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This is the info page for
Flash #44757

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Jump the shark

Make it all the way around the world


Achievement Name

What is going on with the achievement


You Finished in

There was no real point to the game.
But as you know, that's sort of the point.

Congrats!  Bask in your new-found knowledge.

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Visit Armor Games



632423 Seconds

Programmed by jmtb02

Developed by Armor Games

(c) 2008, Armor Games Inc





Version 1.1 - Time-based achievements eased due to looming Tasselfoots.

Don't worry, metagaming is all that matters



Visit Armor Games

Visit Armor Games

4 Beers Polka by Kevin MacLeod (

Curse Rag Intro Song by Minoff













By Armor Games

Programmed by jmtb02



97% Complete





97% Complete

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function rotPoint(xPoint1, yPoint1, xPoint2, yPoint2) { degrees = Math.atan(Math.abs(yPoint1 - yPoint2) / Math.abs(xPoint1 - xPoint2)) * 57.2957795130823; if (xPoint1 < xPoint2) { if (yPoint1 < yPoint2) { return(0 + degrees); } if (yPoint1 > yPoint2) { return(-degrees); } } else if (xPoint1 > xPoint2) { if (yPoint1 < yPoint2) { return(180 - degrees); } if (yPoint1 > yPoint2) { return(180 + degrees); } } } function rotMC(mc1, mc2) { rotPoint(mc1._x, mc1._y, mc2._x, mc2._y); } function distPoint(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2))); } function distMC(mc1, mc2) { distPoint(mc1._x, mc1._y, mc2._x, mc2._y); } function ease(str, mov, num, drift) { switch (str) { case "x" : mov._x = mov._x - (drift * ((mov._x - num) / 2)); break; case "y" : mov._y = mov._y - (drift * ((mov._y - num) / 2)); break; case "xscale" : mov._xscale = mov._xscale - (drift * ((mov._xscale - num) / 2)); break; case "yscale" : mov._yscale = mov._yscale - (drift * ((mov._yscale - num) / 2)); break; case "width" : mov._width = mov._width - (drift * ((mov._width - num) / 2)); break; case "height" : mov._height = mov._height - (drift * ((mov._height - num) / 2)); break; case "alpha" : mov._alpha = mov._alpha - (drift * ((mov._alpha - num) / 2)); break; case "rotation" : mov._rotation = mov._rotation - (drift * ((mov._rotation - num) / 2)); } } function elasticRotation(mc, targt, accel, friction) { if (mc.qrScale == undefined) { mc.qrScale = 0; } mc.qrScale = mc.qrScale + ((targt - mc._rotation) * accel); mc.qrScale = mc.qrScale * friction; mc._rotation = mc._rotation + mc.qrScale; } function elasticScale(mc, targt, accel, friction) { if (mc.qxScale == undefined) { mc.qxScale = 0; } mc.qxScale = mc.qxScale + ((targt - mc._xscale) * accel); mc.qxScale = mc.qxScale * friction; mc._xscale = (mc._yscale = mc._yscale + mc.qxScale); } function elasticX(mc, targt, accel, friction) { if (mc.qxSpeed == undefined) { mc.qxSpeed = 0; } mc.qxSpeed = mc.qxSpeed + ((targt - mc._x) * accel); mc.qxSpeed = mc.qxSpeed * friction; mc._x = mc._x + mc.qxSpeed; } function elasticY(mc, targt, accel, friction) { if (mc.qySpeed == undefined) { mc.qySpeed = 0; } mc.qySpeed = mc.qySpeed + ((targt - mc._y) * accel); mc.qySpeed = mc.qySpeed * friction; mc._y = mc._y + mc.qySpeed; } function elasticH(mc, targt, accel, friction) { if (mc.qhSpeed == undefined) { mc.qhSpeed = 0; } mc.qhSpeed = mc.qhSpeed + ((targt - mc._height) * accel); mc.qhSpeed = mc.qhSpeed * friction; mc._height = mc._height + mc.qhSpeed; } function elasticW(mc, targt, accel, friction) { if (mc.qwSpeed == undefined) { mc.qwSpeed = 0; } mc.qwSpeed = mc.qwSpeed + ((targt - mc._width) * accel); mc.qwSpeed = mc.qwSpeed * friction; mc._width = mc._width + mc.qwSpeed; } function moveAchs() { i = 0; while (i < visibleAchs.length) { curAch = _root["ach" + visibleAchs[i]]; lesserAch = _root["ach" + visibleAchs[i - 1]]; if (i == 0) { tempNum = 380; } else { tempNum = (380 - (i * 21)) - (21 - lesserAch._height); } ease("y", curAch, tempNum, 0.7); ease("x", curAch, 0, 1); i++; } } function addAch(num) { if (gotAch[num] == false) { achievementsDone++; selfScroll = false; gotAch[num] = true; visibleAchs.push(num); shel = attachMovie("achievement", "ach" + num, k++); shel._x = 600; shel._y = 300 - (i * visibleAchs.length); shel.num = num; shel.ach.achName.text = achievements[num][0]; shel.ach.achDesc.text = achievements[num][1]; easePoint = num; } } function achStuff() { if (achScrolling) { achList._y = 10 - ((slider.sliderButton._y / slideHeight) * (achList._height - 200)); } else if (!selfScroll) { ease("y", achList, 10 - (easePoint * 23), 0.7); slider.sliderButton._y = ((-(achList._y - 10)) * slideHeight) / (achList._height - 200); } i = 0; while (i < 100) { shel = achList["achBox" + i]; if (gotAch[i]) { shel.checkBox.gotoAndStop(2); shel.achDesc.text = achievements[i][1]; } else { shel.achDesc.text = " "; } i++; } } function removeAch(mov) { r = 0; while (r < visibleAchs.length) { if (visibleAchs[r] == mov.num) { visibleAchs.splice(r, 1); mov.removeMovieClip(); break; } r++; } } var k = 0; var gotAch = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 100) { gotAch.push(false); i++; } var achievements = new Array(); var deadElephantCounter = 0; var achievementsDone = 0; var pitCounter = 0; var miniSeconds = 0; var seconds = 0; var globalSound = new Sound(this); var muted = false; achievements.push(["Don't Move a Muscle", "Keep the elephant from moving"]); achievements.push(["It's a Jump to the Left", "Find a way to move westward"]); achievements.push(["And it's a step to the Ri-i-ight!", "Strain yourself to move right"]); achievements.push(["Fight Gravity", "Figure