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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Monkey Adventure.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #42108

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


<p align="left"><font face="Arial Black" size="25" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>PRELOAD</b></font></p>

Wild Boar

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<p align="center"><font face="VERDANA" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0 &nbsp;&nbsp;</font></p>




Use the ropes to reach the exit.
But be careful!! some of them might not be strong enough
to hold your weight.

Kill the wild boar to continue your voyage.
Hit the boar when it is in the hurt state. Jump to avoid the hit.

The evil hunter has caged your family members.
Rescue them before the time runs out.
Press 'S' to rescue.










<p align="left"><font face="Times New Roman" size="8" color="#99ff00" letterSpacing="2.000000" kerning="1">12</font></p>



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<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>00000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="20" color="#cccc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>nbnbnbnbnbnbnbn</b></font></p>


Far away in the depths of the jungle is a place
called Mystery Land. All the young monkeys go
there to try their luck and to find the lost
treasure. But none of them have ever come back.
This place hosts various wild predators that are
hungry for meat and thirsty of blood. Many have
fallen prey to these predators. Now this is your
chance to find the treasure, get back home and
be the richest monkey in the jungle.

Directions – Right and Left arrow keys
Crouch – Down arrow key
Climb – Up arrow key
Attack – A
Jump - Space Bar
Rescue – S





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ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//blacktigerattack_191 (jungle_ver85_fla.blacktigerattack_191) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blacktigerattack_191 extends MovieClip { public function blacktigerattack_191(){ addFrameScript(25, frame26); } function frame26(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 2
//blacktigerhit_189 (jungle_ver85_fla.blacktigerhit_189) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blacktigerhit_189 extends MovieClip { public function blacktigerhit_189(){ addFrameScript(2, frame3); } function frame3(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 3
//blacktigerhit20_195 (jungle_ver85_fla.blacktigerhit20_195) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class blacktigerhit20_195 extends MovieClip { public function blacktigerhit20_195(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13, 19, frame20); } function frame20(){ stop(); } function frame13(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 4
//borehead_367 (jungle_ver85_fla.borehead_367) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class borehead_367 extends MovieClip { public function borehead_367(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 5
//bug_stand_37 (jungle_ver85_fla.bug_stand_37) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bug_stand_37 extends MovieClip { public function bug_stand_37(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 6
//cagelittlemankey2_278 (jungle_ver85_fla.cagelittlemankey2_278) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cagelittlemankey2_278 extends MovieClip { public function cagelittlemankey2_278(){ addFrameScript(50, frame51); } function frame51(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 7
//coconutroll_new_134 (jungle_ver85_fla.coconutroll_new_134) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class coconutroll_new_134 extends MovieClip { public function coconutroll_new_134(){ addFrameScript(4, frame5); } function frame5(){ gotoAndPlay(1); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 8
//effecthitbore_376 (jungle_ver85_fla.effecthitbore_376) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class effecthitbore_376 extends MovieClip { public function effecthitbore_376(){ addFrameScript(5, frame6); } function frame6(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 9
//EgalDie_87 (jungle_ver85_fla.EgalDie_87) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class EgalDie_87 extends MovieClip { public function EgalDie_87(){ addFrameScript(6, frame7); } function frame7(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 10
//EgalHit_81 (jungle_ver85_fla.EgalHit_81) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class EgalHit_81 extends MovieClip { public function EgalHit_81(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 11
//flashanimation_5 (jungle_ver85_fla.flashanimation_5) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class flashanimation_5 extends MovieClip { public function flashanimation_5(){ addFrameScript(94, frame95); } function frame95(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 12
//highscore_mc_347 (jungle_ver85_fla.highscore_mc_347) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class highscore_mc_347 extends MovieClip { public var score1:TextField; public var score5:TextField; public var score10:TextField; public var backhs:SimpleButton; public var score6:TextField; public var date1:TextField; public var date2:TextField; public var date3:TextField; public var date6:TextField; public var date7:TextField; public var playmorehs:SimpleButton; public var date5:TextField; public var date9:TextField; public var player1:TextField; public var player2:TextField; public var player6:TextField; public var player7:TextField; public var player8:TextField; public var player5:TextField; public var date4:TextField; public var date8:TextField; public var player3:TextField; public var player9:TextField; public var player4:TextField; public var date10:TextField; public var player10:TextField; public var score2:TextField; public var score3:TextField; public var score7:TextField; public var score8:TextField; public var score9:TextField; public var score4:TextField; } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 13
//hunte_dead_184 (jungle_ver85_fla.hunte_dead_184) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class hunte_dead_184 extends MovieClip { public function hunte_dead_184(){ addFrameScript(30, frame31); } function frame31(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 14
//hunte_shoot_182 (jungle_ver85_fla.hunte_shoot_182) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class hunte_shoot_182 extends MovieClip { public function hunte_shoot_182(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 15
//hunter_176 (jungle_ver85_fla.hunter_176) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class hunter_176 extends MovieClip { public function hunter_176(){ addFrameScript(30, frame31); } function frame31(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 16
//Hunter02Die_171 (jungle_ver85_fla.Hunter02Die_171) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Hunter02Die_171 extends MovieClip { public function Hunter02Die_171(){ addFrameScript(40, frame41); } function frame41(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 17
//Hunter02Hit_170 (jungle_ver85_fla.Hunter02Hit_170) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Hunter02Hit_170 extends MovieClip { public function Hunter02Hit_170(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 18
//instruc_351 (jungle_ver85_fla.instruc_351) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class instruc_351 extends MovieClip { public var playmore:SimpleButton; public var backintro:SimpleButton; } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 19
//killing_129 (jungle_ver85_fla.killing_129) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class killing_129 extends MovieClip { public function killing_129(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 20
//LogoAniFlashA_105 (jungle_ver85_fla.LogoAniFlashA_105) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LogoAniFlashA_105 extends MovieClip { public function LogoAniFlashA_105(){ addFrameScript(5, frame6); } function frame6(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 21
//mangoose_die_201 (jungle_ver85_fla.mangoose_die_201) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mangoose_die_201 extends MovieClip { public function mangoose_die_201(){ addFrameScript(21, frame22); } function frame22(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 22
//mc_hitArea3_304 (jungle_ver85_fla.mc_hitArea3_304) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mc_hitArea3_304 extends MovieClip { public var slider1:MovieClip; public var base:MovieClip; } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 23
//mc_hitArea4_323 (jungle_ver85_fla.mc_hitArea4_323) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mc_hitArea4_323 extends MovieClip { public var base:MovieClip; } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 24
//mc_hitArea6_329 (jungle_ver85_fla.mc_hitArea6_329) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mc_hitArea6_329 extends MovieClip { public var slider1:MovieClip; public var slider2:MovieClip; public var slider6:MovieClip; public var slider7:MovieClip; public var slider8:MovieClip; public var slider5:MovieClip; public var slider9:MovieClip; public var slider3:MovieClip; public var slider4:MovieClip; public var slider10:MovieClip; public var base:MovieClip; } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 25
//mc_rope_animation_297 (jungle_ver85_fla.mc_rope_animation_297) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mc_rope_animation_297 extends MovieClip { public function mc_rope_animation_297(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 26
//MONKEYattack_216 (jungle_ver85_fla.MONKEYattack_216) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MONKEYattack_216 extends MovieClip { public function MONKEYattack_216(){ addFrameScript(12, frame13); } function frame13(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 27
//MONKEYdead_231 (jungle_ver85_fla.MONKEYdead_231) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MONKEYdead_231 extends MovieClip { public function MONKEYdead_231(){ addFrameScript(71, frame72); } function frame72(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 28
//MONKEYduck_232 (jungle_ver85_fla.MONKEYduck_232) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MONKEYduck_232 extends MovieClip { public function MONKEYduck_232(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 29
//MONKEYhitdown_230 (jungle_ver85_fla.MONKEYhitdown_230) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MONKEYhitdown_230 extends MovieClip { public function MONKEYhitdown_230(){ addFrameScript(2, frame3); } function frame3(){ } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 30
//MONKEYjumponeplace_217 (jungle_ver85_fla.MONKEYjumponeplace_217) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MONKEYjumponeplace_217 extends MovieClip { public function MONKEYjumponeplace_217(){ addFrameScript(9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 31
//MONKEYSTANDlittle_270 (jungle_ver85_fla.MONKEYSTANDlittle_270) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MONKEYSTANDlittle_270 extends MovieClip { public function MONKEYSTANDlittle_270(){ addFrameScript(44, frame45); } function frame45(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 32
//preload_container_26 (jungle_ver85_fla.preload_container_26) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class preload_container_26 extends MovieClip { public function preload_container_26(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 33
//r1_320 (jungle_ver85_fla.r1_320) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class r1_320 extends MovieClip { public function r1_320(){ addFrameScript(6, frame7); } function frame7(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 34
//RHINODIEALFA_251 (jungle_ver85_fla.RHINODIEALFA_251) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class RHINODIEALFA_251 extends MovieClip { public function RHINODIEALFA_251(){ addFrameScript(18, frame19); } function frame19(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 35
//rhinostuck_254 (jungle_ver85_fla.rhinostuck_254) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class rhinostuck_254 extends MovieClip { public function rhinostuck_254(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 36
//rope_319 (jungle_ver85_fla.rope_319) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class rope_319 extends MovieClip { public function rope_319(){ addFrameScript(23, frame24); } function frame24(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 37
//rope_full_mc_318 (jungle_ver85_fla.rope_full_mc_318) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class rope_full_mc_318 extends MovieClip { public function rope_full_mc_318(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 38
//rope12_299 (jungle_ver85_fla.rope12_299) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class rope12_299 extends MovieClip { public function rope12_299(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 39
//ropefall_300 (jungle_ver85_fla.ropefall_300) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ropefall_300 extends MovieClip { public function ropefall_300(){ addFrameScript(30, frame31); } function frame31(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 40
//snakeHIT_263 (jungle_ver85_fla.snakeHIT_263) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class snakeHIT_263 extends MovieClip { public function snakeHIT_263(){ addFrameScript(44, frame45); } function frame45(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 41
//snakeswallowmonkey_266 (jungle_ver85_fla.snakeswallowmonkey_266) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class snakeswallowmonkey_266 extends MovieClip { public function snakeswallowmonkey_266(){ addFrameScript(45, frame46); } function frame46(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 42
//stagestoneanimation_306 (jungle_ver85_fla.stagestoneanimation_306) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class stagestoneanimation_306 extends MovieClip { public var breakMc:MovieClip; public var makeMc:MovieClip; public var stillMc:MovieClip; public function stagestoneanimation_306(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 43
//total_mc_2 (jungle_ver85_fla.total_mc_2) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class total_mc_2 extends MovieClip { public function total_mc_2(){ addFrameScript(179, frame180); } function frame180(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 44
//VALTUREdie_344 (jungle_ver85_fla.VALTUREdie_344) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class VALTUREdie_344 extends MovieClip { public function VALTUREdie_344(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 45
//welcomescreen_mc_354 (jungle_ver85_fla.welcomescreen_mc_354) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class welcomescreen_mc_354 extends MovieClip { public var highscore:SimpleButton; public var intro:SimpleButton; public var playGame:SimpleButton; public var playmore:SimpleButton; public var addMore:SimpleButton; } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 46
//wildboredie_377 (jungle_ver85_fla.wildboredie_377) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class wildboredie_377 extends MovieClip { public function wildboredie_377(){ addFrameScript(27, frame28); } function frame28(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 47
//wildboreinthetree_379 (jungle_ver85_fla.wildboreinthetree_379) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class wildboreinthetree_379 extends MovieClip { public function wildboreinthetree_379(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 48
//yeti_attac_new_135 (jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_attac_new_135) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class yeti_attac_new_135 extends MovieClip { public function yeti_attac_new_135(){ addFrameScript(29, frame30); } function frame30(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 49
//yeti_attack2_140 (jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_attack2_140) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class yeti_attack2_140 extends MovieClip { public function yeti_attack2_140(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 50
//yeti_dead01_137 (jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_dead01_137) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class yeti_dead01_137 extends MovieClip { public function yeti_dead01_137(){ addFrameScript(22, frame23); } function frame23(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 51
//yeti_hit_136 (jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_hit_136) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class yeti_hit_136 extends MovieClip { public function yeti_hit_136(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 52
//yeti_hit_die_138 (jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_hit_die_138) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class yeti_hit_die_138 extends MovieClip { public function yeti_hit_die_138(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); } } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 53
//you_lose_textField_117 (jungle_ver85_fla.you_lose_textField_117) package jungle_ver85_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class you_lose_textField_117 extends MovieClip { public var errormesg:TextField; public var totalScore:TextField; public var player:TextField; } }//package jungle_ver85_fla
Section 54
//AnimalAverage (AnimalAverage) package { import*; public class AnimalAverage extends AnimalBase { public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ } override public function escapeHit(){ if (xMoveType == 1){ xMoveType = -1; action = 1; scaleX = 1; checkNextLine(); return; }; xMoveType = 1; action = 1; scaleX = -1; checkNextLine(); } override public function hit_Banana(){ } public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ } public function checkNextLine(){ var _local1:Number; if (!dieStatus){ if (xMoveType == 1){ _local1 = -1; _local1 = getNextLine(); if (_local1 != -1){ currentLine = _local1; targetEndx = (lineDimension[currentLine][0] + lineDimension[currentLine][2]); jumpx = (lineDimension[currentLine][0] + halfWidth); action = 2; jumpUpStatus = true; } else { targetEndx = lineDimension[currentLine][0]; x = ((lineDimension[currentLine][0] + lineDimension[currentLine][2]) - halfWidth); xMoveType = -1; action = 1; gotoAndStop(2); }; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ _local1 = getNextLine(); if (_local1 != -1){ currentLine = _local1; targetEndx = lineDimension[currentLine][0]; jumpx = ((lineDimension[currentLine][0] + lineDimension[currentLine][2]) - halfWidth); action = 2; jumpUpStatus = true; } else { targetEndx = (lineDimension[currentLine][0] + lineDimension[currentLine][2]); x = (lineDimension[currentLine][0] + halfWidth); xMoveType = 1; action = 1; }; return; }; }; } override public function removeClip(){ x = 1500; y = 1500; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(this)){ trace("removed"); Bg1.bg1.removeChild(this); }; } public function getNextLine(){ if (xMoveType == 1){ return (lineDimension[currentLine][4]); }; return (lineDimension[currentLine][3]); } } }//package
Section 55
//AnimalBase (AnimalBase) package { import flash.utils.*; public class AnimalBase extends Enemy { protected var jumpHeight:Number; protected var jumpDownStatus:Boolean;// = false protected var counter:Number; protected var currentLine:Number; protected var speedx:Number; protected var jumpx:Number; protected var targetEndx:Number; protected var maxCounter:Number; protected var action:Number;// = 0 protected var xMoveType:Number; protected var starty:Number; protected var vultureType:Number; protected var startx:Number; public var attackStatus:Boolean; public var halfWidth:Number; protected var maxSpeed:Number; public var attack2Status:Boolean; public var hitStatus:Boolean; public var dieStatus:Boolean; public var halfHeight:Number; protected var actionTimer:Timer; protected var health:Number;// = 100 protected var chaseMonkeyStatus:Boolean;// = false protected var stone:Stone;// = null protected var jumpUpStatus:Boolean;// = false public var turnStatus:Boolean; protected var lineDimension:Array; protected var hitBananaStatus:Boolean;// = false public function AnimalBase(){ action = 0; health = 100; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = false; hitBananaStatus = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; stone = null; super(); } public function removeClip(){ } public function escapeHit(){ } public function initsuper(){ jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = false; hitBananaStatus = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; turnStatus = false; attackStatus = false; } public function hit_Banana(){ } public function changeDirection(){ } } }//package
Section 56
//AnimalDumb (AnimalDumb) package { import*; public class AnimalDumb extends AnimalBase { protected var standCountCurrent:uint;// = 0 protected var standCountMax:uint;// = 12 public function AnimalDumb(){ standCountCurrent = 0; standCountMax = 12; super(); } public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ halfWidth = 22; halfHeight = 28; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; turnStatus = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = startx; y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = (startx - halfWidth); y = starty; }; }; gotoAndStop(2); speedx = 2; action = 1; } public function checkMonkeyPosition(){ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex; if ((((((((_local1 == currentLine)) && (!(chaseMonkeyStatus)))) && (!(dieStatus)))) && (!(turnStatus)))){ action = 0; if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; if (Monkey.monkey.x < x){ targetEndx = lineDimension[currentLine][0]; xMoveType = -1; action = 1; hitStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); chaseMonkeyStatus = true; return; }; if (Monkey.monkey.x > x){ targetEndx = (lineDimension[currentLine][0] + lineDimension[currentLine][2]); xMoveType = 1; action = 1; hitStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); chaseMonkeyStatus = true; return; }; }; } override public function escapeHit(){ if (((!(dieStatus)) && (!(Monkey.monkey.hitStatus)))){ if (Monkey.monkey.x > x){ targetEndx = lineDimension[currentLine][0]; xMoveType = -1; action = 1; hitStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); return; }; if (Monkey.monkey.x < x){ targetEndx = (lineDimension[currentLine][0] + lineDimension[currentLine][2]); xMoveType = 1; action = 1; hitStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); return; }; }; } protected function standAnimal(){ standCountCurrent = 0; action = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } override public function hit_Banana(){ } override public function changeDirection(){ if (((((((hitStatus) && ((action == 0)))) && (!(dieStatus)))) && (!(turnStatus)))){ if (xMoveType == 1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[currentLine][0]; xMoveType = -1; action = 1; speedx = 2; hitStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ targetEndx = (lineDimension[currentLine][0] + lineDimension[currentLine][2]); xMoveType = 1; action = 1; speedx = 2; hitStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); return; }; }; } public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ } public function checkNextLine(){ if (((((!(dieStatus)) && (!(turnStatus)))) && (!((currentFrame == 3))))){ if (xMoveType == 1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[currentLine][0]; xMoveType = -1; action = 1; hitStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); turnStatus = true; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ targetEndx = (lineDimension[currentLine][0] + lineDimension[currentLine][2]); xMoveType = 1; action = 1; hitStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); turnStatus = true; return; }; }; } override public function removeClip(){ x = 1500; y = 1500; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(this)){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 57
//ArrowWeapon (ArrowWeapon) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class ArrowWeapon extends MovieClip { var throwProgressStatus:Boolean;// = false var throwX:Number;// = 0 var throwY:Number;// = 0 var startX:Number; var startY:Number; var throwDirection:Number; var gravity:Number;// = 0.1 var speed:Number; var halfWidth:int;// = 10 public var hitClip:MovieClip; var prevY:Number; var halfHeight:int;// = 5 var prevX:Number; var throwUpStatus:Boolean;// = false var throwDownStatus:Boolean;// = false var endX:Number; var endY:Number; public static var arrowWeapon:ArrowWeapon = null; public function ArrowWeapon(){ halfWidth = 10; halfHeight = 5; throwY = 0; throwX = 0; gravity = 0.1; throwUpStatus = false; throwProgressStatus = false; throwDownStatus = false; super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10); } function init(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; startX = Hunter2.hunter2.x; startY = Hunter2.hunter2.y; endX = Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x; endY = (Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y + 25); speed = 18; throwProgressStatus = true; throwUpStatus = true; throwDownStatus = false; x = startX; y = startY; _local1 = (endX - x); _local2 = (endY - y); _local3 = Math.atan2(_local2, _local1); _local4 = (Math.ceil(((_local3 / Math.PI) * 180)) - 180); throwX = (Math.cos(_local3) * speed); throwY = (Math.sin(_local3) * speed); rotation = _local4; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } function frame10(){ stop(); } public function removeArrowWeapon(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (this.parent.contains(this)){ this.parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function checkMonkeyCollision(){ var _local1:Monkey; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = Monkey.monkey; if (_local1 != null){ _local2 = (_local1.x - x); _local3 = (_local1.y - y); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); if (this.hitClip.hitTestObject(_local1.body)){ _local1.hit_Bhala(); if (_local1.x > 100){ _local1.x = (_local1.x - 50); }; removeArrowWeapon(); return; }; }; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ Move(); checkMonkeyCollision(); } private function Move(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; if (throwUpStatus){ prevX = x; prevY = y; x = (x + throwX); y = (y + throwY); _local1 = (prevX - x); _local2 = (prevY - y); _local3 = Math.atan2(_local2, _local1); _local4 = Math.ceil(((_local3 / Math.PI) * 180)); rotation = _local4; if (x < 0){ removeArrowWeapon(); } else { if (x > 600){ removeArrowWeapon(); }; }; }; } public static function getInstance():ArrowWeapon{ if (arrowWeapon == null){ arrowWeapon = new (ArrowWeapon); }; return (arrowWeapon); } } }//package
Section 58
//Banana (Banana) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Banana extends MovieClip { var throwProgressStatus:Boolean;// = false var targetEndX:uint; var throwDistY:Number;// = -2.5 var throwX:int; var throwY:int;// = 0 var startX:uint; var startY:uint; var throwDirection:int; var stageBananaPosition:Point; var sameSlideTargetX:int; var nextSlideTargetX:int; var throwUpStatus:Boolean;// = false var halfWidth:int;// = 10 var halfHeight:int;// = 5 var vanishStatus:Boolean;// = false var fallRightStatus:Boolean;// = false var throwDownStatus:Boolean;// = false var fallLeftStatus:Boolean;// = false var bottomSlideTargetY:int; var endY:int; public function Banana(){ halfWidth = 10; halfHeight = 5; throwDistY = -2.5; throwY = 0; stageBananaPosition = new Point(); throwUpStatus = false; throwProgressStatus = false; throwDownStatus = false; fallLeftStatus = false; fallRightStatus = false; vanishStatus = false; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4); } private function checkWildBoreCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageWildBoreArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageWildBoreArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!(vanishStatus)))){ _local3 = Math.abs((x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((y - _local2.y)); if (_local2.hitTestObject(this)){ _local2.hit_Banana(); removeBanana(); return; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function checkSnakeCollision(){ var _local1:Snake; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = Bg1.snake; if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!(vanishStatus)))){ _local2 = Math.abs((x - _local1.x)); _local3 = Math.abs((y - _local1.y)); if (_local1.hitTestObject(this)){ _local1.hit_Banana(); removeBanana(); return; }; }; } private function removeBanana(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(this)){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(this); }; } private function checkEagle2Collision(){ var _local1:Eagle2; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = Bg1.eagle2; if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!(vanishStatus)))){ _local2 = Math.abs((x - _local1.x)); _local3 = Math.abs((y - _local1.y)); if (_local1.hitTestObject(this)){ _local1.hit_Banana(); removeBanana(); return; }; }; } function init(_arg1:Object){ startX = _arg1.startX; startY = (_arg1.startY + 20); endY = _arg1.endY; throwX = _arg1.throwX; throwDirection = _arg1.dir; sameSlideTargetX = _arg1.sameSlideTargetX; nextSlideTargetX = _arg1.nextSlideTargetX; bottomSlideTargetY = _arg1.bottomSlideTargetY; throwY = throwDistY; throwProgressStatus = true; throwUpStatus = true; throwDownStatus = false; vanishStatus = false; x = startX; y = startY; gotoAndStop(1); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function checkMongoesCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageMongoesArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageMongoesArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!(vanishStatus)))){ _local3 = Math.abs((x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((y - _local2.y)); if (_local2.hitTestObject(this)){ _local2.hit_Banana(); removeBanana(); return; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function checkGorillaCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageGorillaArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageGorillaArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!(vanishStatus)))){ _local3 = Math.abs((x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((y - _local2.y)); if ((((_local3 < 50)) && ((_local4 < 60)))){ _local2.hit_Banana(); removeBanana(); return; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function checkLeopardCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageLeopardArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageLeopardArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!(vanishStatus)))){ _local3 = Math.abs((x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((y - _local2.y)); if (_local2.hitTestObject(this)){ _local2.hit_Banana(); removeBanana(); return; }; }; _local1++; }; } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } private function checkEagleCollision(){ var _local1:Eagle; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = Bg1.eagle; if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!(vanishStatus)))){ _local2 = Math.abs((x - _local1.x)); _local3 = Math.abs((y - _local1.y)); if (_local1.hitTestObject(this)){ _local1.hit_Banana(); removeBanana(); return; }; }; } private function checkFall(){ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; _local1 = Monkey.monkey.getBaseAreaClip(); if (_local1.hitTestPoint(stageBananaPosition.x, stageBananaPosition.y, true)){ gotoAndPlay(2); vanishStatus = true; return; }; } private function updateStageBananaPosition(){ stageBananaPosition.x = (x - Bg1.bg1.scrollRect.x); stageBananaPosition.y = (y - Bg1.bg1.scrollRect.y); } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (vanishStatus){ if (currentFrame >= 4){ removeBanana(); return; }; }; if (!vanishStatus){ updateStageBananaPosition(); Move(); checkFall(); checkSnakeCollision(); checkEagleCollision(); checkEagle2Collision(); checkGorillaCollision(); checkRhinoCollision(); checkLeopardCollision(); checkVultureCollision(); checkMongoesCollision(); checkWildBoreCollision(); }; } private function checkRhinoCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageRhinoArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageRhinoArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!(vanishStatus)))){ _local3 = Math.abs((x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((y - _local2.y)); if (_local2.hitTestObject(this)){ _local2.hit_Banana(); removeBanana(); return; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function checkVultureCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageVultureArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageVultureArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!(vanishStatus)))){ _local3 = Math.abs((x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((y - _local2.y)); if (_local2.hitTestObject(this)){ _local2.hit_Banana(); removeBanana(); return; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function Move(){ if (throwUpStatus){ y = (y + throwY); x = (x + throwX); rotation = (rotation + 25); throwY = (throwY + 1); if (throwY > 0){ throwY = 0; throwDownStatus = true; throwUpStatus = false; }; }; if (throwDownStatus){ if (throwY < 4){ throwY = (throwY + 1); }; y = (y + throwY); x = (x + throwX); rotation = (rotation + 25); }; } } }//package
