Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Bellby 64 - Butthole Revenge.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #41433

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

00:00:00 / 00:00:00

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function playFLV() { return((g_flvVariable != undefined) || (g_flvURL != undefined)); } function arrange() { if (!isFullScreen()) { background._x = 0; background._y = 0; background._width = 0; background._height = 0; background._visible = false; border._visible = true; control.showControl(); g_videoObj._x = g_marginLeft; g_videoObj._y = g_marginTop; g_videoObj._width = Stage.width - (g_marginLeft + g_marginRight); g_videoObj._height = Stage.height - (g_marginTop + g_marginBottom); } else { background._x = 0; background._y = 0; background._width = Stage.width; background._height = Stage.height; background._visible = true; border._visible = false; control.hideControl(); if (!((g_videoWidth != 0) && (g_videoHeight != 0))) { g_videoObj._x = (Stage.width - g_videoObj._width) / 2; g_videoObj._y = (Stage.height - g_videoObj._height) / 2; } else { var _loc4 = 0; var _loc3 = 0; var _loc2 = Stage.width; var _loc1 = Stage.height; if ((g_videoWidth / g_videoHeight) <= (Stage.width / Stage.height)) { _loc2 = int(Stage.height * (g_videoWidth / g_videoHeight)); _loc4 = (Stage.width - _loc2) / 2; } else { _loc1 = int(Stage.width / (g_videoWidth / g_videoHeight)); _loc3 = (Stage.height - _loc1) / 2; } g_videoObj._x = _loc4; g_videoObj._y = _loc3; g_videoObj._width = _loc2; g_videoObj._height = _loc1; } } border.arrange(); control.arrange(); } function initPlayer() { if (g_initilized == undefined) { g_flvLoaded = false; g_isPlaying = false; g_isEnd = false; g_soundObj = new Sound(); g_soundMute = false; if (g_flvVariable != undefined) { g_flvURL = eval (g_flvVariable); } if (!playFLV()) { g_currentFrame = _currentframe; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!control.vt.isDragging) { g_isPlaying = g_currentFrame != _currentframe; g_currentFrame = _currentframe; } var _loc2 = g_isEnd; g_isEnd = _currentframe == _totalframes; if ((!_loc2) && (g_isEnd)) { if (g_endURL != undefined) { getURL (g_endURL, ((_root.g_endURLTarget == undefined) ? "" : (_root.g_endURLTarget))); } if (g_endSWF != undefined) { _root.loadMovie(g_endSWF); } } if (g_isEnd && (!control.vt.isDragging)) { if (g_isPlaying) { if (!(g_autoRewind || (g_repeat))) { g_isPlaying = false; stop(); } else { changeCurrentFrame(1); if (!g_repeat) { g_isPlaying = false; stop(); } else { play(); } } } } updateControls(); }; if (!g_autoPlay) { g_autoPlay = true; stop(); } } else { arrange(); if (g_flvURL != undefined) { control.vt.time.text = "Streaming..."; g_currentTime = 0; g_netConnection = new NetConnection(); g_netConnection.connect(null); g_netStream = new NetStream(g_netConnection); g_videoObj.attachVideo(g_netStream); g_videoObj.smoothing = true; g_netStream.setBufferTime(g_bufferTime);; g_netStream.onStatus = function (infoObj) { switch (infoObj.code) { case "NetStream.Play.Start" : g_flvLoaded = true; if (!g_autoPlay) { g_netStream.pause(true);; g_isPlaying = false; } else { g_isPlaying = true; } return; case "NetStream.Buffer.Full" : if ((g_videoWidth == 0) || (g_videoHeight == 0)) { g_videoWidth = g_videoObj.width; g_videoHeight = g_videoObj.height; arrange(); } return; case "NetStream.Play.Stop" : if (g_totalTime != undefined) { if ((g_totalTime - g_netStream.time) < 0.5) { g_endTime = g_netStream.time; } } return; case "NetStream.Seek.Notify" : return; case "NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime" :; return; case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" : control.vt.time.text = "Stream not found."; var _loc1 = new TextFormat(); _loc1.color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; control.vt.time.setTextFormat(_loc1); } }; g_netStream.onMetaData = function (infoObj) { g_totalTime = Math.floor(infoObj.duration); }; } else { control.vt.time.text = ("\"" + g_flvVariable) + "\" not defined."; var fmt = new TextFormat(); fmt.color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; control.vt.time.setTextFormat(fmt); } _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (g_endTime != undefined) { var _loc3 = g_isEnd; g_isEnd = g_netStream.time >= g_endTime; if ((!