out how to jump upwards"]); achievements.push(["Elephant Skewers", "Hit a spike strip"]); achievements.push(["Ascension", "Be lifted into the sky"]); achievements.push(["Lefty", "Show love to the left wall."]); achievements.push(["Righty", "Show love to the right wall."]); achievements.push(["Purple Ceiling", "Hit the top of the hardest level"]); achievements.push(["Rock Bottom", "Find the bottom of the easiest level"]); achievements.push(["Speedy Downfall", "Fall from the top to bottom without stopping"]); achievements.push(["Escape Velocity", "Go from bottom to top without stopping"]); achievements.push(["Stalactite", "Skewer yourself at high speed on downward facing spikes"]); achievements.push(["Stalagmite", "Skewer yourself at high speed on upward facing spikes"]); achievements.push(["Found Point 0", "Uncovered secret point 0"]); achievements.push(["Found Point 1", "Claimed secret point 1"]); achievements.push(["Found Point 2", "Excavated secret point 2"]); achievements.push(["Found Point 3", "Popped open secret point 3"]); achievements.push(["Found Point 4", "Tripped over secret point 4"]); achievements.push(["Found Point 5", "Visited secret point 5"]); achievements.push(["Bloodhound", "Uncovered all points on level"]); achievements.push(["Floating Corpse", "Get a skeleton stuck in a launcher"]); achievements.push(["I Can Count to 5!", "Visit each point in order"]); achievements.push(["We Have Liftoff", "Visit each point in reverse order"]); achievements.push(["Airwalking", "Stay off the ground for 10 seconds"]); achievements.push(["Hellbound", "Launch corpse to bottom"]); achievements.push(["Heavenbound", "Launch corpse to ceiling"]); achievements.push(["Secret Alcove", "Get surrounded by three sides (1)"]); achievements.push(["Secret Cave", "Get surrounded by three sides (2)"]); achievements.push(["Secret Hideout", "Get surrounded by three sides (3)"]); achievements.push(["Death at 0", "Fire a corpse at Point 0"]); achievements.push(["1 o'clock murder", "Fire a corpse at Point 1"]); achievements.push(["Get Off Your Seats", "Jump for 10 seconds nonstop"]); achievements.push(["Cemetary", "Have 5 live corpses on the screen"]); achievements.push(["Graveyard", "Have 7 live corpses on the screen"]); achievements.push(["Half-Century", "Reach 50 elephant deaths"]); achievements.push(["Century", "Reach 100 elephant deaths"]); achievements.push(["And One More...", "Hit 101 elephant deaths"]); achievements.push(["Stayin' Alive", "Stay alive for 15 seconds"]); achievements.push(["Longevity", "Stay alive for 30 seconds"]); achievements.push(["Gone in a Flash", "Die in less 0.23 seconds"]); achievements.push(["Wrecking Ball", "Hit the center spiked platform"]); achievements.push(["In the Pit", "Land a corpse in the pit"]); achievements.push(["Pit Hat Trick", "Land 3 corpses in the pit"]); achievements.push(["10 Pin Pit", "Land 10 corpses in the pit"]); achievements.push(["Double Play Pit", "Have two corpses in the pit at once"]); achievements.push(["Triple Play Pit", "Have three corpses in the pit at once"]); achievements.push(["Horizontal Confusion", "Hold both the left and right keys"]); achievements.push(["Vertical Confusion", "Hold both the up and down keys"]); achievements.push(["Total Confusion", "Space bar has no purpose, dummy"]); achievements.push(["My Favourite Spot", "Find the developer's favourite spot"]); achievements.push(["10 Seconds", "Play for 10 seconds"]); achievements.push(["30 Seconds", "Play for 30 seconds"]); achievements.push(["60 Seconds", "Play for 1 minute"]); achievements.push(["Pi", "Hit points 3-1-4 in that order"]); achievements.push(["THIS IS SPARTA", "Hit 3-0-0 in that order"]); achievements.push(["Meaning of Life", "Hit 4-2 in that order"]); achievements.push(["(2*125)+3", "Hit 2-5-3 in that order"]); achievements.push(["3*(30/(15-13))", "Hit 4-5 in that order"]); achievements.push(["Paint 10", "Touch 10 blocks"]); achievements.push(["Paint 25", "Touch 25 blocks"]); achievements.push(["Paint 50", "Touch 50 blocks"]); achievements.push(["Paint 75", "Touch 75 blocks"]); achievements.push(["Paint 100", "Touch 100 blocks"]); achievements.push(["Masterpiece", "Touch every touchable block"]); achievements.push(["Jet 5", "Hit 5 launchers"]); achievements.push(["Jet 10", "Hit 10 launchers"]); achievements.push(["Master Jetter", "Hit every launcher"]); achievements.push(["3 Spikes", "Hit 3 stationary spikes"]); achievements.push(["7 Spikes", "Hit 7 stationary spikes"]); achievements.push(["Spikeful", "Hit all stationary spikes"]); achievements.push(["Extreme Makeover", "Recolour all areas"]); achievements.push(["True Blue", "Turn your elephant blue"]); achievements.push(["Shocking Pink", "Turn your elephant Pink"]); achievements.push(["Sweet Orange", "Turn your elephant orange"]); achievements.push(["Stealth Black", "Turn your elephant black"]); achievements.push(["Cheater", "Ask for a Hint"]); achievements.push(["Programmers Credit", "Enter jmtb02 into level"]); achievements.push(["Too Much Contra", "Enter Contra level select code"]); achievements.push(["No Cheese for You", "Click the level area"]); achievements.push(["Bandwidth Exploiter", "Preload the game"]); achievements.push(["You Are El", "Click the Armor Games link"]); achievements.push(["Menu Explorer", "Find the main menu"]); achievements.push(["Quality Snob", "Adjust the quality"]); achievements.push(["Scrolliastic", "Scroll the achievements section"]); achievements.push(["Play the Game", "Start the game"]); achievements.push(["Get to Level 1", "Play Level 1"]); achievements.push(["Not Listening", "Mute