Section 59
//Bg1 (Bg1) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Bg1 extends MovieClip { public var surfaceBg:Surface;// = null public static var bug:Bug = null; public static var eagle:Eagle = null; public static var bg1:Bg1 = null; private static var stageBananaIndex:Number = -1; private static var stageMongoesIndex:Number = -1; public static var stageBananaArray:Array = new Array(arraySize); public static var eagle2:Eagle2 = null; private static var stageCoconutIndex:Number = -1; public static var stageGorillaArray:Array = new Array(); private static var stageGorillaIndex:Number = -1; public static var snake:Snake = null; public static var stageCoconutArray:Array = new Array(4); private static var stageSnakeTimeIndex:Number = -1; public static var stageSnakeTimeArray:Array = new Array(); public static var stagePowerUpIndex:int; public static var stagePowerUpArray:Array = new Array(); private static var stageWildBoreIndex:Number = -1; private static var stageVultureIndex:Number = -1; public static var stageRhinoArray:Array = new Array(); private static var stageRhinoIndex:Number = -1; public static var stageMongoesArray:Array = new Array(); public static var stageVultureArray:Array = new Array(); private static var stageLeopardIndex:Number = -1; public static var stageWildBoreArray:Array = new Array(); private static var arraySize:Number = 4; public static var stageLeopardArray:Array = new Array(); public function Bg1(){ surfaceBg = null; super(); } public function getVultureInstance(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = GParams.stage_Vulture_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; if (_local1 > 0){ createDumbVulture(_local1); }; _local2 = GParams.stage_Vulture_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1]; if (_local2 > 0){ createAverageVulture(_local2); }; } public function checkEnemies(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = (stageMongoesArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stageMongoesArray[_local1] != null){ trace((((" this is : " + stageMongoesArray[_local1]) + " has event listener : ") + stageMongoesArray[_local1].hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME))); trace((((" this is : " + stageMongoesArray[_local1]) + " has event listener : ") + stageMongoesArray[_local1].willTrigger(Event.ENTER_FRAME))); }; _local1--; }; _local1 = (stageVultureArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stageVultureArray[_local1] != null){ trace((((" this is : " + stageVultureArray[_local1]) + " has event listener : ") + stageVultureArray[_local1].hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME))); trace((((" this is : " + stageVultureArray[_local1]) + " has event listener : ") + stageVultureArray[_local1].willTrigger(Event.ENTER_FRAME))); }; _local1--; }; } private function createPowerUp(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 2) { stagePowerUpArray[_local1] = PowerUpFactory.getPowerUpInstance((_local1 + 1)); addChild(stagePowerUpArray[_local1]); stagePowerUpArray[_local1].x = 1200; stagePowerUpArray[_local1].y = 1200; _local1++; }; stagePowerUpIndex = -1; } public function getRhinoInstance(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = GParams.stage_Rhino_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; if (_local1 > 0){ createDumbRhino(_local1); }; } private function createMongoes(){ removeOldMongoes(); stageMongoesIndex = -1; if (stageMongoesArray == null){ stageMongoesArray = new Array(); }; getMongoesInstance(); } public function removeLeopardReference(){ var _local1:uint; var _local2:AnimalBase; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageLeopardArray.length) { _local2 = stageLeopardArray[_local1]; if (_local2.dieStatus){ stageLeopardArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1++; }; } public function init(){ clearGraphics(); createSurfaceBg(); createPowerUp(); if (((((!((GParams.currentLevel == 3))) && (!((GParams.currentLevel == 6))))) && (!((GParams.currentLevel == 9))))){ createLevelEnemies(); } else { createBossLevelEnemies(); }; } public function createDumbRhino(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageRhinoIndex = (stageRhinoIndex + 1); stageRhinoArray[stageRhinoIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(6, 1); bg1.addChild(stageRhinoArray[stageRhinoIndex]); _local3 = GParams.stage_Rhino_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_Rhino_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_Rhino_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; stageRhinoArray[stageRhinoIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); _local2++; }; } private function createBossLevel2(){ var _local1:Array; GParams.gamePause = true; _local1 = GParams.stage_Enemy_Avail[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_local1[10] == 1){ createWildBore(); }; } private function createLevelEnemies(){ var _local1:Array; _local1 = GParams.stage_Enemy_Avail[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_local1[0] == 1){ }; if ((((_local1[1] == 1)) || ((_local1[2] == 1)))){ createVultures(); }; if ((((_local1[3] == 1)) || ((_local1[4] == 1)))){ createMongoes(); }; if (_local1[5] == 1){ createEagle(); }; if (_local1[6] == 1){ createEagle2(); }; if (_local1[9] == 1){ createSnake(); }; if (_local1[10] == 1){ createWildBore(); }; if ((((((_local1[11] == 1)) || ((_local1[12] == 1)))) || ((_local1[15] == 1)))){ createGorilla(); }; if ((_local1[13] == 1)){ createRhino(); }; if ((_local1[14] == 1)){ createLeopard(); }; if ((_local1[17] == 1)){ initPowerUpHealth(); }; if ((_local1[18] == 1)){ initPowerUpLife(); }; } public function createDumbGorilla(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageGorillaIndex = (stageGorillaIndex + 1); stageGorillaArray[stageGorillaIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(5, 1); _local3 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; stageGorillaArray[stageGorillaIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); bg1.addChild(stageGorillaArray[stageGorillaIndex]); _local2++; }; } private function createBossLevel1(){ GParams.gamePause = true; } private function createBossLevelEnemies(){ if (GParams.currentLevel == 3){ createBossLevel1(); } else { if (GParams.currentLevel == 6){ createBossLevel2(); } else { if (GParams.currentLevel == 9){ createBossLevel3(); }; }; }; } private function createBug(){ if (bug != null){ if (bg1.contains(bug)){ bug.removeAllListener(); bg1.removeChild(bug); }; }; bug = Bug.getInstance(); bg1.addChild(bug); bug.init(); } private function removeOldMongoes(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = (stageMongoesArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stageMongoesArray[_local1] != null){ stageMongoesArray[_local1].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stageMongoesArray[_local1].onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(stageMongoesArray[_local1])){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(stageMongoesArray[_local1]); }; stageMongoesArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1--; }; } private function createBossLevel3(){ var _local1:Array; GParams.gamePause = true; _local1 = GParams.stage_Enemy_Avail[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if ((_local1[16] == 1)){ createSnakeTime(); }; } public function getBananaInstance(){ stageBananaIndex = (stageBananaIndex + 1); if (stageBananaIndex == arraySize){ stageBananaIndex = 0; }; if (stageBananaArray[stageBananaIndex] == null){ stageBananaArray[stageBananaIndex] = new Banana(); }; } private function removeOldVultures(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = (stageVultureArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stageVultureArray[_local1] != null){ stageVultureArray[_local1].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stageVultureArray[_local1].onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(stageVultureArray[_local1])){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(stageVultureArray[_local1]); }; stageVultureArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1--; }; } private function removeOldPowerups(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = (stagePowerUpArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stagePowerUpArray[_local1] != null){ if (Bg1.bg1.contains(stagePowerUpArray[_local1])){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(stagePowerUpArray[_local1]); }; stagePowerUpArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1--; }; } public function getCoconutInstance(){ stageCoconutIndex = (stageCoconutIndex + 1); if (stageCoconutIndex == 4){ stageCoconutIndex = 0; }; if (stageCoconutArray[stageCoconutIndex] == null){ stageCoconutArray[stageCoconutIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(1); bg1.addChild(stageCoconutArray[stageCoconutIndex]); stageCoconutArray[stageCoconutIndex].init(); }; } public function removeWildBoreReference(){ var _local1:uint; var _local2:AnimalBase; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageWildBoreArray.length) { _local2 = stageWildBoreArray[_local1]; if (_local2.dieStatus){ stageWildBoreArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1++; }; } public function getMongoesInstance(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; _local1 = GParams.stage_Mongoes_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; if (_local1 > 0){ createDumbMongoes(_local1); }; _local2 = GParams.stage_Mongoes_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1]; if (_local2 > 0){ createAverageMongoes(_local2); }; } public function getSnakeTimeInstance(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = GParams.stage_SnakeTime_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; if (_local1 > 0){ createDumbSnakeTime(_local1); }; } private function createSurfaceBg(){ if (surfaceBg != null){ surfaceBg.removeClip(); if (bg1.contains(surfaceBg)){ bg1.removeChild(surfaceBg); }; }; surfaceBg = SurfaceFactory.createInstance(); bg1.addChild(surfaceBg); surfaceBg.init(); surfaceBg.x = 0; } public function removeOldBanana(){ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 4) { if (stageBananaArray[_local1] != null){ if (contains(stageBananaArray[_local1])){ removeChild(stageBananaArray[_local1]); }; }; _local1++; }; } public function createDumbVulture(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageVultureIndex = (stageVultureIndex + 1); stageVultureArray[stageVultureIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(2, 1); _local3 = GParams.stage_Vulture_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_Vulture_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_Vulture_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; stageVultureArray[stageVultureIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); bg1.addChild(stageVultureArray[stageVultureIndex]); _local2++; }; } private function createVultures(){ removeOldVultures(); stageVultureIndex = -1; if (stageVultureArray == null){ stageVultureArray = new Array(); }; getVultureInstance(); } public function createDumbWildBore(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageWildBoreIndex = (stageWildBoreIndex + 1); stageWildBoreArray[stageWildBoreIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(4, 1); _local3 = GParams.stage_WildBore_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_WildBore_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_WildBore_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; stageWildBoreArray[stageWildBoreIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); bg1.addChild(stageWildBoreArray[stageWildBoreIndex]); _local2++; }; } private function createLeopard(){ removeOldLeopard(); stageLeopardIndex = -1; if (stageLeopardArray == null){ stageLeopardArray = new Array(); }; getLeopardInstance(); } private function createRhino(){ removeOldRhino(); stageRhinoIndex = -1; if (stageRhinoArray == null){ stageRhinoArray = new Array(); }; getRhinoInstance(); } public function createDumbSnakeTime(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageSnakeTimeIndex = (stageSnakeTimeIndex + 1); stageSnakeTimeArray[stageSnakeTimeIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(8); bg1.addChild(stageSnakeTimeArray[stageSnakeTimeIndex]); stageSnakeTimeArray[stageSnakeTimeIndex].gotoAndStop(1); _local3 = GParams.stage_SnakeTime_xPosition[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_SnakeTime_yPosition[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; _local5 = GParams.stage_SnakeTime_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; _local6 = GParams.stage_SnakeTime_Timer[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; stageSnakeTimeArray[stageSnakeTimeIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local6); _local2++; }; } public function addBanana(_arg1:Object){ getBananaInstance(); bg1.addChild(stageBananaArray[stageBananaIndex]); stageBananaArray[stageBananaIndex].init(_arg1); } public function removeOldSnakeTime(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = (stageSnakeTimeArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stageSnakeTimeArray[_local1] != null){ stageSnakeTimeArray[_local1].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stageSnakeTimeArray[_local1].onEnterFrame); stageSnakeTimeArray[_local1].gotoAndStop(1); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(stageSnakeTimeArray[_local1])){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(stageSnakeTimeArray[_local1]); }; stageSnakeTimeArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1--; }; } public function getWildBoreInstance(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = GParams.stage_WildBore_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; if (_local1 > 0){ createDumbWildBore(_local1); }; } public function afterSecond(_arg1:TimerEvent){ getCoconutInstance(); } public function createSmartGorilla(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageGorillaIndex = (stageGorillaIndex + 1); stageGorillaArray[stageGorillaIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(5, 3); _local3 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][2][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][2][_local2]; stageGorillaArray[stageGorillaIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); bg1.addChild(stageGorillaArray[stageGorillaIndex]); _local2++; }; } private function removeOldLeopard(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = (stageLeopardArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stageLeopardArray[_local1] != null){ stageLeopardArray[_local1].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stageLeopardArray[_local1].onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(stageLeopardArray[_local1])){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(stageLeopardArray[_local1]); }; stageLeopardArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1--; }; } private function createEagle(){ removeOldEagle(); eagle = Eagle.getInstance(); bg1.addChild(eagle); eagle.init(); } private function initPowerUpLife(){ var _local1:PowerUp; _local1 = stagePowerUpArray[1]; _local1.init(2); _local1.x = GParams.stage_Powerup_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1]; _local1.y = GParams.stage_Powerup_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][2]; } public function removeMongoesReference(){ var _local1:uint; var _local2:AnimalBase; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageMongoesArray.length) { _local2 = stageMongoesArray[_local1]; if (_local2.dieStatus){ stageMongoesArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1++; }; } private function createWildBore(){ removeOldWildBore(); stageWildBoreIndex = -1; if (stageWildBoreArray == null){ stageWildBoreArray = new Array(); }; getWildBoreInstance(); } public function timeout(_arg1:TimerEvent){ removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timeout); } public function getLeopardInstance(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = GParams.stage_Leopard_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; if (_local1 > 0){ createDumbLeopard(_local1); }; } private function removeOldCoconuts(){ var _local1:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageCoconutArray.length) { if (stageCoconutArray[_local1] != null){ if (bg1.contains(stageCoconutArray[_local1])){ stageCoconutArray[_local1].resetListener(); bg1.removeChild(stageCoconutArray[_local1]); stageCoconutArray[_local1] = null; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function createSnakeTime(){ removeOldSnakeTime(); stageSnakeTimeIndex = -1; if (stageSnakeTimeArray == null){ stageSnakeTimeArray = new Array(); }; getSnakeTimeInstance(); } public function createDumbLeopard(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageLeopardIndex = (stageLeopardIndex + 1); stageLeopardArray[stageLeopardIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(7, 1); bg1.addChild(stageLeopardArray[stageLeopardIndex]); _local3 = GParams.stage_Leopard_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_Leopard_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_Leopard_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; stageLeopardArray[stageLeopardIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); _local2++; }; } private function removeOldEagle2(){ if (eagle2 != null){ if (bg1.contains(eagle2)){ eagle2.removeAllListener(); bg1.removeChild(eagle2); eagle2 = null; }; }; } private function removeOldWildBore(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = (stageWildBoreArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stageWildBoreArray[_local1] != null){ stageWildBoreArray[_local1].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stageWildBoreArray[_local1].onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(stageWildBoreArray[_local1])){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(stageWildBoreArray[_local1]); }; stageWildBoreArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1--; }; } private function createCoconuts(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Timer; removeOldCoconuts(); stageCoconutArray = new Array(4); stageCoconutIndex = -1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageCoconutArray.length) { stageCoconutArray[_local1] = null; _local1++; }; _local2 = new Timer(3000, 4); _local2.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); _local2.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, timeout); _local2.reset(); _local2.stop(); _local2.start(); } public function createAverageGorilla(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageGorillaIndex = (stageGorillaIndex + 1); stageGorillaArray[stageGorillaIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(5, 2); _local3 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1][_local2]; stageGorillaArray[stageGorillaIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); bg1.addChild(stageGorillaArray[stageGorillaIndex]); _local2++; }; } public function removeGorillaReference(){ var _local1:uint; var _local2:AnimalBase; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageGorillaArray.length) { _local2 = stageGorillaArray[_local1]; if (_local2.dieStatus){ stageGorillaArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1++; }; } public function removeRhinoReference(){ var _local1:uint; var _local2:AnimalBase; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageRhinoArray.length) { _local2 = stageRhinoArray[_local1]; if (_local2.dieStatus){ stageRhinoArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1++; }; } private function removeOldRhino(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = (stageRhinoArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stageRhinoArray[_local1] != null){ stageRhinoArray[_local1].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stageRhinoArray[_local1].onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(stageRhinoArray[_local1])){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(stageRhinoArray[_local1]); }; stageRhinoArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1--; }; } public function removeSnakeTimeReference(){ var _local1:uint; var _local2:SnakeTime; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageSnakeTimeArray.length) { _local2 = stageSnakeTimeArray[_local1]; if (_local2.dieStatus){ stageSnakeTimeArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1++; }; } private function removeOldEagle(){ if (eagle != null){ if (bg1.contains(eagle)){ eagle.removeAllListener(); bg1.removeChild(eagle); eagle = null; }; }; } public function removeVultureReference(){ var _local1:uint; var _local2:AnimalBase; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageVultureArray.length) { _local2 = stageVultureArray[_local1]; if (_local2.dieStatus){ stageVultureArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1++; }; } private function createEagle2(){ removeOldEagle2(); eagle2 = Eagle2.getInstance(); bg1.addChild(eagle2); eagle2.init(); } private function initPowerUpHealth(){ var _local1:PowerUp; _local1 = stagePowerUpArray[0]; _local1.init(1); _local1.x = GParams.stage_Powerup_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1]; _local1.y = GParams.stage_Powerup_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][2]; } private function createGorilla(){ removeOldGorilla(); stageGorillaIndex = -1; if (stageGorillaArray == null){ stageGorillaArray = new Array(); }; getGorillaInstance(); } public function createAverageVulture(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageVultureIndex = (stageVultureIndex + 1); stageVultureArray[stageVultureIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(2, 2); bg1.addChild(stageVultureArray[stageVultureIndex]); _local3 = GParams.stage_Vulture_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_Vulture_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_Vulture_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1][_local2]; stageVultureArray[stageVultureIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); _local2++; }; } private function createSnake(){ snake = Snake.getInstance(); bg1.addChild(snake); snake.init(); } public function createDumbMongoes(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageMongoesIndex = (stageMongoesIndex + 1); stageMongoesArray[stageMongoesIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(3, 1); _local3 = GParams.stage_Mongoes_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_Mongoes_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_Mongoes_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0][_local2]; stageMongoesArray[stageMongoesIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); bg1.addChild(stageMongoesArray[stageMongoesIndex]); _local2++; }; } public function getGorillaInstance(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local1 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; if (_local1 > 0){ createDumbGorilla(_local1); }; _local2 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1]; if (_local2 > 0){ createAverageGorilla(_local2); }; _local3 = GParams.stage_Gorilla_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][2]; if (_local3 > 0){ createSmartGorilla(_local3); }; } private function removeOldGorilla(){ var _local1:int; _local1 = (stageGorillaArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (stageGorillaArray[_local1] != null){ stageGorillaArray[_local1].removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stageGorillaArray[_local1].onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(stageGorillaArray[_local1])){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(stageGorillaArray[_local1]); }; stageGorillaArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1--; }; } public function createAverageMongoes(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1) { stageMongoesIndex = (stageMongoesIndex + 1); stageMongoesArray[stageMongoesIndex] = EnemyFactory.getEnemyInstance(3, 2); _local3 = GParams.stage_Mongoes_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1][_local2]; _local4 = GParams.stage_Mongoes_Life[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; _local5 = GParams.stage_Mongoes_Direction[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1][_local2]; stageMongoesArray[stageMongoesIndex].init(_local3, _local4, _local5); bg1.addChild(stageMongoesArray[stageMongoesIndex]); _local2++; }; } private function removeOldSnake(){ if (snake != null){ if (bg1.contains(snake)){ snake.removeAllListener(); bg1.removeChild(snake); snake = null; }; }; } public function clearGraphics(){ removeOldSnake(); removeOldEagle(); removeOldEagle2(); removeOldVultures(); removeOldMongoes(); removeOldWildBore(); removeOldGorilla(); removeOldLeopard(); removeOldRhino(); removeOldBanana(); removeOldSnakeTime(); removeOldCoconuts(); removeOldPowerups(); } public static function getInstance():Bg1{ if (bg1 == null){ bg1 = new (Bg1); }; return (bg1); } } }//package
Section 60
//BGSound (BGSound) package { import*; public class BGSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 61
//Bhala (Bhala) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Bhala extends MovieClip { var throwProgressStatus:Boolean;// = false var throwX:Number;// = 0 var throwY:Number;// = 0 var startX:Number; var startY:Number; var throwDirection:Number; var gravity:Number;// = 0.1 var speed:Number; var halfWidth:int;// = 10 public var hitClip:MovieClip; var prevY:Number; var halfHeight:int;// = 5 var prevX:Number; var throwUpStatus:Boolean;// = false var throwDownStatus:Boolean;// = false var endX:Number; var endY:Number; public static var bhala:Bhala = null; public function Bhala(){ halfWidth = 10; halfHeight = 5; throwY = 0; throwX = 0; gravity = 0.1; throwUpStatus = false; throwProgressStatus = false; throwDownStatus = false; super(); } function init(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; startX = Hunter1.hunter1.x; startY = (Hunter1.hunter1.y - Hunter1.hunter1.halfHeight); endX = Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x; endY = (Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y + 25); speed = 13; throwProgressStatus = true; throwUpStatus = true; throwDownStatus = false; x = startX; y = startY; _local1 = (endX - x); _local2 = (endY - y); _local3 = Math.atan2(_local2, _local1); _local4 = Math.ceil(((_local3 / Math.PI) * 180)); throwX = (Math.cos(_local3) * speed); throwY = (Math.sin(_local3) * speed); rotation = _local4; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function checkMonkeyCollision(){ var _local1:Monkey; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = Monkey.monkey; if (_local1 != null){ _local2 = (_local1.x - x); _local3 = (_local1.y - y); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); if (this.hitClip.hitTestObject(_local1.body)){ _local1.hit_Bhala(); removeBhala(); return; }; }; } public function removeBhala(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (this.parent.contains(this)){ this.parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ Move(); checkMonkeyCollision(); } private function Move(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; if (throwUpStatus){ prevX = x; prevY = y; x = (x + throwX); y = (y + throwY); _local1 = (prevX - x); _local2 = (prevY - y); _local3 = Math.atan2(_local2, _local1); _local4 = Math.ceil(((_local3 / Math.PI) * 180)); rotation = (_local4 + 180); }; } public static function getInstance():Bhala{ if (bhala == null){ bhala = new (Bhala); }; return (bhala); } } }//package
Section 62
//BreakingSlider (BreakingSlider) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class BreakingSlider extends Sprite { var typeNum:Number; var halfHeight:Number; var timer:Timer; var speed:Number; var inity:Number; var refClip:MovieClip; var endPos:Number; var animationStatus:Boolean;// = true var startPos:Number; var inActive:Boolean;// = true var dist:Number; var dir:Number; var timeNum:Number; public function BreakingSlider(){ inActive = true; animationStatus = true; super(); } public function init(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number){ refClip = _arg1; dir = _arg2; inity = refClip.y; timeNum = _arg6; animationStatus = true; typeNum = 2; refClip.gotoAndStop("make"); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function moveSlider(){ if (animationStatus){ checkAnimation(); return; }; } public function checkSliderCollision():Boolean{ if (refClip.hitTestPoint(Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x, ((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y + Monkey.monkey.halfHeight) + 2), true)){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function removeClip(){ timer.stop(); timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, changeDirection); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function checkAnimation(){ if (dir == 0){ if (refClip.currentLabel == "break"){ if (refClip.breakMc != null){ if (refClip.breakMc.currentFrame > 20){ refClip.breakMc.gotoAndStop(1); animationStatus = false; refClip.gotoAndStop("blank"); timer = new Timer(timeNum, 1); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, changeDirection); timer.reset(); timer.start(); return; }; }; }; }; if (dir == 1){ if (refClip.currentLabel == "make"){ if (refClip.makeMc != null){ if (refClip.makeMc.currentFrame >= 50){ refClip.makeMc.gotoAndStop(1); animationStatus = false; refClip.gotoAndStop("still"); timer = new Timer(timeNum, 1); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, changeDirection); timer.reset(); timer.start(); return; }; }; }; }; } public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ moveSlider(); } private function changeDirection(_arg1:TimerEvent){ timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, changeDirection); if (dir == 1){ animationStatus = true; dir = 0; refClip.gotoAndStop("break"); } else { if (dir == 0){ animationStatus = true; dir = 1; refClip.gotoAndStop("make"); }; }; } } }//package
Section 63
//Bug (Bug) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Bug extends MovieClip { public var timer:Timer; private var speed:Number;// = 2 public var halfWidth:Number;// = 10 private var dy:Number;// = 100 public var halfHeight:Number;// = 15 private var positionArray:Array; private var moveDirection:Number;// = -1 private var isActive:Boolean;// = false private var targetY:Number;// = 500 public static var bug:Bug = null; public function Bug(){ positionArray = new Array(4); halfWidth = 10; halfHeight = 15; dy = 100; targetY = 500; speed = 2; moveDirection = -1; isActive = false; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3); } public function init(){ positionBug(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function setTimer(){ timer = new Timer(2000); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); timer.reset(); timer.stop(); timer.start(); } function frame3(){ stop(); } public function removeAllListener(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); } private function afterSecond(_arg1:TimerEvent){ changeMoveDirection(); timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } private function positionBug(){ if (!isActive){ y = 700; x = 170; scaleY = 1; gotoAndStop("walk"); isActive = true; }; } private function setYPos(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = (Monkey.monkey.actualPosition.y - 40); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { positionArray[_local2] = Math.floor((_local1 - ((_local2 - 1) * dy))); trace(("positionArray :" + positionArray[_local2])); _local2++; }; _local3 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10)); if (_local3 < 5){ y = positionArray[1]; } else { _local4 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 3)); y = positionArray[_local4]; }; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (isActive){ if (moveDirection == 1){ scaleY = -1; if (y < targetY){ y = (y + speed); } else { setTimer(); gotoAndStop("stand"); isActive = false; }; } else { if (moveDirection == -1){ scaleY = 1; if (y > targetY){ y = (y - speed); } else { setTimer(); gotoAndStop("stand"); isActive = false; }; }; }; }; } public function changeMoveDirection(){ if (moveDirection == 1){ targetY = 500; moveDirection = -1; rotation = 0; gotoAndStop("walk"); isActive = true; } else { rotation = 0; targetY = 700; moveDirection = 1; gotoAndStop("walk"); isActive = true; }; } public static function getInstance():Bug{ if (bug == null){ bug = new (Bug); }; return (bug); } } }//package
Section 64
