Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

2 Ball Pool.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #42487

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)





finest Scotch Whysky




c   2000 - Peter Krempl  -




Stoßen Sie die helle Kugel
mit der Maus an. Je näher
Sie an der Mitte der Kugel
stoßen, umso langsamer
läuft die Kugel. Versuchen
Sie damit die blaue Kugel
so zu treffen, daß diese
wiederum die schwarze
Kugel berührt. Dies gibt
einen Punkt.. Sollten Sie
nicht mehr weiterwissen:
Sie können sich auch von
der Autostart/stopfunktion
weiterhelfen lassen ...





ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
startDrag ("/koe", true);
Frame 5
play(); ifFrameLoaded (30) { gotoAndPlay (16); } play();
Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 15
play(); ifFrameLoaded (30) { gotoAndPlay (16); } play();
Frame 16
startDrag ("koe", true); setProperty("/ba1", _x , "470"); setProperty("/ba1", _y , "200"); setProperty("/ba2", _x , "150"); setProperty("/ba2", _y , "150"); setProperty("/ba3", _x , "150"); setProperty("/ba3", _y , "250"); Set("/ba1:stepx", "0"); Set("/ba1:stepy", "0"); Set("/ba2:stepx", "0"); Set("/ba2:stepy", "0"); Set("/ba3:stepx", "0"); Set("/ba3:stepy", "0"); Set("/score:score", "0"); Set("/score:scoreg", "0"); treff1 = "0"; treff1g = "0"; tellTarget ("/uhr") { gotoAndStop ("start"); }; tellTarget ("/abd") { gotoAndStop ("offen"); }; play(); fscommand ("fullscreen", "true");
Frame 17
xba1 = getProperty("/ba1", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/ba1", _y); xba2 = getProperty("/ba2", _x); yba2 = getProperty("/ba2", _y); xba3 = getProperty("/ba3", _x); yba3 = getProperty("/ba3", _y); delx = xba1 - xba2; dely = yba1 - yba2; delx13 = xba1 - xba3; dely13 = yba1 - yba3; delx23 = xba3 - xba2; dely23 = yba3 - yba2; play(); if ((((((/ba1:stepx == "0") and (ba2:stepx == "0")) and (/ba3:stepx == "0")) and (/ba1:stepy == "0")) and (ba2:stepy == "0")) and (/ba3:stepy == "0")) { tellTarget ("/ba1/schl") { gotoAndStop ("hit"); }; } else { tellTarget ("/ba1/schl") { gotoAndStop ("nohit"); }; }
Frame 18
xba1 = getProperty("/ba1", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/ba1", _y); xba2 = getProperty("/ba2", _x); yba2 = getProperty("/ba2", _y); xba3 = getProperty("/ba3", _x); yba3 = getProperty("/ba3", _y); delx = xba1 - xba2; dely = yba1 - yba2; delx13 = xba1 - xba3; dely13 = yba1 - yba3; delx23 = xba2 - xba3; dely23 = yba2 - yba3; bh = "0.5"; bm = "0.4"; bl = "0.3"; dh = "0.33"; dl = "0.04"; if ((("27" >= dely) and ("27" >= delx)) and ((delx >= (-"27")) and (dely >= (-"27")))) { if (treff1 == "0") { treff1 = "1"; } if (((((/ba1:stepx < "4") and (/ba1:stepy < "4")) and (((-"4") < /ba1:stepx) and ((-"4") < /ba1:stepy))) and ((/ba2:stepx < "5") and (/ba2:stepy < "5"))) and (((-"5") < /ba2:stepx) and ((-"5") < /ba2:stepy))) { Set("/ba2:stepx", ((bl * /ba1:stepx) + (bm * /ba2:stepx)) - (dl * delx)); Set("/ba2:stepy", ((bl * /ba1:stepy) + (bm * /ba2:stepy)) - (dl * dely)); Set("/ba1:stepx", ((bm * /ba1:stepx) + (bl * /ba2:stepx)) + (dl * delx)); Set("/ba1:stepy", ((bm * /ba1:stepy) + (bl * /ba2:stepy)) + (dl * dely)); } else { Set("/ba2:stepx", ((bm * /ba1:stepx) + (bh * /ba2:stepx)) - (dh * delx)); Set("/ba2:stepy", ((bm * /ba1:stepy) + (bh * /ba2:stepy)) - (dh * dely)); Set("/ba1:stepx", ((bh * /ba1:stepx) + (bm * /ba2:stepx)) + (dh * delx)); Set("/ba1:stepy", (("0.4" * /ba1:stepy) + ("0.2" * /ba2:stepy)) + (dh * dely)); } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; gotoAndPlay (19); } if ((("27" >= dely13) and ("27" >= delx13)) and ((delx13 >= (-"27")) and (dely13 >= (-"27")))) { treff1 = "0"; if (((((/ba3:stepx < "4") and (/ba3:stepy < "4")) and (((-"4") < /ba3:stepx) and ((-"4") < /ba3:stepy))) and ((/ba1:stepx < "5") and (/ba1:stepy < "5"))) and (((-"5") < /ba1:stepx) and ((-"5") < /ba1:stepy))) { Set("/ba3:stepx", ((bl * /ba1:stepx) + (bm * /ba3:stepx)) - (dl * delx13)); Set("/ba3:stepy", ((bl * /ba1:stepy) + (bm * /ba3:stepy)) - (dl * dely13)); Set("/ba1:stepx", ((bl * /ba1:stepx) + (bm * /ba3:stepx)) + (dl * delx13)); Set("/ba1:stepy", ((bl * /ba1:stepy) + (bm * /ba3:stepy)) + (dl * dely13)); } else { Set("/ba3:stepx", ((bm * /ba1:stepx) + (bh * /ba3:stepx)) - (dh * delx13)); Set("/ba3:stepy", ((bm * /ba1:stepy) + (bh * /ba3:stepy)) - (dh * dely13)); Set("/ba1:stepx", ((bh * /ba1:stepx) + (bm * /ba3:stepx)) + (dh * delx13)); Set("/ba1:stepy", ((bh * /ba1:stepy) + (bm * /ba3:stepy)) + (dh * dely13)); } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; gotoAndPlay (19); } if ((("27" >= dely23) and ("27" >= delx23)) and ((delx23 >= (-"27")) and (dely23 >= (-"27")))) { if (treff1 == "1") { treff1 = "2"; Set("/score:score", /score:score + "1"); tellTarget ("/abd") { gotoAndStop ("offen"); }; } if (((((/ba3:stepx < "4") and (/ba3:stepy < "4")) and (((-"4") < /ba3:stepx) and ((-"4") < /ba3:stepy))) and ((/ba2:stepx < "5") and (/ba2:stepy < "5"))) and (((-"5") < /ba2:stepx) and ((-"5") < /ba2:stepy))) { Set("/ba3:stepx", ((bm * /ba3:stepx) + (bl * /ba2:stepx)) - (dl * delx23)); Set("/ba3:stepy", ((bm * /ba3:stepy) + (bl * /ba2:stepy)) - (dl * dely23)); Set("/ba2:stepx", ((bm * /ba2:stepx) + (bl * /ba3:stepx)) + (dl * delx23)); Set("/ba2:stepy", ((bm * /ba2:stepy) + (bl * /ba3:stepy)) + (dl * dely23)); } else { Set("/ba3:stepx", ((bh * /ba3:stepx) + (bm * /ba2:stepx)) - (dh * delx23)); Set("/ba3:stepy", ((bh * /ba3:stepy) + (bm * /ba2:stepy)) - (dh * dely23)); Set("/ba2:stepx", ((bh * /ba2:stepx) + (bm * /ba3:stepx)) + (dh * delx23)); Set("/ba2:stepy", ((bh * /ba2:stepy) + (bm * /ba3:stepy)) + (dh * dely23)); } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("hit"); }; gotoAndPlay (19); } gotoAndPlay (17);
Frame 19
Frame 23
gotoAndPlay (17);
Frame 53
xba1 = getProperty("/ba1", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/ba1", _y); xba2 = getProperty("/ba2", _x); yba2 = getProperty("/ba2", _y); xba3 = getProperty("/ba3", _x); yba3 = getProperty("/ba3", _y); xba2o = "1080" - getProperty("/ba2", _x); xba2w = -getProperty("/ba2", _x); yba2s = "500" - getProperty("/ba2", _y); yba2n = -getProperty("/ba2", _y); xba3o = "1080" - getProperty("/ba3", _x); xba3w = -getProperty("/ba3", _x); yba3s = "500" - getProperty("/ba3", _x); yba3n = -getProperty("/ba3", _y); delx13w = xba1 - xba3w; delx13o = xba1 - xba3o; delx13b = xba1 - xba3; dely13s = yba1 - yba3s; dely13n = yba1 - yba3n; dely13b = yba1 - yba3; delx12w = xba1 - xba2w; delx12o = xba1 - xba2o; delx12b = xba1 - xba2; dely12s = yba1 - yba2s; dely12n = yba1 - yba2n; dely12b = yba1 - yba2; hy12 = dely12b / delx12b; hy13 = dely13 / delx13b; hy12n = dely12n / delx12b; hy13n = dely13n / delx13b; hy12s = dely12s / delx12b; hy13s = dely13s / delx13b; hy12w = dely12b / delx12w; hy13w = dely13b / delx13w; hy12o = dely12b / delx12o; hy13w = dely13b / delx13o; mitte = hy12 - hy13; nord = hy12n - hy13n; sud = hy12s - hy13s; ost = hy12o - hy13o; west = hy12w - hy13w; lim = "50"; if ((west < lim) and ((-lim) < west)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } if ((ost < lim) and ((-lim) < ost)) { gotoAndPlay (74); } if ((nord < lim) and ((-lim) < nord)) { gotoAndPlay (62); } if ((sud < lim) and ((-lim) < sud)) { gotoAndPlay (66); } if ((mitte < lim) and ((-lim) < mitte)) { gotoAndPlay (58); } d = "22"; schub = "1.2"; slow = "10"; gotoAndPlay (58);
Frame 58
stop(); if (xba2 < xba1) { Set("/ba1:stepx", (-delx12b) / d); } if (xba1 < xba2) { Set("/ba1:stepx", delx12b / d); } if (yba2 < yba1) { Set("/ba1:stepy", (-dely12b) / "11"); } if (yba1 < yba2) { Set("/ba1:stepy", dely12b / "11"); } if (((/ba1:stepx < "5") and (/ba1:stepy < "5")) and (((-"5") < /ba1:stepx) and ((-"5") < /ba1:stepy))) { Set("/ba1:stepx", /ba1:stepx * "4"); Set("/ba1:stepy", /ba1:stepy * "4"); } if (((/ba1:stepx < "2") and (/ba1:stepy < "2")) and (((-"2") < /ba1:stepx) and ((-"2") < /ba1:stepy))) { Set("/ba1:stepx", /ba1:stepx * "9"); Set("/ba1:stepy", /ba1:stepy * "9"); } gotoAndPlay (17);
Frame 62