the sound"]); achievements.push(["Clink Clash Clink", "Found the sponsor screen"]); achievements.push(["Best Player Ever", "Earned an achievement"]); achievements.push(["10 Percent Done", "Earn 10 achievements"]); achievements.push(["20 Percent Done", "Earn 20 achievements"]); achievements.push(["30 Percent Done", "Earn 30 achievements"]); achievements.push(["40 Percent Done", "Earn 40 achievements"]); achievements.push(["50 Percent Done", "Earn 50 achievements"]); achievements.push(["60 Percent Done", "Earn 60 achievements"]); achievements.push(["70 Percent Done", "Earn 70 achievements"]); achievements.push(["80 Percent Done", "Earn 80 achievements"]); achievements.push(["90 Percent Done", "Earn 90 achievements"]); achievements.push(["Too Much Free Time", "Earn 99 achievements"]); var visibleAchs = new Array(); var achScrolling = false; onEnterFrame = function () { achStuff(); moveAchs(); }; stop(); stop(); var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = myMenu;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); total = _root.getBytesTotal(); framesLoaded = Math.ceil((loaded / total) * 100); gotoAndStop(framesLoaded); status.text = framesLoaded + " % completed"; }
Frame 2
Frame 3
_root.addAch(82); stop();
Frame 4
function sniffEnding() { if (achievementsDone >= 100) { loadEnding(); } } function loadEnding() { clearScreen.removeMovieClip(); shel = attachMovie("clearScreen", "clearScreen", k++); shel._x = 20; shel._y = 20; cStatus = 0; } function colorKeys() { if (Key.isDown(49)) { myColor = 1; addAch(72); } if (Key.isDown(50)) { myColor = 2; addAch(73); } if (Key.isDown(51)) { myColor = 3; addAch(74); } if (Key.isDown(52)) { myColor = 4; addAch(75); } } function myTime() { miniSeconds++; if (miniSeconds == 30) { seconds++; totalTime = seconds + " Seconds"; miniSeconds = 0; } mySeconds = (seconds + ":") + Math.floor((miniSeconds / 30) * 100); if (seconds >= 10) { addAch(51); } if (seconds >= 30) { addAch(52); } if (seconds >= 60) { addAch(53); } } function contra() { if ((contraStage == 0) || (contraStage == 1)) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { contraStage++; } } if ((contraStage == 2) || (contraStage == 3)) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { contraStage++; } } if ((contraStage == 4) || (contraStage == 6)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { contraStage++; } } if ((contraStage == 5) || (contraStage == 7)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { contraStage++; } } if (contraStage == 8) { if (Key.isDown(66)) { contraStage++; } } if (contraStage == 9) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { addAch(78); contraStage++; } } if (jmStage == 0) { if (Key.isDown(74)) { jmStage++; } } if (jmStage == 1) { if (Key.isDown(77)) { jmStage++; } } if (jmStage == 2) { if (Key.isDown(84)) { jmStage++; } } if (jmStage == 3) { if (Key.isDown(66)) { jmStage++; } } if (jmStage == 4) { if (Key.isDown(48)) { jmStage++; } } if (jmStage == 5) { if (Key.isDown(50)) { addAch(77); jmStage++; } } } function findPoints() { i = 0; while (i < 6) { if (player.hitTest(_root["point" + i])) { if (_root["fP" + i] == false) { _root["fP" + i] = true; addAch(14 + i); _root["point" + i].gotoAndStop(2); } else if (_root["fP" + i] == true) { _root["point" + i].gotoAndStop(3); } if (lastPoints[5] != i) { lastPoints.push(i); if (lastPoints.length > 6) { lastPoints.splice(0, 1); } } } else if (_root["fP" + i] == false) { _root["point" + i].gotoAndStop(1); } else if (_root["fP" + i] == true) { _root["point" + i].gotoAndStop(2); } i++; } if (((((fP0 && (fP1)) && (fP2)) && (fP3)) && (fP4)) && (fP5)) { addAch(20); } if (player.hitTest(alcove.hitA)) { addAch(27); } if (player.hitTest(alcove2.hitA)) { addAch(28); } if (player.hitTest(alcove3.hitA)) { addAch(29); } if ((((((lastPoints[0] == 0) && (lastPoints[1] == 1)) && (lastPoints[2] == 2)) && (lastPoints[3] == 3)) && (lastPoints[4] == 4)) && (lastPoints[5] == 5)) { addAch(22); } if ((((((lastPoints[5] == 0) && (lastPoints[4] == 1)) && (lastPoints[3] == 2)) && (lastPoints[2] == 3)) && (lastPoints[1] == 4)) && (lastPoints[0] == 5)) { addAch(23); } if (((lastPoints[5] == 4) && (lastPoints[4] == 1)) && (lastPoints[3] == 3)) { addAch(54); } if ((lastPoints[5] == 0) && (lastPoints[4] == 3)) { addAch(55); } if ((lastPoints[5] == 2) && (lastPoints[4] == 4)) { addAch(56); } if (((lastPoints[5] == 3) && (lastPoints[4] == 5)) && (lastPoints[3] == 2)) { addAch(57); } if ((lastPoints[5] == 5) && (lastPoints[4] == 4)) { addAch(58); } } function launchaphant() { i = 0; while (i < launchers.length) { curLauncher = _root["launcher" + launchers[i]]; if (curLauncher.hitTest(player)) { player.yVel--; addAch(5); pass2(curLauncher); } j = 0; while (j < deadElephants.length) { curDead = _root["ele" + deadElephants[j]]; if (curLauncher.hitTest(curDead)) { curDead.yVel--; addAch(21); } if (deadElephants.length == 5) { addAch(33); } if (deadElephants.length == 7) { addAch(34); } j++; } i++; } } function checkValues() { if ((gotAch[64] && (gotAch[67])) && (gotAch[70])) { addAch(71); } if (player.yVel > 19) { addAch(10); } if (player.yVel < -19) { addAch(11); } if (deadElephantCounter >= 50) { addAch(35); } if (deadElephantCounter >= 100) { addAch(36); } if (deadElephantCounter >= 101) { addAch(37); } if (achievementsDone >= 1) { addAch(89); } if (achievementsDone >= 10) { addAch(90); } if (achievementsDone >= 20) { addAch(91); } if (achievementsDone >= 30) { addAch(92); } if (achievementsDone >= 40) { addAch(93); } if (achievementsDone >= 50) { addAch(94); } if (achievementsDone >= 60) { addAch(95); } if (achievementsDone >= 70) { addAch(96); } if (achievementsDone >= 80) { addAch(97); } if (achievementsDone >= 90) { addAch(98); } if (achievementsDone >= 99) { addAch(99); } if (lifeCounter > 900) { addAch(39); } if (lifeCounter > 450) { addAch(38); } } function addSpikes(mov) { spikeCounter++; spikes.push(spikeCounter); mov._name = "spike" + spikeCounter; mov.touched = false; } function watchSpikes() { i = 0; while (i < spikes.length) { curSpike = _root["spike" + spikes[i]]; if (curSpike.hitTest(player)) { addAch(4); pass3(curSpike); if (player.yVel < -16) { addAch(12); } if (player.yVel > 18) { addAch(13); } if (curSpike.type == 2) { addAch(41); } addDeadElephant(); break; } i++; } } function addDeadElephant() { deadElephantCounter++; deadElephants.push(deadElephantCounter); shel = attachMovie("deadElephant", "ele" + deadElephantCounter, k++); if (lifeCounter < 7) { addAch(40); } lifeCounter = 0; shel.pitBound = false; shel._x = elephant._x; shel._y = elephant._y; shel.xVel = player.xVel; shel.yVel = player.yVel; shel.xMax = 100; shel.yMax = 100; shel.counter = 100; player.xVel = 0; player.yVel = 0; player._x = home._x; player._y = home._y; home.gotoAndPlay(2); } function deadElephantDealings() { inPit = 0; i = 0; while (i < deadElephants.length) { curDead = _root["ele" + deadElephants[i]]; normalVertical(curDead); bounding(curDead); curDead.counter--; if (curDead.counter < 10) { curDead._alpha = curDead.counter * 10; } if (curDead.hitTest(point0)) { addAch(30); } if (curDead.hitTest(point1)) { addAch(31); } if (curDead.hitTest(pit)) { inPit++; if (!curDead.pitBound) { pitCounter++; curDead.pitBound = true; } if (pitCounter == 1) { addAch(42); } if (pitCounter == 3) { addAch(43); } if (pitCounter == 10) { addAch(44); } } if (curDead.counter == 0) { deadElephants.splice(i, 1); curDead.removeMovieClip(); } i++; } if (inPit == 2) { addAch(45); } if (inPit == 3) { addAch(46); } } function normalVertical(mc) { mc.yVel = mc.yVel + yGrav; if (mc.yLove == 1) { if (!holdUp) { mc.yVel++; } if (mc.yVel >= 0) { mc.yLove = 2; mc.yVel = 0; } } if ((mc.yLove == 2) || (mc.yLove == 3)) { if (mc.yVel > 0) { mc.yLove = 3; } } if (((mc.yLove == 3) && (mc.yVel == 0)) && (!holdUp)) { mc.yLove = 0; holdCounter = 0; } if ((mc.yLove == 0) && (mc.yVel > 1.5)) { mc.yLove = 3; } if (mc.yLove == 0) { playerJump = false; } } function skinning() { elephant._x = Math.floor(player._x); elephant._y = Math.floor(player._y); if (Key.isDown(37)) { elephant.gotoAndStop(2); elephant._xscale = 100; addAch(1); } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { elephant.gotoAndStop(2); elephant._xscale = -100; addAch(2); } else { elephant.gotoAndStop(1); if (!Key.isDown(38)) { addAch(0); } } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(39))) { addAch(47); } if (Key.isDown(38) && (Key.isDown(40))) { addAch(48); } if (Key.isDown(32)) { addAch(49); } if (player.hitTest(spot)) { addAch(50); } } function movePlayer() { if (Key.isDown(37)) { player.xVel = -7; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { player.xVel = 7; } else { player.xVel = 0; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { addAch(3); jumpCounter++; if (jumpCounter > 300) { addAch(32); } holdUp = true; if ((player.yLove == 0) && (jumpLevel)) { playerJump = true; jumpLevel = false; player.yVel = hops; player.yLove = 1; bounceSound.start(0, 1); } } else { holdUp = false; jumpCounter = 0; } } function addLauncher(mov) { launcherCounter++; mov._name = "launcher" + launcherCounter; mov.touched = false; launchers.push(launcherCounter); } function naming(mov) { mov._x = Math.round(mov._x); mov._y = Math.round(mov._y); mov.posX = Math.floor(mov._x / _root.tileSize); mov.posY = Math.floor(mov._y / _root.tileSize); mov.touched = false; if (!(mov.type === 1)) { } else { mov._name = (("tile" + mov.posX) + "x") + mov.posY; } } function bounding(mc) { tt = 0; while (tt < spikes.length) { curSpike = _root["spike" + spikes[tt]]; if (curSpike.hitTest(mc)) { pass3(curSpike); } tt++; } if ((mc.xVel * 0) != 0) { mc.xVel = 0; } if ((mc.yVel * 0) != 0) { mc.yVel = 0; } curLevelNum = Math.floor(mc._y / 900) + 1; tempCurLevel = _root; if (mc.yVel < 0) { if (checkCoords(mc, mc._x, mc._y + mc.yVel, 0, tempCurLevel)) { mc._y = mc._y + mc.yVel; } else { mc.xVel = mc.xVel * xF; mc.yVel = mc.yVel * bounce; mc.rotSpeed = mc.rotSpeed * -1; mc._y = (( + tileSize) + mc._height) + ((curLevelNum - 1) * 900); if (((mc.yVel < thudTresh) && (mc.yVel > (-thudTresh))) && ((xGrav != 0) || (yGrav != 0))) { mc.yVel = 0; } } } else if (mc.yVel > 0) { if (checkCoords(mc, mc._x, mc._y + mc.yVel, 1, tempCurLevel)) { mc._y = mc._y + mc.yVel; } else { if ((mc._name == "player") && (mc.yVel > bounceTolerance)) { bounceSound.start(0, 1); } else if (mc.yVel > bounceTolerance) { bulletDropSound.start(0, 1); } mc.xVel = mc.xVel * xF; mc.yVel = mc.yVel * bounce; jumping = false; mc._y = + ((curLevelNum - 1) * 900); if (((mc.yVel < thudTresh) && (mc.yVel > (-thudTresh))) && ((xGrav != 0) || (yGrav != 0))) { mc.yVel = 0; } if (Math.abs(mc.yVel) > 6) { mc.rotSpeed = mc.rotSpeed * (random(8) - 4); } else { mc.rotSpeed = mc.rotSpeed * 0.5; } } } if (mc.xVel < 0) { if (checkCoords(mc, mc._x + mc.xVel, mc._y, 3, tempCurLevel)) { mc._x = mc._x + mc.xVel; } else { mc.yVel = mc.yVel * yF; mc.xVel = mc.xVel * bounce; if ((mc._name == "player") && (mc.xVel < bounceTolerance)) { bounceSound.start(0, 1); } mc._x = ( + (mc._width / 2)) + tileSize; if (((mc.xVel < thudTresh) && (mc.xVel > (-thudTresh))) && ((xGrav != 0) || (yGrav != 0))) { mc.xVel = 0; } } } else if (mc.xVel > 0) { if (checkCoords(mc, mc._x + mc.xVel, mc._y, 