//Coconut (Coconut) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Coconut extends Enemy { public var typeNum:Number;// = 1 public var counter:Number; public var maxCounter:Number; private var speedx:Number; private var path:Array; private var line:Number; private var speedy:Number; public var blastStatus:Boolean;// = false public var halfWidth:Number; private var maxLine:Number; public var hitStatus:Boolean;// = false private var movementType:Number;// = 1 public var halfHeight:Number; private var nextTargetPosition:Number; public var isActive:Boolean;// = false public var breakStatus:Boolean;// = false public var break_mc:MovieClip; private var randomPathNum:Number; private var xDirection:Number;// = -1 public static var powerUpClip:Boolean = false; private static var coconut:Coconut = null; public function Coconut(){ movementType = 1; xDirection = -1; typeNum = 1; isActive = false; hitStatus = false; blastStatus = false; breakStatus = false; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6); } public function init(){ var _local1:Number; typeNum = 1; gotoAndStop(1); blastStatus = false; breakStatus = false; path = GParams.game_Coconut_Path[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; maxCounter = GParams.stage_Coconut_Count[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; _local1 = Math.floor((maxCounter / 2)); counter = Math.floor((Math.random() * _local1)); randomPathNum = Math.floor((Math.random() * path.length)); x = path[randomPathNum][0]; y = -250; halfWidth = 10; halfHeight = 10; line = 1; isActive = false; maxLine = path[randomPathNum].length; movementType = 1; speedy = 5; speedx = (1 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))); nextTargetPosition = path[randomPathNum][line]; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function resetListener(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame6(){ stop(); } private function moveVertical(){ if ((y + halfHeight) < nextTargetPosition){ y = (y + speedy); rotation = (rotation + 15); } else { y = (nextTargetPosition - halfHeight); movementType = 0; line++; nextTargetPosition = path[randomPathNum][line]; if (nextTargetPosition > x){ xDirection = 1; } else { xDirection = -1; }; }; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } private function moveCoconut(){ if (!breakStatus){ if (movementType == 1){ moveVertical(); }; if (movementType == 0){ moveHorizontal(); }; }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ breakCoconut(); if (MainClass.powerUpStatus){ MainClass.powerUpStatus = false; }; if (blastStatus){ resetListener(); counter = 0; init(); return; }; if (breakStatus){ if (currentLabel == "break"){ rotation = 0; if (this.break_mc != null){ if (this.break_mc.currentFrame >= 19){ breakStatus = false; }; }; }; }; if (!hitStatus){ speedx = (1 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))); } else { speedx = (speedx + 1); hitStatus = false; }; if (!isActive){ if (counter < maxCounter){ counter++; return; }; counter = maxCounter; isActive = true; }; if (isActive){ if (line < maxLine){ moveCoconut(); } else { resetListener(); counter = 0; init(); }; }; } private function breakCoconut(){ var _local1:Number; if (!breakStatus){ if (typeNum == 3){ _local1 = Math.abs((y - Monkey.monkey.actualPosition.y)); if (movementType == 0){ if (_local1 < 100){ isActive = false; breakStatus = true; gotoAndStop("break"); }; }; }; }; } private function moveHorizontal(){ if (xDirection == 1){ if (x < nextTargetPosition){ x = (x + speedx); rotation = (rotation + (speedx * 5)); } else { x = nextTargetPosition; movementType = 1; line++; nextTargetPosition = path[randomPathNum][line]; }; }; if (xDirection == -1){ if (x > nextTargetPosition){ x = (x - speedx); rotation = (rotation - (speedx * 5)); } else { x = nextTargetPosition; movementType = 1; line++; nextTargetPosition = path[randomPathNum][line]; }; }; } function frame4(){ stop(); } public static function getInstance():Coconut{ return (new (Coconut)); } } }//package
Section 65
//Eagle (Eagle) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Eagle extends MovieClip { public var timer:Timer; private var speed:Number;// = 8 public var health:Number;// = 30 public var halfWidth:Number;// = 10 public var hitClip:MovieClip; private var dy:Number;// = 100 public var halfHeight:Number;// = 15 private var dieStatus:Boolean; private var positionArray:Array; private var moveDirection:Number; private var isActive:Boolean;// = false private var targetX:Number; private var hitBananaStatus:Boolean; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public static var eagle:Eagle = null; public function Eagle(){ positionArray = new Array(4); halfWidth = 10; halfHeight = 15; health = 30; dy = 100; speed = 8; isActive = false; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); } public function init(){ var _local1:Number; dieStatus = false; hitBananaStatus = false; _local1 = GParams.stage_Eagle_Timer[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; x = -500; y = -500; timer = new Timer(_local1); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); timer.reset(); timer.stop(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function positionEagle(){ if (!isActive){ setMoveDirection(); setYPos(); isActive = true; }; } function frame3(){ stop(); } public function removeAllListener(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); } private function afterSecond(_arg1:TimerEvent){ positionEagle(); timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } private function setMoveDirection(){ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 2)); if (_local1 == 0){ x = 650; targetX = -50; moveDirection = -1; } else { x = -50; targetX = 650; moveDirection = 1; }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } private function setYPos(){ var _local1:Number; _local1 = (Monkey.monkey.actualPosition.y - 40); y = _local1; } private function changeDirection(){ if (moveDirection == 1){ targetX = -50; moveDirection = -1; } else { targetX = 650; moveDirection = 1; }; } public function hit_Banana(){ if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { dieStatus = true; gotoAndStop(4); }; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (!isActive){ if (Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex == 12){ timer.start(); return; }; }; if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; changeDirection(); }; }; }; return; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 7){ this.dieClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; if (isActive){ if (moveDirection == 1){ scaleX = -1; if (x < targetX){ x = (x + speed); } else { isActive = false; }; } else { if (moveDirection == -1){ scaleX = 1; if (x > targetX){ x = (x - speed); } else { isActive = false; }; }; }; }; } public static function getInstance():Eagle{ if (eagle == null){ eagle = new (Eagle); }; return (eagle); } } }//package
Section 66
//Eagle2 (Eagle2) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Eagle2 extends MovieClip { private var timerCounter:Number;// = 0 private var resetInterval:Number; private var speed:Number;// = 8 public var health:Number;// = 70 public var halfWidth:Number;// = 10 public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var stone:Stone;// = null private var dy:Number;// = 100 public var halfHeight:Number;// = 20 private var dieStatus:Boolean;// = false private var positionArray:Array; private var moveDirection:Number; private var lineArray:Array; private var targetY:Number; private var timerCounterMax:Number;// = 0 private var targetX:Number; private var hitBananaStatus:Boolean;// = false public var lineNum:Number; private var isActive:Boolean;// = false public var dieClip:MovieClip; public static var eagle2:Eagle2 = null; public function Eagle2(){ positionArray = new Array(4); halfWidth = 10; halfHeight = 20; health = 70; dy = 100; speed = 8; hitBananaStatus = false; dieStatus = false; isActive = false; timerCounter = 0; timerCounterMax = 0; stone = null; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); } public function init(){ x = 700; y = 1200; targetX = 500; targetY = 640; health = 40; resetInterval = 7000; timerCounter = 0; timerCounterMax = 120; hitBananaStatus = false; dieStatus = false; isActive = true; gotoAndStop("fly"); scaleX = -1; lineArray = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function removeClip(){ x = 700; y = 1200; removeAllListener(); Bg1.bg1.removeChild(this); } private function positionEagle2(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:uint; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; _local1 = 0; _local2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10)); if ((((_local2 < 5)) && ((((((Monkey.monkey.action == 0)) || ((Monkey.monkey.action == 1)))) || ((Monkey.monkey.action == 2)))))){ targetX = Monkey.monkey.x; targetY = lineArray[lineNum][1]; } else { _local3 = (lineNum - 4); if (_local3 < 0){ _local3 = 0; }; _local4 = (lineNum + 4); if (_local4 >= lineArray.length){ _local4 = (lineArray.length - 1); _local1 = _local4; } else { _local1 = (Math.floor((Math.random() * _local4)) + _local3); if (_local1 >= lineArray.length){ _local1 = (lineArray.length - 1); }; }; targetY = lineArray[_local1][1]; targetX = (lineArray[_local1][0] + Math.floor((lineArray[_local1][2] / 2))); }; if (x > targetX){ scaleX = -1; } else { scaleX = 1; }; gotoAndStop("fly"); trace(("monkey line =" + lineNum)); isActive = true; } function frame3(){ stop(); } public function removeAllListener(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function changeDirection(){ if (timerCounter >= timerCounterMax){ timerCounter = 0; positionEagle2(); }; } public function hit_Banana(){ health = (health - 8); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (!dieStatus){ hitBananaStatus = false; MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.EAGLEDUMBSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; gotoAndStop(4); }; }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; lineNum = Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex; if (((!(isActive)) && (!(dieStatus)))){ timerCounter++; if (timerCounter > timerCounterMax){ trace("positioning eagle"); positionEagle2(); return; }; }; if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 13){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; changeDirection(); }; }; }; return; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.dieClip.gotoAndStop(1); hitBananaStatus = false; removeClip(); dieStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; if ((((lineNum <= 8)) || ((Monkey.monkey.action == 6)))){ if ((((x < 700)) && ((y < 1200)))){ x = (x + 7); y = (y + 7); scaleX = 1; } else { if (x >= 700){ scaleX = -1; }; }; return; }; if (lineNum > 8){ if (!dieStatus){ if (isActive){ _local2 = (targetX - x); _local3 = (targetY - y); _local4 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local2); _local5 = Math.ceil(((_local4 / Math.PI) * 180)); _local6 = Math.cos(((_local5 / 180) * Math.PI)); _local7 = Math.sin(((_local5 / 180) * Math.PI)); _local8 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); if (_local8 > 10){ x = (x + ((speed - 1) * _local6)); y = (y + (12 * _local7)); } else { y = (targetY - halfHeight); gotoAndStop("fly"); isActive = false; }; } else { if (x > Monkey.monkey.actualPosition.x){ scaleX = -1; } else { scaleX = 1; }; _local9 = (Monkey.monkey.x - x); if (Math.abs(_local9) < 10){ changeDirection(); }; }; }; }; } private function createStone(){ if (stone != null){ if (this.parent.contains(stone)){ Stone.stone.removeStone(); }; }; stone = Stone.getInstance(); this.parent.addChild(stone); stone.init(); } public static function getInstance():Eagle2{ if (eagle2 == null){ eagle2 = new (Eagle2); }; return (eagle2); } } }//package
Section 67
//Enemy (Enemy) package { import flash.display.*; public class Enemy extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 68
//EnemyFactory (EnemyFactory) package { public class EnemyFactory { private static var wildBoreDumbIndex:Number = -1; private static var mongoesAverageArray:Array = new Array(4); private static var enemy:Enemy; private static var wildBoreDumbArray:Array = new Array(4); private static var mongoesDumbIndex:Number = -1; private static var vultureDumbIndex:Number = -1; private static var mongoesDumbArray:Array = new Array(4); private static var vultureDumbArray:Array = new Array(arraySize); private static var leopardDumbIndex:Number = -1; private static var leopardDumbArray:Array = new Array(4); private static var coconutIndex:Number = -1; private static var gorillaSmartArray:Array = new Array(4); private static var gorillaSmartIndex:Number = -1; private static var coconutArray:Array = new Array(4); private static var snakeTimeIndex:Number = -1; private static var snakeTimeArray:Array = new Array(arraySize); private static var gorillaAverageIndex:Number = -1; private static var gorillaAverageArray:Array = new Array(4); private static var gorillaDumbIndex:Number = -1; private static var gorillaDumbArray:Array = new Array(4); private static var vultureAverageIndex:Number = -1; private static var vultureAverageArray:Array = new Array(arraySize); private static var mongoesAverageIndex:Number = -1; private static var rhinoDumbIndex:Number = -1; private static var arraySize:Number = 6; private static var rhinoDumbArray:Array = new Array(4); public static function getVultureInstance(_arg1:uint):Enemy{ switch (_arg1){ case 1: return (getDumbVultureInstance()); case 2: return (getAverageVultureInstance()); default: return (null); }; } public static function getEnemyInstance(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=0):Enemy{ switch (_arg1){ case 1: enemy = getCoconutInstance(); return (enemy); case 2: enemy = getVultureInstance(_arg2); return (enemy); case 3: enemy = getMongoesInstance(_arg2); return (enemy); case 4: enemy = getWildBoreInstance(_arg2); return (enemy); case 5: enemy = getGorillaInstance(_arg2); return (enemy); case 6: enemy = getRhinoInstance(_arg2); return (enemy); case 7: enemy = getLeopardInstance(_arg2); return (enemy); case 8: enemy = getSnakeTimeInstance(); return (enemy); }; return (null); } public static function getSmartGorillaInstance():GorillaSmart{ gorillaSmartIndex = (gorillaSmartIndex + 1); if (gorillaSmartIndex == 4){ gorillaSmartIndex = 0; }; if (gorillaSmartArray[gorillaSmartIndex] == null){ gorillaSmartArray[gorillaSmartIndex] = new GorillaSmart(); }; return (gorillaSmartArray[gorillaSmartIndex]); } public static function getMongoesInstance(_arg1:uint):Enemy{ switch (_arg1){ case 1: return (getDumbMongoesInstance()); case 2: return (getAverageMongoesInstance()); default: return (null); }; } public static function getDumbGorillaInstance():GorillaDumb{ gorillaDumbIndex = (gorillaDumbIndex + 1); if (gorillaDumbIndex == 4){ gorillaDumbIndex = 0; }; if (gorillaDumbArray[gorillaDumbIndex] == null){ gorillaDumbArray[gorillaDumbIndex] = new GorillaDumb(); }; return (gorillaDumbArray[gorillaDumbIndex]); } public static function getDumbRhinoInstance():RhinoDumb{ rhinoDumbIndex = (rhinoDumbIndex + 1); if (rhinoDumbIndex == 4){ rhinoDumbIndex = 0; }; if (rhinoDumbArray[rhinoDumbIndex] == null){ rhinoDumbArray[rhinoDumbIndex] = new RhinoDumb(); }; return (rhinoDumbArray[rhinoDumbIndex]); } public static function getAverageGorillaInstance():GorillaAverage{ gorillaAverageIndex = (gorillaAverageIndex + 1); if (gorillaAverageIndex == 4){ gorillaAverageIndex = 0; }; if (gorillaAverageArray[gorillaAverageIndex] == null){ gorillaAverageArray[gorillaAverageIndex] = new GorillaAverage(); }; return (gorillaAverageArray[gorillaAverageIndex]); } public static function getDumbLeopardInstance():LeopardDumb{ leopardDumbIndex = (leopardDumbIndex + 1); if (leopardDumbIndex == 4){ leopardDumbIndex = 0; }; if (leopardDumbArray[leopardDumbIndex] == null){ leopardDumbArray[leopardDumbIndex] = new LeopardDumb(); }; return (leopardDumbArray[leopardDumbIndex]); } public static function getAverageMongoesInstance():MongoesAverage{ mongoesAverageIndex = (mongoesAverageIndex + 1); if (mongoesAverageIndex == mongoesAverageArray.length){ mongoesAverageIndex = 0; }; if (mongoesAverageArray[mongoesAverageIndex] == null){ mongoesAverageArray[mongoesAverageIndex] = new MongoesAverage(); }; return (mongoesAverageArray[mongoesAverageIndex]); } public static function getCoconutInstance():Enemy{ coconutIndex = (coconutIndex + 1); if (coconutIndex == 4){ coconutIndex = 0; }; if (coconutArray[coconutIndex] == null){ coconutArray[coconutIndex] = Coconut.getInstance(); }; return (coconutArray[coconutIndex]); } public static function getSnakeTimeInstance():Enemy{ snakeTimeIndex = (snakeTimeIndex + 1); if (snakeTimeIndex == arraySize){ snakeTimeIndex = 0; }; if (snakeTimeArray[snakeTimeIndex] == null){ snakeTimeArray[snakeTimeIndex] = new SnakeTime(); }; return (snakeTimeArray[snakeTimeIndex]); } private static function getDumbVultureInstance():VultureDumb{ vultureDumbIndex = (vultureDumbIndex + 1); if (vultureDumbIndex == arraySize){ vultureDumbIndex = 0; }; if (vultureDumbArray[vultureDumbIndex] == null){ vultureDumbArray[vultureDumbIndex] = new VultureDumb(); }; return (vultureDumbArray[vultureDumbIndex]); } public static function getLeopardInstance(_arg1:uint):Enemy{ switch (_arg1){ case 1: return (getDumbLeopardInstance()); default: return (null); }; } private static function getAverageVultureInstance():VultureAverage{ vultureAverageIndex = (vultureAverageIndex + 1); if (vultureAverageIndex == arraySize){ vultureAverageIndex = 0; }; if (vultureAverageArray[vultureAverageIndex] == null){ vultureAverageArray[vultureAverageIndex] = new VultureAverage(); }; return (vultureAverageArray[vultureAverageIndex]); } public static function getWildBoreInstance(_arg1:uint):Enemy{ switch (_arg1){ case 1: return (getDumbWildBoreInstance()); default: return (null); }; } public static function getDumbMongoesInstance():MongoesDumb{ mongoesDumbIndex = (mongoesDumbIndex + 1); if (mongoesDumbIndex == 4){ mongoesDumbIndex = 0; }; if (mongoesDumbArray[mongoesDumbIndex] == null){ mongoesDumbArray[mongoesDumbIndex] = new MongoesDumb(); }; return (mongoesDumbArray[mongoesDumbIndex]); } public static function getGorillaInstance(_arg1:uint):Enemy{ switch (_arg1){ case 1: return (getDumbGorillaInstance()); case 2: return (getAverageGorillaInstance()); case 3: return (getSmartGorillaInstance()); default: return (null); }; } public static function getDumbWildBoreInstance():WildBoreDumb{ wildBoreDumbIndex = (wildBoreDumbIndex + 1); if (wildBoreDumbIndex == 4){ wildBoreDumbIndex = 0; }; if (wildBoreDumbArray[wildBoreDumbIndex] == null){ wildBoreDumbArray[wildBoreDumbIndex] = new WildBoreDumb(); }; return (wildBoreDumbArray[wildBoreDumbIndex]); } public static function getRhinoInstance(_arg1:uint):Enemy{ switch (_arg1){ case 1: return (getDumbRhinoInstance()); default: return (null); }; } } }//package
Section 69
//EnemyHealthClip (EnemyHealthClip) package { import flash.display.*; public class EnemyHealthClip extends MovieClip { public static var enemyHealthClip:EnemyHealthClip = null; public function init(){ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 1; gotoAndStop(_local1); x = 320; y = 5; } public static function getInstance():EnemyHealthClip{ enemyHealthClip = new (EnemyHealthClip); return (enemyHealthClip); } } }//package
Section 70
//GameOver (GameOver) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; public class GameOver extends MovieClip { public var playAgain1:SimpleButton; var urlPlayMore:String;// = "" var requestPlayMore:URLRequest;// = null public var submitScore:SimpleButton; public var mc_textScreen:MovieClip; public var endFrame:Boolean;// = false public var playMore:SimpleButton; private static var gameOver:GameOver = null; public function GameOver(){ urlPlayMore = ""; requestPlayMore = null; endFrame = false; super(); addFrameScript(174, frame175); } public function getPlayerName():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = mc_textScreen.player.text; if (_local1 == null){ return (null); }; mc_textScreen.errormesg.text = ""; return (_local1); } public function init(){ gotoAndPlay(1); requestPlayMore = new URLRequest(urlPlayMore); playMore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClick); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function handleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var event = _arg1; try { navigateToURL(requestPlayMore, "_blank"); } catch(e:Error) { }; } public function updateScores(){ mc_textScreen.totalScore.text = MainClass.gameScore.toString(); } public function removeAllListener(){ playMore.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClick); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function resetData(){ if (mc_textScreen != null){ mc_textScreen.totalScore.text = " "; mc_textScreen.player.text = ""; mc_textScreen.errormesg.text = " "; }; } function frame175(){ stop(); } public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (currentFrame >= 175){ mc_textScreen.totalScore.text = MainClass.gameScore.toString(); }; } public function setErrorMesg(_arg1:String){ mc_textScreen.errormesg.text = _arg1; } public static function getInstance():GameOver{ if (gameOver == null){ gameOver = new (GameOver); }; gameOver.resetData(); return (gameOver); } } }//package
Section 71
//GorillaAverage (GorillaAverage) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class GorillaAverage extends AnimalAverage { public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var attackClip:MovieClip; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public function GorillaAverage(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = Math.abs((Monkey.monkey.x - x)); _local3 = Math.abs((Monkey.monkey.y - y)); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (speedx < 6){ speedx = (speedx + 1.5); }; gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 15){ removeClip(); return; }; }; }; return; }; if (!dieStatus){ if (((((!(attackStatus)) && ((_local4 < 20)))) && ((_local3 < 10)))){ attackStatus = true; gotoAndStop(5); }; if (((((attackStatus) && (!(jumpUpStatus)))) && (!(jumpDownStatus)))){ if (currentFrame == 5){ if (this.attackClip != null){ if (this.attackClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.attackClip.gotoAndStop(1); attackStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); }; }; }; }; if (action == 2){ if (jumpUpStatus){ y = (y + jumpHeight); jumpHeight = (jumpHeight + 1); if (jumpHeight >= 0){ jumpHeight = 0; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = true; }; x = (x + ((jumpx - x) / 12)); return; }; if (jumpDownStatus){ if (jumpHeight <= 5){ jumpHeight = (jumpHeight + 1); }; y = (y + jumpHeight); x = (x + ((jumpx - x) / 12)); if (y > starty){ y = starty; jumpHeight = -10; jumpDownStatus = false; action = 1; }; return; }; }; if (action == 1){ if (xMoveType == 1){ scaleX = -1; if ((x + halfWidth) < targetEndx){ x = (x + speedx); } else { x = (targetEndx - halfWidth); action = 0; speedx = 4; checkNextLine(); }; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ scaleX = 1; if ((x - halfWidth) > targetEndx){ x = (x - speedx); } else { x = (targetEndx + halfWidth); action = 0; speedx = 4; checkNextLine(); }; return; }; }; }; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ halfWidth = 22; halfHeight = 28; jumpHeight = -10; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = startx; y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = (startx - halfWidth); y = starty; }; }; gotoAndStop(2); speedx = 4; action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } override public function hit_Banana(){ if (!dieStatus){ health = (health - 10); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.GORILLAAVGSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeGorillaReference(); gotoAndStop(4); }; }; } } }//package
Section 72
//GorillaDumb (GorillaDumb) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class GorillaDumb extends AnimalDumb { public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var attackClip:MovieClip; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public function GorillaDumb(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5); standCountMax = 60; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = Math.abs((Monkey.monkey.x - x)); _local3 = Math.abs((Monkey.monkey.y - y)); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); if ((((currentFrame == 1)) || ((action == 0)))){ standCountCurrent = (standCountCurrent + 1); if (standCountCurrent >= standCountMax){ checkNextLine(); }; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 15){ removeClip(); return; }; }; }; return; }; if (!dieStatus){ if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; gotoAndStop(2); if (currentLine != Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex){ escapeHit(); }; hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; if (((((!(attackStatus)) && ((_local4 < 20)))) && ((_local3 < 10)))){ attackStatus = true; gotoAndStop(5); }; if (attackStatus){ if (currentFrame == 5){ if (this.attackClip != null){ if (this.attackClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.attackClip.gotoAndStop(1); attackStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); }; }; }; }; checkMonkeyPosition(); if (action == 1){ turnStatus = false; if (xMoveType == 1){ scaleX = -1; if ((x + halfWidth) < targetEndx){ if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; x = (x + speedx); } else { x = ((targetEndx - halfWidth) - 10); speedx = 0.25; standAnimal(); chaseMonkeyStatus = false; }; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ scaleX = 1; if ((x - halfWidth) > targetEndx){ if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; x = (x - speedx); } else { x = ((targetEndx + halfWidth) + 10); speedx = 0.25; standAnimal(); chaseMonkeyStatus = false; }; return; }; }; }; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ halfWidth = 37; halfHeight = 34; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = startx; y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = (startx - halfWidth); y = starty; }; }; gotoAndStop(2); maxSpeed = (Math.ceil(lineDimension[_arg1][2]) / 100); speedx = 0.25; action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } override public function hit_Banana(){ if (!dieStatus){ health = (health - 10); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; escapeHit(); gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (((!(jumpUpStatus)) && (!(jumpDownStatus)))){ MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.GORILLADUMBSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeGorillaReference(); gotoAndStop(4); }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 73
//GorillaSmart (GorillaSmart) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class GorillaSmart extends AnimalDumb { public var attack2Clip:MovieClip; public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var attackClip:MovieClip; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public static var gorillaSmart:GorillaSmart = null; public function GorillaSmart(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } function frame6(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ checkMonkeyPosition(); if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; attack2Status = false; attackStatus = false; }; }; }; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 5){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 30){ removeClip(); return; }; }; }; return; }; if (attackStatus){ if (currentLabel == "attack"){ if (this.attackClip != null){ if (this.attackClip.currentFrame == 15){ createStone(); }; if (this.attackClip.currentFrame >= 22){ this.attackClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop("stand"); counter = 0; attackStatus = false; attack2Status = false; }; }; }; }; if (attack2Status){ if (currentLabel == "attack2"){ if (this.attack2Clip != null){ if (this.attack2Clip.currentFrame >= 15){ this.attack2Clip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop("stand"); counter = 0; attack2Status = false; attackStatus = false; }; }; }; }; if (!dieStatus){ counter++; if (((((((!(attackStatus)) && (!(attack2Status)))) && (!(Monkey.monkey.hangStatus)))) && (!(Monkey.monkey.fallStatus)))){ if ((((Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex > 3)) && ((counter > maxCounter)))){ attackStatus = true; gotoAndStop("attack"); }; }; if (((((((!(attack2Status)) && (!(attackStatus)))) && (!(Monkey.monkey.hangStatus)))) && (!(Monkey.monkey.fallStatus)))){ if (Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex == currentLine){ attack2Status = true; escapeHit(); gotoAndStop("attack2"); Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex = 2; }; }; }; } public function createStone(){ if (stone != null){ if (this.parent.contains(stone)){ Stone.stone.removeStone(); }; }; stone = Stone.getInstance(); this.parent.addChild(stone); stone.init(); } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ halfWidth = 40; halfHeight = 45; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; attackStatus = false; attack2Status = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; counter = 0; maxCounter = 50; gorillaSmart = this; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = (startx - 100); y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = (startx - 100); y = starty; }; }; gotoAndStop(2); action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } override public function escapeHit(){ Monkey.monkey.x = (Monkey.monkey.x + 80); } override public function hit_Banana(){ if (((((!(dieStatus)) && (!(attackStatus)))) && (!(attack2Status)))){ health = (health - 8); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.GORILLASMARTSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeGorillaReference(); gotoAndStop(5); }; }; } } }//package
Section 74
