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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

James The Pirate Zebra.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #42285

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

This Game Requires Flash Player 9 or Above













Hey, Tom

I was thinking...


Do you reckon we've...

exhausted James the Zebra

now I mean he's been in

plenty of games...

I think its...

perhaps time we went

back to some of our

older characters...



We've only

just BEGUN.

You think  we're out

of ideas after

just five games?

Come on!


We need a

new idea, right?

So we'll spin...























Left and Right to move

Up to Jump

and to Climb

Collect the Dubloons


Everything else...





Climb on the rigging
to collect as many
coins as you can in
1 minute.
Don't get hit by
those pesky parrots!










Run to right and
collect as many coins
as you can in
1 minute.
Don't get hit by
those troublesome












Play More Games





Can't Connect Right Now
Try Again Later








ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//CoinCountHUD (code.CoinCountHUD) package code { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class CoinCountHUD extends MovieClip { public var time_txt:TextField; private var coins_int:int; public var coins_txt:TextField; public function CoinCountHUD(){ this.coins = 0; } public function set coins(_arg1:int):void{ this.coins_int = _arg1; if (this.coins_int < 0){ this.coins_int = 0; }; this.coins_txt.text = String(this.coins_int); } public function get coins():int{ return (this.coins_int); } } }//package code
Section 2
//CrowsNestGame (code.CrowsNestGame) package code { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import sfb.application.*; public class CrowsNestGame extends MovieClip implements IPiratable { public var hud:CoinCountHUD; private var camera:Camera; public var timer:TextTimer; public var james_mc:PirateZebra; private var tickID:uint; public var net:ScalingRepeatingTexture; public function CrowsNestGame(){ var _local1:BitmapData; var _local2:Sprite; var _local3:EnvironmentManager; super(); this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, this.cleanupListener); _local1 = new BitmapData(293.9, 189.8, true, 0); _local1.draw(new NetBlock()); = new ScalingRepeatingTexture(_local1, null, 0x0100, 172, false, true); _local2 = new Sprite(); _local2.addChild(net); _local2.x = 275; _local2.y = 200; this.parent.addChildAt(_local2, this.parent.getChildIndex(this)); this.james_mc.currentGame = this; this.james_mc.rigging = [_local2]; this.tickID = GameManager.getInstance().addTickFunction(this.act); ControlsManager.getInstance().init(this.stage); _local3 = EnvironmentManager.getInstance(); _local3.environment = new PlatformEnvironment(); = new Camera(this.james_mc, this, new Rectangle(225, 150, 100, 100), 0.9);; } public function onGameFinished(_arg1:Event):void{; this.james_mc.stopTick(); GameManager.getInstance().removeTickFunction(this.tickID); = this.hud.coins; PirateZebraApp(; } public function collect():void{ this.hud.coins++; } protected function cleanupListener(_arg1:Event):void{;; if ({; }; = null; = null; this.hud = null; this.timer = null; Cleanup.cleanDisplayList(this, true); } public function resetPosition():void{ } public function act():void{ var _local1:Rectangle; var _local2:DisplayObject; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:Coin; var _local6:ParrotFlyOnce; var _local7:Boolean; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; if ((((james_mc.coins.length < 25)) && ((Math.random() > 0.93)))){ _local5 = new Coin(); this.addChild(_local5); _local5.x = (((Math.random() * 550) - 275) + this.james_mc.x); _local5.y = (((Math.random() * 400) - 200) + this.james_mc.y); james_mc.coins.push(_local5); }; if (Math.random() > 0.97){ _local6 = new ParrotFlyOnce(); this.addChild(_local6); _local7 = Boolean(Math.round(Math.random())); if (_local7){ _local6.x = (this.james_mc.x - 280); _local6.y = ((this.james_mc.y + (Math.random() * 200)) - 100); } else { _local6.x = (this.james_mc.x + 280); _local6.y = ((this.james_mc.y + (Math.random() * 200)) - 100); _local6.scaleX = -1; }; this.james_mc.enemies.push(_local6); }; _local3 = 0; _local4 = this.numChildren; while (_local3 < _local4) { _local2 = this.getChildAt(_local3); _local1 = _local2.getBounds(this.parent); if ((((((((_local1.left > 600)) || ((_local1.right < -50)))) || (( < -50)))) || ((_local1.bottom > 450)))){ if ((_local2 is Coin)){ _local8 = 0; _local9 = this.james_mc.coins.length; while (_local8 < _local9) { if (this.james_mc.coins[_local8] == _local2){ this.james_mc.coins.splice(_local8, 1); break; }; _local8++; }; } else { _local8 = 0; _local9 = this.james_mc.coins.length; while (_local8 < _local9) { if (this.james_mc.enemies[_local8] == _local2){ this.james_mc.enemies.splice(_local8, 1); break; }; _local8++; }; }; this.removeChild(_local2); break; }; _local3++; }; } public function hit():void{ this.hud.coins = (this.hud.coins - 5); } public function end():void{ } override public function set y(_arg1:Number):void{ = _arg1; super.y = _arg1; } override public function set x(_arg1:Number):void{ = _arg1; super.x = _arg1; } } }//package code
Section 3
//IPiratable (code.IPiratable) package code { public interface IPiratable { function hit():void; function resetPosition():void; function collect():void; function end():void; } }//package code
Section 4
//PirateZebra (code.PirateZebra) package code { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import sfb.maths.physics.*; import sfb.maths.shapes.*; import sfb.maths.*; import*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import*; public class PirateZebra extends PlatformPlayer { public var coins:Array; public var currentGame:IPiratable; public var rigging:Array; public var enemies:Array; private var currentRigging:DisplayObject; public var springBoards:Array; public var ropes:Array; private var canHit:Boolean;// = true private var ropeJumpCount:int; public static const ROPE_CLIMBING:String = "ropeClimbing"; public static const DOWN:String = "moveDown"; public static const CLIMBING_STILL:String = "climbingStill"; public static const UP:String = "moveUp"; public static const ROPE_JUMP_LEFT:String = "ropeJumpLeft"; public static const CLIMBING:String = "climbing"; public static const ROPE_JUMP_RIGHT:String = "ropeJumpRight"; public static const ROPE_STILL:String = "ropeStill"; public function PirateZebra(){ ropes = []; rigging = []; coins = []; enemies = []; springBoards = []; canHit = true; super(); this.hitShape = new MultiplePointShape([new Vector(this.x, ((this.y - this.height) - 10))], [new Vector((this.x - (this.width / 4)), this.y), new Vector((this.x + (this.width / 4)), this.y)], [new Vector((this.x - (this.width / 2)), (this.y - (this.height / 2)))], [new Vector((this.x + (this.width / 2)), (this.y - (this.height / 2)))]); } override protected function setMovement():void{ this.acceleration = 0.9; this.jumpSpeed = -15; this.speedLimit = new SpeedLimit(20); } public function setX(_arg1:Number):void{ this.modelMass.position.x = _arg1; } override protected function setControls():void{ this.controls.registerKey("LEFT", LEFT); this.controls.registerKey("RIGHT", RIGHT); this.controls.registerKey("UP", UP); this.controls.registerKey("DOWN", DOWN); this.controls.registerKey("UP", JUMP); } override protected function graphicalState():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; _local1 = this.modelMass.velocity.x; _local2 = this.modelMass.velocity.y; if (_local1 > 0){ this.scaleX = this.initScaleX; } else { if (_local1 < 0){ this.scaleX = -(this.initScaleX); }; }; switch (this.state){ case ON_GROUND: if ((((_local1 > 1)) || ((_local1 < -1)))){ this.stateDisplay.setState(RUNNING); } else { this.stateDisplay.setState(STILL); }; break; case JUMPING: this.stateDisplay.setState(JUMPING); break; case FALLING: this.stateDisplay.setState(FALLING); break; case ROPE_CLIMBING: if (_local2 < -1){ this.stateDisplay.setState(ROPE_CLIMBING); } else { this.stateDisplay.setState(ROPE_STILL); }; break; case ROPE_JUMP_LEFT: this.stateDisplay.setState(ROPE_JUMP_LEFT); this.scaleX = this.initScaleX; break; case ROPE_JUMP_RIGHT: this.stateDisplay.setState(ROPE_JUMP_RIGHT); this.scaleX = this.initScaleX; break; case CLIMBING: if ((((((((_local1 > 1)) || ((_local1 < -1)))) || ((_local2 > 1)))) || ((_local2 < -1)))){ this.stateDisplay.setState(CLIMBING); } else { this.stateDisplay.setState(CLIMBING_STILL); }; break; }; this.stateDisplay.applyState(); } override protected function adjustShape():void{ var _local1:Vector; _local1 = new Vector((this.x - (this.initWidth / 4)), this.y); this.hitShape.moveBy(_local1.subtract(MultiplePointShape(this.hitShape).getBottomVector(0))); } override protected function mainDecisions():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Point; var _local3:Coin; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:MovieClip; var _local7:Object; var _local8:MovieClip; var _local9:MovieClip; var _local10:DisplayObject; var _local11:Point; var _local12:Point; _local1 = ((20 * this.scaleX) / this.initScaleX); if ((((this.state == ROPE_CLIMBING)) || ((this.state == CLIMBING)))){ _local1 = 0; }; _local2 = this.modelMass.position.add(new Vector(_local1, -30)).toPoint(); _local2 = this.parent.localToGlobal(_local2); _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.coins.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { _local3 = (this.coins[_local4] as Coin); if (_local3.hitTestPoint(_local2.x, _local2.y, true)){ currentGame.collect(); _local3.gotoAndPlay("stars"); this.coins.splice(_local4, 1); SFXManager.getInstance().playSFX("coinCollect", 0, 0.7); break; }; _local4++; }; _local2 = this.modelMass.position.add(new Vector(0, -10)).toPoint(); _local2 = this.parent.localToGlobal(_local2); for each (_local6 in this.springBoards) { if (_local6.hitTestPoint(_local2.x, _local2.y, true)){ _local6.plankClip_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(1); this.fallCount = 0; this.state = JUMPING; this.modelMass.velocity.y = (this.jumpSpeed * 10); SFXManager.getInstance().playSFX("spring", 0, 0.8); break; }; }; if (this.canHit){ for each (_local8 in this.enemies) { if (_local8.hit_mc){ if (_local8.hit_mc.hitTestPoint(_local2.x, _local2.y, true)){ if ((((_local8 is ParrotFly1)) || ((_local8 is ParrotFlyOnce)))){ SFXManager.getInstance().playSFX("parrot"); } else { SFXManager.getInstance().playSFX("slap"); }; currentGame.hit(); _local9 = (this.parent.addChild(new CoinDrop()) as MovieClip); _local9.x = this.x; _local9.y = (this.y - 20); SFXManager.getInstance().playSFX("coinLose"); this.canHit = false; setTimeout(this.resetHit, 1000); }; }; }; }; _local7 = this.controls.getKeys(); if (_local7[LEFT]){ this.modelMass.velocity.x = (this.modelMass.velocity.x - this.acceleration); }; if (_local7[RIGHT]){ this.modelMass.velocity.x = (this.modelMass.velocity.x + this.acceleration); }; if (((((_local7[UP]) || ((currentGame is CrowsNestGame)))) && ((((((this.state == ON_GROUND)) || ((this.state == JUMPING)))) || ((this.state == FALLING)))))){ for each (_local10 in this.ropes) { if (this.hitTestObject(_local10)){ this.state = ROPE_CLIMBING; this.modelMass.position.x = (this.x = _local10.x); break; }; }; _local11 = this.parent.localToGlobal(new Point(this.x, this.y)); for each (_local10 in this.rigging) { if (_local10.hitTestPoint(_local11.x, _local11.y, true)){ this.currentRigging = (_local10 as DisplayObject); this.state = CLIMBING; break; }; }; }; switch (this.state){ case ON_GROUND: this.environment.applyTerrainFriction(this.modelMass); if (_local7[JUMP]){ this.fallCount = 0; this.state = JUMPING; this.modelMass.velocity.y = this.jumpSpeed; } else { if (!this.hitTestResult){ this.fallCount++; if (this.fallCount > this.fallLimit){ this.state = FALLING; }; } else { this.fallCount = 0; }; }; break; case JUMPING: if (this.hitTestResult){ this.fallCount = 0; this.state = ON_GROUND; }; this.environment.applyAirResistance(this.modelMass); break; case ROPE_JUMP_LEFT: case ROPE_JUMP_RIGHT: this.ropeJumpCount++; if (this.ropeJumpCount >= 8){ this.state = FALLING; }; case FALLING: if (this.hitTestResult){ this.fallCount = 0; this.state = ON_GROUND; }; this.environment.applyAirResistance(this.modelMass); break; case ROPE_CLIMBING: this.modelMass.velocity.x = 0; this.scaleX = this.initScaleX; if (_local7[UP]){ this.modelMass.velocity.y = -3; } else { if (_local7[DOWN]){ this.modelMass.velocity.y = (this.modelMass.velocity.y + 0.1); } else { if (_local7[LEFT]){ this.state = ROPE_JUMP_LEFT; this.ropeJumpCount = 0; } else { if (_local7[RIGHT]){ this.state = ROPE_JUMP_RIGHT; this.ropeJumpCount = 0; }; }; this.modelMass.velocity.y = 0; }; }; break; case CLIMBING: this.modelMass.velocity.x = 0; this.modelMass.velocity.y = 0; if ((currentGame is CrowsNestGame)){ if (_local7[UP]){ this.modelMass.velocity.y = -8; } else { if (_local7[DOWN]){ this.modelMass.velocity.y = 8; }; }; if (_local7[LEFT]){ this.modelMass.velocity.x = -8; } else { if (_local7[RIGHT]){ this.modelMass.velocity.x = 8; }; }; this.modelMass.velocity = this.modelMass.velocity.normalised(8); } else { if (_local7[UP]){ this.modelMass.velocity.y = -4; } else { if (_local7[DOWN]){ this.modelMass.velocity.y = 4; }; }; if (_local7[LEFT]){ this.modelMass.velocity.x = -4; } else { if (_local7[RIGHT]){ this.modelMass.velocity.x = 4; }; }; this.modelMass.velocity = this.modelMass.velocity.normalised(4); }; _local12 = this.parent.localToGlobal(new Point((this.x + this.modelMass.velocity.x), this.y)); if (!this.currentRigging.hitTestPoint(_local12.x, _local12.y, true)){ this.state = FALLING; }; break; }; if ((((this.y > 500)) && (!((currentGame is CrowsNestGame))))){ this.currentGame.resetPosition(); SFXManager.getInstance().playSFX("water", 0, 0.9, 0, true); }; if ((((((((this.y > 355)) && ((this.x > 4920)))) && ((this.x < 5050)))) && (!((currentGame is CrowsNestGame))))){ this.visible = false; this.stopTick(); this.currentGame.end(); }; } public function setY(_arg1:Number):void{ this.modelMass.position.y = _arg1; } override protected function cleanupListener(_arg1:Event):void{ super.cleanupListener(_arg1); this.currentRigging = null; this.currentGame = null; Cleanup.cleanArray(this.ropes); Cleanup.cleanArray(this.rigging); Cleanup.cleanArray(this.coins); Cleanup.cleanArray(this.enemies); Cleanup.cleanArray(this.springBoards); } public function setPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ this.modelMass.velocity = new Vector(0, 0); this.modelMass.position = new Vector(_arg1, _arg2); } public function resetHit():void{ this.canHit = true; } public function stopTick():void{; } } }//package code
Section 5
//PirateZebraApp (code.PirateZebraApp) package code { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import sfb.application.hiscores.*; import sfb.application.preloader.*; import*; import sfb.application.*; public class PirateZebraApp extends Game { public var replay_btn:SimpleButton; public var tentacleHUD_mc:CoinCountHUD; public var tentacleTrapGame_mc:TentacleTrapGame; public var superFlashBros_btn:SimpleButton; public var mainMenu_btn:SimpleButton; public var submitter_mc:HiscoreSubmit; public var mainMenuCrows_btn:SimpleButton; private var soundInit:Boolean; public var playMoreScores_btn:SimpleButton; public var play_btn:SimpleButton; public var crowsTime_txt:TextField; public var crowsNest_btn:SimpleButton; public var hsd_mc:HiscoreDisplay; public var mainHUD_mc:CoinCountHUD; public var mainMenuTentacle_btn:SimpleButton; public var mainGame_mc:PirateZebraGame; public var crowsNestGame_mc:CrowsNestGame; public var playMoreGames_btn:SimpleButton; public var preloaderBar_mc:MovieClip; public var armorGames_btn:SimpleButton; public var gameName_mc:MovieClip; public var playTentacle_btn:SimpleButton; public var playCrows_btn:SimpleButton; public var skip_btn:SimpleButton; public var tentacleTime_txt:TextField; public var crowsHUD_mc:CoinCountHUD; public var allScores_btn:SimpleButton; private var musicManager:MusicManager; public var armorScores_btn:SimpleButton; public var tentacleTrap_btn:SimpleButton; public var time_txt:TextField; public function PirateZebraApp(){ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; super(); addFrameScript(1, frame2); this.stage.frameRate = 25; this.preloader = new MovieClipPreloader(this.preloaderBar_mc); this.preload(); GameManager.getInstance().startFrame(this.stage); _local1 = 0; _local2 = (_local1 + this.scenes[0].numFrames); _local3 = (_local2 + this.scenes[1].numFrames); _local4 = (_local3 + this.scenes[2].numFrames); _local5 = (_local4 + this.scenes[3].numFrames); _local6 = (_local5 + this.scenes[4].numFrames); _local7 = (_local6 + this.scenes[5].numFrames); _local8 = (_local7 + this.scenes[5].numFrames); _local9 = (_local8 + this.scenes[5].numFrames); this.addFrameScript(_local2, this.onMenu); this.addFrameScript(_local3, this.onIntro); this.addFrameScript(_local4, this.onMainGame); this.addFrameScript(_local5, this.onCrowsNestMenu); this.addFrameScript(_local6, this.onCrowsNest); this.addFrameScript(_local7, this.onTentacleTrapMenu); this.addFrameScript(_local8, this.onTentacleTrap); this.addFrameScript(_local9, this.onScores); this.score = 1; this.flashkeys = ["dXVDS2FCSmI=", "QUlxSXNkY1U=", "cGNKRHdYUE8="]; this.SU0249s = ["MjYzMmolZSVhJW4lcw==", "MjYzNGolZSVhJW4lcw==", "MjYzM2olZSVhJW4lcw=="]; this.currentGame = 0; this.qualityToMedium(); } public function gotoCrowsNestMenu(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.gotoAndStop(1, "Crows Nest Menu"); } public function onCrowsNest():void{ this.crowsNestGame_mc.hud = this.crowsHUD_mc; this.currentGame = 1; this.crowsNestGame_mc.timer = new TextTimer(60000, this.crowsTime_txt); this.crowsNestGame_mc.timer.addEventListener(TextTimer.TIME_UP, this.crowsNestGame_mc.onGameFinished); this.crowsNestGame_mc.timer.countDown = true; this.crowsNestGame_mc.timer.start(); this.musicManager.playMusic("main", int.MAX_VALUE, 0.5); } public function onMainGame():void{ this.stage.frameRate = 25; this.stop(); this.mainGame_mc.hud = this.mainHUD_mc; this.currentGame = 0; this.musicManager.playMusic("main", int.MAX_VALUE, 0.5); this.mainGame_mc.timer = new TextTimer(uint.MAX_VALUE, this.time_txt); this.mainGame_mc.timer.start(); } override protected function preloadComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ this.gotoMenu(); } public function gotoTenatcleTrap(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.gotoAndStop(1, "Tentacle Trap"); } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function gotoIntro(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.gotoAndPlay(1, "Intro"); } public function onScores():void{ if (((this.mainGame_mc) && (this.contains(this.mainGame_mc)))){ this.removeChild(this.mainGame_mc); }; if (((this.tentacleTrapGame_mc) && (this.contains(this.tentacleTrapGame_mc)))){ this.removeChild(this.tentacleTrapGame_mc); }; if (((this.crowsNestGame_mc) && (this.contains(this.crowsNestGame_mc)))){ this.removeChild(this.crowsNestGame_mc); }; this.submitter_mc.score_txt.text = String(this.score); this.gameName_mc.gotoAndStop((1 + this.currentGame)); this.musicManager.playMusic("menu", int.MAX_VALUE, 1, 0, 1000); this.mainMenu_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoMenu); this.linkToAG(this.playMoreScores_btn); this.linkToAG(this.armorScores_btn); switch (this.currentGame){ case 0: this.replay_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoIntro); this.linkTo(allScores_btn, ""); break; case 1: this.replay_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoCrowsNestMenu); this.linkTo(allScores_btn, ""); break; case 2: this.replay_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoTenatcleTrapMenu); this.linkTo(allScores_btn, ""); break; }; } public function onCrowsNestMenu():void{ this.playCrows_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoCrowsNest); this.mainMenuCrows_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoMenu); } public function gotoCrowsNest(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.gotoAndStop(1, "Crows Nest"); } public function gotoMenu(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.gotoAndStop(1, "Menu"); } public function gotoScores(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.gotoAndStop(1, "Scores"); } public function onTentacleTrap():void{ this.tentacleTrapGame_mc.hud = this.tentacleHUD_mc; this.currentGame = 2; this.tentacleTrapGame_mc.timer = new TextTimer(60000, this.tentacleTime_txt); this.tentacleTrapGame_mc.timer.addEventListener(TextTimer.TIME_UP, this.tentacleTrapGame_mc.onGameFinished); this.tentacleTrapGame_mc.timer.countDown = true; this.tentacleTrapGame_mc.timer.start(); this.musicManager.playMusic("main", int.MAX_VALUE, 0.5); } public function onIntro():void{ this.stage.frameRate = 24; this.skip_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoMainGame); this.musicManager.stopMusic(); } public function gotoMainGame(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.gotoAndStop(1, "Main Game"); } public function gotoTenatcleTrapMenu(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.gotoAndStop(1, "Tentacle Trap Menu"); } public function onMenu():void{ var _local1:SFXManager; if (!this.soundInit){ this.musicManager = MusicManager.getInstance(); this.musicManager.addMusic(MainLoop, "main"); this.musicManager.addMusic(MenuLoop, "menu"); _local1 = SFXManager.getInstance(); _local1.addSFX(CoinCollectSFX, "coinCollect"); _local1.addSFX(CoinLoseSFX, "coinLose"); _local1.addSFX(FallinWaterSFX, "water"); _local1.addSFX(ParrotHitSFX, "parrot"); _local1.addSFX(SpringboardSFX, "spring"); _local1.addSFX(TentacleSlapSFX, "slap"); this.soundInit = true; }; this.play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoIntro); this.crowsNest_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoCrowsNestMenu); this.tentacleTrap_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoTenatcleTrapMenu); this.linkToAG(this.playMoreGames_btn); this.linkToAG(this.armorGames_btn); this.linkToSFB(this.superFlashBros_btn); this.musicManager.stopMusic(); } public function onTentacleTrapMenu():void{ this.playTentacle_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoTenatcleTrap); this.mainMenuTentacle_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.gotoMenu); } } }//package code
Section 6
//PirateZebraGame (code.PirateZebraGame) package code { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import sfb.maths.shapes.*; import sfb.maths.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import*; import*; import sfb.application.*; public class PirateZebraGame extends MovieClip implements IPiratable { public var springboard4_mc:MovieClip; public var parrot1_mc:MovieClip; public var boat_mc:MovieClip; public var rope_mc:MovieClip; public var parrot4_mc:MovieClip; private var camera:Camera; public var hud:CoinCountHUD; public var rigging_mc:MovieClip; public var springboard2_mc:MovieClip; public var timer:TextTimer; public var ground_mc:MovieClip; public var tentacle2_mc:MovieClip; public var james_mc:PirateZebra; public var parrot5_mc:MovieClip; public var springboard5_mc:MovieClip; public var parrot2_mc:MovieClip; public var springboard3_mc:MovieClip; public var tentacle3_mc:MovieClip; public var parrot3_mc:MovieClip; public var parrot6_mc:MovieClip; public var springboard1_mc:MovieClip; public var tentacle1_mc:MovieClip; public function PirateZebraGame(){ var _local1:EnvironmentManager; var _local2:DisplayManager; var _local3:uint; var _local4:DisplayObject; super(); this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, this.cleanupListener); this.james_mc.currentGame = this; this.scaleX = (this.scaleY = 1); this.james_mc.ropes = [this.rope_mc.rope1_mc, this.rope_mc.rope2_mc, this.rope_mc.rope3_mc, this.rope_mc.rope4_mc, this.rope_mc.rope5_mc, this.rope_mc.rope6_mc]; this.james_mc.rigging = [this.rigging_mc.rigging1_mc, this.rigging_mc.rigging2_mc, this.rigging_mc.rigging3_mc, this.rigging_mc.rigging4_mc]; this.james_mc.springBoards = [springboard1_mc, springboard2_mc, springboard3_mc, springboard4_mc, springboard5_mc]; this.james_mc.enemies = [tentacle1_mc, tentacle2_mc, tentacle3_mc, parrot1_mc, parrot2_mc, parrot3_mc, parrot4_mc, parrot5_mc, parrot6_mc]; ControlsManager.getInstance().init(this.stage); _local1 = EnvironmentManager.getInstance(); _local1.environment = new PlatformEnvironment(); _local1.environment.friction = 0.16; _local1.terrain = [new DisplayShape(this.ground_mc)]; this.ground_mc.visible = false; this.rigging_mc.visible = false; this.rope_mc.visible = false; = new Camera(this.james_mc, this, new Rectangle(225, 150, 100, 100), 0.9); = 0;; _local2 = DisplayManager.getInstance(); _local2.interval = 10; _local2.maxSpeed = new Vector(10, 10); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this.numChildren) { _local4 = this.getChildAt(_local3); if (((((((!((_local4 == this.james_mc))) && (!((_local4 == this.ground_mc))))) && (!((_local4 == this.rigging_mc))))) && (!((_local4 == this.rope_mc))))){ _local2.addSet([_local4], !((_local4 == boat_mc))); if ((_local4 is Coin)){ this.james_mc.coins.push(_local4); }; }; _local3++; }; _local2.startRendering(); } public function collect():void{ this.hud.coins++; } protected function cleanupListener(_arg1:Event):void{; EnvironmentManager.getInstance().cleanup(); DisplayManager.getInstance().empty(); Cleanup.cleanDisplayList(this, true); = null; this.hud = null; this.timer = null; } public function resetPosition():void{ if (this.james_mc.x < 600){ this.james_mc.setPosition(260, 200); } else { if (this.james_mc.x < 1400){ this.james_mc.setPosition(920, 200); } else { if (this.james_mc.x < 2400){ this.james_mc.setPosition(1920, 20); } else { if (this.james_mc.x < 3400){ this.james_mc.setPosition(2760, 200); } else { if (this.james_mc.x < 4400){ this.james_mc.setPosition(3600, 200); } else { this.james_mc.setPosition(4820, 200); }; }; }; }; }; } public function hit():void{ this.hud.coins = (this.hud.coins - 3); } public function end():void{ this.timer.pause();; DisplayManager.getInstance().stopRendering(); = Math.round(((500 * this.hud.coins) - (this.timer.currentTime / 10))); if ( < 0){ = 0; }; this.boat_mc.gotoAndStop(2); setTimeout(PirateZebraApp(, 4000); } } }//package code
Section 7
//TentacleTrapGame (code.TentacleTrapGame) package code { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import sfb.maths.shapes.*; import*; import*; import*; import*; import sfb.application.*; public class TentacleTrapGame extends MovieClip implements IPiratable { public var hud:CoinCountHUD; private var camera:Camera; public var timer:TextTimer; public var james_mc:PirateZebra; private var tickID:uint; private var lastX:Number; private var currentX:Number; public function TentacleTrapGame(){ var _local1:EnvironmentManager; var _local2:uint; var _local3:DisplayObject; super(); this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, this.cleanupListener); this.james_mc.currentGame = this; this.currentX = 0; this.lastX = 0; this.tickID = GameManager.getInstance().addTickFunction(this.act); ControlsManager.getInstance().init(this.stage); _local1 = EnvironmentManager.getInstance(); _local1.environment = new PlatformEnvironment(); _local1.environment.friction = 0.08; _local1.environment.airResistance = 0.06; _local1.terrain = [new FlatShape(280)]; = new Camera(this.james_mc, this, new Rectangle(100, 150, 100, 100), 0.9); = 0;; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 5) { _local3 = this.addChildAt(new TentacleBlock(), 0); _local3.x = (-330 + (270 * _local2)); _local3.y = 300; this.james_mc.enemies.push(_local3); _local2++; }; } public function onGameFinished(_arg1:Event):void{; this.james_mc.stopTick(); GameManager.getInstance().removeTickFunction(this.tickID); = this.hud.coins; PirateZebraApp(; } public function collect():void{ this.hud.coins++; } protected function cleanupListener(_arg1:Event):void{; EnvironmentManager.getInstance().cleanup(); = null; this.hud = null; this.timer = null; Cleanup.cleanDisplayList(this, true); } public function resetPosition():void{ } public function act():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:DisplayObject; var _local3:Rectangle; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:DisplayObject; var _local7:uint; var _local8:uint; _local1 = (this.x - this.lastX); this.lastX = this.x; this.currentX = (this.currentX - _local1); if ((((_local1 < -5)) && ((Math.random() > 0.8)))){ _local6 = this.addChild(new Coin()); _local6.x = (-(this.x) + 600); _local6.y = (180 + (Math.random() * 80)); this.james_mc.coins.push(_local6); }; if (this.currentX > 270){ this.currentX = (this.currentX - 270); _local2 = this.addChildAt(new TentacleBlock(), 0); _local2.x = ((-(this.x) - this.currentX) + 750); _local2.y = 300; this.james_mc.enemies.push(_local2); } else { if (this.currentX < -270){ this.currentX = (this.currentX + 270); _local2 = this.addChildAt(new TentacleBlock(), 0); _local2.x = -(((this.x + this.currentX) + 330)); _local2.y = 300; this.james_mc.enemies.push(_local2); }; }; _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.numChildren; while (_local4 < _local5) { _local2 = this.getChildAt(_local4); _local3 = _local2.getBounds(this.parent); if ((((_local3.left > 700)) || ((_local3.right < -330)))){ _local7 = 0; _local8 = this.james_mc.enemies.length; while (_local7 < _local8) { if (this.james_mc.enemies[_local7] == _local2){ this.james_mc.enemies.splice(_local7, 1); }; _local7++; }; this.removeChild(_local2); break; }; _local4++; }; } public function hit():void{ this.hud.coins = (this.hud.coins - 6); } public function end():void{ } } }//package code
Section 8
//BoatRowBoat_208 (PirateZebra_fla.BoatRowBoat_208) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class BoatRowBoat_208 extends MovieClip { public function BoatRowBoat_208(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ this.marked = true; stop(); } } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 9
//GoClip_246 (PirateZebra_fla.GoClip_246) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GoClip_246 extends MovieClip { public function GoClip_246(){ addFrameScript(25, frame26); } function frame26(){ stop(); } } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 10
//PreloaderBar_4 (PirateZebra_fla.PreloaderBar_4) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PreloaderBar_4 extends MovieClip { public function PreloaderBar_4(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 11
//SoundsExporter_29 (PirateZebra_fla.SoundsExporter_29) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SoundsExporter_29 extends MovieClip { public function SoundsExporter_29(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 12
//Symbol164_25 (PirateZebra_fla.Symbol164_25) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol164_25 extends MovieClip { public var flap_mc:MovieClip; } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 13
//Symbol165_24 (PirateZebra_fla.Symbol165_24) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol165_24 extends MovieClip { public var turn_mc:MovieClip; } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 14
//Symbol242_157 (PirateZebra_fla.Symbol242_157) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol242_157 extends MovieClip { public function Symbol242_157(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ this.stop(); } function frame2(){; } } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 15
//Symbol249_200 (PirateZebra_fla.Symbol249_200) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol249_200 extends MovieClip { public var rigging1_mc:MovieClip; public var rigging4_mc:MovieClip; public var rigging2_mc:MovieClip; public var rigging3_mc:MovieClip; } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 16
//Symbol252_205 (PirateZebra_fla.Symbol252_205) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol252_205 extends MovieClip { public var rope3_mc:MovieClip; public var rope6_mc:MovieClip; public var rope1_mc:MovieClip; public var rope4_mc:MovieClip; public var rope2_mc:MovieClip; public var rope5_mc:MovieClip; } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 17
//Symbol315_227 (PirateZebra_fla.Symbol315_227) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol315_227 extends MovieClip { public function Symbol315_227(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 18
//Symbol316_228 (PirateZebra_fla.Symbol316_228) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol316_228 extends MovieClip { public function Symbol316_228(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 19
//Symbol325_258 (PirateZebra_fla.Symbol325_258) package PirateZebra_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Symbol325_258 extends MovieClip { public function Symbol325_258(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package PirateZebra_fla
Section 20
//Hiscore (sfb.application.hiscores.Hiscore) package sfb.application.hiscores { public class Hiscore { public var score:Number; public var name:String; public function Hiscore(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number){ = _arg1; this.score = _arg2; } } }//package sfb.application.hiscores
Section 21
//HiscoreDisplay (sfb.application.hiscores.HiscoreDisplay) package sfb.application.hiscores { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import sfb.application.*; public class HiscoreDisplay extends MovieClip { public var score1_txt:TextField; public var score3_txt:TextField; public var score5_txt:TextField; private var hiscoreRequest:URLRequest; public var score7_txt:TextField; public var score9_txt:TextField; public var name0_txt:TextField; public var name2_txt:TextField; public var name8_txt:TextField; public var name6_txt:TextField; private var hiscores:Array; private var hiscoreData:URLVariables; public var score2_txt:TextField; public var score6_txt:TextField; public var score8_txt:TextField; public var score4_txt:TextField; public var name4_txt:TextField; public var score0_txt:TextField; private var hiscoreLoader:URLLoader; public var name1_txt:TextField; public var name3_txt:TextField; public var name5_txt:TextField; public var name7_txt:TextField; public var name9_txt:TextField; public function HiscoreDisplay(){ this.hiscores = []; this.hiscoreRequest = new URLRequest(""); this.hiscoreRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; this.hiscoreLoader = new URLLoader(); this.hiscoreLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.onLoadHiscores); this.hiscoreLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.errorListener); this.loadHiscores(); } public function errorListener(_arg1:Event):void{ this.gotoAndStop("error"); } public function loadHiscores():void{ this.gotoAndStop("loading"); = new URLVariables(); =; =; this.hiscoreLoader.load(this.hiscoreRequest); } private function writeHiscores():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; this.hiscores = []; _local3 = this.hiscoreData.top10.split("<u/*/u>"); _local1 = 0; _local2 = _local3.length; while (_local1 < _local2) { _local4 = _local3[_local1].split("</*/>"); this.hiscores[_local1] = new Hiscore(_local4[0], _local4[1]); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; _local2 = this.hiscores.length; while (_local1 < _local2) { if (((this[(("name" + _local1) + "_txt")]) && (this[(("score" + _local1) + "_txt")]))){ this[(("name" + _local1) + "_txt")].text = this.hiscores[_local1].name; this[(("score" + _local1) + "_txt")].text = this.hiscores[_local1].score; } else { break; }; _local1++; }; } private function onLoadHiscores(_arg1:Event):void{ this.hiscoreData = new URLVariables(; if (String(this.hiscoreData["success"]) == "true"){ this.gotoAndStop("hiscores"); setTimeout(this.writeHiscores, 100); } else { this.gotoAndStop("error"); }; } } }//package sfb.application.hiscores
