[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (502 B)
svTitle = "Lol";
= "";
svStartAtVolume = "75";
svPlayButtonStyle = "3";
svUseSnapshot = "off";
svChapterMenu = "off";
= "";
svTextColor = "333333";
svIconColor = "333333";
svBorderColor = "333333";
= "";
svBttnUpColor = "FFFFFF";
svBttnOverColor = "E8E8E8";
svBttnDownColor = "D4D4D4";
svBttnRoundness = "50";
svDuration = "18.625000";
svWidth = 720;
svHeight = 480;
svStopAtBeginning = true;
svStopAtEnd = true;
svMovieHasStarted = true;
Frame 447 (36 B)
svMovieHasFinished = true;
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1 (389 B)
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
this._parent._visible = false;
isDragging = false;
volControl.thumb._x = (volControl.track._width - volControl.thumb._width) * (svStartAtVolume / 100);
volControl.volMeter.volMask._x = volControl.thumb._x;
} else {
// unexpected jump
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 3 (234 B)
tellTarget ("..") {
if (isDragging) {
svSound.setVolume(((100 * (volControl.thumb._x / (volControl.track._width - volControl.thumb._width)))-1));
volControl.volMeter.volMask._x = volControl.thumb._x;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 56 Button (613 B)
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent.thumb, svBttnOverColor);
on (press, dragOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent.thumb, svBttnDownColor);
_parent.isDragging = true;
thumb.startDrag(true, 0, thumb._y, track._width - thumb._width, thumb._y);
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent.thumb, svBttnUpColor);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
_parent.isDragging = false;
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent.thumb, svBttnOverColor);
Symbol 63 Button (574 B)
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
on (press, dragOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnDownColor);
_parent._parent.isDragging = true;
this._parent.startDrag(false, 1, 0, 64, 0);
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnUpColor);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
_parent._parent.isDragging = false;
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
Symbol 74 MovieClip Frame 1 (503 B)
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
this._parent._x = svRootPath.svOverlayX;
this._parent._y = svRootPath.svOverlayY;
setProperty(this._parent.bBack, _width , svRootPath.svOverlayWidth);
setProperty(this._parent.bBack, _height , svRootPath.svOverlayHeight);
this._parent.onRelease = function () {
tellTarget ("..") {
getURL (svRootPath.svOverlayURL, "" + svRootPath.svOverlayTarget);
} else {
// unexpected jump
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1 (706 B)
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
function startVideo() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (!svStopAtStart) {
} else {
// unexpected jump
function displayBuffer() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (svVideoBuffering) {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
delete _global.__resolve;
var startTime;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var initDelay = 2.5;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 79 MovieClip [id_svPreloader] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 79 MovieClip [id_svPreloader] Frame 3 (43 B)
startTime = getTimer();
Symbol 79 MovieClip [id_svPreloader] Frame 4 (1.62 KiB) ●
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
var kbTotal = (Math.floor(svNs.bytesTotal / 10) / 100);
var kbLoaded = (Math.ceil(svNs.bytesLoaded / 10) / 100);
var timeElapsed = (Math.round((getTimer() - startTime) / 10) / 100);
var connectionSpeed = Math.floor(kbLoaded / timeElapsed);
var kbNeeded = (kbTotal - (connectionSpeed * svDuration));
var bufferPercent = Math.round((kbLoaded / kbNeeded) * 100);
if (kbTotal >= 1) {
if (!svVideoBuffering) {
} else if (!((timeElapsed < initDelay) ? (kbLoaded < kbTotal) : false)) {
if (!((kbLoaded <= kbNeeded) ? (kbLoaded < kbTotal) : false)) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
var frameBuffer = 2;
var totalFrames = svRootPath._totalframes;
var framesLoaded = svRootPath._framesloaded;
var timeElapsed = Math.round((getTimer() - startTime) / 1000);
var fLpS = (Math.floor(framesLoaded / timeElapsed) - frameBuffer);
var frameRate = (svRootPath._totalframes / int(svDuration));
var targetFrame = Math.ceil(totalFrames - (totalFrames * (fLpS / frameRate)));
var bufferPercent = Math.round((framesLoaded / targetFrame) * 100);
if (!svVideoBuffering) {
} else if (!((timeElapsed <= initDelay) ? (framesLoaded < totalFrames) : false)) {
if (!((framesLoaded <= targetFrame) ? (framesLoaded < totalFrames) : false)) {
} else {
} else {
Symbol 79 MovieClip [id_svPreloader] Frame 5 (22 B)
Symbol 79 MovieClip [id_svPreloader] Frame 7 (8 B)
Symbol 87 MovieClip Frame 1 (243 B)
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
setProperty(this._parent, _width , svRootPath._width - 115);
setProperty(this._parent, _height , svRootPath._height);
} else {
// unexpected jump
Symbol 89 MovieClip [id_svHitTester] Frame 2 (103 B)
var xPos = _root._xmouse;
var yPos = _root._ymouse;
var waitDur = 2000;
var startTime = getTimer();
Symbol 89 MovieClip [id_svHitTester] Frame 4 (371 B)
if (!((_root._xmouse == xPos) ? (_root._ymouse <> yPos) : true)) {
if ((startTime + waitDur) < getTimer()) {
svRootPath.svSubtitleMenu._visible = false;
} else {
} else if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) {
svRootPath.svSubtitleMenu._visible = true;
} else {
svRootPath.svSubtitleMenu._visible = false;
Symbol 89 MovieClip [id_svHitTester] Frame 5 (22 B)
Symbol 90 MovieClip Frame 1 (1.54 KiB) ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
function openLangMenu() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
this.svSubtitleSlide._x = this.startX - slideX;
this.svSubtitleSlide.openCC._visible = false;
this.svSubtitleSlide.closeCC._visible = true;
} else {
// unexpected jump
function closeLangMenu() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
this.svSubtitleSlide._x = this.startX;
this.svSubtitleSlide.openCC._visible = true;
this.svSubtitleSlide.closeCC._visible = false;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function repositionLangMenu() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (svRootPath.svTitleBar._visible) {
this._y = 18;
} else {
this._y = 2;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function positionLangMenu() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (svRootPath.svTitleBar._visible) {
this._y = 18;
} else {
this._y = 2;
this._x = Math.round(svRootPath._width - this.mask._width);
this.startX = this.svSubtitleSlide._x;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
this._parent.svSubtitleSlide.openCC._visible = true;
this._parent.svSubtitleSlide.closeCC._visible = false;
delete _global.__resolve;
var startX;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var slideX = 110;
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svHitTester", "svHitTester", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth());
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 1 (6.84 KiB) ● ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
parameters = {MaxLines:5, InitialValue:0, TextColor:-16777216, ColorHighlight:14606046, ColorLOver:-6684673, (c) 2007 SWiSHzone.com Pty. Ltd.:"", ButtonProperties:undefined, CornerStyle:"Rounded", ColorLNormal:-10066330, SepChar:";", BorderWidth:1, ColorBackground:-1, DelayInitial:1, ColorNormalH:-1, TextJustification:"left", BGBorderWidth:1.5, ArrowColorPress:-10066330, ColorPressH:-1118482, About...:undefined, Component Help online:"", Version 20071108:"", BGCornerRadius:2, ColorNormalL:-2236963, Layout:undefined, Sample:"", DirectEntry:true, Notification:undefined, ArrowColorNormal:-13421773, ColorLPress:-10027009, ColorPressL:-3355444, ColorOverH:-1, Notes:"", Value:"_root.txt.text", ColorBorder:-4473925, BorderAlpha:20, ListValues:"", EventFunction:"svControlPath.changeSbtLang", CornerRadius:2, DelayRepeat:1, ArrowColorOver:-16777216, BGBorderAlpha:20, ColorOverL:-3355444};
properties = parameters;
} else {
// unexpected jump
function SetItems(list) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
value.text = "";
dropdown._visible = false;
return(SetItemsGen(list, true));
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function SetCurSel(i) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (!((i >= 0) ? (i <= lastitem) : false)) {
Value = i + 0;
value.text = items[i];