//GParams (GParams) package { import flash.geom.*; public class GParams { public static var stage_Rhino_Count:Array = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var VULTURE_DUMB = 1; public static var stage_Vulture_Direction:Array = [[[1, -1, 1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, 1, -1], [-1]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[-1], [1]], [[0, 0], [-1, -1]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[-1, 1], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]; public static var MONGOESDUMBSCORE:Number = 50; public static var stage_SnakeTime_Count:Array = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [6, 0, 0]]; public static var stage_Vulture_Count:Array = [[2, 1, 0], [3, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var stage_Eagle2_Timer:Array = [0, 0, 0, 3000, 5000, 0, 5000, 4000, 0]; public static var VULTUREDUMBSCORE:Number = 50; public static var stage_WildBore_Count:Array = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var EAGLEDUMBSCORE:Number = 200; public static var BHALA_HIT_COUNT = 5; public static var gamePause:Boolean = false; public static var VULTURE_AVERAGE = 2; public static var level1_Coconutpath:Array = [[100, 73, 185, 178, 81, 284, 185, 391, 264, 496, 192, 605, -50], [320, 73, 245, 178, 280, 284, 242, 391, 264, 496, 410, 605, 605], [320, 73, 360, 178, 340, 284, 242, 391, 264, 496, 192, 605, -50], [500, 73, 430, 178, 340, 284, 360, 391, 520, 605, 605], [320, 73, 360, 178, 524, 284, 417, 391, 340, 496, 410, 605, 605]]; public static var level3_Coconutpath:Array = [[0, 0], [0, 0]]; public static var GORILLASMARTSCORE:Number = 200; public static var level5_Coconutpath:Array = [[100, 284, 0, 391, 114, 496, 176, 605, -50], [300, 73, 240, 179, 192, 284, 188, 391, 272, 496, 250, 605, -50], [200, 179, 165, 284, 188, 391, 290, 496, 250, 605, -50], [380, 179, 418, 284, 417, 391, 324, 496, 380, 605, 650], [300, 73, 375, 179, 430, 284, 605, 391, 480, 496, 650], [100, 73, 0, 179, 118, 284, 190, 391, 140, 496, 180, 605, -50], [300, 73, 365, 179, 425, 284, 605, 391, 480, 496, 423, 605, 650], [300, 73, 365, 179, 425, 284, 410, 391, 320, 496, 230, 605, -50]]; public static var level7_Coconutpath:Array = [[100, 73, 210, 285, 200, 490, 230, 705, -50], [100, 73, 210, 285, 355, 386, 380, 705, -50], [450, 73, 600, 178, 480, 285, 430, 705, 650], [500, 73, 600, 178, 480, 285, 600, 386, 450, 705, 650]]; public static var level9_Coconutpath:Array = [[0, 0], [0, 0]]; public static var stage_Gorilla_Count:Array = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var level3_Dimension:Array = [[0, 580, 650, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [192, 496, 120, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [290, 496, 120, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [417, 73, 185, 11, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1]]; public static var WRONGROPE_HIT_COUNT = 35; public static var level7_Dimension:Array = [[0, 839, 600, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 839, 600, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 628, 270, -1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [500, 628, 100, 3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [500, 499, 100, 5, -1, 3, 0, 0, 0], [253, 499, 164, 6, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 499, 164, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 370, 164, -1, 8, 0, 3, 0, 0], [247, 370, 174, 7, 9, 3, 0, 0, 0], [500, 370, 120, 8, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 241, 90, -1, -1, 6, -1, 0, 0], [390, 241, 70, -1, -1, 6, -1, 0, 0], [503, 241, 100, 12, -1, 10, -1, 0, 0], [0, 113, 270, 13, 11, 9, 10, 0, 0], [350, 113, 250, -1, 12, -1, 3, 0, 0]]; public static var stage_Coconut_Count:Array = [90, 90, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 100, 70]; public static var WILDBORE_HIT_COUNT = 7; public static var stage_Eagle_Timer:Array = [14000, 12000, 0, 4000, 12000, 0, 12000, 12000, 0]; public static var stage_SnakeTime_Timer:Array = [[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[30, 28, 25, 22, 24, 20], [0, 0]]]; public static var VULTURE_SMART = 3; public static var LEOPARD_HIT_COUNT = 6; public static var stage_SnakeTime_xPosition:Array = [[[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[500, 100, 500, 100, 100, 500], [-1, -1]]]; public static var stage_SnakeTime_yPosition:Array = [[[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[508, 378, 248, 248, 120, 120], [-1, -1]]]; public static var bgViewHeight:Number = 440; public static var MONKEY_HEALTH = 100; public static var GORILLADUMBSCORE:Number = 50; public static var stage_Mongoes_Life:Array = [[30, 40, 0], [40, 60, 0], [0, 0, 0], [40, 60, 0], [40, 60, 0], [0, 0, 0], [30, 40, 0], [30, 40, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var surfaceBg_Height:Array = [1050, 1038, 625, 940, 793, 620, 884, 1067, 540]; public static var bgViewWidth:Number = 600; public static var stage_Leopard_Life:Array = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [60, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var stage_Leopard_Position:Array = [[[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]]]; public static var powerUpInterval:Number = 2000; public static var GORILLA_HIT_COUNT = 8; public static var stageWidth:Number = 600; public static var monkeyMoveMin:Number = 20; public static var stage_WildBore_Life:Array = [[60, 60, 0], [60, 60, 0], [0, 0, 0], [60, 60, 0], [80, 60, 0], [100, 0, 0], [60, 60, 0], [60, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var stage_Mongoes_Count:Array = [[2, 1, 0], [1, 4, 0], [0, 0, 0], [3, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [2, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var stage_Rhino_Direction:Array = [[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[-1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]; public static var level2_Dimension:Array = [[0, 992, 600, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [200, 992, 400, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [423, 865, 176, 3, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0], [250, 865, 114, 4, 2, 0, 0, -1, -1], [5, 865, 176, -1, 3, -1, 0, 1, 1], [3, 732, 114, -1, 6, -1, 4, 1, 0], [158, 732, 114, 5, 7, 4, 3, -1, -1], [324, 732, 114, 6, 8, 3, 2, -1, -1], [480, 732, 114, 7, -1, 1, -1, 2, 1], [417, 605, 185, 10, -1, 7, -1, 2, 0], [242, 605, 118, 11, 9, 6, 7, -1, -1], [0, 605, 185, -1, 10, -1, 6, 3, 1], [0, 475, 118, -1, 13, -1, 11, 3, 0], [189, 475, 225, 12, 14, 11, 9, 4, 1], [483, 475, 118, 13, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1], [0, 345, 185, 16, -1, 13, -1, -1, -1], [242, 345, 118, 17, 15, 13, 13, 4, 0], [417, 345, 185, -1, 16, -1, 13, -1, -1], [0, 215, 243, -1, -1, -1, 16, -1, -1], [75, 88, 162, -1, -1, 18, 16, -1, -1], [361, 128, 150, -1, -1, 16, 15, -1, -1], [511, 72, 80, -1, -1, 19, -1, -1, -1]]; public static var stage_Enemy_Avail = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]]; public static var level6_Dimension:Array = [[0, 595, 600, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [192, 496, 120, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [290, 496, 120, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [417, 73, 185, 11, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1]]; public static var GORILLAAVGSCORE:Number = 100; public static var stage_hunter2Attack_Timer:Array = [50, 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100, 70, 0]; public static var monkeyMoveMax:Number = 580; public static var MONGOESAVGSCORE:Number = 100; public static var VULTUREAVGSCORE:Number = 100; public static var stage_Mongoes_Position:Array = [[[1, 3], [12, -1]], [[13], [4, 5, 8, 9]], [[-1, -1, -1], [-1]], [[3, 6, 15], [3]], [[-1, -1], [5, 14]], [[-1, -1, -1], [-1]], [[2, 13], [7, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1, -1], [-1]]]; public static var stage_Leopard_Count:Array = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var stage_Powerup_Position:Array = [[1, 600, 502], [1, 450, 540], [1, 850, 1400], [1, 470, 340], [2, 240, 200], [1, 850, 1400], [1, 850, 1400], [1, 550, 745]]; public static var currentLevel:Number = 1; public static var stage_Rhino_Life:Array = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [80, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var stage_Leopard_Direction:Array = [[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[-1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]; public static var WILDBOREDUMBSCORE:Number = 200; public static var LEOPARDDUMBSCORE:Number = 200; public static var stage_Gorilla_Life:Array = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [50, 60, 0], [0, 0, 0], [50, 0, 50], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var stage_Vulture_Position:Array = [[[4, 9], [7, -1]], [[1, 20, 13], [9]], [[-1, -1, -1], [-1]], [[7], [9]], [[-1, -1], [8, 17]], [[-1, -1, -1], [-1]], [[5, 14], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1, -1], [-1]]]; public static var stage_Gorilla_Direction:Array = [[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0]], [[1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0]], [[1, -1], [0, 0], [-1]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0]]]; public static var stage_WildBore_Direction:Array = [[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[-1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[-1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]; public static var stage_WildBore_Position:Array = [[[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[0, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]]]; public static var RHINO_HIT_COUNT = 6; public static var MONGOES_HIT_COUNT = 4; public static var level2_Coconutpath:Array = [[100, 284, 0, 391, 114, 496, 176, 605, -50], [300, 73, 240, 179, 192, 284, 188, 391, 272, 496, 250, 605, -50], [200, 179, 165, 284, 188, 391, 290, 496, 250, 605, -50], [380, 179, 418, 284, 417, 391, 324, 496, 380, 605, 650], [300, 73, 375, 179, 430, 284, 605, 391, 480, 496, 650], [100, 73, 0, 179, 118, 284, 190, 391, 140, 496, 180, 605, -50], [300, 73, 365, 179, 425, 284, 605, 391, 480, 496, 423, 605, 650], [300, 73, 365, 179, 425, 284, 410, 391, 320, 496, 230, 605, -50]]; public static var EAGLE_HIT_COUNT = 1; public static var level4_Coconutpath:Array = [[100, 73, 210, 178, 291, 285, 242, 386, 70, 490, 185, 596, -50], [100, 73, 210, 178, 291, 285, 242, 386, 260, 490, 242, 596, 325, 705, 650], [450, 73, 600, 285, 417, 386, 330, 490, 360, 705, 650], [300, 73, 270, 178, 291, 285, 360, 386, 510, 490, 417, 596, 423, 705, 650]]; public static var level6_Coconutpath:Array = [[0, 0], [0, 0]]; public static var level8_Coconutpath:Array = [[100, 628, 310, 839, -50], [120, 628, 310, 839, 605], [140, 628, 310, 839, -50]]; public static var RESCUEDTOTAL = 6; public static var level1_Dimension:Array = [[0, 1005, 650, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [192, 877, 240, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [290, 877, 120, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [339, 746, 183, 4, -1, 2, 0, 1, 0], [81, 746, 183, -1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1], [0, 616, 190, -1, 6, 0, 4, 2, 0], [242, 616, 118, 5, 7, 4, 3, -1, -1], [415, 616, 180, 6, -1, 3, 0, 3, 1], [339, 486, 185, 9, -1, 6, 7, 3, 0], [81, 486, 185, -1, 8, 5, 6, 4, 1], [0, 355, 235, -1, 11, -1, 9, 4, 4], [242, 355, 118, 10, 12, 9, 8, -1, -1], [417, 355, 185, 11, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1], [242, 226, 185, 14, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1], [0, 226, 235, -1, 13, 8, -1, -1, -1]]; public static var stage_Rhino_Position:Array = [[[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1]]]; public static var game_Path_Dimension:Array = [level1_Dimension, level2_Dimension, level3_Dimension, level4_Dimension, level5_Dimension, level6_Dimension, level7_Dimension, level8_Dimension, level9_Dimension]; public static var level9_Dimension:Array = [[0, 520, 650, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [192, 496, 120, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [290, 496, 120, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [417, 73, 185, 11, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1]]; public static var level5_Dimension:Array = [[0, 748, 600, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 748, 600, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [423, 620, 176, 3, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0], [250, 620, 114, 4, 2, 0, 0, -1, -1], [5, 620, 176, -1, 3, -1, 0, 1, 1], [3, 488, 114, -1, 6, -1, 4, 1, 0], [158, 488, 114, 5, 7, 4, 3, -1, -1], [324, 488, 114, 6, 8, 3, 2, -1, -1], [480, 488, 114, 7, -1, 1, -1, 2, 1], [417, 360, 185, 10, -1, 7, -1, 2, 0], [242, 360, 118, 11, 9, 6, 7, -1, -1], [0, 360, 185, -1, 10, -1, 6, 3, 1], [0, 230, 118, -1, 13, -1, 11, 3, 0], [189, 230, 225, 12, 14, 11, 9, 4, 1], [483, 230, 118, 13, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1], [0, 102, 185, -1, 16, -1, 13, -1, -1], [242, 102, 118, 15, 17, 13, 13, 4, 0], [417, 102, 185, 16, -1, 13, -1, -1, -1]]; public static var RESCUEDNUM = 0; public static var stageHeight:Number = 440; public static var stage_Gorilla_Position:Array = [[[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1]], [[13, -1], [4, 11, -1], [-1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [6]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1]], [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [-1]]]; public static var VULTURE_HIT_COUNT = 3; public static var stage_Vulture_Life:Array = [[30, 40, 0], [40, 60, 0], [0, 0, 0], [40, 60, 0], [40, 60, 0], [0, 0, 0], [20, 40, 0], [20, 40, 0], [0, 0, 0]]; public static var restartStatus:Boolean = false; public static var game_Coconut_Path:Array = [level1_Coconutpath, level2_Coconutpath, level3_Coconutpath, level4_Coconutpath, level5_Coconutpath, level6_Coconutpath, level7_Coconutpath, level8_Coconutpath, level9_Coconutpath]; public static var stage_Mongoes_Direction:Array = [[[1, -1], [-1, 0]], [[-1], [1, 1, -1, -1]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[-1, 1, -1], [1]], [[0, 0], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[1, 1], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]; public static var stage_Snake_Position:Array = [[372, 520, -1], [391, 502, 1], [-1, -1, -1], [370, 798, -1], [450, 650, -1], [-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1], [214, 204, -1], [-1, -1, -1]]; public static var stage_SnakeTime_Direction:Array = [[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]; public static var frameRate:uint = 60; public static var MONKEY_LIFE = 4; public static var stageCenter:Point = new Point((stageWidth / 2), (stageHeight / 2)); public static var level4_Dimension:Array = [[0, 894, 350, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 894, 600, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [350, 765, 250, 3, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0], [0, 765, 260, -1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 636, 185, -1, 5, 0, 3, 1, 0], [242, 636, 118, 4, 6, 3, 1, -1, -1], [410, 636, 190, 5, -1, 0, -1, 2, 1], [330, 507, 185, 8, -1, 5, -1, 2, 0], [77, 507, 185, -1, 7, 4, 5, 3, 1], [0, 379, 185, -1, 10, -1, 8, 3, 0], [242, 379, 118, 9, 11, 8, 7, -1, -1], [417, 379, 185, 10, -1, 7, -1, 4, 1], [360, 250, 185, 13, -1, 10, 11, 4, 0], [106, 250, 185, -1, 12, 9, 10, 5, 1], [0, 121, 210, -1, 15, -1, 13, 5, 0], [280, 121, 320, 14, -1, 13, -1, -1, -1]]; public static var COCONUT_HIT_COUNT = 1; public static var level8_Dimension:Array = [[0, 1005, 650, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [192, 496, 120, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [290, 496, 120, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1], [339, 391, 183, 4, -1, 2, 0, 1, 0], [81, 391, 183, -1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1], [0, 284, 235, -1, 6, 0, 4, 2, 0], [242, 284, 118, 5, 7, 4, 3, -1, -1], [417, 284, 200, 6, -1, 3, 0, 3, 1], [339, 178, 185, 9, -1, 6, 7, 3, 0], [81, 178, 185, -1, 8, 5, 6, 4, 1], [0, 73, 235, -1, 11, -1, 9, 4, 4], [242, 73, 118, 10, 12, 9, 8, -1, -1], [417, 73, 185, 11, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1]]; public static var stage_hunter1Attack_Timer:Array = [100, 200, 0, 200, 500, 0, 400, 200, 0]; public static var RHINODUMBSCORE:Number = 200; } }//package
Section 75
//HealthClip (HealthClip) package { import flash.display.*; public class HealthClip extends MovieClip { public static var healthClip:HealthClip = null; public function init(){ var _local1:uint; _local1 = (100 -; gotoAndStop(_local1); x = 0; y = 5; } public static function getInstance():HealthClip{ if (healthClip == null){ healthClip = new (HealthClip); }; return (healthClip); } } }//package
Section 76
//HelpPage (HelpPage) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class HelpPage extends MovieClip { public function init(){ } public function removeClip(){ } public function goBack(_arg1:MouseEvent){ } public static function getInstance(){ } } }//package
Section 77
//HelpPage1 (HelpPage1) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class HelpPage1 extends HelpPage { public var backBtn:SimpleButton; public static var helpPage1:HelpPage1 = null; public function HelpPage1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } override public function removeClip(){ parent.removeChild(this); } override public function init(){ x = 0; y = 0; backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack); } function frame1(){ stop(); } override public function goBack(_arg1:MouseEvent){ backBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack); GParams.gamePause = false; removeClip(); } public static function getInstance():HelpPage1{ if (helpPage1 == null){ helpPage1 = new (HelpPage1); }; return (helpPage1); } } }//package
Section 78
//HelpPage2 (HelpPage2) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class HelpPage2 extends HelpPage { public var backBtn:SimpleButton; public static var helpPage2:HelpPage2 = null; public function HelpPage2(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } override public function removeClip(){ parent.removeChild(this); } override public function init(){ x = 0; y = 0; backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack); } function frame1(){ stop(); } override public function goBack(_arg1:MouseEvent){ backBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack); GParams.gamePause = false; removeClip(); } public static function getInstance():HelpPage2{ if (helpPage2 == null){ helpPage2 = new (HelpPage2); }; return (helpPage2); } } }//package
Section 79
//HelpPage3 (HelpPage3) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class HelpPage3 extends HelpPage { public var backBtn:SimpleButton; public static var helpPage3:HelpPage3 = null; public function HelpPage3(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } override public function removeClip(){ parent.removeChild(this); } override public function init(){ x = 0; y = 0; backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack); } function frame1(){ stop(); } override public function goBack(_arg1:MouseEvent){ backBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack); GParams.gamePause = false; removeClip(); } public static function getInstance():HelpPage3{ if (helpPage3 == null){ helpPage3 = new (HelpPage3); }; return (helpPage3); } } }//package
Section 80
//HelpPageFactory (HelpPageFactory) package { public class HelpPageFactory { private static var helpPage:HelpPage; private static var helpPageIndex:Number = -1; private static var helpPageArray:Array = new Array(arraySize); private static var arraySize:Number = 3; public static function getHelpPageInstance(_arg1:Number):HelpPage{ switch (_arg1){ case 3: helpPage = new HelpPage1(); return (helpPage); case 6: helpPage = new HelpPage2(); return (helpPage); case 9: helpPage = new HelpPage3(); return (helpPage); }; return (null); } } }//package
Section 81
//Hunter1 (Hunter1) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Hunter1 extends MovieClip { private var distance:Number; private var counter:Number;// = 0 private var maxCounter:Number;// = 0 private var walkStatus:Boolean; private var xdist:Number; public var timer:Timer;// = null private var speed:Number;// = 8 public var health:Number;// = 30 private var attackStatus:Boolean; public var halfWidth:Number; private var standStatus:Boolean; public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var bhala:Bhala;// = null private var dieStatus:Boolean; public var halfHeight:Number;// = 72 private var ydist:Number; private var moveDirection:Number; public var attackClip:MovieClip; private var isActive:Boolean;// = false private var targetX:Number;// = 0 private var hitBananaStatus:Boolean; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public static var hunter1:Hunter1 = null; public function Hunter1(){ halfWidth = Math.floor((width / 2)); halfHeight = 72; timer = null; health = 30; speed = 8; targetX = 0; counter = 0; maxCounter = 0; isActive = false; bhala = null; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5); } public function init(){ x = 700; y = (GParams.stageHeight - halfHeight); dieStatus = false; hitBananaStatus = false; maxCounter = GParams.stage_hunter1Attack_Timer[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; timer = new Timer(2000); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); timer.reset(); timer.stop(); timer.start(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function checkDistance(){ xdist = (Monkey.monkey.x - x); ydist = (Monkey.monkey.y - y); distance = Math.sqrt(((xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist))); } private function createBhala(){ if (bhala != null){ if (this.parent.contains(bhala)){ Bhala.bhala.removeBhala(); }; }; bhala = Bhala.getInstance(); this.parent.addChild(bhala); bhala.init(); } private function positionHunter1(){ if (!isActive){ setMoveDirection(); isActive = true; gotoAndStop("walk"); walkStatus = true; }; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } private function afterSecond(_arg1:TimerEvent){ timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); positionHunter1(); } private function setMoveDirection(){ var _local1:Number; _local1 = 0; if (_local1 == 0){ x = 550; targetX = 50; moveDirection = -1; } else { x = 50; targetX = 550; moveDirection = 1; }; } private function runHitClip(){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; changeDirection(); }; }; }; } public function removeAllListener(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (timer != null){ timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); }; } function frame5(){ stop(); } private function changeDirection(){ if (moveDirection == 1){ targetX = 50; moveDirection = -1; } else { targetX = 550; moveDirection = 1; }; } public function hit_Banana(){ health = (health - 5); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { dieStatus = true; gotoAndStop(4); }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } private function moveHunter1(){ if (moveDirection == 1){ scaleX = -1; if (x < targetX){ x = (x + speed); } else { isActive = false; scaleX = 1; gotoAndStop("stand"); standStatus = true; attackStatus = false; }; } else { if (moveDirection == -1){ scaleX = 1; if (x > targetX){ x = (x - speed); } else { isActive = false; scaleX = -1; gotoAndStop("stand"); standStatus = true; attackStatus = false; }; }; }; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (hitBananaStatus){ runHitClip(); return; }; if (dieStatus){ runDieClip(); return; }; if (attackStatus){ runAttackClip(); }; checkDistance(); counter++; if (((!(attackStatus)) && ((counter > maxCounter)))){ attackStatus = true; gotoAndStop("attack"); }; } private function runAttackClip(){ if (currentLabel == "attack"){ if (this.attackClip != null){ if (this.attackClip.currentFrame == 12){ createBhala(); }; if (this.attackClip.currentFrame >= 22){ this.attackClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop("stand"); counter = 0; standStatus = true; attackStatus = false; }; }; }; } private function runDieClip(){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 7){ this.dieClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; dieStatus = false; }; }; }; } public static function getInstance():Hunter1{ if (hunter1 == null){ hunter1 = new (Hunter1); }; return (hunter1); } } }//package
Section 82
//Hunter2 (Hunter2) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Hunter2 extends MovieClip { private var counter:Number;// = 0 private var maxCounter:Number;// = 0 public var aimClip:MovieClip; public var health:Number;// = 30 private var attackStatus:Boolean; public var halfWidth:Number; public var stillMc:MovieClip; private var standStatus:Boolean; private var xdistance:Number; public var standClip:MovieClip; private var aimStatus:Boolean; private var dieStatus:Boolean; public var halfHeight:Number;// = 72 public var arrowWeapon:ArrowWeapon;// = null public var attackClip:MovieClip; public var angle:Number; private var isActive:Boolean;// = false private var hitBananaStatus:Boolean; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public static var hunter2:Hunter2 = null; public function Hunter2(){ halfWidth = Math.floor((width / 2)); halfHeight = 72; health = 30; counter = 0; maxCounter = 0; isActive = false; arrowWeapon = null; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function init(){ x = 550; y = (GParams.stageHeight - 100); angle = -180; dieStatus = false; standStatus = false; maxCounter = GParams.stage_hunter2Attack_Timer[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; positionHunter2(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function positionHunter2(){ if (!isActive){ gotoAndStop("stand"); standStatus = true; }; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } private function setAim(){ aimStatus = true; isActive = true; counter = 0; } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function removeAllListener(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function runStandClip(){ if (currentLabel == "stand"){ if (this.standClip != null){ if (this.standClip.currentFrame >= 31){ this.standClip.gotoAndStop(1); standStatus = false; gotoAndStop("aim"); setAim(); }; }; }; } function frame5(){ stop(); } public function hit_Banana(){ health = (health - 5); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { dieStatus = true; gotoAndStop(4); }; } private function runAttackClip(){ if (currentLabel == "attack"){ if (this.attackClip != null){ this.attackClip.rotation = angle; if (this.attackClip.currentFrame == 4){ createArrowWeapon(); }; if (this.attackClip.currentFrame >= 13){ this.attackClip.gotoAndStop(1); standStatus = true; gotoAndStop("stand"); counter = 0; attackStatus = false; }; }; }; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; if (Monkey.monkey != null){ if (standStatus){ runStandClip(); }; if (attackStatus){ runAttackClip(); }; counter++; xdistance = Math.abs((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x - x)); if (((((!(attackStatus)) && ((counter > maxCounter)))) && ((xdistance > 80)))){ attackStatus = true; aimStatus = false; gotoAndStop("attack"); isActive = false; return; }; if (isActive){ if (((aimStatus) && ((xdistance > 80)))){ _local2 = (Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x - x); _local3 = ((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y + 20) - y); _local4 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local2); angle = (Math.ceil(((_local4 / Math.PI) * 180)) - 180); if (this.aimClip != null){ this.aimClip.rotation = angle; }; } else { if (this.aimClip != null){ this.aimClip.rotation = 0; }; }; }; }; } private function runDieClip(){ if (currentLabel == "die"){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 7){ this.dieClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; dieStatus = false; }; }; }; } private function createArrowWeapon(){ if (arrowWeapon != null){ if (this.parent.contains(arrowWeapon)){ ArrowWeapon.arrowWeapon.removeArrowWeapon(); }; }; arrowWeapon = ArrowWeapon.getInstance(); this.parent.addChildAt(arrowWeapon, 3); arrowWeapon.init(); } public static function getInstance():Hunter2{ if (hunter2 == null){ hunter2 = new (Hunter2); }; return (hunter2); } } }//package
Section 83
//LeopardDumb (LeopardDumb) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class LeopardDumb extends AnimalDumb { public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var attackClip:MovieClip; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public function LeopardDumb(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5); standCountMax = 6; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:*; _local2 = Math.abs((Monkey.monkey.x - x)); _local3 = Math.abs((Monkey.monkey.y - y)); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); if ((((currentFrame == 1)) || ((action == 0)))){ standCountCurrent = (standCountCurrent + 1); if (standCountCurrent >= standCountMax){ jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = false; attackStatus = false; checkNextLine(); }; }; if (((((hitStatus) && (!(attackStatus)))) && (!(jumpDownStatus)))){ escapeHit(); hitStatus = false; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 20){ removeClip(); dieStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; if (!dieStatus){ if (((((((!(attackStatus)) && (!(jumpUpStatus)))) && (!(jumpDownStatus)))) && (!((action == 0))))){ if (_local4 < 100){ attackStatus = true; jumpUpStatus = true; jumpx = -10; action = 2; gotoAndStop(5); }; }; if (attackStatus){ if (currentFrame == 5){ if (this.attackClip != null){ if (jumpUpStatus){ this.attackClip.gotoAndPlay(1); }; if (jumpDownStatus){ this.attackClip.gotoAndPlay(14); }; }; }; }; if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 3){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (speedx < 20){ speedx = (speedx + 5); }; gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; }; if (action == 1){ turnStatus = false; if (xMoveType == 1){ attackStatus = false; scaleX = -1; if ((x + halfWidth) < targetEndx){ if (speedx > 4){ speedx = (speedx - 0.5); }; x = (x + speedx); y = starty; } else { x = (targetEndx - halfWidth); y = starty; speedx = 4; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; standAnimal(); attackStatus = false; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = false; }; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ attackStatus = false; scaleX = 1; if ((x - halfWidth) > targetEndx){ if (speedx > 4){ speedx = (speedx - 0.5); }; x = (x - speedx); y = starty; } else { x = (targetEndx + halfWidth); y = starty; speedx = 4; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; standAnimal(); attackStatus = false; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = false; }; return; }; }; if (action == 2){ if (xMoveType == 1){ scaleX = -1; if (speedx < 14){ speedx = (speedx + 2); }; x = (x + speedx); }; if (xMoveType == -1){ scaleX = 1; if (speedx < 14){ speedx = (speedx + 2); }; x = (x - speedx); }; if (jumpUpStatus){ y = (y + jumpx); jumpx = (jumpx + 1); if (jumpx >= 0){ jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = true; jumpx = 0; }; }; if (jumpDownStatus){ if (jumpx < 10){ jumpx = (jumpx + 1); }; if (y < starty){ y = (y + jumpx); } else { _local5 = 1; while (_local5 < 50) { if ((y - _local5) > starty){ y = (y - _local5); }; _local5++; }; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = false; jumpx = 0; gotoAndStop(2); action = 1; }; }; }; }; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ super.initsuper(); halfWidth = 48; halfHeight = 22; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = startx; y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = (startx - halfWidth); y = starty; }; }; gotoAndStop(2); trace(("dumbMongoes - x =" + x)); trace(("dumbMongoes - y =" + y)); speedx = 4; action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } override public function hit_Banana(){ health = (health - 8); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.WILDBOREDUMBSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeLeopardReference(); gotoAndStop(4); }; } } }//package
Section 84
//LifeClip (LifeClip) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class LifeClip extends MovieClip { public var lifeNum:TextField; public static var lifeClip:LifeClip = null; public function init(){ gotoAndStop(1); x = 270; y = 5; } public function updateLife(){ if ( > 0){ lifeNum.text = ( - 1).toString(); }; } public static function getInstance():LifeClip{ if (lifeClip == null){ lifeClip = new (LifeClip); }; return (lifeClip); } } }//package
Section 85
