " + _arg2)); }; }; } private static function addSeed(){ return (("&seed=" + Math.random())); } public static function addEventListener(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Function){ events[_arg1] = _arg2; } private static function SendEvent(_arg1){ SendStat(_arg1, false); } public static function onNewVersionAvailable(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String){ var sw:*; var sh:*; var tw:*; var th:*; var mg:*; var _root:*; var overlay:MovieClip; var overlay_x:*; var overlay_y:*; var close_x:*; var blankarea:TextField; var header:TextField; var header_format:TextFormat; var msgtext:TextField; var msgtext_format:TextFormat; var msgtext_link:TextFormat; var version = _arg1; var movie_url = _arg2; var redirect_url = _arg3; sw = bridge.stage.stageWidth; sh = bridge.stage.stageHeight; tw = 350; th = 160; mg = 20; _root = bridge.root; overlay = new MovieClip();, 0.6);, 0);, 0, sw, sh);; overlay_x = Math.round(((sw - tw) / 2)); overlay_y = Math.round(((sh - th) / 2));;, 0); - mg), (overlay_y - mg), (tw + mg), (th + mg));; overlay.close = function (_arg1:Event){ _root.removeChild(overlay); }; close_x = new MovieClip();, 0.1);, 22015);, 0, 16, 16);;, 4);, 13);, 4);, 13); close_x.x = ((overlay_x + tw) - 26); close_x.y = (overlay_y - 10); close_x.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, overlay.close); blankarea = new TextField(); blankarea.x = (overlay_x - mg); blankarea.y = (overlay_y - mg); blankarea.width = (tw + mg); blankarea.height = (th + mg); blankarea.selectable = false; header = new TextField(); header.width = tw; header.x = overlay_x; header.y = overlay_y; header.height = 100; header.selectable = false; header_format = new TextFormat(); header_format.font = "Arial Black"; header_format.color = 0xFFFFFF; header_format.size = 20; header.defaultTextFormat = header_format; header.text = "New Version Available!"; msgtext = new TextField(); msgtext.x = overlay_x; msgtext.y = (overlay_y + 70); msgtext.width = tw; msgtext.height = 60; msgtext.selectable = false; msgtext_format = new TextFormat(); msgtext_format.font = "Arial"; msgtext_format.color = 0xFFFFFF; msgtext_format.size = 12; msgtext_format.bold = true; msgtext_link = new TextFormat(); msgtext_link.font = "Arial"; msgtext_link.color = 0xFFFF00; msgtext_link.size = 12; msgtext_link.bold = true; msgtext_link.url = redirect_url; = "_blank"; if (version){ version = ("Version " + version); } else { version = "A new version"; }; msgtext.defaultTextFormat = msgtext_format; msgtext.appendText((version + " is now available")); if (movie_url){ msgtext.appendText(" at:\n"); msgtext.defaultTextFormat = msgtext_link; msgtext.appendText(movie_url); } else { msgtext.appendText("!"); }; _root.addChild(overlay); overlay.addChild(blankarea); overlay.addChild(header); overlay.addChild(msgtext); overlay.addChild(close_x); } public static function onDenyHost(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:MovieClip; var _local10:TextField; var _local11:TextField; var _local12:TextFormat; var _local13:TextField; var _local14:TextFormat; var _local15:TextFormat; _local4 = bridge.stage.stageWidth; _local5 = bridge.stage.stageHeight; _local6 = 350; _local7 = 160; _local8 = bridge.root; _local9 = new MovieClip();;, 0);, 0, _local4, _local5);; _local10 = new TextField(); _local10.x = 0; _local10.y = 0; _local10.width = _local4; _local10.height = _local5; _local10.selectable = false; _local11 = new TextField(); _local11.x = Math.round(((_local4 - _local6) / 2)); _local11.y = Math.round(((_local5 - _local7) / 2.5)); _local11.width = _local6; _local11.height = 100; _local11.selectable = false; _local12 = new TextFormat(); _local12.font = "Arial Black"; _local12.color = 0xFF0000; _local12.size = 38; _local11.defaultTextFormat = _local12; _local11.text = "ERROR!"; _local13 = new TextField(); _local13.x = Math.round(((_local4 - _local6) / 2)); _local13.y = (Math.round(((_local5 - _local7) / 2.5)) + 80); _local13.width = _local6; _local13.height = 80; _local13.selectable = false; _local14 = new TextFormat(); _local14.font = "Arial"; _local14.color = 0xFFFFFF; _local14.size = 12; _local14.bold = true; _local15 = new TextFormat(); _local15.font = "Arial"; _local15.color = 0xFFFF00; _local15.size = 12; _local15.bold = true; _local15.url = _arg3; = "_blank"; _local13.defaultTextFormat = _local14; _local13.appendText((("This movie has not been approved for use on " + _arg1) + "\n")); _local13.appendText("For an approved copy, please visit:\n"); _local13.defaultTextFormat = _local15; _local13.appendText(_arg2); _local8.addChild(_local9); _local9.addChild(_local10); _local9.addChild(_local11); _local9.addChild(_local13); } public static function connectMovie(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:String; var _local3:*; if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'id' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie(id:Number)"); } else { if (!linked){ SendError("Attempted to call MewgroundsAPI.connectMovie() without first calling NewgroundsAPI.linkAPI(this)"); } else { if (!tracker_id){ SendMessage("Connecting to API gateway..."); tracker_id = _arg1; _local2 = bridge.root.loaderInfo.url; host = _local2.split("/")[2].toLowerCase(); if (host.length < 1){ host = "localhost"; }; _local3 = new Object(); SendEvent(STAT_MOVIE_VIEWS); }; }; }; } public static function isInstalled(){ return (true); } } }//package
Section 91
//Objective (Objective) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Objective extends MovieClip { public var objective:TextField; public function Objective():void{ addFrameScript(24, frame25, 60, frame61); } public function setObjective():void{ objective.text = MovieClip(parent).currentObjective; } function frame25(){ setObjective(); } function frame61(){ stop(); parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 92
//PentagonFire (PentagonFire) package { import*; public dynamic class PentagonFire extends Sound { } }//package
Section 93
//PentagonTop (PentagonTop) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PentagonTop extends MovieClip { public function PentagonTop(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 94
//pentagonTower (pentagonTower) package { public class pentagonTower extends Tower { public function pentagonTower(_arg1:int):void{ super(_arg1); baseAttack = 20; attack = baseAttack; attackIncrease = 10; attackSound = new PentagonFire(); towerName = "Ballista Tower"; baseRate = 3000; rate = baseRate; rateDecrease = 100; baseRange = 75; range = baseRange; rangeIncrease = 0; augmentAmount = -500; price = 300; towerID = 3; } } }//package
Section 95
//pentagonTowerBuild (pentagonTowerBuild) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class pentagonTowerBuild extends buildIcon { public var cost:TextField; public function pentagonTowerBuild():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); towerID = 3; price = 300; baseAttack = 20; baseRate = 3000; baseRange = 75; buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ cost.text = ("" + (price - MovieClip(parent).towerPriceReduction)); } override function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "Ballista towers grant a rate of fire bonus to all towers within their range (max one rate of fire upgrade per tower)."; showStats(); } } }//package
Section 96
//Rain (Rain) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Rain extends MovieClip { public function Rain(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ mouseEnabled = false; } } }//package
Section 97
//Range (Range) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; public class Range extends MovieClip { var deleted:Boolean;// = false var isPentagonTower:Boolean;// = false var isSquareTower:Boolean;// = false var shouldBeStopped:Boolean;// = false var currentEnemy:MovieClip; var occupied:Boolean;// = false var index:int;// = 0 var attackTimer:Timer; public function Range(_arg1:int):void{ index = 0; occupied = false; isSquareTower = false; isPentagonTower = false; shouldBeStopped = false; deleted = false; attackTimer = new Timer(1000); super(); mouseEnabled = false; index = _arg1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, placingTower, false, 0, true); attackTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackPhase, false, 0, true); attackTimer.start(); } public function attackPhase(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (!shouldBeStopped){ if (((!((parent == null))) && (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].is_placed))){ if (((MovieClip(parent).towers[index].is_placed) && (!((attackTimer.delay == MovieClip(parent).towers[index].rate))))){ attackTimer.delay = MovieClip(parent).towers[index].rate; }; if (occupied){ attackTimer.reset(); attackTimer.start(); if (!isSquareTower){ towerFire(); } else { squareTowerFire(); }; }; }; } else { deleteSelf(); }; } function stillInRange(_arg1:Event):void{ if (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].is_placed){ if (enemyInRange()){ if ((((currentEnemy.hp <= 0)) || (((isSquareTower) && ((currentEnemy.speed < MovieClip(parent).towers[index].minSpeed)))))){ occupied = false; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stillInRange); }; } else { occupied = false; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stillInRange); }; }; } public function removeAugment():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < MovieClip(parent).ranges.length) { if (((!(MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local1].deleted)) && (!(MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local1].isPentagonTower)))){ if (this.hitTestPoint(MovieClip(parent).towers[_local1].x, MovieClip(parent).towers[_local1].y, true)){ MovieClip(parent).towers[_local1].augmentedRate = 0; MovieClip(parent).towers[_local1].updateStats(); MovieClip(parent).manageGlow(); }; }; _local1++; }; } public function enemyInRange():Boolean{ if (((occupied) && (hitTestPoint(currentEnemy.x, currentEnemy.y, true)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function pauseSelf():void{ attackTimer.stop(); } public function incrementXPBy(_arg1:int):void{ if (((((!(MovieClip(parent).towers[index].deleted)) && (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].is_placed))) && ((MovieClip(parent).towers[index].level < 10)))){ MovieClip(parent).towers[index].xp = (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].xp + _arg1); MovieClip(parent).displayXpUpAt(x, y, _arg1); MovieClip(parent).towers[index].updateEvents(); }; } public function squareTowerFire():void{ MovieClip(parent).towerTops[index].pointTopNoEvent(); if (currentEnemy.speed >= 3){ currentEnemy.speed = (currentEnemy.speed / 2.5); } else { currentEnemy.speed = (currentEnemy.speed / 1.4); }; MovieClip(parent).shotFired(this); if (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].level < 10){ incrementXP(); } else { incrementMoney(2); }; MovieClip(parent).towers[index].shoot(); if (MovieClip(parent).currentlyHovered == MovieClip(parent).towers[index]){ MovieClip(parent).towers[index].showInfoNoEvent(); }; } function placingTower(_arg1:Event):void{ x = MovieClip(parent).mouseX; y = MovieClip(parent).mouseY; if (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].is_placed){ alpha = 0; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, placingTower); MovieClip(parent).beginEnemies(); if (isPentagonTower){ updateAugment(); }; }; } public function incrementMoney(_arg1:int):void{ MovieClip(parent).showIncrementMoneyText((x + 30), (y - 10), _arg1); MovieClip(parent).money = (MovieClip(parent).money + _arg1); MovieClip(parent).stats.totalMoneyEarned = (MovieClip(parent).stats.totalMoneyEarned + _arg1); MovieClip(parent).updateAmounts(); } public function deleteSelf():void{ deleted = true; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stillInRange); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, placingTower); attackTimer.stop(); attackTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, attackPhase); parent.removeChild(this); } public function updateAugment():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < MovieClip(parent).towers.length) { if (((!(MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local1].deleted)) && (!(MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local1].isPentagonTower)))){ if (((this.hitTestPoint(MovieClip(parent).towers[_local1].x, MovieClip(parent).towers[_local1].y, true)) && ((MovieClip(parent).towers[index].augmentAmount < MovieClip(parent).towers[_local1].augmentedRate)))){ MovieClip(parent).towers[_local1].augmentedRate = MovieClip(parent).towers[index].augmentAmount; MovieClip(parent).towers[_local1].updateStats(); }; }; _local1++; }; } public function incrementXP():void{ MovieClip(parent).towers[index].xp = (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].xp + MovieClip(parent).towers[index].xpPerLevel); MovieClip(parent).towers[index].updateEvents(); } public function attackPhaseNoEvent():void{ if (!shouldBeStopped){ if (((MovieClip(parent).towers[index].is_placed) && (!((attackTimer.delay == MovieClip(parent).towers[index].rate))))){ attackTimer.delay = MovieClip(parent).towers[index].rate; }; if (attackTimer.currentCount >= 1){ if (occupied){ attackTimer.reset(); attackTimer.start(); if (!isSquareTower){ towerFire(); } else { squareTowerFire(); }; }; }; }; } public function towerFire():void{ MovieClip(parent).towerTops[index].pointTopNoEvent(); MovieClip(parent).shotFired(this); MovieClip(parent).towerTops[index].fire(); if (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].level < 10){ incrementXP(); } else { if (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].towerID == 3){ incrementMoney(1); } else { if (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].towerID == 4){ incrementMoney(3); } else { incrementMoney(1); }; }; }; if (currentEnemy.decrementHP(MovieClip(parent).towers[index].attack)){ MovieClip(parent).enemyKilled(this); }; MovieClip(parent).towers[index].shoot(); if (MovieClip(parent).currentlyHovered == MovieClip(parent).towers[index]){ MovieClip(parent).towers[index].showInfoNoEvent(); }; } public function unpauseSelf():void{ attackTimer.start(); } function recieveEnemy(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ if (((((!(isSquareTower)) || (((isSquareTower) && ((_arg1.speed >= MovieClip(parent).towers[index].minSpeed)))))) && (MovieClip(parent).towers[index].is_placed))){ occupied = true; currentEnemy = _arg1; attackPhaseNoEvent(); if (currentEnemy.hp <= 0){ currentEnemy.x = -600; currentEnemy.y = -400; occupied = false; }; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stillInRange, false, 0, true); }; } } }//package
Section 98
//RepairIcon (RepairIcon) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class RepairIcon extends MovieClip { public var amount:TextField; public function RepairIcon(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 99
//ResourceBuilding (ResourceBuilding) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class ResourceBuilding extends MovieClip { var sell_shown:Boolean;// = false var sellIcon:MovieClip; var mouse_over:Boolean;// = false var deleted:Boolean;// = false var itemName:String;// = "Resource Item" var sounds:Array; var price:int;// = 100 var baseHeight:int;// = 0 var itemID:int;// = 0 var baseWidth:int;// = 0 var is_hovered:Boolean;// = false var index:int;// = 0 var is_placed:Boolean;// = false public function ResourceBuilding(_arg1:int):void{ price = 100; index = 0; itemID = 0; deleted = false; sell_shown = false; is_placed = false; mouse_over = false; is_hovered = false; sellIcon = new SellResource(); baseWidth = 0; baseHeight = 0; itemName = "Resource Item"; sounds = new Array(); super(); sellIcon.scaleX = 1.2; sellIcon.scaleY = 1.2; scaleX = 0.8; scaleY = 0.8; baseWidth = width; baseHeight = height; index = _arg1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, placeItem, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setPlaced, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showInfo, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopInfo, false, 0, true); } public function showSellIcon(_arg1:Event):void{ if (is_hovered){ if ((((((((mouseX < -((baseWidth / 2)))) || ((mouseX > (baseWidth / 2))))) || ((mouseY > (baseHeight / 2))))) || ((mouseY < -((baseHeight / 2)))))){ removeChild(sellIcon); is_hovered = false; stopInfoNoEvent();; }; sellIcon.x = mouseX; sellIcon.y = mouseY; sellIcon.amount.text = ("+" + getPriceToSell()); } else { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showSellIcon); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sellResourceItem); sell_shown = false; }; } public function activate():void{ } public function updateColor(_arg1:Event):void{ if (MovieClip(parent).overlapping){ gotoAndStop("overlapping"); } else { gotoAndStop(1); }; } public function playRandomSound():void{ var _local1:Number; if (((MovieClip(parent).soundEffectsEnabled) && ((itemID < 4)))){ _local1 = Math.random(); if (_local1 >= 0.75){ sounds[0].play(); } else { if (_local1 >= 0.5){ sounds[1].play(); } else { if (_local1 >= 0.25){ sounds[2].play(); } else { sounds[3].play(); }; }; }; }; } public function setPlaced(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!(MovieClip(parent).overlapping)) && (!(MovieClip(parent).checkOverlapFinal(this))))){ is_placed = true; MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_item = false; MovieClip(parent).resources = (MovieClip(parent).resources - (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction)); MovieClip(parent).resourceBox.text = MovieClip(parent).resources; removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setPlaced); activate(); alpha = 1; }; } public function stopInfoNoEvent():void{ if (!deleted){ mouse_over = false; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultDataString; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultStatsString; MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultBuildInfoString; }; } public function showInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouse_over = true; is_hovered = true; if (is_placed){ MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = "Put crap here"; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = "For real"; }; } public function pauseSelf():void{ stop(); } public function customRemove():void{ } public function handleSell():void{ is_hovered = true; Mouse.hide(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showSellIcon, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sellResourceItem, false, 0, true); sell_shown = true; sellIcon.x = mouseX; sellIcon.y = mouseY; addChild(sellIcon); } public function deleteSelf():void{ customRemove(); deleted = true; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, placeItem); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showInfo); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopInfo); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateColor); parent.removeChild(this); } public function placeItem(_arg1:Event):void{ Mouse.hide(); alpha = 0.5; x = stage.mouseX; y = stage.mouseY; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateColor, false, 0, true); if (is_placed){; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, placeItem); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateColor); MovieClip(parent).fixCancelIcon(); MovieClip(parent).resourceItemPlaced(this); alpha = 1; playRandomSound(); MovieClip(parent).addChildAt(this, 1); cacheAsBitmap = true; if (itemID > 3){ gotoAndPlay(5); trace("going to frame 2"); trace(currentFrame); }; }; } public function sellResourceItem(_arg1:Event):void{; MovieClip(parent).sellResourceItem(index); } public function stopInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouse_over = false; MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultBuildInfoString; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultDataString; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultStatsString; MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultBuildInfoString; } public function getPriceToSell():int{ return ((price * 0.6)); } public function unpauseSelf():void{ } } }//package