Section 22
//HiscoreSubmit (sfb.application.hiscores.HiscoreSubmit) package sfb.application.hiscores { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import*; import sfb.application.*; public class HiscoreSubmit extends MovieClip { public var hiscore:Hiscore; public var score_txt:TextField; private var submitRequest:URLRequest; private var submitLoader:URLLoader; public var hiscoreDisplay:HiscoreDisplay; public var submit_btn:SimpleButton; public var name_txt:TextField; public function HiscoreSubmit(){ this.score_txt.text = String(; this.name_txt.text = "YOUR NAME"; this.submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.submitScore); this.submitRequest = new URLRequest(""); this.submitRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; this.submitLoader = new URLLoader(); this.submitLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT; this.submitLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.onSubmitScore); this.hiscoreDisplay = (this.parent["hsd_mc"] as HiscoreDisplay); if (this.hiscoreDisplay){ this.submitLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.hiscoreDisplay.errorListener); } else { this.submitLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, this.errorListener); }; } public function errorListener(_arg1:Event):void{ } private function submitScore(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:String; this.name_txt.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; this.name_txt.selectable = false; if (this.contains(this.submit_btn)){ this.removeChild(this.submit_btn); }; this.hiscore = new Hiscore(this.name_txt.text, Number(this.score_txt.text)); = new URLVariables(); =; =; =; _local2 = this.hiscore.score; _local3 = (_local2 + "Z"); = _local3.split("0").join("U"); ="").join("A"); ="AU").join("Y"); ="A1").join("B"); =".").join("N"); this.submitLoader.load(this.submitRequest); } private function onSubmitScore(_arg1:Event):void{ if (this.hiscoreDisplay){ this.hiscoreDisplay.loadHiscores(); }; } } }//package sfb.application.hiscores
Section 23
//MovieClipPreloader (sfb.application.preloader.MovieClipPreloader) package sfb.application.preloader { import flash.display.*; import*; public class MovieClipPreloader extends Preloader { protected var target:MovieClip; protected var totalFrames:uint; public function MovieClipPreloader(_arg1:MovieClip){ super(_arg1.root.loaderInfo); = _arg1;; this.totalFrames =; } override protected function checkProgress(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = Math.ceil((this.progress * this.totalFrames));; if (this.progress >= 1){ this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); }; } } }//package sfb.application.preloader
Section 24
//Preloader (sfb.application.preloader.Preloader) package sfb.application.preloader { import flash.display.*; import*; public class Preloader extends EventDispatcher { protected var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo; public function Preloader(_arg1:LoaderInfo){ this.loaderInfo = _arg1; } public function start():void{ this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, this.checkProgress); } protected function checkProgress(_arg1:Event):void{ if (this.progress >= 1){ this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); }; } public function get progress():Number{ return ((this.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / this.loaderInfo.bytesTotal)); } } }//package sfb.application.preloader
Section 25
//SaveSystem (sfb.application.saves.SaveSystem) package sfb.application.saves { import*; public class SaveSystem extends EventDispatcher { } }//package sfb.application.saves
Section 26
//Application (sfb.application.Application) package sfb.application { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import sfb.application.saves.*; import sfb.application.preloader.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; public class Application extends MovieClip { protected var sfbLink:ContextMenuItem; protected var lowQuality:ContextMenuItem; public var saveSystem:SaveSystem; protected var pmgLink:ContextMenuItem; public var rightClickMenu:ContextMenu; protected var agLink:ContextMenuItem; public var preloader:Preloader; protected var links:Dictionary; protected var mediumQuality:ContextMenuItem; protected var qualityIndicator:String;// = " <<<" protected var highQuality:ContextMenuItem; public static var application:Application; public function Application(){ qualityIndicator = " <<<"; super(); this.stop(); Application.application = this; this.createRightClickMenu(); this.links = new Dictionary(true); } public function linkToAB(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void{ _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.browseToAB); } protected function preload():void{ if (this.preloader){ this.preloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, this.preloadComplete); this.preloader.start(); }; } public function qualityToLow(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW; this.highQuality.caption = this.removeQualityIndicator(this.highQuality.caption); this.mediumQuality.caption = this.removeQualityIndicator(this.mediumQuality.caption); this.lowQuality.caption = this.removeQualityIndicator(this.lowQuality.caption); this.lowQuality.caption = (this.lowQuality.caption + this.qualityIndicator); this.dispatchEvent(new ApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent.QUALITY_CHANGE)); } public function linkTo(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:String):void{ this.links[_arg1] = _arg2; _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.browseToLink); } public function browseToNG(_arg1:Event=null):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); } public function linkToSFB(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void{ _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.browseToSFB); } public function browseToLink(_arg1:Event=null):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(this.links[]), "_blank"); } protected function preloadComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ } protected function removeQualityIndicator(_arg1:String):String{ if (_arg1.substr((_arg1.length - this.qualityIndicator.length)) == this.qualityIndicator){ return (_arg1.substring(0, (_arg1.length - this.qualityIndicator.length))); }; return (_arg1); } public function linkToAG(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void{ _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.browseToAG); } public function browseToSFB(_arg1:Event=null):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); } public function browseToAB(_arg1:Event=null):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); } public function browseToAG(_arg1:Event=null):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); } public function linkToNG(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void{ _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, this.browseToNG); } protected function createRightClickMenu():void{ this.rightClickMenu = new ContextMenu(); this.rightClickMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); this.highQuality = new ContextMenuItem("Quality: High"); this.highQuality.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, this.qualityToHigh); this.mediumQuality = new ContextMenuItem("Quality: Medium"); this.mediumQuality.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, this.qualityToMedium); this.lowQuality = new ContextMenuItem("Quality: Low"); this.lowQuality.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, this.qualityToLow); this.sfbLink = new ContextMenuItem("", true); this.sfbLink.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, this.browseToSFB); this.agLink = new ContextMenuItem(""); this.agLink.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, this.browseToAG); this.pmgLink = new ContextMenuItem("Play More Games!"); this.pmgLink.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, this.browseToAG); this.rightClickMenu.customItems.push(this.highQuality); this.rightClickMenu.customItems.push(this.mediumQuality); this.rightClickMenu.customItems.push(this.lowQuality); this.rightClickMenu.customItems.push(this.sfbLink); this.rightClickMenu.customItems.push(this.agLink); this.rightClickMenu.customItems.push(this.pmgLink); this.contextMenu = rightClickMenu; this.qualityToHigh(); } public function qualityToHigh(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH; this.highQuality.caption = this.removeQualityIndicator(this.highQuality.caption); this.mediumQuality.caption = this.removeQualityIndicator(this.mediumQuality.caption); this.lowQuality.caption = this.removeQualityIndicator(this.lowQuality.caption); this.highQuality.caption = (this.highQuality.caption + this.qualityIndicator); this.dispatchEvent(new ApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent.QUALITY_CHANGE)); } public function qualityToMedium(_arg1:Event=null):void{ this.stage.quality = StageQuality.MEDIUM; this.highQuality.caption = this.removeQualityIndicator(this.highQuality.caption); this.mediumQuality.caption = this.removeQualityIndicator(this.mediumQuality.caption); this.lowQuality.caption = this.removeQualityIndicator(this.lowQuality.caption); this.mediumQuality.caption = (this.mediumQuality.caption + this.qualityIndicator); this.dispatchEvent(new ApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent.QUALITY_CHANGE)); } } }//package sfb.application
Section 27
//Game (sfb.application.Game) package sfb.application { public class Game extends Application { protected var flashkeys:Array; public var currentGame:uint; protected var SU0249s:Array; public var score:Number; public static var game:Game; public function Game(){ = this; } public function get SU0249():String{ return (this.SU0249s[this.currentGame]); } public function get flashkey():String{ return (this.flashkeys[this.currentGame]); } } }//package sfb.application
Section 28
//MusicManager ( package { import*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public class MusicManager { private var setVolume:Number; private var musicChannel:SoundChannel; private var isMuted:Boolean; private var oldMusicChannel:SoundChannel; private var fadeTimer:Timer; private var volSpeed:Number; private var oldVolSpeed:Number; private var music_array:Array; private static var INSTANCE:MusicManager; public function MusicManager(){ this.music_array = []; this.fadeTimer = new Timer(20); this.fadeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.fadeInOut); this.setVolume = 1; } public function stopMusic():void{ this.fadeTimer.stop(); if (this.oldMusicChannel){ this.oldMusicChannel.stop(); this.oldMusicChannel = null; }; if (this.musicChannel){ this.musicChannel.stop(); this.musicChannel = null; }; } public function addMusic(_arg1:Class, _arg2:String):void{ this.music_array[_arg2] = new (_arg1); } private function fadeInOut(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:SoundTransform; var _local3:SoundTransform; if (this.oldMusicChannel){ _local2 = this.oldMusicChannel.soundTransform; _local2.volume = (_local2.volume - oldVolSpeed); this.oldMusicChannel.soundTransform = _local2; if (_local2.volume < 0.05){ this.oldMusicChannel.stop(); }; }; if (this.musicChannel){ _local3 = this.musicChannel.soundTransform; _local3.volume = (_local3.volume + volSpeed); this.musicChannel.soundTransform = _local3; }; } public function playMusic(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=40000000, _arg3:Number=1, _arg4:Number=0, _arg5:int=0):void{ var _local6:Number; if (this.music_array[_arg1]){ this.setVolume = _arg3; _local6 = _arg3; if (this.oldMusicChannel){ this.oldMusicChannel.stop(); }; if (_arg5 != 0){ if (this.musicChannel){ this.oldMusicChannel = this.musicChannel; this.oldVolSpeed = (this.oldMusicChannel.soundTransform.volume / (_arg5 / 20)); }; this.volSpeed = (_arg3 / (_arg5 / 20)); _local6 = 0; this.fadeTimer.repeatCount = Math.round((_arg5 / 20)); this.fadeTimer.reset(); this.fadeTimer.start(); } else { if (this.musicChannel){ this.musicChannel.stop(); }; }; this.musicChannel = Sound(this.music_array[_arg1]).play(0, _arg2, new SoundTransform(_local6, _arg4)); }; } public function mute():void{ var _local1:SoundTransform; var _local2:SoundTransform; this.fadeTimer.stop(); this.isMuted = true; if (this.oldMusicChannel){ _local1 = this.oldMusicChannel.soundTransform; _local1.volume = 0; this.oldMusicChannel.soundTransform = _local1; }; if (this.musicChannel){ _local2 = this.musicChannel.soundTransform; _local2.volume = 0; this.musicChannel.soundTransform = _local2; }; } public function get muted():Boolean{ return (this.isMuted); } public function unmute():void{ var _local1:SoundTransform; this.isMuted = false; if (this.musicChannel){ _local1 = this.musicChannel.soundTransform; _local1.volume = this.setVolume; this.musicChannel.soundTransform = _local1; }; } public static function getInstance():MusicManager{ if (INSTANCE){ return (INSTANCE); }; INSTANCE = new (MusicManager); return (INSTANCE); } } }//package
Section 29
//SFXManager ( package { import*; import*; public class SFXManager { private var sfxChannel_array:Array; private var sfx_array:Array; private static var INSTANCE:SFXManager; public function SFXManager(){ this.sfx_array = []; this.sfxChannel_array = []; } public function stopSFX(_arg1:String):void{ if (this.sfxChannel_array[_arg1]){ SoundChannel(this.sfxChannel_array[_arg1]).stop(); this.sfxChannel_array[_arg1] = null; }; } public function addSFX(_arg1:Class, _arg2:String):void{ this.sfx_array[_arg2] = new (_arg1); } public function stopAllSFX():void{ var _local1:String; for (_local1 in this.sfxChannel_array) { if (this.sfxChannel_array[_local1]){ this.stopSFX(_local1); }; }; } private function completeListener(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:String; for (_local2 in this.sfxChannel_array) { if (this.sfxChannel_array[_local2] =={ this.stopSFX(_local2); }; }; } public function playSFX(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:Number=1, _arg4:Number=0, _arg5:Boolean=false):void{ if (((this.sfx_array[_arg1]) && (((!(_arg5)) || (!(this.sfxChannel_array[_arg1])))))){ this.sfxChannel_array[_arg1] = Sound(this.sfx_array[_arg1]).play(0, _arg2, new SoundTransform(_arg3, _arg4)); this.sfxChannel_array[_arg1].addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, this.completeListener); }; } public function isSFXPlaying(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if (this.sfxChannel_array[_arg1]){ return (true); }; return (false); } public static function getInstance():SFXManager{ if (INSTANCE){ return (INSTANCE); }; INSTANCE = new (SFXManager); return (INSTANCE); } } }//package
Section 30
//ApplicationEvent ( package { import*; public class ApplicationEvent extends Event { public static const QUALITY_CHANGE:String = "appQualityChange"; public function ApplicationEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } } }//package
Section 31
//Environment ( package { import sfb.maths.physics.*; import sfb.maths.shapes.*; import sfb.maths.*; import sfb.maths.physics.forces.*; public class Environment { protected var airResistanceForce:FluidResistanceForce; protected var frictionForce:FluidResistanceForce; public var terrain:Array; protected var gravityForce:VectorForce; public function Environment(){ this.gravityForce = new VectorForce(new Mass(), new Vector(0, 1)); this.frictionForce = new FluidResistanceForce(new Mass(), 0.1); this.airResistanceForce = new FluidResistanceForce(new Mass(), 0.1); } public function applyGravity(_arg1:Mass):void{ } public function applyAirResistance(_arg1:Mass):void{ } public function set airResistance(_arg1:Number):void{ this.airResistanceForce.resistanceRatio = _arg1; } public function set friction(_arg1:Number):void{ this.frictionForce.resistanceRatio = _arg1; } public function hitTestTerrain(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Mass):Boolean{ return (false); } public function applyTerrainFriction(_arg1:Mass):void{ } public function set gravity(_arg1:Number):void{ this.gravityForce.force = this.gravityForce.force.normalised(_arg1); } } }//package
Section 32
//Resource ( package { import*; public class Resource extends EventDispatcher { protected var maximum_int:int;// = 100 protected var value_int:int;// = 50 protected var minimum_int:int;// = 0 public static const INCREASE:String = "resourceIncrease"; public static const RUN_OUT:String = "resourceRunOut"; public static const FULL_UP:String = "resourceFullUp"; public static const DECREASE:String = "resourceDecrease"; public function Resource(_arg1:int=100, _arg2:int=0, _arg3:int=0){ value_int = 50; maximum_int = 100; minimum_int = 0; super(); this.maximum_int = _arg1; this.minimum_int = _arg2; this.value = _arg3; } protected function onIncrease():void{ this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Resource.INCREASE)); } protected function onFullUp():void{ this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Resource.FULL_UP)); } public function set maximum(_arg1:int):void{ if (_arg1 > this.minimum_int){ this.maximum_int = _arg1; this.value = this.value_int; }; } protected function onRunOut():void{ this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Resource.RUN_OUT)); } public function set minimum(_arg1:int):void{ if (_arg1 < this.maximum_int){ this.minimum_int = _arg1; this.value = this.value_int; }; } public function get minimum():int{ return (this.minimum_int); } public function set value(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = this.value_int; _local3 = (this.value_int - _local2); if (_arg1 <= this.minimum_int){ this.value_int = this.minimum_int; this.onDecrease(); this.onRunOut(); } else { if (_arg1 >= this.maximum_int){ this.value_int = this.maximum_int; this.onIncrease(); this.onFullUp(); } else { this.value_int = _arg1; if (_local3 > 0){ this.onIncrease(); } else { if (_local3 < 0){ this.onDecrease(); }; }; }; }; } protected function onDecrease():void{ this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Resource.DECREASE)); } public function get maximum():int{ return (this.maximum_int); } public function get value():int{ return (this.value_int); } } }//package