//MainClass (MainClass) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; public class MainClass extends Sprite { private var scoreClip:ScoreClip;// = null private var welcomePage:Welcome;// = null private var stageRect_Bottom:Number; private var youWin:YouWin;// = null var welcome:Welcome; public var helpPage:HelpPage;// = null private var enemyHealthClip:EnemyHealthClip;// = null private var lifeClip:LifeClip;// = null private var scrollDownSpeed:Number;// = 2 public var bg1:Bg1;// = null private var powerUpTimer:Timer;// = null public var hunter1:Hunter1;// = null private var coconut:Coconut;// = null public var hunter2:Hunter2;// = null public var welcomeSound:WelcomeSound;// = null public var bgs:BGSound;// = null public var youWinSound:YouWinSound;// = null public var monkey:Monkey;// = null private var healthClip:HealthClip;// = null private var scrollUpSpeed:Number;// = 2 private var gameOver:GameOver;// = null var _channel:SoundChannel; public static var gameScore:Number = 0; public static var initScrollRect:Boolean = false; public static var upKeyDown:Boolean = false; public static var levelEndStatus:Boolean = false; public static var rescueKeyDown:Boolean = false; public static var powerUpStatus:Boolean = false; public static var leftKeyDown:Boolean = false; public static var gameEndStatus:Boolean = false; public static var downKeyDown:Boolean = false; public static var rightKeyDown:Boolean = false; public static var scrollRectangle:Rectangle = null; public static var rhinoHornStatus:Boolean = false; public static var attackKeyDown:Boolean = false; public static var spaceKeyDown:Boolean = false; public function MainClass(){ bg1 = null; helpPage = null; bgs = null; welcomeSound = null; youWinSound = null; monkey = null; hunter1 = null; hunter2 = null; coconut = null; powerUpTimer = null; scrollUpSpeed = 2; scrollDownSpeed = 2; welcomePage = null; scoreClip = null; gameOver = null; youWin = null; healthClip = null; lifeClip = null; enemyHealthClip = null; super(); bgs = new BGSound(); welcomeSound = new WelcomeSound(); createWelcome(); } public function createHealthClip(){ healthClip = HealthClip.getInstance(); healthClip.init(); addChild(healthClip); if (GParams.currentLevel == 9){ healthClip.x = 750; }; } public function createEnemyHealthClip(){ removeEnemyHealthClip(); if (GParams.currentLevel == 6){ enemyHealthClip = EnemyHealthClip.getInstance(); enemyHealthClip.init(); addChild(enemyHealthClip); }; } public function clickPlayAgain(_arg1:MouseEvent){ clearGraphics(); createWelcome(); } function checkMouseClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ stage.focus = this; stage.stageFocusRect = false; } public function checkEnemies(){ Bg1.bg1.checkEnemies(); } public function nextLevel(){ clearGraphics(); GParams.currentLevel++; createBGS(); createHero(); createHunters(); createHealthClip(); createEnemyHealthClip(); createLifeClip(); createScoreClip(); createHelpPage(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownEvent); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpEvent); addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkMouseClick); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); levelEndStatus = false; initScrollRect = false; gameEndStatus = false; } public function init(){ stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; clearGraphics(); Monkey.monkey = null; MainClass.gameScore = 0; createBGS(); createHero(); = GParams.MONKEY_LIFE; = GParams.MONKEY_HEALTH; createHunters(); createHealthClip(); createLifeClip(); createEnemyHealthClip(); createScoreClip(); createHelpPage(); startLevel(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownEvent); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpEvent); addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkMouseClick); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); levelEndStatus = false; initScrollRect = false; rhinoHornStatus = false; gameEndStatus = false; GParams.restartStatus = false; _channel =; _channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeBGSHandler); } public function removeLifeClip(){ if (lifeClip != null){ if (this.contains(lifeClip)){ this.removeChild(lifeClip); }; lifeClip = null; }; } public function createGameOver(){; clearGraphics(); _channel.stop(); _channel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeBGSHandler); gameOver = GameOver.getInstance(); addChild(gameOver); gameOver.init(); gameOver.playAgain1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPlayAgain); gameOver.submitScore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitScoreGameOver); } public function createHunter1(){ hunter1 = Hunter1.getInstance(); addChild(hunter1); hunter1.init(); } public function createHero(){ monkey = Monkey.getInstance(); Bg1.bg1.addChild(monkey); monkey.init(); } public function createHunter2(){ hunter2 = Hunter2.getInstance(); addChild(hunter2); hunter2.init(); } public function createBGS(){ bg1 = Bg1.getInstance(); bg1.init(); stageRect_Bottom = (GParams.surfaceBg_Height[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)] - GParams.stageHeight); scrollRectangle = new Rectangle(0, stageRect_Bottom, GParams.bgViewWidth, GParams.bgViewHeight); bg1.scrollRect = scrollRectangle; addChild(bg1); } public function removeWelcome(){ if (welcomePage != null){ if (this.contains(welcomePage)){ welcomePage.ipwelcome.playGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLEVEL1); welcomePage.ipwelcome.intro.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, instruction); welcomePage.ipwelcome.highscore.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fetchHighScore); _channel.stop(); _channel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, welcomeHandler); removeChild(welcomePage); }; }; } public function startLevel(){ switch (GParams.currentLevel){ case 1: break; case 2: break; }; } public function sendData(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number):Boolean{ var request:URLRequest; var variables:URLVariables; var playerName = _arg1; var score = _arg2; try { request = new URLRequest(""); request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; variables = new URLVariables(); variables.scoreName = playerName; variables.scoreText = score; variables.gameId = "ace022"; variables.gameName = "Jungle"; = variables; sendToURL(request); } catch(e:Error) { youWin.setErrorMesg("Could not submit the score"); return (false); } catch(e:SecurityError) { youWin.setErrorMesg("Security Error "); return (false); }; return (true); } public function createHunters(){ var _local1:Array; _local1 = GParams.stage_Enemy_Avail[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_local1[7] == 1){ createHunter1(); } else { removeHunter1(); }; if (_local1[8] == 1){ createHunter2(); } else { removeHunter2(); }; } public function removeEnemyHealthClip(){ if (enemyHealthClip != null){ if (this.contains(enemyHealthClip)){ this.removeChild(enemyHealthClip); }; enemyHealthClip = null; }; } public function createScoreClip(){ scoreClip = ScoreClip.getInstance(); addChild(scoreClip); scoreClip.init(); if ((((GParams.currentLevel == 6)) || ((GParams.currentLevel == 9)))){ scoreClip.x = 750; }; } public function keyUpEvent(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){ var _local2:Number; _local2 = _arg1.keyCode; switch (_local2){ case 37: leftKeyDown = false; break; case 32: spaceKeyDown = false; break; case 38: upKeyDown = false; break; case 40: downKeyDown = false; break; case 39: rightKeyDown = false; break; case 65: attackKeyDown = false; break; case 83: rescueKeyDown = false; break; }; } public function youWinHandler(_arg1:Event){ _channel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, youWinHandler); } public function createYouWin(){; clearGraphics(); youWin = YouWin.getInstance(); youWinSound = new YouWinSound(); youWin.updateScores(); addChild(youWin); youWin.playAgain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPlayAgain); youWin.submitScore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitScore); _channel.stop(); _channel =; _channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, youWinHandler); } public function fetchHighScore(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:URLRequest; var _local3:URLLoader; var _local4:URLVariables; welcomePage.setChildIndex(welcomePage.hs, 2); welcomePage.emptyScores(); _local2 = new URLRequest(""); _local2.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; _local3 = new URLLoader(); _local3.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; _local4 = new URLVariables(); _local4.gameId = "ace022"; = _local4; _local3.load(_local2); _local3.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler); welcomePage.hs.backhs.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playWelcome); } public function submitScore(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:String; var _local3:Number; youWin.setErrorMesg(""); _local2 = null; _local2 = youWin.getPlayerName(); _local3 = gameScore; if ((((_local2 == null)) || ((_local2 == "")))){ youWin.setErrorMesg("Please enter your name"); } else { if (sendData(_local2, _local3) == false){ return; }; displayHighScoreScreen(); }; } public function submitScoreGameOver(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:String; var _local3:Number; gameOver.setErrorMesg(""); _local2 = null; _local2 = gameOver.getPlayerName(); _local3 = gameScore; if ((((_local2 == null)) || ((_local2 == "")))){ gameOver.setErrorMesg("Please enter your name"); } else { if (sendData(_local2, _local3) == false){ return; }; displayHighScoreScreen(); }; } private function checkGameEnd(){ if (gameEndStatus){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); createGameOver(); gameEndStatus = false; return; }; } public function removeGameOver(){ if (gameOver != null){ if (this.contains(gameOver)){ gameOver.removeAllListener(); gameOver.playAgain1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPlayAgain); gameOver.submitScore.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitScoreGameOver); removeChild(gameOver); }; gameOver = null; }; } public function keyDownEvent(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){ var _local2:Number; _local2 = _arg1.keyCode; switch (_local2){ case 37: leftKeyDown = true; break; case 32: spaceKeyDown = true; break; case 38: upKeyDown = true; break; case 40: downKeyDown = true; break; case 39: rightKeyDown = true; break; case 65: attackKeyDown = true; break; case 83: rescueKeyDown = true; break; }; } public function instruction(_arg1:MouseEvent){ welcomePage.setChildIndex(welcomePage.introframe, 2); welcomePage.introframe.backintro.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playWelcome); } public function gotoLEVEL1(_arg1:MouseEvent){ GParams.currentLevel = 1; init(); } public function removeHealthClip(){ if (healthClip != null){ if (this.contains(healthClip)){ this.removeChild(healthClip); }; healthClip = null; }; } public function removeHero(){ if (monkey != null){ if (Bg1.bg1.contains(monkey)){ monkey.clearAllListeners(); Bg1.bg1.removeChild(monkey); monkey = null; }; }; } public function removeHunter1(){ if (hunter1 != null){ if (this.contains(hunter1)){ hunter1.removeAllListener(); this.removeChild(hunter1); hunter1 = null; }; }; } public function playWelcome(_arg1:MouseEvent){ welcomePage.setChildIndex(welcomePage.ipwelcome, 2); } public function removeHunter2(){ if (hunter2 != null){ if (this.contains(hunter2)){ hunter2.removeAllListener(); this.removeChild(hunter2); }; hunter2 = null; }; } public function welcomeHandler(_arg1:Event){ _channel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, welcomeHandler); _channel =; _channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, welcomeHandler); } public function removeBGS(){ if (bg1 != null){ if (this.contains(bg1)){ bg1.clearGraphics(); this.removeChild(bg1); }; bg1 = null; }; } public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Rectangle; var _local3:Number; checkLevelEnd(); if (!levelEndStatus){ checkGameEnd(); _local2 = null; _local2 = Bg1.bg1.scrollRect; if (((upKeyDown) && (Monkey.monkey.climbStatus))){ _local2 = Bg1.bg1.scrollRect; _local2.y = (_local2.y - 2); Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; }; if (((downKeyDown) && (Monkey.monkey.climbStatus))){ _local2 = Bg1.bg1.scrollRect; _local2.y = (_local2.y + 2); Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; }; _local3 = Math.ceil((GParams.stageHeight / 2)); if (Monkey.monkey.slideDownStatus){ _local2 = Bg1.bg1.scrollRect; _local2.y = (_local2.y + 1); Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; }; if (GParams.currentLevel == 8){ if (Monkey.monkey.sliderCollisionStatus){ if (Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y < 100){ _local2 = Bg1.bg1.scrollRect; _local2.y = (_local2.y - 50); Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; }; }; }; if (Monkey.monkey.slideUpStatus){ _local2 = Bg1.bg1.scrollRect; _local2.y = (_local2.y - 1); Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; }; if ((((((Monkey.monkey.action == 1)) && ((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y < _local3)))) && ((_local2.y > -50)))){ if (((!(Monkey.monkey.slideUpStatus)) || (!(Monkey.monkey.slideDownStatus)))){ _local2 = Bg1.bg1.scrollRect; _local2.y = (_local2.y - 1); Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; }; }; if (((((((Monkey.monkey.fallStatus) || (Monkey.monkey.climbHitStatus))) && ((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y > _local3)))) && ((_local2.y < stageRect_Bottom)))){ _local2 = bg1.scrollRect; _local2.y = (_local2.y + 8); Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; }; if (_local2.y < -50){ _local2.y = -50; Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; }; if (_local2.y > stageRect_Bottom){ _local2.y = stageRect_Bottom; Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; }; if (MainClass.initScrollRect){ _local2.y = stageRect_Bottom; Bg1.bg1.scrollRect = _local2; MainClass.initScrollRect = false; }; }; } private function completeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:URLLoader; var _local5:String; var _local6:Array; _local3 = 0; _local4 = URLLoader(; _local5 = ""; _local6 = null; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player1.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score1.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date1.text = _local6[2]; }; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player2.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score2.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date2.text = _local6[2]; }; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player3.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score3.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date3.text = _local6[2]; }; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player4.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score4.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date4.text = _local6[2]; }; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player5.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score5.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date5.text = _local6[2]; }; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player6.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score6.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date6.text = _local6[2]; }; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player7.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score7.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date7.text = _local6[2]; }; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player8.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score8.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date8.text = _local6[2]; }; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player9.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score9.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date9.text = _local6[2]; }; if ( != undefined){ _local6 ="|", 3); welcomePage.hs.player10.text = _local6[0]; welcomePage.hs.score10.text = _local6[1]; welcomePage.hs.date10.text = _local6[2]; }; } public function createWelcome(){ welcomePage = Welcome.getInstance(); welcomePage.setChildIndex(welcomePage.ipwelcome, 2); addChild(welcomePage); welcomePage.x = GParams.stageCenter.x; welcomePage.y = GParams.stageCenter.y; welcomePage.ipwelcome.playGame.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLEVEL1); welcomePage.ipwelcome.intro.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, instruction); welcomePage.ipwelcome.highscore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fetchHighScore); _channel =; _channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, welcomeHandler); } public function completeBGSHandler(_arg1:Event){ _channel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeBGSHandler); _channel =; _channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeBGSHandler); } public function displayHighScoreScreen(){ createWelcome(); fetchHighScore(null); welcomePage.setChildIndex(welcomePage.hs, 2); } public function removeScoreClip(){ if (scoreClip != null){ if (this.contains(scoreClip)){ this.removeChild(scoreClip); }; scoreClip = null; }; } public function removeYouWin(){ if (youWin != null){ if (this.contains(youWin)){ youWin.playAgain.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPlayAgain); youWin.submitScore.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitScore); _channel.stop(); _channel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, youWinHandler); removeChild(youWin); }; }; } public function createLifeClip(){ lifeClip = LifeClip.getInstance(); addChild(lifeClip); lifeClip.init(); lifeClip.updateLife(); if (GParams.currentLevel == 9){ lifeClip.x = 750; }; } private function checkLevelEnd(){ if (MainClass.levelEndStatus){ if (GParams.currentLevel < 9){ nextLevel(); } else { if (GParams.currentLevel == 9){ createYouWin(); }; }; }; } public function createHelpPage(){ if ((((((GParams.currentLevel == 3)) || ((GParams.currentLevel == 6)))) || ((GParams.currentLevel == 9)))){ if (GParams.restartStatus != true){ helpPage = HelpPageFactory.getHelpPageInstance(GParams.currentLevel); addChild(helpPage); helpPage.init(); } else { GParams.gamePause = false; GParams.restartStatus = false; }; }; } public function clearGraphics(){ leftKeyDown = false; spaceKeyDown = false; upKeyDown = false; downKeyDown = false; rightKeyDown = false; attackKeyDown = false; removeGameOver(); removeYouWin(); removeWelcome(); removeHunter2(); removeHunter1(); removeHealthClip(); removeLifeClip(); removeScoreClip(); removeHero(); removeBGS(); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownEvent); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpEvent); removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkMouseClick); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } } }//package
Section 86
//MongoesAverage (MongoesAverage) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class MongoesAverage extends AnimalAverage { public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var mongooserun:MovieClip; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public function MongoesAverage(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (speedx < 6){ speedx = (speedx + 1.5); }; gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 21){ removeClip(); return; }; }; }; return; } else { if (action == 2){ if (jumpUpStatus){ y = (y + jumpHeight); jumpHeight = (jumpHeight + 1); if (jumpHeight >= 0){ jumpHeight = 0; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = true; }; x = (x + ((jumpx - x) / 12)); return; }; if (jumpDownStatus){ if (jumpHeight <= 5){ jumpHeight = (jumpHeight + 1); }; y = (y + jumpHeight); x = (x + ((jumpx - x) / 12)); if (y > starty){ y = starty; jumpHeight = -10; jumpDownStatus = false; action = 1; }; return; }; }; if (action == 1){ if (xMoveType == 1){ scaleX = -1; if ((x + halfWidth) < targetEndx){ x = (x + speedx); } else { x = (((targetEndx - halfWidth) - speedx) - 5); action = 0; speedx = 4; checkNextLine(); }; return; } else { if (xMoveType == -1){ scaleX = 1; if ((x - halfWidth) > targetEndx){ x = (x - speedx); } else { x = (((targetEndx + halfWidth) + speedx) + 5); action = 0; speedx = 4; checkNextLine(); }; return; } else { trace(" Error!! Move type is wrong"); }; }; }; }; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ halfWidth = 36; halfHeight = 16; jumpHeight = -10; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; attackStatus = false; hitBananaStatus = false; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = (lineDimension[_arg1][0] + (lineDimension[_arg1][2] / 2)); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = startx; y = starty; } else { targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + (lineDimension[_arg1][2] / 2)); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = (startx - halfWidth); y = starty; }; gotoAndStop(2); speedx = 4; action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); trace((" has listener : " + this.hasEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME))); trace((" will trigger : " + this.willTrigger(Event.ENTER_FRAME))); } override public function hit_Banana(){ if (!dieStatus){ health = (health - 10); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.MONGOESAVGSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeMongoesReference(); gotoAndStop(4); }; }; } override public function removeClip(){ x = 1500; y = 1500; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(this)){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 87
//MongoesDumb (MongoesDumb) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class MongoesDumb extends AnimalDumb { public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var mongooserun:MovieClip; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public function MongoesDumb(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if ((((currentFrame == 1)) && ((action == 0)))){ standCountCurrent = (standCountCurrent + 1); if (standCountCurrent >= standCountMax){ checkNextLine(); }; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ trace("inside dieclip"); if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 21){ trace(("dieclip frame = " + this.dieClip.currentFrame)); removeClip(); return; }; }; }; return; }; if (!dieStatus){ if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ trace("inside hitclip"); if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ trace(("hitclip frame = " + this.hitClip.currentFrame)); this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; gotoAndStop(2); if (currentLine != Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex){ escapeHit(); }; hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; checkMonkeyPosition(); if (action == 1){ turnStatus = false; if (xMoveType == 1){ scaleX = -1; if ((x + halfWidth) < targetEndx){ if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; x = (x + speedx); } else { x = ((targetEndx - halfWidth) - speedx); speedx = 0.25; standAnimal(); chaseMonkeyStatus = false; }; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ scaleX = 1; if ((x - halfWidth) > targetEndx){ if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; x = (x - speedx); } else { x = ((targetEndx + halfWidth) + speedx); speedx = 0.25; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; standAnimal(); }; return; }; }; }; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ super.initsuper(); halfWidth = 36; halfHeight = 16; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; counter = 0; maxCounter = 100; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = -1; x = (startx + 30); y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = 1; x = ((startx - halfWidth) - 30); y = starty; }; }; gotoAndStop(2); trace(("dumbMongoes - x =" + x)); trace(("dumbMongoes - y =" + y)); maxSpeed = (Math.ceil(lineDimension[_arg1][2]) / 150); speedx = 0.25; action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); standCountCurrent = 0; } override public function hit_Banana(){ if (!dieStatus){ health = (health - 10); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.MONGOESDUMBSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeMongoesReference(); gotoAndStop(4); }; }; } } }//package
Section 88
//Monkey (Monkey) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Monkey extends MovieClip { public var current_Climber_Dimension:Array; private var jumpDownStatus:Boolean;// = false public var duckStatus:Boolean;// = false private var nextSlideJumpX:Number; public var stand3Clip:MovieClip; private var nextSlideJumpY:Number; public var jumpRightStatus:Boolean;// = false public var climbHitStatus:Boolean;// = false public var action:Number;// = 0 private var minX:Number;// = 0 private var speed:Number;// = 5 public var attackStatus:Boolean;// = false public var health:Number; private var jumpProgressStatus:Boolean;// = false public var stagePosition:Point; private var climberPositionx:Number;// = -1 public var current_LevelEnd_Position:Point; public var stand2Clip:MovieClip; public var attackCounter:uint;// = 0 public var powerUpStatus:Boolean;// = false public var sliderCollisionStatus:Boolean;// = false private var endBananaLineX:Number; public var fallRightStatus:Boolean;// = false public var jumpFlag:Boolean;// = true private var jumpUpStatus:Boolean;// = false private var climberHA:MovieClip;// = null public var dieStatus:Boolean;// = false private var climberClip:MovieClip; public var fallLeftStatus:Boolean;// = false private var time:Timer; public var actualPosition:Point; public var hangClip:MovieClip; private var jumpHeight:Number;// = -16 public var climbStatusNum:Number;// = 0 public var hangStatus:Boolean;// = false public var stand1Clip:MovieClip; public var climbStatus:Boolean;// = false public var life:Number; public var walkStatus:Boolean;// = false private var jumpxCount:Number;// = 8 private var bossClimberRight:Array; private var standMaximumCounter:Number;// = 200 public var slideUpStatus:Boolean;// = false private var currentBananaLineY:Number; public var halfHeight:Number; private var currentBananaLineX:Number; public var halfWidth:Number; public var ropeYpos:Number;// = 0 private var bottomBananaLineY:Number; private var bossClimberArray:Array; public var hitStatus:Boolean;// = false private var inity:Number;// = 0 public var current_Path_Dimension:Array; private var climberTopyPos:Number;// = 0 public var fallStatus:Boolean;// = true public var scrollSpeed:Number;// = 0 private var maxX:Number;// = 0 public var rescueStatus:Boolean;// = false public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var fallSpeed:Number;// = 16 public var stand4Clip:MovieClip; public var fallHitClip:MovieClip; public var actualBodyPosition:Point; private var climberBottomyPos:Number;// = 0 public var body:MovieClip; private var nextBananaLineX:Number; public var jumpLeftStatus:Boolean;// = false public var duckClip:MovieClip; public var fallRectSpeed:Number;// = 0 public var climbClip:MovieClip; public var currentLineIndex:Number;// = 0 public var slideDownStatus:Boolean;// = false private var standAnimationCounter:Number;// = 0 public var attackClip:MovieClip; private var sameSlideJumpX:Number; public var actualHeadPosition:Point; private var jumpyCount:Number;// = 0 public var head:MovieClip; private var currentClimberIndex:Number;// = 0 public var standAnimationStatus:Boolean;// = false public var dieClip:MovieClip; public var powerClip:MovieClip; public static var leftMoveStatus = false; public static var halfWidth:Number; public static var monkey:Monkey = null; public static var walkDirection:Number = 1; public static var halfHeight:Number; public static var rightMoveStatus = false; public function Monkey(){ speed = 5; standAnimationCounter = 0; standMaximumCounter = 200; minX = 0; maxX = 0; inity = 0; action = 0; currentLineIndex = 0; currentClimberIndex = 0; climberPositionx = -1; jumpHeight = -16; fallSpeed = 16; scrollSpeed = 0; jumpyCount = 0; jumpxCount = 8; jumpProgressStatus = false; climberTopyPos = 0; climberBottomyPos = 0; jumpFlag = true; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = false; fallRectSpeed = 0; climbStatus = false; climbStatusNum = 0; walkStatus = false; standAnimationStatus = false; hitStatus = false; duckStatus = false; hangStatus = false; ropeYpos = 0; rescueStatus = false; attackStatus = false; sliderCollisionStatus = false; climbHitStatus = false; fallStatus = true; fallLeftStatus = false; fallRightStatus = false; jumpLeftStatus = false; jumpRightStatus = false; powerUpStatus = false; slideUpStatus = false; slideDownStatus = false; dieStatus = false; actualPosition = new Point(); actualBodyPosition = new Point(); actualHeadPosition = new Point(); stagePosition = new Point(); current_LevelEnd_Position = new Point(); bossClimberArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; bossClimberRight = new Array(1); time = new Timer(400, 1); attackCounter = 0; climberHA = null; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18); halfWidth = 20; halfHeight = 30; minX = (GParams.monkeyMoveMin - halfWidth); maxX = (GParams.monkeyMoveMax + halfWidth); life = GParams.MONKEY_LIFE; health = GParams.MONKEY_HEALTH; } public function updateActualPosition():Point{ actualPosition.x = x; actualPosition.y = y; actualBodyPosition.x = (x + body.x); actualBodyPosition.y = (y + body.y); actualHeadPosition.x = (x + head.x); actualHeadPosition.y = (y + head.y); return (actualPosition); } private function setMonkeyStand(){ action = 0; walkStatus = false; climbStatus = false; climbHitStatus = false; duckStatus = false; fallStatus = false; jumpProgressStatus = false; powerUpStatus = false; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = false; hitStatus = false; jumpFlag = true; checkFall(); if (!standAnimationStatus){ playRandomStandClip(); }; } private function checkWildBoreCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageWildBoreArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageWildBoreArray[_local1]; if (((((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((hitStatus == true))))) && (!(_local2.attackStatus)))){ _local3 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.y - _local2.y)); if (_local3 < (halfWidth + _local2.halfWidth)){ if (_local4 < 50){ if ((((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))) || ((action == 6)))){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; _local2.attackStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.WILDBORE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); _local2.gotoAndStop(5); gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local2.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ }; } else { if (_local2.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ }; }; }; return; } else { if (action == 2){ climbHitStatus = true; action = 7; health = (health - GParams.WILDBORE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); return; }; if (action == 3){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.WILDBORE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); _local2.attackStatus = true; _local2.gotoAndStop(5); gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local2.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ }; } else { if (_local2.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ }; }; }; return; }; }; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function playAttackClip(){ if (currentLabel == "attack"){ if (this.attackClip != null){ if (this.attackClip.currentFrame >= 13){ this.attackClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop("stand1"); action = 0; walkStatus = false; climbStatus = false; attackStatus = false; hitStatus = false; powerUpStatus = false; standAnimationStatus = false; standAnimationCounter = 0; }; }; }; } private function checkEagle2Collision(){ var _local1:Eagle2; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = Bg1.eagle2; if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((hitStatus == true))))){ _local2 = Math.abs((actualPosition.x - _local1.x)); _local3 = Math.abs((actualPosition.y - _local1.y)); if (_local2 < (halfWidth + _local1.halfWidth)){ if (_local3 < 50){ if ((((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))) || ((action == 6)))){ action = 5; health = (health - GParams.EAGLE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local1.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ x = (x + 30); }; } else { if (_local1.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ x = (x - 30); }; }; }; return; } else { if (action == 2){ climbHitStatus = true; action = 7; health = (health - GParams.EAGLE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); return; }; if (action == 3){ action = 5; health = (health - GParams.EAGLE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local1.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ x = (x + 30); }; } else { if (_local1.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ x = (x - 30); }; }; }; return; }; }; }; }; }; } private function checkRopeRight():Boolean{ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; _local1 = getRopeAreaClip(); if (_local1 != null){ if (_local1.hitTestPoint(((stagePosition.x + halfWidth) + 4), ((stagePosition.y + halfHeight) + 10), true)){ hangStatus = true; ropeYpos = _local1.y; return (true); }; }; hangStatus = false; return (false); } private function playDieClip(){ if (currentLabel == "die"){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 72){ this.dieClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop(1); dieStatus = false; checkGameEndStatus(); }; }; }; } private function getClimberDownCollision():Boolean{ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; _local1 = climberHA; if (_local1 != null){ if (_local1.hitTestPoint(stagePosition.x, ((stagePosition.y + halfHeight) + 4), true)){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } private function attackKeyAction(){ attackStatus = true; createBanana(); gotoAndStop("attack"); } private function checkHangStatus(){ var _local1:Boolean; if (walkDirection == 1){ if (((((!(hangStatus)) && (MainClass.rhinoHornStatus))) && ((((currentLineIndex == 2)) || ((currentLineIndex == 10)))))){ _local1 = checkRopeRight(); if (_local1){ y = (y + height); x = (x + 10); action = 6; hangStatus = true; fallStatus = false; walkStatus = false; gotoAndStop("hang"); return; }; }; } else { if (((((!(hangStatus)) && (MainClass.rhinoHornStatus))) && ((((currentLineIndex == 3)) || ((currentLineIndex == 11)))))){ _local1 = checkRopeLeft(); if (_local1){ y = (y + height); x = (x - 10); gotoAndStop("hang"); action = 6; hangStatus = true; fallStatus = false; walkStatus = false; return; }; }; }; } private function jump(){ if (jumpUpStatus){ jumpUp(); }; if (jumpDownStatus){ jumpDown(); }; } private function climbUp(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Boolean; if (GParams.currentLevel != 3){ climbStatus = getClimberUpCollision(); if (climbStatus){ if (climbStatusNum == 1){ y = (y - 4); action = 2; } else { if (((climbStatus) && ((climbStatusNum == 2)))){ y = (y - 20); action = 0; gotoAndStop("stand1"); climbStatus = false; fallStatus = true; fallSpeed = 6; scrollSpeed = (fallSpeed / 0.75); }; }; } else { if (((climbStatus) || (walkStatus))){ action = 0; gotoAndStop("stand1"); climbStatus = false; }; }; } else { climbStatus = getClimberUpCollision(); _local1 = Math.ceil((x / 120)); if (((climbStatus) && (!((bossClimberArray[_local1] == 0))))){ y = (y - 4); action = 2; if (y < 400){ _local2 = checkRopeStatus(_local1); if (_local2 != true){ wrongClimbAction(_local1); bossClimberArray[_local1] = 0; return; }; }; } else { action = 0; if (currentLabel != "fallHit"){ gotoAndStop("stand1"); if (y < 300){ removeAllWrong(); }; }; climbStatus = false; }; }; } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame14(){ stop(); } function frame16(){ stop(); } function frame18(){ stop(); } function frame17(){ stop(); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } private function checkDieStatus(){ if (((!(dieStatus)) && (!(climbHitStatus)))){ if (health <= 0){ life = (life - 1); LifeClip.lifeClip.updateLife(); if (life > 0){ health = 100; }; dieStatus = true; return; }; }; } function frame11(){ stop(); } function frame6(){ stop(); } function frame7(){ stop(); } private function getMonkeyLine(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:uint; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local1 = actualPosition.x; _local2 = (actualPosition.y + halfHeight); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < current_Path_Dimension.length) { _local5 = current_Path_Dimension[_local4][1]; _local6 = Math.abs((_local2 - _local5)); if (_local6 < 10){ _local3 = _local5; break; }; _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < current_Path_Dimension.length) { _local5 = current_Path_Dimension[_local4][1]; if (_local5 == _local3){ _local7 = current_Path_Dimension[_local4][0]; _local8 = (current_Path_Dimension[_local4][0] + current_Path_Dimension[_local4][2]); if ((((_local1 > _local7)) && ((_local1 < _local8)))){ currentLineIndex = _local4; }; }; _local4++; }; } private function jumpInit(){ inity = y; jumpyCount = jumpHeight; jumpProgressStatus = true; jumpUpStatus = true; jumpFlag = false; } function frame9(){ stop(); } function frame15(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } private function gotoStand(_arg1:TimerEvent){ if (!dieStatus){ time.stop(); time.