_loc3) && (g_isEnd)) { if (g_endURL != undefined) { getURL (g_endURL, ((_root.g_endURLTarget == undefined) ? "" : (_root.g_endURLTarget))); } if (g_endSWF != undefined) { _root.loadMovie(g_endSWF); } } } if (g_isEnd) { var _loc2 = g_isPlaying; if (g_isPlaying) { g_isPlaying = false; g_netStream.pause(true); } if (!control.vt.isDragging) { if (_loc2) { if (g_autoRewind || (g_repeat)) { changeCurrentFrame(0); if (g_repeat) { g_isPlaying = true; g_netStream.pause(false); } } } } } updateControls(); }; var stageListener = new Object(); stageListener.onResize = arrange; Stage.addListener(stageListener); } g_initilized = true; } } function changeCurrentFrame(pos) { if (!playFLV()) { if (!((g_isPlaying && (!control.vt.isDragging)) && (pos < _totalframes))) { g_currentFrame = pos; gotoAndStop(pos +0); } else { g_currentFrame = 0; gotoAndPlay(pos); } } else {; } } function isFullScreen() { return(Stage.displayState == "fullScreen"); } function updateControls() { control.b_play._visible = !g_isPlaying; control.b_pause._visible = g_isPlaying; control.vt.syncIndicatorWithVideo(); } var g_fps = 30; var g_autoPlay = true; var g_autoRewind = false; var g_repeat = false; var g_skinColor = 16738047; var g_skinColorSaturation = 64; var g_bufferTime = 2; var g_soundVolume = 100; var g_marginLeft = 1; var g_marginTop = 1; var g_marginRight = 1; var g_marginBottom = 43; var g_initilized; var g_flvLoaded; var g_netConnection; var g_netStream; var g_videoObj; var g_videoWidth = 0; var g_videoHeight = 0; var g_totalTime; var g_endTime; var g_soundObj; var g_soundMute; var g_currentFrame; var g_isPlaying; var g_isEnd; Stage.align = "TL"; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; initPlayer();
Symbol 3 MovieClip Frame 1
function setColor(obj, percent) { var _loc2 = Number(_root.g_skinColor); if (isNaN(_loc2)) { return(undefined); } var _loc5 = ((_loc2 & 16711680) >> 16); var _loc8 = ((_loc2 & 65280) >> 8); var _loc4 = (_loc2 & 255); var _loc7 = new Color(obj); var _loc6 = {ab:0, aa:100, bb:_loc4 * (1 - (percent / 100)), ba:percent, gb:_loc8 * (1 - (percent / 100)), ga:percent, rb:_loc5 * (1 - (percent / 100)), ra:percent}; _loc7.setTransform(_loc6); } function setColor1(obj) { var _loc2 = ((_root.g_skinColorSaturation * 80) / 100); setColor(obj, 80 - _loc2); } function setColor2(obj) { var _loc2 = ((_root.g_skinColorSaturation * 80) / 100); setColor(obj, (80 - _loc2) + 20); } if ((_root.g_skinColor != undefined) && (_root.g_skinColorSaturation != undefined)) { setColor1(_parent.border.vb_tl); setColor1(_parent.border.vb_bl); setColor1(_parent.border.vb_l); setColor1(_parent.border.vb_t); setColor1(_parent.border.vb_tr); setColor1(_parent.border.vb_br); setColor1(_parent.border.vb_r); setColor1(_parent.border.vb_b); setColor1(_parent.control.cb_left); setColor1(_parent.control.cb_center); setColor1(_parent.control.cb_right); setColor2(_parent.control.b_play); setColor2(_parent.control.b_pause); setColor2(_parent.control.b_stop); setColor2(_parent.control.b_sound); setColor2(_parent.control.b_fullscreen); setColor2(_parent.control.vt); setColor2(; }
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1
function arrange() { _x = 0; setProperty("", _x, 0); _y = 0; setProperty("", _y, 0); var _loc3 = Stage.width; var _loc2 = ((Stage.height - _root.control._height) - marginBottom); vb_dummy._x = 0; vb_dummy._y = 0; vb_dummy._width = _loc3; vb_dummy._height = (_root.control._visible ? (_loc2) : (Stage.height)); vb_tl._x = 0; vb_tl._y = 0; vb_bl._x = 0; vb_bl._y = _loc2 - vb_bl._height; vb_l._x = 0; vb_l._y = vb_tl._y + vb_tl._height; vb_l._height = (_loc2 - vb_tl._height) - vb_bl._height; vb_t._x = vb_tl._x + vb_tl._width; vb_t.y = 0; vb_t._width = (Stage.width - vb_tl._width) - vb_tr._width; vb_tr._x = Stage.width - vb_tr._width; vb_tr._y = 0; vb_br._x = Stage.width - vb_br._width; vb_br._y = _loc2 - vb_br._height; vb_r._x = Stage.width - vb_r._width; vb_r._y = vb_tr._y + vb_tr._height; vb_r._height = (_loc2 - vb_tr._height) - vb_br._height; vb_b._x = vb_bl._x + vb_bl._width; vb_b._y = (vb_bl._y + vb_bl._height) - vb_b._height; vb_b._width = (Stage.width - vb_bl._width) - vb_br._width; } var vb_dummy = createEmptyMovieClip("vb_dummy", getNextHighestDepth()); vb_dummy.beginFill(0, 0); vb_dummy.moveTo(0, 0); vb_dummy.lineTo(1, 0); vb_dummy.lineTo(1, 1); vb_dummy.lineTo(0, 1); vb_dummy.lineTo(0, 0); vb_dummy.endFill(); var xmouse = -1; var ymouse = -1; vb_dummy.