Section 33
//FrameStateDisplay ( package { import flash.display.*; public class FrameStateDisplay implements IStateDisplayable { private var frameLabels:Array; private var target:MovieClip; private var state:String; public function FrameStateDisplay(_arg1:MovieClip){ this.setTarget(_arg1); } public function applyState():void{ if ( != this.state){ if (this.frameLabels.indexOf(this.state) != -1){; }; }; } public function setTarget(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; = (_arg1 as MovieClip); this.frameLabels = []; _local2 =; _local3 = 0; _local4 = _local2.length; while (_local3 < _local4) { this.frameLabels[_local3] = FrameLabel(_local2[_local3]).name; _local3++; }; } public function setState(_arg1:String):void{ this.state = _arg1; } } }//package
Section 34
//IStateDisplayable ( package { import flash.display.*; public interface IStateDisplayable { function applyState():void; function setTarget(_arg1:DisplayObject):void; function setState(_arg1:String):void; } }//package
Section 35
//PlatformEnvironment ( package { import sfb.maths.physics.*; import sfb.maths.shapes.*; import sfb.maths.*; import*; public class PlatformEnvironment extends Environment { override public function applyGravity(_arg1:Mass):void{ this.gravityForce.mass = _arg1; this.gravityForce.applyForce(); } override public function applyAirResistance(_arg1:Mass):void{ this.airResistanceForce.mass = _arg1; this.airResistanceForce.applyForce(); } override public function hitTestTerrain(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Mass):Boolean{ var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:Vector; if (this.terrain){ _local3 = false; _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.terrain.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { if (_arg1.shapeIntersects(this.terrain[_local4])){ _local6 = _arg1.pushOutOfShape(this.terrain[_local4], 0.1, Vector.UP); _arg2.position.moveBy(_local6); if (_local6.x != 0){ _arg2.velocity.x = 0; }; if (_local6.y != 0){ _arg2.velocity.y = 0; }; _local3 = (_local6.y < 0); }; _local4++; }; return (_local3); }; return (false); } override public function applyTerrainFriction(_arg1:Mass):void{ this.frictionForce.mass = _arg1; this.frictionForce.applyForce(); } } }//package
Section 36
//PlatformPlayer ( package { import flash.display.*; import*; import sfb.maths.physics.*; import sfb.maths.shapes.*; import sfb.maths.*; import*; import*; import*; public class PlatformPlayer extends MovieClip { protected var environment:EnvironmentManager; protected var fallLimit:int; protected var fallCount:int; protected var health:Resource; protected var tickID:uint; protected var acceleration:Number; protected var state:String; protected var initWidth:Number; protected var hitTestResult:Boolean; protected var isEnabled:Boolean; protected var jumpSpeed:Number; protected var speedLimit:SpeedLimit; protected var controls:ControlsManager; public var modelMass:Mass; protected var hitShape:IShapeable; protected var initScaleX:Number; protected var stateDisplay:IStateDisplayable; protected var game:GameManager; public static const RIGHT:String = "moveRight"; public static const LEFT:String = "moveLeft"; public static const STILL:String = "still"; public static const FALLING:String = "falling"; public static const JUMP:String = "jump"; public static const JUMPING:String = "jumping"; public static const ON_GROUND:String = "onGround"; public static const RUNNING:String = "running"; public function PlatformPlayer(){ this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, this.cleanupListener); this.initScaleX = this.scaleX; this.initWidth = this.width; this.controls = ControlsManager.getInstance(); this.setControls(); this.environment = EnvironmentManager.getInstance(); = GameManager.getInstance(); this.tickID =; = new Resource(); this.modelMass = new Mass(); this.modelMass.position.setFromDO(this); this.hitShape = new MultiplePointShape([new Vector(this.x, (this.y - this.height))], [new Vector((this.x - (this.width / 3)), this.y), new Vector((this.x + (this.width / 3)), this.y)], [new Vector((this.x - (this.width / 2)), (this.y - (this.height / 2)))], [new Vector((this.x + (this.width / 2)), (this.y - (this.height / 2)))]); this.stateDisplay = new FrameStateDisplay(this); this.setMovement(); this.hitTestResult = false; this.fallCount = 0; this.fallLimit = 3; this.state = FALLING; this.isEnabled = true; } protected function setMovement():void{ this.acceleration = 0.5; this.jumpSpeed = -8; this.speedLimit = new SpeedLimit(8); } protected function setControls():void{ this.controls.registerKey("LEFT", LEFT); this.controls.registerKey("RIGHT", RIGHT); this.controls.registerKey("UP", JUMP); } protected function graphicalState():void{ switch (this.state){ case ON_GROUND: if (this.modelMass.velocity.length > 1){ this.stateDisplay.setState(RUNNING); } else { this.stateDisplay.setState(STILL); }; break; case JUMPING: this.stateDisplay.setState(JUMPING); break; case FALLING: this.stateDisplay.setState(FALLING); break; }; this.stateDisplay.applyState(); if (this.modelMass.velocity.x > 0){ this.scaleX = this.initScaleX; } else { if (this.modelMass.velocity.x < 0){ this.scaleX = -(this.initScaleX); }; }; } protected function adjustShape():void{ var _local1:Vector; _local1 = new Vector((this.x - (this.initWidth / 3)), this.y); this.hitShape.moveBy(_local1.subtract(MultiplePointShape(this.hitShape).getBottomVector(0))); } protected function mainDecisions():void{ var _local1:Object; _local1 = this.controls.getKeys(); if (_local1[LEFT]){ this.modelMass.velocity.x = (this.modelMass.velocity.x - this.acceleration); }; if (_local1[RIGHT]){ this.modelMass.velocity.x = (this.modelMass.velocity.x + this.acceleration); }; switch (this.state){ case ON_GROUND: this.environment.applyTerrainFriction(this.modelMass); if (_local1[JUMP]){ this.fallCount = 0; this.state = JUMPING; this.modelMass.velocity.y = this.jumpSpeed; } else { if (!this.hitTestResult){ this.fallCount++; if (this.fallCount > this.fallLimit){ this.state = FALLING; }; } else { this.fallCount = 0; }; }; break; case JUMPING: if (this.hitTestResult){ this.fallCount = 0; this.state = ON_GROUND; }; this.environment.applyAirResistance(this.modelMass); break; case FALLING: if (this.hitTestResult){ this.fallCount = 0; this.state = ON_GROUND; }; this.environment.applyAirResistance(this.modelMass); break; }; } protected function cleanupListener(_arg1:Event):void{ this.controls = null; this.environment = null; = null; = null; this.modelMass = null; this.hitShape = null; this.stateDisplay = null; } public function act():void{ var _local1:Vector; if (this.isEnabled){ this.environment.applyGravity(this.modelMass); this.mainDecisions(); this.graphicalState(); this.speedLimit.applyLimit(this.modelMass); this.modelMass.position = this.modelMass.position.add(this.modelMass.velocity); _local1 = new Vector(this.x, this.y); _local1 = this.modelMass.position.subtract(_local1); this.x = this.modelMass.position.x; this.y = this.modelMass.position.y; this.hitShape.moveBy(_local1); this.hitTestResult = this.environment.hitTestTerrain(this.hitShape, this.modelMass); this.x = this.modelMass.position.x; this.y = this.modelMass.position.y; this.adjustShape(); }; } } }//package
Section 37
//AbstractTimer ( package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public class AbstractTimer extends MovieClip { protected var maxTime_int:uint; protected var currentTime_int:int; protected var lastTime_int:uint; protected var tickID:uint; protected var flashTime_int:uint; public static const TIME_UP:String = "displayTimerTimeUp"; public function AbstractTimer(_arg1:uint){ this.maxTime_int = _arg1; this.currentTime_int = 0; this.flashTime_int = 0; this.lastTime_int = getTimer(); } public function get remainingTime():uint{ return ((this.maxTime_int - this.currentTime_int)); } public function count():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = getTimer(); this.currentTime_int = (this.currentTime_int + (_local1 - lastTime_int)); this.lastTime_int = _local1; if (this.currentTime_int >= this.maxTime_int){ this.currentTime_int = this.maxTime_int; this.pause(); this.dispatchEvent(new Event(TIME_UP)); }; } public function start():void{ if (this.tickID == 0){ this.tickID = GameManager.getInstance().addTickFunction(this.count); }; } public function reset():void{ this.pause(); this.currentTime_int = 0; } public function get currentTime():uint{ return (this.currentTime_int); } public function pause():void{ GameManager.getInstance().removeTickFunction(this.tickID); this.tickID = 0; } } }//package
Section 38
//TextTimer ( package { import flash.text.*; import*; public class TextTimer extends AbstractTimer { public var countDown:Boolean; public var textField:TextField; public static const TIME_UP:String = "displayTimerTimeUp"; public function TextTimer(_arg1:uint, _arg2:TextField=null){ super(_arg1); this.textField = ((_arg2) || (new TextField())); if (this.textField.parent){ this.textField.parent.addChildAt(this, this.textField.parent.getChildIndex(this.textField)); this.x = this.textField.x; this.y = this.textField.y; this.textField.x = (this.textField.y = 0); }; this.addChild(this.textField); } override public function count():void{ super.count(); if (this.countDown){ this.textField.text = TimeConversion.milliToMinsSecs((this.maxTime_int - this.currentTime)); } else { this.textField.text = TimeConversion.milliToMinsSecs(this.currentTime); }; } } }//package
Section 39
//Camera ( package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Camera { public var elasticity:Number; public var container:DisplayObject; public var boundBox:Rectangle; public var target:DisplayObject; private var tickID:uint; public var lowerLimits:Point; public var upperLimits:Point; public function Camera(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject, _arg3:Rectangle=null, _arg4:Number=0){ = _arg1; this.container = _arg2; this.boundBox = ((_arg3) || (new Rectangle(275, 200, 1, 1))); this.elasticity = _arg4; this.lowerLimits = new Point(Number.NaN, Number.NaN); this.upperLimits = new Point(Number.NaN, Number.NaN); } public function cleanup():void{ = null; this.container = null; } protected function adjustX(_arg1:Number, _arg2:int):void{ if (_arg1 > 0){ this.container.x = (this.container.x - ((_arg2 * _arg1) * (1 - elasticity))); }; if (((!(isNaN(this.lowerLimits.x))) && ((this.container.x < this.lowerLimits.x)))){ this.container.x = this.lowerLimits.x; }; if (((!(isNaN(this.upperLimits.x))) && ((this.container.x > this.upperLimits.x)))){ this.container.x = this.upperLimits.x; }; } protected function adjustY(_arg1:Number, _arg2:int):void{ if (_arg1 > 0){ this.container.y = (this.container.y - ((_arg2 * _arg1) * (1 - elasticity))); }; if (((!(isNaN(this.lowerLimits.y))) && ((this.container.y < this.lowerLimits.y)))){ this.container.y = this.lowerLimits.y; }; if (((!(isNaN(this.upperLimits.y))) && ((this.container.y > this.upperLimits.y)))){ this.container.y = this.upperLimits.y; }; } public function stopFollowing():void{ GameManager.getInstance().removeTickFunction(this.tickID); } public function startFollowing():void{ this.stopFollowing(); this.tickID = GameManager.getInstance().addTickFunction(this.follow, 1); } public function follow():void{ var _local1:Rectangle; if (target.stage){ _local1 = target.getBounds(target.stage); this.adjustX((this.boundBox.left - _local1.left), -1); this.adjustX((_local1.right - this.boundBox.right), 1); this.adjustY(( -, -1); this.adjustY((_local1.bottom - this.boundBox.bottom), 1); }; } } }//package
Section 40
//ControlsManager ( package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; public class ControlsManager extends EventDispatcher { private var regKeyPress:Array; private var keyDown:Array; private var regKeys:Array; private static const KEY_CODES:Object = {Q:81, W:87, E:69, R:82, T:84, Y:89, U:85, I:73, O:79, P:80, A:65, S:83, D:68, F:70, G:71, H:72, J:74, K:75, L:76, Z:90, X:88, C:67, V:86, B:66, N:78, M:77}; public static const DEFAULT_USER:String = "defaultUser"; private static var INSTANCE:ControlsManager; public function ControlsManager(){ this.keyDown = []; this.regKeys = []; this.regKeyPress = []; } public function init(_arg1:Stage){ _arg1.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, this.keyDownListener); _arg1.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, this.keyUpListener); } public function registerKeyPress(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var _local4:int; _local4 = ((Keyboard[_arg1.toUpperCase()]) || (ControlsManager.KEY_CODES[_arg1.toUpperCase()])); this.regKeyPress.push(new KeyPress(_local4, _arg2, _arg3)); } public function getKeys(_arg1:String="defaultUser"):Object{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:String; if (this.regKeys[_arg1]){ _local2 = {}; for (_local3 in this.regKeys[_arg1]) { _local2[_local3] = Boolean(this.keyDown[this.regKeys[_arg1][_local3]]); }; return (_local2); //unresolved jump }; return (null); } private function keyUpListener(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ delete this.keyDown[_arg1.keyCode]; } private function keyDownListener(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; _local2 = 0; _local3 = this.regKeyPress.length; while (_local2 < _local3) { if (_arg1.keyCode == this.regKeyPress[_local2].key){ if (((!(this.keyDown[_arg1.keyCode])) || (this.regKeyPress[_local2].holdRepeat))){ this.regKeyPress[_local2].listener(_arg1); }; break; }; _local2++; }; this.keyDown[_arg1.keyCode] = true; } public function registerKey(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String="defaultUser"):void{ var _local4:int; if (!this.regKeys[_arg3]){ this.regKeys[_arg3] = []; }; _local4 = ((Keyboard[_arg1.toUpperCase()]) || (ControlsManager.KEY_CODES[_arg1.toUpperCase()])); this.regKeys[_arg3][_arg2] = _local4; } public static function getInstance():ControlsManager{ if (INSTANCE){ return (INSTANCE); }; INSTANCE = new (ControlsManager); return (INSTANCE); } } }//package class KeyPress { public var listener:Function; public var holdRepeat:Boolean; public var key:int; private function KeyPress(_arg1:int, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean){ this.key = _arg1; this.listener = _arg2; this.holdRepeat = _arg3; } }
Section 41
//DisplayManager ( package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import sfb.maths.*; import*; public class DisplayManager { private var displayList:Array; private var stageArea_rec:Rectangle; private var intervalCount:uint; private var maxSpeed_vec:Vector; private var workingArea_rec:Rectangle; private var interval_int:uint; private var tickID:uint; private var stage:Stage; private static var INSTANCE:DisplayManager; public function DisplayManager(){ this.displayList = []; this.maxSpeed_vec = new Vector(); this.stageArea_rec = new Rectangle(); this.workingArea_rec = new Rectangle(); this.interval_int = 1; this.intervalCount = 0; } public function set maxSpeed(_arg1:Vector):void{ this.maxSpeed_vec = _arg1; this.workingArea_rec = this.stageArea_rec.clone(); this.workingArea_rec.inflatePoint(maxSpeed_vec.multiply(interval_int).toPoint()); } public function addSet(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ this.displayList.push(new DisplayObjectSet(_arg1, _arg2)); if (!this.stage){ this.stage = _arg1[0].stage; this.stageArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.stage.stageWidth, this.stage.stageHeight); }; } public function empty():void{ Cleanup.cleanArray(this.displayList); this.interval_int = 1; this.intervalCount = 0; } public function set interval(_arg1:uint):void{ this.interval_int = _arg1; this.intervalCount = 0; this.workingArea_rec = this.stageArea_rec.clone(); this.workingArea_rec.inflatePoint(maxSpeed_vec.multiply(interval_int).toPoint()); } public function render():void{ var _local1:Rectangle; var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:DisplayObject; var _local4:DisplayObjectSet; for each (_local4 in this.displayList) { _local1 = new Rectangle(); for each (_local3 in _local4.displayObjects) { _local1 = _local1.union(_local3.getBounds(this.stage)); }; _local2 = _local1.intersects(this.workingArea_rec); for each (_local3 in _local4.displayObjects) { _local3.visible = _local2; if (((_local4.isStopPlay) && ((_local3 is MovieClip)))){ if (_local2){ MovieClip(_local3).play(); } else { MovieClip(_local3).stop(); }; }; }; }; } public function startRendering():void{ this.stopRendering(); this.tickID = GameManager.getInstance().addTickFunction(this.render, 1); } public function set stageArea(_arg1:Rectangle):void{ this.stageArea_rec = _arg1; this.workingArea_rec = this.stageArea_rec.clone(); this.workingArea_rec.inflatePoint(maxSpeed_vec.multiply(interval_int).toPoint()); } public function stopRendering():void{ GameManager.getInstance().removeTickFunction(this.tickID); } public static function getInstance():DisplayManager{ if (INSTANCE){ return (INSTANCE); }; return ((INSTANCE = new (DisplayManager))); } } }//package class DisplayObjectSet { public var isStopPlay:Boolean; public var displayObjects:Array; private function DisplayObjectSet(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Boolean){ this.displayObjects = _arg1; this.isStopPlay = _arg2; } }
Section 42
