Frame 1
if (kv_mc.kv_v.l_mcl.loadClip) {
kv_mc.kv_v.l_mcl.loadClip(kv_mc.kv_v.lurl, kv_mc.kv_v.t_mc);
} else {
loadMovie (kv_mc.kv_v.lurl, kv_mc.kv_v.t_mc);
_root.mastervolume = new Sound();
_root.volumesave = 0;
_root.tipsshown = false;
_global.ipb_get_gname = function () {
var _local4 = _root._url;
var _local5 = "";
var _local2 = "";
var _local6 = _local4.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1;
if ((_local6 == -1) || (_local6 == 0)) {
_local6 = _local4.lastIndexOf("/") + 1;
var _local3 = _local6;
var _local7 = String(_local4).length;
while (_local3 < String(_local4).length) {
_local2 = _local4.charAt(_local3);
if (_local2 == ".") {
_local5 = _local5 + _local2;
ipb_gname = _global.ipb_get_gname();
xx = new LoadVars();
xx.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
_global.ipb_scoreVar = this.scoreVar;
fname = ((("arcade/gamedata/" + ipb_gname) + "/") + ipb_gname) + ".txt";
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
function buildMap(map) {
_root.attachMovie("mouse", "mouse", 4);
_root.attachMovie("empty", "tiles", 3);
_root.tiles.attachMovie("empty", "back", 1);
_root.tiles.attachMovie("empty", "gore", 2);
game.clip = _root.tiles;
game.clip._x = 425;
game.clip._y = 50;
var _local7 = map[0].length;
var _local8 = map.length;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local8) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local7) {
var _local2 = (("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local3;
game[_local2] = new game["Tile" + map[_local4][_local3]]();
if (game[_local2].walkable) {
var _local5 = game.clip.back;
} else {
var _local5 = game.clip;
game[_local2].depth = (((((_local3 + _local4) * game.tileW) / 2) * 300) + ((_local3 - _local4) * game.tileW)) + 1;
_local5.attachMovie("tile", _local2, game[_local2].depth);
_local5[_local2]._x = (_local3 - _local4) * game.tileW;
_local5[_local2]._y = ((_local3 + _local4) * game.tileW) / 2;
if (game[_local2].frame == 1) {
game[_local2].frame = random(4) + 7;
game.clip.back.cacheAsBitmap = true;
function updatetile(map, ty, tx) {
game.clip = _root.tiles;
var _local2 = (("t_" + ty) + "_") + tx;
game[_local2] = new game["Tile" + map[ty][tx]]();
if (game[_local2].walkable) {
var _local3 = game.clip.back;
} else {
var _local3 = game.clip;
game[_local2].depth = (((((tx + ty) * game.tileW) / 2) * 300) + ((tx - ty) * game.tileW)) + 1;
_local3.attachMovie("tile", _local2, game[_local2].depth);
_local3[_local2]._x = (tx - ty) * game.tileW;
_local3[_local2]._y = ((tx + ty) * game.tileW) / 2;
if (game[_local2].frame == 1) {
game[_local2].frame = random(4) + 7;
function updatemap(map) {
game.clip = _root.tiles;
game.clip._x = 425;
game.clip._y = 50;
var _local7 = map[0].length;
var _local8 = map.length;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local8) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local7) {
var _local2 = (("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local3;
game[_local2] = new game["Tile" + map[_local4][_local3]]();
if (game[_local2].walkable) {
var _local5 = game.clip.back;
} else {
var _local5 = game.clip;
game[_local2].depth = (((((_local3 + _local4) * game.tileW) / 2) * 300) + ((_local3 - _local4) * game.tileW)) + 1;
_local5.attachMovie("tile", _local2, game[_local2].depth);
_local5[_local2]._x = (_local3 - _local4) * game.tileW;
_local5[_local2]._y = ((_local3 + _local4) * game.tileW) / 2;
if (game[_local2].frame == 1) {
game[_local2].frame = random(4) + 7;
function getTarget() {
if ((((game.xmouse >= 0) && (game.ymouse >= 0)) && (game.xmouse <= (myMap1[1].length - 1))) && (game.ymouse <= (myMap1.length - 1))) {
if (prepped == "None") {
systxt("Nothing Selected");
} else if ( < _root.prepcost) {
systxt("You can't afford that!");
} else if (((prepped == "Wood") && (game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].buildable)) && (_root.barricades < _root.barricadesmax)) {
systxt("Place Wood Tile");
myMap1[game.ymouse][game.xmouse] = 4;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if (((prepped == "Stone") && (game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].buildable)) && (_root.barricades < _root.barricadesmax)) {
systxt("Place Stone Tile");
myMap1[game.ymouse][game.xmouse] = 3;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if ((((prepped == "Trap") && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].containstower)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].containstrap)) && (_root.traps < _root.trapsmax)) {
myMap1[game.ymouse][game.xmouse] = 5;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if (((((prepped == "Defender") && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].containstower)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].containstrap)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].entry)) && (_root.gunmen < _root.gunmenmax)) {
placedefender(game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if ((prepped == "Wood") || (prepped == "Stone")) {
systxt("Cannot Build here");
function spawnnpc(num) {
var _local4 = Math.floor(_root["enemyarray" + num][6] - (_root["enemyarray" + num][4] / 4));
if (_local4 < 0) {
_local4 = 0;
var _local8 = Math.floor((_root["enemyarray" + num][5] / 2) - _local4);
_root["mon" + num] = {hp:_root["enemyarray" + num][3], maxhp:_root["enemyarray" + num][3], xtile:_root["enemyarray" + num][1], ytile:_root["enemyarray" + num][2], speed:_local8, moving:false, width:8, height:8};
var _local2 = _root["mon" + num];
_local2.x = _local2.xtile * game.tileW;
_local2.y = _local2.ytile * game.tileW;
_local2.xiso = _local2.x - _local2.y;
_local2.yiso = (_local2.x + _local2.y) / 2;
_local2.depthshift = (game.tileW - _local2.height) / 2;
_local2.depth = (((_local2.yiso - _local2.depthshift) * 300) + _local2.xiso) + 1;
game.clip.attachMovie("monster", "mon" + num, _local2.depth);
_local2.clip = game.clip["mon" + num];
_local2.clip._x = _local2.xiso;
_local2.clip._y = _local2.yiso;
game[(("t_" + _local2.ytile) + "_") + _local2.xtile].containstower = true;
game[(("t_" + _local2.ytile) + "_") + _local2.xtile].npcnum = num;
function huetile(tile, colour) {
col = new Color(tile);
function unhuetile(tile) {
col = new Color(tile);
function updatecash() {
_root.menubar.cashdisp.text = "$" +;
if ( < 250) {
_root.menubar.gunman.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.gunmangraph._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.menubar.gunman.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.gunmangraph._alpha = 100;
if ( < 100) {
_root.menubar.refill.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.refill._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.menubar.refill.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.refill._alpha = 100;
if ( < 50) {
_root.menubar.barricade2.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.barricade2._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.menubar.barricade2.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.barricade2._alpha = 100;
if ( < 25) {
_root.menubar.barricade1.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.barricade1._alpha = 50;
_root.menubar.trap.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.trap._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.menubar.barricade1.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.barricade1._alpha = 100;
_root.menubar.trap.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.trap._alpha = 100;
function placedefender(ty, tx, hardcore) {
var _local4 = ty;
var _local5 = tx;
_root["defender" + _root.defenders] = {hp:50, maxhp:50, xtile:_local5, ytile:_local4, speed:0, moving:false, width:8, height:8};
if (hardcore) {
_root["defender" + _root.defenders].hp = 5000000 /* 0x4C4B40 */;
var _local3 = _root["defender" + _root.defenders];
_local3.x = _local3.xtile * game.tileW;
_local3.y = _local3.ytile * game.tileW;
_local3.xiso = _local3.x - _local3.y;
_local3.yiso = (_local3.x + _local3.y) / 2;
_local3.depthshift = (game.tileW - _local3.height) / 2;
_local3.depth = (((_local3.yiso - _local3.depthshift) * 300) + _local3.xiso) + 1;
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_defender", "defender" + _root.defenders, _local3.depth);
_local3.clip = game.clip["defender" + _root.defenders];
_local3.clip.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_local3.clip._x = _local3.xiso;
_local3.clip._y = _local3.yiso;[(("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local5].isawall = true;[(("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local5].buildable = false;[(("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local5].hp = _root["defender" + _root.defenders].hp;
_local3.clip.mynum = _root.defenders;
_root["defender" + _root.defenders].shooting = false;
_root["defender" + _root.defenders].shootingdelay = 24;
_local3.clip.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.currentphase == "hi") {
if (random(100) == 0) {
game.clip["defender" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("look south");
} else {
myx = _root["defender" + this.mynum].xtile;
myy = _root["defender" + this.mynum].ytile;
_root["defender" + this.mynum].hp =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].hp;
if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].hp <= 0) {
spawnzombies(1, true, myx, myy);[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].buildable = true;[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].isawall = false;
bob = _root["defender" + this.mynum];
delete bob;["defender" + this.mynum].removeMovieClip();
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 4;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 4;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
function shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, direct) {
if (((_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay == 0) && (_root.ammo > 0)) && (!playershot)) {
_root.menubar.ammo.text = _root.ammo;
game.clip["defender" + dnum].gotoAndStop("attack " + direct);
_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay = 30;
if (direct == "north") {
_root["defender" + dnum].killdir = "south";
} else if (direct == "south") {
_root["defender" + dnum].killdir = "north";
} else if (direct == "west") {
_root["defender" + dnum].killdir = "east";
} else if (direct == "east") {
_root["defender" + dnum].killdir = "west";
} else if (_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay == 22) {
_root["zombie" + znum].hp = _root["zombie" + znum].hp - 20;
if (_root.secondstatus == "Alive") {
_root["zombie" + znum].hp = _root["zombie" + znum].hp - 10;
if (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 0) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] > 12) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] < 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);
dp = game.clip["zombie" + znum].depth;
rtx = _root["zombie" + znum].xtile * game.tileW;
rty = _root["zombie" + znum].ytile * game.tileW;
rtxiso = rtx - rty;
rtyiso = (rtx + rty) / 2;
_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay--;
if (_root["zombie" + znum].hp <= 0) {[(("t_" + zy) + "_") + zx].containszombie = false;
dp = game.clip["zombie" + znum].depth;
rtx = _root["zombie" + znum].xtile * game.tileW;
rty = _root["zombie" + znum].ytile * game.tileW;
rtxiso = rtx - rty;
rtyiso = (rtx + rty) / 2;
if (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 0) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] > 12) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] < 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);
game.clip["zombie" + znum].removeMovieClip();
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_brit_guard", "zombie" + znum, dp);
game.clip["zombie" + znum]._x = rtxiso;
game.clip["zombie" + znum]._y = rtyiso;
game.clip["zombie" + znum].gotoAndStop("die " + _root["defender" + dnum].killdir);
_root.spawnedzombies--; = + (_root.zombiecashaward + _root.currentday);
_root.menubar.cashdisp.text = "$" +;
_root.menubar.bodycount.text = _root.bodycount;
} else if ((_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay == 30) && (_root.ammo <= 0)) {
_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay = 0;
} else {
_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay--;
function nightspawn() {
spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies;
var _local2 = 15 + _root.currentday;
if (_local2 > 25) {
_local2 = 25;
if (_root.currentday < 3) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 1) < _local2) {
} else if (_root.currentday < 8) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 2) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 2;
} else if (_root.currentday < 12) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 3) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 3;
} else if (_root.currentday < 14) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 4) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 4;
} else if (_root.currentday < 18) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 5) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 5;
} else if ((spawnedzombies + 6) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 6;
_root.zombietimer = 80 - (_root.currentday * 2);
if (_root.zombietimer < 24) {
_root.zombietimer = 24;
function placeplayer() {
var _local3 = 14;
var _local4 = 11;
char = 1;
_root.player = {hp:13, maxhp:13, xtile:_local4, ytile:_local3, speed:0, moving:false, width:8, height:8};
var _local2 = _root.player;
_local2.x = _local2.xtile * game.tileW;
_local2.y = _local2.ytile * game.tileW;
_local2.xiso = _local2.x - _local2.y;
_local2.yiso = (_local2.x + _local2.y) / 2;
_local2.depthshift = (game.tileW - _local2.height) / 2;
_local2.depth = (((_local2.yiso - _local2.depthshift) * 300) + _local2.xiso) + 1;
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_brit_guard", "player", _local2.depth);
_local2.clip = game.clip.player;
_local2.clip._x = _local2.xiso;
_local2.clip._y = _local2.yiso;
function spawnzombies(num, convert, x, y) {
i = 0;
while (i < num) {
d4 = random(4);
if ((d4 == 0) && (!convert)) {
tempx = 0;
tempy = random(_root.myMap1.length);
} else if ((d4 == 1) && (!convert)) {
tempx = _root.myMap1[0].length - 1;
tempy = random(_root.myMap1.length);
} else if ((d4 == 2) && (!convert)) {
tempx = random(_root.myMap1[0].length);
tempy = _root.myMap1.length - 1;
} else if ((d4 == 3) && (!convert)) {
tempx = random(_root.myMap1[0].length);
tempy = 0;
} else {
tempx = x;
tempy = y;
if ((tempx == 0) && (tempy == 0)) {
tempx = 1;
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies] = {hp:46 + (_root.currentday * 2), xtile:tempx, ytile:tempy, str:0.7 + (_root.currentday / 100), moving:false, width:8, height:8};
var ob = _root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies];
ob.x = ob.xtile * game.tileW;
ob.y = ob.ytile * game.tileW;
ob.xiso = ob.x - ob.y;
ob.yiso = (ob.x + ob.y) / 2;
ob.depthshift = (game.tileW - ob.height) / 2;
ob.depth = (((ob.yiso - ob.depthshift) * 300) + ob.xiso) + 1;
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_brit_guard", "zombie" + _root.numberofzombies, _root.numberofzombies + 55);
ob.clip = game.clip["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies];
ob.clip._x = ob.xiso;
ob.clip._y = ob.yiso;
ob.clip.gotoAndStop("rise south");
ob.clip.mynum = _root.numberofzombies;
ob.clip.moving = false;
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].movecount = 0;
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].moving = false;
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].bashing = false;
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].spawned = false;
ob.clip.onEnterFrame = function () {
ob = game.clip["zombie" + this.mynum];
num = this.mynum;
targetx = random(_root.myMap1[0].length - 1);
targety = random(_root.myMap1.length - 1);
myx = _root["zombie" + num].xtile;
myy = _root["zombie" + num].ytile;
if (_root["zombie" + num].walling) {[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp =[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp - _root["zombie" + this.mynum].str;
frame = "t" + Math.round([(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp);
_root.tiles[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].inner.gotoAndStop(frame);[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + num].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + num].xtile].containszombie = true;[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + num].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + num].xtile].containszombienum = num;[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].containszombie = false;
if ([(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp <= 0) {
_root.myMap1[this.desty][this.destx] = 0;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, this.desty, this.destx);
bob =[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx];
_root.tiles[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].removeMovieClip();
delete bob;
_root["zombie" + num].walling = false;
_root["zombie" + num].movecount = 0;
if (this.dirx == 1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("east");
} else if (this.dirx == -1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("west");
} else if (this.diry == 1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("south");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("north");
if ((!_root["zombie" + num].moving) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
_root["zombie" + num].moving = true;
if (random(20) < 2) {
targetx = targetx + random(8);
} else if (random(20) < 2) {
targety = targety + random(8);
} else if (random(20) < 2) {
targetx = targetx - random(8);
} else if (random(20) < 2) {
targety = targety - random(8);
if (random(2) == 0) {
if ((myx < targetx) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise east");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("east");
} else if ((myx > targetx) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = -1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise west");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("west");