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function GetCurSel() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
return(Value + 0);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function GetCurValue() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function GetCount() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Event(txt) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (txt == lastval) {
if ("" != parameters.Value) {
Set(parameters.Value, txt);
if (parameters.EventFunction != "") {
eval (parameters.EventFunction).call(_parent, _name, txt);
lastval = txt;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function drawborder(showdropdown) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var r = parameters.BGCornerRadius;
var w0 = 100;
var h0 = 19;
if (showdropdown) {
var lines = (((lastitem + 1) < parameters.MaxLines) ? (lastitem + 1) : (parameters.MaxLines));
var h = ((lines + 1) * 19);
var w = dropdown.scrollbar._width;
RoundedrectLine(0, (h - h0) / 2, w0, h, r, parameters.BGBorderWidth, parameters.ColorBorder, parameters.ColorBackground);
var wh = (w0 / 2);
var hh = (h0 / 2);
RoundedrectLine(0, hh, w0, ((parameters.BGBorderWidth / 2) * 100) / _yscale, 0, 0, parameters.ColorBorder, parameters.ColorBorder);
RoundedrectLine(wh - w, h / 2, ((parameters.BGBorderWidth / 2) * 100) / _xscale, h - h0, 0, 0, parameters.ColorBorder, parameters.ColorBorder);
} else {
RoundedrectLine(0, 0, w0, h0, r, parameters.BGBorderWidth, parameters.ColorBorder, parameters.ColorBackground);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function RoundedrectLine(x, y, w, h, r, lw, colline, colbngd) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var rx = ((r / _xscale) * 100);
var ry = ((r / _yscale) * 100);
colline = colline & 16777215;
colbngd = colbngd & 16777215;
if (!((0 < lw) ? (0 >= parameters.BGBorderAlpha) : true)) {
this.beginFill(colline, (parameters.BGBorderAlpha * 255) / 100);
Roundedrect(x, y, w, h, rx, ry);
r = r - lw;
if (r < 0) {
r = 0;
rx = (r / _xscale) * 100;
ry = (r / _yscale) * 100;
w = w - ((lw / _xscale) * 100);
h = h - ((lw / _yscale) * 100);
this.beginFill(colbngd, 255);
Roundedrect(x, y, w, h, rx, ry);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Roundedrect(x, y, w, h, rx, ry) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var dw = (w / 2);
var dh = (h / 2);
delete _global.__resolve;
var dx;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var dy;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
dx = (-dw) + rx;
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.moveTo((-dw) + x, dy + y);
this.curveTo((-dw) + x, (-dh) + y, dx + x, (-dh) + y);
dx = dw - rx;
this.lineTo(dx + x, (-dh) + y);
this.curveTo((0 + dw) + x, (-dh) + y, dw + x, dy + y);
dy = (0 + dh) - ry;
this.lineTo(dw + x, dy + y);
this.curveTo((0 + dw) + x, (0 + dh) + y, dx + x, dh + y);
dx = (-dw) + rx;
this.lineTo(dx + x, dh + y);
this.curveTo((-dw) + x, dh + y, (-dw) + x, dy + y);
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.lineTo((-dw) + x, dy + y);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function createdropdown() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
delete _global.__resolve;
var i;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var s;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var nextlevel = this.getNextHighestDepth();
i = 1;
for ( ; parameters.MaxLines >= i ; i++) {
s = "dditem_" add i;
this.dropdown.dditem.duplicateMovieClip(s, nextlevel + i);
this.dropdown._visible = false;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function loadStyle() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (parameters.ShowBackground) {
var ColorBgnd = new Color(this.bgnd);
if (parameters.ShowBorder) {
var ColorBorder = new Color(this.border);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function SetItemsGen(list, dditems_exist) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
Value = (dditems_exist ? -1 : (parameters.InitialValue + 0));
items = list;
items = items.split(parameters.SepChar);
lastitem = items.length - 1;
if (lastitem < 0) {
lastitem = 0;
if (Value > lastitem) {
Value = lastitem;
} else if (Value < 0) {
Value = 0;
this.value.text = items[Value];
if (dditems_exist) {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
lastval = "--undefined--";
bgnd._visible = false;
if (parameters.ListValues != "") {
SetItemsGen(parameters.ListValues, false);
} else {
Value = -1;
if (Value >= 0) {
this._parent.value.text = items[Value];
} else {
value.text = "";
value._text.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) {
tellTarget ("..") {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 100 Button (60 B)
on (keyPress "<Enter>") {
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 1 (119 B)
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
} else {
// unexpected jump
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1 (1.3 KiB) ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
function Resize() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var maxlines = _parent._parent.parameters.MaxLines;
var lastitem = _parent._parent.lastitem;
scroll_y = 0;
if ((maxlines - 1) < lastitem) {
var h = 19;
btnup._Y = btnupY0 + h;
btndown._Y = (btndownY0 + (h * maxlines)) - 1;
if (2 < maxlines) {
var rows = (maxlines - 2);
var s = ((maxlines / (lastitem + 1)) * rows);
slider._yscale = s * 100;
if (slider._yscale < 50) {
slider._yscale = 50;
slider.scrolllines._yscale = (100 / slider._yscale) * 100;
slider._Y = ((btnup._Y + (btnup._height / 2)) + (slider._height / 2)) + 1.5;
slider.y_min = slider._Y;
scroll_y = (((rows * h) - slider._height)+1);
} else {
slider._visible = false;
bgnd._yscale = maxlines * 100;
bgnd._Y = (bgndY0 + ((h * maxlines) / 2)) + (h / 2);
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
RepeatDelay = -1;
} else {
// unexpected jump
btnupY0 = btnup._Y;
btndownY0 = btndown._Y;
bgndY0 = bgnd._Y;
sliderH0 = slider._height;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 3 (226 B)
tellTarget ("..") {
if (RepeatDelay >= 0) {
if (0 == RepeatDelay) {
RepeatDelay = _parent._parent.parameters.RepeatDelay;
} else {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 106 Button (339 B)
on (press) {
_parent.RepeatDelay = _parent._parent._parent.parameters.DelayInitial;
_parent.IncSize = _parent.slider.maxlines;
if (_parent._ymouse < _parent.slider._Y) {
_parent.IncSize = -_parent.IncSize;
on (rollOut, release, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
_parent.RepeatDelay = -1;
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1 (5.97 KiB) ● ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
parameters = {TextDevice:true, TextColor:0, TextBold:false, ColorLOver:52224, TextRescaleMultiline:false, TextAlign:"center", Toggle:false, EventVariable:"_root.txt.text", ColorLNormal:10066329, BorderWidth:0.5, ColorNormalH:16777215, TextColorNormal:undefined, TextColorPress:26112, TextColorOver:6710886, ArrowColorPress:16711680, ColorPressH:13421772, ColorNormalL:13421772, TextItalic:false, ArrowColorNormal:0, TextFont:"Arial", ColorLPress:26112, ColorOverH:16777215, ColorPressL:16777215, ArriwColorOver:16738047, CornerRadius:2, EventFunction:"Events", ArrowColorOver:39168, TextSize:11, Label:undefined, ColorOverL:13421772};
properties = parameters;
} else {
// unexpected jump
function newbase(startitem) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
laststartitem = startitem;
delete _global.__resolve;
var i;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
i = 0;
for ( ; i < maxlines ; i++) {
var s = ("_parent._parent.dditem_" add int(i + 1));
if (lastitem >= (i + startitem)) {
Set(s add ".value.text", _parent._parent._parent.items[i + startitem]);
Set(s add "._visible", true);
} else {
Set(s add "._visible", false);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function incstart(i) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
laststartitem = laststartitem + i;
if (laststartitem < 0) {
laststartitem = 0;
} else if (laststartitem > maxstartitem) {
laststartitem = maxstartitem;
var pos = (laststartitem / maxstartitem);
_Y = ((pos * _parent.scroll_y) + y_min) - 0.5;
last_y = _Y;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function loadProperty(txt) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
return(eval ("_parent._parent._parent.parameters." add txt));
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Event(txt) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Roundedrect(w, h, rx, ry) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var dw = (w / 2);
var dh = (h / 2);
delete _global.__resolve;
