Frame 1
function firtim() {
totalseconds = totalseconds + 1;
waitfor = Math.round((totalseconds / (_root.getBytesLoaded() + main_music.getBytesLoaded())) * ((_root.getBytesTotal() + main_music.getBytesTotal()) - (_root.getBytesLoaded() + main_music.getBytesLoaded())));
if (waitfor < 60) {
_root.loa2.htmlText = waitfor + " seconds";
} else if ((waitfor / 60) < 60) {
_root.loa2.htmlText = ((Math.floor(waitfor / 60) + " minutes ") + (waitfor - (Math.floor(waitfor / 60) * 60))) + " seconds";
_lockroot = true;
_root.frm = 0;
_quality = "MEDIUM";
_root.global_money = 500;
_root.currentlevel = 1;
lasts = 0;
times = 0;
someListener = new Object();
totalseconds = 0;
fir = setInterval(firtim, 1000);
var main_music = new Sound();
main_music.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
main_music.start(0, 999);
main_music.loadSound("music.mp3", false);
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.frm == 0) {
cur = Math.round(((_root.getBytesLoaded() + main_music.getBytesLoaded()) / (_root.getBytesTotal() + main_music.getBytesTotal())) * 100);
if (cur != lasts) {
times = 10;
} else {
times = times - 1;
if (times > 0) {
_root.loa.htmlText = ("<font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><B>.:</B></font> " + cur) + " <font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><B>:.</B></font>";
} else if (times > -5) {
_root.loa.htmlText = ("<font color=\"#AAAAAA\"><B>.:</B></font> " + cur) + " <font color=\"#AAAAAA\"><B>:.</B></font>";
} else if (times > -40) {
_root.loa.htmlText = ("<B>.:</B> " + cur) + " <B>:.</B>";
} else {
_root.loa.htmlText = ("<font color=\"#FF0000\"><B>.:</B></font> " + cur) + " <font color=\"#FF0000\"><B>:.</B></font>";
lasts = cur;
if ((_root.getBytesLoaded() + main_music.getBytesLoaded()) == (_root.getBytesTotal() + main_music.getBytesTotal())) {
Frame 2
_root.frm = 1; = true;
_root.visarea._visible = false;
_root.screenarea._visible = false;
_root.glow._alpha = 0;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
Frame 3
function Dist2D(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
return(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1x - p2x, 2) + Math.pow(p1y - p2y, 2)));
function Effect(x, y, typ, pntox, pntoy) {
if (pntox == undefined) {
pntox = 0;
if (pntoy == undefined) {
pntoy = 0;
tr = 1;
if (typ == 0) {
tr = 1;
if (typ == 1) {
tr = 3;
if (typ == 2) {
tr = 10;
if (typ == 3) {
tr = 1;
if (typ == 4) {
tr = 2;
if (typ == 5) {
tr = 3;
if (typ == 6) {
tr = 1;
if (typ == 7) {
tr = 2;
if ((typ == 1) || (typ == 2)) {
tr = tr * bloodlevel;
ti = 0;
while (ti < tr) {
if (typ == 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "p" + nextef, nextef + 200);
if ((typ == 1) || (typ == 2)) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "p" + nextef, nextef + 200);
if (typ == 3) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "p" + nextef, nextef + 200);
if (typ == 4) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "p" + nextef, nextef + 200);
if (typ == 5) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "p" + nextef, nextef + 200);
if (typ == 6) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "p" + nextef, nextef + 200);
if (typ == 7) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "p" + nextef, nextef + 200);
if ((ti == 0) || (typ == 7)) {["p" + nextef].gotoAndPlay(1);
} else {["p" + nextef].gotoAndPlay(3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5));
}["p" + nextef]._x = x;["p" + nextef]._y = y;["p" + nextef].tox = pntox;["p" + nextef].toy = pntoy;
if ((tr != 1) && (typ != 7)) {["p" + nextef]._x = (x - 4) + (Math.random() * 8);["p" + nextef]._y = (y - 4) + (Math.random() * 8);
nextef = nextef + 1;
if (nextef > maxef) {
nextef = 0;
function Draw() {
i = 0;
while (i < mcto_tot) {
if ((aio[chP[mcto_ch[i]]] == true) || (aio[chC[mcto_ch[i]]] == true)) {
mcto_mc[i]._xscale = Math.abs(mcto_mc[i]._xscale) * mcto_filp[i];
mcto_mc[i]._x = ax[chP[mcto_ch[i]]];
mcto_mc[i]._y = ay[chP[mcto_ch[i]]];
mcto_mc[i]._rotation = mcto_an[i] - ((Math.atan2(ax[chP[mcto_ch[i]]] - ax[chC[mcto_ch[i]]], ay[chP[mcto_ch[i]]] - ay[chC[mcto_ch[i]]]) / Math.PI) * 180);
function CreatePoint(x, y, sx, sy, rad) {
ax[atotal] = x;
ay[atotal] = y;
atox[atotal] = sx;
atoy[atotal] = sy;
aio[atotal] = true;
if (rad != undefined) {
arad[atotal] = rad;
} else {
arad[atotal] = 0;
return(atotal - 1);
function Connect(a, a2, type, di) {
chP[chtotal] = a;
chC[chtotal] = a2;
if (di != undefined) {
chdef[chtotal] = di;
} else {
chdef[chtotal] = Dist2D(ax[a], ay[a], ax[a2], ay[a2]);
chdamp[chtotal] = 0.1;
chtypa[chtotal] = type;
chio[chtotal] = true;
return(chtotal - 1);
function LinkMcTo(mc, ch, pan, flip) {
mcto_mc[mcto_tot] = mc;
mcto_ch[mcto_tot] = ch;
mcto_an[mcto_tot] = pan;
mcto_filp[mcto_tot] = flip;
function ObjectPos(mc) {
var _local1 = {x:mc._x, y:mc._y};
function ToObjectPos(pox, poy, mc) {
var _local1 = {x:pox, y:poy};
function Kill(i) {["player" + i].sou.gotoAndStop(10 + Math.round(Math.random() * 2));
if (i != 0) {
if (["player" + i].say_die != undefined) {
Hint2(["player" + i].say_die);
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
size_body = 4;
size_head = 7;
size_arm = 8;
size_subarm = 3;
size_subleg = 4;
if (["player" + i].char == 1) {
size_body = 4;
size_head = 5;
size_arm = 15;
size_subarm = 10;
size_subleg = 5;
speedx =["player" + i].tox;
speedy =["player" + i].toy;
p_body = CreatePoint(["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].body._x,["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].body._y, speedx * 1.2, speedy * 1.2, size_body);
if (["player" + i].hea > -5) {
p_arm1 = CreatePoint(["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].arm1._x,["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].arm1._y, speedx * 1.1, speedy * 1.1, size_arm);
} else {
p_arm1 = CreatePoint(["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].arm1._x,["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].arm1._y, (speedx * 1.1) - (["player" + i]._xscale / 5), (speedy * 1.1) - 20, size_arm);
an1 =["player" + i].legs.upper1._rotation;
an2 =["player" + i].legs.upper2._rotation;["player" + i].legs.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].legs.leg1._rotation = an1;["player" + i].legs.leg2._rotation = an2;
if (["player" + i].hea > -10) {
p_subleg1 = CreatePoint(((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].legs.leg1._x) +["player" + i].legs._x) - (Math.sin((["player" + i].legs.leg1._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 35), ((["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].legs.leg1._y) +["player" + i].legs._y) + (Math.cos((["player" + i].legs.leg1._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * (35 - size_subleg)), speedx * 1.3, speedy * 1.3, size_subleg);
p_subleg2 = CreatePoint(((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].legs.leg2._x) +["player" + i].legs._x) - (Math.sin((["player" + i].legs.leg2._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 35), ((["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].legs.leg2._y) +["player" + i].legs._y) + (Math.cos((["player" + i].legs.leg2._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * (35 - size_subleg)), speedx * 0.8, speedy * 0.8, size_subleg);
} else {
p_subleg1 = CreatePoint(((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].legs.leg1._x) +["player" + i].legs._x) - (Math.sin((["player" + i].legs.leg1._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 35), ((["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].legs.leg1._y) +["player" + i].legs._y) + (Math.cos((["player" + i].legs.leg1._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * (35 - size_subleg)), speedx * 0.7, speedy * 0, 7, size_subleg);
p_subleg2 = CreatePoint(((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].legs.leg2._x) +["player" + i].legs._x) - (Math.sin((["player" + i].legs.leg2._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 35), ((["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].legs.leg2._y) +["player" + i].legs._y) + (Math.cos((["player" + i].legs.leg2._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * (35 - size_subleg)), speedx * 0.9, speedy * 0.9, size_subleg);
}["player" + i].a_stand1 = p_subleg1;["player" + i].a_stand2 = p_subleg2;["player" + i].legs._x = 0;["player" + i].legs._y = 0;
p_subarm1 = CreatePoint((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].arm1._x) - (Math.sin((["player" + i].arm1._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 26), (["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].arm1._y) + (Math.cos((["player" + i].arm1._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 26), speedx * 1.4, speedy * 1.4, size_subarm);
p_subarm2 = CreatePoint((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].arm2._x) - (Math.sin((["player" + i].arm2._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 26), (["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].arm2._y) + (Math.cos((["player" + i].arm2._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 26), speedx, speedy, size_subarm);
p_head = CreatePoint(["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].head._x,["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].head._y, speedx, speedy, size_head);["player" + i].a_stand3 = p_head;
if (["player" + i].hea > -10) {
p_subhead = CreatePoint((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].head._x) + (Math.sin((["player" + i].head._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 8), (["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].head._y) - (Math.cos((["player" + i].head._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 8), speedx, speedy, size_head);
} else {
p_subhead = CreatePoint((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].head._x) + (Math.sin((["player" + i].head._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 8), (["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].head._y) - (Math.cos((["player" + i].head._rotation / 180) * Math.PI) * 8), speedx * 2, speedy * 2, size_head);
