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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Tangram Game.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #42581

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">You have 7 pieces (called <B>TANS</B>) : 5 triangles in different size, 1 square and 1 parallelogram.</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">The objective of this game is to form a given shape (<B>CURRENT PUZZLE</B>) using all 7 tans. </FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">To choose puzzle click on anyone in <B>SELECT PUZZLE</B> area. &nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">To mirror selected tan use <B>CTRL</B> key</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">Selected tan marked by dark color :</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">To move selected tan just <B>DRAG</B> and <B>DROP</B> it. </FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">To rotate tan in angle of 45 degree use <B>TAB</B> key.</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">Active areas to move tans marked by color </FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">Active areas to rotate tans marked by color </FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">To select tan click on it.</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">Active areas to move tans marked by color </FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">If you created interesting tangram and ready to publish it in my basic set, please copy and <SBR/>send me coordinates (they are at the bottom of the panel) by email : &nbsp;<B></B> </FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">Auto adjust</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="14" COLOR="#663300">Rotate &nbsp;by cursor</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="12" COLOR="#663300">Enabled</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="12" COLOR="#663300">Enabled</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="12" COLOR="#663300">Enabled</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="12" COLOR="#663300">Disabled</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="12" COLOR="#663300">Disabled</FONT></P>

<P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="12" COLOR="#663300">Disabled</FONT></P>

Restart Game

Give Up

Sound Off

Sound On

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function setFormat(f, s, c, a) { w_01 = new TextFormat(); w_01.color = c; w_01.size = s; w_01.font = f; if (a != null) { w_01.align = a; } return(w_01); } function getLevel(pobj) { if (pobj.level == null) { pobj.level = 0; } else { pobj.level++; } return(pobj.level); } function fillBox(pobj, w, h, color) { with (pobj) { beginFill(color); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(w, 0); lineTo(w, h); lineTo(0, h); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } } function drawBox(pobj, w, h, color) { with (pobj) { lineStyle(0, color); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(w - 1, 0); lineTo(w - 1, h - 1); lineTo(0, h - 1); lineTo(0, 0); } } function drawLine(pobj, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) { with (pobj) { lineStyle(0, color); moveTo(x1, y1); lineTo(x2, y2); } } function fillBoxXY(pobj, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) { with (pobj) { lineStyle(0, color); beginFill(color); moveTo(x1, y1); lineTo(x1, y2); lineTo(x2, y2); lineTo(x2, y1); lineTo(x1, y1); endFill(); } } function addPanel(obj, n, x, y, w, h, bgr, border, title, close) { lev = getLevel(obj); obj.createEmptyMovieClip(n, lev); obj[n]._x = x; obj[n]._y = y; obj[n].resize = false; fillBox(obj[n], w, h, bgr); if (border != null) { drawBox(obj[n], w, h, border); } if (close != null) { xp = 14; } else { xp = 0; } if (title != null) { fillBoxXY(obj[n], 1, 1, obj[n]._width - 1, pan_titHeight, border); addText(obj[n], n + "tit", title, 2, 2, pan_titfont, (obj[n]._width - 2) - xp, pan_titHeight - 2); } if (close != null) { lp = (pan_titHeight - 14) / 2; lev = getLevel(obj[n]); obj[n].attachMovie("ButtonCloseWindow", "close", lev); lev = 2; obj[n].close._x = ((obj[n]._width - 14) - lp) - 1; obj[n].close._y = lp; obj[n].tabEnabled = false; obj[n].close.onPress = function () { this._parent._visible = false; }; } } function addText(obj, n, txt, x, y, f, w, h) { if (f == null) { f = main_font; } if (w == null) { ttp = f.getTextExtent((" " + txt) + " "); h = (ttp.height * txt_vFactor) + 2; w = ttp.width * txt_hFactor; } if (obj.resize != null) { if ((x + w) > obj._width) { if (x > obj._width) { return(undefined); } w = obj._width - x; } if ((y + h) > obj._height) { if (y > obj._height) { return(undefined); } h = obj._height - y; } } lev = getLevel(obj); obj.createTextField(n, lev, x, y, w, h); obj[n].selectable = false; obj[n].multiline = true; obj[n].wordWrap = true; obj[n].text = txt; obj[n].setTextFormat(f); obj[n].setNewTextFormat(f); } function addHotLabel(obj, bn, x, y, lobj, lsym, action, txt, action2, f, w) { lev = getLevel(obj); obj.createEmptyMovieClip(bn, lev); obj[bn].level = 0; obj[bn]._x = x; obj[bn]._y = y; obj[bn].action = action; if (action2 == null) { action2 = action; } obj[bn].action2 = action2; obj[bn].nobject = lobj; xd = 4; if (txt != "") { w = (w - xd) - 4; ttp = f.getTextExtent(txt); ht = (ttp.height * txt_vFactor) + 2; wt = ttp.width * txt_hFactor; if (wt > w) { h = ht * 2; } else { h = ht; } yd = Math.floor(h / 2); obj[bn].createEmptyMovieClip("label", obj[bn].level); fillField(obj[bn].label, 1, 1); obj[bn].label._x = xd; obj[bn].label._y = (-yd) + 4; obj[bn].label.tabEnabled = false; obj[bn].label.onPress = function () { this._parent.action2(this._parent.nobject); }; addText(obj[bn].label, "t", txt, 0, 0, f, w, h); } } function burl() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { azx = x1 - x2; azy = y1 - y2; return((azx * azx) + (azy * azy)); } function getNearest() { if (_root["fig" + cur_fig]._x <= ww_xmin) { return(undefined); } if (aadjust_f) { minDist = shift_mod; optr1 = -1; optr2 = -1; ofig = -1; _root["fig" + cur_fig].getBasis(); iz = 1; while (iz < max_tans) { if ((iz != cur_fig) && (_root["fig" + iz]._x > ww_xmin)) { xdist = Math.sqrt(getDistance(_root["fig" + cur_fig]._x, _root["fig" + cur_fig]._y, _root["fig" + iz]._x, _root["fig" + iz]._y)); xdrad = _root["fig" + cur_fig].radF + _root["fig" + iz].radF; if (((xdrad - xdist) < shift_ovr) && (xdist < (xdrad * 4))) { _root["fig" + iz].getBasis(); iz2 = 0; while (iz2 < _root["fig" + cur_fig].totcnt) { iz3 = 0; while (iz3 < _root["fig" + iz].totcnt) { dist = getDistance(_root["fig" + cur_fig].midX[iz2], _root["fig" + cur_fig].midY[iz2], _root["fig" + iz].midX[iz3], _root["fig" + iz].midY[iz3]); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; optr1 = iz2; optr2 = iz3; ofig = iz; } iz3++; } iz2++; } } } iz++; } if (ofig != -1) { deltax = _root["fig" + ofig].midX[optr2] - _root["fig" + cur_fig].midX[optr1]; deltay = _root["fig" + ofig].midY[optr2] - _root["fig" + cur_fig].midY[optr1]; _root["fig" + cur_fig]._x = _root["fig" + cur_fig]._x + deltax; _root["fig" + cur_fig]._y = _root["fig" + cur_fig]._y + deltay; gsplay("_sshift"); } else { gsplay("_sdrop"); } } else { gsplay("_sdrop"); } testGoal(); } function getRotation() { cur_rot = _root["fig" + cur_fig]._rotation; nrot = cur_rot % 45; _root["fig" + cur_fig]._rotation = (cur_rot - nrot) - 45; } function trig(m, ang) { if (m == 0) { return(Math.sin(ang * toRadian)); } return(Math.cos(ang * toRadian)); } function addFigure(obj, fnum, t, xp, x, y, mode) { bn = "fig" + fnum; lev = getLevel(obj); obj.createEmptyMovieClip(bn, lev); if (mode == null) { mode = 0; } obj[bn].mode = mode; obj[bn].model = 1; obj[bn].tabEnabled = false; obj[bn].radF = 0; obj[bn].rad = 0; obj[bn].radr = 0; obj[bn].radrS = 0; obj[bn].type = t; obj[bn].xp = xp; obj[bn].xpd2 = xp / 2; obj[bn].pmirror = 0; obj[bn].midX = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; obj[bn].midY = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; obj[bn].midA = null; obj[bn].xrmed = 0; obj[bn].xrang = 0; obj[bn].totcnt = 8; obj[bn].xdiag1 = 0; obj[bn].xdiag2 = 0; obj[bn].drawFigure = function (dcol, mode) { if (mode != null) { this.clear(); } else { switch (this.type) { case 0 : zp = this.xp; this.midA = [90, 0, 90, 0]; this.radr = zp; this.radF = this.xp; this.rad = (zp - 3) * (zp - 3); break; case 1 : zp = this.xp / (1 + Math.SQRT2); this.radr = zp; this.midA = [45, 0, 90]; this.radrS = this.radr * Math.SQRT2; this.xrmed = Math.sqrt(((this.xp * this.xpd2) - ((this.xp * this.radr) * Math.SQRT2)) + ((2 * this.radr) * this.radr)); this.xrbis = Math.sqrt((((this.xp * this.xp) * 2) - (((this.xp * this.radr) * 4) / Math.SQRT2)) + ((2 * this.radr) * this.radr)); this.xrang = 90 - ((Math.acos(this.radr / this.xrmed) * 180) / Math.PI); this.totcnt = 6; this.radF = zp; this.rad = this.radrS * this.radrS; break; case 2 : zp = this.xp / 4; this.midA = [45, 0, 45, 0]; this.radr = zp; this.radF = zp; this.xdiag1 = Math.round(this.xp * Math.sqrt(5 / 8)); this.xdiag2 = Math.round(this.xpd2 / Math.SQRT2); this.rad = this.xdiag2 * this.xdiag2; } } xp = this.xp; with (this) { lineStyle(0, _zzcol); beginFill(dcol); switch (this.type) { case 0 : moveTo(-xp, -xp); lineTo(xp, -xp); lineTo(xp, xp); lineTo(-xp, xp); lineTo(-xp, -xp); break; case 1 : zp = this.radr; zp2 = (xp * Math.SQRT2) - zp; moveTo(-zp, zp); lineTo(zp2, zp); lineTo(-zp, -zp2); lineTo(-zp, zp); break; case 2 : zp = xp / 4; zp2 = (xp * 3) / 4; if (this.pmirror == 1) { moveTo(-zp2, zp); lineTo(zp, zp); lineTo(zp2, -zp); lineTo(-zp, -zp); lineTo(-zp2, zp); } else { moveTo(-zp, zp); lineTo(zp2, zp); lineTo(zp, -zp); lineTo(-zp2, -zp); lineTo(-zp, zp); } } endFill(); } }; obj[bn].onPress = function () { if (act_help) { return(undefined); } if (this.model == 0) { return(undefined); } hide_tit(); dlevel++; this.swapDepths(dlevel); if (cur_fig != "") { _root["fig" + cur_fig].drawFigure(_zcol, true); } cur_fig = this.num; _root["fig" + cur_fig].drawFigure(clr_g, true); radius = (this._xmouse * this._xmouse) + (this._ymouse * this._ymouse); if ((radius > this.rad) && (arotate_f == 1)) { this.rotating = true; this.oldangle = Math.atan2(this._ymouse, this._xmouse); } else { this.moving = true; this.startDrag(false, wd_xmin, ww_ymin, ww_xmax, ww_ymax); } }; obj[bn].onMouseMove = function () { if (act_help) { return(undefined); } if (this.model == 0) { return(undefined); } if (this.rotating && (!this.rotactive)) { this.rotactive = true; this._rotation = this._rotation + ((180 * (Math.atan2(this._ymouse, this._xmouse) - this.oldangle)) / Math.PI); this.oldangle = Math.atan2(this._ymouse, this._xmouse); this.rotactive = false; } }; obj[bn].onRelease = function () { if (this.model == 0) { return(undefined); } if (this.moving) { this.stopDrag(); } else { this._rotation = Math.round(this._rotation / 22.5) * 22.5; } this.moving = false; this.rotating = false; getNearest(); }; obj[bn].onReleaseOutside = obj[bn].onRelease; obj[bn].onEnterFrame = function () { if (act_help) { return(undefined); } if (this.model == 0) { return(undefined); } if (cur_fig == this.num) { if (this.keywaiting) { if (!Key.isDown(this.keyvalue)) { this.keywaiting = false; } } else { if (Key.isDown(17)) { this.keywaiting = true; this.keyvalue = 17; this.mirror(clr_g); getNearest(); } if (Key.isDown(9)) { this.keywaiting = true; this.keyvalue = 9; getRotation(); getNearest(); } } } }; obj[bn].mirror = function (xcol) { if (this.type == 2) { this.pmirror = 1 - this.pmirror; if (this.pmirror == 0) { this.midA = [45, 0, 45, 0]; } else { this.midA = [135, 0, 135, 0]; } this.drawFigure(xcol, true); } if (this.type == 1) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; this.drawFigure(xcol, true); } }; obj[bn].getBasis = function () { if (this.type == 0) { xx = this.xp * Math.SQRT2; kk = 0; indptr = 0; while (indptr < 4) { xx1 = this._rotation + (90 * indptr); this.midX[kk] = (xx * trig(1, xx1 - 45)) + this._x; this.midY[kk] = (xx * trig(0, xx1 - 45)) + this._y; kk++; this.midX[kk] = (this.xp * trig(1, xx1)) + this._x; this.midY[kk] = (this.xp * trig(0, xx1)) + this._y; kk++; indptr++; } } if (this.type == 1) { this.midX[0] = (this.xrbis * trig(1, this._rotation + 22.5)) + this._x; this.midY[0] = (this.xrbis * trig(0, this._rotation + 22.5)) + this._y; this.midX[1] = (this.radr * trig(1, this._rotation - 45)) + this._x; this.midY[1] = (this.radr * trig(0, this._rotation - 45)) + this._y; this.midX[2] = (this.xrbis * trig(1, this._rotation - 112.5)) + this._x; this.midY[2] = (this.xrbis * trig(0, this._rotation - 112.5)) + this._y; this.midX[3] = (this.xrmed * trig(1, this._rotation + this.xrang)) + this._x; this.midY[3] = (this.xrmed * trig(0, this._rotation + this.xrang)) + this._y; this.midX[4] = (this.radrS * trig(1, this._rotation + 135)) + this._x; this.midY[4] = (this.radrS * trig(0, this._rotation + 135)) + this._y; this.midX[5] = (this.xrmed * trig(1, this._rotation - (90 + this.xrang))) + this._x; this.midY[5] = (this.xrmed * trig(0, this._rotation - (90 + this.xrang))) + this._y; } if (this.type == 2) { if (this.pmirror == 0) { alfa1 = this._rotation - 45; alfa2 = this._rotation + 18.43; alfa3 = this._rotation + 45; alfa4 = 135; xdiag = this.xdiag1; xdiag0 = this.xdiag2; } else { alfa1 = this._rotation - 18.43; alfa2 = this._rotation + 45; alfa3 = this._rotation + 135; alfa4 = 161.57; xdiag0 = this.xdiag1; xdiag = this.xdiag2; } this.midX[0] = (xdiag0 * trig(1, alfa1)) + this._x; this.midY[0] = (xdiag0 * trig(0, alfa1)) + this._y; this.midX[1] = (this.xpd2 * trig(1, this._rotation)) + this._x; this.midY[1] = (this.xpd2 * trig(0, this._rotation)) + this._y; this.midX[2] = (xdiag * trig(1, alfa2)) + this._x; this.midY[2] = (xdiag * trig(0, alfa2)) + this._y; this.midX[3] = ((this.xpd2 / Math.SQRT2) * trig(1, alfa3)) + this._x; this.midY[3] = ((this.xpd2 / Math.SQRT2) * trig(0, alfa3)) + this._y; this.midX[4] = (xdiag0 * trig(1, this._rotation + alfa4)) + this._x; this.midY[4] = (xdiag0 * trig(0, this._rotation + alfa4)) + this._y; this.midX[5] = (this.xpd2 * trig(1, this._rotation + 180)) + this._x; this.midY[5] = (this.xpd2 * trig(0, this._rotation + 180)) + this._y; this.midX[6] = (xdiag * trig(1, alfa2 + 180)) + this._x; this.midY[6] = (xdiag * trig(0, alfa2 + 180)) + this._y; this.midX[7] = ((this.xpd2 / Math.SQRT2) * trig(1, alfa3 + 180)) + this._x; this.midY[7] = ((this.xpd2 / Math.SQRT2) * trig(0, alfa3 + 180)) + this._y; } }; obj[bn].drawFigure(_zcol); obj[bn]._x = x; obj[bn]._y = y; obj[bn].num = fnum; obj[bn].moving = false; obj[bn].rotating = false; obj[bn].oldangle = false; obj[bn].rotactive = false; obj[bn].keywaiting = false; obj[bn].keyvalue = 0; } function draw_figure(pobj, fcol, lcol, factor, tan_array, xa, ya) { _zcol = fcol; _zzcol = lcol; find7 = 1; ind7 = 0; while (ind7 < (max_tans - 1)) { xind7 = tan_array[ind7 * 3]; if (xind7 != -1) { tind7 = 1; if (find7 == 6) { tind7 = 0; } if (find7 == 7) { tind7 = 2; } zdrunit = drunit; switch (find7) { case 3 : case 4 : zdrunit = drunit / 2; break; case 5 : zdrunit = (drunit * Math.SQRT2) / 2; break; case 6 : zdrunit = (drunit * Math.SQRT2) / 4; } addFigure(pobj, "" + find7, tind7, zdrunit * factor, 16711680, 0, 0); pobj["fig" + find7]._x = (tan_array[ind7 * 3] * factor) + xa; pobj["fig" + find7]._y = (tan_array[(ind7 * 3) + 1] * factor) + ya; pobj["fig" + find7]._rotation = tan_array[(ind7 * 3) + 2]; pobj["fig" + find7].model = 0; } find7++; ind7++; } if (tan_array[21] != 0) { pobj.fig7.pmirror = 1; pobj.fig7.drawFigure(_zcol, true); } _zcol = clr_l; _zzcol = clr_b; } function initpos() { hide_tit(); fxpos = mid_xpos - 2; fypos = starty + 2; _root.fig1._x = (fxpos + drunit) * delta; _root.fig1._y = (fypos + frad) * delta; _root.fig1._rotation = -45; _root.fig1.drawFigure(_zcol, true); _root.fig1.model = 1; _root.fig2._x = (((fxpos + (drunit * 2)) - frad) * delta) - 1; _root.fig2._y = ((fypos + drunit) * delta) - 1; _root.fig2._rotation = 45; _root.fig2.drawFigure(_zcol, true); _root.fig2.model = 1; _root.fig3._x = (fxpos + (frad / 2)) * delta; _root.fig3._y = (fypos + (drunit / 2)) * delta; _root.fig3._rotation = -135; _root.fig3.drawFigure(_zcol, true); _root.fig3.model = 1; _root.fig4._x = (fxpos + drunit) * delta; _root.fig4._y = (((fypos + drunit) + (drunit / 2)) - (frad / 2)) * delta; _root.fig4._rotation = 135; _root.fig4.drawFigure(_zcol, true); _root.fig4.model = 1; _root.fig5._x = (fxpos + (drunit / 3.41421356237309)) * delta; _root.fig5._y = ((fypos + (drunit * 2)) - (drunit / 3.41421356237309)) * delta; _root.fig5._rotation = 0; _root.fig5.drawFigure(_zcol, true); _root.fig5.model = 1; _root.fig6._x = (fxpos + (drunit / 2)) * delta; _root.fig6._y = (fypos + drunit) * delta; _root.fig6._rotation = -45; _root.fig6.drawFigure(_zcol, true); _root.fig6.model = 1; _root.fig7._x = ((fxpos + drunit) + (drunit / 4)) * delta; _root.fig7._y = ((fypos + (drunit * 2)) - (drunit / 4)) * delta; _root.fig7._rotation = 0; _root.fig7.pmirror = 0; _root.fig7.drawFigure(_zcol, true); _root.fig7.model = 1; } function bb_help() { gsplay("_sbutton"); act_help = true; _root.level = dlevel; warn_modalBgr = 13421772 /* 0xCCCCCC */; addPanel(_root, "_modalbgr", 0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height, warn_modalBgr); _modalbgr._alpha = 50; _modalbgr.useHandCursor = false; _modalbgr.onRollOver = function () { }; _modalbgr.tabEnabled = false; dlevel++;; = true; = ""; ind1 = 1; while (ind1 < max_tans) { if (_root["fig" + ind1]._x > ww_xmin) { aa1 = ((((("" + ((Math.round(_root["fig" + ind1]._x * 100) / 100) - ww_xmin)) + ",") + ((Math.round(_root["fig" + ind1]._y * 100) / 100) - ww_ymin)) + ",") + (Math.round(_root["fig" + ind1]._rotation * 100) / 100)) + ", "; } else { aa1 = "-1,-1,-1, "; } = + aa1; ind1++; } = + _root.fig7.pmirror; } function bb_restart() { gsplay("_sbutton"); if (cur_fig != "") { _root["fig" + cur_fig].drawFigure(_zcol, true); cur_fig = ""; } initpos(); } function gsplay(name) { _root[old_sound].stop(); if (sound_f) { _root[name].setVolume(100); _root[name].start(); } old_sound = name; } function bb_sound() { sound_f = !sound_f; _root.bsof._visible = !sound_f; _root.bson._visible = sound_f; _root[old_sound].stop(); gsplay("_sbutton"); } function allshift(mv) { ind7 = 1; while (ind7 < max_tans) { if (_root["fig" + ind7]._x > ww_xmin) { switch (mv) { case 0 : if ((_root["fig" + ind7]._y - 40) <= ww_ymin) { return(undefined); } break; case 1 : if ((_root["fig" + ind7]._y + 40) >= ww_ymax) { return(undefined); } break; case 2 : if ((_root["fig" + ind7]._x - 40) <= ww_xmin) { return(undefined); } break; case 3 : if ((_root["fig" + ind7]._x + 40) < ww_xmax) { break; } return(undefined); } } ind7++; } gsplay("_sbutton"); ind7 = 1; while (ind7 < max_tans) { if (_root["fig" + ind7]._x > ww_xmin) { switch (mv) { case 0 : _root["fig" + ind7]._y = _root["fig" + ind7]._y - 5; break; case 1 : _root["fig" + ind7]._y = _root["fig" + ind7]._y + 5; break; case 2 : _root["fig" + ind7]._x = _root["fig" + ind7]._x - 5; break; case 3 : _root["fig" + ind7]._x = _root["fig" + ind7]._x + 5; } } ind7++; } } function bb_up() { allshift(0); } function bb_dn() { allshift(1); } function bb_lf() { allshift(2); } function bb_rt() { allshift(3); } function drawLinkFig(nf, arr) { _root["st" + nf].area.removeMovieClip(); lev = _root["st" + nf].level; _root["st" + nf].createEmptyMovieClip("area", lev); draw_figure(_root["st" + nf].area, clr_g, clr_g, min_factor, arr, 0, 0); } function show_set() { gsplay("_sbutton"); if (cur_set == 1) { _root.bprev._visible = false; } else { _root.bprev._visible = true; } if (cur_set == max_set) { _root.bnext._visible = false; } else { _root.bnext._visible = true; } ind2 = 0; while (ind2 < 8) { drawLinkFig("" + ind2, tang_set[((cur_set - 1) * 8) + ind2]); ind2++; } } function bb_prev() { cur_set--; show_set(); } function bb_next() { cur_set++; show_set(); } function sel_tang(nt) { gsplay("_snew"); aind = parseInt(nt.charAt(2)); tang_sel = ((cur_set - 1) * 8) + aind; target_tan = tang_set[tang_sel]; task_def = true; bt_giveup(); if (cur_fig != "") { _root["fig" + cur_fig].drawFigure(_zcol, true); cur_fig = ""; } initpos(); _root.ct.area.removeMovieClip(); lev = _root.ct.level; _root.ct.createEmptyMovieClip("area", lev); draw_figure(_root.ct.area, clr_g, clr_g, mid_factor, target_tan, 0, pan_titHeight); } function delDuplicate(xarr1) { xval = Math.floor(xarr1[0] / 1000); aiz3 = 1; while (aiz3 < basic_len) { xxval = Math.floor(xarr1[aiz3] / 1000); if ((xxval > xval) && ((xxval - xval) < targ_eps)) { xarr1[aiz3] = (xval * 1000) + (xarr1[aiz3] % 1000); } else { xval = xxval; } aiz3++; } xarr1.sort(); zret = 0; aiz3 = 0; while (aiz3 < basic_len) { if (xarr1[aiz3] != 999999) { xval = Math.floor(xarr1[aiz3] / 1000); yval = xarr1[aiz3] % 1000; aiz4 = aiz3 + 1; while (aiz4 < basic_len) { if (Math.abs((xarr1[aiz4] / 1000) - xval) < targ_eps) { if (Math.abs((xarr1[aiz4] % 1000) - yval) < targ_eps) { zret++; xarr1[aiz4] = 999999 /* 0x0F423F */; } } else if (xarr1[aiz4] != 999999) { break; } aiz4++; } } aiz3++; } return(zret); } function bb_giveup() { gsplay("_sbutton"); bt_giveup(); } function bt_giveup() { if (!task_def) { return(undefined); } if (cur_fig != "") { _root["fig" + cur_fig].drawFigure(_zcol, true); cur_fig = ""; } initpos(); ind7 = 0; while (ind7 < (max_tans - 1)) { xind7 = target_tan[ind7 * 3]; if (xind7 != -1) { _root["fig" + (ind7 + 1)].model = 0; _root["fig" + (ind7 + 1)]._x = target_tan[ind7 * 3] + ww_xmin; _root["fig" + (ind7 + 1)]._y = target_tan[(ind7 * 3) + 1] + ww_ymin; _root["fig" + (ind7 + 1)]._rotation = target_tan[(ind7 * 3) + 2]; } ind7++; } if (target_tan[21] != 0) { _root.fig7.pmirror = 1; _root.fig7.drawFigure(_zcol, true); } aizi = 0; targ_miny = 1000; targ_maxy = 0; aiz = 1; while (aiz < max_tans) { _root["fig" + aiz].getBasis(); aiz2 = 0; while (aiz2 < _root["fig" + aiz].totcnt) { newy = Math.round(_root["fig" + aiz].midY[aiz2]); if (newy < targ_miny) { targ_miny = newy; } if (newy > targ_maxy) { targ_maxy = newy; } zetrezZ[aizi] = (Math.round(_root["fig" + aiz].midX[aiz2]) * 1000) + newy; aizi++; aiz2 = aiz2 + 2; } aiz++; } zetrezZ.sort(); targ_minx = Math.floor(zetrezZ[0] / 1000); targ_maxx = Math.floor(zetrezZ[basic_len - 1] / 1000); targ_base = delDuplicate(zetrezZ); zetrezZ.sort(); } function bb_arotate() { gsplay("_sbutton"); arotate_f = !arotate_f; = arotate_f; = !arotate_f; = arotate_f; = !arotate_f; } function bb_aadjust() { gsplay("_sbutton"); aadjust_f = !aadjust_f; = aadjust_f; = !aadjust_f; } function testGoal() { if (!task_def) { return(undefined); } aizi = 0; test_miny = 1000; test_maxy = 0; aiz = 1; while (aiz < max_tans) { if (_root["fig" + aiz]._x < ww_xmin) { return(undefined); } _root["fig" + aiz].getBasis(); aiz2 = 0; while (aiz2 < _root["fig" + aiz].totcnt) { newy = Math.round(_root["fig" + aiz].midY[aiz2]); if (newy < test_miny) { test_miny = newy; } if (newy > test_maxy) { test_maxy = newy; } tstrezZ[aizi] = (Math.round(_root["fig" + aiz].midX[aiz2]) * 1000) + newy; aizi++; aiz2 = aiz2 + 2; } aiz++; } dify = test_miny - targ_miny; if (((test_maxY - targ_maxY) - dify) >= targ_eps) { return(undefined); } tstrezZ.sort(); test_minx = Math.floor(tstrezZ[0] / 1000); test_maxx = Math.floor(tstrezZ[basic_len - 1] / 1000); difx = test_minx - targ_minx; if (((test_maxX - targ_maxX) - difx) >= targ_eps) { return(undefined); } tst_base = delDuplicate(tstrezZ); if (Math.abs(targ_base - tst_base) > 1) { return(undefined); } tstrezZ.sort(); errors = 0; aiz5 = 0; while (aiz5 < basic_len) { if (zetrezZ[aiz5] == 999999) { break; } if (Math.abs((Math.floor(tstrezZ[aiz5] / 1000) - Math.floor(zetrezZ[aiz5] / 1000)) - difx) > 2) { errors++; break; } if (Math.abs(((tstrezZ[aiz5] % 1000) - (zetrezZ[aiz5] % 1000)) - dify) > 2) { errors++; break; } aiz5++; } if (errors > 0) { if (tang_sel < 24) { return(undefined); } iz7 = 1; while (iz7 < (max_tans - 1)) { iz7t = iz7 + 1; while (iz7t < max_tans) { zxdist = Math.sqrt(getDistance(_root["fig" + iz7]._x, _root["fig" + iz7]._y, _root["fig" + iz7t]._x, _root["fig" + iz7t]._y)); zxdrad = _root["fig" + iz7].radF + _root["fig" + iz7t].radF; if ((zxdrad - zxdist) > 2) { return(undefined); } iz7t++; } iz7++; } } gsplay("_swin"); _zzcol = clr_g; ind8 = 1; while (ind8 < max_tans) { _root["fig" + ind8].model = 0; dlevel++; _root["fig" + ind8].swapDepths(dlevel); _root["fig" + ind8].drawFigure(_zzcol, true); ind8++; } _zzcol = clr_b; _root.ptit._visible = true; _root.ptit._alpha = 40; task_def = false; } function hide_tit() { if (_root.ptit._visible) { _root.ptit._visible = false; } } clr_b = 6697728 /* 0x663300 */; clr_g = 10053171 /* 0x996633 */; clr_l = 13408614 /* 0xCC9966 */; clr_w = 16572869 /* 0xFCE1C5 */; _zcol = clr_l; _zzcol = clr_b; max_tans = 8; dlevel = 0; cur_fig = ""; task_def = false; sound_f = false; old_sound = ""; drunit = 85; act_help = false; shift_mod = 400; shift_ovr = 10; toRadian = (Math.PI/180); frad = Math.round(drunit / 2.41421356237309); delta = 1.07; max_len = 400; mid_len = 200; min_len = 60; fname = "Arial"; fsize = 14; startx = 10; starty = 80; sdelim = 25; main_fontName = fname; main_fontSize = fsize; main_fontColor = clr_b; pan_titfontColor = clr_b; txt_vFactor = 1.4; txt_hFactor = 1.3; txt_wsymbol = "W"; pan_titHeight = 20; main_font = setFormat(main_fontName, main_fontSize, main_fontColor); pan_titfont = setFormat(main_fontName, main_fontSize, main_fontColor, "center"); pan_titfont.bold = true; url_font = setFormat(fname, 10, clr_b, "right"); url_font.underline = true; nxpos = startx; nypos = starty; nypos = 195; bb_sound(); addText(this, "sel_task", "SELECT PUZZLE", nxpos, nypos, pan_titfont, b_restart._width, 40); nypos = nypos + (sel_task._heigh + sdelim); ind1 = 0; while (ind1 < 4) { ind2 = 0; while (ind2 < 2) { addPanel(_root, "st" + ((ind1 * 2) + ind2), nxpos + ((min_len + 