var dx;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var dy;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var cornerstyle = loadProperty("CornerStyle");
var blBevel = ("Bevel" == cornerstyle);
var blRounded = ("Rounded" == cornerstyle);
dx = (-dw) + rx;
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.moveTo(-dw, dy);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(-dw, -dh, dx, -dh);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dx, -dh);
dx = dw - rx;
this.lineTo(dx, -dh);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(0 + dw, -dh, dw, dy);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dw, dy);
dy = (0 + dh) - ry;
this.lineTo(dw, dy);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(0 + dw, 0 + dh, dx, dh);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dx, dh);
dx = (-dw) + rx;
this.lineTo(dx, dh);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(-dw, dh, -dw, dy);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(-dw, dy);
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.lineTo(-dw, dy);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function startgradientfill(w, h, hcolor, lcolor) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var gtype = "linear";
var angle = 90;
var sinangle = Math.sin(angle * (Math.PI/180));
var cosangle = Math.cos(angle * (Math.PI/180));
var colors = [hcolor, lcolor];
var alphas = [100, 100];
var ratios = [48, 176];
var xstart = 0;
var ystart = 0;
var matrix = {i:1, h:ystart, g:xstart, f:0, e:cosangle * h, d:(-sinangle) * h, c:0, b:w * sinangle, a:w * cosangle};
this.beginGradientFill(gtype, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function drawbutton(isPressed, isOver, isToggle) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var barColor = new Color(scrolllines);
var state = "Normal";
if (isPressed) {
state = "Press";
if (!(isOver ? (!((!isToggle) ? (!isPressed) : true)) : true)) {
state = "Over";
barColor.setRGB(loadProperty("ArrowColor" add state));
var r = loadProperty("CornerRadius");
var rx = ((((r * 100) / G_xscale) * 100) / _xscale);
var ry = ((((r * 100) / G_yscale) * 100) / _yscale);
var lw = loadProperty("BorderWidth");
delete _global.__resolve;
var hcolor;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var lcolor;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var w = G_width0;
var h = G_height0;
if (lw >= 0) {
hcolor = loadProperty("ColorL" add state);
startgradientfill(G_width0, G_height0, hcolor, hcolor);
Roundedrect(G_width0, G_height0, rx, ry);
r = r - lw;
if (r < 0) {
r = 0;
rx = (((r * 100) / G_xscale) * 100) / _xscale;
ry = (((r * 100) / G_yscale) * 100) / _yscale;
w = w - ((lw * 100) / G_xscale);
h = h - ((lw * 100) / G_yscale);
if (w < 0) {
w = 0;
if (h < 0) {
h = 0;
hcolor = loadProperty(("Color" add state) add "H");
lcolor = loadProperty(("Color" add state) add "L");
startgradientfill(G_width0, G_height0, hcolor, lcolor);
Roundedrect(w, h, rx, ry);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function SetLocalNames() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
dragging = false;
laststartitem = 0;
lastitem = _parent._parent._parent.lastitem;
maxlines = _parent._parent._parent.parameters.MaxLines;
maxstartitem = ((lastitem - maxlines)+1);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
X0 = _X;
Y0 = _Y;
G_height0 = 15;
G_width0 = 15;
this._parent.bgnd._visible = false;
G_isOver = false;
G_isPressed = false;
G_togglestate = false;
G_xscale = _parent._parent._parent._xscale;
G_yscale = _parent._parent._parent._yscale;
drawbutton(G_isPressed, G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 3 (318 B)
tellTarget ("..") {
if (!(dragging ? (_Y == last_y) : true)) {
last_y = _Y;
pos = (_Y - y_min) / _parent.scroll_y;
if (pos < 0) {
pos = 0;
var startitem = Math.round(((lastitem - maxlines)+1) * pos);
if (startitem != laststartitem) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 110 Button (1.11 KiB) ●
on (rollOver) {
G_isOver = true;
drawbutton((G_isPressed ? (!parameters.Toggle) : false), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (rollOut) {
G_isOver = false;
drawbutton((parameters.Toggle ? (G_togglestate) : (G_isPressed)), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (dragOut) {
G_isOver = false;
if (!parameters.Toggle) {
G_isPressed = false;
drawbutton((parameters.Toggle ? (G_togglestate) : (G_isPressed)), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (dragOver) {
G_isOver = true;
G_isPressed = true;
drawbutton((G_isPressed ? (!parameters.Toggle) : false), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (press) {
startDrag ("", true, X0, y_min, X0, y_min + _parent.scroll_y);
dragging = true;
last_y = _Y;
G_isPressed = (parameters.Toggle ? (!G_togglestate) : true);
drawbutton(G_isPressed, G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (release) {
dragging = false;
if (!parameters.Toggle) {
G_isPressed = false;
} else if (G_isOver) {
G_togglestate = !G_togglestate;
G_isPressed = G_togglestate;
drawbutton(G_isPressed, (G_isOver ? (!parameters.Toggle) : false), parameters.Toggle);
Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1 (28 B)
this.bgnd._visible = false;
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1 (4.65 KiB) ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
parameters = {ColorLOver:52224, TextBold:false, TextColor:0, TextDevice:true, ColorLNormal:10066329, EventVariable:"_root.txt.text", Toggle:false, TextAlign:"center", TextRescaleMultiline:false, BorderWidth:0.5, ColorNormalH:16777215, TextColorPress:26112, TextColorNormal:undefined, TextColorOver:6710886, ColorPressH:13421772, ArrowColorPress:16711680, ColorNormalL:13421772, TextItalic:false, ColorLPress:26112, TextFont:"Arial", ArrowColorNormal:0, ColorPressL:16777215, ColorOverH:16777215, EventFunction:"Events", CornerRadius:2, ArriwColorOver:16738047, ArrowColorOver:39168, ColorOverL:13421772, Label:undefined, TextSize:11};
properties = parameters;
} else {
// unexpected jump
function loadProperty(txt) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
return(eval ("_parent._parent._parent.parameters." add txt));
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Event(txt) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
_parent.RepeatDelay = loadProperty("DelayInitial");
_parent.IncSize = -1;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Roundedrect(w, h, rx, ry) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var dw = (w / 2);
var dh = (h / 2);
delete _global.__resolve;
var dx;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var dy;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var cornerstyle = loadProperty("CornerStyle");
var blBevel = ("Bevel" == cornerstyle);
var blRounded = ("Rounded" == cornerstyle);
dx = (-dw) + rx;
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.moveTo(-dw, dy);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(-dw, -dh, dx, -dh);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dx, -dh);
dx = dw - rx;
this.lineTo(dx, -dh);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(0 + dw, -dh, dw, dy);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dw, dy);
dy = (0 + dh) - ry;
this.lineTo(dw, dy);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(0 + dw, 0 + dh, dx, dh);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dx, dh);
dx = (-dw) + rx;
this.lineTo(dx, dh);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(-dw, dh, -dw, dy);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(-dw, dy);
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.lineTo(-dw, dy);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function startgradientfill(w, h, hcolor, lcolor) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var gtype = "linear";
var angle = 90;
var sinangle = Math.sin(angle * (Math.PI/180));
var cosangle = Math.cos(angle * (Math.PI/180));
var colors = [hcolor, lcolor];
var alphas = [100, 100];
var ratios = [48, 176];
var xstart = 0;
var ystart = 0;
var matrix = {i:1, h:ystart, g:xstart, f:0, e:cosangle * h, d:(-sinangle) * h, c:0, b:w * sinangle, a:w * cosangle};
this.beginGradientFill(gtype, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function drawbutton(isPressed, isOver, isToggle) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var txtColor = new Color(arrow);
var state = "Normal";
if (isPressed) {
state = "Press";
if (!(isOver ? (!((!isToggle) ? (!isPressed) : true)) : true)) {
state = "Over";
txtColor.setRGB(loadProperty("ArrowColor" add state));
var r = loadProperty("CornerRadius");
var rx = ((r * 100) / G_xscale);
var ry = ((r * 100) / G_yscale);
var lw = loadProperty("BorderWidth");