} else if ((myy > targety) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = -1;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise north");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("north");
} else if ((myy < targety) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 1;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise south");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("south");
} else {
if ((myy > targety) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = -1;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise north");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("north");
} else if ((myy < targety) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 1;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise south");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("south");
} else if ((myx < targetx) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise east");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("east");
} else if ((myx > targetx) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = -1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise west");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("west");
if (random(40) < 2) {
targetx = targetx + random(8);
} else if (random(40) < 2) {
targety = targety + random(8);
} else if (random(40) < 2) {
targetx = targetx - random(8);
} else if (random(40) < 2) {
targety = targety - random(8);
ob.x = _root["zombie" + ob.mynum].xtile * game.tileW;
ob.y = _root["zombie" + ob.mynum].ytile * game.tileW;
this.destx = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile + this.dirx;
this.desty = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile + this.diry;
if ((this.desty == _root.player.ytile) && (this.destx == _root.player.xtile)) {
bob = _root["zombie" + this.mynum];[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = false;["zombie" + this.mynum].removeMovieClip();
delete bob;
if (_root.player.hp <= 0) {
if ([(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].isawall) {
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 31;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].walling = true;
if (this.dirx == 1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("attack east");
} else if (this.dirx == -1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("attack west");
} else if (this.diry == 1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("attack south");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("attack north");
if (!_root["zombie" + this.mynum].walling) {[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = false;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile + this.dirx;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile + this.diry;[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = true;[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum = this.mynum;
if ([(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containstrap || (_root.currentphase == "Placement")) {
rtx = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile * game.tileW;
rty = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile * game.tileW;
rtxiso = rtx - rty;
rtyiso = (rtx + rty) / 2;
game.clip["zombie" + this.mynum]._x = rtxiso;
game.clip["zombie" + this.mynum]._y = rtyiso;
fx =["zombie" + this.mynum]._x;
fy =["zombie" + this.mynum]._y;
_root.tiles.attachMovie("fire", "fire" + this.mynum, 3 + this.mynum, {_x:fx + 5, _y:fy + 5});
_root.tiles["fire" + this.mynum].swapDepths(["zombie" + this.mynum].depth + 1);
bob = _root["zombie" + this.mynum];
delete bob;[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = false;["zombie" + this.mynum].removeMovieClip();
if (_root.currentphase == "Defend") {
_root.spawnzombies(1); = + _root.zombiecashaward;
_root.menubar.cashdisp.text =;
_root.menubar.bodycount.text = _root.bodycount;
if (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount < 30) {
ob.y = ob.y + (ob.diry * 0.5);
ob.x = ob.x + (ob.dirx * 0.5);
ob.xiso = ob.x - ob.y;
ob.yiso = (ob.x + ob.y) / 2;
ob._x = ob.xiso;
ob._y = ob.yiso;
ob.depthshift = ( - _root["zombie" + this.mynum].height) / 2;
ob.depth = (((ob.yiso - ob.depthshift) * 300) + ob.xiso) + 1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount++;
} else if (!_root["zombie" + this.mynum].walling) {
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].moving = false;
function introanimation() {
_root.placedefender(5, 5, true);
_root.placedefender(21, 5, true);
_root.placedefender(21, 18, true);
_root.placedefender(5, 18, true);
_root.placedefender(13, 13, true);
_root.placedefender(3, 8);
_root.placedefender(24, 22);
_root.placedefender(3, 16);
_root.currentday = 5;
function work() {
if (_root.zombietimer > 0) {
if ((_root.zombietimer <= 0) && (_root.nightspawning)) {
if (_root.movetimer == 24) {
_root.movetimer = 0;
if (_root.timeradjust == 0) {
_root.timeradjust = 24;
if ((_root.timesec == 0) && (_root.timemin == 0)) {
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
_root.currentphase = "Defend";
_root.timemin = 60000;
_root.timesec = 50;
_root.timer.textColor = "0x00FF00";
nightspawning = true;
_root.prepped = "None";
_root.preppedcost = 0;
_root.menubar.bigtext.text = "";
_root.menubar.gunman.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.gunmangraph._alpha = 50;
_root.menubar.refill.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.refill._alpha = 50;
_root.menubar.barricade2.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.barricade2._alpha = 50;
_root.menubar.barricade1.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.barricade1._alpha = 50;
_root.menubar.trap.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.trap._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.currentphase = "Placement";
_root.timemin = 0;
_root.timesec = 3;
_root.timer.textColor = "0xFF0000";
nightspawning = false;
_root.menubar.daytext.text = "Day " + _root.currentday;
barricadesmax = 29 + _root.currentday;
trapsmax = 15 + Math.floor(_root.currentday / 2);
gunmenmax = 5 + Math.floor(_root.currentday / 4);
_root.menubar.wait.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.wait._alpha = 100;
} else if ((_root.timesec == 0) && (_root.timemin > 0)) {
_root.timesec = 59;
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
_root.timer.text = (("Daylight Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":") + _root.timesec;
} else {
_root.timer.text = (("Darkness Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":") + _root.timesec;
} else if ((_root.timesec < 10) && (_root.timesec > -1)) {
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
_root.timer.text = (("Daylight Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":0") + _root.timesec;
} else {
_root.timer.text = (("Darkness Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":0") + _root.timesec;
} else if (_root.timesec > 9) {
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
_root.timer.text = (("Daylight Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":") + _root.timesec;
} else {
_root.timer.text = (("Darkness Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":") + _root.timesec;
_root.menubar.gunmenmax.text = _root.gunmenmax;
_root.menubar.trapsmax.text = _root.trapsmax;
_root.menubar.barricadesmax.text = _root.barricadesmax;
_root.menubar.gunmen.text = _root.gunmen;
_root.menubar.traps.text = _root.traps;
_root.menubar.barricades.text = _root.barricades;
_root.menubar.ammo.text = _root.ammo;
_root.menubar.ammomax.text = _root.ammomax;
var _local2 = ((2 * game.clip._ymouse) - game.clip._xmouse) / 2;
var _local3 = game.clip._xmouse + _local2;
game.ymouse = Math.round(_local2 / game.tileW);
game.xmouse = Math.round(_local3 / game.tileW) - 1;
game.targy = Math.round(_local2 / game.tileW);
game.targx = Math.round(_local3 / game.tileW) - 1;
if ((((game.xmouse >= 0) && (game.ymouse >= 0)) && (game.xmouse <= (myMap1[1].length - 1))) && (game.ymouse <= (myMap1.length - 1))) {
_root.mouse._x = 1000;
_root.mouse._y = 1000;
} else {
_root.mouse._x = 1000;
_root.mouse._y = 1000;
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "C";
animplayed = false;
drawmode = "Walls";
nightspawning = false;
titleon = true;
spawnedzombies = 0;
zombiecashaward = 5;
ammo = 5000;
ammomax = 500;
bodycount = 0;
zombietimer = 0;
numberofzombies = 0;
barricadesmax = 30;
barricades = 0;
trapsmax = 15;
traps = 0;
gunmenmax = 5;
gunmen = 0;
movetimer = 0;
defenders = 0;
currentday = 2;
timemin = 0;
timesec = 3;
timeradjust = 1;
currentphase = "Placement";
mousemode = "Normal";
keydelay = 0;
cash = 1000;
prepped = "None";
preppedcost = 0;
myMap1 = [[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]];
game = {tileW:15, tileH:15};
towercount = 0;
monstercount = 0;
scrollspeed = 100;
game.Tile15 = function () {
game.Tile15.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile15.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile15.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile15.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile15.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile15.prototype.frame = 15;
game.Tile16 = function () {
game.Tile16.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile16.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile16.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile16.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile16.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile16.prototype.frame = 16;
game.Tile17 = function () {
game.Tile17.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile17.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile17.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile17.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile17.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile17.prototype.frame = 17;
game.Tile18 = function () {
game.Tile18.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile18.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile18.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile18.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile18.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile18.prototype.frame = 18;
game.Tile19 = function () {
game.Tile19.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile19.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile19.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile19.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile19.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile19.prototype.frame = 19;
game.Tile20 = function () {
game.Tile20.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile20.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile20.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile20.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile20.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile20.prototype.frame = 20;
game.Tile21 = function () {
game.Tile21.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile21.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile21.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile21.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile21.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile21.prototype.frame = 21;
game.Tile22 = function () {
game.Tile22.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile22.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile22.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile22.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile22.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile22.prototype.frame = 22;
game.Tile0 = function () {
game.Tile0.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile0.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile0.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile0.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile0.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile0.prototype.frame = 1;
game.Tile1 = function () {
game.Tile1.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile1.prototype.diggable = true;
game.Tile1.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile1.prototype.containstower = true;
game.Tile1.prototype.cost = 6;
game.Tile1.prototype.frame = 2;
game.Tile2 = function () {
game.Tile2.prototype.walkable = false;
game.Tile2.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile2.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile2.prototype.containstower = true;
game.Tile2.prototype.cost = 999;
game.Tile2.prototype.frame = 3;
game.Tile3 = function () {
game.Tile3.prototype.walkable = false;
game.Tile3.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile3.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile3.prototype.upgradable = false;
game.Tile3.prototype.containstower = true;
game.Tile3.prototype.isawall = true;
game.Tile3.prototype.hp = 100;
game.Tile3.prototype.cost = 25;
game.Tile3.prototype.frame = 4;
game.Tile4 = function () {
game.Tile4.prototype.walkable = false;
game.Tile4.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile4.prototype.upgradable = true;
game.Tile4.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile4.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile4.prototype.isawall = true;
game.Tile4.prototype.hp = 50;
game.Tile4.prototype.cost = 25;
game.Tile4.prototype.frame = 5;
game.Tile5 = function () {
game.Tile5.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile5.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile5.prototype.upgradable = false;
game.Tile5.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile5.prototype.containstrap = true;
game.Tile5.prototype.frame = 6;
game.Tile6 = function () {
game.Tile6.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile6.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile6.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile6.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile6.prototype.entry = true;
game.Tile6.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile6.prototype.frame = 1;
_root.attachMovie("entire_overlay", "overlay", 34589);
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip [empty] "controller" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
_root.prepped = "None";
_root.prepcost = 0;
_root.menubar.bigtext.text = "";
Frame 5
function buildMap(map) {
_root.attachMovie("mouse", "mouse", 4);
_root.attachMovie("empty", "tiles", 2);
_root.tiles.attachMovie("empty", "back", 1);
_root.tiles.attachMovie("empty", "gore", 3);
game.clip = _root.tiles;
game.clip._x = 425;
game.clip._y = 50;
var _local7 = map[0].length;
var _local8 = map.length;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local8) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local7) {
var _local2 = (("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local3;
game[_local2] = new game["Tile" + map[_local4][_local3]]();
if (game[_local2].walkable) {
var _local5 = game.clip.back;
} else {
var _local5 = game.clip;
game[_local2].depth = (((((_local3 + _local4) * game.tileW) / 2) * 300) + ((_local3 - _local4) * game.tileW)) + 1;
_local5.attachMovie("tile", _local2, game[_local2].depth);
_local5[_local2]._x = (_local3 - _local4) * game.tileW;
_local5[_local2]._y = ((_local3 + _local4) * game.tileW) / 2;
if (game[_local2].frame == 1) {
game[_local2].frame = random(4) + 7;
game.clip.back.cacheAsBitmap = true;
function updatetile(map, ty, tx) {
game.clip = _root.tiles;
var _local2 = (("t_" + ty) + "_") + tx;
temphp =[(("t_" + ty) + "_") + tx].hp;
if (((temphp > 0) && ([(("t_" + ty) + "_") + tx].isawall)) && ([(("t_" + ty) + "_") + tx].isadefender)) {
tempwall = true;
} else {
tempwall = false;
game[_local2] = new game["Tile" + map[ty][tx]]();
if (game[_local2].walkable) {
var _local5 = game.clip.back;
} else {
var _local5 = game.clip;
game[_local2].depth = (((((tx + ty) * game.tileW) / 2) * 300) + ((tx - ty) * game.tileW)) + 1;
_local5.attachMovie("tile", _local2, game[_local2].depth);
_local5[_local2]._x = (tx - ty) * game.tileW;
_local5[_local2]._y = ((tx + ty) * game.tileW) / 2;
if (game[_local2].frame == 1) {
game[_local2].frame = random(4) + 7;
_local5[_local2].gotoAndStop(game[_local2].frame);[(("t_" + ty) + "_") + tx].hp = temphp;
if (tempwall) {[(("t_" + ty) + "_") + tx].isawall = true;[(("t_" + ty) + "_") + tx].isadefender = true;
function updatemap(map) {
game.clip = _root.tiles;
game.clip._x = 425;
game.clip._y = 50;
var _local7 = map[0].length;
var _local8 = map.length;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _local8) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local7) {
var _local2 = (("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local3;
game[_local2] = new game["Tile" + map[_local4][_local3]]();
if (game[_local2].walkable) {
var _local5 = game.clip.back;
} else {
var _local5 = game.clip;
game[_local2].depth = (((((_local3 + _local4) * game.tileW) / 2) * 300) + ((_local3 - _local4) * game.tileW)) + 1;
_local5.attachMovie("tile", _local2, game[_local2].depth);
_local5[_local2]._x = (_local3 - _local4) * game.tileW;
_local5[_local2]._y = ((_local3 + _local4) * game.tileW) / 2;
if (game[_local2].frame == 1) {
game[_local2].frame = random(4) + 7;
function getTarget() {
if (((((game.xmouse >= 0) && (game.ymouse >= 0)) && (game.xmouse <= (myMap1[1].length - 1))) && (game.ymouse <= (myMap1.length - 1))) && (game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse] != game[(("t_" + _root.player.ytile) + "_") + _root.player.xtile])) {
if (prepped == "None") {
} else if ( < _root.prepcost) {
} else if ((((prepped == "Wood") && (game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].hp < 50)) && (game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].isawall)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].isadefender)) {
myMap1[game.ymouse][game.xmouse] = 4;[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].hp = 50;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if ((((prepped == "Stone") && (game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].hp < 100)) && (game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].isawall)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].isadefender)) {
