Frame 51
onEnterFrame = function () {
webLink.onPress = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 134
Frame 135
onEnterFrame = function () {
webLink.onPress = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 265
startSlot.slot1.currentSpin = 0;
startSlot.slot2.currentSpin = 0;
startSlot.slot3.currentSpin = 0;
startSlot.slot1.spinTimes = 1;
startSlot.slot2.spinTimes = 2;
startSlot.slot3.spinTimes = 3;
startSlot.slot1.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
startSlot.slot2.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
startSlot.slot3.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
playGame.onPress = function () {
moreGames.onPress = function () {
getURL ("", _blank);
Frame 266
function reset() {
bet = 0;
bet1 = 0;
bet2 = 0;
bet3 = 0;
bet4 = 0;
bet5 = 0;
bet6 = 0;
bet7 = 0;
bet8 = 0;
betTxt.text = "";
bet1Txt.text = "";
bet2Txt.text = "";
bet3Txt.text = "";
bet4Txt.text = "";
bet5Txt.text = "";
bet6Txt.text = "";
bet7Txt.text = "";
bet8Txt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 0;
topPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayLine._alpha = 0;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayBar._alpha = 0;
rightPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
bonus = 50;
bonusText.text = bonus;
function doneSpinning() {
if (bet2 > 0) {
if (((spinResult1 == "tripleBars") and (spinResult2 == "tripleBars")) and (spinResult3 == "tripleBars")) {
topPay = bet2 * 50;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "doubleBars") and (spinResult2 == "doubleBars")) and (spinResult3 == "doubleBars")) {
topPay = (bet2 * 25) + bet;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "singleBar") and (spinResult2 == "singleBar")) and (spinResult3 == "singleBar")) {
topPay = bet2 * 15;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar1 == "yes") and (anyBar2 == "yes")) and (anyBar3 == "yes")) and (spinResult1 != spinResult2)) {
topPay = (bet2 * 5) + bet;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar1 == "yes") and (anyBar2 == "yes")) and (anyBar3 == "yes")) and (spinResult2 != spinResult3)) {
topPay = bet2 * 5;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "bell") and (spinResult2 == "bell")) and (spinResult3 == "bell")) {
topPay = bet2 * 10;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "melon") and (spinResult2 == "melon")) and (spinResult3 == "melon")) {
topPay = bet2 * 12;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "seven") and (spinResult2 == "seven")) and (spinResult3 == "seven")) {
topPay = bet2 * 8;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "plum") and (spinResult2 == "plum")) and (spinResult3 == "plum")) {
topPay = bet2 * 8;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "orange") and (spinResult2 == "orange")) and (spinResult3 == "orange")) {
topPay = bet2 * 5;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult2 == "cherries")) and (spinResult3 == "cherries")) {
topPay = bet2 * 5;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult2 == "cherries")) and (spinResult3 != "cherries")) {
topPay = bet2 * 3;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult2 != "cherries")) and (spinResult3 != "cherries")) {
topPay = bet2 * 1;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult2 != "cherries")) and (spinResult3 == "cherries")) {
topPay = bet2 * 1;
topPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else {
topPayBar._alpha = 0;
if (bet1 > 0) {
if (((spinResult4 == "tripleBars") and (spinResult5 == "tripleBars")) and (spinResult6 == "tripleBars")) {
midPay = bet1 * 50;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "doubleBars") and (spinResult5 == "doubleBars")) and (spinResult6 == "doubleBars")) {
midPay = bet1 * 25;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "singleBar") and (spinResult5 == "singleBar")) and (spinResult6 == "singleBar")) {
midPay = bet1 * 15;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar4 == "yes") and (anyBar5 == "yes")) and (anyBar6 == "yes")) and (spinResult4 != spinResult5)) {
midPay = bet1 * 5;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar4 == "yes") and (anyBar5 == "yes")) and (anyBar6 == "yes")) and (spinResult5 != spinResult6)) {
midPay = bet1 * 5;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "bell") and (spinResult5 == "bell")) and (spinResult6 == "bell")) {
midPay = bet1 * 10;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "melon") and (spinResult5 == "melon")) and (spinResult6 == "melon")) {
midPay = bet1 * 12;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "seven") and (spinResult5 == "seven")) and (spinResult6 == "seven")) {
midPay = bet1 * 8;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "plum") and (spinResult5 == "plum")) and (spinResult6 == "plum")) {
midPay = bet1 * 8;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "orange") and (spinResult5 == "orange")) and (spinResult6 == "orange")) {
midPay = bet1 * 5;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 == "cherries")) and (spinResult6 == "cherries")) {
midPay = bet1 * 5;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 == "cherries")) and (spinResult6 != "cherries")) {
midPay = bet1 * 3;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 != "cherries")) and (spinResult6 != "cherries")) {
midPay = bet1 * 1;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult4 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 != "cherries")) and (spinResult6 == "cherries")) {
midPay = bet1 * 1;
midPayLine._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else {
midPayLine._alpha = 0;
if (bet3 > 0) {
if (((spinResult7 == "tripleBars") and (spinResult8 == "tripleBars")) and (spinResult9 == "tripleBars")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 50;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "doubleBars") and (spinResult8 == "doubleBars")) and (spinResult9 == "doubleBars")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 25;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "singleBar") and (spinResult8 == "singleBar")) and (spinResult9 == "singleBar")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 15;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar7 == "yes") and (anyBar8 == "yes")) and (anyBar9 == "yes")) and (spinResult7 != spinResult8)) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 5;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar7 == "yes") and (anyBar8 == "yes")) and (anyBar9 == "yes")) and (spinResult8 != spinResult9)) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 5;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "bell") and (spinResult8 == "bell")) and (spinResult9 == "bell")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 10;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "melon") and (spinResult8 == "melon")) and (spinResult9 == "melon")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 12;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "seven") and (spinResult8 == "seven")) and (spinResult9 == "seven")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 8;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "plum") and (spinResult8 == "plum")) and (spinResult9 == "plum")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 8;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "orange") and (spinResult8 == "orange")) and (spinResult9 == "orange")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 5;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "cherries") and (spinResult8 == "cherries")) and (spinResult9 == "cherries")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 5;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "cherries") and (spinResult8 == "cherries")) and (spinResult9 != "cherries")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 3;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "cherries") and (spinResult8 != "cherries")) and (spinResult9 != "cherries")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 1;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult7 == "cherries") and (spinResult8 != "cherries")) and (spinResult9 == "cherries")) {
bottomPay = bet3 * 1;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else {
bottomPayBar._alpha = 0;
if (bet7 > 0) {
if (((spinResult1 == "tripleBars") and (spinResult4 == "tripleBars")) and (spinResult7 == "tripleBars")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 50;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "doubleBars") and (spinResult4 == "doubleBars")) and (spinResult7 == "doubleBars")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 25;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "singleBar") and (spinResult4 == "singleBar")) and (spinResult7 == "singleBar")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 15;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar1 == "yes") and (anyBar4 == "yes")) and (anyBar7 == "yes")) and (spinResult1 != spinResult4)) {
leftPay = bet7 * 5;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar1 == "yes") and (anyBar4 == "yes")) and (anyBar7 == "yes")) and (spinResult4 != spinResult7)) {
leftPay = bet7 * 5;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "bell") and (spinResult4 == "bell")) and (spinResult7 == "bell")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 10;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "melon") and (spinResult4 == "melon")) and (spinResult7 == "melon")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 12;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "seven") and (spinResult4 == "seven")) and (spinResult7 == "seven")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 8;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "plum") and (spinResult4 == "plum")) and (spinResult7 == "plum")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 8;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "orange") and (spinResult4 == "orange")) and (spinResult7 == "orange")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 5;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult4 == "cherries")) and (spinResult7 == "cherries")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 5;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult4 == "cherries")) and (spinResult7 != "cherries")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 3;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult4 != "cherries")) and (spinResult7 != "cherries")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 1;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult4 != "cherries")) and (spinResult7 == "cherries")) {
leftPay = bet7 * 1;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else {
leftPayBar._alpha = 0;
if (bet6 > 0) {
if (((spinResult2 == "tripleBars") and (spinResult5 == "tripleBars")) and (spinResult8 == "tripleBars")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 50;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "doubleBars") and (spinResult5 == "doubleBars")) and (spinResult8 == "doubleBars")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 25;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "singleBar") and (spinResult5 == "singleBar")) and (spinResult8 == "singleBar")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 15;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar2 == "yes") and (anyBar5 == "yes")) and (anyBar8 == "yes")) and (spinResult2 != spinResult5)) {
middlePay = bet6 * 5;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar2 == "yes") and (anyBar5 == "yes")) and (anyBar8 == "yes")) and (spinResult5 != spinResult8)) {
middlePay = bet6 * 5;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "bell") and (spinResult5 == "bell")) and (spinResult8 == "bell")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 10;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "melon") and (spinResult5 == "melon")) and (spinResult8 == "melon")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 12;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "seven") and (spinResult5 == "seven")) and (spinResult8 == "seven")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 8;
leftPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "plum") and (spinResult5 == "plum")) and (spinResult8 == "plum")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 8;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "orange") and (spinResult5 == "orange")) and (spinResult8 == "orange")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 5;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 == "cherries")) and (spinResult8 == "cherries")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 5;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 == "cherries")) and (spinResult8 != "cherries")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 3;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 != "cherries")) and (spinResult8 != "cherries")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 1;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult2 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 != "cherries")) and (spinResult8 == "cherries")) {
middlePay = bet6 * 1;
midPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else {
midPayBar._alpha = 0;
if (bet8 > 0) {