delete _global.__resolve;
var hcolor;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var lcolor;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var w = G_width0;
var h = G_height0;
if (lw >= 0) {
hcolor = loadProperty("ColorL" add state);
startgradientfill(G_width0, G_height0, hcolor, hcolor);
Roundedrect(G_width0, G_height0, rx, ry);
r = r - lw;
if (r < 0) {
r = 0;
rx = (r * 100) / G_xscale;
ry = (r * 100) / G_yscale;
w = w - ((lw * 100) / G_xscale);
h = h - ((lw * 100) / G_yscale);
if (w < 0) {
w = 0;
if (h < 0) {
h = 0;
hcolor = loadProperty(("Color" add state) add "H");
lcolor = loadProperty(("Color" add state) add "L");
startgradientfill(G_width0, G_height0, hcolor, lcolor);
Roundedrect(w, h, rx, ry);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
G_height0 = 15;
G_width0 = 15;
this._parent.bgnd._visible = false;
G_isOver = false;
G_isPressed = false;
G_togglestate = false;
G_xscale = _parent._parent._parent._xscale;
G_yscale = _parent._parent._parent._yscale;
drawbutton(G_isPressed, G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 118 Button (955 B)
on (rollOver) {
G_isOver = true;
drawbutton((G_isPressed ? (!parameters.Toggle) : false), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (rollOut) {
G_isOver = false;
_parent.RepeatDelay = -1;
drawbutton((parameters.Toggle ? (G_togglestate) : (G_isPressed)), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (dragOut) {
G_isOver = false;
_parent.RepeatDelay = -1;
if (!parameters.Toggle) {
G_isPressed = false;
drawbutton((parameters.Toggle ? (G_togglestate) : (G_isPressed)), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (dragOver) {
G_isOver = true;
G_isPressed = true;
drawbutton((G_isPressed ? (!parameters.Toggle) : false), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (press) {
G_isPressed = (parameters.Toggle ? (!G_togglestate) : true);
drawbutton(G_isPressed, G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (release) {
G_isPressed = false;
_parent.RepeatDelay = -1;
drawbutton(G_isPressed, (G_isOver ? (!parameters.Toggle) : false), parameters.Toggle);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1 (28 B)
this.bgnd._visible = false;
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 1 (4.64 KiB) ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
parameters = {ColorLOver:52224, TextBold:false, TextColor:0, TextDevice:true, ColorLNormal:10066329, EventVariable:"_root.txt.text", Toggle:false, TextAlign:"center", TextRescaleMultiline:false, BorderWidth:0.5, ColorNormalH:16777215, TextColorPress:26112, TextColorNormal:undefined, TextColorOver:6710886, ColorPressH:13421772, ArrowColorPress:16711680, ColorNormalL:13421772, TextItalic:false, ColorLPress:26112, TextFont:"Arial", ArrowColorNormal:0, ColorPressL:16777215, ColorOverH:16777215, EventFunction:"Events", CornerRadius:2, ArriwColorOver:16738047, ArrowColorOver:39168, ColorOverL:13421772, Label:undefined, TextSize:11};
properties = parameters;
} else {
// unexpected jump
function loadProperty(txt) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
return(eval ("_parent._parent._parent.parameters." add txt));
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Event(txt) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
_parent.RepeatDelay = loadProperty("DelayInitial");
_parent.IncSize = 1;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Roundedrect(w, h, rx, ry) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var dw = (w / 2);
var dh = (h / 2);
delete _global.__resolve;
var dx;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var dy;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var cornerstyle = loadProperty("CornerStyle");
var blBevel = ("Bevel" == cornerstyle);
var blRounded = ("Rounded" == cornerstyle);
dx = (-dw) + rx;
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.moveTo(-dw, dy);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(-dw, -dh, dx, -dh);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dx, -dh);
dx = dw - rx;
this.lineTo(dx, -dh);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(0 + dw, -dh, dw, dy);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dw, dy);
dy = (0 + dh) - ry;
this.lineTo(dw, dy);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(0 + dw, 0 + dh, dx, dh);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dx, dh);
dx = (-dw) + rx;
this.lineTo(dx, dh);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(-dw, dh, -dw, dy);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(-dw, dy);
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.lineTo(-dw, dy);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function startgradientfill(w, h, hcolor, lcolor) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var gtype = "linear";
var angle = 90;
var sinangle = Math.sin(angle * (Math.PI/180));
var cosangle = Math.cos(angle * (Math.PI/180));
var colors = [hcolor, lcolor];
var alphas = [100, 100];
var ratios = [48, 176];
var xstart = 0;
var ystart = 0;
var matrix = {i:1, h:ystart, g:xstart, f:0, e:cosangle * h, d:(-sinangle) * h, c:0, b:w * sinangle, a:w * cosangle};
this.beginGradientFill(gtype, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function drawbutton(isPressed, isOver, isToggle) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var txtColor = new Color(arrow);
var state = "Normal";
if (isPressed) {
state = "Press";
if (!(isOver ? (!((!isToggle) ? (!isPressed) : true)) : true)) {
state = "Over";
txtColor.setRGB(loadProperty("ArrowColor" add state));
var r = loadProperty("CornerRadius");
var rx = ((r * 100) / G_xscale);
var ry = ((r * 100) / G_yscale);
var lw = loadProperty("BorderWidth");
delete _global.__resolve;
var hcolor;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var lcolor;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var w = G_width0;
var h = G_height0;
if (lw >= 0) {
hcolor = loadProperty("ColorL" add state);
startgradientfill(G_width0, G_height0, hcolor, hcolor);
Roundedrect(G_width0, G_height0, rx, ry);
r = r - lw;
if (r < 0) {
r = 0;
rx = (r * 100) / G_xscale;
ry = (r * 100) / G_yscale;
w = w - ((lw * 100) / G_xscale);
h = h - ((lw * 100) / G_yscale);
if (w < 0) {
w = 0;
if (h < 0) {
h = 0;
hcolor = loadProperty(("Color" add state) add "H");
lcolor = loadProperty(("Color" add state) add "L");
startgradientfill(G_width0, G_height0, hcolor, lcolor);
Roundedrect(w, h, rx, ry);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
G_height0 = 15;
G_width0 = 15;
this._parent.bgnd._visible = false;
G_isOver = false;
G_isPressed = false;
G_togglestate = false;
G_xscale = _parent._parent._parent._xscale;
G_yscale = _parent._parent._parent._yscale;
drawbutton(G_isPressed, G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1 (28 B)
this.bgnd._visible = false;
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 1 (678 B)
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
function calc_y_offset(i) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
return(i * 19);
} else {
// unexpected jump
bgnd_col = new Color(this._parent.bgnd);
if ("dditem" eq _name) {
_visible = false;
} else {
var str = _name;
var i = str.indexOf("_");
indx = str.substr(i + 1) + 0;
_Y = _Y + calc_y_offset(indx);
if (indx > (_parent._parent.lastitem + 1)) {
_visible = false;
} else {
value.text = _parent._parent.items[indx - 1];
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 126 Button (426 B)
on (rollOver, dragOver) {
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
var col = _parent._parent.parameters.ColorBackground;
on (press) {
_parent._parent.value.text = value.text;
_parent._parent.Value = (indx - 1) + _parent.scrollbar.slider.laststartitem;
_parent._visible = false;
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 1 (4.59 KiB) ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
parameters = {ColorLOver:65280, TextBold:false, TextColor:0, TextDevice:true, ColorLNormal:10066329, EventVariable:"_root.txt.text", Toggle:false, TextAlign:"center", TextRescaleMultiline:false, BorderWidth:0.5, ColorNormalH:16777215, TextColorPress:26112, TextColorNormal:undefined, TextColorOver:6710886, ColorPressH:13421772, ArrowColorPress:16711680, ColorNormalL:13421772, TextItalic:false, ColorLPress:26112, TextFont:"Arial", ArrowColorNormal:0, ColorPressL:16777215, ColorOverH:16777215, EventFunction:"Events", CornerRadius:0, ArriwColorOver:16738047, ArrowColorOver:0, ColorOverL:13421772, Label:undefined, TextSize:11};
properties = parameters;
} else {
// unexpected jump
function loadProperty(txt) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
return(eval ("_parent.parameters." add txt));