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
p_gun = CreatePoint(["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].gun._x,["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y, speedx * 0.5, speedy * 0.5);
sc =["player" + i].gun._xscale / 100;
p_subgun = CreatePoint(((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].gun._x) - ((Math.sin(((["player" + i].gun._rotation - 90) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch1._x) * sc)) - ((Math.sin(((["player" + i].gun._rotation + 180) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch1._y) * sc), ((["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y) + ((Math.cos(((["player" + i].gun._rotation - 90) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch1._x) * sc)) - ((Math.cos(((["player" + i].gun._rotation + 180) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch1._y) * sc), speedx * 0.5, speedy * 0.5);
p_subgun2 = CreatePoint(((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].gun._x) - ((Math.sin(((["player" + i].gun._rotation - 90) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch2._x) * sc)) - ((Math.sin(((["player" + i].gun._rotation + 180) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch2._y) * sc), ((["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y) + ((Math.cos(((["player" + i].gun._rotation - 90) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch2._x) * sc)) - ((Math.cos(((["player" + i].gun._rotation + 180) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch2._y) * sc), speedx * 0.5, speedy * 0.5);
p_subgun3 = CreatePoint(((["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].gun._x) - ((Math.sin(((["player" + i].gun._rotation - 90) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch3._x) * sc)) - ((Math.sin(((["player" + i].gun._rotation + 180) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch3._y) * sc), ((["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y) + ((Math.cos(((["player" + i].gun._rotation - 90) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch3._x) * sc)) - ((Math.cos(((["player" + i].gun._rotation + 180) / 180) * Math.PI) *["player" + i].gun.anch3._y) * sc), speedx * 0.5, speedy * 0.5);
} else {["player" + i].gun._visible = false;
aof[p_body] = i;
aof[p_arm1] = i;
aof[p_subleg1] = i;
aof[p_subleg2] = i;
aof[p_subarm1] = i;
aof[p_subarm2] = i;
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
aof[p_gun] = -1;
aof[p_subgun] = -1;
aof[p_head] = i;
aof[p_subhead] = i;
Connect(p_body, p_arm1, 0);
ch_leg1 = Connect(p_body, p_subleg1, 0);
ch_leg2 = Connect(p_body, p_subleg2, 0);
ch_head = Connect(p_body, p_head, 0);
Connect(p_arm1, p_head, 0);
ch_head2 = Connect(p_head, p_subhead, 0);
ch_arm1 = Connect(p_arm1, p_subarm1, 0);
ch_arm2 = Connect(p_arm1, p_subarm2, 0);
Connect(p_subleg2, p_subleg1, 2, 40);
Connect(p_subleg2, p_subleg1, 1, 5);
Connect(p_subarm2, p_subarm1, 1, 5);
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
ch_gun = Connect(p_gun, p_subgun, 0);
Connect(p_subgun, p_subgun2, 0);
Connect(p_subgun, p_subgun3, 0);
Connect(p_subgun2, p_subgun3, 0);
Connect(p_gun, p_subgun2, 0);
Connect(p_gun, p_subgun3, 0);
Connect(p_arm1, p_subleg2, 1, 50);
Connect(p_arm1, p_subleg1, 1, 50);
Connect(p_body, p_subhead, 1, 35);
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
Connect(p_subarm1, p_gun, 3);
Connect(p_subarm2, p_gun, 3);
flip =["player" + i]._xscale / 100;
if (flip < 0) {
ax[p_body] = ax[p_body] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_body] = ax[p_body] * -1;
ax[p_body] = ax[p_body] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_arm1] = ax[p_arm1] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_arm1] = ax[p_arm1] * -1;
ax[p_arm1] = ax[p_arm1] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subleg1] = ax[p_subleg1] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subleg1] = ax[p_subleg1] * -1;
ax[p_subleg1] = ax[p_subleg1] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subleg2] = ax[p_subleg2] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subleg2] = ax[p_subleg2] * -1;
ax[p_subleg2] = ax[p_subleg2] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subarm1] = ax[p_subarm1] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subarm1] = ax[p_subarm1] * -1;
ax[p_subarm1] = ax[p_subarm1] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subarm2] = ax[p_subarm2] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subarm2] = ax[p_subarm2] * -1;
ax[p_subarm2] = ax[p_subarm2] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_head] = ax[p_head] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_head] = ax[p_head] * -1;
ax[p_head] = ax[p_head] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subhead] = ax[p_subhead] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subhead] = ax[p_subhead] * -1;
ax[p_subhead] = ax[p_subhead] +["player" + i]._x;
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
ax[p_gun] = ax[p_gun] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_gun] = ax[p_gun] * -1;
ax[p_gun] = ax[p_gun] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subgun] = ax[p_subgun] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subgun] = ax[p_subgun] * -1;
ax[p_subgun] = ax[p_subgun] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subgun2] = ax[p_subgun2] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subgun2] = ax[p_subgun2] * -1;
ax[p_subgun2] = ax[p_subgun2] +["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subgun3] = ax[p_subgun3] -["player" + i]._x;
ax[p_subgun3] = ax[p_subgun3] * -1;
ax[p_subgun3] = ax[p_subgun3] +["player" + i]._x;
}["player" + i]._x = 0;["player" + i]._y = 0;
LinkMcTo(["player" + i].body, ch_head, 0, flip);
LinkMcTo(["player" + i].legs.toe, ch_head, 0, flip);
LinkMcTo(["player" + i].legs.leg1, ch_leg1, 180, flip);
LinkMcTo(["player" + i].legs.leg2, ch_leg2, 180, flip);
LinkMcTo(["player" + i].arm1, ch_arm1, 180, flip);
LinkMcTo(["player" + i].arm2, ch_arm2, 180, flip);
LinkMcTo(["player" + i].head, ch_head2, 0, flip);
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
if (flip > 0) {
LinkMcTo(["player" + i].gun, ch_gun, -90, flip);
} else {
LinkMcTo(["player" + i].gun, ch_gun, 90, flip);
}["player" + i]._xscale = 100;
function Fire(px, py, mast, power, spx, spy) {
ok = true;
ip = 0;
while ((ip < pulstot) && (ok)) {
if (["pl" + ip]._visible == false) {
ok = false;
ini = ip;
if (ok) {
ini = pulstot;
duplicateMovieClip (, "pl" + ini, -100 + ini);["pl" + ini].life = 0;["pl" + ini]._x = px + spx;["pl" + ini]._y = py + spy;["pl" + ini].power = power;["pl" + ini].spx = spx;["pl" + ini].spy = spy;["pl" + ini].master = mast;["pl" + ini].gotoAndStop(["player" + mast].gun._currentframe);["pl" + ini]._rotation = (Math.atan2(spy, spx) / Math.PI) * 180;
if (ok) {
if (pulstot >= pulsmax) {
pulstot = 0;
function HTrace(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
ok = true;
an1 = (-Math.atan2(x1 - x2, y1 - y2)) - (Math.PI/2);
tracex = Math.cos(an1) * 10;
tracey = Math.sin(an1) * 10;
tracx = x1;
tracy = y1;
dst = Math.floor(Dist2D(x1, y1, x2, y2) / 10);
z = 0;
while ((z < dst) && (ok == true)) {
tracx = tracx + tracex;
tracy = tracy + tracey;
if ( +, tracy +, true)) {
ok = false;
function finish() {
if ( > 0) {
function Stuk(hor, ver, a) {
hor = Math.abs(hor) * 0.5;
ver = Math.abs(ver) * 0.5;
if (hor > (ver + 2)) {["player" + aof[a]].sou.gotoAndStop(9);
} else {
if (ver > 2) {
if (ver <= 3) {["player" + aof[a]].sou.gotoAndStop(7);
if (ver > 3) {
if (ver <= 4) {["player" + aof[a]].sou.gotoAndStop(6);
if (ver > 4) {["player" + aof[a]].sou.gotoAndStop(8);
function Hint(mess) {
hinttim = (mess.length * 2) + 10;
_root.hint.htmlText = "Hint: " + mess;
function Hint2(mess) {
hinttim = (mess.length * 2) + 10;
_root.hint.htmlText = mess;
} = false;
_root.frm = 2;
_root.stat_kills = 0;
_root.stat_headshots = 0;
_root.stat_shots = 0;
gravity = 1;
grenades = 0;
sitmax = 8;
ax = new Array();
ay = new Array();
atox = new Array();
atoy = new Array();
aio = new Array();
aof = new Array();
arad = new Array();
screenX = 800;
screenY = 400;
playerhmax = 200;
hscreenX = 400;
hscreenY = 200;
activitytim = 0;
fire = false;
hinttim = 0;
gtotal = 0;
chtypa = new Array();
chP = new Array();
chC = new Array();
chdef = new Array();
chdamp = new Array();
chio = new Array();
chtsilp = new Array();
bounce = 0.5;
friction = 0.4;
var mcto_ch = new Array();
var mcto_mc = new Array();
var mcto_an = new Array();
var mcto_filp = new Array();
var mcto_tot = 0; = false; = false; = false;;;; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false; = true; = true; = false; = false;
boxestotal = 0;
barrelstotal = 0;
heatotal = 0;
b = 0;
while (b < 100) {
if (["box" + b]) {
boxestotal = boxestotal + 1;
} else {
b = 100;
b = 0;
while (b < 100) {
if (["barrel" + b]) {
barrelstotal = barrelstotal + 1;
} else {
b = 100;
b = 0;
while (b < 100) {
if (["medikit" + b]) {
heatotal = heatotal + 1;
} else {
b = 100;
playerstot = 0;
monsterstot = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
if (["start" + i]) {
playerstot = playerstot + 1;["start" + i]._visible = false;
} else {
i = 100;
i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
if (["mon" + i]) {
monsterstot = monsterstot + 1;["mon" + i]._visible = false;
} else {
i = 100;
nextef = 0;
maxef = 128;
bloodlevel = 2;
atotal = 0;
chtotal = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < playerstot) {
if ((i == 0) && (monstermode)) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "player" + i, i);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip (, "player" + i, i);
}["player" + i].filters =;["player" + i]._x =["start" + i]._x;["player" + i]._y =["start" + i]._y;["player" + i].getdown = false;
if (i == 0) {["player" + i].getdown = true;