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.isFullScreen()) { if (!((xmouse != _xmouse) || (ymouse != _ymouse))) { if (!this.hitTest(_xmouse + this._x, _ymouse + this._y, true)) { _root.control.showControl(); } else if ((!_root.control.isHidding()) && (_root.control._visible)) { _root.control.hideControl(); } } else { xmouse = _xmouse; ymouse = _ymouse; _root.control.showControl(); } } }; if (_root.g_clickURL != undefined) { vb_dummy.onRelease = function () { getURL (_root.g_clickURL, ((_root.g_clickURLTarget == undefined) ? "" : (_root.g_clickURLTarget))); }; } var marginBottom = (_root.control._y - (vb_b._y + vb_b._height)); arrange();
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1
function syncIndicatorWithVideo() { if (isDragging) { return(undefined); } var _loc2 = (((vt_right._x + vt_right._width) - vt_left._x) - vt_ind._width); var _loc4; var _loc3; if (!_root.playFLV()) { _loc4 = (vt_ind._width / 2) + ((_loc2 * (_root._currentframe - 1)) / Math.max(1, _root._totalframes - 1)); _loc3 = (vt_ind._width + _loc2) * (_root._framesloaded / _root._totalframes); } else if (_root.g_totalTime != undefined) { var _loc5 = Math.min(1, _root.g_netStream.time / _root.g_totalTime); var _loc6 = Math.min(1, Math.max(_loc5, _root.g_netStream.bytesLoaded / _root.g_netStream.bytesTotal)); if (bufferedPercentMax < _loc6) { bufferedPercentMax = _loc6; } _loc4 = (vt_ind._width / 2) + (_loc2 * _loc5); _loc3 = (vt_ind._width + _loc2) * bufferedPercentMax; } else { _loc4 = vt_ind._width / 2; _loc3 = 0; } vt_ind._x = vt_left._x + _loc4; vt_progress._x = vt_left._x; vt_progress._width = _loc3; syncTimeWithVidio(); } function formatTimeElement(e) { var _loc1 = String(e); if (e < 10) { _loc1 = "0" + _loc1; } return(_loc1); } function formatTime(time) { h = int(time / 3600); m = int((time / 60) % 60); s = int(time % 60); var _loc1 = ((formatTimeElement(m) + ":") + formatTimeElement(s)); if (h > 0) { _loc1 = (formatTimeElement(h) + ":") + _loc1; } return(_loc1); } function syncTimeWithVidio() { if (_root.playFLV() && (_root.g_totalTime == undefined)) { return(undefined); } var _loc3; var _loc2; if (!_root.playFLV()) { _loc2 = Math.round((_root._currentframe - 1) / _root.g_fps); _loc3 = Math.round(_root._totalframes / _root.g_fps); } else { _loc2 = Math.min(_root.g_totalTime, Math.round(_root.g_netStream.time)); _loc3 = _root.g_totalTime; } if ((_loc3 != undefined) && (_loc2 != undefined)) { text = (formatTime(_loc2) + " / ") + formatTime(_loc3); } time.text = text; } function checkPos() { if (!isDragging) { return(undefined); } seekToMousePos(vt_ind._x); showTip(); } function seekToMousePos(x) { var _loc2 = (((vt_right._x + vt_right._width) - vt_left._x) - vt_ind._width); var _loc3 = Math.min(_loc2, Math.max(0, (x - vt_left._x) - (vt_ind._width / 2))); if (!_root.playFLV()) { var _loc5 = Math.min(_root._totalframes, Math.round((_loc3 * (_root._totalframes + 1)) / _loc2) + 1); _root.changeCurrentFrame(_loc5); } else { var _loc4 = ((_loc3 * _root.g_totalTime) / _loc2); _root.changeCurrentFrame(_loc4); } } function showTip() { if (_root.playFLV() && (_root.g_totalTime == undefined)) { return(undefined); } var _loc7 = (_x + vt_ind._x); var _loc5 = ((_y + vt_ind._y) - (vt_ind._height / 2)); _loc7 = _loc7 + _parent._x; _loc5 = _loc5 + _parent._y; var _loc6 = (((vt_right._x + vt_right._width) - vt_left._x) - vt_ind._width); var _loc3 = ((vt_ind._x - vt_left._x) - (vt_ind._width / 2)); if (_loc3 < 0) { _loc3 = 0; } var _loc4; if (!_root.playFLV()) { var _loc10 = Math.min(_root._totalframes, (_loc3 * _root._totalframes) / _loc6); _loc4 = Math.round(_loc10 / _root.g_fps); } else { var _loc8 = Math.round((_loc3 * _root.g_totalTime) / _loc6); _loc4 = Math.min(_root.g_totalTime, _loc8); } if (_loc4 != undefined) { var _loc9 = formatTime(_loc4); _root.tip.showTip(_loc7, _loc5, _loc9, false); } } function hideTip() { if (_root.playFLV() && (_root.g_totalTime == undefined)) { return(undefined); } _root.tip.hideTip(); } var isDragging = false; var timer; var bufferedPercentMax = 0; var vt_dummy = createEmptyMovieClip("vt_dummy", getNextHighestDepth()); vt_dummy.beginFill(0, 0); vt_dummy.moveTo(0, 0); vt_dummy.lineTo(1, 0); vt_dummy.lineTo(1, 1); vt_dummy.lineTo(0, 1); vt_dummy.lineTo(0, 0); vt_dummy.endFill(); vt_dummy._x = vt_left._x; vt_dummy._y = vt_left._y; vt_dummy._width = (vt_right._x + vt_right._width) - vt_left._x; vt_dummy._height = vt_center._height; vt_ind.swapDepths(1); vt_ind.onPress = function () { if (_root.playFLV() && (!