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Event(txt) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
_parent.dropdown._visible = !_parent.dropdown._visible;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function Roundedrect(w, h, rx, ry) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var dw = (w / 2);
var dh = (h / 2);
delete _global.__resolve;
var dx;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var dy;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var cornerstyle = loadProperty("CornerStyle");
var blBevel = ("Bevel" == cornerstyle);
var blRounded = ("Rounded" == cornerstyle);
dx = (-dw) + rx;
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.moveTo(-dw, dy);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(-dw, -dh, dx, -dh);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dx, -dh);
dx = dw - rx;
this.lineTo(dx, -dh);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(0 + dw, -dh, dw, dy);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dw, dy);
dy = (0 + dh) - ry;
this.lineTo(dw, dy);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(0 + dw, 0 + dh, dx, dh);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(dx, dh);
dx = (-dw) + rx;
this.lineTo(dx, dh);
if (blRounded) {
this.curveTo(-dw, dh, -dw, dy);
if (blBevel) {
this.lineTo(-dw, dy);
dy = (-dh) + ry;
this.lineTo(-dw, dy);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function startgradientfill(w, h, hcolor, lcolor) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var gtype = "linear";
var angle = 90;
var sinangle = Math.sin(angle * (Math.PI/180));
var cosangle = Math.cos(angle * (Math.PI/180));
var colors = [hcolor, lcolor];
var alphas = [100, 100];
var ratios = [48, 176];
var xstart = 0;
var ystart = 0;
var matrix = {i:1, h:ystart, g:xstart, f:0, e:cosangle * h, d:(-sinangle) * h, c:0, b:w * sinangle, a:w * cosangle};
this.beginGradientFill(gtype, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function drawbutton(isPressed, isOver, isToggle) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var txtColor = new Color(arrow);
var state = "Normal";
if (isPressed) {
state = "Press";
if (!(isOver ? (!((!isToggle) ? (!isPressed) : true)) : true)) {
state = "Over";
txtColor.setRGB(loadProperty("ArrowColor" add state));
var r = loadProperty("CornerRadius");
var rx = ((r * 100) / G_xscale);
var ry = ((r * 100) / G_yscale);
var lw = loadProperty("BorderWidth");
delete _global.__resolve;
var hcolor;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
delete _global.__resolve;
var lcolor;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var w = G_width0;
var h = G_height0;
if (lw >= 0) {
hcolor = loadProperty("ColorL" add state);
startgradientfill(G_width0, G_height0, hcolor, hcolor);
Roundedrect(G_width0, G_height0, rx, ry);
r = r - lw;
if (r < 0) {
r = 0;
rx = (r * 100) / G_xscale;
ry = (r * 100) / G_yscale;
w = w - ((lw * 100) / G_xscale);
h = h - ((lw * 100) / G_yscale);
if (w < 0) {
w = 0;
if (h < 0) {
h = 0;
hcolor = loadProperty(("Color" add state) add "H");
lcolor = loadProperty(("Color" add state) add "L");
startgradientfill(G_width0, G_height0, hcolor, lcolor);
Roundedrect(w, h, rx, ry);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
G_height0 = 13;
G_width0 = 13;
this._parent.bgnd._visible = false;
G_isOver = false;
G_isPressed = false;
G_togglestate = false;
G_xscale = _parent._xscale;
G_yscale = _parent._yscale;
drawbutton(G_isPressed, G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 135 Button (0.98 KiB)
on (rollOver) {
G_isOver = true;
drawbutton((G_isPressed ? (!parameters.Toggle) : false), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (rollOut) {
G_isOver = false;
drawbutton((parameters.Toggle ? (G_togglestate) : (G_isPressed)), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (dragOut) {
G_isOver = false;
if (!parameters.Toggle) {
G_isPressed = false;
drawbutton((parameters.Toggle ? (G_togglestate) : (G_isPressed)), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (dragOver) {
G_isOver = true;
G_isPressed = true;
drawbutton((G_isPressed ? (!parameters.Toggle) : false), G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (press) {
G_isPressed = (parameters.Toggle ? (!G_togglestate) : true);
drawbutton(G_isPressed, G_isOver, parameters.Toggle);
on (release) {
if (!parameters.Toggle) {
G_isPressed = false;
} else if (G_isOver) {
G_togglestate = !G_togglestate;
G_isPressed = G_togglestate;
drawbutton(G_isPressed, (G_isOver ? (!parameters.Toggle) : false), parameters.Toggle);
Symbol 136 MovieClip Frame 1 (28 B)
this.bgnd._visible = false;
Symbol 148 Button (67 B)
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
Symbol 156 Button (66 B)
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1 (4.91 KiB) ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
function processSBT(info) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var sbt = info.firstChild;
if (sbt.nodeName == "subtitles") {
var sbtNode = sbt.firstChild;
for ( ; sbtNode != null ; sbtNode = sbtNode.nextSibling) {
if (sbtNode.nodeName == "languages") {
delete _global.__resolve;
var language;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
language = sbtNode.firstChild;
for ( ; language != null ; language = language.nextSibling) {
if (language.nodeName == "language") {
svSbtLangs.push({lang:language.childNodes[0].nodeValue, code:language.attributes.code});
if (sbtNode.nodeName == "caption") {
var sbtTime = (sbtNode.attributes.time + 0);
var sbtText = sbtNode.firstChild;
for ( ; sbtText != null ; sbtText = sbtText.nextSibling) {
if (sbtText.nodeName == "text") {
var sbtLang = sbtText.attributes.lang;
var sbtDur = (sbtText.attributes.duration + 0);
var sbtVal = sbtText.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
allSubs.push({sbtEnd:sbtTime + sbtDur, sbtStart:sbtTime, val:sbtVal, dur:sbtDur, lang:sbtLang});
if (svSbtLangs.length == 1) {
_global.svCurLang = svSbtLangs[0].code;
} else {
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svSubtitleLang != undefined) {
var langExists = false;
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < svSbtLangs.length ; i++) {
if (svSbtLangs[i].code == svRootPath.svSubtitleLang) {
langExists = true;
if (langExists) {
_global.svCurLang = svRootPath.svSubtitleLang;
} else {
_global.svCurLang = svSbtLangs[0].code;
} else {
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svSubtitleLang == undefined) {
_global.svCurLang = svSbtLangs[0].code;
var langList = "None;";
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < svSbtLangs.length ; i++) {
if (i < (svSbtLangs.length - 1)) {
langList = langList + (svSbtLangs[i].lang + ";");
} else if (i == (svSbtLangs.length - 1)) {
langList = langList + svSbtLangs[i].lang;
delete _global.__resolve;
var langListIndex;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < svSbtLangs.length ; i++) {
if (svSbtLangs[i].code == svCurLang) {
langListIndex = i + 1;
} else {
// unexpected jump
function setupSubtitles() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svSubtitleColor != undefined) {
_global.svSubtitleColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svSubtitleColor;
} else {
_global.svSubtitleColor = "0xFFFF00";
this.createTextField("sbtMain", 2001, 5, 0, svRootPath.svWidth - 10, 50);
sbtMain.multiline = true;
sbtMain.wordWrap = true;
sbtMain.selectable = false;
sbtMain.html = true;
_global.sbtMainFmt = new TextFormat();
sbtMainFmt.color = svSubtitleColor;
sbtMainFmt.font = "Tahoma";
sbtMainFmt.size = 13;
sbtMainFmt.align = "center";
sbtMain.htmlText = "";
this.createTextField("sbtShadow", 2000, 6, 1, svRootPath.svWidth - 10, 50);
sbtShadow.multiline = true;
sbtShadow.wordWrap = true;
sbtShadow.selectable = false;
sbtShadow.html = true;
_global.sbtShadowFmt = new TextFormat();
sbtShadowFmt.color = 0;
sbtShadowFmt.font = "Tahoma";
sbtShadowFmt.size = 13;
sbtShadowFmt.align = "center";
sbtShadow.htmlText = "";
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function showSub(sub) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var sbtPad = 10;
this.sbtMain.htmlText = sub;
this.sbtShadow.htmlText = sub;
sbtMain._y = (-sbtMain.textHeight) - sbtPad;
sbtShadow._y = (1 - sbtMain.textHeight) - sbtPad;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
var sbtXML = new XML();
var allSubs = new Array();
delete _global.__resolve;
var curSubText;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
_global.svCurLang = "ENU";
_global.svSbtLangs = new Array();
sbtXML.ignoreWhite = true;
sbtXML.onLoad = function (success) {
tellTarget ("..") {
if (success) {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 3 (1.35 KiB) ●