if (((spinResult3 == "tripleBars") and (spinResult6 == "tripleBars")) and (spinResult9 == "tripleBars")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 50;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "doubleBars") and (spinResult6 == "doubleBars")) and (spinResult9 == "doubleBars")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 25;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "singleBar") and (spinResult6 == "singleBar")) and (spinResult9 == "singleBar")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 15;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar3 == "yes") and (anyBar6 == "yes")) and (anyBar9 == "yes")) and (spinResult3 != spinResult6)) {
rightPay = bet8 * 5;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar3 == "yes") and (anyBar6 == "yes")) and (anyBar9 == "yes")) and (spinResult6 != spinResult9)) {
rightPay = bet8 * 5;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "bell") and (spinResult6 == "bell")) and (spinResult9 == "bell")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 10;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "melon") and (spinResult6 == "melon")) and (spinResult9 == "melon")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 12;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "seven") and (spinResult6 == "seven")) and (spinResult9 == "seven")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 8;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "plum") and (spinResult6 == "plum")) and (spinResult9 == "plum")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 8;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "orange") and (spinResult6 == "orange")) and (spinResult9 == "orange")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 5;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "cherries") and (spinResult6 == "cherries")) and (spinResult9 == "cherries")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 5;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "cherries") and (spinResult6 == "cherries")) and (spinResult9 != "cherries")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 3;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "cherries") and (spinResult6 != "cherries")) and (spinResult9 != "cherries")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 1;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "cherries") and (spinResult6 != "cherries")) and (spinResult9 == "cherries")) {
rightPay = bet8 * 1;
rightPayBar._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else {
rightPayBar._alpha = 0;
if (bet4 > 0) {
if (((spinResult1 == "tripleBars") and (spinResult5 == "tripleBars")) and (spinResult9 == "tripleBars")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 50;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "doubleBars") and (spinResult5 == "doubleBars")) and (spinResult9 == "doubleBars")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 25;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "singleBar") and (spinResult5 == "singleBar")) and (spinResult9 == "singleBar")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 15;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar1 == "yes") and (anyBar5 == "yes")) and (anyBar9 == "yes")) and (spinResult1 != spinResult5)) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 5;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar1 == "yes") and (anyBar5 == "yes")) and (anyBar9 == "yes")) and (spinResult5 != spinResult9)) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 5;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "bell") and (spinResult5 == "bell")) and (spinResult9 == "bell")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 10;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "melon") and (spinResult5 == "melon")) and (spinResult9 == "melon")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 12;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "seven") and (spinResult5 == "seven")) and (spinResult9 == "seven")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 8;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "plum") and (spinResult5 == "plum")) and (spinResult9 == "plum")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 8;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "orange") and (spinResult5 == "orange")) and (spinResult9 == "orange")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 5;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 == "cherries")) and (spinResult9 == "cherries")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 5;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 == "cherries")) and (spinResult9 != "cherries")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 3;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 != "cherries")) and (spinResult9 != "cherries")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 1;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult1 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 != "cherries")) and (spinResult9 == "cherries")) {
leftAnglePay = bet4 * 1;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else {
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
if (bet5 > 0) {
if (((spinResult3 == "tripleBars") and (spinResult5 == "tripleBars")) and (spinResult7 == "tripleBars")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 50;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "doubleBars") and (spinResult5 == "doubleBars")) and (spinResult7 == "doubleBars")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 25;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "singleBar") and (spinResult5 == "singleBar")) and (spinResult7 == "singleBar")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 15;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar3 == "yes") and (anyBar5 == "yes")) and (anyBar7 == "yes")) and (spinResult3 != spinResult5)) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 5;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if ((((anyBar3 == "yes") and (anyBar5 == "yes")) and (anyBar7 == "yes")) and (spinResult5 != spinResult7)) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 5;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "bell") and (spinResult5 == "bell")) and (spinResult7 == "bell")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 10;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "melon") and (spinResult5 == "melon")) and (spinResult7 == "melon")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 12;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "seven") and (spinResult5 == "seven")) and (spinResult7 == "seven")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 8;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "plum") and (spinResult5 == "plum")) and (spinResult7 == "plum")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 8;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "orange") and (spinResult5 == "orange")) and (spinResult7 == "orange")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 5;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 == "cherries")) and (spinResult7 == "cherries")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 5;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 != "cherries") and (spinResult5 != "cherries")) and (spinResult7 == "cherries")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 1;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 != "cherries") and (spinResult5 == "cherries")) and (spinResult7 == "cherries")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 3;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else if (((spinResult3 == "cherries") and (spinResult5 != "cherries")) and (spinResult7 == "cherries")) {