myMap1[game.ymouse][game.xmouse] = 3;[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].hp = 100;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if (((prepped == "Wood") && (game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].buildable)) && (_root.barricades < _root.barricadesmax)) {
myMap1[game.ymouse][game.xmouse] = 4;[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].hp = 50;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if (((prepped == "Stone") && (game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].buildable)) && (_root.barricades < _root.barricadesmax)) {
myMap1[game.ymouse][game.xmouse] = 3;[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].hp = 100;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if ((((((prepped == "Trap") && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].isawall)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].containstower)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].containstrap)) && (_root.traps < _root.trapsmax)) && (myMap1[game.ymouse][game.xmouse] != 6)) {
myMap1[game.ymouse][game.xmouse] = 5;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if ((((((prepped == "Defender") && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].containstower)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].containstrap)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].entry)) && (_root.gunmen < _root.gunmenmax)) && (!game[(("t_" + game.ymouse) + "_") + game.xmouse].isadefender)) {
placedefender(game.ymouse, game.xmouse); = - _root.prepcost;
} else if ((prepped == "Wood") || (prepped == "Stone")) {
function updatecash() {
_root.menubar.cashdisp.text = "$" +;
if (_root.reloadtime == 2) {
_root.menubar.speedcost.text = "MAX";
} else {
_root.menubar.speedcost.text = "$" + _root.speedcost;
if (_root.playerdamage < 210) {
_root.menubar.damagecost.text = "$" + _root.damagecost;
} else {
_root.menubar.damagecost.text = "MAX";
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
if (( < 250) || (_root.gamepaused)) {
_root.menubar.gunman.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.gunmangraph._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.menubar.gunman.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.gunmangraph._alpha = 100;
if (( < 40) || (_root.gamepaused)) {
_root.menubar.barricade2.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.barricade2._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.menubar.barricade2.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.barricade2._alpha = 100;
if (( < 20) || (_root.gamepaused)) {
_root.menubar.barricade1.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.barricade1._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.menubar.barricade1.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.barricade1._alpha = 100;
if (( < 10) || (_root.gamepaused)) {
_root.menubar.trap.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.trap._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.menubar.trap.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.trap._alpha = 100;
if (( < _root.speedcost) || (_root.gamepaused)) {
_root.menubar.upspeed.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.upspeed._alpha = 50;
} else if (_root.reloadtime != 2) {
_root.menubar.upspeed.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.upspeed._alpha = 100;
if (( < _root.damagecost) || (_root.gamepaused)) {
_root.menubar.updamage.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.updamage._alpha = 50;
} else if (_root.playerdamage < 210) {
_root.menubar.updamage.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.updamage._alpha = 100;
if (( < 150) || (_root.gamepaused)) {
_root.menubar.refill.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.refill._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root.menubar.refill.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.refill._alpha = 100;
function placedefender(ty, tx) {
var _local4 = ty;
var _local5 = tx;
_root["defender" + _root.defenders] = {hp:_root.gunmanhp, maxhp:_root.gunmanhp, xtile:_local5, ytile:_local4, speed:0, moving:false, width:8, height:8, exp:0, power:_root.gunmanpower, dinged:false};
var _local3 = _root["defender" + _root.defenders];
_local3.x = _local3.xtile * game.tileW;
_local3.y = _local3.ytile * game.tileW;
_local3.xiso = _local3.x - _local3.y;
_local3.yiso = (_local3.x + _local3.y) / 2;
_local3.depthshift = (game.tileW - _local3.height) / 2;
_local3.depth = (((_local3.yiso - _local3.depthshift) * 300) + _local3.xiso) + 1;
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_defender", "defender" + _root.defenders, _local3.depth);
_local3.clip = game.clip["defender" + _root.defenders];
_local3.clip.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_local3.clip._x = _local3.xiso;
_local3.clip._y = _local3.yiso;[(("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local5].isawall = true;[(("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local5].isadefender = true;[(("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local5].buildable = false;[(("t_" + _local4) + "_") + _local5].hp = _root["defender" + _root.defenders].hp;
_local3.clip.mynum = _root.defenders;["defender" + _root.defenders].rank1.text = "";["defender" + _root.defenders].rank2.text = "";["defender" + _root.defenders].rank3.text = "";
_root["defender" + _root.defenders].shooting = false;
_root["defender" + _root.defenders].shootingdelay = 0;
_local3.clip.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].exp == 10) {["defender" + this.mynum].rank1.text = "^";
_root["defender" + this.mynum].power = 35;
if (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged) {
var _local3 = new Sound();
_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged = true;["defender" + this.mynum].splash.gotoAndPlay(2);
} else if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].exp == 25) {["defender" + this.mynum].rank2.text = "^";
_root["defender" + this.mynum].power = 45;
if (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged) {
var _local3 = new Sound();
_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged = true;["defender" + this.mynum].splash.gotoAndPlay(2);
} else if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].exp == 45) {["defender" + this.mynum].rank3.text = "^";
_root["defender" + this.mynum].power = 55;
if (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged) {
var _local3 = new Sound();
_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged = true;["defender" + this.mynum].splash.gotoAndPlay(2);
} else if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].exp == 70) {["defender" + this.mynum].rank3.text = "";["defender" + this.mynum].rank2.text = "";["defender" + this.mynum].rank1.text = "|";
_root["defender" + this.mynum].power = 65;
if (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged) {
var _local3 = new Sound();
_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged = true;["defender" + this.mynum].splash.gotoAndPlay(2);
} else if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].exp == 100) {["defender" + this.mynum].rank1.text = "||";
_root["defender" + this.mynum].power = 75;
if (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged) {
var _local3 = new Sound();
_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged = true;["defender" + this.mynum].splash.gotoAndPlay(2);
} else if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].exp == 135) {["defender" + this.mynum].rank1.text = "*";
_root["defender" + this.mynum].power = 85;
if (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged) {
var _local3 = new Sound();
_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged = true;["defender" + this.mynum].splash.gotoAndPlay(2);
} else if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].exp == 175) {["defender" + this.mynum].rank1.text = "***";
_root["defender" + this.mynum].power = 100;
if (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged) {
var _local3 = new Sound();
_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged = true;["defender" + this.mynum].splash.gotoAndPlay(2);
} else if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged) {
_root["defender" + this.mynum].dinged = false;
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
if (_root.thirdstatus == "Alive") {[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].hp = _root["defender" + this.mynum].maxhp;
_root["defender" + this.mynum].hp = _root["defender" + this.mynum].maxhp;["defender" + this.mynum].life._height = _root["defender" + this.mynum].hp / 2;
} else {
myx = _root["defender" + this.mynum].xtile;
myy = _root["defender" + this.mynum].ytile;
_root["defender" + this.mynum].hp =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].hp;["defender" + this.mynum].life._height = _root["defender" + this.mynum].hp / 2;
if (_root["defender" + this.mynum].hp <= 0) {
spawnzombies(1, true, myx, myy);[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].buildable = true;[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].isawall = false;
bob = _root["defender" + this.mynum];
delete bob;["defender" + this.mynum].removeMovieClip();
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 4;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 4;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 5)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 5)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 5;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 6)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx - 6)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx - 6;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 5)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 5)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 5;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 6)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + myy) + "_") + (myx + 6)].containszombienum;
zy = myy;
zx = myx + 6;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 5)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 5)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 5;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 6)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 6)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 6;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 5)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 5)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 5;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 6)) + "_") + myx].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 6)) + "_") + myx].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 6;
zx = myx;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 5)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 5)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 5;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 5)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 5)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 5;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 4;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 4;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 4;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 4)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 4;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 3)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 3;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "south");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx - 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx - 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 5)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx - 5)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx - 5;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx + 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 5)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 1)) + "_") + (myx + 5)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 1;
zx = myx + 5;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx + 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy + 2)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy + 2;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx - 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx - 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 5)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx - 5)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx - 5;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx - 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx - 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "west");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + (myx - 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 4;
zx = myx - 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 4;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 5)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 5)) + "_") + (myx - 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 5;
zx = myx - 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 5)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 5)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 5;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + (myx + 1)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 4;
zx = myx + 1;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 4)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 4;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx + 2)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx + 2;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 3)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 3;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 3)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx + 3;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 2)) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 2;
zx = myx + 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "north");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 4)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx + 4;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
} else if ([(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 5)].containszombie && (!_root["defender" + this.mynum].shooting)) {
znum =[(("t_" + (myy - 1)) + "_") + (myx + 5)].containszombienum;
zy = myy - 1;
zx = myx + 5;
dnum = this.mynum;
dy = myy;
dx = myx;
_root.shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, "east");
function shoot(znum, zy, zx, dnum, dy, dx, direct) {
if ((_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay == 0) && (!playershot)) {
if (_root.ammo > 0) {
_root.menubar.ammo.text = _root.ammo;
game.clip["defender" + dnum].gotoAndStop("attack " + direct);
_root["defender" + dnum].hashot = true;
_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay = 30;
if (direct == "north") {
_root["defender" + dnum].killdir = "south";
} else if (direct == "south") {
_root["defender" + dnum].killdir = "north";
} else if (direct == "west") {
_root["defender" + dnum].killdir = "east";
} else if (direct == "east") {
_root["defender" + dnum].killdir = "west";
} else if ((_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay == 22) && (_root["defender" + dnum].hashot)) {
_root["zombie" + znum].hp = _root["zombie" + znum].hp - _root["defender" + dnum].power;
if (_root.secondstatus == "Alive") {
_root["zombie" + znum].hp = _root["zombie" + znum].hp - (_root["defender" + dnum].power / 5);
if (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 0) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] > 12) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] < 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);
dp = game.clip["zombie" + znum].depth;
rtx = _root["zombie" + znum].xtile * game.tileW;
rty = _root["zombie" + znum].ytile * game.tileW;
rtxiso = rtx - rty;
rtyiso = (rtx + rty) / 2;
_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay--;
_root["defender" + dnum].hashot = false;
if (_root["zombie" + znum].hp <= 0) {[(("t_" + zy) + "_") + zx].containszombie = false;
dp = game.clip["zombie" + znum].depth;
rtx = _root["zombie" + znum].xtile * game.tileW;
rty = _root["zombie" + znum].ytile * game.tileW;
rtxiso = rtx - rty;
rtyiso = (rtx + rty) / 2;
if (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 0) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);[(("t_" + dy) + "_") + dx].hp = _root["defender" + dnum].hp;
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] > 12) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] < 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);[(("t_" + dy) + "_") + dx].hp = _root["defender" + dnum].hp;
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);[(("t_" + dy) + "_") + dx].hp = _root["defender" + dnum].hp;
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);[(("t_" + dy) + "_") + dx].hp = _root["defender" + dnum].hp;
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);[(("t_" + dy) + "_") + dx].hp = _root["defender" + dnum].hp;
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);[(("t_" + dy) + "_") + dx].hp = _root["defender" + dnum].hp;
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);[(("t_" + dy) + "_") + dx].hp = _root["defender" + dnum].hp;
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);[(("t_" + dy) + "_") + dx].hp = _root["defender" + dnum].hp;
game.clip["zombie" + znum].removeMovieClip();
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_brit_guard", "zombie" + znum, dp);
game.clip["zombie" + znum]._x = rtxiso;
game.clip["zombie" + znum]._y = rtyiso;
game.clip["zombie" + znum].gotoAndStop("die " + _root["defender" + dnum].killdir);
_root["defender" + dnum].exp++;
award = _root.zombiecashaward + _root.currentday;
if (award > 11) {
award = 11;
} = + award;
_root.menubar.cashdisp.text = "$" +;
_root.menubar.bodycount.text = _root.bodycount;
} else {
_root["defender" + dnum].shootingdelay--;
function nightspawn() {
spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies;
var _local2 = 15 + (_root.currentday * 2);
if (_local2 > 30) {
_local2 = 30;
if (_root.currentday < 2) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 1) < _local2) {