this.monSBT = setInterval(function () {
var displayedSubs = 0;
var displayedSubText = "";
i = 0;
for ( ; i < svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs.length ; i++) {
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
if (!((svNs.time >= svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].sbtStart) ? (((svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].sbtEnd >= svNs.time) ? (svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].lang != svCurLang) : true)) : true)) {
if (1 < displayedSubs) {
displayedSubText = displayedSubText + (newline + svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].val);
} else {
displayedSubText = svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].val;
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
if (!(((svDuration * (svRootPath._currentframe / svRootPath._totalframes)) >= svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].sbtStart) ? (((svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].sbtEnd >= (svDuration * (svRootPath._currentframe / svRootPath._totalframes))) ? (svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].lang != svCurLang) : true)) : true)) {
if (1 < displayedSubs) {
displayedSubText = displayedSubText + (newline + svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].val);
} else {
displayedSubText = svRootPath.svSubtitles.allSubs[i].val;
if (displayedSubs == 0) {
displayedSubText = "";
}, 100);
Symbol 161 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 1 (4.13 KiB) ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
function scrollMenu(p) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var oldPos = this.items._y;
var newPos = (this.menuStartY - (this.itemHeight * this.scrollZones[p]));
if (newPos <> this.items._y) {
this.items._y = newPos;
} else {
// unexpected jump
var menuWidth = svRootWidth;
var menuX = Math.floor(svRootPath._x);
var svEM = this._parent;
var itemHeight = items.item.bBack._height;
var menuStartY = this._parent.items._y;
var isDragging = false;
var zonePercent = (undefined + 0);
delete _global.__resolve;
var curZone;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
var maxItems = 6;
var itemPad = 0;
var menuPad = 4;
var totalItems = svEventData.length;
var itemAreaHeight = (maxItems * itemHeight);
var menuHeight = Math.round(itemAreaHeight + (menuPad * 2));
this._parent._x = Math.round(menuX);
this._parent._y = Math.round(svHeight - menuHeight) - 1;
setProperty(this._parent.menuBack, _width , menuWidth);
setProperty(this._parent.menuBack, _height , menuHeight);
setProperty(this._parent.menuInner, _width , this._parent.menuBack._width - (menuPad * 2));
setProperty(this._parent.menuInner, _height , itemAreaHeight);
setProperty(this._parent.menuInnerBorder, _width , this._parent.menuInner._width);
setProperty(this._parent.menuInnerBorder, _height , this._parent.menuInner._height);
setProperty(this._parent.menuMask, _width , this._parent.menuInner._width);
setProperty(this._parent.menuMask, _height , itemAreaHeight);
this._parent.closeBtn._x = (this._parent.menuInner._x + this._parent.menuInner._width) - this._parent.closeBtn._width;
this._parent.scrollBar._x = (this._parent.menuInner._x + this._parent.menuInner._width) - this._parent.scrollBar._width;
this._parent.scrollBar._y = this._parent.closeBtn._y + this._parent.closeBtn._height;
setProperty(this._parent.scrollBar.track, _height , this._parent.menuInner._height - this._parent.closeBtn._height);
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < svEventData.length ; i++) {
this._parent.items.item.duplicateMovieClip("item" + i, i);
this._parent.items["item" + i]._y = itemHeight * i;
this._parent.items["item" + i].title._text._width = this._parent.menuMask._width;
setProperty(this._parent.items["item" + i].bBack, _width , this._parent.menuMask._width);
setProperty(this._parent.items["item" + i].bBorder, _width , this._parent.menuMask._width);
this._parent.items["item" + i].timeStamp = svEventData[i].time;
this._parent.items["item" + i].title.text = svEventData[i].name;
this._parent.items.item._visible = false;
this._parent.hangingItems = this._parent.totalItems - this._parent.maxItems;
this._parent.zonePercent = Math.ceil(100 / (hangingItems + 1));
this._parent.scrollZones = new Array();
var p = 0;
var i = 1;
for ( ; (hangingItems + 1) >= i ; i++) {
while ((zonePercent * i) >= p) {
scrollZones[p] = i - 1;
if (0 < this._parent.hangingItems) {
var thumbScale = ((itemHeight / 2) * hangingItems);
var minThumbHeight = scrollBar.thumb._height;
var thumbArea = Math.ceil(this._parent.scrollBar.track._height - this._parent.thumbScale);
if (thumbArea < minThumbHeight) {
thumbArea = minThumbHeight;
setProperty(this._parent.scrollBar.thumb.bBack, _height , thumbArea);
this._parent.scrollBar.thumb.grip._x = (this._parent.scrollBar.thumb.bBack._width / 2) + 0.5;
this._parent.scrollBar.thumb.grip._y = this._parent.scrollBar.thumb.bBack._height / 2;
scrollBar._visible = true;
} else {
scrollBar._visible = false;
scrollListener = new Object();
scrollListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) {
tellTarget ("..") {
isDragging = true;
scrollBar.thumb._y = scrollBar.thumb._y + (-delta);
if (0 >= scrollBar.thumb._y) {
scrollBar.thumb._y = 0;
} else if (scrollBar.thumb._y >= Math.floor(scrollBar.track._height - scrollBar.thumb._height)) {
scrollBar.thumb._y = Math.ceil(scrollBar.track._height - scrollBar.thumb._height);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 3 (222 B)
tellTarget ("..") {
if (isDragging) {
sliderPercent = Math.floor((scrollBar.thumb._y / (scrollBar.track._height - scrollBar.thumb._height)) * 100);
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 171 Button (452 B)
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, "0x555555");
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, "0xFFFFFF");
on (press) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, "0x333333");
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, "0x555555");
Symbol 180 Button (254 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("..") {
_parent.isDragging = true;
thumb.startDrag(true, thumb._x, track._y, thumb._x, track._height - thumb._height);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
_parent.isDragging = false;
Symbol 183 Button (315 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("..") {
_parent._parent.isDragging = true;
this._parent.startDrag(false, this._parent._x, _parent.track._y, this._parent._x, _parent.track._height - this._parent._height);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
_parent._parent.isDragging = false;
Symbol 192 Button (75 B)
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 1 (14.24 KiB) ● ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
function notesToYou() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
} else {
// unexpected jump
function changeSbtLang(name, val) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < svSbtLangs.length ; i++) {
if (val == svSbtLangs[i].lang) {
_global.svCurLang = svSbtLangs[i].code;
_global.svCurLang = "";
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function setElements() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var bPad = 1;
var bWidth = menuBtn._width;
var vidWidth = svRootPath._width;
var infoPad = 3;
this._x = 0;
this._y = this._y - bPad;
if (!((svRootPath.svChapterMenu != "off") ? (delete _global.__resolve_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolvesvRootPath.svChapterMenu != undefined) : false)) {
stopBtn._x = stopBtn._x - bWidth;
menuBtn._visible = false;
} else {
stopBtn._x = menuBtn._x + bWidth;
pauseBtn._x = stopBtn._x + bWidth;
playBtn._x = pauseBtn._x;
seekSlider._x = playBtn._x + bWidth;
volBtn._x = (vidWidth - bWidth) - bPad;
infoBtn._x = volBtn._x - bWidth;
setProperty(seekSlider.track, _width , infoBtn._x - seekSlider._x);
setProperty(seekSlider.bBorder, _width , seekSlider.track._width);
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svTitleBar", "svTitleBar", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth(), {_y:0, _x:0});
setProperty(svRootPath.svTitleBar.bBack, _width , vidWidth - bPad);
setProperty(svRootPath.svTitleBar.bShade, _width , vidWidth - bPad);
setProperty(svRootPath.svTitleBar.bBorder, _width , vidWidth - bPad);
svRootPath.svTitleBar.clock._y = Math.round((svRootPath.svTitleBar.bBack._y + (svRootPath.svTitleBar.bBack._height / 2)) - (svRootPath.svTitleBar.clock._height / 2)) + 1;
svRootPath.svTitleBar.clock._x = Math.round(svRootPath.svTitleBar.bBack._x + infoPad);
svRootPath.svTitleBar.info._y = Math.round(svRootPath.svTitleBar.clock._y);