rightAnglePay = bet5 * 1;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 100;
payBox._alpha = 100;
} else {
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
} else {
payBox._alpha = 100;
if (((spinResult1 == spinResult3) and (spinResult3 == spinResult7)) and (spinResult7 == spinResult9)) {
fourCornersPay = bet * 10;
payBox._alpha = 100;
if (fruitCheck == 9) {
fruitPay = bet * 20;
payBox._alpha = 100;
gained = ((((((((topPay + midPay) + bottomPay) + leftPay) + middlePay) + rightPay) + leftAnglePay) + rightAnglePay) + fourCornersPay) + fruitPay;
if (((((spinResult2 == "bell") and (spinResult4 == "bell")) and (spinResult5 == "bell")) and (spinResult6 == "bell")) and (spinResult8 == "bell")) {
feverModeActivate = 1;
if (feverMode == 1) {
if ((((fruitPay > 0) or (fourCornersPay > 0)) or (feverMode == 1)) or (feverModeActivate == 1)) {
gained = gained + bet;
if (feverModeActivate == 1) {
gainSavePoint = gained;
canSpin = 0;
if ((sevenCheck < 3) and (gained > 0)) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
credits = credits + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (sevenCheck == 3) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
sevenBonus = bet * 2;
gainSavePoint = gained + sevenBonus;
gained = gained + sevenBonus;
credits = credits + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (sevenCheck == 4) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
sevenBonus = bet * 5;
gainSavePoint = gained + sevenBonus;
gained = gained + sevenBonus;
credits = credits + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (sevenCheck == 5) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
sevenBonus = bet * 10;
gainSavePoint = gained + sevenBonus;
gained = gained + sevenBonus;
credits = credits + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (sevenCheck == 6) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
sevenBonus = bet * 20;
gainSavePoint = gained + sevenBonus;
gained = gained + sevenBonus;
credits = credits + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (sevenCheck == 7) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
sevenBonus = bet * 50;
gainSavePoint = gained + sevenBonus;
gained = gained + sevenBonus;
credits = credits + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (sevenCheck == 8) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
sevenBonus = bet * 100;
gainSavePoint = gained + sevenBonus;
gained = gained + sevenBonus;
credits = credits + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (sevenCheck == 9) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
sevenBonus = bet * 182;
gainSavePoint = gained + sevenBonus;
gained = gained + sevenBonus;
credits = credits + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (gained == 0) {
creditText.text = credits;
gainSavePoint = "";
payBox.gainTxt.text = "";
payBox.payText.text = "";
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "No Gain";
payBox._alpha = 100;
doneSpin = 0;
if (tBarCheck >= 3) {
if (tBarCheck == 3) {
bonusSavePoint = bonus;
tBarBonus = bet * 2;
bonusGainSavePoint = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonusGained = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonus = bonus + bonusGained;;
} else if (tBarCheck == 4) {
bonusSavePoint = bonus;
tBarBonus = bet * 3;
bonusGainSavePoint = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonusGained = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonus = bonus + bonusGained;;
} else if (tBarCheck == 5) {
bonusSavePoint = bonus;
tBarBonus = bet * 10;
bonusGainSavePoint = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonusGained = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonus = bonus + bonusGained;;
} else if (tBarCheck == 6) {
bonusSavePoint = bonus;
tBarBonus = bet * 20;
bonusGainSavePoint = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonusGained = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonus = bonus + bonusGained;;
} else if (tBarCheck == 7) {
bonusSavePoint = bonus;
tBarBonus = bet * 50;
bonusGainSavePoint = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonusGained = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonus = bonus + bonusGained;;
} else if (tBarCheck == 8) {
bonusSavePoint = bonus;
tBarBonus = bet * 80;
bonusGainSavePoint = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonusGained = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonus = bonus + bonusGained;;
} else if (tBarCheck == 9) {
bonusSavePoint = bonus;
tBarBonus = bet * 100;
bonusGainSavePoint = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonusGained = bonusGained + tBarBonus;
bonus = bonus + bonusGained;;
if (gained > 0) {
} else if (bonusGained > 0) {
payBox.gainTxt.text = "";
payBox.payText.text = "";
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "No Gain";
payBox._alpha = 100;
doneSpin = 0;
function highlightCheck(highlightNo) {
if (highlightNo == 0) {
if (highlightShow1 == 100) {
highlighter1._alpha = highlightShow1;
if (highlightShow2 == 100) {
highlighter2._alpha = highlightShow2;
if (highlightShow3 == 100) {
highlighter3._alpha = highlightShow3;
if (highlightShow4 == 100) {
highlighter4._alpha = highlightShow4;
if (highlightShow5 == 100) {
highlighter5._alpha = highlightShow5;
if (highlightShow6 == 100) {
highlighter6._alpha = highlightShow6;
if (highlightShow7 == 100) {
highlighter7._alpha = highlightShow7;
if (highlightShow8 == 100) {
highlighter8._alpha = highlightShow8;
if (highlightShow9 == 100) {
highlighter9._alpha = highlightShow9;
if (highlightNo == 2) {
highlighter1._alpha = 100;
highlighter3._alpha = 100;
highlighter7._alpha = 100;
highlighter9._alpha = 100;
if (highlightNo == 3) {
highlighter1._alpha = 100;
highlighter2._alpha = 100;
highlighter3._alpha = 100;
highlighter4._alpha = 100;
highlighter5._alpha = 100;
highlighter6._alpha = 100;
highlighter7._alpha = 100;
highlighter8._alpha = 100;
highlighter9._alpha = 100;
function resetFeverMode() {
feverMode = 1;
feverModeActivate = 0;
freeSpins = 9;
feverModeDisp._alpha = 100;;
function feverModeScoring() {
if (freeSpins == 0) {