//EnvironmentManager ( package { import sfb.maths.physics.*; import sfb.maths.shapes.*; import*; import*; public class EnvironmentManager { public var environment:Environment; private static var INSTANCE:EnvironmentManager; public function applyGravity(_arg1:Mass):void{ this.environment.applyGravity(_arg1); } public function cleanup():void{ Cleanup.cleanArray(this.environment.terrain); } public function applyTerrainFriction(_arg1:Mass):void{ this.environment.applyTerrainFriction(_arg1); } public function set terrain(_arg1:Array):void{ this.environment.terrain = _arg1; } public function set airResistance(_arg1:Number):void{ this.environment.airResistance = _arg1; } public function hitTestTerrain(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Mass):Boolean{ return (this.environment.hitTestTerrain(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function set friction(_arg1:Number):void{ this.environment.friction = _arg1; } public function applyAirResistance(_arg1:Mass):void{ this.environment.applyAirResistance(_arg1); } public function set gravity(_arg1:Number):void{ this.environment.gravity = _arg1; } public static function getInstance():EnvironmentManager{ if (INSTANCE){ return (INSTANCE); }; return ((INSTANCE = new (EnvironmentManager))); } } }//package
Section 43
//GameManager ( package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; public class GameManager extends EventDispatcher { private var stage:Stage; private var tickTime:uint; private var tickTimer:AccurateTimer; private var tickFunctionsNum:uint; private var tickFunctionsCount:uint; private var tickFunctions:Array; public static const END:String = "endGame"; public static const PAUSE:String = "pauseGame"; public static const UNPAUSE:String = "unpauseGame"; private static var INSTANCE:GameManager; public function GameManager(){ this.tickFunctions = []; this.tickFunctionsNum = 0; this.tickFunctionsCount = 0; } public function stop():void{ if (this.tickTimer){ this.tickTimer.stop(); this.tickTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.timerTick); this.tickTimer = null; }; if (this.stage){ this.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.frameTick); this.stage = null; }; } private function timerTick(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.tickTime = getTimer(); this.callTickFunctions(); _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); } public function startTimer(_arg1:uint=40):void{ this.stop(); this.tickTimer = new AccurateTimer(_arg1); this.tickTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.timerTick); this.tickTimer.start(); } public function addTickFunction(_arg1:Function, _arg2:int=0):uint{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; this.tickFunctionsNum++; _local3 = this.tickFunctions.push(new TickFunction(_arg1, _arg2)); _local4 = this.tickFunctions[(_local3 - 1)].id; this.tickFunctions.sortOn("priority", (Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING)); return (_local4); } private function callTickFunctions():void{ this.tickFunctionsCount = 0; while (this.tickFunctionsCount < this.tickFunctionsNum) { this.tickFunctions[this.tickFunctionsCount].tickFunction(); this.tickFunctionsCount++; }; } public function set delay(_arg1:uint):void{ if (this.tickTimer){ this.tickTimer.delay = _arg1; }; } private function frameTick(_arg1:Event):void{ this.tickTime = getTimer(); this.callTickFunctions(); } public function startFrame(_arg1:Stage):void{ this.stop(); this.stage = _arg1; this.stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.frameTick); } override public function toString():String{ return (("[GameManager] - " + this.tickFunctions.toString())); } public function endGame():void{ this.dispatchEvent(new Event(GameManager.END)); } public function pause():void{ if (this.tickTimer){ this.tickTimer.stop(); } else { if (this.stage){ this.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.frameTick); }; }; this.dispatchEvent(new Event(GameManager.PAUSE)); } public function removeTickFunction(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < tickFunctionsNum) { if (this.tickFunctions[_local2].id == _arg1){ this.tickFunctions.splice(_local2, 1); this.tickFunctionsNum = (this.tickFunctionsNum - 1); this.tickFunctionsCount = (this.tickFunctionsCount - 1); return; }; _local2++; }; } public function unpause():void{ if (this.tickTimer){ this.tickTimer.start(); } else { if (this.stage){ this.stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.frameTick); }; }; } public static function getInstance():GameManager{ if (INSTANCE){ return (INSTANCE); }; INSTANCE = new (GameManager); return (INSTANCE); } } }//package class TickFunction { public var priority:int; public var tickFunction:Function; public var id:uint; private static var idCount:uint = 1; private function TickFunction(_arg1:Function, _arg2:int=0){ this.tickFunction = _arg1; this.priority = _arg2; = idCount++; } public function toString():String{ return (((("TickFunction, priority " + this.priority) + ", ID ") +; } }
Section 44
//ScalingRepeatingTexture ( package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class ScalingRepeatingTexture extends Sprite { protected var currentY:Number; protected var repeatY:Number; protected var repeatX:Number; protected var textureBmp:Bitmap; protected var screenRect:Rectangle; protected var flipH:Boolean; protected var numH:int; protected var flipV:Boolean; protected var numV:int; protected var currentX:Number; public function ScalingRepeatingTexture(_arg1, _arg2:Rectangle=null, _arg3:Number=undefined, _arg4:Number=undefined, _arg5:Boolean=false, _arg6:Boolean=false){ var _local7:DisplayObject; var _local8:BitmapData; var _local9:BitmapData; var _local10:uint; var _local11:uint; var _local12:Matrix; super(); if ((_arg1 is DisplayObject)){ _local7 = (_arg1 as DisplayObject); }; if ((_arg1 is BitmapData)){ _local8 = (_arg1 as BitmapData); }; this.screenRect = ((_arg2) || (new Rectangle(0, 0, 550, 400))); this.repeatX = ((_arg3) || ((_local7) ? _local7.width : _local8.width)); this.repeatY = ((_arg4) || ((_local7) ? _local7.height : _local8.height)); this.flipH = _arg5; this.flipV = _arg6; this.currentX = 0; this.currentY = 0; this.numH = (Math.ceil((this.screenRect.width / this.repeatX)) + 1); this.numV = (Math.ceil((this.screenRect.height / this.repeatY)) + 1); if (this.flipH){ this.numH = ((Math.ceil((this.numH / 2)) + 1) * 2); }; if (this.flipV){ this.numV = ((Math.ceil((this.numV / 2)) + 1) * 2); }; _local9 = new BitmapData((this.numH * this.repeatX), (this.numV * this.repeatY), true, 0); this.textureBmp = new Bitmap(_local9); this.addChild(this.textureBmp); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < numH) { _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < numV) { _local12 = new Matrix(); _local12.translate((_local10 * this.repeatX), (_local11 * this.repeatY)); if (((this.flipH) && (((_local10 % 2) == 0)))){ _local12.scale(-1, 1); _local12.tx = (_local12.tx - this.repeatX); }; if (((this.flipV) && (((_local11 % 2) == 0)))){ _local12.scale(1, -1); _local12.ty = (_local12.ty - this.repeatY); }; _local12.tx = Math.abs(_local12.tx); _local12.ty = Math.abs(_local12.ty); _local9.draw(((_local7) || (_local8)), _local12); _local11++; }; _local10++; }; if (this.flipH){ this.repeatX = (this.repeatX * 2); }; if (this.flipV){ this.repeatY = (this.repeatY * 2); }; } override public function get x():Number{ return (this.currentX); } override public function get y():Number{ return (this.currentY); } public function cleanup():void{ this.textureBmp.bitmapData.dispose(); if (this.textureBmp.parent){ this.textureBmp.parent.removeChild(this.textureBmp); }; } override public function set x(_arg1:Number):void{ textureBmp.x = (textureBmp.x + ((_arg1 - this.currentX) / this.scaleX)); this.currentX = _arg1; while (this.textureBmp.x > (-(this.screenRect.width) / 2)) { this.textureBmp.x = (this.textureBmp.x - this.repeatX); }; while (this.textureBmp.x < (-(this.repeatX) - (this.screenRect.width / 2))) { this.textureBmp.x = (this.textureBmp.x + this.repeatX); }; } override public function set y(_arg1:Number):void{ textureBmp.y = (textureBmp.y + ((_arg1 - this.currentY) / this.scaleY)); this.currentY = _arg1; while (this.textureBmp.y > (-(this.screenRect.height) / 2)) { this.textureBmp.y = (this.textureBmp.y - this.repeatY); }; while (this.textureBmp.y < (-(this.repeatY) - (this.screenRect.height / 2))) { this.textureBmp.y = (this.textureBmp.y + this.repeatY); }; } } }//package
Section 45
//FluidResistanceForce (sfb.maths.physics.forces.FluidResistanceForce) package sfb.maths.physics.forces { import sfb.maths.physics.*; import sfb.maths.*; public class FluidResistanceForce implements IForcable { public var resistanceRatio:Number; public var mass:Mass; protected var isEnabled:Boolean; public function FluidResistanceForce(_arg1:Mass, _arg2:Number=0.05){ this.mass = _arg1; this.resistanceRatio = _arg2; this.isEnabled = true; } public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (this.isEnabled); } public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.isEnabled = _arg1; } public function applyForce():void{ var _local1:Vector; if (this.isEnabled){ _local1 = this.mass.velocity.multiply(-(this.resistanceRatio)); this.mass.velocity = this.mass.velocity.add(_local1); }; } } }//package sfb.maths.physics.forces
Section 46
//IForcable (sfb.maths.physics.forces.IForcable) package sfb.maths.physics.forces { public interface IForcable { function get enabled():Boolean; function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void; function applyForce():void; } }//package sfb.maths.physics.forces
Section 47
//VectorForce (sfb.maths.physics.forces.VectorForce) package sfb.maths.physics.forces { import sfb.maths.physics.*; import sfb.maths.*; public class VectorForce implements IForcable { public var force:Vector; public var mass:Mass; protected var isEnabled:Boolean; public function VectorForce(_arg1:Mass, _arg2:Vector, _arg3:Number=1){ this.mass = _arg1; this.force = _arg2.normalised(_arg3); this.isEnabled = true; } public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (this.isEnabled); } public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.isEnabled = _arg1; } public function applyForce():void{ if (this.isEnabled){ this.mass.velocity = this.mass.velocity.add(this.force); }; } } }//package sfb.maths.physics.forces
Section 48
//Mass (sfb.maths.physics.Mass) package sfb.maths.physics { import flash.display.*; import sfb.maths.*; public class Mass { private var velocity_vtr:Vector; public var mass:Number; private var centerOfMass_vtr:Vector; public var elasticity:Number; public var friction:Number; private var position_vtr:Vector; public function Mass(_arg1:Vector=null, _arg2:Vector=null, _arg3:Number=1, _arg4:Number=1, _arg5:Number=1, _arg6:Vector=null){ this.position_vtr = ((_arg1) || (new Vector())); this.velocity_vtr = ((_arg2) || (new Vector())); this.mass = _arg3; this.elasticity = _arg4; this.friction = _arg5; this.centerOfMass_vtr = ((_arg6) || (new Vector())); } public function set centerOfMass(_arg1:Vector):void{ this.centerOfMass_vtr.setFromVector(_arg1); } public function renderToDO(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ this.render(); this.position_vtr.setToDO(_arg1); } public function get position():Vector{ return (this.position_vtr); } public function set position(_arg1:Vector):void{ this.position_vtr.setFromVector(_arg1); } public function set velocity(_arg1:Vector):void{ this.velocity_vtr.setFromVector(_arg1); } public function render():void{ this.position_vtr.moveBy(this.velocity_vtr); } public function get centerOfMass():Vector{ return (this.centerOfMass_vtr); } public function get velocity():Vector{ return (this.velocity_vtr); } } }//package sfb.maths.physics
Section 49
//SpeedLimit (sfb.maths.physics.SpeedLimit) package sfb.maths.physics { public class SpeedLimit { public var maximum:Number; public var minimum:Number; public function SpeedLimit(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=0){ this.maximum = _arg1; this.minimum = _arg2; } public function applyLimit(_arg1:Mass):void{ if (_arg1.velocity.length > this.maximum){ _arg1.velocity = _arg1.velocity.normalised(this.maximum); }; if (_arg1.velocity.length < this.minimum){ _arg1.velocity = _arg1.velocity.normalised(this.minimum); }; } } }//package sfb.maths.physics
Section 50
//DisplayShape (sfb.maths.shapes.DisplayShape) package sfb.maths.shapes { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import sfb.maths.*; public class DisplayShape implements IShapeable { public var displayObject:DisplayObject; public function DisplayShape(_arg1:DisplayObject){ this.displayObject = _arg1; } public function moveBy(_arg1:Vector):void{ this.displayObject.x = (this.displayObject.x + _arg1.x); this.displayObject.y = (this.displayObject.y + _arg1.y); } public function shapeIntersection(_arg1:IShapeable):Rectangle{ return (new Rectangle()); } public function pushShapeOut(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ return (new Vector()); } public function shapeIntersects(_arg1:IShapeable):Boolean{ switch (true){ case (_arg1 is RectangleShape): if (this.displayObject.parent){ return (this.displayObject.getBounds(this.displayObject.parent).intersects(RectangleShape(_arg1).rectangle)); }; return (false); case (_arg1 is DisplayShape): return (this.displayObject.hitTestObject(DisplayShape(_arg1).displayObject)); default: return (false); }; } public function pushVectorOut(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ var _local4:Vector; var _local5:Vector; if (this.vectorInside(_arg1)){ if (_arg3){ _local4 = _arg3.normalised(_arg2); } else { _local4 = _arg1.subtract(Vector.newFromDisplayObject(this.displayObject)).normalised(_arg2); }; _local5 = _arg1.clone(); while (this.vectorInside(_local5)) { _local5 = _local5.add(_local4); }; return (_local5); //unresolved jump }; return (_arg1); } public function pushOutOfShape(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ return (new Vector()); } public function vectorInside(_arg1:Vector):Boolean{ var _local2:Point; _local2 = this.displayObject.parent.localToGlobal(_arg1.toPoint()); return (this.displayObject.hitTestPoint(_local2.x, _local2.y, true)); } } }//package sfb.maths.shapes
Section 51
//FlatShape (sfb.maths.shapes.FlatShape) package sfb.maths.shapes { import flash.geom.*; import sfb.maths.*; public class FlatShape implements IShapeable { public var y:Number; public function FlatShape(_arg1:Number){ this.y = _arg1; } public function shapeIntersection(_arg1:IShapeable):Rectangle{ return (new Rectangle()); } public function pushShapeOut(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ return (new Vector()); } public function moveBy(_arg1:Vector):void{ y = (y + _arg1.y); } public function shapeIntersects(_arg1:IShapeable):Boolean{ return (false); } public function pushVectorOut(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ return (new Vector(_arg1.x, this.y)); } public function pushOutOfShape(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ return (new Vector()); } public function vectorInside(_arg1:Vector):Boolean{ return ((_arg1.y > this.y)); } } }//package sfb.maths.shapes
Section 52
//IShapeable (sfb.maths.shapes.IShapeable) package sfb.maths.shapes { import flash.geom.*; import sfb.maths.*; public interface IShapeable { function pushVectorOut(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector; function shapeIntersects(_arg1:IShapeable):Boolean; function moveBy(_arg1:Vector):void; function shapeIntersection(_arg1:IShapeable):Rectangle; function pushOutOfShape(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector; function pushShapeOut(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector; function vectorInside(_arg1:Vector):Boolean; } }//package sfb.maths.shapes
Section 53