5) * ind2), nypos, min_len, min_len, clr_w, clr_g); _root["st" + ((ind1 * 2) + ind2)].onPress = function () { sel_tang(this._name); }; _root["st" + ((ind1 * 2) + ind2)].tabEnabled = false; lev = getLevel(_root["st" + ((ind1 * 2) + ind2)]); _root["st" + ((ind1 * 2) + ind2)].createEmptyMovieClip("area", lev); ind2++; } nypos = nypos + (min_len + 5); ind1++; } mid_xpos = 151; addFigure(_root, "1", 1, drunit, 0, 0); addFigure(_root, "2", 1, drunit, 0, 0); addFigure(_root, "3", 1, drunit / 2, 0, 0); addFigure(_root, "4", 1, drunit / 2, 0, 0); addFigure(_root, "5", 1, (drunit * Math.SQRT2) / 2, 0, 0); addFigure(_root, "6", 0, (drunit * Math.SQRT2) / 4, 0, 0); addFigure(_root, "7", 2, drunit, 0, 0); initpos(); fillBoxXY(_root, mid_xpos, starty, mid_xpos + mid_len, starty + mid_len, clr_w); addPanel(_root, "ct", mid_xpos, (starty + mid_len) + 5, mid_len, mid_len + pan_titHeight, clr_l, clr_l, "CURRENT PUZZLE"); lev = getLevel(_root.ct); _root.ct.createEmptyMovieClip("area", lev); _root.ct.useHandCursor = false; _root.ct.tabEnabled = false; _root.ct.onPress = function () { }; nypos = starty; addText(this, "sh_text", "SHIFT ALL TANS TO THE", (mid_xpos + mid_len) + (sdelim * 3), nypos - 2, pan_titfont); fillBoxXY(_root, (mid_xpos + mid_len) + sdelim, starty + 20, ((mid_xpos + mid_len) + sdelim) + max_len, (starty + max_len) + 20, clr_w); = false; = false; _root.bu.tabEnabled = false; = false; _root.brestart.tabEnabled = false; _root.bgiveup.tabEnabled = false; _root.bson.tabEnabled = false; _root.bsof.tabEnabled = false; _root.bhelp.tabEnabled = false; _root.bpref.tabEnabled = false; _root.bnext.tabEnabled = false; wd_xmin = mid_xpos + sdelim; ww_xmin = (mid_xpos + mid_len) + sdelim; ww_xmax = ((mid_xpos + mid_len) + sdelim) + max_len; ww_ymin = starty + 20; ww_ymax = (starty + max_len) + 20; lev = getLevel(this); attachMovie("tpagoda", "ptit", lev); _root.ptit.tabEnabled = false; _root.ptit._x = ww_xmin; _root.ptit._y = ww_ymin; addHotLabel(this, "azurl", 535, 30, null, "", null, "Copyright Andrey D.Orlov WWW.ZTOR.COM", burl, url_font, 200); addPanel(_root, "help", 110, 30, 610, 450, clr_w, clr_l, "HELP & SETTINGS", true); = false;"help_p", "help_p", 2); = 2; = pan_titHeight + 2; = false; = true; = 2; = function () { = false; _modalbgr.removeMovieClip(); act_help = false; }; arotate_f = false; bb_arotate(); aadjust_f = false; bb_aadjust(); addText(, "t_cord", "Current coordinates: ", 10, - 65, main_font); addText(, "cord", "", 10, - 45, main_font, 590, 50); = true; = false; min_factor = min_len / max_len; mid_factor = mid_len / max_len; dlevel = _root.level; basic_len = 23; tang_sel = 0; targ_minx = 0; targ_miny = 0; targ_maxx = 0; targ_maxy = 0; targ_base = 0; targ_eps = 4; zetrezZ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; tstrezZ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; tempX = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; tempY = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; target_tan = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0]; tang_set = array(); tang_set.push([257.7, 258.5, 135, 172.1, 243.65, -45, 154.45, 335.9, -90, 300.2, 311.3, -180, 147.1, 64.25, 135, 177.15, 119.15, -90, 147.25, 179.15, -45, 0]); tang_set.push([186.35, 156.35, 135, 271.35, 141.75, -45, 143.85, 209.15, -180, 80.1, 195.25, 135, 246.1, 251.25, -135, 191.15, 221.15, -90, 285.1, 212.25, 0, 0]); tang_set.push([149.1, 190, 135, 234.1, 175.4, -45, 136.25, 358.15, 0, 131.1, 303.25, 180, 259.1, 55.25, 135, 289.1, 110.25, 0, 149.1, 255.25, -45, 0]); tang_set.push([168.2, 189.35, 90, 302.55, 118.55, 135, 154.2, 277.95, 135, 175.05, 136.2, 135, 107.7, 213.95, -90, 217.55, 111.3, -45, 72.65, 268.8, -45, 0]); tang_set.push([201.25, 103.75, 45, 91.65, 283.9, 90, 159.05, 206.2, -180, 254.8, 231.35, 0, 332.5, 248.95, 45, 206.75, 218.65, -90, 116.75, 158.6, 45, 1]); tang_set.push([269.65, 223.95, -45, 184.65, 238.55, 135, 74.75, 188.8, 90, 282.05, 286.2, -90, 207.25, 116.15, 135, 98.95, 231.75, -45, 117.1, 141.05, -45, 0]); tang_set.push([176.05, 249.25, 45, 246.5, 249.25, 0, 271.6, 163.65, -135, 169.05, 181.2, -45, 126.5, 78.55, 135, 156.6, 133.5, -90, 232.8, 142.4, 90, 1]); tang_set.push([202.8, 210.95, 45, 273.25, 211.05, -135, 68.05, 186.25, -135, 323.05, 186.2, -45, 153.05, 246.2, 135, 92.95, 143.75, -45, 114.15, 207.55, 90, 0]); tang_set.push([148.05, 214.25, 0, 198.05, 334.2, -90, 109.3, 65.25, -135, 159.05, 65.25, 45, 173.2, 274.1, -45, 134.1, 108, -45, 293.15, 339.4, -45, 0]); tang_set.push([292.05, 226.2, -157, 161.5, 226.2, 68, 48.25, 164.2, -135, 98.05, 164.2, 45, 227, 225.65, -112, 73.15, 206.7, -45, 359.35, 143.95, -90, 0]); tang_set.push([125.6, 202.2, 45, 196.05, 202.2, 90, 323.05, 149.2, 135, 262.95, 209.35, -90, 118.3, 279.9, 135, 75.8, 244.7, -45, 220.8, 257.25, -45, 0]); tang_set.push([236.1, 283.2, 135, 151.1, 268.65, -45, 101.2, 113.25, -135, 143.65, 215.75, 0, 296.2, 258.3, -45, 96, 203.3, -90, 126.05, 143.25, -45, 0]); tang_set.push([279.6, 219.6, -90, 229.85, 169.85, 90, 177.3, 177.55, -90, 74.1, 219.15, 135, 339.7, 194.7, -135, 164.9, 225.25, -90, 104.1, 194.25, 45, 0]); tang_set.push([148.3, 237.4, 90, 233.35, 251.75, 135, 95.45, 244.65, -90, 275.95, 