Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Sonic Smash Brothers.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #42229

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
// unknown tag 88 length 144 movieClip 102 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 103 pScreen { instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8)) { timer += 5; _root.setVolume = 20; } if (timer > 0) { timer -= 0.5; } if (timer > 300) { stopAllSounds(); _root.setVolume = 100; _root.gotoAndStop(2); _root.isPaused = false; loadMovie('', _parent); } if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.isPaused = false; loadMovie('', _parent); } } } } movieClip 105 fadetoblack { frame 1 { _height = Stage.height + 100; _width = Stage.width + 100; _x = 0; _y = 0; } frame 10 { loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 107 confetti { frame 1 { num = 0; } frame 2 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { num += 5; if (num > 600) { loadMovie('', this); } }; } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 111 fireball { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { _x = _x + speed; if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.enemy1 != 'blaze' && _root.ground.cpu.isFlame == false && _root.ground.cpu.isStars == false && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) { _root.doP1Atk(10); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.enemy2 != 'blaze' && _root.ground.cpu2.isFlame == false && _root.ground.cpu2.isStars == false && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90) { _root.doP1Atk2(10); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.enemy3 != 'blaze' && _root.ground.cpu3.isFlame == false && _root.ground.cpu3.isStars == false && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90) { _root.doP1Atk3(10); } if (_x > Stage.width + 50 || _x < -50) { loadMovie('', this); } }; } } movieClip 118 { } movieClip 123 ringpickup { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.rings += 1;; } }; } frame 5 { loadMovie('', this); } } frame 1 { function saveGame() { myLSO = SharedObject.getLocal('ssbdata'); if ( == undefined) { } else {} myObj = {}; myObj.objArray = new Array(); myObj.objArray[0] = _root.score; myObj.objArray[1] = _root.amyUnlocked; myObj.objArray[2] = _root.creamUnlocked; myObj.objArray[3] = _root.rougeUnlocked; myObj.objArray[4] = _root.shadowUnlocked; myObj.objArray[5] = _root.silverUnlocked; myObj.objArray[6] = _root.blazeUnlocked; myObj.objArray[7] = _root.espioUnlocked; myObj.objArray[8] = _root.mightyUnlocked; myObj.objArray[9] = _root.superSonicUnlocked; myObj.objArray[10] = _root.superShadowUnlocked; myObj.objArray[11] = _root.tikalUnlocked; myObj.objArray[12] = _root.icecapUnlocked; myObj.objArray[13] = _root.lavareefUnlocked; myObj.objArray[14] = _root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked; myObj.objArray[15] = _root.outerspaceUnlocked; myObj.objArray[16] = _root.mushroomhillUnlocked; myObj.objArray[17] = _root.emeraldhillUnlocked; myObj.objArray[18] = _root.scrapbrainUnlocked; myObj.objArray[19] = _root.starlightUnlocked; myObj.objArray[20] = _root.carnivalnightUnlocked; myObj.objArray[21] = _root.marblezoneUnlocked; myObj.objArray[22] = _root.completeSonic; myObj.objArray[23] = _root.completeTails; myObj.objArray[24] = _root.completeKnuckles; myObj.objArray[25] = _root.completeAmy; myObj.objArray[26] = _root.completeCream; myObj.objArray[27] = _root.completeRouge; myObj.objArray[28] = _root.completeShadow; myObj.objArray[29] = _root.completeSilver; myObj.objArray[30] = _root.completeBlaze; myObj.objArray[31] = _root.completeEspio; myObj.objArray[32] = _root.completeMighty; myObj.objArray[33] = _root.completeSuperSonic; myObj.objArray[34] = _root.completeSuperShadow; myObj.objArray[35] = _root.completeTikal; myObj.objArray[36] = _root.autosave; myObj.objArray[37] = _root.complete50; myObj.objArray[38] = _root.complete100; myObj.objArray[39] = _root.allstarUnlocked; myObj.objArray[40] = _root.starUnlocked; myObj.objArray[41] = _root.nameX; myObj.objArray[42] = _root.firstPlay; myObj.objArray[43] = _root.hpUnlocked; myObj.objArray[44] = _root.isCheated; myObj.objArray[45] = _root.gameComplete; myObj.objArray[46] = _root.gameCompleteX; myObj.objArray[47] = _root.sonicTimes; myObj.objArray[48] = _root.sonicDefeats; myObj.objArray[49] = _root.sonicVictories; myObj.objArray[50] = _root.sonicKos; myObj.objArray[51] = _root.sonicFalls; myObj.objArray[52] = _root.sonicShocks; myObj.objArray[53] = _root.tailsTimes; myObj.objArray[54] = _root.tailsDefeats; myObj.objArray[55] = _root.tailsVictories; myObj.objArray[56] = _root.tailsKos; myObj.objArray[57] = _root.tailsFalls; myObj.objArray[58] = _root.tailsShocks; myObj.objArray[59] = _root.knucklesTimes; myObj.objArray[60] = _root.knucklesDefeats; myObj.objArray[61] = _root.knucklesVictories; myObj.objArray[62] = _root.knucklesKos; myObj.objArray[63] = _root.knucklesFalls; myObj.objArray[64] = _root.knucklesShocks; myObj.objArray[65] = _root.amyTimes; myObj.objArray[66] = _root.amyDefeats; myObj.objArray[67] = _root.amyVictories; myObj.objArray[68] = _root.amyKos; myObj.objArray[69] = _root.amyFalls; myObj.objArray[70] = _root.amyShocks; myObj.objArray[71] = _root.creamTimes; myObj.objArray[72] = _root.creamDefeats; myObj.objArray[73] = _root.creamVictories; myObj.objArray[74] = _root.creamKos; myObj.objArray[75] = _root.creamFalls; myObj.objArray[76] = _root.creamShocks; myObj.objArray[77] = _root.rougeTimes; myObj.objArray[78] = _root.rougeDefeats; myObj.objArray[79] = _root.rougeVictories; myObj.objArray[80] = _root.rougeKos; myObj.objArray[81] = _root.rougeFalls; myObj.objArray[82] = _root.rougeShocks; myObj.objArray[83] = _root.shadowTimes; myObj.objArray[84] = _root.shadowDefeats; myObj.objArray[85] = _root.shadowVictories; myObj.objArray[86] = _root.shadowKos; myObj.objArray[87] = _root.shadowFalls; myObj.objArray[88] = _root.shadowShocks; myObj.objArray[89] = _root.silverTimes; myObj.objArray[90] = _root.silverDefeats; myObj.objArray[91] = _root.silverVictories; myObj.objArray[92] = _root.silverKos; myObj.objArray[93] = _root.silverFalls; myObj.objArray[94] = _root.silverShocks; myObj.objArray[95] = _root.blazeTimes; myObj.objArray[96] = _root.blazeDefeats; myObj.objArray[97] = _root.blazeVictories; myObj.objArray[98] = _root.blazeKos; myObj.objArray[99] = _root.blazeFalls; myObj.objArray[100] = _root.blazeShocks; myObj.objArray[101] = _root.espioTimes; myObj.objArray[102] = _root.espioDefeats; myObj.objArray[103] = _root.espioVictories; myObj.objArray[104] = _root.espioKos; myObj.objArray[105] = _root.espioFalls; myObj.objArray[106] = _root.espioShocks; myObj.objArray[107] = _root.mightyTimes; myObj.objArray[108] = _root.mightyDefeats; myObj.objArray[109] = _root.mightyVictories; myObj.objArray[110] = _root.mightyKos; myObj.objArray[111] = _root.mightyFalls; myObj.objArray[112] = _root.mightyShocks; myObj.objArray[113] = _root.supersonicTimes; myObj.objArray[114] = _root.supersonicDefeats; myObj.objArray[115] = _root.supersonicVictories; myObj.objArray[116] = _root.supersonicKos; myObj.objArray[117] = _root.supersonicFalls; myObj.objArray[118] = _root.supersonicShocks; myObj.objArray[119] = _root.supershadowTimes; myObj.objArray[120] = _root.supershadowDefeats; myObj.objArray[121] = _root.supershadowVictories; myObj.objArray[122] = _root.supershadowKos; myObj.objArray[123] = _root.supershadowFalls; myObj.objArray[124] = _root.supershadowShocks; myObj.objArray[125] = _root.tikalTimes; myObj.objArray[126] = _root.tikalDefeats; myObj.objArray[127] = _root.tikalVictories; myObj.objArray[128] = _root.tikalKos; myObj.objArray[129] = _root.tikalFalls; myObj.objArray[130] = _root.tikalShocks; myObj.objArray[131] = _root.allsrec; myObj.objArray[132] = _root.man10rec; myObj.objArray[133] = _root.greenhillPlay; myObj.objArray[134] = _root.chemicalplantPlay; myObj.objArray[135] = _root.angelislandPlay; myObj.objArray[136] = _root.icecapPlay; myObj.objArray[137] = _root.lavareefPlay; myObj.objArray[138] = _root.skysancPlay; myObj.objArray[139] = _root.hiddenpalacePlay; myObj.objArray[140] = _root.spacePlay; myObj.objArray[141] = _root.mushroomhillPlay; myObj.objArray[142] = _root.emeraldhillPlay; myObj.objArray[143] = _root.carnivalnightPlay; myObj.objArray[144] = _root.marblezonePlay; myObj.objArray[145] = _root.scrapbrainPlay; myObj.objArray[146] = _root.starlightPlay; myObj.objArray[147] = _root.hiddenpalace2Play; myObj.objArray[148] = _root.allstarPlay; myObj.objArray[149] = _root.totalTimes; myObj.objArray[150] = _root.cheeseUnlocked; = myObj; } function loadGame() { myLSO = SharedObject.getLocal('ssbdata'); if ( == undefined) { score = 0; autosave = true; completeSonic = false; completeTails = false; completeKnuckles = false; completeAmy = false; completeCream = false; completeRouge = false; completeShadow = false; completeSilver = false; completeBlaze = false; completeEspio = false; completeMighty = false; completeSuperSonic = false; completeSuperShadow = false; completeTikal = false; amyUnlocked = false; creamUnlocked = false; shadowUnlocked = false; rougeUnlocked = false; silverUnlocked = false; blazeUnlocked = false; superSonicUnlocked = false; superShadowUnlocked = false; espioUnlocked = false; mightyUnlocked = false; tikalUnlocked = false; icecapUnlocked = false; lavareefUnlocked = false; hiddenpalaceUnlocked = false; outerspaceUnlocked = false; mushroomhillUnlocked = false; emeraldhillUnlocked = false; scrapbrainUnlocked = false; starlightUnlocked = false; carnivalnightUnlocked = false; marblezoneUnlocked = false; complete50 = false; complete100 = false; allstarUnlocked = false; starUnlocked = false; nameX = ''; firstPlay = true; _root.hpUnlocked = false; _root.isCheated = false; _root.gameComplete = false; _root.gameCompleteX = false; _root.sonicTimes = 0; _root.sonicDefeats = 0; _root.sonicVictories = 0; _root.sonicKos = 0; _root.sonicFalls = 0; _root.sonicShocks = 0; _root.tailsTimes = 0; _root.tailsDefeats = 0; _root.tailsVictories = 0; _root.tailsKos = 0; _root.tailsFalls = 0; _root.tailsShocks = 0; _root.knucklesTimes = 0; _root.knucklesDefeats = 0; _root.knucklesVictories = 0; _root.knucklesKos = 0; _root.knucklesFalls = 0; _root.knucklesShocks = 0; _root.amyTimes = 0; _root.amyDefeats = 0; _root.amyVictories = 0; _root.amyKos = 0; _root.amyFalls = 0; _root.amyShocks = 0; _root.creamTimes = 0; _root.creamDefeats = 0; _root.creamVictories = 0; _root.creamKos = 0; _root.creamFalls = 0; _root.creamShocks = 0; _root.rougeTimes = 0; _root.rougeDefeats = 0; _root.rougeVictories = 0; _root.rougeKos = 0; _root.rougeFalls = 0; _root.rougeShocks = 0; _root.shadowTimes = 0; _root.shadowDefeats = 0; _root.shadowVictories = 0; _root.shadowKos = 0; _root.shadowFalls = 0; _root.shadowShocks = 0; _root.silverTimes = 0; _root.silverDefeats = 0; _root.silverVictories = 0; _root.silverKos = 0; _root.silverFalls = 0; _root.silverShocks = 0; _root.blazeTimes = 0; _root.blazeDefeats = 0; _root.blazeVictories = 0; _root.blazeKos = 0; _root.blazeFalls = 0; _root.blazeShocks = 0; _root.espioTimes = 0; _root.espioDefeats = 0; _root.espioVictories = 0; _root.espioKos = 0; _root.espioFalls = 0; _root.espioShocks = 0; _root.mightyTimes = 0; _root.mightyDefeats = 0; _root.mightyVictories = 0; _root.mightyKos = 0; _root.mightyFalls = 0; _root.mightyShocks = 0; _root.supersonicTimes = 0; _root.supersonicDefeats = 0; _root.supersonicVictories = 0; _root.supersonicKos = 0; _root.supersonicFalls = 0; _root.supersonicShocks = 0; _root.supershadowTimes = 0; _root.supershadowDefeats = 0; _root.supershadowVictories = 0; _root.supershadowKos = 0; _root.supershadowFalls = 0; _root.supershadowShocks = 0; _root.tikalTimes = 0; _root.tikalDefeats = 0; _root.tikalVictories = 0; _root.tikalKos = 0; _root.tikalFalls = 0; _root.tikalShocks = 0; _root.allsrec = 0; _root.man10rec = 0; _root.greenhillPlay = 0; _root.chemicalplantPlay = 0; _root.angelislandPlay = 0; _root.icecapPlay = 0; _root.lavareefPlay = 0; _root.skysancPlay = 0; _root.hiddenpalacePlay = 0; _root.spacePlay = 0; _root.mushroomhillPlay = 0; _root.emeraldhillPlay = 0; _root.carnivalnightPlay = 0; _root.marblezonePlay = 0; _root.scrapbrainPlay = 0; _root.starlightPlay = 0; _root.hiddenpalace2Play = 0; _root.allstarPlay = 0; _root.totalTimes = 0; _root.cheeseUnlocked = false; } else { _root.score =[0]; _root.amyUnlocked =[1]; _root.creamUnlocked =[2]; _root.rougeUnlocked =[3]; _root.shadowUnlocked =[4]; _root.silverUnlocked =[5]; _root.blazeUnlocked =[6]; _root.espioUnlocked =[7]; _root.mightyUnlocked =[8]; _root.superSonicUnlocked =[9]; _root.superShadowUnlocked =[10]; _root.tikalUnlocked =[11]; _root.icecapUnlocked =[12]; _root.lavareefUnlocked =[13]; _root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked =[14]; _root.outerspaceUnlocked =[15]; _root.mushroomhillUnlocked =[16]; _root.emeraldhillUnlocked =[17]; _root.scrapbrainUnlocked =[18]; _root.starlightUnlocked =[19]; _root.carnivalnightUnlocked =[20]; _root.marblezoneUnlocked =[21]; _root.completeSonic =[22]; _root.completeTails =[23]; _root.completeKnuckles =[24]; _root.completeAmy =[25]; _root.completeCream =[26]; _root.completeRouge =[27]; _root.completeShadow =[28]; _root.completeSilver =[29]; _root.completeBlaze =[30]; _root.completeEspio =[31]; _root.completeMighty =[32]; _root.completeSuperSonic =[33]; _root.completeSuperShadow =[34]; _root.completeTikal =[35]; _root.autosave =[36]; _root.complete50 =[37]; _root.complete100 =[38]; _root.allstarUnlocked =[39]; _root.starUnlocked =[40]; _root.nameX =[41]; _root.firstPlay =[42]; _root.hpUnlocked =[43]; _root.isCheated =[44]; _root.gameComplete =[45]; _root.gameCompleteX =[46]; _root.sonicTimes =[47]; _root.sonicDefeats =[48]; _root.sonicVictories =[49]; _root.sonicKos =[50]; _root.sonicFalls =[51]; _root.sonicShocks =[52]; _root.tailsTimes =[53]; _root.tailsDefeats =[54]; _root.tailsVictories =[55]; _root.tailsKos =[56]; _root.tailsFalls =[57]; _root.tailsShocks =[58]; _root.knucklesTimes =[59]; _root.knucklesDefeats =[60]; _root.knucklesVictories =[61]; _root.knucklesKos =[62]; _root.knucklesFalls =[63]; _root.knucklesShocks =[64]; _root.amyTimes =[65]; _root.amyDefeats =[66]; _root.amyVictories =[67]; _root.amyKos =[68]; _root.amyFalls =[69]; _root.amyShocks =[70]; _root.creamTimes =[71]; _root.creamDefeats =[72]; _root.creamVictories =[73]; _root.creamKos =[74]; _root.creamFalls =[75]; _root.creamShocks =[76]; _root.rougeTimes =[77]; _root.rougeDefeats =[78]; _root.rougeVictories =[79]; _root.rougeKos =[80]; _root.rougeFalls =[81]; _root.rougeShocks =[82]; _root.shadowTimes =[83]; _root.shadowDefeats =[84]; _root.shadowVictories =[85]; _root.shadowKos =[86]; _root.shadowFalls =[87]; _root.shadowShocks =[88]; _root.silverTimes =[89]; _root.silverDefeats =[90]; _root.silverVictories =[91]; _root.silverKos =[92]; _root.silverFalls =[93]; _root.silverShocks =[94]; _root.blazeTimes =[95]; _root.blazeDefeats =[96]; _root.blazeVictories =[97]; _root.blazeKos =[98]; _root.blazeFalls =[99]; _root.blazeShocks =[100]; _root.espioTimes =[101]; _root.espioDefeats =[102]; _root.espioVictories =[103]; _root.espioKos =[104]; _root.espioFalls =[105]; _root.espioShocks =[106]; _root.mightyTimes =[107]; _root.mightyDefeats =[108]; _root.mightyVictories =[109]; _root.mightyKos =[110]; _root.mightyFalls =[111]; _root.mightyShocks =[112]; _root.supersonicTimes =[113]; _root.supersonicDefeats =[114]; _root.supersonicVictories =[115]; _root.supersonicKos =[116]; _root.supersonicFalls =[117]; _root.supersonicShocks =[118]; _root.supershadowTimes =[119]; _root.supershadowDefeats =[120]; _root.supershadowVictories =[121]; _root.supershadowKos =[122]; _root.supershadowFalls =[123]; _root.supershadowShocks =[124]; _root.tikalTimes =[125]; _root.tikalDefeats =[126]; _root.tikalVictories =[127]; _root.tikalKos =[128]; _root.tikalFalls =[129]; _root.tikalShocks =[130]; _root.man10rec =[131]; _root.allsrec =[132]; _root.greenhillPlay =[133]; _root.chemicalplantPlay =[134]; _root.angelislandPlay =[135]; _root.icecapPlay =[136]; _root.lavareefPlay =[137]; _root.skysancPlay =[138]; _root.hiddenpalacePlay =[139]; _root.spacePlay =[140]; _root.mushroomhillPlay =[141]; _root.emeraldhillPlay =[142]; _root.carnivalnightPlay =[143]; _root.marblezonePlay =[144]; _root.scrapbrainPlay =[145]; _root.starlightPlay =[146]; _root.hiddenpalace2Play =[147]; _root.allstarPlay =[148]; _root.totalTimes =[149]; _root.cheeseUnlocked =[150]; } } function clearGame() { myLSO = SharedObject.getLocal('ssbdata'); if ( == undefined) { } else {} myObj = {}; myObj.objArray = new Array(); myObj.objArray[0] = 0; myObj.objArray[1] = false; myObj.objArray[2] = false; myObj.objArray[3] = false; myObj.objArray[4] = false; myObj.objArray[5] = false; myObj.objArray[6] = false; myObj.objArray[7] = false; myObj.objArray[8] = false; myObj.objArray[9] = false; myObj.objArray[10] = false; myObj.objArray[11] = false; myObj.objArray[12] = false; myObj.objArray[13] = false; myObj.objArray[14] = false; myObj.objArray[15] = false; myObj.objArray[16] = false; myObj.objArray[17] = false; myObj.objArray[18] = false; myObj.objArray[19] = false; myObj.objArray[20] = false; myObj.objArray[21] = false; myObj.objArray[22] = false; myObj.objArray[23] = false; myObj.objArray[24] = false; myObj.objArray[25] = false; myObj.objArray[26] = false; myObj.objArray[27] = false; myObj.objArray[28] = false; myObj.objArray[29] = false; myObj.objArray[30] = false; myObj.objArray[31] = false; myObj.objArray[32] = false; myObj.objArray[33] = false; myObj.objArray[34] = false; myObj.objArray[35] = false; myObj.objArray[36] = true; myObj.objArray[37] = false; myObj.objArray[38] = false; myObj.objArray[39] = false; myObj.objArray[40] = false; myObj.objArray[41] = ''; myObj.objArray[42] = true; myObj.objArray[43] = false; myObj.objArray[44] = false; myObj.objArray[45] = false; myObj.objArray[46] = 0; myObj.objArray[47] = 0; myObj.objArray[48] = 0; myObj.objArray[49] = 0; myObj.objArray[50] = 0; myObj.objArray[51] = 0; myObj.objArray[52] = 0; myObj.objArray[53] = 0; myObj.objArray[54] = 0; myObj.objArray[55] = 0; myObj.objArray[56] = 0; myObj.objArray[57] = 0; myObj.objArray[58] = 0; myObj.objArray[59] = 0; myObj.objArray[60] = 0; myObj.objArray[61] = 0; myObj.objArray[62] = 0; myObj.objArray[63] = 0; myObj.objArray[64] = 0; myObj.objArray[65] = 0; myObj.objArray[66] = 0; myObj.objArray[67] = 0; myObj.objArray[68] = 0; myObj.objArray[69] = 0; myObj.objArray[70] = 0; myObj.objArray[71] = 0; myObj.objArray[72] = 0; myObj.objArray[73] = 0; myObj.objArray[74] = 0; myObj.objArray[75] = 0; myObj.objArray[76] = 0; myObj.objArray[77] = 0; myObj.objArray[78] = 0; myObj.objArray[79] = 0; myObj.objArray[80] = 0; myObj.objArray[81] = 0; myObj.objArray[82] = 0; myObj.objArray[83] = 0; myObj.objArray[84] = 0; myObj.objArray[85] = 0; myObj.objArray[86] = 0; myObj.objArray[87] = 0; myObj.objArray[88] = 0; myObj.objArray[89] = 0; myObj.objArray[90] = 0; myObj.objArray[91] = 0; myObj.objArray[92] = 0; myObj.objArray[93] = 0; myObj.objArray[94] = 0; myObj.objArray[95] = 0; myObj.objArray[96] = 0; myObj.objArray[97] = 0; myObj.objArray[98] = 0; myObj.objArray[99] = 0; myObj.objArray[100] = 0; myObj.objArray[101] = 0; myObj.objArray[102] = 0; myObj.objArray[103] = 0; myObj.objArray[104] = 0; myObj.objArray[105] = 0; myObj.objArray[106] = 0; myObj.objArray[107] = 0; myObj.objArray[108] = 0; myObj.objArray[109] = 0; myObj.objArray[110] = 0; myObj.objArray[111] = 0; myObj.objArray[112] = 0; myObj.objArray[113] = 0; myObj.objArray[114] = 0; myObj.objArray[115] = 0; myObj.objArray[116] = 0; myObj.objArray[117] = 0; myObj.objArray[118] = 0; myObj.objArray[119] = 0; myObj.objArray[120] = 0; myObj.objArray[121] = 0; myObj.objArray[122] = 0; myObj.objArray[123] = 0; myObj.objArray[124] = 0; myObj.objArray[125] = 0; myObj.objArray[126] = 0; myObj.objArray[127] = 0; myObj.objArray[128] = 0; myObj.objArray[129] = 0; myObj.objArray[130] = 0; myObj.objArray[131] = 0; myObj.objArray[132] = 0; myObj.objArray[133] = 0; myObj.objArray[134] = 0; myObj.objArray[135] = 0; myObj.objArray[136] = 0; myObj.objArray[137] = 0; myObj.objArray[138] = 0; myObj.objArray[139] = 0; myObj.objArray[140] = 0; myObj.objArray[141] = 0; myObj.objArray[142] = 0; myObj.objArray[143] = 0; myObj.objArray[144] = 0; myObj.objArray[145] = 0; myObj.objArray[146] = 0; myObj.objArray[147] = 0; myObj.objArray[148] = 0; myObj.objArray[149] = 0; myObj.objArray[150] = false; = myObj; } stop(); playIt = false; PercentLoaded = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (PercentLoaded == 100) { PercentLoaded = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); _root.loaded_txt = PercentLoaded + '%'; } else { _root.goBTN._visible = true; if (playIt == false) { sonictheme = new Sound(); sonictheme.attachSound('sonictheme'); sonictheme.start(); titleM = new Sound(); titleM.attachSound('titleM'); playIt = true; } } }; loadGame(); tailsUnlocked = true; knucklesUnlocked = true; musiclol = true; antigrav = false; isSound = true; _root.setVolume = 100; _quality = 'low'; hints = true; isFinLives = false; allowSpawn = false; charsNum = 3; levelNum = 4; percNum = 0; infpow = false; } button 131 { on (release) { stopAllSounds();; } } movieClip 132 { } instance goBTN of movieClip 132 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } // unknown tag 88 length 41 movieClip 136 { } movieClip 138 { } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 142 { } movieClip 144 { } movieClip 146 { } movieClip 148 { } // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 152 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 153 { frame 2 { if (random(5) < 2) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 159 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 185 { } movieClip 194 { } movieClip 195 { } movieClip 202 { } movieClip 205 { } movieClip 208 { } movieClip 211 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 219 { } movieClip 227 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 231 { } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 240 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 245 { } movieClip 250 { frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 265 { frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 267 { } movieClip 268 { frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 275 { } movieClip 278 { } movieClip 286 { } movieClip 294 { } movieClip 314 { } movieClip 320 { instance of movieClip 169 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent.shouldTalk == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 322 { instance of movieClip 320 { onClipEvent (load) { shouldTalk = false; } } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 329 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 331 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 337 { } movieClip 342 { } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 359 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 360 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 362 { } movieClip 363 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 373 { } movieClip 377 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 380 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 385 { } movieClip 386 { } movieClip 392 { } movieClip 398 { frame 2 { if (random(10) < 3) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 52 { stop(); } } movieClip 401 { } movieClip 405 { frame 2 { if (random(10) < 3) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 53 { stop(); } } movieClip 408 { } movieClip 410 { } movieClip 415 { frame 2 { if (random(10) < 3) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 53 { stop(); } } movieClip 418 { } movieClip 419 { frame 2 { if (random(10) < 3) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 53 { stop(); } } movieClip 422 { } movieClip 425 { frame 2 { if (random(10) < 3) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 52 { stop(); } } movieClip 428 { } movieClip 431 { frame 2 { if (random(10) < 3) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 52 { stop(); } } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 436 { frame 2 { if (random(10) < 3) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 53 { stop(); } } movieClip 443 { frame 2 { if (random(10) < 3) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 52 { stop(); } } movieClip 445 { } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 453 { } movieClip 454 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 460 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 461 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 471 { } movieClip 472 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 479 { } movieClip 480 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 483 { frame 70 { stop(); } } movieClip 492 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 506 { } movieClip 508 { frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 515 { frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 518 { } movieClip 523 { } movieClip 525 { frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 534 { } movieClip 537 { } movieClip 543 { } movieClip 547 { } movieClip 548 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 551 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 562 { frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 565 { frame 250 { stop();; } } movieClip 567 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 148 { onClipEvent (press) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 91 { _quality = 'low'; } instance of movieClip 320 { onClipEvent (load) { shouldTalk = true; } } instance of movieClip 320 { onClipEvent (load) { shouldTalk = false; } } frame 1407 { stop(); } frame 1530 { _root.stopAllSounds(); } frame 1540 { _root.stopAllSounds();; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(17) && Key.isDown(37)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(1); } if (Key.isDown(17) && Key.isDown(39)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(1); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 573 { } movieClip 574 { instance of movieClip 573 { onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (hitTest(_root.cursor)) { if (_root.getrid.hitTest(this)) { _parent._x = _parent.initPos.x; _parent._y = _parent.initPos.y; _root.char_txt = ''; _root.selectChar.gotoAndStop(1); _root.charSelected = ''; } if (_root.sonic.hitTest(this)) { _parent._x = _root.sonic._x; _parent._y = _root.sonic._y;'sonic'); _root.Sonic1.start(); } if (_root.tails.hitTest(this) && _root.tailsUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.tails._x; _parent._y = _root.tails._y;'tails'); _root.Tails1.start(); } if (_root.knuckles.hitTest(this) && _root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.knuckles._x; _parent._y = _root.knuckles._y;'knuckles'); _root.Knuckles1.start(); } if (_root.amy.hitTest(this) && _root.amyUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.amy._x; _parent._y = _root.amy._y;'amy'); _root.Amy1.start(); } if (_root.cream.hitTest(this) && _root.creamUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.cream._x; _parent._y = _root.cream._y;'cream'); _root.Cream1.start(); } if (_root.rouge.hitTest(this) && _root.rougeUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.rouge._x; _parent._y = _root.rouge._y;'rouge'); _root.Rouge1.start(); } if (_root.silver.hitTest(this) && _root.silverUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.silver._x; _parent._y = _root.silver._y;'silver'); _root.Silver1.start(); } if (_root.blaze.hitTest(this) && _root.blazeUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.blaze._x; _parent._y = _root.blaze._y;'blaze'); _root.Blaze1.start(); } if (_root.espio.hitTest(this) && _root.espioUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.espio._x; _parent._y = _root.espio._y;'espio'); _root.Espio1.start(); } if (_root.mighty.hitTest(this) && _root.mightyUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.mighty._x; _parent._y = _root.mighty._y;'mighty'); _root.Mighty1.start(); } if (_root.shadow.hitTest(this) && _root.shadowUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.shadow._x; _parent._y = _root.shadow._y;'shadow'); _root.Shadow1.start(); } if (_root.supersonic.hitTest(this) && _root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.supersonic._x; _parent._y = _root.supersonic._y;'supersonic'); _root.SuperSonic1.start(); } if (_root.supershadow.hitTest(this) && _root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.supershadow._x; _parent._y = _root.supershadow._y;'supershadow'); _root.SuperShadow1.start(); } if (_root.tikal.hitTest(this) && _root.tikalUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.tikal._x; _parent._y = _root.tikal._y;'tikal'); _root.Tikal1.start(); } } } } } instance counter1 of movieClip 574 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.allowSpawn == true) { if (timer == 0) { if (Key.isDown(49)) { _root.ground.heart._x = random(_root.ground.heart._x + 500); _root.ground.heart.timer = 800; _root.ground.heart.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.heart._y = _root.ground.heart.initPos.y; _root.ground.heart._visible = true; _root.ground.heart.activate = true; _root.item.start(); timer = 100; } if (Key.isDown(50)) { _root.ground.lifeup._x = random(_root.ground.lifeup._x + 500); _root.ground.lifeup.timer = 800; _root.ground.lifeup.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.lifeup._y = _root.ground.lifeup.initPos.y; _root.ground.lifeup._visible = true; _root.ground.lifeup.activate = true; _root.item.start(); timer = 100; } if (Key.isDown(51)) { _root.ground.flameup._x = random(_root.ground.flameup._x + 500); _root.ground.flameup.timer = 800; _root.ground.flameup.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.flameup._y = _root.ground.flameup.initPos.y; _root.ground.flameup._visible = true; _root.ground.flameup.activate = true; _root.item.start(); timer = 100; } if (Key.isDown(52)) { _root.ground.starup._x = random(_root.ground.starup._x + 500); _root.ground.starup.timer = 800; _root.ground.starup.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.starup._y = _root.ground.starup.initPos.y; _root.ground.starup._visible = true; _root.ground.starup.activate = true; _root.item.start(); timer = 100; } if (Key.isDown(53)) { _root.ground.speedUp._x = random(_root.ground.speedUp._x + 500); _root.ground.speedUp.timer = 800; _root.ground.speedUp.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.speedUp._y = _root.ground.speedUp.initPos.y; _root.ground.speedUp._visible = true; _root.ground.speedUp.activate = true; _root.item.start(); timer = 100; } if (Key.isDown(54)) { _root.ground.earsUp._x = random(_root.ground.earsUp._x + 500); _root.ground.earsUp.timer = 800; _root.ground.earsUp.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.earsUp._y = _root.ground.earsUp.initPos.y; _root.ground.earsUp._visible = true; _root.ground.earsUp.activate = true; _root.item.start(); timer = 100; } if (Key.isDown(55)) { _root.ground.mine._x = random(_root.ground.mine._x + 500); _root.ground.mine.timer = 800; _root.ground.mine.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.mine._y = _root.ground.mine.initPos.y; _root.ground.mine._visible = true; _root.ground.mine.activate = true; _root.item.start(); timer = 100; } if (Key.isDown(56)) { _root.ground.powerUp._x = random(_root.ground.powerUp._x + 500); _root.ground.powerUp.timer = 800; _root.ground.powerUp.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.powerUp._y = _root.ground.powerUp.initPos.y; _root.ground.powerUp._visible = true; _root.ground.powerUp.activate = true; _root.item.start(); timer = 100; } } } if (timer > 0) { timer -= 2; } } } frame 2 { function makeLevelMusic() { if (_root.rndLevel == 0) { _root.greenhill.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 1) { _root.skysancMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 2) { _root.angelislandMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 3) { _root.chemicalplant.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 4) { _root.icecapMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 5) { _root.lavareefMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 6) { _root.hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 7) { _root.spaceMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 8) { _root.specialMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 9) { _root.specialMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 10) { _root.specialMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 11) { _root.specialMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 12) { _root.specialMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 13) { _root.specialMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 14) { _root.starMusic.start(); } if (_root.rndLevel == 15) { _root.hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); } } function fire() { _root.firego.start(); _root.attachMovie('fireball', 'fireball' + f, f); _root['fireball' + f]._x = _root.player._x; _root['fireball' + f]._y = _root.player._y - 15; if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root['fireball' + f].speed = 11; _root['fireball' + f]._xscale = 100; } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root['fireball' + f].speed = -11; _root['fireball' + f]._xscale = -100; } } ++f; } function fireCPU(starter) { _root.firego.start(); _root.attachMovie('fireball', 'fireball' + h, h); _root['fireball' + h]._x = _root[starter]._x; _root['fireball' + h]._y = _root[starter]._y - 15; if (_root[starter].dir == 'right') { _root['fireball' + h].speed = 11; _root['fireball' + h]._xscale = 100; } else { if (_root[starter].dir == 'left') { _root['fireball' + h].speed = -11; _root['fireball' + h]._xscale = -100; } } ++h; } function checkStats() { _root.charsNum = 3; _root.levelNum = 4; _root.percNum = 0; if (_root.amyUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.creamUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.shadowUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.rougeUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.silverUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.blazeUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.espioUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.mightyUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.tikalUnlocked == true) { _root.charsNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.icecapUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.lavareefUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.outerspaceUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.marblezoneUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.mushroomhillUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.emeraldhillUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.scrapbrainUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.starlightUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.carnivalnightUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.starUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.hpUnlocked == true) { _root.levelNum += 1; _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.allstarUnlocked == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeSonic == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeTails == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeKnuckles == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeAmy == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeCream == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeRouge == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeShadow == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeSilver == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeBlaze == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeEspio == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeMighty == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeSuperSonic == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeSuperShadow == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.completeTikal == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.complete50 == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } if (_root.complete100 == true) { _root.percNum += 1; } } function charTimes() { ++_root.totalTimes; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { ++_root.sonicTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { ++_root.tailsTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { ++_root.knucklesTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { ++_root.amyTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { ++_root.creamTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { ++_root.rougeTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { ++_root.shadowTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { ++_root.silverTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { ++_root.blazeTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { ++_root.espioTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { ++_root.mightyTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { ++_root.supersonicTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { ++_root.supershadowTimes; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { ++_root.tikalTimes; } } function charDefeats() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { ++_root.sonicDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { ++_root.tailsDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { ++_root.knucklesDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { ++_root.amyDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { ++_root.creamDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { ++_root.rougeDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { ++_root.shadowDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { ++_root.silverDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { ++_root.blazeDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { ++_root.espioDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { ++_root.mightyDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { ++_root.supersonicDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { ++_root.supershadowDefeats; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { ++_root.tikalDefeats; } } function charVictories() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { ++_root.sonicVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { ++_root.tailsVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { ++_root.knucklesVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { ++_root.amyVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { ++_root.creamVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { ++_root.rougeVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { ++_root.shadowVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { ++_root.silverVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { ++_root.blazeVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { ++_root.espioVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { ++_root.mightyVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { ++_root.supersonicVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { ++_root.supershadowVictories; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { ++_root.tikalVictories; } } function charKos() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { ++_root.sonicKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { ++_root.tailsKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { ++_root.knucklesKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { ++_root.amyKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { ++_root.creamKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { ++_root.rougeKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { ++_root.shadowKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { ++_root.silverKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { ++_root.blazeKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { ++_root.espioKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { ++_root.mightyKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { ++_root.supersonicKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { ++_root.supershadowKos; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { ++_root.tikalKos; } } function charFalls() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { ++_root.sonicFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { ++_root.tailsFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { ++_root.knucklesFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { ++_root.amyFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { ++_root.creamFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { ++_root.rougeFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { ++_root.shadowFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { ++_root.silverFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { ++_root.blazeFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { ++_root.espioFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { ++_root.mightyFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { ++_root.supersonicFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { ++_root.supershadowFalls; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { ++_root.tikalFalls; } } function crowdShocks() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { ++_root.sonicShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { ++_root.tailsShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { ++_root.knucklesShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { ++_root.amyShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { ++_root.creamShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { ++_root.rougeShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { ++_root.shadowShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { ++_root.silverShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { ++_root.blazeShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { ++_root.espioShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { ++_root.mightyShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { ++_root.supersonicShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { ++_root.supershadowShocks; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { ++_root.tikalShocks; } } function returnSpeed() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.yourSpeed = 8; } } stop(); checkStats(); statChar = 'sonic'; clearInterval(timeKeep); clearInterval(superDown); fscommand('showmenu', false); fscommand('allowscale', true); Stage.showMenu = false; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } _root.score_txt = _root.score; _root.nom_txt = 'Welcome ' + _root.nameX; sounds = new Array('Intro', 'Menu', 'Green Hill', 'Chemical Plant', 'Angel Island', 'Ice Cap', 'Lava Reef', 'Sky Sanctuary', 'Hidden Palace', 'Outer Space', 'Bonus Stages', 'All Star', 'Invincible', 'Win', 'Lose', 'Unlockable', 'Mission Start', 'Fight Start', 'Adventure Complete'); c = 1; invincible = new Sound(); invincible.attachSound('Invincible'); greenhill = new Sound(); greenhill.attachSound('greenhill'); chemicalplant = new Sound(); chemicalplant.attachSound('chemicalplant'); angelislandMusic = new Sound(); angelislandMusic.attachSound('angelislandMusic'); icecapMusic = new Sound(); icecapMusic.attachSound('icecapMusic'); lavareefMusic = new Sound(); lavareefMusic.attachSound('lavareefMusic'); hiddenpalaceMusic = new Sound(); hiddenpalaceMusic.attachSound('hiddenpalaceMusic'); skysancMusic = new Sound(); skysancMusic.attachSound('skysancMusic'); spaceMusic = new Sound(); spaceMusic.attachSound('spaceMusic'); specialMusic = new Sound(); specialMusic.attachSound('specialMusic'); starMusic = new Sound(); starMusic.attachSound('starMusic'); sonicVoice1 = new Sound(); sonicVoice1.attachSound('sonicVoice1'); sonicVoice2 = new Sound(); sonicVoice2.attachSound('sonicVoice2'); tailsVoice1 = new Sound(); tailsVoice1.attachSound('tailsVoice1'); tailsVoice2 = new Sound(); tailsVoice2.attachSound('tailsVoice2'); tailsVoice3 = new Sound(); tailsVoice3.attachSound('tailsVoice3'); knuxVoice1 = new Sound(); knuxVoice1.attachSound('knuxVoice1'); knuxVoice2 = new Sound(); knuxVoice2.attachSound('knuxVoice2'); knuxVoice3 = new Sound(); knuxVoice3.attachSound('knuxVoice3'); amyVoice1 = new Sound(); amyVoice1.attachSound('amyVoice1'); amyVoice2 = new Sound(); amyVoice2.attachSound('amyVoice2'); amyVoice3 = new Sound(); amyVoice3.attachSound('amyVoice3'); creamVoice1 = new Sound(); creamVoice1.attachSound('creamVoice1'); creamVoice2 = new Sound(); creamVoice2.attachSound('creamVoice2'); creamVoice3 = new Sound(); creamVoice3.attachSound('creamVoice3'); creamVoice1 = new Sound(); rougeVoice1.attachSound('rougeVoice1'); rougeVoice2 = new Sound(); rougeVoice2.attachSound('rougeVoice2'); rougeVoice3 = new Sound(); rougeVoice3.attachSound('rougeVoice3'); shadowVoice1 = new Sound(); shadowVoice1.attachSound('shadowVoice1'); shadowVoice2 = new Sound(); shadowVoice2.attachSound('shadowVoice2'); shadowVoice3 = new Sound(); shadowVoice3.attachSound('shadowVoice3'); silverVoice1 = new Sound(); silverVoice1.attachSound('silverVoice1'); silverVoice2 = new Sound(); silverVoice2.attachSound('silverVoice2'); silverVoice3 = new Sound(); silverVoice3.attachSound('silverVoice3'); blazeVoice1 = new Sound(); blazeVoice1.attachSound('blazeVoice1'); blazeVoice2 = new Sound(); blazeVoice2.attachSound('blazeVoice2'); blazeVoice3 = new Sound(); blazeVoice3.attachSound('blazeVoice3'); espioVoice1 = new Sound(); espioVoice1.attachSound('espioVoice1'); espioVoice2 = new Sound(); espioVoice2.attachSound('espioVoice2'); espioVoice3 = new Sound(); espioVoice3.attachSound('espioVoice3'); mightyVoice1 = new Sound(); mightyVoice1.attachSound('mightyVoice1'); mightyVoice2 = new Sound(); mightyVoice2.attachSound('mightyVoice2'); mightyVoice3 = new Sound(); mightyVoice3.attachSound('mightyVoice3'); tikalVoice1 = new Sound(); tikalVoice1.attachSound('tikalyVoice1'); tikalVoice2 = new Sound(); tikalVoice2.attachSound('tikalVoice2'); tikalVoice3 = new Sound(); tikalVoice3.attachSound('tikalVoice3'); cheer = new Sound(); cheer.attachSound('cheer'); shockcrowd = new Sound(); shockcrowd.attachSound('shockcrowd'); cheer = new Sound(); cheer.attachSound('cheer'); aww = new Sound(); aww.attachSound('aww'); smack = new Sound(); smack.attachSound('smack'); smacks1 = new Sound(); smacks1.attachSound('smacks1'); smacks2 = new Sound(); smacks2.attachSound('smacks2'); smacks3 = new Sound(); smacks3.attachSound('smacks3'); smacks4 = new Sound(); smacks4.attachSound('smacks4'); reset = new Sound(); reset.attachSound('reset'); chooseC = new Sound(); chooseC.attachSound('chooseC'); jump = new Sound(); jump.attachSound('jump'); Win1 = new Sound(); Win1.attachSound('Win'); Lose1 = new Sound(); Lose1.attachSound('Lose'); item = new Sound(); item.attachSound('item'); heal = new Sound(); heal.attachSound('heal'); del = new Sound(); del.attachSound('del'); firego = new Sound(); firego.attachSound('firego'); firegot = new Sound(); firegot.attachSound('firegot'); missionStart = new Sound(); missionStart.attachSound('missionStart'); fightStart = new Sound(); fightStart.attachSound('fightStart'); completeA = new Sound(); completeA.attachSound('completeA'); points = 0; gameType = ''; titleM.onSoundComplete = function () { titleM.start(); }; if (musiclol == true) { titleM.start(); } isSound = false; } // unknown tag 88 length 4 movieClip 579 { } instance of movieClip 579 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isCheated == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } button 584 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(3); } on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 button 587 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(4); } on (rollOver) {'optionsMenu'); } on (rollOut) {; } } button 589 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(8); } on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } // unknown tag 88 length 75 button 593 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(5); } on (rollOver) {'creditsMenu'); } on (rollOut) {; } } // unknown tag 88 length 4 // unknown tag 88 length 41 button 606 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 608 { on (press) { if (Key.isDown(45)) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 610 { } movieClip 626 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 629 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(1); } } button 633 { on (press) { if ( == 'upoverandgone') { if (!Key.isDown(45)) { _root.isCheated = true; } = 'All Characters Unlocked'; _root.tailsUnlocked = true; _root.knucklesUnlocked = true; _root.amyUnlocked = true; _root.creamUnlocked = true; _root.shadowUnlocked = true; _root.rougeUnlocked = true; _root.silverUnlocked = true; _root.blazeUnlocked = true; _root.superSonicUnlocked = true; _root.superShadowUnlocked = true; _root.espioUnlocked = true; _root.mightyUnlocked = true; = ''; } else { if ( == 'gimmelives') { if (!Key.isDown(45)) { _root.isCheated = true; } = 'Infinate Lives'; _root.isFinLives = true; = ''; } else { if ( == 'milesprower') { = 'All Levels Unlocked'; if (!Key.isDown(45)) { _root.isCheated = true; } = ''; _root.icecapUnlocked = true; _root.lavareefUnlocked = true; _root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked = true; _root.outerspaceUnlocked = true; _root.mushroomhillUnlocked = true; _root.emeraldhillUnlocked = true; _root.scrapbrainUnlocked = true; _root.starlightUnlocked = true; _root.carnivalnightUnlocked = true; _root.marblezoneUnlocked = true; _root.starUnlocked = true; } else { if ( == 'masteremerald') { = 'Tikal & Hidden Palace 2 Unlocked'; if (!Key.isDown(45)) { _root.isCheated = true; } = ''; _root.tikalUnlocked = true; _root.hpUnlocked = true; } else { if ( == 'sonicboom') { = 'CTRL = Anti-Gravity'; if (!Key.isDown(45)) { _root.isCheated = true; } = ''; _root.antigrav = true; } else { if ( == 'chaoscontrol') { = 'All-Star Mode Unlocked'; if (!Key.isDown(45)) { _root.isCheated = true; } = ''; _root.allstarUnlocked = true; } else { if ( == 'cheeseplease') { = 'Cheese Unlocked'; if (!Key.isDown(45)) { _root.isCheated = true; } = ''; _root.cheeseUnlocked = true; } else { if ( == 'ilike2cheat') { = 'Spawning Allowed (Use num-keys)'; if (!Key.isDown(45)) { _root.isCheated = true; } = ''; _root.allowSpawn = true; } else { if ( == 'i0wn') { = 'Infinate Power Ups'; if (!Key.isDown(45)) { _root.isCheated = true; } = ''; _root.infpow = true; } else { = ''; = 'No Such Password'; } } } } } } } } } } } // unknown tag 88 length 70 button 638 { on (press) { _root.gameType = 'adventure'; _root.gotoAndStop(3); } on (rollOver) {'arcadeMenu'); } on (rollOut) {; } } button 640 { on (press) { _root.gameType = 'single'; _root.gotoAndStop(3); } on (rollOver) {'singleMenu'); } on (rollOut) {; } } button 642 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(7); } on (rollOver) {'challenge'); } on (rollOut) {; } } button 646 { on (press) { _root.gameType = 'practice'; _root.gotoAndStop(31); } on (rollOver) {'practiceMenu'); } on (rollOut) {; } } button 654 { on (press) { _quality = 'high'; } } button 656 { on (press) { _quality = 'medium'; } } button 658 { on (press) { _quality = 'low'; } } button 660 { on (press) { = true; } } button 663 { on (press) { _root.hints = true; } } button 665 { on (press) { _root.hints = false; } } // unknown tag 88 length 150 movieClip 704 { } movieClip 709 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } // unknown tag 88 length 157 movieClip 721 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 722 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeRouge == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 726 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeShadow == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 728 { } movieClip 731 { instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeSonic == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 734 { } movieClip 738 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeTails == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 742 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeKnuckles == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 746 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeAmy == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 752 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeCream == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 756 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeBlaze == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 761 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeSilver == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 765 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeSuperSonic == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 769 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeSuperShadow == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 773 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeEspio == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 777 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeMighty == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 781 { instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.completeTikal == true && _root.gameType == 'adventure') { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } button 783 { on (press) { = false; } } movieClip 800 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 819 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 836 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 843 { } movieClip 853 { } movieClip 867 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 883 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 900 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 914 { } movieClip 917 { } movieClip 918 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 932 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 945 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 951 { } movieClip 956 { } movieClip 957 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 973 { } movieClip 981 { } movieClip 982 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 997 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1009 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rouge of movieClip 722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.rougeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.rougeUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } instance shadow of movieClip 726 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shadowUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.shadowUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } instance sonic of movieClip 731 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance tails of movieClip 738 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.tailsUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.tailsUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance knuckles of movieClip 742 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance amy of movieClip 746 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.amyUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.amyUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(4); } } } instance cream of movieClip 752 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.creamUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.creamUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } instance blaze of movieClip 756 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blazeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.blazeUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } } } instance silver of movieClip 761 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.silverUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.silverUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } instance supersonic of movieClip 765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(12); } } } instance supershadow of movieClip 769 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(13); } } } instance espio of movieClip 773 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.espioUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.espioUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(10); } } } instance mighty of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mightyUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.mightyUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(11); } } } instance tikal of movieClip 781 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.tikalUnlocked == false) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.tikalUnlocked == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(14); } } } } movieClip 1013 { } movieClip 1016 { } button 1017 { on (press) { stopAllSounds(); } } movieClip 1076 { } movieClip 1077 { instance of movieClip 1076 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; initPos = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = _y - speed; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { speed = 5; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { speed = 1; } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { speed = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyUp) { speed = 1; } } } button 1082 { on (press) { _root.times += 1; if (_root.times > 2) { _root.del.start(); _root.times = 0; _root.clearGame(); } } } button 1086 { on (press) { _root.saveGame(); } } button 1089 { on (press) { _root.autosave = true; } } button 1090 { on (press) { _root.autosave = false; } } button 1093 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(8); } } button 1096 { on (press) { _root.gameType = 'rmelee'; _root.gotoAndStop(31); } on (rollOver) {'meleeMenu'); } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1098 { on (press) { _root.gameType = 'man50'; _root.gotoAndStop(31); } on (rollOver) {'menu50'); } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1101 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(3); } } button 1102 { on (press) { _root.gameType = 'man100'; _root.gotoAndStop(31); } on (rollOver) {'menu100'); } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1104 { on (press) { _root.gameType = 'allstar'; _root.gotoAndStop(31); } on (rollOver) {'allstarMenu'); } on (rollOut) {; } } movieClip 1106 { } button 1110 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(6); } } button 1127 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(9); } } button 1130 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(10); } } movieClip 1155 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1167 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1168 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1169 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1170 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1171 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1172 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1173 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1174 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1175 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1176 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1177 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1178 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1179 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1180 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1181 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } button 1182 { on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } } movieClip 1215 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1256 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_parent.fram); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.fram = this._currentframe; } } instance of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_parent.fram); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.fram = this._currentframe; } } instance listM of movieClip 1009 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (press) { stopAllSounds(); if (_parent.sound_txt == 1) { _root.sonictheme.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 2) { _root.titleM.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 3) { _root.greenhill.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 4) { _root.chemicalplant.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 5) { _root.angelislandMusic.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 6) { _root.icecapMusic.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 7) { _root.lavareefMusic.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 8) { _root.skysancMusic.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 9) { _root.hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 10) { _root.spaceMusic.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 11) { _root.specialMusic.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 12) { _root.starMusic.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 13) { _root.invincible.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 14) { _root.Win1.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 15) { _root.Lose1.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 16) { _root.del.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 17) { _root.missionStart.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 18) { _root.fightStart.start(); } if (_parent.sound_txt == 19) { _root.completeA.start(); } } } instance of movieClip 1016 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.sound_txt = _root.c; if (_root.c > 0) { --_root.c; } } onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1016 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.sound_txt = _root.c; if (_root.c < _root.sounds.length) { ++_root.c; } } onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } } frame 6 { _root.times = 0; _root.del.onSoundComplete = function () { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(1); }; } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.complete50 == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.complete100 == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1106 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.allstarUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_parent.fram); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.fram = this._currentframe; } } instance rouge of movieClip 722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.rougeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.rougeUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Rouge\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'rouge'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(6); } } } instance shadow of movieClip 726 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shadowUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.shadowUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Shadow\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'shadow'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(7); } } } instance sonic of movieClip 731 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Sonic\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'sonic'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance tails of movieClip 738 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.tailsUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.tailsUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Tails\' Stats'; _root.statChar = 'tails'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance knuckles of movieClip 742 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Knuckles\' Stats'; _root.statChar = 'knuckles'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance amy of movieClip 746 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.amyUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.amyUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Amy\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'amy'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(4); } } } instance cream of movieClip 752 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.creamUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.creamUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Cream\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'cream'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(5); } } } instance blaze of movieClip 756 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blazeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.blazeUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Blaze\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'blaze'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(9); } } } instance silver of movieClip 761 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.silverUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.silverUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Silver\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'silver'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(8); } } } instance supersonic of movieClip 765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'S.Sonic\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'supersonic'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(12); } } } instance supershadow of movieClip 769 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'S.Shadow\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'supershadow'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(13); } } } instance espio of movieClip 773 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.espioUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.espioUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Espio\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'espio'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(10); } } } instance mighty of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mightyUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.mightyUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Mighty\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'mighty'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(11); } } } instance tikal of movieClip 781 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.tikalUnlocked == false) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.tikalUnlocked == true) { _parent.namen_txt = 'Tikal\'s Stats'; _root.statChar = 'tikal'; _parent.cha.gotoAndStop(14); } } } } instance menu of movieClip 1256 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.adv_txt == 'true') { this.adv_txt = 'Yes'; } else { if (this.adv_txt == 'false') { this.adv_txt = 'No'; } } lol = Math.round((_root.percNum / 40) * 100); this.char_num = _root.charsNum; this.level_num = _root.levelNum; this.perc_num = Math.round((_root.percNum / 40) * 100) + '%'; alls_txt = _root.allsrec; man10_txt = _root.man10rec; if (lol == 100) { _root.gameComplete = true; } greenhill_txt = _root.greenhillPlay; chemicalplant_txt = _root.chemicalplantPlay; angelisland_txt = _root.angelislandPlay; icecap_txt = _root.icecapPlay; lavareef_txt = _root.lavareefPlay; skysanc_txt = _root.skysancPlay; hiddenpalace_txt = _root.hiddenpalacePlay; space_txt = _root.spacePlay; mushroomhill_txt = _root.mushroomhillPlay; emeraldhill_txt = _root.emeraldhillPlay; carnivalnight_txt = _root.carnivalnightPlay; marblezone_txt = _root.marblezonePlay; scrapbrain_txt = _root.scrapbrainPlay; starlight_txt = _root.starlightPlay; hiddenpalace2_txt = _root.hiddenpalace2Play; allstar_txt = _root.allstarPlay; if (_root.statChar == 'sonic') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeSonic; this.times_txt = _root.sonicTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.sonicDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.sonicVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.sonicKos; this.falls_txt = _root.sonicFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.sonicShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.sonicTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'tails') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeTails; this.times_txt = _root.tailsTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.tailsDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.tailsVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.tailsKos; this.falls_txt = _root.tailsFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.tailsShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.tailsTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'knuckles') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeKnuckles; this.times_txt = _root.knucklesTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.knucklesDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.knucklesVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.knucklesKos; this.falls_txt = _root.knucklesFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.knucklesShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.knucklesTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'amy') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeAmy; this.times_txt = _root.amyTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.amyDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.amyVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.amyKos; this.falls_txt = _root.amyFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.amyShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.amyTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'cream') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeCream; this.times_txt = _root.creamTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.creamDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.creamVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.creamKos; this.falls_txt = _root.creamFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.creamShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.creamTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'rouge') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeRouge; this.times_txt = _root.rougeTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.rougeDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.rougeVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.rougeKos; this.falls_txt = _root.rougeFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.rougeShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.rougeTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'shadow') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeShadow; this.times_txt = _root.shadowTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.shadowDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.shadowVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.shadowKos; this.falls_txt = _root.shadowFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.shadowShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.shadowTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'silver') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeSilver; this.times_txt = _root.silverTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.silverDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.silverVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.silverKos; this.falls_txt = _root.silverFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.silverShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.silverTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'blaze') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeBlaze; this.times_txt = _root.blazeTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.blazeDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.blazeVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.blazeKos; this.falls_txt = _root.blazeFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.blazeShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.blazeTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'espio') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeEspio; this.times_txt = _root.espioTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.espioDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.espioVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.espioKos; this.falls_txt = _root.espioFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.espioShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.espioTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'mighty') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeMighty; this.times_txt = _root.mightyTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.mightyDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.mightyVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.mightyKos; this.falls_txt = _root.mightyFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.mightyShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.mightyTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'supersonic') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeSuperSonic; this.times_txt = _root.supersonicTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.supersonicDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.supersonicVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.supersonicKos; this.falls_txt = _root.supersonicFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.supersonicShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.supersonicTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'supershadow') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeSuperShadow; this.times_txt = _root.supershadowTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.supershadowDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.supershadowVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.supershadowKos; this.falls_txt = _root.supershadowFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.supershadowShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.supershadowTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } if (_root.statChar == 'tikal') { this.adv_txt = _root.completeTikal; this.times_txt = _root.tikalTimes; this.defeats_txt = _root.tikalDefeats; this.victories_txt = _root.tikalVictories; this.kos_txt = _root.tikalKos; this.falls_txt = _root.tikalFalls; this.shocks_txt = _root.tikalShocks; if (_root.totalTimes != 0) { this.percent_txt = Math.round((_root.tikalTimes / _root.totalTimes) * 100) + '%'; } } } } movieClip 1259 { } // unknown tag 88 length 68 // unknown tag 88 length 4 // unknown tag 88 length 211 movieClip 1272 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1272 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.score >= 400000 && _root.espioUnlocked == false) { _root.espioUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 1276 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1276 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.score >= 800000 && _root.mightyUnlocked == false) { _root.mightyUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } // unknown tag 88 length 144 button 1281 { on (release) { if (_root.nameDisp.name_inp == '') { _root.nameDisp.disp_msg = 'Please enter a name'; } else { _root.firstPlay = false; _root.nameX = _root.nameDisp.name_inp; _root.name_txt = _root.nameX; _root.saveGame(); loadMovie('', _root.nameDisp); } } } movieClip 1284 { } instance nameDisp of movieClip 1284 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = 0; _y = 0; if (_root.firstPlay == false) { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 1290 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1290 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameComplete == true && _root.gameCompleteX == false) { _root.gameCompleteX = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_visible == true) {; } _visible = false; } } frame 3 { function select(charName) { _root.char_txt = charName; _root.selectChar.gotoAndStop(charName); charSelected = charName; } function select2(charName2) { _root.char_txt2 = charName2; _root.selectChar2.gotoAndStop(charName2); enemy1 = charName2; } function select3(charName3) { _root.char_txt3 = charName3; _root.selectChar3.gotoAndStop(charName3); enemy2 = charName3; } function select4(charName4) { _root.char_txt4 = charName4; _root.selectChar4.gotoAndStop(charName4); enemy3 = charName4; } isTimed = false; timeType = 0; difficulty = 4; itemsOn = true; clearInterval(timeKeep); if (_root.gameType == 'adventure') { loadMovie('', _root.counter2); loadMovie('', _root.card2); loadMovie('', _root.selectChar2); loadMovie('', _root.optsBut); _root.char_txt2 = ''; loadMovie('', _root.counter3); loadMovie('', _root.card3); loadMovie('', _root.selectChar3); _root.char_txt3 = ''; loadMovie('', _root.counter4); loadMovie('', _root.card4); loadMovie('', _root.selectChar4); _root.char_txt4 = ''; } if (_root.isFinLives == true) { lives1 = '99999'; } else { lives1 = 3; } enemy1 = 'none'; enemy2 = 'none'; enemy3 = 'none'; _root.char_txt = ''; _root.char2_txt = ''; _root.char3_txt = ''; _root.char4_txt = ''; charSelected = ''; levelType = 'random'; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { _root.lives_txt = lives1; }; if (isSound == true) { chooseC.start(); } chooseC.onSoundComplete = function () { chooseC.start(); }; Sonic1 = new Sound(); Sonic1.attachSound('Sonic7'); Tails1 = new Sound(); Tails1.attachSound('Tails2'); Cream1 = new Sound(); Cream1.attachSound('Cream1'); Blaze1 = new Sound(); Blaze1.attachSound('Blaze7'); Amy1 = new Sound(); Amy1.attachSound('Amy1'); Knuckles1 = new Sound(); Knuckles1.attachSound('Knuckles1'); Shadow1 = new Sound(); Shadow1.attachSound('Shadow1'); Rouge1 = new Sound(); Rouge1.attachSound('Rouge1'); Mighty1 = new Sound(); Mighty1.attachSound('Mighty1'); Espio1 = new Sound(); Espio1.attachSound('Espio1'); Silver1 = new Sound(); Silver1.attachSound('Silver1'); SuperSonic1 = new Sound(); SuperSonic1.attachSound('SuperSonic1'); SuperShadow1 = new Sound(); SuperShadow1.attachSound('SuperShadow1'); Tikal1 = new Sound(); Tikal1.attachSound('Tikal1'); } movieClip 1292 { } instance rouge of movieClip 722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.rougeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 1294 { on (release) { _root.musiclol = false; _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } // unknown tag 88 length 67 button 1299 { on (press) { _root.opts._visible = true;; } } // unknown tag 88 length 4 movieClip 1313 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1313 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.gameType == 'single') { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.gameType == 'adventure') { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 1314 { on (release) { if (_root.charSelected != '') { if (_root.gameType == 'single' && _root.enemy1 != 'none') { _root.toughness += 5; _root.musiclol = true; stopAllSounds(); _root.lives2 = _root.lives_txt; _root.lives3 = _root.lives_txt; _root.lives4 = _root.lives_txt; _root.