//MultiplePointShape (sfb.maths.shapes.MultiplePointShape) package sfb.maths.shapes { import flash.geom.*; import sfb.maths.*; public class MultiplePointShape implements IShapeable { private var leftVectors:Array; private var rightVectors:Array; private var bottomVectors:Array; private var topVectors:Array; public function MultiplePointShape(_arg1:Array=null, _arg2:Array=null, _arg3:Array=null, _arg4:Array=null){ this.bottomVectors = ((_arg2) || ([])); this.topVectors = ((_arg1) || ([])); this.leftVectors = ((_arg3) || ([])); this.rightVectors = ((_arg4) || ([])); } public function getTopVector(_arg1:uint):Vector{ return (this.topVectors[_arg1]); } public function getBottomVector(_arg1:uint):Vector{ return (this.bottomVectors[_arg1]); } public function getRightVector(_arg1:uint):Vector{ return (this.rightVectors[_arg1]); } public function pushVectorOut(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ throw (new Error("[MultiplePointShape].pushVectorOut not implemented")); } public function pushOutOfShape(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:Vector; var _local7:Vector; var _local8:Vector; var _local9:Vector; var _local10:Vector; _local6 = Vector.UP.normalised(_arg2); _local7 = Vector.DOWN.normalised(_arg2); _local8 = Vector.LEFT.normalised(_arg2); _local9 = Vector.RIGHT.normalised(_arg2); _local10 = new Vector(); _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.topVectors.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { while (_arg1.vectorInside(this.topVectors[_local4])) { this.moveBy(_local7); _local10.moveBy(_local7); }; _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.bottomVectors.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { while (_arg1.vectorInside(this.bottomVectors[_local4])) { this.moveBy(_local6); _local10.moveBy(_local6); }; _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.leftVectors.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { while (_arg1.vectorInside(this.leftVectors[_local4])) { this.moveBy(_local9); _local10.moveBy(_local9); }; _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.rightVectors.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { while (_arg1.vectorInside(this.rightVectors[_local4])) { this.moveBy(_local8); _local10.moveBy(_local8); }; _local4++; }; return (_local10); } public function moveBy(_arg1:Vector):void{ var _local2:String; for (_local2 in this.topVectors) { this.topVectors[_local2].moveBy(_arg1); }; for (_local2 in this.bottomVectors) { this.bottomVectors[_local2].moveBy(_arg1); }; for (_local2 in this.leftVectors) { this.leftVectors[_local2].moveBy(_arg1); }; for (_local2 in this.rightVectors) { this.rightVectors[_local2].moveBy(_arg1); }; } public function shapeIntersection(_arg1:IShapeable):Rectangle{ throw (new Error("[FourPointShape].pushVectorOut not implemented")); } public function getLeftVector(_arg1:uint):Vector{ return (this.leftVectors[_arg1]); } public function vectorInside(_arg1:Vector):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; _local2 = true; _local3 = true; _local4 = true; _local5 = true; _local6 = 0; _local7 = this.bottomVectors.length; while (_local6 < _local7) { _local2 = ((_local2) && ((this.bottomVectors[_local6].y >= _arg1.y))); _local6++; }; _local6 = 0; _local7 = this.topVectors.length; while (_local6 < _local7) { _local3 = ((_local3) && ((this.topVectors[_local6].y <= _arg1.y))); _local6++; }; _local6 = 0; _local7 = this.leftVectors.length; while (_local6 < _local7) { _local4 = ((_local4) && ((this.leftVectors[_local6].x <= _arg1.x))); _local6++; }; _local6 = 0; _local7 = this.rightVectors.length; while (_local6 < _local7) { _local5 = ((_local5) && ((this.rightVectors[_local6].x >= _arg1.x))); _local6++; }; return (((((((_local2) && (_local3))) && (_local4))) && (_local5))); } public function pushShapeOut(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:Vector; var _local7:Vector; var _local8:Vector; var _local9:Vector; var _local10:Vector; _local6 = Vector.UP.normalised(_arg2); _local7 = Vector.DOWN.normalised(_arg2); _local8 = Vector.LEFT.normalised(_arg2); _local9 = Vector.RIGHT.normalised(_arg2); _local10 = new Vector(); _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.topVectors.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { while (_arg1.vectorInside(this.topVectors[_local4])) { _arg1.moveBy(_local6); _local10.moveBy(_local6); }; _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.bottomVectors.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { while (_arg1.vectorInside(this.bottomVectors[_local4])) { _arg1.moveBy(_local7); _local10.moveBy(_local7); }; _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.leftVectors.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { while (_arg1.vectorInside(this.leftVectors[_local4])) { _arg1.moveBy(_local8); _local10.moveBy(_local8); }; _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; _local5 = this.rightVectors.length; while (_local4 < _local5) { while (_arg1.vectorInside(this.rightVectors[_local4])) { _arg1.moveBy(_local9); _local10.moveBy(_local9); }; _local4++; }; return (_local10); } public function shapeIntersects(_arg1:IShapeable):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:String; _local2 = false; for (_local3 in this.topVectors) { _local2 = ((_local2) || (_arg1.vectorInside(this.topVectors[_local3]))); }; for (_local3 in this.bottomVectors) { _local2 = ((_local2) || (_arg1.vectorInside(this.bottomVectors[_local3]))); }; for (_local3 in this.leftVectors) { _local2 = ((_local2) || (_arg1.vectorInside(this.leftVectors[_local3]))); }; for (_local3 in this.rightVectors) { _local2 = ((_local2) || (_arg1.vectorInside(this.rightVectors[_local3]))); }; return (_local2); } } }//package sfb.maths.shapes
Section 54
//RectangleShape (sfb.maths.shapes.RectangleShape) package sfb.maths.shapes { import flash.geom.*; import sfb.maths.*; public class RectangleShape implements IShapeable { public var minRadius:Number; public var center:Vector; public var maxRadius:Number; public var rectangle:Rectangle; public function RectangleShape(_arg1:Rectangle, _arg2:Boolean=false){ this.rectangle = _arg1; if (!_arg2){ this.calculate(); }; } public function moveBy(_arg1:Vector):void{ this.rectangle.offsetPoint(_arg1.toPoint()); } public function pushVectorOut(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ if (_arg3){ if (_arg3.x == 0){ return (((_arg3.y)>=0) ? new Vector(_arg1.x, this.rectangle.bottom) : new Vector(_arg1.x,; } else { if (_arg3.y == 0){ return (((_arg3.x)>=0) ? new Vector(this.rectangle.right, _arg1.y) : new Vector(this.rectangle.left, _arg1.y)); } else { throw (new Error("[RectangleShape].pushVectorOut - no method written for non-axis directional push")); }; }; } else { }; return (!NULL!); } public function shapeIntersection(_arg1:IShapeable):Rectangle{ if ((_arg1 is RectangleShape)){ return (this.rectangle.intersection(RectangleShape(_arg1).rectangle)); }; return (new Rectangle()); } public function pushOutOfShape(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ return (new Vector()); } public function calculate():void{ = Vector.newFromPoint(this.rectangle.topLeft.add(new Point((this.rectangle.width / 2), (this.rectangle.height / 2)))); this.minRadius = (Math.min(this.rectangle.width, this.rectangle.height) / 2); this.maxRadius =; } public function pushShapeOut(_arg1:IShapeable, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Vector=null):Vector{ var _local4:Rectangle; _local4 = this.shapeIntersection(_arg1); if (!_arg3){ if (_local4.left == this.rectangle.left){ if ( =={ return (((_local4.width)<_local4.height) ? new Vector(-(_local4.width), 0) : new Vector(0, -(_local4.height))); } else { if (_local4.bottom == this.rectangle.bottom){ return (((_local4.width)<_local4.height) ? new Vector(-(_local4.width), 0) : new Vector(0, _local4.height)); } else { return (new Vector(-(_local4.width), 0)); }; }; } else { if (_local4.right == this.rectangle.right){ if ( =={ return (((_local4.width)<_local4.height) ? new Vector(_local4.width, 0) : new Vector(0, -(_local4.height))); } else { if (_local4.bottom == this.rectangle.bottom){ return (((_local4.width)<_local4.height) ? new Vector(_local4.width, 0) : new Vector(0, _local4.height)); } else { return (new Vector(_local4.width, 0)); }; }; } else { if ( =={ return (new Vector(0, -(_local4.height))); }; if (_local4.bottom == this.rectangle.bottom){ return (new Vector(0, _local4.height)); }; return (new Vector()); }; }; //unresolved jump }; return (MathsTools.vectorAcrossRectangle(_arg3, _local4)); } public function vectorInside(_arg1:Vector):Boolean{ return (this.rectangle.containsPoint(_arg1.toPoint())); } public function shapeIntersects(_arg1:IShapeable):Boolean{ switch (true){ case (_arg1 is RectangleShape): return (this.rectangle.intersects(RectangleShape(_arg1).rectangle)); default: return (false); }; } } }//package sfb.maths.shapes
Section 55
//MathsTools (sfb.maths.MathsTools) package sfb.maths { import flash.geom.*; public class MathsTools { public static function closestVectorOnRectangle(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Rectangle):Vector{ var _local3:Vector; var _local4:Vector; var _local5:Vector; var _local6:Vector; var _local7:Vector; var _local8:Vector; var _local9:Vector; var _local10:Vector; _local3 = new Vector(_arg2.left,; _local4 = new Vector(_arg2.right,; _local5 = new Vector(_arg2.left, _arg2.bottom); _local6 = new Vector(_arg2.right, _arg2.bottom); _local7 = closestVectorOnLine(_local3, _local4, _arg1, true); _local8 = closestVectorOnLine(_local3, _local5, _arg1, true); _local9 = closestVectorOnLine(_local4, _local6, _arg1, true); _local10 = closestVectorOnLine(_local5, _local6, _arg1, true); return (Vector.nearest(_arg1, [_local7, _local8, _local9, _local10])); } public static function vectorAcrossRectangle(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Rectangle, _arg3:Boolean=false):Vector{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Vector; var _local6:Rectangle; var _local7:Vector; var _local8:Vector; _local4 = _arg1.angle; _local5 = _arg1.normalised(); _local6 = _arg2.clone(); _local6.x = 0; _local6.y = 0; _local7 = new Vector((_local6.width / 2), (_local6.height / 2)); if (!_arg3){ _local8 = _local7.add(_local5.multiply(((_local5.x * _local6.width) / 2))); if ((((_local8.y < 0)) || ((_local8.y > _local6.height)))){ _local5 = _local5.multiply((_local5.y * _local6.height)); } else { _local5 = _local5.multiply((_local5.x * _local6.width)); }; return (_local5); //unresolved jump }; return (new Vector()); } public static function closestVectorOnLine(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Vector, _arg3:Vector, _arg4:Boolean):Vector{ var _local5:Vector; var _local6:Vector; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; _local5 = _arg3.subtract(_arg1); _local6 = _arg2.subtract(_arg1); _local7 = _arg2.subtract(_arg1).dotProduct(_local6); _local8 = _local5.dotProduct(_local6); _local9 = (_local8 / _local7); if (_arg4){ if (_local9 < 0){ _local9 = 0; } else { if (_local9 > 1){ _local9 = 1; }; }; }; return (_arg1.add(_local6.multiply(_local9))); } } }//package sfb.maths
Section 56
//Vector (sfb.maths.Vector) package sfb.maths { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Vector { private var point:Point; public static const DOWN:Vector = new Vector(0, 1); ; public static const LEFT:Vector = new Vector(-1, 0); ; public static const UP:Vector = new Vector(0, -1); ; public static const RIGHT:Vector = new Vector(1, 0); ; public function Vector(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0){ this.point = new Point(_arg1, _arg2); } public function get y():Number{ return (this.point.y); } public function setFromPoint(_arg1:Point):void{ this.point.x = _arg1.x; this.point.y = _arg1.y; } public function setToDO(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ _arg1.x = this.point.x; _arg1.y = this.point.y; } public function get angle():Number{ return (new Vector().angleTo(this)); } public function subtract(_arg1:Vector):Vector{ return (new Vector((this.point.x - _arg1.x), (this.point.y - _arg1.y))); } public function toPoint():Point{ return (this.point.clone()); } public function setFromVector(_arg1:Vector):void{ this.point.x = _arg1.x; this.point.y = _arg1.y; } public function moveBy(_arg1:Vector):void{ this.point.x = (this.point.x + _arg1.x); this.point.y = (this.point.y + _arg1.y); } public function clone():Vector{ return (new Vector(this.point.x, this.point.y)); } public function add(_arg1:Vector):Vector{ return (new Vector((this.point.x + _arg1.x), (this.point.y + _arg1.y))); } public function multiply(_arg1:Number):Vector{ return (new Vector((this.point.x * _arg1), (this.point.y * _arg1))); } public function get length():Number{ return (this.point.length); } public function toString():String{ return (((("Vector - x=" + this.x) + ", y=") + this.y)); } public function dotProduct(_arg1:Vector):Number{ return (((this.point.x * _arg1.x) + (this.point.y * _arg1.y))); } public function angleTo(_arg1:Vector):Number{ var _local2:Vector; _local2 = _arg1.subtract(this); return (Math.atan2(_local2.x, -(_local2.y))); } public function set x(_arg1:Number):void{ this.point.x = _arg1; } public function set y(_arg1:Number):void{ this.point.y = _arg1; } public function roundToNearest(_arg1:Number=0.01):void{ this.point.x = (Math.round((this.point.x / _arg1)) * _arg1); this.point.y = (Math.round((this.point.y / _arg1)) * _arg1); } public function normalised(_arg1:Number=1):Vector{ var _local2:Point; _local2 = this.toPoint(); _local2.normalize(_arg1); return (Vector.newFromPoint(_local2)); } public function get x():Number{ return (this.point.x); } public function divide(_arg1:Number):Vector{ return (new Vector((this.point.x / _arg1), (this.point.y / _arg1))); } public function reflect(_arg1:Vector):Vector{ return (this.add(_arg1.multiply((2 * this.length)))); } public function setFromDO(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ this.point.x = _arg1.x; this.point.y = _arg1.y; } public function equals(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Number=0):Boolean{ return ((Vector.distance(this, _arg1) <= _arg2)); } public static function interpolate(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Vector, _arg3:Number):Vector{ return (Vector.newFromPoint(Point.interpolate(_arg1.toPoint(), _arg2.toPoint(), (1 - _arg3)))); } public static function newFromPoint(_arg1:Point):Vector{ return (new Vector(_arg1.x, _arg1.y)); } public static function distance(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Vector):Number{ return (Point.distance(_arg1.toPoint(), _arg2.toPoint())); } public static function newFromDisplayObject(_arg1:DisplayObject):Vector{ return (new Vector(_arg1.x, _arg1.y)); } public static function nearest(_arg1:Vector, _arg2:Array):Vector{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:Vector; _local3 = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = _arg2.length; while (_local5 < _local6) { _local7 = _arg1.subtract(_arg2[_local5]); if (_local7.length < _local3){ _local3 = _local7.length; _local4 = _local5; }; _local5++; }; return (_arg2[_local4]); } } }//package sfb.maths
Section 57
//AccurateTimer ( package { import*; import flash.utils.*; public class AccurateTimer extends EventDispatcher { private var timer:Timer; private var time:uint; private var delay_int:uint; public function AccurateTimer(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint=0){ this.timer = new Timer(_arg1, _arg2); this.timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.timerListener); this.timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, this.timerCompleteListener); this.delay_int = _arg1; } public function stop():void{ this.timer.stop(); } public function get delay():uint{ return (this.delay); } public function get currentCount():int{ return (this.timer.currentCount); } public function set delay(_arg1:uint):void{ this.timer.delay = _arg1; this.delay_int = _arg1; } private function timerListener(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = (this.delay_int - (getTimer() - this.time)); _local3 = (this.delay_int + _local2); if (_local3 < 1){ _local3 = 1; }; this.timer.delay = _local3; this.time = (getTimer() + _local2); this.dispatchEvent(_arg1); } public function start():void{ this.timer.start(); this.time = getTimer(); } public function reset():void{ this.timer.reset(); } public function set repeatCount(_arg1:int):void{ this.timer.repeatCount = _arg1; } private function timerCompleteListener(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.dispatchEvent(_arg1); } public function get repeatCount():int{ return (this.timer.repeatCount); } public function get running():Boolean{ return (this.timer.running); } } }//package
Section 58
//Cleanup ( package { import flash.display.*; public class Cleanup { public static function cleanArray(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; if (_arg1){ _local2 = 0; _local3 = _arg1.length; while (_local2 < _local3) { _arg1[0] = null; _arg1.splice(0, 1); _local2++; }; }; } public static function cleanDisplayList(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:DisplayObject; if (_arg1){ _local3 = 0; _local4 = _arg1.numChildren; while (_local3 < _local4) { _local5 = _arg1.getChildAt(0); if ((_local5 is MovieClip)){ MovieClip(_local5).stop(); }; if (((_local5) && (_arg1.contains(_local5)))){ _arg1.removeChild(_local5); }; if (((_arg2) && ((_local5 is DisplayObjectContainer)))){ Cleanup.cleanDisplayList(DisplayObjectContainer(_local5), true); }; _local3++; }; }; } } }//package
Section 59
//TimeConversion ( package { public class TimeConversion { public static function milliToMinsSecs(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int=2, _arg3:uint=3):String{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:Number; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:String; var _local11:String; var _local12:String; var _local13:Number; var _local14:uint; _local4 = (_arg1 / 1000); _local5 = Math.floor(_local4); _local6 = (_arg1 - (1000 * _local5)); _local7 = (_local5 / 60); _local8 = Math.floor(_local7); _local9 = (_local5 - (60 * _local8)); _local10 = String(_local8); while (_local10.length < _arg3) { _local10 = ("0" + _local10); }; _local11 = String(_local9); while (_local11.length < 2) { _local11 = ("0" + _local11); }; _local12 = ((_local10 + ":") + _local11); if (_arg2 > 0){ _local12 = (_local12 + "."); _local13 = Math.pow(10, _arg2); _local14 = ((1000 * Math.round(((_local6 * _local13) / 1000))) / _local13); _local12 = (_local12 + String(_local14).substr(0, _arg2)); }; return (_local12); } } }//package
Section 60
//Coin (Coin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Coin extends MovieClip { public function Coin(){ addFrameScript(32, frame33, 49, frame50); } function frame33(){ gotoAndStop(1); } function frame50(){ if (this.parent){ this.parent.removeChild(this); }; this.stop(); } } }//package
Section 61
//CoinCollectSFX (CoinCollectSFX) package { import*; public dynamic class CoinCollectSFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 62
//CoinDrop (CoinDrop) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CoinDrop extends MovieClip { public function CoinDrop(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ if (this.parent){ this.parent.removeChild(this); }; } } }//package
Section 63
//CoinHUD (CoinHUD) package { import code.*; public dynamic class CoinHUD extends CoinCountHUD { } }//package
Section 64
//CoinLoseSFX (CoinLoseSFX) package { import*; public dynamic class CoinLoseSFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 65
//FallinWaterSFX (FallinWaterSFX) package { import*; public dynamic class FallinWaterSFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 66
//MainLoop (MainLoop) package { import*; public dynamic class MainLoop extends Sound { } }//package
Section 67
//MenuLoop (MenuLoop) package { import*; public dynamic class MenuLoop extends Sound { } }//package
Section 68
//NetBlock (NetBlock) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NetBlock extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 69
//ParrotFly1 (ParrotFly1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ParrotFly1 extends MovieClip { public var hit_mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 70