if (bellsCheck == 1) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
bellsBonus = bet * 20;
gainSavePoint = (gained + bellsBonus) + bet;
gained = gained + bellsBonus;
credits = (bet + credits) + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (bellsCheck == 2) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
bellsBonus = bet * 30;
gainSavePoint = (gained + bellsBonus) + bet;
gained = gained + bellsBonus;
credits = (bet + credits) + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (bellsCheck == 3) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
bellsBonus = bet * 40;
gainSavePoint = (gained + bellsBonus) + bet;
gained = gained + bellsBonus;
credits = (bet + credits) + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (bellsCheck == 4) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
bellsBonus = bet * 50;
gainSavePoint = (gained + bellsBonus) + bet;
gained = gained + bellsBonus;
credits = (bet + credits) + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (bellsCheck == 5) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
bellsBonus = bet * 60;
gainSavePoint = (gained + bellsBonus) + bet;
gained = gained + bellsBonus;
credits = (bet + credits) + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (bellsCheck == 6) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
bellsBonus = bet * 70;
gainSavePoint = (gained + bellsBonus) + bet;
gained = gained + bellsBonus;
credits = (bet + credits) + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (bellsCheck == 7) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
bellsBonus = bet * 80;
gainSavePoint = (gained + bellsBonus) + bet;
gained = gained + bellsBonus;
credits = (bet + credits) + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (bellsCheck == 8) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
bellsBonus = bet * 90;
gainSavePoint = (gained + bellsBonus) + bet;
gained = gained + bellsBonus;
credits = (bet + credits) + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 100;;
} else if (bellsCheck == 9) {
creditSavePoint = credits;
bellsBonus = bet * 100;
gainSavePoint = (gained + bellsBonus) + bet;
gained = gained + bellsBonus;
credits = (bet + credits) + gained;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "Gain";
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
payBox._alpha = 100;;
function feverModeDeActivate() {
feverMode = 0;
freeSpins = 0;
feverModeDisp._alpha = 0;
var gained = 0;
var bonusGained = 50;
var doneSpin = 0;
var stoppedReels = 0;
var highlightNo = 0;
var bet = 0;
var bet1 = 0;
var bet2 = 0;
var bet3 = 0;
var bet4 = 0;
var bet5 = 0;
var bet6 = 0;
var bet7 = 0;
var bet8 = 0;
var highlightShow1 = 0;
var highlightShow2 = 0;
var highlightShow3 = 0;
var highlightShow4 = 0;
var highlightShow5 = 0;
var highlightShow6 = 0;
var highlightShow7 = 0;
var highlightShow8 = 0;
var highlightShow9 = 0;
var win = 0;
var sevenCheck = 0;
var fruitCheck = 0;
var bellsCheck = 0;
var topPay = 0;
var midPay = 0;
var bottomPay = 0;
var leftPay = 0;
var middlePay = 0;
var rightPay = 0;
var leftAnglePay = 0;
var rightAnglePay = 0;
var fourCornersPay = 0;
var fruitPay = 0;
var feverModeActivate = 0;
var freeSpins = 0;
var feverMode = 0;
var clickSound = new Sound();
var winnerSound = new Sound();
payBox._alpha = 0;
topPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayLine._alpha = 0;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayBar._alpha = 0;
rightPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
highlighter1._alpha = 0;
highlighter2._alpha = 0;
highlighter3._alpha = 0;
highlighter4._alpha = 0;
highlighter5._alpha = 0;
highlighter6._alpha = 0;
highlighter7._alpha = 0;
highlighter8._alpha = 0;
highlighter9._alpha = 0;
feverModeDisp._alpha = 0;
helpBox._alpha = 0;
payOutBox._alpha = 0;
highlightShow1 = 0;
highlightShow2 = 0;
highlightShow3 = 0;
highlightShow4 = 0;
highlightShow5 = 0;
highlightShow6 = 0;
highlightShow7 = 0;
highlightShow8 = 0;
highlightShow9 = 0;
credits = 0;
creditText.text = credits;
coinsSpent = 0;
bonus = 50;
bonusText.text = bonus; = 1; = 2; = 3; = 4; = 5; = 6; = 7; = 8; = 9;
top1.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
top1.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
top1.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
top2.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
top2.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
top2.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
top3.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
top3.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
betBtn.onPress = function () {
if ((payOutBox._alpha != 100) and (helpBox._alpha != 100)) {
if ((doneSpin == 0) and (feverMode == 0)) {
if (((credits > bet) and (bet < 50)) and (credits > 0)) {
bet = bet + 1;
betTxt.text = bet;
} else {
bet = 0;
bet1 = 0;
bet2 = 0;
bet3 = 0;
bet4 = 0;
bet5 = 0;
bet6 = 0;
bet7 = 0;
bet8 = 0;
betTxt.text = "";
bet1Txt.text = "";
bet2Txt.text = "";
bet3Txt.text = "";
bet4Txt.text = "";
bet5Txt.text = "";
bet6Txt.text = "";
bet7Txt.text = "";
bet8Txt.text = "";
if (bet == 1) {
bet1 = bet1 + 1;
bet1Txt.text = bet1;
} else if (bet == 2) {
bet2 = bet2 + 1;
bet2Txt.text = bet2;
} else if (bet == 3) {
bet3 = bet3 + 1;
bet3Txt.text = bet3;
} else if (bet == 4) {
bet4 = bet4 + 1;
bet4Txt.text = bet4;
} else if (bet == 5) {
bet5 = bet5 + 1;
bet5Txt.text = bet5;
} else if (bet == 6) {
bet6 = bet6 + 1;
bet6Txt.text = bet6;
} else if (bet == 7) {
bet7 = bet7 + 1;
bet7Txt.text = bet7;
} else if (bet == 8) {
bet8 = bet8 + 1;
bet8Txt.text = bet8;
} else if (bet == 9) {
bet1 = bet1 + 1;
bet1Txt.text = bet1;
} else if (bet == 10) {
bet2 = bet2 + 1;
bet2Txt.text = bet2;
} else if (bet == 11) {
bet3 = bet3 + 1;
bet3Txt.text = bet3;
} else if (bet == 12) {
bet4 = bet4 + 1;
bet4Txt.text = bet4;
} else if (bet == 13) {
bet5 = bet5 + 1;
bet5Txt.text = bet5;
} else if (bet == 14) {
bet6 = bet6 + 1;
bet6Txt.text = bet6;
} else if (bet == 15) {
bet7 = bet7 + 1;
bet7Txt.text = bet7;
} else if (bet == 16) {
bet8 = bet8 + 1;
bet8Txt.text = bet8;
} else if (bet == 17) {
bet1 = bet1 + 1;
bet1Txt.text = bet1;
} else if (bet == 18) {
bet2 = bet2 + 1;
bet2Txt.text = bet2;
} else if (bet == 19) {
bet3 = bet3 + 1;
bet3Txt.text = bet3;
} else if (bet == 20) {
bet4 = bet4 + 1;
bet4Txt.text = bet4;
} else if (bet == 21) {
bet5 = bet5 + 1;
bet5Txt.text = bet5;
} else if (bet == 22) {
bet6 = bet6 + 1;
bet6Txt.text = bet6;
} else if (bet == 23) {
bet7 = bet7 + 1;
bet7Txt.text = bet7;
} else if (bet == 24) {
bet8 = bet8 + 1;
bet8Txt.text = bet8;
} else if (bet == 25) {
bet1 = bet1 + 1;
bet1Txt.text = bet1;
} else if (bet == 26) {
bet2 = bet2 + 1;
bet2Txt.text = bet2;
} else if (bet == 27) {
bet3 = bet3 + 1;
bet3Txt.text = bet3;
} else if (bet == 28) {
bet4 = bet4 + 1;
bet4Txt.text = bet4;
