Frame 7
_root.score = 0;
_root.gameover = 0;
if (200 >= _framesloaded) {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Frame 9
Frame 10
function harder() {
if (37 >= speedDown) {
speedDown = speedDown + 3;
if (30 >= speedSide) {
speedSide = speedSide + 1;
if (2000 >= MJSpeed) {
MJSpeed = MJSpeed + 100;
if (6 >= MJDance) {
MJDance = MJDance + 0.3;
time = 60;
speedDown = 10;
speedSide = 3;
MJSpeed = 2;
MJDance = 0.2;
score = 0;
startDrag ("poop", true, 0, 300, 550, 360);
Frame 22
Frame 70
Frame 134
Frame 176
gotoAndPlay (11);
Frame 211;
Frame 213
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this.sessionstarted != 1) {
this.arcade = new LoadVars();
this.sessionvars = new LoadVars();
this.arcade.gamename = "babydrop";
this.arcade.sessdo = "sessionstart";
this.arcade.sendAndLoad("arcade.php", sessionvars, "POST");
if (this.sessionvars.sessiontype != 2) {
_root.is_a_challenge = 0;
} else {
_root.is_a_challenge = 1;
this.sessionstarted = 1;
if (_root.gameover == 1) {
if ((this.askpermission != 1) && (this.sessionvars.connStatus == 1)) {
this.prequestvars = new LoadVars();
this.pranswer = new LoadVars();
this.prequestvars.gametime = this.sessionvars.gametime;
this.prequestvars.fakekey = this.sessionvars.initbar;
_root.score = int(Number(_root.score));
if (_root.score != 0) {
this.prequestvars.score = _root.score;
} else {
this.prequestvars.score = -1;
} = this.sessionvars.lastid;
this.prequestvars.sessdo = "permrequest";
this.prequestvars.note = ( * this.prequestvars.score) * this.prequestvars.fakekey;
this.prequestvars.sendAndLoad("./arcade.php", this.pranswer, "POST");
this.askpermission = 1;
if ((this.pranswer.validate == 1) && (this.finalsent != 1)) {
this.burnscore = new LoadVars();
this.burnscore.microone = this.pranswer.microone;
this.burnscore.gametime = this.prequestvars.gametime; =;
if (_root.score == 0) {
this.burnscore.noscore = 1;
this.burnscore.sessdo = "burn";
this.burnscore.send("./arcade.php", "_self", "POST");
this.finalsent = 1;
Symbol 16 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 19
Set("/:time", /:time - 1);
if ((11 >= /:time) and (/:time >= 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (20);
} else if (0 < /:time) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 53 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1
startX = _parent._x;
speedS = (random(/:MJSpeed) + 10) * 0.01;
xMax = random(100) + 100;
if ((xMax + startX) >= 498) {
startX = 290;
xMax = 200;
} else if (66 >= (startX - xMax)) {
startX = 275;
xMax = 200;
if ((random(30) + 1) >= 15) {
speedS = speedS * -1;
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 2
if (((startX + xMax) < _parent._x) and (speedS >= 0)) {
speedS = speedS * -1;
} else if ((_parent._x < (startX - xMax)) and (speedS < 0)) {
speedS = speedS * -1;
setProperty(_parent, _x , _parent._x + speedS);
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
if (490 < _parent._x) {
startX = 250;
xMax = 70;
} else if (_parent._x < 40) {
startX = 250;
xMax = 70;
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay("jack" + int(random(/:MJDance) + 1));
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 32
if (baby >= 5) {
baby = 1;
} else {
baby = baby + 1;
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _x , _x);
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _y , 110);
eval ("_root.b" + baby).gotoAndPlay(2);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 41
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 50
if (baby >= 5) {
baby = 1;
} else {
baby = baby + 1;
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _x , _x);
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _y , 110);
eval ("_root.b" + baby).gotoAndPlay(2);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 60
if (baby >= 5) {
baby = 1;
} else {
baby = baby + 1;
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _x , _x);
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _y , 110);
eval ("_root.b" + baby).gotoAndPlay(2);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 85
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 95
if (spider >= 3) {
spider = 1;
} else {
spider = spider + 1;
setProperty("_root.s" + spider, _x , _x);
setProperty("_root.s" + spider, _y , 110);
eval ("_root.s" + spider).gotoAndPlay(2);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 97
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 107
if (baby >= 5) {
baby = 1;
} else {
baby = baby + 1;
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _x , _x);
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _y , 110);
eval ("_root.b" + baby).gotoAndPlay(2);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 110
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 119
if (baby >= 5) {
baby = 1;
} else {
baby = baby + 1;
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _x , _x);