}["player" + i].opentop = false;["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(1);
if (i == 0) {["player" + i].hea = playerhmax;
} else {["player" + i].hea = 100;
}["player" + i].sit = 0;["player" + i].tox = 0;["player" + i].toy = 0;["player" + i].dead = false;["player" + i].active = false;["player" + i].gotoAndPlay(2);["player" + i]._visible = false;
if (i == 0) {["player" + i].legtype = 4;
} else {["player" + i].legtype = 1;
if (i == 0) {["player" + i].command = 0;
} else {["player" + i].command = 1;
}["player" + i].char = 0;["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].command + 1);["player" + i].body.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].command + 1);["player" + i].arm1.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].command + 1);["player" + i].arm2.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].command + 1);["player" + i].hunt = -1;
if ((i == 0) && (monstermode)) {["player" + i].command = 2;["player" + i].char = 1;["player" + i].gotoAndPlay(2);["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].body.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].arm1.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].arm2.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(10);
}["start" + i].unloadMovie();
i = playerstot;
while (i < (playerstot + monsterstot)) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "player" + i, i);["player" + i].filters =;["player" + i]._x =["mon" + (i - playerstot)]._x;["player" + i]._y =["mon" + (i - playerstot)]._y;["player" + i].hea = 300;["player" + i].expir = 1;["player" + i].sit = 0;["player" + i].tox = 0;["player" + i].toy = 0;["player" + i].dead = false;["player" + i].active = false;["player" + i].gotoAndPlay(2);["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(10);["player" + i]._visible = false;["player" + i].opentop = false;["player" + i].command = 2;["player" + i].char = 1;["player" + i].legtype = 2;["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].body.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].arm1.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].arm2.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].hunt = -1;["start" + i].unloadMovie();
playerstot = playerstot + monsterstot; = false;
pulstot = 0;
pulsmax = 32;
_root.glow._visible = false;
_root.glow._alpha = 0; = (( - + hscreenX; = (( - + hscreenY;
pspeed = 6;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.frm == 2) {
smestx = hscreenX - _xmouse;
smesty = hscreenY - _ymouse; = Math.round(((((( + smestx) - + hscreenX) + ( * 10)) / 11); = Math.round(((((( + smesty) - + hscreenY) + ( * 10)) / 11);
hinttim = hinttim - 1;
if (hinttim < 0) {
_root.hint.text = "";
activitytim = activitytim - 1;
if (activitytim < -1) {
activitytim = 10;
pl = 0;
while (pl < pulsmax) {
if (["pl" + pl]._visible == true) {
pula =["pl" + pl];
pula._x = pula._x + (pula.spx * pspeed);
pula._y = pula._y + (pula.spy * pspeed);;
if ( > 40) {
pula._visible = false;
i2 = 0;
while (i2 < playerstot) {
if (((((["player" + i2].dead && (pula._x < (["player" + i2].body._x + 400))) && (pula._x > (["player" + i2].body._x - 400))) && (pula._y < (["player" + i2].body._y + 400))) && (pula._y > (["player" + i2].body._y - 400))) || (((((!["player" + i2].dead) && (pula._x < (["player" + i2]._x + 200))) && (pula._x > (["player" + i2]._x - 200))) && (pula._y < (["player" + i2]._y + 100))) && (pula._y > (["player" + i2]._y - 300)))) {
if (((["player" + i2].hea <= 0) || ((["player" + pula.master].command ==["player" + i2].command) && (["player" + i2].command != 0))) || (["player" + pula.master].command !=["player" + i2].command)) {
if (pula.master != i2) {
step = pspeed - 1;
while (step >= 0) {
if (["player" + i2].hitTest((pula._x - (pula.spx * step)) +, (pula._y - (pula.spy * step)) +, true)) {
if (pula.power >= 0.2) {
type = 1;
if ((["player" + i2].hea <= 0) &&["player" + i2].dead) {
mindis = 0;
mini = -1;
a = 0;
while (a < atotal) {
dis = Dist2D(ax[a], ay[a], pula._x, pula._y);
if ((dis < mindis) || (mini == -1)) {
mindis = dis;
mini = a;
if (mindis < 100) {
atox[mini] = atox[mini] + (pula.spx * pula.power);
atoy[mini] = atoy[mini] + (pula.spy * pula.power);
aio[mini] = true;
if (["player" + i2].head.hitTest((pula._x - (pula.spx * step)) +, (pula._y - (pula.spy * step)) +, true)) {
if (pula.master == 0) {
if (["player" + i2].hea > 0) {
_root.stat_headshots = _root.stat_headshots + 1;
if (["player" + i2].opentop) {["player" + i2].hea =["player" + i2].hea - (200 * pula.power);
} else {["player" + i2].hea =["player" + i2].hea - (70 * pula.power);
type = 2;
} else if (["player" + i2].body.hitTest((pula._x - (pula.spx * step)) +, (pula._y - (pula.spy * step)) +, true)) {["player" + i2].hea =["player" + i2].hea - (30 * pula.power);
} else if (["player" + i2].arm1.hitTest((pula._x - (pula.spx * step)) +, (pula._y - (pula.spy * step)) +, true) ||["player" + i2].arm2.hitTest((pula._x - (pula.spx * step)) +, (pula._y - (pula.spy * step)) +, true)) {["player" + i2].hea =["player" + i2].hea - (30 * pula.power);
} else if (["player" + i2].legs.hitTest((pula._x - (pula.spx * step)) +, (pula._y - (pula.spy * step)) +, true)) {["player" + i2].hea =["player" + i2].hea - (40 * pula.power);
} else if (["player" + i2].gun.hitTest((pula._x - (pula.spx * step)) +, (pula._y - (pula.spy * step)) +, true)) {
type = 0;
if (["player" + i2].char == 1) {
type = 5;
}["player" + i2].tnoise =["player" + i2].tnoise + (10 * pula.power);
Effect(pula._x - (pula.spx * step), pula._y - (pula.spy * step), type, (pula.spx * pula.power) * 3, (pula.spy * pula.power) * 3);
if (["player" + i2].hea > 0) {
if (type != 0) {["player" + i2].gotoAndPlay("hurt");
if ((["player" + i2].command != 0) || (["player" + pula.master].command != 0)) {["player" + i2].hunt = pula.master;
}["player" + i2].active = true;
} else if (!["player" + i2].dead) {
pula._x = pula._x - (pula.spx * step);
pula._y = pula._y - (pula.spy * step);
if (["player" + i2].hea > 0) {
i3 = 0;
while (i3 < playerstot) {
if ((i2 != i3) && (i3 != pula.master)) {
if (["player" + i2].command ==["player" + i3].command) {
if (["player" + i3].hea > 0) {
if (["player" + i3].active == true) {
if (Math.abs(["player" + i2]._x -["player" + i3]._x) < hscreenX) {
if (Math.abs(["player" + i2]._y -["player" + i3]._y) < hscreenY) {["player" + i3].hunt = pula.master;
}["player" + i2].tox =["player" + i2].tox + ((pula.spx * 0.5) * pula.power);["player" + i2].toy =["player" + i2].toy + ((pula.spy * 0.5) * pula.power);
} else {
pula._visible = false;
pula.power = pula.power - 0.5;
if (pula.power < 0.2) {
pula._visible = false;
if (, pula._y)) {
Effect(pula._x, pula._y, 0);
pula._visible = false;
if ( +, pula._y +, true)) {
Effect(pula._x, pula._y, 0);
pula.power = pula.power - 1;
if (pula.power < 0.2) {
pula._visible = false;
if (pula._y > 1000) {
Effect(pula._x, pula._y, 0);
pula._visible = false;
b = 0;
while (b < barrelstotal) {
if (["barrel" + b]._currentframe < 4) {
if (["barrel" + b].hitTest(pula)) {
Effect(pula._x, pula._y, 0);
hur = Math.floor(pula.power * 2);
if ((["barrel" + b]._currentframe + hur) > 3) {["barrel" + b].gotoAndPlay(4);
} else {["barrel" + b].gotoAndStop(["barrel" + b]._currentframe + hur);
pula.power = pula.power - 0.5;
if (pula.power < 0.2) {
pula._visible = false;
_root.playerhealth.text = Math.max(Math.round(( / playerhmax) * 100), 0);
_root.playergr.text = grenades;
if ( > 0) {
if ( {
if ( < playerhmax) {
b = 0;
while (b < heatotal) {
if (["medikit" + b]._currentframe == 1) {
if (["medikit" + b])) {["medikit" + b].gotoAndPlay(2); = Math.min(playerhmax, + 50);
} else {
_root.glow._visible = true;
_root.glow._alpha = _root.glow._alpha + 1;
if (_root.glow._alpha > 100) {
_root.glow._visible = false;
i = 0;
while (i < playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {
if (["player" + i].active == true) {
an = (["player" + i].body._rotation / 180) * Math.PI;
an2 = Math.atan2(["player" + i].body.headbone._y,["player" + i].body.headbone._x) - (Math.PI/2);
dis = Dist2D(["player" + i].body.headbone._x,["player" + i].body.headbone._y, 0, 0);
plx = Math.sin(an + an2) * dis;
ply = Math.cos(an + an2) * dis;["player" + i].head._x =["player" + i].body._x - plx;["player" + i].head._y =["player" + i].body._y + ply;
an = (["player" + i].body._rotation / 180) * Math.PI;
an2 = Math.atan2(["player" + i].body.armbone._y,["player" + i].body.armbone._x) - (Math.PI/2);
dis = Dist2D(["player" + i].body.armbone._x,["player" + i].body.armbone._y, 0, 0);
plx = Math.sin(an + an2) * dis;
ply = Math.cos(an + an2) * dis;["player" + i].arm1._x =["player" + i].body._x - plx;["player" + i].arm1._y =["player" + i].body._y + ply;["player" + i].arm2._x = (["player" + i].body._x - plx) + 1.5;["player" + i].arm2._y =["player" + i].body._y + ply;
an = (["player" + i].arm2._rotation / 180) * Math.PI;
an2 = Math.atan2(["player" + i].arm2.wea._y,["player" + i].arm2.wea._x) - (Math.PI/2);
dis = Dist2D(["player" + i].arm2.wea._x,["player" + i].arm2.wea._y, 0, 0);
plx = Math.sin(an + an2) * dis;
ply = Math.cos(an + an2) * dis;["player" + i].gun._x =["player" + i].arm2._x - plx;["player" + i].gun._y =["player" + i].arm2._y + ply;
if (["player" + i].active == false) {
if (["player" + i].hitTest(_root.visarea)) {["player" + i].active = true;
} else if (["player" + i].hunt == -1) {["player" + i].active = false;["player" + i]._visible = false;
} else {
if (!["player" + i]._visible) {["player" + i]._visible = true;
if (["player" + i].hunt != -1) {
if (["player" + i].say_vis != undefined) {
Hint2(["player" + i].say_vis);["player" + i].say_vis = undefined;
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {
if (["player" + i].active == true) {
i2 = 0;
while (i2 < playerstot) {
if (["player" + i2].active) {
if (["player" + i2].hea > 0) {
if (i != i2) {
if ((["player" + i].command != 0) || (["player" + i2].command != 0)) {
if (["player" + i]._y > (["player" + i2]._y - 100)) {