} else if (_root.currentday < 4) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 2) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 2;
} else if (_root.currentday < 6) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 3) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 3;
} else if (_root.currentday < 8) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 4) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 4;
} else if (_root.currentday < 10) {
if ((spawnedzombies + 5) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 5;
} else if ((spawnedzombies + 6) < _local2) {
_root.spawnedzombies = _root.spawnedzombies + 6;
_root.zombietimer = 60 - ((_root.currentday * 1.25) * 4);
if (_root.zombietimer < 12) {
_root.zombietimer = 12;
function placeplayer() {
var _local3 = 26;
var _local4 = 11;
char = 1;
_root.player = {hp:15, maxhp:15, xtile:_local4, ytile:_local3, speed:0, moving:false, width:8, height:8};
var _local2 = _root.player;
_local2.x = _local2.xtile * game.tileW;
_local2.y = _local2.ytile * game.tileW;
_local2.xiso = _local2.x - _local2.y;
_local2.yiso = (_local2.x + _local2.y) / 2;
_local2.depthshift = (game.tileW - _local2.height) / 2;
_local2.depth = (((_local2.yiso - _local2.depthshift) * 300) + _local2.xiso) + 1;
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_eng", "player", _local2.depth);
_local2.clip = game.clip.player;
_local2.clip._x = _local2.xiso;
_local2.clip._y = _local2.yiso;
function placesecond() {
var _local3 = 15;
var _local4 = 21;
_root.secondstatus = "Alive";
char = 1;
_root.second = {hp:5, maxhp:5, xtile:_local4, ytile:_local3, speed:0, moving:false, width:8, height:8};
var _local2 = _root.second;
_local2.x = _local2.xtile * game.tileW;
_local2.y = _local2.ytile * game.tileW;
_local2.xiso = _local2.x - _local2.y;
_local2.yiso = (_local2.x + _local2.y) / 2;
_local2.depthshift = (game.tileW - _local2.height) / 2;
_local2.depth = (((_local2.yiso - _local2.depthshift) * 300) + _local2.xiso) + 1;
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_sci", "second", _local2.depth);
_local2.clip = game.clip.second;
_local2.clip._x = _local2.xiso;
_local2.clip._y = _local2.yiso;
function placethird() {
var _local3 = 15;
var _local4 = 3;
_root.thirdstatus = "Alive";
char = 1;
_root.third = {hp:5, maxhp:15, xtile:_local4, ytile:_local3, speed:0, moving:false, width:8, height:8};
var _local2 = _root.third;
_local2.x = _local2.xtile * game.tileW;
_local2.y = _local2.ytile * game.tileW;
_local2.xiso = _local2.x - _local2.y;
_local2.yiso = (_local2.x + _local2.y) / 2;
_local2.depthshift = (game.tileW - _local2.height) / 2;
_local2.depth = (((_local2.yiso - _local2.depthshift) * 300) + _local2.xiso) + 1;
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_med", "third", _local2.depth);
_local2.clip = game.clip.third;
_local2.clip._x = _local2.xiso;
_local2.clip._y = _local2.yiso;
function spawnzombies(num, convert, x, y) {
i = 0;
while (i < num) {
d4 = random(4);
tempx = x;
tempy = y;
var _local4 = random(3);
if (((_local4 == 0) && (secondstatus == "Dead")) && (!convert)) {
_local4 = random(3);
tempx = _root.myMap1[0].length - 1;
tempy = random(_root.myMap1.length - 10);
} else if (((_local4 == 1) && (thirdstatus == "Dead")) && (!convert)) {
tempx = 0;
tempy = random(_root.myMap1.length - 10);
} else if (!convert) {
tempx = random(_root.myMap1[0].length);
tempy = 0;
if ((tempx == 0) && (tempy == 0)) {
tempx = 1;
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies] = {hp:_root.initialzombiehp + (_root.currentday * _root.zombiehpmodifier), xtile:tempx, ytile:tempy, str:_root.initialzombiestrength + (_root.currentday / 15), moving:false, width:8, height:8};
var ob = _root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies];
if (_root.thirdstatus == "Alive") {
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].str = _root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].str - _root.medicreduction;
ob.x = ob.xtile * game.tileW;
ob.y = ob.ytile * game.tileW;
ob.xiso = ob.x - ob.y;
ob.yiso = (ob.x + ob.y) / 2;
ob.depthshift = (game.tileW - ob.height) / 2;
ob.depth = (((ob.yiso - ob.depthshift) * 300) + ob.xiso) + 1;
game.clip.attachMovie("sprite_brit_guard", "zombie" + _root.numberofzombies, game.clip.getNextHighestDepth());
ob.clip = game.clip["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies];
ob.clip._x = ob.xiso;
ob.clip._y = ob.yiso;
ob.clip.gotoAndStop("rise south");
ob.clip.mynum = _root.numberofzombies;
ob.clip.moving = false;
var _local3 = random(4);
if ((_root.secondstatus == "Alive") && (_local3 == 0)) {
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].target = "second";
} else if ((_root.thirdstatus == "Alive") && (_local3 == 1)) {
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].target = "third";
} else {
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].target = "player";
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].movecount = 0;
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].moving = false;
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].bashing = false;
_root["zombie" + _root.numberofzombies].spawned = false;
ob.clip.onEnterFrame = function () {
ob = game.clip["zombie" + this.mynum];
num = this.mynum;
if (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].target == "player") {
targetx = _root.player.xtile;
targety = _root.player.ytile;
} else if (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].target == "second") {
targetx = _root.second.xtile;
targety = _root.second.ytile;
} else if (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].target == "third") {
targetx = _root.third.xtile;
targety = _root.third.ytile;
if (((random(9600) == 0) || ((_root["zombie" + this.mynum].target == "second") && (_root.secondstatus == "Dead"))) || ((_root["zombie" + this.mynum].target == "third") && (_root.thirdstatus == "Dead"))) {
if (_root.secondstatus == "Alive") {
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].target = "second";
} else if (_root.thirdstatus == "Alive") {
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].target = "third";
} else {
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].target = "player";
myx = _root["zombie" + num].xtile;
myy = _root["zombie" + num].ytile;
if (_root["zombie" + num].walling && ([(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp > 0)) {[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp =[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp - _root["zombie" + this.mynum].str;
frame = "t" + Math.round([(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp);
_root.tiles[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].inner.gotoAndStop(frame);
if ([(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp <= 0) {
if (![(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].isadefender) {
if (_root["zombie" + num].walling) {
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
_root["zombie" + num].walling = false;
if ([(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].hp <= 0) {
_root.myMap1[this.desty][this.destx] = 0;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, this.desty, this.destx);
bob =[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx];
_root.tiles[(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].removeMovieClip();
delete bob;
_root["zombie" + num].walling = false;
_root["zombie" + num].movecount = 0;
if (this.dirx == 1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("east");
} else if (this.dirx == -1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("west");
} else if (this.diry == 1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("south");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("north");
if ((!_root["zombie" + num].moving) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
_root["zombie" + num].moving = true;
if (random(20) < 2) {
targetx = targetx + random(8);
} else if (random(20) < 2) {
targety = targety + random(8);
} else if (random(20) < 2) {
targetx = targetx - random(8);
} else if (random(20) < 2) {
targety = targety - random(8);
if (random(4) == 0) {
if ((myx < targetx) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise east");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("east");
} else if ((myx > targetx) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = -1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise west");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("west");
} else if ((myy > targety) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = -1;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise north");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("north");
} else if ((myy < targety) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 1;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise south");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("south");
} else {
if ((myy > targety) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = -1;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise north");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("north");
} else if ((myy < targety) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 1;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise south");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("south");
} else if ((myx < targetx) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise east");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("east");
} else if ((myx > targetx) && (!_root["zombie" + num].walling)) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = -1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 0;
if (!_root["zombie" + num].spawned) {
this.diry = 0;
this.dirx = 0;
_root["zombie" + num].spawned = true;["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("rise west");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("west");
if (random(40) < 2) {
targetx = targetx + random(8);
} else if (random(40) < 2) {
targety = targety + random(8);
} else if (random(40) < 2) {
targetx = targetx - random(8);
} else if (random(40) < 2) {
targety = targety - random(8);
ob.x = _root["zombie" + ob.mynum].xtile * game.tileW;
ob.y = _root["zombie" + ob.mynum].ytile * game.tileW;
this.destx = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile + this.dirx;
this.desty = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile + this.diry;
if ((this.desty == _root.player.ytile) && (this.destx == _root.player.xtile)) {
bob = _root["zombie" + this.mynum];[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = false;["zombie" + this.mynum].removeMovieClip();
delete bob;
_root.menubar.lives.text = _root.player.hp;
if (_root.player.hp <= 0) {
_root.timer.text = "GAME OVER!";
tempx = game.clip.player._x +;
tempy = game.clip.player._y +;
_root.endgame = true;
_root.attachMovie("sprite_eng", "gameoverman", 5, {_x:tempx, _y:tempy});
_root.gameoverman._x = 350;
_root.gameoverman._y = 280;
_root.gameoverman._alpha = 50;
_root.gameoverman._xscale = 200;
_root.gameoverman._yscale = 200;
} else if (((this.desty == _root.second.ytile) && (this.destx == _root.second.xtile)) && (_root.secondstatus == "Alive")) {
bob = _root["zombie" + this.mynum];[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = false;["zombie" + this.mynum].removeMovieClip();
delete bob;
_root.menubar.secondlives.text = _root.second.hp;
if (_root.second.hp <= 0) {
_root.secondstatus = "Dead";
} else if (((this.desty == _root.third.ytile) && (this.destx == _root.third.xtile)) && (_root.thirdstatus == "Alive")) {
bob = _root["zombie" + this.mynum];[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = false;["zombie" + this.mynum].removeMovieClip();
delete bob;
_root.menubar.thirdlives.text = _root.third.hp;
if (_root.third.hp <= 0) {
_root.thirdstatus = "Dead";
if ([(("t_" + this.desty) + "_") + this.destx].isawall) {
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount = 31;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].walling = true;
if (this.dirx == 1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("attack east");
} else if (this.dirx == -1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("attack west");
} else if (this.diry == 1) {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("attack south");
} else {["zombie" + this.mynum].gotoAndStop("attack north");
}[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = false;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile + this.dirx;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile + this.diry;[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = true;[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum = this.mynum;
if ([(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containstrap || (_root.currentphase == "Placement")) {
rtx = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile * game.tileW;
rty = _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile * game.tileW;
rtxiso = rtx - rty;
rtyiso = (rtx + rty) / 2;
game.clip["zombie" + this.mynum]._x = rtxiso;
game.clip["zombie" + this.mynum]._y = rtyiso;
if (_root.currentphase == "Defend") {
if ([(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile + 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie) {
_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile + 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum].hp = _root["zombie" +[(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile + 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum].hp - 20;
if (_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile + 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum].hp <= 0) {
_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile + 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum].hp = 1;
if ([(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile - 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie) {
_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile - 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum].hp = _root["zombie" +[(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile - 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum].hp - 20;
if (_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile - 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum].hp <= 0) {
_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile - 1)) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombienum].hp = 1;
if ([(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile + 1)].containszombie) {
_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile + 1)].containszombienum].hp = _root["zombie" +[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile + 1)].containszombienum].hp - 20;
if (_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile + 1)].containszombienum].hp <= 0) {
_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile + 1)].containszombienum].hp = 1;
if ([(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile - 1)].containszombie) {
_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile - 1)].containszombienum].hp = _root["zombie" +[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile - 1)].containszombienum].hp - 20;
if (_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile - 1)].containszombienum].hp <= 0) {
_root["zombie" +[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile - 1)].containszombienum].hp = 1;
_root.myMap1[_root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile][_root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile] = 0;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile, _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile);
fx =["zombie" + this.mynum]._x;
fy =["zombie" + this.mynum]._y;
_root.tiles.attachMovie("fire", "fire" + this.mynum, _root.tiles.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:fx + 5, _y:fy + 5});
_root.tiles["fire" + this.mynum].swapDepths(["zombie" + this.mynum].depth);
bob = _root["zombie" + this.mynum];
delete bob;[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = false;["zombie" + this.mynum].removeMovieClip();
if (_root.currentphase == "Defend") {
_root.spawnedzombies--; = + (_root.zombiecashaward + _root.currentday);
_root.menubar.cashdisp.text = "$" +;
_root.menubar.bodycount.text = _root.bodycount;
if (_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount < 30) {
ob.y = ob.y + (ob.diry * 0.5);
ob.x = ob.x + (ob.dirx * 0.5);
ob.xiso = ob.x - ob.y;
ob.yiso = (ob.x + ob.y) / 2;
ob._x = ob.xiso;
ob._y = ob.yiso;
ob.depthshift = ( - _root["zombie" + this.mynum].height) / 2;
ob.depth = (((ob.yiso - ob.depthshift) * 300) + ob.xiso) + 1;
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].movecount++;
} else if (!_root["zombie" + this.mynum].walling) {
_root["zombie" + this.mynum].moving = false;
function work() {
if (!_root.gamepaused) {
if (_root.playertimer > 0) {
if (_root.reloadtime == 4) {
playertimer = playertimer - 2.5;
} else if (_root.reloadtime == 3.5) {
playertimer = playertimer - 2.9;
} else if (_root.reloadtime == 3) {
playertimer = playertimer - 3.5;
} else if (_root.reloadtime == 2.5) {
playertimer = playertimer - 4;
} else if (_root.reloadtime == 2) {
playertimer = playertimer - 5;
if ((_root.playertimer < 220) && (_root.playertimer > 200)) { = "---------";
} else if ((_root.playertimer < 200) && (_root.playertimer > 175)) { = "--------";
} else if ((_root.playertimer < 175) && (_root.playertimer > 150)) { = "-------";
} else if ((_root.playertimer < 150) && (_root.playertimer > 125)) { = "------";
} else if ((_root.playertimer < 125) && (_root.playertimer > 100)) { = "-----";
} else if ((_root.playertimer < 100) && (_root.playertimer > 75)) { = "----";
} else if ((_root.playertimer < 75) && (_root.playertimer > 50)) { = "---";
} else if ((_root.playertimer < 50) && (_root.playertimer > 25)) { = "--";
} else if ((_root.playertimer < 25) && (_root.playertimer > 0)) { = "-";
} else if (_root.playertimer <= 0) {
_root.playertimer = 0; = ""; = "";
if (!_root.reloaded) {
var _local4 = new Sound();
_root.reloaded = true;
if (!_root.endgame) {
if (_root.zombietimer > 0) {
if ((_root.zombietimer <= 0) && (_root.nightspawning)) {
if (_root.movetimer == 24) {
_root.movetimer = 0;
if (_root.timeradjust == 0) {