Section 100
//SellAU (SellAU) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class SellAU extends MovieClip { public var amount:TextField; public function SellAU(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ mouseEnabled = false; stop(); } } }//package
Section 101
//SellResource (SellResource) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class SellResource extends MovieClip { public var amount:TextField; public function SellResource(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 102
//SellSound (SellSound) package { import*; public dynamic class SellSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 103
//sfxIcon (sfxIcon) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class sfxIcon extends MovieClip { public function sfxIcon(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function enlarge(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1.1; scaleY = 1.1; } function frame1(){ stop(); buttonMode = true; this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, enlarge, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, unlarge, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, disablesfx, false, 0, true); if (MovieClip(parent).soundEffectsEnabled){ gotoAndStop("default"); } else { gotoAndStop("soundeffectsoff"); }; } public function unlarge(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scaleX = 1; scaleY = 1; } public function disablesfx(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (MovieClip(parent).soundEffectsEnabled){ MovieClip(parent).soundEffectsEnabled = false; gotoAndStop("soundeffectsoff"); } else { MovieClip(parent).soundEffectsEnabled = true; gotoAndStop("default"); }; } } }//package
Section 104
//Snow (Snow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Snow extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 105
//SquareTop (SquareTop) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SquareTop extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 106
//squareTower (squareTower) package { public class squareTower extends Tower { public function squareTower(_arg1:int):void{ super(_arg1); baseAttack = 0; attack = baseAttack; attackIncrease = 0; towerName = "Sap Silo"; baseRate = 1200; rate = baseRate; rateDecrease = 0; baseRange = 50; range = baseRange; rangeIncrease = 5; price = 200; range = 50; towerID = 2; } } }//package
Section 107
//squareTowerBuild (squareTowerBuild) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class squareTowerBuild extends buildIcon { public var cost:TextField; public function squareTowerBuild():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); towerID = 2; price = 200; baseAttack = 0; baseRate = 1100; baseRange = 50; buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ cost.text = ("" + (price - MovieClip(parent).towerPriceReduction)); } override function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "Sap silos do no damage, but they slow enemies that come within range."; showStats(); } } }//package
Section 108
//SurvivalComplete (SurvivalComplete) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class SurvivalComplete extends MovieClip { public var highScore:TextField; public var levelSelect2:SimpleButton; public var retry:SimpleButton; public var levelSelectTemp:SimpleButton; public var retryLevelTemp:SimpleButton; public var time:TextField; public function SurvivalComplete(){ addFrameScript(37, frame38, 46, frame47); } function frame47(){ stop(); } function frame38(){ time.text = MovieClip(parent).timeToString(); highScore.text = ("HIGH SCORE: " + MovieClip(parent).timeToString2(MovieClip(parent).bestScore)); } } }//package
Section 109
//Theme (Theme) package { import*; public dynamic class Theme extends Sound { } }//package
Section 110
//topBar (topBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class topBar extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 111
//Tower (Tower) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class Tower extends MovieClip { var xpBar:MovieClip; var has_glow:Boolean;// = false var deleted:Boolean;// = false var augmentedRange:int;// = 0 var mouse_over:Boolean;// = false var attack:int;// = 10 var augmentAmount:int;// = 0 var baseAttack:int;// = 10 var rangeIncrease:Number;// = 10 var attackIncrease:int;// = 5 var is_hovered:Boolean;// = false var index:int;// = 0 var rate:int;// = 2000 var baseRange:int;// = 50 var augmented:Boolean;// = false var is_placed:Boolean;// = false var xp:int;// = 0 var levelUpSound:Sound; var minSpeed:Number;// = 1.2 var towerName:String;// = "Tower" var range:int;// = 50 var price:int;// = 100 var baseHeight:int;// = 0 var augmentedAttack:int;// = 0 var baseRate:int;// = 2000 var baseWidth:int;// = 0 var xpPerLevel:int; var level:int;// = 1 var rateDecrease:int;// = 200 var attackSound:Sound; var txtFld:TextField; var towerID:int;// = 0 var sell_shown:Boolean;// = false var augmentedRate:int;// = 0 public function Tower(_arg1:int):void{ level = 1; has_glow = false; xp = 0; xpPerLevel = (10 / level); baseAttack = 10; attack = 10; attackIncrease = 5; baseRate = 2000; rate = 2000; rateDecrease = 200; baseRange = 50; range = 50; rangeIncrease = 10; augmentAmount = 0; price = 100; index = 0; towerID = 0; sell_shown = false; is_hovered = false; deleted = false; augmented = false; levelUpSound = new LevelUpSound(); towerName = "Tower"; baseWidth = 0; baseHeight = 0; is_placed = false; mouse_over = false; txtFld = new TextField(); augmentedAttack = 0; augmentedRate = 0; augmentedRange = 0; xpBar = new TowerxpBar(); minSpeed = 1.2; super(); scaleX = 0.7; scaleY = 0.7; xpBar.scaleX = 0.5; xpBar.y = 33; baseWidth = width; baseHeight = height; index = _arg1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, placeTower, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setPlaced, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showInfo, false, 0, true); } public function updateColor(_arg1:Event):void{ if (MovieClip(parent).overlapping){ gotoAndStop("overlapping"); } else { if (MovieClip(parent).award.allLevelTenTowers){ gotoAndStop("level2"); } else { gotoAndStop("level1"); }; }; } public function shoot():void{ if (((!((towerID == 2))) && (MovieClip(parent).soundEffectsEnabled))){; }; updateEvents(); } public function rangeAt(_arg1:int):Number{ return (((baseRange + ((_arg1 - 1) * rangeIncrease)) * MovieClip(parent).RanB[(towerID - 1)])); } public function textUpdate(_arg1:Event):void{ if (mouse_over){ } else { txtFld.alpha = 0; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, textUpdate); }; } public function placeTower(_arg1:Event):void{ Mouse.hide(); alpha = 0.5; x = stage.mouseX; y = stage.mouseY; MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].alpha = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateColor, false, 0, true); if (is_placed){ alpha = 1;; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, placeTower); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateColor); MovieClip(parent).fixCancelIcon(); MovieClip(parent).showSellIconFromTower(this); MovieClip(parent).addChildAt(this, 1); MovieClip(parent).manageGlow(); cacheAsBitmap = true; }; } public function attackAt(_arg1:int):int{ return (((baseAttack + ((_arg1 - 1) * attackIncrease)) * MovieClip(parent).ABPL[(towerID - 1)])); } public function sellTower(_arg1:Event):void{ } public function removeBar():void{ if (xpBar.parent == this){ removeChild(xpBar); }; } public function rateAt(_arg1:int):int{ return (((baseRate - ((_arg1 - 1) * rateDecrease)) * MovieClip(parent).RB[(towerID - 1)])); } public function setPlaced(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!(MovieClip(parent).overlapping)) && (!