if (["player" + i]._y < (["player" + i2]._y + 100)) {
if (["player" + i]._x > (["player" + i2]._x - 40)) {
if (["player" + i]._x < (["player" + i2]._x + 40)) {
cx = (["player" + i]._x +["player" + i2]._x) / 2;
if (["player" + i]._x >["player" + i2]._x) {["player" + i]._x = cx + 20;["player" + i2]._x = cx - 20;
} else {["player" + i]._x = cx - 20;["player" + i2]._x = cx + 20;
tarx =["player" + i]._x + (["player" + i]._xscale * 3);
tary =["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y;["player" + i]._x =["player" + i]._x +["player" + i].tox;["player" + i]._y =["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].toy;["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy + gravity;
if (["player" + i]._y > 1000) {["player" + i].hea = 0;["player" + i].getdown = true;
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 20), 1);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 20), 1);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 20), 1);
} else {
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 20), 5);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 20), 5);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 20), 5);
}["player" + i].gotoAndPlay("hurt");
if (["player" + i].toy > 10) {["player" + i].toy = 10;
if (i != 0) {
if (["player" + i].hunt != -1) {
tarx =["player" +["player" + i].hunt]._x;
tary = (["player" +["player" + i].hunt]._y - 10) - (Math.random() * 50);
di = Math.abs(tarx -["player" + i]._x);
if ((di < 200) || (["player" + i].expir == 1)) {
if (Math.random() > 0.4) {
tary =["player" +["player" + i].hunt]._y - 70;
} else {
tary = (["player" +["player" + i].hunt]._y - 10) - (Math.random() * 50);
di = Dist2D(["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100),["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y, tarx, tary);
tarx = tarx + ((["player" +["player" + i].hunt].tox * (di / pspeed)) * 0.3);
tary = tary + ((["player" +["player" + i].hunt].toy * (di / pspeed)) * 0.3);
b = 0;
while (b < barrelstotal) {
if (["barrel" + b]._currentframe < 4) {
if (Dist2D(["player" +["player" + i].hunt]._x,["player" +["player" + i].hunt]._y - 40,["barrel" + b]._x,["barrel" + b]._y) < 100) {
if (Dist2D(["player" + i]._x,["player" + i]._y - 40,["barrel" + b]._x,["barrel" + b]._y) > 150) {
tarx =["barrel" + b]._x;
tary =["barrel" + b]._y;
if (["player" +["player" + i].hunt].hea <= 0) {
if (Math.random() > 0.97) {["player" + i].hunt = -1;
} else {
tarx =["player" +["player" + i].hunt].body._x;
tary =["player" +["player" + i].hunt].body._y;
} else if ((Math.random() > 0.4) || (["player" + i].expir == 1)) {
if (["player" +["player" + i].hunt].command ==["player" + i].command) {
if (["player" +["player" + i].hunt].hea <= 0) {["player" + i].hunt = -1;
r = 0;
while (r < 10) {
ran = Math.floor(Math.random() * playerstot);
if (Math.abs(["player" + ran]._x -["player" + i]._x) < screenX) {
r = 10;
if (ran < playerstot) {
if (Math.abs(["player" + ran]._x -["player" + i]._x) < screenX) {
if (Math.abs(["player" + ran]._y -["player" + i]._y) < screenY) {
if (["player" + ran].command !=["player" + i].command) {
if (["player" + ran].hea > 0) {
if (HTrace(["player" + i]._x,["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].head._y,["player" + ran]._x,["player" + ran]._y)) {["player" + i].hunt = ran;
} else {
tarx = _xmouse -;
tary = _ymouse -;
stand = false;
b = 0;
while (b < boxestotal) {
if (["player" + i]._x > (["box" + b]._x - 10)) {
if (["player" + i]._x < ((["box" + b]._x +["box" + b]._xscale) + 10)) {
if (["player" + i]._y > (["box" + b]._y + (["player" + i].sit * sitmax))) {
if (["player" + i]._y < ((["box" + b]._y +["box" + b]._yscale) + 82)) {
acx = (((["box" + b]._x + (["box" + b]._xscale / 2)) -["player" + i]._x) / (["box" + b]._xscale + 20)) * 100;
acy = (((["box" + b]._y + ((["box" + b]._yscale + 82) / 2)) -["player" + i]._y) / (["box" + b]._yscale + 82)) * 100;
if (["player" + i]._y < (["box" + b]._y + 30)) {
acx = 1;
acy = 2;
if (Math.abs(acx) > Math.abs(acy)) {
if (Math.abs(["player" + i].tox) > 16) {
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 1);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 1);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 1);
} else {
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 5);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 5);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 5);
}["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea - Math.abs(["player" + i].tox * 5);["player" + i].gotoAndPlay("hurt");
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {["player" + i].tox =["player" + i].tox * 0.5;["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy * 0.5;
if (acx < 0) {["player" + i]._x = (["box" + b]._x +["box" + b]._xscale) + 11;["player" + i].tox = Math.abs(["player" + i].tox) + 0.1;
} else {["player" + i]._x =["box" + b]._x - 11;["player" + i].tox = (-Math.abs(["player" + i].tox)) - 0.1;
} else {
if (Math.abs(["player" + i].toy) > 20) {
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 1);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 1);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 1);
} else {
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 5);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 5);
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40),["player" + i]._y - (Math.random() * 90), 5);
}["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea - Math.abs(["player" + i].toy * 3);["player" + i].gotoAndPlay("hurt");
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {["player" + i].tox =["player" + i].tox * 0.5;
if (acy < 0) {["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy * -0.5;["player" + i]._y = (["box" + b]._y +["box" + b]._yscale) + 84;
} else {["player" + i].toy = 0;
stand = true;["player" + i]._y =["box" + b]._y + (["player" + i].sit * sitmax);
walkok = false;
if (activitytim < 0) {["player" + i].botaction = -1;
if ((i != 0) && (["player" + i].hunt != -1)) {
if (Dist2D(["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100),["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y, tarx, tary) < 600) {
if (HTrace(["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100),["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y, tarx, tary)) {["player" + i].botaction = 0;
if (activitytim < 0) {
if ((i != 0) && (["player" + i].hunt != -1)) {
if (["player" + i].botaction != 0) {
if (HTrace((200 +["player" + i]._x) + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100),["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y, tarx, tary)) {["player" + i].botaction = 1;
if (["player" + i].botaction != 0) {
if (HTrace((-200 +["player" + i]._x) + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100),["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y, tarx, tary)) {["player" + i].botaction = 2;
if (["player" + i].botaction == -1) {
if (HTrace(["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100), (["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y) - 60, tarx, tary)) {["player" + i].botaction = 4;
if (["player" + i].botaction != 0) {
if (HTrace(["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100), (-60 +["player" + i]._y) +["player" + i].gun._y, tarx, tary)) {["player" + i].botaction = 3;
if (stand) {
if ((Key.isDown(65) && (i == 0)) || (["player" + i].botaction == 2)) {["player" + i].tox =["player" + i].tox - (4 / (["player" + i].sit + 1));
if ((["player" + i].legs._currentframe <= 60) && ((["player" + i].legs._currentframe < 30) || (["player" + i].legs._currentframe > 50))) {["player" + i].legs.gotoAndPlay("walk");
if ((Key.isDown(68) && (i == 0)) || (["player" + i].botaction == 1)) {["player" + i].tox =["player" + i].tox + (4 / (["player" + i].sit + 1));
if ((["player" + i].legs._currentframe <= 60) && ((["player" + i].legs._currentframe < 30) || (["player" + i].legs._currentframe > 50))) {["player" + i].legs.gotoAndPlay("walk");
if (((Key.isDown(32) || (Key.isDown(87))) && (i == 0)) || ((i != 0) && (["player" + i].botaction == 3))) {["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy - (5 + (gravity * 4));
if (!stand) {
if ((Key.isDown(65) && (i == 0)) || ((i != 0) && (["player" + i].botaction == 2))) {["player" + i].tox =["player" + i].tox - 0.1;
if ((Key.isDown(68) && (i == 0)) || ((i != 0) && (["player" + i].botaction == 1))) {["player" + i].tox =["player" + i].tox + 0.1;
if ((["player" + i].botaction == 4) || ((((["player" + i].botaction == -1) || (["player" + i].botaction == 0)) && (["player" + i].hea < 80)) && (["player" + i].hea > 30))) {
walkok = true;
if (Key.isDown(13) && (i == 0)) {
if (grenades > 0) {
if ((["player" + i]._currentframe < 21) || (["player" + i]._currentframe > 25)) {
grenades = grenades - 1;["player" + i].gotoAndPlay("fire");
rn = Math.random();
duplicateMovieClip (, "gr" + gtotal, 400 + gtotal);
an = Math.atan2(tarx -["player" + i]._x, tary -["player" + i]._y);["gr" + gtotal]._x =["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100);["gr" + gtotal]._y =["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y;["gr" + gtotal].tox = Math.sin(an) * 20;["gr" + gtotal].toy = Math.cos(an) * 20;
gtotal = gtotal + 1;
tosit = 0;
if ((((Key.isDown(16) || (Key.isDown(83))) && (i == 0)) || (walkok && (i != 0))) || (!["player" + i]._x +, (["player" + i]._y + 10) +, true))) {
tosit = 1;
} else {
tosit = -1;
}["player" + i].sit =["player" + i].sit + tosit;
if (["player" + i].sit > 2) {["player" + i].sit = 2;
if (["player" + i].sit < 0) {["player" + i].sit = 0;
if ((["player" + i].sit == 1) && (tosit == 1)) {["player" + i].legs.gotoAndPlay("sitdown");
if ((["player" + i].sit == 1) && (tosit == -1)) {["player" + i].legs.gotoAndPlay("situp");
an1 = (-Math.atan2((["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100)) - tarx, (["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y) - tary)) - (Math.PI/2);