_root.timeradjust = 24;
if (_root.currentphase == "Defend") {
if (_root.secondssurvived == 60) {
_root.secondssurvived = 0;
_root.survivaltime = _root.minutessurvived + (_root.secondssurvived / 100);
if ((_root.timesec == 0) && (_root.timemin == 0)) {
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
_root.menubar.pause.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.pause._alpha = 25;
_root.currentphase = "Defend";
_root.timemin = _root.nighttimemin;
_root.timesec = _root.nighttimesec;
_root.timer.textColor = "0x00FF00";
_root.menubar.daytext.text = "Night " + _root.currentday;
nightspawning = true;
_root.prepped = "None";
_root.preppedcost = 0;
_root.menubar.gunman.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.gunmangraph._alpha = 50;
_root.menubar.barricade2.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.barricade2._alpha = 50;
_root.menubar.barricade1.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.barricade1._alpha = 50;
_root.menubar.trap.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.trap._alpha = 50;
} else {
if (((_root.player.hp < 15) && (_root.second.hp > 0)) && (_root.thirdstatus == "Alive")) {
_root.menubar.lives.text = _root.player.hp;
if (((_root.second.hp < 5) && (_root.second.hp > 0)) && (_root.thirdstatus == "Alive")) {
_root.currentphase = "Placement";
_root.timemin = _root.daytimemin;
_root.timesec = _root.daytimesec;
_root.timer.textColor = "0xFFCC00";
_root.playertimer = 0;
nightspawning = false;"day");
_root.menubar.daytext.text = "Day " + _root.currentday;
barricadesmax = barricadesmax + _root.currentday;
if (barricadesmax > 75) {
barricadesmax = 75;
trapsmax = trapsmax + Math.floor(_root.currentday / 2);
if (trapsmax > 25) {
trapsmax = 25;
if (_root.currentday == 5) {
gunmenmax = 6;
} else if (_root.currentday == 8) {
gunmenmax = 7;
} else if (_root.currentday >= 11) {
gunmenmax = 8;
_root.menubar.wait.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.wait._alpha = 100;
_root.numberofzombies = 0;
_root.spawnedzombies = 0;
_root.menubar.pause.enabled = true;
_root.menubar.pause._alpha = 100;
} else if ((_root.timesec == 0) && (_root.timemin > 0)) {
_root.timesec = 59;
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
_root.timer.text = (("Daylight Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":") + _root.timesec;
} else {
_root.timer.text = (("Darkness Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":") + _root.timesec;
} else if ((_root.timesec < 10) && (_root.timesec > -1)) {
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
_root.timer.text = (("Daylight Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":0") + _root.timesec;
} else {
_root.timer.text = (("Darkness Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":0") + _root.timesec;
} else if (_root.timesec > 9) {
if (_root.currentphase == "Placement") {
_root.timer.text = (("Daylight Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":") + _root.timesec;
} else {
_root.timer.text = (("Darkness Remaining - " + _root.timemin) + ":") + _root.timesec;
_root.menubar.gunmenmax.text = _root.gunmenmax;
_root.menubar.trapsmax.text = _root.trapsmax;
_root.menubar.barricadesmax.text = _root.barricadesmax;
_root.menubar.gunmen.text = _root.gunmen;
_root.menubar.traps.text = _root.traps;
_root.menubar.barricades.text = _root.barricades;
_root.menubar.ammo.text = _root.ammo;
_root.menubar.ammomax.text = _root.ammomax;
_root.menubar.shots.text = _root.playershots;
_root.menubar.scientist.text = _root.second.hp;
_root.menubar.medic.text = _root.third.hp;
_root.menubar.reloadtime.text = _root.reloadtime + " sec";
_root.menubar.playerdamage.text = _root.playerdamage;
var _local2 = ((2 * game.clip._ymouse) - game.clip._xmouse) / 2;
var _local3 = game.clip._xmouse + _local2;
game.ymouse = Math.round(_local2 / game.tileW);
game.xmouse = Math.round(_local3 / game.tileW) - 1;
game.targy = Math.round(_local2 / game.tileW);
game.targx = Math.round(_local3 / game.tileW) - 1;
if (((((game.xmouse >= 0) && (game.ymouse >= 0)) && (game.xmouse <= (myMap1[1].length - 1))) && (game.ymouse <= (myMap1.length - 1))) && (_root.currentphase == "Placement")) {
_root.mouse._x = ((game.xmouse - game.ymouse) * game.tileW) + game.clip._x;
_root.mouse._y = (((game.xmouse + game.ymouse) * game.tileW) / 2) + 50;
} else {
_root.mouse._x = 1000;
_root.mouse._y = 1000;
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "C";
animplayed = false;
drawmode = "Walls";
secondssurvived = 0;
minutessurvived = 0;
survivaltime = 0;
playerdamage = 65;
reloadtime = 4;
speedcost = 150;
damagecost = 150;
playertimer = 0;
reloaded = true;
gunmanhp = 50;
gunmanpower = 20;
nightspawning = false;
titleon = false;
spawnedzombies = 0;
endgame = false;
zombiecashaward = 6;
initialzombiehp = 60;
initialzombiestrength = 0.8;
zombiehpmodifier = 18;
secondstatus = "Alive";
thirdstatus = "Alive";
medicreduction = 0.35;
ammo = 500;
ammomax = 500;
bodycount = 0;
zombietimer = 0;
numberofzombies = 0;
barricadesmax = 60;
barricades = 29;
trapsmax = 15;
traps = 0;
gunmenmax = 5;
gunmen = 0;
movetimer = 0;
defenders = 0;
currentday = 0;
timemin = 10;
timesec = 2;
daytimemin = 1;
daytimesec = 30;
nighttimemin = 1;
nighttimesec = 45;
timeradjust = 1;
currentphase = "Placement";
mousemode = "Normal";
gamepaused = false;
cash = 1200;
prepped = "None";
preppedcost = 0;
myMap1 = [[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 4, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 4, 4, 6], [6, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 4, 4, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6], [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]];
game = {tileW:15, tileH:15};
towercount = 0;
monstercount = 0;
scrollspeed = 100;
game.Tile15 = function () {
game.Tile15.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile15.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile15.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile15.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile15.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile15.prototype.frame = 15;
game.Tile16 = function () {
game.Tile16.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile16.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile16.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile16.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile16.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile16.prototype.frame = 16;
game.Tile17 = function () {
game.Tile17.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile17.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile17.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile17.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile17.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile17.prototype.frame = 17;
game.Tile18 = function () {
game.Tile18.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile18.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile18.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile18.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile18.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile18.prototype.frame = 18;
game.Tile19 = function () {
game.Tile19.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile19.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile19.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile19.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile19.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile19.prototype.frame = 19;
game.Tile20 = function () {
game.Tile20.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile20.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile20.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile20.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile20.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile20.prototype.frame = 20;
game.Tile21 = function () {
game.Tile21.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile21.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile21.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile21.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile21.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile21.prototype.frame = 21;
game.Tile22 = function () {
game.Tile22.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile22.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile22.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile22.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile22.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile22.prototype.frame = 22;
game.Tile0 = function () {
game.Tile0.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile0.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile0.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile0.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile0.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile0.prototype.frame = 1;
game.Tile1 = function () {
game.Tile1.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile1.prototype.diggable = true;
game.Tile1.prototype.buildable = true;
game.Tile1.prototype.containstower = true;
game.Tile1.prototype.cost = 6;
game.Tile1.prototype.frame = 2;
game.Tile2 = function () {
game.Tile2.prototype.walkable = false;
game.Tile2.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile2.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile2.prototype.containstower = true;
game.Tile2.prototype.cost = 999;
game.Tile2.prototype.frame = 3;
game.Tile3 = function () {
game.Tile3.prototype.walkable = false;
game.Tile3.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile3.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile3.prototype.upgradable = false;
game.Tile3.prototype.containstower = true;
game.Tile3.prototype.isawall = true;
game.Tile3.prototype.hp = 100;
game.Tile3.prototype.cost = 25;
game.Tile3.prototype.frame = 4;
game.Tile4 = function () {
game.Tile4.prototype.walkable = false;
game.Tile4.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile4.prototype.upgradable = true;
game.Tile4.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile4.prototype.containstower = true;
game.Tile4.prototype.isawall = true;
game.Tile4.prototype.hp = 50;
game.Tile4.prototype.cost = 25;
game.Tile4.prototype.frame = 5;
game.Tile5 = function () {
game.Tile5.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile5.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile5.prototype.upgradable = false;
game.Tile5.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile5.prototype.containstrap = true;
game.Tile5.prototype.frame = 6;
game.Tile6 = function () {
game.Tile6.prototype.walkable = true;
game.Tile6.prototype.diggable = false;
game.Tile6.prototype.buildable = false;
game.Tile6.prototype.containstower = false;
game.Tile6.prototype.entry = true;
game.Tile6.prototype.cost = 4;
game.Tile6.prototype.frame = 1;
_root.attachMovie("menubar2", "menubar", 3, {_x:0, _y:422});
_root.menubar.lives.text = _root.player.hp;
_root.attachMovie("tip_window", "tip_window", 50, {_x:550, _y:5});
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip [empty] "controller" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
_root.prepped = "None";
_root.prepcost = 0;
_root.menubar.bigtext.text = "";
_root.menubar.smalltext.text = "";
Symbol 152 MovieClip Frame 1
function LOGO_IN() {
var _local4 = new mx.transitions.Tween(AGlogo_mc, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, -75, 85, 12, false);
_local4.onMotionFinished = function () {
var _local2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(AGlogo_mc, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Bounce.easeOut, 60, 85, 6, false);
var _local1 = new mx.transitions.Tween(AGlogo_mc, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Bounce.easeOut, 30, 50, 6, false);
var _local3 = new mx.transitions.Tween(AGpresented_mc, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Bounce.easeOut, 15, 25, 6, false);
var _local4 = new mx.transitions.Tween(AGpresented_mc, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Bounce.easeOut, 110, 100, 6, false);
function LOGO_SMASH() {
AGclick_btn._visible = true;
function AG_HOLD_COUNTER() {
if (AG_COUNT == AG_TIME) {
} else {
var AG_SMASH = new Sound();
var AG_COUNT = 0;
var AG_TIME = 4;
AG_HOLD_ID = setInterval(this, "AG_HOLD_COUNTER", 1000);
AGpresented_mc._alpha = 0;
AGclick_btn._visible = false;
AGlogo_mc._y = -70;
var AGpresented_IN = (new mx.transitions.Tween(AGpresented_mc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 0, 100, 12, false));
AGpresented_IN.onMotionFinished = function () {
AGskip_btn.onRelease = function () {
Symbol 631 MovieClip Frame 1
if (yy.savescore == 1) {
if (ipb_score == undefined) {
ipb_score = eval (_global.ipb_scoreVar);
xx = new LoadVars();
xx.arcadegid = _root.ibpro_gameid;
xx.gscore = ipb_score;
xx.gname = _global.ipb_get_gname();
xx.enscore = (ipb_score * yy.randchar) ^ yy.randchar2;
xx.send("index.php?autocom=arcade&do=savescore", "_self", "POST");
_global.ipbSend = function (ipb_score) {
_root._visible = false;
_root.enabled = false;
xx = new LoadVars();
yy = new LoadVars();
xx.sendAndLoad("index.php?autocom=arcade&do=verifyscore", yy, "POST");
Instance of Symbol 723 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 724 MovieClip [slider] Frame 1
on (release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver ?0D000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "<?#20>" ?38100000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyPress "<?#26>" ?35180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?61180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, data, initialize, press, release ?31200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, data, initialize, press, release, rollOut, dragOver ?7C200000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, data, release, dragOut, keyPress "$" ?A6200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, press, release, rollOut, keyPress "<?#0>", construct ?3E700000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, press, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "N", construct ?3B200000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<" ?50F80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, data, initialize, press, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "þ", construct ?7D180000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut ?A3A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "Þ" ?26380000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "Â", construct ?71800000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, release, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "'", construct ?71100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "^", construct ?A7100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, keyUp, initialize, rollOver, dragOut ?00600000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "<?#20>" ?EE100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyUp, data, initialize, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut ?7C900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, initialize, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "*", construct ?23A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, release, dragOver, construct ?CFF80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, keyDown, data, press, releaseOutside, dragOut, keyPress "Õ" ?76500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, keyDown, data, press, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "Œ", construct ?CD900000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, data, releaseOutside, rollOut, keyPress "I" ?00C00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?9A080000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, press, rollOver, rollOut, construct ?10E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?CA680000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, keyUp, dragOut, keyPress "F" ?8F680000?) {
onClipEvent (unload, mouseDown, keyUp ?65100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, press, construct ?EDF00000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "P" ?5D400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, construct ?10480000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, release, rollOut, keyPress "<?#0>" ?F7A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<?#0>" ?50980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, dragOver ?C1880000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, initialize, press, dragOver, construct ?BA000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (initialize, keyPress "‹" ?B0580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, press, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, construct ?43080000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, press, dragOver, keyPress "`" ?AFB80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, initialize, release, rollOver, construct ?80B80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?B5680000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, dragOut ?B8580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (dragOut, construct ?AB200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "<?#20>" ?00500000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, keyDown, releaseOutside ?17000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, keyDown, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut ?80C00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "¨", construct ?E2A00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "#" ?7B280000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, release, releaseOutside ?00800000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, keyPress "6", construct ?90000000?) {