svRootPath.svTitleBar.info._x = Math.round((svRootPath.svTitleBar.clock._x + svRootPath.svTitleBar.clock._width) + infoPad);
svRootPath.svTitleBar.info._text._width = (svRootPath.svTitleBar.bBack._width - svRootPath.svTitleBar.info._x) - infoPad;
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (!((svRootPath.svShowTitleBar != undefined) ? (svRootPath.svShowTitleBar != "on") : false)) {
svRootPath.svTitleBar._visible = true;
} else if (svRootPath.svShowTitleBar == "off") {
svRootPath.svTitleBar._visible = false;
if (svRootPath.svLanguageMenu == "on") {
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svSubtitleMenu", "svSubtitleMenu", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth());
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svSubtitles", "svSubtitles", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth(), {_y:svHeight - 5, _x:0});
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svOverlayURL != undefined) {
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svOverlayBtn", "svOverlayBtn", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth());
if (svRootPath.svUseSnapshot == "on") {
svRootPath.createEmptyMovieClip("svSnapshot", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth());
if (!((svRootPath.svPlayButtonStyle != "1") ? (delete _global.__resolve_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolvesvRootPath.svPlayButtonStyle != undefined) : false)) {
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svStartBtn1", "svStartBtn", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth());
} else if (svRootPath.svPlayButtonStyle == "2") {
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svStartBtn2", "svStartBtn", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth());
} else if (svRootPath.svPlayButtonStyle == "3") {
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svStartBtn3", "svStartBtn", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth());
} else if (svRootPath.svPlayButtonStyle == "4") {
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svStartBtn4", "svStartBtn", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth());
svRootPath.svStartBtn._x = Math.round((svRootPath._width / 2) - (svRootPath.svStartBtn._width / 2)) + 0.5;
svRootPath.svStartBtn._y = Math.round(((svRootPath._height / 2) - (svRootPath.svStartBtn._height / 2)) - stopBtn._height) + 0.5;
svRootPath.svStartBtn.onRelease = function () {
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_umVolume", "umVolume", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth(), {_y:svControlPath._y - svControlPath._height, _x:svControlPath._width});
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function defineColors() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svBorderColor != undefined) {
_global.svBorderColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svBorderColor;
} else {
_global.svBorderColor = "0x333333";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svTrackColor != undefined) {
_global.svTrackColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svTrackColor;
} else {
_global.svTrackColor = "0xFFFFFF";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svLoadColor != undefined) {
_global.svLoadColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svLoadColor;
} else {
_global.svLoadColor = "0xDDDDDD";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svProgressColor != undefined) {
_global.svProgressColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svProgressColor;
} else {
_global.svProgressColor = "0x787878";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svIconColor != undefined) {
_global.svIconColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svIconColor;
} else {
_global.svIconColor = "0x333333";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svTextColor != undefined) {
_global.svTextColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svTextColor;
} else {
_global.svTextColor = "0x333333";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svBttnUpColor != undefined) {
_global.svBttnUpColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svBttnUpColor;
} else {
_global.svBttnUpColor = "0xFFFFFF";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svBttnOverColor != undefined) {
_global.svBttnOverColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svBttnOverColor;
} else {
_global.svBttnOverColor = "0xE8E8E8";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svBttnDownColor != undefined) {
_global.svBttnDownColor = "0x" + svRootPath.svBttnDownColor;
} else {
_global.svBttnDownColor = "0xD4D4D4";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (svRootPath.svBttnRoundness != undefined) {
_global.svBttnRoundness = svRootPath.svBttnRoundness;
} else {
_global.svBttnRoundness = 60;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function setColors() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var cElements = new Array("menuBtn", "stopBtn", "playBtn", "pauseBtn", "infoBtn", "volBtn", "_parent.svTitleBar", "seekSlider.thumb", "seekSlider", "chapterMenu.close", "_parent.umVolume", "_parent.umVolume.volControl.volSlider");
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < cElements.length ; i++) {
var bdrC = new Color(eval (cElements[i]).bBorder);
var bckC = new Color(eval (cElements[i]).bBack);
var icnC = new Color(eval (cElements[i]).bIcon);
eval (cElements[i]).bShade._alpha = svBttnRoundness;
icnC = new Color(svRootPath.svTitleBar.clock);
icnC = new Color(svRootPath.svTitleBar.info);
var trkC = new Color(seekSlider.track);
var prgC = new Color(seekSlider.progressBar);
var ldC = new Color(seekSlider.loadBar);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function changeColors(n, c) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var newC = new Color(eval (n).bBack);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function updateClock() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
var sec = svNs.time;
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
var sec = ((svDuration * svRootPath._currentframe) / svRootPath._totalframes);
var h = (sec / 3600);
var m = ((h - Math.floor(h)) * 60);
var s = ((m - Math.floor(m)) * 60);
var h = Math.floor(h);
m = Math.floor(m);
s = Math.floor(s);
s = ((s < 10) ? ("0" + s) : (s));
var hT = (svDuration / 3600);
var mT = ((hT - Math.floor(hT)) * 60);
var sT = ((mT - Math.floor(mT)) * 60);
hT = Math.floor(hT);
mT = Math.floor(mT);
sT = Math.floor(sT);
sT = ((sT < 10) ? ("0" + sT) : (sT));
svRootPath.svTitleBar.clock.text = (((((m + ":") + s) + " / ") + mT) + ":") + sT;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function stopVideo() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
_global.svVideoPaused = true;
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
svRootPath.svStartBtn._visible = true;
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
svRootPath.svStartBtn._visible = true;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function togglePlayPause(status) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (status == "play") {
playBtn._visible = true;
pauseBtn._visible = false;
} else if (status == "pause") {
playBtn._visible = false;
pauseBtn._visible = true;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function playVideo() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
svVideoBuffering = false;
_global.svVideoPaused = false;
svRootPath.svStartBtn._visible = false;
svRootPath.svSnapshot._visible = false;
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function pauseVideo() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
_global.svVideoPaused = true;
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function toggleTitleBar() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (svRootPath.svTitleBar._visible) {
svRootPath.svTitleBar._visible = false;
} else if (!svRootPath.svTitleBar._visible) {
svRootPath.svTitleBar._visible = true;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function toggleEventMenu() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (svRootPath.svEventMenu._visible) {
svRootPath.svEventMenu._visible = false;
} else if (!svRootPath.svEventMenu._visible) {
svRootPath.svEventMenu._visible = true;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function toggleVolume() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (svRootPath.umVolume._visible) {
svRootPath.umVolume._visible = false;
} else if (!svRootPath.umVolume._visible) {
svRootPath.umVolume._visible = true;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function sortEventData() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