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.gameType == 'adventure') { _root.toughness += 5; _root.musiclol = true; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('level1'); } } } } button 1315 { on (press) { if (_root.lives1 < 5) { _root.lives1 += 1; } } } button 1316 { on (press) { if (_root.lives1 > 1) { _root.lives1 -= 1; } } } instance shadow of movieClip 726 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shadowUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance tails of movieClip 738 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.tailsUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance knuckles of movieClip 742 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance amy of movieClip 746 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.amyUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance cream of movieClip 752 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.creamUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance blaze of movieClip 756 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blazeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance silver of movieClip 761 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.silverUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance supersonic of movieClip 765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance supershadow of movieClip 769 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance espio of movieClip 773 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.espioUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance mighty of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mightyUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 1319 { } movieClip 1320 { } movieClip 1327 { } movieClip 1335 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1327 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1339 { } movieClip 1340 { } instance tikal of movieClip 781 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.tikalUnlocked == false) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } } movieClip 1346 { } movieClip 1347 { instance of movieClip 1346 { onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (hitTest(_root.cursor)) { if (_root.getrid.hitTest(this)) { _parent._x = _parent.initPos.x; _parent._y = _parent.initPos.y; _root.char_txt4 = ''; _root.selectChar4.gotoAndStop(1); _root.enemy3 = 'none'; } if (_root.sonic.hitTest(this)) { _parent._x = _root.sonic._x; _parent._y = _root.sonic._y; _root.select4('sonic'); _root.Sonic1.start(); } if (_root.tails.hitTest(this) && _root.tailsUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.tails._x; _parent._y = _root.tails._y; _root.select4('tails'); _root.Tails1.start(); } if (_root.knuckles.hitTest(this) && _root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.knuckles._x; _parent._y = _root.knuckles._y; _root.select4('knuckles'); _root.Knuckles1.start(); } if (_root.amy.hitTest(this) && _root.amyUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.amy._x; _parent._y = _root.amy._y; _root.select4('amy'); _root.Amy1.start(); } if (_root.cream.hitTest(this) && _root.creamUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.cream._x; _parent._y = _root.cream._y; _root.select4('cream'); _root.Cream1.start(); } if (_root.rouge.hitTest(this) && _root.rougeUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.rouge._x; _parent._y = _root.rouge._y; _root.select4('rouge'); _root.Rouge1.start(); } if (_root.silver.hitTest(this) && _root.silverUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.silver._x; _parent._y = _root.silver._y; _root.select4('silver'); _root.Silver1.start(); } if (_root.blaze.hitTest(this) && _root.blazeUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.blaze._x; _parent._y = _root.blaze._y; _root.select4('blaze'); _root.Blaze1.start(); } if (_root.espio.hitTest(this) && _root.espioUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.espio._x; _parent._y = _root.espio._y; _root.select4('espio'); _root.Espio1.start(); } if (_root.mighty.hitTest(this) && _root.mightyUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.mighty._x; _parent._y = _root.mighty._y; _root.select4('mighty'); _root.Mighty1.start(); } if (_root.shadow.hitTest(this) && _root.shadowUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.shadow._x; _parent._y = _root.shadow._y; _root.select4('shadow'); _root.Shadow1.start(); } if (_root.supersonic.hitTest(this) && _root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.supersonic._x; _parent._y = _root.supersonic._y; _root.select4('supersonic'); _root.SuperSonic1.start(); } if (_root.supershadow.hitTest(this) && _root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.supershadow._x; _parent._y = _root.supershadow._y; _root.select4('supershadow'); _root.SuperShadow1.start(); } if (_root.tikal.hitTest(this) && _root.tikalUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.tikal._x; _parent._y = _root.tikal._y; _root.select4('tikal'); _root.Tikal1.start(); } } } } } instance counter4 of movieClip 1347 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(this)) { startDrag(this, true); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance counter1 of movieClip 574 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(this)) { startDrag(this, true); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1349 { } movieClip 1350 { instance of movieClip 1349 { onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (hitTest(_root.cursor)) { if (_root.getrid.hitTest(this)) { _parent._x = _parent.initPos.x; _parent._y = _parent.initPos.y; _root.char_txt2 = ''; _root.selectChar2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.enemy1 = 'none'; } if (_root.sonic.hitTest(this)) { _parent._x = _root.sonic._x; _parent._y = _root.sonic._y; _root.select2('sonic'); _root.Sonic1.start(); } if (_root.tails.hitTest(this) && _root.tailsUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.tails._x; _parent._y = _root.tails._y; _root.select2('tails'); _root.Tails1.start(); } if (_root.knuckles.hitTest(this) && _root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.knuckles._x; _parent._y = _root.knuckles._y; _root.select2('knuckles'); _root.Knuckles1.start(); } if (_root.amy.hitTest(this) && _root.amyUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.amy._x; _parent._y = _root.amy._y; _root.select2('amy'); _root.Amy1.start(); } if (_root.cream.hitTest(this) && _root.creamUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.cream._x; _parent._y = _root.cream._y; _root.select2('cream'); _root.Cream1.start(); } if (_root.rouge.hitTest(this) && _root.rougeUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.rouge._x; _parent._y = _root.rouge._y; _root.select2('rouge'); _root.Rouge1.start(); } if (_root.silver.hitTest(this) && _root.silverUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.silver._x; _parent._y = _root.silver._y; _root.select2('silver'); _root.Silver1.start(); } if (_root.blaze.hitTest(this) && _root.blazeUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.blaze._x; _parent._y = _root.blaze._y; _root.select2('blaze'); _root.Blaze1.start(); } if (_root.espio.hitTest(this) && _root.espioUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.espio._x; _parent._y = _root.espio._y; _root.select2('espio'); _root.Espio1.start(); } if (_root.mighty.hitTest(this) && _root.mightyUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.mighty._x; _parent._y = _root.mighty._y; _root.select2('mighty'); _root.Mighty1.start(); } if (_root.shadow.hitTest(this) && _root.shadowUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.shadow._x; _parent._y = _root.shadow._y; _root.select2('shadow'); _root.Shadow1.start(); } if (_root.supersonic.hitTest(this) && _root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.supersonic._x; _parent._y = _root.supersonic._y; _root.select2('supersonic'); _root.SuperSonic1.start(); } if (_root.supershadow.hitTest(this) && _root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.supershadow._x; _parent._y = _root.supershadow._y; _root.select2('supershadow'); _root.SuperShadow1.start(); } if (_root.tikal.hitTest(this) && _root.tikalUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.tikal._x; _parent._y = _root.tikal._y; _root.select2('tikal'); _root.Tikal1.start(); } } } } } instance counter2 of movieClip 1350 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(this)) { startDrag(this, true); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1352 { } movieClip 1353 { instance of movieClip 1352 { onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (hitTest(_root.cursor)) { if (_root.getrid.hitTest(this)) { _parent._x = _parent.initPos.x; _parent._y = _parent.initPos.y; _root.char_txt3 = ''; _root.selectChar3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.enemy2 = 'none'; } if (_root.sonic.hitTest(this)) { _parent._x = _root.sonic._x; _parent._y = _root.sonic._y; _root.select3('sonic'); _root.Sonic1.start(); } if (_root.tails.hitTest(this) && _root.tailsUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.tails._x; _parent._y = _root.tails._y; _root.select3('tails'); _root.Tails1.start(); } if (_root.knuckles.hitTest(this) && _root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.knuckles._x; _parent._y = _root.knuckles._y; _root.select3('knuckles'); _root.Knuckles1.start(); } if (_root.amy.hitTest(this) && _root.amyUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.amy._x; _parent._y = _root.amy._y; _root.select3('amy'); _root.Amy1.start(); } if (_root.cream.hitTest(this) && _root.creamUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.cream._x; _parent._y = _root.cream._y; _root.select3('cream'); _root.Cream1.start(); } if (_root.rouge.hitTest(this) && _root.rougeUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.rouge._x; _parent._y = _root.rouge._y; _root.select3('rouge'); _root.Rouge1.start(); } if (_root.silver.hitTest(this) && _root.silverUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.silver._x; _parent._y = _root.silver._y; _root.select3('silver'); _root.Silver1.start(); } if (_root.blaze.hitTest(this) && _root.blazeUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.blaze._x; _parent._y = _root.blaze._y; _root.select3('blaze'); _root.Blaze1.start(); } if (_root.espio.hitTest(this) && _root.espioUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.espio._x; _parent._y = _root.espio._y; _root.select3('espio'); _root.Espio1.start(); } if (_root.mighty.hitTest(this) && _root.mightyUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.mighty._x; _parent._y = _root.mighty._y; _root.select3('mighty'); _root.Mighty1.start(); } if (_root.shadow.hitTest(this) && _root.shadowUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.shadow._x; _parent._y = _root.shadow._y; _root.select3('shadow'); _root.Shadow1.start(); } if (_root.supersonic.hitTest(this) && _root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.supersonic._x; _parent._y = _root.supersonic._y; _root.select3('supersonic'); _root.SuperSonic1.start(); } if (_root.supershadow.hitTest(this) && _root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.supershadow._x; _parent._y = _root.supershadow._y; _root.select3('supershadow'); _root.SuperShadow1.start(); } if (_root.tikal.hitTest(this) && _root.tikalUnlocked == true) { _parent._x = _root.tikal._x; _parent._y = _root.tikal._y; _root.select3('tikal'); _root.Tikal1.start(); } } } } } instance counter3 of movieClip 1353 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(this)) { startDrag(this, true); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } movieClip 1356 { } button 1361 { on (press) { startDrag('', false, left, top - _parent._width / 2, right, _parent._width); dragging = true; _root.dragging = true; } on (release) { stopDrag(); dragging = false; _root.dragging = false; } } movieClip 1362 { } movieClip 1363 { frame 1 { level = 1; } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 10; } } } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 2; } } } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 3; } } } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 4; } } } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 5; } } } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 6; } } } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 7; } } } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 8; } } } instance of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_parent.knob)) { _parent.level = 9; } } } instance knob of movieClip 1362 { onClipEvent (load) { top = _y; bottom = _y + 100; left = _x; right = _x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.lvl_txt = _parent.level; } } } instance of movieClip 1363 { onClipEvent (load) { level = 1; _root.prob = 700; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.difficulty = level; downLvl = level * 20; _root.prob -= dwnLvl; _root.toughness = level + 5; } } button 1368 { on (press) { _root.isTimed = true; _root.timeType = 5; } } button 1370 { on (press) { _root.isTimed = true; _root.timeType = 10; } } button 1373 { on (press) { _root.itemsOn = true; } } button 1375 { on (press) { _root.itemsOn = false; } } button 1377 { on (press) {; } } button 1379 { on (release) { _root.levelType = 'random'; } } button 1381 { on (release) { _root.rndLevel = 0; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } button 1382 { on (release) { _root.rndLevel = 3; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } button 1383 { on (release) { _root.rndLevel = 2; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } button 1384 { on (release) { _root.rndLevel = 1; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } button 1386 { on (release) { if (_root.lavareefUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 5; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } button 1387 { on (release) { if (_root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 6; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } button 1388 { on (release) { if (_root.outerspaceUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 7; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } button 1389 { on (release) { if (_root.icecapUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 4; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } movieClip 1392 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1395 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1398 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1401 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1402 { on (press) { nextFrame(); } } button 1403 { on (release) { if (_root.mushroomhillUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 12; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } button 1404 { on (release) { if (_root.emeraldhillUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 13; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } button 1405 { on (release) { if (_root.carnivalnightUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 11; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } movieClip 1408 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1411 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1414 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1415 { on (press) { prevFrame(); } } button 1416 { on (release) { if (_root.scrapbrainUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 10; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } movieClip 1419 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1420 { on (release) { if (_root.marblezoneUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 8; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } button 1421 { on (release) { if (_root.starlightUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 9; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } movieClip 1424 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1427 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1428 { on (release) { if (_root.starUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 14; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } movieClip 1432 { } movieClip 1434 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1435 { on (release) { if (_root.hpUnlocked == true) { _root.rndLevel = 15; _root.levelType = 'user'; } } } movieClip 1438 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1439 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1392 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.lavareefUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1398 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.icecapUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1401 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.outerspaceUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1408 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.mushroomhillUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1411 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.emeraldhillUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1414 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.carnivalnightUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1419 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.scrapbrainUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1424 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.marblezoneUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1427 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.starlightUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1434 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.starUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1438 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.hpUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } button 1440 { on (press) { _root.isTimed = false; _root.timeType = 0; } } movieClip 1442 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 10 { _visible = false; } } instance opts of movieClip 1442 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } frame 4 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function superLol2() { if (_root.hp2 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp2; } } function superLol3() { if (_root.hp3 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp3; } } function superLol4() { if (_root.hp4 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp4; } } function timeLol() { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (sec2 < 2 && sec1 < 1 && min == 0) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'DRAW'; _root.isEnd = true; } if (sec2 > 0) { --sec2; } else { if (sec2 < 1) { sec2 = 9; --sec1; } } if (sec1 < 1 && sec2 < 1) { sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; --min; } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; } } function randomLevel() { _root.rndLevel = random(levels.length); makeLevel(); } function makeLevel() { if (_root.rndLevel == 0) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(1);; _root.greenhill.start(); ++_root.greenhillPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 1) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(2);; _root.skysancMusic.start(); ++_root.skysancPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 2) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(3);; _root.angelislandMusic.start(); ++_root.angelislandPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 3) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(4);; _root.chemicalplant.start(); ++_root.chemicalplantPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 4) { if (_root.icecapUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(5);; _root.icecapMusic.start(); ++_root.icecapPlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 5) { if (_root.lavareefUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(6);; _root.lavareefMusic.start(); ++_root.lavareefPlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 6) { if (_root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(7);; _root.hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); ++_root.hiddenpalacePlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 7) { if (_root.outerspaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(8);; _root.spaceMusic.start(); ++_root.spacePlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 8) { if (_root.marblezoneUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(9);; _root.specialMusic.start(); ++_root.marblezonePlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 9) { if (_root.starlightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(10);; _root.specialMusic.start(); ++_root.starlightPlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 10) { if (_root.scrapbrainUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(11);; _root.specialMusic.start(); ++_root.scrapbrainPlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 11) { if (_root.carnivalnightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(12);; _root.specialMusic.start(); ++_root.carnivalnightPlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 12) { if (_root.mushroomhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(13);; _root.specialMusic.start(); ++_root.mushroomhillPlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 13) { if (_root.emeraldhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(14);; _root.specialMusic.start(); ++_root.emeraldhillPlay; } else { randomLevel(); } } if (_root.rndLevel == 14) { if (_root.starUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(15);; _root.starMusic.start(); ++_root.allstarPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 15) { if (_root.hpUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(16);; _root.hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); ++_root.hiddenpalace2Play; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } } function randomEnemy() { rndChar = random(chars.length - 2); if (charSelected == chars[rndChar]) { randomEnemy(); } else { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(rndChar + 1); enemy1 = chars(rndChar); } } function randomEnemy2() { rndChar2 = random(chars.length - 2); if (charSelected2 == chars[rndChar2]) { randomEnemy2(); } else { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(rndChar2 + 1); enemy2 = chars(rndChar2); } } function randomEnemy3() { rndChar3 = random(chars.length - 2); if (charSelected3 == chars[rndChar3]) { randomEnemy3(); } else { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(rndChar3 + 1); enemy2 = chars(rndChar3); } } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; shouldShock = true; hp1 = 0; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function resetCPU() { if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU2() { if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu2._x = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu2._y = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu2._alpha = 30; hp3 = 0; lives3 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU3() { if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu3._x = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu3._y = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu3._alpha = 30; hp4 = 0; lives4 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function doP1Atk(dmg) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(dmg) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk2(dmg) { if (_root.enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(dmg) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk3(dmg) { if (_root.enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu3.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(dmg) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; _root.hp1 += rndDam; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); allchars = 0; char1 = 'alive'; char2 = 'alive'; char3 = 'alive'; char4 = 'alive'; _root.charTimes(); _root.invincible.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.makeLevelMusic(); }; _root.lotsItems = 7000; if (_root.timeType == 5) { sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; min = 4; } else { if (timeType == 10) { sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; min = 9; } } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supersonic' || _root.enemy1 == 'supershadow' || _root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { superDown2 = setInterval(superLol2, 1000); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supersonic' || _root.enemy3 == 'supershadow' || _root.enemy2 == 'tikal') { superDown3 = setInterval(superLol3, 1000); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supersonic' || _root.enemy3 == 'supershadow' || _root.enemy3 == 'tikal') { superDown4 = setInterval(superLol4, 1000); } if (_root.isTimed == true) { timeKeep = setInterval(timeLol, 1000); } f = 0; h = 0; isPaused = true; shouldShock = true; levels = new Array('greenhill', 'skysanctuary', 'angelisland', 'chemicalplant', 'icecap', 'lavareef', 'hiddenpalace', 'outerspace', 'marblezone', 'starlight', 'scrapbrain', 'carnivalnight', 'mushroomhill', 'emeraldhill', 'star'); _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); player1 = 'dan'; totchars = 1; hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; hp3 = 0; hp4 = 0; isdeadyou = false; isdead2 = false; isdead3 = false; isdead4 = false; isEnd = false; greenhill.onSoundComplete = function () { greenhill.start(); }; chemicalplant.onSoundComplete = function () { chemicalplant.start(); }; angelislandMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { angelislandMusic.start(); }; icecapMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { icecapMusic.start(); }; hiddenpalaceMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); }; lavareefMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { lavareefMusic.start(); }; skysancMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { skysancMusic.start(); }; spaceMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { spaceMusic.start(); }; specialMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { specialMusic.start(); }; starMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { starMusic.start(); }; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); yourTough = 18; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); yourTough = 14; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); yourTough = 26; yourSpeed = 11; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); yourTough = 16; yourSpeed = 8; } if (enemy1 == 'none') { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu); loadMovie('', _root.icon2); isdead2 = true; lives2 = 0; } else { ++_root.totchars; } if (enemy2 == 'none') { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu2); loadMovie('', _root.icon3); isdead3 = true; lives3 = 0; } else { ++_root.totchars; } if (enemy3 == 'none') { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu3); loadMovie('', _root.icon4); isdead4 = true; lives4 = 0; } else { ++_root.totchars; } if (enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } if (enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } if (enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (enemy3 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (enemy3 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (enemy3 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } if (player1 != 'none') { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; } else { hp1_txt = ''; } if (enemy1 != 'none') { hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; } else { hp2_txt = ''; } if (enemy2 != 'none') { hp3_txt = hp3 + '%'; } else { hp3_txt = ''; } if (enemy3 != 'none') { hp4_txt = hp4 + '%'; } else { hp4_txt = ''; } if (player1 != 'none') { _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; } else { _root.lives1_txt = ''; } if (enemy1 != 'none') { _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; } else { _root.lives2_txt = ''; } if (enemy2 != 'none') { _root.lives3_txt = 'x' + _root.lives3; } else { _root.lives3_txt = ''; } if (enemy3 != 'none') { _root.lives4_txt = 'x' + _root.lives4; } else { _root.lives4_txt = ''; } if (_root.lives1 < 1) { delete char1; loadMovie('', _root.player); player1 = 'none'; if (isdeadyou == false) { ++allchars; = random(4); = random(4); = random(4); } isdeadyou = true; loadMovie('', _root.icon1); } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { delete char2; loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu); enemy1 = 'none'; if (isdead2 == false) { ++allchars; = random(4); = random(4); } isdead2 = true; loadMovie('', _root.icon2); } if (_root.lives3 < 1) { delete char3; loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu2); enemy2 = 'none'; if (isdead3 == false) { ++allchars; = random(4); = random(4); } isdead3 = true; loadMovie('', _root.icon3); } if (_root.lives4 < 1) { delete char4; loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu3); enemy3 = 'none'; if (isdead4 == false) { ++allchars; = random(4); = random(4); } isdead4 = true; loadMovie('', _root.icon4); } if (allchars == _root.totchars - 1) { stopAllSounds(); if (char1 != undefined) { winner = 'PLAYER 1'; } if (char2 != undefined) { winner = 'CPU 1'; } if (char3 != undefined) { winner = 'CPU 2'; } if (char4 != undefined) { winner = 'CPU 3'; } isEnd = true; } if (isEnd == true) { isEnd = false;; } }; if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } else { makeLevel(); } } movieClip 1450 { } movieClip 1453 { } movieClip 1455 { frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(5); } } movieClip 1456 { } movieClip 1460 { } movieClip 1461 { } movieClip 1487 { } movieClip 1488 { } movieClip 1490 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; } } movieClip 1494 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1497 { } movieClip 1502 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1509 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1516 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1521 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1528 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1532 { } movieClip 1533 { frame 1 { _alpha = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (random(1000) < 5) { _x = random(_parent._width); play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 3 { _alpha = 100; } } movieClip 1536 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1543 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1551 { } movieClip 1552 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1555 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1558 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1561 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1567 { } movieClip 1568 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } frame 2 { if (random(5) < 2) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 1571 { } movieClip 1574 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1578 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1582 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1585 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.y < _y - 20) { p1above = true; } if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.ground.isJump == false && v3.y > _y) { p1above = false; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.player._x, _root.player._y, true) && _root.player.crouchTime < 20 && p1above == true)) break; _root.ground.isJump = false; _root.player.isDblJump = false; _root.player.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 0; ++_root.ground._y; p1above = true; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu2.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu2.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; } for (;;) { if (!(hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime < 10)) break; _root.ground.cpu3.isSpace = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isDblJump = false; _root.ground.cpu3.dblDelay = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.heart)) { _root.ground.heart.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.heart._y; --_root.ground.heart.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.lifeup)) { _root.ground.lifeup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.lifeup._y; --_root.ground.lifeup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.flameup)) { _root.ground.flameup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.flameup._y; --_root.ground.flameup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.starup)) { _root.ground.starup.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.starup._y; --_root.ground.starup.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.speedUp)) { _root.ground.speedUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.speedUp._y; --_root.ground.speedUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.earsUp)) { _root.ground.earsUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.earsUp._y; --_root.ground.earsUp.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.mine)) { _root.ground.mine.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.mine._y; --_root.ground.mine.timer; } while (hitTest(_root.ground.powerUp)) { _root.ground.powerUp.gravity = 0; --_root.ground.powerUp._y; --_root.ground.powerUp.timer; } }; } } movieClip 1594 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 1000; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = true; } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 1000; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = true; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1516 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1516 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1516 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1516 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1516 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1521 { } instance of movieClip 1521 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1521 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1521 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1528 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1528 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1528 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1528 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1528 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1528 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1528 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1528 { } instance of movieClip 1533 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) {; if (_alpha != 0) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && _root.player._alpha > 90 && _root.player.isFlame == false && _root.player.isStars == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isFlame == false && _root.ground.cpu.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu2.isFlame == false && _root.ground.cpu2.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk2(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu3.isFlame == false && _root.ground.cpu3.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk3(); } } } else { this.stop(); } } } instance of movieClip 1543 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1543 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1543 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1543 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1543 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1543 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { } instance of movieClip 1552 { } instance of movieClip 1555 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1555 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1555 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1555 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1555 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1555 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1555 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1558 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1558 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1558 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1558 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1558 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1558 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1558 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1561 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1561 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1561 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1561 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1561 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1561 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1561 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1568 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1568 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1568 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1568 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1568 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1568 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1571 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.ground.gravity = -20; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -20; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -20; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -20; } } } instance of movieClip 1574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1571 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.ground.gravity = -20; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -20; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -20; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -20; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1552 { } instance of movieClip 1582 { } instance of movieClip 1582 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1582 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1582 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1582 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1582 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1582 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1582 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } } movieClip 1599 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1609 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (this._parent._parent.speed > 0.2 || this._parent._parent.speed < 0.2) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } frame 3 { if (this._parent._parent.speed > 5 || this._parent._parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 12 { if (this._parent._parent.speed > 5 || this._parent._parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } frame 20 { if (this._parent._parent.speed > 5 || this._parent._parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(21); } else { if (this._parent._parent.speed > 0.2 || this._parent._parent.speed < 0.2) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 38 { if (this._parent._parent.speed > 5 || this._parent._parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(21); } else { if (this._parent._parent.speed > 0.2 || this._parent._parent.speed < 0.2) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } movieClip 1611 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1618 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1629 { frame 1 { } frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1631 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 4 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1638 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 7 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1643 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 4 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1644 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (random(_root.prob + 100) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'right') { _parent._parent.speedDam += 22; } else { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'left') { _parent._parent.speedDam -= 22; } } _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); isSpace = false; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 9 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 1649 { } movieClip 1653 { } movieClip 1654 { } movieClip 1655 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1664 { } movieClip 1671 { frame 30 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(31); } } movieClip 1676 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1679 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1683 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1688 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1690 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 4 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 1696 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 7 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 1697 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; dblAmount = 0; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent.jump.gotoAndPlay('fly'); _parent._parent.gravity = -13; ++_parent.dblAmount; if (_parent.dblAmount > 5) { _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 50; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); _parent.isAtk = false; _parent.atkDelay = 0; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice1.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice3.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice3.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice3.start(); } } } movieClip 1698 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1703 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1720 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 3 || _parent.speed < -3) { gotoAndPlay(33); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 12 { if (_parent.speed > 3 || _parent.speed < -3) { gotoAndPlay(33); } } frame 25 { if (_parent.speed > 3 || _parent.speed < -3) { gotoAndPlay(33); } } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1722 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1727 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1735 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 14 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1742 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 1749 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 13 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1750 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); _parent.isAtk = false; _parent.atkDelay = 0; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice1.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 1751 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1757 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1766 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1767 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 5 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1769 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1778 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1786 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1793 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1800 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1804 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 12 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1805 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (random(_root.prob + 100) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'right') { _parent._parent.speedDam += 15; } else { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'left') { _parent._parent.speedDam -= 15; } } _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice3.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); _parent.isAtk = true; _parent.gravity = -15; _parent.speed = 0; _parent.atkDelay = 100; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice3.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice3.start(); } } frame 9 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice3.start(); } } } movieClip 1810 { } movieClip 1817 { } movieClip 1818 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1827 { } movieClip 1829 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 5 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1832 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1837 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1847 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 8 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1853 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 7 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 1854 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent.jump.gotoAndPlay('fly'); _parent._parent.gravity = -13; ++_parent.dblAmount; if (_parent.dblAmount > 5) { _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.creamVoice3.start(); } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.creamVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.creamVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.creamVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 1855 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1863 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1869 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1870 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1881 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1892 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1893 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 5 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1896 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1906 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 9 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1913 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 1919 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1924 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 9 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 1925 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = -15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent.jump.gotoAndPlay('fly'); _parent._parent.gravity = -13; ++_parent.dblAmount; if (_parent.dblAmount > 5) { _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice1.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 1926 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1931 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1944 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1946 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1949 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1958 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 9 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1965 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 12 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1971 { } movieClip 1973 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1974 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.gravity = -15; } frame 9 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1978 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1979 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 4 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1980 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (random(_root.prob + 100) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'right') { _parent._parent.speedDam += 20; } else { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'left') { _parent._parent.speedDam -= 20; } } _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 0; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 0; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 0; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 0; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 0; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 0; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 0; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 0; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice1.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice2.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice2.