stop(); if (xba2 < xba1) { Set("/ba1:stepx", (-delx12b) / d); } if (xba1 < xba2) { Set("/ba1:stepx", delx12b / d); } if (yba2n < yba1) { Set("/ba1:stepy", (-dely12n) / d); } if (yba1 < yba2n) { Set("/ba1:stepy", dely12n / d); } if (((/ba1:stepx < "2") and (/ba1:stepy < "2")) and (((-"2") < /ba1:stepx) and ((-"2") < /ba1:stepy))) { Set("/ba1:stepx", /ba1:stepx * "9"); Set("/ba1:stepy", /ba1:stepy * "9"); } gotoAndPlay (17);
Frame 66
if (xba2 < xba1) { Set("/ba1:stepx", (-delx12b) / d); } if (xba1 < xba2) { Set("/ba1:stepx", delx12b / d); } if (yba2s < yba1) { Set("/ba1:stepy", (-dely12s) / d); } if (yba1 < yba2s) { Set("/ba1:stepy", dely12s / d); } if (((/ba1:stepx < "2") and (/ba1:stepy < "2")) and (((-"2") < /ba1:stepx) and ((-"2") < /ba1:stepy))) { Set("/ba1:stepx", /ba1:stepx * "9"); Set("/ba1:stepy", /ba1:stepy * "9"); } gotoAndPlay (17);
Frame 70
if (xba2w < xba1) { Set("/ba1:stepx", (-delx12w) / d); } if (xba1 < xba2w) { Set("/ba1:stepx", delx12w / d); } if (yba2 < yba1) { Set("/ba1:stepy", (-dely12b) / d); } if (yba1 < yba2) { Set("/ba1:stepy", dely12b / d); } if (((/ba1:stepx < "2") and (/ba1:stepy < "2")) and (((-"2") < /ba1:stepx) and ((-"2") < /ba1:stepy))) { Set("/ba1:stepx", /ba1:stepx * "9"); Set("/ba1:stepy", /ba1:stepy * "9"); } gotoAndPlay (17);
Frame 74
if (xba2o < xba1) { Set("/ba1:stepx", (-delx12o) / d); } if (xba1 < xba2o) { Set("/ba1:stepx", delx12o / d); } if (yba2 < yba1) { Set("/ba1:stepy", (-dely12b) / d); } if (yba1 < yba2) { Set("/ba1:stepy", dely12b / d); } if (((/ba1:stepx < "2") and (/ba1:stepy < "2")) and (((-"2") < /ba1:stepx) and ((-"2") < /ba1:stepy))) { Set("/ba1:stepx", /ba1:stepx * "9"); Set("/ba1:stepy", /ba1:stepy * "9"); } gotoAndPlay (17);
Symbol 3 Button
on (press) { xba1 = getProperty("/bai", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/bai", _y); xko = getProperty("../koe", _x); yko = getProperty("../koe", _y); delx = xba1 - xko; dely = yba1 - yko; stepx = delx; stepy = dely; }
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 1
stepx = "1.3"; stepy = "1"; play();
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 2
xba1 = getProperty("/bai", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/bai", _y); setProperty("/bai", _x , xba1 + stepx); setProperty("/bai", _y , yba1 + stepy); play();
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 3
stepx = stepx * "0.99"; stepy = stepy * "0.99"; if (((stepx < "0.6") and ((-"0.6") < stepx)) and ((stepy < "0.6") and ((-"0.6") < stepy))) { stepx = "0"; stepy = "0"; } xba1 = getProperty("/bai", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/bai", _y); if ("95" >= xba1) { stepx = -stepx; if (stepx < "0") { stepx = -stepx; } if (stepx == "0") { stepx = "1"; } } if (xba1 >= "505") { stepx = -stepx; if ("0" < stepx) { stepx = -stepx; } if (stepx == "0") { stepx = -"1"; } } if (yba1 < "95") { stepy = -stepy; tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; if (stepy < "0") { stepy = -stepy; } if (stepy == "0") { stepy = "1"; } } if ("305" < yba1) { stepy = -stepy; if ("0" < stepy) { stepy = -stepy; } if (stepy == "0") { stepy = -"1"; } } gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 19 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/") { gotoAndStop ("geg"); }; tellTarget ("/uhr") { play(); }; tellTarget ("/uhr/stunde") { play(); }; Set("/:treff1", "3"); }
Symbol 28 Button
on (release) { Set("/ba1:stepx", "0"); Set("/ba3:stepx", "0"); Set("/ba2:stepx", "0"); Set("/ba1:stepy", "0"); Set("/ba3:stepy", "0"); Set("/ba2:stepy", "0"); }
Symbol 32 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/kon") { play(); } }
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
stepx = "0"; stepy = "0"; play();
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 2
xba1 = getProperty("/ba3", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/ba3", _y); setProperty("/ba3", _x , xba1 + stepx); setProperty("/ba3", _y , yba1 + stepy); play();
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 3