(MovieClip(parent).checkOverlapFinal(this))))){ is_placed = true; MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_tower = false; gotoAndStop("level1"); if (MovieClip(parent).award.allLevelTenTowers){ gotoAndStop("level2"); startAtTwo(); } else { if (MovieClip(parent).award.levelTenTowerAward){ gotoAndStop("level1"); xp = 25; }; }; MovieClip(parent).money = (MovieClip(parent).money - (price = (price - MovieClip(parent).towerPriceReduction))); MovieClip(parent).moneyBox.text = MovieClip(parent).money; removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, setPlaced); MovieClip(parent).checkForAugment(); MovieClip(parent).towerPlaced(this); MovieClip(parent).placeTowerTop(this); }; } public function updateEvents():void{ if ((xp / 100) >= level){ levelUp(); }; } public function showInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouse_over = true; is_hovered = true; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, textUpdate, false, 0, true); if (((((is_placed) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_tower)))) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_item)))){ updateEvents(); addBar(); MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].alpha = 1; MovieClip(parent).showSellIconFromTower(this); if (((((augmentedAttack) || (augmentedRate))) || (augmentedRange))){ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = (((("This " + towerName) + " is receiving benefits from a nearby tower. Bonus: ") + augmentedRate) + " rate."); } else { MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = towerName; }; if (level < 10){ MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = ((((((("Current level: " + level) + "\n") + "Current XP: ") + xp) + "\n") + "XP to level: ") + ((100 * level) - xp)); } else { MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (((((("Current level: " + level) + "\n") + "Current XP: ") + xp) + "\n") + "XP to level: -"); }; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = (((((((("Attack: " + attack) + "\n") + "Range: ") + (MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].width / 2)) + "\n") + "Fires Every: ") + rate) + "ms"); }; } public function updateStats():void{ if (augmentAmount != 0){ augmentAmount = (augmentAmount - 25); MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].updateAugment(); }; rate = (rateAt(level) + augmentedRate); attack = (attackAt(level) + augmentedAttack); setRangeTo(rangeAt(level)); if (MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].isPentagonTower){ MovieClip(parent).checkForAugment(); }; } public function levelUp():void{ MovieClip(parent).displayLevelUpText(x, y, false); level++; gotoAndStop(level); xpPerLevel = (10 - level); updateStats(); if (level == 10){ MovieClip(parent).levelTenTower(this); }; MovieClip(parent).levelGained(this); if (MovieClip(parent).soundEffectsEnabled){; }; } public function stopInfoNoEvent():void{ if (!deleted){ removeBar(); MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].alpha = 0; mouse_over = false; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = ""; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = ""; MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultBuildInfoString; }; } public function showInfoNoEvent():void{ if (((((mouse_over) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_tower)))) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_item)))){ updateEvents(); addBar(); if (is_placed){ if (((((augmentedAttack) || (augmentedRate))) || (augmentedRange))){ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = (((("This " + towerName) + " is receiving benefits from a nearby tower. Bonus: ") + augmentedRate) + " rate."); } else { MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = towerName; }; if (level < 10){ MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = ((((((((((("Current level: " + level) + "\n") + "Current XP: ") + xp) + "\n") + "XP to level: ") + ((100 * level) - xp)) + "\n") + "XP per attack: ") + xpPerLevel) + "\n"); } else { MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = ((((((((("Current level: " + level) + "\n") + "Current XP: ") + xp) + "\n") + "XP to level: -") + "\n") + "XP per attack: -") + "\n"); }; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = (((((((("Attack: " + attack) + "\n") + "Range: ") + (MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].width / 2)) + "\n") + "Fires Every: ") + rate) + "ms"); }; }; } public function deleteSelf():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, placeTower); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showInfo); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateEvents); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateColor); parent.removeChild(this); } public function handleSell():void{ } public function addBar():void{ addChild(xpBar); = (((xp - ((level - 1) * 100)) / 100) * (xpBar.width * 2)); } public function stopInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].alpha = 0; removeBar(); mouse_over = false; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = ""; MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = ""; MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultBuildInfoString; } public function setRangeTo(_arg1:int):void{ MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].width = (_arg1 * 2); MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].height = (_arg1 * 2); MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].x = x; MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].y = y; } public function startAtTwo():void{ xp = 100; level++; gotoAndStop(level); xpPerLevel = (10 - level); updateStats(); } } }//package
Section 112
//TowerGlow (TowerGlow) package { import flash.display.*; public class TowerGlow extends MovieClip { var index:int;// = 0 public function TowerGlow(_arg1:int):void{ index = 0; super(); index = _arg1; mouseEnabled = false; } public function removeGlow():void{ parent.removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 113
//TowerTop (TowerTop) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.filters.*; public class TowerTop extends MovieClip { var towerID:int;// = 0 var companion:MovieClip; var deleted:Boolean;// = false var towerTop:MovieClip; var index:int;// = 0 var ybuffer:int;// = 10 public function TowerTop(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ index = 0; towerID = 0; towerTop = new MovieClip(); companion = new MovieClip(); ybuffer = 10; deleted = false; super(); index = _arg1.index; towerID = _arg1.towerID; towerTop.x = _arg1.x; towerTop.scaleX = 0.7; towerTop.scaleY = 0.7; towerTop.y = (_arg1.y - ybuffer); companion = _arg1; placeTop(); } private function rad2deg(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 * 180) / Math.PI)); } private function getAngle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ var _local5:Number; _local5 = Math.atan2((_arg2 - _arg4), (_arg1 - _arg3)); return (rad2deg(_local5)); } public function pointTopNoEvent():void{ if (((MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].enemyInRange()) && (MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].occupied))){ towerTop.rotation = getAngle(MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].currentEnemy.x, MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].currentEnemy.y, towerTop.x, towerTop.y); }; } public function fire():void{ towerTop.gotoAndPlay("fire"); } public function activateTop():void{ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pointTop, false, 0, true); } public function deleteSelf():void{ deleted = true; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pointTop); removeChild(towerTop); parent.removeChild(this); } public function pointTop(_arg1:Event):void{ towerTop.x = companion.x; towerTop.y = (companion.y - ybuffer); if (((MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].enemyInRange()) && (MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].occupied))){ towerTop.rotation = getAngle(MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].currentEnemy.x, MovieClip(parent).ranges[index].currentEnemy.y, towerTop.x, towerTop.y); }; } public function placeTop():void{ if (towerID == 1){ towerTop = new CircleTop(); } else { if (towerID == 2){ towerTop = new SquareTop(); } else { if (towerID == 3){ towerTop = new PentagonTop(); } else { if (towerID == 4){ towerTop = new CannonTop(); }; }; }; }; towerTop.scaleX = 0.8; towerTop.scaleY = 0.8; towerTop.rotation = -90; addChild(towerTop); mouseEnabled = false; towerTop.mouseEnabled = false; activateTop(); } } }//package
Section 114
//TowerxpBar (TowerxpBar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TowerxpBar extends MovieClip { public var bar:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 115
//TrainingBuild (TrainingBuild) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class TrainingBuild extends buildItemIcon { public var cost:TextField; public function TrainingBuild():void{ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); itemID = 3; price = 800; buttonMode = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ cost.text = ("" + (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction)); } override function showStats():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = (price - MovieClip(parent).structurePriceReduction); MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (("Price: " + int(_local1)) + " resources"); MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = ("Gives an XP bonus" + "\nevery 30 seconds"); } override function showBuildDescription():void{ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = "Training Centers periodically award XP to your towers"; showStats(); } } }//package
Section 116