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice2.start(); } } frame 9 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice2.start(); } } } movieClip 1981 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1989 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1991 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1997 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2002 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 7 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2008 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2010 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 15 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2011 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice1.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2012 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2015 { } movieClip 2021 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2022 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 5 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2024 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2028 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2030 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 7 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2032 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 15 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2034 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 15 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2039 { } movieClip 2042 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 15 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2043 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (random(_root.prob + 100) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'right') { _parent._parent.speedDam += 15; } else { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'left') { _parent._parent.speedDam -= 15; } } _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 7 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice1.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice1.start(); } } frame 9 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2049 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2055 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2056 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 5 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2059 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice3.start(); } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2065 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2074 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2080 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 2085 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 2090 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 4 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 2091 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (random(_root.prob + 100) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'right') { _parent._parent.speedDam += 15; } else { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'left') { _parent._parent.speedDam -= 15; } } _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice1.start(); } } frame 9 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2092 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2097 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2106 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2107 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 3 || _parent.speed < -3) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 4 { if (_parent.speed > 3 || _parent.speed < -3) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2109 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2114 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2121 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2123 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 15 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 2128 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 2130 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 10 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } } movieClip 2131 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (random(_root.prob + 100) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'right') { _parent._parent.speedDam += 15; } else { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'left') { _parent._parent.speedDam -= 15; } } _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice1.start(); } } frame 9 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2132 { } movieClip 2133 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2137 { } movieClip 2141 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2143 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); _parent._parent.speedDam = 0; _parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2148 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2152 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 11 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2157 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2163 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2169 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2170 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (random(_root.prob + 100) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'right') { _parent._parent.speedDam += 15; } else { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'left') { _parent._parent.speedDam -= 15; } } _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 9 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2171 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2176 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 2179 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2181 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); _parent._parent.speedDam = 0; _parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2186 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2193 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2200 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 18 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2206 { } movieClip 2207 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2211 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 4 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2212 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (random(_root.prob + 100) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'right') { _parent._parent.speedDam += 15; } else { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'left') { _parent._parent.speedDam -= 15; } } _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice2.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice1.start(); } } frame 8 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice1.start(); } } frame 9 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2213 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2219 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2228 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2231 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); _parent._parent.speedDam = 0; _parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2239 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 7 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2246 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2249 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 10 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2252 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 9 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2254 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; } frame 10 { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2255 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_parent._parent.speed < 0) { if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); ++_parent._parent.dblDelay; if (p.y < _parent._parent._y - 10 && random(50) < 5 && _parent._parent.isDblJump == false && _parent._parent.dblDelay > 10) { _parent._parent.gravity = _parent._parent.jHeight; _parent._parent.isDblJump = true; } if (_parent._parent.isSpace == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent.isAtk = false; } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y > 50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (random(_root.prob + 100) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'right') { _parent._parent.speedDam += 15; } else { if (_parent._parent.dir == 'left') { _parent._parent.speedDam -= 15; } } _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distcpuCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3Y < -50 && _root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.distp1CPU2Y < -50 && _root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.distp1CPU3Y < -50 && _root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob + 50) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent._parent.isAtk = true; _parent._parent.gravity = 15; _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent.atkDelay = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; if (_parent.speed > -0.2 && _parent.speed < 0.2 && _parent.isHurt == false) { _parent.speed = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.speed > 0 && _parent._parent.speed < 0 && _parent._parent.isHurt == false) { _parent._parent.speed = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'single' || _root.isFree == true) { if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.distCPU1CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.distCPU2CPU3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 1) { if (_root.atkDist < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 2) { if (_root.atkDist2 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } if (_parent._parent.posChar == 3) { if (_root.atkDist3 < 50 && random(_root.prob) < 20 && _parent._parent.atkDelay == 0) { _parent.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice1.start(); } } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice1.start(); } } frame 7 { stop(); _parent.isAtk = true; _parent.gravity = -15; _parent.speed = 0; _parent.atkDelay = 100; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice1.start(); } } frame 9 { stop(); _parent.atkDelay = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2256 { frame 1 { stop(); isStars = false; } instance sonic_cpu of movieClip 1644 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1649 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isFlame == true) { _visible = true; timer += 1; if (timer > 400) { timer = 0; _parent.isFlame = false; } } else { _parent.isFlame = false; _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1654 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isStars == true) { _parent.isShield = true; _visible = true; timer += 1; if (timer > 400) { timer = 0; _parent.isStars = false; _parent.isShield = false; } } else { _parent.isStars = false; _parent.isShield = false; _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isEars == true) { _parent.jHeight = -23; _visible = false; timer += 1; if (timer > 800) { timer = 0; _parent.jHeight = -13; _parent.isEars = false; } } else { _parent.jHeight = -13; _visible = false; } } } instance tails_cpu of movieClip 1697 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance knuckles_cpu of movieClip 1750 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance amy_cpu of movieClip 1805 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance cream_cpu of movieClip 1854 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance rouge_cpu of movieClip 1925 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance shadow_cpu of movieClip 1980 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance silver_cpu of movieClip 2011 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance blaze_cpu of movieClip 2043 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance espio_cpu of movieClip 2091 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance mighty_cpu of movieClip 2131 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance supersonic_cpu of movieClip 2170 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance supershadow_cpu of movieClip 2212 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance tikal_cpu of movieClip 2255 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isAtk == false && _parent.isSpace == true && _parent.isHurt == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 2257 { } movieClip 2259 { } movieClip 2260 { } movieClip 2276 { frame 1 { stop(); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supersonic') { gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supershadow') { gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { gotoAndStop(14); } } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.enemy2 == 'sonic') { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tails') { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'knuckles') { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'amy') { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'cream') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'rouge') { gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'shadow') { gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'silver') { gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'blaze') { gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'espio') { gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'mighty') { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supersonic') { gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supershadow') { gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tikal') { gotoAndStop(14); } } if (pos == 3) { if (_root.enemy3 == 'sonic') { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tails') { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'knuckles') { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'amy') { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'cream') { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'rouge') { gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'shadow') { gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'silver') { gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'blaze') { gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'espio') { gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'mighty') { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supersonic') { gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supershadow') { gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tikal') { gotoAndStop(14); } } } frame 1 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 2 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 3 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 4 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 5 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(5); } frame 6 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(6); } frame 7 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(8); } frame 9 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(9); } frame 10 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(10); } frame 11 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(11); } frame 12 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(12); } frame 13 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(13); } frame 14 { this.rot.gotoAndStop(14); } } movieClip 2289 { } movieClip 2290 { frame 12 { if (_root.hp1 > 100 && random(100) < 5) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 20 { startHealingP1 = true; } } movieClip 2292 { frame 1 { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } } movieClip 2294 { frame 1 { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } } movieClip 2296 { frame 1 { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; startHealingCPU1 = false; startHealingCPU2 = false; startHealingCPU3 = false; _visible = false; timer = 0; } } movieClip 2298 { frame 1 { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } } movieClip 2300 { frame 1 { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } } movieClip 2303 { } movieClip 2304 { frame 1 { stop(); initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } frame 15 { activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; _y = initPos.y; _x = initPos.x; } } movieClip 2306 { frame 1 { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } } movieClip 2307 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance cpu of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; isShield = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 1; target = random(4); targetTimer = 0; isFlame = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (targetTimer < random(200) + 200) { ++targetTimer; } else { target = random(4); targetTimer = 0; } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDistY = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 55; } else { if (target == 0) { if (_root.isdeadyou == false) { speed = (p.x - _x) / 60; } else { target = random(4); } } if (target == 1) { target = random(4); } if (target == 2) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { speed = (_root.ground.cpu2._x - _x) / 70; } else { target = random(4); } } if (target == 3) { if (_root.isdead4 == false) { speed = (_root.ground.cpu3._x - _x) / 70; } else { target = random(4); } } } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu2.isShield == false) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.toughness); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu3.isShield == false) { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.toughness); } if (isHurt == false) { if (isCenter == true) { _x = _x + speed; } else { if (target == 0) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } if (target == 2) { if (_root.ground.cpu2._x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (_root.ground.cpu2._x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } if (target == 3) { if (_root.ground.cpu3._x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (_root.ground.cpu3._x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (target == 0) { if (_root.isdeadyou == false) { if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } } } if (target == 2) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.ground.cpu2._y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } } } if (target == 3) { if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.ground.cpu3._y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance cpu2 of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; jHeight = -13; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; isShield = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 2; target = random(4); targetTimer = 0; isFlame = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (targetTimer < random(200) + 200) { ++targetTimer; } else { target = random(4); targetTimer = 0; } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist2 = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDist2Y = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 55; } else { if (target == 0) { if (_root.isdeadyou == false) { speed = (p.x - _x) / 60; } else { target = random(4); } } if (target == 1) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { speed = (_root.ground.cpu._x - _x) / 60; } else { target = random(4); } } if (target == 2) { target = random(4); } if (target == 3) { if (_root.isdead4 == false) { speed = (_root.ground.cpu3._x - _x) / 60; } else { target = random(4); } } } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isShield == false) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.toughness); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu3.isShield == false) { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.toughness); } if (isHurt == false) { if (isCenter == true) { _x = _x + speed; } else { if (target == 0) { if (_root.isdeadyou == false) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } } if (target == 1) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.ground.cpu._x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (_root.ground.cpu._x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } } if (target == 3) { if (_root.isdead4 == false) { if (_root.ground.cpu3._x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (_root.ground.cpu3._x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (target == 0) { if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } } if (target == 1) { if (_root.ground.cpu._y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } } if (target == 3) { if (_root.ground.cpu3._y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance cpu3 of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; isShield = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 3; target = random(4); targetTimer = 0; isFlame = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (targetTimer < random(200) + 200) { ++targetTimer; } else { target = random(4); targetTimer = 0; } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist3 = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDist3Y = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 55; } else { if (target == 0) { if (_root.isdeadyou == false) { speed = (p.x - _x) / 60; } else { target = random(4); } } if (target == 1) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { speed = (_root.ground.cpu._x - _x) / 65; } else { target = random(4); } } if (target == 2) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { speed = (_root.ground.cpu2._x - _x) / 65; } else { target = random(4); } } if (target == 3) { target = random(4); } } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isShield == false) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.toughness); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu2.isShield == false) { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.toughness); } if (isHurt == false) { if (isCenter == true) { _x = _x + speed; } else { if (target == 0) { if (_root.isdeadyou == false) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } } } if (target == 2) { if (_root.isdead3 == false) { if (_root.ground.cpu2._x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (_root.ground.cpu2._x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } } if (target == 1) { if (_root.isdead2 == false) { if (_root.ground.cpu._x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (_root.ground.cpu._x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (target == 0) { if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } } if (target == 1) { if (_root.ground.cpu._y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } } if (target == 2) { if (_root.ground.cpu2._y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU3(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU3(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU3(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU3(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance centerPoint of movieClip 2257 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 1000; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.distp1CPU1 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu._x); _root.distp1CPU2 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distp1CPU3 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distp1CPU1Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu._y; _root.distp1CPU2Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.distp1CPU3Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.distCPU1CPU2 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distCPU1CPU2Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu2._y); _root.distCPU1CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU1CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); _root.distCPU2CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU2CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; } } } instance cpu3arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu3._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU3Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU3Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead4 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance cpu2arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu2._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU2Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU2Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead3 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance cpu1arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU1Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead2 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2290 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; var origX = _xscale; var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 20) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; } } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _y = _y + (p.y - _y - 50) / 5; _x = _x + (p.x - _x) / 5; if (p.x > _x) { _xscale = origX; } if (p.x < _x) { _xscale = -origX; } } } instance starup of movieClip 2292 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 4000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } } } } instance flameup of movieClip 2294 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.player.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu2.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu3.isFlame = true; } } } } instance heart of movieClip 2296 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true) { if (random(_root.lotsItems) < 5 && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { timer = 800; _x = random(_x + 500); _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingP1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU2 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU3 = true; } if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU1 == true) { if (_root.hp2 > 0) { _root.hp2 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU2 == true) { if (_root.hp3 > 0) { _root.hp3 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU3 == true) { if (_root.hp4 > 0) { _root.hp4 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 100) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; startHealingCPU1 = false; startHealingCPU2 = false; startHealingCPU3 = false; } } } } instance lifeup of movieClip 2298 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.lives < 2) { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 2000) < 5 && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar' && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives1 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives2 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives3 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives4 += 1; } } } } instance earsUp of movieClip 2300 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isEars = true; } } } } instance mine of movieClip 2304 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && _root.player._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.player.isStars == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; rndDam = random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk(); _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk2(); _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk3(); _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } } } } instance powerUp of movieClip 2306 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1500) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isSpec = true; _root.pupbar._width = 60; } } } } } instance ground of movieClip 2307 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; isJump = true; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.isdeadyou == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _x = _x - 7; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _x = _x + 7; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _y = _y + 7; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _y = _y - 7; } } } } } movieClip 2308 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2310 { } movieClip 2312 { frame 1 { stop(); _visible = false; } frame 2 { _visible = true; _root.player.isShield = true; } frame 50 { _visible = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } } movieClip 2326 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } if (Key.isDown(16) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(46); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 22 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(27); } frame 27 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(28); } frame 28 { play(); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(37); } frame 37 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice2.start(); } } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 46 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; } frame 73 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2339 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(6); } frame 6 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 13 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(14); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 14 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2340 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2342 { } movieClip 2343 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } instance of movieClip 2342 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } frame 2 { if (random(10) < 5) { _visible = true; play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 2344 { } movieClip 2350 { } movieClip 2353 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } if (Key.isDown(16) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(46); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 22 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice1.start(); } } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice3.start(); } gotoAndPlay(27); } frame 27 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice3.start(); } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(28); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice2.start(); } gotoAndPlay(37); } frame 37 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice2.start(); } } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 46 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; } frame 66 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2354 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2355 { frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 2365 { frame 1 { jumpAmount = 1; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer < 50 && _root.player.isEars == false) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _parent.gotoAndPlay('fly2'); } } } frame 4 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 5 { _root.player.isAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(6); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; ++_parent.jumpAmount; if (_parent.jumpAmount > 35) { _root.player.isDblJump = true; } ++_root.airhog; } } } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(5); } frame 13 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(14); } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 17 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice3.start(); } gotoAndPlay(18); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 18 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tailsVoice1.start(); } } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2366 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2379 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 22 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice2.start(); } } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(27); } frame 27 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice1.start(); } } frame 27 { play(); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(36); } frame 37 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice3.start(); } } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2380 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2383 { } movieClip 2386 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2397 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2410 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2411 { frame 1 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 5; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 5; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.isSpec == true && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(28); } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; gotoAndPlay(6); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.ground.gravity -= _root.ground.gravity / 2; if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed = 9; } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed = -9; } } } } } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 10 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice2.start(); } } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.ground.gravity = 15; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 15 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.knuxVoice1.start(); } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 28 { _root.player.speed = 0; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 32 { _root.ground.gravity = 15; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; } frame 39 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2412 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2413 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2415 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice3.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2419 { frame 1 { if (random(60) < 5) { _root.amyVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2420 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2421 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 29 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(30); } frame 30 { play(); } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 39 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(40); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 48 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2425 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2432 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2434 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2439 { } movieClip 2440 { frame 1 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(20); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 15; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 15; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(70) < 5) { _root.amyVoice2.start(); } gotoAndPlay(6); } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice3.start(); } gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.amyVoice2.start(); } gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 20 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; _root.ground.gravity = 15; gotoAndPlay(21); } frame 30 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2441 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2444 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.creamVoice2.start(); } } } movieClip 2454 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.creamVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2456 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.creamVoice3.start(); } } } movieClip 2457 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(27); play(); } frame 27 { play(); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(37); } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2466 { } movieClip 2467 { frame 1 { jumpAmount = 1; } frame 1 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer < 50 && _root.player.isEars == false) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _parent.gotoAndPlay('fly2'); } if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(24); } } } frame 4 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 5 { _root.player.isAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(6); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; ++_parent.jumpAmount; if (_parent.jumpAmount > 35) { _root.player.isDblJump = true; } ++_root.airhog; } } } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(5); } frame 13 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(14); } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 17 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(18); } frame 18 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.creamVoice2.start(); } } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 24 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; _root.ground.gravity = 15; } frame 35 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2468 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2470 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2471 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2473 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice3.start(); } } } movieClip 2485 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(16) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(48); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 31 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(32); } frame 32 { play(); } frame 37 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 38 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(39); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 47 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 48 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; } frame 57 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2493 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 2494 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2497 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2498 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.rougeVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 2499 { frame 1 { jumpAmount = 1; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer < 50 && _root.player.isEars == false) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _parent.gotoAndPlay('fly2'); } } } frame 4 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 5 { _root.player.isAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(6); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; ++_parent.jumpAmount; if (_parent.jumpAmount > 35) { _root.player.isDblJump = true; } ++_root.airhog; } } } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(5); } frame 13 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(14); } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 20 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.ground.gravity = 15; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(21); } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2500 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2501 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2503 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { _parent.