2, tempCurLevel)) { mc._x = mc._x + mc.xVel; } else { mc.yVel = mc.yVel * yF; mc.xVel = mc.xVel * bounce; if ((mc._name == "player") && (mc.xVel > bounceTolerance)) { bounceSound.start(0, 1); } mc._x = - (mc._width / 2); if (((mc.xVel < thudTresh) && (mc.xVel > (-thudTresh))) && ((xGrav != 0) || (yGrav != 0))) { mc.xVel = 0; } } } if (mc.xVel > mc.xMax) { mc.xVel = mc.xMax; } if (mc.xVel < (-mc.xMax)) { mc.xVel = -mc.xMax; } if (mc.yVel > mc.yMax) { mc.yVel = mc.yMax; } if (mc.yVel < (-mc.yMax)) { mc.yVel = -mc.yMax; } } function checkCoords(mc, x, y, direction, holder) { mc.ctlx = (x - (mc._width / 2)) + 1; mc.ctly = (y - mc._height) + 1; mc.ctrx = (x + (mc._width / 2)) - 1; mc.ctry = (y - mc._height) + 1; mc.cbrx = (x + (mc._width / 2)) - 1; mc.cbry = (y + (mc._height * 0)) - 1; mc.cblx = (x - (mc._width / 2)) + 1; mc.cbly = (y + (mc._height * 0)) - 1; mc.clmx = (x - (mc._width / 2)) + 1; mc.clmy = (y - (mc._height / 2)) + 1; mc.ctmx = x + 1; mc.ctmy = (y - mc._height) + 1; mc.crmx = (x + (mc._width / 2)) - 1; mc.crmy = (y - (mc._height / 2)) + 1; mc.cbmx = x + 1; mc.cbmy = (y + (mc._height * 0)) - 1; mc.cbmx = x + 1; mc.cmx = x + 1; mc.cmy = (y - (mc._height / 2)) + 1; = holder[(("tile" + Math.floor(mc.ctlx / tileSize)) + "x") + Math.floor(mc.ctly / tileSize)]; = holder[(("tile" + Math.floor(mc.ctrx / tileSize)) + "x") + Math.floor(mc.ctry / tileSize)]; = holder[(("tile" + Math.floor(mc.cbrx / tileSize)) + "x") + Math.floor(mc.cbry / tileSize)]; = holder[(("tile" + Math.floor(mc.cblx / tileSize)) + "x") + Math.floor(mc.cbly / tileSize)]; = holder[(("tile" + Math.floor(mc.ctmx / tileSize)) + "x") + Math.floor(mc.ctmy / tileSize)]; mc.lm = holder[(("tile" + Math.floor(mc.clmx / tileSize)) + "x") + Math.floor(mc.clmy / tileSize)]; = holder[(("tile" + Math.floor(mc.cbmx / tileSize)) + "x") + Math.floor(mc.cbmy / tileSize)]; mc.rm = holder[(("tile" + Math.floor(mc.crmx / tileSize)) + "x") + Math.floor(mc.crmy / tileSize)]; mc.mb = holder[(("tile" + Math.floor(mc.cbmx / tileSize)) + "x") + Math.floor(mc.cbly / tileSize)]; if ((mc.ctlx == 21) && (mc == player)) { addAch(6); } if ((mc.ctrx == 519) && (mc == player)) { addAch(7); } if ((mc.ctly < 22) && (mc == player)) { addAch(8); } else if ((mc.ctly < 22) && (mc != player)) { addAch(26); } if ((mc.ctly > 366) && (mc == player)) { addAch(9); } else if ((mc.ctly > 366) && (mc != player)) { addAch(25); } if ( == 1) { guyTL = true; foundWhat =; pass(; } else { guyTL = false; } if ( == 1) { guyTR = true; foundWhat =; pass(; } else { guyTR = false; } if ( == 1) { guyBR = true; foundWhat =; pass(; } else if (( == 2) && (mc.yVel > 0)) { guyBR = true; foundWhat =; } else { guyBR = false; } if ( == 1) { guyBL = true; foundWhat =; pass(; } else if (( == 2) && (mc.yVel > 0)) { guyBL = true; foundWhat =; } else { guyBL = false; } if ( == 1) { guyTM = true; foundWhat =; pass(; } else { guyTM = false; } if ( == 1) { guyBM = true; foundWhat =; pass(; } else { guyBM = false; } if (mc.lm.type == 1) { guyLM = true; foundWhat = mc.lm; pass(mc.lm); } else { guyLM = false; } if (mc.rm.type == 1) { guyRM = true; foundWhat = mc.rm; pass(mc.rm); } else { guyRM = false; } if ((((player == mc) && (guyBM)) || (guyBL)) || (guyBR)) { mc.yLove = 0; holdCounter = 0; } if ((player == mc) && ((guyBM && (guyBL)) || (guyBM && (guyBR)))) { jumpLevel = true; } if ((guyBL || (guyBR)) || (guyBM && (mc == player))) { } else { airCounter++; if (airCounter >= 300) { addAch(24); } } switch (direction) { case 0 : if (guyTL || (guyTR)) { return(false); } case 1 : if (guyBR || (guyBL)) { return(false); } case 2 : if (guyTR || (guyBR)) { return(false); } case 3 : if (!(guyTL || (guyBL))) { break; } return(false); } return(true); } function pass(re) { if (re.touched == false) { re.touched = true; touchedCounter++; if (touchedCounter >= 10) { addAch(59); } if (touchedCounter >= 25) { addAch(60); } if (touchedCounter >= 50) { addAch(61); } if (touchedCounter >= 75) { addAch(62); } if (touchedCounter >= 100) { addAch(63); } if (touchedCounter >= 132) { addAch(64); } re.gotoAndStop(2); } } function pass2(re) { if (re.touched == false) { re.touched = true; touched2Counter++; if (touched2Counter >= 5) { addAch(65); } if (touched2Counter >= 10) { addAch(66); } if (touched2Counter >= 15) { addAch(67); } re.gotoAndStop(2); } } function pass3(re) { if ((re.touched == false) && (re.type != 2)) { re.touched = true; touched3Counter++; if (touched3Counter >= 3) { addAch(68); } if (touched3Counter >= 7) { addAch(69); } if (touched3Counter >= 11) { addAch(70); } re.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); var yGrav = 0.6; var xGrav = 0; player.xVel = 0; var tileSize = 20; var bounceSound = new Sound(this); bounceSound.attachSound("jumpSound"); var bounce = -0.3; var thudTresh = 2; var xF = 0.5; var yF = 1; var hops = -10; var cStatus = 1; var launchers = new Array(); var launcherCounter = 0; var spikeCounter = 0; var spikes = new Array(); var deadElephants = new Array(); var easePoint = 0; var airCounter = 0; var jumpCounter = 0; var touchedCounter = 0; var touched2Counter = 0; var touched3Counter = 0; var myColor = 1; i = 0; while (i < 6) { _root["fP" + i] = false; i++; } var lifeCounter = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (cStatus == 1) { movePlayer(); normalVertical(player); bounding(player); skinning(); launchaphant(); watchSpikes(); deadElephantDealings(); checkValues(); findPoints(); contra(); myTime(); colorKeys(); sniffEnding(); lifeCounter++; completed = Math.floor((achievementsDone / 100) * 100) + "% Completed"; } moveAchs(); achStuff(); }; onMouseDown = function () { if (_xmouse < 500) { addAch(79); } if (slider.sliderButton.