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, gotoStand); gotoAndStop("stand1"); }; } public function nextLife(){ init(); health = 100; updateHealth(); MainClass.initScrollRect = true; gotoAndStop("stand1"); x = 100; if (GParams.currentLevel == 9){ GParams.currentLevel = 8; Bg1.bg1.removeOldSnakeTime(); MainClass.levelEndStatus = true; GParams.restartStatus = true; }; } private function walkRopeRight(){ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; _local1 = getRopeAreaClip(); if (_local1 != null){ if (_local1.hitTestPoint(((stagePosition.x + 2) + halfWidth), ((stagePosition.y - halfHeight) - 1), true)){ x = (x + 2); } else { y = ((y - height) - 20); x = (x + 20); gotoAndStop("stand1"); hangStatus = false; fallStatus = true; fallSpeed = 6; scrollSpeed = (fallSpeed / 0.75); }; }; } function frame8(){ stop(); } private function climbHit(){ if (GParams.currentLevel == 3){ gotoAndStop("fallHit"); }; fallStatus = true; fallSpeed = 8; scrollSpeed = (fallSpeed * 0.75); } private function updateHealth(){ var _local1:Number; _local1 = (100 - health); HealthClip.healthClip.gotoAndStop(_local1); checkDieStatus(); } private function checkRopeStatus(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 2) { if (_arg1 == bossClimberRight[_local2]){ return (true); }; _local2++; }; return (false); } public function clearAllListeners(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function checkRescueCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:SnakeTime; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageSnakeTimeArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageSnakeTimeArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (MainClass.rescueKeyDown))){ _local3 = Math.abs((actualPosition.x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((actualPosition.y - _local2.y)); if (_local3 < (halfWidth + _local2.halfWidth)){ if (_local4 < 20){ _local2.hit_Sword(); return; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function rightKeyAction(){ action = 1; walkDirection = 1; scaleX = 1; walkStatus = true; walkRight(speed); } function frame12(){ stop(); } public function checkGameEndStatus(){ x = -500; if (life <= 0){ MainClass.gameEndStatus = true; } else { nextLife(); }; } private function fallDown(){ var _local1:MovieClip; var _local2:uint; if (fallStatus){ _local1 = null; _local1 = getBaseAreaClip(); if (_local1 != null){ if (!_local1.hitTestPoint(stagePosition.x, (((stagePosition.y + halfHeight) + fallSpeed) - 1), true)){ y = (y + fallSpeed); if (((!((jumpUpStatus == true))) && (!((jumpDownStatus == true))))){ scrollSpeed = (fallSpeed / 0.75); }; } else { scrollSpeed = 0; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 50) { if (!_local1.hitTestPoint(stagePosition.x, (((stagePosition.y + halfHeight) - (_local2 - fallSpeed)) - 1), true)){ y = (y - (_local2 - fallSpeed)); break; }; _local2++; }; if (climbHitStatus){ climbStatus = false; climbHitStatus = false; }; fallStatus = false; walkStatus = false; sliderCollisionStatus = false; standAnimationStatus = false; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = false; jumpFlag = true; jumpyCount = 0; scrollSpeed = 0; }; }; } else { scrollSpeed = 0; }; } private function checkFall(){ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; _local1 = getBaseAreaClip(); if (_local1 != null){ if (!_local1.hitTestPoint(stagePosition.x, (stagePosition.y + halfHeight), true)){ if (((((((!((jumpUpStatus == true))) && (!((jumpDownStatus == true))))) && (!((slideDownStatus == true))))) && (!((slideUpStatus == true))))){ sliderCollisionStatus = false; fallStatus = true; fallSpeed = 6; scrollSpeed = (fallSpeed / 0.75); }; return; } else { scrollSpeed = 0; }; }; } private function checkEagleCollision(){ var _local1:Eagle; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = Bg1.eagle; if (((((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((hitStatus == true))))) && (!((duckStatus == true))))){ _local2 = Math.abs((actualPosition.x - _local1.x)); _local3 = Math.abs((actualPosition.y - _local1.y)); if (_local2 < (halfWidth + _local1.halfWidth)){ if (_local3 < 50){ if ((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))){ action = 5; health = (health - GParams.EAGLE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); } else { if (action == 3){ action = 5; health = (health - GParams.EAGLE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); return; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame13(){ stop(); } private function checkRhinoCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageRhinoArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageRhinoArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((hitStatus == true))))){ _local3 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.y - _local2.y)); if (_local3 < 40){ if (_local4 < 50){ if ((((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))) || ((action == 6)))){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; _local2.attackStatus = false; health = (health - GParams.RHINO_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); gotoAndPlay("hit"); } else { if (action == 2){ climbHitStatus = true; action = 7; health = (health - GParams.RHINO_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); return; }; if (action == 3){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.RHINO_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); _local2.attackStatus = false; gotoAndPlay("hit"); return; }; }; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (!GParams.gamePause){ if (dieStatus){ if (currentLabel != "die"){ gotoAndStop("die"); }; playDieClip(); return; }; if (!dieStatus){ checkDieStatus(); getMonkeyLine(); getLevelEndCollision(); updateVirtualMonkeyIndex(); updateActualPosition(); checkSliderCollision(); checkVultureCollision(); checkMongoesCollision(); checkGorillaCollision(); if (jumpFlag){ checkWildBoreCollision(); checkRhinoCollision(); }; checkLeopardCollision(); checkCoconutCollision(); checkPowerupCollision(); checkEagleCollision(); checkEagle2Collision(); checkRescueCollision(); checkStandAnimation(); if (powerUpStatus){ playGlowClip(); }; if (((!(hangStatus)) && (!(climbStatus)))){ fallDown(); }; if (((!(climbStatus)) && (!(hitStatus)))){ jump(); }; if (climbHitStatus){ climbHit(); fallDown(); }; if (climbStatus){ if (((MainClass.upKeyDown) || (MainClass.downKeyDown))){ if (currentLabel != "climb"){ gotoAndStop("climb"); }; } else { if (currentLabel != "climbStill"){ gotoAndStop("climbStill"); }; }; }; if (hangStatus){ if (((MainClass.leftKeyDown) || (MainClass.rightKeyDown))){ if (currentLabel != "hang"){ gotoAndStop("hang"); }; } else { if (currentLabel != "hangStill"){ gotoAndStop("hangStill"); }; }; }; if (duckStatus){ playDuckClip(); }; if (hitStatus){ playHitClip(); return; }; if (attackStatus){ playAttackClip(); return; }; if (((jumpFlag) && (!(hangStatus)))){ if (((MainClass.upKeyDown) && (!(sliderCollisionStatus)))){ climbUp(); checkFall(); return; }; if (MainClass.downKeyDown){ downKeyAction(); return; }; }; if (((!(climbStatus)) && (!(hitStatus)))){ if (!hangStatus){ checkFall(); if (((((MainClass.spaceKeyDown) && (jumpFlag))) && (!(fallStatus)))){ jumpInit(); return; }; if (((MainClass.attackKeyDown) && (!(attackStatus)))){ attackKeyAction(); return; }; }; if (MainClass.leftKeyDown){ standAnimationStatus = false; leftKeyAction(); } else { if (MainClass.rightKeyDown){ standAnimationStatus = false; rightKeyAction(); }; }; }; if (((((((((((((((((((((((!(MainClass.leftKeyDown)) && (!(MainClass.rightKeyDown)))) && (!(MainClass.downKeyDown)))) && (!(MainClass.spaceKeyDown)))) && (!(MainClass.attackKeyDown)))) && (!(MainClass.rescueKeyDown)))) && (!(climbStatus)))) && (!(hangStatus)))) && (!(hitStatus)))) && (!(fallStatus)))) && (!(climbHitStatus)))) && (!(attackStatus)))){ if (standAnimationStatus){ standAnimationCounter++; if (standAnimationCounter > standMaximumCounter){ standAnimationStatus = false; setMonkeyStand(); standAnimationCounter = 0; }; }; if (((!(standAnimationStatus)) && (!(dieStatus)))){ if (currentLabel != "fallHit"){ gotoAndStop("stand1"); } else { time.start(); time.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, gotoStand); }; standAnimationStatus = true; }; }; }; }; } private function playRandomStandClip(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:String; _local1 = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 4)) + 1); _local2 = ("stand" + _local1.toString()); this.gotoAndStop(_local2); standAnimationStatus = true; } private function downKeyAction(){ climbStatus = getClimberDownCollision(); if (!climbStatus){ duckDown(); checkFall(); return; }; climbDown(); } private function initialiseLevelChanges(){ if (GParams.currentLevel == 3){ initialiseBossLevel1(); return; }; if (GParams.currentLevel == 6){ initialiseBossLevel2(); return; }; if (GParams.currentLevel == 9){ initialiseBossLevel3(); return; }; } private function climbDown(){ var _local1:Number; if (GParams.currentLevel != 3){ climbStatus = getClimberDownCollision(); if (climbStatus){ y = (y + 4); action = 2; } else { if (((climbStatus) || (walkStatus))){ action = 0; gotoAndStop("stand1"); climbStatus = false; }; }; } else { climbStatus = getClimberDownCollision(); _local1 = Math.ceil((x / 120)); if (((climbStatus) && (!((bossClimberArray[_local1] == 0))))){ y = (y + 4); action = 2; } else { action = 0; gotoAndStop("stand1"); climbStatus = false; }; }; } private function getClimberTopYPosition(_arg1:Number):Number{ currentClimberIndex = current_Path_Dimension[_arg1][7]; if (currentClimberIndex != -1){ return (current_Climber_Dimension[currentClimberIndex][2]); }; return (-1); } public function setClimberAreaClip(){ } private function getRopeAreaClip():MovieClip{ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; switch (GParams.currentLevel){ case 1: return (null); case 2: return (null); case 3: return (null); case 4: return (null); case 5: return (null); case 6: return (null); case 7: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL7).ropeHitAreaClip; return (_local1); case 8: return (null); case 9: return (null); default: return (null); }; } private function walkRopeLeft(){ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; _local1 = getRopeAreaClip(); if (_local1 != null){ if (_local1.hitTestPoint(((stagePosition.x - 2) - halfWidth), ((stagePosition.y - halfHeight) - 1), true)){ x = (x - 2); } else { y = ((y - height) - 20); x = (x - 20); hangStatus = false; gotoAndStop("stand1"); hangStatus = false; fallStatus = true; fallSpeed = 6; scrollSpeed = (fallSpeed / 0.75); }; }; } private function initialiseBossLevel2(){ y = 650; gotoAndStop("stand1"); jumpHeight = -18; } private function playDuckClip(){ if (currentLabel == "duck"){ if (this.duckClip != null){ if (this.duckClip.currentFrame >= 2){ this.duckClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop("stand1"); standAnimationStatus = false; standAnimationCounter = 0; action = 0; walkStatus = false; attackStatus = false; duckStatus = false; climbStatus = false; hitStatus = false; powerUpStatus = false; }; }; }; } private function initialiseBossLevel3(){ gotoAndStop("stand1"); } private function initialiseBossLevel1(){ var _local1:Array; var _local2:uint; var _local3:*; var _local4:uint; var _local5:Number; gotoAndStop("stand1"); initAllClimberClip(); bossClimberArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; _local1 = bossClimberArray.concat(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 1) { _local3 = _local1.length; _local4 = Math.floor((Math.random() * _local3)); _local5 = _local1[_local4]; bossClimberRight[_local2] = _local5; _local1.splice(_local4, 1); _local2++; }; } private function rescueKeyAction(){ rescueStatus = true; } private function checkSliderCollision(){ var _local1:Array; var _local2:int; var _local3:Boolean; slideUpStatus = false; slideDownStatus = false; _local1 = Surface.stageSliderArray; if (_local1 != null){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local1.length) { _local3 = _local1[_local2].checkSliderCollision(); if (_local3){ if (_local1[_local2].typeNum != 1){ sliderCollisionStatus = true; }; break; }; _local2++; }; }; } private function reinitialise(){ currentLineIndex = 0; inity = 0; action = 0; currentClimberIndex = 0; climberPositionx = -1; current_Path_Dimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; jumpyCount = 0; jumpFlag = true; walkStatus = false; attackStatus = false; fallStatus = true; duckStatus = false; dieStatus = false; sliderCollisionStatus = false; climbStatus = false; powerUpStatus = false; hitStatus = false; jumpHeight = -16; initialiseLevelChanges(); getClimberAreaClip(); } private function getLevelEndClip():MovieClip{ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; switch (GParams.currentLevel){ case 1: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL1).levelEndAreaClip; return (_local1); case 2: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL2).levelEndAreaClip; return (_local1); case 3: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL3).levelEndAreaClip; return (_local1); case 4: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL4).levelEndAreaClip; return (_local1); case 5: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL5).levelEndAreaClip; return (_local1); case 6: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL6).levelEndAreaClip; return (_local1); case 7: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL7).levelEndAreaClip; return (_local1); case 8: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL8).levelEndAreaClip; return (_local1); case 9: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL9).levelEndAreaClip; return (_local1); default: return (null); }; } private function getClimberXPosition(_arg1:Number):Number{ currentClimberIndex = current_Path_Dimension[_arg1][7]; if (currentClimberIndex != -1){ return (current_Climber_Dimension[currentClimberIndex][0]); }; return (-1); } private function removeAllWrong(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:MovieClip; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 < 6) { _local2 = null; _local2 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL3); climberClip = (_local2.getChildByName(("climber" + _local1)) as MovieClip); climberClip.gotoAndStop(2); bossClimberArray[_local1] = 0; _local1++; }; } private function duckDown(){ action = 6; duckStatus = true; gotoAndStop("duck"); } private function checkRopeLeft():Boolean{ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; _local1 = getRopeAreaClip(); if (_local1 != null){ if (_local1.hitTestPoint(((stagePosition.x - halfWidth) - 4), ((stagePosition.y + halfHeight) + 10), true)){ hangStatus = true; ropeYpos = _local1.y; return (true); }; }; hangStatus = false; return (false); } public function init(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; reinitialise(); _local1 = current_Path_Dimension[currentLineIndex][0]; _local2 = current_Path_Dimension[currentLineIndex][1]; x = (_local1 + 100); y = ((_local2 - halfHeight) - 5); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function rescueFail(){ if (life > 0){ life = (life - 1); } else { health = 0; }; dieStatus = true; } private function getClimberBottomYPosition(_arg1:Number):Number{ currentClimberIndex = current_Path_Dimension[_arg1][7]; if (currentClimberIndex != -1){ return (current_Climber_Dimension[currentClimberIndex][1]); }; return (-1); } private function leftKeyAction(){ action = 1; walkDirection = -1; scaleX = -1; walkStatus = true; walkLeft(speed); } private function updateVirtualMonkeyIndex(){ stagePosition.x = (x - Bg1.bg1.scrollRect.x); stagePosition.y = (y - Bg1.bg1.scrollRect.y); } private function getClimberUpCollision():Boolean{ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; _local1 = climberHA; if (_local1 != null){ if (_local1.hitTestPoint(stagePosition.x, ((stagePosition.y + halfHeight) - 4), true)){ if (_local1.hitTestPoint(stagePosition.x, ((stagePosition.y + halfHeight) - 15), true)){ climbStatusNum = 1; return (true); }; climbStatusNum = 2; return (true); }; }; climbStatusNum = 0; return (false); } private function checkCoconutCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Coconut; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageCoconutArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageCoconutArray[_local1]; if (_local2 != null){ if (_local2.hitTestObject(monkey.body)){ if (_local2.typeNum == 1){ _local2.hitStatus = true; if ((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))){ action = 5; life = (life - GParams.COCONUT_HIT_COUNT); hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); } else { if (action == 2){ climbHitStatus = true; life = (life - GParams.COCONUT_HIT_COUNT); return; }; if (action == 3){ action = 5; life = (life - GParams.COCONUT_HIT_COUNT); hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); return; }; if (action == 6){ hangStatus = false; life = (life - GParams.COCONUT_HIT_COUNT); fallStatus = true; fallSpeed = 2; scrollSpeed = (fallSpeed / 0.75); gotoAndStop("stand1"); return; }; }; } else { _local2.blastStatus = true; MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + 20); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); powerUpStatus = true; gotoAndStop("power"); return; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function wrongClimbAction(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:MovieClip; climbHitStatus = true; action = 7; _local2 = null; _local2 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL3); climberClip = (_local2.getChildByName(("climber" + _arg1)) as MovieClip); health = (health - GParams.WRONGROPE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); climberClip.gotoAndStop(2); } private function jumpUp(){ if (jumpUpStatus){ action = 3; y = (y + jumpyCount); jumpyCount = (jumpyCount + 2); if (jumpyCount >= 0){ jumpyCount = 0; jumpDownStatus = true; jumpUpStatus = false; }; if (MainClass.leftKeyDown){ leftKeyAction(); return; }; if (MainClass.rightKeyDown){ rightKeyAction(); return; }; }; } private function initAllClimberClip(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:MovieClip; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 < 6) { _local2 = null; _local2 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL3); climberClip = (_local2.getChildByName(("climber" + _local1)) as MovieClip); climberClip.gotoAndStop(1); _local1++; }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } private function walkLeft(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:MovieClip; if (!hangStatus){ checkHangStatus(); } else { action = 6; if (currentLabel != "hang"){ gotoAndStop("hang"); }; walkRopeLeft(); return; }; if (((walkStatus) && (!(hangStatus)))){ action = 1; _local2 = null; _local2 = getBaseAreaClip(); if (_local2 != null){ if (!_local2.hitTestPoint(((stagePosition.x - _arg1) - halfWidth), ((stagePosition.y + halfHeight) - 1), true)){ if (((!((currentLabel == "walk"))) && (!((currentLabel == "attack"))))){ gotoAndStop("walk"); }; x = (x - _arg1); }; }; }; checkFall(); } private function createBanana(){ var _local1:Object; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local1 = new Object(); if (_local1 != null){ if (walkDirection == 1){ _local1.startX = (actualPosition.x + halfWidth); _local1.sameSlideTargetX = (current_Path_Dimension[currentLineIndex][0] + current_Path_Dimension[currentLineIndex][2]); _local1.throwX = 8; _local2 = current_Path_Dimension[currentLineIndex][4]; _local3 = current_Path_Dimension[currentLineIndex][6]; if (_local2 != -1){ _local1.nextSlideTargetX = current_Path_Dimension[_local2][0]; } else { _local1.nextSlideTargetX = 650; }; if (_local3 != -1){ _local1.bottomSlideTargetY = current_Path_Dimension[_local3][1]; } else { _local1.bottomSlideTargetY = (actualPosition.y - halfHeight); }; _local1.dir = 1; } else { _local1.startX = (actualPosition.x - halfWidth); _local1.sameSlideTargetX = current_Path_Dimension[currentLineIndex][0]; _local1.throwX = -8; _local2 = current_Path_Dimension[currentLineIndex][3]; _local3 = current_Path_Dimension[currentLineIndex][5]; if (_local2 != -1){ _local1.nextSlideTargetX = (current_Path_Dimension[_local2][0] + current_Path_Dimension[_local2][2]); } else { _local1.nextSlideTargetX = 0; }; if (_local3 != -1){ _local1.bottomSlideTargetY = current_Path_Dimension[_local3][1]; } else { _local1.bottomSlideTargetY = (actualPosition.y - halfHeight); }; _local1.dir = -1; }; _local1.startY = (actualPosition.y - halfHeight); _local1.endY = (actualPosition.y + halfHeight); Bg1.bg1.addBanana(_local1); }; } private function getClimberAreaClip(){ switch (GParams.currentLevel){ case 1: climberHA = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL1).climberHitAreaClip; break; case 2: climberHA = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL2).climberHitAreaClip; break; case 3: climberHA = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL3).climberHitAreaClip; break; case 4: climberHA = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL4).climberHitAreaClip; break; case 5: climberHA = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL5).climberHitAreaClip; break; case 6: break; case 7: climberHA = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL7).climberHitAreaClip; break; case 8: climberHA = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL8).climberHitAreaClip; break; case 9: climberHA = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL9).climberHitAreaClip; break; default: break; }; } private function checkGorillaCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageGorillaArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageGorillaArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((hitStatus == true))))){ _local3 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.y - _local2.y)); if (_local3 < (halfWidth + _local2.halfWidth)){ if (_local4 < 50){ if ((((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))) || ((action == 6)))){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; _local2.hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.GORILLA_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local2.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ x = (x + 30); }; } else { if (_local2.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ x = (x - 30); }; }; }; _local2.escapeHit(); return; } else { if (action == 2){ climbHitStatus = true; action = 7; health = (health - GParams.GORILLA_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); return; }; if (action == 3){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.GORILLA_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); _local2.hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local2.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ x = (x + 30); }; } else { if (_local2.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ x = (x - 30); }; }; }; _local2.escapeHit(); return; }; }; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function checkStandAnimation(){ if (currentLabel == "stand1"){ if (this.stand1Clip != null){ if (this.stand1Clip.currentFrame >= 30){ this.stand1Clip.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; } else { if (currentLabel == "stand2"){ if (this.stand2Clip != null){ if (this.stand2Clip.currentFrame >= 30){ this.stand2Clip.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; } else { if (currentLabel == "stand3"){ if (this.stand3Clip != null){ if (this.stand3Clip.currentFrame >= 35){ this.stand3Clip.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; } else { if (currentLabel == "stand4"){ if (this.stand4Clip != null){ if (this.stand4Clip.currentFrame >= 45){ this.stand4Clip.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function getLevelEndCollision(){ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; _local1 = getLevelEndClip(); if (_local1 != null){ if (((_local1.hitTestObject(this)) && (!((GParams.currentLevel == 9))))){ MainClass.levelEndStatus = true; }; }; } private function playHitClip(){ if (currentLabel == "hit"){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 3){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); updateHealth(); standAnimationStatus = false; gotoAndStop("stand1"); standAnimationCounter = 0; action = 0; walkStatus = false; attackStatus = false; duckStatus = false; climbStatus = false; hitStatus = false; powerUpStatus = false; }; }; }; } private function playGlowClip(){ if (currentLabel == "power"){ if (this.powerClip != null){ if (this.powerClip.currentFrame >= 8){ this.powerClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop("stand1"); action = 0; standAnimationStatus = false; standAnimationCounter = 0; walkStatus = false; attackStatus = false; duckStatus = false; climbStatus = false; powerUpStatus = false; hitStatus = false; }; }; }; } private function checkLeopardCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageLeopardArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageLeopardArray[_local1]; if (((((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((hitStatus == true))))) && (!((climbHitStatus == true))))){ _local3 = Math.abs((actualPosition.x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((actualPosition.y - _local2.y)); if (_local2.hitTestObject(this)){ if ((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; _local2.hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.LEOPARD_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); gotoAndPlay("hit"); return; }; if ((((action == 6)) && (!(_local2.attackStatus)))){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; _local2.hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.LEOPARD_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); gotoAndPlay("hit"); return; }; if (action == 2){ climbHitStatus = true; action = 7; health = (health - GParams.LEOPARD_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); return; }; if (action == 3){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.LEOPARD_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); _local2.hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); return; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function checkVultureCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageVultureArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageVultureArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((hitStatus == true))))){ _local3 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.y - _local2.y)); if (_local3 < (halfWidth + _local2.halfWidth)){ if (_local4 < 50){ if ((((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))) || ((action == 6)))){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; _local2.hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.VULTURE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local2.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ x = (x + 30); }; } else { if (_local2.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ x = (x - 30); }; }; }; _local2.escapeHit(); } else { if (action == 2){ climbHitStatus = true; action = 7; health = (health - GParams.VULTURE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); return; }; if (action == 3){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.VULTURE_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); _local2.hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local2.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ x = (x + 30); }; } else { if (_local2.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ x = (x - 30); }; }; }; _local2.escapeHit(); }; }; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } private function walkRight(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:MovieClip; if (!hangStatus){ checkHangStatus(); } else { action = 6; if (currentLabel != "hang"){ gotoAndStop("hang"); }; walkRopeRight(); return; }; if (((walkStatus) && (!(hangStatus)))){ action = 1; _local2 = null; _local2 = getBaseAreaClip(); if (_local2 != null){ if (!_local2.hitTestPoint(((stagePosition.x + _arg1) + halfWidth), ((stagePosition.y + halfHeight) - 1), true)){ if (((!((currentLabel == "walk"))) && (!((currentLabel == "attack"))))){ gotoAndStop("walk"); }; x = (x + _arg1); }; }; }; checkFall(); } private function checkPowerupCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:PowerUp; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stagePowerUpArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stagePowerUpArray[_local1]; if (_local2 != null){ if (_local2.hitTestObject(monkey.body)){ _local2.rewardEffect(); updateHealth(); return; }; }; _local1++; }; } public function getBaseAreaClip():MovieClip{ var _local1:MovieClip; _local1 = null; switch (GParams.currentLevel){ case 1: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL1).hitAreaClip; return (_local1); case 2: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL2).hitAreaClip; return (_local1); case 3: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL3).hitAreaClip; return (_local1); case 4: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL4).hitAreaClip; return (_local1); case 5: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL5).hitAreaClip; return (_local1); case 6: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL6).hitAreaClip; return (_local1); case 7: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL7).hitAreaClip; return (_local1); case 8: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL8).hitAreaClip; return (_local1); case 9: _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL9).hitAreaClip; return (_local1); default: return (null); }; } private function jumpDown(){ if (jumpDownStatus){ if (jumpyCount < Math.abs(jumpHeight)){ jumpyCount = (jumpyCount + 1); }; if (jumpyCount <= Math.abs(jumpHeight)){ scrollSpeed = 0; }; if (this.y >= inity){ jumpDownStatus = false; }; fallSpeed = jumpyCount; fallStatus = true; }; } private function checkMongoesCollision(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:AnimalBase; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Bg1.stageMongoesArray.length) { _local2 = Bg1.stageMongoesArray[_local1]; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((hitStatus == true))))){ _local3 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.x - _local2.x)); _local4 = Math.abs((actualBodyPosition.y - _local2.y)); if (_local3 < (halfWidth + _local2.halfWidth)){ if (_local4 < 30){ if ((((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))) || ((action == 6)))){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; _local2.hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.MONGOES_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local2.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ x = (x + 30); }; } else { if (_local2.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ x = (x - 30); }; }; }; _local2.escapeHit(); return; } else { if (action == 2){ climbHitStatus = true; action = 7; health = (health - GParams.MONGOES_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); return; }; if (action == 3){ action = 5; hitStatus = true; health = (health - GParams.MONGOES_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); _local2.hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); if (_local2.scaleX == -1){ if (x < 550){ x = (x + 30); }; } else { if (_local2.scaleX == 1){ if (x > 50){ x = (x - 30); }; }; }; _local2.escapeHit(); return; }; }; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } public function hit_Bhala(){ if ((((((action == 1)) || ((action == 0)))) || ((action == 6)))){ action = 5; health = (health - GParams.BHALA_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); } else { if (action == 2){ climbHitStatus = true; action = 7; health = (health - GParams.BHALA_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); return; }; if (action == 3){ action = 5; health = (health - GParams.BHALA_HIT_COUNT); updateHealth(); hitStatus = true; gotoAndPlay("hit"); return; }; }; } public static function getInstance():Monkey{ if (monkey == null){ monkey = new (Monkey); }; return (monkey); } } }//package
Section 89
//MovingSlider (MovingSlider) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class MovingSlider extends Sprite { var typeNum:Number; var halfHeight:Number; var speed:Number; var refClip:MovieClip; var endPos:Number; var startPos:Number; var inActive:Boolean;// = true var dist:Number; var dir:Number; public function MovingSlider(){ inActive = true; super(); } public function init(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number){ refClip = _arg1; dir = _arg2; dist = _arg3; speed = _arg4; typeNum = 3; refClip.y = _arg5; startPos = refClip.y; halfHeight = (refClip.height / 2); if (dir == -1){ endPos = (startPos - dist); } else { endPos = (startPos + dist); }; inActive = false; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function moveSlider(){ if (!inActive){ if (dir == -1){ refClip.y = (refClip.y - speed); if (refClip.y < endPos){ refClip.y = endPos; inActive = true; changeDirection(); }; return; }; if (dir == 1){ refClip.y = (refClip.y + speed); if (refClip.y > endPos){ refClip.y = endPos; inActive = true; changeDirection(); }; return; }; }; } public function checkSliderCollision(){ if (dir == -1){ if (refClip.hitTestPoint(Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x, ((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y + Monkey.monkey.halfHeight) + 2), true)){ if (Monkey.monkey.jumpFlag){ Monkey.monkey.y = (((refClip.y - halfHeight) - Monkey.monkey.halfHeight) - 1); }; Monkey.monkey.slideUpStatus = true; return (true); }; }; if (dir == 1){ if (!refClip.hitTestPoint(Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x, ((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y + Monkey.monkey.halfHeight) - 1), true)){ if (refClip.hitTestPoint(Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x, ((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y + Monkey.monkey.halfHeight) + 10), true)){ if (Monkey.monkey.jumpFlag){ Monkey.monkey.y = (((refClip.y - halfHeight) - Monkey.monkey.halfHeight) - 1); }; Monkey.monkey.slideDownStatus = true; return (true); }; }; }; } public function removeClip(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ moveSlider(); } private function changeDirection(){ if (inActive){ if (dir == -1){ endPos = (refClip.y + dist); dir = 1; inActive = false; } else { if (dir == 1){ endPos = (refClip.y - dist); dir = -1; inActive = false; }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 90