if (Dist2D(["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100),["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y, tarx, tary) < 50) {
an1 = (-Math.atan2((["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].arm2._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100)) - tarx, (["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].arm2._y) - tary)) - (Math.PI/2);
an1 = an1 + ((((Math.random() *["player" + i].tnoise) * 2) -["player" + i].tnoise) * 0.01);
an = (an1 / Math.PI) * 180;
if (["player" + i]._x < tarx) {["player" + i]._xscale = 100;
} else {["player" + i]._xscale = -100;
an = (-an) + 180;
if (i == 0) {
_root.playergun.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].gun._currentframe);
}["player" + i].gun._rotation = an;
if (["player" + i]._xscale > 0) {
an3 = (an / 2) - 90;
} else {
an3 = (an / 2) + 90;
if ((["player" + i].tnoise > 0.1) || (["player" + i].tnoise < -0.1)) {["player" + i].tnoise =["player" + i].tnoise * 0.9;
} else {["player" + i].tnoise = 0;
if (["player" + i]._xscale > 0) {
if ((an3 < -135) && (an3 >= -180)) {
an3 = -135;
if ((an3 > -45) || (an3 < -180)) {
an3 = -45;
} else {
if ((an3 > 315) || (an3 < 180)) {
an3 = 315;
if (an3 < 225) {
an3 = 225;
}["player" + i].arm1._rotation = an3 + 21;["player" + i].arm2._rotation = (an3 + 21) + 2;["player" + i].head._rotation = an3 + 90;
if (activitytim < 0) {["player" + i].lastvis = HTrace(["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100),["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y, tarx, tary);
if ((fire && (i == 0)) || ((i != 0) && (["player" + i].hunt != -1))) {
if (i == 0) {
if ((i == 0) || ((((i != 0) && ((Math.random() > 0.9) || ((Math.random() > 0.7) && (["player" + i].expir == 1)))) && (["player" + i].lastvis)) && ((Math.abs(tarx -["player" + i]._x) < screenX) || ((["player" + i].expir == 1) && (Math.abs(tarx -["player" + i]._x) < (screenX * 1.5)))))) {
if ((["player" + i]._currentframe < 21) || (["player" + i]._currentframe > 25)) {
if (["player" + i].gun.whea._currentframe == 1) {["player" + i].gun.whea.gotoAndPlay(2);["player" + i].gotoAndPlay("fire");
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 1) {
puli = 1;
ef = 3;
noise = 7;
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 2) {
puli = 1;
ef = 3;
noise = 5;
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 3) {
puli = 2;
ef = 4;
noise = 20;
if ((["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 5) || (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 12)) {
puli = 1;
ef = 3;
noise = 10;
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 10) {
puli = 2;
ef = 6;
noise = 20;
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 11) {
puli = 1;
ef = 3;
noise = 20;
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 4) {
puli = 0;
ef = -1;
if (((grenades > 0) && (i == 0)) || (i != 0)) {
noise = 30;
if (i == 0) {
grenades = grenades - 1;
rn = Math.random();
duplicateMovieClip (, "gr" + gtotal, 400 + gtotal);["gr" + gtotal]._x =["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100);["gr" + gtotal]._y =["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y;["gr" + gtotal].tox = Math.cos(an1) * 10;["gr" + gtotal].toy = Math.sin(an1) * 10;["gr" + gtotal].master = i;
gtotal = gtotal + 1;
}["player" + i].tnoise =["player" + i].tnoise + noise;
if (ef != -1) {
Effect(["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100),["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y, ef);
px =["player" + i]._x + ((["player" + i].gun._x *["player" + i]._xscale) / 100);
py =["player" + i]._y +["player" + i].gun._y;
p = 0;
while (p < puli) {
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 1) {
sm = -0.02 + (Math.random() * 0.04);
power = 0.2;
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 2) {
sm = -0.05 + (Math.random() * 0.1);
power = 0.5;
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 3) {
sm = -0.075 + (Math.random() * 0.15);
power = 1.5;
if ((["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 5) || (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 12)) {
sm = -0.01 + (Math.random() * 0.02);
power = 2;
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 10) {
sm = -0.015 + (Math.random() * 0.03);
power = 0.7;
if (["player" + i].gun._currentframe == 11) {
sm = -0.015 + (Math.random() * 0.03);
power = 1;
spx = Math.cos(an1 + sm) * 10;
spy = Math.sin(an1 + sm) * 10;
Fire(px, py, i, power, spx, spy);
if (["player" + i].hea <= 0) {
if (["player" + i].dead == false) {["player" + i].dead = true;
if (["player" + i].active == true) {
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {["player" + i].legs.upper1.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.upper2.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.lower1.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.lower2.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.middle1.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.middle2.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.toe.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);
} else {["player" + i].legs.leg1.upper.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.leg2.upper.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.leg1.lower.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.leg2.lower.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.leg1.middle.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.leg2.middle.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);["player" + i].legs.toe.gotoAndStop(["player" + i].legtype);
a = 0;
while (a < atotal) {
if (aio[a] == true) {
ax[a] = ax[a] + atox[a];
ay[a] = ay[a] + atoy[a];
if (ay[a] > 1000) {
Stuk(atox[a], atoy[a], a);
ay[a] = 1000;
atox[a] = atox[a] * 0.5;
atoy[a] = (-Math.abs(atoy[a])) * 0.5;
di = Dist2D(atox[a], atoy[a], 0, 0);
if (di > collision_tolerance) {
atox[a] = atox[a] / (di * collision_tolerance);
atoy[a] = atoy[a] / (di * collision_tolerance);
if (di > 30) {
atox[a] = (atox[a] / di) * 30;
atoy[a] = (atoy[a] / di) * 30;
atoy[a] = atoy[a] + gravity;
if (arad[a] > 0) {
arad[a] = 0;
if (((arad[a] == 0) && ([a] +, ay[a] +, true))) || ((arad[a] > 0) && ((([a] - arad[a]) +, ay[a] +, true) || ([a] + arad[a]) +, ay[a] +, true))) || ([a] +, (ay[a] - arad[a]) +, true))) || ([a] +, (ay[a] + arad[a]) +, true))))) {
b = 0;
while (b < boxestotal) {
if (ax[a] > (["box" + b]._x - arad[a])) {
if (ax[a] < ((["box" + b]._x + arad[a]) +["box" + b]._xscale)) {
if (ay[a] > (["box" + b]._y - arad[a])) {
if (ay[a] < ((["box" + b]._y + arad[a]) +["box" + b]._yscale)) {
minside = Math.min(["box" + b]._xscale,["box" + b]._yscale);
if (["box" + b]._yscale <["box" + b]._xscale) {
ccx = Math.max(["box" + b]._x + (["box" + b]._yscale / 2), Math.min((["box" + b]._x +["box" + b]._xscale) - (["box" + b]._yscale / 2), ax[a]));
ccy =["box" + b]._y + (["box" + b]._yscale / 2);
} else {
ccy = Math.max(["box" + b]._y + (["box" + b]._xscale / 2), Math.min((["box" + b]._y +["box" + b]._yscale) - (["box" + b]._xscale / 2), ay[a]));
ccx =["box" + b]._x + (["box" + b]._xscale / 2);
acx = ccx - ax[a];
acy = ccy - ay[a];
if (Math.abs(acx) > Math.abs(acy)) {
atox[a] = atox[a] * 0.5;
if (atoy[a] > 0) {
atoy[a] = Math.max(atoy[a] - (friction * Math.abs(atox[a])), 0);
} else {
atoy[a] = Math.min(atoy[a] + (friction * Math.abs(atox[a])), 0);
Stuk(atoy[a], atox[a], a);
if (acx < 0) {
ax[a] = (["box" + b]._x + arad[a]) +["box" + b]._xscale;
atox[a] = Math.abs(atox[a]);
} else {
ax[a] =["box" + b]._x - arad[a];
atox[a] = -Math.abs(atox[a]);
} else {
if (atox[a] > 0) {
atox[a] = Math.max(atox[a] - (friction * Math.abs(atoy[a])), 0);
} else {
atox[a] = Math.min(atox[a] + (friction * Math.abs(atoy[a])), 0);
atoy[a] = atoy[a] * 0.5;
Stuk(atox[a], atoy[a], a);
if (acy < 0) {
ay[a] = (["box" + b]._y + arad[a]) +["box" + b]._yscale;
atoy[a] = Math.abs(atoy[a]);
} else {
ay[a] =["box" + b]._y - arad[a];
atoy[a] = -Math.abs(atoy[a]);
ch = 0;
while (ch < chtotal) {
if ((aio[chP[ch]] == false) && (aio[chC[ch]] == false)) {
chio[ch] = false;
} else {
chio[ch] = true;
if (chio[ch] == true) {
els = false;
if ((((Math.abs(atox[chP[ch]]) + Math.abs(atoy[chP[ch]])) + Math.abs(atox[chC[ch]])) + Math.abs(atoy[chC[ch]])) < 4) {
chtsilp[ch] = chtsilp[ch] + 1;
if (chtsilp[ch] > 5) {
aio[chP[ch]] = false;
aio[chC[ch]] = false;
chio[ch] = false;
} else {
els = true;
dis = Dist2D(ax[chP[ch]], ay[chP[ch]], ax[chC[ch]], ay[chC[ch]]);
bounce = 0.5;
bnc = bounce * Math.abs(dis - chdef[ch]);
if (dis < 1) {
dis = 1;
if (chtypa[ch] == 3) {
if ((dis > (chdef[ch] + 8)) || (dis < (chdef[ch] - 8))) {
chtypa[ch] = 1;
chdef[ch] = 0;
if (chtypa[ch] == 4) {
if ((dis > (chdef[ch] + 7)) || (dis < (chdef[ch] - 7))) {
chtypa[ch] = 1;
chdef[ch] = 0;
if ((dis > chdef[ch]) && ((((chtypa[ch] == 0) || (chtypa[ch] == 3)) || (chtypa[ch] == 4)) || (chtypa[ch] == 2))) {
atox[chC[ch]] = atox[chC[ch]] + (((ax[chP[ch]] - ax[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atoy[chC[ch]] = atoy[chC[ch]] + (((ay[chP[ch]] - ay[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atox[chP[ch]] = atox[chP[ch]] - (((ax[chP[ch]] - ax[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atoy[chP[ch]] = atoy[chP[ch]] - (((ay[chP[ch]] - ay[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
} else if ((dis < chdef[ch]) && ((((chtypa[ch] == 0) || (chtypa[ch] == 3)) || (chtypa[ch] == 4)) || (chtypa[ch] == 1))) {
atox[chC[ch]] = atox[chC[ch]] - (((ax[chP[ch]] - ax[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atoy[chC[ch]] = atoy[chC[ch]] - (((ay[chP[ch]] - ay[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atox[chP[ch]] = atox[chP[ch]] + (((ax[chP[ch]] - ax[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atoy[chP[ch]] = atoy[chP[ch]] + (((ay[chP[ch]] - ay[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
} else {
els = false;
if (((chtypa[ch] == 0) || (chtypa[ch] == 3)) || (chtypa[ch] == 4)) {
tarx = (ax[chP[ch]] + ax[chC[ch]]) / 2;
tary = (ay[chP[ch]] + ay[chC[ch]]) / 2;