184.4, -90, 113, 117.15, 135, 143.1, 172.1, 90, 297.05, 223.2, 0, 0]); tang_set.push([141.75, 215, 90, 261.95, 215, 90, 341.95, 148.95, 45, 304.65, 161.4, 0, 201.85, 239.85, -90, 346.95, 222.25, -45, 77, 149, -135, 1]); tang_set.push([211.05, 297.85, 0, 260.8, 248.1, -45, 133.35, 230.5, -135, 141.2, 103.9, -90, 150.95, 273, 45, 159, 188, -45, 180.25, 124.25, 90, 1]); tang_set.push([110.95, 231.95, 0, 220.8, 242.25, -180, 58.15, 189.45, -90, 123.35, 284.75, 90, 195.95, 182.15, -90, 199.55, 100.75, -45, 319.55, 228.2, 0, 0]); tang_set.push([202, 149.95, 135, 287, 220.35, -45, 117, 160.25, -45, 311.8, 355.05, -90, 56.85, 117.75, 0, 180.75, 78.95, -45, 308.2, 291.35, -90, 0]); tang_set.push([163.7, 199.85, 0, 213.75, 150.2, -180, 128.55, 320.4, 45, 231.15, 345.05, 135, 171.05, 260.3, 90, 189.1, 73.25, -45, 209.85, 299.1, -90, 0]); tang_set.push([189.4, 177.7, -45, 239.2, 227.5, 45, 146.9, 209.85, 0, 231.9, 124.85, 135, 214.25, 347.45, 135, 210.65, 78.7, -45, 244.4, 312.45, -135, 0]); tang_set.push([164.15, 144.5, 45, 175.1, 254.7, 0, 259.25, 169, 0, 216.85, 186.75, 0, 139.1, 84.85, 90, 199.95, 319.95, 0, 220.5, 123.05, 90, 1]); tang_set.push([193.3, 268.5, 0, 243.05, 218.7, 45, 73, 286.1, -45, 295.9, 261.2, -135, 133.15, 243.6, -90, 257, 112.45, -45, 299.4, 197.25, 90, 1]); tang_set.push([259.8, 242.05, -90, 210.15, 192.6, 90, 97.05, 139.4, -90, 157.3, 174.95, 180, 319.9, 217.15, -135, 144.75, 127, 0, 144.8, 217.3, 45, 0]); tang_set.push([202.85, 212.05, -45, 117.85, 141.55, 135, 245.35, 159.15, 135, 181.6, 265.45, 135, 287.85, 212.05, 135, 202.85, 134.3, -45, 291.3, 258.1, 0, 0]); tang_set.push([175.85, 111.65, -135, 175.85, 281.65, -135, 243.2, 154, -135, 225.55, 256.6, -45, 200.65, 171.7, -90, 268.05, 196.5, -45, 204.3, 217.8, 0, 0]); tang_set.push([205.8, 198.15, 135, 205.8, 268.6, -45, 248.25, 130.7, 135, 180.9, 148.35, -135, 265.95, 173.3, -180, 205.75, 105.85, -45, 142.05, 169.6, -90, 0]); tang_set.push([154.3, 242.15, -135, 253.85, 242.15, 45, 221.65, 114.6, -135, 204.25, 217.25, -45, 179.45, 132.3, -90, 246.5, 157.1, -45, 182.95, 178.4, 0, 0]); tang_set.push([141, 122.75, -45, 275.8, 257.65, 45, 183.5, 154.95, 135, 286.1, 172.65, -135, 286.1, 112.45, -180, 225.75, 130.35, -45, 247.1, 193.95, -90, 0]); tang_set.push([296.2, 194.65, -135, 105.8, 194.65, 45, 183.45, 152.05, 180, 243.4, 237.15, -90, 165.95, 194.65, -135, 231.15, 164.5, -90, 201.1, 224.65, -45, 0]); tang_set.push([194.3, 134.1, -45, 236.75, 261.55, -45, 279.35, 208.7, 135, 127, 141.25, -135, 176.65, 201.45, 0, 236.85, 183.85, -45, 130.65, 205, 90, 0]); tang_set.push([202.2, 133.85, -45, 262.25, 194, 45, 254.95, 261.35, 0, 159.7, 261.45, -90, 142.05, 218.75, -135, 207.25, 248.9, -90, 147.2, 158.6, 45, 0]); tang_set.push([138, 213.65, -45, 223, 228.25, 135, 281.9, 176.9, -135, 95.5, 160.8, 135, 239.4, 159.3, 180, 306.75, 219.4, -45, 158.2, 155.7, 0, 0]); cur_set = 1; max_set = 4; show_set(); _sinit = new Sound(); _sinit.attachSound("_sinit"); _snew = new Sound(); _snew.attachSound("_snew"); _swin = new Sound(); _swin.attachSound("_swin"); _sdrop = new Sound(); _sdrop.attachSound("_sdrop"); _sshift = new Sound(); _sshift.attachSound("_sshift"); _sbutton = new Sound(); _sbutton.attachSound("_sbutton"); gsplay("_sinit"); stop();
Symbol 54 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_aadjust(); }
Symbol 55 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_arotate(); }
Symbol 59 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_aadjust(); }
Symbol 60 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_arotate(); }
Symbol 71 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_lf(); }
Symbol 72 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_rt(); }
Symbol 73 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_up(); }
Symbol 74 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_dn(); }
Symbol 78 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_restart(); }
Symbol 80 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_giveup(); }
Symbol 82 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_sound(); }
Symbol 84 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_sound(); }
Symbol 87 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_help(); }
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_prev(); }
Symbol 94 Button
on (release) { _root.bb_next(); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [_swin]
Symbol 2 Sound [_sshift]
Symbol 3 Sound [_sbutton]
Symbol 4 Sound [_snew]
Symbol 5 Sound [_sinit]
Symbol 6 Sound [_sdrop]
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 Button [ButtonCloseWindow]Uses:7 8
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 11 FontUsed by:13 16 17 18 21 22 23 39 42 44 45 46 48 50 52 56 57 58
Symbol 12 Font
Symbol 13 EditableTextUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:14Used by:43 61
Symbol 16 EditableTextUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 17 EditableTextUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 18 EditableTextUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:19Used by:43 61
Symbol 21 EditableTextUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 22 EditableTextUses:11Used by:38