on (dragOut, keyPress "ð" ?FF080000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, press, releaseOutside, rollOut ?54F00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, keyUp, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut ?29500000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, keyDown, data, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "õ" ?5F580000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, release, dragOver, keyPress "è" ?F7600000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, initialize, press, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "5" ?00180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "", construct ?2B900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, data, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?6A400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, initialize, release, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "§", construct ?4C980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, data, initialize, press, release, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "j", construct ?55D00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, construct ?11A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyDown, press, release, rollOut, construct ?46100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, press, keyPress "˜" ?3C500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, data, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "(", construct ?55880000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseDown, data, press, release, rollOver, keyPress "<?#20>" ?03080000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, releaseOutside, dragOut ?4A000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<?#0>" ?6DE80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, press, release, construct ?58E00000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut ?77C00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, press, release, dragOver, keyPress "q", construct ?25500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "T", construct ?05080000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, keyDown, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOut ?6C900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, press, rollOut, keyPress "¨", construct ?63080000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?B8100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut ?A8500000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "ä" ?B5300000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (press, construct ?74C80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "" ?8A400000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, press, release, dragOut, keyPress "Ò" ?10E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "³", construct ?85980000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, releaseOutside, dragOut ?DC600000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, keyDown, data, initialize, rollOver, rollOut, construct ?75F80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, press, release, dragOut ?77080000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, press, rollOut, keyPress "ÿ", construct ?77F80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?0F580000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, press, releaseOutside ?58780000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent (load, unload, construct ?6C380000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, press, release, keyPress "£" ?E6C80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "µ" ?70A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent (data, construct ?91E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, rollOver, construct ?7E980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "b" ?E8280000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, dragOut, keyPress "²", construct ?8A000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, dragOver ?00E00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, initialize, release, rollOver ?08000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, release, rollOut, keyPress "¼" ?20280000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, keyDown, keyUp, press, rollOver, construct ?E2480000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, keyUp, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?0BA80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, press, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "Ç" ?17F80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyUp, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?57500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, press, dragOut, keyPress "<?#21>", construct ?A4500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, dragOut, construct ?48000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "f", construct ?33800000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, press, release, rollOver ?76C80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut ?76A00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?AE180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?24800000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, keyDown, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "þ" ?CFC80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "3" ?44B80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, data, press, release, dragOut, keyPress "<?#30>" ?24200000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, dragOut, keyPress "e" ?F0080000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, keyDown, data, press, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver ?00400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, release, rollOver, dragOut, construct ?EAE80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, keyDown, initialize, press, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?31900000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, data, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "T" ?00500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?94F80000?) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp ?FB080000?) {
on (release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "<Space>" ?0AC00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, rollOver, dragOver, construct ?28580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?08C80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "ñ" ?71200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<?#0>", construct ?16580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut ?31680000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "®", construct ?A8280000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, press, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "µ" ?39500000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?E6900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?24B00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "x", construct ?01980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, data, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, construct ?B4D00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, rollOver, dragOver ?8C500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut ?08180000?) {
onClipEvent/on (keyUp, data, press, dragOut ?10280000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?46E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, data, press, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?1D500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, initialize, release, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "Ô" ?00500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseUp, keyDown, press, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?45200000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "t" ?42100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, dragOut, keyPress "¤", construct ?1C000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, keyDown, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<Backspace>" ?1CE80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (initialize, dragOut, keyPress "\" ?B4480000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, press ?EAE80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseDown, keyDown, initialize, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, construct ?AEA80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "<?#0>" ?ACF80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, release, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "Ù" ?A3B80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "Ó" ?8E580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, mouseUp, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?1C200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, data, initialize, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?2F100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, construct ?AB900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp, press, rollOut, keyPress "<Left>", construct ?52B00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, keyPress "k", construct ?2A600000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, release, rollOver ?28000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, data, initialize, releaseOutside, dragOver, construct ?E6E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, press, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<PgDn>" ?0CE00000?) {
on (release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "^" ?00480000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, release, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "<?#0>", construct ?A2300000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, keyUp, data, release, keyPress "<?#21>" ?AD600000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, rollOut ?B9000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, initialize, release, rollOver, dragOver ?0B000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, keyDown, release, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress ".", construct ?14A00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, data, initialize, press, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "€" ?28580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, keyPress "–" ?0FA80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, keyUp, press, rollOver, rollOut ?19000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, initialize, release, rollOver, rollOut, construct ?A9B80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, keyUp, release, releaseOutside, dragOut, keyPress "¤" ?1F300000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (press, releaseOutside, construct ?C0C80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver ?20D80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut ?49000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, press, rollOver, rollOut ?09A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "" ?EA700000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, press, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, construct ?61F00000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, release, rollOver, keyPress "<Up>" ?6C400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, releaseOutside, dragOver ?B3180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (keyDown, data, initialize, press, rollOut, keyPress "&" ?74E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, keyDown, initialize, press, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "»", construct ?84A00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, press, releaseOutside, construct ?9F100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, press, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "A", construct ?AB000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyDown, rollOver ?10900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, data, rollOver, dragOut, construct ?94800000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, construct ?A1400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, initialize, press, release, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "v" ?D2300000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, rollOver, dragOver, construct ?B0F80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "ˆ" ?2E100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, keyPress "<?#20>" ?D1800000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, data, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, keyPress "Ð" ?1B980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, rollOver, dragOver, construct ?00A00000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, press, release, keyPress "g" ?B9C80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, data, release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "\" ?1BB80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, releaseOutside, dragOver ?1D000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, data, release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "\" ?1BB80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "É", construct ?47D80000?) {
onClipEvent (keyUp ?0D100000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, press, release, rollOut, dragOver ?D6D80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, initialize, release, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?97300000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, mouseUp, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?28780000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "Ž", construct ?6AC00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, construct ?02900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "{" ?8F500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, press, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "<?#20>", construct ?ABC00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyDown, data, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?52700000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, construct ?EB100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (initialize, dragOut, construct ?52980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, construct ?57680000?) {
(new ()[]());// not popped
// swfAction0x2E // Unknown action
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?F4C00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseUp, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, construct ?68400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, construct ?15480000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, initialize, press, release, rollOver, dragOut ?2B700000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, data, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?7BE80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, data, initialize, releaseOutside, dragOut, construct ?C8980000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver ?F6A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, press, release, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "Z" ?4DD80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, keyUp, data, initialize, release, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?75680000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, data, press, release, dragOver, construct ?1DB00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?57800000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, keyDown, initialize, release, rollOut, dragOver ?32C00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, release, dragOver, keyPress "Ž" ?DB900000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, keyDown, releaseOutside, dragOver ?ED280000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, keyPress "" ?7DD80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, initialize, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, construct ?5AC00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, construct ?5DF80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, release, dragOver, keyPress "7" ?96D00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, data, initialize, press, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut ?0A200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, keyDown, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "×" ?43800000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, release, dragOut, keyPress "Œ", construct ?AFB80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver ?52300000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut ?73C80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver ?DB480000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?5A200000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "ö" ?44D80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, keyDown, data, press, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, construct ?78E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "W" ?47680000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, rollOut, keyPress "î", construct ?54B80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?F4500000?) {
onClipEvent/on ( ?FF000000?) {
Symbol 715 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 719 Button
on (release) {
_root.timer.text = "";
Symbol 784 MovieClip Frame 130
Symbol 612 MovieClip [entire_overlay] Frame 1
if (_root.secondssurvived > 0) {
feedback.endfeedback.text = ("You survived the Dead of Night for " + _root.survivaltime) + " minutes";
feedback.endfeedback2.text = "Try again and don't let the zombies eat your brains.";
btn_submit._visible = true;
} else {
feedback.endfeedback.text = "";
feedback.endfeedback2.text = "";
btn_submit._visible = false;
btn_submit.onRelease = function () {
Instance of Symbol 646 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 647 MovieClip [slider] Frame 1