//ParrotFlyOnce (ParrotFlyOnce) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ParrotFlyOnce extends MovieClip { public var hit_mc:MovieClip; public function ParrotFlyOnce(){ addFrameScript(59, frame60); } function frame60(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 71
//ParrotHitSFX (ParrotHitSFX) package { import*; public dynamic class ParrotHitSFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 72
//PirateJames (PirateJames) package { import code.*; public dynamic class PirateJames extends PirateZebra { } }//package
Section 73
//SpringBoard (SpringBoard) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SpringBoard extends MovieClip { public var plankClip_mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 74
//SpringboardSFX (SpringboardSFX) package { import*; public dynamic class SpringboardSFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 75
//TentacleBlock (TentacleBlock) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TentacleBlock extends MovieClip { public var hit_mc:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 76
//TentacleSlapSFX (TentacleSlapSFX) package { import*; public dynamic class TentacleSlapSFX extends Sound { } }//package
Section 77
//TentacleTrapGameClip (TentacleTrapGameClip) package { import code.*; public dynamic class TentacleTrapGameClip extends TentacleTrapGame { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:7
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:5Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:2 4 6Used by:Timeline
Symbol 8 ShapeTweeningUsed by:11
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11 242
Symbol 11 MovieClip {PirateZebra_fla.PreloaderBar_4}Uses:8 9 10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 FontUsed by:13 14 15 16 62 94 95 98 99 102 103 106 107 110 111 114 115 136 137 140 141 142 144 146 148 149 150 151 153 154 157 159 161 163 164 165 167 168 169 170 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 203 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 241 250 428 429 445 450 451 452 703 705 712 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 735 738 739 741 744 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 762 763 764 772 773 774 776
Symbol 13 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 TextUses:12Used by:17
Symbol 15 TextUses:12Used by:17
Symbol 16 TextUses:12Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:14 15 16Used by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:17Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:19Used by:27 446  Timeline
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:21Used by:27 446  Timeline
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:23Used by:27 446  Timeline
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClipUses:25Used by:27 446  Timeline
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:20 22 24 26Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip {CoinDrop}Uses:27Used by:Timeline
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:29Used by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:30Used by:39
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:32Used by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:33Used by:37
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:35Used by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:34 36Used by:38 39
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:37Used by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:31 37 38Used by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:39Used by:41 91 700  Timeline
Symbol 41 MovieClip {NetBlock}Uses:40Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:57 191 252
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:44Used by:57 191 252
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:57 191 252
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:47Used by:57 191 252
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:57 191 252
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:57 191 252
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:43 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56Used by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClip {PirateZebra_fla.Symbol164_25}Uses:57Used by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClip {PirateZebra_fla.Symbol165_24}Uses:42 58Used by:60 566  Timeline
Symbol 60 MovieClip {ParrotFlyOnce}Uses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 62 TextUses:12Used by:71
Symbol 63 Sound {CoinCollectSFX}Used by:71
Symbol 64 Sound {CoinLoseSFX}Used by:71
Symbol 65 Sound {FallinWaterSFX}Used by:71
Symbol 66 Sound {MainLoop}Used by:71
Symbol 67 Sound {MenuLoop}Used by:71
Symbol 68 Sound {ParrotHitSFX}Used by:71
Symbol 69 Sound {SpringboardSFX}Used by:71
Symbol 70 Sound {TentacleSlapSFX}Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip {PirateZebra_fla.SoundsExporter_29}Uses:61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:72Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:73Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:78Used by:81
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:77 79 80Used by:88  Timeline
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:82Used by:88  Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:84Used by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:85Used by:88  Timeline
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88 246
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:81 83 86 87Used by:Timeline
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:89 40 90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:92Used by:97 101 105 109 113 117
Symbol 94 TextUses:12Used by:97
Symbol 95 TextUses:12Used by:97
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 ButtonUses:93 94 95 96Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 TextUses:12Used by:101
Symbol 99 TextUses:12Used by:101
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:101
Symbol 101 ButtonUses:93 98 99 100Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 TextUses:12Used by:105
Symbol 103 TextUses:12Used by:105
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 105 ButtonUses:93 102 103 104Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 TextUses:12Used by:109
Symbol 107 TextUses:12Used by:109
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 ButtonUses:93 106 107 108Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 TextUses:12Used by:113 743
Symbol 111 TextUses:12Used by:113
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 113 ButtonUses:93 110 111 112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 TextUses:12Used by:117
Symbol 115 TextUses:12Used by:117
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 ButtonUses:93 114 115 116Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:119Used by:122
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:118 120 121Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 134 ButtonUses:131 132 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 136 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 140 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 144 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 146 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 148 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 149 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 153 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 157 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 159 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 161 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 163 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 167 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 168 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 172 MovieClipUses:171Used by:173
Symbol 173 MovieClipUses:172Used by:Timeline
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 175 MovieClipUses:174Used by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClipUses:175Used by:202  Timeline
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:179
Symbol 179 MovieClipUses:178Used by:202  Timeline
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:180Used by:192
Symbol 182 TextUses:12Used by:191
Symbol 183 TextUses:12Used by:191
Symbol 184 TextUses:12Used by:191
Symbol 185 TextUses:12Used by:191
Symbol 186 TextUses:12Used by:191
Symbol 187 TextUses:12Used by:191
Symbol 188 TextUses:12Used by:191
Symbol 189 TextUses:12Used by:191
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClipUses:182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 43 45 46 48 49 50 190Used by:192
Symbol 192 MovieClipUses:181 191Used by:202  Timeline
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:193Used by:202  Timeline
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:197
Symbol 197 MovieClipUses:196Used by:199
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:199
Symbol 199 MovieClipUses:197 198Used by:202  Timeline
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:201
Symbol 201 MovieClipUses:200Used by:202  Timeline
Symbol 202 MovieClipUses:176 177 179 192 194 195 199 201Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 208 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 211 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 213 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 214 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 215 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 216 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 218 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:225
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Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:419
Symbol 417 GraphicUsed by:418
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Symbol 485 GraphicUsed by:486
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Symbol 576 GraphicUsed by:579
Symbol 577 GraphicUsed by:578
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Symbol 579 MovieClipUses:576 578Used by:585 643
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Symbol 584 MovieClipUses:583Used by:585
Symbol 585 MovieClipUses:568 571 573 575 579 581 584Used by:645
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Symbol 587 GraphicUsed by:643
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Symbol 594 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 595 GraphicUsed by:643
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Symbol 600 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 601 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 602 GraphicUsed by:643
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Symbol 604 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 605 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 606 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 607 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 608 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 609 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 610 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 611 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 612 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 613 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 614 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 615 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 616 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 617 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 618 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 619 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 620 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 621 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 622 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 623 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 624 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 625 GraphicUsed by:643
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Symbol 633 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 634 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 635 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 636 GraphicUsed by:643
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Symbol 639 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 640 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 641 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 642 GraphicUsed by:643
Symbol 643 MovieClipUses:583 568 571 573 575 587 592 579 593 594 595 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642Used by:644
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Symbol 647 GraphicUsed by:651
Symbol 648 GraphicUsed by:651
Symbol 649 GraphicUsed by:651
Symbol 650 GraphicUsed by:651
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Symbol 653 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 654 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 655 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 656 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 657 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 658 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 659 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 660 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 661 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 662 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 663 MovieClipUses:653 264 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662Used by:691
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Symbol 665 GraphicUsed by:666
Symbol 666 MovieClipUses:664 264 665Used by:671 679
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Symbol 668 MovieClipUses:667 264 271 432Used by:671
Symbol 669 GraphicUsed by:670
Symbol 670 MovieClipUses:669 264 271 432Used by:671
Symbol 671 MovieClipUses:666 668 670 444Used by:691
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Symbol 673 GraphicUsed by:674
Symbol 674 MovieClipUses:673Used by:675
Symbol 675 MovieClipUses:271 432 672 264 674Used by:679
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Symbol 677 MovieClipUses:271 432 676 264Used by:679
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Symbol 679 MovieClipUses:666 675 677 678 264 271 432 444Used by:691
Symbol 680 GraphicUsed by:690
Symbol 681 GraphicUsed by:682
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Symbol 684 GraphicUsed by:690 691
Symbol 685 GraphicUsed by:690
Symbol 686 GraphicUsed by:690
Symbol 687 GraphicUsed by:690
Symbol 688 GraphicUsed by:690
Symbol 689 GraphicUsed by:690
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Symbol 691 MovieClip {PirateJames}Uses:423 444 652 651 663 664 264 671 679 690 684 432 682Used by:700 723 734
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Symbol 693 GraphicUsed by:694
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Symbol 695 MovieClipUses:694Used by:696
Symbol 696 MovieClip {Coin}Uses:692 446 448 695Used by:700 704
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Symbol 698 MovieClipUses:697 538Used by:699
Symbol 699 MovieClipUses:698Used by:700
Symbol 700 MovieClip {code.PirateZebraGame}Uses:459 414 469 482 484 419 40 529 531 532 260 543 545 549 550 551 553 555 562 565 566 645 691 696 699Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 707 GraphicUsed by:709
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Symbol 714 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 715 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 716 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 717 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 718 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 719 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 720 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 721 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 722 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 725 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 726 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 727 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 728 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 729 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 730 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 731 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 732 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 733 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 737 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 738 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 739 TextUses:12Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 741 TextUses:12Used by:742
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Symbol 743 ButtonUses:110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 744 TextUses:12Used by:745
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Symbol 753 EditableTextUses:12Used by:761
Symbol 754 EditableTextUses:12Used by:761
Symbol 755 EditableTextUses:12Used by:761
Symbol 756 EditableTextUses:12Used by:761
Symbol 757 EditableTextUses:12Used by:761
Symbol 758 EditableTextUses:12Used by:761
Symbol 759 TextUses:12Used by:761
Symbol 760 TextUses:12Used by:761
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Symbol 763 EditableTextUses:12Used by:771
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Symbol 766 GraphicUsed by:767
Symbol 767 MovieClipUses:764 766Used by:770
Symbol 768 GraphicUsed by:770
Symbol 769 GraphicUsed by:770
Symbol 770 ButtonUses:764 765 767 768 769Used by:771
Symbol 771 MovieClip {sfb.application.hiscores.HiscoreSubmit}Uses:762 763 770Used by:Timeline
Symbol 772 TextUses:12Used by:775
Symbol 773 TextUses:12Used by:775
Symbol 774 TextUses:12Used by:775
Symbol 775 MovieClip {PirateZebra_fla.Symbol325_258}Uses:772 773 774Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