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _y , 110);
eval ("_root.b" + baby).gotoAndPlay(2);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 126
if (baby >= 5) {
baby = 1;
} else {
baby = baby + 1;
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _x , _x);
setProperty("_root.b" + baby, _y , 110);
eval ("_root.b" + baby).gotoAndPlay(2);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 128
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 142
if (spider >= 3) {
spider = 1;
} else {
spider = spider + 1;
setProperty("_root.s" + spider, _x , _x);
setProperty("_root.s" + spider, _y , 110);
eval ("_root.s" + spider).gotoAndPlay(2);
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 144
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1
busy = 0;
Instance of Symbol 89 MovieClip in Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.busy == 0) {
if (this.hitTest( {
_root.b1.hit = "yes";
Set("/:score", /:score + 10);
Set("/:time", /:time + 1);
if (this.hitTest( {
_root.b2.hit = "yes";
Set("/:score", /:score + 10);
Set("/:time", /:time + 1);
if (this.hitTest( {
_root.b3.hit = "yes";
Set("/:score", /:score + 10);
Set("/:time", /:time + 1);
if (this.hitTest( {
_root.b4.hit = "yes";
Set("/:score", /:score + 10);
Set("/:time", /:time + 1);
if (this.hitTest( {
_root.b5.hit = "yes";
Set("/:time", /:time + 1);
Set("/:score", /:score + 10);
if (this.hitTest(_root.s1.spider)) {
Set("/:score", /:score - 20);
_root.s1.hit = "yes";
if (this.hitTest(_root.s2.spider)) {
Set("/:score", /:score - 20);
_root.s2.hit = "yes";
if (this.hitTest(_root.s3.spider)) {
Set("/:score", /:score - 20);
_root.s3.hit = "yes";
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 13
busy = 1;
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1
function side() {
count = count + 1;
if (540 < _x) {
xChange1 = -1;
count = 13;
} else if (_x < 0) {
xChange1 = 1;
count = 13;
xChange3 = _x + (/:speedSide * xChange1);
_x = (_x + (speed * xChange1));
splat = 450;
speed = random(/:speedSide) + 1;
speed2 = random(/:speedDown) + 5;
hit = "no";
if ((random(30) + 1) >= 15) {
xChange1 = -1;
} else {
xChange1 = 1;
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 2
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.3));
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 3
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.4));
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 4
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.5));
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 5
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.6));
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 6
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.7));
if (splat < _y) {
gotoAndStop (27);
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 7
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.8));
if (splat < _y) {
gotoAndStop (27);
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 8
_y = (_y + speed2);
if (splat < _y) {
gotoAndStop (27);
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 9
if ((splat < _y) || (hit eq "yes")) {
gotoAndStop (27);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
function side() {
count = count + 1;
if (540 < _x) {
xChange1 = -1;
count = 13;
} else if (_x < 0) {
xChange1 = 1;
count = 13;
xChange3 = _x + (/:speedSide * xChange1);
_x = (_x + (speed * xChange1));
splat = 450;
speed = random(/:speedSide) + 1;
speed2 = random(/:speedDown) + 5;
hit = "no";
xChange1 = 1;
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 2
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.3));
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 3
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.4));
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 4
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.5));
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 5
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.6));
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 6
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.7));
if (splat < _y) {
gotoAndStop (27);
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 7
_y = (_y + (speed2 * 0.8));
if (splat < _y) {
gotoAndStop (27);
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 8
_y = (_y + speed2);
if (splat < _y) {
gotoAndStop (27);
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 9
if ((splat < _y) || (hit eq "yes")) {
gotoAndStop (27);
} else {
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 100 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 105 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 1
score = _level0.score;
score = _root.score;
gcode = _level0.gcode;
if (score == 0) {
score = 5;
if (url_dest != undefined) {
getURL (url_dest, "_self", "POST");
} else {
_root.gameover = 1;