on (release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver ?0D000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "<?#20>" ?38100000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyPress "<?#26>" ?35180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?61180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, data, initialize, press, release ?31200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, data, initialize, press, release, rollOut, dragOver ?7C200000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, data, release, dragOut, keyPress "$" ?A6200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, press, release, rollOut, keyPress "<?#0>", construct ?3E700000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, press, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "N", construct ?3B200000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<" ?50F80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, data, initialize, press, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "þ", construct ?7D180000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut ?A3A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "Þ" ?26380000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "Â", construct ?71800000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, release, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "'", construct ?71100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "^", construct ?A7100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, keyUp, initialize, rollOver, dragOut ?00600000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "<?#20>" ?EE100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyUp, data, initialize, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut ?7C900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, initialize, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "*", construct ?23A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, release, dragOver, construct ?CFF80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, keyDown, data, press, releaseOutside, dragOut, keyPress "Õ" ?76500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, keyDown, data, press, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "Œ", construct ?CD900000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, data, releaseOutside, rollOut, keyPress "I" ?00C00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?9A080000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, press, rollOver, rollOut, construct ?10E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?CA680000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, keyUp, dragOut, keyPress "F" ?8F680000?) {
onClipEvent (unload, mouseDown, keyUp ?65100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, press, construct ?EDF00000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "P" ?5D400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, construct ?10480000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, release, rollOut, keyPress "<?#0>" ?F7A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<?#0>" ?50980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, dragOver ?C1880000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, initialize, press, dragOver, construct ?BA000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (initialize, keyPress "‹" ?B0580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, press, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, construct ?43080000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, press, dragOver, keyPress "`" ?AFB80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, initialize, release, rollOver, construct ?80B80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?B5680000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, dragOut ?B8580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (dragOut, construct ?AB200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "<?#20>" ?00500000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, keyDown, releaseOutside ?17000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, keyDown, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut ?80C00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "¨", construct ?E2A00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "#" ?7B280000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, release, releaseOutside ?00800000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, keyPress "6", construct ?90000000?) {
on (dragOut, keyPress "ð" ?FF080000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, press, releaseOutside, rollOut ?54F00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, keyUp, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut ?29500000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, keyDown, data, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "õ" ?5F580000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, release, dragOver, keyPress "è" ?F7600000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, initialize, press, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "5" ?00180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "", construct ?2B900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, data, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?6A400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, initialize, release, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "§", construct ?4C980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, data, initialize, press, release, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "j", construct ?55D00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, construct ?11A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyDown, press, release, rollOut, construct ?46100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, press, keyPress "˜" ?3C500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, data, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "(", construct ?55880000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseDown, data, press, release, rollOver, keyPress "<?#20>" ?03080000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, releaseOutside, dragOut ?4A000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<?#0>" ?6DE80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, press, release, construct ?58E00000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut ?77C00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, press, release, dragOver, keyPress "q", construct ?25500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "T", construct ?05080000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, keyDown, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOut ?6C900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, press, rollOut, keyPress "¨", construct ?63080000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?B8100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut ?A8500000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "ä" ?B5300000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (press, construct ?74C80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "" ?8A400000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, press, release, dragOut, keyPress "Ò" ?10E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "³", construct ?85980000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, releaseOutside, dragOut ?DC600000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, keyDown, data, initialize, rollOver, rollOut, construct ?75F80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, press, release, dragOut ?77080000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, press, rollOut, keyPress "ÿ", construct ?77F80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?0F580000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, press, releaseOutside ?58780000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent (load, unload, construct ?6C380000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, press, release, keyPress "£" ?E6C80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "µ" ?70A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent (data, construct ?91E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, rollOver, construct ?7E980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "b" ?E8280000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, dragOut, keyPress "²", construct ?8A000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, dragOver ?00E00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, initialize, release, rollOver ?08000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, release, rollOut, keyPress "¼" ?20280000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, keyDown, keyUp, press, rollOver, construct ?E2480000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, keyUp, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?0BA80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, press, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "Ç" ?17F80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyUp, data, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?57500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, press, dragOut, keyPress "<?#21>", construct ?A4500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, dragOut, construct ?48000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "f", construct ?33800000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, press, release, rollOver ?76C80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut ?76A00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?AE180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?24800000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, keyDown, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "þ" ?CFC80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "3" ?44B80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, data, press, release, dragOut, keyPress "<?#30>" ?24200000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, dragOut, keyPress "e" ?F0080000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, keyDown, data, press, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver ?00400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, release, rollOver, dragOut, construct ?EAE80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, keyDown, initialize, press, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?31900000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, data, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "T" ?00500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?94F80000?) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp ?FB080000?) {
on (release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "<Space>" ?0AC00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, rollOver, dragOver, construct ?28580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?08C80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "ñ" ?71200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<?#0>", construct ?16580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut ?31680000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "®", construct ?A8280000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, press, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "µ" ?39500000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut ?E6900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?24B00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "x", construct ?01980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, data, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, construct ?B4D00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, rollOver, dragOver ?8C500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut ?08180000?) {
onClipEvent/on (keyUp, data, press, dragOut ?10280000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?46E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, data, press, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?1D500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, initialize, release, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "Ô" ?00500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseUp, keyDown, press, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?45200000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "t" ?42100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyDown, dragOut, keyPress "¤", construct ?1C000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, keyDown, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<Backspace>" ?1CE80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (initialize, dragOut, keyPress "\" ?B4480000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, press ?EAE80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseDown, keyDown, initialize, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, construct ?AEA80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "<?#0>" ?ACF80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, release, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "Ù" ?A3B80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "Ó" ?8E580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, mouseUp, initialize, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?1C200000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, data, initialize, release, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, construct ?2F100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, construct ?AB900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp, press, rollOut, keyPress "<Left>", construct ?52B00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, keyPress "k", construct ?2A600000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, release, rollOver ?28000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, data, initialize, releaseOutside, dragOver, construct ?E6E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, press, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "<PgDn>" ?0CE00000?) {
on (release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "^" ?00480000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, release, rollOver, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "<?#0>", construct ?A2300000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, keyUp, data, release, keyPress "<?#21>" ?AD600000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, rollOut ?B9000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, initialize, release, rollOver, dragOver ?0B000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, keyDown, release, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress ".", construct ?14A00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseUp, data, initialize, press, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "€" ?28580000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOut, keyPress "–" ?0FA80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, keyUp, press, rollOver, rollOut ?19000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, initialize, release, rollOver, rollOut, construct ?A9B80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseUp, keyUp, release, releaseOutside, dragOut, keyPress "¤" ?1F300000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (press, releaseOutside, construct ?C0C80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOver ?20D80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, releaseOutside, dragOver, dragOut ?49000000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseUp, keyDown, data, initialize, press, rollOver, rollOut ?09A80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "" ?EA700000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, press, release, releaseOutside, dragOver, construct ?61F00000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, release, rollOver, keyPress "<Up>" ?6C400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, releaseOutside, dragOver ?B3180000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (keyDown, data, initialize, press, rollOut, keyPress "&" ?74E80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, keyDown, initialize, press, rollOver, dragOver, keyPress "»", construct ?84A00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, press, releaseOutside, construct ?9F100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, press, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "A", construct ?AB000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyDown, rollOver ?10900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, data, rollOver, dragOut, construct ?94800000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, construct ?A1400000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, initialize, press, release, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "v" ?D2300000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseMove, keyDown, initialize, rollOver, dragOver, construct ?B0F80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, keyPress "ˆ" ?2E100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, keyDown, keyUp, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, keyPress "<?#20>" ?D1800000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, data, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, keyPress "Ð" ?1B980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (data, rollOver, dragOver, construct ?00A00000?) {
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, data, press, release, keyPress "g" ?B9C80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, data, release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "\" ?1BB80000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyUp, releaseOutside, dragOver ?1D000000?) {
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, data, release, rollOver, dragOut, keyPress "\" ?1BB80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "É", construct ?47D80000?) {
onClipEvent (keyUp ?0D100000?) {