Symbol 23 EditableTextUses:11Used by:38
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:24Used by:38
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26Used by:38
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:28Used by:38
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:30Used by:38
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:32Used by:38
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:34Used by:38
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:36Used by:38 43
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:22 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37Used by:61
Symbol 39 EditableTextUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 42 EditableTextUses:11Used by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42 37 15 20Used by:61
Symbol 44 EditableTextUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 45 EditableTextUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 46 EditableTextUses:11Used by:61
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:54 55 59 60
Symbol 48 EditableTextUses:11Used by:54 55
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:54 55 59 60 78 80 82 84 87
Symbol 50 EditableTextUses:11Used by:54 55
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:54 55 59 60 78 80 82 84 87
Symbol 52 EditableTextUses:11Used by:54 55
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:54 55 59 60 78 80 82 84 87 92 94
Symbol 54 ButtonUses:47 48 49 50 51 52 53Used by:61
Symbol 55 ButtonUses:47 48 49 50 51 52 53Used by:61
Symbol 56 EditableTextUses:11Used by:59 60
Symbol 57 EditableTextUses:11Used by:59 60
Symbol 58 EditableTextUses:11Used by:59 60
Symbol 59 ButtonUses:47 56 49 57 51 58 53Used by:61
Symbol 60 ButtonUses:47 56 49 57 51 58 53Used by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClip [help_p]Uses:10 13 15 16 17 18 20 21 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 54 55 59 60
Symbol 62 BitmapUsed by:63
Symbol 63 GraphicUses:62Used by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClip [tpagoda]Uses:63
Symbol 65 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:65Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:71 72 73 74
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:71 72 73 74
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:71 72 73 74
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71 72 73 74
Symbol 71 ButtonUses:67 68 69 70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 ButtonUses:67 68 69 70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 73 ButtonUses:67 68 69 70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 ButtonUses:67 68 69 70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:78 80 82 84 87
Symbol 76 FontUsed by:77 79 81 83 85 86 89 93
Symbol 77 TextUses:76Used by:78
Symbol 78 ButtonUses:75 77 49 51 53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 TextUses:76Used by:80
Symbol 80 ButtonUses:75 79 49 51 53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 TextUses:76Used by:82
Symbol 82 ButtonUses:75 81 49 51 53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 TextUses:76Used by:84
Symbol 84 ButtonUses:75 83 49 51 53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 TextUses:76Used by:87
Symbol 86 TextUses:76Used by:87
Symbol 87 ButtonUses:75 85 49 86 51 53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:92 94
Symbol 89 TextUses:76Used by:92
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:92 94
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:92 94
Symbol 92 ButtonUses:88 89 90 91 53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 TextUses:76Used by:94
Symbol 94 ButtonUses:88 93 90 91 53Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"bl"Frame 1Symbol 71 Button
"br"Frame 1Symbol 72 Button
"bu"Frame 1Symbol 73 Button
"bd"Frame 1Symbol 74 Button
"brestart"Frame 1Symbol 78 Button
"bgiveup"Frame 1Symbol 80 Button
"bsof"Frame 1Symbol 82 Button
"bson"Frame 1Symbol 84 Button
"bhelp"Frame 1Symbol 87 Button
"bprev"Frame 1Symbol 92 Button
"bnext"Frame 1Symbol 94 Button
"help_a"Symbol 61 MovieClip [help_p] Frame 1Symbol 38 MovieClip
"help_d"Symbol 61 MovieClip [help_p] Frame 1Symbol 43 MovieClip
"aena"Symbol 61 MovieClip [help_p] Frame 1Symbol 54 Button
"rena"Symbol 61 MovieClip [help_p] Frame 1Symbol 55 Button
"adis"Symbol 61 MovieClip [help_p] Frame 1Symbol 59 Button
"rdis"Symbol 61 MovieClip [help_p] Frame 1Symbol 60 Button

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "_swin"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "_sshift"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "_sbutton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "_snew"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "_sinit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "_sdrop"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 9 as "ButtonCloseWindow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 61 as "help_p"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 64 as "tpagoda"


"start"Frame 1
Created: 9/5 -2019 21:24:08 Last modified: 9/5 -2019 21:24:08 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:43:37