stepx = stepx * "0.98"; stepy = stepy * "0.98"; xba1 = getProperty("/ba3", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/ba3", _y); if (((stepx < "0.6") and ((-"0.6") < stepx)) and ((stepy < "0.6") and ((-"0.6") < stepy))) { stepx = "0"; stepy = "0"; } if ("95" >= xba1) { stepx = -stepx; if (stepx < "0") { stepx = -stepx; } if (stepx == "0") { stepx = "1"; } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; } if (xba1 >= "505") { stepx = -stepx; if ("0" < stepx) { stepx = -stepx; } if (stepx == "0") { stepx = -"1"; } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; } if (yba1 < "95") { stepy = -stepy; if (stepy < "0") { stepy = -stepy; } if (stepy == "0") { stepy = "1"; } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; } if ("305" < yba1) { stepy = -stepy; if ("0" < stepy) { stepy = -stepy; } if (stepy == "0") { stepy = -"1"; } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; } gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1
stepx = "0"; stepy = "0"; play();
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 2
xba1 = getProperty("/ba2", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/ba2", _y); setProperty("/ba2", _x , xba1 + stepx); setProperty("/ba2", _y , yba1 + stepy); play();
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 3
stepx = stepx * "0.98"; stepy = stepy * "0.98"; xba1 = getProperty("/ba2", _x); yba1 = getProperty("/ba2", _y); if (((stepx < "0.6") and ((-"0.6") < stepx)) and ((stepy < "0.6") and ((-"0.6") < stepy))) { stepx = "0"; stepy = "0"; } if ("95" >= xba1) { stepx = -stepx; if (stepx < "0") { stepx = -stepx; } if (stepx == "0") { stepx = "1"; } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; } if (xba1 >= "505") { stepx = -stepx; if ("0" < stepx) { stepx = -stepx; } if (stepx == "0") { stepx = -"1"; } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; } if (yba1 < "95") { stepy = -stepy; if (stepy < "0") { stepy = -stepy; } if (stepy == "0") { stepy = "1"; } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; } if ("305" < yba1) { stepy = -stepy; if ("0" < stepy) { stepy = -stepy; } if (stepy == "0") { stepx = -"1"; } tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; } gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 60 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 81
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 1
while (zz < "55") { duplicateMovieClip ("spi", "spi" add zz, zz + "1"); setProperty("spi" add zz, _x , (xb - xko) * (zz * "2")); setProperty("spi" add zz, _y , (yb - yko) * (zz * "2")); zz = zz + "1"; } play();
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 2
zz = "1"; while (zz < "55") { setProperty("spi" add zz, _x , (/ba1:xb - /ba1:xko) * (zz * "2")); setProperty("spi" add zz, _y , (/ba1:yb - /ba1:yko) * (zz * "2")); zz = zz + "1"; } play();
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 3
prevFrame(); while (zz < "55") { setProperty("spi" add zz, _x , (/ba1:xb - /ba1:xko) * (zz * "2")); setProperty("spi" add zz, _y , (/ba1:yb - /ba1:yko) * (zz * "2")); zz = zz + "1"; }
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1
zz = "11"; while (zz < "100") { duplicateMovieClip ("spi", "spi" add zz, zz + "1"); zz = zz + "1"; } tellTarget ("spi") { gotoAndStop (2); }; tellTarget ("spi80") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("spi90") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("spi99") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("spi11") { gotoAndStop (4); }; play();
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 2
zz = "11"; while (zz < "100") { setProperty("spi" add zz, _x , (/ba1:xko - /ba1:xb) * (zz * "0.3")); setProperty("spi" add zz, _y , (/ba1:yko - /ba1:yb) * (zz * "0.3")); zz = zz + "1"; zm = zz - "1"; sizx = getProperty("spi" add zm, _xscale); sizy = getProperty("spi" add zm, _yscale); setProperty("spi" add zz, _xscale , sizx * "1.01"); setProperty("spi" add zz, _yscale , sizy * "1.01"); } tellTarget ("spi") { gotoAndStop (2); }; tellTarget ("spi80") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("spi90") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("spi7") { gotoAndStop (4); }; play();