ax[chP[ch]] = tarx + (((ax[chP[ch]] - tarx) * chdef[ch]) / dis);
ay[chP[ch]] = tary + (((ay[chP[ch]] - tary) * chdef[ch]) / dis);
ax[chC[ch]] = tarx + (((ax[chC[ch]] - tarx) * chdef[ch]) / dis);
ay[chC[ch]] = tary + (((ay[chC[ch]] - tary) * chdef[ch]) / dis);
if (els) {
chtsilp[ch] = 0;
aio[chP[ch]] = true;
aio[chC[ch]] = true;
e = 0;
while (e < maxef) {
if (["p" + e]) {
if (["p" + e].kill == true) {["p" + e].removeMovieClip();
if ( != lhea) {
if ((lhea > 0) && ( <= 0)) {
ang = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; = + (Math.sin(ang) * 200); = + (Math.cos(ang) * 200);
lhea =;
someListener.onMouseDown = function () {
fire = true;
someListener.onMouseUp = function () {
fire = false;
someListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta, scrollTarget) {
if (delta > 0) { + 1);
} else { - 1);
if ( > _root.wealevel) {;
Frame 4
_root.frm = 3; = true;
_root.stat_money = (_root.stat_kills * 150) + (_root.stat_headshots * 50);
_root.resu.htmlText = ((((((("KILLS: " + _root.stat_kills) + "\nHEADSHOTS: ") + _root.stat_headshots) + "\nSHOTS: ") + _root.stat_shots) + "\n<font color=\"#FFFFFF\">MONEY FOR COMPLETION THIS LEVEL: +") + _root.stat_money) + "</font>";
_root.global_money = _root.global_money + _root.stat_money; = "Your Money: $" + _root.global_money;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
Frame 5
_root.frm = 4; = true;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
Frame 6
_root.frm = 5; = false;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 15 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 17 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1
this._visible = false;
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 2
if (this._parent.sit == 2) {
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 29
if (this._parent.sit == 2) {
} else {
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 54
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 60
if (this._parent.sit == 2) {
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 76
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1
this._visible = false;
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 91 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 15
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 1
this.visible = false;
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 23
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 26
if (this.hea > 0) {
this.sou.gotoAndStop(Math.round((Math.random() * 3) + 2));
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 48
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 1
this.kill = false;
del = (Math.random() * 1.8) - 0.5;
this.tox = this.tox * del;
this.toy = this.toy * del;
this.tox = this.tox + ((Math.random() * 6) - 3);
this.toy = this.toy + ((Math.random() * 6) - 4);
this._xscale = 100 + (Math.random() * 50);
this._yscale = this._xscale;
this._rotation = Math.random() * 360;
this.rspeed = (Math.random() * 30) - 15;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((! +, this._y +, true)) && (this._y < 1000)) {
this._x = this._x + this.tox;
this._y = this._y + this.toy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rspeed;
this.toy = this.toy + (_root.gravity * 2);
Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 30
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.Effect(this._x, this._y, 7);
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 11
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 1
this.kill = false;
this.tox = (Math.random() * 6) - 3;
this.toy = ((-Math.random()) * 2) - 2;
this.rspeed = (Math.random() * 30) - 15;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.disabled != true) {
if (((this._currentframe == 1) && (! +, this._y +, true))) && (this._y < 1000)) {
this._x = this._x + this.tox;
this._y = this._y + this.toy;
this.toy = this.toy + _root.gravity;
} else {
this._x = this._x + this.tox;
this._y = this._y + this.toy;
this.toy = this.toy + _root.gravity;
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
this._x = this._x - this.tox;
this._y = this._y - this.toy;
this.toy = (-this.toy) * 0.5;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rspeed;
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 3
this.rspeed = this.rspeed + ((Math.random() * 90) - 45);
Symbol 170 MovieClip Frame 21
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 1
this.kill = false;
this.tox = (Math.random() * 6) - 3;
this.toy = ((-Math.random()) * 2) - 2;
this.rspeed = (Math.random() * 30) - 15;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.disabled != true) {
if (((this._currentframe == 1) && (! +, this._y +, true))) && (this._y < 1000)) {
this._x = this._x + this.tox;
this._y = this._y + this.toy;
this.toy = this.toy + 0.5;
} else {
this._x = this._x + this.tox;
this._y = this._y + this.toy;
this.toy = this.toy + 0.5;
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
this._x = this._x - this.tox;
this._y = this._y - this.toy;
this.toy = (-this.toy) * 0.25;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rspeed;
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 3
this.rspeed = this.rspeed + ((Math.random() * 60) - 30);
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 21
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((this + "") != "") {
this.masterpoint = _root.CreatePoint(this._x, this._y, this.tox, this.toy);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x =[this.masterpoint];
this._y = _root.ay[this.masterpoint];
this._rotation = this._x;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 47
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {
if (["player" + i].active == true) {
dis = _root.Dist2D(this._x, this._y,["player" + i]._x,["player" + i]._y - 60);
if (dis < 300) {["player" + i].active = true;
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 60
a = 0;
while (a < _root.atotal) {
if (this.masterpoint != a) {
dis = _root.Dist2D(this._x, this._y,[a], _root.ay[a]);
if (dis < 200) {
_root.aio[a] = true;
_root.atox[a] = _root.atox[a] - ((((this._x -[a]) / dis) * (200 - dis)) * 0.3);
_root.atoy[a] = _root.atoy[a] - ((((this._y - _root.ay[a]) / dis) * (200 - dis)) * 0.3);
_root.aio[this.masterpoint] = false;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {
dis = _root.Dist2D(this._x, this._y,["player" + i]._x,["player" + i]._y - 60);
if (dis < 200) {
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
_root.Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), (["player" + i]._y - 80) + (Math.random() * 80), 2);
if (["player" + i].char == 1) {
_root.Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), (["player" + i]._y - 80) + (Math.random() * 80), 5);
}["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea - 160;
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {["player" + i].gotoAndPlay("hurt");
}["player" + i].tox =["player" + i].tox - ((((this._x -["player" + i]._x) / dis) * (200 - dis)) * 0.3);["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy - ((((this._y - (["player" + i]._y - 60)) / dis) * (200 - dis)) * 0.3);["player" + i].hunt = 0;
if (dis < 400) {["player" + i].active = true;
b = 0;
while (b < _root.barrelstotal) {
if (["barrel" + b]._currentframe < 4) {
if (_root.Dist2D(this._x, this._y,["barrel" + b]._x,["barrel" + b]._y) < 200) {["barrel" + b].gotoAndPlay(4);
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 76
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 1
this.visible = false;
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 23
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 26
if (this.hea > 0) {
this.sou.gotoAndStop(Math.round((Math.random() * 3) + 2));
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 48
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1
this.kill = false;
del = (Math.random() * 0.8) - 0.3;
this.tox = this.tox * del;
this.toy = this.toy * del;
this.tox = this.tox + ((Math.random() * 6) - 3);
this.toy = this.toy + ((Math.random() * 6) - 4);
this._xscale = 100 + (Math.random() * 50);
this._yscale = this._xscale;
this._rotation = Math.random() * 360;
this.rspeed = (Math.random() * 30) - 15;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((! +, this._y +, true)) && (this._y < 1000)) {
this._x = this._x + this.tox;
this._y = this._y + this.toy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rspeed;
this.toy = this.toy + (_root.gravity * 2);
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 30
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((this + "") != "") {
this.masterpoint = _root.CreatePoint(this._x + this.tox, this._y + this.toy, this.tox, this.toy);
this.masterpoint2 = _root.CreatePoint(this._x - this.tox, this._y - this.toy, this.tox, this.toy);
_root.Connect(this.masterpoint, this.masterpoint2, 0, 20);
this.lasdis = _root.Dist2D(_root.atoy[this.masterpoint] + _root.atoy[this.masterpoint2], _root.atox[this.masterpoint] + _root.atox[this.masterpoint2], 0, 0);
powe = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._currentframe < 102) {
this.dis = _root.Dist2D(_root.atoy[this.masterpoint] + _root.atoy[this.masterpoint2], _root.atox[this.masterpoint] + _root.atox[this.masterpoint2], 0, 0);
if (Math.abs(this.dis - this.lasdis) > 15) {
this.lasdis = this.dis;
this._x =[this.masterpoint];
this._y = _root.ay[this.masterpoint];
this._rotation = 90 + ((Math.atan2(_root.ay[this.masterpoint] - _root.ay[this.masterpoint2],[this.masterpoint] -[this.masterpoint2]) / Math.PI) * 180);
if (this._currentframe < 40) {
_root.atox[this.masterpoint2] = _root.atox[this.masterpoint2] + (([this.masterpoint] -[this.masterpoint2]) * 0.2);
_root.atoy[this.masterpoint2] = _root.atoy[this.masterpoint2] + ((_root.ay[this.masterpoint] - _root.ay[this.masterpoint2]) * 0.2);
if (this._currentframe > 5) {
powe = powe + 1;
if (powe > 10) {
powe = 10;
_root.atox[this.masterpoint] = _root.atox[this.masterpoint] + (((_root.atox[this.masterpoint] * 10) * 0.001) * powe);