//PowerUp (PowerUp) package { import flash.display.*; public class PowerUp extends MovieClip { public var dieStatus:Boolean; public var type:uint; public static var powerup:PowerUp = null; public function init(_arg1:Number){ dieStatus = false; type = _arg1; gotoAndStop(2); } public function remove(){ dieStatus = false; gotoAndStop(1); x = 1200; y = 1200; } public function rewardEffect(){ } public function moveEffect(){ } } }//package
Section 91
//PowerUpFactory (PowerUpFactory) package { public class PowerUpFactory { private static var powerup:PowerUp; public static function getPowerUpInstance(_arg1:Number):PowerUp{ switch (_arg1){ case 1: powerup = new PowerUpHealth(); return (powerup); case 2: powerup = new PowerUpLife(); return (powerup); }; return (null); } } }//package
Section 92
//PowerUpHealth (PowerUpHealth) package { public class PowerUpHealth extends PowerUp { public function PowerUpHealth(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function rewardEffect(){ = ( + 50); if ( > 100){ = 100; }; remove(); } } }//package
Section 93
//PowerUpLife (PowerUpLife) package { public class PowerUpLife extends PowerUp { public function PowerUpLife(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function rewardEffect(){ = ( + 1); LifeClip.lifeClip.updateLife(); remove(); } } }//package
Section 94
//Preloader (Preloader) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class Preloader extends MovieClip { private var percentText:TextField; var urlPlayMore:String;// = "" public var percent:TextField; var requestPlayMore:URLRequest;// = null var timer:Timer; private var progressBar:Sprite; public var percentbar:MovieClip; public var logo:MovieClip; public static const startFrame:Number = 3; public static const mainClass:String = "MainClass"; public function Preloader(){ requestPlayMore = null; urlPlayMore = ""; addFrameScript(2, frame3); stop(); super(); requestPlayMore = new URLRequest(urlPlayMore); progressBar = (getChildByName("percentbar") as Sprite); progressBar.scaleX = 0; percentText = (getChildByName("percent") as TextField); percentText.text = "0"; timer = new Timer(100, 0); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, afterSecond); timer.start(); logo.buttonMode = true; logo.useHandCursor = true; logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClick); } private function enterFrameHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ trace(" loading complete"); if (currentFrame == 1){ if (logo.currentFrame == logo.totalFrames){ play(); }; }; if (currentFrame >= _slot1.startFrame){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); stop(); initApp(); }; } private function onComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); } function frame3(){ stop(); } public function handleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var event = _arg1; try { navigateToURL(requestPlayMore, "_blank"); } catch(e:Error) { }; } public function afterSecond(_arg1:TimerEvent){ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:Number; _local2 = loaderInfo.bytesLoaded; _local3 = loaderInfo.bytesTotal; _local4 = (_local2 / _local3); progressBar.scaleX = ((_local2 / _local3) * 4); percentText.text = (Math.round((_local4 * 100)).toString() + "%"); if (_local2 >= _local3){ timer.stop(); play(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); }; } private function showProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:Number; _local2 = _arg1.bytesLoaded; _local3 = _arg1.bytesTotal; _local4 = (_local2 / _local3); progressBar.scaleX = ((_local2 / _local3) * 4); percentText.text = (Math.round((_local4 * 100)).toString() + "%"); } private function initApp():void{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:Class; var _local3:Sprite; _local1 = loaderInfo.applicationDomain.hasDefinition(_slot1.mainClass); trace((" definition : " + _local1)); _local2 = (loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(_slot1.mainClass) as Class); _local3 = (new (_local2) as Sprite); addChild(_local3); } } }//package
Section 95
//RhinoDumb (RhinoDumb) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class RhinoDumb extends AnimalDumb { public var stuckClip:MovieClip; public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var attackClip:MovieClip; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public function RhinoDumb(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6); standCountMax = 12; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } function frame6(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if ((((currentFrame == 1)) || ((action == 0)))){ standCountCurrent = (standCountCurrent + 1); if (standCountCurrent >= standCountMax){ checkNextLine(); }; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 19){ removeClip(); return; }; }; }; return; }; if (!dieStatus){ if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (speedx > 2){ speedx = (speedx - 7); }; gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; }; if (attackStatus){ if (currentFrame == 5){ if (this.attackClip != null){ if (this.attackClip.currentFrame >= 3){ this.attackClip.gotoAndStop(1); attackStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); }; }; }; }; if (action == 1){ turnStatus = false; if (xMoveType == 1){ scaleX = -1; if ((x + halfWidth) < targetEndx){ if (speedx < 8){ speedx = (speedx + 1); }; x = (x + speedx); } else { x = (targetEndx - halfWidth); speedx = 2; attackStatus = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; standAnimal(); }; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ scaleX = 1; if ((x - halfWidth) > targetEndx){ if (speedx < 8){ speedx = (speedx + 1); }; x = (x - speedx); } else { x = (targetEndx + halfWidth); speedx = 2; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; standAnimal(); attackStatus = false; }; return; }; }; }; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ halfWidth = 50; halfHeight = 25; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; attackStatus = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = startx; y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = (startx - halfWidth); y = starty; }; }; gotoAndStop(2); speedx = 2; action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } override public function hit_Banana(){ if (!dieStatus){ health = (health - 10); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { dieStatus = true; MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.RHINODUMBSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); MainClass.rhinoHornStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeRhinoReference(); gotoAndStop(4); }; }; } override public function removeClip(){ var _local1:MovieClip; x = 1500; y = 1500; _local1 = (Bg1.bg1.surfaceBg as SurfaceL7); _local1.rope_animation.gotoAndStop(2); removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, checkNextLine); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(this)){ trace("removed"); if (GParams.currentLevel == 6){ MainClass.levelEndStatus = true; }; Bg1.bg1.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 96
//ScoreClip (ScoreClip) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class ScoreClip extends MovieClip { public var sText5:TextField; public var sText3:TextField; public var sText4:TextField; private var denominatorArray:Array; private var scoreTextArray:Array; public var sText1:TextField; public var sText2:TextField; public var sText6:TextField; public static var scoreClip:ScoreClip = null; public function init(){ var _local1:TextFormat; x = 320; y = 5; _local1 = new TextFormat(); _local1.font = "Verdana"; _local1.color = 0xFFFFFF; _local1.size = 14; _local1.bold = true; scoreTextArray = ["sText1", "sText2", "sText3", "sText4", "sText5", "sText6"]; denominatorArray = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000]; resetTextField(); updateScore(); } public function resetTextField(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:TextField; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < scoreTextArray.length) { _local2 = this[scoreTextArray[_local1]]; _local2.text = ""; _local1++; }; } public function updateScore(){ var _local1:int; var _local2:Number; var _local3:TextField; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < scoreTextArray.length) { _local2 = (Math.floor((MainClass.gameScore / denominatorArray[_local1])) % 10); _local3 = this[scoreTextArray[_local1]]; _local3.text = _local2.toString(); _local1++; }; } public static function getInstance():ScoreClip{ if (scoreClip == null){ scoreClip = new (ScoreClip); }; return (scoreClip); } } }//package
Section 97
//Snake (Snake) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Snake extends MovieClip { private var attackStatus:Boolean;// = false public var swallowClip:MovieClip; private var alertStatus:Boolean;// = false public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var body:MovieClip; private var swallowStatus:Boolean;// = false public var alertClip:MovieClip; public var attackClip:MovieClip; private var isActive:Boolean;// = true private var hitBananaStatus:Boolean;// = false private var lineNum:Number; public static var snake:Snake = null; public function Snake(){ hitBananaStatus = false; alertStatus = false; attackStatus = false; swallowStatus = false; isActive = true; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5); } public function init(){ swallowStatus = false; attackStatus = false; alertStatus = false; x = GParams.stage_Snake_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][0]; y = GParams.stage_Snake_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][1]; scaleX = GParams.stage_Snake_Position[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)][2]; gotoAndStop("still"); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function removeAllListener(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; lineNum = Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex; if (swallowStatus){ if (currentLabel == "swallow"){ if (this.swallowClip != null){ if (this.swallowClip.currentFrame >= 45){ swallowStatus = false; this.swallowClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop("still"); = 0; = ( - 1); LifeClip.lifeClip.updateLife(); Monkey.monkey.checkGameEndStatus(); }; }; }; return; }; if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentLabel == "hit"){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 45){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop("still"); hitBananaStatus = false; alertStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; if (alertStatus){ if (currentLabel == "alert"){ if (this.alertClip != null){ if (this.alertClip.currentFrame >= 65){ this.alertClip.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndStop("still"); attackStatus = false; alertStatus = false; }; }; }; }; if (isActive){ _local2 = (Monkey.monkey.actualPosition.x - x); _local3 = (Monkey.monkey.actualPosition.y - y); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); if ((((_local4 < 300)) && ((_local4 > 200)))){ if (((!(swallowStatus)) && (!(alertStatus)))){ gotoAndStop("still"); return; }; }; if (_local4 < 200){ if (((!(swallowStatus)) && (!(alertStatus)))){ alertStatus = true; gotoAndStop("alert"); return; }; }; if (((((!(hitBananaStatus)) && (!(swallowStatus)))) && (!(Monkey.monkey.dieStatus)))){ if (this.body.hitTestObject(Monkey.monkey)){ swallowStatus = true; attackStatus = false; alertStatus = false; Monkey.monkey.dieStatus = true; Monkey.monkey.x = -500; gotoAndStop("swallow"); }; }; }; } public function hit_Banana(){ if (!swallowStatus){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop("hit"); }; } public static function getInstance():Snake{ if (snake == null){ snake = new (Snake); }; return (snake); } } }//package
Section 98
//SnakeTime (SnakeTime) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; public class SnakeTime extends Enemy { public var counter:Number; public var maxCounter:Number; public var timerStart:Boolean;// = false private var currentCount:uint;// = 0 public var timer:Timer; public var health:Number;// = 5 public var halfWidth:Number; public var dieStatus:Boolean; public var halfHeight:Number; private var startCounter:Number; public var secondText:TextField; public var hitSwordStatus:Boolean; public var dieClip:MovieClip; private static var snakeTime:SnakeTime = null; public function SnakeTime(){ health = 5; timerStart = false; currentCount = 0; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function init(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4){ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; dieStatus = false; timerStart = false; halfWidth = 27; halfHeight = 12; maxCounter = _arg4; startCounter = maxCounter; GParams.RESCUEDNUM = 0; createTimer(); currentCount = 0; gotoAndStop(1); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function resetListener(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function removeClip(){ x = 1500; y = 1500; gotoAndStop(1); secondText.text = "00"; removeAllListeners(); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(this)){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(this); }; } public function hit_Sword(){ if (!dieStatus){ health = (health - 10); if (health > 0){ } else { timerStart = false; dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeSnakeTimeReference(); gotoAndStop(2); }; }; } private function onComplete(){ if (currentFrame == 1){ secondText.text = "00"; }; removeAllListeners(); Monkey.monkey.rescueFail(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } private function createTimer(){ maxCounter = (maxCounter * GParams.frameRate); } private function rescueClip(){ var _local1:int; removeAllListeners(); GParams.RESCUEDNUM = (GParams.RESCUEDNUM + 1); MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + 50); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); if (GParams.RESCUEDNUM == GParams.RESCUEDTOTAL){ _local1 = (maxCounter - currentCount); if (_local1 > 0){ MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + (_local1 * 2)); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); }; MainClass.levelEndStatus = true; }; } private function removeAllListeners(){ timerStart = false; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function onSecond(){ if (((timerStart) && (!(dieStatus)))){ startCounter--; secondText.text = startCounter.toString(); }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (GParams.gamePause){ if (currentFrame != 1){ gotoAndStop(1); }; initialiseTextField(); }; if (!GParams.gamePause){ if (!timerStart){ timerStart = true; }; if (((timerStart) && ((dieStatus == false)))){ currentCount = (currentCount + 1); if ((currentCount % GParams.frameRate) == 0){ onSecond(); }; if (currentCount >= maxCounter){ onComplete(); timerStart = false; return; }; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 2){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 51){ rescueClip(); return; }; }; }; }; }; } private function initialiseTextField(){ var _local1:TextFormat; _local1 = new TextFormat(); _local1.font = "Verdana"; _local1.size = 14; _local1.bold = true; if (secondText != null){ secondText.text = startCounter.toString(); secondText.setTextFormat(_local1); }; } public static function getInstance():SnakeTime{ return (new (SnakeTime)); } } }//package
Section 99
//StaticSlider (StaticSlider) package { import flash.display.*; public class StaticSlider extends Sprite { var typeNum:Number; var speed:Number; var refClip:MovieClip; var endPos:Number; var startPos:Number; var inActive:Boolean;// = true var dist:Number; var dir:Number; public function StaticSlider(){ inActive = true; super(); } public function init(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number){ refClip = _arg1; dir = _arg2; dist = _arg3; speed = _arg4; typeNum = 1; startPos = refClip.y; if (dir == -1){ endPos = (startPos - dist); } else { endPos = (startPos + dist); }; } public function checkSliderCollision(){ if (refClip.hitTestPoint(Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x, ((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y + Monkey.monkey.halfHeight) - 10), true)){ if (refClip.hitTestPoint(Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.x, ((Monkey.monkey.stagePosition.y + Monkey.monkey.halfHeight) + 5), true)){ Monkey.monkey.slideUpStatus = false; Monkey.monkey.slideDownStatus = false; Monkey.monkey.sliderCollisionStatus = false; return (false); }; }; } public function removeClip(){ } } }//package
Section 100
//Stone (Stone) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class Stone extends MovieClip { var throwProgressStatus:Boolean;// = false var throwX:Number;// = 0 var throwY:Number;// = 0 var startX:Number; var startY:Number; var throwDirection:Number; var gravity:Number;// = 0.1 var speed:Number; var halfWidth:int;// = 10 public var hitClip:MovieClip; var prevY:Number; var halfHeight:int;// = 5 var prevX:Number; var throwUpStatus:Boolean;// = false var throwDownStatus:Boolean;// = false var endX:Number; var endY:Number; public static var stone:Stone = null; public function Stone(){ halfWidth = 10; halfHeight = 5; throwY = 0; throwX = 0; gravity = 0.1; throwUpStatus = false; throwProgressStatus = false; throwDownStatus = false; super(); } function init(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; startX = (GorillaSmart.gorillaSmart.x - 20); startY = (GorillaSmart.gorillaSmart.y - 20); endX = Monkey.monkey.x; endY = (Monkey.monkey.y + 25); speed = 13; throwProgressStatus = true; throwUpStatus = true; throwDownStatus = false; x = startX; y = startY; _local1 = (endX - x); _local2 = (endY - y); _local3 = Math.atan2(_local2, _local1); _local4 = Math.ceil(((_local3 / Math.PI) * 180)); throwX = (Math.cos(_local3) * speed); throwY = (Math.sin(_local3) * speed); rotation = _local4; gotoAndStop("stand"); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function removeStone(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (this.parent.contains(this)){ this.parent.removeChild(this); }; } private function checkMonkeyCollision(){ var _local1:Monkey; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = Monkey.monkey; if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!(_local1.hangStatus)))){ _local2 = (_local1.x - x); _local3 = (_local1.y - y); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); if (this.hitClip.hitTestObject(_local1.body)){ _local1.hit_Bhala(); removeStone(); return; }; }; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ Move(); checkMonkeyCollision(); } private function Move(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; if (throwUpStatus){ prevX = x; prevY = y; x = (x + throwX); y = (y + throwY); _local1 = (prevX - x); _local2 = (prevY - y); _local3 = Math.atan2(_local2, _local1); _local4 = Math.ceil(((_local3 / Math.PI) * 180)); rotation = (_local4 + 180); if (y > 800){ removeStone(); }; }; } public static function getInstance():Stone{ if (stone == null){ stone = new (Stone); }; return (stone); } } }//package
Section 101
//Surface (Surface) package { import flash.display.*; public class Surface extends MovieClip { var bgNumber:Number; var sliderArray:Array; public static var stageSliderArray:Array = null; public function init(){ } public function removeClip(){ } } }//package
Section 102
//SurfaceFactory (SurfaceFactory) package { public class SurfaceFactory { private static var surfaceL1:SurfaceL1 = null; private static var surfaceL2:SurfaceL2 = null; private static var surfaceL3:SurfaceL3 = null; private static var surfaceL4:SurfaceL4 = null; private static var surfaceL5:SurfaceL5 = null; private static var surfaceL6:SurfaceL6 = null; private static var surfaceL7:SurfaceL7 = null; private static var surfaceL8:SurfaceL8 = null; private static var surfaceL9:SurfaceL9 = null; public static function createInstance():Surface{ switch (GParams.currentLevel){ case 1: if (surfaceL1 == null){ surfaceL1 = new SurfaceL1(); }; return (surfaceL1); case 2: if (surfaceL2 == null){ surfaceL2 = new SurfaceL2(); }; return (surfaceL2); case 3: if (surfaceL3 == null){ surfaceL3 = new SurfaceL3(); }; return (surfaceL3); case 4: if (surfaceL4 == null){ surfaceL4 = new SurfaceL4(); }; return (surfaceL4); case 5: if (surfaceL5 == null){ surfaceL5 = new SurfaceL5(); }; return (surfaceL5); case 6: if (surfaceL6 == null){ surfaceL6 = new SurfaceL6(); }; return (surfaceL6); case 7: if (surfaceL7 == null){ surfaceL7 = new SurfaceL7(); }; return (surfaceL7); case 8: if (surfaceL8 == null){ surfaceL8 = new SurfaceL8(); }; return (surfaceL8); case 9: if (surfaceL9 == null){ surfaceL9 = new SurfaceL9(); }; return (surfaceL9); default: return (null); }; } } }//package
Section 103
//SurfaceL1 (SurfaceL1) package { import flash.display.*; public class SurfaceL1 extends Surface { public var hitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var levelEndAreaClip:MovieClip; public var climberHitAreaClip:MovieClip; public function SurfaceL1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); bgNumber = 1; } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 104
//SurfaceL2 (SurfaceL2) package { import flash.display.*; public class SurfaceL2 extends Surface { public var hitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var levelEndAreaClip:MovieClip; public var climberHitAreaClip:MovieClip; public function SurfaceL2(){ bgNumber = 2; } } }//package
Section 105
//SurfaceL3 (SurfaceL3) package { import flash.display.*; public class SurfaceL3 extends Surface { public var hitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var climber2:MovieClip; public var levelEndAreaClip:MovieClip; public var climber3:MovieClip; public var climber4:MovieClip; public var climber5:MovieClip; public var climber1:MovieClip; public var climberHitAreaClip:MovieClip; public function SurfaceL3(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); bgNumber = 3; gotoAndStop(1); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 106
//SurfaceL4 (SurfaceL4) package { import flash.display.*; public class SurfaceL4 extends Surface { public var hitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var levelEndAreaClip:MovieClip; public var climberHitAreaClip:MovieClip; public function SurfaceL4(){ bgNumber = 4; } override public function init(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:MovieClip; sliderArray = [["slider1", 1, 0, 0, 0, 2000], ["base", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]]; stageSliderArray = new Array(sliderArray.length); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < sliderArray.length) { _local2 = (this.hitAreaClip.getChildByName(sliderArray[_local1][0]) as MovieClip); if (_local1 < (sliderArray.length - 1)){ stageSliderArray[_local1] = new BreakingSlider(); } else { stageSliderArray[_local1] = new StaticSlider(); }; stageSliderArray[_local1].init(_local2, sliderArray[_local1][1], sliderArray[_local1][2], sliderArray[_local1][3], sliderArray[_local1][4], sliderArray[_local1][5]); _local1++; }; } override public function removeClip(){ var _local1:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageSliderArray.length) { if (stageSliderArray[_local1] != null){ stageSliderArray[_local1].removeClip(); }; _local1++; }; stageSliderArray = null; } } }//package
Section 107
//SurfaceL5 (SurfaceL5) package { import flash.display.*; public class SurfaceL5 extends Surface { public var hitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var levelEndAreaClip:MovieClip; public var climberHitAreaClip:MovieClip; public function SurfaceL5(){ bgNumber = 5; } } }//package
Section 108
//SurfaceL6 (SurfaceL6) package { import flash.display.*; public class SurfaceL6 extends Surface { public var hitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var levelEndAreaClip:MovieClip; public function SurfaceL6(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); bgNumber = 6; } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 109
//SurfaceL7 (SurfaceL7) package { import flash.display.*; public class SurfaceL7 extends Surface { public var hitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var levelEndAreaClip:MovieClip; public var rope_animation:MovieClip; public var climberHitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var ropeHitAreaClip:MovieClip; public function SurfaceL7(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); bgNumber = 7; } override public function init(){ rope_animation.gotoAndStop(1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 110
//SurfaceL8 (SurfaceL8) package { import flash.display.*; public class SurfaceL8 extends Surface { public var hitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var levelEndAreaClip:MovieClip; public var climberHitAreaClip:MovieClip; public function SurfaceL8(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); bgNumber = 8; } override public function init(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:MovieClip; sliderArray = [["slider1", -1, 70, 1, 1005, 0], ["slider2", 1, 90, 1, 827, 0], ["slider3", -1, 60, 1, 947, 0], ["slider4", -1, 180, 1, 806, 0], ["slider5", 1, 60, 1, 640, 0], ["slider6", -1, 90, 1, 297, 0], ["slider7", 1, 190, 1, 310, 0], ["slider8", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1500], ["slider9", 1, 0, 0, 0, 3000], ["slider10", 1, 0, 0, 0, 2500], ["base", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]; stageSliderArray = new Array(sliderArray.length); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < sliderArray.length) { _local2 = (this.hitAreaClip.getChildByName(sliderArray[_local1][0]) as MovieClip); if (_local1 < (sliderArray.length - 4)){ stageSliderArray[_local1] = new MovingSlider(); } else { if (_local1 < (sliderArray.length - 1)){ stageSliderArray[_local1] = new BreakingSlider(); } else { stageSliderArray[_local1] = new StaticSlider(); }; }; stageSliderArray[_local1].init(_local2, sliderArray[_local1][1], sliderArray[_local1][2], sliderArray[_local1][3], sliderArray[_local1][4], sliderArray[_local1][5]); _local1++; }; } function frame1(){ stop(); } override public function removeClip(){ var _local1:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < stageSliderArray.length) { if (stageSliderArray[_local1] != null){ stageSliderArray[_local1].removeClip(); }; _local1++; }; stageSliderArray = null; } } }//package
Section 111
//SurfaceL9 (SurfaceL9) package { import flash.display.*; public class SurfaceL9 extends Surface { public var hitAreaClip:MovieClip; public var levelEndAreaClip:MovieClip; public var climberHitAreaClip:MovieClip; public function SurfaceL9(){ bgNumber = 9; gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package
Section 112
//Welcome (Welcome) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; public class Welcome extends MovieClip { public var hs:MovieClip; var requestAddMore:URLRequest;// = null var urlPlayMore:String;// = "" public var ipwelcome:MovieClip; var requestPlayMore:URLRequest;// = null public var introframe:MovieClip; var urlAddMoreGames:String;// = "" private static var welcome:Welcome = null; public function Welcome(){ urlPlayMore = ""; requestPlayMore = null; urlAddMoreGames = ""; requestAddMore = null; super(); requestPlayMore = new URLRequest(urlPlayMore); requestAddMore = new URLRequest(urlAddMoreGames); ipwelcome.playmore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClick); ipwelcome.addMore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClickAddMore); introframe.playmore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClick); hs.playmorehs.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClick); } public function handleClickAddMore(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var event = _arg1; try { navigateToURL(requestAddMore, "_blank"); } catch(e:Error) { }; } public function handleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var event = _arg1; try { navigateToURL(requestPlayMore, "_blank"); } catch(e:Error) { }; } public function emptyScores(){ var _local1:String; _local1 = ""; hs.player1.text = _local1; hs.score1.text = _local1; hs.date1.text = _local1; hs.player2.text = _local1; hs.score2.text = _local1; hs.date2.text = _local1; hs.player3.text = _local1; hs.score3.text = _local1; hs.date3.text = _local1; hs.player4.text = _local1; hs.score4.text = _local1; hs.date4.text = _local1; hs.player5.text = _local1; hs.score5.text = _local1; hs.date5.text = _local1; hs.player6.text = _local1; hs.score6.text = _local1; hs.date6.text = _local1; hs.player7.text = _local1; hs.score7.text = _local1; hs.date7.text = _local1; hs.player8.text = _local1; hs.score8.text = _local1; hs.date8.text = _local1; hs.player9.text = _local1; hs.score9.text = _local1; hs.date9.text = _local1; hs.player10.text = _local1; hs.score10.text = _local1; hs.date10.text = _local1; } public static function getInstance():Welcome{ if (welcome == null){ welcome = new (Welcome); }; return (welcome); } } }//package
Section 113
//WelcomeSound (WelcomeSound) package { import*; public class WelcomeSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 114
//WildBoreDumb (WildBoreDumb) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class WildBoreDumb extends AnimalDumb { public var stuckClip:MovieClip; public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var attackClip:MovieClip; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public function WildBoreDumb(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ stop(); } function frame6(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } private function updateHealth(){ var _local1:Number; if (EnemyHealthClip.enemyHealthClip != null){ trace(("health =" + health)); _local1 = (100 - health); EnemyHealthClip.enemyHealthClip.gotoAndStop(_local1); return; }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (!GParams.gamePause){ if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 28){ removeClip(); return; }; }; }; return; }; if ((((currentFrame == 1)) || ((action == 0)))){ standCountCurrent = (standCountCurrent + 1); if (standCountCurrent >= standCountMax){ checkNextLine(); }; }; if (!dieStatus){ if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (speedx > 2){ speedx = (speedx - 7); }; gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; }; if (attackStatus){ if (currentFrame == 5){ if (this.attackClip != null){ if (this.attackClip.currentFrame >= 3){ this.attackClip.gotoAndStop(1); attackStatus = false; gotoAndStop(2); }; }; }; }; if (action == 1){ turnStatus = false; if (xMoveType == 1){ scaleX = -1; if ((x + halfWidth) < targetEndx){ if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 1); }; x = (x + speedx); } else { x = (targetEndx - halfWidth); speedx = 2; standAnimal(); }; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ scaleX = 1; if ((x - halfWidth) > targetEndx){ if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 1); }; x = (x - speedx); } else { x = (targetEndx + halfWidth); speedx = 2; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; standAnimal(); }; return; }; }; }; }; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ halfWidth = 36; halfHeight = 26; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; attackStatus = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = startx; y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = (startx - halfWidth); y = starty; }; }; if (GParams.currentLevel != 6){ maxSpeed = 8; } else { maxSpeed = 10; }; gotoAndStop(2); speedx = 2; action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } override protected function standAnimal(){ if (GParams.currentLevel == 6){ if (currentFrame != 6){ gotoAndStop(6); }; standCountMax = 36; standCountCurrent = 0; } else { standCountMax = 6; standCountCurrent = 0; if (currentFrame != 1){ gotoAndStop(1); }; }; attackStatus = false; action = 0; } override public function hit_Banana(){ if (!dieStatus){ health = (health - 10); updateHealth(); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; if (currentFrame != 6){ gotoAndStop(3); }; } else { MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.WILDBOREDUMBSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeWildBoreReference(); gotoAndStop(4); }; }; } override public function removeClip(){ x = 1500; y = 1500; removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, checkNextLine); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(this)){ trace("removed"); if (GParams.currentLevel == 6){ MainClass.levelEndStatus = true; }; Bg1.bg1.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 115