//TrainingCenter (TrainingCenter) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; public class TrainingCenter extends ResourceBuilding { var timerDelay:int;// = 30000 var amount:int;// = 10 var genericTimer:Timer; public function TrainingCenter(_arg1:int):void{ amount = 10; timerDelay = 30000; genericTimer = new Timer(timerDelay); addFrameScript(0, frame1); super(_arg1); price = 800; itemID = 3; sounds.push(new trainingcenter1(), new trainingcenter1(), new trainingcenter1(), new trainingcenter1()); itemName = "Training Center"; } override public function showInfo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mouse_over = true; if (((((is_placed) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_tower)))) && (!(MovieClip(parent).currently_placing_item)))){ MovieClip(parent).buildInfo.text = itemName; MovieClip(parent).infoBox1.text = (("Giving bonus XP \nevery " + int((genericTimer.delay / 1000))) + " seconds."); MovieClip(parent).infoBox2.text = MovieClip(parent).defaultStatsString; handleSell(); }; } override public function customRemove():void{ genericTimer.stop(); genericTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, giveXP); } override public function pauseSelf():void{ genericTimer.stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function giveXP(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:int; if (MovieClip(parent).enemiesStarted){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < MovieClip(parent).ranges.length) { if (!MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local2].deleted){ MovieClip(parent).ranges[_local2].incrementXPBy(amount); }; _local2++; }; }; } override public function unpauseSelf():void{ genericTimer.start(); } override public function activate():void{ genericTimer.start(); genericTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, giveXP, false, 0, true); } } }//package
Section 117
//trainingcenter1 (trainingcenter1) package { import*; public dynamic class trainingcenter1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 118
//TurretLevel (TurretLevel) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TurretLevel extends MovieClip { public function TurretLevel(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ stop(); MovieClip(parent).removeChild(this); } } }//package
Section 119
//Wave (Wave) package { public class Wave extends Enemy { var waveDelay:int;// = 10000 var num_enemies:int;// = 3 var spawned:Boolean;// = false var enemyID:int;// = 1 var enemyDelay:int;// = 1 public function Wave(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{ num_enemies = 3; enemyID = 1; enemyDelay = 1; waveDelay = 10000; spawned = false; super(); num_enemies = _arg1; enemyID = _arg3; enemyDelay = _arg2; waveDelay = _arg4; } } }//package
Section 120
//WinSound (WinSound) package { import*; public dynamic class WinSound extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 2 ShapeTweeningUsed by:9
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4 84
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:9 16
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip {Landmark2}Uses:1 2 4 5 6 7 8
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 11 ShapeTweeningUsed by:16
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClip {Landmark1}Uses:10 11 4 12 13 14 15
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClip {Bumper}Uses:17
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClip {castleSelect}Uses:19
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22 101 684
Symbol 22 MovieClip {ForegroundTest}Uses:21
Symbol 23 MovieClip {Empty}
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:28 31 554 557 560 601
Symbol 26 FontUsed by:27 30 541 544 547 550 553 556 559 822
Symbol 27 EditableTextUses:26Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip {Landmark1Build}Uses:24 25 27
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 30 EditableTextUses:26Used by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClip {Landmark2Build}Uses:29 25 30
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClip {topBar}Uses:32Used by:904
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClip {bottomBar}Uses:34Used by:904
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 40 Button {InsNext}Uses:36 37 38 39Used by:783
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 Button {InstructionsBack}Uses:41 42 43 44Used by:783
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:90 329 646 649 904  Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClipUses:47 48Used by:78
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 53 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Action_4}Used by:78
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.loadED_5}Uses:55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62Used by:78
Symbol 64 ShapeTweeningUsed by:78
Symbol 65 ShapeTweeningUsed by:78
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:77 78
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:77 78
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:77 78
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:77 78
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:77 78
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:76 77
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76
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Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 84 ButtonUses:81 82 83 3Used by:91
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Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
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Symbol 91 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1}Uses:78 79 84 85 86 90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:93
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Symbol 96 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.NGI_MASK_CUBE_15}Uses:94 95Used by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.NGI_MASK_IN_14}Uses:96Used by:100 134
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:98Used by:100 134
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:97 99Used by:134
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:21Used by:134
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClipUses:124Used by:134
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClipUses:126Used by:134
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:134
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:131
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Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:140
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Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:145
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Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:150
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Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:160
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Symbol 171 TextUses:169Used by:328
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Symbol 179 TextUses:169Used by:328
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Symbol 184 TextUses:169Used by:328
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Symbol 192 TextUses:169Used by:328
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Symbol 225 TextUses:169Used by:328
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Symbol 255 TextUses:169Used by:328
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Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:336
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Symbol 338 GraphicUsed by:341
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Symbol 358 GraphicUsed by:360
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Symbol 362 GraphicUsed by:365
Symbol 363 GraphicUsed by:365
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Symbol 380 GraphicUsed by:389 392 395 398
Symbol 381 GraphicUsed by:389 392 395 398
Symbol 382 GraphicUsed by:389 392 395 398
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:389 392 395 398
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:389 392 395 398
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:389 392 395 398
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:389 392 395 398
Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:389 392 395 398
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:389
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Symbol 391 GraphicUsed by:392
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Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:398
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Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:401
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Symbol 403 GraphicUsed by:404
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Symbol 415 GraphicUsed by:416
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Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:423
Symbol 419 GraphicUsed by:423
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Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:423
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Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:430
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:430
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Symbol 446 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:451
Symbol 448 GraphicUsed by:451
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Symbol 457 GraphicUsed by:458
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Symbol 460 GraphicUsed by:465