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 3
prevFrame(); while (zz < "55") { setProperty("spi" add zz, _x , (/ba1:xb - /ba1:xko) * (zz * "2")); setProperty("spi" add zz, _y , (/ba1:yb - /ba1:yko) * (zz * "2")); zz = zz + "1"; }
Symbol 73 Button
on (press) { Set("/ba1:xb", getProperty("/ba1", _x)); Set("/ba1:yb", getProperty("/ba1", _y)); Set("/ba1:xko", getProperty("/koe", _x)); yko = getProperty("/koe", _y); Set("/ba1:delx", /ba1:xb - /ba1:xko); Set("/ba1:dely", /ba1:yb - /ba1:yko); Set("/ba1:stepx", /ba1:delx); Set("/ba1:stepy", /ba1:dely); gotoAndStop (2); Set("/:treff1", "0"); tellTarget ("/uhr") { play(); }; tellTarget ("/uhr/stunde") { play(); } } on (release) { tellTarget ("/") { gotoAndPlay ("play"); } }
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
stepx = "0"; stepy = "0"; play();
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 2
xb = getProperty("/ba1", _x); yb = getProperty("/ba1", _y); setProperty("/ba1", _x , xb + stepx); setProperty("/ba1", _y , yb + stepy); stepx = stepx * "0.98"; stepy = stepy * "0.98"; play(); xko = getProperty("../koe", _x); yko = getProperty("../koe", _y); delx = xb - xko; dely = yb - yko;
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 3
if (((stepx < "0.6") and ((-"0.6") < stepx)) and ((stepy < "0.6") and ((-"0.6") < stepy))) { stepx = "0"; stepy = "0"; } gotoAndPlay (2); xb = getProperty("/ba1", _x); yb = getProperty("/ba1", _y); if ("95" >= xb) { tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; stepx = -stepx; if (stepx < "0") { stepx = -stepx; } if (stepx == "0") { stepx = "1"; } } if (xb >= "505") { stepx = -stepx; tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; if ("0" < stepx) { stepx = -stepx; } if (stepx == "0") { stepx = -"1"; } } if (yb < "95") { stepy = -stepy; tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; if (stepy < "0") { stepy = -stepy; } if (stepy == "0") { stepy = "1"; } } if ("305" < yb) { stepy = -stepy; tellTarget ("/sou") { gotoAndPlay ("wand"); }; if ("0" < stepy) { stepy = -stepy; } if (stepy == "0") { stepy = -"1"; } }
Symbol 79 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/reg") { play(); } }
Symbol 80 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("/reg") { play(); } }
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 2
tellTarget ("/uhr") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("/uhr/stunde") { stop(); }
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 60
stop(); tellTarget ("/uhr") { play(); }; tellTarget ("/uhr/stunde") { play(); }
Symbol 89 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("reg") { play(); } }
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 1
zz = "90"; tellTarget ("/stunde") { gotoAndStop (1); }; gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 23
zz = zz - "1"; tellTarget ("stunde") { play(); }; gotoAndPlay (2); if (zz == "0") { tellTarget ("/ende") { play(); }; gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 68
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 106 Button
on (rollOver) { tellTarget ("/uhr") { stop(); }; tellTarget ("/uhr/stunde") { stop(); } } on (rollOut) { tellTarget ("/uhr") { play(); }; tellTarget ("/uhr/stunde") { play(); } }
Symbol 111 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (16); }
Symbol 113 Button
on (press, release) { tellTarget ("/ende") { play(); } }
Symbol 114 Button
on (press, release) { tellTarget ("/ende") { play(); } }
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
if (/score:score < "5") { if (/score:score == "0") { text = (("Sie haben leider noch keinen Punkt gemacht. Versuchen Sie es doch einfach nochmal !" add "\r") add "\r") add "Viel Erfolg."; } else if (/score:score == "1") { text = ("Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Sie haben immerhin schon einen einzigen Punkt erreicht." add "\r") add "Weiter so !! "; } else { text = ("Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Sie haben immerhin schon " add /score:score) add " Punkte erreicht."; } } if (/score:score >= "5") { text = ((("Klasse ! Sie sind ein Könner! Sie haben ganze " add /score:score) add " Punkte erreicht.") add "\r") add "Wir gratulieren Ihnen! Sie haben eine Packung Mon Cherie gewonnen!!!"; }