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2506 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2508 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice3.start(); } } } movieClip 2514 { } movieClip 2518 { frame 20 {; loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 2521 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(46); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(27); } frame 27 { play(); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(37); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 46 { _root.player.isSAtk = true; } frame 48 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { amount = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40)) { amount += 2; } else { if (amount > 100) {; } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 49 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; } frame 50 { _root.player.isSpec = false; stop(); } frame 52 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2522 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2525 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2526 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _root.ground.gravity = 15; } } movieClip 2527 { instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(6); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 19 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.ground.gravity = 0; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(20); } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2528 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2529 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2531 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2532 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 2533 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice3.start(); } } } movieClip 2543 { } movieClip 2544 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(46); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; --_root.hp1; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(27); } frame 27 { play(); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(37); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 46 { _root.player.isSAtk = true; stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { amount = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40)) { amount += 2; } else { if (amount > 100) {; } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 49 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; } frame 65 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2550 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2551 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.silverVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2552 { instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 5; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 5; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; gotoAndPlay(6); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { _root.ground.gravity -= _root.ground.gravity / 2; if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed = 10; } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed = -10; } } } } } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(15); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2553 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2554 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2555 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 5 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2558 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2559 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2560 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice3.start(); } } } movieClip 2561 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(16) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(49); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice1.start(); } if (_root.player.isFlame == true) { i = 0; while (i < 3) {; ++i; } } } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 29 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice2.start(); } gotoAndPlay(30); } frame 30 { play(); } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 39 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(40); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 48 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 49 { _root.blazeVoice1.start(); _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; i = 0; while (i < 10) {; ++i; } } frame 56 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2564 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2567 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice1.start(); } } } movieClip 2571 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2572 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.blazeVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2573 { instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (_root.player.isFlame == true) { i = 0; while (i < 3) {; ++i; } } gotoAndPlay(6); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.ground.gravity = 0; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2574 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2575 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2576 { frame 1 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 5 { if (_parent.speed > 5 || _parent.speed < -5) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2578 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2586 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(6); } } movieClip 2589 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2606 { frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 2607 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(46); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice1.start(); } if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(27); } frame 27 { play(); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(36); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 46 { _root.player.isSAtk = true; stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { amount = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40)) { amount += 2; } else { if (amount > 100) {; } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 49 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; } frame 65 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2608 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice1.start(); } } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 2614 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice2.start(); } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2616 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.espioVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2617 { instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 15; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 15; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; gotoAndPlay(6); } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; gotoAndPlay(10); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2618 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2619 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2621 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2623 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice1.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2625 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice3.start(); } } } movieClip 2628 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2636 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndStop(46); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice2.start(); } if (_root.player.isFlame == true) {; } } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(27); } frame 27 { play(); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(37); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 46 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = true; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { amount = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40)) { amount += 2; } else { if (amount > 100) {; } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 50 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; } frame 53 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2640 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2641 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice2.start(); } } } movieClip 2642 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 2643 { instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 15; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 15; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; if (random(80) < 5) { _root.mightyVoice2.start(); } gotoAndPlay(5); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; gotoAndPlay(10); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2644 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2646 { } movieClip 2647 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2649 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2650 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2651 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2654 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(46); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } if (_root.player.isFlame == true) { i = 0; while (i < 3) {; ++i; } } play(); } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(27); } frame 27 { play(); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.sonicVoice2.start(); gotoAndPlay(37); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 46 { _root.player.isSAtk = true; } frame 48 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { amount = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40)) { amount += 2; } else { if (amount > 100) {; } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 49 { _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 50 { _root.player.isSpec = false; stop(); } frame 52 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2655 { } movieClip 2657 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2658 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2659 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2660 { instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -17; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(6); } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 10 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.ground.gravity = 15; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 15 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice1.start(); } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2661 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2663 { } movieClip 2664 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2666 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2668 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2669 { frame 1 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); this._parent._parent.speedDam = 0; this._parent._parent.isHurt = false; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2672 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(46); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.sonicVoice2.start(); } if (_root.player.isFlame == true) { i = 0; while (i < 3) {; ++i; } } play(); } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(27); } frame 27 { play(); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 36 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(37); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 45 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 46 { _root.player.isSAtk = true; } frame 48 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { amount = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(16) && Key.isDown(40)) { amount += 2; } else { if (amount > 100) {; } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 49 { _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.player.isSpecAtk = true; _root.player.isSpec = false; } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 50 { _root.player.isSpec = false; stop(); } frame 52 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2673 { } movieClip 2676 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2677 { frame 1 { if (random(20) < 5) { _root.shadowVoice2.start(); } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _root.ground.gravity = 15; } } movieClip 2678 { instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -17; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 22; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(6); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.isAtk = true; gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 19 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; _root.ground.gravity = 0; _root.player.speed = 0; gotoAndPlay(20); } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2679 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2680 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2682 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 2688 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 2695 { } movieClip 2696 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.player.crouchTime = 0; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(16) && _root.player.isSpec == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(49); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('crouch'); } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) {; } } } } frame 2 { _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isShield = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } } frame 10 { _root.player.isAtk = false; if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 19 { if (_root.player.speed > 0 || _root.player.speed < 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 20 { stop(); _root.stiffknees = false; } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.crouchTime; if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(39)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40) && Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { this._visible = true;; _root.player.atkTimer = 70; } } } frame 21 { _root.player.speed = 0; _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice1.start(); } if (_root.player.isFlame == true) { i = 0; while (i < 3) {; ++i; } } } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 29 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice2.start(); } gotoAndPlay(30); } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 39 { rnd = random(5) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { _root.smack.start(); } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.smacks1.start(); } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.smacks2.start(); } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.smacks3.start(); } else { _root.smacks4.start(); } } } } if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice3.start(); } _root.player.isHurt = true; _root.player.atkTimer = 0; _root.player.isSAtk = false; _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; gotoAndPlay(40); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 48 { stop(); _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 49 { _root.player.isSpec = false; _root.ground.heart.startHealingP1 = true; } frame 60 { _root.player.isSpecAtk = false; _root.pupbar._width = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2697 { instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2700 { instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++_root.player.dblDelay; if (Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.isDblJump == false && _root.player.dblDelay > 10) { _root.ground.gravity = -15; _root.player.isDblJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(40) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && Key.isDown(38) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } if (Key.isDown(32) && _root.player.atkTimer == 0) { if (_root.player.dir == 'right') { _root.player.speed += 13; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { if (_root.player.dir == 'left') { _root.player.speed -= 13; _parent.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } } } } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.player.isAtk = false; _root.player.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isHurt = false; } frame 5 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice2.start(); } gotoAndPlay(6); } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.isEars == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 9 { _root.player.atkTimer = 100; _root.ground.gravity = -15; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice1.start(); } gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _root.player.atkTimer = 50; _root.player.isAtk = true; if (random(20) < 5) { _root.tikalVoice2.start(); } gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2701 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.isHurt = false; _root.ground.speedDam = 0; _root.player.isAtk = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ground.isJump == false) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2702 { frame 1 { stop(); isFlame = false; isStart = false; isEars = false; isStars = false; isSpecAtk = false; } instance of movieClip 1649 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isFlame == true) { _visible = true; timer += 1; if (timer > 400) { timer = 0; _parent.isFlame = false; } } else { _parent.isFlame = false; _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1654 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isStars == true) { _parent.isShield = true; _visible = true; timer += 1; if (timer > 400) { timer = 0; _parent.isStars = false; _parent.isShield = false; } } else { _parent.isStars = false; _parent.isShield = false; _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1654 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isSpeed == true) { _root.yourSpeed = 20; timer += 1; if (timer > 400) { timer = 0; _parent.isSpeed = false; } } else { _root.returnSpeed(); } } } instance of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isEars == true) { _root.ground.jHeight = -23; _visible = false; timer += 1; if (timer > 800) { timer = 0; _root.ground.jHeight = -13; _parent.isEars = false; } } else { _root.ground.jHeight = -13; _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2344 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.isSpec == true) { _visible = true; timer += 1; if (timer > 400) { timer = 0; } } else { _parent.isSpec = false; _visible = false; } } } instance mighty_mc of movieClip 2644 { } instance supersonic_mc of movieClip 2661 { } instance supershadow_mc of movieClip 2679 { } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; isFlames = false; isStars = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu2.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu3.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } movieClip 2705 { frame 1 { _root.isPaused = true; } frame 22 { _root.isPaused = false; } frame 30 { loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 2714 { } movieClip 2722 { } movieClip 2724 { } movieClip 2727 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 579 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isCheated == true) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 2740 { } instance timerDisp of movieClip 2740 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.isTimed == false) { _visible = false; } } } movieClip 2742 { } instance of movieClip 2742 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isdeadyou == true) { _visible = true; } } } movieClip 2744 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.infpow == true) { _width = 60; } if (_width >= 60) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } }; } } instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 5 { stop(); allchars = 0; clearInterval(timeKeep); clearInterval(superDown); clearInterval(superDown2); clearInterval(superDown3); clearInterval(superDown4); if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 3; lives3 = 3; lives4 = 3; winner_txt = _root.winner; if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER 1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } else { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); impervious = false; stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; fullpower = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } _root.achieve.out += 'KO\'s: ' + 500 * kos + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < kos) { _root.score += 500; ++i; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } movieClip 2749 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER 1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { if (_root.winner == 'CPU 1') { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { if (_root.winner == 'CPU 2') { if (_root.enemy2 == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { if (_root.winner == 'CPU 3') { if (_root.enemy3 == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } } } } } } movieClip 2757 { } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 6 { stop(); } movieClip 2764 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 2767 { frame 10 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = 'Stage 01'; } } movieClip 2769 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2771 { } movieClip 2772 { instance of movieClip 2771 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = _parent.nom; } } frame 10 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Green Hill Zone'; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 7 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function timeLol() { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (sec2 < 2 && sec1 < 1 && min == 0) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU';; } if (sec2 > 0) { --sec2; } else { if (sec2 < 1) { sec2 = 9; --sec1; } } if (sec1 < 1 && sec2 < 1) { sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; --min; } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; } } function resetP1() { reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(10) + 1; _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } _root.charTimes(); if (_root.difficulty == 1 || _root.difficulty == 2 || _root.difficulty == 3) { min = 5; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; } if (_root.difficulty == 4 || _root.difficulty == 5 || _root.difficulty == 6) { min = 3; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; } if (_root.difficulty > 6) { min = 1; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; } _root.rndLevel = 0; isTimed = true; _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } timeKeep = setInterval(timeLol, 1000); stop(); itemsOn = true; f = 0; h = 0; shouldShock = true; _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); greenhill.start(); greenhill.onSoundComplete = function () { greenhill.start(); }; hp1 = 0; rings = 0; damage = 0; impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); yourTough = 18; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); yourTough = 14; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); yourTough = 26; yourSpeed = 11; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); yourTough = 16; yourSpeed = 8; } onEnterFrame = function () { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; nextFrame(); } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; } } movieClip 2806 { frame 1 { isDead = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && _root.player.isAtk && !isDead) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (hitTest(_root['fireball' + _root.f])) { isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { if (hitTest(_root.player.sonic_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.sonic_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { if (hitTest(_root.player.tails_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.tails_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { if (hitTest(_root.player.knuckles_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.knuckles_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { if (hitTest(_root.player.amy_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.amy_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { if (hitTest(_root.player.cream_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.cream_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { if (hitTest(_root.player.rouge_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.rouge_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { if (hitTest(_root.player.shadow_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.shadow_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { if (hitTest(_root.player.silver_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.silver_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { if (hitTest(_root.player.blaze_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.blaze_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { if (hitTest(_root.player.mighty_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.mighty_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { if (hitTest(_root.player.espio_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.espio_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { if (hitTest(_root.player.supersonic_mc) && !isDead) { isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.supersonic_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { if (hitTest(_root.player.supershadow_mc) && !isDead) { isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.supershadow_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { if (hitTest(_root.player.tikal_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.tikal_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } } }; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(6); } frame 10 { loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 2809 { frame 1 { isDead = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && _root.player.isAtk && !isDead) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (hitTest(_root['fireball' + _root.f])) { isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { if (hitTest(_root.player.sonic_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.sonic_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { if (hitTest(_root.player.tails_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.tails_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { if (hitTest(_root.player.knuckles_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.knuckles_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { if (hitTest(_root.player.amy_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.amy_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { if (hitTest(_root.player.cream_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.cream_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { if (hitTest(_root.player.rouge_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.rouge_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { if (hitTest(_root.player.shadow_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.shadow_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { if (hitTest(_root.player.silver_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.silver_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { if (hitTest(_root.player.blaze_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.blaze_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { if (hitTest(_root.player.mighty_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.mighty_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { if (hitTest(_root.player.espio_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.espio_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { if (hitTest(_root.player.supersonic_mc) && !isDead) { isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.supersonic_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { if (hitTest(_root.player.supershadow_mc) && !isDead) { isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.supershadow_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { if (hitTest(_root.player.tikal_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.tikal_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } } }; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(6); } frame 10 { loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 2816 { } movieClip 2819 { } movieClip 2823 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2825 { } movieClip 2851 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed > 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed < 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed > 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed < 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed > 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed < 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed > 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed < 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed > 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed < 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 2806 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = random(_root.ground._width); _y = random(_root.ground._height); var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; speed = random(120) + 60; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); speedX = (p.x - _x) / speed; speedY = (p.y - _y) / speed; _x = _x + speedX; _y = _y + speedY; if (speedX > 0.2) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; } if (speedX < 0.2) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; } } } } instance of movieClip 2809 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; steps = 0; dir = 'left'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (steps < -30) { dir = 'right'; } if (steps > 3) { dir = 'left'; } if (dir == 'right') { ++steps; speed = -1; _xscale = -100; } if (dir == 'left') { --steps; speed = 1; _xscale = 100; } _x = _x - speed; } } } instance of movieClip 2809 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; steps = 0; dir = 'left'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (steps < -30) { dir = 'right'; } if (steps > 3) { dir = 'left'; } if (dir == 'right') { ++steps; speed = -1; _xscale = -100; } if (dir == 'left') { --steps; speed = 1; _xscale = 100; } _x = _x - speed; } } } instance of movieClip 2809 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; steps = 0; dir = 'left'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (steps < -30) { dir = 'right'; } if (steps > 3) { dir = 'left'; } if (dir == 'right') { ++steps; speed = -1; _xscale = -100; } if (dir == 'left') { --steps; speed = 1; _xscale = 100; } _x = _x - speed; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; height = 1000; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.winner = 'PLAYER1'; _root.nextFrame(); } } } instance of movieClip 2806 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = random(_root.ground._width); _y = random(_root.ground._height); var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; speed = random(120) + 60; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); speedX = (p.x - _x) / speed; speedY = (p.y - _y) / speed; _x = _x + speedX; _y = _y + speedY; if (speedX > 0.2) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; } if (speedX < 0.2) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; } } } } instance of movieClip 2806 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = random(_root.ground._width); _y = random(_root.ground._height); var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; speed = random(120) + 60; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); speedX = (p.x - _x) / speed; speedY = (p.y - _y) / speed; _x = _x + speedX; _y = _y + speedY; if (speedX > 0.2) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; } if (speedX < 0.2) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; } } } } instance of movieClip 2806 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = random(_root.ground._width); _y = random(_root.ground._height); var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; speed = random(120) + 60; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); speedX = (p.x - _x) / speed; speedY = (p.y - _y) / speed; _x = _x + speedX; _y = _y + speedY; if (speedX > 0.2) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; } if (speedX < 0.2) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; } } } } instance of movieClip 2806 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = random(_root.ground._width); _y = random(_root.ground._height); var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; speed = random(120) + 60; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); speedX = (p.x - _x) / speed; speedY = (p.y - _y) / speed; _x = _x + speedX; _y = _y + speedY; if (speedX > 0.2) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; } if (speedX < 0.2) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; } } } } instance of movieClip 2806 { onClipEvent (load) { _x = random(_root.ground._width); _y = random(_root.ground._height); var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; speed = random(120) + 60; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); speedX = (p.x - _x) / speed; speedY = (p.y - _y) / speed; _x = _x + speedX; _y = _y + speedY; if (speedX > 0.2) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; } if (speedX < 0.2) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; } } } } instance speedUp of movieClip 2816 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true) { if (random(6000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_parent._width); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isSpeed = true; } } } } instance earsUp of movieClip 2300 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_parent._width); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isEars = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 2290 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; var origX = _xscale; var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 20) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; } } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _y = _y + (p.y - _y - 50) / 5; _x = _x + (p.x - _x) / 5; if (p.x > _x) { _xscale = origX; } if (p.x < _x) { _xscale = -origX; } } } instance of movieClip 2823 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player.hitTest(this) && Key.isDown(16)) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance goal of movieClip 2825 { onClipEvent (load) { xs = _xscale; } } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(1); } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; height = 1000; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.winner = 'PLAYER1'; _root.nextFrame(); } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed > 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed < 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed > 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed < 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed > 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed < 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed > 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { if (_root.player.speed < 0) { _parent._x += _root.player.speed; } } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.crouchTime = 0; } } } } instance ground of movieClip 2851 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; jHeight = -13; isJump = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; isShield = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance timerDisp of movieClip 2740 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.isTimed == false) { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { stop(); clearInterval(timeKeep); clearInterval(superDown); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); impervious = false; stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; fullpower = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; _root.achieve.out += 'Level Complete: 1,000\n'; _root.score += 1000; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } _root.achieve.out += 'Rings: +' + 50 * rings + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < rings) { _root.score += 50; ++i; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 2859 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2859 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.emeraldhillUnlocked == false) { _root.emeraldhillUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { stopAllSounds();; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); }; } } frame 9 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = 'Stage 02'; } } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Chemical Plant'; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 10 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function resetCPU() { if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function doP1Atk(damage) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; _root.hp1 += rndDam; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.rndLevel = 3; _root.invincible.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.makeLevelMusic(); }; isTimed = false; lotsItems = 7000; isPaused = false; shouldShock = true; isdead2 = false; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); chemicalplant.start(); chemicalplant.onSoundComplete = function () { chemicalplant.start(); }; hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; lives2 = 1; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); enemy1 = 'tails'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); enemy1 = 'sonic'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); enemy1 = 'tails'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); enemy1 = 'cream'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); enemy1 = 'amy'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); enemy1 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); enemy1 = 'silver'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); enemy1 = 'blaze'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); enemy1 = 'silver'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); enemy1 = 'mighty'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); enemy1 = 'espio'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); enemy1 = 'shadow'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); enemy1 = 'sonic'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); enemy1 = 'cream'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } if (enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU';; } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1'; _root.nextFrame(); } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; this.gotoAndStop(4); } } movieClip 2862 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance cpu of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 1; isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDistY = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 55; } else { speed = (p.x - _x) / 60; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (isHurt == false) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance centerPoint of movieClip 2257 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 1000; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.distp1CPU1 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu._x); _root.distp1CPU2 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distp1CPU3 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distp1CPU1Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu._y; _root.distp1CPU2Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.distp1CPU3Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.distCPU1CPU2 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distCPU1CPU2Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu2._y); _root.distCPU1CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU1CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); _root.distCPU2CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU2CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; } } } instance cpu1arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU1Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead2 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2290 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; var origX = _xscale; var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 20) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; } } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _y = _y + (p.y - _y - 50) / 5; _x = _x + (p.x - _x) / 5; if (p.x > _x) { _xscale = origX; } if (p.x < _x) { _xscale = -origX; } } } instance starup of movieClip 2292 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 4000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } } } } instance flameup of movieClip 2294 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.player.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu2.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu3.isFlame = true; } } } } instance heart of movieClip 2296 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true) { if (random(_root.lotsItems) < 5 && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { timer = 800; _x = random(_x + 500); _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingP1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU2 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU3 = true; } if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU1 == true) { if (_root.hp2 > 0) { _root.hp2 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU2 == true) { if (_root.hp3 > 0) { _root.hp3 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU3 == true) { if (_root.hp4 > 0) { _root.hp4 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 100) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; startHealingCPU1 = false; startHealingCPU2 = false; startHealingCPU3 = false; } } } } instance lifeup of movieClip 2298 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.lives < 2) { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 2000) < 5 && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar' && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives1 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives2 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives3 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives4 += 1; } } } } instance earsUp of movieClip 2300 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isEars = true; } } } } instance mine of movieClip 2304 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && _root.player._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.player.isStars == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; rndDam = random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk(); _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk2(); _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk3(); _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } } } } instance powerUp of movieClip 2306 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1500) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isSpec = true; _root.pupbar._width = 60; } } } } } instance ground of movieClip 2862 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; isJump = true; jHeight = -13; this.level.