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyDown, data, press, release, rollOut, dragOver ?D6D80000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (unload, mouseMove, mouseUp, keyDown, initialize, release, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?97300000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (mouseDown, mouseUp, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?28780000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseDown, keyDown, keyUp, data, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, rollOut, dragOut, keyPress "Ž", construct ?6AC00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, mouseUp, keyUp, initialize, press, release, releaseOutside, construct ?02900000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, unload, mouseUp, keyUp, data, initialize, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, keyPress "{" ?8F500000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyUp, data, press, rollOut, dragOver, keyPress "<?#20>", construct ?ABC00000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (enterFrame, unload, mouseMove, keyDown, data, release, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, dragOut, construct ?52700000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, mouseMove, mouseDown, keyUp, data, press, release, releaseOutside, rollOver, dragOut, construct ?EB100000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (initialize, dragOut, construct ?52980000?) {
//component parameters
onClipEvent/on (load, enterFrame, unload, keyDown, keyUp, data, press, releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOver, construct ?57680000?) {
(new ()[]());// not popped
// swfAction0x2E // Unknown action
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 29 MovieClip [fire] Frame 1
if (random(2) == 0) {
nhand1._visible = false;
if (random(2) == 0) {
nhand._visible = false;
if (random(2) == 0) {
nbody._visible = false;
if (random(2) == 0) {
nboot._visible = false;
if (random(2) == 0) {
narm1._visible = false;
if (random(2) == 0) {
head._visible = false;
Symbol 29 MovieClip [fire] Frame 29
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 155
Symbol 54 MovieClip [sprite_sci] Frame 1
Symbol 54 MovieClip [sprite_sci] Frame 2
Symbol 54 MovieClip [sprite_sci] Frame 3
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 185
Symbol 78 MovieClip [sprite_med] Frame 1
Symbol 78 MovieClip [sprite_med] Frame 2
Symbol 78 MovieClip [sprite_med] Frame 3
Symbol 99 MovieClip [bloodsplat] Frame 1
gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
Symbol 99 MovieClip [bloodsplat] Frame 2
Symbol 99 MovieClip [bloodsplat] Frame 3
Symbol 99 MovieClip [bloodsplat] Frame 4
Symbol 99 MovieClip [bloodsplat] Frame 5
Symbol 99 MovieClip [bloodsplat] Frame 6
Symbol 99 MovieClip [bloodsplat] Frame 7
Symbol 101 MovieClip [empty] Frame 1
Symbol 101 MovieClip [empty] Frame 2
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [empty] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 106 MovieClip [slider] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mastervolume.setVolume(100 - ((_y * 100) / _parent.line._height));
_root.volumesave = this._y;
on (press) {
this.startDrag(true, 0, 0, 0, _parent.line._height);
on (release) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 108 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 109 Button
on (release) {
if (tipshown < 10) {
} else {
tipshown = 1;
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 128 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 129 MovieClip [tip_window] Frame 1
tipshown = 1;
Symbol 626 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon
function OnEnterFrameBeacon () {
static function init() {
var _local4 = _global.MovieClip;
if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) {
var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__OnEnterFrameBeacon", 9876);
_local3.onEnterFrame = function () {
static var version = "";
Symbol 627 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX
var _listeners;
function BroadcasterMX () {
static function initialize(o, dontCreateArray) {
if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) {
delete o.broadcastMessage;
o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener;
o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener;
if (!dontCreateArray) {
o._listeners = new Array();
function addListener(o) {
if (broadcastMessage == undefined) {
broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage;
function removeListener(o) {
var _local2 = _listeners;
var _local3 = _local2.length;
while (_local3--) {
if (_local2[_local3] == o) {
_local2.splice(_local3, 1);
if (!_local2.length) {
broadcastMessage = undefined;
function broadcastMessage() {
var _local5 = String(arguments.shift());
var _local4 = _listeners.concat();
var _local6 = _local4.length;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local6) {
_local4[_local3][_local5].apply(_local4[_local3], arguments);
static var version = "";
Symbol 628 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.Tween
var obj, prop, begin, useSeconds, _listeners, addListener, prevTime, _time, looping, _duration, broadcastMessage, isPlaying, _fps, prevPos, _pos, change, _intervalID, _startTime;
function Tween (obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds) {
if (!arguments.length) {
this.obj = obj;
this.prop = prop;
this.begin = begin;
position = (begin);
this.duration = (duration);
this.useSeconds = useSeconds;
if (func) {
this.func = func;
this.finish = (finish);
_listeners = [];
function set time(t) {
prevTime = _time;
if (t > duration) {
if (looping) {
rewind(t - _duration);
broadcastMessage("onMotionLooped", this);
} else {
if (useSeconds) {
_time = _duration;
broadcastMessage("onMotionFinished", this);
} else if (t < 0) {
} else {
_time = t;
function get time() {
function set duration(d) {
_duration = (((d == null) || (d <= 0)) ? (_global.Infinity) : (d));
function get duration() {
function set FPS(fps) {
var _local2 = isPlaying;
_fps = fps;
if (_local2) {
function get FPS() {
function set position(p) {
function setPosition(p) {
prevPos = _pos;
obj[prop] = (_pos = p);
broadcastMessage("onMotionChanged", this, _pos);
function get position() {
function getPosition(t) {
if (t == undefined) {
t = _time;
return(func(t, begin, change, _duration));
function set finish(f) {
change = f - begin;
function get finish() {
return(begin + change);
function continueTo(finish, duration) {
begin = position;
this.finish = (finish);
if (duration != undefined) {
this.duration = (duration);
function yoyo() {
continueTo(begin, time);
function startEnterFrame() {
if (_fps == undefined) {
} else {
_intervalID = setInterval(this, "onEnterFrame", 1000 / _fps);
isPlaying = true;
function stopEnterFrame() {
if (_fps == undefined) {
} else {
isPlaying = false;
function start() {
broadcastMessage("onMotionStarted", this);
function stop() {
broadcastMessage("onMotionStopped", this);
function resume() {
broadcastMessage("onMotionResumed", this);
function rewind(t) {
_time = ((t == undefined) ? 0 : (t));
function fforward() {
time = (_duration);
function nextFrame() {
if (useSeconds) {
time = ((getTimer() - _startTime) / 1000);
} else {
time = (_time + 1);
function onEnterFrame() {
function prevFrame() {
if (!useSeconds) {
time = (_time - 1);
function toString() {
function fixTime() {
if (useSeconds) {
_startTime = getTimer() - (_time * 1000);
function update() {
position = (getPosition(_time));
static var version = "";
static var __initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init();
static var __initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true);
function func(t, b, c, d) {
return(((c * t) / d) + b);
Symbol 629 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Strong
function Strong () {
static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
t = t / d;
return((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b);
static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
t = (t / d) - 1;
return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b);
static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
t = t / (d / 2);
if (t < 1) {
return(((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b);
t = t - 2;
return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b);
static var version = "";
Symbol 630 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Bounce
function Bounce () {
static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
t = t / d;
if (t < 0.363636363636364) {
return((c * ((7.5625 * t) * t)) + b);
if (t < 0.727272727272727) {
t = t - 0.545454545454545;
return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.75)) + b);
if (t < 0.909090909090909) {
t = t - 0.818181818181818;
return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.9375)) + b);
t = t - 0.954545454545455;
return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.984375)) + b);
static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
return((c - easeOut(d - t, 0, c, d)) + b);
static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
if (t < (d / 2)) {
return((easeIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + b);
return(((easeOut((t * 2) - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b);
static var version = "";
Symbol 158 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 154 MovieClip in Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
perc = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
_xscale = perc;
_parent.percentage = Math.floor(perc) + " %";
if (perc >= 100) {
Instance of Symbol 154 MovieClip in Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
perc = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
_xscale = perc;
_parent.percentage = Math.floor(perc) + " %";
if (perc >= 100) {;
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 50
if (random(50) < 5) {
_parent.gotoAndStop("look east");
Symbol 223 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 310 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.titleon) {
reticule._visible = false;
reticule.enabled = false;
reticule.useHandCursor = false;
on (release) {
if ((_root.ammo > 0) && (_root.playertimer == 0)) {
var my_sound = new Sound();
_root.reloaded = false;"shoot");
_root.playertimer = 240; = "----------"; = "Reloading";
znum = this.mynum;
zy = _root["zombie" + znum].ytile;
zx = _root["zombie" + znum].xtile;
rtx = _root["zombie" + znum].xtile *;
rty = _root["zombie" + znum].ytile *;
rtxiso = rtx - rty;
rtyiso = (rtx + rty) / 2;
if (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 0) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] > 12) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx] < 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] = _root.myMap1[zy - 1][zx] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy - 1, zx);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx - 1);
} else if ((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] == 0)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = 15;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);
} else if (((_root.myMap1[zy][zx] == 22) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] > 12)) && (_root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] > 22)) {
_root.myMap1[zy][zx + 1] = _root.myMap1[zy][zx - 1] + 1;
_root.updatetile(_root.myMap1, zy, zx + 1);
_root["zombie" + znum].hp = _root["zombie" + znum].hp - _root.playerdamage;
if (_root["zombie" + znum].hp < 0) {
_root.spawnedzombies--; = + (_root.zombiecashaward + _root.currentday);
_root.menubar.cashdisp.text = "$" +;
_root.menubar.bodycount.text = _root.bodycount;[(("t_" + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].ytile) + "_") + _root["zombie" + this.mynum].xtile].containszombie = false;
bob = _root["zombie" + this.mynum];
delete bob;"sprite_brit_guard", "zombie" + (znum + 50),["zombie" + this.mynum].depth + 1);["zombie" + (znum + 50)]._x = rtxiso;["zombie" + (znum + 50)]._y = rtyiso;["zombie" + (znum + 50)].gotoAndStop("die south");["zombie" + this.mynum].removeMovieClip();
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 320 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 320 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 320 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 64
Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 65
Symbol 333 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 1
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 2
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 10
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 11
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 12
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 13
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 14
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 15
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 16
Symbol 335 MovieClip [sprite_brit_guard] Frame 17
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 50
if (random(50) < 5) {
_parent.gotoAndStop("look south");
Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 352 MovieClip Frame 50
if (random(50) < 3) {
_parent.gotoAndStop("look north");
Symbol 353 MovieClip Frame 50
if (random(50) < 3) {
_parent.gotoAndStop("look west");
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 355 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 361 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 1
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 2
if (_root.titleon) {
life._visible = false;
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 3
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 4
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 5
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 6
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 7
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 8
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 9
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 10
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 11
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 12
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 365 MovieClip [sprite_defender] Frame 13
over.useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 370 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 375 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 376 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 377 MovieClip [sprite_eng] Frame 1
Symbol 377 MovieClip [sprite_eng] Frame 2
Symbol 377 MovieClip [sprite_eng] Frame 3
Symbol 377 MovieClip [sprite_eng] Frame 4
Symbol 377 MovieClip [sprite_eng] Frame 5
Symbol 377 MovieClip [sprite_eng] Frame 6
Symbol 377 MovieClip [sprite_eng] Frame 7
Symbol 377 MovieClip [sprite_eng] Frame 8
Symbol 377 MovieClip [sprite_eng] Frame 9
Symbol 397 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 430 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 1
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 2
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 3
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 4
inner.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 5
inner.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 6
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 7
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 8
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 9
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 10
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 11
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 12
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 13
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 14
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 15
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 16
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 17
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 18
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 19
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 20
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 21
Symbol 459 MovieClip [tile] Frame 22
Symbol 464 Button
on (release) {
_root.prepped = "Trap";
_root.prepcost = 10;
_root.menubar.smalltext.text = "Floor Trap";
_root.menubar.bigtext.text = "Press Space to cancel building";
Symbol 467 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.ammo < _root.ammomax) { = - 150;
_root.ammo = _root.ammomax;
_root.menubar.ammo.text = _root.ammo;
Symbol 470 Button
on (release) {
_root.timemin = 0;
_root.timesec = 3;
_root.menubar.wait.enabled = false;
_root.menubar.wait._alpha = 50;
Symbol 473 Button
on (release) {
_root.prepped = "Wood";
_root.prepcost = 20;
_root.mouse.mousetip._x = 5;
_root.mouse.mousetip._y = -18;
_root.menubar.smalltext.text = "Simple Barricade";
_root.menubar.bigtext.text = "Press Space to cancel building";
Symbol 476 Button
on (release) {
_root.prepped = "Stone";
_root.prepcost = 40;
_root.mouse.mousetip._x = 5;
_root.mouse.mousetip._y = -18;
_root.menubar.smalltext.text = "Reinforced Barricade";
_root.menubar.bigtext.text = "Press Space to cancel building";
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(1000) < 3) {
} else {
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 483 Button
on (release) {
_root.prepped = "Defender";
_root.prepcost = 250;
_root.menubar.smalltext.text = "Gunman";
_root.menubar.bigtext.text = "Press Space to cancel building";
Symbol 507 Button
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 509 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._y = _root.volumesave;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mastervolume.setVolume(100 - ((_y * 100) / _parent.line._height));
on (press) {
this.startDrag(true, 0, 0, 0, _parent.line._height);
on (release) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 520 Button
on (release) { = - _root.speedcost;
_root.reloadtime = _root.reloadtime - 0.5;
_root.speedcost = Math.round(_root.speedcost * 2.5);
if (_root.reloadtime == 2) {
upspeed.enabled = false;
upspeed._alpha = 50;
Symbol 521 Button
on (release) { = - _root.damagecost;
_root.playerdamage = _root.playerdamage + 25;
_root.damagecost = _root.damagecost * 2;
if (_root.playerdamage > 210) {
updamage.enabled = false;
updamage._alpha = 50;
Symbol 530 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.gamepaused) {
_root.gamepaused = false;
} else {
_root.gamepaused = true;
_root.attachMovie("pause_overlay", "pause_overlay", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
Symbol 531 MovieClip [menubar2] Frame 1"day");
Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 618 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 625 Button
on (release) {