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Symbol 462 GraphicUsed by:465
Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:465
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Symbol 474 GraphicUsed by:479
Symbol 475 GraphicUsed by:479
Symbol 476 GraphicUsed by:479
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Symbol 482 GraphicUsed by:484
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Symbol 486 GraphicUsed by:488
Symbol 487 GraphicUsed by:488
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Symbol 490 GraphicUsed by:492
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Symbol 494 GraphicUsed by:496
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Symbol 498 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 499 GraphicUsed by:500
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Symbol 502 GraphicUsed by:504
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Symbol 510 GraphicUsed by:512
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Symbol 521 GraphicUsed by:529
Symbol 522 GraphicUsed by:529
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Symbol 540 GraphicUsed by:542 545 548 551 598
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Symbol 550 EditableTextUses:26Used by:551
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Symbol 556 EditableTextUses:26Used by:557
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Symbol 562 GraphicUsed by:567
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Symbol 633 MovieClipUses:632Used by:634
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Symbol 653 Sound {PentagonFire}Used by:681
Symbol 654 Sound {Theme}Used by:681
Symbol 655 Sound {ErrorSound}Used by:681
Symbol 656 Sound {FarmSound}Used by:681
Symbol 657 Sound {MineSound}Used by:681
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Symbol 660 MovieClip {Clouds}Uses:659Used by:681
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Symbol 663 MovieClip {Snow}Uses:662Used by:681
Symbol 664 GraphicUsed by:677
Symbol 665 GraphicUsed by:677
Symbol 666 GraphicUsed by:677
Symbol 667 GraphicUsed by:677
Symbol 668 GraphicUsed by:677
Symbol 669 GraphicUsed by:672
Symbol 670 GraphicUsed by:672
Symbol 671 GraphicUsed by:672
Symbol 672 ButtonUses:669 670 671Used by:677
Symbol 673 GraphicUsed by:676
Symbol 674 GraphicUsed by:676
Symbol 675 GraphicUsed by:676
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Symbol 677 MovieClip {confirmClear}Uses:664 665 666 667 668 672 676Used by:681
Symbol 678 Sound {AwardSound}Used by:681
Symbol 679 Sound {CannonFire}Used by:681
Symbol 680 Sound {CastleLevelUp}Used by:681
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Symbol 682 GraphicUsed by:684
Symbol 683 GraphicUsed by:684
Symbol 684 ButtonUses:682 683 21Used by:904
Symbol 685 GraphicUsed by:688
Symbol 686 GraphicUsed by:688
Symbol 687 GraphicUsed by:688
Symbol 688 ButtonUses:685 686 687Used by:904
Symbol 689 GraphicUsed by:690
Symbol 690 MovieClipUses:689Used by:904
Symbol 691 GraphicUsed by:692
Symbol 692 MovieClipUses:691Used by:706 720
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Symbol 694 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 695 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 696 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 697 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 698 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 699 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 700 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 701 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 702 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 703 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 704 GraphicUsed by:705
Symbol 705 MovieClipUses:693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704Used by:706
Symbol 706 MovieClipUses:692 705Used by:904
Symbol 707 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 708 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 709 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 710 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 711 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 712 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 713 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 714 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 715 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 716 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 717 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 718 GraphicUsed by:719
Symbol 719 MovieClipUses:707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718Used by:720
Symbol 720 MovieClipUses:692 719Used by:904
Symbol 721 ShapeTweeningUsed by:724
Symbol 722 ShapeTweeningUsed by:724
Symbol 723 GraphicUsed by:724
Symbol 724 MovieClipUses:721 722 723Used by:904
Symbol 725 FontUsed by:726 766 769 771 773 775 777 779 781 791 824 878 880 897
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Symbol 729 GraphicUsed by:731
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Symbol 732 GraphicUsed by:735
Symbol 733 GraphicUsed by:735
Symbol 734 GraphicUsed by:735
Symbol 735 ButtonUses:732 733 734Used by:783
Symbol 736 GraphicUsed by:740
Symbol 737 GraphicUsed by:740
Symbol 738 GraphicUsed by:740
Symbol 739 GraphicUsed by:740
Symbol 740 ButtonUses:736 737 738 739Used by:783
Symbol 741 GraphicUsed by:745
Symbol 742 GraphicUsed by:745
Symbol 743 GraphicUsed by:745
Symbol 744 GraphicUsed by:745
Symbol 745 ButtonUses:741 742 743 744Used by:783
Symbol 746 GraphicUsed by:750
Symbol 747 GraphicUsed by:750
Symbol 748 GraphicUsed by:750
Symbol 749 GraphicUsed by:750
Symbol 750 ButtonUses:746 747 748 749Used by:783
Symbol 751 GraphicUsed by:755
Symbol 752 GraphicUsed by:755
Symbol 753 GraphicUsed by:755
Symbol 754 GraphicUsed by:755
Symbol 755 ButtonUses:751 752 753 754Used by:783
Symbol 756 GraphicUsed by:760
Symbol 757 GraphicUsed by:760
Symbol 758 GraphicUsed by:760
Symbol 759 GraphicUsed by:760
Symbol 760 ButtonUses:756 757 758 759Used by:783
Symbol 761 GraphicUsed by:765
Symbol 762 GraphicUsed by:765
Symbol 763 GraphicUsed by:765
Symbol 764 GraphicUsed by:765
Symbol 765 ButtonUses:761 762 763 764Used by:783
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Symbol 777 TextUses:725Used by:783
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Symbol 779 TextUses:725Used by:783
Symbol 780 TextUses:767Used by:783
Symbol 781 TextUses:725Used by:783
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Symbol 784 GraphicUsed by:785
Symbol 785 MovieClipUses:784Used by:904
Symbol 786 GraphicUsed by:790 794
Symbol 787 GraphicUsed by:790 794
Symbol 788 GraphicUsed by:790 794
Symbol 789 GraphicUsed by:790 794
Symbol 790 ButtonUses:786 787 788 789Used by:904
Symbol 791 TextUses:725Used by:904
Symbol 792 GraphicUsed by:793
Symbol 793 ButtonUses:792Used by:904
Symbol 794 ButtonUses:786 787 788 789Used by:904
Symbol 795 EditableTextUses:169Used by:904
Symbol 796 EditableTextUses:169Used by:904
Symbol 797 GraphicUsed by:798
Symbol 798 MovieClipUses:797Used by:904
Symbol 799 EditableTextUses:169Used by:904
Symbol 800 EditableTextUses:532Used by:904
Symbol 801 EditableTextUses:532Used by:904
Symbol 802 GraphicUsed by:807
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Symbol 806 GraphicUsed by:807
Symbol 807 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.enemytime_211}Uses:802 804 805 806Used by:904
Symbol 808 GraphicUsed by:812
Symbol 809 GraphicUsed by:812
Symbol 810 GraphicUsed by:812
Symbol 811 GraphicUsed by:812
Symbol 812 ButtonUses:808 809 810 811Used by:904
Symbol 813 GraphicUsed by:815
Symbol 814 GraphicUsed by:815
Symbol 815 MovieClip {MusicIcon}Uses:813 814Used by:904
Symbol 816 GraphicUsed by:818
Symbol 817 GraphicUsed by:818
Symbol 818 MovieClip {sfxIcon}Uses:816 817Used by:904
Symbol 819 GraphicUsed by:820
Symbol 820 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.qualityButton_216}Uses:819Used by:904
Symbol 821 GraphicUsed by:823
Symbol 822 EditableTextUses:26Used by:823
Symbol 823 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.timeCounter_217}Uses:821 822Used by:904
Symbol 824 TextUses:725Used by:904
Symbol 825 EditableTextUses:169Used by:904
Symbol 826 GraphicUsed by:835
Symbol 827 GraphicUsed by:833
Symbol 828 GraphicUsed by:833
Symbol 829 GraphicUsed by:830
Symbol 830 MovieClipUses:829Used by:833
Symbol 831 GraphicUsed by:832
Symbol 832 MovieClipUses:831Used by:833
Symbol 833 MovieClipUses:827 828 830 832Used by:835
Symbol 834 GraphicUsed by:835
Symbol 835 MovieClipUses:826 833 834Used by:904
Symbol 836 GraphicUsed by:837
Symbol 837 MovieClipUses:836Used by:904
Symbol 838 GraphicUsed by:842
Symbol 839 GraphicUsed by:842
Symbol 840 GraphicUsed by:842
Symbol 841 GraphicUsed by:842
Symbol 842 ButtonUses:838 839 840 841Used by:904
Symbol 843 GraphicUsed by:847
Symbol 844 GraphicUsed by:847
Symbol 845 GraphicUsed by:847
Symbol 846 GraphicUsed by:847
Symbol 847 ButtonUses:843 844 845 846Used by:904
Symbol 848 GraphicUsed by:852
Symbol 849 GraphicUsed by:852
Symbol 850 GraphicUsed by:852
Symbol 851 GraphicUsed by:852
Symbol 852 ButtonUses:848 849 850 851Used by:904
Symbol 853 GraphicUsed by:857
Symbol 854 GraphicUsed by:857
Symbol 855 GraphicUsed by:857
Symbol 856 GraphicUsed by:857
Symbol 857 ButtonUses:853 854 855 856Used by:904
Symbol 858 GraphicUsed by:862
Symbol 859 GraphicUsed by:862
Symbol 860 GraphicUsed by:862
Symbol 861 GraphicUsed by:862