} else if (bet == 29) {
bet5 = bet5 + 1;
bet5Txt.text = bet5;
} else if (bet == 30) {
bet6 = bet6 + 1;
bet6Txt.text = bet6;
} else if (bet == 31) {
bet7 = bet7 + 1;
bet7Txt.text = bet7;
} else if (bet == 32) {
bet8 = bet8 + 1;
bet8Txt.text = bet8;
} else if (bet == 33) {
bet1 = bet1 + 1;
bet1Txt.text = bet1;
} else if (bet == 34) {
bet2 = bet2 + 1;
bet2Txt.text = bet2;
} else if (bet == 35) {
bet3 = bet3 + 1;
bet3Txt.text = bet3;
} else if (bet == 36) {
bet4 = bet4 + 1;
bet4Txt.text = bet4;
} else if (bet == 37) {
bet5 = bet5 + 1;
bet5Txt.text = bet5;
} else if (bet == 38) {
bet6 = bet6 + 1;
bet6Txt.text = bet6;
} else if (bet == 39) {
bet7 = bet7 + 1;
bet7Txt.text = bet7;
} else if (bet == 40) {
bet8 = bet8 + 1;
bet8Txt.text = bet8;
} else if (bet == 41) {
bet1 = bet1 + 1;
bet1Txt.text = bet1;
} else if (bet == 42) {
bet2 = bet2 + 1;
bet2Txt.text = bet2;
} else if (bet == 43) {
bet3 = bet3 + 1;
bet3Txt.text = bet3;
} else if (bet == 44) {
bet4 = bet4 + 1;
bet4Txt.text = bet4;
} else if (bet == 45) {
bet5 = bet5 + 1;
bet5Txt.text = bet5;
} else if (bet == 46) {
bet6 = bet6 + 1;
bet6Txt.text = bet6;
} else if (bet == 47) {
bet7 = bet7 + 1;
bet7Txt.text = bet7;
} else if (bet == 48) {
bet8 = bet8 + 1;
bet8Txt.text = bet8;
} else if (bet == 49) {
bet1 = bet1 + 1;
bet1Txt.text = bet1;
} else if (bet == 50) {
bet2 = bet2 + 1;
bet2Txt.text = bet2;
} else if (credits == 0) {
payBox._alpha = 100;
topPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayLine._alpha = 0;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayBar._alpha = 0;
rightPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "";
payBox.payText.text = "";
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "0 Credits";
} else {
bet = 0;
bet1 = 0;
bet2 = 0;
bet3 = 0;
bet4 = 0;
bet5 = 0;
bet6 = 0;
bet7 = 0;
bet8 = 0;
betTxt.text = "";
bet1Txt.text = "";
bet2Txt.text = "";
bet3Txt.text = "";
bet4Txt.text = "";
bet5Txt.text = "";
bet6Txt.text = "";
bet7Txt.text = "";
bet8Txt.text = "";
coinsBtn.onPress = function () {
if (((((doneSpin == 0) and (canSpin == 1)) and (timer.timeDone == 1)) and (payOutBox._alpha != 100)) and (helpBox._alpha != 100)) {
credits = credits + 20;
creditText.text = credits;
creditSavePoint = credits;
spinner.onPress = function () {
if ((((((bet <= credits) and (doneSpin == 0)) and (bet > 0)) and (canSpin == 1)) and (payOutBox._alpha != 100)) and (helpBox._alpha != 100)) {
if (freeSpins == 0) {
credits = credits - bet;
creditSavePoint = credits;
creditText.text = credits;
betTxt.text = bet;
coinsSpent = coinsSpent + bet;
if ((feverMode == 1) and (freeSpins > 0)) {
freeSpins = freeSpins - 1;
payBox._alpha = 0;
topPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayLine._alpha = 0;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayBar._alpha = 0;
rightPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
highlighter1._alpha = 0;
highlighter2._alpha = 0;
highlighter3._alpha = 0;
highlighter4._alpha = 0;
highlighter5._alpha = 0;
highlighter6._alpha = 0;
highlighter7._alpha = 0;
highlighter8._alpha = 0;
highlighter9._alpha = 0;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "";
payBox.payText.text = "";
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "";
doneSpin = 1;
gained = 0;
bonusGained = 0;
sevenCheck = 0;
tBarCheck = 0;
fruitCheck = 0;
topPay = 0;
midPay = 0;
bottomPay = 0;
leftPay = 0;
middlePay = 0;
rightPay = 0;
leftAnglePay = 0;
rightAnglePay = 0;
fourCornersPay = 0;
fruitPay = 0;
bellsBonus = 0;
bellsCheck = 0;
spinResult1 = "";
spinResult2 = "";
spinResult3 = "";
spinResult4 = "";
spinResult5 = "";
spinResult6 = "";
spinResult7 = "";
spinResult8 = "";
spinResult9 = "";
anyBar1 = "";
anyBar2 = "";
anyBar3 = "";
anyBar4 = "";
anyBar5 = "";
anyBar6 = "";
anyBar7 = "";
anyBar8 = "";
anyBar9 = "";
highlightShow1 = 0;
highlightShow2 = 0;
highlightShow3 = 0;
highlightShow4 = 0;
highlightShow5 = 0;
highlightShow6 = 0;
highlightShow7 = 0;
highlightShow8 = 0;
highlightShow9 = 0;
highlightShow1_1 = 0;
highlightShow2_1 = 0;
highlightShow3_1 = 0;
highlightShow4_1 = 0;
highlightShow5_1 = 0;
highlightShow6_1 = 0;
highlightShow7_1 = 0;
highlightShow8_1 = 0;
highlightShow9_1 = 0;
top1.slot1.currentSpin = 0;
top1.slot2.currentSpin = 0;
top1.slot3.currentSpin = 0;
top2.slot1.currentSpin = 0;
top2.slot2.currentSpin = 0;
top2.slot3.currentSpin = 0;
top3.slot1.currentSpin = 0;
top3.slot2.currentSpin = 0;
top3.slot3.currentSpin = 0;
top1.slot1.spinTimes = 4;
top1.slot2.spinTimes = 5;
top1.slot3.spinTimes = 6;
top2.slot1.spinTimes = 1;
top2.slot2.spinTimes = 2;
top2.slot3.spinTimes = 3;
top3.slot1.spinTimes = 7;
top3.slot2.spinTimes = 8;
top3.slot3.spinTimes = 9;
top1.slot1.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
top1.slot2.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
top1.slot3.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
top2.slot1.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
top2.slot2.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
top2.slot3.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
top3.slot1.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
top3.slot2.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
top3.slot3.gotoAndPlay(random(12) + 1);
} else if ((bet == 0) and (credits > 0)) {
payBox._alpha = 100;
topPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayLine._alpha = 0;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayBar._alpha = 0;
rightPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "";
payBox.payText.text = "";
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "No Bet";
} else if ((((bet > credits) and (credits > 0)) and (doneSpin == 0)) and (feverMode == 0)) {
payBox._alpha = 100;
topPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayLine._alpha = 0;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayBar._alpha = 0;
rightPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "";
payBox.payText.text = "";
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "Lower Bet";
} else if (((credits == 0) and (doneSpin == 0)) and (feverMode == 0)) {
payBox._alpha = 100;
topPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayLine._alpha = 0;
bottomPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftPayBar._alpha = 0;
midPayBar._alpha = 0;
rightPayBar._alpha = 0;
leftAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
rightAnglePayline._alpha = 0;
payBox.gainTxt.text = "";
payBox.payText.text = "";
payBox.gameOverTxt.text = "0 Credits";
} else if (doneSpin >= 1) {
var _local1 = new Sound();
if (stoppedReels == 0) {
top1.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top2.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top2.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top2.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