_root.atoy[this.masterpoint] = _root.atoy[this.masterpoint] + (((_root.atoy[this.masterpoint] * 10) * 0.001) * powe);
b = 0;
while (b < _root.barrelstotal) {
if (["barrel" + b]._currentframe < 4) {
if (["barrel" + b].hitTest([this.masterpoint] +, _root.ay[this.masterpoint] +, true)) {
_root.atox[this.masterpoint] = 0;
_root.atoy[this.masterpoint] = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (i != this.master) {
if ((["player" + i].hitTest([this.masterpoint] +, _root.ay[this.masterpoint] +, true) || (["player" + i].hitTest([this.masterpoint2] +, _root.ay[this.masterpoint2] +, true))) || (["player" + i].hitTest((([this.masterpoint2] +[this.masterpoint]) / 2) +, ((_root.ay[this.masterpoint2] + _root.ay[this.masterpoint]) / 2) +, true))) {
_root.atox[this.masterpoint] = 0;
_root.atoy[this.masterpoint] = 0;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 102
_root.aio[this.masterpoint] = false;
a = 0;
while (a < _root.atotal) {
dis = _root.Dist2D(this._x, this._y,[a], _root.ay[a]);
if (dis < 100) {
_root.aio[a] = true;
_root.atox[a] = _root.atox[a] - ((((this._x -[a]) / dis) * (100 - dis)) * 0.5);
_root.atoy[a] = _root.atoy[a] - ((((this._y - _root.ay[a]) / dis) * (100 - dis)) * 0.5);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {
dis = _root.Dist2D(this._x, this._y,["player" + i]._x,["player" + i]._y - 60);
if (dis < 100) {
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
_root.Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), (["player" + i]._y - 80) + (Math.random() * 80), 2);
_root.Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), (["player" + i]._y - 80) + (Math.random() * 80), 2);
_root.Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), (["player" + i]._y - 80) + (Math.random() * 80), 2);
if (["player" + i].char == 1) {
_root.Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), (["player" + i]._y - 80) + (Math.random() * 80), 5);
pwr = _root.Dist2D(_root.atox[this.masterpoint2], _root.atoy[this.masterpoint2], 0, 0);["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea - (200 + ((pwr / 37) * 100));
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {["player" + i].gotoAndPlay("hurt");
}["player" + i].tox =["player" + i].tox + (_root.atox[this.masterpoint2] * 0.5);["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy + (_root.atoy[this.masterpoint2] * 0.5);["player" + i].hunt = this.master;
if (dis < 300) {["player" + i].active = true;
b = 0;
while (b < _root.barrelstotal) {
if (["barrel" + b]._currentframe < 4) {
if (_root.Dist2D(this._x, this._y,["barrel" + b]._x,["barrel" + b]._y) < 100) {["barrel" + b].gotoAndPlay(4);
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 110
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1
this.kill = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._y = this._y - 1;
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 21
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
Symbol 241 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((this + "") != "") {
this.kill = false;
this.tox = (Math.random() * 6) - 3;
this.toy = (Math.random() * 6) - 3;
this.rspeed = (Math.random() * 30) - 15;
this.out = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.disabled != true) {
this._x = this._x + this.tox;
this._y = this._y + this.toy;
this.toy = this.toy + _root.gravity;
if (this.out) {
if ( +, this._y +, true)) {
this._y = this._y - this.toy;
this.toy = this.toy * -0.5;
this.tox = this.tox * 0.5;
} else if (! +, this._y +, true)) {
this.out = true;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rspeed;
Symbol 241 MovieClip Frame 50
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 4
function rer() {
return((Math.random() * 6) - 3);
globspeedx = -2 + (Math.random() * 4);
globspeedy = -5 + (Math.random() * 4);
this.point3 = _root.CreatePoint(this._x - 10, this._y + 18, globspeedx + this.rer(), globspeedy + this.rer());
this.point4 = _root.CreatePoint(this._x + 10, this._y + 18, globspeedx + this.rer(), globspeedy + this.rer());
this.point5 = _root.CreatePoint(this._x - 10, this._y, globspeedx + this.rer(), globspeedy + this.rer());
this.point6 = _root.CreatePoint(this._x + 10, this._y, globspeedx + this.rer(), globspeedy + this.rer());
_root.Connect(this.point3, this.point4, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point5, this.point6, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point3, this.point6, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point4, this.point5, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point3, this.point5, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point4, this.point6, 0);
this.point3b = _root.CreatePoint(this._x - 10, this._y - 18, globspeedx + this.rer(), globspeedy + this.rer());
this.point4b = _root.CreatePoint(this._x + 10, this._y - 18, globspeedx + this.rer(), globspeedy + this.rer());
this.point5b = _root.CreatePoint(this._x - 10, this._y, globspeedx + this.rer(), globspeedy + this.rer());
this.point6b = _root.CreatePoint(this._x + 10, this._y, globspeedx + this.rer(), globspeedy + this.rer());
_root.Connect(this.point3b, this.point4b, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point5b, this.point6b, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point3b, this.point6b, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point4b, this.point5b, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point3b, this.point5b, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point4b, this.point6b, 0);
_root.Connect(this.point5, this.point5b, 4);
_root.Connect(this.point6, this.point6b, 4);
_root.Connect(this.point3, this.point3b, 1);
_root.Connect(this.point4, this.point4b, 1);
gl = new Array();
i = 1;
while (i <= 6) {
gl[i] = _root.CreatePoint(this._x + this["glass" + i]._x, this._y + this["glass" + i]._y, this.rer() * 4, this.rer() * 2);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
spok = true;
if ((((_root.aio[this.point3] == 1) || (_root.aio[this.point4] == 1)) || (_root.aio[this.point5] == 1)) || (_root.aio[this.point6] == 1)) {
spok = false;
cx = ([this.point5] +[this.point6]) / 2;
cy = (_root.ay[this.point5] + _root.ay[this.point6]) / 2;
this.b1._x = cx - this._x;
this.b1._y = cy - this._y;
this.b1._rotation = (((-Math.atan2([this.point3] -[this.point4], _root.ay[this.point3] - _root.ay[this.point4])) / Math.PI) * 180) - 90;
if ((((_root.aio[this.point3b] == 1) || (_root.aio[this.point4b] == 1)) || (_root.aio[this.point5b] == 1)) || (_root.aio[this.point6b] == 1)) {
spok = false;
cx = ([this.point5b] +[this.point6b]) / 2;
cy = (_root.ay[this.point5b] + _root.ay[this.point6b]) / 2;
this.b2._x = cx - this._x;
this.b2._y = cy - this._y;
this.b2._rotation = (((-Math.atan2([this.point3b] -[this.point4b], _root.ay[this.point3b] - _root.ay[this.point4b])) / Math.PI) * 180) + 90;
i = 1;
while (i <= 6) {
if (_root.aio[gl[i]] == 1) {
spok = false;
this["glass" + i]._x =[gl[i]] - this._x;
this["glass" + i]._y = _root.ay[gl[i]] - this._y;
this["glass" + i]._rotation = this["glass" + i]._x * 3;
if (Math.abs(_root.atox[gl[i]]) < 0.4) {
if (Math.abs(_root.atoy[gl[i]]) < 0.4) {
_root.aio[gl[i]] = 0;
} else if (this["glass" + i]._alpha > 0) {
this["glass" + i]._alpha = this["glass" + i]._alpha - 5;
spok = false;
} else {
this["glass" + i]._visible = false;
if (spok) {
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
this.onEnterFrame = 1;
a = 0;
while (a < _root.atotal) {
dis = _root.Dist2D(this._x, this._y,[a], _root.ay[a]);
if (dis < 150) {
_root.aio[a] = true;
this.p = 0.4;
if ((((((((a == this.point3) || (a == this.point4)) || (a == this.point5)) || (a == this.point6)) || (a == this.point3b)) || (a == this.point4b)) || (a == this.point5b)) || (a == this.point6b)) {
this.p = 0.1 + (Math.random() * 0.1);
_root.atox[a] = _root.atox[a] - ((((this._x -[a]) / dis) * (150 - dis)) * this.p);
_root.atoy[a] = _root.atoy[a] - ((((this._y - _root.ay[a]) / dis) * (150 - dis)) * this.p);
b22 = 0;
while (b22 < _root.barrelstotal) {
if (["barrel" + b22]._currentframe < 4) {
if (_root.Dist2D(["barrel" + b22]._x,["barrel" + b22]._y, this._x, this._y) < 150) {["barrel" + b22].gotoAndPlay(4);
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {
dis = _root.Dist2D(this._x, this._y,["player" + i]._x,["player" + i]._y - 60);
if (dis < 100) {
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), (["player" + i]._y - 80) + (Math.random() * 80), 2);
} else {
Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), (["player" + i]._y - 80) + (Math.random() * 80), 5);
}["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea - 150;["player" + i].tox =["player" + i].tox - ((((this._x -["player" + i]._x) / dis) * (150 - dis)) * 0.4);["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy - ((((this._y - (["player" + i]._y - 60)) / dis) * (150 - dis)) * 0.4);
Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 327 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
_root.grenades = 2;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.wealevel = 1;
hinttot = 4;
hintok = new Array();
hmessag = new Array();
hmessag[0] = "You can blow up the barrels if your weapon has enough power.";
hmessag[1] = "You can throw grenades by ''ENTER'' button.";
hmessag[2] = "This is a medikit. Pick it up for restore 25 Hit Points.";
hmessag[3] = "You can Jump by Pressing ''UP'' arrow.";
i = 0;
while (i < hinttot) {
this["h" + i]._visible = false;
hintok[i] = true;
i = 1;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {["player" + i].hea = 20;["player" + i].opentop = true;
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2.999);
if (r == 0) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(6);
if (r == 1) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(7);
if (r == 2) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(8);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < hinttot) {