_global.svEventArray = new Array();
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < svEventArray.length ; i++) {
delete _global.__resolve;
var element;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
for (element in svEventArray[i]) {
svEventData.push({type:"event", time:element, name:svEventArray[i][element]});
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function sortMetaData(meta) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
delete _global.__resolve;
var prop;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
for (prop in meta) {
if (prop != "cuePoints") {
} else {
var cues = Array(meta[prop]);
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < cues.length ; i++) {
var cue = meta[prop][i];
svEventData.push({type:cue.type, time:cue.time, name:cue.name});
// unexpected jump
svMetaData[prop] = meta[prop];
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function attachEventMenu() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (!((svRootPath.svChapterMenu == "on") ? (0 >= svEventData.length) : true)) {
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svEventMenu", "svEventMenu", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth(), {_visible:false});
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function debugEventData() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < svEventData.length ; i++) {
delete _global.__resolve;
var param;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
for (param in svEventData[i]) {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function svSeekTo(t) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
if (svVideoPaused == true) {
} else if (svVideoPaused == false) {
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function displayBufferInfo(p) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
svRootPath.svTitleBar.info.text = (svBufferText + p) + "%";
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
function displayTitle() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
svRootPath.svTitleBar.info.text = svRootPath.svTitle;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
_global.svVideoPaused = false;
_global.svRootPath = this._parent._parent;
_global.svRootWidth = svRootPath._width;
_global.svVideoBuffering = true;
_global.svControlPath = this._parent;
_global.svEventData = new Array();
_global.svMetaData = new Object();
_global.svSound = new Sound();
svRootPath.attachMovie("id_svPreloader", "svPreloader", svRootPath.getNextHighestDepth(), {_visible:false});
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 200 Button (474 B)
on (press, dragOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnDownColor);
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
on (rollOut, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnUpColor);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
Symbol 209 Button (468 B)
on (press, dragOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnDownColor);
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
on (rollOut, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnUpColor);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
Symbol 214 Button (468 B)
on (press, dragOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnDownColor);
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
on (rollOut, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnUpColor);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
Symbol 219 Button (469 B)
on (press, dragOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnDownColor);
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
on (rollOut, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnUpColor);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
Symbol 224 MovieClip Frame 1 (1.22 KiB) ●
if (!hasOwnProperty("_load")) {
_load = true;
tellTarget ("..") {
function seekVideo() {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
var goTime = Math.floor(svDuration * (thumb._x / (track._width - thumb._width)));
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
var goTime = Math.floor(svRootPath._totalframes * (thumb._x / (track._width - thumb._width)));
} else {
// unexpected jump
function toggleSeek(status) {
tellTarget (getProperty("..", _target)) {
if (status == "off") {
if (!svVideoPaused) {
if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
} else if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
} else if (status == "on") {
this.doSeek = setInterval(seekVideo, 100);
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
var isDragging = false;
delete _global.__resolve;
var svPercentLoaded;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
// unexpected jump
// unexpected jump
Symbol 224 MovieClip Frame 3 (968 B)
tellTarget ("..") {
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
svPercentLoaded = Math.ceil((svNs.bytesLoaded / svNs.bytesTotal) * 100) / 100;
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
svPercentLoaded = int(((100 * svRootPath.getBytesLoaded()) / svRootPath.getBytesTotal()) + 0.5) / 100;
setProperty(loadBar, _width , track._width * svPercentLoaded);
setProperty(progressBar, _width , thumb._x + 2);
if (!isDragging) {
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
if (svNs.time < (svDuration - 0.5)) {
thumb._x = Math.floor((svNs.time / svDuration) * (track._width - thumb._width));
} else {
thumb._x = track._width - thumb._width;
} else if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
if (svRootPath._currentframe < (svRootPath._totalframes - 2)) {
thumb._x = Math.floor((svRootPath._currentframe / svRootPath._totalframes) * (track._width - thumb._width));
} else {
thumb._x = track._width - thumb._width;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 225 Button (652 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent.thumb, svBttnDownColor);
isDragging = true;
thumb.startDrag(true, 0, thumb._y, track._width - thumb._width, thumb._y);
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent.thumb, svBttnOverColor);
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent.thumb, svBttnUpColor);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
isDragging = false;
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent.thumb, svBttnUpColor);
Symbol 228 Button (671 B)
on (press) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnDownColor);
_parent.isDragging = true;
this._parent.startDrag(false, 0, this._parent._y, _parent.track._width - this._parent._width, this._parent._y);
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnUpColor);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
_parent.isDragging = false;
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnUpColor);
Symbol 234 Button (473 B)
on (press, dragOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnDownColor);
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
on (rollOut, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnUpColor);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
Symbol 239 Button (471 B)
on (press, dragOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnDownColor);
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
on (rollOut, dragOut, releaseOutside) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnUpColor);
on (release) {
tellTarget ("..") {
svControlPath.changeColors(this._parent, svBttnOverColor);
Symbol 244 MovieClip Frame 3 (1.53 KiB) ●
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (_parent.svFlvSrc != undefined) {
_global.svVideoFormat = "flv";
} else {
_global.svVideoFormat = "swf";
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (_parent.svBufferText != undefined) {
_global.svBufferText = _parent.svBufferText;
} else {
_global.svBufferText = "Buffering ... ";
svRootPath.svTitleBar.info.text = svRootPath.svTitle;
_global.svStopAtStart = svRootPath.svStopAtBeginning;
_global.svWidth = svRootPath.svWidth;
_global.svHeight = svRootPath.svHeight;
delete _global.__resolve;
_global.__resolve = _global.__debugResolve;
if (_parent.svStartAtVolume != undefined) {
_global.svStartAtVolume = _parent.svStartAtVolume;
} else {
_global.svStartAtVolume = 75;
if (svVideoFormat == "flv") {
_global.svNc = new NetConnection();
_global.svNs = new NetStream(svNc);
svNs.onMetaData = function (infoObject) {
chapterMenu.activeEvent = int(curEvent[infoObject.event add ""]);
if (infoObject.duration) {
_global.svDuration = infoObject.duration;
if (svVideoFormat == "swf") {
_global.svDuration = svRootPath.svDuration;
this.doClock = setInterval(this, "updateClock", 50);
Symbol 244 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)