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; isShield = false; isFlames = false; isStars = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 11 { stop(); clearInterval(superDown); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 3; if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); impervious = false; stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; fullpower = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; _root.achieve.out += 'Level Complete: 1,000\n'; _root.score += 1000; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 2872 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2872 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge' && _root.starlightUnlocked == false) { _root.starlightUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { stopAllSounds();; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); }; } } frame 12 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = 'Stage 03'; } } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Angel Island'; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 13 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function timeLol() { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (sec2 < 2 && sec1 < 1 && min == 0) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU';; } if (sec2 > 0) { --sec2; } else { if (sec2 < 1) { sec2 = 9; --sec1; } } if (sec1 < 1 && sec2 < 1) { sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; --min; } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; } } function resetP1() { reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(10) + 1; _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.rndLevel = 2; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } if (_root.difficulty == 1 || _root.difficulty == 2 || _root.difficulty == 3) { min = 6; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; } if (_root.difficulty == 4 || _root.difficulty == 5 || _root.difficulty == 6) { min = 4; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; } if (_root.difficulty > 6) { min = 2; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; timeKeep = setInterval(timeLol, 1000); isTimed = true; shouldShock = true; _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); angelislandMusic.start(); angelislandMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { angelislandMusic.start(); }; rings = 0; hp1 = 0; damage = 0; impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } onEnterFrame = function () { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; nextFrame(); } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; } } movieClip 2879 { } movieClip 2880 { } movieClip 2881 { frame 1 { isDead = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && _root.player.isAtk && !isDead) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (hitTest(_root['fireball' + _root.f])) { isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { if (hitTest(_root.player.sonic_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.sonic_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { if (hitTest(_root.player.tails_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.tails_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { if (hitTest(_root.player.knuckles_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.knuckles_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { if (hitTest(_root.player.amy_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.amy_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { if (hitTest(_root.player.cream_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.cream_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { if (hitTest(_root.player.rouge_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.rouge_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { if (hitTest(_root.player.shadow_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.shadow_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { if (hitTest(_root.player.silver_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.silver_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { if (hitTest(_root.player.blaze_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.blaze_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { if (hitTest(_root.player.mighty_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.mighty_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { if (hitTest(_root.player.espio_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.espio_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { if (hitTest(_root.player.supersonic_mc) && !isDead) { isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { if (hitTest(_root.player.supershadow_mc) && !isDead) { isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { if (hitTest(_root.player.tikal_mc.jump) && !isDead) { _root.ground.gravity = -10; isDead = true; gotoAndPlay(5); } if (!isDead && hitTest(_root.player.tikal_mc.walk) && !_root.player.isAtk) { if (_root.player.isShield == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } } } }; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(6); } frame 10 { loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 2895 { instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; height = 1000; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.winner = 'PLAYER1'; stopAllSounds(); _root.nextFrame(); } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1509 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance speedUp of movieClip 2816 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true) { if (random(6000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_parent._width); _y = random(_parent._height); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isSpeed = true; } } } } instance earsUp of movieClip 2300 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_parent._width); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isEars = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 2290 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; var origX = _xscale; var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 20) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; } } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _y = _y + (p.y - _y - 50) / 5; _x = _x + (p.x - _x) / 5; if (p.x > _x) { _xscale = origX; } if (p.x < _x) { _xscale = -origX; } } } instance goal of movieClip 2825 { onClipEvent (load) { xs = _xscale; } } } instance ground of movieClip 2895 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; isJump = true; jHeight = -13; this.gotoAndStop(3); if (random(2) == 1) { _xscale = 100; this.goal._xscale = xs; } else { _xscale = -100; this.goal._xscale = -xs; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 1200) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x < -1200) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance timerDisp of movieClip 2740 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.isTimed == false) { _visible = false; } } } frame 14 { stop(); clearInterval(timeKeep); clearInterval(superDown); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); impervious = false; stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; fullpower = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; _root.achieve.out += 'Level Complete: 1,000\n'; _root.score += 1000; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } _root.achieve.out += 'Rings: +' + 50 * rings + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < rings) { _root.score += 50; ++i; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 2902 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2902 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'amy' && _root.mushroomhillUnlocked == false) { _root.mushroomhillUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { stopAllSounds();; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 15 { stop(); targets = 0; } instance of movieClip 2767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = 'Stage 04'; } } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Ice Cap Zone'; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 16 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function timeLol() { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (sec2 < 2 && sec1 < 1 && min == 0) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU';; } if (sec2 > 0) { --sec2; } else { if (sec2 < 1) { sec2 = 9; --sec1; } } if (sec1 < 1 && sec2 < 1) { sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; --min; } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; } } function resetP1() { reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(10) + 1; _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.rndLevel = 4; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } if (_root.difficulty == 1 || _root.difficulty == 2 || _root.difficulty == 3) { min = 5; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; speedmax = 5; } if (_root.difficulty == 4 || _root.difficulty == 5 || _root.difficulty == 5) { min = 3; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; speedmax = 10; } if (_root.difficulty > 6) { min = 1; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; speedmax = 15; } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; timeKeep = setInterval(timeLol, 1000); isTimed = true; shouldShock = true; _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); icecapMusic.start(); icecapMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { icecapMusic.start(); }; hp1 = 0; damage = 0; impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (targets > 5) { targets = 0; stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1'; _root.nextFrame(); } hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; nextFrame(); } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; } } movieClip 2911 { frame 1 { stop(); isDead = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hitTest(_root.player) && _root.player.isAtk && !isDead) { play(); } }; } frame 2 { _root.targets += 1; } frame 5 { loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 2913 { instance of movieClip 2911 { onClipEvent (load) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); pos = [_x, '-163.3', '140.2']; _x = pos[random(pos.length)]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speed; } else { _x = _x - speed; } if (hitTest(_parent.rightB)) { dir = 'left'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } if (hitTest(_parent.leftB)) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } } } instance of movieClip 1521 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1521 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1521 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance leftB of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } instance rightB of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 2911 { onClipEvent (load) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); pos = [_x, '-163.3', '140.2']; _x = pos[random(pos.length)]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speed; } else { _x = _x - speed; } if (hitTest(_parent.rightB)) { dir = 'left'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } if (hitTest(_parent.leftB)) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } } } instance of movieClip 2911 { onClipEvent (load) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); pos = [_x, '-163.3', '140.2']; _x = pos[random(pos.length)]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speed; } else { _x = _x - speed; } if (hitTest(_parent.rightB)) { dir = 'left'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } if (hitTest(_parent.leftB)) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } } } instance of movieClip 2911 { onClipEvent (load) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); pos = [_x, '-163.3', '140.2']; _x = pos[random(pos.length)]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speed; } else { _x = _x - speed; } if (hitTest(_parent.rightB)) { dir = 'left'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } if (hitTest(_parent.leftB)) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } } } instance of movieClip 2911 { onClipEvent (load) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); pos = [_x, '-163.3', '140.2']; _x = pos[random(pos.length)]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speed; } else { _x = _x - speed; } if (hitTest(_parent.rightB)) { dir = 'left'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } if (hitTest(_parent.leftB)) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } } } instance of movieClip 2911 { onClipEvent (load) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); pos = [_x, '-163.3', '140.2']; _x = pos[random(pos.length)]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speed; } else { _x = _x - speed; } if (hitTest(_parent.rightB)) { dir = 'left'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } if (hitTest(_parent.leftB)) { dir = 'right'; speed = random(_root.speedmax); } } } instance speedUp of movieClip 2816 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true) { if (random(6000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_parent._width); _y = random(_parent._height); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isSpeed = true; } } } } instance earsUp of movieClip 2300 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_parent._width); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isEars = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 2290 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; var origX = _xscale; var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 20) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; } } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _y = _y + (p.y - _y - 50) / 5; _x = _x + (p.x - _x) / 5; if (p.x > _x) { _xscale = origX; } if (p.x < _x) { _xscale = -origX; } } } } instance ground of movieClip 2913 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; jHeight = -13; isJump = true; this.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 1200) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x < -1200) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance timerDisp of movieClip 2740 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.isTimed == false) { _visible = false; } } } frame 17 { stop(); clearInterval(timeKeep); clearInterval(superDown); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); impervious = false; stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; fullpower = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; _root.achieve.out += 'Level Complete: 1,000\n'; _root.score += 1000; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 2920 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2920 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic' && _root.icecapUnlocked == false) { _root.icecapUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { stopAllSounds();; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 18 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = 'Stage 05'; } } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Lava Reef'; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 19 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function resetCPU() { if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos; } function doP1Atk(damage) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; _root.hp1 += rndDam; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.rndLevel = 5; _root.invincible.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.makeLevelMusic(); }; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } isTimed = false; lotsItems = 7000; isPaused = false; shouldShock = true; _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); lavareefMusic.start(); lavareefMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { lavareefMusic.start(); }; hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; lives2 = 2; isdead2 = false; if (_root.charSelected == 'Sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); enemy1 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); enemy1 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); enemy1 = 'sonic'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); enemy1 = 'tails'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); enemy1 = 'tails'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); enemy1 = 'shadow'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); enemy1 = 'rouge'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); enemy1 = 'sonic'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); enemy1 = 'rouge'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); enemy1 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); enemy1 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); enemy1 = 'silver'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); enemy1 = 'silver'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); enemy1 = 'amy'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } if (enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('amy'); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('cream'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('rouge'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('shadow'); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('silver'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('blaze'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('espio'); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('mighty'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); runSpeed1 = 55; } if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); runSpeed1 = 75; } impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU';; } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1'; _root.nextFrame(); } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; this.gotoAndStop(6); } } instance ground of movieClip 2862 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; isJump = true; jHeight = -13; this.level.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; isShield = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 20 { stop(); clearInterval(superDown); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 3; if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); impervious = false; stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; fullpower = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; _root.achieve.out += 'Level Complete: 1,000\n'; _root.score += 1000; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 2931 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2931 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'tails' && _root.lavareefUnlocked == false) { _root.lavareefUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { stopAllSounds();; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } if (random(10) < 4) { _root.gotoAndStop(42); } else {; } } } frame 21 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = 'Stage 06'; } } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Sky Sanctuary'; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 22 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function checkCombo() { if (correct1 == true && correct2 == true && correct3 == true && correct4 == true && correct5 == true) { winner = 'PLAYER1'; } else { winner = 'CPU'; } stopAllSounds(); nextFrame(); } function resetP1() { reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; nextFrame(); fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(10) + 1; _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.rndLevel = 1; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } shouldShock = true; isPaused = true; _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); lightTimer = 0; skysancMusic.start(); skysancMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { skysancMusic.start(); }; hp1 = 0; damage = 0; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } onEnterFrame = function () { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; nextFrame(); } correct1 = false; correct2 = false; correct3 = false; correct4 = false; correct5 = false; if (lightTimer < 200) { lightTimer += 1; } else {; _root.light1._visible = false; _root.light2._visible = false; _root.light3._visible = false; _root.light4._visible = false; _root.light5._visible = false; _root.yourlight1._visible = true; _root.yourlight2._visible = true; _root.yourlight3._visible = true; _root.yourlight4._visible = true; _root.yourlight5._visible = true; } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2938 { } movieClip 2947 { } movieClip 2948 { instance of movieClip 2938 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick1.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight1.gotoAndStop(3); _root.yourlight1.col = 'blue'; _parent.pick1.isGot = false; _parent.pick1._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick2.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight2.gotoAndStop(3); _root.yourlight2.col = 'blue'; _parent.pick2.isGot = false; _parent.pick2._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick3.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight3.gotoAndStop(3); _root.yourlight3.col = 'blue'; _parent.pick3.isGot = false; _parent.pick3._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick4.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight4.gotoAndStop(3); _root.yourlight4.col = 'blue'; _parent.pick4.isGot = false; _parent.pick4._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick5.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight5.gotoAndStop(3); _root.yourlight5.col = 'blue'; _parent.pick5.isGot = false; _parent.pick5._x = 10000; } } } } instance of movieClip 2938 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick1.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.yourlight1.col = 'green'; _parent.pick1.isGot = false; _parent.pick1._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick2.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.yourlight2.col = 'green'; _parent.pick2.isGot = false; _parent.pick2._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick3.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.yourlight3.col = 'green'; _parent.pick3.isGot = false; _parent.pick3._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick4.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.yourlight4.col = 'green'; _parent.pick4.isGot = false; _parent.pick4._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick5.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight5.gotoAndStop(2); _root.yourlight5.col = 'green'; _parent.pick5.isGot = false; _parent.pick5._x = 10000; } } } } instance of movieClip 2938 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick1.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight1.gotoAndStop(4); _root.yourlight1.col = 'pink'; _parent.pick1.isGot = false; _parent.pick1._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick2.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight2.gotoAndStop(4); _root.yourlight2.col = 'pink'; _parent.pick2.isGot = false; _parent.pick2._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick3.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight3.gotoAndStop(4); _root.yourlight3.col = 'pink'; _parent.pick3.isGot = false; _parent.pick3._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick4.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight4.gotoAndStop(4); _root.yourlight4.col = 'pink'; _parent.pick4.isGot = false; _parent.pick4._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick5.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight5.gotoAndStop(4); _root.yourlight5.col = 'pink'; _parent.pick5.isGot = false; _parent.pick5._x = 10000; } } } } instance of movieClip 2938 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick1.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.yourlight1.col = 'red'; _parent.pick1.isGot = false; _parent.pick1._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick2.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.yourlight2.col = 'red'; _parent.pick2.isGot = false; _parent.pick2._x = 10000; if (_root.light2.col == 'red') { _root.correct2 = true; } } if (_parent.pick3.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.yourlight3.col = 'red'; _parent.pick3.isGot = false; _parent.pick3._x = 10000; if (_root.light3.col == 'red') { _root.correct3 = true; } } if (_parent.pick4.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight4.gotoAndStop(1); _root.yourlight4.col = 'red'; _parent.pick4.isGot = false; _parent.pick4._x = 10000; if (_root.light4.col == 'red') { _root.correct4 = true; } } if (_parent.pick5.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight5.gotoAndStop(1); _root.yourlight5.col = 'red'; _parent.pick5.isGot = false; _parent.pick5._x = 10000; if (_root.light5.col == 'red') { _root.correct5 = true; } } } } } instance of movieClip 2938 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick1.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight1.gotoAndStop(5); _root.yourlight1.col = 'yellow'; _parent.pick1.isGot = false; _parent.pick1._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick2.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight2.gotoAndStop(5); _root.yourlight2.col = 'yellow'; _parent.pick2.isGot = false; _parent.pick2._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick3.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight3.gotoAndStop(5); _root.yourlight3.col = 'yellow'; _parent.pick3.isGot = false; _parent.pick3._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick4.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight4.gotoAndStop(5); _root.yourlight4.col = 'yellow'; _parent.pick4.isGot = false; _parent.pick4._x = 10000; } if (_parent.pick5.isGot == true) { _root.yourlight5.gotoAndStop(5); _root.yourlight5.col = 'yellow'; _parent.pick5.isGot = false; _parent.pick5._x = 10000; } } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance check of movieClip 2938 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { _root.checkCombo(); } } } instance reset of movieClip 2938 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { _parent.pick1._x = _parent.pick1.initPos.x; _parent.pick1._y = _parent.pick1.initPos.y; _parent.pick1.isGot = false; _parent.pick2._x = _parent.pick2.initPos.x; _parent.pick2._y = _parent.pick2.initPos.y; _parent.pick2.isGot = false; _parent.pick3._x = _parent.pick3.initPos.x; _parent.pick3._y = _parent.pick3.initPos.y; _parent.pick3.isGot = false; _parent.pick4._x = _parent.pick4.initPos.x; _parent.pick4._y = _parent.pick4.initPos.y; _parent.pick4.isGot = false; _parent.pick5._x = _parent.pick5.initPos.x; _parent.pick5._y = _parent.pick5.initPos.y; _parent.pick5.isGot = false; _root.correct1 = false; _root.correct2 = false; _root.correct3 = false; _root.correct4 = false; _root.correct5 = false; _root.yourlight1.gotoAndStop(6); _root.yourlight2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.yourlight3.gotoAndStop(6); _root.yourlight4.gotoAndStop(6); _root.yourlight5.gotoAndStop(6); } } } instance of movieClip 2290 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; var origX = _xscale; var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 20) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; } } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _y = _y + (p.y - _y - 50) / 5; _x = _x + (p.x - _x) / 5; if (p.x > _x) { _xscale = origX; } if (p.x < _x) { _xscale = -origX; } } } instance pick1 of movieClip 2947 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; this.num = '1'; numVal = 1; isGot = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick2.isGot == false && _parent.pick3.isGot == false && _parent.pick4.isGot == false && _parent.pick5.isGot == false) { isGot = true; } } if (isGot == true) { _x = p.x; _y = p.y; } } } instance pick2 of movieClip 2947 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; this.num = '2'; numVal = 2; isGot = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick1.isGot == false && _parent.pick3.isGot == false && _parent.pick4.isGot == false && _parent.pick5.isGot == false) { isGot = true; } } if (isGot == true) { _x = p.x; _y = p.y; } } } instance pick3 of movieClip 2947 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; this.num = '3'; numVal = 3; isGot = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick2.isGot == false && _parent.pick1.isGot == false && _parent.pick4.isGot == false && _parent.pick5.isGot == false) { isGot = true; } } if (isGot == true) { _x = p.x; _y = p.y; } } } instance pick4 of movieClip 2947 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; this.num = '4'; numVal = 4; isGot = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick2.isGot == false && _parent.pick3.isGot == false && _parent.pick1.isGot == false && _parent.pick5.isGot == false) { isGot = true; } } if (isGot == true) { _x = p.x; _y = p.y; } } } instance pick5 of movieClip 2947 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; this.num = '5'; numVal = 5; isGot = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); if (hitTest(_root.player) && Key.isDown(16)) { if (_parent.pick2.isGot == false && _parent.pick3.isGot == false && _parent.pick4.isGot == false && _parent.pick1.isGot == false) { isGot = true; } } if (isGot == true) { _x = p.x; _y = p.y; } } } } instance ground of movieClip 2948 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; jHeight = -13; isJump = true; this.level.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) { _root.doP1Atk(); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance ready of movieClip 2705 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); } } movieClip 2956 { frame 1 { stop(); col = 'red'; } frame 2 { col = 'green'; } frame 3 { col = 'blue'; } frame 4 { col = 'pink'; } frame 5 { col = 'yellow'; } frame 6 { col = 'none'; } } instance light1 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = true; col = ''; this.gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } instance light2 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = true; col = ''; this.gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } instance light3 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = true; col = ''; this.gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } instance light4 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = true; col = ''; this.gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } instance light5 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = true; col = ''; this.gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } instance yourlight1 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(6); _visible = false; col = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (col == _root.light1.col) { _root.correct1 = true; } } } instance yourlight5 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(6); _visible = false; col = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (col == _root.light5.col) { _root.correct5 = true; } } } instance yourlight4 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(6); _visible = false; col = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (col == _root.light4.col) { _root.correct4 = true; } } } instance yourlight2 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(6); _visible = false; col = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (col == _root.light2.col) { _root.correct2 = true; } } } instance yourlight3 of movieClip 2956 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(6); _visible = false; col = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (col == _root.light3.col) { _root.correct3 = true; } } } frame 23 { stop(); clearInterval(superDown); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); lives1 += 1; _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.achieve.out += 'Level Complete: 1,000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 2962 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2962 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow' && _root.scrapbrainUnlocked == false) { _root.scrapbrainUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 24 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = 'Stage 07'; } } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Hidden Palace'; } } frame 25 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function resetCPU() { if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU2() { if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu2._x = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu2._y = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu2._alpha = 30; hp3 = 0; lives3 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function doP1Atk(damage) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk2(damage) { if (_root.enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; _root.hp1 += rndDam; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.rndLevel = 6; _root.invincible.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.makeLevelMusic(); }; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } lotsItems = 7000; isPaused = false; shouldShock = true; _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); hiddenpalaceMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); }; isdead2 = false; isdead3 = false; hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; hp3 = 0; lives2 = 2; lives3 = 2; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); enemy1 = 'knuckles'; enemy2 = 'amy'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); enemy1 = 'knuckles'; enemy2 = 'cream'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); enemy1 = 'sonic'; enemy2 = 'rouge'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); enemy1 = 'sonic'; enemy2 = 'cream'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); enemy1 = 'tails'; enemy2 = 'amy'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); enemy1 = 'shadow'; enemy2 = 'amy'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); enemy1 = 'rouge'; enemy2 = 'silver'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); enemy1 = 'blaze'; enemy2 = 'sonic'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); enemy1 = 'silver'; enemy2 = 'sonic'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); enemy1 = 'knuckles'; enemy2 = 'mighty'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); enemy1 = 'knuckles'; enemy2 = 'espio'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); enemy1 = 'shadow'; enemy2 = 'silver'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); enemy1 = 'sonic'; enemy2 = 'silver'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); enemy1 = 'amy'; enemy2 = 'cream'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } if (enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('amy'); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('cream'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('rouge'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('shadow'); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('silver'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('blaze'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('espio'); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('mighty'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); runSpeed1 = 55; } if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('sonic'); runSpeed2 = 60; } if (enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tails'); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('amy'); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('cream'); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('rouge'); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('shadow'); runSpeed2 = 60; } if (enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('silver'); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('blaze'); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('espio'); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('mighty'); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); runSpeed2 = 50; } if (enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); runSpeed2 = 55; } if (enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tikal'); runSpeed2 = 75; } impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } if (enemy1 != 'none') { hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; } else { hp2_txt = ''; } if (enemy2 != 'none') { hp3_txt = hp3 + '%'; } else { hp3_txt = ''; } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; if (enemy1 != 'none') { _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; } else { _root.lives2_txt = ''; } if (enemy2 != 'none') { _root.lives3_txt = 'x' + _root.lives3; } else { _root.lives3_txt = ''; } if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU';; } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu); loadMovie('', _root.icon2); enemy1 = 'none'; isdead2 = true; } if (_root.lives3 < 1) { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu2); loadMovie('', _root.icon3); enemy2 = 'none'; isdead3 = true; } if (_root.lives2 < 1 && _root.lives3 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1'; _root.nextFrame(); } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; this.gotoAndStop(7); } } movieClip 2965 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance cpu of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 1; isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDistY = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 55; } else { speed = (p.x - _x) / 60; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (isHurt == false) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance cpu2 of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; isShield = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 2; isFlame = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist2 = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDist2Y = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 55; } else { speed = (p.x - _x) / 65; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (isHurt == false) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance centerPoint of movieClip 2257 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 1000; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.distp1CPU1 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu._x); _root.distp1CPU2 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distp1CPU3 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distp1CPU1Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu._y; _root.distp1CPU2Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.distp1CPU3Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.distCPU1CPU2 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distCPU1CPU2Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu2._y); _root.distCPU1CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU1CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); _root.distCPU2CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU2CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; } } } instance cpu2arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu2._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU2Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU2Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead3 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance cpu1arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU1Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead2 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2290 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; var origX = _xscale; var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 20) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; } } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _y = _y + (p.y - _y - 50) / 5; _x = _x + (p.x - _x) / 5; if (p.x > _x) { _xscale = origX; } if (p.x < _x) { _xscale = -origX; } } } instance starup of movieClip 2292 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 4000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } } } } instance flameup of movieClip 2294 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.player.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu2.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu3.isFlame = true; } } } } instance heart of movieClip 2296 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; startHealingCPU1 = false; startHealingCPU2 = false; startHealingCPU3 = false; _visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true) { if (random(_root.lotsItems) < 5 && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { timer = 800; _x = random(_x + 500); _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingP1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU2 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU3 = true; } if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU1 == true) { if (_root.hp2 > 0) { _root.hp2 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU2 == true) { if (_root.hp3 > 0) { _root.hp3 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU3 == true) { if (_root.hp4 > 0) { _root.hp4 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 100) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; startHealingCPU1 = false; startHealingCPU2 = false; startHealingCPU3 = false; } } } } instance lifeup of movieClip 2298 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.lives < 2) { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 2000) < 5 && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar' && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives1 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives2 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives3 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives4 += 1; } } } } instance earsUp of movieClip 2300 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isEars = true; } } } } instance mine of movieClip 2304 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; activate = false; _visible = false; hasBeen = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && _root.player._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.player.isStars == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; rndDam = random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk(); _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk2(); _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk3(); _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } } } } instance powerUp of movieClip 2306 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1500) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isSpec = true; _root.pupbar._width = 60; } } } } } instance ground of movieClip 2965 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; isJump = true; jHeight = -13; this.level.gotoAndStop(7); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; isShield = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu2.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 26 { stop(); clearInterval(superDown); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 3; lives3 = 3; if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); impervious = false; stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; fullpower = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; _root.achieve.out += 'Level Complete: 1,000\n'; _root.score += 1000; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 2979 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2979 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles' && _root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked == false) { _root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { stopAllSounds();; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); }; } } frame 27 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = 'Final Stage'; } } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Outer Space'; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 28 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function resetCPU() { reset.start(); if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU2() { if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu2._x = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu2._y = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu2._alpha = 30; hp3 = 0; lives3 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU3() { if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu3._x = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu3._y = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu3._alpha = 30; hp4 = 0; lives4 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function doP1Atk(dmg) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(dmg) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk2(dmg) { if (_root.enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(dmg) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk3(dmg) { if (_root.enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu3.