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 2
if (/score:score < "5") { if (/score:score == "0") { text = (("Sie haben leider noch keinen Punkt gemacht. Versuchen Sie es doch einfach nochmal !" add "\r") add "\r") add "Viel Erfolg."; } else if (/score:score == "1") { text = ("Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Sie haben immerhin schon einen einzigen Punkt erreicht." add "\r") add "Weiter so !! "; } else { text = ("Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Sie haben immerhin schon " add /score:score) add " Punkte erreicht."; } } if (/score:score >= "5") { text = ((("Klasse ! Sie sind ein Könner! Sie haben ganze " add /score:score) add " Punkte erreicht.") add "\r") add "Wir gratulieren Ihnen! Sie haben eine Packung Mon Cherie gewonnen!!!"; }
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 60
gotoAndStop (1); tellTarget ("/") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:3 73
Symbol 3 ButtonUses:2Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:1 3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 5 FontUsed by:6 13 23 45 46 48 49 50 51 77 78 81 86 91 95 96 112 115 116
Symbol 6 TextUses:5Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:Timeline
Symbol 8 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 13 TextUses:5Used by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:13Used by:19
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:19 28 32 79 80 113 114
Symbol 18 SoundUsed by:19 47 73 97
Symbol 19 ButtonUses:10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18Used by:33
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 23 TextUses:5Used by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:23Used by:28
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 27 SoundUsed by:28 33 47 111
Symbol 28 ButtonUses:20 21 22 24 25 26 17 27Used by:33
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:32 80 114
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32 80 114
Symbol 32 ButtonUses:30 31 17Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:9 19 28 29 32 27Used by:Timeline
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 35 FontUsed by:36
Symbol 36 TextUses:35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 FontUsed by:38
Symbol 38 TextUses:37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 39 FontUsed by:40 42
Symbol 40 EditableTextUses:39Used by:43
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 42 EditableTextUses:39Used by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:40 41 42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 45 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 46 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:27 18Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 50 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 FontUsed by:57 58
Symbol 57 TextUses:56Used by:60
Symbol 58 TextUses:56Used by:60
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 60 ButtonUses:57 58 59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 FontUsed by:62
Symbol 62 TextUses:61Used by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:65Used by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:66Used by:73
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:71 73
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:68 69 70Used by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:71Used by:73
Symbol 73 ButtonUses:67 72 2 68 18Used by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:73Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:64 74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:84 117
Symbol 77 TextUses:5Used by:79 113
Symbol 78 TextUses:5Used by:79 113
Symbol 79 ButtonUses:77 78 17Used by:84
Symbol 80 ButtonUses:30 31 17Used by:84
Symbol 81 TextUses:5Used by:84