Symbol 862 ButtonUses:858 859 860 861Used by:904
Symbol 863 GraphicUsed by:867
Symbol 864 GraphicUsed by:867
Symbol 865 GraphicUsed by:867
Symbol 866 GraphicUsed by:867
Symbol 867 ButtonUses:863 864 865 866Used by:904
Symbol 868 GraphicUsed by:872
Symbol 869 GraphicUsed by:872
Symbol 870 GraphicUsed by:872
Symbol 871 GraphicUsed by:872
Symbol 872 ButtonUses:868 869 870 871Used by:904
Symbol 873 GraphicUsed by:904
Symbol 874 FontUsed by:875 876 877
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Symbol 876 EditableTextUses:874Used by:904
Symbol 877 EditableTextUses:874Used by:904
Symbol 878 TextUses:725Used by:904
Symbol 879 GraphicUsed by:904
Symbol 880 TextUses:725Used by:904
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Symbol 882 GraphicUsed by:883 887
Symbol 883 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.toggleBox_230}Uses:881 882Used by:904
Symbol 884 GraphicUsed by:887
Symbol 885 GraphicUsed by:887
Symbol 886 GraphicUsed by:887
Symbol 887 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.toggleQuality_231}Uses:882 884 885 886Used by:904
Symbol 888 GraphicUsed by:892
Symbol 889 GraphicUsed by:892
Symbol 890 GraphicUsed by:892
Symbol 891 GraphicUsed by:892
Symbol 892 ButtonUses:888 889 890 891Used by:904
Symbol 893 BitmapUsed by:895
Symbol 894 BitmapUsed by:895
Symbol 895 GraphicUses:893 894Used by:904
Symbol 896 EditableTextUses:532Used by:904
Symbol 897 TextUses:725Used by:904
Symbol 898 TextUses:374Used by:904
Symbol 899 GraphicUsed by:903
Symbol 900 GraphicUsed by:903
Symbol 901 GraphicUsed by:903
Symbol 902 GraphicUsed by:903
Symbol 903 ButtonUses:899 900 901 902Used by:904
Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame}Uses:46 684 688 690 706 720 724 726 783 785 790 791 513 793 794 35 33 603 795 796 798 799 800 801 807 812 815 818 820 823 824 328 825 835 837 842 847 852 857 862 867 872 873 875 876 877 878 879 880 883 887 892 895 896 897 898 903Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 134 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.NGI_INTRO_11}

Instance Names

"game"Frame 4Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame}
"cost"Symbol 28 MovieClip {Landmark1Build} Frame 2Symbol 27 EditableText
"cost"Symbol 31 MovieClip {Landmark2Build} Frame 2Symbol 30 EditableText
"NGButton"Symbol 78 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 151Symbol 77 Button
"NG_Logo"Symbol 90 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.NG_TANK_9} Frame 1Symbol 89 Button
"NG_Button"Symbol 91 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1} Frame 1Symbol 84 Button
"ng_ad"Symbol 91 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1} Frame 1Symbol 90 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.NG_TANK_9}
"lock"Symbol 328 MovieClip {Achievements} Frame 1Symbol 174 MovieClip
"levelSelectTemp"Symbol 342 MovieClip {LoseScreen} Frame 41Symbol 336 Button
"retryLevelTemp"Symbol 342 MovieClip {LoseScreen} Frame 41Symbol 341 Button
"levelSelect3"Symbol 342 MovieClip {LoseScreen} Frame 47Symbol 336 Button
"retryLevel3"Symbol 342 MovieClip {LoseScreen} Frame 47Symbol 341 Button
"levelSelectTemp"Symbol 366 MovieClip {LevelComplete} Frame 41Symbol 360 Button
"nextLevelTemp"Symbol 366 MovieClip {LevelComplete} Frame 41Symbol 365 Button
"levelSelect2"Symbol 366 MovieClip {LevelComplete} Frame 47Symbol 360 Button
"nextLevel2"Symbol 366 MovieClip {LevelComplete} Frame 47Symbol 365 Button
"objective"Symbol 371 MovieClip {Objective} Frame 25Symbol 369 EditableText
"awardName"Symbol 376 MovieClip {Award} Frame 10Symbol 375 EditableText
"flag"Symbol 484 MovieClip {Castle} Frame 1Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112}
"auIconText"Symbol 515 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.dynamicAu_132} Frame 1Symbol 514 EditableText
"auIcon"Symbol 516 MovieClip {animateAU} Frame 1Symbol 515 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.dynamicAu_132}
"xpIconText"Symbol 518 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.dynamicXP_134} Frame 1Symbol 517 EditableText
"xpIcon"Symbol 519 MovieClip {animateXP} Frame 1Symbol 518 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.dynamicXP_134}
"cost"Symbol 542 MovieClip {cannonTowerBuild} Frame 2Symbol 541 EditableText
"cost"Symbol 545 MovieClip {circleTowerBuild} Frame 2Symbol 544 EditableText
"cost"Symbol 548 MovieClip {pentagonTowerBuild} Frame 2Symbol 547 EditableText
"cost"Symbol 551 MovieClip {squareTowerBuild} Frame 2Symbol 550 EditableText
"cost"Symbol 554 MovieClip {FarmBuild} Frame 2Symbol 553 EditableText
"cost"Symbol 557 MovieClip {MineBuild} Frame 2Symbol 556 EditableText
"cost"Symbol 560 MovieClip {TrainingBuild} Frame 2Symbol 559 EditableText
"amount"Symbol 595 MovieClip {RepairIcon} Frame 1Symbol 594 EditableText
"amount"Symbol 598 MovieClip {SellAU} Frame 1Symbol 596 EditableText
"amount"Symbol 598 MovieClip {SellAU} Frame 2Symbol 597 EditableText
"amount"Symbol 601 MovieClip {SellResource} Frame 1Symbol 599 EditableText
"amount"Symbol 601 MovieClip {SellResource} Frame 2Symbol 600 EditableText
"time"Symbol 643 MovieClip {SurvivalComplete} Frame 38Symbol 641 EditableText
"highScore"Symbol 643 MovieClip {SurvivalComplete} Frame 38Symbol 642 EditableText
"levelSelectTemp"Symbol 643 MovieClip {SurvivalComplete} Frame 41Symbol 360 Button
"retryLevelTemp"Symbol 643 MovieClip {SurvivalComplete} Frame 41Symbol 341 Button
"levelSelect2"Symbol 643 MovieClip {SurvivalComplete} Frame 47Symbol 360 Button
"retry"Symbol 643 MovieClip {SurvivalComplete} Frame 47Symbol 341 Button
"bar"Symbol 646 MovieClip {CastleHealthBar} Frame 1Symbol 645 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 649 MovieClip {TowerxpBar} Frame 1Symbol 648 MovieClip
"levelsUnlockedText"Symbol 651 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.levelsUnlockedMC_176} Frame 1Symbol 650 EditableText
"yes"Symbol 677 MovieClip {confirmClear} Frame 4Symbol 672 Button
"no"Symbol 677 MovieClip {confirmClear} Frame 4Symbol 676 Button
"howToPlay"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 1Symbol 731 Button
"castle"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 1Symbol 735 Button
"towersIns"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 1Symbol 740 Button
"structuresIns"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 1Symbol 745 Button
"goldAndResources"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 1Symbol 750 Button
"enemiesIns"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 1Symbol 755 Button
"missionObjectives"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 1Symbol 760 Button
"awardsIns"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 1Symbol 765 Button
"timeBar"Symbol 807 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.enemytime_211} Frame 1Symbol 804 MovieClip
"maskBar"Symbol 807 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.enemytime_211} Frame 1Symbol 804 MovieClip
"time"Symbol 823 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.timeCounter_217} Frame 1Symbol 822 EditableText
"introPlay"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 1Symbol 684 Button
"introLoad"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 1Symbol 688 Button
"instructionsPage"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 11Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193}
"mainMenu5"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 11Symbol 790 Button
"levelSelect"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 21Symbol 513 MovieClip {LevelSelect}
"nextLevel"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 21Symbol 793 Button
"previousLevel"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 21Symbol 793 Button
"mainMenu22"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 21Symbol 794 Button
"mainMenu"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 21Symbol 790 Button
"bottombar"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 35 MovieClip {bottomBar}
"topbar"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 33 MovieClip {topBar}
"moneyIcon"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 603 MovieClip {Coins}
"moneyBox"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 795 EditableText
"resourceBox"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 796 EditableText
"resourceIcon"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 798 MovieClip
"buildInfo"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 799 EditableText
"infoBox1"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 800 EditableText
"infoBox2"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 801 EditableText
"enemyTimer"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 807 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.enemytime_211}
"towersRight"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 793 Button
"towersLeft"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 793 Button
"structuresRight"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 793 Button
"structuresLeft"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 793 Button
"toLevelSelect"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 812 Button
"musicIcon"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 815 MovieClip {MusicIcon}
"soundToggle"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 818 MovieClip {sfxIcon}
"qualityButton"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 820 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.qualityButton_216}