"preloaderBar_mc"Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip {PirateZebra_fla.PreloaderBar_4}
"play_btn"Frame 4Symbol 97 Button
"crowsNest_btn"Frame 4Symbol 101 Button
"tentacleTrap_btn"Frame 4Symbol 105 Button
"playMoreGames_btn"Frame 4Symbol 109 Button
"armorGames_btn"Frame 4Symbol 113 Button
"superFlashBros_btn"Frame 4Symbol 117 Button
"skip_btn"Frame 5Symbol 134 Button
"mainGame_mc"Frame 1203Symbol 700 MovieClip {code.PirateZebraGame}
"mainHUD_mc"Frame 1203Symbol 704 MovieClip {CoinHUD}
"time_txt"Frame 1203Symbol 705 EditableText
"playCrows_btn"Frame 1204Symbol 97 Button
"mainMenuCrows_btn"Frame 1204Symbol 713 Button
"crowsNestGame_mc"Frame 1205Symbol 723 MovieClip {code.CrowsNestGame}
"crowsHUD_mc"Frame 1205Symbol 704 MovieClip {CoinHUD}
"crowsTime_txt"Frame 1205Symbol 724 EditableText
"playTentacle_btn"Frame 1206Symbol 97 Button
"mainMenuTentacle_btn"Frame 1206Symbol 713 Button
"tentacleTrapGame_mc"Frame 1207Symbol 734 MovieClip {TentacleTrapGameClip}
"tentacleHUD_mc"Frame 1207Symbol 704 MovieClip {CoinHUD}
"tentacleTime_txt"Frame 1207Symbol 735 EditableText
"playMoreScores_btn"Frame 1208Symbol 742 Button
"armorScores_btn"Frame 1208Symbol 743 Button
"mainMenu_btn"Frame 1208Symbol 713 Button
"replay_btn"Frame 1208Symbol 745 Button
"hsd_mc"Frame 1208Symbol 761 MovieClip {sfb.application.hiscores.HiscoreDisplay}
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Created: 10/5 -2019 00:43:16 Last modified: 10/5 -2019 00:43:16 Server time: 18/02 -2025 23:06:15