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse)) { addAch(84); slider.sliderButton.startDrag(true, slider.sliderButton._x, 0, slider.sliderButton._x, slideHeight); achScrolling = true; selfScroll = true; } else { achScrolling = false; } }; var selfScroll = false; var slideHeight = (slider._height - slider.sliderButton._height); onMouseUp = function () { slider.sliderButton.stopDrag(); achScrolling = false; }; var lastPoints = new Array(8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8); var contraStage = 0; var jmStage = 0; var totalTime; var mySeconds; player.yVel = 0; player.xVel = 0; player.xMax = 30; player.yMax = 20; player._visible = false; player.yLove = 0; holdUp = false; playerJump = false; jumpLevel = false; i = 0; while (i < 100) { shel = achList.attachMovie("achievementBox", "achBox" + i, _root.k++); shel._x = 0; shel._y = 24 * i; if (i < 10) { shel.num.text = "00" + i; } else if (i < 100) { shel.num.text = "0" + i; } else if (i >= 100) { shel.num.text = i; } shel.achName.text = achievements[i][0]; if (gotAch[i]) { shel.checkBox.gotoAndStop(2); shel.achDesc.text = achievements[i][1]; } else { shel.achDesc.text = " "; } i++; } addAch(85); addAch(86);
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1
function changeColor() { if (_root.myColor == 1) { gotoAndStop (1); } if (_root.myColor == 2) { gotoAndStop (2); } if (_root.myColor == 3) { gotoAndStop (3); } if (_root.myColor == 4) { gotoAndStop (4); } } changeColor(); onEnterFrame = function () { changeColor(); };
Symbol 31 MovieClip [achievement] Frame 100
Symbol 42 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.onEnterFrame = null; _root.gotoAndStop(1); _parent._parent.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 55 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 58 MovieClip [clearScreen] Frame 75
Symbol 74 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); _root.addAch(80);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () { urlStart = _url.indexOf("://") + 3; urlEnd = _url.indexOf("/", urlStart); domain = _url.substring(urlStart, urlEnd); LastDot = domain.lastIndexOf(".") - 1; pfixEnd = domain.lastIndexOf(".", LastDot) + 1; domain = domain.substring(pfixEnd, domain.length); if (((domain != "") && (domain != "")) && (domain != "")) { _root._x = 50000; _root._y = 40000; _root._level = getNextHighestDepth(); _root._removeMovieClip(); } }; this._alpha = 0;
Symbol 87 Button
on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 91
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 217;
Symbol 93 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop ("game"); }
Symbol 96 Button
on (release) { addAch(81); getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 1
type = 1; _root.naming(this); stop();
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.addSpikes(this); stop();
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.addLauncher(this); stop();
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.addSpikes(this); type = 2;
Symbol 134 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 154 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 155 MovieClip Frame 1
this._visible = false;
Symbol 157 Button
on (release) { addAch(81); getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 161 Button
on (release) { addAch(83); if (_quality == "HIGH") { _quality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (_quality == "MEDIUM") { _quality = "LOW"; } else if (_quality == "LOW") { _quality = "HIGH"; } }
Symbol 169 Button
on (release) { addAch(87); if (!muted) { globalSound.setVolume(0); muted = true; } else { globalSound.setVolume(100); muted = false; } }
Symbol 172 Button
on (release) { addAch(81); addAch(76); getURL ("", "_blank"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [jumpSound]
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:4Used by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:2 5Used by:12
Symbol 7 FontUsed by:8 27 34 36 37 38 39 40 43 44 46 59 60 61 64 71 72 76 77 91 92 94 95 97 98
Symbol 8 EditableTextUses:7Used by:12
Symbol 9 FontUsed by:10 11 28 156 158 159 160 166 167 168 170 171 173
Symbol 10 EditableTextUses:9Used by:12
Symbol 11 EditableTextUses:9Used by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClip [achievementBox]Uses:6 8 10 11
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:14 16 18 20
Symbol 14 GraphicUses:13Used by:22
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 16 GraphicUses:13Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:16Used by:22
Symbol 18 GraphicUses:13Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:22
Symbol 20 GraphicUses:13Used by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:14 15 17 19 21Used by:24 151
Symbol 23 SoundUsed by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClip [deadElephant]Uses:22 23
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 27 EditableTextUses:7Used by:29
Symbol 28 EditableTextUses:9Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:26 27 28Used by:31
Symbol 30 SoundUsed by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClip [achievement]Uses:25 29 30
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33 93 96
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:32Used by:58
Symbol 34 TextUses:7Used by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:34Used by:58
Symbol 36 TextUses:7Used by:56
Symbol 37 TextUses:7Used by:56
Symbol 38 TextUses:7Used by:56
Symbol 39 TextUses:7Used by:42
Symbol 40 TextUses:7Used by:42