"timeDisplay"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31Symbol 823 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.timeCounter_217}
"achievementsMC"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 41Symbol 328 MovieClip {Achievements}
"nextAchievement"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 41Symbol 793 Button
"previousAchievement"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 41Symbol 793 Button
"mainMenu2"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 41Symbol 790 Button
"awardsUnlockedText"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 41Symbol 825 EditableText
"levelSelect2"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 51Symbol 842 Button
"awards"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 51Symbol 847 Button
"instructions"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 51Symbol 852 Button
"statistics"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 51Symbol 857 Button
"options"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 51Symbol 862 Button
"credits"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 51Symbol 867 Button
"moreGames"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 51Symbol 872 Button
"stuff"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 61Symbol 875 EditableText
"stuff3"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 61Symbol 876 EditableText
"stuff2"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 61Symbol 877 EditableText
"mainMenu3"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 61Symbol 790 Button
"soundBox"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 71Symbol 883 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.toggleBox_230}
"musicBox"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 71Symbol 883 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.toggleBox_230}
"weatherBox"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 71Symbol 883 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.toggleBox_230}
"specialBox"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 71Symbol 883 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.toggleBox_230}
"qualityBox"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 71Symbol 887 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.toggleQuality_231}
"clearButton"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 71Symbol 892 Button
"mainMenu4"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 71Symbol 790 Button
"selcuck"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 81Symbol 903 Button
"mainMenu5"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 81Symbol 790 Button

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.
Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""


"overlapping"Symbol 9 MovieClip {Landmark2} Frame 602
"overlapping"Symbol 16 MovieClip {Landmark1} Frame 481
"loading"Symbol 78 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 1
"loaded"Symbol 78 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 101
"lastframe"Symbol 78 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 165
"end"Symbol 78 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 166
"die"Symbol 141 MovieClip {Enemy1} Frame 2
"die"Symbol 146 MovieClip {Enemy2} Frame 2
"die"Symbol 151 MovieClip {Enemy3} Frame 2
"level1"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 1
"level2"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 2
"level3"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 3
"level4"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 4
"level5"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 5
"level6"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 6
"level7"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 7
"level8"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 8
"level9"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 9
"level10"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 10
"overlapping"Symbol 389 MovieClip {cannonTower} Frame 11
"level1"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 1
"level2"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 2
"level3"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 3
"level4"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 4
"level5"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 5
"level6"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 6
"level7"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 7
"level8"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 8
"level9"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 9
"level10"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 10
"overlapping"Symbol 392 MovieClip {circleTower} Frame 11
"level1"Symbol 395 MovieClip {pentagonTower} Frame 1
"level2"Symbol 395 MovieClip {pentagonTower} Frame 2
"level3"Symbol 395 MovieClip {pentagonTower} Frame 3
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"level5"Symbol 395 MovieClip {pentagonTower} Frame 5
"level6"Symbol 395 MovieClip {pentagonTower} Frame 6
"level7"Symbol 395 MovieClip {pentagonTower} Frame 7
"level8"Symbol 395 MovieClip {pentagonTower} Frame 8
"level9"Symbol 395 MovieClip {pentagonTower} Frame 9
"level10"Symbol 395 MovieClip {pentagonTower} Frame 10
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"level1"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 1
"level2"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 2
"level3"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 3
"level4"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 4
"level5"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 5
"level6"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 6
"level7"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 7
"level8"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 8
"level9"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 9
"level10"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 10
"overlapping"Symbol 398 MovieClip {squareTower} Frame 11
"overlapping"Symbol 401 MovieClip {TrainingCenter} Frame 10
"overlapping"Symbol 404 MovieClip {Mine} Frame 10
"overlapping"Symbol 407 MovieClip {Farm} Frame 10
"level1"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 1
"level2"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 2
"level3"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 3
"level4"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 4
"level5"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 5
"level6"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 6
"level7"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 7
"level8"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 8
"level9"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 9
"level10"Symbol 480 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.flags_112} Frame 10
"default"Symbol 484 MovieClip {Castle} Frame 1
"damage1"Symbol 484 MovieClip {Castle} Frame 2
"damage2"Symbol 484 MovieClip {Castle} Frame 3
"damage3"Symbol 484 MovieClip {Castle} Frame 4
"range"Symbol 535 MovieClip {Range} Frame 1
"overlap"Symbol 535 MovieClip {Range} Frame 2
"level1"Symbol 542 MovieClip {cannonTowerBuild} Frame 1
"level1"Symbol 545 MovieClip {circleTowerBuild} Frame 1
"level1"Symbol 548 MovieClip {pentagonTowerBuild} Frame 1
"level1"Symbol 551 MovieClip {squareTowerBuild} Frame 1
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"fire"Symbol 574 MovieClip {CircleTop} Frame 2
"play"Symbol 584 MovieClip {PentagonTop} Frame 2
"default"Symbol 595 MovieClip {RepairIcon} Frame 1
"insufficient funds"Symbol 595 MovieClip {RepairIcon} Frame 2
"default"Symbol 598 MovieClip {SellAU} Frame 1
"insufficient funds"Symbol 598 MovieClip {SellAU} Frame 2
"default"Symbol 601 MovieClip {SellResource} Frame 1
"insufficient funds"Symbol 601 MovieClip {SellResource} Frame 2
"howtoplay"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 2
"castle"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 3
"towers"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 4
"structures"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 5
"goldandresources"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 6
"enemies"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 7
"missionobjectives"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 8
"awards"Symbol 783 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.Instructions_193} Frame 9
"default"Symbol 815 MovieClip {MusicIcon} Frame 1
"musicdisabled"Symbol 815 MovieClip {MusicIcon} Frame 5
"default"Symbol 818 MovieClip {sfxIcon} Frame 1
"soundeffectsoff"Symbol 818 MovieClip {sfxIcon} Frame 5
"default"Symbol 820 MovieClip {Besieged_fla.qualityButton_216} Frame 1
"intro"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 1
"instructions"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 11
"levelselect"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 21
"game"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 31
"achievements"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 41
"mainMenu"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 51
"statistics"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 61
"options"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 71
"credits"Symbol 904 MovieClip {mainGame} Frame 81
Created: 10/5 -2019 08:54:09 Last modified: 10/5 -2019 08:54:09 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:02:20