//VultureAverage (VultureAverage) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class VultureAverage extends AnimalAverage { public var dieClip:MovieClip; public var hitClip:MovieClip; public function VultureAverage(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); vultureType = GParams.VULTURE_AVERAGE; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ halfWidth = 22; halfHeight = 28; jumpHeight = -10; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; attackStatus = false; hitBananaStatus = false; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = (startx + 30); y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = ((startx - halfWidth) - 30); y = starty; }; }; gotoAndStop(2); speedx = 4; action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } override public function removeClip(){ x = 1500; y = 1500; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); if (Bg1.bg1.contains(this)){ Bg1.bg1.removeChild(this); }; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } override public function hit_Banana(){ if (!dieStatus){ health = (health - 5); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.VULTUREAVGSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeVultureReference(); gotoAndStop(4); }; }; } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (speedx < 6){ speedx = (speedx + 2); }; gotoAndStop(2); hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 12){ removeClip(); return; }; }; }; return; }; if (!dieStatus){ if (action == 2){ if (jumpUpStatus){ y = (y + jumpHeight); jumpHeight = (jumpHeight + 1); if (jumpHeight >= 0){ jumpHeight = 0; jumpUpStatus = false; jumpDownStatus = true; }; x = (x + ((jumpx - x) / 12)); return; }; if (jumpDownStatus){ if (jumpHeight <= 5){ jumpHeight = (jumpHeight + 1); }; y = (y + jumpHeight); x = (x + ((jumpx - x) / 12)); if (y > starty){ y = starty; jumpHeight = -10; jumpDownStatus = false; action = 1; }; return; }; }; if (action == 1){ if (xMoveType == 1){ scaleX = -1; if ((x + halfWidth) < targetEndx){ x = (x + speedx); } else { x = ((targetEndx - halfWidth) - speedx); action = 0; speedx = 4; checkNextLine(); }; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ scaleX = 1; if ((x - halfWidth) > targetEndx){ x = (x - speedx); } else { x = ((targetEndx + halfWidth) + speedx); action = 0; speedx = 4; checkNextLine(); }; return; }; }; }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 116
//VultureDumb (VultureDumb) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public class VultureDumb extends AnimalDumb { public var hitClip:MovieClip; public var dieClip:MovieClip; public function VultureDumb(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); vultureType = GParams.VULTURE_DUMB; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event){ if ((((currentFrame == 1)) || ((action == 0)))){ standCountCurrent = (standCountCurrent + 1); if (standCountCurrent >= standCountMax){ checkNextLine(); }; }; if (dieStatus){ if (currentFrame == 4){ if (this.dieClip != null){ if (this.dieClip.currentFrame >= 12){ removeClip(); return; }; }; }; return; }; if (!dieStatus){ if (hitBananaStatus){ if (currentFrame == 3){ if (this.hitClip != null){ if (this.hitClip.currentFrame >= 6){ this.hitClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; gotoAndStop(2); action = 1; if (currentLine != Monkey.monkey.currentLineIndex){ escapeHit(); }; hitBananaStatus = false; }; }; }; return; }; checkMonkeyPosition(); if (action == 1){ turnStatus = false; if (xMoveType == 1){ scaleX = -1; if ((x + halfWidth) < targetEndx){ if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; x = (x + speedx); } else { x = ((targetEndx - halfWidth) - speedx); speedx = 0.25; standAnimal(); chaseMonkeyStatus = false; }; return; }; if (xMoveType == -1){ scaleX = 1; if ((x - halfWidth) > targetEndx){ if (speedx < maxSpeed){ speedx = (speedx + 0.25); }; x = (x - speedx); } else { x = ((targetEndx + halfWidth) + speedx); speedx = 0.5; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; standAnimal(); }; return; }; }; }; } override public function init(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ super.initsuper(); halfWidth = 22; halfHeight = 28; hitStatus = false; dieStatus = false; chaseMonkeyStatus = false; currentLine = _arg1; health = _arg2; lineDimension = GParams.game_Path_Dimension[(GParams.currentLevel - 1)]; if (_arg3 == 1){ startx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); targetEndx = (startx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); xMoveType = 1; scaleX = 1; x = (startx + 30); y = starty; } else { if (_arg3 == -1){ targetEndx = lineDimension[_arg1][0]; startx = (targetEndx + lineDimension[_arg1][2]); starty = (lineDimension[_arg1][1] - halfHeight); xMoveType = -1; scaleX = -1; x = ((startx - halfWidth) - 30); y = starty; }; }; gotoAndStop(2); maxSpeed = (Math.ceil(lineDimension[_arg1][2]) / 100); speedx = 0.25; action = 1; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } override public function hit_Banana(){ if (!dieStatus){ health = (health - 10); if (health > 0){ hitBananaStatus = true; gotoAndStop(3); } else { MainClass.gameScore = (MainClass.gameScore + GParams.VULTUREDUMBSCORE); ScoreClip.scoreClip.updateScore(); dieStatus = true; Bg1.bg1.removeVultureReference(); gotoAndStop(4); }; }; } } }//package
Section 117
//YouWin (YouWin) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class YouWin extends MovieClip { public var errormesg:TextField; var urlPlayMore:String;// = "" var requestPlayMore:URLRequest;// = null public var submitScore:SimpleButton; public var playmore:SimpleButton; public var totalScore:TextField; public var playAgain:SimpleButton; public var player:TextField; private static var youWin:YouWin = null; public function YouWin(){ urlPlayMore = ""; requestPlayMore = null; super(); requestPlayMore = new URLRequest(urlPlayMore); } public function getPlayerName():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = this.player.text; if (_local1 == null){ return (null); }; this.errormesg.text = ""; return (_local1); } public function handleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var event = _arg1; try { navigateToURL(requestPlayMore, "_blank"); } catch(e:Error) { }; } public function updateScores(){ this.totalScore.text = MainClass.gameScore.toString(); } public function resetData(){ this.totalScore.text = " "; this.player.text = ""; this.errormesg.text = " "; } public function setErrorMesg(_arg1:String){ this.errormesg.text = _arg1; } public static function getInstance():YouWin{ if (youWin == null){ youWin = new (YouWin); }; youWin.resetData(); return (youWin); } } }//package
Section 118
//YouWinSound (YouWinSound) package { import*; public class YouWinSound extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 5 FontUsed by:6 243 908 909 910 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 960
Symbol 6 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:60
Symbol 9 BitmapUsed by:10
Symbol 10 GraphicUses:9Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:10Used by:60
Symbol 12 SoundUsed by:60
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:13Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 15 SoundUsed by:44 322
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:16Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:22Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:24Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 26 SoundUsed by:44
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:27Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:29Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:31Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:33Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:35Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 37 SoundUsed by:44
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:38Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:40Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:44 46 48
Symbol 44 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.flashanimation_5}Uses:14 15 17 19 21 23 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 37 39 41 43Used by:60
Symbol 45 SoundUsed by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:43 41 39 36 34 32 25 30 28 14 17 19 21 23 45Used by:60
Symbol 47 SoundUsed by:60
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:43 41 39 36 34 32 25 30 28 14 17 19 21 23Used by:60
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:49Used by:60
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:51 52Used by:60
Symbol 54 BitmapUsed by:55
Symbol 55 GraphicUses:54Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:55Used by:60
Symbol 57 FontUsed by:58
Symbol 58 TextUses:57Used by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:58Used by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.total_mc_2}Uses:8 11 12 44 46 47 48 50 53 56 59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 FontUsed by:62 906 943 1016 1017
Symbol 62 EditableTextUses:61Used by:1026
Symbol 63 BitmapUsed by:64
Symbol 64 GraphicUses:63Used by:67 424
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66 209 364
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:65Used by:67 80 724 762
Symbol 67 MovieClip {ArrowWeapon}Uses:64 66Used by:1026
Symbol 68 BitmapUsed by:69
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:68Used by:73
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:71Used by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClip {Banana}Uses:69 70 72Used by:545 546 547 1026
Symbol 74 MovieClip {Bg1}Used by:1026
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:75Used by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:76Used by:80 387
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:78Used by:80 387
Symbol 80 MovieClip {Bhala}Uses:77 79 66Used by:1026
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:92 93
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:92 93
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:92 93
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:92 93
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 86 SoundUsed by:92
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.bug_stand_37}Uses:81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91Used by:94
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:81 82 83 84Used by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClip {Bug}Uses:92 93Used by:1026
Symbol 95 BitmapUsed by:96
Symbol 96 GraphicUses:95Used by:113 762
Symbol 97 BitmapUsed by:98
Symbol 98 GraphicUses:97Used by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:98Used by:113
Symbol 100 BitmapUsed by:101
Symbol 101 GraphicUses:100Used by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:101Used by:113
Symbol 103 BitmapUsed by:104
Symbol 104 GraphicUses:103Used by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:104Used by:113
Symbol 106 BitmapUsed by:107
Symbol 107 GraphicUses:106Used by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:107Used by:109 112
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:108Used by:113
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:108 111Used by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClip {Coconut}Uses:96 99 102 105 109 112Used by:329 1026
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:130
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:130
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClipUses:118Used by:130
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClipUses:120Used by:130
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:122Used by:130
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClipUses:124Used by:130
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClipUses:126Used by:130
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129Used by:175
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:131Used by:175 191 198 200
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:133Used by:175 200
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:135Used by:175 191 198 200
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:137Used by:175
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:139Used by:155
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:142
Symbol 142 MovieClipUses:141Used by:155
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClipUses:143Used by:155
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:145Used by:155
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:148
Symbol 148 MovieClipUses:147Used by:155
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:149Used by:155
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:151Used by:155
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClipUses:153Used by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154Used by:175
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 157 MovieClipUses:156Used by:172
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:158Used by:172
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 161 MovieClipUses:160Used by:172
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 163 MovieClipUses:162Used by:172
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 165 MovieClipUses:164Used by:172
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 167 MovieClipUses:166Used by:172
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:169
Symbol 169 MovieClipUses:168Used by:172
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:171
Symbol 171 MovieClipUses:170Used by:172
Symbol 172 MovieClipUses:157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171Used by:175
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClipUses:173Used by:175
Symbol 175 MovieClipUses:130 132 134 136 138 155 172 174Used by:199 201
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClipUses:176Used by:191 198 200
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 179 MovieClipUses:178Used by:191 198 200
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:180Used by:191 198
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:183
Symbol 183 MovieClipUses:182Used by:191 198
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 185 MovieClipUses:184Used by:191 198 885 892
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.EgalHit_81}Uses:177 179 132 181 183 136 185 186 187 188 189 190Used by:199 201
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 193 SoundUsed by:198
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 198 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.EgalDie_87}Uses:177 179 132 181 183 136 185 192 193 194 195 196 197Used by:199 201
Symbol 199 MovieClip {Eagle}Uses:175 191 198Used by:1026
Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:177 179 132 134 136Used by:201
Symbol 201 MovieClip {Eagle2}Uses:200 175 191 198Used by:1026
Symbol 202 ShapeTweeningUsed by:209
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:209 364
Symbol 204 BitmapUsed by:205
Symbol 205 GraphicUses:204Used by:209 364
Symbol 206 FontUsed by:207 362 661
Symbol 207 EditableTextUses:206Used by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:207Used by:209
Symbol 209 MovieClip {EnemyHealthClip}Uses:202 203 205 208 65Used by:1026
Symbol 210 BitmapUsed by:211
Symbol 211 GraphicUses:210Used by:212
Symbol 212 MovieClipUses:211Used by:301
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 214 MovieClipUses:213Used by:301
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 216 BitmapUsed by:217
Symbol 217 GraphicUses:216Used by:218
Symbol 218 MovieClipUses:217Used by:241 267 369 902 952 955 958
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:220
Symbol 220 MovieClipUses:219Used by:238 241 267 301 369 540 543 544 548 550 552 556 560 573 574 575 577 580 581 582 583 723 902 952 955 958
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 222 MovieClipUses:221Used by:238 241 267 301 369 540 543 544 552 556 560 573 574 575 577 580 581 582 583 723 902 952 955 958
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:228
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:228
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:228
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:228
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:228
Symbol 228 MovieClipUses:223 224 225 226 227Used by:238 241 267 301 369 540 543 544 552 556 560 570 573 574 575 577 580 581 582 583 902 952 955 958
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:230
Symbol 230 MovieClipUses:229Used by:238 241 267 301 369 540 543 544 549 552 556 560 573 574 575 577 580 581 582 583 723 902 952 955 958
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:238 241 267 301 369 490 540 543 544 551 552 556 560 572 574 575 577 580 581 582 608 609 902 952 955 958
Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:235 301 544 577 580 582
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:235 301 544 580
Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:235 301
Symbol 235 MovieClipUses:232 233 234Used by:238 241 267 301 369 490 540 543 551 552 556 560 572 574 575 580 581 608 609 723 902 952 955 958
Symbol 236 FontUsed by:237 239 265 266 290 291 293 294 367 368 900 901 949 950 953 954 956 957
Symbol 237 TextUses:236Used by:241
Symbol 238 MovieClipUses:220 222 228 230 231 235Used by:241 267 369 583 902 952 955 958
Symbol 239 TextUses:236Used by:241
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:241 267 369 902 955 958
Symbol 241 ButtonUses:218 220 222 228 230 231 235 237 238 239 240Used by:301 1022
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:264 1007
Symbol 243 TextUses:5Used by:244
Symbol 244 MovieClipUses:243Used by:264 1007
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:264 1007
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 247 MovieClipUses:246Used by:258
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:249
Symbol 249 MovieClipUses:248Used by:258
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:251
Symbol 251 MovieClipUses:250Used by:258
Symbol 252 FontUsed by:253 254 255 256
Symbol 253 TextUses:252Used by:257
Symbol 254 TextUses:252Used by:257
Symbol 255 TextUses:252Used by:257
Symbol 256 TextUses:252Used by:257
Symbol 257 MovieClipUses:253 254 255 256Used by:258
Symbol 258 MovieClipUses:247 249 251 257Used by:259
Symbol 259 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.LogoAniFlashA_105}Uses:258Used by:264 1007
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:261 264 967 1007
Symbol 261 MovieClipUses:260Used by:264 967 1007
Symbol 262 BitmapUsed by:263
Symbol 263 GraphicUses:262Used by:264 1007
Symbol 264 ButtonUses:242 244 245 259 261 263 260Used by:301 942 948 968
Symbol 265 TextUses:236Used by:267
Symbol 266 TextUses:236Used by:267
Symbol 267 ButtonUses:218 220 222 228 230 231 235 265 238 266 240Used by:301 1022
Symbol 268 SoundUsed by:301
Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 270 MovieClipUses:269Used by:301 580
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 272 SoundUsed by:301 577
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:301 544 580 723
Symbol 274 SoundUsed by:301
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 277 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 279 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 280 SoundUsed by:301
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 283 MovieClipUses:282Used by:301 580
Symbol 284 BitmapUsed by:285
Symbol 285 GraphicUses:284Used by:286
Symbol 286 MovieClipUses:285Used by:301
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:288
Symbol 288 MovieClipUses:287Used by:301
Symbol 289 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 290 TextUses:236Used by:300
Symbol 291 TextUses:236Used by:300
Symbol 292 GraphicUsed by:300
Symbol 293 TextUses:236Used by:300
Symbol 294 TextUses:236Used by:300
Symbol 295 FontUsed by:296 299
Symbol 296 EditableTextUses:295Used by:300
Symbol 297 FontUsed by:298 1018
Symbol 298 EditableTextUses:297Used by:300
Symbol 299 EditableTextUses:295Used by:300
Symbol 300 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.you_lose_textField_117}Uses:289 290 291 292 293 294 296 298 299Used by:301
Symbol 301 MovieClip {GameOver}Uses:212 214 215 241 264 267 268 270 220 222 228 230 231 235 271 272 273 233 234 232 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 283 286 288 300Used by:1026
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:303
Symbol 303 MovieClipUses:302Used by:316 322 323 324 325
Symbol 304 GraphicUsed by:305
Symbol 305 MovieClipUses:304Used by:316 321 322 323 324 325
Symbol 306 GraphicUsed by:307
Symbol 307 MovieClipUses:306Used by:316 321 322 323 324 325
Symbol 308 GraphicUsed by:309
Symbol 309 MovieClipUses:308Used by:316 321 322 323 324 325
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:311
Symbol 311 MovieClipUses:310Used by:316 321 322 323 324 325
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 313 MovieClipUses:312Used by:316 321 322 323 324 325
Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:315 321
Symbol 315 MovieClipUses:314Used by:316 322 323 324 325
Symbol 316 MovieClipUses:303 305 307 309 311 313 315Used by:324 325
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 318 MovieClipUses:317Used by:321
Symbol 319 GraphicUsed by:321
Symbol 320 GraphicUsed by:321
Symbol 321 MovieClipUses:305 307 311 313 318 309 314 319 320Used by:324 325
Symbol 322 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.killing_129}Uses:303 305 307 309 311 313 315 15Used by:324 325
Symbol 323 MovieClipUses:303 307 309 313 305 315 311Used by:324 325
Symbol 324 MovieClip {GorillaAverage}Uses:303 305 307 309 311 313 315 316 321 322 323Used by:1026
Symbol 325 MovieClip {GorillaDumb}Uses:303 305 307 309 311 313 315 316 321 322 323Used by:1026
Symbol 326 GraphicUsed by:342 348 350 355 358 359
Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:342 348 350 358 359
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:342 348 350 355 358 359
Symbol 329 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.coconutroll_new_134}Uses:113Used by:342 348 350 355 358 359
Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:342 348 350 355 358 359
Symbol 331 GraphicUsed by:342 348 350 355 358 359 392
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:342 348 350 358 359
Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:342 348 350 355 358 359
Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:342 348 350 355 358 359
Symbol 335 GraphicUsed by:342
Symbol 336 ShapeTweeningUsed by:342 348
Symbol 337 GraphicUsed by:342
Symbol 338 GraphicUsed by:342
Symbol 339 ShapeTweeningUsed by:342
Symbol 340 GraphicUsed by:342 348
Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:342
Symbol 342 MovieClipUses:326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341Used by:360
Symbol 343 GraphicUsed by:348
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:348
Symbol 345 GraphicUsed by:348 350 358 359
Symbol 346 GraphicUsed by:348
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:348
Symbol 348 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_attac_new_135}Uses:326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 343 344 345 346 347 336 340Used by:360
Symbol 349 SoundUsed by:350 1000
Symbol 350 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_hit_136}Uses:326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 349 345Used by:360
Symbol 351 GraphicUsed by:355
Symbol 352 GraphicUsed by:355
Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:355
Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:355 558
Symbol 355 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_dead01_137}Uses:326 351 328 329 330 331 352 333 334 353 354Used by:360
Symbol 356 GraphicUsed by:357
Symbol 357 MovieClipUses:356Used by:358 359
Symbol 358 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_hit_die_138}Uses:326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 345 357Used by:360
Symbol 359 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.yeti_attack2_140}Uses:326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 345 357Used by:360
Symbol 360 MovieClip {GorillaSmart}Uses:342 348 350 355 358 359Used by:1026
Symbol 361 ShapeTweeningUsed by:364
Symbol 362 EditableTextUses:206Used by:363
Symbol 363 MovieClipUses:362Used by:364
Symbol 364 MovieClip {HealthClip}Uses:361 203 205 363 65Used by:1026
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:366 373 376
Symbol 366 MovieClipUses:365Used by:372
Symbol 367 TextUses:236Used by:369
Symbol 368 TextUses:236Used by:369
Symbol 369 ButtonUses:218 220 222 228 230 231 235 367 238 368 240Used by:372 375 378
Symbol 370 FontUsed by:371 374 377 944 946
Symbol 371 TextUses:370Used by:372
Symbol 372 MovieClip {HelpPage1}Uses:366 369 371Used by:1026
Symbol 373 MovieClipUses:365Used by:375
Symbol 374 TextUses:370Used by:375
Symbol 375 MovieClip {HelpPage2}Uses:373 374 369Used by:1026
Symbol 376 MovieClipUses:365Used by:378
Symbol 377 TextUses:370Used by:378
Symbol 378 MovieClip {HelpPage3}Uses:376 377 369Used by:1026
Symbol 379 GraphicUsed by:380
Symbol 380 MovieClipUses:379Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 381 GraphicUsed by:382
Symbol 382 MovieClipUses:381Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:384
Symbol 384 MovieClipUses:383Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:386
Symbol 386 MovieClipUses:385Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 387 MovieClipUses:77 79Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:389
Symbol 389 MovieClipUses:388Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:391
Symbol 391 MovieClipUses:390Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 392 MovieClipUses:331Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:394
Symbol 394 MovieClipUses:393Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:396
Symbol 396 MovieClipUses:395Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:398
Symbol 398 MovieClipUses:397Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 401 MovieClipUses:400Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 402 GraphicUsed by:403
Symbol 403 MovieClipUses:402Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 404 GraphicUsed by:405
Symbol 405 MovieClipUses:404Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 407 MovieClipUses:406Used by:408
Symbol 408 MovieClipUses:407Used by:409 410 411 412 415
Symbol 409 MovieClipUses:380 382 384 386 387 389 391 392 394 396 398 399 401 403 405 408Used by:416
Symbol 410 MovieClipUses:380 382 384 386 387 389 391 392 394 396 398 399 401 403 405 408Used by:416
Symbol 411 MovieClipUses:380 382 384 386 387 389 391 392 394 396 398 399 401 403 405 408Used by:416
Symbol 412 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.Hunter02Hit_170}Uses:380 382 384 386 387 389 391 392 394 396 398 399 401 403 405 408Used by:416
Symbol 413 ShapeTweeningUsed by:415
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.Hunter02Die_171}Uses:380 382 384 386 387 389 391 392 394 396 398 399 401 403 405 408 413 414Used by:416
Symbol 416 MovieClip {Hunter1}Uses:409 410 411 412 415Used by:1026
Symbol 417 BitmapUsed by:418
Symbol 418 GraphicUses:417Used by:419
Symbol 419 MovieClipUses:418Used by:420 812 813
Symbol 420 MovieClipUses:419Used by:445 814
Symbol 421 GraphicUsed by:445 814 864
Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:423
Symbol 423 MovieClipUses:422Used by:444 445
Symbol 424 MovieClipUses:64Used by:435 436
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:435 444
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 427 MovieClipUses:426Used by:435 436 441 443 444
Symbol 428 GraphicUsed by:429
Symbol 429 MovieClipUses:428Used by:435 436 441 443 444
Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:435 441 443 444
Symbol 431 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 432 MovieClipUses:431Used by:435 436 441 443 444
Symbol 433 GraphicUsed by:435 436 441 443 444
Symbol 434 GraphicUsed by:435 436 441
Symbol 435 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.hunter_176}Uses:424 425 427 429 430 432 433 434Used by:445
Symbol 436 MovieClipUses:424 433 429 427 434 432Used by:445
Symbol 437 GraphicUsed by:441
Symbol 438 SoundUsed by:441
Symbol 439 GraphicUsed by:441
Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:441
Symbol 441 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.hunte_shoot_182}Uses:433 429 437 427 434 432 438 439 430 440Used by:445
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:443
Symbol 443 MovieClipUses:433 427 429 430 432 442Used by:445
Symbol 444 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.hunte_dead_184}Uses:433 423 429 427 430 432 425Used by:445
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Symbol 452 GraphicUsed by:453
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Symbol 456 GraphicUsed by:459
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Symbol 475 GraphicUsed by:477
Symbol 476 GraphicUsed by:477
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Symbol 487 GraphicUsed by:490
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Symbol 550 MovieClipUses:220Used by:552
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Symbol 946 TextUses:370Used by:947
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Symbol 956 TextUses:236Used by:958
Symbol 957 TextUses:236Used by:958
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Symbol 963 GraphicUsed by:964
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Symbol 965 GraphicUsed by:967
Symbol 966 GraphicUsed by:967
Symbol 967 ButtonUses:959 961 962 964 965 261 966 260Used by:968
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Symbol 969 MovieClip {Welcome}Uses:942 948 968Used by:1026
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Symbol 971 MovieClipUses:970Used by:981
Symbol 972 GraphicUsed by:973
Symbol 973 MovieClipUses:972Used by:981
Symbol 974 GraphicUsed by:975
Symbol 975 MovieClipUses:974Used by:981
Symbol 976 GraphicUsed by:977
Symbol 977 MovieClipUses:976Used by:981
Symbol 978 GraphicUsed by:980
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Symbol 981 MovieClipUses:971 973 975 977 980Used by:1006
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Symbol 983 MovieClipUses:982Used by:994 1000 1002 1003 1005
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Symbol 985 MovieClipUses:984Used by:994 1000 1002 1003 1005
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Symbol 987 MovieClipUses:986Used by:994 1000 1002 1003 1005
Symbol 988 GraphicUsed by:989
Symbol 989 MovieClipUses:988Used by:994 1000 1002 1003 1005
Symbol 990 GraphicUsed by:991
Symbol 991 MovieClipUses:990Used by:994 1000 1002 1003 1005
Symbol 992 GraphicUsed by:993
Symbol 993 MovieClipUses:992Used by:994 1000 1002 1003 1005
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Symbol 996 GraphicUsed by:999
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Symbol 1000 MovieClipUses:985 987 989 983 991 993 980 999 349 979Used by:1006
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Symbol 1003 MovieClipUses:983 985 987 989 991 993 980Used by:1006
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Symbol 1015 TextUses:1013Used by:1022
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Symbol 1017 EditableTextUses:61Used by:1022
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Instance Names

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"hitClip"Symbol 80 MovieClip {Bhala} Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
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"hitAreaClip"Symbol 868 MovieClip {SurfaceL8} Frame 1Symbol 865 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.mc_hitArea6_329}
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"climberHitAreaClip"Symbol 873 MovieClip {SurfaceL9} Frame 1Symbol 872 MovieClip
"levelEndAreaClip"Symbol 873 MovieClip {SurfaceL9} Frame 1Symbol 780 MovieClip
"hitClip"Symbol 893 MovieClip {VultureAverage} Frame 3Symbol 885 MovieClip
"dieClip"Symbol 893 MovieClip {VultureAverage} Frame 4Symbol 892 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.VALTUREdie_344}
"hitClip"Symbol 894 MovieClip {VultureDumb} Frame 3Symbol 885 MovieClip
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"dieClip"Symbol 1006 MovieClip {WildBoreDumb} Frame 4Symbol 1002 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.wildboredie_377}
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"walk"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 7
"climbStill"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 8
"climb"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 9
"hang"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 10
"hangStill"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 11
"jumpup"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 12
"jumpdown"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 13
"hit"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 14
"die"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 15
"duck"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 16
"power"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 17
"fallHit"Symbol 583 MovieClip {Monkey} Frame 18
"WALK"Symbol 658 MovieClip {RhinoDumb} Frame 1
"RHINO RUN"Symbol 658 MovieClip {RhinoDumb} Frame 2
"still"Symbol 724 MovieClip {Snake} Frame 1
"alert"Symbol 724 MovieClip {Snake} Frame 2
"attack"Symbol 724 MovieClip {Snake} Frame 3
"hit"Symbol 724 MovieClip {Snake} Frame 4
"swallow"Symbol 724 MovieClip {Snake} Frame 5
"still"Symbol 814 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.stagestoneanimation_306} Frame 1
"make"Symbol 814 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.stagestoneanimation_306} Frame 2
"break"Symbol 814 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.stagestoneanimation_306} Frame 3
"blank"Symbol 814 MovieClip {jungle_ver85_fla.stagestoneanimation_306} Frame 4
Created: 10/5 -2019 02:10:19 Last modified: 10/5 -2019 02:10:19 Server time: 05/11 -2024 09:21:08