} else if (stoppedReels == 4) {
top2.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top2.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 50);
} else if (stoppedReels == 5) {
top2.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 50);
} else if (stoppedReels == 6) {
top1.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
} else if (stoppedReels == 1) {
top1.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top1.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
} else if (stoppedReels == 2) {
top1.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
} else if (stoppedReels == 3) {
top3.slot1.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
} else if (stoppedReels == 7) {
top3.slot2.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
} else if (stoppedReels == 8) {
top3.slot3.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
} else if (stoppedReels == 9) {
stoppedReels = 0;
stoppedReels = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((creditSavePoint < credits) and (timer.timeDone == 1)) {
creditSavePoint = creditSavePoint + 1;
gained = gained - 1;
creditText.text = creditSavePoint;
payBox.payText.text = gained;
} else if ((credits < creditSavePoint) and (timer.timeDone == 1)) {
creditSavePoint = creditSavePoint - 1;
creditText.text = creditSavePoint;
canSpin = 0;
} else if ((bonusSavePoint < bonus) and (timer.timeDone == 1)) {
bonusSavePoint = bonusSavePoint + 1;
bonusGained = bonusGained - 1;
bonusText.text = bonusSavePoint;
if ((credits > 0) and (bet < credits)) {
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
} else {
gainSavePoint = "";
} else if (((fruitCheck == 9) and (bonus > 0)) and (timer.timeDone == 1)) {
bonusSavePoint = bonusSavePoint - 1;
bonus = bonus - 1;
bonusText.text = bonus;
creditSavePoint = creditSavePoint + 1;
creditText.text = creditSavePoint;
credits = credits + 1;
} else if (timer.timeDone == 1) {
canSpin = 1;
creditText.text = credits;
bonusText.text = bonus;
fruitCheck = 0;
if ((credits > 0) and (bet < credits)) {
payBox.payText.text = gainSavePoint;
} else {
gainSavePoint = "";
helpBtn.onPress = function () {
if ((payOutBox._alpha != 100) and (helpBox._alpha != 100)) {
helpBox._alpha = 100;
moreGames.onPress = function () {
getURL ("", _blank);
abc.onPress = function () {
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip "insertCoins" in Frame 266
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.credits == 0) {;
_alpha = 100;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
gotoAndStop (265);
Instance of Symbol 467 MovieClip "helpBox" in Frame 266
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (_alpha == 100) {
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "payOutBox" in Frame 266
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (_alpha == 100) {
payBtn.onPress = function () {
if ((((_root.doneSpin == 0) and (_root.canSpin == 1)) and (_root.timer.timeDone == 1)) and (_root.helpBox._alpha != 100)) {
if (_root.credits > 0) {
_root.credits = 0;
gameScore = 0;
_root.coinsSpent = 0;
_alpha = 0;
} else {
payBtn.onPress = function () {
if ((((_root.doneSpin == 0) and (_root.canSpin == 1)) and (_root.timer.timeDone == 1)) and (_root.helpBox._alpha != 100)) {
_alpha = 100;
Symbol 12 MovieClip [payBox] Frame 1
Symbol 12 MovieClip [payBox] Frame 2
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 1
spinnedTimes = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((_root.feverModeActivate == 1) || (_root.feverMode == 1)) {
if ((_parent._parent._parent._currentframe == 35) || (_parent._parent._parent._currentframe == 40)) {
if (onceDone != 1) {
if (_parent._parent._parent._currentframe < 30) {
onceDone = 0;
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 32 MovieClip Frame 18
if (spinnedTimes == 8) {
gotoAndStop (1);
onceDone = 1;;
} else {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1
onLoad = function () {
loaded = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
ifFrameLoaded (2) {
ifFrameLoaded (3) {
ifFrameLoaded (4) {
ifFrameLoaded (5) {
ifFrameLoaded (6) {
ifFrameLoaded (7) {
ifFrameLoaded (8) {
ifFrameLoaded (9) {
ifFrameLoaded (10) {
ifFrameLoaded (11) {
ifFrameLoaded (12) {
ifFrameLoaded (13) {
ifFrameLoaded (14) {
ifFrameLoaded (15) {
ifFrameLoaded (16) {
ifFrameLoaded (17) {
ifFrameLoaded (18) {
ifFrameLoaded (19) {
ifFrameLoaded (20) {
ifFrameLoaded (21) {
ifFrameLoaded (22) {
ifFrameLoaded (23) {
ifFrameLoaded (24) {
ifFrameLoaded (25) {
ifFrameLoaded (26) {
ifFrameLoaded (27) {
ifFrameLoaded (28) {
ifFrameLoaded (29) {
ifFrameLoaded (30) {
ifFrameLoaded (31) {
ifFrameLoaded (32) {
ifFrameLoaded (33) {
ifFrameLoaded (34) {
ifFrameLoaded (35) {
ifFrameLoaded (36) {
ifFrameLoaded (37) {
ifFrameLoaded (38) {
ifFrameLoaded (39) {
ifFrameLoaded (40) {
ifFrameLoaded (41) {
ifFrameLoaded (42) {
ifFrameLoaded (43) {
ifFrameLoaded (44) {
ifFrameLoaded (45) {
ifFrameLoaded (46) {
ifFrameLoaded (47) {
ifFrameLoaded (48) {
ifFrameLoaded (49) {
ifFrameLoaded (50) {
ifFrameLoaded (51) {
ifFrameLoaded (52) {
ifFrameLoaded (53) {
ifFrameLoaded (54) {
ifFrameLoaded (55) {
ifFrameLoaded (56) {
ifFrameLoaded (57) {
ifFrameLoaded (58) {
ifFrameLoaded (59) {
ifFrameLoaded (60) {
ifFrameLoaded (61) {
ifFrameLoaded (62) {
ifFrameLoaded (63) {
ifFrameLoaded (64) {
ifFrameLoaded (65) {
ifFrameLoaded (66) {
ifFrameLoaded (67) {
ifFrameLoaded (68) {
ifFrameLoaded (69) {
ifFrameLoaded (70) {
ifFrameLoaded (71) {
ifFrameLoaded (72) {
ifFrameLoaded (73) {
ifFrameLoaded (74) {
ifFrameLoaded (75) {
ifFrameLoaded (76) {
ifFrameLoaded (77) {
ifFrameLoaded (78) {
ifFrameLoaded (79) {
ifFrameLoaded (80) {
ifFrameLoaded (81) {
ifFrameLoaded (82) {
ifFrameLoaded (83) {
ifFrameLoaded (84) {
if (loaded >= 82) {
loaded = 84;
if (loaded == 84) {
} else {
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 222 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 230 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 264 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 21
Instance of Symbol 282 MovieClip in Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 6;
done = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (done == delay) {;
_alpha = 100;
done = -1;
} else if (done >= 0) {
_alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 251 MovieClip in Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 3;
done = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (done == delay) {;
_alpha = 100;
done = -1;
} else if (done >= 0) {
_alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 293 MovieClip in Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 0;
done = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (done == delay) {;
_alpha = 100;
done = -1;
} else if (done >= 0) {
_alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