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(dmg) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.isdeadyou = false; _root.rndLevel = 7; _root.invincible.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.makeLevelMusic(); }; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } lotsItems = 7000; isPaused = false; shouldShock = true; isFree = true; _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); spaceMusic.start(); spaceMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { spaceMusic.start(); }; hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; hp3 = 0; hp4 = 0; lives2 = 2; lives3 = 2; lives4 = 3; isdead2 = false; isdead3 = false; isdead4 = false; isEnd = false; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); enemy1 = 'tails'; enemy2 = 'knuckles'; enemy3 = 'amy'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); enemy1 = 'sonic'; enemy2 = 'knuckles'; enemy3 = 'cream'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); enemy1 = 'sonic'; enemy2 = 'tails'; enemy3 = 'rouge'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); enemy1 = 'sonic'; enemy2 = 'cream'; enemy3 = 'tails'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); enemy1 = 'tails'; enemy2 = 'amy'; enemy3 = 'rouge'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); enemy1 = 'shadow'; enemy2 = 'silver'; enemy3 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); enemy1 = 'sonic'; enemy2 = 'rouge'; enemy3 = 'silver'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); enemy1 = 'rouge'; enemy2 = 'blaze'; enemy3 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); enemy1 = 'rouge'; enemy2 = 'silver'; enemy3 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); enemy1 = 'rouge'; enemy2 = 'mighty'; enemy3 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); enemy1 = 'rouge'; enemy2 = 'espio'; enemy3 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); enemy1 = 'shadow'; enemy2 = 'silver'; enemy3 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); enemy1 = 'sonic'; enemy2 = 'silver'; enemy3 = 'knuckles'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); enemy1 = 'amy'; enemy2 = 'cream'; enemy3 = 'rouge'; _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } if (enemy1 == 'none') { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu); loadMovie('', _root.icon2); isdead2 = true; lives2 = 0; } if (enemy2 == 'none') { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu2); loadMovie('', _root.icon3); isdead3 = true; lives3 = 0; } if (enemy3 == 'none') { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu3); loadMovie('', _root.icon4); isdead4 = true; lives4 = 0; } if (enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } if (enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } if (enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (enemy3 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (enemy3 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (enemy3 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } if (enemy1 != 'none') { hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; } else { hp2_txt = ''; } if (enemy2 != 'none') { hp3_txt = hp3 + '%'; } else { hp3_txt = ''; } if (enemy3 != 'none') { hp4_txt = hp4 + '%'; } else { hp4_txt = ''; } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; if (enemy1 != 'none') { _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; } else { _root.lives2_txt = ''; } if (enemy2 != 'none') { _root.lives3_txt = 'x' + _root.lives3; } else { _root.lives3_txt = ''; } if (enemy3 != 'none') { _root.lives4_txt = 'x' + _root.lives4; } else { _root.lives4_txt = ''; } if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; isEnd = true; } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu); enemy1 = 'none'; if (isdead2 == false) { = random(4); = random(4); } isdead2 = true; loadMovie('', _root.icon2); } if (_root.lives3 < 1) { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu2); enemy2 = 'none'; if (isdead3 == false) { = random(4); = random(4); } isdead3 = true; loadMovie('', _root.icon3); } if (_root.lives4 < 1) { loadMovie('', _root.ground.cpu3); enemy3 = 'none'; if (isdead4 == false) { = random(4); = random(4); } isdead4 = true; loadMovie('', _root.icon4); } if (_root.lives2 < 1 && _root.lives3 < 1 && _root.lives4 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1'; isEnd = true; } if (isEnd == true) { isEnd = false;; } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; this.gotoAndStop(8); } } instance ground of movieClip 2307 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; jHeight = -13; isJump = true; this.level.gotoAndStop(8); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; isShield = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu2.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu3.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 29 { stop(); clearInterval(superDown); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; isFree = false; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 3; lives3 = 3; lives4 = 3; if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.completeSonic = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.completeTails = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.completeKnuckles = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.completeAmy = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.completeCream = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.completeRouge = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.completeShadow = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.completeSilver = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.completeBlaze = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.completeEspio = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.completeMighty = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.completeSuperSonic = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.completeSuperShadow = true; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.completeTikal = true; } } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); impervious = false; stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; fullpower = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; _root.achieve.out += 'Level Complete: 1,000\n'; _root.score += 1000; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 2996 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2996 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.completeSonic == true && _root.completeTails == true && _root.completeKnuckles == true && _root.outerspaceUnlocked == false) { _root.outerspaceUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { stopAllSounds();; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); }; } } frame 30 { stop(); _root.cheer.start(); if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } } movieClip 2999 { } movieClip 3000 { } instance of movieClip 3000 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.attachMovie('confetti', 'confetti' + i, i); _root['confetti' + i]._x = random(Stage.width) - 120; _root['confetti' + i]._y = -10; _root['confetti' + i]._rotation = random(360); _root['confetti' + i].speed = random(5) + 1; _root['confetti' + i].wind = random(5) + 1; myColor = Math.round(Math.random() * 16777215); myObj = new Color(_root['confetti' + i]); myObj.setRGB(myColor); ++i; l = 0; while (l < i) { _root['confetti' + l]._y += _root['confetti' + l].speed; _root['confetti' + l]._x += _root['confetti' + l].wind; if (_root['confetti' + l]._y > Stage.height) { loadMovie('', _root['confetti' + l]); } ++l; } } } movieClip 3004 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3004 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic' && _root.amyUnlocked == false) { _root.amyUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 3007 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3007 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'tails' && _root.creamUnlocked == false) { _root.creamUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 3011 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3011 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles' && _root.rougeUnlocked == false) { _root.rougeUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 3015 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3015 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.completeAmy == true && _root.completeCream == true && _root.carnivalnightUnlocked == false) { _root.carnivalnightUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 3019 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3019 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.completeRouge == true && _root.completeShadow == true && _root.marblezoneUnlocked == false) { _root.marblezoneUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 3023 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3023 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.completeRouge == true && _root.shadowUnlocked == false) { _root.shadowUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (Key.isDown(45)) { _root.gotoAndStop('hlevel'); } stopAllSounds(); if (_root.completeSonic == true && _root.completeTails && _root.completeKnuckles && _root.completeRouge && _root.completeAmy && _root.completeCream && _root.completeEspio && _root.completeMighty && _root.completeSilver && _root.completeBlaze && _root.completeSuperSonic && _root.completeSuperShadow && _root.completeShadow == true && _root.tikalUnlocked == false) { _root.gotoAndStop('hlevel'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 3028 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3028 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.completeCream == true && _root.cheeseUnlocked == false) { _root.cheeseUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } frame 31 { function select(charName) { _root.char_txt = charName; _root.selectChar.gotoAndStop(charName); charSelected = charName; } if (_root.gameType == 'rmelee') { isTimed = true; timeType = 10; itemsOn = true; lives1 = 1; difficulty = 4; prob = 400; toughness = 10; } if (_root.gameType == 'man50' || _root.gameType == 'man100') { isTimed = false; timeType = 0; itemsOn = true; lives1 = 1; difficulty = 4; prob = 400; toughness = 10; } if (_root.gameType == 'allstar') { isTimed = false; timeType = 0; itemsOn = false; lives1 = 1; difficulty = 7; prob = 200; toughness = 15; } if (_root.gameType == 'practice') { isTimed = false; timeType = 0; itemsOn = true; lives1 = 1; difficulty = 4; prob = 400; toughness = 10; } isFree = false; charSelected = ''; levelType = 'random'; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { _root.lives_txt = lives1; }; if (isSound == true) { chooseC.start(); } chooseC.onSoundComplete = function () { chooseC.start(); }; Sonic1 = new Sound(); Sonic1.attachSound('Sonic7'); Tails1 = new Sound(); Tails1.attachSound('Tails2'); Cream1 = new Sound(); Cream1.attachSound('Cream1'); Blaze1 = new Sound(); Blaze1.attachSound('Blaze7'); Amy1 = new Sound(); Amy1.attachSound('Amy1'); Knuckles1 = new Sound(); Knuckles1.attachSound('Knuckles1'); Shadow1 = new Sound(); Shadow1.attachSound('Shadow1'); Rouge1 = new Sound(); Rouge1.attachSound('Rouge1'); Mighty1 = new Sound(); Mighty1.attachSound('Mighty1'); Espio1 = new Sound(); Espio1.attachSound('Espio1'); Silver1 = new Sound(); Silver1.attachSound('Silver1'); SuperSonic1 = new Sound(); SuperSonic1.attachSound('SuperSonic1'); SuperShadow1 = new Sound(); SuperShadow1.attachSound('SuperShadow1'); Tikal1 = new Sound(); Tikal1.attachSound('Tikal1'); } instance rouge of movieClip 722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.rougeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1313 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.gameType == 'rmelee') { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.gameType == 'man50') { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.gameType == 'man100') { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.gameType == 'allstar') { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 3029 { on (release) { if (_root.charSelected != '') { if (_root.gameType == 'rmelee') { _root.musiclol = true; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(32); } if (_root.gameType == 'man50' || _root.gameType == 'man100') { _root.musiclol = true; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(34); } if (_root.gameType == 'allstar') { _root.musiclol = true; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(36); } if (_root.gameType == 'practice') { _root.musiclol = true; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(38); } } } } instance shadow of movieClip 726 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shadowUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance tails of movieClip 738 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.tailsUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance knuckles of movieClip 742 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.knucklesUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance amy of movieClip 746 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.amyUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance cream of movieClip 752 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.creamUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance blaze of movieClip 756 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.blazeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance silver of movieClip 761 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.silverUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance supersonic of movieClip 765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.superSonicUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance supershadow of movieClip 769 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.superShadowUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance espio of movieClip 773 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.espioUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance mighty of movieClip 777 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mightyUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance tikal of movieClip 781 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.tikalUnlocked == false) { _visible = false; } else { _visible = true; } } } instance counter1 of movieClip 574 { onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.cursor.hitTest(this)) { startDrag(this, true); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { stopDrag(); } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } } frame 32 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function timeLol() { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (sec2 < 2 && sec1 < 1 && min == 0) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1'; isEnd = true; } if (sec2 > 0) { --sec2; } else { if (sec2 < 1) { sec2 = 9; --sec1; } } if (sec1 < 1 && sec2 < 1) { sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; --min; } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; } } function setEnemy1() { if (enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed1 = 75; } } function setEnemy2() { if (enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed2 = 60; } if (enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed2 = 60; } if (enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed2 = 50; } if (enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed2 = 55; } if (enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed2 = 75; } } function setEnemy3() { if (enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed3 = 60; } if (enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed3 = 70; } if (enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed3 = 70; } if (enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed3 = 60; } if (enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed3 = 70; } if (enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed3 = 50; } if (enemy3 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed3 = 55; } if (enemy3 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed3 = 75; } } function randomLevel() { _root.rndLevel = random(levels.length); makeLevel(); } function makeLevel() { if (_root.rndLevel == 0) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(1);; ++_root.greenhillPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 1) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.skysancPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 2) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(3);; ++_root.chemicalplantPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 3) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(4);; ++_root.angelislandPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 4) { if (_root.icecapUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(5);; ++_root.icecapPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 5) { if (_root.lavareefUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(6);; ++_root.lavareefPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 6) { if (_root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(7);; ++_root.hiddenpalacePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 7) { if (_root.outerspaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(8);; ++_root.spacePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 8) { if (_root.marblezoneUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(9);; ++_root.marblezonePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 9) { if (_root.starlightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(10);; ++_root.starlightPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 10) { if (_root.scrapbrainUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(11);; ++_root.scrapbrainPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 11) { if (_root.carnivalnightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(12);; ++_root.carnivalnightPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 12) { if (_root.mushroomhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(13);; ++_root.mushroomhillPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 13) { if (_root.emeraldhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(14);; ++_root.emeraldhillPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } } function randomEnemy() { rndChar = random(chars.length); enemy1 = chars[rndChar]; setEnemy1(); } function randomEnemy2() { rndChar2 = random(chars.length); enemy2 = chars[rndChar2]; setEnemy2(); } function randomEnemy3() { rndChar3 = random(chars.length); enemy3 = chars[rndChar3]; setEnemy3(); } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; _root.charFalls(); ++falls; } function resetCPU() { if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.score += 100; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU2() { if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu2._x = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu2._y = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu2._alpha = 30; hp3 = 0; lives3 -= 1; ++kos; _root.score += 100; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU3() { if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu3._x = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu3._y = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu3._alpha = 30; hp4 = 0; lives4 -= 1; ++kos; _root.score += 100; _root.charKos(); } function doP1Atk(damage) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk2(damage) { if (_root.enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk3(damage) { if (_root.enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.charTimes(); if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } _root.isdead2 = false; _root.isdead3 = false; _root.isdead4 = false; chars = new Array('sonic', 'tails', 'knuckles', 'amy', 'cream', 'rouge', 'shadow', 'silver', 'blaze', 'espio', 'mighty'); randomEnemy(); randomEnemy2(); randomEnemy3(); kos = 0; _root.lotsItems = 7000; if (timeType == 10) { sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; min = 9; } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; timeKeep = setInterval(timeLol, 1000); f = 0; h = 0; isPaused = false; shouldShock = true; levels = new Array('greenhill', 'skysanctuary', 'angelisland', 'chemicalplant', 'icecap', 'lavareef', 'hiddenpalace', 'outerspace', 'marblezone', 'starlight', 'scrapbrain', 'carnivalnight', 'mushroomhill', 'emeraldhill'); _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; hp3 = 0; hp4 = 0; lives2 = 1; lives3 = 1; lives4 = 1; isEnd = false; specialMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { specialMusic.start(); }; specialMusic.start(); if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); yourTough = 18; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); yourTough = 14; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); yourTough = 16; yourSpeed = 8; } yourTough += 3; impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { _root.kos_txt = kos; hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; hp3_txt = hp3 + '%'; hp4_txt = hp4 + '%'; _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; _root.lives3_txt = 'x' + _root.lives3; _root.lives4_txt = 'x' + _root.lives4; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; isEnd = true; } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { randomEnemy(); lives2 = 1; } if (_root.lives3 < 1) { randomEnemy2(); lives3 = 1; } if (_root.lives4 < 1) { randomEnemy3(); lives4 = 1; } if (isEnd == true) { isEnd = false;; } }; if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } else { makeLevel(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; } } movieClip 3031 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance cpu of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 1; isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDistY = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 60 - 5; } else { speed = (p.x - _x) / 60; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (isHurt == false) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance cpu2 of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 2; isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist2 = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDist2Y = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 65 - 5; } else { speed = (p.x - _x) / 65; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (isHurt == false) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU2(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance cpu3 of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 3; isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist3 = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDist3Y = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 70 - 5; } else { speed = (p.x - _x) / 70; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (isHurt == false) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false && isAtk == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU3(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU3(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU3(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU3(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance centerPoint of movieClip 2257 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 1000; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.distp1CPU1 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu._x); _root.distp1CPU2 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distp1CPU3 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distp1CPU1Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu._y; _root.distp1CPU2Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.distp1CPU3Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.distCPU1CPU2 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distCPU1CPU2Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu2._y); _root.distCPU1CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU1CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); _root.distCPU2CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU2CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; } } } instance cpu3arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu3._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU3Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU3Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU3Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead4 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance cpu2arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu2._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU2Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU2Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU2Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead3 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance cpu1arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU1Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead2 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2290 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; var origX = _xscale; var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 20) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; } } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _y = _y + (p.y - _y - 50) / 5; _x = _x + (p.x - _x) / 5; if (p.x > _x) { _xscale = origX; } if (p.x < _x) { _xscale = -origX; } } } instance starup of movieClip 2292 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 4000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } } } } instance flameup of movieClip 2294 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.player.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu2.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu3.isFlame = true; } } } } instance heart of movieClip 2296 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true) { if (random(_root.lotsItems) < 5 && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { timer = 800; _x = random(_x + 500); _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingP1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU2 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU3 = true; } if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU1 == true) { if (_root.hp2 > 0) { _root.hp2 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU2 == true) { if (_root.hp3 > 0) { _root.hp3 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU3 == true) { if (_root.hp4 > 0) { _root.hp4 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 100) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; startHealingCPU1 = false; startHealingCPU2 = false; startHealingCPU3 = false; } } } } instance lifeup of movieClip 2298 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.lives < 2) { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 2000) < 5 && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar' && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives1 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives2 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives3 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives4 += 1; } } } } instance earsUp of movieClip 2300 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isEars = true; } } } } instance mine of movieClip 2304 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && _root.player._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.player.isStars == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; rndDam = random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk(); _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk2(); _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk3(); _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } } } } instance powerUp of movieClip 2306 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1500) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isSpec = true; _root.pupbar._width = 60; } } } } } instance ground of movieClip 3031 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; isJump = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = -13; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } instance timerDisp of movieClip 2740 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.isTimed == false) { _visible = false; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 33 { stop(); isEnd = false; amount_txt = kos; if (kos > _root.min10rec) { _root.min10rec = kos; } clearInterval(timeKeep); if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 1; lives3 = 1; lives4 = 1; if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { winner_txt = amount; _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { winner_txt = amount; _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); } _root.achieve.out = ''; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } _root.achieve.out += 'KO\'s: ' + 500 * kos + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < kos) { _root.score += 500; ++i; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } } movieClip 3052 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3052 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'silver' && _root.kos > 15 && _root.blazeUnlocked == false) { _root.blazeUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 3056 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3056 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow' && _root.kos > 10 && _root.silverUnlocked == false) { _root.silverUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 34 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function setEnemy1() { if (enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed1 = 75; } } function setEnemy2() { if (enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed2 = 60; } if (enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed2 = 60; } if (enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed2 = 50; } if (enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed2 = 55; } if (enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed2 = 75; } } function setEnemy3() { if (enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed3 = 60; } if (enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed3 = 70; } if (enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed3 = 70; } if (enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed3 = 60; } if (enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed3 = 70; } if (enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed3 = 50; } if (enemy3 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed3 = 55; } if (enemy3 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed3 = 75; } } function randomLevel() { _root.rndLevel = random(levels.length); makeLevel(); } function makeLevel() { if (_root.rndLevel == 0) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(1);; ++_root.greenhillPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 1) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.skysancPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 2) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(3);; ++_root.chemicalplantPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 3) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(4);; ++_root.angelislandPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 4) { if (_root.icecapUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(5);; ++_root.icecapPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 5) { if (_root.lavareefUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(6);; ++_root.lavareefPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 6) { if (_root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(7);; ++_root.hiddenpalacePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 7) { if (_root.outerspaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(8);; ++_root.spacePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 8) { if (_root.marblezoneUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(9);; ++_root.marblezonePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 9) { if (_root.starlightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(10);; ++_root.starlightPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 10) { if (_root.scrapbrainUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(11);; ++_root.scrapbrainPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 11) { if (_root.carnivalnightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(12);; ++_root.carnivalnightPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 12) { if (_root.mushroomhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(13);; ++_root.mushroomhillPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 13) { if (_root.emeraldhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(14);; ++_root.emeraldhillPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } } function randomEnemy() { rndChar = random(chars.length); enemy1 = chars[rndChar]; setEnemy1(); } function randomEnemy2() { rndChar2 = random(chars.length); enemy2 = chars[rndChar2]; setEnemy2(); } function randomEnemy3() { rndChar3 = random(chars.length); enemy3 = chars[rndChar3]; setEnemy3(); } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function resetCPU() { if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.score += 100; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU2() { if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu2._x = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu2._y = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu2._alpha = 30; hp3 = 0; lives3 -= 1; ++kos; _root.score += 100; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU3() { if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu3._x = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu3._y = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu3._alpha = 30; hp4 = 0; lives4 -= 1; ++kos; _root.score += 100; _root.charKos(); } function doP1Atk(damage) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk2(damage) { if (_root.enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk3(damage) { if (_root.enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.charTimes(); if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } _root.isdead2 = false; _root.isdead3 = false; _root.isdead4 = false; if (_root.gameType == 'man50') { men = 50; } if (_root.gameType == 'man100') { men = 100; } chars = new Array('sonic', 'tails', 'knuckles', 'amy', 'cream', 'rouge', 'shadow', 'silver', 'blaze', 'espio', 'mighty'); randomEnemy(); randomEnemy2(); randomEnemy3(); kos = 0; isFree = false; _root.lotsItems = 7000; f = 0; h = 0; isPaused = false; shouldShock = true; levels = new Array('greenhill', 'skysanctuary', 'angelisland', 'chemicalplant', 'icecap', 'lavareef', 'hiddenpalace', 'outerspace', 'marblezone', 'starlight', 'scrapbrain', 'carnivalnight', 'mushroomhill', 'emeraldhill'); _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; hp3 = 0; hp4 = 0; lives2 = 1; lives3 = 1; lives4 = 1; isEnd = false; specialMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { specialMusic.start(); }; specialMusic.start(); if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); yourTough = 18; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); yourTough = 14; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); yourTough = 16; yourSpeed = 8; } yourTough += 3; impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; damage = 0; kos = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { menkos = men - kos; _root.kos_txt = menkos; hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; hp3_txt = hp3 + '%'; hp4_txt = hp4 + '%'; _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; _root.lives3_txt = 'x' + _root.lives3; _root.lives4_txt = 'x' + _root.lives4; if (_root.menkos < 1) { if (_root.gameType == 'man50') { _root.complete50 = true; } if (_root.gameType == 'man100') { _root.complete100 = true; } stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1'; isEnd = true; } if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; isEnd = true; } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { randomEnemy(); lives2 = 1; } if (_root.lives3 < 1) { randomEnemy2(); lives3 = 1; } if (_root.lives4 < 1) { randomEnemy3(); lives4 = 1; } if (isEnd == true) { isEnd = false; _root.nextFrame(); } }; if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } else { makeLevel(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; } } instance ground of movieClip 3031 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; isJump = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = -13; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 35 { stop(); isEnd = false; kos = 0; men = 100; clearInterval(timeKeep); clearInterval(superDown); if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 1; lives3 = 1; lives4 = 1; if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); } _root.achieve.out = ''; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } _root.achieve.out += 'KO\'s: ' + 500 * kos + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < kos) { _root.score += 500; ++i; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } movieClip 3071 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3071 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'man100' && _root.complete100 == true && _root.superShadowUnlocked == false) { _root.superShadowUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } } movieClip 3077 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3077 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.gameType == 'man50' && _root.complete50 == true && _root.superSonicUnlocked == false) { _root.superSonicUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } movieClip 3081 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3081 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.complete50 == true && _root.complete100 == true && _root.allstarUnlocked == false) { _root.allstarUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 36 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function superLol2() { if (_root.hp2 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp2; } } function superLol3() { if (_root.hp3 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp3; } } function superLol4() { if (_root.hp4 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp4; } } function setEnemy1() { if (enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed1 = 75; } } function setEnemy2() { if (enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed2 = 60; } if (enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed2 = 60; } if (enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed2 = 75; } if (enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed2 = 70; } if (enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed2 = 50; } if (enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed2 = 55; } if (enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon3.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu2arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed2 = 75; } } function setEnemy3() { if (enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed3 = 60; } if (enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed3 = 70; } if (enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed3 = 70; } if (enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed3 = 60; } if (enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed3 = 70; } if (enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed3 = 75; } if (enemy3 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed3 = 50; } if (enemy3 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed3 = 55; } if (enemy3 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu3.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon4.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu3arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed3 = 75; } } function randomLevel() { _root.rndLevel = random(levels.length); makeLevel(); } function makeLevel() { if (_root.rndLevel == 0) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(1);; ++_root.greenhillPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 1) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.skysancPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 2) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(3);; ++_root.chemicalplantPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 3) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(4);; ++_root.angelislandPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 4) { if (_root.icecapUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(5);; ++_root.icecapPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 5) { if (_root.lavareefUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(6);; ++_root.lavareefPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 6) { if (_root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(7);; ++_root.hiddenpalacePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 7) { if (_root.outerspaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(8);; ++_root.spacePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 8) { if (_root.marblezoneUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(9);; ++_root.marblezonePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 9) { if (_root.starlightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(10);; ++_root.starlightPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 10) { if (_root.scrapbrainUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(11);; ++_root.scrapbrainPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 11) { if (_root.carnivalnightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(12);; ++_root.carnivalnightPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 12) { if (_root.mushroomhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(13);; ++_root.mushroomhillPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 13) { if (_root.emeraldhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(14);; ++_root.emeraldhillPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function resetCPU() { if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.score += 100; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU2() { if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu2._x = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu2._y = _root.ground.cpu2.