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42 45 161 169 172
Symbol 42 ButtonUses:39 40 41Used by:56
Symbol 43 TextUses:7Used by:45
Symbol 44 TextUses:7Used by:45
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:43 44 41Used by:56
Symbol 46 EditableTextUses:7Used by:56
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:54 55
Symbol 48 BitmapUsed by:49
Symbol 49 GraphicUses:48Used by:50 55
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:49Used by:54
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:54 55
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53 55
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:52Used by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:47 50 51 53Used by:55
Symbol 55 ButtonUses:54 47 49 51 52Used by:56  Timeline
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:36 37 38 42 45 46 55Used by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:56Used by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClip [clearScreen]Uses:33 35 57
Symbol 59 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 BitmapUsed by:63
Symbol 63 GraphicUses:62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 65 FontUsed by:66
Symbol 66 TextUses:65Used by:75
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 68 ShapeTweeningUsed by:75
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 71 TextUses:7Used by:74
Symbol 72 TextUses:7Used by:74
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 74 ButtonUses:71 72 73Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:66 67 68 69 70 74Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 77 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClipUses:83Used by:89
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 87 ButtonUses:86Used by:89
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:81 82 84 85 87 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 91 TextUses:7Used by:93
Symbol 92 TextUses:7Used by:93
Symbol 93 ButtonUses:91 92 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 94 TextUses:7Used by:96
Symbol 95 TextUses:7Used by:96
Symbol 96 ButtonUses:94 95 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 TextUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 100 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102 103 134 137 140 143 146 149 155
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:101Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:102 101Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 107 SoundUsed by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:105 106 107Used by:Timeline
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:109 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:114
Symbol 114 MovieClipUses:113Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:112 114Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:122 125
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClipUses:120Used by:122 125
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:118 119 121Used by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:122Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClipUses:119 121 124Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClipUses:126Used by:128
Symbol 128 MovieClipUses:127Used by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:Timeline
Symbol 130 FontUsed by:131 132 135 136 138 139 141 142 144 145 147 148
Symbol 131 TextUses:130Used by:134
Symbol 132 TextUses:130Used by:134
Symbol 133 SoundUsed by:134 137 140 143 146 149
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:101 131 132 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 TextUses:130Used by:137
Symbol 136 TextUses:130Used by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClipUses:101 135 136 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 TextUses:130Used by:140
Symbol 139 TextUses:130Used by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:101 138 139 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 TextUses:130Used by:143
Symbol 142 TextUses:130Used by:143
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:101 141 142 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 TextUses:130Used by:146
Symbol 145 TextUses:130Used by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:101 144 145 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 TextUses:130Used by:149
Symbol 148 TextUses:130Used by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:101 147 148 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 151 MovieClipUses:22Used by:152 153
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:151Used by:154
Symbol 153 MovieClipUses:151Used by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClipUses:152 153Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:101Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 TextUses:9Used by:157
Symbol 157 ButtonUses:156Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 TextUses:9Used by:161
Symbol 160 TextUses:9Used by:161
Symbol 161 ButtonUses:159 160 41Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:165
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClipUses:163Used by:165
Symbol 165 MovieClipUses:162 164Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 TextUses:9Used by:169
Symbol 168 TextUses:9Used by:169
Symbol 169 ButtonUses:167 168 41Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 TextUses:9Used by:172
Symbol 171 TextUses:9Used by:172
Symbol 172 ButtonUses:170 171 41Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 EditableTextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 174 SoundUsed by:Timeline