delay = 5;
done = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (done == delay) {;
_alpha = 100;
done = -1;
} else if (done >= 0) {
_alpha = 0;
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 302 MovieClip in Symbol 303 MovieClip Frame 93
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 6
if (currentSpin < spinTimes) {
currentSpin = currentSpin + 1;
} else if ( != 0) {
gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 13
if (currentSpin < spinTimes) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
currentSpin = currentSpin + 1;
} else {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndStop(random(12) + 30);
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 30
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "tripleBars");
Set("_root.anyBar" + id, "yes");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.tBarCheck = _root.tBarCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 31
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "orange");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 32
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "plum");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 33
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "doubleBars");
Set("_root.anyBar" + id, "yes");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 34
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "cherries");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 35
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "bell");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.bellsCheck = _root.bellsCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 36
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "singleBar");
Set("_root.anyBar" + id, "yes");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 37
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "seven");
Set("_root.highlightShow" + id, 100);
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.sevenCheck = _root.sevenCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 38
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "cherries");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 39
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "melon");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 40
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "bell");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.bellsCheck = _root.bellsCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 41
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "melon");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 42
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "tripleBars");
Set("_root.anyBar" + id, "yes");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.tBarCheck = _root.tBarCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 50
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "tripleBars");
Set("_root.anyBar" + id, "yes");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.tBarCheck = _root.tBarCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 51
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "orange");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 52
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "plum");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 53
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "doubleBars");
Set("_root.anyBar" + id, "yes");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 54
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "cherries");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 55
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "bell");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.bellsCheck = _root.bellsCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 56
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "singleBar");
Set("_root.anyBar" + id, "yes");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 57
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "seven");
Set("_root.highlightShow" + id, 100);
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.sevenCheck = _root.sevenCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 58
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "cherries");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 59
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "melon");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 60
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "bell");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.bellsCheck = _root.bellsCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 61
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "melon");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.fruitCheck = _root.fruitCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 344 MovieClip Frame 62
Set("_root.spinResult" + id, "tripleBars");
Set("_root.anyBar" + id, "yes");
_root.stoppedReels = id;
_root.tBarCheck = _root.tBarCheck + 1;
if (id == 9) {
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
freeSpins.text = _root.freeSpins;
if (_root.freeSpins == 9) {
bell9._alpha = 100;
} else {
bell9._alpha = 0;
if (_root.freeSpins >= 8) {
bell8._alpha = 100;
} else {
bell8._alpha = 0;
if (_root.freeSpins >= 7) {
bell7._alpha = 100;
} else {
bell7._alpha = 0;
if (_root.freeSpins >= 6) {
bell6._alpha = 100;
} else {
bell6._alpha = 0;
if (_root.freeSpins >= 5) {
bell5._alpha = 100;
} else {
bell5._alpha = 0;
if (_root.freeSpins >= 4) {
bell4._alpha = 100;
} else {
bell4._alpha = 0;
if (_root.freeSpins >= 3) {
bell3._alpha = 100;
} else {
bell3._alpha = 0;
if (_root.freeSpins >= 2) {
bell2._alpha = 100;
} else {
bell2._alpha = 0;
if (_root.freeSpins >= 1) {
bell1._alpha = 100;
} else {
bell1._alpha = 0;
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 43
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
_alpha = 0;
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 50
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 467 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 467 MovieClip Frame 6
_alpha = 0;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 469 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
coinsSpentText.text = _root.coinsSpent;
payOutText.text = _root.credits - _root.coinsSpent;
gameScore = (_root.credits - _root.coinsSpent) * 0.05;
if (gameScore < 0) {
gameScoreText.text = "- $" + (gameScore * -1);
} else if (gameScore >= 0) {
gameScoreText.text = "$" + gameScore;
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 1
timeDone = 1;
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 2
timeDone = 0;
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 24
timeDone = 1;
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 26
gotoAndStop (1);