_root.g_flvLoaded)) { return(undefined); } isDragging = true; timer = setInterval(checkPos, 1, 0); if (_root.g_isPlaying) { if (!_root.playFLV()) { _root.stop(); } else { _root.g_netStream.pause(true); } } startDrag (this, false, vt_left._x + (vt_ind._width / 2), vt_ind._y, ((vt_right._x + vt_right._width) - (vt_ind._width / 2)) + 1, vt_ind._y); if (_root.g_totalTime != undefined) { showTip(); } }; vt_ind.onRelease = (vt_ind.onReleaseOutside = function () { isDragging = false; clearInterval(timer); stopDrag(); if (_root.g_isPlaying) { if (!_root.playFLV()) {; } else { _root.g_netStream.pause(false); } } hideTip(); }); vt_dummy.onPress = function () { if (_root.playFLV() && (!_root.g_flvLoaded)) { return(undefined); } var _loc2 = _xmouse; seekToMousePos(_loc2); };
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); onRollOver = function () { gotoAndPlay (2); }; onReleaseOutside = (onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); });
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(2); }; onReleaseOutside = (onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); });
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 45 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); onRollOver = function () { s1.gotoAndPlay(2); }; onReleaseOutside = (onRollOut = function () { s1.gotoAndPlay(6); });
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); onRollOver = function () { s2.gotoAndPlay(2); }; onReleaseOutside = (onRollOut = function () { s2.gotoAndPlay(6); });
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); onRollOver = function () { gotoAndPlay (2); }; onReleaseOutside = (onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); });
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1
function checkPos() { if (!isDragging) { return(undefined); } syncIndicator(); showTip(); } function syncIndicator() { var _loc4 = (track._width - ind._width); var _loc3 = ((ind._x - track._x) - (ind._width / 2)); if (_loc3 < 0) { _loc3 = 0; } var _loc2 = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, (_loc3 / _loc4) * 100)); progress._x = 0; progress._width = (track._width * _loc2) / 100; _root.g_soundVolume = _loc2; if (!_root.g_soundMute) { _root.g_soundObj.setVolume(_loc2); } } function showTip() { var _loc4 = (_x + ind._x); var _loc3 = _y; _loc4 = _loc4 + _parent._x; _loc3 = _loc3 + _parent._y; _root.tip.showTip(_loc4, _loc3, String(int(_root.g_soundVolume)), false); } function hideTip() { _root.tip.hideTip(); } var isDragging = false; var timer; ind._x = (track._x + (ind._width / 2)) + (((track._width - ind._width) * _root.g_soundVolume) / 100); syncIndicator(); var dummy = createEmptyMovieClip("dummy", getNextHighestDepth()); var width = track._width; var height = track._height; dummy._x = track._x; dummy._y = track._y; dummy.beginFill(16711680, 0); dummy.moveTo(0, 0); dummy.lineTo(width, 0); dummy.lineTo(width, height); dummy.lineTo(0, height); dummy.lineTo(0, 0); dummy.endFill(); ind.swapDepths(1); ind.onPress = function () { isDragging = true; startDrag (this, false, ind._width / 2, ind._y, track._width - (ind._width / 2), ind._y); timer = setInterval(checkPos, 1, 0); showTip(); }; ind.onRelease = (ind.onReleaseOutside = function () { isDragging = false; clearInterval(timer); stopDrag(); hideTip(); }); dummy.onPress = function () { ind._x = Math.max(track._x + (ind._width / 2), Math.min((track._x + track._width) - (ind._width / 2), _xmouse)); syncIndicator(); ind.onPress(); }; dummy.onRelease = (dummy.onReleaseOutside = function () { ind.onRelease(); });
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { gotoAndPlay (2); }; onReleaseOutside = (onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); }); stop();
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { gotoAndPlay (2); }; onReleaseOutside = (onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); }); stop();