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu2._alpha = 30; hp3 = 0; lives3 -= 1; ++kos; _root.score += 100; _root.charKos(); } function resetCPU3() { if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu3._x = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu3._y = _root.ground.cpu3.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu3._alpha = 30; hp4 = 0; lives4 -= 1; ++kos; _root.score += 100; _root.charKos(); } function doP1Atk(damage) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk2(damage) { if (_root.enemy2 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu2.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu2.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu2.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu2.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu2.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu2.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu2.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu2.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu2.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu2.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu2.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu2.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 10) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doP1Atk3(damage) { if (_root.enemy3 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu3.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu3.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu3.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu3.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu3.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu3.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu3.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu3.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu3.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu3.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu3.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu3.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 10) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.charTimes(); _root.rndLevel = 14; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } _root.isdead2 = false; _root.isdead3 = false; _root.isdead4 = false; chars = new Array('sonic', 'tails', 'knuckles', 'amy', 'cream', 'rouge', 'shadow', 'silver', 'blaze', 'espio', 'mighty', 'supersonic', 'supershadow', 'tikal'); enemy1 = _root.charSelected; setEnemy1(); enemy2 = _root.charSelected; setEnemy2(); enemy3 = _root.charSelected; setEnemy3(); if (_root.enemy1 == 'supersonic' || _root.enemy1 == 'supershadow' || _root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { superDown2 = setInterval(superLol2, 1000); } if (_root.enemy2 == 'supersonic' || _root.enemy2 == 'supershadow' || _root.enemy2 == 'tikal') { superDown3 = setInterval(superLol3, 1000); } if (_root.enemy3 == 'supersonic' || _root.enemy3 == 'supershadow' || _root.enemy3 == 'tikal') { superDown4 = setInterval(superLol4, 1000); } kos = 0; f = 0; h = 0; isPaused = false; shouldShock = true; levels = new Array('greenhill', 'skysanctuary', 'angelisland', 'chemicalplant', 'icecap', 'lavareef', 'hiddenpalace', 'outerspace', 'marblezone', 'starlight', 'scrapbrain', 'carnivalnight', 'mushroomhill', 'emeraldhill'); _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; hp3 = 0; hp4 = 0; lives2 = 1; lives3 = 1; lives4 = 1; isEnd = false; starMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { starMusic.start(); }; starMusic.start(); if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); yourTough = 18; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); yourTough = 14; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); yourTough = 16; yourSpeed = 8; } impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { _root.kos_txt = kos; hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; hp3_txt = hp3 + '%'; hp4_txt = hp4 + '%'; _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; _root.lives3_txt = 'x' + _root.lives3; _root.lives4_txt = 'x' + _root.lives4; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1'; isEnd = true; } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { lives2 = 1; } if (_root.lives3 < 1) { lives3 = 1; } if (_root.lives4 < 1) { lives4 = 1; } if (isEnd == true) { isEnd = false;; } }; if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } else { makeLevel(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; } } instance ground of movieClip 3031 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; isJump = true; this.level.gotoAndStop(15); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = -13; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk2(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk3(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 37 { stop(); isEnd = false; amount_txt = kos; if (kos > _root.allsrec) { _root.allsrec = kos; } clearInterval(timeKeep); clearInterval(superDown); clearInterval(superDown2); clearInterval(superDown3); clearInterval(superDown4); if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 1; lives3 = 1; lives4 = 1; winner_txt = amount; _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.achieve.out = ''; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } _root.achieve.out += 'KO\'s: ' + 500 * kos + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < kos) { _root.score += 500; ++i; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } } movieClip 3096 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3096 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.kos > 50 && _root.starUnlocked == false) { _root.starUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 38 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function randomEnemy() { rndChar = random(chars.length); enemy1 = chars[rndChar]; setEnemy1(); } function setEnemy1() { if (enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('sonic'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(1); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tails'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(2); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(3); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('amy'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(4); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('cream'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(5); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('rouge'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(6); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('shadow'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(7); runSpeed1 = 60; } if (enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('silver'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(8); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('blaze'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(9); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('espio'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(10); runSpeed1 = 70; } if (enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('mighty'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(11); runSpeed1 = 75; } if (enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(12); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(13); runSpeed1 = 50; } if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); _root.ground.cpu1arrow.gotoAndStop(14); runSpeed1 = 75; } } function randomLevel() { _root.rndLevel = random(levels.length); makeLevel(); } function makeLevel() { if (_root.rndLevel == 0) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(1);; ++_root.greenhillPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 1) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.skysancPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 2) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(3);; ++_root.chemicalplantPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 3) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(4);; ++_root.angelislandPlay; } if (_root.rndLevel == 4) { if (_root.icecapUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(5);; ++_root.icecapPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 5) { if (_root.lavareefUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(6);; ++_root.lavareefPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 6) { if (_root.hiddenpalaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(7);; ++_root.hiddenpalacePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 7) { if (_root.outerspaceUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(8);; ++_root.spacePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 8) { if (_root.marblezoneUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(9);; ++_root.marblezonePlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 9) { if (_root.starlightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(10);; ++_root.starlightPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 10) { if (_root.scrapbrainUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(11);; ++_root.scrapbrainPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 11) { if (_root.carnivalnightUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(12);; ++_root.carnivalnightPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 12) { if (_root.mushroomhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(13);; ++_root.mushroomhillPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } if (_root.rndLevel == 13) { if (_root.emeraldhillUnlocked == true) { _root.ground.level.gotoAndStop(14);; ++_root.emeraldhillPlay; } else { if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } } } } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function resetCPU() { if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = false; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function doP1Atk(damage) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'sonic') { _root.ground.cpu.sonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tails') { _root.ground.cpu.tails_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'knuckles') { _root.ground.cpu.knuckles_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'amy') { _root.ground.cpu.amy_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'cream') { _root.ground.cpu.cream_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'rouge') { _root.ground.cpu.rouge_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'shadow') { _root.ground.cpu.shadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'blaze') { _root.ground.cpu.blaze_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'silver') { _root.ground.cpu.silver_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'mighty') { _root.ground.cpu.mighty_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'espio') { _root.ground.cpu.espio_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supersonic') { _root.ground.cpu.supersonic_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'supershadow') { _root.ground.cpu.supershadow_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.charTimes(); if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } _root.isdead2 = false; item = new Array('heart container', '1up', 'flame shield', 'invincibility', 'speed shoes', 'bunny ears', 'mine', 'power up'); chars = new Array('sonic', 'tails', 'knuckles', 'amy', 'cream', 'rouge', 'shadow', 'silver', 'blaze', 'espio', 'mighty'); kos = 0; s = 0; f = 0; h = 0; randomEnemy(); isPaused = false; shouldShock = true; levels = new Array('greenhill', 'skysanctuary', 'angelisland', 'chemicalplant', 'icecap', 'lavareef', 'hiddenpalace', 'outerspace', 'marblezone', 'starlight', 'scrapbrain', 'carnivalnight', 'mushroomhill', 'emeraldhill'); _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; lives1 = 1; lives2 = 1; isEnd = false; invincible.onSoundComplete = function () { specialMusic.start(); }; specialMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { specialMusic.start(); }; specialMusic.start(); if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); yourTough = 18; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); yourTough = 14; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); yourTough = 16; yourSpeed = 8; } kos = 0; damage = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { _root.kos_txt = kos; hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 1; } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { lives2 = 1; } if (isEnd == true) { isEnd = false;; } }; if (_root.levelType == 'random') { randomLevel(); } else { makeLevel(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; } } movieClip 3097 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance cpu of movieClip 2256 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 1; isSpace = false; speed = 0; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkDelay = 0; isCenter = false; crouchTime = 0; posChar = 1; isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.atkDist = Math.abs(p.x - _x); _root.atkDistY = Math.abs(p.y - _y); if (p.y > _y && random(30) < 5 && isSpace == false) { ++crouchTime; } if (isCenter == true) { speed = (_root.ground.centerPoint._x - _x) / 55; } else { speed = (p.x - _x) / 60; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && isAtk && _root.player._alpha > 90) { if (_root.player.isShield == false && _root.player.isSpecAtk == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); } } if (isHurt == false) { if (p.x == _x) { speed = 0; } else { if (p.x > _x) { _x = _x + (speed + 1); } else { _x = _x + (speed - 1); } } } else { if (dir == 'right') { _x = _x + speedDam; } else { _x = _x - speedDam; } } if (p.y < _y - 10 && isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { if (random(100) < 5) { isSpace = true; _y = _y - 1; gravity = jHeight; _root.jump.start(); } } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } gravity += 1; _y = _y + gravity; if (speed > 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = 75; dir = 'right'; } } if (speed < 0.2) { if (isSpace == false && isHurt == false) { _xscale = -75; dir = 'left'; } } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetCPU(); isFlame = false; isShield = false; isStars = false; isEars = false; _root.cheer.start(); } if (atkDelay > 0) { atkDelay -= 2; } updateAfterEvent(); } } } instance centerPoint of movieClip 2257 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 1000; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _root.distp1CPU1 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu._x); _root.distp1CPU2 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distp1CPU3 = Math.abs(p.x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distp1CPU1Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu._y; _root.distp1CPU2Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.distp1CPU3Y = p.y - _root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.distCPU1CPU2 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu2._x); _root.distCPU1CPU2Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu2._y); _root.distCPU1CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU1CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); _root.distCPU2CPU3 = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._x - _root.ground.cpu3._x); _root.distCPU2CPU3Y = Math.abs(_root.ground.cpu2._y - _root.ground.cpu3._y); if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2)) { _root.ground.cpu2.isCenter = false; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3)) { _root.ground.cpu3.isCenter = false; } } } instance cpu1arrow of movieClip 2276 { onClipEvent (load) { pos = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hints == true) { var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _x = _root.ground.cpu._x; p.y -= 100; _y = p.y; this.distance = Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y); if (Math.abs(_root.distp1CPU1Y) > 250) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.distp1CPU1Y > 0) { this.rot._yscale = -100; } else { this.rot._yscale = 100; } if (_root.isdead2 == true) { loadMovie('', this); } } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2290 { onClipEvent (load) { initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; var origX = _xscale; var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charSelected == 'cream' && _root.cheeseUnlocked == true) { _visible = true; } else { loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 20) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; } } var p = {'x': _root.player._x, 'y': _root.player._y}; _parent.globalToLocal(p); _y = _y + (p.y - _y - 50) / 5; _x = _x + (p.x - _x) / 5; if (p.x > _x) { _xscale = origX; } if (p.x < _x) { _xscale = -origX; } } } instance starup of movieClip 2292 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 4000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { stopAllSounds(); _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isStars = true; _root.invincible.start(); } } } } instance flameup of movieClip 2294 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.player.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu2.isFlame = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.flame.start(); _root.ground.cpu3.isFlame = true; } } } } instance heart of movieClip 2296 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true) { if (random(_root.lotsItems) < 5 && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { timer = 800; _x = random(_x + 500); _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingP1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU1 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU2 = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.heal.start(); startHealingCPU3 = true; } if (startHealingP1 == true) { if (_root.hp1 > 0) { _root.hp1 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU1 == true) { if (_root.hp2 > 0) { _root.hp2 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU2 == true) { if (_root.hp3 > 0) { _root.hp3 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (startHealingCPU3 == true) { if (_root.hp4 > 0) { _root.hp4 -= 1; } healAmount += 1; } if (healAmount > 100) { healAmount = 0; startHealingP1 = false; startHealingCPU1 = false; startHealingCPU2 = false; startHealingCPU3 = false; } } } } instance lifeup of movieClip 2298 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.lives < 2) { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 2000) < 5 && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar' && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives1 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives2 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives3 += 1; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.del.start(); _root.lives4 += 1; } } } } instance earsUp of movieClip 2300 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu2.isEars = true; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && random(50) < 5) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu3.isEars = true; } } } } instance mine of movieClip 2304 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1000) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && _root.player._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.player.isStars == false) { _root.doCPUAtk(); _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 100) / 5; rndDam = random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk(); _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 100) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu2) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu2._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu2.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk2(); _root.ground.cpu2.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu2._y; _root.ground.cpu2.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu2.gravity = -(random(_root.hp3) + 100) / 5; _root.hp3 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu3) && _visible == true && _root.ground.cpu3._alpha > 90) {; if (_root.ground.cpu3.isStars == false) { _root.doP1Atk3(); _root.ground.cpu3.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu3._y; _root.ground.cpu3.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.ground.cpu3.gravity = -(random(_root.hp4) + 100) / 5; _root.hp4 += random(200) + 1;; if (random(100) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } } } } } instance powerUp of movieClip 2306 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer < 1 && activate == true) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; } if (_root.itemsOn == true && _root.gameType != 'rmelee' && _root.gameType != 'man50' && _root.gameType != 'man100' && _root.gameType != 'allstar') { if (random(_root.lotsItems + 1500) < 5 && hasBeen == false && activate == false && _root.isPaused == false) { _x = random(_x + 500); timer = 800; hasBeen = true; _visible = true; activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_y > Stage.height + 100) { _y = initPos.y; _x = random(_x + 500); } if (activate == true) { gravity = 5; _y = _y + gravity; } if (hitTest(_root.player) && _visible == true && Key.isDown(16)) { _visible = false; activate = false; _y = initPos.y; _root.player.isSpec = true; } } } } } instance ground of movieClip 3097 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; isJump = true; jHeight = -13; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } } } } movieClip 3147 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1013 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent._visible = false; } } } instance hlpwin of movieClip 3147 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } button 3148 { on (press) { _root.hlpwin._visible = true; _root.hlpwin.gotoAndStop(random(47) + 1); } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; isSAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; isShield = false; isStars = false; isSpec = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } instance of movieClip 1363 { onClipEvent (load) { level = 1; _root.prob = 700; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.difficulty = level; downLvl = level * 20; _root.prob -= dwnLvl; _root.toughness = level + 5; } } button 3152 { on (press) { if (_root.item_txt == _root.item[0]) { _root.ground.heart._x = random(_root.ground.heart._x + 500); _root.ground.heart.timer = 800; _root.ground.heart.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.heart._y = _root.ground.heart.initPos.y; _root.ground.heart._visible = true; _root.ground.heart.activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_root.item_txt == _root.item[1]) { _root.ground.lifeup._x = random(_root.ground.lifeup._x + 500); _root.ground.lifeup.timer = 800; _root.ground.lifeup.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.lifeUp._y = _root.ground.lifeUp.initPos.y; _root.ground.lifeup._visible = true; _root.ground.lifeup.activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_root.item_txt == _root.item[2]) { _root.ground.flameup._x = random(_root.ground.flameup._x + 500); _root.ground.flameup.timer = 800; _root.ground.flameup.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.flameUp._y = _root.ground.flameUp.initPos.y; _root.ground.flameup._visible = true; _root.ground.flameup.activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_root.item_txt == _root.item[3]) { _root.ground.starup._x = random(_root.ground.starup._x + 500); _root.ground.starup.timer = 800; _root.ground.starup.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.starup._y = _root.ground.starup.initPos.y; _root.ground.starup._visible = true; _root.ground.starup.activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_root.item_txt == _root.item[4]) { _root.ground.speedUp._x = random(_root.ground.speedUp._x + 500); _root.ground.speedUp.timer = 800; _root.ground.speedUp.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.speedUp._y = _root.ground.speedUp.initPos.y; _root.ground.speedUp._visible = true; _root.ground.speedUp.activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_root.item_txt == _root.item[5]) { _root.ground.earsUp._x = random(_root.ground.earsUp._x + 500); _root.ground.earsUp.timer = 800; _root.ground.earsUp.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.earsUp._y = _root.ground.earsUp.initPos.y; _root.ground.earsUp._visible = true; _root.ground.earsUp.activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_root.item_txt == _root.item[6]) { _root.ground.mine._x = random(_root.ground.mine._x + 500); _root.ground.mine.timer = 800; _root.ground.mine.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.mine._y = _root.ground.mine.initPos.y; _root.ground.mine._visible = true; _root.ground.mine.activate = true; _root.item.start(); } if (_root.item_txt == _root.item[7]) { _root.ground.powerUp._x = random(_root.ground.powerUp._x + 500); _root.ground.powerUp.timer = 800; _root.ground.powerUp.hasBeen = true; _root.ground.powerUp._y = _root.ground.powerUp.initPos.y; _root.ground.powerUp._visible = true; _root.ground.powerUp.activate = true; _root.item.start(); } } } button 3153 { on (press) { if (_root.s > _root.item.length - 1) { _root.s = 0; } _root.item_txt = _root.item[_root.s]; ++_root.s; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } } instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 39 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.nom = 'Hidden Stage'; } } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Hidden Palace'; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 40 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function superLol2() { if (_root.hp2 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp2; } } function resetP1() { if (_root.player.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; lives1 -= 1; fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function resetCPU() { if (_root.ground.cpu.isStars == true) { _root.invincible.stop(); _root.makeLevelMusic(); } reset.start(); _root.ground.cpu._x = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.x; _root.ground.cpu._y = _root.ground.cpu.initPos.y; _root.ground.cpu.speed = 0; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = 0; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = 5; _root.ground.cpu._alpha = 30; hp2 = 0; lives2 -= 1; ++kos; _root.charKos(); } function doP1Atk(damage) { if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.tikal_cpu.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ground.cpu.isHurt = true; --_root.ground.cpu._y; _root.ground.cpu.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.ground.cpu.gravity = -(random(_root.hp2) + 10) / 5; _root.hp2 += random(damage) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(toughness) + 1; if (random(20) < 5) {; } if (random(200) < 5) { _root.cheer.start(); } _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } stop(); _root.completeHidden = false; _root.rndLevel = 6; _root.invincible.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.makeLevelMusic(); }; isTimed = false; lotsItems = 12000; isPaused = false; shouldShock = true; isdead2 = false; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } if (_root.enemy1 == 'tikal') { superDown2 = setInterval(superLol2, 1000); } _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); hiddenpalaceMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { hiddenpalaceMusic.start(); }; hp1 = 0; hp2 = 0; lives2 = 1; runSpeed1 = 75; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } enemy1 = 'tikal'; if (enemy1 == 'tikal') { _root.ground.cpu.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon2.gotoAndStop('tikal'); } impervious = true; stiffknees = true; cementshoes = true; fullpower = true; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; hp2_txt = hp2 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; _root.lives2_txt = 'x' + _root.lives2; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU';; } if (_root.lives2 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1'; _root.nextFrame(); } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; this.gotoAndStop(16); } } instance ground of movieClip 2862 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; jHeight = -13; isJump = true; this.level.gotoAndStop(16); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; _root.player.isSpec = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; isShield = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu) && isAtk && _root.ground.cpu._alpha > 90 && _root.ground.cpu.isShield == false) { if (isSAtk == true) { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough + 150); } else { _root.doP1Atk(_root.yourTough); } _root.pupbar._width += random(3); } if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed && !isSAtk) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (load) { delay = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(45) && delay < 5) { if (_root.hints == false) { _root.hints = true; delay = 50; } else { _root.hints = false; delay = 50; } } if (delay > 0) { delay -= 2; } } } instance pupbar of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (load) { _width = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_width >= 60) { _root.player.isSpec = true; _width = 60; } } } frame 41 { stop(); clearInterval(superDown); clearInterval(superDown2); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 3; lives3 = 3; if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { _root.completeHidden = true; _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.charVictories(); _root.winner_txt = _root.nameX; } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { _root.Lose1.start(); _root.aww.start(); _root.charDefeats(); impervious = false; stiffknees = false; cementshoes = false; fullpower = false; airhog = 0; falls = 0; kos = 0; damage = 0; _root.achieve._visible = false; } _root.achieve.out = ''; _root.achieve.out += 'Level Complete: 1,000\n'; _root.score += 1000; if (fullpower == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Full Power: 2,000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } if (airhog >= 100) { _root.achieve.out += 'Air Hog: 10,000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } if (stiffknees == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Stiff Knee\'s: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (impervious == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Impervious: 3,000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } if (cementshoes == true) { _root.achieve.out += 'Cement Shoes: 4,000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } if (_root.damage >= 400) { _root.achieve.out += '400% Damage: 10000\n'; _root.score += 10000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 350) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 5000\n'; _root.score += 5000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 300) { _root.achieve.out += '300% Damage: 4000\n'; _root.score += 4000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 250) { _root.achieve.out += '250% Damage: 3000\n'; _root.score += 3000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 200) { _root.achieve.out += '350% Damage: 2000\n'; _root.score += 2000; } else { if (_root.damage >= 150) { _root.achieve.out += '150% Damage: 1000\n'; _root.score += 1000; } } } } } } _root.achieve.out += 'Falls: -' + 500 * falls + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < falls) { _root.score -= 500; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 3168 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3168 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.completeHidden == true && _root.hpUnlocked == false) { _root.hpUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.winner == 'CPU') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 3173 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3173 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.completeHidden == true && _root.tikalUnlocked == false) { _root.completeHidden = true; _root.tikalUnlocked = true; _visible = true;; } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _visible = false; } } frame 42 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2772 { onClipEvent (load) { nom = 'Bonus Stage'; } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds();; } } frame 43 { function superLol() { if (_root.hp1 > 0 && _root.isPaused == false) { --_root.hp1; } } function timeLol() { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (sec2 < 2 && sec1 < 1 && min == 0) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'PLAYER1';; } if (sec2 > 0) { --sec2; } else { if (sec2 < 1) { sec2 = 9; --sec1; } } if (sec1 < 1 && sec2 < 1) { sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; --min; } _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; } } function resetP1() { reset.start(); _root.ground._x = _root.ground.initPos.x; _root.ground._y = _root.ground.initPos.y; _root.player._x = _root.player.initPos.x; _root.player._y = _root.player.initPos.y; _root.player.speed = 0; _root.ground.gravity = 5; _root.player._alpha = 30; hp1 = 0; shouldShock = true; stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; nextFrame(); fullpower = false; ++falls; _root.charFalls(); } function doCPUAtk() { _root.player.isHurt = true; makeHurt(); _root.player.speedDam = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; ++_root.ground._y; _root.ground.gravity = -(random(_root.hp1) + 10) / 5; rndDam = random(10) + 1; _root.hp1 += rndDam; damage += rndDam; _root.player.isHurt = false; impervious = false; } function makeJump() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function makeHurt() { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.sonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.tails_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.knuckles_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.amy_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.cream_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.rouge_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.shadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.blaze_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.silver_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.espio_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.mighty_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.supersonic_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.supershadow_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.tikal_mc.walk.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } _root.charTimes(); min = 0; sec1 = 5; sec2 = 9; _root.rndLevel = 0; isTimed = true; _root.timerDisp.sec1_txt = sec1; _root.timerDisp.sec2_txt = sec2; _root.timerDisp.min_txt = min; if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic' || _root.charSelected == 'supershadow' || _root.charSelected == 'tikal') { superDown = setInterval(superLol, 1000); } timeKeep = setInterval(timeLol, 1000); stop(); itemsOn = false; f = 0; h = 0; _root.attachMovie('fadetoblack', 'fadetoblack', 999); specialMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { specialMusic.start(); }; specialMusic.start(); rings = 0; if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(1); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('sonic'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(2); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tails'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(3); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('knuckles'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(4); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('amy'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(5); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('cream'); yourTough = 10; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(6); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('rouge'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(7); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('shadow'); yourTough = 18; yourSpeed = 10; } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(8); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('silver'); yourTough = 14; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(9); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('blaze'); yourTough = 13; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(10); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('espio'); yourTough = 15; yourSpeed = 9; } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(11); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('mighty'); yourTough = 20; yourSpeed = 8; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(12); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); yourTough = 25; yourSpeed = 12; } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(13); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); yourTough = 26; yourSpeed = 11; } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { _root.player.gotoAndStop(14); _root.icon1.gotoAndStop('tikal'); yourTough = 16; yourSpeed = 8; } onEnterFrame = function () { hp1_txt = hp1 + '%'; if (hp1 > 300 && shouldShock == true) { _root.shockcrowd.start(); shouldShock = false; _root.crowdShocks(); } _root.lives1_txt = 'x' + _root.lives1; if (_root.lives1 < 1) { stopAllSounds(); winner = 'CPU'; nextFrame(); } }; } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.ground._x / 80 + Stage.width / 2; _y = _root.ground._y / 80 + Stage.height / 2; this.gotoAndStop(14); } } movieClip 3178 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.rings += 1;; } }; } frame 5 { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } movieClip 3179 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.player)) { _root.player.crouchTime = 0; } if (hitTest(_root.ground.cpu)) { _root.ground.cpu.crouchTime = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (load) { initPosy = _y; speed = random(50) + 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { _y = _y + speed; if (_y > 800) { _y = initPosy; speed = random(50) + 10; } } } } } instance ground of movieClip 3179 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; gravity = 5; jHeight = -13; isJump = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (_root.player.isHurt == true) { _x = _x - _root.player.speedDam / 1; } else { _x = _x - _root.player.speed / 1; } if (_root.player.gravity != 1 && _root.player.gravity != 0) { _y = _y - (_root.player.gravity - 1) / 3; _root.player._y -= _root.player.gravity / 2; } ++gravity; _y = _y - gravity; if (Key.isDown(38) && isJump == false) { _root.cementshoes = false; isJump = true; _root.jump.start(); ++_root.airhog; _y = _y + 3; gravity = jHeight; _root.makeJump(); } if (Key.isDown(17) && _root.antigrav == true) { gravity = -13; } if (_y < -800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_y > Stage.height + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } if (_x > Stage.width + 800) { _root.resetP1(); _root.player.isFlame = false; _root.player.isShield = false; _root.player.isStars = false; _root.player.isEars = false; } } } } instance player of movieClip 2702 { onClipEvent (load) { var initPos = {'x': _x, 'y': _y}; speed = 0; isDblJump = false; dblDelay = 0; isAtk = false; atkTimer = 0; dir = 'right'; speedDam = 0; isHurt = false; crouchTime = 0; isShield = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(8) && _root.isPaused == false) { _root.attachMovie('pScreen', 'paused', 100); _root.isPaused = true; } if (_root.isPaused == false) { if (Key.isDown(37) && speed > -_root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = -100; dir = 'left'; speed -= 2; } if (Key.isDown(39) && speed < _root.yourSpeed) { _xscale = 100; dir = 'right'; speed += 2; } if (speed > 0) {; speed -= 1; } if (speed < 0) {; speed += 1; } if (atkTimer > 0) { atkTimer -= 2; } if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 1; } } } } instance timerDisp of movieClip 2740 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.isTimed == false) { _visible = false; } } } frame 44 { stop(); clearInterval(superDown); clearInterval(superDown2); min = 99; sec1 = 99; sec2 = 99; if (lives1 < 1) { lives1 = 3; } lives2 = 3; lives3 = 3; _root.Win1.start(); _root.cheer.start(); _root.achieve.out = ''; _root.achieve.out += 'Rings: +' + 25 * rings + '\n'; i = 0; while (i < rings) { _root.score += 25; ++i; } _root.score_txt = _root.score; if (_root.autosave == true) { _root.saveGame(); } } instance bg of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(14); } } instance pic of movieClip 2749 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.winner == 'PLAYER1') { if (_root.charSelected == 'sonic') { this.gotoAndStop('Sonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tails') { this.gotoAndStop('Tails'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'knuckles') { this.gotoAndStop('Knuckles'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'amy') { this.gotoAndStop('Amy'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'cream') { this.gotoAndStop('Cream'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'rouge') { this.gotoAndStop('Rouge'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'shadow') { this.gotoAndStop('Shadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'silver') { this.gotoAndStop('Silver'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'blaze') { this.gotoAndStop('Blaze'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'espio') { this.gotoAndStop('Espio'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'mighty') { this.gotoAndStop('Mighty'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supersonic') { this.gotoAndStop('supersonic'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'supershadow') { this.gotoAndStop('supershadow'); } if (_root.charSelected == 'tikal') { this.gotoAndStop('Tikal'); } } else { loadMovie('', this); } } } instance cursor of movieClip 138 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); updateAfterEvent(); } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(21); } }
Created: 11/8 -2019 10:39:21 Last modified: 11/8 -2019 10:39:21 Server time: 05/11 -2024 13:54:37