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 ButtonUses:82Used by:84 118
Symbol 84 MovieClipUses:76 79 80 81 83Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 86 TextUses:5Used by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:86Used by:89
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 89 ButtonUses:85 87 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 91 TextUses:5Used by:97
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:93Used by:97
Symbol 95 EditableTextUses:5Used by:97
Symbol 96 EditableTextUses:5Used by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:90 91 92 94 95 96 18Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:104 106
Symbol 99 ShapeTweeningUsed by:103 106
Symbol 100 ShapeTweeningUsed by:103
Symbol 101 ShapeTweeningUsed by:103
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:99 100 101 102Used by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:98 103Used by:106
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 106 ButtonUses:104 105 98 99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 109 FontUsed by:110
Symbol 110 TextUses:109Used by:111
Symbol 111 ButtonUses:107 108 110 27Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 EditableTextUses:5Used by:117
Symbol 113 ButtonUses:77 78 17Used by:117
Symbol 114 ButtonUses:30 31 17Used by:117
Symbol 115 TextUses:5Used by:117
Symbol 116 EditableTextUses:5Used by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:76 112 113 114 115 116Used by:118
Symbol 118 MovieClipUses:117 83Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:Timeline

Instance Names

"bai"Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip
"koe"Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"kon"Frame 16Symbol 33 MovieClip
"score"Frame 16Symbol 43 MovieClip
"sou"Frame 16Symbol 47 MovieClip
"ba3"Frame 16Symbol 53 MovieClip
"ba2"Frame 16Symbol 55 MovieClip
"ba1"Frame 16Symbol 75 MovieClip
"koe"Frame 16Symbol 8 MovieClip
"reg"Frame 16Symbol 84 MovieClip
"uhr"Frame 16Symbol 97 MovieClip
"ende"Frame 16Symbol 118 MovieClip
"spi"Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"spi"Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 71 MovieClip
"schl"Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 74 MovieClip
"stunde"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 94 MovieClip
"endtaf"Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 117 MovieClip

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""


"start"Frame 16
"Peter Krempl www.keramikwerkstatt.sde"Frame 16
"play"Frame 17
"play2"Frame 18
"auslauf"Frame 19
"geg"Frame 53
"mitte"Frame 58
"nord"Frame 62
"sud"Frame 66
"west"Frame 70
"ost"Frame 74
"start"Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 1
"lauf"Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 2
"wand"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 2
"hit"Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 11
"start"Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
"lauf"Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 2
"start"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1
"lauf"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 2
"hit"Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1
"nohit"Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 2
"start"Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
"lauf"Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 2
"start"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 1
"los"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 2

Dynamic Text Variables

scoreSymbol 40 EditableText"3"
scoreSymbol 42 EditableText"3"
delxSymbol 45 EditableText""
delySymbol 46 EditableText""
/ba2:stepxSymbol 48 EditableText""
/ba2:stepySymbol 49 EditableText""
/ba1:stepxSymbol 50 EditableText""
/ba1:stepySymbol 51 EditableText""
zzSymbol 95 EditableText""
zzSymbol 96 EditableText""
textSymbol 112 EditableText" "
textSymbol 116 EditableText" "
Created: 9/5 -2019 22:42:21 Last modified: 9/5 -2019 22:42:21 Server time: 14/11 -2024 06:34:25