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { gotoAndPlay (2); }; onReleaseOutside = (onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(7); }); stop();
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1
function isHidding() { return(hidding); } function hideControl() { if (_root.isFullScreen()) { this._y = Stage.height - this._height; this._visible = true; hidding = true; delay = 50; aniStep = 1; this.onEnterFrame = hideControlAni; } } function showControl() { if (hidding) { delete this.onEnterFrame; hidding = false; } this._y = Stage.height - this._height; this._visible = true; } function hideControlAni() { if (_root.isFullScreen()) { if (delay > 0) { delay--; return(undefined); } this._y = this._y + aniStep; aniStep = aniStep * 1.5; if (this._y > Stage.height) { this._visible = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; hidding = false; } } } function arrange() { _x = 0; setProperty("", _x, 0); _y = (Stage.height - _height); setProperty("", _y, Stage.height - _height); var _loc3 = (cb_right._x - at._x); var _loc1 = (cb_right._x - b_sound._x); var _loc5 = (cb_right._x - b_fullscreen._x); var _loc2 = (cb_right._x - vt.vt_right._x); var _loc4 = (cb_right._x - (vt.vt_mask._x + vt.vt_mask._width)); cb_left._x = 0; cb_right._x = Stage.width - cb_right._width; cb_center._x = (cb_left._x + cb_left._width) - 1; cb_center._width = (cb_right._x - cb_center._x) + 2; at._x = cb_right._x - _loc3; b_fullscreen._x = cb_right._x - _loc5; b_sound._x = cb_right._x - _loc1; vt.vt_right._x = cb_right._x - _loc2; vt.vt_center._x = (vt.vt_left._x + vt.vt_left._width) - 1; vt.vt_center._width = (vt.vt_right._x - vt.vt_center._x) + 2; vt.vt_mask._width = (cb_right._x - _loc4) - vt.vt_mask._x; vt.vt_dummy._x = vt.vt_left._x; vt.vt_dummy._y = vt.vt_left._y; vt.vt_dummy._width = (vt.vt_right._x + vt.vt_right._width) - vt.vt_left._x; vt.vt_dummy._height = vt.vt_center._height; } var delay; var aniStep; var hidding = false; vt.vt_ind._x = vt.vt_left._x + (vt.vt_ind._width / 2); arrange(); var buttons = new Array(b_play, b_pause, b_stop, b_sound, b_fullscreen); var tips = new Array("Play", "Pause", "Stop", "Mute", "Full Screen"); var lastButton; this.onMouseMove = function () { var _loc6 = (_xmouse + this._x); var _loc5 = (_ymouse + this._y); var _loc4 = 0; while (_loc4 < buttons.length) { var _loc3 = buttons[_loc4]; if (_loc3._visible) { if (_loc3.hitTest(_loc6, _loc5, true)) { if (_loc3 != lastButton) { lastButton = _loc3; _root.tip.delayShowTip((this._x + _loc3._x) + (_loc3._width / 2), this._y + _loc3._y, tips[_loc4], true); } return(undefined); } } _loc4++; } if (lastButton != undefined) { _root.tip.cancelDelayShowTip(); if (_root.tip._visible) { _root.tip.hideTip(); } lastButton = undefined; } }; this.onMouseDown = function () { _root.tip.cancelDelayShowTip(); if (_root.tip._visible) { _root.tip.hideTip(); } }; b_play.onRelease = function () { if (!_root.playFLV()) {; } else { if (!_root.g_flvLoaded) { return(undefined); } if (!_root.g_autoPlay) { _root.g_autoPlay = true; _root.g_netStream.pause(false); } if (_root.g_isEnd) { _root.changeCurrentFrame(0); } _root.g_netStream.pause(false); _root.g_isPlaying = true; } b_play.gotoRollOverState(); }; b_pause.onRelease = function () { if (!_root.playFLV()) { _root.stop(); } else { if (!_root.g_flvLoaded) { return(undefined); } _root.g_netStream.pause(true); _root.g_isPlaying = false; } b_pause.gotoRollOverState(); }; b_stop.onRelease = function () { if (!_root.playFLV()) { _root.g_currentFrame = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (!_root.g_flvLoaded) { return(undefined); } _root.changeCurrentFrame(0); _root.g_netStream.pause(true); _root.g_isPlaying = false; } b_stop.gotoRollOverState(); }; b_sound.onRelease = function () { _root.g_soundMute = !_root.g_soundMute; b_sound.gotoAndStop((_root.g_soundMute ? 2 : 1)); var _loc2; if (!_root.g_soundMute) { _loc2 = _root.g_soundVolume; } else { _loc2 = 0; } _root.g_soundObj.setVolume(_loc2); b_sound.gotoRollOverState(); }; b_fullscreen.onRelease = function () { b_fullscreen.gotoRollOverState(); if (!