Instance Names

"achList"Frame 3Symbol 100 MovieClip
"spot"Frame 4Symbol 103 MovieClip
"home"Frame 4Symbol 115 MovieClip
"player"Frame 4Symbol 117 MovieClip
"movingplat"Frame 4Symbol 129 MovieClip
"point0"Frame 4Symbol 134 MovieClip
"point1"Frame 4Symbol 137 MovieClip
"point2"Frame 4Symbol 140 MovieClip
"point3"Frame 4Symbol 143 MovieClip
"point4"Frame 4Symbol 146 MovieClip
"point5"Frame 4Symbol 149 MovieClip
"elephant"Frame 4Symbol 154 MovieClip
"achList"Frame 4Symbol 100 MovieClip
"pit"Frame 4Symbol 155 MovieClip
"slider"Frame 4Symbol 165 MovieClip
"alcove"Frame 4Symbol 103 MovieClip
"alcove2"Frame 4Symbol 103 MovieClip
"alcove3"Frame 4Symbol 103 MovieClip
"checkBox"Symbol 12 MovieClip [achievementBox] Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip
"achName"Symbol 12 MovieClip [achievementBox] Frame 1Symbol 8 EditableText
"achDesc"Symbol 12 MovieClip [achievementBox] Frame 1Symbol 10 EditableText
"num"Symbol 12 MovieClip [achievementBox] Frame 1Symbol 11 EditableText
"achName"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 27 EditableText
"achDesc"Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 28 EditableText
"ach"Symbol 31 MovieClip [achievement] Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"hitA"Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 102 MovieClip
"movingPlatform"Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 128 MovieClip
"sliderButton"Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 164 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "jumpSound"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as "achievementBox"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 24 as "deadElephant"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 31 as "achievement"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 58 as "clearScreen"


"preloader"Frame 1
"intro"Frame 2
"menu"Frame 3
"game"Frame 4

Dynamic Text Variables

_root.totalTimeSymbol 46 EditableText"632423 Seconds"
completedSymbol 166 EditableText"97% Complete"
mySecondsSymbol 173 EditableText"97% Complete"
Created: 6/5 -2019 14:11:30 Last modified: 6/5 -2019 14:11:30 Server time: 02/01 -2025 23:11:08