if (hintok[i]) {
if (this["h" + i].hitTest( {
if (i != 3) {
hintok[i] = false;
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 2
if (this._currentframe == 2) {
_root.grenades = 4; = false;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.wealevel = 2;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(2);
if (i != 0) {["player" + i].opentop = true;
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2.999);
if (r == 0) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(6);
if (r == 1) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(7);
if (r == 2) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(8);
}["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea * 0.7;
}["player" + (_root.playerstot - 1)].expir = 0;
hinttot = 4;
hintok = new Array();
hmessag = new Array();
hmessag[0] = "You can swap Your weapon by Mouse Wheel.";
hmessag[1] = "This thing will hoist You.";
hmessag[2] = "Shooting in the head is most effective way to kill.";
hmessag[3] = "You go crouch by ''S'' button.";
i = 0;
while (i < hinttot) {
this["h" + i]._visible = false;
hintok[i] = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < hinttot) {
if (hintok[i]) {
if (this["h" + i].hitTest( {
if (i != 3) {
hintok[i] = false;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].hitTest( {["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy - 2.5;["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy * 0.99;
a = 0;
while (a < _root.atotal) {
if (_root.aio[a] == true) {
if ([a] +, _root.ay[a] +, true)) {
_root.atoy[a] = _root.atoy[a] - 2.5;
_root.atoy[a] = _root.atoy[a] * 0.99;
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 3
if (this._currentframe == 3) {
_root.grenades = 5;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.wealevel = 3;;
i = 1;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {["player" + i].expir = 1;
if (((i == 2) || (i == 4)) || (i == 10)) {["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(3);["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(4);
} else {["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(3);
}["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea * 1.5;
} = false; = false;
liftmoving = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( {
liftmoving = true;
if (liftmoving) {
if (!this.colmap.box11.hitTest(this.colmap.box10)) {
this.colmap.box10._y = this.colmap.box10._y + 2;
this.lift._y = this.colmap.box10._y;
if ( > 0) {
if ( { = + 2; = + 2;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].active == true) {
if (Key.isDown(69)) {
if (["player" + i].command == 0) {
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {["player" + i].hunt = 0;
if (["player" + i].hitTest(this.colmap.box12)) {["player" + i].hea = 0;
if (["player" + i].hitTest( {["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy - 2.5;["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy * 0.99;
if (["player" + i].hitTest( {["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy - 2.5;["player" + i].toy =["player" + i].toy * 0.99;
a = 0;
while (a < _root.atotal) {
if (_root.aio[a] == true) {
if ([a] +, _root.ay[a] +, true) || ([a] +, _root.ay[a] +, true))) {
_root.atoy[a] = _root.atoy[a] - 2.5;
_root.atoy[a] = _root.atoy[a] * 0.99;
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 4
if (this._currentframe == 4) {
_root.grenades = 8;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.wealevel = 3;;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(2);
if (i != 0) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(4);
i = 1;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(4);["player" + i].expir = 1;
if ((((i == 1) || (i == 4)) || (i == 6)) || (i == 12)) {["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(3);["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(4);
} else {["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(3);
if (i >= 15) {["player" + i].command = 0;["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(4);["player" + i].body.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].leg1.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].leg2.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].arm1.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].arm2.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].hunt = 0;
} else {["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea * 1.5;
opendor = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(69)) {
if ( {
if ( > 0) {
opendor = true;
if (opendor) {
if (this.colmap.box7._yscale > 0) {
this.colmap.box7._yscale = this.colmap.box7._yscale - 0.5;
this.door1._y = this.door1._y - 0.5;
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 5
if (this._currentframe == 5) { = "Radio: Need backup!"; = "Radio: Reinforcement has arrived."; = "Radio: a-agh!.."; = "Radio: uagh!.."; = "Radio: agh!.."; = "Radio: ouh-h!.."; = "Radio: uh!.."; = "Radio: Take this!";
this.but0._visible = false;
_root.grenades = 30;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.wealevel = 4;;
i = 1;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {["player" + i].expir = 1;
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {["player" + i].expir = 0;["player" + i].command = 0;["player" + i].hea = 50;["player" + i].legtype = 4;["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].body.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].arm1.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].arm2.gotoAndStop(1);["player" + i].opentop = true;
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2.999);
if (r == 0) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(6);
if (r == 1) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(7);
if (r == 2) {["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(8);
if (["player" + i].char == 1) {["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea * 2;["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].body.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].arm1.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].arm2.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(11);["player" + i].legtype = 3;
opendor = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!opendor) {
if ( {
if ( > 0) {
opendor = true;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {
if (["player" + i].active == true) {
if (["player" + i].hea > 0) {
if (["player" + i].hitTest(this.kill_reg0)) {["player" + i].hea = 0;
_root.Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), this.kill_reg0._y, 2);
if (["player" + i].hitTest(this.kill_reg1)) {["player" + i].hea = 0;
_root.Effect((["player" + i]._x - 20) + (Math.random() * 40), this.kill_reg1._y, 2);
if (opendor) {
if (this.colmap.box13._yscale > 0) {
this.colmap.box13._yscale = this.colmap.box13._yscale - 5;
this.door1._y = this.door1._y - 5;
} else {
opendor = false;
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 6
if (this._currentframe == 6) {
_root.grenades = 30;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.wealevel = 5;;
this.h1._visible = false;
this.h2._visible = false;
this.h3._visible = false;
i = 1;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {["player" + i].expir = 1;
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea * 4;["player" + i].expir = 1;["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(3);["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(4);
if (["player" + i].char == 1) {["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea * 2;["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].body.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].arm1.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].arm2.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(11);["player" + i].legtype = 3;
opendor = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( {
if ( > 0) {
opendor = true;
if (this.h1.hitTest( { = 0; = 0;
if (this.h2.hitTest( { = 0;
if (this.h3.hitTest( { = 0; = 0;
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 7
if (this._currentframe == 7) {
_root.grenades = 2;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.wealevel = 5;;
i = 1;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {["player" + i].expir = 1;["player" + i].command = 1;
if (["player" + i].char == 0) {["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea * 4;["player" + i].expir = 1;["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(4);["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(4);
if (["player" + i].char == 1) {["player" + i].hea =["player" + i].hea * 2;["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].body.gotoAndStop(2);["player" + i].arm1.gotoAndStop(3);["player" + i].arm2.gotoAndStop(3);["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(13);["player" + i].legtype = 3;
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 8
if (this._currentframe == 8) {
_root.currentlevel = 1;
_root.grenades = 10;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.wealevel = 1;
i = 1;
while (i < 2) {["player" + i].command = 0;["player" + i].hea = 200;
ran = 1;["player" + i].head.gotoAndStop(ran);["player" + i].body.gotoAndStop(ran);["player" + i].arm1.gotoAndStop(ran);["player" + i].arm2.gotoAndStop(ran);["player" + i].gun.gotoAndStop(4);["player" + i].expir = 1;["player" + i].active = true;
i = 1;
while (i < _root.playerstot) {["player" + i].expir = 1;
} = 2; = 1; = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 357 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 359 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 364 Button
on (press) {
_root.wealevel = 5;
_root.grenades = 100;
Symbol 365 Button
on (press) {
_root.currentlevel = _root.currentlevel + 1; = 0;
Symbol 366 Button
on (press) { = 10000;
Symbol 368 Button
on (release) {
_root.currentlevel = _root.currentlevel + 1;
Symbol 372 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 374 Button
on (release) {