_root.playFLV()) { _root.tip.showTip((this._parent._x + this._x) + (this._width / 2), this._parent._y + this._y, "Full screen mode is not available while \nplaying embedded video.", false); } else { var _loc5 = getVersion(); var _loc4 = _loc5.split(" "); if (_loc4.length == 2) { var _loc3 = _loc4[1].split(","); if (_loc3.length == 4) { if (((int(_loc3[0]) > 9) || (int(_loc3[0]) == 9)) && ((int(_loc3[1]) > 0) || (int(_loc3[2]) > 28))) { Stage.displayState = ((Stage.displayState == "fullScreen") ? "normal" : "fullScreen"); return(undefined); } } } _root.tip.showTip((this._parent._x + this._x) + (this._width / 2), this._parent._y + this._y, ((((((("Full screen mode is available in Flash Player or \nlater only. Your current version is " + _loc3[0]) + ".") + _loc3[1]) + ".") + _loc3[2]) + ".") + _loc3[3]) + ".", false); } };
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 1
function delayShowTip(x, y, tip, autoHide) { if (showTipTimer != undefined) { clearInterval(showTipTimer); showTipTimer = undefined; } if (hideTipTimer != undefined) { clearInterval(hideTipTimer); hideTipTimer = undefined; } if (_root.tip._visible) { _root.tip.hideTip(); } showTipTimer = setInterval(showTip, 750, x, y, tip, autoHide); } function cancelDelayShowTip() { if (showTipTimer != undefined) { clearInterval(showTipTimer); showTipTimer = undefined; } } function showTip(x, y, tip, autoHide) { tipText.text = tip; _x = (x - (_width / 2)); setProperty("", _x, x - (_width / 2)); _y = ((y - tipText._height) - 5); setProperty("", _y, (y - tipText._height) - 5); if (_x >= 1) { if ((_x + _width) > (Stage.width - 4)) { _x = (_x - ((_x + _width) - (Stage.width - 4))); setProperty("", _x, _x - ((_x + _width) - (Stage.width - 4))); } } else { _x = 1; setProperty("", _x, 1); } _visible = true; setProperty("", _visible, true); if (showTipTimer != undefined) { clearInterval(showTipTimer); showTipTimer = undefined; } if (autoHide) { delayHideTip(3000); } } function delayHideTip(interval) { if (hideTipTimer != undefined) { clearInterval(hideTipTimer); } hideTipTimer = setInterval(hideTip, interval, 0); } function hideTip() { _visible = false; setProperty("", _visible, false); if (hideTipTimer != undefined) { clearInterval(hideTipTimer); hideTipTimer = undefined; } } _visible = false; setProperty("", _visible, false); createTextField("tipText", getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 1, 1); tipText.border = true; tipText.background = true; tipText.backgroundColor = 16777185 /* 0xFFFFE1 */; tipText.autoSize = "left"; tipText.wordWrap = false; tipText.multiline = true; var filter = (new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(3, 45, 3355443)); var allFilters = filters; allFilters.push(filter); filters = allFilters; var showTipTimer = undefined; var hideTipTimer = undefined;

Library Items

Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:1 10 15 16 17 47
Symbol 1 MovieClipUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 3 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 4 VideoUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:7Used by:5
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:9Used by:5
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:2Used by:5
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:12Used by:5
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:14Used by:5
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:2Used by:5
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:2Used by:5
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:2Used by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:6 8 10 11 13 15 16 17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:20Used by:18
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:22Used by:18
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:24Used by:18
Symbol 26 FontUsed by:27 77
Symbol 27 EditableTextUses:26Used by:25
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:29Used by:25
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:31Used by:25
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:33Used by:25
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:35 36Used by:25
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:38Used by:25
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:40Used by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:27 28 30 32 34 37 39Used by:18
