| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229911 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #41758 |
123mycodes.com |
... you pressed it again.Okay punk, press it again. |
Yeah, that's it.Come on, one more time. |
Again. |
Do it. |
Okay, now you've had your fill.Stop clicking. |
You see, this is whywe can't be friends. |
You're just too selfish. |
Grr... now you've asked for it.Do NoT pReSs ThE bUtToN! |
You seem to be immune tomy mind control. |
Time for Plan B.Press it. You know you want to. |
Mwahahaha! Now let's seeyou press it! LOSER! |
...this displeases me. |
HA! I have replaced the buttonwith this penguin. Now what are yougoing to do? |
...I hate you. |
In that "cut off your head with atoothbrush" kind of way. |
Quick! What's that behind you?! |
Which one is it?Not so smart now, are ya? |
You're a clever one.Time for Round 2. |
... |
Okay Okay. You can press the button.I don't care. |
No really, I don't care anymore. |
In fact, I lost interest a while ago. |
I'm doing this just to entertain you. |
Really. |
Do you like cartoons? |
...and paint? |
Cartoons and Paint? |
Well you should. |
Pick a colour. |
Green. Perfect. |
Press the red button. |
Press the green button |
Press the blue button |
See, you just can't trust me.Or can you? |
You know, I'm glad we getto spend so much time together. |
Doesn't it make you want to stopclicking big red buttons? |
No seriously. |
Look deep inside you. |
Deeper. |
What if I told you that that the nexttime you press the button, the worldwill explode? |
See. You could have beendead right there. |
And there. |
You know, eventuallyI'll stop letting you get away with this. |
The world is going to explodeand all you care about is pressing buttons |
Okay, this time the world willexplode. I guarantee. |
BOOM!You're dead. |
That wasn't very smart now was it? |
Everyone's dead. Even you. |
I'm not. I'm just text. |
But you're dead. |
Ha! Dead-face! |
Stop clicking. |
Have I ever told you how much I hate you? |
Well I do. |
I'm gonna start talking upside downif you click one more time. |
HA! Can't read me now, can you? |
What? You didn't want to read me anyway? |
Well then, i'll show you! |
You really are stubborn. |
Stop clicking. Please. |
See look. You've reduced meto begging. So please stop. |
PLEASE!!!! |
I'll give you a nickle |
Dime? |
Quarter? |
Aww come on! Just stop! |
That does it! Time tounleash my master plan! |
BEHOLD! The awesome power of flash animation! |
H8! |
Let's get funky! |
I'll be you're starting to wonderwhy you've been doing thisfor so long. |
Like jeez, all you've been doing isclicking a red button. |
How lame is that? |
But there is a bonus to all this |
But it's a secret.So I can't tell you. |
I got you going didn't I? |
You should've seen the lookon your face! HA! |
But seriously, there is a secret.There's been one the whole time. |
You've been busy clicking away atthis big red button... |
...when all the while a little whitebutton as watched your every move |
hehe! |
lol |
rofl |
roflmao |
roflmaoqxz |
and so on and so forth |
*whistles* |
Find it yet? |
Look harder! It's right under your nose. |
I know where it is.But I'll never tell. |
Or maybe I will... |
But you gotta stop clicking theBig Red Button first! |
Stop. |
Now. |
Fine, I won't tell youthe secret. |
Go ahead. Try to find it yourself.You'll never find it. |
Well you might... but the oddsare against you. |
~ |
What's your favorite letter? |
Mine is the squiggly! |
No? |
Then stop clicking and I'll tell you. |
You know what? |
POOF! It's gone! |
Has anyone ever slapped you? |
Cuz I will. |
Really I will. |
It won't hurt though. |
Cuz you're dead. |
D-E-D |
Remember? You went and blew upthe entire planet! |
Thought I'd forget about thatdidn't you? |
But an elephant never forgets! |
...or something along those lines. |
You killed everyone. |
Sikko. |
What would you're mother say? |
That's right... feel bad. |
The world is null and you're to blame. |
I'd recommend suicide, but you're dead already. |
So there's only one thing leftthat you can do... |
Stop clicking the button. |
Dude, you're dead.What are you gaining from this? |
Okay, everytime you click, youget sent to a lower layer of hell. |
Welcome to layer 2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
BOOM!You've exploded Hell. |
I hope you're happy. |
Heavens gone too.That's how smooth you are. |
No you're dead, and there'sno heaven or hell. |
How does it feel?You've condemned the world to limbo. |
I once shot a man for being in limbo. |
...or was he doing the limbo? |
Meh, Tomato Tomahto |
This is getting boring isn't it? |
But you can't stop! |
You want to end this.You want to leave you're computer. |
But you can't! |
You need to see if there's a pot of goldat the end of the rainbow! |
But I've already told you how tofind the pot of gold |
Follow the white rabbit. |
..erm, button. |
Remember the hidden button? |
Or are you so self-centered youforgot about that too? |
I could just keep you here all dayif I wanted. |
You're in my world now. |
No matter how much youhate it, you have to press the button. |
again... |
and again... |
and again. |
You just keep hoping somethinggood will come of this. |
Sure I could tell you if I wantedto, but I'm not gonna. |
You decided to keep clicking.So I'm gonna enjoy it. |
I mean, there's nothing else to enjoy |
You blew it all up remember? |
You're probably wondering who I am |
Well let me tell you a tale about myself |
One day, I was walking home fromwork and I saw a small little house. |
I knocked on the door out of curiousityto see if anyone was home. |
The door opened. |
But no one was there. |
I went inside to check it outand found nothing... |
...nothing but a little metal box. |
So I opened it. |
Inside the box was a layer offoam protecting it's contents |
I removed the foam and there it was... |
... ... |
ZZZzzzzzz |
zzzzZZZZzzzz |
Huh? |
Oh! Right! The story! |
So there I was, holding thislittle metal box in my hands. |
The top was open and sittinginside was this... |
Big Red Button. |
And do you know what it said? |
Oh I'll tell you what it said.It said... |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 2stop();Frame 201gotoAndStop (2);Symbol 3 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://123mycodes.com", "_blank"); }Symbol 5 Buttonon (release) { nextFrame(); }Symbol 31 Buttonon (release) { nextFrame(); }Symbol 74 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://members.aol.com/oohdoogie/BGB/press01.html", _blank); }Symbol 85 Buttonon (release) { _root.nextFrame(); }Symbol 87 Buttonon (release) { _root.nextFrame(); }Symbol 92 Buttonon (release) { nextFrame(); }
Library Items
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Special Tags
FileAttributes (69) | Timeline Frame 1 | Access network only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2. |