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:42 45 47
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:43 44Used by:41
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:43 46Used by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:42 45Used by:18
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:43 2Used by:18
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:52Used by:48
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:54Used by:48
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:56Used by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:49 50 51 53 55Used by:18
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:57 65 70
Symbol 60 ShapeTweeningUsed by:57
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:57 65
Symbol 63 ShapeTweeningUsed by:57
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:57 65
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:58 59 60 61 62 63 64Used by:18
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:65 70
Symbol 67 ShapeTweeningUsed by:65
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 69 ShapeTweeningUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:66 59 67 68 62 69 64Used by:18
Symbol 71 ShapeTweeningUsed by:70
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 74 ShapeTweeningUsed by:70
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:66 59 71 72 73 74 75Used by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:19 21 23 25 41 47 48 57 65 70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 EditableTextUses:26Used by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:77Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"background"Frame 1Symbol 1 MovieClip
"color"Frame 1Symbol 3 MovieClip
"g_videoObj"Frame 1Symbol 4 Video
"border"Frame 1Symbol 5 MovieClip
"control"Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip
"tip"Frame 1Symbol 76 MovieClip
"vb_tl"Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"vb_bl"Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"vb_l"Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"vb_tr"Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"vb_br"Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"vb_r"Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip
"vb_t"Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 16 MovieClip
"vb_b"Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip
"time"Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 27 EditableText
"vt_left"Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 28 MovieClip
"vt_right"Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 30 MovieClip
"vt_center"Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 32 MovieClip
"vt_ind"Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip
"vt_mask"Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 37 MovieClip
"vt_progress"Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 39 MovieClip
"s1"Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip
"s2"Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 45 MovieClip
"progress"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 51 MovieClip
"track"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 53 MovieClip
"ind"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"cb_left"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip
"cb_right"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip
"cb_center"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip
"vt"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip
"b_sound"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 41 MovieClip
"b_stop"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 47 MovieClip
"at"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 48 MovieClip
"b_play"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 57 MovieClip
"b_pause"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 65 MovieClip
"b_fullscreen"Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 70 MovieClip
"tipText"Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 77 EditableText


"color"Symbol 3 MovieClip Frame 1
"color"Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 1
Created: 10/5 -2019 08:20:59 Last modified: 10/5 -2019 08:20:59 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:59:44